Mid Lane 50.85% Win Rate64% Pick RateVladimir Mid Lane Counters: 37 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Vladimir in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Badplank says “Very chill lane, you can't really do alot since he heals himself but he can't do alot too as you shield yourself”
AlexFL7000 says “He's not that bad to face, just make sure you don't let him get off his empowered q on you or you're screwed. Try to play around his long cd's early, anti-heal would be good here”
GAMING ACADEMY says “Vladimir is a truly unique champion to face. During the early laning phase, he is relatively weak due to his long cooldowns and limited sustain, so focus on building a lead within the first five levels. Once he hits level 6 and returns to base, Vlad becomes significantly stronger. Aim to trade effectively and take advantage of his poor waveclear. If you see an opportunity, punish him when his Q is on cooldown, especially right after he uses his empowered Q. After level 6, he will often use his pool to avoid your ultimate, so if you land a stun, it’s usually best to ult immediately to ensure you deal the full damage.”
xumi_k says “Hides in his puddle with 10 hp, arrives from his puddle with 1000 hp. If he’s in the puddle don’t chase him. Go ignite if you want to kill him early, or buy Anti-heal, wait when he uses up his puddle and kill him. At first this matchup is kinda hard, especially if you're new to Irelia. You have to learn to land your E invisibly and outsmart him. That's fun once you get it! But still, quite complicated if you're new.
Tamikaze says “[Buy Orb first back = easy win]
Vladimir is generally an easy matchup, you just need to be conscious of his power spikes. Be aware of first item power spike, and post 6 ult+flash+E burst. Besides that, just first buy oblivion orb and you will win lane easily. ”
MattStyle says “Nunca debería ser capaz de matarte y nunca deberías ser capaz de matarlo. Su principal ventaja es que no utiliza maná y puede recuperarse del poke con su Q.
Ármate un Orbe del olvido (cortacuras) pronto.
Buscará escalar. Es necesario que tu JG intente anularlo.”
Hexeria says “[Only thing that is hard in this matchup is the early game and playing aroun his W] [Dont try to use your W or E when you know he has his pool up] [Other than that, just play safe early, get farm, and build either Bruiser or Tank, then he shouldnt be a problem]”
Tatsurion says “He does have infinite sustain, but needs to walk up to you to trade anyway, buying antiheal here obviously helps you tremendously.
W is a long ass cooldown so time your ult for when its down
Conq works fine if the comp allows”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Gathering]
(Cosmic insight)(Magical Footwear)
Summs: [Flash][Teleport]
Counter with: [Liandry,Verdant]
*Tear + Magic mantle, Liandry, Seraphs is your best bet.
he wins if you try to trade Q with him early, he can be easily poked down after Liandry. if you die once early he dives you 24/7*”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
With Conqueror or against Aery Vlad take D-shield, else you should be fine with a Long Sword start and some sustain in the runes.
Taking a summoner setup with Ignite is rather important due to his heal and to use your early pressure more effectively.
You want to trade when he doesn't have his empowered Q or if you want to go for an extended trade, if he's not close to getting it and disengage before he can land it.
As time goes on this matchup becomes more and more about mindgaming his W. Varying the amount of time you delay your Qs for after placing W can catch him offguard and make him use his pool even though you still have your Qs, leading to a very favourable trade.
Post 6 the W becomes even more important to the trades, as he potentially deny your whole burst.
Focusing on kiting is very effective, as Vladimir has rather low range.
If you are even or ahead, there will come a point in time, where Vladimir has to decide wether to not W your combo and eat a shitload of damage, but not be as vulnerable to a follow up, or the reverse of it, creating a very uncomfortable position for him.
Not that he can W your Death Mark, but you will still be able to hit him with 3 Q's, assuming you didn't instant Q. His pool lasts for 2 seconds, making it very punishable if you manage to mindgame it.
Later on it becomes very hard to shut him down alone, due to his insane late game.”
support_diff says “Vladimir is one of the champions with the most self heal in the whole game. If you poke him with your Q, he will take the health back from you with his own Q. He is also pretty much invulnerable to your close trades as he can just dive into his personal bloodpool with his W and get away from you. This also means that he is really hard to gank. You pretty much can't win against him early, so your goal is to win him in terms of farm and keep your distance. You can't kill him, but he has a hard time killing you too”
vitya331 says “A lot of people say Vladimir is not a very bad match up and it seems they are right, but personally for me its a perma ban i do not enjoy playing against him. He will overheal and poke you early game but after you get lost chapter he is not a strong threat just walk up to him and try to trade and use your E only after he wastes his W or if you are sure he will not dodge it.”
sick204 says “Respect Vladimir's sustain and scaling potential with his abilities, especially his Q and passive. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Vladimir's abilities and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Vladimir's all-ins and burst potential with his empowered Q and ultimate, especially when he has full stacks of his passive. Utilize W to block Vladimir's E in trades and team fights to reduce his damage output. Engage on Vladimir when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on health, as he relies on his cooldowns and resource management for sustain. Consider building items like Executioner's Calling or Mortal Reminder to reduce Vladimir's healing and mitigate his sustain.”
SkandalloTV says “Don't try too much to kill him. His sustain is too big and Irelia is mana hungry early game. Go Liandry's Torment first, anti-heal and cooldown runes. Just focus on farming and getting items.”
otaliz says “Be careful with his level 6 all-in. Buy Oblivion Orb if no one on your team is getting anti-healing. Play to scale and look for roaming opportunities.”
Foxirion says “Vladimir’s high sustained damage and healing can be a threat to Swain, as he can withstand Swain’s damage and quickly deal high damage.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Blade or Shield. Annyoing with healing but rather then that an okay Skill Match up. All in him or he will heal back all the damage you traded with him. Dogde his R with Q3.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the First Strike page in this lane, and start Amplifying Tome.]
You realistically won't be able to kill Vladimir in lane, and he will heavily outscale you later, so just try to farm up gold off of him with First Strike, and avoid trades otherwise. Pay attention to the bar below his health, as it grants him movement speed toward enemy Champions when it turns red and empowers his next suck to do significantly more damage.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HPs.
Don't fall too low health in this lane or he will try to dive you with his pool and you have no counterplay against that. Poking him too hard is hard because of his sustain, and he can W your full combo. Play with your range to nullify his power, you have a range advantage against him.”
ShokLoL says “Vladimir is a very unique champion to play against. In the early laning phase Vlad is quite weak, he has fairly long cooldowns and his sustain is not particularly great so try and build a lead in the first 5 levels. After 6 and first base Vlad becomes quite strong, try and trade efficiently and abuse his lack of waveclear. If you get the chance, try look to punish him whenever his Q is down, especially immediately after he uses his empowered Q. Post 6 he will try use his pool to dodge your ultimate, so if you land a stun normally you want to ult immediately so that you get all the damage off.
awawa says “He will dodge your fear and heal all the damage. GET OBLIVION ORB EARLY
You can't really kill him in lane. Look for roams. If he's starting to get fed, rush banshees. His damage is no joke. ”
ShokLoL says “Vladimir is a very unique champion to play against. In the early laning phase Vlad is quite weak, he has fairly long cooldowns and his sustain is not particularly great so try and build a lead in the first 5 levels. After level 6 you will mainly be looking to abuse his lack of waveclear, and try avoid trades when his empowered Q is about to come up.”
ShokLoL says “Vladimir is a very unique champion to play against. In the early laning phase Vlad is quite weak, he has fairly long cooldowns and his sustain is not particularly great so try and build a lead in the first 5 levels. After 6 and first base Vlad becomes quite strong, try and trade efficiently and abuse his lack of waveclear. If you get the chance, try look to punish him whenever his Q is down, especially immediately after he uses his empowered Q. Mana is very important in this matchup, so consider taking manaflow + biscuits and rushing either chapter or tear + chapter. Antiheal (in lane) is pretty useless against Vlad a lot of the time so don't bother buying it.
ShokLoL says “Vladimir is a very unique champion to play against. In the early laning phase Vlad is quite weak, he has fairly long cooldowns and his sustain is not particularly great so try and build a lead in the first 5 levels. After 6 and first base Vlad becomes quite strong, try and trade efficiently and abuse his lack of waveclear. If you get the chance, try look to punish him whenever his Q is down, especially immediately after he uses his empowered Q. Electrocute ignite can be very useful in this matchup as Vladimir really struggles with being traded on early game.”
Soft Headpats says “Vladimir is surprisingly easy to deal with as Hwei. You outrange him and clear the wave much more quickly and safely in comparison. You are able to bully him early on as long as you manage your mana properly. Just make sure you space his empowered Q, and you'll be fine.
In teamfights, Hwei has a lot of tools to zone off Vladimir or at least slow him down, so as long as you or your team don't get caught off guard (e.g. Vlad flashing or ghosting onto your team), he shouldn't be a problem.
Do NOT rush Oblivion Orb against Vlad - you outdamage his healing up until about 1-2 items. You can consider sitting on orb after you finish at least your first item.”
ShokLoL says “Vladimir is a very unique champion to play against. In the early laning phase Vlad is quite weak, he has fairly long cooldowns and his sustain is not particularly great so try and build a lead in the first 5 levels. After 6 and first base Vlad becomes quite strong, try and trade efficiently and abuse his lack of waveclear. If you get the chance, try look to punish him whenever his Q is down, especially immediately after he uses his empowered Q. You can do this by either just focusing on pushing the wave or trying to force a trade.
AWierdShoe says “Try to push with Q early on so it pushes slowly into him while blocking his Q’s with your passive shield. If you managed to push faster, then walk up to him right before you hit level 2 and instantly taunt in when you hit 2 for a trade. If he picks E level 2 keep punishing him. Once he has his pool it’s all about forcing him to use it by taunting in for a trade, and then using the long pool cooldown of 28 seconds to taunt in again once it is up again. Position the blade up the lane between the taunts, so you can get the initial slow with Q.
Deceiver_euw says “Unless Vladimir messes up early on, this matchup is very hopeless for LeBlanc. After lvl7 vlad sustain becomes way too much to deal with so if he does not mess up early, your only play is to roam and hope early fights happen so you can influence them because vladimir will probably just sit mid and farm. He outscales you 1v1 very early into the game and is practically ungankable if he just uses W to avoid your chain.”
plankbro says “If I had two bans, this would be it. This guy pokes you HARD and will outheal anything you dish out to him. Early game just focus on backing off when his blood bar is almost full and come back whenever he uses it up. Even doing this, he will out poke and out trade you. He can all-in with ignite early and run you down mid game and late game, and he also is extremely strong in teamfights. Focus on not feeding him early and just play for mid-game when he's teamfighting so you can take towers uncontested. Don't even bother with anti-heal, it won't change a thing. Avoid him and play AROUND him.”
ShokLoL says “You can normally bully Vlad through the lane as long as you respect when he has his empowered Q. He also has low waveclear so you can always nuke the wave and reset if you need to. Try and be efficient with your mana and don't waste abilities otherwise he will be able to outsustain your poke.”
vSomnia says “Take ignite and perma harass this champ. Trade with e and Hail Of Blades instantly after he uses first Q.
If you use first E some vlad instantly panic and uses w than you just keep running towards him and E2 on him when he gets out. Your E duration is longer than his W.
When he doesn't instantly W you either get your whole passive proc with Hail Of Blades and use Q as final blow. Or you get two passive stacks he uses W you wait till he gets out and try to hit Q and get passive proc.
Dont play passive or he will abuse you with sustain, outscale you and carry.
Be perma aggresive.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Vladimir focus on farm cause his sustain make your trade near to null, avoid his empowered Q, try to trade when his W is on cd”
Kikife says “Play safe on your side and stack Q to then go and gank other lanes using E to cut through terrain and R to secure a slow and a kill, whilst using teleport as a crutch to return to lane.”
vreiki says “Lissandra tem muitas dificuldades pra punir o Vladimir e prejudicar seu farm. A falta de mana no early game vai deixar o Vlad livre pra farmar o quanto quiser.”
gaarrett says “If you take good trades early, he will probably resort to sitting under tower and sustaining off the wave. This is your cue to roam. [4/5] ultimate, it's like a Zed ult that heals you. Great to throw out when enemies group up so you can soften up a whole bunch of them before you go in. ”
ImVoxxX says “Anti-heal is kinda a must if you want to lane against him.
Bait his pool and don't let his empowered Q hit you.
Best strategy is roams anyway.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Play aggresive, if you play to scale you'll lose, take ignite, and level 6, his ultimate increases the dmg you deal to him.
Juega agresivo, si juegas a escalar perderás, lleva IGNITE y al nivel 6, su ultimate aumenta el daño que le infliges.”
wundrew says “If you can bait his W with short trades, run him down before it comes back up. Use ult for grevious wounds so he doessnt heal as much. DO NOT let him get empowered Q on you.”
SurferKiller says “Major matchup if he takes Phase rush. Minor matchup if he doesn't. Play safe until 6. If he uses his W after recently triggering phase rush, all in.”
KazunaSan says “Vous ne le tuerez pas si il joue bien, cependant il ne pourra pas vous tuer si vous gerez bien votre passif, vous aurez le push et pourrez dominer l'early mid game, ne vous faites pas avoir par sa pool (W) et ne gaspillez pas votre E pour rien, c'est un mindgame, le premier qui rate son sort perd.”
FrostbiteMW says “Can be annoying, but he will probably build toward spirit visage for the heal, so better build Liandry's Torment or Void staff. He will be op late game, so try to bully him in lane. Keep in mind that he as excellent sustain though.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can abuse and win the lane pre 6. Perma poke and be as annoying as possible. If you get an advantage you can snowball the lane. If lane goes even he will slowly outscale you - at some point he can just run you down, so be careful.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Try to abuse his weak early game. If you play from max range theres no way he could reach and poke you.”
Shinbae says “Владимир довольно слабый против Зои, часто открывается, особенно особенность Владимир плееров уходить в вешку(лужу) нанося себе ещё больше дамага, чем могло быть, т.к. действие сна 2с как стана и на остаточный прок 2,5с что в свою очередь его лужу делает бесполезной”
Wizboy73 says “Take Default or Snowball runes. If he gets ahead its over. a good vlad will play safe till 6 then all in under turret with ignite. if he has no ignite, then nothing to fear. but build early oblivion or he will never get low. ”
ChefKami says “His healing is your enemy. Try to do quick, small trades with river and bush Q and then back away. Don't let him heal after the trade. Repeat.”
Halkem says “Tough matchup in early lane, but after LC it becomes really bad for him. The only way he kills you is if you walk way too far without summs or R and he runs you down. Your ult makes him useless entire game unless he has QSS. ”
Iceyou says “Exactly equal with kassadin just play aggro and he cant follow he is useless until very late into the game . dont try to kill 1v1 its not worth the trouble .
Rush oblivion orb after chapter”
TismoTheTilted says “Bait his W and you should be fine as long as you don't let him heal on a champion with stacked Q. Keep in mind, his R heals him as well.
He can't really kill you because he has no mobility, just W away.”
The Milelator says “Trading him won't do much, since he heals back all the damage. Use your far better push to get prio and help your team with objectives and ganks. In late game it takes him at least 20 seconds to kill you.
Don't get antihealing! Someone who goes executioner or oblivion orb needs to! ”
WarwicksSimp says “Good ban.
Unplayable. You have to play perfectly to peel him off your team in teamfights. E fear him then R him while he is still feared or just r him after you know his puddle is off cooldown.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “This character has a get-out-of-jail-free card and ridiculous sustain. Try you best to harass, but don't sacrifce good amounts of farm for it.”
FrostbiteMW says “He is weak early-mid game. After 6 you can easily all-in him. Once hes stunned/slowed he has no way of escaping, since he has no real kind of CC. Because of his low range you can always fight him, just be careful of your mana.”
Tokiyami says “Battle of sustain go for long trades vs vladimir early because his Cds are on a very long cool down. If you struggle with vladimir can buy oblivion orb first item but can look for solo kills if he wastes pools same with trades.”
FlopQueenEra says “Vladimir is known for his exceptional sustain due to his passive, and his (Q) ability. This allows him to consistently heal back any poke or damage Sona can deal, making it difficult for Sona to harass him effectively.
Yannik123 says “If you land e and he casts his w you can q a bit later to still land your q and make his w useless. If he w before you land e go back. Poke him and go back if he has empowered q.”
Glitchgun says “The chances of killing him is low. The chances of him killing you is low if he does NOT get a gank. Often laning against a Vladimir is just farming simulator, so just be careful about ganks and remember to look at map if jungler needs help. Your wave doesn't get hard pushed by him.”
Lindroganti says “Easy to kill early, get swifties and it is even easier. Block his empowered Q or wait it out, block his E as it is easy to do so. Only bad because he will scale, and with his pool it is harder to stop him than most.”
support_diff says “Farm and back off when he gets his empowered Q, that is pretty much all you can do against him as his W prevents you from using E on him and he can heal your poke back easily with his Q”
Fuzzmonkey says “Always take Ignite against Vlad. It might be difficult to get him low with all his healing, and his pool might counter your all in, but you will win with the damage output. Just make sure to back off when he has his enhanced Q, (when he has a full red bar) ”
Shark of Void says “He can evade your skills and just overpower you. If you play it right, it won't be a problem for you. Don't drag out the game against him!”
Wraithlander says “Quite a difficult matchup if the vlad has taken aery and knows what they are doing. He out sustains you and will try to poke you down. Avoid his empowered Q and look to trade when he has no stacks of Q or his pool is down. Ignite can be really nice for cutting his healing in half or making sure he doesn't get away on a slither of health with his pool.”
FlopQueenEra says “Orianna can engage in a fight against Vladimir, but it's important to understand that this matchup can be challenging due to Vladimir's unique kit and sustain abilities, I already play against him and I can't 1v1 to him because of his heals.
sullyyylol says “MISERY
You can fight him early but if you don't kill him he will just heal to full and you're doomed. Just farm up and avoid fighting, he's weak overall rn so you can take over mid game.”
N1comagno03 says “Play very safe, 'cause he is an all-in champion, and if he successful bates your e w q combo with his w, you won't have ways to escape him.
Always dodge his empowered q.”
Shark of Void says “Он может уклониться от ваших умений и просто перестоять вас. Если вы играете правильно, он не составит вам проблем. Не затягивайте против него игру!”
TheBougis says “Vladimir is one of a few champions that can compete with your healing.
Not much counter-play against him, he heals so much antiheal seems like it doesn't really work (still buy it of course, it negates ridiculous amounts of healing).”
Just_Invalid says “Vladimir's W can cancel out your ult which is pretty annoying, but in lane overall an easy matchup if you poke them down while their W is down. Just be careful not to take too many Q hits from him so you can out sustain him. Hitting your E is crucial to sustain here.”
BigDaddyPantheon says “Rush oblivion orb. AP Panth doesn't do well in extended fights, his damage comes from burst. Vladimir is annoying but not impossible.”
Zero macro says “Vladimir has a sustained kit against poke combined with really strong all in. Vladimir has short ranged damage spells. Kog'Maw is good at dealing with high HP enemies and has high range to do so. But Vladimir his sustain,healing and strong all in can become an issue into it.”
serrafim says “Unless vlad goes aery, this matchup is pretty good. Trade if he Qs (Bloodsuck) a minion, and never trade if his empowered Q is coming up. Buy Morello's for Grevious wounds, which will reduce his healing. ”
DepresedEef224 says “All Vlad lanes are the same. Play this how you would pretty much any other champ vs. Vlad. No special sauce. Once he presses W he won. Unless you get ganks, he will scale no matter what you do.”
AngeReaper says “Playstyle like an Assassin, and stick on him, take your Grasp as a mini Electrocute with 4 sec CD and give you sustain but stay healthy until lvl 3
bait his W before ulting by poking him a lot with your combo”
Actt says “Good sustain with Q and an even better W. Avoid his empowered Q. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “Go comet and do lots of auto trading. You hard win early just have to play it smart. If you go even in this match up you do lose. ”
Braimyy says “Really frustrating match up if he can get a lead, he will just dive you under your turret. As long as he doesn't get a big lead match up is ok, otherwise it is unplayable.”
IggyBoom says “Vladimir is like one of the only champs that you can run down on level 1. He has no Chance against you. Since your Q heal is stronger than his own Q heal.”
ITSHOT says “Its personal with Vlad for me
W dodges your E and R
Either get defensive or scaling runes and stay back and farm don't overextend, get teleport or ghost secondary and either start Doran's Shield or Cull first ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ignite]
[Don't let him use his empowered Q on you or you will take more damage and he will heal more]
[Bait his pool then use your abilities]
[Buy Oblivion Orb]”
freuio123 says “Useless Champ, Vladimir outsustained dich irgendwann, dann tpst du und bist wieder fine.
Du outpushst, outroamst und outvaluest idr Vladimir.
Würde mich immer darauf konzentrieren Wave zu spielen und ihn nur zu poken, wenn du merkst, dass er wirklich gar kein fick auf dich gibt.”
qaffqa says “A HUGE pain in the ass to play against as Viktor. If fairly good he will just outscale you and oneshot you probably. My permaban on ranked games.”
Anguish333 says “- Can trade him, unless he has empowered Q, Don't get hit by those)
- If you are trading with him and he is trying to Empower Q You, hide in Shroud and then trade right after he uses Empowered Q on minion
- Hide behind Minions to dodge E
- if his W is on CD, we can heavy trade or even all-in him
- Worst thing in this matchup is his scaling, he will scale no matter what, and your team will always int himXD”
NickLeVlach says “What am I supposed to say about Vlad? He is like the others. He can dodge EVERY TRADE, with his W. If you manage to beat him with help in the early game. Then in the late game will be healed like a whore. Even if you get an anti heal, he's gonna kill you anyway. Ban him. ”
Zeusman00 says “This matchup is won and lost in the first 10m of laning phase, I like to take ignite and heavily trade starting from level 3, whoever gets ahead first basically wins the laning phase.”
uwuimsocute says “Rush Morellos if you are uncomfortable with this Matchup.
