Top Lane 50.73% Win Rate89% Pick RateGaren Top Lane Counters: 48 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Garen in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Dom1nus says “insanely annoying lvl 1, stay back and wait for lvl 2, when he q you before lvl 3, auto q to even the trade. When he goes for trade at lvl 3 and after just w him, ur stun has the same duration as his silence. Dont combo him while he uses his w and stay out of his e as it hurts. poke him frequently to prevent him from healing from his passive. His r animation is faster than urs so when low hp pop ur ult before he kills you. ”
Maniaxx says “Garen’s damage is bursty but predictable. Mundo can out-sustain Garen’s poke with his passive healing and (R).
Garen relies on his Q (Decisive Strike) to silence and engage, but Mundo can usually heal through it.
How to deal with Garen:
Avoid trading when his Q is up: Garen’s Q provides significant burst damage and silence, so avoid extended trades when it’s available.
Build health and resistances: Garen’s damage is mostly physical, so stack health and armor to mitigate his attacks.”
a_k_z7 says “hate this match up
outsclaes you faster then most top laners
you really cant trade unless he trades first ( he q so you q then w )
your best chance in early game
try to make him trade inside your wave so it pushes into you and look to consistently poke him with your passive he does not heal from his passive
tale short trades with him and try to no get the full e damage”
Nithril says “Garens are dumb, and every Garen is the same, go boots and kite him, dont get caught into his E, and only E if he is already close, Q before you E to minimalize his Stridebreaker or Q silence reflex time, you can max Q since he clears the entire wave with E and you need to counter his push somehow”
juangepeto says “Garen is a very annoying lane for Gp to face because his passive healing while out of combat allows him to pocke Gp in the lane. It is recommended in this lane to flank Garen with your barrel, making it impossible for him to get close to you. Do not make long trades with Garen. He will beat you with the help of R. Zone him until you see a window for an all win.”
Iron 3 20 lp guides says “garen is not that hard to outplay. but when you are low on health and a bout to press r he could ignite to reduce your healing and r you. Pick trundle against garen to make him useless”
parker3n9 says “This is a super easy matchup as long as you focus on proper spacing. Garen only has kill threat if you don’t respect his bush cheese—something almost every Garen player will try to do. Stay vigilant, ward appropriately, and avoid overextending. Once you neutralize his early aggression, poke him non-stop to keep him low and prevent him from engaging. Grasp of the Undying is generally better here due to its synergy with your sustain and his passive healing.
Recommended Runes: Grasp of the Undying or Aery (I lean toward Grasp due to his healing)
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport or Ghost and Teleport”
BigBallsLarry says “Pretty even lane, but more in your favour. Beware of his level 1-2 damage, dont let him run at you for free. pre 6 always parry his Q, and post 6 its situational on whatever the garen decides to do. if its possible to parry so you live, then do so. He cant engage on you with E because of your Q and ms from passive(especially if you parry his silence), so if he does just run away and turn back to all-in him and he has 0 counterplay. Post 6 with ravenous you just stomp him.”
Lilac says “Garen is one of the most boring lanes you can play. Pre-6, it's easy to parry his Q and get a decent trade after his E, but you simply don't have the damage to stop him from backing off for 10 seconds and healing it all back with his passive. He doesn't have a lot of tools to engage or disengage, though, so you're not at much risk either. Post-6, you can just parry his ult. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it's not particularly difficult, and after a couple items you beat him fairly easily.
Recommended: Conqueror plus the standard Ravenous + Eclipse core. Teleport is all but mandatory as he has great wave clear and virtually can't die in lane without a well-timed gank.”
maiathemagical says “Garen is kind of free as long as you're not greedy and you don't get surprise buttsexed from a bush. That being said, don't fight him when you're low; he will run on your ass, press R, and send you to a grey screen faster than you can say 'DEMACIA!'”
Raideru says “In this matchup, every time he tries to q you then you use your q on him to block his damage with your shield, use your w whenever it's up, always kite him since your kit is simply better than his to prevent his all in windows. You win in all stages of the games vs him just don't understimate his all ins and always kite. I advise Grasp with sheen rush but if you're cocky you can go Conqueror in this lane.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"No problem, don't get cheesed early and you're fine. Deny his passive by Q/Grasping him regularly and make sure you don't have boomer reactions to shield his ult. Good shielding just
means you outstat him at every point of the game. Only risk here is if he takes Ignite and Ignite-Qsilences-Ults you to execute while you can't shield, so don't be low HP around him." ”
Spartaniko says “Keep poking him with Q and E if he is gonna engage. After lvl6 you can just E his ult, you have to be focused. In higher elos Garens may ult flash behind you to avoid your E protection, be aware of that. ”
MrBuis says “(A)(>10) Go Flash + Barrier and abuse his weak 1-5. Use barrier early, as his ult deals more damage the more health he loses. If he goes Phase Rush, push the wave after he use all of the combo and run away, then freeze. you win from 1->5, but after 6 things got a little bit tricky. You win if both have 100% health, but will quickly lose if you have lower than 70%, so respect him and recall if necessary. Ammor Boost -> Stridebreaker -> Sterrak is the way to go, as Sterrak COUNTERS his ult. Olaf complete loses this matchup after 9, or he gets a lead before it. ”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Cara o Boneco literalmente anda reto apenas, joga na calma que n tem segredo, amacia a carne na lane e mata no lv6 ( Não fique low na lane, aviso de demacia ).”
Houcs says “His Q silence cancells your E (sometimes it doesnt tho)
His W makes him very tanky but also gives him high tenacity which means you can't CC him for long.
Also try not to E him when he is using his E because you will take alot of dmg.
Be vary if you are under 50% because the can all in you will and finish you with ignite + R”
Yordleswaggins says “he out sustains you with passive. even though you win trades he wins overall because of his passive. he is why I run the hydra build for more sustain.”
Beetlebug says “Annoying early if he runs ignite, but his kill pressure should wane once you get Redemption and Unending Despair. Make sure to harass him constantly so his passive won't kick in.”
4eadami says “Either you can go Conqueror Liandry Rush to duel him, or you can go PR Rylai rush to play for teamfights. Barrier goes through silence so Barrier counters garen , pick it if you want to. You absolutely do better in teamfights , fling him away from your team if he is dangerous.”
Fenharion says “Garen matchup is similar to Darius where one of you is going to crush the other,hopefully it's you or it'll be living hell for you to deal with a fed Garen. I take Rylai's first to get into long trades with him since when he uses E he doesn't have much to do,use your W when you get low on health to negate his True Damage”
TwTvRANGERZX says “most braindead champ in the game sadly he also hardcounters you
avoid trading into his E, he will just block all your damage with his W and keep spinning so you get out-traded. keep the trades either very short or very long. its hard to kill him at any stage, the best play vs an equally skilled opponent is to FARM THE BEST YOU CAN and scale alongside him, outvaluing him in teamfights”
Althalosofsirun says “This champ if played by someone who knows what setts goals are is unplayable for you if you think they could be a good player then go full tank and pray. if you think he might be bad go full dmg and kill him level 2”
UrPersonalGod says “He is not that much of a threat in early lane but dont underestimate him, because he can cleanse your W slow with Q and will run ignite.
When he runs phase rush you win long trades early.
Respect his level 6 especially.
He completely outscales you and can take over whole games with his sidelane pressure.”
Skaarlschloch says “Full Aggro Dblade, W start
Play for early prio, trade with AA->W ->AA (goes off before his silence), if he has E start and conq ignite he is strong early and if he plays for prio you need to respect his levelup and not die !!
You outsustain him really hard early with Passive and can kill.
He can proxy quite easily with phaserush you cant really stop him without help.
If you get prio with TP you push him in 3rd or 4th wave crash TP back to lane and make the bounce impossible (Game ending if he has ignite)
He spikes alot at 6 and even more at 11, after 11 with 2-3 items he starts to win the straight all-in in sidelane quite easily so youll have to poke him with W and stay at range, youre usually more useful in teamfights with Triforce build as you should usually get some kind of lead early”
tictac9090 says “Garen is so free for Darius.
When he goes for a Q make sure you use your auto+W. If he follows up with his E, you easily get out of the range as he is slowed by your W. At that point you either all in him with your E, or just walk away.
He does outscale you but he shouldn't be a problem if played properly.”
SemenDrinker says “Try not to bore yourself playing against this snoozefest. Bone plating Shield or Blade
He's free to poke all lane but his passive will always heal him back up. However he just runs directly towards you so you can just Q1 Q2 E backwards and he can't really trade back. Before trying to do your entire full combo try to bait out his w and then its a guaranteed kill. Be wary that if he was ignite and you're about 60-70% health he just kills you with ult.
(Matchup in side becomes way harder the more items he has)”
IvanBeifong says “Garen matchup depends heavily on how you play, usually, what you want to do is W when he Qs you, and when he starts to spin, E away, as soon as his E is about to finish, you E2 him, and drop your combo, if he has ignite be careful.
Really good ult for execution.”
LilPicky says “(take 1st rune page start blade) always agressive trading, auto before him so he has to destroy your passive shield AND your BONE PLATING ”
Skaarlschloch says “Garen is weak early! You can punish Garen Players there as you are quite a bit stronger, especially lv.1.
Vs Ignite Garen you can try to use TP to lanelock him by pushing recalling and TPing back with item and health advantage.
Go for 5 Jack Stacks early with Dblade + Dagger + Cloth (no boots) and rush Tiamat after!
Let your team know best even in champ select, that once Garen gets 2+ Items he will perma split your teammates need to be the ones defending while you roam!! ”
Frankoloko says “There are two keys to beating Garen. All in him when he uses E on the wave. And always save your E to disengage his E if he's on you. If you both use all your abilities, he wins because of his E. Be careful of his silence, especially when you are relying on your W to win a fight. Don't ult him full HP as you will never kill him, only ult 60% HP or less. Fight after he uses abilities only. Use shield early since his damage comes in a burst and then he runs away. His R does true damage so don't rely on your shield. Take Ignite + Exhaust as soon as he starts spinning.”
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is probably one of the easiest in top lane. The only time he will ever get onto you is if he Flashes on or Ghosts at you. If he Qs towards you, just walk or drift away. If he's able to get in range with a Flash Q, you can Ult him away right before you get silenced. Perma harass him and make him give up CS by freezing near your turret. There's not much more to say really; this matchup is incredibly easy despite his sustain being incredibly annoying. Just farm and scale, then group with your team in fights.”
Skaarlschloch says “You can kill often in lane but Garen SCALES really strong and outscales the straight 1v1 even if youre ahead.
If you have competent team they can stop his splitpushes with him and youll be the better champ otherwise”
smrgol says “Garen is a winnable lane but you gotta watch out to predict his Q engage and punish him when he doesnt reach you. My advice is put a trap where you are standing and bait out his Q so you can root him with your W when he steps on your trap and punish him hard. Roam to mid to help with your R if he freezes near his turret.”
Zagreus16 says “Now theres two things with this guy, if he goes conq then its pretty much even fighting similar to Darius but if he goes phase rush them oh god he becomes a major or extreme threat. his speed and tenacity will become insane late game that you gotta land your stride on him and ult him into the team to kill him quickly before he just runs off and heal everything back with his passive.”
CrimsonL7 says “Afk near tower and only take short trades. He is a really rough matchup. High armor, high health, out of combat regen and his R counters your E. ”
LDaL says “Disgusting mutchup, if I have to chose betwin him and renek, I will chose lizard. spells flesh +exhaust or ignite. Runes - take boneplat, overgrowh. Can try to kill you at first 2 lvl with ignite. Vs good garen you have kill potential before his first back or before his first defence item, after that he control the lane. Go for a trade lvl 1-2, and if he activete his q kite him back in your wave and go for a trade, better at lvl 2. after 3 lvl you have 2 option 1 - play safe, scale and try to protect your teammates from him, with exhaust and randuin. 2 - continue to play agresive, but you need alwasys be sure that there is at least one minions behind you so you can dash out when he use q. After 6, short trades, can all in only with help and when you have more than 70-80% of your health, because his full combo one shot you.”
Raideru says “Every time he goes for a q make sure to auto + w him , if he uses e after q just walk out of it while he's slowed to reduce dmg and then hook him back in and all in him if you think you can”
Azzin says “You can never really kill him alone, you should never jump in front of him as he'll get half your hp bar with his E, try to poke him by jumping on nearby minion, use W and run away from his combo. Can buy zhonya early to avoid him diving you.”
Haxorr says “Garen can be a pretty tough matchup if you let him scale up. You win early game if you play super aggressively with good wave mechanics, but if you let Garen scale to an item and don't have a lead, you will lose for the rest of the match.
I like grasp + d shield as all other matchups atm. Can try to take prio in the lane, especially if he goes phase rush, but if he goes conq + bone plating it can be hard. I like bone plating into Garen but having Cosmic Insight is also nice so up to you really. Hard matchup, just play for better grubs fights and scaling as you will be more useful. Tank Jax could possibly be good here as well.”
DuckQc says “Try to bait his q and run away by hitting him with axe when he comes to close to you(sometimes if he is that hungry and desperate to hit you with q he will maybe activate W and reduce ur Q slow and manage to hit you which now means that he hasnt q as tool to run away, he hasnt W as tenacity and shield which results in high chance for you all in him as soon as he comes back for few seconds to finish few last minions, also when he goes with his q for cannon,do your q+e or e+q combo, that hurts him a lot and often baits his w but then its too late for him, again he used W , now, look at map look at him ,use chance to get kill. Take care of your mana, you will see him spinning with E and q ing minions every second but he has no mana so be aware and dont let him control your laning phase”
Skaarlschloch says “Very easy imo.
Many Garens will try to predict your E with their W so often you can just wait and walk with them until it wears off.
You shouldnt die to Garen even after 6 dont let him fullcombo spin ign Ult you just Q away or Q him away if near enough to turret.
