Bottom Lane 52.26% Win Rate84% Pick RateVayne Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Vayne in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Shindeiruwu says “If the vayne can get a lead early the game becomes unplayable both for you and your team late game. So just play safe early and dont get cheesed. If you land R she will disintegrate.”
FroszTyzada says “Vayne e uma parede puxam a wave na mesma velocidade, te permitindo jogar pelo mapa com seu jungler, então tente pokear o máximo e dar all-in longe de moitas.”
BrunkageManden says “W-wall is not to much use here. If you are quick block the E (condem) as this is the most threatening spell she can cast. Otherwise save it for the support cc, especially if it wouldn't stun you against a wall.
She scales hard. Try to get ahead early. ”
Avarosa says “ela vai tentar dar all win em voce pokeie e recue, apos ela desistir ai sim voce vai pra cima e abusa do seu range superior
ganhe rapido ela escala mais que voce”
Dr Yoshili says “Really easy matchup, she has no range, not much burst, abuse your range, and your waveclear, she can't waveclear as fast as you ! Never duel her, she will always win, just wait for your team, you will be way more efficient in team fight”
gaarrett says “This matchup is entirely in Nilah's favor until you are both full build. Vayne is one of the only champions that can 1v1 a late game Nilah. W prevents her from proccing the true damage stacks and can avoid her enhanced autos from Q. Vayne will likely just E you away if you attempt to ult her, so keep that in mind and stand away from terrain. ”
EdenHoangKim says “Her mobility and her E make Nilah a little bit struggle to fight. You can try to kill her before 6. But after that, it's gonna be hard. Match with a hard cc support will make this easier to catch her.”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Huge snowball potential / Great mobility / Can build tank / Huge DPS / Invisibility
| WEAKNESSES - Short range / Weak to CC / Easy to abuse / Hard to comeback if behind
| WHAT TO DO ? - Ok so, you lose small trades into her, you lose level 6, you lose late game, what do we do then ? Well we last hit and hope she doesn't get fed or our support is good. To be more serious, Vayne is a real threat for Smolder and you should be very focused on where she is at any time. Mid/late is also in Vayne's favor, try to Q her as soon as you see her. Otherwise, avoid her.”
Avxm says “Kogmaw generally counters vayne however she outscales you so dont fall behind earlygame. Try to harass her from your max w range and force her to tumble in and then look for all ins. She will try to poke you out with pta procs and tumbles similarly to a lucian so just try and force all ins if she dashes in.”
Kociokwik says “support dependant matchup. She is close range champion so you can hit your qs when she last hit minions be carefull abaout lvl6 all in. Vayne's q range is always the same so you can predict it.”
Latte9969 says “Vayne is a very bad matchup for Ezreal, She has a lot of mobility to dodge your skillshots and has a lot of movement speed to catch up with you if you step forward too much. The only thing Vayne lacks is range, so as long as you space yourself to never be in her auto range after she tumbles and hit her with max range Q's, she shouldn't be able to touch you.”
Foxirion says “Vayne's mobility and true damage can make her a major threat to Kog'Maw. Her ability to tumble in, shred tanks with Silver Bolts, and kite effectively with Final Hour can quickly eliminate Kog'Maw in skirmishes.”
afr0rk says “She can run you down as soon as she hits 6, mobile to dodge your Qs, and scales extremely well. Don't stand next to walls to avoid her E stun, poke her down in lane( try to predict her q if she has it, the cooldown is pretty significant early on so try and track it). She has terrible wave clear so keep crashing big waves into her and don't let her breathe. If you are ahead, a lot of times if you can land just 2 or 3 skillshots she will be low enough that you can win the all in anyways.”
loaderdragon15 says “ Ezreal's early-game strength and poke potential can delay the power spikes of scaling ADCs. He can pressure them in lane, denying her farm and experience, and potentially delaying her transition into the late game where she excels.”
fuckingrathatxdd says “With some supports this lane can get rough, Q poke is annoying but if she uses Q in greedy spot you can try to engage on her. Also she has 12 fucking seconds of invis and excellent single target dmg so dueling her is a bit xdd. Just shred her team in fights and you're good to go.”
Bobalegre says “Pre 6 you beat her easily, after that she aways beats you and scales better than you. Try to get an advantage pre 6, because after that you are screwed.”
Vapora Dark says “Vayne has low range and low burst, making her highly ineffective at trading with Aphelios. Additionally Binding Eclipse can temporarily neutralize her high mobility to enable Aphelios or his support to land skillshots on her. She does win extended trades after level 6, but doesn't ever become strong enough to really turn the lane around in her favour.”
mcdnldsmngrxdd says “Vayne is normally an easy matchup but due to her presence recently as a top-tier ADC her damage/burst can be quite a pain to deal with if she has the right support, but, with that being said she's low range and squishy. Once you have items you should be able to squash her like a bug.”
Joshhh says “[Fleet or Conqueror or PTA] dont allow her to use E aggressively because you will die, whoever has the engage supp can win lane and whoever has enchanter wins after lane”
Devilbuny says “Niezwykle denerwująca. Łatwo może unikać twoich skilli a na ulcie staje się niewidzialna. Zadaje sporo true dmg, stunuje. Zdecydowanie ciężki matchup. Ale nie najgorszy. Nie daj jej zdobyć przewagi ”
Aspect of Cancer says “It is relatively easy to deal with vayne, the only time you'll struggle is if you somehow get stunned by her E. Other than that, you can burst her down with your entire skill set.”
NegativePhoenix says “She's just gonna run at you and try to go for hard poke once she hits 3, so be careful when she does
Otherwise just W poke her, don't let her get fed, and hope to god she doesn't have a support who's just as aggressive as her.
Stay away from walls so she can't E stun you and if you notice her ult do your best to rush away, either over a wall or back to tower”
iiExploit says “You beat this champion mega hard early. Be very careful to not put your back to a wall. Instant death. Once she hits 6 she will probably out duel you because of her stealth and your reliance on auto attacks. With a stacked Crescendum you can still fight her.”
mydesires says “Don't fight while she has her ult on. Other than that you can trade her and win easily.
Late game she's sooooooooooo OP make sure your team has enough CC to handle her. // TH : ชนะอยู่แล้ว แต่อย่าบวกตอนเวนใช้อัลติ อย่ายืนชิดกำแพง เลทเกมทีมต้องมีตัวจับเวนถึงจะชนะ”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Phase rush] [nimbus] [transcendance] [gathering storm] +[demolish] [second wind]
items:start dorans shield -> plated steelcaps ->everfrost works amazing vs vayne the only problem is evefrost helps us only with insanly mobile enemies so for example if they have vayne top + ahri mid + like an ezreal or something in their team 100% go for plated steelcaps -> bramble -> everfrost
if vayne is the only mobile champ go for tabi -> bramble -> heartsteel -> demonic
we dont really win this but if you are going to engage only do it with this combo : q lands then we w on top of her and open ghost . If it looks like we are losing stack 3 passive marks and start running to your tower . She might get baited and you ult her undertower”
darkgoatie says “Try to avoid getting stunned by her E, not that big of a deal since she is an auto attack champion with no skillshot damage and shorter range. Use your W when she has 2 stacks on her passive on you. Keep E2 for her dash to catch up.”
Paramo_ says “The easiest match up. You can avoid her W autos and just kill her with a few Q E auto combos. Trade level 3 and don't let her snowball. ”
SlasherGamer says “Vayne is probably the most difficult matchup if the player knows how to play it. She can't contest prio in early but she will be running you down if you aren't careful. With her low cooldown on Q (and invis with R) she should be able to dodge all of your abilities. She is also able to kill you pretty fast with all-in.”
LustAndSpite says “Vayne's range is naturally low and her whole damage is in her Auto Attacks, so your ult can reach its full potential.
Her early game is bad so she won't take you out of the game unless she is simply better than you.
In an even teamfight, you will always win.”
the hood says “Draven is one of Vaynes natural Counters and wins hard against her in early game. You should be easyly able to poke her or All in her pre 6. After 6 you can still win most of the fights but respect her Lvl 6 Spike in some games. ”
support_diff says “Vayne is a great tank killer adc but doesn't really shine early which makes laning against her a lot easier. You can poke her pretty safely as she can't do a serious retaliation early. Poke her out of lane and try to get a couple kills to control the mid/late game”
DreamOfValhalla says “Don't go for 1v1 try to outrange her with your green+white.You can go exhaust against this matchup.In teamfights just stay in the back line,when she get out of her invisibility just one shot her with any weapon you have”
Sivir BelfoRoxo says “Vayne is our dear Sivir's greatest danger. What makes us calm and safe in the laning phase is our E ability, however Vayne basically only uses basic attacks, that is, you can only counter Vayne when she tries to pin you to the wall.
Playing against Vayne is a terrible headache, as you are heavily punished by Vayne's passive (the W Skill).”
TTV xBobby___ says “13.16 Lulu and Milio buffs, attackspeed/onhit adcs will be broken
easy lane, poke with q. Care lategame
maybe it's a Gosu wannabe Vayne 15cs/min ultra kiting - then ff unlucky”
CiorbaHater says “Better suports win but u win trades against her ( she can trade with q ) . Make short trades with your Q+Passive and maybe a W if have time . Long trades u lose ”
Aronnn says “Her true damage isn't that bad against you, but her q, ult and e are all very difficult to deal with. If you hate Vayne like me, she is a pretty good ban. She also can counter engage tanks well.”
afrente do tempo says “She can poke you with Q AA, is a bit weird lane against.
unfortunately she's strong against kog rn. just poke when she don't have Q up
Try not let the game go 40 min + because she can melt you”
sejson1810 says “Be careful she is quite strong in 1v1, dont go her without a plan or if you are fed, you can also take exhaust, and makes it a lot easier”
DROBENMAIN says “bully her early and its easy. Lategame you can win against her if she fucks condem since you'll have lifesteal and you can cancel her dash with E. just make sure you make her suffer early game though, she has really bad range and if she Qs in you can go ham”
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Huge snowball potential / Great mobility / Can build tank / Huge DPS / Invisibility
| WEAKNESSES - Short range / Weak to CC / Easy to abuse / Hard to comeback if behind
| WHAT TO DO ? - Try taking short trades in lane. Don't allow her to put 3 autos on you, otherwise, you'll lose the trade. Level 6 is in Vayne's favor, her invisibility is terrible for Varus and makes you unable to land any autos to buff your abilities. Lategame is even. Once again, a good Vayne will sneak and doge everything, while a good Varus will succeed a great snipe.”