After 6 with Ghost and Ignite he can run you down, so be careful.
Just play for scaling if you dont know your limits in this matchup, he cannot match it really.”
Fluddah says “Not fun to play into, can just w after you w into tower, does shit loads of damage, gets mad tanky. You might be able to bully early tho ”
Jg_diff says “Don't go near when his lower bar is red and full- he will deal around 300 damage and heal them to himself. He can also towerdive you, so don't think staying under the turret would be safe.”
Cryniu says “Take advantage of your early-mid game and poke him. Vladimir outscales you but you have powerful tools against him. Your slow and CC combos negate him a lot, but be patient when he uses his W to dodge your bombs. Focus on slow him and negate his engage.”
bhakli says “Bait his W, try to land E. If he is good, just farm and try to 2v2 with jungler. get antiheal if its really needed but bork usually melts him”
TB Azir says “Vladimir menzil farkından dolayı Azir'e karşı gerçekten inanılmaz useless bir pick. Karşınızdaki Vlad Sürat+Sıçra+Hayalet ile oynuyorsa kötü oynamadığınız sürece Azir’le birebirde lanede Vlad’a kaybetmek veya ölmek diye bir şey yok. Bazen Elektrik Ver+Sıçra+Ignite Vlad'lar görüyoruz ve Azir'e karşı lanede play yapabilecek tek Vlad oynanışı da bu fakat bu sefer de lanede snowball olmadığı takdirde bu rün ve büyüler Vlad için fightlarda useless olabiliyor. Kısacası clickleriniz iyiyse ve range'inizi koruyabiliyorsanız çok da ekstra bi olayı yok, kontrol tamamen sizde. Sadece ufak bi trick vermek gerekirse: İlk baseden sonra tarayıcı veya pink ward alıp adamın can çekmek için kuşlara attığı totemi kırabilirsiniz👍🏻
Rün: PTA”
South Z says “Vladimir is awful to lane against, not only as Jax, but in general.
That being said, apart from his W, he does not have a lot of escape tools and can be abused early on.”
Smudey says “Vlad is notorious for scaling hard and having a bad early game. If he doesn't space his Q well, you can taunt into him and trade. Once he has his pool you can try to bait it out and punish him during his long cooldown. Ignite will be even more beneifical since you will cut his healing by a lot. ”
darkezmond says “Skill matchup. In order for him to somehow get to know you, he needs to approach at a fairly close distance, for this, run away with your E and poke W => Q, aggress from the first minutes with your Q and auto attacks”
kaiba77 says “Hard if you get behind. make sure you REALLY punish his Q cooldown and its easy. Once he is low enough HP or wastes his pool go in. Rush morellonomicon.”
ardizzle says “Vladimir is someone you want to take Dark Harvest against. You won't kill him early but with proper positioning, you will be able to get several DH stacks in lane.
Watch his Q bar to sneak in free autos. He doesn't heal much for minions and can not maintain wave control by saving Q for harass. ”
Boptimus says “You have no real good way of duelling Vladimir unless they seriously mis-position or waste their W. I would stack lots of MR especially if their Mid/Jg are AP, and focus on trying to get perfect CS.
Second Wind and D Shield to stay healthy.”
Edwwardo says “Your kit has a hard time punishing him in lane, which is far from optimal for someone with scaling as good as Vlad. If your jungler is not on top of things this could get pretty messy. Convince your jungler to gank you a lot and do whatever you can to keep him away from lane, cs and xp. If you die in the process, so be it. ”
ddieguito_es says “Can be annoying and is hard to reach bc of Phase Rush and he can get out with his W of everything. Get anti-heal / MR. He shouldn't kill you.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow absolute gathering.
Presence cut-down.
Liandries rush.
Don't try and fight him after his second item, ever. Consider antiheal.
Slow push to punish his trades. Do not get in sustain war (he will win). You require burst. His q's will outheal you in any prolonged fight.
Chunk him in lane while avoiding his q. His sustain is high, but you can trade with him early. You'll be weaving in and out of kill-zone in between his q-heals.
Consider banshees.”
Deru says “He outscales you hard but you can abuse his w cd to ask for ganks. You also are able to outshove and roam so play with your teammates rather than trying to stomp him.”
Deru says “He outscales you hard but you can abuse his W cd to ask for ganks. You also are able to outshove and roam so play with your teammates rather than trying to stomp him.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Be careful, his Q has 2 charges, you can catch him on this with your Q if he tries to aggress. His charges are visible under his health, when the 2 strip is being recruited, be ready to leave, or try to catch him. The main thing is to keep your distance, because he can also go to W, pass under your W, and use his E, which slows down and works in his W. Note, he MUST use his E before applying his W, otherwise he will just crawl "underground". Therefore, you will have time to react to his aggression.”
StralekS says “Unplayable just FF or Dodge: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with Q. Wait for jungler or other allay to come for all in. Sunderer rush into Nashor. This is recommended but you really can't do much against him anyways.”
WayOfTheWlnd says “He does more damage to himself LOL, but he will heal from you and definitely make laning phase sort of a nightmare for levels 1-4 but once you hit 6 and get your powerspikes you win.”
wagNRumble says “Vladamir is similar to Kassadin, but you can bully him early and mid game since he has no dashes. Like Kassadin, he will outscale you later and being difficult to damage him later in the game as he has his W to dodge your abilities and he has an enormous HP pool due to his passive. When playing against him it is important to deny him as much as possible and roam to get your other laners ahead.
He has very high cool downs early, so use that to your advantage and remember to IGNITE early to prevent healing.”
Mayuushii says “Use your better range to poke but don't walk up when he has empowered abilities cause he will heal. W away when he goes invulnerable and goes for a bloodsuck and blast. R away if he R's. Poke him with Q and occasionally W if he doesn't have empowered abilities ”
Samikin says “Minor Threat.
You will normally be able to out-damage Vladimir's healing in the early game as long as you don't let him get his empowered Q's onto you. Force out his pool with your E and then run him down with Ignite once you get him low enough. If Vlad pools after being asleep, your sleep will last longer than Vlad's pool.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Conqueror]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Eclipse or Prowler]
[Dont let him Q you when you farm] [Wait his W then you can go in] [Rush Executioner's Calling]”
MAXimumCRUZ says “Guess what? He can poke you down and heal all damage you manage to poke him with. Also he can just walk away whenever he goes invulnerable.
Sorry if this happens to you. He's not common enough to ban though. ”
TheAfricanDream says “Respect Vladamir's empowered Q and never let him land it on you and the lane is very easy to play. Swain has a minor range advantage over vlad and can easily poke him down in lane. Your E is very easy to land in the lane so keep looking to use your E whenever you can. Take ignite to reduce his healing when he ults and from the empowered Q. This will make it very easy to kill vlad in lane. Vlad will outscale you but you can get some early Magic Resist and you should be just fine.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “Very tedious, he has a lot of sustain, it is hard to kill him. He will scale and become an issue. Luckily, late game you have liandry's demonic embrace and morellonomicon so you will be useful in later fights against him. Save your Q for his empowered Q. Use boxes for distance between you and him. Buy oblivion orb after liandry's. ”
Cjtheawesome says “Easy lane, just avoid him getting a lot of Q's onto you and you should be totally fine here. He outsustains so for every trade you take its a good trade for him remember that.”
gejus21 says “wyjebie sie z ulepszonego Q to all iny w nieskonczonosc i krzakami ciagle nadupcaj zeby nie mogl sie z ciebie lekać, ale i tak od 9 lvl raczej sie konczy twoja szansa”
Demonsedge90 says “Engaging Vladimir is tough when he can use his blood pool to dodge any ability you throw at him. Wait until he has used this ability in combat. Ensures that you hit him with your full combo and secure the kill.”
Atemporal says “Na maioria dos confrontos como Ekko, você fica muito feliz em apenas sobreviver, mas o confronto com Vlad é uma exceção. Nesta lane, você deve realmente vencer o início do jogo ou ele rapidamente obterá muito HP e se tornará forte demais para você lutar com ele, e eventualmente
ele começa a matar toda a sua equipe. O nível 1 pode ser ganho com o E start, mas contra bons jogadores você não conseguirá proc passiva a menos que você vá Hail of Blades. Com Electro e Q comece apenas relaxe e não deixe ele Q você de graça. Você ganha a partir do nível 2.
Alguns jogadores de Vlad podem pegar o nível 2 do W, o que fará você perder o comércio, mas o W dele tem um longo tempo de espera, então use esta janela para negociar permanentemente. Você quer deixá-lo empurrar do nível 1. Se ele não estiver acertando os lacaios, tente atraí-lo para o Q para que ele
fica minion aggro e a onda começa a empurrar para você. Nível 2 e em diante você quer negociar o tempo todo. E off cooldown. Você não pode se dar ao luxo de brincar com o jungler ou ele vai se curar completamente. Coloque alas iniciais para que você possa saber onde
o jungler inimigo é. Você não quer dar um tempo ao Vladimir. É importante não ser atingido por um único Vlad Q fortalecido. Você quer negociar o tempo todo, exceto quando o Q dele estiver a poucos segundos de ser fortalecido. Você pode muitas vezes
faça uma troca rápida e fuja mesmo que seu Q fortalecido esteja perto de aparecer. Se Vlad estiver baixando, não use W para fazer uma troca se ele ainda tiver W. Vlad é forçado a fazer pool se você E para ele de qualquer maneira, então E para ele, se ele usar W, então você W
seu caminho para bloqueá-lo ou atordoá-lo. Certifique-se sempre de acender antes da piscina e antes do Q. Após o nível 6, você pode até fazer negócios sob sua torre. Trocar seu R pelo W dele é muito bom se você souber que pode puni-lo enquanto ele
piscina está abaixo. O Ekko de Proto + Nashor está muito bem neste confronto. Com 2 itens, você pode procurar 1v1s o tempo todo, desde que não fique para trás. Jogue o jogo de forma inteligente, pois uma morte ruim pode perder o jogo. Vlad fica realmente tanquinho quando consegue o seu
do Rabadon.”
pamiclo says “akali's biggest weakness is sustain and this fucking vampire looking son of a bitch blood mage has a huge sustain. ask for gank when he used w. i ALWAYS BAN in high elo.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens/Everfrost/Crown
R: Phaserush
S: Barrier
Dein Ziel ist es, ihn early zu poken wo er noch weak ist und ihn später auf Range zu halten damit er ohne Summoners nicht an dich ran kommt. Er outscaled dich aber hat nicht den Long Range waveclear also nutze das um ihn beschäftigt zu halten”
IamBishop says “Can duel him early,he has like no poke, hes pretty elusive so don't spend too much time looking for a fight past 3. You can ult him later if he's threatening to open up on your team. ”
Lucid Walking says “Both heal maniacs
Main difference is that Vladimir will scale the hell out of you especially if he takes antiheal. Don't give him early kills, Q him when he tries to move in closer to Q on you.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Its harder if its on midlane, but on toplane you can punish him very hard early. Your Qs outdamages his heal and you can shit on him with barrels. He can W them tho, but it costs him 1/5 of his max hp so if he does the trade is already won. It gets harder late but if you manage to make him be behing its managable”
Spoomk says “Don't bother. Anything you try can be negated and his healing beats yours. Try to hold back your tears and wait for an emergency gank to maybe help you win a fight whenever possible. ”
Cheeseypops1 says “You can consider taking ghost ignite into vlad But flash ignite is fine, But pre 6 you wont be kill him 1v1 unless you can hit a couple E's on him and he is bad a sidestepping, But at 6 if you hit e into 6 its almost alwasy a kill if you hit abilities and ignite him before he heals off his r or empowered q”
Xelikari says “Vlad is tough to kill but he’s a REALLY easy lane opponent. You can take Comet or Electrocute, whatever the game calls for-- Electrocute for more skirmish/roam playstyle which is what I prefer, especially in this matchup. Vlad is also really easy to kill provided he doesn’t have W. If you can force his W pool out then you can kill him, do not dive him with it up unless you’re certain you can kill him.
If I’m mid, I look to roam often since he’ll probably be playing really far back. If you're in the top lane you can easily run him down the lane. Watch his resource bar, it’ll tell you when he has his Q up and don’t trade with him when it’s glowing red or about to be full, just walk away. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s W has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Q available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Q on the minion wave rather than you. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
Adamonias says “Winrate says its Xerath favoured; but honestly not that easy to play. Obviously early oblivion orb, NEVER let him empowerd Q you for free. If he is forced to keep Qing the wave he will have less sustain and you may even be able to poke him out of lane. Ping for help when he W's and look to bully him early. Play behind minions for his E, as it will block the biggest burst in his kit. He does outscale and out teamfight you”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
SM1LSE says “Vlad is easily my least favourite matchup on Xerath, he favours all ins with the ability to go untargetable so he counters you. Rush Oblivion Orb and hope you can at least farm decently.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
SkyBanana says “Vladimir before the durability update was an issue. Extremely tanky and one shots every squishy mage. After it he isn't that great since now people can fight him back. Seraphine against Vlad must make sure she does not get Q spam and he heals all of your trades. All ins he can still kill you but make sure to hold on your hard CC after he pulls.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W)
has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q)
available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Q on the minion wave rather than you.”
Body Those Fools says “You out-range him early, but he's very annoying because of his sustain. Don't walk up to him when he has his empowered Q. You'll know when his Q is up if you pay attention to his bar under his HP. Stay behind minions so he can't hit you with his E. I like E+Qing into him when he is low HP and igniting him to force him to use pool, which does 20% of his current HP so he pretty much kills himself. If he Ults you, just drift away; you can't Ult him away if he has W up. Once you get Lost Chapter, this matchup becomes a lot easier.”
KayyeN says “Not too strong early on in general, but you are very powerless against him. He can push pretty fast and heal back up while doing so. If you ever all in him, he can W to safety or dodge your damage as a whole, punishing you with Q and E while you're disengaging again. Don't let him use his empowered Q on you and try snowballing through roams.”
HikariWoosh says “Vladmir isn't too bad, although his pool allows him to dodge your ult, you can constantly trade with him using E-Q, and if he wastes his pool on it, you can follow up with ult for big damage.”
Galactities says “You really just can't fight him. Kites you. Uses his pool to kite you even more. Pokes you with Q the entire lane. And just heals everything you do to him. Either way you can't even gap close onto him since he's gonna be farming 10km away from lane.”
KatloveGG says “It's hard to win the line on him. It has a great lanning phase, so yoon mainly need to focus on the farm and waiting for the gank. Roam on bot can give you a lot”
Kurchina says “Some say easy, other say hard, in reality anti heal asap, but even then he just out heals it and does insane damage, also dont forget pisspool..”
jesterjedi93 says “There is a good reason he's top tier champ right now. Tons of dmg, a lot of sustain and his pool covers basically half the lane which makes him very hard to gank. You can fight him early after he uses his Q on the minions, block his E dmg with your W and ALWAYS avoid being close to him when he has the red bar!”
zzehu says “Ma ogromny sustain na linii, hp scalujace sie z ap, na lvl 9 ma q na max lvl [3/4s cd] wiec raczej nie masz szans go zabic jak nie jestes super ahead.”
Super08131208 says “Do not get hit by Vlad's empowered Q that's the only way he can win trades against you. Once it's down, you can play aggressive against Vlad. His pool isn't a big deal. Vlad scales really hard late game so try to abuse him as much as possible from level 3 to 14 as that is where he starts to get really strong.
Zoose says “Push him in early. Always avoid his 3rd charged Q and wait until it times out. His W pool can avoid your entire combo, so only use W when its down. His pool has around 30 second cooldown early game. Ignite is important to counter his healing and damages him in his W blood pool. Your mana usage is important, since Vlad is a manaless champion, he will always out sustain you. Oblivion orb, and later on Morellonomicon, are solid items to counter his healing, probably best after your Mythic and boots.”
CaptainBattlaxe says “Poke him around his Q CD (you see it on the bar below his health), ignite early to avoid healing, once you have sheen you can outpoke his weak Q's, never Q him when his strong Q is ready. Orange for healing.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Don't let him poke you for free especially from his empowered Q]
[Bait his pool before going to use your E]
[Buy Morellonomicon]”
spicy ricecaker says “This lane is actually pretty tough. Most people think that vladimir is a scaling champion, but vladimir can actually choose to go full combat runes and summoners (aery w/ ign ghost for example) and try to fight you early, *while* outscaling you late. To top it off, vladimir can make a lot of mistakes and just heal it all up, while you have to play perfectly and kill him on your first all-in attempt, or he will just out sustain you.
**Make sure you take dblade**, since vladimir is one of the champions that will outsustain your damage if you go dshield.
Go second wind + revitalize + ign.
Keep the wave near your tower, and try to look for trades after he uses his q on minions or when your passive is up. Do not trade if it means you'll start slow-pushing the wave towards him, since most vlads will then perma freeze the wave near their tower, which means you'll be screwed since your only strategy is to all-in him, and you can't with a short wave.
During an all-in, try to get close to him without eing onto him directly, while weaving autos and qs. Once you have nado, try to bait his pool by eing onto him and autoing him until he pools. You can time the q so that as he emerges out of the pool he's instantly knocked up. If he lives your all-in then wait another 2 minutes 30 seconds for ignite to come up and try again. Remember, you lose late (unless your comp is insanely better than theirs) so trying to get an advantage early is your only recourse.”
basrty1p says “If Vladimir players just play safe and farm with you, there's nothing you can do to kill him.
His Q heals him so much and if he get in dangerous moment, he just use W to dodge all damage that will come to him instantly.
Buy Oblivion Orb to reduce his sustain and farm normally.
If you can call your jungler to kill him, that's great to punish him in early game and make him useless in late game.”
quinn adc says “Vlad matchup is quite easy, but the key is to play aggressive during lane phase.
Vlad will hard outsustain you, so if you take short trades every so often, vlad will overtime, win the trades because he will be able to sustain while you cannot.
However, Quinn with PTA will hard out damage vlad in these trades, so the key is to constantly apply pressure in lane.
First, know how vlad's passive works on his Q. When his crimson rush bar is red, this means that his next Q on you will deal extra damage and heal him for more, so DO NOT GO NEAR VLAD when his crimson bar is red. Wait for the bar to wear off, and never trade with him or go near him when it's up. The bar will fade momentarily, and he will be forced to use his empowered Q on a minion.
Next, make sure to initiate trades with vlad by landing your blind on him first. Once vlad is blinded, he cannot retaliate with his Q, Transfusion, on you because it is a lock on ability.
If you land your blind on vlad, then go for a quick trade, and ideally walk away when the nearsight wears off so that he can't use his Q on you.
Post level 3, Quinn's objective in lane is to bait out Vlad's W, Sanguine Pool, because it is a long cooldown, and vlad having that ability up means that you cannot all in him.
During lane phase, just keep trading him when your PTA proc is up and when you land blind on him (so that he can't Q you), and repeat these trades in lane to get him low.
The key point is to not let vlad breathe, and punish him all throughout laning phase.
Once vlad is low enough, he will try to pool your Q or pool when he thinks you are trying to all in him. This ability is a 28 second cooldown level 1, and when it's gone, you now have 28 seconds to hard punish vlad, and potentially all-in him becasue he is weak early game without that ability.
After level 6, be careful for his engage. Nul orb is really good to save you from his R.
When vlad Rs you, your goal is to run away.
Ideally, initiate Q on him because vlad will either press his pool to dodge your Q blind, making it unavailable for later on so you can vault him and run away, or, your blind will hit him, and he will be unable to press his Q on you while under his R, Hemoplague.”
lolzayno says “I hate this matchup because any poke you do to him he's just going to get it back through his lifesteal from his Q. His blood pool makes it extremely hard to hit your abilities and finish him off with your ultimate.”
Esrucnl says “Very boring lane the Vladimir will always outsustain you and his W is a pool which makes him untargetable like Fizz E. So hitting your ult is basically impossible.
Best thing to do is just ditch lane and roam top/bot all the time and soak waves on mid while helping your jungler out. He will outscale you.
I recommend going oblivion orb very early after dark seal as a build. It will help you.”
Azurio says “Start E and hard trade him early. NEVER let him Q you when he is max stacks, this can make you lose lane. pressure him when he don't have it and try to make him use his pool for potential ganks.”
Boptimus says “Another Range match up that can match your sustain. You will have to play to CS before your first back because if you decide to blow your Mana pool Vladimir can look for an All-in Level 6. The only way you win this is if you're able to continuously poke, and they grief their pool.
Getting wounds will help deter Vlad from looking to trade with you.”
Bunny Kata says “Scale monster, can't interact with him, and you can't roam. Try to be better than him in teamfights, but his champ scales reaaaaally well. Build MR or you won't be able to play at all.
Ignite-TP + Cull”
ColdStuff says “Vladimir is particularly problematic as he can shove off most of your poke with W and the difficulty is to generate kill pressure on him. ”
SKRELAX says “Take a scaling rune page with keystone depending on enemy champions .This champion is just insanely stupid. His poke/heal is incredibly annoying and not bearable to verse. If you plan to kill him anytime on the lane, you can simply ff, since his ult also gives him insane ammount of healing and ridiculous kill pressure. Try to farm and get as much xp as you can. Also look for skirmishes and roam a lot.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Very weak early. You can just abuse him with lethal tempo and he can't trade back much if you're behind minions, since his E won't hit you.”