In isolated 1v1 he might outscale you so just go for Liandires -> Fulltank and be the better champ for your team”
Arthapsic says “Start Q and get priority level 1. Push in 3/4 waves depending on situation and do a cheater recall( back buy refillable and something and don't tp). When he uses his silence use Q to disjoint his silence ( Use Q before silence so it procs ). He is pretty unkillable and if he has phaserush you won't be able to catch him or kill him ever so mostly just focus on farming and getting free Q trades. Be careful if you're close to 60% hp with ignite he can 100-0 you with ulty if that happens reset. Afterwards he can 100-0 on side if he is full damage so look for 5v5's rather than 1v1's. Possible to go first strike to get free gold but will be hard into a good garen”
TeiWasTaken says “This is a harder matchup. Send him back into CHAMP SELECT before he gets 6, because then, you cannot fight him. It is impossible to remount when he has ult, so unless you erase him before 6, you lose the lane really bad.”
ArmedDad says “Yes the classic easy camille matchup.
you want to auto / q him before he does the q and SPIIINNNNNN combo as your passive shield will tank the whole q and some of the e generally.
note that his w does not affect your true damage.
he cannot run due to your: w slow, e to chase, and ult to pop that fat q2 or set up gank for jungle.
to ensure you win, remember:
- always poke him of cd with w to stop his passive heals.
- DO NOT DIE TO HIM or he will legit just steamroll you with 2 or more kills over you.
- late game he can go the high health route meaning your flat true damage kinda gets mitigated nad he becomes hard to 1v1 and win :/
Fadozier says “beat him until he gets boots and level 6 then respect his dmg try to w his ult he can q ult so when u low hp u can predict his q ult with ur w”
DioSett says “take ignite and conq , start doran shield , at lvl 2 use E+W , Garen has no mobility so on lane try to E him back to you if he is trying to run , after 6 try to use W when he ults”
DDemonJesters says “Better match up than darius for me. Just try to zone him with his Q + movement speed(just try to stay far away) and if he uses q or E go short trade him ”
Ulsur says “He's easy until level 6, pre 6 you'll just keep poking and you'll mostly win trades if you space well enough, he'll usually wait to use his W on your Q3, so you can wait it out or just use it nevertheless, but don't get tempted to tower dive a low health Garen as his W + Q silence can bait you hard and he won't die, so play it carefully and avoid reckless all-ins, after 6 your main goal is to keep his health lower than yours, you have the range advantage with Q and you can keep your distance with E and W, if you're low enough he'll just flash Q to silence you, ignite, and ultimate and there's nothing you can do, so don't get low enough for him to do that, Eclipse rush is the best option for me.”
Shark of Void says “His W makes your short trades useless. Use W to evade his E. Don't fight with him pre lvl 6, just poke. After lvl 6, all in him or don't fight, because his passive is imbalanced.”
Zeraku says “Take Exhaust & Ignite - Take your time. Use W if hit, basic attack him and tongue him on full stack then run the exchange should be in your favor.”
forlid says “Garen is a very volatile lane. He is very predictable and his trading patterns can be seen from miles away. On the other hand, he statchecks you with his first few backs, and after level 6 you have no free oppotunities to engage as with Ignite he can kill you in seconds. Early lead here is very important as Kraken allows you to duel him with ease. Watch out for his abyssmal scaling, as even if he is behind he can surprise with his damage.”
SVKGuardian says “Just dont get too comfy.
Your E doesn't really work against his E and R.
You nearly always bait him into using Q and right before he deals damage you can use your E and engage.”
SVKGuardian says “Only suprise he has could be high movement speed or flash.
You have E for his engage with Q, but I would rather use w if you have enough time. It gives him more damage and slows enough to make him regret his choice. Also if you hit W first, he can cancel your slow if he uses his Q after, keep that in mind. Later he has high movement speed, you can match his flash with your flash.”
Eriyjah says “You can treat Garen as a tank farm matchup, you can either go Inspiration secondary or Domination secondary, rushing Black Cleaver for the first and Edge of Night for the second.”
procatking says “rune NO.1,2.spell on your choice with D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).
*Favorable for garen*
best u can do is to farm and poke him, after level 6 watchout because his Decisive Strike(Q) silence u so he can ult u without fearing from your Aegis Assault(E).
roam the map and help your team if possible”
KaliRF says “Just like Jax use your E when he activate is Q and hit back let your E take his E damage when the silence is gone you're lethal tempo will be stack. And use your barrier when he will ult (you fell it easily with time or use.
IMPORTANT, you can't win a faze rush garen who rushed Executioner's Calling”
YuletideGlory says “You can't lose this matchup even if you have only one arm. The only trick he has to try and beat you is to engage in short fights and try to passively heal back up to full and all in again. As soon as he starts charging you, just throw up your W so it deals no damage and bash him. The silence only lasts 1.5 seconds so as soon as it's over you stun E then QQQ and you win.
If Garen starts off by spinning, throw out E first and bash him, then hit W as soon as it's over so when he casts his silence you just repeat when I said above.
But be mindful of his execute, if you get ganked and have low hp get out of there immediately even if you can heal back with Q a few times. Don't risk giving him a free undeserved kill. ”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ghost/tp and spellbook
You beat him in all ins at any stage of the game but you need to kite his e. Use your e right when he is in q Animation so he doesnt get to spin on you for free. Use w against his e or his r. Rush riftmaker but Go cosmic instead of rylais, he cleanses slows with his q and always builds deadmans. ”
conqiyana says “ban.
unplayable he will just silence u, heal any poke you try do and w any damage you try and do, then if you grass q he just stands on it spinning.
there is some room for outplay because most of them have no brain or hands but if they have half a brain its near impossible”
SenSen_LoL says “Garen is strong against Nidalee as he's really hard to dive and punish thanks to his passive and his w, he can clear waves very fast and if you're not careful, he can kill you pretty easily.
Try to take a lead by taking advantage of the range advantage that you have, punish him when he E's the wave, but keep in mind that you're most likely not going to have a significant advantage when leaving lane.
mastershen says “Garen W can deny damage and stun duration of your Q try to kill early go lethal tempo ap hraling build with flahs ignite the tip for garen after level 6 is look to trade with garen when you had more hp than him if you ever start a fight with garen when your health is lower you will die always try to trade with higher hp in lane short trade and ult start all in with ignite”
PlasitcChairMan says “Darius can counter Garen easily 90 Percent of the time Because Garen has no utility as He's all about Dmg. and Darius's Passive constantly resets garen's passive timer before regen.”
MaesePerez says “Pretty easy lane, you outscale, he can be a pain in sidelane later in the game, but as long as he doesnt kill you lvl 2 with q e ignite you shouldn't lose to him in a 1v1. He becomes hard to kill at 9 when his passive allows him to heal back to full between waves, but its a pretty free scaling matchup. ”
joke7813 says “With Phaserush annying as fuck, with Conq really strong damage wise.
But the worst part is his passive so even if you can punish his mistakes he will heal it out. Still good for denying him CS(he have to respect you when you are mounted and hes low life) but you rarely can kill him. His Q will erase the slow of your Q so dont get baited in!
You should only trade when he dont have E or even better R.
His R is for chaamps like Kled even worse because Kled dismounts and is more vulnerable.”
SpoonSlayer says “Very annoying champ. No mana, regenerates health just for existing and execute on ult. Keep harassing him and look for an all in under his tower when he is ~50% health.”
KaisAWP says “if he takes ghost = extreme, tp - easy. Push lane and go roaming, if nothing to roam for - free under your tower and w8 for jungler, try to predict his Q's and E them. stay range.”
Easy farm lane, if you play aggro in melee range you win trades so you can shove waves from level 2 onward and just poke him under tower. You hard outscale him as well. Unfortunately if it ended there garen would be a 20% winrate champion. Garen's whole gameplan right now (phase rush bull run around split pushing destroying towers at a fast tempo) has ZERO PROBLEMS into mundo. He is still much faster than you both in and out of combat, and clears waves much faster than you. If you play lane well and get out of it on top, the enemy mid will probably be unable to match you. If this is the case, full send your own split until garen is forced to match you. If garen has to match you, you have pretty much won the game. If this doesnt happen and you have to match garen, he has the complete edge as his tempo is 2x faster. Also be careful of his ult, generally you have to ult much sooner if there is a garen. Wait for him to blow it on someone else, if he is obviously saving it for you, you have to ult at like 1/3 hp instead of 1/8. Go grasp. Harder now that he goes axiom arcanist, you have to ult even earlier”
Sugenrift says “Garen (The High Roller): Garen's resilience and spin-to-win approach make him a tough opponent. However, Twisted Fate can exploit Garen's straightforward playstyle by kiting and using his Stacked Deck passive for consistent damage. It's like the house knowing a high roller's habits and subtly steering them towards games with worse odds but perceived high rewards, using TF's mobility to control the pace of the lane.”
Artszy says “Tu acaba com ele na lane, mas na tf ele só aperta R e tu morre. Se ele vier de ignite, tu da poke nele e depois diva com big wave fazendo ficar 2 lvls de vantagem, nesse tempo que ele fica farmando para voltar pro game tu ajuda teu time em objetivo.”
hamgi says “consistent short trades to keep his passive on cd. poke him when he goes to q/aa cs. w to mitigate any dmg u may take if he goes for q into e. stay out of aa range while his q is active. avoid all-inning when ur low/diving even if he's low as he can just r u”
forlid says “You should pretty much never lose this lane as long as you space well enough. Garen has zero gap closers excluding his Q which only gives him a speed boost, so if you play away enough he can't never kill you without burning Flash and Ignite. Punish his farming by using Q on him and slowly poke him down until you can just kill him. ”
PlayCabex says “The first 1-5 levels the matchup is quite easy. Level 1 start Q and you can AA him for free, straight up just walk up to him and keep AAing him and whenever he tries to do something back, just Q and kite back. Keep in mind to use your E before Q since Garens can react to your fear and reduce the duration a lot with his W (Garen’s W grants him tenacity for a short duration). After 6 the matchup becomes significantly harder if you don’t time your fear and silence correctly, he can kinda run you over with his ultimate. Your combo from fog can still get him to low hp/kill but that’s only if he isn’t ahead.
Runes: Aery”
Belle19 says “people rave about how easy this matchup is, but phase rush garen has little to no counterplay for darius once laning phase is over. He just runs at you, silences you so you cant pull him back and runs away at teh speed of light after doing half your health bar, waits 5 seconds and then does the same thing and kills you. If you underestimate him early and die, you will lose 1v1s for a very long time. Be careful of his 6, his ultimate is better in 1v1s. You still obviously win early lane pretty hard so if you build an advantage through freezing by 6, you will be fine. Whoever gets steraks first will win the 1v1 regardless of the state of where each players at.”
zwartebliksem says “If he runs at you with Q, just dash out. If his E is down, all in. When his ult is down, all in. Only fight when is E is down, his ult is down, or you're really far ahead. Else, DON'T FIGHT!”
Grimmloi says “Ulti açana kadar safe, ulti açtıktan sonra rahatlıkla kesebilirsiniz e tutturması da kolay fakat bir susturma ve infaz yeteneğine sahip koridorda yenseniz bile size sıkıntı çıkartır”
AWierdShoe says “I find this lane to be a bit of a nuisance for us. Aatrox has a stronger level than Garen assuming we don't miss our Qs. He will take the opportunity of dodging your skillshots with his Q movement speed, and most of them go Phase Rush nowadays. It's also annoying as the Garen player does not have to interact with you at all in lane as he can just sit back and heal up with his passive; do your best to deny it by attacking him. He is capable of walking out of our W with his Q and even tank our combo with his W shield. Level 6 we must be cautious as if we are not above 80% HP and we miss our combo, Garen will just all-in us and 0-100 us with E+R skill combo. the lane is very winnable and favors Aatrox early, but it can be a bit of a stonewall. ”
lbc1506 says “Only way he kills is Flash Ignite Ults you. Just hold flash for the combo and you will be fine.
Will likely push you in quick so just try to last hit as well as you can.”
Haearnbleidd says “Try to kill lvl 1, bait his e, poke his passive, don't miss q's post 6 and try to block his ult with w. Only way he can win this is by playing phase rush and baiting your r. Watch out for him in teamfights , as he can just walk up to your team and r someone.
If he plays phaserush I would recommend building hexplate > bc/rav/sterak's, and if he plays conq you can go hydra/bc > sterak's/hexplate”
TheOriginalTwoSides says “Rush Steelcaps, your poke is kinda useless as his passive just lets him regen. You outscale him in teamfights but don't try to fight him unless you are extremely fed.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Grasp
Ahhhh Garen.
Garen players are actually dogwater. They depend on an overloaded kit to carry them.
Save your WW for his Q. Do not trade unless you have your W up. Don't trade into his W. Don't let him single you out with his E, it hurts.
Early Tiamat helps keep up with his wave clear. ”
Bronzesuo says “Just ban him every game. Go Second or Third build against him. You can't win against him for the whole game. Its just impossible for you to win against him. Try to farm and not die.”
Akuzai says “I love that this champ isn't played as much anymore. Phase rush garen is the most unexpected counter in existence. But if the garen sucks at spacing you can just w his q spin combo and then dps him to death. His ult still shuts you down late game however.”
Joy17 says “Garen possui uma combinação de durabilidade e dano, mas Warwick, com seu sustain e capacidade de troca, pode lidar com Garen, especialmente se souber administrar a troca de habilidades.”
deathbypotion says “Stupid statstick, his lv6 is crazy strong, you can`t deny his passive and his trade pattern is gross, but you can E before his Q. Without snowball he is pretty useless”
hoflol says “Even lane. Garen shouldn't kill you and you shouldn't kill Garen.
His ultimate damage can be surprising and unless he misplays will be hard to kill.”