Waqql says “Pray that she and your jungler like you. Even though Vayne has a relatively short range, she still has more range than you. Avoid getting poked and wait for assistance. Be careful not to stand near walls. If she's low on health and you're close to transforming into Mega Gnar, you can engage, but keep in mind that she can push you away and potentially use her ultimate to go invisible. Don't underestimate her true damage.”
Hidden Ghoster says “This is one of my favorite matchups. Can play aggresive level 1, but avoid taking additional damage from Vayne Q, you shouldn't even be in range for that to be happening. Assert your dominance and trade With Green. When fighting all-ins, space with Green/White or Red/Blue, whoever flashes first loses. She has a gap closer, you don't.”
LoLEnryu says “The entirety of Vayne's kit is based off of autoattacking and Vayne has no waveclear or long range abilities, which means she doesn't have any pressure in lane against Nilah. We can manipulate the minion waves however we want to and just use W at the correct times and the fights won't be close. The only thing vayne that can prevent Nilah from one-shotting her is her condemn. ”
VrNtv says “Vayne scales really well and her passive combined with your lack of disengage can make lane horrible for you if she gets ahead. Fortunately, if you play your lane well and abuse fishbones extra range, you can get early lead and have early prio on her, since she can't really poke you back or run you down as long as you have bigger wave. Her trading pattern is 3 autos into W proc, so make sure to not let her do that, if she attacks minion in between that her W resets. Don't fight her alone since her invisibility from ult is horrible for Jinx, having good wave management and poking behind CS is key in this match-up. She also has terrible wave clear, so she can't really shove waves quick enough when you recall, so you can always slow push or try to freeze on your side, leaving her exposed. Still, if she is ahead she is problem not only for you but for whole team thanks to her W.
VrNtv says “A good Vayne can be an issue, she has higher range and some higher damage/trade potential than you because of the way her passive and PTA work, She's doing the same as you and looking to farm and scale because her early game is extremely weak. Try to abuse it but beware cause her trading potential can be way better than you.
RandomNPC777 says “Twitch eats Vayne in almost every situation where you don't get condemned. Her q poke isn't bad, but if you can force an all in her she's done.”
wungus says “After the recent buffs, Vayne's Tumble does similar damage to Draven's axe, meaning she can bully you if you're not careful. She can kite very well too, so play with your support and utilize your W to dodge Tumble autos.”
SheriffADC says “Matchup depends a lot on how the Vayne uses her Condemn, if she holds it for your ult she can be hard to kill. You can try to bait it by not instantly ulting when you reach S-tier and you are near her. Lane should be pretty chill but she can poke you with Tumble attacks.”
Lachoni1 says “Vayne this season is very weak because of her items. You beat her in lane and even though she is made for 1 vs 1 if you win lane you will win late game as well. Make sure she doesn't hit you with stun as that's the only way she can beat you.”
Amberdragon says “Bully and zone her away from the wave with your range and traps, don't let her farm and scale. Should be an easy matchup, justs be careful to not die in a gank while you are pressuring her.”
Smudey says “Ranged matchup. She wins lane and outscales you so take TP and play for Ults. If your jungler wants to gank, you can even taunt flash if necessary to kill her and make her laning phase a lot harder since you might have a lead, but don't take this situation for granted.”
ChadKarthus says “Usually you can poke her very hard early game, shes hard to beat if she has Lulu + Ghost, if she builds Wits End its hard to kill her, very killable 2v2 early”
slendoooo says “
Vayne is one of the easiest matchups for Draven because she’s a really late game champion based, and even then, you can still kill her because most of her dmg is health %, and you don't end up building health anyway.
The only problem with Vayne is that when u try to engage on her on lane, she will E you back, making you also miss a Q.
So, to counter that always have 2 Q's on hand and 1 ready in cooldowns. After she E's your first Q and push you away, you have a 15 second window to re-engage and kill her.
A video example of Vayne-Draven
(To be made)”
Boptimus says “Is also a range champion that is extremely hard to reach. A good Vayne can never be killed unless you manage to cheese her under your Turret. Try your best to grab what ever creeps you can and do not give free kills over. Eventually one of your other laners can deal with her in a fight.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Take ghost and rush Steelcaps, This champ beats you at everystage of the game if played well but lucky for you most Vayne players are terrible and will waste their roll for nothing so if you r her and ghost run up to her wait for her to use tumble and then throw your abilities you should be fine early, but sadly a 2 item Vayne if played well enough will beat a 4+ item Morde, Zhonya's is good into her if you aren't trying to kill her and just trying to not die to her dmg but if you Zhonya's she will just get to re space vs you for free ”
Pengwan says “she is weak early so that's where you should try to beat her, but during the late game you shouldn't ever 1v1 her. She can duel better than you, so you should always use your range advantage vs her”
Sanz_Moonshidder says “Before level 6 you definitely can kill her. Even in her ult there is a chance to outplay her with Red+White or White+Green and your Ult of course. To make your life easier even go cleanse cuz her cc is hella annoying.(if she hits it)”
KnobHobbler says “Can't do much early like you.
You lose a 1v1 late game.
Push under her tower.
You do more than her in a teamfight.
Bait her E or Q then engage.”
franksterzz says “I love this matchup. You can smack Vayne in almost any stage of the game. She's low range, useless early game. You can remove her from the game early and that's what you should look to do. Try not to die to her though, it will make the lane a lot harder. Burst damage is her biggest nightmare and you can burst a lot. Beware of condemns as well. Lategame she might buy Randuin so try to finish before that.”
NotAragami says “She's a free win. Short range, weak early game. Smart Vayne will stuck you into the wall the moment you exit it, so be mindful of that.
Edge of Night renders her E completely useless against you.”
UwUSoftGirl says “[Poke/Short Trades] Vayne is pretty weak at trading, so make sure she doesn't get to hit you 3 times. You can wait for you support to immobilize her so she can't roll away from your abilities. Her ult is a huge outplay tool, so you never want to all-in her if you're not sure she's gonna die. Also avoid walls.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If Vayne ever uses her Tumble(Q), use the cooldown to play aggressive and try to kill her. She is rather vulnerable when her Q is down. Avoid extended trades with Vayne as her Silver Bolts(W) will deal extra damage to you. Only commit to trades if you’re 100% sure you’re going to win them. One way of abusing Vayne’s weak early game is by forcing her to overextend for farm and then calling your Jungler to kill her. Alternatively, you can push her in and take tower plates to gain a gold lead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If Vayne ever uses her Tumble(Q), use the cooldown to play aggressive and try to kill her. She is rather vulnerable when her Q is down. Avoid extended trades with Vayne as her Silver Bolts(W) will deal extra damage to you. Only commit to trades if you’re 100% sure you’re going to win them. One way of abusing Vayne’s weak early game is by forcing her to overextend for farm and then calling your Jungler to kill her. Alternatively, you can push her in and take tower plates to gain a gold lead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If Vayne ever uses her Tumble(Q), use the cooldown to play aggressive and try to kill her. She is rather vulnerable when her Q is down. Avoid extended trades with Vayne as her Silver Bolts(W) will deal extra damage to you. Only commit to trades if you’re 100% sure you’re going to win them. One way of abusing Vayne’s weak early game is by forcing her to overextend for farm and then calling your Jungler to kill her. Alternatively, you can push her in and take tower plates to gain a gold lead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If Vayne ever uses her Tumble(Q), use the cooldown to play aggressive and try to kill her. She is rather vulnerable when her Q is down. Avoid extended trades with Vayne as her Silver Bolts(W) will deal extra damage to you. Only commit to trades if you’re 100% sure you’re going to win them. One way of abusing Vayne’s weak early game is by forcing her to overextend for farm and then calling your Jungler to kill her. Alternatively, you can push her in and take tower plates to gain a gold lead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Vayne is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP and health. Don’t let her kill you in the early game as you’ll make her late game even stronger. If Vayne ever uses her Tumble(Q), use the cooldown to play aggressive and try to kill her. She is rather vulnerable when her Q is down. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game. This will reduce her chances of zoning you away from the minion wave. It will also make her susceptible to ganks.”
Amberdragon says “Weak early on, pressure her but don't get yourself killed. You have to kill her fast because if she is good you will get kited forever. Use W to deny her passive and make sure your support also gets its effects. While she may not be the worst champion to go against Nilah, the reason I give her a higher threat is because if she just plays with her team she can get easy kills and make your team miserable, throwing all your efforts to keep her in check in the garbage.”
Kronaa says “Fun fact: you can't W condemn. Don't try it. I personally don't like not being able to see her when she R's but whatever man. W when she is about to proc her W passive to avoid getting true damage up the culo.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If Vayne ever uses her Tumble(Q), use the cooldown to play aggressive and try to kill her. She is rather vulnerable when her Q is down. Avoid extended trades with Vayne as her Silver Bolts(W) will deal extra damage to you. Only commit to trades if you’re 100% sure you’re going to win them. One way of abusing Vayne’s weak early game is by forcing her to overextend for farm and then calling your Jungler to kill her. Alternatively, you can push her in and take tower plates to gain a gold lead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Vayne is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP and health. Don’t let her kill you in the early game as you’ll make her late game even stronger. If Vayne ever uses her Tumble(Q), use the cooldown to play aggressive and try to kill her. She is rather vulnerable when her Q is down. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game. This will reduce her chances of zoning you away from the minion wave. It will also make her susceptible to ganks.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If Vayne ever uses her Tumble(Q), use the cooldown to play aggressive and try to kill her. She is rather vulnerable when her Q is down. Avoid extended trades with Vayne as her Silver Bolts(W) will deal extra damage to you. Only commit to trades if you’re 100% sure you’re going to win them. One way of abusing Vayne’s weak early game is by forcing her to overextend for farm and then calling your Jungler to kill her. Alternatively, you can push her in and take tower plates to gain a gold lead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “If Vayne ever uses her Tumble(Q), use the cooldown to play aggressive and try to kill her. She is rather vulnerable when her Q is down. Avoid extended trades with Vayne as her Silver Bolts(W) will deal extra damage to you. Only commit to trades if you’re 100% sure you’re going to win them. One way of abusing Vayne’s weak early game is by forcing her to overextend for farm and then calling your Jungler to kill her. Alternatively, you can push her in and take tower plates to gain a gold lead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “As Vayne is a ranged champion, when playing as a melee champion, be prepared to sacrifice CS for XP and health. Don’t let her kill you in the early game as you’ll make her late-game even stronger. If Vayne ever uses her Q, use the cooldown to play aggressive and try to kill her. She is rather vulnerable when her Q is down.”