Fisher Fizz says “Tiene sustain infinito por lo que si no lo matas de un combo da igual que tradees con él, siempre vas a salir perdiendo. Con su W esquiva tu R. ”
Dazzther says “His E/R can dmg you when you're under your W, so be carefull. Also, he can easily dodge your E with his W. Once this cooldown's down, feel free to engage onto him.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Avoid his Empowered Q, it will deal a lot of damage and heal him even more]
[Bait his pool before going for kill]
[Buy Morellonomicon]”
Bertsicle says “Aids champ fk this guy, w max and try to murder him, if he plays too safe with doran shield or HP, just shove and roam and get rolling before he scales. You CAN actually kill him late game if you have enough items. It's a race for gold vs this champion. You can actually bait him into wasting his empowered Q by standing just at the tip of it's range when he gets it and walking in and out of it. He will want to Q you instead of a minion so when he gets to about 40% empowered Q left he will want to Q a minion instead, this is when you walk forward and E (once so you buy more time in the air) and land on him. If you do this right he will waste his empowered Q timer while you land a free E into combo + autos on him. Takes practice but really handy to play mind games like this.”
TheKingUltra says “He cant kill you, maybe in the latest stages of the game, but in the early he probably wont. Try to abuse him, when he has his w on cd.”
Whitelies says “Don't get too cocky with Mr. Vampire. because his damage hurts a lot when he scales. If he uses W, you're free to ult him. Buy Executioner's Calling to counter his heal.”
Dustyacer says “Start Lsword + 3 pots, dont need refill on later bases. Take ignite flash. E blocks his q,e,r (delayed dmg). if he gets tanky enough, just roam.
Back off when he has empowered q (see bar below his hp nearing max). Can bait him close to use it on you and then destroy him anyways.
We definitely win lvl 3-5. He starts having more of a change later on with more lvls/items. Can start pressuring lvl 1/2 if u want. Don't use W/E too early like lvl 2/3 if u dont have mana runes as you'll run out too fast and lose lane pressure.
Chainsword and bork both get high value here, he has a lot of healing hence chainsword. Bork is great since he has so much hp but little armor.
Just crash waves and freeze when it bounces, dont let him cs for free. Contest every minion. ”
Ahri Simplord says “Early game you can harass him and make his life hard but you need to constantly do it for it to have a good outcome,if you let him heal up you'll get out sustained. After 6 he can definetely 100 to 0 you if you misplay. Correct spacing between you and him is the win condition in this matchup cause all of your spells outrange him. Buy anti-heal.”
Kat_Alien says “Sooo Vladimir... To be honest. If you won't kill him before his first back you can forget killing him after at all on the lane. So in that case we have to win the lane before his first back. How to do this? It is simple. Bait his W ability which makes him easily gankable and killable. Remember about 3 seconds rule. Never go in when his q is stacked because it will destroy you and let him heal up to 1/3 of his hp even on LVL 3. Always wait that 3 seconds and then try to poke/kill him. When I'm sure that I will win the fight with him proc that ignite at the start of the fight to won't let him heal even a bit to be sure he dies no matter what.”
Malzahar MID says “Malzahar has done a great job of beating Vladimir. Typically, he wins a whopping 54.0% of games the champs clash against one another in. In Malzahar versus Vladimir matches, Malzahar’s side is 0.0% more expected to gain first blood. This indicates that he most likely will be able to get first blood versus Vladimir.”
Agatrium says “He has lots of sustain and outranges you. If you try to fight him, he'll just puddle away. Take ignite so if he tried all ining you with his ult, you can fight back. A good Vlad is very annoying to fight. ”
P1Legend says “Vlad is not really known to be a lane bully, or even really much of a lane presence at all. Leap on him when he doesn't have red bar Q up, and bait him into using pool, which also costs a portion of his current HP. In theory, you can make him trade with himself if you play it correctly. After level 6, don't all in without being aware of his ult, the only time you really die here is by getting ganked, or by getting baited by him into diving. Not a hard matchup, but play smart.”
Exiled Heretic says “Vlad has a small range giving you easy q's but he has a lot of sustain and you don't have a lot of mana so try to all in him early, vVad has a very weak burst all in combo early. until about first item or around level 9 when he spikes.”
SadgeBoyK says “he can pool while he is grounded, and if he has phase rush you will never catch him. Just try to fling him away from your team or one shot him when he has no pool.”
Xalt says “You out damage vlad if you're even and you'll usually have a item spike before he does try to force his pool with QE then all in once he resurfaces never try to kill him if you don't have ignite up! TIP : your ignite ticks whilst he's in pool so ignite as soon as you QE into range!”
Bundif says “A good Vlad is horrifying. With the new items he gets even spookier. Not to mention he can dodge ALL of our R pop with his W, use the horrible ⭐ITEM⭐ and go back into his W puddle again. Really spooky to play against late game.
Don't be tempted into getting grievous wounds. You have ignite for a reason.”
OTP Toxin says “Rush the first grievous wounds item, ap or ad, respect his 3rd Q cast running away when it is up. You can kill him easily and survive.”
officialwiseguy says “You're a poke mage, his entire kit is built around sustaining and all-in. I usually dodge these games. If you have to play it, rush morellonomicon and try to deny farm as much as possible.”
DaffeLaffe says “Vlad has a small range giving you easy q's but he has a lot of sustain and you don't have a lot of mana so try to all in him early, Vlad has a very weak burst all in combo early. Be sure to get his pool out of the way with a quick combo. Then he will be a free kill, if he has pushed you in, then just follow him he ain't fast enough to get under his turret while in his pool.”
FyreRode says “Be careful he can burst combo you with electricity and ignite surprisingly early on. However if you make it to level 6, since has has a telegraphed ultimate you can simply deny his with your own and come out on top.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Tear of the Goddess]
[Stay out of his range and farm as much as possible]
[Buy Morellonomicon]”
Juon says “Okay this matchup actually isnt that bad because you kinda heal more than him if you manage your passive right, you can usually just walk up to him and he will insta pool then just combo him and get good trades. Just keep spamming w for heal and whenever he goes to Q you. Max E second”
Zero macro says “Passive Regen with Q's, Blood Pool can remove Caitlyn E + Q + Headshot Combo / R. big amount of burst even early into Lethality Caitlyn, Cut Down and/or giant slayer recommended.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Liandry's Anguish]
[Don't trade him early until you get first item]
[Avoid his Empowered Q, it will deal a lot of damage and heal him even more]
[Bait his pool before going for kill]
[Post 6 be aware of his all in combo]
[Buy Liandry's Anguish and
Fake Supp says “another of your nightmares ! but it can be managed only if u get good ganks and good roams to get a lead on him after that u just need to watch for his W cd and for his Q when he is on Execute Threshold ”
desch3445 says “If you lose to a Vladamir, there's nothing I can do to help you. Your raw burst should be enough to make him suffer, and if that's not enough, punish his dog waveclear with your mediocre waveclear.
Take the First Strike page; Literally just wail on him.”
ThePieBeam says “The Vlad matchup is probably one of the most even in the game IMO. His succ can hurt and if he gets way on top of you it's bad news. However, his early is able to be abused if you know what you're doing. He's a very lategame champ that only has one good escape tool on a very long cooldown. Play with throwing walls and proccing electrocute with E to wittle him down, while trying to stay out of his Q range. Then if you can get his Blood Pool out of him, go for some serious damage with a good Q.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] YOU NEED IMMORTAL SHIELDBOW IN THIS MATCHUP! Buy an executioners on first back if possible! Play this lane without using E only use your Q and auto attacks until he is forced to use his puddle. Once his puddle is down you are free to grapple in. Post 6 grapple defensively if he uses R on you.”
lonestar1870 says “You should win this lane very easily, but the problem is he outscales.
Get prio early levels, slow push first 3 waves.
Never use R if his W (pool) is up even when he is stunned; you can ult right at the beginning of the stun, but your stun duration is fairly short so he will likely pool a lot of the damage. Save R for after he finishes channel, keep auto/Q-ing til he uses. If he doesn't ever pool, you should still win the trade hard without R even if you don't kill him.
You can E a ball that's previously on the ground to catch him off guard, but don't ult til after he finishes W.
You outrange him, try to Q him without him Q-ing you back.
Don't go for trades when his blood bar is all the way up (he does more dmg and heals more).
You 100% dictate wave state, nothing he can do about it. Take good resets and get prio when you need it to play around your team.
After a certain point, play around your jungler to snowball the game. You don't get too much from killing him a bunch since he scales well, make sure your team is winning too.
You can go any rune page in this lane depending on what you want to accomplish.
I prefer Teleport, but you can also go ignite for more lane domination.
Oblivion Orb is good, but you don't need to rush like you do vs Sylas.”
Desperate Nasus says “Start with 3 beads against him. On your first recall buy Sheen and Doran's shield. This way whenever he Q's you, recovering isnt a problem anymore. After Boots of lucidity and sheen, wait for him to use his Phase rush, then run him down.”
Rhybeaux says “Vlad is pretty impossible to kill if he is boosted. This is one of those games which are tricky because you can't let him get boosted whether it's kills or CS. Good luck and get Morellos.”
BlockPad says “I personnaly hate playing against vlad. He can tower dive you since lvl.3. Hard lane. I perma ban this champ. Early game trade with Q when he has not he's passive, when you got mana just poke him as you can.”
Callmebee says “The guy is out for blood! Literally. You just can't win against him as he has everything to counter your kit: he outsustains your damage, he pokes a lot AND even if you hit your Q, he can negate your combo damage with his pool. Poke early for manaflow and keep an eye on his blood bar(?), if it's almost full - step back. Take Barrier and Zhonya's to negate his all in potential.”
VyoS says “Against Vladimir you're even now, since he isn't an early burst champion anymore. At lvl 4-5 you can go for a trade if you hit him with q's, don't rush into him with W. If he dodges your Shurikens with his pool you loose the trade really hard. His Pool will have about 2-3 Seconds more cooldown, so when your W is about to be up again, get in position to hit you Shurikens. If he get's back look out if he got more CDR than you. Also, I highly recommend going Executioners after your first Dirk.
leonidas44 says “Super annoying+ perma healing. After protobelt you rush straigh into anti healing. Be careful how you farm when he has the empower q. Try to catch him with your w when he gets out of his w. Avoid e with your e.”
Scarlettpls says “Stupid bloodsucker vampire, he will win if you stay even in this matchup. Its hard to get a lead off him, and its annoying to deal with in laning phase. With half an item he can perma dive you as he pleases as long as you are under 70% hp and he has ignite, empowered q, and electrocute up.”
CashLOL says “Out scales you. Blood pool can negate all of your abilities. You will need Oblivion Orb quickly and jungle help to keep him down. A good ban option.”
ShokLoL says “In this matchup you want to mainly be looking for big all ins rather than allowing vlad to sustain up. Your E is lower cooldown than his W so you can be very aggressive if he uses it. Take ignite and E max and look to go in when his Q is down. Rush Wit's End.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “This guy can poke pretty hard so generally when it comes to all ins pre 6 be sure to keep up with his blood pool so you can continue stacking the passive,meaning that you should probably save your E for that,boots rush is a must, post 6 all ins are still yours considering you land your Q's during trades regularly.Hes extremely vulnerable without his pool so definitely look for all ins when it's on cd.
iZianni says “To be fair, I think Vex has like only 3 losing match ups and the only reason Vlad is an even marker here is because he can flash ult combo you with 0 repercussions.
Your E/Q shreds him and if pool is ever down he dies instantly as well to fear. ”
Juplicate says “He is ranged and will constantly try to heal off of you with his q. Rush grievous into him and he can't play the game. Beware that his w lets him go untargetable but it has a really long cooldown. ”
TrueZWarrior says “Bring corrupting potion without it he's more dangerous. Win trades at lvl 2 with q e don't always have to proc passive if he is going to become immune.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “You can beat him very easily. Combo him whenever you can, and if he uses pool just follow up with normal/empowered e to either chase or do followup damage. He does scale so focus on bullying him in lane.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “One of the harder matchups midlane but still not as bad as hard top matchups. Main thing you have to look out for is to not go near him when his empowered Q is up or it will do a massive chunk of damage to you and heal him for double the amount of a regular Q. When going for a duel, windwall his E while hes charging it and you should 100% win the trade. Lastly, when Eing on him with 3rd Q, hold it so you can bait out his W and land the nado when he comes out of it to go for the all in.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “A good Vlad can make this lane hell, especially if he goes electrocute. However, Lethal Tempo makes this matchup a lot easier. You can perma engage on him, but do not walk up or try to trade with him when he has his empowered Q. You can put extra points in your E since his W cooldown is so long. Executioner's isn't really needed since you'll most likely take ignite. Early null mantle if you're behind is fine, too.”
Katawina52 says “If you don't kill this champ before his first back you can forget ever killing him again in a 1v1. Pre first back you have the upperhand and pressure for sure so make use of that. You can just combo him and let him waste his W which makes him easly gankable and killable, also going ELECTROCUTE + DSHIELD/SECOND WIND can make this lane way easier early stages. Use mostly E>W>Q vs vlad pre first back. If he has no pool look for all in trades again. FF the game if you didn't kill him before his first back and you can't pull off roams after that cuz he will 1v9 the game most of the times (pull off roams after first back and dont bother trading him anymore beacause of his sustain/dmg/tankiness in health :D). Having early MR is nice so u dont get os everytime u show your face :)”
eiensiei says “I'll poke him with E and go for passive procs when his second bar is low (so his Q heals less and deals less damage). Despite the constant poke, he's still hard to kill due to his sustain, and I won't bother using my R simply because I've landed a Q without baiting out his W first (28s CD lvl 1). I'll stay behind minions when he's charging his E - also after level 6 if I'm low and I see him charging his E just barely in range of me (and know he has flash + R up), it's a good idea to flash away preemptively. He's a late game monster and I definitely need Zhonya's for his R. Also Morello to somewhat diminish his healing (I'll ask my AD to build Executioner's if he hasn't already).”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Ring + 2 pots if you gonna stay away from his big Q, Corrupting otherwise. His Sustain is one of the best in the game so calculate how you are going to damage him, when he is going to heal and when you go for the kill and how. Do not waste mana in vain just for him to heal back up in the next 30-60 seconds.
Winnable matchup early-mid game if you manage to hit your W or you get some jungler ganks. Roam / use minion demat if you think you aren't gonna win much on lane.
NEVER get hit by a full charged Q just to get a minion (cannon might work, but not small minions).
When you are below 50% hp and he's charging his E and his Q is near full bar he prepares to flash on you (combo is E(charge)->flash->release E->Q).
This combo works at all levels and combined with ult it can be deadly. Try to force a W out of him without using your WE (by getting full Q's on him). If he plays with Phase Rush you have to consider his movement speed burst once he gets close to you. He will not be able to get that movement speed burst and drill you down if you keep your distance ! (Q from outside his E or Q range). Go for WEQ full combo and ignite only when you know you can seal the deal (or at least proc a W for a gank from your jungler in the next 10-15 seconds). His W also damages him so that's decent, but remember his sustain is strong so don't waste all mana randomly.
Biscuits might also be useful.”
xblademojo says “3 points into your Null Sphere (Q), stay efficent, at level 6 you win trades but the problem is that he outsustains you. In this matchup I always consider gathering storm. ”
Polarshift says “You definitely have the upper hand in this matchup early, since you can poke him through the wave. He has a hard time getting into casting range because you outrange him. Stay out his empowered Q range (when his bar is about to turn red or is red). When he has his ult he can flash on you with his empowered Q and ignite so just recall or get a health plant in the jungle if you're in kill-range. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “The same reasons as Kass but even harder to punish. His roams are not as good as Kass but his damage output is much grater of a threat through out the game. You just have to be the better player in every way this match up.”
ISterbenI says “Annoying matchup because he is slippery. Go ignite if you want any kill presure at all. Also buy grievious wounds relatively early. You won't outscale him so that's also not too good.”
TygoVe says “You both don't really hurt eachother a lot, he is slippery so it is hard to ult him sometimes. Pretty even in every phase of the game. Buy Oblivion Orb after your mythic or Lost Chapter, depending on how much of a problem he is and how much other healing champs they have. Build it into Morellonomicon as a third item or so.”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Vladimir is headache for many midlaners. Main reason is that he has no mana pool and his health sustain is quite good even in early levels. That will most likely cause, that you will run out of mana in lane, before you will have chance to kill him. That is why he was picked quite often in midlane expecially during later phases of last season. As AP Kogmaw though, you have really good kill potential on him, if you use your W in trades. Again rush some MR (Negatron) and abuse your range. When you get your magic penetration (boots and haunting guise), then you should be able to even win face-to-face trades against him, due to high % damage of your W, which will shred his high health pool.”
Yeager says “This is a really good matchup for cassio. He has super high cooldowns early game so he can't take extended trades with you. If you ever hit noxious blast, just run him down with twin fangs. Back off when he's about to get the empowered Q as it deals a lot of damage. You need morello early to counter his healing. ”
crabbix says “You're a poke mage, his entire kit is built around sustaining and all-in. I usually dodge these games. If you have to play it, rush morellonomicon and try to deny farm as much as possible.”
Avucado says “This matchup is usually stomp or get stomped. Take E and play very aggressive early on. Look for an E->flash ignite play to get ahead or the lane will hard post 6, make sure not to do it when pool is up. If the lane is even then you lose, he hard outscales and outfarms you.”
LunarVortex says “Vladimir is generally not a huge problem for you in lane, however, he will outscale you and there's not a whole lot you can do about it. Try to abuse his high W cooldown with your jungler and then take objectives together to close out the game quickly. Buy an early Oblivion Orb.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: This is mostly a scaling matchup. Be careful for his lvl 6 all in. And make sure to buy oblivion orb if none in your team is getting anti healing.”
Yeager says “He has high cooldowns early game so you can shove him in with no problems. Just watch out for his lvl 6 if he has ignite, and base when you are low hp. ”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Vladimir will outscale but is easier to out trade out roam and gank once blood pool is down. Can bully early. Just watch out for giving him an early lead if he has ignite and dark seal”
bobqinxdd says “After level 7 (4 points in Q) vlad becomes unkillable and infinitely outscales you, so you're only window is snowball early otherwise you will never beat him”
Fuzzmonkey says “From what I've experienced this is quite an easy match up. Always chain first so that if he pools it'll still root him and you can apply the rest of your combo when he comes up. Don't let him harass you with his enhanced passive damage (always back off when he has a full red bar). Always take ignite against Vladimir.”
Yeager says “Easy laning phase and you can zone him pretty well with your ball so the only way he can get within range is by using flash.
Get morellonomicon to counter his healing and keep your distance, especially when his empowered q is coming up. He's a monster lategame, so time his flash and play around it. ”
crabbix says “He gets to pool out of your damage and just sustain any of your trade damage. Build morellonomicon, wait for pool to be on cooldown and try to 100-0 with jungle help.”
Dj Memelord says “Q MAX here is advised. Play lane phase aggresive if he tries to bully you. Roam at your own risk because he will be perma farming. A roam gone wrong will cost you the game in this matchup.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Bit more of a tricky match up since he has his W to pool the majority of your abilities. Try baiting this out before deciding to burst him. Also be careful of his E-W flash combo.”
CashLOL says “Pretty easy matchup pre 6 where you can outtrade if he doesn't have empowered q up. You can ult if he has pool since he will still lose hp from it. ”
iZianni says “If he takes ignite you lose to the all in and cant one shot him because of his pool. Look to pressure his early game by taking advantage of the jungle match up, once he hits critical mass with ignite pressure you'll need to respect his nimbus cloak abuse.
If he uses pool at all, you'll want to murder him.”
ShokLoL says “Very easy most of the time. Play for all ins rather than poke and you can normally 100-0 him. If you make a big mistake or fall behind this matchup can get very hard so it's important to get ahead and stay ahead. Take electrocute ignite.”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade In Resolve Second wind and unflinching.
go for long trades against him,but be careful about his Passive.
You can block vlad's E
Take Ignite against him so you don't need to rush anti-heal.
freezing is really great against Vlad so he need to be in your side of the map to farm.”
Kords says “Vlad has really short range for a mage, but he has a lot of sustain so he can stay in lane for ages, but he cannot waveclear well early on. He is also very safe so don't try to kill him without secure confidence, roam as much as possible and get your team to help you with him. There is not enough healing reduction in game for him if he reaches mid-late game spikes. Also watch some Elite500 games for Vlad. He can burst kill you at lvl 6-7 with no counterplay without an exhaust.”
TheoRut says “Save your E for when he uses W and then just one shot him. Buy oblivion orb or morello if they have more healing.
Electrocute wins this lane easily.”
ShokLoL says “Vladimir is a very unique champion to play against. In the early laning phase Vlad is quite weak, he has fairly long cooldowns and his sustain is not particularly great so try and build a lead in the first 5 levels. After 6 and first base Vlad becomes quite strong, try and trade efficiently and abuse his lack of waveclear. If you get the chance, try look to punish him whenever his Q is down, especially immediately after he uses his empowered Q. I would recommend taking ignite in this matchup as it adds a considerable amount of kill pressure.
iZianni says “He heals, he does damage and we can't him with R.
It feels bad to let Vladimir scale because he just needs 2 AP items to one shot your entire team, but you have lane priority making this Orianna favored. Don't R until he's CC'd or already pooled.”
Ambitieux says “Vlad honestly is not as scary as everyone turns him out to be, unless you yourself make him scary. Do NOT let this guy free farm. Treat him like a melee ad player and take almost every trade possible, be autoing him early game with q's your healing will beat his in lane. And best part if you have your mana item you will double his damage due to your ability output compared to his because of the CD difference. When he has passive Q More than likely he will look to instantly Q you for the extra poke, try to save your e for this moment. The more you make him pool the more you are winning lane. And remember Ignite is your best friends in this matchup, you can almost guarentee all ins at lvl 4, 6-11. Due to the fact if you have him at 60-70% hp. You land a nice charm into ult q w ignite. He will be dead if he pools. Do NOT be afraid of him in lane.”
iZianni says “He flash ignites us, we die.