GheeseEmpty says “Has a fairly underrated early level power level that should be respected, specifically with Ignite and Conqueror. That being said, building armor first into Garen pretty much neuters him. Focus on utilizing your Boar Stance and Awakened Boar to negate his trades.”
exoticT says “Annoying matchup, take ignite, do not go into his e without minions as it does extra damage when only one target is hit, try to e his q and respect his r damage”
Inoks says “Dblade/Boneplating.Aatrox favored i would say, you most likely win lane, but lose side after 2 items. if he has phase rush he becomes very hard to kill so you have to play around its cd. lvl 1 you can zone with Q's fairly easily, just don't let him reach you melee and you gucci. lvl 4 you can start bullying him but he has alot of regen so prepare to land 10+ combos on him since his sustain/tankiness is that high. Garen outscales hard after 2nd item so be careful in the side.
Summs: (Teleport)”
trulyaito says “- If a garen knows what he's doing you'll never kill him and he'll outscale you hard
- Watch out for lvl 6 ult, if u have no courage before going in you won't be able to remount.
- try to kill him early and try to not using your W until he uses his W.”
NegativePhoenix says “You really just want Garen to push into you and convince your jungler to make his life hell for playing into your lane as Garen
He's meant to simply do short trades because they favor him due to his passive healing so you'd have to constantly damage him to make trades worth it
Remember that his ult is a missing health true damage ability, so never engage with low health unless you're confident his ult is down”
ThelpixG says “Just kite him, don't go for long exchanges after he's level 6 unless you know how to utilize your passive resets to the fullest.
And try to always trade with him in the middle of your own wave to lower his E damage.”
xXazzer says “He doesn't have dashes and is a pure melee champion. Just fight him extendedly. Keep your autos up as well. After 6 he can cheese you so play around his ignite ult burst. But otherwise you beat him.”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) Rush Strikebreaker for MS and try to bait his Q, he can also block most of your W damage with his W. He does outscale you but don't itemize for you W damage. Botrk and BC are very good into him. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Steraks/Hullbreaker”
WhendZ says “Garen é um laner forte, mas não é tão perigoso se você for cauteloso. Você tem mais move speed base que ele no q. Dá uma passiva nele e sai correndo. compre uma bota na primeira volta. e cuidado com a ult dele que é muito dano.”
LegacyOneTap says “not a threat after early levels, don't take bad trades, always run ghost flash, walk out of his e and re-engage when its out, beat him up for his lunch money. Run bork into iceborn, bc, garg, shojin, lucidity boots for the full build and this man no longer can be in your face without crying for his entire team which he'll do anyways because he can't play.”
pldoge says “Strong enough to kill you. Silence from Q. AOE E and dmg redoction on W. Finisher on R. All of it counters you. Just trade with him for stacks”
Wizboy73 says “[Phase rush] Keep your distance and spam q and E, if he gets onto you with Q E stridebreaker, its over unless you ulter/have zhonyas. His ult will execute you. ”
JPGamer10BR says “Contra Garen, jogue pela distância, ele aperta o Q, você aperta o W, se ele for farmar puna ele, cuidado com ganks, cuidado para não ser surpreendido por ele no mato, cuidado com o Flash+Q dele.
Runas> PTA, F.F, Grasp, Aery ou P.R”
Denied20 says “One of the few champions which at a certain point, you no longer can tether. Once Garen obtains strikebreaker and boots, he has full control. Combine that with dead man's plate and your agency is deleted. Now Garen fully decides when the plays are made.
Unless you heavily outstat him, and can survive his Q+E+R (ignite) combo you have no chance.
As of patch 14.4 Yasuo is attributed more survivability as items like Dead Man's Plate is suggested. Mimic Garen's sticking power with similar items. Usually a Stormrazor, a zeal and boots is enough. Rush Stormrazor into Garen.”
The Saucy Saurus says “My personal hatred but not all bad if played properly. If he run ats you with his Q, drop yours in front of him. He should not be able to reach you then before Q runs out. Try and hit him with passive if he is trying to recover with his, but he might just block it with his W shield. When he hits level 6, if he has ignite you can't be on the same screen. If he has no iginite you can risk trading and fighting but try to avoid it.”
Crossing Calvin says “Phase rush or first strike
Poke him early. Kite him around and don't trade your E for his Q. Some people take first strike to get a gold lead early. This matchup is really toxic after 1 item. He can one shot you if hes close. The matchup also could go your way and you dominate the game after,”
BurritoTopKing says “not very interactive, if you happen to grab him you should win the trade, just careful with losing too much hp as you may be in lethal range from his ignite ult combo.
Also you can buffer your E through his Q silence to buy you time to trade back.”
Murfz says “Rough lane, E his Q and try to avoid his E when trading. You win lvl 1 almost every time, I'd recommend ignite since winning lane is really important vs garen. Your spike is much bigger at 700 gold than his, 1,1k gold favours him though.”
Shazir says “Cosmic Drive rush is good against garen. Take Press The Attack and Ignite so you can kill him early. Don't forget to take his W before dives. (Grasp or other runes are available but Press The Attack is much better against Garen)”
SpookyKing says “You can get ahead pre 6 but if he just takes ignite and doesn't die till 6 you are screwed. His silence will block all of your ability to do anything and then he will R oneshot you. ”
Brb3535 says “u win if u kill him a lot in early game, if he doesn t let u to do that bcs he stays safe and heal and he also is resistant and u can t one shot him, idk what to say :)))))) just focus and watch his ms :)))))”
Skaiy says “Not much to say against garen, you cant do much especially if he plays with Phase Rush, you can play ghost to have more MS for chasing him down or Corrupting Potion
start strategy with Time Warp Tonic rune, but i dont recommend trying to fight garen so much, focus on farming and outscaling him, you outscale him after your core (rift boots nashors).
Trading him in lane is pointless since he will always heal from his passive and even outrade you most of time unless its extended fights.
You should be looking for full extended fight oportunities such as leer+lvl 6 you can surprise him with big healings from leer and kill him in all in at lvl 6 if you dont kill him that point keep farming and outscaling and dont fight before lvl 11 and core.”
Bonkyou says “E2 his Q E combo, if you are not in E, kite away from his E and he can only poke with his Q, you outrange him heavily.
But this guy has a oneshot combo on you, take barrier for the secret counterplay strat.
If you get behind he can bully you off cs, vice versa. You are more useful in side and teamfight unless you are 0 5, so scale if you are unsure of your abilities to win this skill matchup”
RivenCarriedYou says “Riven wins level 1, don't be scared to trade into him after he's Q'd you.
After lvl 5 garen if he is maxing Q he will out damage your shield. look Short trades, Q AA W E away, try and bait W. Garen scales really hard now with his new itemisation, try to get a lead in lane.”
BaotoGame says “Immobile.But is quite tanky with his W.He's useless when get stuck in your cage.Easy matchup as long as you land your E and W.Try to kite him with your cage and ghouls and don't let him touch you,if you get touch,you'll die”
Chaddouk says “Only "annoying" garen build is when he goes phase rush + ghost (into full armor). If he has no ghost or no phase rush, it's free as fuck. Here's a few interactions that make the matchup so good for trynd : you can cancel his passive with your W (if the slow hits), you use your R as a reaction to his R, you can R when silenced, and finally when he Q's you if you click on him first and press E right before he silences you you will hit auto + E damage and win the trade. The matchup is turbo free abuse as much as possible long trades. Like lvl 1 you hard beat him unless he gets 2 Q off on the trade, and later it's all about sticking to him cuz you out dps, that's why phase rush ghost is annoying (in that case, try to make him burn summs while keeping yours for a later all-in). I put it in minor but with ghost + phase rush it becomes major.”
quecck says “Not horrible. Don't get scared if he silences you, you can still punch him. When he gets ult, it becomes a problem, because it goes straight through whatever shield you had. attack him when you can so he doesn't get his healing passive, keep him lower on HP than you as much as you can.”
daitolol says “TOP // - One of the few matchups where d ring start is doable, matchup itself is pretty easy the only things you need be looking out for is to always use e when he tries to q+e you to avoid the e damage and be wary of the f q ign r it deals around 60% of your hp and is unavaoidable.
- Perma freeze he has a hard time contesting waves and will need to trade hp
-Always E when his Q is about to land, he will E right after and it will get wasted
E back in once his E ends and chain Q Passive Auto him
- If he doesnt E after his Q, you can auto a minion to consume your passive and E back in to get another
passive and run away from his E dmg with your new passive MS then chain passive auto him to death
- When trading stay in your minion wave since his E will deal less dmg
- Wait out his shield before you Passive Auto if you are in shroud and you have time on passive/shroud
_WhiteSnow_ says “Bro can't trade with you, your knockup outranges his q so you can get your q off before he silences you, and you'll be able to tunnel away from his e when the silence wears off and you use your bite on him. You also out regen him as long as you're generating fury. His most problematic build is grasp + trinity force but you win as long as you deny his q and get your full combo off. Just be aware this champion outscales you though, try to get as big an advantage early as possible.”
At_Tar_Ras says “ahh one of the nicer matchups we have. Q start and abuse your AA+Q vs garen at level 1 for that lane priorty. from that point on it's really easy to beat garen. DO NOT BE BAITED INTO "SHIELD-BREAKING" his W. it's not worth AT ALL. kite it out or wait it out. once his DAMAGE REDUCTION on his ACTIVATED W is gone, then and only then you unload your entire ability rotation/auto-attacks onto him. if you don't wait it out, that's prob the reason why garen's a hard matchup for you. you can also always just E away from his spin and abuse Q range to hit him without him being able to hit you. ”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: DRing/Dark Seal]
[Build: PTA + Riftmaker]
Bully him as much as possible so his passive doesn't proc. You can only lose if he hits his basic Q E R Combo. If he approaches you with Q, just run away until his Q runs out or he uses it on minions and nothing will happen to you. He can push waves fast so don't recall after pushing the wave and Garen is still alive because you can potentally lose an entire wave. You can't lose if you play right.”
chewy378 says “Garen can punish you if you're not careful, but if played properly, the matchups is strongly Lillia favored. Hit him with your E and then go in. ”
Pretzel Shiv says “He can clear your dogs with e, he can silence you in close range, and he can R you. Pre 6 you need to freeze wave, or punish him if he decides to back or stay with low hp, just poke him, wait for ganks, or be different and just shit on him. But this matchup is skill based. genuinely. ”
TheBougis says “Garen has two options when it comes to his build, either go tankish/bruiserish or go full crit. His tank build is not a threat at all, but his full crit build does a ton of damage even agains tanks. if he goes full crit, be sure to have a Knight's Vow and a Randuin's as your 3rd and 4th, or 4th and 5th items.”
DebRiX9 says “Garen is annoying. He's extremely dangerous in the early levels and at 6.
Keep poking and keep E to stop his healing. If you establish a lead level 3-5 then you can survive his ult with full stack W. Keep poking and E his E.”
KaliRF says “You win if you have good reaction time, when he Q use E (take it at level 2) auto him while he use E, and when you can use Q but keep your barrier for his level 6, you have to instant barrier and ult when he use R”
ShadowStealer94 says “Not too difficult for Mordekaiser. Don't fight too early and watch out for his R when you are low as it does percentage missing health.”
ShadowStealer94 says “A pretty hard matchup but should be fine if you play the lane carefully. Focus on CSing well to keep ahead in gold and XP and then all in later in the game.”
Antecc says “Beat him up early game and keep the lead you gained from that. The only thing to watch out for is to not stand in his E, excluding level 1. Level 1 you may attack him to your heart's content with your E as you win it incredibly hard, even while tanking every E tick. After that, fighting him is always possible until he presses E. Dodge his Q with your E. You cannot evade Garen R with your E, so don't try to.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Sit on the barrel for the whole laning phase. Its kinda a darius matchup but easier. He shits on you if he gets on you but its very easy to avoid it using your barrels. I would mark him as "tiny" threat if not the fact that he can flash on you every 5mins. If that happens auto him with passive, W the silence. destroy the barrel that (hopefully) u had underneath and run away if youre not stomping.”
ABL Pantheon says “Pantheon favoured matchup. If he has Conqueror + Ignite don't fight him level 1. You freely poke him with Q and when he is low engage on him. Watch for his W he can make your W or Q a bit useless if you use the empowered ones. E his Ultimate and don't let him Q or E you for free.”
wyjebnik2zuk says “Recommended: Phaserush, flash/ghost, start darkseal+pot.
If garen goes phase rush then you can't kill him alone so just try to proxy, get 10cs/min and outscale him, you will be more useful in the teamfights so just play with ur team, be careful after 6 he always wins 1v1.”
lordimboutabust says “He only wins with ignite ult cheese at lvl 6 so be careful not to get too low early. Make sure to constantly poke to keep his passive down. You also out scale so don't feel like you have to put him behind early as he is quite strong early | Conditioning or Bone plating (Conditioning is better after lvl 6 but if you think you need it bone plating can be useful early) | Dblade - Eclipse”
Bernardian says “Gayren is very free. Most garen players go mid anyways but on a rare occasion if they do go top this is what they will do. Garen nowadays runs phase rush because it is much easier to trade with losing matchups then just going conq but he loses a portion of his dmg by going phase rush over conq so it should be very easy to trade with him . Save your E for when he tries to spaceglide away by the time you E him and it connects his phase rush is completely gone and he has to flash to survive. This is the first time im recommending Tri force as this item will turn you into a split pushing god and something that Garen cannot handle but any other mythic is good aswell. Post 6 with ignite garen can all in if your below 50-60% hp with no bleed stacks so be careful, freezing also works against Garen as he has no way of walking up to the wave unless he Q's.”
Zombzn00b says “One of my bans. His basekit isn't that hard to play against, but what makes him hard is that you cannot use R if he is anywhere close to you as he will almost insta oneshot you with his own R.”
Waqql says “Garen is indeed another straightforward matchup. Try to keep two stacks on him, and when he tries to engage with his Q, activate your W with the third stack to gain movement speed. He won't be able to reach you. Otherwise, poke him as much as possible. You can also push the lane, as Garen is not a problem for a good Gnar. Just be cautious of ganks and place a control ward in the bush opposite the enemy buff to maintain vision control.”
Lukajs says “Garens silence on his Q is the worst part about facing him, since you can get screwed over, because you rely on abilities and silence nullifies the use of them.