EskimoLizard says “Swain is strong in lane with his ability to catch people out using his e. The problem with Vayne is that her tumble makes it impossible to hit your e on her. She also out scales you extremely hard, so you're stuck in a lane with a champion you can't trade with who out scales you.”
m1NEEX says “Vayne scales really well and her passive combined with your lack of disengage can make lane horrible for you if she gets ahead. Fortunately, if you play your lane well and abuse fishbones extra range, you can get early lead and have early prio on her, since she can't really poke you back or run you down as long as you have bigger wave. Her trading pattern is 3 autos into W proc, so make sure to not let her do that, if she attacks minion in between that her W resets. Don't fight her alone since her invisibility from ult is horrible for Jinx, having good wave management and poking behind CS is key in this match-up. She also has terrible wave clear, so she can't really shove waves quick enough when you recall, so you can always slow push or try to freeze on your side, leaving her exposed. Still, if she is ahead she is problem not only for you but for whole team thanks to her W.”
Kamicali says “Deny Vayne the opportunity to pin you against walls. You can do this by staying near the middle of the lane. This tip may change if Vayne has a support that requires you to stand else where, but for the most part, standing behind minions is generally always a good idea. You can fight her early but don't underestimate her early damage. Don't in minions and don't fight without your support.”
ARCTIC33 says “Don't let her scale punish her for every bad play she makes and you will win she has almost no early. She has bad waveclear, bad poke, bad trades and bad all-ins. She can escape from engages and outplay you but as long as you play aggresive in early you will have won lane she may get you in late game tho.”
Amberdragon says “You get outscaled and she makes it really hard for you to hit your skills. She has so much damage and 1v9 potential. She always out-trades you.”
SrBroccoli says “She is even more of a threat in bot than in top because of the help a support provides. Very high % Health true damage will melt your health away, and she can cancel your Q with E.
You can try building lethality to kill her before she can kill you. It's a perma ban for me. ”
Dravenhalal says “Zone her off minions and perma poke her and she won't be able to do anything the entire game unless she somehow does a comeback. Go exhaust.”
Kitqsune says “This matchup could be a lot worse but ultimately, don't let her get early kills! Block her e with your w (she'll cast an animation to indicate it, you'll have to react quickly or get your ult off quick.”
7EyesNoSkills says “Her pre-6 is really low, after pre-6 she can go invisible and may stun you with her E, don't play near the walls. PRO TIP: Kalista E has so many bugs, when vayne knocks you with her E, if you use your E in time, even if it doesn't execute anything your E will get reset. But you have to get expert in kalista to don't miss that time.”
moso says “Can be free depending on support matchup. As long as your support isn't significant mismatched your range and kite potential is too much for her to handle.”
LewisTheRat says “Super strong late, patch 12.10 bumped her a bit, you are stronger early but she outscales, don't duel late, you have more impact on teamfights, FOCUS HER ALWAYS.”
quinn adc says “Level 1, start Q or E depending on comfort. Q is good to get better trades, but E is better if you are brush cheesing level 1.
Shoot for level 2 first, then run her down if you get it. E her, then auto, Q, auto her to death.
This matchup requires you to land Q, so make sure to not go near Vayne if your Q is down early on.
I like to try long range Qs so if I miss, then I'm not screwed.
Only use your Q if you can land it on her, try not to Q the minions because a good Vayne will run you down the second you use your Q.
To bait Vayne Q, you can auto-e-auto her randomly, and she will panic and likely use her tumble or condemn. The, when her Q is down, you use Q on her and beat her up.
Stormrazor spike is huge in this matchup, where you will fly up to Vayne, auto her once then IMMEDIATELY use Q. The slow from stormrazor will zap her, which leads you to land a free Q on Vayne.
When you land Q on Vayne when you have 1-2 items, you can 1 shot her, even if she is full HP.
Post 6, if you blind Vayne she CANNOT reset her tumble invisibility, so go ham if you land Q on her post 6 with a huge trade.
Biscuits is legendary in this matchup because it helps you to sustain a whole lot.
Amberdragon says “Vayne scales hard, is able to dodge your Q, goes invisible. Her E is the only thing you can spellshield (but it is very difficult to react to it). She has the upper hand in this matchup in every possible way. If she all-ins all you can do is R and run to safety.”
Alvatorz says “Really Vayne's favor. In terms of 1v1 or 2v2 you will probably lose, she is too mobile and has too much damage and kitting. If you put her down early on, should be easier, eather way it's super hard.”
Gank Scorpio says “Can dash away from your ult. Can also condemn you when charging your Q if you are in range and cancel the channel, a good vayne will wait for you to use abilities first and play around them while weaving in auto attacks. ”
chedlol says “I perma ban Vayne because I do not like the champion at all. She would destroy Maokai, easily outtrading him and kiting him as he gets close to W range, her condemn will also ruin you. She would probably one shot you quicker than any champ in the game no matter what role she's in, I would strongly advise banning either this or Illaoi.”
FiddlesticksChan says “She can dodge your E, Q, and R with her Tumble, deals true damage, can condemn you while you're in E or channeling your Q, and goes invisible, making skillshots almost impossible. Try to predict her tumble when hooking and if your ADC is strong early, try to get an early kill or two on her before she scales.”
Deathstroke5277 says “She is very good at dueling and will probably beat you anytime you try to 1v1 her. Keep your distance from her and take early fights as to put her down.”
Boptimus says “A good Vayne should never get hit by your abilities. This is another lane where you will need to fight carefully for your CS and wait for ganks.
If the Vayne has poor positioning this match up becomes exponentially easier.”
Demonsedge90 says “Vayne is only a threat unless she picks up a few early takedowns. Vayne's condemn ability is also something to watch out for since it will cancel your ultimate and pin you into a wall or structure, so do your best to position yourself safely when attacking her. She scales well in long games, so you should keep an eye on her.”
Krilep says “Vayne in lane is not a threat for Lucian, it is later in the game once she has her invisibility she becomes a problem but as long as she does not get in range to condemn you while you are ulting you win the fights.”
roselol says “if u use ur w early, this matchup is doomed lvl 6 or so. just make sure you save ur w to distance urself from her or distance her from u when she tumbles forward.”
TheKingUltra says “Max Health true damage on w no comment. A lot of Mobility its hard to punish her roll with additional invisibility. Her e also stops your q charge.”
Rodos says “Vayne, is a ranged, adc and top laner annoying champion. Ornn doesnt handle good the situations with ranged enemies, on the top lane. She will make your life hard, and wont let you farm. If yo try to farm, you will face the meaning of "damage in early game", her lethal tempo will stack, she will gain range in the auto attacks, will hit faster, will proc the W faster and so on. This will make your passive and the futures market completely useless. Personally, i have won lots of times vs vayne top. But, again, you don have to try and play against her..Thats why i placed her into the "Even" scale, because if someone knows how to play ornn, he will definetly beat her.”
Dattura says “Vayne problem for Ezreal due her tumble make her gap close into you easily, as well as dodge your skillshots.
Scary in late with huge true damage .Early she shouldn't be a problem to you ”
Yatsuu says “To be honest vayne need to be very good to win against nasus mid game, your " W " hard counter her. Just scale and you can kill her after your level 6 with armor and sunderer / trinity”
Kingof3o says “Vayne problem for Ezreal due her tumble make her gap close onto you easily, as well as dodge your skillshots.
Scary in late with huge true damage .Early she shouldn't be a problem to you ”
Alvatorz says “Vaaaaaayyyne. Here is an interesting one. Vayne will destroy you after she has items, cause of the invisibility and her constant kitting. You need to make a gap early on. All in her as much as you can and W her condemn.”
Valhalla Coach says “Try to poke her out of lane and deny as many cs as possible. It's very important that you don't give her free lane. Her only trade in lane is auto+Q+auto to proc Silver Bolts but she can run you down with Lethal and Tumble. She scales better than you unless your team has a lot of range/point click cc. In teamfights it will be very difficult to ult her because she has A LOT of MS and she can Tumble out”
tacowo_ says “As Veigar you hard-counter squishy, mobile champs. Vayne is incredibly, incredibly easy to deal with if you have even the tiniest amount of remaining brain cells after attempting to play botlane in the current meta.”
Agatrium says “An ADC with true damage, a kiting ability, and a way to stun you if she hits it right. On top of that, she also has invisibility, making it even more fun to fight her, which is why I wouldn’t. I recommend farming what you can and playing hyper passive. Just don’t giver her kills, or that snowball with never stop rolling. ”
Sellsword says “Statistically and practically Sivir's worst matchup. After the nerfs to Shieldbow and Wits she's easier to deal with, but she's still a quite difficult lane. Vayne will try to farm up and dodge your Q's with her Tumble. Therefore the best way to approach the early laning phase is, especially with a poke support, to push her in and poke her when she uses Tumble to last hit. This way, you can probably force her out of lane, or you can also bounce the wave back and freeze if you have a jungler with good early ganks. Be careful after level 6 though, because she'll be able to turn on you with her ult. Late game try to not allow her to flank you.”
Lazarus Sleigh says “perma Ban this Champion, Because once she scales late game, the bear becomes unplayable. You don't ban her, use Full Build v2 for Best Advantage. ”
cornaldo says “Chata para caralho, além de dar um dano abusivo, ela quase sempre tem dash, a única forma de counterar ela é com cc, predict de um deus, ou ela sendo extremamente burra.”
Tolis slayer says “you must defeat her early or else after about 3 items she destroys you. Also post lvl 6 since she will be invisible a lot while you fight use your flowers in order to see where she is”
MouayadD says “vayne can be surprising with her auto spacing if you aren't awake, otherwise she's easy to poke and zone, avoid 1v1s with the wrong weapons”
v0idvv says “Ruff, similar to Draven you can only shield her E and is one of the harder abilities to predict. Depend on your support/jungle to help you snowball this lane but you likely won't be able to 1v1 her at any point. ”
RyomaSengoku15 says “Be very careful when facing a Vayne who knows how to play, she can kill you in every way possible and make you cry in a fetal position.
If Vayne doesn't know how to play, you will be able to instantly destroy her
Nom212 says “Better passive than you. Stronger auto attacks than yours. Single target burst meets AOE team fight carry. You are straight up weaker than her in a 1v1 situation. Also, the only spell you can block is her E Condemn which has a great projectile speed making it difficult for Sivir to block reliably.”
Heszo says “Outscales you, can cancel your autos with her invis, stopping you from getting feathers out, can easily dodge your feathers also. Win early and snowball pre 6!”