We cant laser or Q Vlad because of W.
We cant poke him because of sustain.
Boring match up, just farm and try to one shot the rest of his team.
However, if your jungle is good you can basically destroy him in laning phase with good CC stacking.
Your damage output is enough to kill him as long as he can't get into pool.”
kindo says “Weak earlygame, no cc, high cooldowns, and low range. You can abuse vladimir hard in lane. You get prio in lane whenever you want, he has no waveclear. Either push for prio where he can never follow or just fight him in lane. Trades make it easy to get his pool since he can't insta activate phase rush. Even if he does, he'll likely still have to pool to not take a huge chunk of damage - but at the cost of 20% of his current HP. Either way, you will win the trade. If his pool is ever down, early dives are extremely easy with ignite. For all-ins, ignite cuts his ult and Q healing. His low range makes it easy to get in range and stay in range whenever. You should amount a CS, or exp lead leaving lane - the 1v1 is almost never bad unless he snowballs, but it's pretty difficult given how poor his earlygame is. ”
Coldsong says “Vladimir has some of the most insane damage and healing in the game. When laning, punish him for walking up to Q a minion by throwing your W at him. Do NOT stand near him when he has Crimson Rush up and bait out his pool at all costs. He is near impossible late game to fight, so getting magic resist and baiting out his pool is key. If you see him charging up his E, he is probably going to flash R you, so back off.”
resetwice says “He will farm safe because he is very weak early game, so you won't be bursted. Also his ablities have long CD. When you all win, try to rQ let him waste his W so you can W to proc passive. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Try to not get poked out early game (lvl 1-2), trades are usually safe pre-6, unless he has empowered Q, or uses electrocute. I'd recommend searching kills outside mid because decent vladimirs usually
stay safe. (They also build Zhonyas) (Use bush) Reminder that if the enemy vladimir is running phase rush, the chances to kill him are even lower considering he's just gonna proc it and run away.”
Aut0Lycus says “Vlad is the only real mid who can out sustain vex, this becomes a huge problem because you rely on poke and sustain to force your opponent out of lane consistently”
Sylvan Lore says “Even though Orianna is a great pick into Vlad imo, things can still fall apart very easily. He has low range, but high damage. If he gets on and has all of his abilities up, he definitely has the ability to kill you. In landing phase you should be able to bully him, but make sure you commit to what you decide. If you only bully him a little, he will just heal your damage and you will lose mana. Either bully a lot and look to zone, or don't bully at all until you get more items. Once you have a mana item, you can rush a Morellonomicon to destroy his healing. You can also just finish your mana item and play safe.
Recommend: Barrier and Dmg Build
Note: if nobody on your team has ignite, it is important for you to take it so in late game teamfights he can be ignited. ”
Saddest says “Vladimir is usually very tanky, predictable, and able to recuperate any lost health from previous trades. As a result, you want to keep your foot on his neck. This means constantly trading him and applying so much pressure that he cannot keep up you and as a result cannot sustain himself. However, be smart about your trades; do not initiate anything if he has his empowered Q ready, as he will heal the damage back up and possibly outtrade you in the process. Hold your R for after he pools.”
SVS Raka says “Vladimir is tricky matchup. You are by far really stronger at Level 1, 2 and 3. His cooldowns are really long early and you can punish him as much as you like. But in later stages of the game, he can become unstoppable monster. So stay focused and make sure to throw him out of the game, since he really struggles to come back in the game if he's behind.”
Impossible2Gank says “A good Vlad will be able to bully you out of lane with ease while you are unable to properly farm as well as outscale you. Stay back and box up, only going in if you manage to wittle him down low enough otherwise just wait for ganks.”
Mr. Popper says “Vlad scales like a monster and has a pretty safe lane phase because of his Pool. You out damage him hard early game with the assistance of PTA as long as you dont have to many creeps aggro'd on you. but if he doest get ahead you will have trouble even walking out of tower, so try to get your jungler to help you early so you can stay the bully the rest of the game!”
N0EG0 says “this matchup favors you, just because it does though doesn't mean you do what you want blindly. don't try to fight before level 6. Q his Q damage to avoid poke and it fights cancel his E early with it.”
duhnx says “Don't fight him when he has Q, just wait for him to use his empowered one and go in. When he has W down, spam ping to fight him, it has a long CD. Careful of his late as he can kill you and your whole team with one rotation of abilities. ”
Midget Mage says “I find this lane to be extremely challenging, his lifesteal gives him a ton of lane pressure and feeding him would be less than ideal despite your incredible scaling. Not a very popular pick fortunately but a lane to look out for.”
Grayified says “[MID/TOP] Any Rune (not LT or DH) - Cull or Corrupting Potion - Any spell | Very annoying kit, don't engage until after he's finished his puddle spell. Try to bait it out.”
richardlized says “Skill matchup, level 1 and 2 is just the normal farm with Qs + avoid vlad’s empowered Q. After level 3 it gets interesting. If you WEQ and vlad chooses to pool, you get a few seconds after your W is back up to all in him. If he doesnt use pool, you can easily kill him after 6 by ulting him, waiting for him to pool and wqwe after he comes out of this pool. Make sure to ignite him so he doesn’t heal for a stupid amount and live.
Katasandra says “[1] Stay away from him when he has his empowered Q up (bar below health turns red/full).
[2] Keep minions between you and him to avoid his E.
[3] If he pools you can time Q such that it hits right after he gets out.
[4] If you get hit by his ult, it'll deal damage after some time + heal Vlad. If necessary you can self R the damage proc.
[5] Ignite is my pref summoner in this matchup.”
Thresh Mid says “Vladimir isn't hard in any means, he's difficult because he can out-sustain you during the laning phase and scales harder than you into the late game. Consistent trading during the early game while baiting out his Sanguine Pool so he loses out on 20% of his current health makes the red reaper a little pale.”
xMetix says “You can use Grass and go in just moments before his empowered Q comes up, this way you can wait out the empowered Q and make him do no damage. Play around his W cooldown which is very long early on. ”
XtheZ115 says “You don;'t see many Vlad tops, but when they do they love to bait your Fling with their pool. You have to be sure to bait them better than they bait you, and laugh when they realize that just because they are untargetable doesn't mean your gas can't hurt them.”
DabiDabi says “Avoid getting hit by his empowered Q since that's really only how he'll be able to win trade. If his pool is down he'll most certainly die from a full combo. Vlad is an overall scary matchup since he can lash out a lot of dmg unexpectedly. ”
Nanelol says “It's hard to play against Vladimir. He scales really well but you have to survive the laning phase and in the late game he won't be a problem for you. You can always use your ultimate to block his ultimate.”
Nanelol says “Avoid getting hit by his empowered Q since that's really only how he'll be able to win trade. If his pool is down he'll most certainly die from a full combo.
DabiDabi says “Vlad has a lot more sustain than you do. Do not get hit by Vlad's empowered Q that's the only way he can win trades against you. Once it's down, you can play aggressive against Vlad. His pool isn't a big deal. So just play around his Q's and Pool. Vlad scales really hard late game so try to abuse him as much as possible from level 3 to 14 as that is where he starts to get really strong.”
tozosi says “He's very slippery since he can use his pool to dodge your burst. In addition, he has great sustain and poking ability. If he wastes his pool, try to capitalize it as much as possible without losing too much health. Ganks with a heavy-cc jungler work very well. Note that most Vladimirs I've played against like to save their pool until it's absolutely necessary.”
TheSecretsWithin says “Even though Vladimir is under the Tiny tier here, he is nothing to laugh at. His sustain in lane is still insanely strong cause of his Q and his W being able to dodge almost anything. There is no doubt that Vladimir is still gonna put up a fight. During laning, take note of his "Crimson Rush" when it's red. Just back off you don't want to take that fight. He will just heal back any damage he has taken. His E animation is very obvious, so save your Q for his E, it will quickly cast his E to prevent him from dealing maximum damage, denying him minions and poke to you, and the shield will block the damage which did go through. Even though Vladimir has his W, he is still immobile, so just hold your E till he comes out of his W and try to trade with an AA-W-AA combo. Get some early anti-heal so that he won't heal as much health in the lane, and get the advantage quickly.”
He can cancel your ult with his W if you tkaing from him and you will have cooldown and wont have ult 200+ years.
He weal hgeal more then you so dont trade with him and dont og all i n with him you have tio have luck to win him.
Start Q poke him if he will proxe you just ccall jg if your jg dont come he is stupid(ofc not lvl 1) . Freeze under turret even in normal game. Dont fight him without 1st E bc you wont be possible to go his one zbaility who will heal him more when you are in . I HATE THIS CHAMP JUST
seemes says “you can kill him early but dont bother wasting mana on poking him. wait for apportunity then try and burst him to force recall or summs. push wave and roam. he outscales so be careful”
Sanctuar says “Vladimir has always been a hard champion to lane against due to his unrivaled sustain. Buying Morellonomicon will cut his sustain and allow for better trades, but don't forget about his surprising burst combo with his fully charged E and Q combined with his ultimate.”
fanchessfan says “Unplayable. You can try to farm, but you can't run, you can't hide, and your probably just going to die. Also even if you try to poke him he just heals it all in one Q. Go top and all chat 200 years even though he was released in 2010. ”
Vispectra says “His early is bad and so is yours. Without CD and levels vlad won't cause you too much trouble. You can cancel his E if he's charging it and aside from the occasional Q poke you'll be fine. You can attempt to all in him if his W isn't up and could get away with a kill if you've taken electrocute early on. Later on he's kind of a beast , scales just like you and becomes a very big threat. You should be able to kill him just be sure not to be the first one to dive into him. Hold onto your spells until he has been CC'd or used his Sanguine Pool.”
qosmox says “Try to push with Q early on so it pushes slowly into him while blocking his Q’s with your passive shield. If you managed to push faster, then walk up to him right before you hit lvl 2 and instantly taunt in when you hit 2 for a trade. If he picks E lvl 2 keep punishing him. Once he has his pool it’s all about forcing him to use it by taunting in for a trade, and then using the long pool CD of 28 seconds to taunt in again once your taunt’s up again. Position the blade up the lane between the taunts, so you can get the initial slow with Q.”
cookanarities says “Weak earlygame, no cc, high cooldowns, and low range. You can abuse vladimir hard in lane. You get prio in lane whenever you want, he has no waveclear. Either push for prio where he can never follow or just fight him in lane. Trades make it easy to get his pool since he can't insta activate phase rush. Even if he does, he'll likely still have to pool to not take a huge chunk of damage - but at the cost of 20% of his current HP. Either way, you will win the trade. If his pool is ever down, early dives are extremely easy with ignite. For all-ins, ignite cuts his ult and Q healing. His low range makes it easy to get in range and stay in range whenever. You should amount a CS, or exp lead leaving lane - the 1v1 is almost never bad unless he snowballs, but it's pretty difficult given how poor his earlygame is.”
TheWerefloof says “Standard vlad stuff. Don't let him give you a big suck, his pool is on a huge cooldown and you need to punish him for abusing vlad. Oh and I imagine his pool cancels your ult, though I haven't used it on him for that reason.”
PlankBank500 says “Early on it's Gp favored. Ignite is a must otherwise you can't kill him. If you go tp he will just sustain off the wave and you are useless. Outscales you hard in teamfights. Early levels hardcore poke him and avoid getting hit by his Empowered Q. Try the level 2 cheese with Powder Kegs and flash ignite him with a passive aa. If you don't win before he goes CDR, then you can't do shit. ”
DarDarThePenguin says “Vladimir cannot poke you out through Doran's Shield + Second Wind and is a free scaling lane. Your roams are also more powerful than his. Take the Fleet page and MR.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Contra Vladimir lo único que tienes que hacer es ir por items de Corta Curaciones, gracias a estos elementos podremos sacarlo del juego con relativa facilidad.”
A55AILANT says “Avoid him when he has his empowered Q/Flash/Protobelt range after level 6.
You have the upperhand in this lane as you can poke him through the wave.
When he gets close, root him and run away.”
Boomblight says “:o gl rush antiheal and play safe whole game until he misplays. Try to out roam him. Ask toplaner to rotate if you see him as enemy mid on champ select.”
Oxydation says “I played a few times against Vlad and maybe he just played bad, but i really stomped him out of the game, like 10/0 or smt. In my opinnion its really really easy. Dont let him hit his Empowered Q and you can engage if he runs on you with E.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can abuse and win the lane pre 6. Perma poke and be as annoying as possible. If you get an advantage you can snowball the lane. If lane goes even he will slowly outscale you - at some point he can just run you down, so be careful.”
Daers says “Matchup is dependent on your jungler, make sure you don't play too aggressive to save your mana for ganks. Get oblivion orb early and don't 1v1 him unless you're ahead. Do not use your ultimate until after he uses his W.”
Farg says “Personally one of my most hated matchups. Very hard to outrade with his Q healing and survivability with his pool. If he backs with seekers armguard first item just look for roaming opportunities. You can maybe cheese an early kill but that's about it. Anti-Farg”
Kscepersky says “Vladimir is also one of the best counterpicks against Veigar, because he can easily oneshot u at LVL 6 and it's really hard to stack against him.”
Joseph Evanss says “If he has Phase Rush its very easy, if hes a gigalords chad Electro Vladimir then he will pretty much murder you. Try to bait out his w and after Berserkers + Zeal there is some potential to kill. Never underestimate the Flash combo. You out scale 1v1 but he will be better in team fights. Also don't rush grevious wounds but get Mortal Reminder later on. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield”
ahspaghetti says “combo him and make him waste w which will make him play a lot safer as he will be subject to ganks. use e -> w -> q pre first back, try to kill him before first back. verdant/wits end rush if enemy jgl also ap.”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “A good Vladimir is a really hard matchup you simply wont kill him because of his W and he has alot of damage and heal and he is also hard to gank but try to play it safe and go for any missplay he does.”
JoshAy says “He is you but, better? Don't let him hit his empowered Q and stay behind minions for his E. Back off from his R when fighting. He is immobile and you aren't. Try and bait out his pool before you go for E2. Mediocre ult to steal”
ryzetrox says “Free. One hundred percent the easiest matchup for kled. He poses no threat to you damage wise. If you Q him before he pools he will still be pulled back by it. You have healing reduction in your kit. Make this guys life a living hell.”
cauedg15 says “Vladimir is one of Pyke's top three counters in mid, this is for his Kit who will always wins Pyke on the lane. His W makes him invulnerable being an extreme danger to Pyke.”
Vacavoladora says “Avoid his charged Q's (shown at his resource bar) and dash back when he uses his E, if he hits his R on you escape ASAP, you'll die in 1 combo”
XD001 says “Abuse his early game weakness. His Q is about 8 seconds tier 1, so trade and try to bait his W (pool). Once that is down try to all in and kill him before he can sustain up from his Q again. Be careful of his R as he can bait you into all inning him and then heal for half his HP with R + empowered Q. Grievous wounds is a good buy here. Mid game you can match him but he will eventually be able to solo you in the late game. You need to finish the game out before that can happen.
Vladimir heavily outscales Ekko.
take Elec + sorcery page”
Noodles912 says “Play safe when he has empowered abilities, and never use your R unless you got his pool. You win short trades, and Vlad only wins with his R. Use your E to escape immediately if he ults, unless you can guarantee the kill. His pool CD can be abused, and is your opening to hit an R. Roam a lot, since he will play safe and try to outscale you.”
elnino9 says “Don't go for poke trades with him, his Q sustains him and he can crimson rush to get back a lot of health. Make him burn his pool because it costs health and allows you to fight him. Don't get hit by his Crimson Rush Q, as soon as you see the bar fill up immediately step back. It does more damage + gives more HP back. After 6, don't all in him and focus on farming unless you are ahead of him.”
PASS10NE says “Vladimir's W may be difficult to deal with, but you still win. Whatever you do, try your best to back off when his passive is stacked. Just don't let Vladimir scale and you win. Build MR if he's fed.”
Wunsch3957 says “Rush executioners calling always. Don't let him hit a single Q when he has red bar and wind wall his E. If he ever misuses W all in him and kill him. You should always win early and try to end before he scales. Conq.”
Lot of Wind here says “You may be able to trade with Vladimir early, but if you're not able to shut him down hard, he will outscale you very hard. You can't block his Q,E or R but you can block his W.”
Luxon333 says “he can doge all your engages with his w and out scales you pretty hard if you cant get ahead of him or he gets 1-2 kills the game is almost lost ”
Wunsch3957 says “Bully him as hard as possible early on by taking frequent trades and camping him and killing him over and over. Back off when he has red bar. Get healing reduction later on. Conq with flash ignite.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “You are superior in lane and in late. he can't do anything against your push and range. Just keep pushing and stay at max range and he will not touch you a single time. Only be carefull about his Flashcombo. he can 70>0 you with ignite. You can also cancel his E with your R but usually he will pool so not reliable.”
PsykerZeo says “Don't ever take his EQ combo, he can flash into you and you're ded, stay behind minions and buy cull, you need to auto him looking at his blood ''mana bar'' to not trade with his Q. you outdmg him behind minions with your autos. FLEET MANDATORY”
ChaseMorePlz says “If you allow Vlad to sustain your poke and keep his distance, you may be in trouble. Vlad is be very vulnerable to all-ins from Olaf, especially after a Tiamat power spike, so keep this in mind after purchasing items and getting level advantages.”
Coldsong says “He has a bad laning phase, but a godlike late game. Bait out his pool and try to end early, plus buy an early Oblivion Orb, and you should do well. A Liandry's Torment/Void Staff as a second or third item will do good into him too as he will likely build Spirit Visage early.”
BigBushMan says “This matchup is like Teemo in the sense that its a complete annoyance of a lane. However, with Vladimir, he can hyper carry into the late game with his ridiculous CDs with 45% CDR. Just look to try to shove Vlad in and roam if at all possible, because killing him will be very difficult. Just try to end the game as early as possible. Another time bomb matchup (See Kayle for reference) ”
lolkayleee says “[First Strike/Conqueror/Grasp + Trinity/Divine]
[Ignite + TP]
Don't stand in range while his red bar is full. Otherwise just hookshot onto him. Wait for him to use his pool before R'ing him because he can cancel your R with his pool. It's actually kind of hard to kill a good Vlad during the early game so you can just look to farm up as much as you can and force him to answer you in a side lane during the mid/late game and he won't be able to hold you. You can look to split push almost all game because Vlad's kit is made for big teamfights and not for split pushing. ”
BigFatCat909 says “Not as hard as most people think, i recommend rushing Eclipse/Mercury Treads. Executioners won't be needed early due to Ignite though late game it might be a grab. If you get behind early maybe consider purchasing a Hexdrinker.”
Hiimkata says “f you don't kill this champ before his first back you can forget ever killing him again in a 1v1. Pre first back you have the upperhand and pressure for sure so make use of that. You can just combo him and let him waste his W which makes him easly gankable and killable, also going ELECTROCUTE can make this lane way easier early stages. Use mostly E>W>Q vs vlad pre first back. If he has no pool look for all in trades again. FF the game if you didn't kill him before his first back and you can't pull off roams after that cuz he will 1v9 the game most of the times (pull off roams after first back and dont bother trading him anymore beacause of his sustain/dmg/tankiness in health :D). Wits End/Verdant rush if AP jgl always.”
CaptianMike says “Vladimir is tricky because he also is a late-game scaling mage. He contributes to team fights as much as you do! He can also dodge your ultimate with his W. You might be able to kill him pre-6 if you manage to land your Q just on him numerous times.
This is very important and can totally shut down Vladimir. If he is fed, he can tower dive you because he is very fast. Skill oriented match-up.
***Remind your ADC to get executioners calling***”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Stay defensive so he can't Life Steal on you, he will only cast W so he won't be marked by your R thinking that you won't always hit your Q's”
Poppi Sama says “Constant poke and healing are a nuisance to Ahri, but is still a skill based matchup. Poke down, wait for his blood pool, then all-in.”
Whobick says “Vladimir needs to me nerfed. Riot please. He honestly is amazing right now, and his Bloodpool is a bitch. You can't really poke with Undertow (Q) because he simply just heals. When you try to all in, he just Bloodpools away and you just wasted your ult. Try to get a gank, use Undertow to proc his Bloodpool (if he is smart). Then pick it up and slow again and ult and yeah.”
KataTocDo says “Time bomb. Snowball as quickly as you can because he does stupid damage late game.
Runes: Conq- Dom or Elec- Prec
Starting Items: D Blade or Dark Seal”
Jnewbringspain says “Cho is generally great against mages, as are most tanks. Vlad is really well countered in this matchup. You sustain possibly better than he does. He also has no mobility so you can land Q, and you can silence him before he goes into his pool. You essentially stop him from having advantages he's used to having.”
Yamikaze says “Ignite and start E. He has long cooldowns until he gets some cdr. Just go ham in lane and play agressive when you have vision. He has no way to respond to your damage output with his CD's. He needs to scale before he becomes a threat, so this lane is in your favor if played correct. ”
Dannala says “Trading early is fairly even, he got pretty good sustain and got an escape similar to your Rappel making this match up probably the most even. Late game he will easily AoE your team for a ton of damage which you can't compete with however which brings his threat up a bit.”
wildersovereign says “This champion is obnoxious to deal with thanks to his W and lack of mana. Locking him down can be frustrating and he will start to seriously impact the game later on if he isn't put in check. Most champions can mitigate this somewhat by shutting him out of the game early, but Morgana's early laning phase isn't very threatening. Take advantage of his W's cooldown and play as aggressively as you can afford to. Buy an early Oblivion orb, as this will decrease his sustain in fights and allow you to kill him more easily.”
BubbaStudmuffin says “You run into the same problem you have with Anivia as you do with Vlad. He is happy to play like a bitch and it's hard to dive him. But unless you do something stupid you aren't in much danger.