Play for trades when his Q is down, and farming. ”
demirkaiser says “When he tries to Q you at level 1, answer him with your Q. You will beat him hard level 1. Don't fight level 2. Level 3 you beat him hard. Be careful at level 6. If he is clever, he will Q you when you are low health so you can't use W to his ult. When you are at 50%, use W and ult. Try to freeze the lane. DO NOT LET HIS PASSIVE REGEN HIS HEALTH.”
kayle1v9 says “3 points Q into E max because his Q can remove your slow from Q. Berserker rush. Rylais is also a good item. when you are low make sure to r when hes about to hit his Q. He will Q + E + R so if you dont R his silence then you are kinda fucked. Otherwise really free match up.”
vreiki says “Assim como o Singed, ele não consegue te tocar. Cuidado com o Flash, e seja preciso no alcance do W. Um W atrasado vai deixar ele te atingir com o Q.”
Althalosofsirun says “Garen Q can cancel your ability to W or E so try to ult him to start and make him panic then W with half grit if he doesn't panic Q (take unflinching)”
RykonZ says “Garen is a strong laner with high damage output and sustain, but Mordekaiser can still take him down in a one-on-one fight if he's able to land his abilities and outplay Garen.”
Nurakami says “Pride of Demacia braindead champion with high mobility huge armor buff on w and r with true dmg.
I will be straithforward if you don't space properly you are DEAD.
Care for his Ignite + R "Combo"
try to kill him lvl 1 respecc his 6 and farm for shieldbow and you can try to kill him if he used W
Herbietron says “Garen is hard because of his silence and ms to catch up to you when you W away. Early you will win because your Q sustain and grasp poke but post 6 it becomes harder and if he silences you in a team fight its rough. He also has great split so roaming is tricky. ”
Riceyboll says “Same as Darius, but easier.
His ultimate is the bigget problem. He can just all in you when you get low enough and blast you with the ultimate”
BezMemow says “He can be extremely annoying with his Q ult combo since you can't do anything, go Ghost since Garen will almost always go Phase rush, Liandry's or Riftmaker is good against him. Buying Fated ashes on first back is very annoying for him
If he goes conqueror, Rylai is extremely valuable as he won't be able to get out of your passive without phase rush. ”
rilxy4u says “Speedy mf, has a silence, 1 shots boxes with "spin to win". execute R means you have to be VERY careful when limit testing.
Outplay: play safer when he has R, trade with E, keep safe distance because he WILL run you down.”
Smauggy says “you run faster than him, and you work well vs jugger
he has 2 chance:
1 when he got stride, the slow will alow him to take good trades and maybe ignite r
2 is to flash in and os you, but if you land in this position its mean you was too near of him that he could poke you, or you didnt took your reset ”
Loweloexpert says “Free, let him push and engage lvl 3. You are just better cant loose this one . At 6 you just annihilate him cause your w just counters his ult and he cant do shit.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Silencing duel. That is what this is. Only difference is that you have more CC. But he has more healing as a Garen. It's pretty dead even but not overly so because his silence does way more dmg”
sinatra1633 says “Can beat you if he goes full damage and spins you into a R.
Use W or dragon form to escape when he is about to silence you into a E.
You win him in all ins if he has no E or R.”
HSY12 says “You can win level 1,2 and 3
When he completes armor items you cant duel him at all
Make sure to avoid letting him heal with his passive as much as you can. W can do this well ”
Nazcore says “Difficult match up post 6, however pre 6 you can do a lot. DO NOT GET SILENCED or you will DIE!!! Beyond that just sustain and manage wave so he loses exp and gold. Or you can take rift or ward. Prioritize advantages and be sure to poke and all in if he greeds too much.”
ARealFakeIdentity says “The only possible problem from this matchup comes from him hitting you with Stridebreaker or his Q, try to use your W before he uses these abilities.”
W4llaceK says “Take blade or ring and ignite. Do not short trade him it's exactly what he wants. His goal is to eat all of your damage with his W and poke you so he can Q E ignite you and kill you with ult. If he uses his Q on the wave then punish him by dashing at him and abusing your larger attack range. don't let him use his massive passive regen, poke him by 4 stack Q E comboing him and then run away. If he presses Q back up, always, if he gets the silence on you post 6 he can kill you. If you're below half HP when he hits level 6 go to your turret and press B, if he has more than a single braincell he will dive you and kill you with ult for FREE. play to scale and remember that even late game if he silences you he wins the 1v1.”
SesaPrime says “If you want to put Garen & Darius in the same boat, it makes sense. Garen isn't the same as he used to be. He has better stats & a ridiculously easy playstyle. He's the most generic champion in the game still being relevance to this day. Could you believe it?”
Mnem says “Go from Flash Ghost, Conqueror and Bone Plating. You beat Garen at all times in the game BUT don't trade with him for nothing because his passive will heal him, if you're going to trade with Garen trade as much as possible, and try to kill him. After lvl 6 poke Garen with your Q, when he has 80% health, switch with him. Don't stay in lane if you are low hp and Garen has R as he will execute you. Build Plated Steelcaps and Trinity Force.”
Ch1llss says “This is a mix of extreme and tiny depending on your knowledge of this pick, the best way to play it is e either when he starts charging at you with q or when you get caught in his e”
Vixylafoen says “He will try his best to use his Q to get through your barrels and all in you. Use extra barrels to block him off and focus on passive resets to outtrade him”
Reines Kokosfett says “You win early. Zone him off the wave. His Q + E + Ignite deals good damage and can kill you when dismounted. Trade heavily while his W (23 sec. cd) is down. After level 6 you have to poke with Q and shouldn't get dismounted. If you snowball pre 6 you should be able to all in him without getting dismounted.”
Boptimus says “Garen can very easily stat-check you but he has no easy way of getting on to you. If he starts to charge at you with Q just use your E to dash away. If he does manage to get on you, you can negate a lot of his E damage with your W. Once you have R you will be able to kill him after he uses his abilities.
If you aren't careful and R at the wrong time you will be dangerously low for Garen's R.”
Ulamog says “Conqueror Build; Bone Plating + D Blade.
Parry his Q and stay out of his E. This is a very easy matchup as long as you follow this rule.
NOTE that you CAN parry his R, BUT if he Q+R you and you don't parry his Q, you will be silenced and not able to W his R.”
stefanko says “You have prio level 1, make sure to get level 2 first. E his Q, and disengage when he w's. His w cd is longer than your e cd, so try to all in him when you get e back. Make sure to stay healthy in this lane cause if you are not over like 80% hp he has huge kill pressure on you. Play slow with the wave cause he outsustains you and has better wave clear. (grasp, tp)”
Zeffie says “Beware of the silence, stunning him out of a spin is a good trick if he hasn't Q-E'd you. other than that poke him in lane with W where you can”
Galactities says “You can't win 1v1 against him, he will always out damage you. He splitpushes better then you, he is tankier then you, the only advantage you have is you're better in early skirmishes and teamfights so use that to your advantage.”
Nnorio says “Lvl 1 all in if hes actively shoving the wave.
You can let the wave push into you and look for a lvl 2-3 all in.
Do Not trade with garen and actively look to all in to kill or force a back.
Pretty boring matchup just dont feed him you outscale.
Post 6 you beat him pretty easily.
1v1 tips:
U can easily bait his q and look for an all in.
W his E dmg and look for a kill.
You cannot W his R so dont even try it.
Early try to save R until he tries to run away.
Tonho says “He literally walks straight on you the entire game. Good thing is that there is not much mechanics to spect from him, so you can avoid that. If he builds crit, you have a chance. If he don't, just don't trade with him like... Never. 2v1s are possible against him tho.”
killer2325 says “Poke him, if he start running at you with his Q just Q E back. Try to all in him when his W and E on cd. After 6 be careful about his ult+ignite. Try to not loose too much hp after 6 cause he can oneshot you if you're lower 60-70 % hp.
PraefectusMace says “What makes Garen so difficult to deal with is his Q. The silence is pretty long so you can't just E him away if you are both close to each other. That and his passive can make him stay on the lane for a long time. While not impossible to win this lane you will have to wait for openings when he wastes his E.”
dzsama says “Most Garen's just run Ignite and play to win the lane during early. The key in this matchup is to not fight him while his E is up. You can also just dodge his Q with your E. After his E runs out you can engage on him, block his Q and wait out his W before finishing your stun for maximum stun duration. You have to remember to keep his passive down if you want to wither him down, as otherwise he will regen his hp back up quickly. Also at 6 be mindful of his true damage execute on his R.”
Pep_Shin says “You're going to have a hard time killing him early.
If you don't kill him pre-6, you're never going to.
He's too tanky and usually has the damage to kill you before you kill him.
He has anti-heal in core items and is way too tanky for you in late game.
Don't fight him after lvl 6 alone or without a huge lead and go black cleaver in the late game and hope the best for your team to help.”
GannicusTTV says “Use your Passive to block his E or Q damage and trade back. Place blade forward before lane start if possible and look for extended trades early as he will lose really hard. you can also use your W reactively to block his Q damage and silence. Respect his lvl 6 execute and make sure you are healthy to not get executed.”
Armorjacker says “Garen is a bit easy for you since you can activate your Q before he hits his q and be able to out trade him. After the silence goes away and hes now running away, try to e him and w which will basically make it even if not a tad more in favorable for you in terms of trades. Dont be low health around this champion because a flash q e into R can kill you without any counterplay. Be cautious of your health and you will always be fine.”
Puyi says “If he tries to run up to you and Q you, you can either Q and move back with E, preventing him from reaching you, or W to negate the silence, AA for passive proc, Q-AA and E away. If he manages to get on top of you, he beats you post-6.”
Irelius says “Самое большая слабость Ирелии – то, что её зонят на лвл 1. Гарен не может вас зонить. Берём лвл 2 прио. Жмём W на его Q, потом кайтим его ешку своим куханом. Бойтесь его ульты. ”
Kitming says “He suffers a lot from your poke, and your short trades deal a lot of damage so he (probably) will try to all-in you or not fight you at all.
Probably will spin behind you so you can't just Q away. ”
ProjectPoi says “You will win after lane phase but during it you will suffer.
Garen will perma shove and you can't do anything about it.
He wins every trade”
ananesever69 says “Pretty much a good choice against you overall. Even if he has to get close his trades will always be better since he'll silence engage before chasing you down with E. Ulting him isn't viable since he can easily just use his ult to execute you since you did half his job for him by removing a good chunk of your health and resistances. Stay safe by tower really and bait him under if you can without killing yourself.”
Oxtimexo says “Garen Is a big threat to you with how your ultimate works, being at 55% of your max health instantly can open you up to a garen r. If you all out with garen near by make sure he doesnt have his r or kill him before he kills you.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Ghost+Ignite or Ghost+Teleport.
Garen has very good sustain and the lane on him is quite difficult but winnable. Try to be the first to reach level 6 and dominate it. His Q+E combo is impossible to dodge, but if you time your E well, you're able to dodge him when he gives you silence from his ability.”
NegativePhoenix says “Pretty much a good choice against you overall. Even if he has to get close his trades will always be better since he'll silence engage before chasing you down with E. Ulting him isn't viable since he can easily just use his ult to execute you since you did half his job for him by removing a good chunk of your health and resistances. Stay safe by tower really and bait him under if you can without killing yourself. If you ult, his ult will count it as missing health and strengthen it so either don't ult with him around or wait till he wastes his”
JustSad42 says “This is a pretty easy matchup for Fiora. Garen can at no point kill you if you’re both playing the matchup normally except for when he reaches level 5 and the wave is at his side of the lane. That is the only point in time when Garen is stronger than Fiora in the 1v1. Also, don’t try to force poke on Garen unless he’s stepping up too far. This is due to Garen’s passive sustain being much higher than yours. A big note is that Garen, when you’re half HP, can Q-Auto-R and oneshot you from almost half HP. So, try to W the Garen Q in that situation instead of waiting to W his R. Since you will be silenced when you try to parry his R in that situation.”
JustSad42 says “W his Q-E. When you're no longer silenced, Q to a caster so you can kite his the second half of his E damage and then re-engage when his E is over and you will win.
Keep in mind that in team fights Garen Q-R can be very annoying for you when you dive, so wait unitl you see him or until after he's used it.”
Night Guy says “In the early game he will be stronger than you but after 6 for me the lane gets easier but it's even it's whoever outpokes the other one and then find the opening to kill.”
Zorroh says “Garen is probably THE easiest matchup for Gnar. He has no dash to close the gap on you and no poke whatsoever. Just keep your distance and E away if he gets too close to you with his Q movespeed before he's able to silence. Don't all in as Mega unless he's low and just kite as mini. If this matchup is tough for you, practice kiting. ”
SrMolinv says “Garen has been buffed to oblivion, he hurts this days. Make sure you shield his Q and play around his W shield. Riven can win it but this champ is annoying.”
Akalimetall says “You outrange Garen all the time, so he won't be that big of threat to you, but can be to your team in teamfights or with smart splitpushing. So he can be a threat if you don't play accordingly.”
AlyssaTennya says “Probably a worse matchup than teemo, if you try to fight him. But you can just sit back and wait to scale then try and kill his team instead. He pretty much just shoves waves when he's ahead, so I don't ban him.”
Grakala says “It's not too hard if you fight him pre 6, but once hits 6 you can only fight him if you are 1000 gold ahead bc you will need to kill him faster than the duration of his E. ”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with inspiration or resolve with ignite. If he wastes his w you can all win, but try to react to his Q. If he starts the trade with his E you should kite him to your wave and start your e and the the end of his e so he can't use his Q.”
OOBLEXX says “Easy imo. When dueling make sure you save your W for his ult and maybe even ult him immediately after- usually works for me a good.. 80% of the time :'). ”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Garen wins the start of trades, but runs out of damage as his spin ends, but your constant autoattacking will only ramp up. After 6 you should easily win 1v1s.”
Antisocial_Renekton says “Freeze, dont stand in his e, dont give him free crashes and recalls hes rly weak early.
