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Vayne Counter Stats

Vayne Counters
Discover all champions who counter Vayne. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Vayne in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,723 Tips for countering Vayne below

Bottom Lane
50.51% Win Rate65% Pick Rate Vayne Bottom Lane Counters: 21 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Vayne in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Devilbuny says “Niewidzialność, true damage oraz odepchnięcie. Vayne to mocny przeciwnik ale nie niemożliwy”
Te włócznie to zemsta by Devilbuny | Kalista Player
EdenHoangKim says “Her mobility and her E make Nilah a little bit struggle to fight. You can try to kill her before 6. But after that, it's gonna be hard. Match with a hard cc support will make this easier to catch her.”
For The Joy Unbound! (14.13) by EdenHoangKim | Nilah Player
Alvatorz says “| STRENGTHS - Huge snowball potential / Great mobility / Can build tank / Huge DPS / Invisibility | WEAKNESSES - Short range / Weak to CC / Easy to abuse / Hard to comeback if behind | WHAT TO DO ? - Ok so, you lose small trades into her, you lose level 6, you lose late game, what do we do then ? Well we last hit and hope she doesn't get fed or our support is good. To be more serious, Vayne is a real threat for Smolder and you should be very focused on where she is at any time. Mid/late is also in Vayne's favor, try to Q her as soon as you see her. Otherwise, avoid her.”
[14.12] | The Fiery Fledgling [In Depth Guide-Builds] by Alvatorz | Smolder Player
Avxm says “Kogmaw generally counters vayne however she outscales you so dont fall behind earlygame. Try to harass her from your max w range and force her to tumble in and then look for all ins. She will try to poke you out with pta procs and tumbles similarly to a lucian so just try and force all ins if she dashes in.”
Kociokwik says “support dependant matchup. She is close range champion so you can hit your qs when she last hit minions be carefull abaout lvl6 all in. Vayne's q range is always the same so you can predict it.”
Karthus stomping bot start (free elo hack) by Kociokwik | Karthus Player
Latte9969 says “Vayne is a very bad matchup for Ezreal, She has a lot of mobility to dodge your skillshots and has a lot of movement speed to catch up with you if you step forward too much. The only thing Vayne lacks is range, so as long as you space yourself to never be in her auto range after she tumbles and hit her with max range Q's, she shouldn't be able to touch you.”
S14 Ezreal Guide (Unfinished) by Latte9969 | Ezreal Player
Foxirion says “Vayne's mobility and true damage can make her a major threat to Kog'Maw. Her ability to tumble in, shred tanks with Silver Bolts, and kite effectively with Final Hour can quickly eliminate Kog'Maw in skirmishes.”
Rank_1_Idiot says “Eventually outscales you and you cannot tank her damage, you will still beat her if she does not have enchanters/peel.”
[10.22] A D1 short guide to Tahm Kench ADC. by Rank_1_Idiot | Tahm Kench Player
afr0rk says “She can run you down as soon as she hits 6, mobile to dodge your Qs, and scales extremely well. Don't stand next to walls to avoid her E stun, poke her down in lane( try to predict her q if she has it, the cooldown is pretty significant early on so try and track it). She has terrible wave clear so keep crashing big waves into her and don't let her breathe. If you are ahead, a lot of times if you can land just 2 or 3 skillshots she will be low enough that you can win the all in anyways.”
loaderdragon15 says “ Ezreal's early-game strength and poke potential can delay the power spikes of scaling ADCs. He can pressure them in lane, denying her farm and experience, and potentially delaying her transition into the late game where she excels.”
Ezreal's Novel, In-Depth Ezreal Guide by loaderdragon15 | Ezreal Player
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Top Lane
50.17% Win Rate32% Pick Rate Vayne Top Lane Counters: 31 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Vayne in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