If you can bait out his pool or get some cc from a gank from your team you might nab him.”
invalidd says “This matchup sucks and at the same time it's pretty favorable, you can ooga booga the lane and go for a big trade level 1 and level 2
but the pool can really mess you up at level 3, the fact he doesn't use mana and heals up from just farming and also being a lategame champion feels
overwhelming since you can't keep on trading with him cause you use mana, specially when he gets his items and gets tankier you're just not able to trade
against him at all, just like fizz you have to play around his pool cooldown throughout the whole game and never forget about the heal he gets from his
ult before executing. Ungankable.”
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs vlad: pockealo con tu Q y la E, aléjate de el cuando tenga la Q potenciada y a lvl 6 si lo pockeaste decentemente podrás matarlo, Y recuerda, usa el ignite cuando tenga la Q potenciada o te haya echado la R de el encima y así evitar su curación. (compra según lo que quieras)
ezmod66 says “Difficult to win point to be honest. Haven't faced enough Vlad's yet.
two playstyles i have encountered so far go as follows.
1.) Vlad has good footwork and will know how to use his kit to dodge your q. Out sustains your trading by playing really far back and walking up for cs. You lose your mana bar and he heals everything up. He will freeze the wave close to his tower making you over extend for cs. This makes you really susceptible to being camped. From my experience when this happens his jungler isnt dumb. He will make your life miserable. Call jungler to help break freeze. Once you hit 6 easier to play the matchup.
2.) The wants to try vlad or is inexperienced. Perma pushes without thinking. doesnt have wave management and cant dodge your q. He wastes his w easily.
As with most matchups you need to feel out your opponent and look for every small opportunity to put pressure on him. Playstyle one makes this reall hard as he will just back off. Playstyle 2 will crumble and play extremely safe giving you the lane.
If you want to kill bait w. its a long cd. At 6 r him w behind so hes stuck in r. q e r. He will die without flash
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent”
KatarinaScriptz says “He is also a winnable champion but you have to get him when his bar isn't red, it's obvious but most people forget that he does MAJOR damage with that red bar and he gets tanky late game.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Vladimir is weak early but still very difficult to kill due to his pool
- You have better waveclear than him, push him in early
- You win every jungle 2v2 early - midgame
- He will significantly outscale you at around 3 items
- If you hold your W for too long he will pool it so go for short W's
- Play around the map and get your team fed
- You should try to end the game before he becomes a monster”
Scyrine says “Sometimes you'll find a really good vlad and other times you won't. Just play against his heal and whenever he has red bar disengage and then re-engage after. Usually LVL 6 you can outdamage him but just be careful if he runs under turret because that's usually what he does. Rush Morellos after hextech if you're getting destroyed. ”
FoxyGrill says “Hard matchup, he outscales you and is able to heal most of the damage that you deal during trades, you have to play perfectly or you'll run out of mana, take ignite to reduce his healing.”
Sushi_Cat says “"Ah Vladimir, you are nothing but a stain. Splattered on the pages of history"
Try to bait out his W if possible. Keep in mind he can dodge Death Realm with it. Be cautious of when he gets Crimson Rush and save your W for it. You'd be surprised how thirsty Vladimirs get to get an empowered Q off. Use this unwarranted aggression to your advantage and go in as soon as Crimson Rush wears off. ”
vCraze says “Vladimir can be a tough matchup is some situations if he gets the chance to scale. You cannot use your E when he has his W up as he will always use it to dodge and it becomes a waste of mana for you. You will need to poke him down to make him use it in defense, if he ever does use it that is your chance to full combo him. In this particular matchup you will have to figure out what you like best with runes whether that be the standard runes or if you want to go domination for some extra early damage which can help to get him out of lane. Vladimir has a lot of healing which can cause problems if you try to poke him out as it can burn through your mana quickly. Do not allow him to get his Q onto you as it heals him for more. If you decide to go with Domination secondary for runes try to use your W-Q combo to get the extra true damage in lane. If Vladimir is allowed to scale you may not be able to kill him at all but the lane is generally dictated by whoever is able to stay in lane longer or for the better early purchases.”
Sadkid says “Vlad in not that scary. Build Oblivion orb early on dont try to poke him down as he will win the war of attrition. The way to win is keep him pushed in and roam or skirmish in the JG. He is incrdibly weak early on. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Play around phase rush and his empowered Q. If the bar is red dont trade with him. Keep in mind he can pool your W and can insta kill you with his flash-R-E-Q. Win trades with q shield and e phase rush and try to get his W out of the way for a gank. Best way to do this is just walk up to him with phase rush and plop it down in front of him, he will W either toward you or away based on his cds.”
SkellyBirb says “He has much better poke than you and can dodge you knock ups with his pool. He also has great sustain. It's best to take advantage of his weaker early game before he scales as he doesn't have that much health and can't do much to run without his pool which has a long cooldown.”
WolfRider01 says “You can easily shut Vlad down early. Be aware of the bar under his HP. When it is about to be full (When it turns orange->red) back off, let him Q a minion. It does bonus damage, and will hit like a truck early game if you get hit by it. His late game scaling is really strong, be mindful he can solo carry games when fed. But his lane phase is weak, and you should win.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with ignite. Vlad is such a easy matchup for Zoe. You have better wave clear, harsh, kill pressure and roaming potential then him. Only thing you need to care for is his w. You can run him down without e with ignite if he overextends. Get oblivion orb if they have anthor healing champ.”
MartyBG says “A tough matchup for Lux since you can almost never kill him because he can heal all the poke you're doing to him, it's basically a farming lane. He outscales you so be careful.”
Strixx says “After level 7 (4 points in Q) vlad becomes unkillable and infinitely outscales you, so you're only window is to kill him early otherwise you will never beat him.”
k1t3k1t3 says “Neeko has great matchups, and ot all of these are even too hard, the main issue is they can run you down, 1 shot you, or have potent CC to shut you down during teamfights.”
Bobbab says “Vlad is a dreaded matchup, but early game he is just a sitting duck. 1 jungle gank can make him an easy target when his flash is down. Watch out for his scaling as late he becomes unstoppable.”
sweodigaming says “Can be annoying, but he will probably build toward spirit visage for the heal, so better build Liandry's Torment or Void staff. He will be op late game, so try to bully him in lane. Keep in mind that he as excellent sustain though. ”
aL3x888 says “You can all in Vlad level 4 with ignite but onlyy if he's a little bit poked. If he has everything up, use your combo burst +ignite and wait for him to pool, after the pool you just R and it should be an easy kill.”
ZeMoller says “very simple matchup, you win lane and win sidelane, the only thing you have to watch out for, is not getting too low so that you can die to his charged e flash into second charge q and ignite (this can also be amplified by using his r)”
Yeager says “Get morello's to counter his healing. Go for quick trades, but avoid going in when his empowered Q is up. You win early, but he outscales you hard in lategame. ”
Lunasta says “Vladimir vs Qiyana is a Skill Matchup, it's really easy for you to stun him and burst him but it is also really easy for him to avoid all of it with his W, just be patient, build some kind of grievous wounds and try to bait his W and you should be good”
Yeager says “Laning phase is really easy but he outscales you hard later on. Actually he outscales every champ bg =)
His waveclear sucks early on, so you can shove him in and poke him under turret. Get morellonomicon second item to counter his healing. Keep your distance when his empowered Q is about to come up. RESPECT his damage when he's level 6 and have flash + ignite up.
It's really difficult to counter vlad in lategame. You HAVE TO time his flash cooldowns and play around that. If he ever manages to close the distance, your team is dead. ”
SkellyBirb says “Vladimir can't burst you early game and you win trades against him if you trade effectively. Shrines to heal from his poke are great. I'd suggest Morellonomicon after you finish your core if you're facing him, as he does scale and his healing is large.”
FalleN3 says “Vladimir is a nuisance champion to play against, I really dislike him. Ignite is a decent summoner spell to take against him as it will reduce his ability to sustain in fights. His early game is very weak but this does not mean he cant harass you much and sustain himself. Seeing as you are weak early game also, by the time you get stronger and able to deal with him he will have some items himself which will likely begin with MR. Look for kills and picks in other lanes and the jungle as he will be next to impossible to kill without jungler help and CC.”
SkellyBirb says “He has much better poke than you and can dodge you knock ups with his pool. He also has great sustain. It's best to take advantage of his weaker early game before he scales as he doesn't have that much health and can't do much to run without his pool which has a long cooldown.”
FalleN3 says “Vladimir is a nuisance champion to play against, I really dislike him. Ignite is a decent summoner spell to take against him as it will reduce his ability to sustain in fights. His early game is very weak but this does not mean he cant harass you much and sustain himself. If he plays passive you will never be able to kill him and overextending will likely get you ganked. By the time you get stronger and able to deal with him he will have some items himself which will likely begin with MR. Look for kills and picks in other lanes and the jungle as he will be next to impossible to kill without jungler help and CC.”
Reason97 says “You have better poke then him, but he has more sustain and survivability then you. Watch the bar under his health to see when his Blood Sucking ability will do more damage, cause he'll usually try to poke you a bit then. If he get's ahead in health, just hang back and try to see if you can even the field. You out damage him, but if he get's to far ahead in health, it isn't gonna matter. ”
xAsuta says “He can avoid your all in and heals a lot. Buy Hexdringer for MR and AD or build Executioner calling so he can't heal. Maybe rush Mercs and don't let him reaches late game because of his solo carry potential. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Don't do anything stupid. Start E and be as aggressive as you can be when you have vision. He has longer cooldowns before he gets items. His W has a 28s cooldown lvl 1. After he uses that just all in. Also avoid him using Q on you when his Bloodthirst (secondary) bar is red. A good Vladimir will never try to trade and will just focus on farm, but if they try to trade you will win it before he has CDR. Outscales you. Take Conq.”
Jimmy1337 says “YOU REALLY DON'T WANT TO PLAY AGAINST HIM. Playing as zed vs vlad is really tough. He can easily heal after your pokes with his Q. Killing him on 6th level and higher, is nearly impossible, unless your Jungler comes to you.”
sashadidntwalk says “You should be able to chase him down easily with Q2 and E after he puddles. Let him push into your tower so you have space to run after him and punish him if he gets too close. Make sure to go in when his Q is on CD (Spirit Visage or Frozen Mallet is a nice pick against him). Ignite when he is about to Q you so healing is reduced.”
arcanejhin says “I honestly hate vlad in general. You should be able to chase him down easily with Q2 and E after he puddles. Let him push into your tower so you have space to run after him and punish him if he gets too close. But honestly he wins. make sure to go in when his Q is on CD
spirit visage or frozen mallet is a nice pick against him
Ignite when he is about to Q you so healing is reduced or get executioners”
Twist21 says “Against Vladimir you want to maintain your health as high as possible and make the wave push to you so you can all in him when he overextends under your tower.You win this matchup 1v1 at any stage of the game as long as you dont fall behind.Fleet runes / Standard LT runes based on team comps with Flash Ghost as summoner spells.”
Fadedreformed says “Pretty even, even though Kassadin is considered a counter to vlad he can actually be beaten if you do some common mistakes such as trading his empowred q with yours. Care for his flash all in combo since it will be really quick and won't respond to it on time. Should be free by the time you hit 6. Try chunking him a bit and then combine flash + r onto him for an easy kill.”
Shock_101 says “Bait out his w before you ult him, keep him in combat, otherwise he will just get all his hp back with q, and don't step up when he has empowered q. It deals big damage.”
xXkillercrackXx says “vladimir has around the same range as you, but has a ton more sustain. Avoid trading with vlad and try to passively farm up. Call for ganks early as he has no real way to escape it bar using his very long cooldown W. Try and bait him to use his W before using your gold card on him.”
Yuki H. says “Wow, so much fun. Champion with no mana pool, sustain, and a cheap power spike? Fantastic. He also has an ability which makes him invulnerable for a few seconds which sucks to hear as a Zed. Just avoid his empowered Q's and try to bait out his pool before asking for a gank.”
Proma says “Dshield
You can sustain back from his poke by sitting on grey health with dshield.
Buy executioners calling and avoid trading with him when his bar is red. E start is good into Vlad as long as he doesn't start his pool. You win the lane as long as he doesn't get a snowball. Play aggressive when his pool is on cd(~24ish secs)”
oscarlotus says “Vladimir is by far the hardest matchup for gangplank, he sustains harder, has more damage, scales better and has just as good teamfighting as you”
Veralion says “Obnoxious, but he has a very weak early game and you get the chance to ramp up with him. His Q cooldown is visible to you, so make sure to back well off when his bar is nearly full. When he charges his E, hide behind your wave to block the damage. If you do the dance properly you should take very little damage and be just fine in lane. Look to all in right after he uses his super Q. He will be forced to back off without access to it. Wait for him to pool before firing your E. You're stronger on even footing, but finishing a kill is difficult through his healing and W. Most of the time it's your second E after your all in that ends up killing him, and that usually only happens if he is disrespectful. Probably wise to wait for help and blow your load on him while he cannot pool. Be very careful if you're low and the wave is pushing in; he has one of the best kits in the game for tower diving and can easily burst you down from as high as 600 life and effortlessly get away with it.”
DankFlyingCow says “A really cancer lane for you because of blood pool. Try to eat him like everyone else, but it's not easy. He will outpoke you, and is AP, which is annoying earlygame.”
xCleansuo says “He has to much healing with Q. and his pool dodging everything. So try to poke him with wind and when he drop pool there is your chance
SnakeOnRiver says “Extreamly easy. Land Q, then run down with E for free trades. He cant do anything in early. Later, when he is trying all-in, wait until he comes out of W and use miasma and R. Phase/Conq.”
Stiwy says “He can just play safe and turn the lane into Farming Simulator.
Try to play very aggressive, buy an early executioner's calling and push waves of minions under his tower hoping that he can't farm too well.
The moment where you have the highest chances of catching him is when he launches his Q at you, in that moment you can try to land an E if he is close enough but still he can run away with his W.
Start Cull, and try to be useful for your team.”
ai darkfluid says “Take Aery and ignite for lane pressure. Vladamir is a monster lategame, but so are you. Ignite should work for any lane kills, but be sure to build into Morellonomicon.
Preferred rune: Summon Aery/Phase rush/Electrocute”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Annoying lane but you'll be fine as long as you get early MR Pen due to him probably getting Spirit Visage first item
Bait out the W by tempting him with an engage and then you can outburst him as long as he doesn't have powered up Q”
MrMoonBird says “In terms of progression, Vladimir will outscale you, and fast. Watch out for his Sanguine pool, as it'll steal life from you and heal him. His E can be avoided by using your Q passive to step back quickly. Play it safe, ask your jungler for assistance.”
snukumz says “He's a manaless champion so there comes a point when you have to back and he doesn't and that can cost you some missed CS.
He can/should be able to heal any poke you do to him so focus only last hitting with your abilities instead of trying to poke him.
He can kill you at 6 and likes to dive under towers because his pool lets him dodge tower shots so be aware that he might try to tower dive you.
He's very good in teamfights so you don't have the team fight advantage when playing against him.
Hopefully he doesn't get fed otherwise you'll probably be losing the game when playing against him. ”
1256 says “this is a race between you and him: who kills the backwave first
for real though, you're a better champion, he doesn't stand a chance in lane, run him down, be careful of his sustain
fleet+dom, electro if confident”
Pentakai says “Q when he Q's. Beware his empowered Q. If he steps too close you can give him a short combo. After level 6, you can perma-jump on him. Be aware of the enemy jungler.”
TotallyEclipse says “If you let him poke you you'll lose. Jump on him level 2 if he steps up, all in him every chance you get. While his pool is down, you should win all ins. Executioners calling rush is good herev”
Zwengo says “Make sure to build a morellonomicom first item. If he tries to Q you run back and get ready to stun him, especially if he is caught out on your turrets.”
Art1val says “If you sleep him he can w it and not take damage unless you time it right(Takes a game or two to get used to). Late game he will just steam roll you :(”
PepeOnDrugs says “Propably the hardest Akali matchups pre 6. He has a lot of healing and pretty good with his Q. He also can try to cheese you when he hits 6 first. Tips: Take feet footwork. Gives you good lane sustain against him. Try to poke him hard at level 1-2.”
GG Yasuo says “Vlad is like Orianna in a way where you both have to farm for items and play for teamfights. The only difference is Vlad is much simpler but easier. He has infinite sustain mid, has tons of damage, and Orianna has trouble landing skillshots on him due to his healing and W. You pretty much always want to rush morello (assuming you already have ludens and boots).”
xXAhriXx69 says “Vlad can be a hard matchup for ahri since he can easily dodge her charm by using his pool but what i've learned that works against a bit lower elo vlad players so mainly around gold u can start your combo of by firing a q first to bait out his pool since most gold players expect you start of your combo with charm that way he wastes his pool and u can look to all in them. that said if the vlad know the matchup well and knows how to play vlad well it might not always work and you have to play it a bit safe look for openings for when he uses his w and try to work together with your jungler to make it so vlad cant create any leads.”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Vladimir can be really annoying to deal with. He has constant lane sustain, and his pool allows him to easily dodge your W, or timewinder when you dash on him.
Trade when he just used his Q on minions, and you can bait out his pool by placing a W on top of him and dashing near it.
But what's good is that you can ult his ult to counter it.”
GodFaker says “Early to Mid-Game he will make your life a nightmare, you can 1v1 him late if he doesn't get fed and you aren't like 2 items behind (ALWAYS BUILD EXECUTIONER'S AGAINST VLADIMIR!)”
Debonair Karma says “One of the easiest matchups. Vladimir has no waveclear so just push him into the tower and poke him there. He has no range on top of it all. Your W isn't interrupted by his W so he can't even escape ganks. Take ignite/teleport”
Axelote says “Try to bait his pool, it has a long cooldown and it costs health - it's your opportunity to kill him or make him go back. Don't try to win by poking - his Q is on a low cooldown, he will get the health back very quickly.”
Gageowago says “Poke and bully him levels 1-4 as much as physically possible. Once he hits level 5 you are rarely going to win trades unless Vlad is just bad. Pressure him off of cs if you can but just make sure to farm up and roam to help your other lanes to get them ahead. Build Morello's immediately after Luden's. He will scale out of control and become unkillable if he gets ahead. Remember that while you should roam, DO NOT let him free farm for too long. Call for ganks to keep him pressured and end as soon as you can. Bait out his pool as much as possible before ganks.”
topal says “if he ever uses his w he is very vulnerable Try to bait it and all in him. At level 2 if he gets E get w and try to connect it on him you will get a great trade with q+aftershock ”
MorroX says “Vladimir is just like fizz. He has big dps, and because of his W, your ult is easily counterable for him. Still counterable with MR items.”
Lil Tidepod says “Vladimir's only strength against Ryze is that he can go untargetable. You probably won't be able to kill him because of this. Try and bait it out and force him to stay in lane by shoving the wave into the turret hard. If you can't do this, just push and roam. He can't push well. I'd try and kill him as much as possible, though, because his life steal can really turn late game fights around, even if he's playing from way behind.”
JacWilly says “Has terrible wave clear early, can dodge your full combo and ult with his W, try to bait it out, if he goes atleast even early game, late game is over for you.”
Capparelli says “Get an early executioners instead of your usual Tiamat/Hexdrinker, bait his pool by using E and then holding Q, easy lane if you don't let him poke you, always go in when his pool is down”
BigBushMan says “Vlad is a very hard matchup, as his sustain is near infinite and its hard to kill him due to his W if you do get him low. Once he gets 45% CDR though, its basically lane over. He will also carry late game so this lane is very difficult. ”
ahrienthusiastmain says “You keep your distance with celerity and vlad can't land his spells. The only way he kills you is with his flash/ignite combo. You outrange him and win trades with scorch. If you can land your charm, he loses lane hard.”
serruh says “90% of the time this matchup should be free, but on the off chance vlad gets a lead and starts snowballing with ignite, it can be hard for ryze to keep in the sidelane. this champion is also obviously a monster in teamfights compared to ryze, so worth keeping that in mind as well. you can bully him pretty reliably once you get your first back and just put him on the back foot as he cant keep up with your shove from then on, just be careful of any cheesy all in with ignite and you should be fine.”
RockitoAhri says “Fighting him on lane is very difficult. A better thing to do is just CS and roam as soon as you have your ULT up. Picking morello after Ludens is a MUST and keeping ignite ONLY for him during team fights. ”
Kami_EU says “Vladimir struggles in early game due to his massive cooldowns pre 40%-45% CDR.
Best way to beat Vladimir is by freezing your lane and making him overextend. crashing waves under his tower will help you outscale him.
In late-game Wit's End, Executioner's Calling will make you a big threat to Vladimir.
Loki029 says “Spirit Visage and Dervish and your are fine to bring his blood to boil under your Demacian Justice, don t bother him Flaming you, silence him with your q and after your "First Blood", when he starts flaming "silence" him in the all Chat, Hybrit too win”
ur_mom_gay says “Easy for you early, hard to deal with later on. Level 4 you pretty much slap him. Don't get discouraged by his sustain if he has a lot of pots, just keep poking him down. You'll be able to kill him if you bait out his pool.”
chrisloths says “His W is rough to deal with. Pooling himself can negate your kit if he times it correctly, and his Q can proc on your plants. Try to keep your distance and avoid fighting him.”
Sloyr says “His W makes him nearly impossible to kill in early game, if he wastes it, you can go all in. His late game scaling is really strong so you have to shut down him in mid game during fights ( You can counter his healing with Kata's 60% healing reduction on R )”
ekkologix says “early morello, vladimir is skill matchup , agressive early game, ignite is a must, remember to ignite before his q to decrease lifesteal.”
Tehqo says “He just heals back your poke and can pool away when he feels in danger. This is one of those times where you might as well be farming. Roaming might be good.”