Dont w his w.
His w cd is very long, abuse it.
Dblade start, bork rush.”
RandumPersin says “This is a pretty difficult matchup, take conq and hope for the best. We never beat this champion in lane since his W completely negates ours, his silence is obnoxious to say the least, and his execute damage scales with the HP we gain on our own R. Garen's biggest weakpoint is that he is pretty immobile without Q so its easy to constantly turn off his passive with E AA Q harass. Look to stand in minions waves during his spin to reduce the damage he does, and stick around after his Q silence ends to try and trade back into him. Don't eat to many Q's early or he can ignite dive you under turret early and the lane will quickly become disgusting and unplayable.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “His all in beats your all in if you're below 50. He silences you so you can't W his R, so make good trades and beat him through fundamentals. ”
LeyzeHP says “Conqueror or Fleet
Eclipse/Divine/Glacial Gauntlet/Goredrinker
His Q is painful, do AA E(mid air) Q (as auto reset) di it really fast and run back spamming W , if he's scared or doesn't have R you can just use one more Q, if he E you he deals less damage if he hits minions as well. Early HP is better than early armor into Garen.”
hamgi says “similar to darius in how kiteable they are, but garen is a little trickier as his ms scales with atk spd and his q gives him ms as well. his q silences, so try to bait it out of him before engaging by forcing him to use it on a minion or miss the window. when all-inning, it's sometimes best to ignore ur e checkmark (assuming u use e) unless u know his w is down as his it gives him armor and mr, which might give him just enough to survive. it scales with every enemy unit he kills, so dont let him cs for free. his passive gives him health regen, so consistently poke him. he can stack conq and any other on-dmg effect with his e very easily, so avoid getting hit by that when fighting him. his ult deals true dmg so avoid him when below half health, even if ur under tower. u win all-in's whenever u have shieldbow up as it will negate some or at the very least enough dmg from his ult, allowing u to heal thru to live and get away or live and kill him. majority of them take ignite so dont get too cocky”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Place the barrel underneath you and wait for him to Q to you, then place another one on his face, you can zone him hard. Try to block his passive by Quing him. Watch out for outplays tho as he can flash on you every 5 minutes and ult you for 40%hp true damage so be prepared.”
Smudey says “Get the level advantage. You need to place your blade up constantly after every single trade and punish him with empowered Qs. If he uses Q, block it with W or passive shield and if he uses E, you can taunt through him, either to disengage or to engage and get another 3 empowered Qs. At lvl 6 he has his ult but if you got a lead early, you should be able to beat him.”
MrSIrPops says “Garen is easily handleable if you dont let him get close to you . Just poke him with your q and run him down with your r . Dont fight with him if you are low health or he will just ult you.”
Nexon22412 says “No way for you to win trades and poke him because of his passive his W also makes your full combo worthless. He also outscales you. Just pray that your team wins other lanes and don't feed him ”
Cheeseypops1 says “This match-up is pretty easy but you can lose, Basically when he goes to Q you can reply with an E which if aimed right always hit because he is stuck in an animation and once he is behind you just chase him down you have better stats than him so just walk into him, At 6 matchup becomes free”
UnderworldTF says “Low kill pressure unless you mess up, but passive makes it nearly impossible for you to kill him. Play safe while his q is up, punish him when he uses it, if he hits a combo, you die. Never 1v1 him, even if you are ahead. Take Phase rush”
StingingChicken says “Zone him from first 3 minions of XP level 1 as if you were playing Darius/Sett. E his Q if he tries to engage you, then turn on him with W. Q spam him, all in once hes low. Do not try to save your E for his R after 6, his Q-E combo does a lot more damage and if you don't eat that you'll never be low enough to be ulted. ”
Crazy Billy Bob says “Garen is tough to play against since he has an execute and runs ignite, in this matchup you have to know where he is, if he hides and catches you you will die.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Deny Garen’s Passive by auto-attacking him whenever possible. This will reduce his sustain in lane and make killing him easier. Garen’s Judgment(E) deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions. They will also start focusing him if he auto-attacks you. Try and stay at max distance at all times against Garen. This will reduce his all-in potential. Additionally, by standing at the maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Decisive Strike(Q) to get in range of you to trade. You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it’s on cooldown.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Deny Garen’s Passive by auto-attacking him whenever possible. This will reduce his sustain in lane and make killing him easier. Garen’s Judgment(E) deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions. They will also start focusing him if he auto-attacks you. Try and stay at max distance at all times against Garen. This will reduce his all-in potential. Additionally, by standing at the maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Decisive Strike(Q) to get in range of you to trade. You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it’s on cooldown.”
BreadyToCrumble says “You can kite Garen quite well. It becomes very very easy if you put a few points into W. Be careful if you're half HP in lane though as his combo of Q+E+R will very easily kill you. Ult his ult best you can, but if you can't predict that then just ult a Q as the follow-up damage comes shortly after.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Deny Garen’s Passive by auto-attacking him whenever possible. This will reduce his sustain in lane and make killing him easier. Garen’s Judgment(E) deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions. They will also start focusing him if he auto-attacks you. Try and stay at max distance at all times against Garen. This will reduce his all-in potential. Additionally, by standing at the maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Decisive Strike(Q) to get in range of you to trade. You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it’s on cooldown.”
Evandabank says “Garen is actually pretty strong. He has a fairly weak and exploitable lane phase that you can easily get a solo kill in.
During lane phase, attempt to whittle down Garen by permanently poking him with Q. This will also cause his passive to be on cooldown. Do not be afraid to go for an E-Q combo Pre-6 even if he is full HP. His champ is terrible early.
After 6, try to poke him down before you go for an all-in. His E damage can easily dismount you and once dismounted, his ultimate can practically oneshot a Kled. If both Kled and Garen are even, Garen will win the 1v1 heading into Mid-Game.
Late game and in teamfights, Garen makes your life pretty miserable. If you ever dismount, his R is a oneshot and he can nullify your champ in teamfights entirely by just focusing and killing you whenever you try to engage. Try to find flanks at all costs when playing against Garen.
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Deny Garen’s Passive by auto-attacking him whenever possible. This will reduce his sustain in lane and make killing him easier. Garen’s Judgment(E) deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions. They will also start focusing him if he auto-attacks you. Try and stay at max distance at all times against Garen. This will reduce his all-in potential. Additionally, by standing at the maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Decisive Strike(Q) to get in range of you to trade. You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it’s on cooldown.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Garen’s spinning ability does more damage if you stay alone, so try to fight him inside of your minions. Try to attack him when his HP bar is low to prevent his Passive to regenerate him.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Deny Garen’s Passive by auto-attacking him whenever possible. This will reduce his sustain in lane and make killing him easier. Garen’s Judgment(E) deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions. They will also start focusing him if he auto-attacks you. Try and stay at max distance at all times against Garen. This will reduce his all-in potential. Additionally, by standing at the maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Decisive Strike(Q) to get in range of you to trade. You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it’s on cooldown.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Deny Garen’s Passive by auto-attacking him whenever possible. This will reduce his sustain in lane and make killing him easier. Garen’s Judgment(E) deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions. They will also start focusing him if he auto-attacks you. Try and stay at max distance at all times against Garen. This will reduce his all-in potential. Additionally, by standing at the maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Decisive Strike(Q) to get in range of you to trade. You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it’s on cooldown.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Deny Garen’s Passive by auto-attacking him whenever possible. This will reduce his sustain in lane and make killing him easier. Garen’s Judgment(E) deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions. They will also start focusing him if he auto-attacks you. Try and stay at max distance at all times against Garen. This will reduce his all-in potential. Additionally, by standing at the maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Decisive Strike(Q) to get in range of you to trade. You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it’s on cooldown.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, poção corrupta, Q > E] - Nessa lane se estiver confiante pode usar incendiar e tp, você precisa dar Q nele sempre que estiver com fluxo de mana ativo, use seu full combo apenas se ele vier para cima, (ATENÇÃO não use seu full combo caso ele esteja com W ativado, corra e espera o W dele acabar, quando acabar dê o combo) fique dando poke nele não deixe a passiva do Garen ficar ativa. quando tiver ctza que ira mata-lo pense que ele precisa ter gasto o W ou não vai ter dedo suficiente para usar no seu full combo"”
Duwiiton says “He out-heals your short trades, and has much more kill potential. You can win this matchup by using E to zone him whenever he Q's, but even then you'll run out of mana and base first.”
kam1k says “Garen is weaker in the beginning.
But he will easily catch up and overtake you after 13. If he plays aggressively in minions, all that needs to be done is when he runs at you with Q just E-W-Q. Dont stay in his spins.
He can ult you before you pull him with E.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Deny Garen’s Passive by auto-attacking him whenever possible. This will reduce his sustain in lane and make killing him easier. Garen’s Judgment(E) deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions. They will also start focusing him if he auto-attacks you. Try and stay at max distance at all times against Garen. This will reduce his all-in potential. Additionally, by standing at the maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Decisive Strike(Q) to get in range of you to trade. You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it’s on cooldown.”
Voice44 says “Рекомендую взять смертельный темп и купить ботрак. Вначале вы намного сильнее поэтому попытайтесь получить ранний килл так как гарен легко перескейливает сетта после первого-второго итема если вы в равной ситуации. никогда не деритесь с ним когда ваше хп низкое (просто ультанет лол) На 6 лвле нужно затаймить вашу вешку под его ульту (будьте аккуратнее его кушка дает безмолвие и в это время он может ультануть) чтобы задоджить урон и убить его”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Deny Garen’s Passive by auto-attacking him whenever possible. This will reduce his sustain in lane and make killing him easier. Garen’s Judgment(E) deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions. They will also start focusing him if he auto-attacks you. Try and stay at max distance at all times against Garen. This will reduce his all-in potential. Additionally, by standing at the maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Decisive Strike(Q) to get in range of you to trade. You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it’s on cooldown.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Deny Garen’s Passive by damaging him whenever possible. This will reduce his sustain in lane and make killing him easier. Garen’s E
deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions. They will also start focusing him if he auto-attacks you. Try and stay at max distance at all times against Garen. This will reduce his all-in potential. Additionally, by standing at the maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Q to get in range of you to trade. You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it’s on cooldown.”
Irelius says “Irelia biggest weakness is being denied lvl 1. Garen cannot deny you lvl 1. You easily get lvl 2 prio (especially if he leashes and you dont) and engage. Click W to interruprt his passive. Use W when he starts to Q on you, negate some damage, then kite his E around his minions. Beware the R outplay button. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Deny Garen’s Passive by damaging him whenever possible. This will reduce his sustain in lane and make killing him easier. Garen’s E
deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions. They will also start focusing him if he auto-attacks you. Try and stay at max distance at all times against Garen. This will reduce his all-in potential. Additionally, by standing at the maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Q to get in range of you to trade. You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it’s on cooldown.”
Elresser says “This one is simple. Harass him with W and use Q when his cd's are down or if you already have an hp lead. close the trade with E auto and back off.”
Animate Dead says “Braindead dumb champ which kit is very strong against you. His R can't be dodged, it will just be put on 1,5 sec CD. With the meta being Stridebreaker and with his Flash + Q he can all-in you while you are stuck in human form. Tenacity runes for his Silence and slow. Hullbreaker into either sustain or Wits End for the movement speed to pick the good fights. Most Garen players go top with Ignite and Flash, and stay top through out most of the game, so you should try and look at topside jungle or mid for ganks to get ahead when you have pushed wave back, but his wave clears in mid game are too fast for any roams.”
dracondas says “careful of his silence and spin whenever he does it try to cc him and then W and Q
should be good enough to make the trade worth and always try to poke him down so he doesn't regen from his passif ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Deny Garen’s Passive by damaging him whenever possible. This will reduce his sustain in lane and make killing him easier. Garen’s E
deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions. They will also start focusing him if he auto-attacks you. Try and stay at max distance at all times against Garen. This will reduce his all-in potential. Additionally, by standing at the maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Q to get in range of you to trade. You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it’s on cooldown.”
warmfishu says “Decisive Strike (Q) will silence Yuumi, and she will likely take a lot of damage in this time, but stay near teammates and she should be all right unless he uses Demacian Justice (R), which might outright kill her.”
Thrandor says “Activate your E before he hits his Q and starts spinning to reduce a lot of damage. It is difficult to bait him with low health because of his absurd ult dmg. I recommend buying some HP before going for Botrk to avoid dieing to a single combo!”
Racz says “You can dodge his Q with W. Look out for his Q + E + R + Ignite combo when lower health. He will probably push lane after lvl 3. Punish him when he uses E. He can survive ignite with his W shield.”
1akai1 says “Use seu move speed do ponto pra sair de perto do E do garen, use o W no Q dele, se ele te acerta o Q ele pode aperta R e você não consegue usar W, ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Deny Garen’s Passive by attacking him whenever possible. This will reduce his sustain in lane and make killing him easier. Garen’s E deals extra damage to lone targets. You can mitigate the damage by fighting beside your minions. They will also start focusing him if he auto-attacks you. Try and stay at max distance at all times against Garen. This will reduce his all-in potential. Additionally, by standing at the maximum distance possible, he will have to waste his Q to get in range of you to trade. You can capitalise on this and look to trade with him while it’s on cooldown.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “No problem, don't get cheesed early and you're fine. Deny his passive by Q/Grasping him regularly and make sure you don't have boomer reactions to shield his ult. Good shielding just
means you outstat him at every point of the game. Only risk here is if he takes Ignite and Ignite-Qsilences-Ults you to execute while you can't shield, so don't be low HP around him. ”
Alachiel says “He got more move speed than you, more damages than you, and he can regen your poke.
Stay away from garen.
