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Vladimir Counter Stats

Vladimir Counters
Discover all champions who counter Vladimir. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Vladimir in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,249 Tips for countering Vladimir below

Mid Lane
50.85% Win Rate64% Pick Rate Vladimir Mid Lane Counters: 37 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Vladimir in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Badplank says “Very chill lane, you can't really do alot since he heals himself but he can't do alot too as you shield yourself”
Viktor Mid for Simpletons like me by Badplank | Viktor Player
AlexFL7000 says “He's not that bad to face, just make sure you don't let him get off his empowered q on you or you're screwed. Try to play around his long cd's early, anti-heal would be good here”
Viktor Guide w/ explanations on items by AlexFL7000 | Viktor Player
GAMING ACADEMY says “Vladimir is a truly unique champion to face. During the early laning phase, he is relatively weak due to his long cooldowns and limited sustain, so focus on building a lead within the first five levels. Once he hits level 6 and returns to base, Vlad becomes significantly stronger. Aim to trade effectively and take advantage of his poor waveclear. If you see an opportunity, punish him when his Q is on cooldown, especially right after he uses his empowered Q. After level 6, he will often use his pool to avoid your ultimate, so if you land a stun, it’s usually best to ult immediately to ensure you deal the full damage.”
PetriciteLoL says “W max and fist fight him constantly when you have items, you can engage when he doesn't have Q.”
xumi_k says “Hides in his puddle with 10 hp, arrives from his puddle with 1000 hp. If he’s in the puddle don’t chase him. Go ignite if you want to kill him early, or buy Anti-heal, wait when he uses up his puddle and kill him. At first this matchup is kinda hard, especially if you're new to Irelia. You have to learn to land your E invisibly and outsmart him. That's fun once you get it! But still, quite complicated if you're new. ”
[14.21] Blade Dancer Guide (FOR BEGINNERS) by xumi_k | Irelia Player
Tamikaze says “[Buy Orb first back = easy win] Vladimir is generally an easy matchup, you just need to be conscious of his power spikes. Be aware of first item power spike, and post 6 ult+flash+E burst. Besides that, just first buy oblivion orb and you will win lane easily. ”
[14.18] [Masters] Azir Guide: In-depth Guide for SoloQ by Tamikaze | Azir Player
MattStyle says “Nunca debería ser capaz de matarte y nunca deberías ser capaz de matarlo. Su principal ventaja es que no utiliza maná y puede recuperarse del poke con su Q. Ármate un Orbe del olvido (cortacuras) pronto. Buscará escalar. Es necesario que tu JG intente anularlo.”
Zilean MID - Guía completa y definitiva 2024 en español by MattStyle | Zilean Player
Hexeria says “[Only thing that is hard in this matchup is the early game and playing aroun his W] [Dont try to use your W or E when you know he has his pool up] [Other than that, just play safe early, get farm, and build either Bruiser or Tank, then he shouldnt be a problem]”
[14.17] Hexeria's detailed Masters Guide to Galio by Hexeria | Galio Player
j4ss says “You can't do anything to kill and he'll just perma outscale you, dodge or call your jungler and support to perma camp him or it's GG.”
Yuhkis Ribs says “try not to die to him early back up when he has Q3. try denying him some farm ”
(14.16) kassadin ape guide by Yuhkis Ribs | Kassadin Player
+ More Tips

Top Lane
51.07% Win Rate34% Pick Rate Vladimir Top Lane Counters: 30 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Vladimir in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Dom1nus says “Avoid getting hit by his empowered q and bait out his w with e in, probably gonna pop it off and then e again and emp w and then q, his w cooldown is longer than ur e cooldown at rank 1 so u will have a small window of time to do a full combo trade until he gets it again. He also scales hard so be cautious.”
3 Million Mastery Points Renekton Guide by Dom1nus | Renekton Player
Maniaxx says “Vladimir’s poke damage from Q (Transfusion) and E (Sanguine Pool) is limited by Mundo’s ability to heal through sustained damage. Mundo’s Sadism (R) can mitigate Vladimir’s burst and sustain in trades. How to deal with Vladimir: Be careful of his E positioning: Vladimir can use his E to dodge skillshots or escape fights, so position carefully to avoid being kited. Build anti-heal: Vladimir has strong sustain, so Executioner’s Calling or Brambles Vest can help mitigate his healing.”
Mundo IMMORTAL CLEAVER by Maniaxx | Dr. Mundo Player
Xested says “I can't count how many times I've been cheesed by a Vladimir with flash. Be careful of his not one but two ways of escaping cages with a summ”
Veigar mid by Xested | Veigar Player
parker3n9 says “In lane, Vladimir isn’t too difficult to handle, and you’ll have some kill pressure, especially if you manage your spacing well. Focus on poking him down and maintaining pressure during the laning phase. The key is to leverage your impact in teamfights between Levels 6 and 11, as Vladimir’s late game is extremely strong. After this point, look to force him into teamfights where you can play to peel for your team and out-impact him. Be mindful of his scaling and aim to stay proactive before he hits his late-game power spike. Recommended Runes: Aery or Unsealed Spellbook Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport or Ghost and Teleport”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES "In theory he should never be in danger if he doesn't make mistakes, but they ALWAYS make mistakes eventually. Eventually he'll waste his Phase Rush and get hit by Q a few seconds after and that's your opportunity. Immidiately W then Ghost and all in him. He has no real agency over the wave so this is a matchup where wave control is very valuable. Focus on setting up some slowpushes/freezes to obtain good backs and leads. (Grasp instead of Fleet here as he is pretty easy to get on top of and you'll need the damage to cut through his healing)" ”
1v9 Frog (All Matchups) by Basilli | Tahm Kench Player
Fenharion says “He's able to heal from any living thing so Oblivion orb is your best choice here,you'd also want to rush for MR since he doesn't have magic penetration in his kit whatsoever,focus on ulting him in teamfights so he doesn't steamroll everyone.”
Season 14 "In-Depth" Mordekaiser Advice by Fenharion | Mordekaiser Player
Houcs says “I recommend dodge if facing this. I pray you will never experience this kind of pain. The reason I don't ban it is because luckily no one plays. Anyway, you have to all in him if you want to kill him because he have very good sustain. I recommend buying hollow radiance and just perma push waves and look for roam and impact map.”
SKARNER TOP (Challenger 1252lp peak) by Houcs | Skarner Player
UrPersonalGod says “One of the few matchups where ignite is viable. Even though you win early there wont be many opportunities to kill him if he doesnt waste W so look for plays around the map. He completly outscales you but as long as you utilize you early and mid good it should be fine.”
forlid says “Vlad is a rare pick in top but he is quite annoying to lane against nonetheless. While you have an easy time poking him, his W makes all ins quite difficult since if he plays close to his tower he can always disengage in a moments notice. He scales very hard but is very weak early. Look to take trades at level 4 since you can burst him down quickly. Hexdrinker is a good option early since he does full AP.”
Frankoloko says “Shield + Second Wind start. Oblivion Orb next. You win lane hard since he needs a lot of items to get strong. It's useful to ult him in teamfights because he will destroy your team. Remember if you ult while his pool is up he's just going to pool and cost you half of your ult time.”
Mordekaiser Matchups by Frankoloko | Mordekaiser Player