NebuIa says “Vladimir cannot do anything to Zoe unless she majorly missteps. Try W level one, as you can't trade into him at level 1. If you hit a bubble, don't throw q immediately. He may try to pool it. If he does he's screwed, as he just took more damage for free. The only way it works is if you q really early.”
Je Suis Azir says “this guy is a fucking garbage can if you play well. All you need to do is hardpush from max range, he can't touch you and he can't push as fast as you. Your late game outshines his, and you can just get Morello and shit down his throat. ”
Impswitch says “Ew... will out heal most of your damage and kept you pushed pretty well and its hard to trade since his q range will match your w range. late game cant really do much to him since most vlads will build MR. ”
cobbzy says “watch out for the empowered Q, make sure to disengage when he is pooled. Otherwise, trade when his Q is down, and make sure to roam when you can. Being ahead of him is pretty much where you want to be for this matchup. ”
sekkondsEU says “Tanky, healing, a lot of damage, can dodge your passive. Be careful, dont trade after approx. 2 backs unless you stomp him early. Take ignite, cheapshot and build morello after lich bane. ”
CupOLatte says “Try to avoid this matchup as much as possible. Vlad can go into his pool during your E cast period and it'll render your combo useless. Luckily, he's very rarely played in mid so you wont see this matchup too often.”
charlton says “You have to kill him between level 1-4 or the lane becomes unplayable. Chunk him before he levels pool and call for an early gank to finish him off.”
Aizenvolt says “His sustain is very good. Just poke him from a distance and try to cancel the damage from his q with yours. When his empowered q is almost up keep your distance because it does a lot of damage and it will heal him a lot too.”
Quezel says “Vlad can be tricky but its definitely winnable if you play it properly. Use your e to get him in range and try to force extended fights vlad loses these quite hard early game. If you let him sustain off the wave freely you instantly lose so look to pressure him every time e is off cooldown and look for all ins whenever you have ult up after you get some AP.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite/Barrier matchup. Ignite for low kill pressure junglers, barrier for burst (assassins or karthus junglers).
Only anomaly of ranged matchups. Take electrocute instead of comet. Actually very easy matchup, and one of Vlads most difficult. Do NOT use Q, like at all in this matchup. Spam W near your minions and constantly shove/harass him. He will NEVER be able to get within Q range, much less E. Once hes about to get empowered Q, start walking back since he will tank minions trying to cast it on you, then once he uses it on minions, AA Q AA him and you done more damage than he has healed. If he is level 6, about to have empowered Q, and is randomly charging up E, flash. He is about to flash E Q R W away. Easiest prediction. Oh by the way, Vlads waveclear sucks ass. Shove him in and roam a lot if you can't kill him. He will cry bloody tears under tower while you get double kill bot lane. Also rush Morello 2nd. ”
Mid Win Repeat says “Vlad just isn't a threat to Taliyah. He can pool your W but you have more consistent damage with your Q. If I rush sorcs in this match up I can pretty much kill him at will. Sorcs into Lost Chapter into Morrello and its GG.”
SNOBOY says “While he can heal up a lot of your poke and poke back, you can get an advantage early by hurting him while his cooldowns are down. If he is smart he will go spirit visage first and you will have a tough time.”
MarkeleleYasuo says “Good vlad will destroy you, buy exe early so he doesnt heal that much, always use windwall for his e but only at the last moment so he doesnt hit you for sure, avoid fighting him with his red bar up”
Braddik says “poke him forever with your q and dont let him his his empowered q on you. after 6 you can run him down and before that you can look to E him when he steps up too far then burst him. you outrade him hard, you can Q his e and weak Q”
HeisendongNA says “Vladimir takes turrets with Q+E while sustaining off them, and W allows him to dodge all of your abilities. Your best option is to go Ignite instead of TP and try to kill him because there is no way you can win a sustain war against Vladimir. Also remember he is not really strong early w/o items and his Q is pretty long CD until lvl 9. When his empowered Q is just coming off cool-down he will likely use it on you or a creep, making him an easy target to hit your stun (timing is the key)”
spark2 says “You almost never see Vlad mid, but on the off chance you do Ekko does alright against him. Don't try to land W on him unless he's gone into his pool recently, since it's a super easy escape for him. Stay away when he's got his third empowered Q up and you'll be fine.”
ZEDORSON says “I think Vlad is the biggest counter of Zed. If you don't beat him in early you are done later. He is weak in early game. (cooldowns and no escape)
But when he has cooldown items he starts be dangerous for you. Every trade with you is his win. because he will get hp back, you not (if not lifesteal).
Rush Executioner in early for reduce his heals. If you failed vs him in early. Try to rush hexdrinker with Mercury boots. Vladimir's weakness are ignite and Grevious wound (mortal reminder and morello)”
Cloud375 says “This guy basically doesn't do anything but survive till he has level 6 or two items; by which point he literally massacres you and your teammates if he can land a good combo. Crush him early or hard scale to the late game and focus every other major threat first.”
Tayna says “Phew...a good Vladimir won't die, period.
You can Q him and even if he uses the pool, he CAN'T move.
But your E is basically useless here, and if he goes all in with the R+E+Q+Ignite combo, you're DEAD.
But he has NO RANGE at all so abuse that!”
IceBite says “Small Kassadin, he can heal up your poke and W your R. Better ban him or doge. or kill him early with your jungle and close out the game fast.”
Garybaldo says “You can bully his early game easily, go Phase Rush or Electrocute, he will outscale you but it will take him a lot, if he does get ahead though be careful as he can run you and your team down very, VERY easily”
Novok says “Fighting him on lane is very difficult. A better thing to do is just CS and roam as soon as you have your ULT up. Picking morello after Ludens is a MUST and keeping ignite ONLY for him during team fights. ”
Novok says “Pretty even matchup. Comes down to who is the better player so be confident and play aggressive as his early game is a little weaker than yours.”
Tchouvline says “Like Anivia, a better-than-average Vladimir will be annoying for you, but a casual Vladimir is not a huge problem, you can Drain him even if he's on his W, you have alot of controls to stop Vladimir. Your E have a better range than his Q.”
Euphoric Toaster says “Vladimir can be an extremely annoying matchup. Pre level 6 you can poke and harass him a lot but hes just going to end up healing most of it up. Post 6 he quickly gets to the point where he can do his flash combo and kill you from nearly full HP. His passive also gives him TONS of free HP, which makes it difficult for you to actually burst him down. If you're in a skirmish with him you have to wait out his pool before you stun or he will just dodge it. Keep in mind you can stay behind and drop your turrets to block his E damage. Obviously Morellonomicon is good against him although you might be forced to go Zhonya's Hourglass to stasis his Ult pop.”
chloric says “He fucks you up hard late, but try to abuse his weak early game. Roam as much as you can with your ult to end as fast as you can so he won't get to scale late game and pop your team.”
Chromuro says “He can be a bit problematic, too much HP regen, tankiness, damage till the end of time and spirit visage is a thing that exist. Farm, farm and farm, his Q can target one voidling at time, so you have more farming power. Morello is your best friend and don't be reckless. Don't expect to kill him in laning phase and stay focused during the later stages of the game, his R hurts like hell and you need to have your passive up when it hits”
Big Shawn says “Not a easy Matchup. Vladimir Mains will knwo what to do to defeat a Yasuo. So take care of his summs, when he used them and when to engage.”
Fox1ne says “Get the magic item morelo and try to harass him early level pre 6, after 6 look for roams. Else he can one shot you with just a simple spell rotation.”
LunarkeGG says “Trade around level 3 when vlad pools your cds are lower then the pool cd so trade again for a free flash or kill if he has no flash anymore.”
Raideru says “Out sustains you the entire laning phase and out scales you also in the same time, i'd advise getting vampiric scepter in the matchup so you can keep up with his healing.”
ZenonZeni says “Vladimir will always beat you in late game, do your best to punish him early so that he will behind during mid and late stages of the match.”
Wizboy73 says “even thought you fuck him in the early levels. once he reaches his 40% cdr you lose, he can negate your W as well as fully heal from a good R, take barier and dont try to get flanked in fights, in this matchup you NEED to play front to back teamfights.”
I Do Not Flame says “His W counter every one of your abilities.
Good luck here, wait to use your R when he waste his W (the one that goes under ground)”
Yeager says “Match up is manageable because he's also a scaling champion that wants to farm for his powerspikes.
- Stay out of range when his empowered Q is up. It deals a lot of damage even early game.
- Minions can block his E damage.
- You don't really kill each other in the laning phase unless one of you plays it super bad. Both of you scale hard into lategame, so just play passive and farm or wait for jungle ganks.
- Tell your adc to buy executioners. Morello is a decent item, but not that good on Kayle as she doesn't benefit as much from it like mages do. If your ADC won't buy anti healing, then you have no choice but to buy morello..
- ALWAYS time his flash. It's the most important thing when playing against vladimir. He has no mobility, so can only reach your carries by flanking with flash. Timing it will let you know when to back off.
- He's a lategame god like kayle. You can outclass him in the sidelane, but he can wipe out your entire team in fights with insane AOE damage, so never underestimate the damage of lategame vladimir. ”
Xavier Senori says “Vlad will outheal any harass you put out, causing you to waste your precious mana. On top of this he can easily dodge your ult with his pool. That being said you heal for a bit as well, so its very hard for him to kill you in lane early on. Push lane and roam to get kills or call for super early ganks”
PandaSenpai101 says “You can all-in Vladimir with a good trade of vitals. Never get hit by his 3rd Q, as it does double damage and heals him for more. Try to time your vitals after he uses Q. That way, he doesn't have a fast way to trade back. Pre 6, you should parry his 3rd Q, or his E. After 6, parry the damage of his R. The timer shows on the HUD.”
best teemo says “start: doran ring, magic resist runes
How he will try to trade against you:
Vlad will try to walk up to you and q you once his mana bar turns red.
How to win trades pre6:
this is one of the easiest match ups, level one you have to poke him down really hard, to the point where he runs away from minion exp, don't allow him to q a single minion lvl 1, vlad won't be able to do anything against your lvl 1.
after lvl 1, just keep hard poking him with auto q auto, and only avoid fighting him when his mana bar is red.
If you couldn't kill him on first back, build wits end, if you were able to kill him and push the minions in his tower, you can either build liandry or morello.
by the time he gets lvl 6, you should be 2 or 1 level ahead of him so his all in shouldn't deal much damage to you if you don't fight him when he has red bar, if you're the same level as him after 6, then build some magic resist.”
kilgta says “dont ever get close to him and ult him with help. farm lane. Morrelo is important, 2nd item. Zhonya is useful. You should be able to deny him a lot and E poke. start sapphire.”
unownreality says “out damages you, out sustains you, and can dodge anything you throw at him. New Morellonomicon will help, but its still a tough lane with his sustain
MechaaZero says “He doesn't really die often unless its early game. His damage output can get high, but yours will be higher more often than not. He will W to dodge literally everything, and its annoying.”
RagexAddict says “Vladimir not only has no mana costs, his Q and R can heal him for a decent amount. He'll most likely rush a spirit visage to increase his healing and damage from increasing his health, while also decreasing your damage. Morellonomicon should be at the very latest your second item against this champion, or else you won't be able to take him on by mid game. Keep track of his W cooldown, as he can use it to make himself untargetable and avoid your ultimate and your Q and E damage. When he uses this ability, he will be vulnerable, as it costs health to use and he'll no longer have any escape tools to avoid your damage.”
MadMaster523 says “Vladimir is quite obnoxious to play against. Even if you poke him with your [[Boomerang]] he will still sustain through his q. You can't trade close range with him. He can also dodge your ultimate with his [[Sanguine Pool]] Rushing hexdrinker against him is a must.”
SrSuders says “Vladimir kann man schwer besiegen, da wenn er die Vladimir W komplett ausweicht kriegt man stacks nur noch schwieriger drauf.
Abgesehen davon hat er ziemlich starken sustain und besseren Sustain.”
Flipps says “vladmir's damage output is intense, that being said if he tries to kill you without puddle, you can most of the time turn it around to your favour, ignite before he Qs you if you go all in.”
iam2sxy1 says “play safe until level 2 where you can hit 1 auto then hit a q which will deal more damage than his q and he won't be able to heal it all back which will end up with you winning the damage trade off. taking the ignite will also allow you to be agressive in lane as it will reduce his healing by 50%”
YayaLoL says “With any item path you take you wont be able to do anything to this guy. He legit heals the entire time so poking him down is hard. Then it just gets late game so try roaming and farming.”
YourBestSenpai says “Gay champion is all I can say. Counters your charm with ease, and since you most probably will use e and straight q after that, he will dodge both, so be careful on that. Also, his damage on q when he has his charge is stupiditly huge as well as his heal, morello NEEDS to be bought after GLP. Ignite is great vs him as well.”
Ec40494 says “W counters your ultimate and poke. W < E and save your Q so when he gets out of pool you can hit it, or you can W < Q < E for fast combo (hard to hit for beginners because no e slow). Sustain is strong. ”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Poke him with Q when he uses Q. Play a little bit safer after lvl 2 but after lvl 3 you shoudl bge able to win trades. At 6 you beat him if you use q at the right time. ”
Evilfury10 says “when vladmir has 2 stacks of bloodfirst she likes to walk up and use it on you, place a q where she will be once she is walking to you. if you remember this lane should be quite easy”
AgreeableOtter says “Big Skill Matchup
The recent itemization and rune changes changes has made Vlad a lot stronger than Zed because it allows him to get 41% Cdr as soon as he hits lv 10, allowing him to perma shove you in and win short/long trades.
Just use R to get an extra shadow or to dodge his big Aoe (E) because the Death Mark itself will most likely never deal any damage to him.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1r8pMpKuXA Watch this Video to get a better understanding of this matchup”
NescEI says “Stay passive in lane first and don't force to trade with him, you will lose the Trade almost everytime, only Trade him when you can use your higher range to your advantage. You should fight him when he used his empowered Q for a minion or something, His Q cooldown is pretty high so you can outdamage him, but don't ult first, I prefer that you only go in when you got your Ignite to reduce his healing. So WEQ AA first, ignite and try to ult him, he maybe won't have that much health left because he dodged your R with his W and did dmg to himself, if he doesn't dodge your R with his W he'll be dead. ”
Shderen says “You do Vlad better than Vlad does Vlad, and Vlad does Vlad pretty good! You wont in the late game damage part though, he has amazing AoE. Mid game you'll run shit though, and likely render him useless enough that it's essentially a 4v5 to victory.”
aButteredPoptart says “Vlad about to die? He'll just pool away. There's very little solo kill potential as he has so much sustain and health after protobelt. Look to roam when you hit lvl 6 because there's no benefit in stalemating with him.”
SmokeyEggs says “Vladimir usually builds Visage very early so it's very hard to deal with. Sacrificing your damage output and CDR for Morello is very worth in this matchup. His constant healing can be annoying to deal with but you can outpush and outroam him. Focus him in teamfights since that's where Vlad thrives.”
BicBee says “Build early Morellos. Don't fight him when his bar is red. His W (pool) has around 15s CD. Try to engage hard to make him use W when your jungler is ganking.”
BicBee says “Build early Morellos. Don't fight him when his bar is red. His W (pool) has around 15s CD. Try to engage hard to make him use W when your jungler is ganking. You win trades pretty easily with QW because it's on a shorter CD while being a lot easier to attack with than his skills.”
vukashin.xyz says “He just heals too much
Avoid his empowered Q
He cancels your R with his W
After Duskblade buy Executioners calling to negate his heal”
AzureArmatt says “Vlad is somewhat weird match up where you will poke him constantly but he will always heal back up. it will be match of sustain in lane. There is One bad thing that make him actually quite a treat: it's his scaling. He will become really strong in late game where he will heal a ton, deal lots of damage and on top of that will be able to spam his abilities more often (especially his "blood pool" that makes him untargetable). You will need some tools to counter his healing so you will win with your own sustain and damage. And all this talk brings us to one tip: "Buy morelonomicon" and passive from it will reduce his healing making him super easy to kill and make his life pain. Never let him get his empowered Q used on you since it will hurt so try to poke while the bar bellow his health is white or yellow but never when red”
Shaawn says “Ignite and start E. He has long cooldowns until he gets some cdr. Just go ham in lane and play agressive when you have vision. He has no way to respond to your damage output with his CD's. He needs to scale before he becomes a threat, so this lane is in your favor if played correct.”
Enfurnal says “This monster just does not die. I STG everytime I get him to 50% HP. The next second he will be full HP again. My suggestion is to roam and not fight him. Buy Morello to counter.”
NocUout says “Do I need to even say why? His W completely negates your ult, and he easily sustains through all your damage. Just play safe and don't use ult unless he already used his pool, as most vladamir's will try to save their W for your ult. ”
thedonk says “Bring ignite. Kill him as fast a possible or else he'll heal up with is Q. Hurt him with chains since it'll still root him when he W's. Stay away from him when he has Crimson Rush, or his full red bar below his health bar. ”
Dudstrol says “O mesmo caso da Cassio, só que seu sustain é bem maior e ele possui um dano explosivo alto. Evite trocas e guarde mana para o farm. Quando tiver com morelo pode começar a trocar mas com cuidado, troque somente quando o Q dele tiver em espera e você estiver no meio das tropas para evitar seu E. Se ele iniciar com a ult use o combo do escudo e corra para longe.”
Jazzmonkey says “Go curroption Potion vs Vlad. You will outstand his sustain. Wait until he use his empowered Q and then trade him with E>A>Q>A>W. YOu can easily kill befor hitting 6. Keep in mind he can outplay your full comb so use your full comb E>A>Q>R after he used his W.”
Jammy158 says “The sustain he gets early is annoying. Windwall his E in trades and you can abuse his weak early game. However, do be careful level 6+ because of his Ult. He can kill you if you aren't careful. He can also be a huge threat later on in fights so be careful.”
drunken hunter says “Vladimir may be annoying but you can do the lvl 2/3 engage to get his flash/first blood, in the mid and late game he will get more tanky and he will escape more often with his sanguine pool (W) - kill him early!”
kkiskk says “This match up is kind of easy until late game. You can bully him hard pre-6 without executioner's call if the lane goes even. He has no damage and tankiness until he has he's first item (rylai's or hextech belt) but if you have execution's call, you beat him anytime and anywhere (even tower dive). You can get execution's call after dirk if he plays well (you can't kill him(after all-in) / he has more cs than you). He will always be back late game like nasus, so get execution's call after Spectre's Cowl at the latest. Remeber to avoid his charged Q, he can heal a lot if it hit you (about 20% hp). Fight him when he has no W or he just used his charged Q, if he doesn't have either one, all-in him. The poke combo is effective on him as he won't be able to react so soon to press the W button. Use your ignite before he use his heal (Q or R HEAL(not right after he use his R)).”
Junix L9 says “You cant do anything against him.
He will permapush lane and when u trade with him he will just heal to full again with his Q.
You should avoid fighting him and look for some roams.
Tipurrs says “He has a weak level One, Abuse it, he scales better than you in terms of damage. Morellonomicon is nice against him since it can reduce his healing. He's weak to CC which is what Annie excels but watch out for his jukes.”
moutenn says “His W negates your R, so bait it out by engageing with W. Also care his third Q. Dont let him heal up, after a succesfull poke-combo on him. Go in and pursuit for the kill.”
qasddsa says “Every time he walks up to you to use Q on you, just Q back and you'll end up dealing more damage. Try not to use Q before he heals from his own Q to optimize the damage. You can push in and take Fleet; he cannot match your roams unless he is running Predator.”
Gambinos says “You cannot 1v1 this champ, his life steal is way too much early game.
Yasuo as a champ wants to snowball early game. I'd recommend your jg to help you with Vlad.”
Sozzoh says “Vladimir has constant poke, sustain, and is very slippery; get Morellonomicon to counter Vladimir. In laning phase, try and harass Vladimir from a distance, while also farming. Try and bait out his W whenever your jungler is going to gank so he'll be a lot easier to catch. Hide behind minions so you don't get hit by his E. Since Vladimir's cooldowns are pretty low in the early game, try to bait out a full rotation of his kit so you can abuse him and possibly push him under turret. Post-6, you'll want to be very careful trading with Vladimir because his ultimate will allow him to heal back most of his health depending on how many champions he has hit. If you think you can get a kill on Vladimir, try to get him to use his W first so he can't W under your ult and healing himself. In teamfights this is where you'll be able to shutdown Vladimir if he's fed, because solo kills or 2v1 kills on Vladimir in laning phase are little to none. I would suggest roaming for kills and try to avoid staying in lane too long.”
undeadsoldiers says “As an experienced mid/top laner I find going up against Vlad average. Most people think of him as a super hard counter to most, but the truth is that you have to know how to lane against him. Take him when he doesn't have his pool. Poking him won't work, he will just heal back up. You have to find him when he's vulnerable and be patient. The all-in has to be strong and guarranteed. Once Vlad gets behind you, he can't really do anything.”
Prenora says “Vlad is pretty easy, he has very poor early waveclear and he's very immobile. you can poke him down as much as you want, and his sustain can't keep up. after 6 you dominate him, as your ult damage and waveclear leaves him defensless”
Witwickies says “There is nothing you can do to him. We have to face truth - he can W from your all-in, heal all your poke thanks to Q, and at some point even kill you easily. Your role here is to slow down his power-spikes and burn his W as often as possible.”
undeadsoldiers says “Careful of his empowered Q early on.
He can dodge your E with Sanguine Pool, but this is on a loooooong cooldown so you can bait it then go all-in.
He needs to die to a burst combo. If you poke him he'll just heal up.
