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Vayne Counter Stats

Vayne Counters
Discover all champions who counter Vayne. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Vayne in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,768 Tips for countering Vayne below

Bottom Lane
52.26% Win Rate84% Pick Rate Vayne Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Vayne in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Shindeiruwu says “If the vayne can get a lead early the game becomes unplayable both for you and your team late game. So just play safe early and dont get cheesed. If you land R she will disintegrate.”
[14.24] [KR Meta] Ashe Crit + AS by Shindeiruwu | Ashe Player
FroszTyzada says “Vayne e uma parede puxam a wave na mesma velocidade, te permitindo jogar pelo mapa com seu jungler, então tente pokear o máximo e dar all-in longe de moitas.”
The Plague Rat - Twitch ADCarry S14 / S15 by FroszTyzada | Twitch Player
FizzySobs says “She is a shorter ranged champion so it makes hitting her with your q easier”
Naafiri in the Botlane by FizzySobs | Naafiri Player
BrunkageManden says “W-wall is not to much use here. If you are quick block the E (condem) as this is the most threatening spell she can cast. Otherwise save it for the support cc, especially if it wouldn't stun you against a wall. She scales hard. Try to get ahead early. ”
Yasuo ADC by BrunkageManden | Yasuo Player
ERem32 says “Only be carefull in late game or when she gets BORK, BOOTS and GUINSOO.”
Avarosa says “ela vai tentar dar all win em voce pokeie e recue, apos ela desistir ai sim voce vai pra cima e abusa do seu range superior ganhe rapido ela escala mais que voce”
[14.21] Guia de como jogar de ashe by Avarosa | Ashe Player
DEG310 says “Vayne is the opposite of tristana, bad early good late. You win against her early but hard lose late.”
TRISTANA by DEG310 | Tristana Player
Dr Yoshili says “Really easy matchup, she has no range, not much burst, abuse your range, and your waveclear, she can't waveclear as fast as you ! Never duel her, she will always win, just wait for your team, you will be way more efficient in team fight”
gaarrett says “This matchup is entirely in Nilah's favor until you are both full build. Vayne is one of the only champions that can 1v1 a late game Nilah. W prevents her from proccing the true damage stacks and can avoid her enhanced autos from Q. Vayne will likely just E you away if you attempt to ult her, so keep that in mind and stand away from terrain. ”
14.19 Platinum Nilah Guide - The Cooler Samira by gaarrett | Nilah Player
toffelek says “uwazac na bledy jak cos sie stanie to dalej da sie wygrac”
jinx by toffelek | Jinx Player
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