Amberdragon says “Skill matchup, slightly Vayne favoured. She has the upper hand until you get your Q evolve, you start becoming stronger against her after getting your E evolve. Very volatile matchup that can go either way depending on player skill. To increase your chances, avoid getting stunned by her E or flash E, trade with her using Q+aa, don't miss your W, use your R to reposition away from condemn. I lane, be very careful to not push her into her tower without vision - if you get ganked or engaged by her support, she will run you down because of her passive. ”
IKeepItTaco says “◉ Vayne is a hyper scaling duelist ADC and one of the very few late game ADCs who has a decent laning phase.
◉ Vayne loves taking extended trades in lane with her [[Tumble]] and [[Silver Bolts]] so you want to avoid giving her what she wants. Instead, focus on farming and avoid fighting her.
◉ Poke with long range rockets if she’s not in range to jump on you completely.
◉ If you end up all-ing her whether it’s a 1v1 or a 2v2 you need to make sure she’s poked down first because if Vayne has full HP and uses her ultimate [[Final Hour]] then she’ll end up winning it easily.
◉ Win condition: Play to your strength which is your range. Do not engage until she’s poked down. You both are hyper scalers, but Jinx will be able to zone or kill Vayne way easier in a teamfight compared to 1v1 or 2v2’s in the laning phase. Avoid duels at all cost.
Breathly says “This is the most fun lane for Jinx, since you outrange her with Q and is even attack range with Q, the only real way she can win this lane is if you go up in her face without poking her with Rockets first.”
I Am Not u says “Primarily skill-based. Vayne can do some stupid damage, but you can prevent that so long as you deny her the early game. If she doesn't get fed, you can out damage her. Just keep track of her so she doesn't get fed off of others.”
Amberdragon says “Bully her early on while you can, avoid fighting close to walls and try to bait her R before going all-in. She can quick you out of your Ult and will be a beast in the late game”
Vixylafoen says “Easy to punish since she will need to get close to you. Make sure to hard focus her though since she absolutely will kill you and your ADC if you allow her to live.”
Heszo says “For the majority of the game, Vayne will be able to duel you. She ults and you're gone. Keep your distance. What you can block: Her condemn.”
Lancerjr says “Depends she can easily out dps you and with her ult make it very hard to hit her however a lot of people aren't very good with her so if they play bad very winnable she can still out scale you however.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Vayne in lane is not a threat for Lucian, it is later in the game once she has her invisibility she becomes a problem but as long as she does not get in range to condemn you while you are ulting you win the fights.”
koog says “Vayne has issues dealing with most of your guns. Just don't let her proc her passive on you for free or all in you at 6 when you have poor all-in guns and you should be fine. ”
A_Drunk_Carry says “I don't see too many issues with this lane tbh. If she tumbles aggressively you hit her with Make it Rain and then pop your W and start womping on her. She's short ranged so it's easy to hit her with Qs. Just stay away from walls in case she goes for a condemn outplay. ”
Urason says “This matchup is somewhat Vayne favored and pretty volatile as she can always hold condemn for your ult. The thing is, it's easy to bait it out + if she doesn't condemn you, you'll be on top of her with your auto's and Q's. Keep in mind if your ult is going, it'll hit her in invisibility. ”
tokyodamonsta says “Outscales you, can cancel your autos with her invis, stopping you from getting feathers out, can easily dodge your feathers also. Win early and snowball pre 6!”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Vayne can be scary for her all-in potential at level 6. If you waste your W she can chase you down with passive move speed and Tumbles.”
Santoryo says “Vayne especially with Lulu will destroy you super fast, try to save your ultimate for duel and use it as shield to tank some damage, if you dodge her E and poke her with Q before duel, you might win, but she outscales you on full build.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Probably the most problematic ADC for Ezreal. Her tumble make it so she can gap close onto you fairly easily, as well as dodge your skllshots. Her passive speeds her up while chasing you. She does TONS of damage in the mid and late game, which is when Ezreal excels. And once she pops ult she'll run you down.”
ELOSANTA says “Vayne can dodge Lucian's Q with her Q. She can also stop Lucian's ult with her E. A good Vayne can easily win, but a good Lucian is also strong. Should be a good fight, but Vayne has the advantage.
NamaeWaMitsurii says “very strong s11 but needs alot of gold for a pretty decent payoff. you scale harder, so just farm up hard and dont misposition into her.”
bbenciak says “Vayne on lane is really easy to kill. Try to destroy her early game so she's gonna be useless in mid game. The problem that Vayne is creating is her invisibility with R. In many situations you dont have time to react or make a single combo because of her Q. She can cancel your auto attack with it .”
ogilabadabahamdala says “even tho the matchup looks hard, tahm can win easy vs vayne in lane. stay in bushes when you can because she wont expect the w coming in. then just do a auto q auto r and she is practically dead. Good job, you killed a cancer!”
Coldsong says “Vayne is a skill matchup, but is in Samira's favor early. Her E is very hard to W but if you do she is very vulnerable to an all in. If you do go in, try to W her third auto since it deals a LOT of true damage. I would recommend an early Steelcaps into Vayne.”
daudr9 says “Pretty easy to deal with in early game but when it gets to middle/you fall behind or its just a late game she will melt you before you can see your 3rd auto.
Absolutely 'unsoloable' by Jhin.
Whe she gets Lulu or Yuumi and lategame you have to pray your team 5v1s her.
Finish the game asap.”
Doody_tco says “Dealing true damage, and ability to go undetected with her ultimate, Vayne will be a threat to Miss Fortune in early game and more in mid and late game”
Vapora Dark says “Vayne usually gets roflstomped in lane, and then proceeds to transform into a midgame duelist then a late game hyper carry. The issue Jhin has against vayne, is he can't effectively push her out of lane. Quick skirmishes are Jhins weakness, and thats the only thing Vayne wants to do. Thankfully Jhin scales exceptionally well too, but NEVER be alone against her, you will lose unless you're super fed. Stay away from walls and bounce your Dancing Grenade across the back line to chunk her, as she has to walk right next to them to get farm. Set up traps in the tips of brush so you can quickly snare her when she steps into them and finally just try and end lane ASAP.”
NikkiTT says “BAN 1.
BAN EVERY GAME. Vayne is really tricky to kill due to her invisibility and self peel, you need to try to get a lead early with an engage support so you can start oneshotting her. Go for the ERQ combo after she uses Q or from bushes. You should win on push power, so try to get early dragons/invades like always! Later in the game, you might just want to ult someone else. Also going exhaust is a really big must on this matchup.”
Banana Pirate says “Vayne is not so good early on so try and win lane early game because she scales hard. Also don't run away from her, it's the worst thing you can do. ”
Amberdragon says “Always annoying regardless of her strength in the meta.
She can easily dodge your Q, E and ultimate. In lane you need to kite towards a position where it's harder for her to dodge your feathers and you ideally want to start trading with W if you don't have a support to lock her down. She outscales you and wins in every 1x1 situation in the mid to late game.”
Simon Uchinora says “Vayne has a great damage by his W passive, but between caitlyn and vayne has a HUGE difference in range, just abuse of this, if she tries to agressive on you with his ultimate, just backup, wait she ultimate ends and agressive back, because he dosen't have more danger to offer on you.”
Rihh says “Support dependant, very scary once Vayne starts getting items. Be constantly aware of outplay potential, but with good positioning which includes avoiding walls (and being aware of condemn-flashes by Vayne) this matchup shouldn't be too tricky. Once she starts scaling at 2 items+ you will have to play with the intention of one shotting her at any given opportunity. She cannot be allowed to play the game freely.”
Melyn says “Q max can punish her low range early, but she becomes much harder after level 6. Save your E for right after she tumbles and try to predict where she goes in stealth, usually saving your spells until after.”
Chaeha says “Vayne was Kai'Sa before Kai'Sa got released, so they have the same game plan to look to scale and play for the mid-game. However, Kai'Sa has a slightly stronger early game during the laning phase. ”
Swearing Roomba says “Vayne's invisibility from Ultimate completely screws your low attack speed over. Not to mention her Tumble (Q) helping her dodge your skillshots. There is nothing you can do except pressure her early/mid game.”
Mr. Popper says “Vayne is better Mini Gnar, she can proc her W more reliably then gnar but hers does true damage she has safe disengage on her E, and then once she hits 6 she is a nightmare to deal with. Aery is my recommended rune into her, and i would also recommend some jungle pressure because she will be pushed up more often then not.”
R3Veal says “Late game hyper carry. Same as Xayah, you will always lose 1vs1's. Her ultimate leaves you totally helpless. In lane, don't stand in front of walls or near them so that she can't stun you with her E and watch her W stacks on you as she can proc the 3rd one with her E also.”
Urason says “While Vayne may not have the same pressure that Draven has, she's still able to deal quite a bit of damage to you. Both short trades and commitments are difficult for Akshan to win since she procs PTA and her W together. Plus, her invis and condemn make your kit kinda useless. ”
King Turtle says “Her kit having true damage can make it hard to trade and with the right synergy she can perma cc you if you aren't careful of your positioning. Otherwise you just outscale her and beat her through mid game. ”
SopTop says “Vayne just 1-ups you in every department, with more damage, sustain, CC, tank-killing potential, ways of escaping, how much trash talk you can spit out in all chat, and so much more. She is honestly just a better champ than you, and your gonna have to admit that.”
yers says “She can easily dodge your abilities with her tumble. Try to make her burn it off through a Q poke, pretty easy to kill after she's immobile. also make sure to stay ahead and keep setting her behind to minimize her impact.”
Lightfeather says “Vayne can only all in or poke in 3. Try to poke her down while keeping yourself away from walls and all-in attempts (vayne's attempts)”
Kartagoo says “Very very annoying Poke. Get Dorans and on first back, get 2 Beads early and tabi after, get Randuins later. Try to push her in first, to get at least some Gold early(go back if you low with at least 300g). Ask your Jungle for help otherwise just hope your team wins. Go for Predator or Fleet as Keystone. ”
XtheZ115 says “If you happen to be playing support Singed, Vayne is your ban. Similar to Quinn, her kit hurts you so badly that its best to just prevent her from entering the Rift altogether. ”
Inoriboob says “Matchup can be very 50/50 it's either if vayne misplay or you punished well. You out damage vayne by 50% and can half her level 2. Try to have enagager because vayne e will stop ur all in.”