Suggested: Morellonomicon”
ZF.PandaYang says “Vlad is only a threat because of his ability to sustain and negate you of being able to execute him due to his W. bring ignite to counter his heal and sustain, i recommend a executioner's calling”
Jukapiz says “A very hard counter for veigar too. He can gain HP fast, so it's impossible to do enough damage. He can also go through your E, which can be hard to live without. Just remember his CD.”
JuaniG17 says “Same as Swain, its a tough lane as he can stay in there forever, try to all in when his Q is down in earlier levels. You don't want a long laning phase against him.”
Eccentrik says “Tank you say? nope, he's the god of staying in lane for like, 10 minutes of no backing. I recommend you to roam botlane instead if you want kills, don't forget to guard midlane though!”
iiCrispi says “Dangerous, can heal massively, waste your ult, dodge it with his invulnerability. A threat to you and your team. You should get a hexdrinker, or an excutioner's calling.”
Prenora says “you really shouldn't be laning against vlad mid but if you do, get ready for a butt hurting, his low cooldowns autotarget damage, sustain and aoe poke will having you sitting under tower, max Heal first, and poke him with it as much as you can, if you're lucky you can steal a few minions while he's not watching, let him push you in and wait for jungle assistance, don't even try to jump on him, he'll just pool away then turn on you while you run. ”
asffg123 says “Watch for his Q reach and you will do well. His pool counters your E, but he has no burst pre-6. Play safe and you will have an equal laning phase.”
Rosie Posy says “I really dislike playing Akali vs Vlad since he can turn into a pool, drain your health, and his E is annoying as well as his ult. When fighting Vlad, wait for his bar to go from red to either empty or white so he doesn't take even more health from you. Bait out his pool with your E or Q and save your ult. ”
Snowyfreezer says “This guy :V.
He can drain you and can also go untargetable should you decide to jump on him it has a pretty long cooldown though but he won't use it unless hes gonna avoid some of your damage.
If hes bad and new to the champ you should most likely beat him unless you're new to Fizz :V”
Warmanreaper says “Darius counters this person , always be super aggresive with vladimere and try to feed off him before late game, he should be decently squishy but be careful for the pool of blood and the blood bomb.”
Canttouchthis123 says “Ya just cant kill this guy. Likely to be extremely aggressive early with autos and q's. He can pool your engage and e and negate the activation of aftershock. Get shut out early and you will have a hard time coming back.”
Smol Jelly says “Vladimir has better sustain than you do, and his pool is such a pain to deal with. He can avoid your poke, but he's not the most dangerous person to you. He's annoying for you to lane against, but not impossible.”
lkycch says “Vladimir is notorious for becoming a monster in the mid-late game, if not punished early. Therefore, Zilean is just free farm for him. You have no kill potential and no real way of stunning him, because you have to land 2 Q's. In the lategame, his AoE damage will be too much to bear and outshine you. In conclusion, if your team comp has no CC, it's definitely time to dodge. Your gameplan should always be this: once you have Lost Chapter, push the wave and roam bot; get your ADC as fed as possible and quickly end the game. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
Top Lane 51.07% Win Rate34% Pick RateVladimir Top Lane Counters: 30 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Vladimir in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Dom1nus says “Avoid getting hit by his empowered q and bait out his w with e in, probably gonna pop it off and then e again and emp w and then q, his w cooldown is longer than ur e cooldown at rank 1 so u will have a small window of time to do a full combo trade until he gets it again. He also scales hard so be cautious.”
Maniaxx says “Vladimir’s poke damage from Q (Transfusion) and E (Sanguine Pool) is limited by Mundo’s ability to heal through sustained damage.
Mundo’s Sadism (R) can mitigate Vladimir’s burst and sustain in trades.
How to deal with Vladimir:
Be careful of his E positioning: Vladimir can use his E to dodge skillshots or escape fights, so position carefully to avoid being kited.
Build anti-heal: Vladimir has strong sustain, so Executioner’s Calling or Brambles Vest can help mitigate his healing.”
Xested says “I can't count how many times I've been cheesed by a Vladimir with flash. Be careful of his not one but two ways of escaping cages with a summ”
parker3n9 says “In lane, Vladimir isn’t too difficult to handle, and you’ll have some kill pressure, especially if you manage your spacing well. Focus on poking him down and maintaining pressure during the laning phase. The key is to leverage your impact in teamfights between Levels 6 and 11, as Vladimir’s late game is extremely strong. After this point, look to force him into teamfights where you can play to peel for your team and out-impact him. Be mindful of his scaling and aim to stay proactive before he hits his late-game power spike.
Recommended Runes: Aery or Unsealed Spellbook
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport or Ghost and Teleport”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"In theory he should never be in danger if he doesn't make mistakes, but they ALWAYS make mistakes eventually. Eventually he'll waste his Phase Rush and get hit by Q a few seconds
after and that's your opportunity. Immidiately W then Ghost and all in him. He has no real agency over the wave so this is a matchup where wave control is very valuable. Focus on
setting up some slowpushes/freezes to obtain good backs and leads.
(Grasp instead of Fleet here as he is pretty easy to get on top of and you'll need the damage to cut through his healing)" ”
Fenharion says “He's able to heal from any living thing so Oblivion orb is your best choice here,you'd also want to rush for MR since he doesn't have magic penetration in his kit whatsoever,focus on ulting him in teamfights so he doesn't steamroll everyone.”
Houcs says “I recommend dodge if facing this. I pray you will never experience this kind of pain.
The reason I don't ban it is because luckily no one plays.
Anyway, you have to all in him if you want to kill him because he have very good sustain.
I recommend buying hollow radiance and just perma push waves and look for roam and impact map.”
UrPersonalGod says “One of the few matchups where ignite is viable.
Even though you win early there wont be many opportunities to kill him if he doesnt waste W so look for plays around the map.
He completly outscales you but as long as you utilize you early and mid good it should be fine.”
forlid says “Vlad is a rare pick in top but he is quite annoying to lane against nonetheless. While you have an easy time poking him, his W makes all ins quite difficult since if he plays close to his tower he can always disengage in a moments notice. He scales very hard but is very weak early. Look to take trades at level 4 since you can burst him down quickly. Hexdrinker is a good option early since he does full AP.”
Frankoloko says “Shield + Second Wind start. Oblivion Orb next. You win lane hard since he needs a lot of items to get strong. It's useful to ult him in teamfights because he will destroy your team. Remember if you ult while his pool is up he's just going to pool and cost you half of your ult time.”
IvanBeifong says “You can go 3 points in Q or usual W max build, his ult is pretty good for fighting him, consider building a oblivion orb, doesn't matter if you sell it later in the game.
be careful, he can cancel your W with his W.”
PetriciteLoL says “An insane lane bully that scales. Honestly this is one of those matchups if he gets ahead you literally can not do anything. I would say go either 3 Q into W or full W max with Conq and hope he doesnt have ignite.”
step1v9 says “Trade around his empowered Q. Once you force his W that is a good time to back off and wait for CDs to reengage later. If he has no PR then you can all-in once he uses W. Make sure to clear the jungle camps once you get prio so that he can't use them to heal. ”
LDaL says “PTA. Ignite and only ingnite. Because without it you will never kill the vlad who knows how champ is working and have faze rush. Vs him you need to play agresive if not, few minutes and he will be full again, never walk up close to him when his q charged, because then he will chunk you very hard and will heal himself. your w block his e, so you can use it. Recomend you to go for a trade every time he use his q on minions, mostly for short trade, if he is runing away you can deal a bit more auto and go back. After 6 be ready that good vlad will try to dodge your tornado with w, so try to bait it, and trow tornado at the end of e for ult. If you are bellow 40% and he has ignite, never fight 1v1 after he activete his ult, because he can even dive you under the turret. Go kraken, his passive much better vs vlad, just block his w, with ignite you hard win 1vs1.”
Raideru says “In early you want to trade with him as much as possible with your q and do short trades if possible, if his phase rush is ever down always e him in and then run him down even if he pools keep going after him, you beat him in all stages of the game”
Haxorr says “Vladimir is a really tough matchup for Jax as you will never be able to stun him if he uses his pool correctly, and he outdamages/outsustains you in almost all stages of the lane.
Take DShield and Fleet Footwork rune setup and rush Trinity, similar to the other AP matchups in this extreme section. Any time he uses his q on a minion, you have a window to q, auto + w on him and walk away.
If you are feeling confident/aggressive, you can bring ignite in this lane and go the lethal tempo rune setup above instead. This gives you lots of early kill pressure if Vladimir messes up, but if he plays properly you will have a really rough time in lane.”
Belle19 says “PREFERENCE
he has absolutely zero kill pressure if you arent brain damaged in lane, after lane if you split push you can straight up ignore him and destroy towers while he does meaningless damage, and in teamfights you can run him down really easily. Generally if a champion can both tank his initial spell rotation and has any form of chase potential, vladimir completely crumbles (i.e. nasus). IMO one of mundos easiest matchups, just keep in mind the champ is probably gonna be complete cancer for your teammates so be ready to carry”
procatking says “runes NO.2,4. are good for this matchup take ignite and D shield (look for one that fit your game-style).*skill matchup*
he can Sanguine Pool(W) your W
so bait it out or get close to him so he want be able to react to it.
back from his empowered Q(it's when his "mana" bar is red).
First back u have to buy EXECUTIONER'S CALLING.
poke and pressure him before he gets 1-2 items.
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp. Conq
Dont see much vlad top. He wins early because he out ranges, out sustains and out kites you. A kill at 6 is not guaranteed. You giga outscale him with liandries, riftmaker, spirit though. Good ult target in Team fights.”
MaesePerez says “You out sustain his damage while being tanky enough to not die to his all in, he scales well but so do you, he never beats you in side lane if you stack MR. Get antiheal and enjoy a free farm lane. If you W him early in team fights you can easily cc chain him and burst him quickly. ”
Belle19 says “Kind of easier teemo, if you get a cheeky pull and his phase rush is on cooldown its a pretty free kill but beyond that he just outscales and pokes.”
zwartebliksem says “Your Q will stick in his pool, play aggressive when your abilities are up. He will probably play extremely passive, so zone him off the wave. If you're playing Kled mid it's a bit harder, since the lane is so short. But still try to deny him as much XP and gold as possible.”
AWierdShoe says “Rarely played top anymore, but not uncommon. Avoid walking up to the wave when he has a full bar so that he doesn't use his fully-empowered Q on you. However, once this is down we can start trading even as early as level 2. Play within you minions if he charges up his E, as the minions will block it. Bait out his W with your W, as it's his only period of invulnerability and has an extremely long cooldown. It is best to rush HP components over MR items in this matchup, since you will outsustain him in trades. ”
Joy17 says “Vladimir pode ter sustain significativo, mas Warwick, com sua capacidade de caça e controle de grupo, pode lidar com Vladimir nas trocas e evitar que ele acumule muito poder.”
lolkayleee says “[Conqueror/Grasp + Trinity/Divine]
[Ignite + TP]
Don't stand in range while his red bar is full. Otherwise just hookshot onto him. Wait for him to use his pool before R'ing him because he can cancel your R with his pool. It's actually kind of hard to kill a good Vlad during the early game so you can just look to farm up as much as you can and force him to answer you in a side lane during the mid/late game and he won't be able to hold you. You can look to split push almost all game because Vlad's kit is made for big teamfights and not for split pushing. ”
hoflol says “Vlad has low early game damage and low early game mobility, so your laning phase is pretty free.
He can be difficult to stop farming though as he can easily disengage and sustain.
Try and push under tower if you are struggling to kill, as he can have trouble last hitting and you will slowly get plates.”
GheeseEmpty says “An annoying but not unplayable matchup. Your level 1 and 2 all ins can easily force him to burn summoner spells. Prioritize Magic Resistance early versus anti heal, unless you buy an Oblivion Orb and are certain that you are capable of catching him.”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) Insanely hard matchup if the player knows how to space you. It's way easier early but nothing much you can do except cheese him with your E in the minion wave. You can sometimes bait out his W if you walk aggressively with your Q. It's also very hard to continue to chase him due to his W and E slow. Stride - Trinity - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword”
LilliaFanBoy says “Not a lot to say.
Constantly fight him so as to not be left behind due to his Q.
Poke him constantly.
Try and do this while your wave is next to you so you can block his E.”
Maksimvini says “Dut yo his heal, his W and skillset, he can out-stand you in line. But he cannot do anything much to you either because your kit. Its just a farm-lane without much kills on any side.”
JPGamer10BR says “Uma lane bem chata, quando a barrinha dele estiver vermelha mantenha distância, faça corta cura o mais rápido, cuidado com a poça dele, ele é full skill então não recomendo maximizar o Q.
Recomendo o uso de F.F, Aery, PTA ou Grasp.”
BurritoTopKing says “Easy to kill, avoid getting poked too hard, if he uses his pool you can E him when he is about to come up (animation is weird, you can try it in a custom to get the timing down), also careful if he has ignite.”
WarwicksSimp says “Good ban.
Unplayable. You have to play perfectly to peel him off your team in teamfights. E fear him then R him while he is still feared or just r him after you know his puddle is off cooldown.”
RivenCarriedYou says “This matchup used to be free, but with the introduction of phase rush, Vlad now has all the tools necessary to keep away from Riven until he can't outheal her damage. Get early healing reduction, anticipate his Q's with your E and farm until 2/3 items where Riven can win hard all ins with Deaths Dance and Maw.”
daitolol says “TOP // - The matchups is really wave managment reliant, he has a lot of sustain so till level 4 its hard to make significant poke. After that you should try to be perma freezing and going for short trades after or before he has empowered q, your trades are better you can usually all in him at 6
- If he uses W while you E2 the dmg will get nullified, your Passive goes trough his W as it is empowered AA
At_Tar_Ras says “walking away from vlad then turning around as he walks forward toward you so you can AA+Q or AA+W vlad is a good idea, they won't expect it. use E if you're too far away. vlad will outscale the living sh*t outta you so try to set him behind early with jungle help. if he is bad the matchup is surprisingly easier than you'd think. "bad" means if he wastes his pool ability. when it's down, always always always go for E'ing in trades. even if it means E'ing in twice. swifty boots is an option here.”
BezMemow says “He doesn't have a lot of waveclear, keep the wave near your tower and he can get easily ganked, lvl 6 you can kill him easily. Pick ghost and buy antiheal.
Start D Ring”
Antecc says “Start Q and beat him up, he won't expect it. Although winrates say otherwise, you can definitely win this match up with ease. Don't ever E when he has pool, unless he's at full hp. Pool does max hp damage in order to cast it, so he'll lose lots of hp for trying to cast W. Don't ever let him proc his empowered Q on you. Freezing helps deny the vladimir cs.
Antiheal is a must. Ghost optional, makes life easier.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Early game he cant do shit against you, but its also very hard to kill him too. His sustain is very annoying and he can W your burst. Passive autoing him is nearly impossible if he plays correctly with his movement speed. Look for his mistakes, hopefully kill him with jungler. If he gets fed he will be very hard to kill lategame”
ABL Pantheon says “You will rarely see him in Top, but if you do it's easy. Poke with Q, engage with W only when his W is on cooldown to punish him since it has a big cooldown early. Don't let his charged Q hit you, it deals more damage and heals him more, otherwise use E to block the damage. You can also kill him at level 6 just be careful to time your E correctly.”
lordimboutabust says “Rare but on occasion can be seen top.
You basically win all lane and he can still get sucked by your W in his pool so save Q3 | Second wind | Dshield - executioner - evenshroud”
Bernardian says “Rush executioners. Try to save your e for when he comes out of his W. second wind dorans makes this matchup a breeze. And also be careful of his crimson rush, when the bar below his health bar turns red, he can use the empowered version of his Q to out trade you.”
FaNTOP says “Будьте очень агрессивным, он всегда превосходит вас на поздних стадиях игры. Атакуйте его постоянно и попытайтесь убить его с помощью Q и E. Не используйте свою ульт или делайте рискованный E, если его способность W готова.”
demirkaiser says “Heavily outscales you. Rush Oblivion first, then Rylai second. I'd say Cosmic second but you'll need that early spike. Always dodge his empowered Q. Don't ulti him when he has W or you'll waste your ult. ”
PeanutTime36 says “he can get away easy so try to push him away from his tower or into a wall and chain cc him. other than that chip him before all in and don't get hit with impowered q.”
Twogrand says “One good thing is its a long lane so you have a good chance of killing him top lane then mid lane try to make sure you fight him after he does his empowered Q and thats ur time to take a all infight.
conq ignite eclipse ”
vreiki says “Lissandra tem muitas dificuldades pra punir o Vladimir e prejudicar seu farm. A falta de mana no early game vai deixar o Vlad livre pra farmar o quanto quiser.”
Riceyboll says “If he doesn't have over 2 million mastery it's a win, but otherwise you need to play outside opf his ability range to the best of your abilities”
Black Demon Ezel says “Vladimir ain't a huge issue, except for his incessant healing. Just smack him up into the air and you win easily. You also have healing because of your carnivore passive”
SesaPrime says “You can pressure him down & force his blood pool for a direct engage that can give you many kills. He has to play very safe if he wants to make it to late game. ”
stefanko says “Q start and jump on him level 1, try to get prio, and then play slowpush into slowpush until u can. Once you cant, rush tiamat and play for tempo, try to proxy waves and avoid laning, makes it even better cause most Vladimirs dont run tp ( Grasp with inspiration)”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Second Win + D Shield.
Bring ignite or build antiheal early.
I like to take ignite and kill this guy pre 6 bc then it gets easier to deal with him later on.
You can go Stride for more follow up, but note that if he has Phase Rush + Ghost, there is no way you will chase him. Therefore going Gore is just fine.”
dzsama says “You have to bait his pool or he will just dodge your stun with it. While laning try to avoid getting hit by his strong Q poke since it deals quite hefty amount of damage. Stay behind minions so his E can't hit you. He scales hard so try to win lane of else he will become an issue.”
lorensj81 says “If he goes Ghost+Phase Rush it will be very hard to kill him. Ghost is valuable to be able to run him down. He isn't that strong early game, and the meter below him shows you his Q CD, do not let him hit you with Q when meter is full (red).
His W pool is a long cooldown, try to bait that out before your jungler comes.
He scales very well into mid/lategame.”
Pep_Shin says “If he doesn't use his pool randomly you will never kill him.
He can sustain your poke and farm safely.
If your jungler doesn't come to dive him, he will scale really hard and will become a huge threat for your team.
He becomes easier to kill in fights as he needs to pool for your team threats as well. If he doesn't 1v5 your team you should be able to kill him.
Malmortius usually isn't enough to survive his damage but you should be fine if you have death's dance too”
Irelius says “ХАЛЯВА
Жмём E, байтим его лужу, жмём E ещё раз, убиваем. На топе Владимир НЕ ЖИВЁТ. На топе чуть сложнее, линия короче –пространства чтоб его наказать меньше.
НИКОГДА не жмите в него ульт, предварительно не выбил лужу.
Ботрак ПЛАВИТ его”
Puyi says “Very hard to get on top of him. He shouldn't be able to kill you at any point during the laning phase, but you can't stop him from scaling insanely hard. Try to get help from your jungler.”
Irelius says “FREE
Hit E, bait his W, hit E again. At top matchup is a piece of cake, at mid you do have a smaller killing window, but still.
Dont ever R him, bait his W first.
Bork SMELTS him. Divine is good option too.
JustSad42 says “This matchup is sided very heavily for Fiora in the early game, and Vlad outscales you in the mid-game if you don’t get a lead. However, FIora outscales Vlad in the late game. Never use your W against Vlad if he has pool. Whenever Vlad walks up, Q into him and E into him if he doesn’t have his empowered Q ready. Using your Q-E on Vlad and forcing him to E or pool will win you the trade very heavily. After Vlad pools, then you can use your W for the slow. Don’t get grievous wounds versus Vlad before complteign your first item since completing your core item provides more value versus Vlad than getting an early Executioner’s Calling. The most consistent Ws you can do besides for after Vlad wastes pool, is on Vlad empowered Q and Vlad R proccing, although both of these will still heal Vlad. If Vlad beats you or you reach the mid game without getting a lead, don’t try to fight him anymore and instead CS until you outscale him at 3-4 items depending on both of your builds.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Second Wind.
Start Doran Shield.
Ghost+Ignite or Ignite+Teleport.
Just a farm. Neither you nor Vladimir should kill each other because you both want to scale. You guys do it as well, so skill matters here, but a good Gwen should win. Quite an annoying matchup due to this guy's heavy healing. Build an antiheal and it shouldn't be a problem.
Night Guy says “I always ban Vladimir so for me only is an extreme threat. He can heal all the damage you've done to him he can pool your all in and he can slow you down and poke you down really bad. Now if you know how to face Vlad's please let me know I would appreciate it.”
Akalimetall says “Many people pick Vladimir against Bard Top/Mid, as he can match his attack range and just go into his pool if Bard tries to R him, but with enough help from your jungle or good movement, you can still manage to kill him relatively easy, so if you don't feed into him, he's possible to lane against.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite or Teleport or Ghost]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield]
[Avoid his empowered Q, it will deal a lot of damage and it will heal him more]
[Bait his W before using your abilities]
[Buy Oblivion Orb]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Trade hard in earlygame before he gets any items. Make him use his pool and pressure him afterwards, if he walks up, go for the kill. Avoid his empowered Q.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Dodge angle.
PTA, e start lvl 1, sit in lane bush and hard trade, doesnt matter how much dmg you take - as long as you dont die and get him to 70% hp.
If hes 40% hp, get 50 fury and flash w ignite her lvl 2 = hes dead.
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Vladimir is all about playing around his Q empowered version, you must immediately respect him and give him space when it's up, and you should win. Don't use W unless you get the stun off, he will W pool out of it.”
LeyzeHP says “Fleet, eclipse. It's really rare to see a good vladimir, the champion itself can be good on the right hands, but the most of the time you can harass him with rengar.”