FlanWasTaken says “Once again, a tank melter with higher mobility than Leona. She can dodge your E or R with her Q dash, her R makes her invisible with Q, she has lots of true damage, etc.”
[14.13] Leona Bruiser AP/AD/Hybrid WIP by FlanWasTaken | Leona Player
IngvarE says “Rush steelcaps. Similar to Heimer in that you should farm under tower, respect her massively as she will shred you insanely fast. She can dodge your Q and E with her Q, beware of your positioning near walls to stop her E root, if she misuses E attempt to punish her for it if you're able to. If she gets fed (which is likely.. rito) consider frozen heart. Otherwise don't stress too much about it and focus on farming and helping your team. In low elo I'd argue the key to winning these matchups is patience. The type of people to play Vayne top are usually incredibly impatient and will get way too overly aggressive so if you play passively into her she will likely do something stupid that you can punish. Don't force anything.”
[14.13] Low Elo Illaoi (WIP) by IngvarE | Illaoi Player
smrgol says “I don't even know how to beat this champ, you do a lot more damage then her but her mobility and the ability to chase you with ult+ghost leaves you vunerable in every inch of the lane, Just wait for you jungler and roam”
Jhin is 4 top by smrgol | Jhin Player
Frankoloko says “Everything about her counters you. Her true damage hurts your tankyness. Her Q dodges a Q or E. Her Ult counters yours completely since she can just stay hidden until you come back. She's a nightmare to deal with. The best champion to ban vs Mordekaiser.”
Mordekaiser Matchups by Frankoloko | Mordekaiser Player
step1v9 says “This matchup is only extreme if you are against Saskio vayne. Otherwise, they will not have the competence to out space you well enough. Similar to varus, try to get the wave pulled towards you. If she wastes Q on farming the wave you can look for trades. Otherwise, you must play around her condemn. If she always holds it you need to find a window where you force her to use it. Walking towards Vayne usually does it, especially if they dont have Q to tumble away. When she uses R it is best to disengage. You lose post 6, so do your best to snowball and stay ahead.”
Step1v9 Guide Patch 14.12 - FULL MATCHUPS FOR EVERY CHAMPION by step1v9 | Tryndamere Player
CC IMMUNE says “Vayne is a very difficult matchup for Olaf, you need to land every single axe and buy Oracle Lens (Red Sweeper) before level 6 in order to kill her. Take Flash Ghost, she will match your summoner spells with her own, so Lucidity boots is a good option in order to have lower CD on your sums for more kill windows. Standard Rune Page.”
Raideru says “Matchup heavily dependant on how good the Vayne is and how much jungle attention you get, with fleet she is rly hard to kill unless she missteps otherwise pull her and run her down.”
Best Darius World Challenger Guide by RAIDERU by Raideru | Darius Player
Haxorr says “Vayne is similar to TF but a bit harder as she can knock you away and if you ever waste your e in a bad spot, she will run you down and kill you. Start DShield + Fleet Footwork and start your q, as you can get some free damage off on her level 1 by q auto -> running away. I rush Ravenous in this matchup, but you can really do any of the 3 items. As you get further into lane, the best way to trade versus vayne is to q on her, auto w and run away, potentially using your e if you have to. If she ever e's you away and you don't use your e, then you have a long window once your q is back up to jump on her and beat her. I have played this matchup against the best Vayne players on the server and as long as you respect their all-in potential, you should be okay.”
[14.11] Haxorr's Challenger Jax Guide by Haxorr | Jax Player
DuckQc says “Buy D shield or Corrupting and poke her. sometimes when she goes for trade, back off bcs if you try to return dmg and make trade even she will just hit you for as long until you come really close and then she will knock you back and you have to recall. It's smart to start farming and poking her from bush,which means that .However,it's survivable match up. If u are feeling comfortable pick regular starter items and every fight will be really close so keep that in mind”
Updated OLAF GIGGA MONSTER TOP by DuckQc | Olaf Player
Lukenzoo says “really recommend taking second wind with d shield and i dont reccomend dblade ”
Fiora guide by Lukenzoo | Fiora Player
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