HyroPyro says “Vayne is a late game hyper carry. Her early game is most punishable. Make sure trades against her do not proc her Silver Bolts (W) as often, her Press The Attack rune will out-trade you. Pre level 6, Vayne has incredibly low damage output compared to Kai'Sa's high burst damage. Be careful when standing or Killer Instinct (R) near walls in any direction as Vayne can Condemn (E) or Condemn (E) Flash you into the wall, usually resulting in a death for you. Be careful at level 6, Vayne gains three Long Swords worth of Attack Damage and stealth during her Tumble (Q). Vayne gains a significant spike and it should be respected. Kai'Sa's Void Seeker (W) also grants True Sight.”
im_zeno says “It’s what I ban atm, she worse than Lucian in my opinion, she can chunk you to half if you walk up without wind wall. She has mobility which is the most annoying part about her, save your E Q till she uses her Q, try to wind wall her E (good vayne players would hold their E till you use wind wall) try to freeze as much as you can. Post lvl 6 she would just go invisible when you knock her up to deny your ult. So just play safe till your first back, can let your support engage, wait for jungler to gank your lane. Can build armour late game.”
DMJ240 says “Vayne can be your worst nightmare when playing a heavily skill shot champion. Ban this champion or else believe me....
unless you're in a low elo just handle
snowcard says “For the majority of the game, Vayne will be able to duel you. She ults and you're gone. Keep your distance.
What you can block: Her condemn.”
YourPrincessLol says “Unless you shut her down early and end the game before she gets 2-3 items, her invisibility and mobility makes Jhin's life painful.”
qosmox says “Try to stay healthy early 3 levels while still walking up to CS when you have your passive up. You can’t stop her from pushing you in, so just let her push you to tower and farm best you can the early couple of waves. If she gives you a chance to taunt her under tower, great. If not, then you can start winning trades lvl 4-5 anyway if she ever tumbles in to poke you just instantly taunt her and pummel her with Emp. Q’s. Try to never make it obvious when you’re gonna taunt her, or she can just deny you with her E.”
Tiilisk1v1 says “Try to bully her support out of Lane and then 2v1 her. Take doran's shield and upgrade blinding dart first to Make sure she doesn't get good use for her w.”
Lumijo says “Hardest Matchup a good vayne will always poke you without using her dash. If she does that's when she over steps for you to have a good chance of hooking her. But keep in mind don't stand In front of walls at all cost. Go oracle her tumble that will make her invi is annoying”
Boast says “Jhins kit can sometimes be a bit slower and because he can rarely utilize his ult in most 1v1 situations, Vayne comes on top majority of times. Refrain from 1v1ing if the game is even.”
IM NOT TOXIC says “You can abuse Vayne early since she is very bad pre-6, but once she hits 6 she will most likely be able to win fights with her ult. ”
FunkyBeagle says “A good Vayne can be an issue, she has higher range and some higher damage/trade potential than you because of the way her passive and PTA work, She's doing the same as you and looking to farm and scale because her early game is extremely weak. Try to abuse it but beware cause her trading potential can be way better than you.”
KindledFlames says “Her kit counters yours pretty much entirely. Can counter your ult if her E key is working, and she will win every fight if she has her ult.
Personally, this is my autoban.”
nraxxr says “This one is kind of a coinflip. If you let Vayne abuse you in lane you will feel it throughout the whole game, but if you can CC her and shut her down early then she has a bad time. ”
lenithebot says “Play insanely aggressive in the early game. Vayne does out-scale you but you beat her early and mid-game so take advantage of that and try and end the game before the late game with hopefully the large lead you made.”
KoZee says “Vayne can be really annoying to deal with. Early game is her weakest point, as you have a large range advantage on her that you can abuse, as well as poking down with Q's. However, she has invisibility and tumble which lets her reposition well in a team fight and kill you late game. This means you need to catch her out with your R as soon as you can in fights because it stops her from tumbling and lets you shred her down quickly rather than giving her the chance to shred you down. Be careful of tumble's low cooldown though, as that can cause you to miss your R and cost you the fight. Playing this lane relies a bit more on practice than other match ups from my experience.”
Moodkaps says “Try to all in Vayne at lvl 1 hide in a bush then jump with a cc support. At lvl 3 She become a pain to fight how you want to win is spam Mystic Shot. If she hides behind minions Use Essence Flux, and auto. You don't want to use your Arcane Shift since Vayne's 3rd auto does insane damage ”
Xayaphelia says “You should be able to abuse her pre 6. After Vayne hits 6 tho she becomes a massive threat to you in the 1v1. Just be careful and you should win with your superior waveclear and AoE in teamfights.”
ooftheiii says “Try not to stay near walls, as Vayne's Condemn will stun you if it knocks you back against a wall. Stop her from CSing as much as possible, ask your jungle to gank quite often. If you get early kills on her, and hold off from taking her turret as long as possible (as long as your team doesn't need to start grouping) it will be hard for her to catch up. Vayne has lower trade early level meaning high cc and fast engaging support champions like Leona can shut her down. Still be careful of Late Game as if she free farms she can become ahead of you.”
BookOfJhin says “Vayne is one of your worst matchups due to many factors:
-She out DPS' you
-Jhin has no mobility so she can catch you out with her stun from her E
-She outscales you by a lot
do yourself a favour just ban this bitch ”
kingamazin says “Vayne is a fairly easy matchup for jinx as her weak early game is easily abusable and allows you to scale. If the situation calls for it, you can easily get priority in lane with rockets since Vayne has no waveclear. When trading with Vayne, use rockets to poke her when she goes for cs. Make sure you do not get autoed 3 times since silver bolts is Vayne's only way to outrade you. Never attempt to 1v1 Vayne since she can easily pick you off and assassinate you post level 6.”
Bluestrat says “Vayne is not a strong laner, but has a strong 1v1 potential. So it is possible for us to defeat Vayne in a 1v1 fight with our Q-Evolve However, if Vayne has been able to gain an advantage, we are no longer able to defeat her in 1v1. ”
CantParry says “She can kite around and dodge your E. She out-scales you and can snowball off of early picks. Coordinate with your support to take her out early when you're on equal ground.”
Trampedach says “You get outtraded 10/10 times in minion waves and she will win post six. You can try to one shot her in isolated 1vs1s but she will outscale and beat you. ”
Bluestrat says “Vayne ist kein starker Laner, hat aber ein starkes 1v1 Potential. Es ist also möglich für uns, Vayne in einem 1v1 Kampf mit unserem Q-Evolve zu besiegen. Hat Vayne jedoch einen Vorteil erzielen können, sind wir nicht mehr in der Lage sie im 1v1 zu besiegen. ”
Atrickster says “I dont think I have ever lost this matchup I stack up my passive on her early and at 6 I just keep a bit of range and later on you can easily kill her in team fights if she over extend and they always do just make sure you dont int
Tifforma says “I REALLY HATE VAYNE. You can shut her down early game, but she will comeback late game, as a fucking monster. She is mobile and has true damage. I suggest banning her.”
TvojeMomJeGoiCam says “I mean... Make her SUFFER !!! Deny farm, everytime she tries to cs, poke her down. She will outscale you so be aware of that. The more you put her behind the longer it will take for her to become late game monster. Just don't let her stack her W onto you.”
ComradeElmo says “Early game you beat her most the time unless the support can CC you because then she can E you onto a wall and you lose and she heavily outscales you.”
Remmacs1 says “Vayne can out DPS you if you're not careful about the fights you take, but laning should not be a problem in this match up. Look to poke her out of lane with the range advantage that you have.”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror/Press the Attack + Trinity Force] **Take Approach Velocity**
[Flash + TP]
She has tons of mobility and her kit kinda counters yours. In theory if you hookshot onto a wall she can condemn you into it. But most Vaynes fail to do this even in Masters+. Look to W her and with approach velocity you can run up to her and Q her, if she condemns you away with her E you can look to E onto her and kill her. Worst case scenario just try to farm. Vayne tops kinda mess up their team comp so you should be more useful. Try not to stand between her and a wall when going for an all in.”
McNugglz says “Your experience with Vayne depends on the player and support pick. Take cull to make it a farm lane if you want and just FB on enough to get noon quiver. Exhaust ruins her Q. Look to trade when she uses Q or E.”
boopthesnoot says “Never run from a vayne. Her passive gives her MS towards enemy champs, which isn't good if you want the enemies to chase you (gives you a chance to press E and root). Crack down on her early game and don't let her out-farm you.”
Zammey says “Early game can be difficult if the enemy has a mage/engage support but mid game she lacks the damage in team fights so fighting early as 5 is a good option as soon as you get hurricane, the later the game goes the higher her damage becomes so ending early is your greatest strength”
Dank672 says “Poke out and keep a ton of pressure on, if you are too far up and out of position she can force an all-in which u will lose. since she outscales you its like all other matchups. However its worse for your team if vayne gets ahead since she can deal with tanks and bruisers so easily, so you have to make sure she doesn't get a lead while being very careful of ganks.”
MaxThoLey_ says “Vayne is good counter to Jhin again cuz she have good burst dmg with stacked W and its hard to hit her with Jhin W cuz she have Q (Tumble).”
DSpinz says “One of my favorite matchups, she can definitely outduel you, but if you trade correctly its hard for her to finish you. Shove waves into her turret as much as you can, then harass her under turret. You can honestly make a lot of Vayne players ragequit.”
Dannala says “Top/Mid: Squish and weak early, if you got Electrocute you could easily snowball on her mistakes. Saving your mobility for when she pushes you, and make sure not to get stunned.
Bottom: Similar but you might want to focus more on seperating her from her support to all in her with your teammate/jungler.”
EvoNinja7 says “She isn't strong in the early game, but once she gets Kraken Slayer your in trouble unless you get ahead in the early game. Don't stay near walls or you'll get stunned. Try to beat her down early or you'll naturally get outscaled.”
BluMistah says “one of few champs to scale better than you. her Q makes her very safe against your all in as well but you have to try and delay her scaling as long as possible”
Gym Nasiem says “OMFG WHERE DO I START
she is a mobile champ with RANGE so big big ooooooooooooooof right there . Also dead man's won't work because by then they should have there mythic and they have RANGE. many low elo players might think why i am i saying RANGE is a big threat well because sett is a MELEE champ she can poke a lot and her stupid circle thing does a crap ton of damage.”
Scrimm says “Both Vayne and Kai'sa are good at trading in lane, since Vayne players usually take Press the Attack and are able to proc it easily with an auto + Q auto + auto/E. Just be aware of standing next to walls so Vayne does not condemn you. This is 100% a skill based matchup, so you need to make sure you land W on her when it is important to do so.”
RegalFlash says “Her early game is weak, but if you cant keep her shut down, she will dominate the late game. Punish her for as much CS as you can with Q + Auto”
AmericanNut says “With Kraken Slayer out, this is a huge threat. Watch out for her pokes, try and CS with Tongue Lash. If she roots you to a wall, it's game over in the late game.”
ghiacciavate says “I specifically mention Vayne because I think this is one of the few instances where picking Miss Fortune into her is a terrible idea.