Smudey says “Vlad is notorious for scaling hard and having a bad early game. If he doesn't space his Q well, you can taunt into him and trade, but NEVER walk up if he has his empowered Q (the one with the red bar) or he will heal for a ton. Once he has his pool you can try to bait it out and punish him during his long cooldown. Ignite will be even more beneifical since you will cut his healing by a lot. ”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Bro is much easier on toplane as on mid u cant really punish him. I would say minor on top and major on mid. His damage is tiny early on and if you manage to kite him from getting hit by empowered Q you should stomp him. He can use his W to avoid your damage, but it costs him 1/5 of max hp + he is very easy to hit with your E after he leaves his pool state. The problem starts lategame as he can fight long trades with bonus cdr + the barrel W dodge gets massive value as your barrels deal much more. You should get a lead big enough to kill him anyways if u play it good tho”
hamgi says “vlad isnt too major of a threat to yone in the mid lane in the first place, so he wont be any more in top. the only annoying thing about vlad is his q health regen as he doesnt have to q u, he can q minions, other champs, neutral camps, etc. so exe/bramble rush is pretty useless against him, but u'll need it at later stages in the game. his damage and sustain are no joke, so watch his bloodsucking(?) bar as when its full, he gets more health and deals more dmg when he q's. he can e and w at the same time, meaning he can become invulnerable while dealing dmg, which makes him perfect for a quick dive or trades. though, w does take part of his health, so dont let him q u right after to regain what he lost (he can still q minions but he gains more from champs). trade him when u know his w is down, and it is a long cd, up to 22s level 1. vlads build for ability haste and ms, so dont underestimate how fast his spells come off cd later on. if he r's u, dont try to fight him unless ur not low as even if hes low, he can regain so much health, and if ur not careful, u can still go from 100-0 if the vlad plays it very smart. if u think u can fight him, ignite him when he r's. he outscales u post 16 so pick up a wit's end/spirit visage (or even fon) fairly early on so he cant quickly level up by uncontested farming or winning duels against u”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “really hard matchup too if he plays phaserush and matches ghost, otherwise try to keep ur E till he pools. this is one of the matchups u can match with ghost ignite too really effective”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
kajinator says “You have to bully him early as much as possible. His W makes him ungankable so your jungler cant exactly camp you. Just zone him off CS and XP as much as possible early, stop his side laning when he attempts to gain CS and try to prevent him from scaling too hard in general because if this guy hits 300 CS, nothing can stop him. ”
BreadyToCrumble says “I personally hate Vladimir as he has crazy sustain but once you hit level 11 it becomes an easy matchup. Play back when he gets his empowered Q and you should be fine as your ult counters his full burst combo.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
Evandabank says “Vladimir is extremely easy at every point in the game UNLESS he runs aery. If he runs aery he does a little bit more damage and his poke can be lethal. However, you can still easily kill him in one combo.
The only way that he wins is if his jungler gives him a massive advantage (More than just one kill) or he somehow manages to stay even until late-game where he inevitably outscales you.
Vladimir does not beat Kled until late-game. His damage is not what outscales you though. He outscales you once his passive has given him enough HP to survive your initial burst and he can live long enough to get the healing from his R.
Keep in mind that zhonya is a really troll purchase for vlad before his fourth item. It gives him armor which is slightly annoying, but with cleaver it doesn't really matter. He is just delaying his massive late game damage and will not be able to kill you even if you make a massive misplay.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Anel de Doran, Q > W] - Nessa lane pode usar incendiar e TP, Jogue dando poke apenas com fluxo de mana, no early game você pode agressivar soltando seu full combo e recuando conforme sua passiva entrar em recarga, mas, nunca tente agressivar quando a passiva do vladmir estiver no maximo, saia do alcance do vladmir e obrigue-o a usar em algum minion volte e jogue agressivo novamente."”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s Sanguine Pool(W) has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Transfusion(Q) available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Transfusion(Q) on the minion wave rather than you.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s W has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Q available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Q on the minion wave rather than you. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s W has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Q available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Q on the minion wave rather than you. ”
lenithebot says “Vlad is practically unkillable unless it's very early game due to his healing and w which makes him untargettable and can easily be used to dodge barrels he also scales really hard into the late game and kill you very easily then but in the early game he has low damage and won't be able to kill you easily without ganks.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s W has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Q available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Q on the minion wave rather than you. ”
Thrandor says “You can't really reach him when he runs Phase Rush. Also, he outsustains AND outscales you. Not fun to play against.
I recommend going for many roams and dropping the lane after lvl 6 to apply some pressure to the map before you are completely done for”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Vladimir’s W has an incredibly long cooldown during the laning phase. Find a way to bait it out and then look to play aggressive while it’s on cooldown. Whenever Vladimir has his empowered Q available, play safer or walk backwards so he is forced to use his Q on the minion wave rather than you.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “In theory he should never be in danger if he doesn't make mistakes, but they ALWAYS make mistakes eventually. Eventually he'll waste his Phase Rush and get hit by Q a few seconds
after and that's your opportunity. Immidiately W then Ghost and all in him. He has no real agency over the wave so this is a matchup where wave control is very valuable. Focus on
setting up some slowpushes/freezes to obtain good backs and leads ”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Противный, идите в билд жира, у него много хп, Но не резистов, а шотнуть вас не может, используйте это. Не давайте ему вас изнурять с помощью Q. Не видитесь на его байт, он просто уйдет в свою W.”
Zarasaras says “He scalles well, pokes you a lot and you can't do much against him, make him waste his W and ask your jungle to dive nonstop.
Can Rush Hullbreaker if you want”
Taiquyorah says “Skill MU.
Il faut respecter son Q lorsqu'il est chargé. Il ne faut pas perdre trop d'HP en early (surtout si vlad joue gosht) et farm tranquillement, il va naturellement push.
Vous pouvez rush l'hexdrinker avant la trinité/ER.
Il possède peu de dégâts, mais avec doran shield et son Q, il régénère bien ses PV.
Farmer autant que possible puis faites la diff en teamfight.”
7EyesNoSkills says “Early game is easy, late game is hard against him. If he scales he can one shot you with R+E+Q, otherwise he is an easy opponent. TIP: He will try to Q you while laning even in lv1, you have to seem like you are escaping from him, but actually you will attack him when he comes to Q you in early levels and kill him. Probably it wont work more than 1 time on the same enemy if your elo is above average.”
WildSamu says “DShield + Red Pot.
His early game is pretty weak, you can look for a lot of trades.
Dont ult him if he has his pool up.
Early Executioner's Calling can be good.
Space well so you dont get hit by his Q and E.”
Aberrant Demon says “Look to crash the second wave by using your Es on the entire wave and play safe while the wave is bouncing back to you. Stay out of his Q range, especially if it's an enhanced one. W his Q if you have to walk into his range. Mostly just want to farm up in this lane. Once you have tier 2 boots, it's much easier to trade onto him. ”
ColdStuff says “Vladimir is particularly problematic as he can shove off most of your poke with W and the difficulty is to generate kill pressure on him. ”
Ludwig RageQuit says “Another farm simulator lane, if you try trade with him, he will heal and deal more damage in you. Soon, pick Fleet Footwork with second wind and try only farm in the lane. You can start trade if you buy Rejuvenation Bead and dont extend the fights to an long trade (always loose).”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Try to get some solo kills by poking him down, and getting a freeze, forcing him to choose either to recall, or lose resources.
Wave 1-4:
Go for small poke, either Q with grasp, or Q + PTA procs for the early damage, do not contest prio too hard.
Take ignite.
This matchup can go both ways, early Fiora wins, then Vlad wins once he gets early cdr and movespeed as he is not easy to rundown with low cdr on Fiora.
Although, once you get 2+ items you 1v1 him pretty comfortably as long as he isnt overfed due to having high AD and him being an hp oriented champion, you simply run him down on the sidelane.
You can go PTA/Conq + Celerity/Nimbus Cloak followed with ignite due to his healing.
Very cheesy but works really well vs Vlad.
Try to parry his empowered Q or his ultimate explosion, his ulti is easier to parry though.
Similar to most matchups you want the wave to be pulled in to run him down, he likes to be under turret and perma healing and poking with Q while running.”
Scallywag says “He does nothing early on, so you can bully him and kill him quite easily. Your q with grasp will outdamage his healing from his q, so don't be scared to trade q for q.
After 6 and some items he has kill pressure on you, so be careful you don't take too much damage from his empowered q.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Vladimir is a squishy mage and can regen like crazy with his spells and life draining capabilities. but if you can keep out of his Sanguine Pool and away from his E range you'll be fine. His Q and R are point n clicks so no avoiding those but the other two should prevent some of the damage”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: she can pool your E which is very annoying, but because of the long lane, it allows you to run him down if you ever hit an E, else you just wait for level 6 to all in him or level 9 when you can just run him down with Qs.”
Trundledaddy says “Not super hard, scales hard, and
his pool is annoying as fuck but a good pillar after his pool can turn the lane in your favor, hexdrinker early is a good buy”
Federals1 says “For a ranged champion Vladimir is a lot easier to lane against, but he has a monstrous late game. You need to apply a ton of pressure early game to make sure he cannot scale into the late game properly. Try to bait out his Sanguine Pool in orer to get a good ultimate down on him and to all in him hard. Usually you can burst him down before his ultimate heal procs, or before he gets his empowered q. Anathema's Chain rush can work. Cosmic Drive is riskier but has the chance of giving you a bigger lead. Third rune page should be used. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Q max is needed. Doran's Ring works best into him.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
In early game you win, try to freeze lane and parry his empowered Q to slow him and at least force him to W, if he gets hit before using W, you can try to run him down with ignite. Around lvl 6 when he gets some cdr you start losing, so wait until you have more items than him or until you get 2 items and you start winning again. You can parry his empowered Q or his R dmg.”
MHLoppy says “Early on your Q will out damage his sustain, and your deep trading / all-in can overpower his W's disengage. Unfortunately if Vlad is using Phase Rush for his keystone he can nearly-completely ruin your ability to chase him (your Q becomes a single-digit% slow >_>). The only way to play around that fact is to play the minion wave well. If you keep it near your turret then you'll have enough time while chasing him to simply let Phase Rush time out, allowing you to once again overpower him. If Vlad refuses to allow the wave to be out that far (keeping it near his turret instead) YOU NEED TO GO TO OTHER LANES AND GET STUFF DONE. That's the crux of the matchup: make him choose between dying in lane by pushing up, or losing the map by keeping the wave in a place that's safe for him.”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral pero un poco agresivo al inicio.
Trata de evitar que te pegue con su Q cuando tenga su barra amarilla o roja.
Compra hábito del espectro, él no usa maná.
La tenacidad casi no sirve contra vladimir, considera no usarla.
Busca la vesta espinosa cuando lo consideres necesario.
Kocykek says “Get Second Wind. Get Sheen as fast as possible. Poke him like he pokes you. Maybe get some magic resist as well. Try to survive his poke and scale.”
Helzky says “Don't take early poke from him, Level 1 you don't win. Level 2 and onward you can poke with E and maybe chunk him down. Just be careful of his ult as he can use it to turn a losing fight into a kill. Rush executioners here or take Ignite.”
Mushroomuwu says “Start Q and start looking to stack passive and look for all ins lvl 1-2. He is really weak early on and you should be looking to fight him as much as possible. Irelia is a very good champion into vlad that can fight him 1v1 later on with botrk+wits end as long as you build executioners (i recommend this after you get botrk). Be careful with his pool and you will have a very easy time in this lane”
SadgeBoyK says “he can pool while he is grounded, and if he has phase rush you will never catch him. Just try to fling him away from your team or one shot him when he has no pool.”
Your Desired Username says “Easy matchup. Dshield start. Rush oblivion orb. His early game is stronger than yours because you lack the damage to kill him through his sustain. Just respect him pre-6 and farm. After 6 it gets easy. Don't ult him too early, though, or he will escape; wait until he is around half hp or until he used W. It's a good idea to ult him in teamfights as he will destroy your squishies otherwise. ”
boboderaffe says “Vladimir can go skinny dipping in his own blood, which is a bad thing. His trades throughout the entire game are always going to be better than yours, simply because of his pool. I recommend the “Normie” build + oblivion orb on your first back. I wouldn’t really fight him in 1v1s unless he uses his pool poorly. Once it’s out you can kill him past 6, especially if you already have a stopwatch on you. ”
LunaticDancer says “Gambler not viable unless you can hit your Es just as your First Strike refreshes. This is a favorable match up. His W stain form can't (!) pass through your W wall. Your full combo absolutely outdoes his sustain. Survive level 1 and you're gucci.
Anti-heal turns him into a joke too.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Vladimir may be the health draining king but it means next to nothing if you go full damage. Just don't attack him when he melts into the ground because it won't work no matter what you do. But if you ult him and have your shield up the moment he tries to ult you, you will negate a lot of his damage. That's your chance to deal half his health with one dang isolated Q”
_WhiteSnow_ says “You can beat him very easily. Combo him whenever you can, and if he uses pool just follow up with normal/empowered e to either chase or do followup damage. He does scale so focus on bullying him in lane.”
xPetu says “Tips: His W has a massive cooldown in the early game, use it to your advantage. Passive shield his Q's. Your W does not do much in this matchup, you can use it freely to block even just 1 AA. Keep in mind that it will provide more value in a gank situation. A good Vladimir is very annoying to play against.”
Stinkee says “He's going to spam Q's on you nonstop. When he gets his empowered Q, run away. Try not to ult him or use your Q on him until he uses his pool. You can slow him with your E right before he pools to slow his pool down. Rush Abyssal Mask, once you get it, the matchup will become much easier. Vladimir is very vulnerable to ganks so freezing is a good way to setup ganks for your jungler.”
Sovereign Kitten says “We sometimes take Doran's Shield into this match-up to match his sustain with grasp of the undying. However, this is based on personal preference. You should be working your way into a more damage oriented build around mid game. The simple way to deal with Vladimir is to watch his energy bar. If he is glowing red, back off and let him use it on a minion, as you don't wanna take the increased damage from his empowered (Q). Once he has used it, you can go in and try to poke him out with your (Q) or possibly your (E) auto attack, it may seem boring, and you may miss CS, but you'll go even or win because of it.”
Anoying bro5 says “NEVER trade with him when he has his empowered Q (the red bar filled under his health bar). You can parry his empowered Q or the delayed damage from his ultimate. Buy executioners if you've fallen behind but isn't necessary if you get lead. Never tower dive unless his pool is down. Try to pressure him early game as he will scale HARD into the late game.”
lol Wero says “Vladimir will not do much during the laning phase. But its difficult to kill the vladimir. Push all game during the laning phase, take plate golds, deny him CS while hes under his tower, and Ward to avoid ganks. ”
BoilTheOil says “Try to force early skirmishes around scuttle crab or dragon / herald because he's weak early game. Make sure you don't walk up when he gets his Q stacked up because it does a shit ton of damage. He gets a lot of health but hardly any armor so your Q and R destroy him making him squishier than he looks. If he looks for an engage into your backline in teamfights look to ult him away.”
Phrxshn says “You will have to make trades early game and stick on Vladimir. Juke or kite out his TIdes of Blood. Avoid fighting Vladimir while he has Bloodthrist(Q) passive or he will able to heal. Dodge or juke out his Hemoplague and he will lose majority of his damage. (Outscaling Edge: Vladimir) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Recommended Items: Rylai's Scepter)”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Hard outscales and oneshots mid-late. Can pool Q,E, and R all at once making him a teamfight menace. It is possible to fight Vladimir in the earlygame but he will heal off of minions and out-sustain if he is not killed. Probably unbeatable if he's good. ”
quinn adc says “Vlad matchup is quite easy, but the key is to play aggressive during lane phase.
Vlad will hard outsustain you, so if you take short trades every so often, vlad will overtime, win the trades because he will be able to sustain while you cannot.
However, Quinn with PTA will hard out damage vlad in these trades, so the key is to constantly apply pressure in lane.
First, know how vlad's passive works on his Q. When his crimson rush bar is red, this means that his next Q on you will deal extra damage and heal him for more, so DO NOT GO NEAR VLAD when his crimson bar is red. Wait for the bar to wear off, and never trade with him or go near him when it's up. The bar will fade momentarily, and he will be forced to use his empowered Q on a minion.
Next, make sure to initiate trades with vlad by landing your blind on him first. Once vlad is blinded, he cannot retaliate with his Q, Transfusion, on you because it is a lock on ability.
If you land your blind on vlad, then go for a quick trade, and ideally walk away when the nearsight wears off so that he can't use his Q on you.
Post level 3, Quinn's objective in lane is to bait out Vlad's W, Sanguine Pool, because it is a long cooldown, and vlad having that ability up means that you cannot all in him.
During lane phase, just keep trading him when your PTA proc is up and when you land blind on him (so that he can't Q you), and repeat these trades in lane to get him low.
The key point is to not let vlad breathe, and punish him all throughout laning phase.
Once vlad is low enough, he will try to pool your Q or pool when he thinks you are trying to all in him. This ability is a 28 second cooldown level 1, and when it's gone, you now have 28 seconds to hard punish vlad, and potentially all-in him becasue he is weak early game without that ability.
After level 6, be careful for his engage. Nul orb is really good to save you from his R.
When vlad Rs you, your goal is to run away.
Ideally, initiate Q on him because vlad will either press his pool to dodge your Q blind, making it unavailable for later on so you can vault him and run away, or, your blind will hit him, and he will be unable to press his Q on you while under his R, Hemoplague.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “There is a good reason he's top tier champ right now. Tons of dmg, a lot of sustain and his pool covers basically half the lane which makes him very hard to gank. You can fight him early after he uses his Q on the minions, block his E dmg with your W and ALWAYS avoid being close to him when he has the red bar!”
PH45 says “Very rough matchup since he will just outtrade and outsustain you if he plays correctly. It's also really hard to hit your stun on him since they will just utilize pool to avoid it. DShield and Grasp/Fleet are your best bet to surviving the lane and just try to never walk up when he has prepped his empowered Q. You should look to trade after he Q's a minion. ”
At_Tar_Ras says “QQQQQQQQQQ and stun and you'll beat vlad. get grevious and please don't get outpoked and harassed. you win this matchup if you don't take too much unnecessary poke damage.”
iZeal says “You match his sustain, you deal way more damage than him from early to mid and he has to use dodge your W with his pool or proc Phase rush or else he gets dragged into an undodgeable Q3. Just don't eat empowered Qs and you are fine.”
Phrxshn says “You will have to make trades early game and stick on Vladimir. Juke or kite out his TIdes of Blood. Avoid fighting Vladimir while he has Bloodthrist(Q) passive or he will able to heal. Dodge or juke out his Hemoplague and he will lose majority of his damage. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Force of Nature)”
Raen says “Tough opponent for Jax. Vlad got decent sustain and can easily harass you. You have to bait his pool since his W got longer CD than your E otherwise he will just dodge your stun with it. When he will waste his pool then try to all in him it's your chance to get him. Stay behind minions so his E can't hit you also try to avoid getting hit by his upgraded Q. Executioner's helps a lot vs Vlad. Get MS items to match his ms. Watch out his upgraded Q from passive. Try to cheese him lv 1”
Xerath gaming says “Vladimir isn't a threat to Mordekaiser at all, unless he is fed but even if he is fed the mordekaiser can annihilate him. Get griveous wounds”
SaltCat says “Blood sucker, level 1 with full stacked passive you win, level 2 too, level 3 you need to be mart with your E because he can dodge it with his W, this match up is a really easy one, just care his W”
Phrxshn says “You will have to make trades early game and stick on Vladimir. Juke or kite out his TIdes of Blood. Avoid fighting Vladimir while he has Bloodthrist(Q) passive or he will able to heal. Dodge or juke out his Hemoplague and he will lose majority of his damage. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Recommended Items: Spirit Visage, Force of Nature, Executioner's)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “Extremely easy. He can't pool through your wall, and executioners makes his life miserable. Just avoid too much early Q poke early. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Fleet
Dash with Q+W into him when his bar is Red since he will immediatly Q you when you get in range. It will still heal him but a lot of his damage is gone and he will not have Q for a few seconds”
LoLReal says “Vlad is tough. They run phase rush against Darius and we can never truly get into their range if the play the lane properly.
Try to punish a misplay and farm. He outscales us and is also a good team fighter, though. Executioners Calling is great in this lane along with the usual early cowl vs. AP threats.”
Justkb says “This is not too bad for Darius as you will almost certainly have a base movement speed advantage. Rush Mercs and try and get on him as much as possible. you can land your E whenever he goes to auto the wave, just make sure he uses Phase rush and his W before hard engaging on him.”
P1Legend says “Vlad is not really known to be a lane bully, or even really much of a lane presence at all. Leap on him when he doesn't have red bar Q up, and bait him into using pool, which also costs a portion of his current HP. In theory, you can make him trade with himself if you play it correctly. After level 6, don't all in without being aware of his ult, the only time you really die here is by getting ganked, or by getting baited by him into diving. Not a hard matchup, but play smart.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This lane is only hard early. Just stay out of Vlad's Q range and don't get too low pre-6. After you get ult you should never die, and after you get a spirit visage you just win. Get an executioners to cut into Vlad's regen.”
Phrxshn says “You will have to make trades early game and stick on Vladimir. Juke or kite out his TIdes of Blood. Avoid fighting Vladimir while he has Bloodthrist(Q) passive or he will able to heal. Dodge or juke out his Hemoplague and he will lose majority of his damage. (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Recommended Items: Morellos if no one on your team is building Executioner's or Morellos)”
wDesired says “You should not lose to Vladimir in the early game unless you really messed up
Try to all in him lvl 1 if he plays aggro into you
If he plays passively try to wait out his full passive Q before trying to trade with him, If not the trade is not worth