I'd recommand using Conqueror.”
tacowo_ says “Not free, but easy. Garen has basically a worse version of your kit. His E shreds armor, yours does %MaxHP damage. His Q silences, yours stuns. ”
UlisesFRN says “The thing with Garen is his Q. Even if you run Phase Rush, he can catch you using his Q, and he beats you badly at melee range. Later on, he becomes extremely Tanky for a Bruiser. Black Cleaver and Serylda are good options”
Dekar173 says “P: 8
Q: 8
W: 23 > 15
E: 9
R: 120 > 80
Runes vs Garen: Grasp, LT, Conqueror
HIGH Econ: Kraken + BT, Sunderer + Crit
MID Econ: Goredrinker + Waveclear
LOW Econ: Stasis
Strengths: Giga statball, Execution ult, Enormous sustain, 1v1, Waveclear
Weaknesses: All Garen players are AWFUL. Melee only
Notes: Grasp is safest vs Garen, but LT + BT Kraken is best for dueling him and actually having kill potential.
With Grasp, hold your stacks and just get proc after proc, using WW to heal back his trade pattern after Q + 2 or 3 ticks of his E.
Time his W, you can jump full stack and if he uses it, you can all-in afterward.
If he cancels his E, it reduces the CD.
DON'T let him E you as a single target, this increases the damage a ton.
At Triforce + Zerk's he has lethal vs 1500 hp targets.
This champ is stupid, easy, and obnoxious, but because all Garen players are AWFUL it's not as difficult as it could/should be.”
Farmer Cleetus says “He does even damage, will only outdamage you when going full crit or spin2win garen, but he'll eventually be squishy by that and can be one shotted by a single W.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Вы 1 на 1 ломаете ему хребет, но уже 1 в 2 или в тим файте Гарен просто вас контрит, ибо его комбо Q + R вообще не контриться, вы конечно можете взять стерак или часы от его ульты, но проблемы это не решит. Старайтесь не играть в олын тимфайты когда гарен идет сбивать вам броню и сносить с R 1200+ чистого.”
Maxpiku says “Довольно легко. На лейн фазе если руки прямые ,то Q заблочить и зайти в союзную волну во время его E труда не составит. Так же можно поставить грибы в кустах чтоб не хилился. На линии довольно легкий ,но в лейте этот урод будет просто бежать тебе в харю под броней мертвеца и даже если ты заблочишь его Q ,то его криты с Е + 1000 чистого урона с R никто не отменял.”
I Twisted Hate MyseIf says “If you go proper runes, and space correctly, hes not really that much of a kill threat. He outpushes you hard so you have no wave control, but TF dosent suck at tower farming, and you can poke him down slowly. Ask for jungle help”
Taiquyorah says “Il peut vous faire mal si vous ne faites pas attention mais vous avez l'avantage dans le MU.
Attention à ne pas prendre de stuff trop squishy car il pourra vous dive s'il prends des items bruisers.
Mais s'il Q vers vous, kite le avec un barils. Vous pouvez le poke facilement mais pas l'all in lorsqu'il a tout ses HP.”
THICCshake says “You can space yourself from him with q and w. He will never kill you if you have ult up. He will become a little bit stronger with stridebreaker + berserker boots so do respect him after that.”
NegativePhoenix says “Garen has always been an issue for most toplaners, this isn't much of a chance for Cho'Gath. Early game the lane is his if you let him get too close rather you Q him or not due to his E spin removing armor after a certain hit amount. His ult also executes off missing health true damage so be mindful of that at all stages of the game. Mid-Late game you won't have to worry about him as heavily but he can still damage you, it's more about how concerning it'll be when he goes for your backline. Silence and knock him up as fast as possible to give your backline the chance to make room and escape his range.”
Yiphen says “Jungle Diff, Doran's Shield. Poke him for the free Grasp procs. Q away when he Q's at you. Ult his Ult. Consider swapping Ignite for Teleport since you won't kill a good Garen player without a gank. Do not trade kills. Freeze wave in front of turret. Dance.”
buuu1401 says “(TOP/MID) If you are a good Aatrox it's Minor if you are decent at best it's even. Pre 6 is a free matchup after 6 he will win it if you are not careful”
BreadedBreadCrum says “A fun matchup, not gonna lie. Play around good poke, and use W and E before his silence to limit his E damage. Blocking his R after 6 with E is hard, but can be reason you live. ”
7EyesNoSkills says “You can harass garen so much, because garen is based on a simple trading, he can Q and run, thats all. But that is not possible against kalista since your everything is your AA. When he comes on you, AA him and keep following him, then deal some more damage and bonus dash with your Q, then E him when your job is done.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
His only combo is Q+E, if he uses any of those 2 abilites, you can trade with him with your E.
You have to time your E recast to deny his Q silence or he will chunk you.
Look to W his passive away when he starts to regen.
He will probably look to all in you at level 6, so respect him.
If he has ult its really hard to win all ins against him, you only win if he messes up.”
wooverbo says “This matchup is absolutely dreadful for Garen. However if he gets you low and Qs > Ult before you can use your shield, you're dead. If you let him scale he'll be impossible to chase down since he builds a lot of movement speed items.”
meduselolol says “You hard counter him you win level 1 except if he starts spin. He can never touch you after level 6 and even if he does you can ult his ult
PENTAKILL LETS GO says “Well this trucker can just stupidly run at you, do insane damages to you and can go back calmy to regen to try to trade again. His true damage execute (R) will not let you heal yourself back when you are low.”
FuzzyPopkins says “Do not try to all in him when he has his W up. Short trade instead. Try to E every Q. Once you have whittled him down enough you can all in. Try to fight him in your minions so his E does less damage.”
Black Demon Ezel says “God I hate Garen. He's not impossible to beat but he's almost there. He passive regens practically all of his health in like a minute unless you hit him and stop the healing for 8 seconds. Keep on the pressure and attack attack attack!!!”
DIOSAAA says “Free match-up unless you dash on him to engage.
If he come to you, simply W him to counter his full combo, afterwards beat him up if his abilities are on CD”
VituVonDoom says “Just be careful about his Q-Flash one shot combo, and you should be good to go. He has bascially no way of getting to you, and if he somehow does, Cannon E on your feet to run faster, and instantly turn to Empower Q him in the back. Take every page you would like besides Electrocute, every single one of them cucks him over in a different way. If you want to add some salt to the wound, if he tries to Q you, hammer E him away. The range on Jayce's hammer E is slightly higher than that of an auto attack, so abuse that”
KrazyKid1024 says “Garen is one of those characters that looks like you can kill him, but then you deal no damage. He's a big meatball, and you just kinda slowly chip away at his defenses. Run if you get lower than he does since his R is just a win button.”
Michcio says “If u focus its very easy lane. He outdamages you by a lot and can outplay you with his R 1000true damage but if you place barrel next to you and kite him with Q and ocassionally barrels he wont do shit. He uses Q= you use barrel and run away till his Q is gone, then poke him again”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Stay in Q range -> Bait his Q by walking away from him once he activates it -> Poke with Q and W when he walks up for cs -> Do your best to make his passive go on CD after trades -> Can use W so tank his Q or just damage in general -> Preferably do not stay and fight when he has his E active. Can use Q3 to go away from him when his E is active or your E until his E is done -> Once his abilities are down you win the trades (extended) -> Let the wave push to you”
NegativePhoenix says “Garen has good short-trades when fighting him. Most Garens will go for a Q+E so that he can close the gap, land a heavy hit, then shred you with E. If you hear the noise or see his Q animation, gain some distance a bit, wait for it to wear off. If he's not paying attention to his Q, you can go in right as it wears off for some good trade damage. After he has Greaves and hits 6 though be careful, that E damage will stack and that ult will execute. Just try to keep favorable trades in when possible so you can prevent his healing passive. ”
AngySnek says “Garen has no trouble recovering from Swain´s poke. He deals more dmg to single targets at all points of the game, and will simply run away if hs is loosing the fight”
Galactities says “If you can Kite garens E you should be able to win the fight. Careful of his 6. He'll be split pushing and taking objectives all over the map so try to split push and CS as hard as you can.”
TheKirkendall says “Garen's regen makes it hard to accomplish your goal of poking the enemy low and then combo'ing for the kill. Play more neutral and don't be disappointed if you can't get a lot of kills on him. Be careful not to get into an all-in fight, because Garen will usually win with his ult before you can.”
The Kled Mob says “Watch out for his R-Ignite as he can kill you quicker then you'd think. Make sure he doesn't hit you with his E while you are isolated. Always get minion advantage and pull him into your wave and AA-W to slow him down from running in his Q.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Punish him, this is a winning matchup for Fiora, just becareful when he has boots and 6.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater recall, and TP back to lane if he has ignite, so he cant crash it, keep that freeze as long as possible.
Look for poke constantly to reset his passive, don't let him heal up.
Parry his Q in the early game as you can react to the animation and it isn't cancelable.
It's not the best idea to look for an all in when he has W, but you can bait it out and hold in the meantime then use your abilities when his W is over.
If he has ignite, use tp to your advantage it's huge.
Care when he has level 6, he can Q and then Ultimate so you can't parry it due to the silence.
Otherwise you can react to his ultimate and get a free kill.
Boptimus says “The only thing you need to look out for in this lane is if Garen can get on to you and Spin while your E is down. CSing early should be a breeze and once you get Lost Chapter throwing combos at Garen will chunk him pretty hard.
I've fallen asleep and gotten cheesed by Garen players who take Ignite and Nuke me with their ult, but you will completely take over the Mid-game after your Mythic.”
Scallywag says “Garen can't do anything since you can zone him with your barrels.
He can still oneshot you in one spell rotation and ignite when his ult is up.”
verikukko says “As a rule of thumb, Volibear wins every 1v1 against Garen from level 1 to 18. Try to combo your EQW ability rotation before his silence lands (Garens Q has a bit of cast time) but it doesn't matter much if you fail the combo cause you probably win every trade anyways.”
Atmoist says “Silence is annoying and he can be very good if he gets ahead. Farm hard if so, and if he doesn't try silence you every time you go for q you will destroy”
ShacoMagicTrick says “OMEGA STUPID melee all in champ. Just use your brain and your boxes to trick him. Poke with E. Remeber he has his braindead ult so he can execute you.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] Just play safe early and don't trade too much hp during the early game because he just heals it all back up with his passive while you can't. At level 6 he can never really go in on you because you just press R and kill him. Or you just land 1 E on him, press R, and kill him.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: You have to play this flawlessly to win while Garen can make a thousand mistakes and still sleep through this matchup.
You want to E his Q silence and poke him with Qs. Just be aware that if you are 70% Hp or below post level 6 then he will just flash on you can kill you, but garen should never be able to touch you anyway. post-6 you have to duke his silence with your E before you go in or you will die no matter if he is half hp and you are full hp, but if his silence is down then you just ult him when he spins and Q him down and kill him. I would advice you to poke him down a bit before you all in him though. ”
FlayMan says “Similarly to Darius, Garen is just to slow to deal with you. If he ever tries to engage, just e/w and wait out his q, then jump on him. Be sure to know his kill windows and make sure to poke him down before committing to a kill.”
Trundledaddy says “Lane isn't super hard, you win unless you int it early and lose level advantagenhis lvl 6 especially with ignite is scary even if you are 6, can get steelcaps tonease up the lane a bit, but divine is a BIG scale moment vs garen, he might just proxy you most of the game.”
powerfullgeo says “Every crayon eating, glue sniffing child out there thinks Garen beat Riven. No he doesn't. Block his Q with your E. Your fast Q combo out damages his E. Don't stay close to him if you're low health, you can't out play a point and click execute ability”
BiriRamen says “I have lost to a garen before, but I RARELY lose to one, force level 2, and just go all in him. Lethal Tempo is your friend in this matchup if he goes Q start.”
KyleTheConqueror says “There really shouldn't be an issue against Garen. His passive isn't good enough to out sustain you, you have harder cc, better shields, and an escape he can only stop with his Q if available.
Be careful though. Feeding him can be dangerous still.
Dawn Break says “Enfrentamiento intermedio, empieza con Espada del Rey/Blade of Ruined King y lleva ignite. Comienza con la W (Mi Turno/Haymaker) y trata de ser agresivo a nivel 3”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
Just play safe early and don't trade too much hp during the early game because he just heals it all back up with his passive while you can't. At level 6 he can never really go in on you because you just press R and kill him. Or you just land 1 E on him, press R, and kill him.”
ProbablyPlatform says ““You like Garen. It’s easy to get kills as Garen.” God I hate this champ, passive heal true dmg and a silence. Use his predictable play style to counter abs hit easy licks and dives”
Federals1 says “His Courage can deny dive options at level 6. Always try to bait it out before an engage. You should win levels 1-5, but at 6 it becomes a bit more dangerous, especially if he has Ignite. He is a bigger threat in teamfights late game so try to split push and draw pressure. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. W max is best here. First rune page should be used. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Focus on building bulk and damage.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Very easy matchup. Punish him for csing and u beat him 1-5. 6 can be different if he has ignite. Care for his all ins. U can pull him when he qs to disrupt his combo.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
Poke him all the time so he doesn't heal, parry his Q, try to bait his W and then try to fight him, if he has ignite you need to respect his early dmg.
When he is lvl 6 have care with his Q + R, you can parry his R if he doesn't do it and also buy whip since it's really good.
Pokeale todo el tiempo para que no se cure, ripostea su Q, intenta baitear su W y luego pelearle, si tiene ignite tienes que tener cuidado con su daño en early. Cuando sea lvl 6 ten cuidado con su combo de Q + R, puedes ripostear su R si no usa la Q antes y compra el látigo cuanto antes para poder reventarle.”
YORICKIMPROVECONSUME says “short trades, use W well, ur ult destroys him, outscale on mythic. never fight without ult and poke him down. NEVER straight up fight 100% vs 100% u lose. very safe early. care level 6. he can one shot if u play like shit or push.”