You: tanky ADC.
Vayne: tank shredder.
This build does less damage than Press the Attack or Dark Harvest Miss Fortune so you just have to hope you outsustain Vayne. Unfortunately, Vayne doesn't care very much about your Conditioning resists or higher than average health because of her W.
Of course, Miss Fortune in general is a good matchup into Vayne, but you should probably stick to actual rune pages for this matchup.”
Mayday36 says “Vayne's cc is very killer when combined with her silver bolt passive because kalista is very squishy and gets shutdown very easily with cc”
BluMistah says “the issue is, any sort of ambush she can easily stop by stunning you against the wall. There is very little you can do here, just dont feed her and hope your team will get ahead”
Ledeni123 says “Vayne itself isnt a problem, real problem are supports with her (janna,lulu....) They got slow and shields that boosts her. You have to force them to save mana when you are able to do that you will crush that lane with proper supporting you will be able to go 2v3 only scarry thing is e but walls can be avoided”
FoxyGrill says “Tons of dashes and movement speed, try to predict her Q and knock her up, if your team has hard cc you should be able to kill her, oracle lens can help.”
Dragonmysterieu says “Take you time before panicking and pressing E to try and root her. If she goes for an all in just kit towards your tower and use your E after she tumbles towards you.”
Redsaturn says “Must be careful in the laning phase and keep Vayne at a distance if she gets ahead game becomes really difficult. It's also hard to land q's onto Vayne.”
jhoijhoi says “Vayne is a hyper carry, a champion who scales incredibly hard with items. She shreds health bars due to her % true damage Silver Bolts, and has a targetted knockback / stun. When versus a Vayne, do not stand near any walls, as she will Final Hour, Tumble into position and then pin you down with Condemn, getting off a Silver Bolts proc; this, followed with Ignite will often result in an early kill. If you see her activate Final Hour and Tumble towards you for the invisibility, RUN. It is an obvious sign a gank is incoming, or that their support has the ability catch you out of position for a kill.”
DddyAwsmSauce says “She only shoots peas (pees?) early game, but she scales into a hypercarry late game. First,don't feed her. Second, she has a short auto attack range, so you can bully her with Double Up; it's pretty easy to get kills from her (depending on your supp though). Mind your surroundings and avoid getting slammed into a wall; hugging a tower is not always the best idea. Third, try to finish the game as early as possible, as she is a late game carry. If the game lasts long enough, it'll be tough for you since you have no hard CC, so you have to rely on your teammates to provide stuns and rooting avoid her kiting and burst her down.”
Akariine says “Even if this woman hurts like hell, remember that she is one of the squishiest marksmen. If running away from her, try and bait her in to a root as her passive will let her easily catch up to you. If she is ahead, do not take her on by yourself.”
Manzey says “Vayne is a really easy matchup, you out-trade her pre-6 and after 6, when she ults to go invisible, you can simply ulti, gold card to lock her down and autoattack her down.”
GariKun says “With new Kraken she will basically cut off half of your life in three autos.
Pay attention to her r outplay and pick good trades with u're supp.
U can poke her with w too, keep that in mind.
You should win late, as long as u don't get hit by her e.”
Ultrama says “Pretty easy match-up. Play agressive in early and dont her reach her late. Try to end the game fast aand stomp her. Don't trade her when she activates her R, especially with the recent buff.”
Bouhhsolene says “Her invisibility is annoying but she can't really catch you if you E as she can't auto nor E's you.
Try to W if she W, then take trades. Keep your trinket in teamfights to know where she is and you're ok.”
SweatMeALake says “Vayne here is a hard matchup and is dependent on skill. Later on in duels past level 6 you must be patient and wait until she is not invisible to land your ultimate. Both supports need to play well because your damage is almost even early game. Pray for bad positioning on Vayne playing too aggressive and you have a good chance of beating her. Never ever face her 1v1 as she is a good duelist ADC.”
SweatMeALake says “Vayne is rather strong, and can beat you in a 1v1 any time. Her ultimate and Q makes it easy to position herself out of your bladecaller, and will stay onto you all the time in a fight. ”
MrMad2000 says “You out range Vayne and can easily poke her. Use traps to force her to play to one side of the lane and make sure to get lane priority, punish her under tower.”
AdolfDripster69 says “Vayne is good into Kai'sa in lane cause Vayne can sit in the wave and prevent you from getting an isolated Q. In a isolated 1v1 Kai'sa wins, but Vayne scales much harder into the late game.”
Mephiix Unleashed says “Easy matchup, make sure you play agressive, you are way stronger in lane, punish her when she is trying to farm,in fights try to tag her with your Rapid Firecannon, also if she is running towards you with half hp make sure you have your fourth shot ready to delete her, only way Vayne becomes deadly is if she gets her Blade of the ruined King early, otherwise she shouldn't be a threat until she reaches atleast 2 items”
glorious7678 says “You're going to have to rely on E and Q to cs when laning into Vayne because she hurts alot with autos. If you can hit an e without her dodging it you can kill her with R.”
ultrafen says “Vayne outdamages you early, which will prevent you from getting fed early, which will then delay your Rod, and thus ruining your chances at getting fed. Ban Vayne if you go bot lane.”
Spection says “EXTREMELY COMMON. Everyone's always scared of Vayne. She's a monster late game and does well against most ADC's, but gets stopped dead by Pantheon. With poor escape and CC that only works near walls, Vayne can't do much against you unless you position yourself stupidly. A good Vayne can shoot you away if you try to stun her. The stun will always connect but you will be thrown back. She's extremely squishy when caught and pretty easy to catch. One or two combos should be enough to finish her off. Punish her hard when she tries to farm. Poison stacks through passive, so be careful.”
Camelorry says “Vayne's laning phase sucks so you should take advantatge of that. Much like in Twitch's case, you want to end the game as fast as you can. ”
Kdrama says “You must all in vayne lvl 1 or 2 otherwise you'll probably lose lane. This matchup can be fine if you are against vayne + engage. However, if it's vayne + lulu you're going to have to play exceptionally well. Outfarm her and learn q + aa trading combos. She out ranges you and can poke you out with her q so just make surse she can't get her pta proc off on you. ”
StriveHD79 says “In general, avoid standing behind walls because she can stun you against one. She is an assassin that is very good at 1v1 so try to prevent her from gap closing on to you and keep your distance.”
StriveHD79 says “This matchup heavily depends on the support picks. In general, avoid standing behind walls because she can stun you against one. Do not be afraid to autoattack + W + autoattack then back off when trading with her. If you are behind, she can easily 1v1 you and kill you. When ahead do not be afraid of her and be patient with your arrow ( R Ability ), if it hits you will kill her but if you miss you may lose.”
StriveHD79 says “Vayne is tricky. You beat her pre-level 6 since you heavily out range her, but after level 6 she can kill you very easily since she has invisibility using her ultimate and it is very easy for her to close the distance. You want to make sure that you save your net (E ability) and use it at the right time, otherwise vayne can even 1v2 you and your support. You also want to avoid standing behind walls because she can knock you back and stun you against a wall.”
StriveHD79 says “In general, avoid standing behind walls because she can stun you against one with E. She is an assassin that is very good at 1v1 so try to prevent her from gap closing on to you and keep your distance.”
StriveHD79 says “You will win lane very hard but in general, avoid standing behind walls because she can stun you against one. She will outscale you and is an assassin that is very good at 1v1 which will destroy you late game after 3 items.”
StriveHD79 says “Vayne is extremely annoying to deal with. She has high mobility and high burst and strong all-in. Early game it should be fairly even but after level 6 she has the potential to 1v2 if you paly incorrectly. Save your spellshield for her E ability and avoid standing behind any walls as it will stun you if it hits. Never 1v1 her unless you are far ahead.”
DankFlyingCow says “You would expect it to be more of a problem than it actually is. Though her auto are annoying, and running her down is near impossible, one good engagement and she dies. Kench's R can be used to get behind her if needed. Basically the only matchup i would ever consider taking tabis instead of greaves.”
GiAEcchI says “Try to snowball her before she hits her botrk, you can't 1v1 her if you are not fed enough. Her short range makes her an easy target in teamfight, play like a normal adc and hope to shoot her from range Can't outscale you in team fights.”
She is my permaban since day 1 of playing Urgot.
She has two ways to disengage (Q and E) while you barely can engage her with your E.
You can't even try to outscale her because the true damage will remember everyone that you are useless.
If you feel like you want to cry and still pick Urgot into her, start D.Shield and rush Tabis, then buy your jungler a tent because you need that he camps you for some time.
Still she will come back sooner or later and you have to hope you got matched with good team.”
EvoNinja7 says “Vayne is an all-in champion and can melt you in a 1v1, so avoid her at all costs. Like Jhin, try to engage with her when you have your jungler with you. She also relies on her support being able to poke a lot, since she is a little passive until she hits level six.”
StriveHD79 says “In general, avoid standing behind walls because she can stun you against one. She is an assassin that is very good at 1v1 so try to prevent her from gap closing on to you and keep your distance.”
snukumz says “She's squishy, has low range, and can't CC you unless you get condemned, which will be hard for her to do.
You out range her massively so just abuse her with Q's while she tries to farm.
She can tumble dodge a lot of your poke if she's good which is annoying, but after she tumbles you can follow up with a snare and do tons of damage to her.
Watch out for her level 6, if you snare her you'll 100-0 her, but if she goes invisible and dodges your CC she'll probably delete you. Dropping your ult first, then snare + Q'ing can work when she goes into her ultimate.”
xIntangible says “Her scaling is the same as kaisas, but she has a slightly better early game. However if kaisa hits her w on vayne, then you win the fight. So just be cautious. You also only win fights if shes isolated, so dont take fights in waves and ensure you can hit your w on her or you will lose from her spammable invis.”
Terrific says “You shit on her every way possible just if she's a good Vayne she'll use her E so you lose an Axe or 2 just becareful for that. Might get outplayed if your Axes are on cooldown. You stomp her in lane regardless if you play well and it is not support diff.”
Omega Zero says “STAY AWAY FROM WALLS. Additionally, grab an Oracle so whenever Vayne ults you can at least (hopefully) Alpha Strike her condemn to either completely nullify it or to position yourself away from terrain.”
Surp1Clone says “Vayne is weak early so use that to your advantage. In late Vayne is really strong but your gold card is a two seconds stun at max level so once you find her gold card her instantly and just auto attack her till shes dead before she can do anything like E you to a wall.”
