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Garen Counter Stats

Garen Counters
Discover all champions who counter Garen. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Garen in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
1,645 Tips for countering Garen below

Top Lane
50.73% Win Rate89% Pick Rate Garen Top Lane Counters: 48 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Garen in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Dom1nus says “insanely annoying lvl 1, stay back and wait for lvl 2, when he q you before lvl 3, auto q to even the trade. When he goes for trade at lvl 3 and after just w him, ur stun has the same duration as his silence. Dont combo him while he uses his w and stay out of his e as it hurts. poke him frequently to prevent him from healing from his passive. His r animation is faster than urs so when low hp pop ur ult before he kills you. ”
3 Million Mastery Points Renekton Guide by Dom1nus | Renekton Player
LORD AND MASTER OF ALL EVIL VLADIMIR by FromKarlinc | Vladimir Player
Maniaxx says “Garen’s damage is bursty but predictable. Mundo can out-sustain Garen’s poke with his passive healing and (R). Garen relies on his Q (Decisive Strike) to silence and engage, but Mundo can usually heal through it. How to deal with Garen: Avoid trading when his Q is up: Garen’s Q provides significant burst damage and silence, so avoid extended trades when it’s available. Build health and resistances: Garen’s damage is mostly physical, so stack health and armor to mitigate his attacks.”
Mundo IMMORTAL CLEAVER by Maniaxx | Dr. Mundo Player
a_k_z7 says “hate this match up outsclaes you faster then most top laners you really cant trade unless he trades first ( he q so you q then w ) your best chance in early game try to make him trade inside your wave so it pushes into you and look to consistently poke him with your passive he does not heal from his passive tale short trades with him and try to no get the full e damage”
Puyo says “Esse CORNO anula seu kit inteiro, mas o cooldown do W é alto, tente baitar o W dele e jogue com o cérebro.”
Riven s2024/3 (WIP) by Puyo | Riven Player
Nithril says “Garens are dumb, and every Garen is the same, go boots and kite him, dont get caught into his E, and only E if he is already close, Q before you E to minimalize his Stridebreaker or Q silence reflex time, you can max Q since he clears the entire wave with E and you need to counter his push somehow”
Quinn Top Lane Guide for 2025 by Nithril | Quinn Player
juangepeto says “Garen is a very annoying lane for Gp to face because his passive healing while out of combat allows him to pocke Gp in the lane. It is recommended in this lane to flank Garen with your barrel, making it impossible for him to get close to you. Do not make long trades with Garen. He will beat you with the help of R. Zone him until you see a window for an all win.”
Gangplank build by juangepeto | Gangplank Player
Iron 3 20 lp guides says “garen is not that hard to outplay. but when you are low on health and a bout to press r he could ignite to reduce your healing and r you. Pick trundle against garen to make him useless”
How to play like me by Iron 3 20 lp guides | Dr. Mundo Player
parker3n9 says “This is a super easy matchup as long as you focus on proper spacing. Garen only has kill threat if you don’t respect his bush cheese—something almost every Garen player will try to do. Stay vigilant, ward appropriately, and avoid overextending. Once you neutralize his early aggression, poke him non-stop to keep him low and prevent him from engaging. Grasp of the Undying is generally better here due to its synergy with your sustain and his passive healing. Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying or Aery (I lean toward Grasp due to his healing) Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport or Ghost and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “Pretty even lane, but more in your favour. Beware of his level 1-2 damage, dont let him run at you for free. pre 6 always parry his Q, and post 6 its situational on whatever the garen decides to do. if its possible to parry so you live, then do so. He cant engage on you with E because of your Q and ms from passive(especially if you parry his silence), so if he does just run away and turn back to all-in him and he has 0 counterplay. Post 6 with ravenous you just stomp him.”