KiroChuong says “Yorick simply outscales. If Garen has ignite, be careful when he reaches 6, otherwise you'll have no problem against him. Build Sunderer”
Sarmisuper says “He can be pretty intimidating. When he uses his Q to initiate a trade, back off with your E, then when he starts to back off, use your first Q to hit him and start a combo.”
enderr says “Garen and generally strong early game bruisers (Champs like Darius,Sett,Garen ect) are picks you only pull when you can bring them under your turret”
WestRover says “skill based, if he wastes his q ult into him auto w auto and walk away you can bring any spells you want however barrier is best to fight against him and his ult ”
darkintaki says “Free Matchup, Go Hard on him, his passive makes him heal so much, even more with doran and second wind. So don't take too much time for kill him or he gonna heal all up.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “This guy is my perma ban and not for the fact that he can beat you. It takes too long to outscale him and E rush does not work too well against him. Even after you are stronger than him in teamfights his ult can do massive damage to you his Q can negate your W and silence you. ”
alexionut05 says “He will destroy you early game. Trade with him whenever he wants to Q you, but beware of his Ignite + R combo that can deal a massive amount of True Damage. Avoid initiating fights when his abilities are up.”
gazibulle says “Very easy matchup. You hard outscale him. Just a farm lane, trade with W-Q-Q. If he ever tries to Q you, you can take a step back and Q him and you will ALWAYS get the first AA, thus your shield will eat his whole Q damage. Avoid trading when your shield is down, it's the only way Garen can kill you as he has low CDs. Make sure to W spam so he doesn't regen with his passive. Be careful lvl 6 as Garen players often take Ignite to do the infamous Q-E-Ignite-R deadly combo: if he ever gets on you while your shield and E is down, you are dead. The key to this matchup is slowly poking him down, and just farm it up: your champ is better than his in almost every way.”
MHLoppy says “Although he lanes fine, his scaling is poor and his trading is telegraphed. Play smart and safe; force him to take lots of minions damage by kiting backwards when he trades onto you. Make sure you pop W before you get silenced so that you can still return good damage while kiting backwards. Ensure he doesn't get too much mileage out of his passive unless he's willing to lose cs by chucking an axe at him when he's last hitting.”
Bigfella0117 says “Garen's cry when they see a tank karma. you strike fear into their hearts. watch him try to reach you, and then slow him, root him, speed boost yourself, and watch him weep”
Scarhawk says “Both sustain. Keep ramping up damage with your Q's and auto's so he can't benefit from his passive. After 6 don't fight him when below half HP.”
King Turtle says “Garen has tons of effects in his kit that totally screw you. His E has armor shred, his Q is a silence and cleanses slows, and if you think you can heal from 100 hp to beat him with your survivability from your kit and build, you'll have to pray he doesn't have R. He's difficult to kill and will always find a way to be a nuisance.”
LimitlessHavoc says “Very linear matchup.
Don't let him Q you for free.
His E does much less dmg when he's hitting multiple targets (inc minions).
Don't waste your burst/full combo on his W.
The key is to short trade and E before he can Q you, repeat and eventually all in.
If he hasn't taken damage for a while his passive will heal him for a lot, poke him with your Qs to prevent this. Level 6, do not be below 70% HP or he can 100-0 you!!”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral y con mucho cuidado, especialmente si lleva ignición.
Muy importante el combo Q+W cuando se lance con su Q contra ti.
Usa con mucho cuidado la E, Garen tiene mucho contraataque. De preferencia úsala para escapar o defenderte.
Evita el daño de su giro y prioriza atravesarlo con la espada.
Te recomiendo llevar como mínimo la tenacidad de la runa, su Q silencia.”
Kocykek says “Early on be careful of his damage.
Get Sheen and poke him a lot. Go for short trades. After Divine he isn't really a champion for you until he has 4 items. Then he's a champion again!”
Helzky says “Garen is the same as Cho, it's free money. You can farm level 1, level 2 you can E him for more gold, and you should just win, especially because of prowlers buy later on. Level 6 for him is scary so make sure you aren't overextending or else you lose the trade. The reason I rank Garen higher than Cho is because Garen has more damage and is way tankier with more sustain, meaning it'll be harder to solo kill him, however it's still possible.”
OliveeGarden says “you auto win trades if you finish them with E + W combo, just try to get it off before he uses his silence. post 6 Save W to block his R. if he's good he wont use silence till he wants to R, in that case use W to deny him the dmg to drop you below execute range”
magician4444 says “I'd recommend rushing Rylais in this match up, he can catch up very quickly with Q and once he's on you you're fucked. Perfect positioning is needed to beat him.”
Heworic says “This is a hard matchup for Gwen. You will lose early trades as he's a lane bully and post-6 he just runs you down with Q+E+Ignite+R. He falls off, so just play safe.”
TheChoz3nOne says “Passive match-up, you can't kill him because he is too tanky. After lvl-6 he is more powerful than you with his ult. Bait his ult on your clone then finish him off. You can't win him in 3-lvl fight because of his annoying E and Q.”
Mushroomuwu says “He is easy to fight but he can also stop you from auto attacking quite easily and keep poking you with barrels so he can be a pain. Also most of the people that will be playing Gragas tend to main him so that will also make things a bit more difficult. The way I tend to beat Gragas is stack up passive and look for level 1-2 fights because he won’t have all of his abilities that help him trade back. He is generally pretty strong at level 3 due to his high base damage. You can also juke out his Q and E easily while trading with him. It is quite easy to outplay him but you have to be careful with how easy it is for him to disengage from you after chunking you heavily. So, I’d recommend only fighting him if you have minions set up to juke him out so you don’t have to worry about him bursting you and disengaging. Be careful when committing as if you miss anything he can easily run you down so make sure you hit your abilities/have passive stacked before going for an all in.”
boboderaffe says “He's got a lot of tenacity which makes it hard to land E+W on him. Even if you hit your W he can Q to cleanse the slow.
You can't really 1v1 him unless you're very ahead or manage to poke him out of lane early on.
Watch the ult.
Inmobile Bruisers like Garen are easy prey if played correctly. You out range them, and should outrun them with E. Bruisers ussually have decent sustain, so keep poking with AA instead of focusing on just hitting Q”
Your Desired Username says “Easy match-up, he cannot beat you in an all-in unless you miss some q's. That being said, try extending every short trade he tries to go for into an all-in, you will most likely get his flash, 75% of his health bar, or even kill him if he is dumb enough to commit to the all-in. Spam q poke him to deny his passive. Level 6 is almost always a guaranteed kill, again, if you don't miss q's. His best bet will be to wait at the wall and wait to get out of Brazil before you kill him and scurry to his tower. Be careful when diving him, and don't sweat using the full shield, as he can dish out quite a bit of damage with q ignite ult and the tower shooting at you, not even mentioning that if he catches you by surprise and q's you before you w, you will die under turret, so when diving him, try timing your w JUST as he leaps onto you with q as to get max value off your shield while not "missing" it. Later into the game, if you're not several thousand gold ahead of him, i wouldn't recommend ulting him (unless you don't have a choice) as he can run from you quite well and even if you catch him in a corner he is quite hard to kill, meaning he might escape with a sliver of health and run, regenerating all of your damage with passive, while you sit in the middle of 4 people. Ignite is very recommended as he will also be taking ignite and it just makes fights very hard to lose.”
Hoosteen says “Much like set this guy can kinda just walk at you and kill you. he can play passive and heal up any damage you deal. he's stupid tanky, lots of movement speed and has a silence for you. Don't feel the need to chase him down, or kill or hard push. just get your cs, your level 6 and your arc.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Ah Garen, the most cringe of laners. His ult is a free execute and his other abilities are just annoying. That and his passive gives him so much sustain that it gets old after a while. You have no way to stop his sustain unless you bring ignite because the grievous wounds won't last long enough before his passive reactivates. I simply haven't solved the Garen conundrum yet”
LucyKitsune says “Garen statchecks you at every point past level 1 and is impossible to all-in
Garen Q gives him movespeed to run you down after you did a short E-AA-Q-AA-Trade”
Atomragnar says “Very easy if he doesnt have ignite. Try to go for long trades. If he doesn't gave ignite you can kill him whenever you want.
If he has ignite the lane is basically the same, care his ignite + R. ”
ArshieMeBob says “He just never gets on top of you. Like, ever. Don't be dumb and walk on top of him without red white. He can't passively heal while under tower getting poked. Barrier helps you survive his ult with red white”
LunaticDancer says “Textbook gambler match up. D Shield. Try and E him whenever First Strike is up. You can E him after he uses Q, that will slow him after he wasted his slow cleanse, meaning he'll be helpless and you win the trade. In mutual all ins, use W to separate yourselves from one another, so you don't soak up too much damage when it's not necessary. Don't ever be below 40% HP near him, especially after 6.”
COJA says “Garen gains high armor by farming, and is generally difficult to kill. His all-in is far stronger than yours, especially with ignite, so be careful about positioning. Once you have W and a couple ranks in Q, you can poke him out and farm much better, but he will naturally outscale you.”
N0kk__ says “Garen is a tough matchup. His Q deals as much dmg as yours. Most Garen players won't actually E you, but they will Q and then W away from you. Buy grevious wounds or Garen will keep killing you. Garen players usually teleport to another lane to try and get kill. If he does that then start pushing towers. ”
Galactities says “Honestly its just annoying... you poke the man and then he walks away and heals it all and thing is you don't have high mana reserves on pantheon so you just kinda run out of mana if you try to poke him. So pretty much just farm and you can beat him in fights pretty easily if played correctly. Pre 6 you always wanna E his E then after 6 you typically wanna E his R. If he is stupid and doesn't try to backoff to heal from your poke then just all in him and murder him. If you can freeze on your side and poke him away and zone him from wave that would be good. You can try to stop his healing by throwing your Q at him but careful as it gets a high CD. Conqueror I think is best, buy whatever items you find nessacary.”
Turkthunder says “I have played this matchup billions of times and 99.9% of the time I lose and simply get outplayed. From his damage and his ability to one-shot you in any circumstance I personally would Ban/Avoid.”
Eduardocwalle says “Losing vs Garen should be illegal as Camille. You can escape his Q with ur movement speed from ur q and the slow of ur W, u can dodge his R with yours and u just outscale him. Pretty funny watch how garen mains with ignite get mad :D”
Adventfaith says “His R is a tough one to deal with. But in lane, your kit counters his. He speeds up you can either slow him or speed yourself up. Easy to farm grasp off of him as well.”
Captain Coomer says “Easy before he hits level 6. After level 6, short trades and use your E on minions to hit him from range if necessary to stop his passive.”
Polartech says “One of the best match-up for Kayle. Garen can't do nothing against Kayle if you play decently, especially after reaching the level 6. Stay at the right distance, farm safely, and istantly use your Q-W if Garen try to hit you with his stupid Q, at this point, if you reached the level 6, you can also try to harass him a bit while he is backing.”
Black Demon Ezel says “GODDAMNIT Garen is annoying. He's just stupid easy and every attempt to try and kill him, he just lowers you enough and then ults you to execute you. Don't let him get close and make sure you know how to backward E him. That should keep him offa you and outside of his ult range which isn't very big”
Sandor Clegane98 says “The Demacians pretty much have no chance against the NBA superstar.You're literally better than garen in every aspect.
D-blade recommended.”
5Head Builds says “This champ will Q E R 100 to 0 from a bush. Don't walk up to cs unless his abilities are down. Just trust me when I say play safe because you completely outscale him.”
5Head Builds says “The thing to note about Garen is that he is really strong early game and has an execution. He also has built in tenacity and MS so catching him is hard. This matchup is sorta difficult
Acumulator says “This is just a dumb guy. So I shall explain he will run at you. you will put him in a cage. then Q him and then run away. (Warning don't stay thinking you will kill him)”
Prof Harambe says “Garen legit can't play the lane. He relies on movespeed to actually get to you, so your e instantly shuts him down. On top of this, your q shuts down his telegraphed engage and daisy can run him down the lane. If he overextends, fish for a q, if you hit one just r and dash in with brush autos and e daisy. Command daisy to follow him across the lane and he's either dead or had to burn flash. ”
ToothlessKnight says “Garen should never be a threat vs Urgot. You are stronger than Garen at pretty much every point in the game and he has practically no utility. Frozen Mallet is a good buy vs Garen as his Q can only cleanse one slow effect at a time and your W constantly reapplies the Mallet slow making it harder for him to escape you. ”
_WhiteSnow_ says “He's hard for you to duel and usually outdamages you in a straight 1v1. go for quick trades when his q is down, or go for a longer trade when his e is down. Play for teamfights where you're more impactful.”
MrZoltannn says “You need to look out for his lvl 2 all-in since he can kill you easly with his Q+E+Ignite combo. lvl 3 is you safe lvl spike, you can slow him, proc W to speed away from him, or E away. lvl 6 is mostly a get out of jail free card.”
Anoying bro5 says “Do not fight him lvl 1 as he can chase you down with Q and the minions will eat you alive. lvl 2 get your parry and you always want to parry him when he Qs. It is pretty obvious when he is going to do it as well. Constantly Q to not let him heal from his passive. Make sure when you are low that you dont hold riposte for his ult, as his Q will silence you so that way you cant riposte in time. When he is Eing (spin) run away to disengage, and reengage afterwards as that is the majority of the dmg.”
Stinkee says “The recent rework to Garen makes it easier for him to apply Conqueror stacks. He should be stronger against tanks making this matchup even worse. He now has more tools to beat you, the only benefit for Sion is Garen will not be rewarded as much for buying Black Cleaver with the rework.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Garen has been one of those long time easy match-ups for Teemo, however, with recent changes it made him a even match-up strictly due to the fact that he is much faster and deals much more damage. If you see him activate his (Q), you should activate your own (W) to keep your distance. If he manages to catch you hit him with your (Q) to prevent his (Q) silence. Keeping your distance and poking safely while out of his reach is a solid strategy. He gains more damage based on attack speed from his (E). So don't get caught with him spinning into you. Morellonomicon will help with his massive sustain.
BoilTheOil says “You beat him in extended trades so just run up to him when he goes for cs and auto-attack him, and if he tries to run away pull him back in. He's unnecessarily tanky with his W so try to save Q until it wears off. After level 6 make sure you save W for his ultimate, you can block a majority of the damage. Once he gets an item or two you probably can't fight him 1v1 unless you're ahead so play for teamfights after that.”