BloodyHunter20 says “she's bad at early in all trades but if she got a good support she can win the lane phase also care for her jg and stay in safe side ”
TotallyEclipse says “Dodge. Too much damage too fast, when you jump on her she will E you away. A Vayne who knows what shes doing will never let you win this matchup”
Trisien says “She can be deceptively strong early, but if you hit your Q, you can screw her up pretty badly in trades. Also, timing your E to allign with her E can negate that spell entirely. ”
Krod7435 says “Vayne is one of the biggest cheesy characters in league for ADC. She can be a huge problem if you let her wave control and zone you. I suggest being very careful early and when you engage in team-fights always focus on her. Some Vayne mains like to be very evasive knowing they're squishy on health but i suggest going lethal to defeat her. Remember Jhin is very weak on health so you have to be safe on 1v1 engagements.”
MrMuckDuck says “Vayne is like poison to the bot lane. If you lane against a Vayne, you better be getting kills early or she will dominate your lane. Since Vayne can dash, and you can't, she has a greater advantage of killing you than you have of killing her. My biggest tip for surviving a pushing Vayne is to either R her or E her (if you're not level 6 yet).”
xSEASeahawks12 says “Even against an OTP Vayne, you can stomp her hard. Your ability to constantly reposition makes it very difficult for her to land her E into a wall, and her laning phase is bad enough that you can destroy her before she scales. While she gets quite hard to play against once she scales, you can play aggressively enough early where you can make the scaling process very difficult. In lane, shove her under her turret as fast as possible and land poke on her as she last hits, since her close range enables you to land full HoB-E combos relatively easily. Just make sure to have good vision in the river with Sentinels and Vision Wards as you play this aggressive.”
Galois_Group says “Old school counter. All her damage is auto attacks and she likes passive lanes. Just accept that you keep defenses, then get full shove mode and accelerate. She has all means to accelerate also with killing your noob team.”
DravenMETA says “Similar to Ezreal. A smart Vayne player will be play extremely passive early and become a monster late. It is moderately hard to punish this lane. Do not let her abuse aa spacing to proc W. ”
atonementblade says “She has lackluster waveclear, so push the wave and laugh as she tries to cs under tower. Avoid standing next to walls so she can't stun you with her E. She wins extended trades but you have better poke damage.”
kiranezio says “Avoid getting close to walls as she can pin against the wall. She can also stop your ult by using her E. While chasing try to use your E after she uses hers.”
Loki029 says “Don t let her farm too much and use w if she gets 3 passive stack on you, consider high hp items high armour and some help of your Team, at early you get her easy because of your q totally killing her silence”
Phantom R says “My absolute favourite botlane matchup against Jinx.
Early game, poke her as much as you can with your Q! (Rockets) and you should be able to get her 1/3 of her max HP easily. If you get an advantage in early game, it's fairly easy to win against her if you just poke her and AA her whenever he goes full Vayne mode. Don't stay near walls ofc and try to hit her with your W when she's close as you will do 'tons' of dmg to her.
Buying RFC for mid game in this matchup it pretty much mandatory I'd say.
DON'T get near her if she's as fed as you on mid/late game because she WILL screw you up easily. You don't have a chance in that situation, like never, and that's FINE because you shouldn't be fighting her 1v1 anyways. If you do, then consider yourself trolling.
Sorry..., but yeah, good luck and have fun because it's one of the most skill dependant matchups on botlane!”
Epic Striker says “Be careful of Vayne don't let her stun you against the wall it could be the end of you and her damage gets higher while the game goes on longer.”
madmickey says “Vayne can go either way. Her high level of movement makes it difficult to use your traps to your advantage and she can easily out maneuver your other abilities. ”
Deathfeather says “no idea where to put this one because either the vayne is a god among men or is a dirty inter. be careful of walls as she can pin you uwu and dont mess with her when her ult is active.”
RoadDGM says “Pretty simple matchup just don't go near walls if you build vamp you can easily just auto minions while she goes invis from her r and heal most of the health back that shes dealt to you.”
Szauronmester says “Skill matchup. Try to not let her stack her passive up. Punish and cs. She is like you, hyperscaling, and can run everyone if gets fed.”
ZERO Destructo says “When you're up against Vayne, you want to pressure her as much as you can. You have longer range, so use that to poke her and leave unharmed. She can evade your W with her Q, have that in mind. Place traps on every place you can, since it counters her stealth while in ult, and also slows her down. And don't hope too much when you stun her, because she can just roll you back where you were with her E.”
Jima says “Vayne in the early game in an easy lane opponent that you can poke down without her being able to do anything. She deals a lot of damage in the late game tough but you should be able to 1v1 her if she doesn't buy a QSS”
Nik7857 says “Similar to Kog'maw and Twitch. They have terrible laning phase, but are great when they have items. This should be an easy lane just don't get stunned. Flash what ever cc the support has or keep it.”
ReallyBoring says “Vayne is a interesting one, a good Vayne will try to mitigate you trying to get a advantage and will play really passively. Push her in and poke. Try to rush a Vamp scepter and poke her out. Watch for the level 6 powerspike tho.”
Eccentricks says “She has crazy burst that you cannot deal with, if you try to gank her, chances are she will burst you down. Try to attack while her abilities are down and with your support in tow. You got this.”
lRevex says “Later in the game, Vayne will hard stomp you as she can tumble away from your W and R shots. You need to win early in order to beat her or else you're in for a rough time.”
Deathfeather says “Never know where to put this one because people either really suck at her, or you cant play league of legends. dont mess with her when her ult is up, and she pins you to the wall uWu.”
Boxband says “Obviously with this build %max hp damage is your worst nightmare, plus she is slippery and in the backline if played properly. You need decent assassins or the confidence to flank well. Buy righteous glory and save chilling smite for her.”
haloboleon says “Vayne is very easy to deal with early, mid and late game. This is because she is very dependant on skirmishes/1v1s and on Senna you should outclass her in skirmishes and teamfights. All you have to do to beat vayne is never give her the chance to 1v1 you as you will lose almost every time.”
MewlingRavenPaw says “Build an HP lead around rend resetting every time you can. If she tumbles backwards don't be afraid to aggressively take a stance to land your Q before rending and backing off. But under no circumstances trade a silver bolt proc without trading minimum Press the attack and Q back into her. Or she will slowly crawl back into the game. ”
Staszko says “She would be dangerous in solo lane, but Duo lane allows you to beat her
I didnt faced any real threat with that build yet, if I do, Im gonna upload it”
minepro221 says “This is a skilled matchup. She wins trades if she can get her three hit passive, while you win if you trade your auto q for her auto. The trick in this lane is to punish and cs, and back off asap until your silver bolt stacks are gone. Once you get a feel of kaisa, you should also know vayne, as she can run you down just like a kaisa. If you know your damage, and think you can't be killed, you should be good to go. Another thing is not to stand near walls if you can. The condemn range is surprisingly long. In teamfights, you are good vs squishes while she is better into tanks. We generally say kaisa outscales by a little, as in solo queue people don't play tanks as much. ”
Kynaz0071l0l says “You outscale vayne in earlygame but if you cant stomp on her completely in laningphase you will regret it in lategame. You have to crush her in early game and finish as fast as possible because if she gets 2 or 3 items she will try to 1v1 every other champion on your team and get fed in lategame. Try not to get hit into a wall by her E since that will pretty much kill you if shes with a lux or morgana support. Stand away from walls in fights against her.”
Eucalyptus says “Massively dependant on the Vayne player, sure it is mostly a skill match-up. But Vayne is filthy so as players get more experienced you are less likely to be playing an even match-up. Anywhere outside of Diamond will be where you start eating dirt against most Vaynes. Otherwise enjoy another champ with Riven and Yasuo syndrome.”
Fruxo says “Vayne can be annoying after 6 with her stealth. However you can beat her if your support can CC her when she comes out of stealth in order to set you up for a W + Q burst on her there.”
Raideru says “Keep engaging on her with q auto attack w combo to make her condemn u away while having e up and then just slowly decrease her hp over time with these trades and you'll eventually kill her, also a thing to point out that ranged top laner players pay less attention to what's happening in the lane and they will underestimate you most of the time so take advantage of that, tabis helps a lot in this matchup.”
Hardstuck Sona says “Just try not to get Q'd into the wall, and you should be fine. Be wary when she uses her Ultimate, and when she appears, stun her immediately.”
MrDecoy says “vayne's tend to focus on trading around w and using their q for a last hit of the passive so use that to your advantage and trap her in e when you can for a free kill”
HikariGames says “Vayne is a weird one, sometimes you win hard and sometimes she wins hard. The real problem is that she can just outscale you hard and make it impossible for you to fight her. Because of that I consider her a major threat.”
Zervax says “In the era of Conquerer, tanks aren't really a thing. Therefore, tankbusters shouldn't really be played, but Vayne keeps getting played because of her outplay potential. Look to punish her for it.”
dravenfizz says “This matchup is generally super easy for Lucian since she has low range and bad damage early, you can be really aggro in this lane. Keep in mind vayne and dodge your Q with her Tumble and can use her E to cancel your ult. So if you're facing a good vayne player she can actually become a counter to you.”
Fruxo says “Vayne can be annoying after 6 with her stealth. However you can beat her if you root her when she comes out of stealth in order to set you up for a quick and easy kill.”
IPodPulse says “Though her early game is weak compared to other marksman, Vayne can be quite strong. Try to avoid extended fights since silver bolts will inevitably be better. Let her use tumble first before using abilities to increase your chance on hitting them.
Late game Vayne is a monster, try to deny her any chance of getting ahead by denying minions waves and not giving away kills.”
Exs Xena says “The only way Vayne can harass you is by tumbling forward, you have easy counterplay to this by using your Volley (W). You will have hard pressure on him early with Ranger's focus and Volley (Q & W), abuse this!”
Potato95x says “Be extra careful around this champ. Her Q will deal bonus damage on AA just like her W (W is True Damage though) and her Ult. Her E can stun you if you hit a terrain, so get away from walls. Play carefully, but get aggressive if you feel safe. She'll probably build LS, so get Grievous Wounds against her (Mortal Reminder should be enough)”
GORE Klabok says “Extreme threat because Vayne is exactly building the same item and can handle the Spear stack while using Ult (R) + (Q). vayne can outrun kalista late game with her movespeed passive and ult, also vayne can push with (E) so if vayne play well you cant even engage or disengage. If vayne want to trade with kalista, you have to fight back because even if you try to disengage you can't once vayne get in range for Auto-attack she outrade each fights exept if you fight back without hesitation (Work in 1v1 only) if you try to engage vayne gonna Ult and Trumble so you will lose Sight on her then dash failure is occuring. (if at least you can respect vayne's Cooldowns to trade with her you should never get take down. vayne is as strong as kalista with auto-attack and stacks from (W) exept that kalista hit (E) to takedown, vayne can trigger 2 or 3 time her (W). still the same Result.”
FrankynFood says “She has to be here because she is Vayne. You will win against her early but mid to late you are done for. Pray that she is not a Vayne main and that your team doesn't feed her. Even with 2 items she is a MONSTER. ”
Math Eon says “She is extremly good 1v1, that is not news. But her Q is the mayor counter for these strategy in lanning fase. Got to choose very carefully the moment to engage.”
SlashLion says “Vayne is a big counter for Jhin. her passive allows her to chase fairly well early game on top of her tumble which gives her an enhanced basic attack. This is very bad for you since of course, you are Jhin, and are very slow. Her E allows her to stun you if it throws you into a wall. Always be aware of your surroundings when fighting Vayne, avoid closed spaces such as some of the jungle paths. Also be aware of her W Stacks as it does a truckload of damage. Her E also allows her to push you back as an escape tool, effectively stopping a gank from your jungler or an engage. Her ult allows her to turn invisible while using her tumble which means if you are both low, that loss of vision can cost you your life in any engage early or late game. Play safe in lane and press the advantage when applicable.”
MallisTheGreat says “Alone, she shouldn't be posing any threat if you have your ult on. If you don't, track her movement and positioning, or cast your E to reveal her position while invisible. After that, she should be easily killed.”
MallisTheGreat says “Current meta Vayne can outburst you, even if she goes 0/7. Because of your higher range, punish her with your rockets whenever she tries to farm, then engage when she makes a mistake or overstays. Bring your jungler for help as well.”
Vortiris says “Due to her balance change in 9.11, she has become an extreme threat to our dear birb girl. Don't ever 1v1 her. Don't take prolonged trades in lanes. Since she's much more mobile when she's in her Final Hour, it would be better to wait for your team to exhaust her ultimate because your feathers will be extremely hard to land... I mean if she's braindead that would make your life alot easier.”
Numresunw says “Easy to poke down and outrade, try to autoattack every time she comes to farm and stay away from the walls, it should be an easy lane, dont make long trades and use your E after 3 or 4 autos.”
Shake the Shade says “Surprisingly since the nerfs, Vayne doesn't pose as much of a threat. You scale pretty much alongside her and can typically 2-3 shot her before she can take you out. You also can crush her early if you press your advantage. Be wary of getting stunned and allowing her to proc PTA.”
IamVictorious says “Her early cant cause you serious trouble, try to stay away from walls and with some good position you can win the duel in lategame too”
ApokalipseDKeijo says “If vayne gets too much feeded with a nami at her side, she would be a big trouble. But, in most part of the cases she is easy win.”
BubbaStudmuffin says “She is a ranged tank melter. Her mobility will allow her to dodge your pull. This is extremely bad because if you cant land that pull back then she will kite you to oblivion! Furthermore, even if you land that pull she can knock you back as a disengage and kill you.”
Gun God Mike says “A lane against vayne is dangerous,you are costatle threated,by her q and by her potential engage after level 6,your aim is punish she when comes too much near you and then use your e to secure an engage by your support.You must avoid all 1v1 vs she,if you are fed you can kill she.”
1tephra1 says “Probably the best adc at 1v1s. Sivir sucks at 1v1s so you would need to poke her down to 65% before attempting to 1v1 her. Lane phase is quite easy vs her since she has to commit to hurt you. ”
BL00dY3nD says “This lane depends on the CS dont give her too much. Dont't let her farm just poke all the time and she will stay weak. Otherwise she will deal too much damage to you.”
Fruxo says “Vayne can be annoying after 6 with her stealth. However you can beat her if your support can CC her when she comes out of stealth in order to set you up for a good kill on her there.”
Pointrunner Cane says “You will probably win lane easy, but will lose the game because she is broken. Always ban her, never risk your lp for other ban. ”
LW888 says “Broken at the moment. In the laning phase she can dodge your Q's with her Q's, but the biggest problem with vayne is that she outscales you VERY hard. If you get to late game its probably over for you”
jster131 says “Vayne's early game is trash, but she has a very strong 2 item power spike with Blade of the Ruined King and Guinsoo's Rageblade. Try to end the gam before she gets those items. And be sure to stay away from any walls so as to not get condemned and kiled.”
Xerxes Is ADC says “Stay away from walls, u trade better, stay near ur support, and poke her down with rapid fire cannon when she frontlines in teamfights. predict where she tumbles when u E her.”
ViriatoPT says “Usually this matchup would be a winning one for Kai'Sa but since Vayne is really strong right now you either stomp her in lane or you will have a bad time.”
Shizashi says “Vayne is a really good matchup for Lucian adc, you outrange her and output more damage early/midgame, be very careful if she does get to scale into late game. Punish her as much as you can.”
xTheUnlimited says “50/50 matchup I would call it. In early to mid game you got a big advantage over her. You should finish the game in mid game through an early baron. Vayne is a late game monster and will 3 shot you if you let her get there. ”
xTheUnlimited says “Pretty easy. As long as you bully her in lane and wont let her farm up you win. Outscales you late game, but you can prevent her from getting there. ”
xTheUnlimited says “She's pretty weak in lane so you have to bully her there. She can be a huge threat since Vayne is a late game monster and will out-damage you in late game. Bully her hard in lane so she falls behind.”
FelipeGustavo says “take advantage of her low range and punish her whenever she is going to kill a minion, your damage at the beginning is much greater than hers at the lane phase take advantage and get out the front.
LuxIsMyCrush says “go all in anytime, you will win 1v1 anytime (early,mid,late) as long as you dont forget to use Q exactly when she start attacking.
if she know QSS exist that will be a problem tho”
DragenDragfer says “Es Insoportable en lane, pero con un simple combo la burstear.
pd: fuera de línea se te pueda volver mas dificil solo as combate si estas en ventaja”
TruMediaMix1 says “Vayne typically counters Kindred pretty hard. She can nail her to the wall with Condemn (and possibly outside of Lamb's Respite's AoE) and can run circles around Kindred using her ultimate ability.”
YukiWyvern says “Na fase de rotas ela se destaca bem com o seu mal posicionamento, fique longe de paredes e não faça trocas desnecessárias. Foque em trocas rápidas e não tão longas caso esteja sozinho com ela. Não a deixe chegar no late-game, ela vai ter um escalamento bem melhor que o seu.”
qasddsa says “Her early game is very weak compared to other ADCs, so you need to shut her down so she cannot scale into the late game. During laning phase, try your best to stay away from walls and position so she can't take advantage of you. If she scales into the late game, she can be a big threat to you in teamfights. Do not expect to be able to fairly 1v1 her if she gets ahead or if you're at late game; if you want to duel her you need to preemptively chunk her with Fishbones.”
weinerman says “hah, pathetic, vayne can't really do that much in lane without a powerful support, don't underestimate her stun thing though, if she ever gets in range/position to stun u into a wall just pop ur spellshield and immediately turn/change position (u can throw a q out /auto or whatever)”
undeadsoldiers says “Vayne has weak early game and strong late game. Since MF wants to snowball from early game, this matchup is very one-sided. Vayne's hope is to have good allies or take advantage of MF's mistakes.
As MF, you want to build an advantage over Vayne. You have to play aggressively and punish Vayne every time she tries to attack minions, keeping her low health so you can zone her. It is valid to bounce Vayne with Q even if you don't kill the minion. If you know how to freeze the lane and ward against ganks, there is not much what Vayne can do to stop you. Since MF will control the lane, she should also control the dragon and scuttler (with the help of her support). As Vayne, you should look for walls, ganks and punish mistakes in order to win.
At late game, MF has to transform her advantage into objectives and team fight victories so her early game helps the entire team. MF knows Vayne will eventually catch up if she is given a chance, so she needs to keep pressing the advantage. On the other hand, Vayne knows she can become stronger than MF if she can farm a little or score a couple of kills.
MF should stick to lethality path and standard runes (Aery, DH, FF or Conqueror), using the red trinket to reveal her ult. Vayne should probably stick to her BotRK with Guinsoo to be able to deal even better with tanks and rape MF on 1v1. Wards are a must.
I feel like both sides benefit a lot from supports like Sona and Nami. Not only they can heal, but also deal damage and buff your attacks. Both sides suffer and benefit a lot from those things.
MF counters Vayne. The only chance for Vayne to win is taking advantage of MF's mistakes (player skill) or having better allies (jungler and/or support).”
EagleBlades says “lvl 9 is the only problem with her and of course her really good late game. Try to punish the early game of Vayne or you will be hurting late game/mid game”
Master_Yagyu says “she cant 1v1 you(close combat no running) but she can outplay you,she will auto attack you and if you go to her she will run and hit you again and again.”
AisBuax says “I simply do not like playing as Jinx vs champs that can go invisible. If she engages first and catches you off-guard, you are dead. Poke her with your Q's rockets and dont get too close because her 3rd shot passive can deal massive damage to you. She can dodge your W with her Tumble, your E, your R. Basically, she can beat you like #!$% so try to play safe.”
Seigemaster035 says “Possibly the easiest matchup for twitch, early you win trades with cask and late you decimate her as well, also watch out for her condemn and not being next to walls when she/you all ins. an overall easy matchup”
I am META says “Lol I am joking, no one is a threat for you, you can dash away while leaving any enemy in a slow field. Only real threat is your own team ”
Robin Banks says “Skill Matchup. Even lane pre 6. Post 6 if she's ulting you and you're pushed up in lane just flash + e away. You won't out damage her.”
Vimo94 says “A nightmare in the late game, in the early, with a proper support could be very easily doomed.
iOwnPT says “Her low range provides you safety to poke her, whenever you see one ally minion low hp, be ready to poke her since she will go for it, so you poke her or she misses 1 cs.”
L U C I 4 N says “Vayne is a fair vs as adc as I have adc trouble vsing her sometimes. She can easily be taken down once you have gotten rid of her E.”
TianDaMan says “Ony a threat if you are 1v1. Watch out for her to Q > auto you during laning phase when going for a minion. Stay clear of walls or she will condemn you against it and you instantly lose that fight.”
ButterPone says “Her Tumble gives her lots of mobility and invisibility, which is really hard to deal with as Jinx. She will just run you down, and it's hard to hit your skillshots because of this.”
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