Feedaboi says “Has has insanely high damage with his q and e, he has free healing and free tenacity, along with a deadly ult for when you are dismounted. Look to poke him with q "bear trap on a rope" while farming and setup ganks for your jungler.”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Garen is pretty weak in the earlygame. You can bully him hard during this time, just auto him constantly and flay when he tries to Q you. He has an annoying interaction where he can Q even if you flay him a second too late so keep that in mind. His W soft counters your crowd control, although he can only cleanse one of the slows (from E & R) not both.
His ult will do a lot of true damage and this is why he is a 2 and not a 1. The main threat of Garen is he can always win a 1v1 if he is able to press R on you. Flay him away or box to make him useless in every teamfight.”
quinn adc says “After Garen's mini rework, the matchup is heavily one sided towards Quinn's favour.
The main thing to note is that now Garen's Q is programmed as an auto attack, which means that Quinn's E, Vault, can cancel the damage AND silence from Garen's Q, Decisive Strike.
You should play the lane extremely aggressive and auto attack Garen whenever you can to proc your PTA every time the PTA proc is off CD.
The only thing to watch out for is to only use your E to counter Garen's Q.
Whenever Garen presses his Q ability, you should react immediately with your vault because he loses the movespeed bonus when it's cancelled.
Keep in mind that his Q is an 8 second CD while our vault is 12-8 seconds, so he will have it up before your vault is up basically every time.
To maximize your effectiveness in lane, play back a little bit when your vault is at arround 4-6 seconds if you vaulted his Q in an earlier trade to prevent the good Garens from silencing you before your vault comes back up.
Post level 6 the only thing you need to know is that Quinn's Q can cancel Garen's R lmao.
How this works is if you blind Garen and you leave his nearsight vision radius when he presses his R ability, his ult animation goes off, but the damage is cancelled and his R is placed on a very short cooldown.
Keep in mind that his R will be back up in a matter of seconds, so if you are able to pull this cancel off, then don't get greedy and overextend because he will have it back up momentarily.
You outscale Garen incredibly hard, this is a dodge worthy matchup for him and arguably the biggest counter pick in all of League.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Garen is a tricky one, because he has a high base damage on his abilities so you have to avoid getting hit by his Q > E at all costs early game, unless he's around 50-60% HP, because then you can simply do your combos and AA him to death by the time his abilities come back. Make sure before you go in for a serious trade to bait out his W. It will make a huge difference in the trade!”
Phrxshn says “Use your Fling and watch for his Decisive Strike(Q) and precast your Fling before his charges you as it overrides Decisive Strike(Q). Avoid his Judgement(E) and trade him. Do not trade with him if you're low as Demacian Justice is a execute. (Fling overrides Decisive Strike) (Decisive Strike overrides Mega Adhesive) (Recommended Items: Demonic Embrace, Rylai's Scepter) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
Amphawn says “He can't really do anything against you. Just don't let him all in and play safe early game as usual. When he Q's, hit him with yours, and once you hit 6 just poke him to death. Start by leveling Q to 3 so if he Q's, you slow more than he gains. If he is somewhat low, it's worth poking him a bit even at lower levels to keep his passive from activating and healing him. Be careful of his ult, as it is an execute based on your missing health. So it might not be too smart to stay in lane when you're below 40% health, or just play under tower.”
PH45 says “Most Garen's just run Ignite and play to win the lane during early. His W was made to last for 4 seconds at all ranks which makes it really annoying to try to all-in him. You don't want to sit in his E for free, and make sure to block his Q with your E. After his E runs out you can engage on him, wait out his W before finishing your stun for maximum stun duration. You have to remember to keep his passive down if you want to wither him down, as otherwise he will regen his hp back up quickly. Also at 6 be mindful of his true damage execute on his R.”
PH45 says “The new reworked Garen is a bigger threat during lane phase due to him being able to stack Conqueror fast with his E. Be careful to not stay in his E or you'll notice your HP dropping very fast. They tend to build squishier though so if you can catch him off with your jungler or just able to keep his passive down he shouldn't pose too much of an issue, especially late game you are much more useful due to your CC.”
SunFalk says “He his very tanky. He will spin into the wave to get that CS. He will run fast. He will jump on you. His ult is an executer. He has a silence. He deals a lot of damage. - Garen will be a hard lane to go against, play it safe and CS, if you see him run at you, just heal to run back into safety. Don't forget he has a silence.”
At_Tar_Ras says “matchup became unplayable in s13. you need to W his Q and kite out his spin or hold W during his spin too. he's defeated rather quickly if you play lvl 1 right (cheater recall, tower-diving, etc as discussed in the guide further below) and once you get bork he kind of stands zero chance. i understand if you struggle with him though and think he should be higher but it should be said garen's kit is ULTRA basic and is nothing compared to something else that's scarier like darius. also; when he uses W either dis-engage and re-engage when it's on CD or simply power through if you're winning the trade already.”
Dream Orbit says “More info on the matchups section. Remember this is only an estimated threat, you can always win any matchup if you're good enough (or if they're bad enough).”
MrDomian says “Take aftershock as it reduces the damage of his E.
If he has ignite play safe in early game.
Remember about his passive because he can heal and destroy you.
Hit him with your Q to keep him from healing.
Stack W when his shield runs out.”
Phrxshn says “Use your Infected Bonesaw and watch for his Decisive Strike(Q). Avoid his Judgement(E) and trade him. Do not trade with him if you're low as Demacian Justice is a execute. (Recommended Items: Sunfire Cape, Plated Steelcaps, Deadman's Plate) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo)”
slogdog says “No mobility, but is quite tanky with his W. Easy matchup as long as you land your E and W, and kite in and out when he E's. Don't get hit by his Q.”
SaltCat says “Level 1 if you have your passive stacked you win, level 2 you win if you also have your passive up, try to fight inside your minion wave, so his E wont do the full damage, later you beat him easily, i suggest after level 6 you use your Q on the minion wave as much as possible while you fight so you will heal and wont be executed by his R”
Phrxshn says “Use your Pillar of Ice and watch for his Decisive Strike(Q). Avoid his Judgement(E) and trade him. Do not trade with him if you're low as Demacian Justice is a execute. (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined Blade, Plated Steelcaps, Deadman's Plate) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle)”
A_Drunk_Carry says “This lane is 100% dependent on you landing walls, which you should since Garen has to get close to you to even have a chance. Much like Darius I always rush grievous wounds in this matchup. Garen passive and taking trades is one of the few ways he wins. ”
MagicallyDelish4 says “if you want to be agro and risky level one all in him with Qs. If you want to be safe and not int as much then go E first to block his Q damage and to get away. If he uses his E against you try to go into a wave to negate a lot of the damage. It stacks conquer very fast to be careful or it'll shred you. If he has W then you can't win a trade. Your third Q slightly out ranged his Q so use it. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Klepto or Conqueror
Parry his Q in early game for short trades, run away from his E he will be slowed from parry anyway. Lategame u hard win with ult, try to parry his R”
LoLReal says “This used to be a Darius favored match up, but in his current state Garen is just too strong.
Early levels Garen wants to just Q you and get out. Make him pay for it with E and punish him with extended trades while his spin is at low ranks. Be smart about going for CS. Again, make sure to take extended trades not short ones when you do go in.”
Justkb says “Garen is so free for Darius its kinda unreal. You can free poke him with Q and kite out his Q with your E. Make sure if he goes in hard you can still land a Q, W AA before his Q lands. The only way you lose is if you engage him at half hp and he has his ult up. Just keep poking him in lane and set up a nice engage once you are level 6 and have higher HP than he does.”
P1Legend says “Pretty much a farm lane, Watch for all in and you should be fine, this is another seekers lane if you want to take trades. bait out his shield by jumping on him without using any skills, and condition him into not using it, then start instant bursting him. Mind games”
MythicMike says “You have to make sure you poke him everytime his passive is up or you will never kill him. Pre 6 you can bully him and you should combo him as often as you can because after 6 he can quite easily all in you with his execute.”
lol Wero says “this shouldn't be hard to handle at all. if garen tries to walk up on you. you can facebreak him easily. Knuckle down does good damage vs garen since garen will build some health. try to also stop his health regen from garens passive.”
Raen says “Try to dodge his Q by your E and you will be fine. If he will try to E you walk or jump away but if you see that you will win trade even on his E take this trade. YOu got window to go in if he uses his W. Try as much as you can to kill him before lvl 6, later on will be harder.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “I really wish they just brought old Garen back. The new one is a pain to deal with. Garen's Q hits like a truck, just like yours. Most Garen players will also spin into you, hit a Q, and W away to avoid getting Withered too hard. Be sure to buy grievous wounds in this matchup, or Garen will just keep trading over and over in lane and regen with his passive. On the bright side most Garens will look to group/go after your carry. Hard shove and take towers when this happens. A hard lane to win late game though.”
qveenevelynn says “The threat is the silence thing. Try to proc all your Q's before he silence you, or use E to get te movement speed before he silence you to be able to go away. when you're not silenced anymore proc ur Q again, but keep running. Be carefull to his ult, dont be greedy
UPDATE : Even when you win your lane, for some obscures reason he can still carry his team. ”
Phrxshn says “Use your Seismic Shard after his Decisive Strike(Q). Avoid his Judgement(E) and trade him. Do not trade with him if you're low as Demacian Justice is a execute. (Recommended Items: Deadman's Plate) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
Fan22 says “After the rework garen has been a real pain in the ass, he has a lot of damague, true damague and tankyness, as Maokai the only thing you can do it´s try to feed your adc or midlane with a good teleport, or ask your jungler for a gank, don´t try to fight him unless he wasted his Q and E, and be careful since garen´s R can easily kill you. Here i reccomend buying tabis and randuins in the mid-late game”
Sporkintahn says “Garen can be a fairly easy lane. But if you ever get too far behind he can dominate you. --- You have better poke and trade potential wtih your Q. If you're looking to all in try and save your W and/or E until after he uses his Q as it removes all slows. You want to trade against him with Q whenever he walks up to CS as you can out range him in the regard. He has to walk into you to trade which is to your advantage. Extend the trade if he tries to walk away to come out on top. --- Both of you want extended trades and can ramp up damage quickly till your opponent is low enough to execute. Like your ult his deals true damage so building HP and Armor for the rest of his kit is the best defense against it.”
Phrxshn says “Use your Jaws of The Beast and watch for his Decisive Strike(Q) and precast your Jaws of The beast before his charges you as it overrides Decisive Strike(Q). Avoid his Judgement(E) and trade him. Do not trade with him if you're low as Demacian Justice is a execute. (Jaws of the Beast overrides Decisive Strike) (Decisive Strike stops Infinite Duress) (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick)”
Kacto15 says “Comienza con la W para que tengas mejores patrones de ataque, ve full tanque el match es mas sencillo así, con la capa de fuego solar le deberías de ganar muy fácilmente”
WildeBob says “Pretty tough matchup. You cannot really ever have enough damage to kill him but he can kill you. You need to play with your team to win against Garen. However, the lane is generally safe and Garen is sort of a useless champion.”
MythicMike says “You have to constantly throw your Q at him to stop his passive healing. His ult can't be used unless you're dismounted, but if you are you can't get close to him. Farm up and poke him with your dismounted Q until you have skaarl again.”
Phrxshn says “Use your Facebreaker and watch for his Decisive Strike(Q). Avoid his Judgement(E) and trade him. Do not trade with him if you're low as Demacian Justice is a execute. (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined Blade, Plated Steelcaps, Deadman's Plate) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Garen)”
LegitLechner says “Adding because ive seen some people have trouble with him. My way of pursueing is just get to lvl 5 without dieing while keeping up as much prio and safety as possible. Always tp back to lane and try to hit e while you use superior wave clear beside his turret. He will try to take your tentacles but zone him with q before you e. If you see him waste his shield be aggressive for 15-20s. You're illaoi at this point! you're lvl 6-7 and 2v1 him and the jungler if played right.”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] He wins with short trades as he heals up, so make them longer by fighting not to close to his tower. You cant stun him, but your W still avoids a lot of dmg if u block his Q or ult. Dont stay in his E to avoid dmg. Easy vitals give u a rather easy laningphase, as he has to stay away from his minions to heal back up.”
OTP Toxin says “You are his natural counter, no secrets, just use your W do run away when he uses his Q to all-in you, them hit him back after he loses the move speed. :D”
duckling213 says “Do not let garen get a lead on you early. You win this matchup once you get black cleaver and titanic. He still will do damage late game so be careful, also just found out his spin does more damage if its just damaging one thing so play in minions.”
SilverAvalanche says “Eventhough he has a 1D kit, it is the kind of kit we struggle with.
You can E his Q and then trade with him. else just wait till 08:20 min+ and get your orbs.
InYourWayToHELL says “You can kill him pre 6.
Go for extended trades
His only damage move is e so you bait him into using it then you e through him wait and e q.
Cannot flash anything.
You should be stronger level one be ready to start pushing the wave.”
MCSwavest says “You win against Garen pre-6, but your odds take a significant turn for the worse once he gets his ult. Always expect it, be ready for it, and always check if he has ignite.”
Drake6401 says “This feels a bit like a counter to Renekton because Garen has an answer to just about every strength Renekton leans on. He has a silence to stop abilities, innate armor, and passive healing to out sustain. Try to deny him his passive heal with Q every chance you get. I found it effective not to run from Garen if he engages on you. Auto-attack him as he does his spin since you likely can't outrun it anyway, then once his damage is fully over, stun him and trade back. Before he stacks attack speed, you win these kind of exchanges. If he leads with Q, this works, if he leads with E and Q's you as a disengage, it will not. If he leads with E, just kite out the spin since he won't have the Q momentum.”
Garen is a very easy matchup for you. The only time he even has a chance of killing you is through some ignite+R cheese he can do level 6. His ultimate is stronger than yours as an execute on a single target but that should not matter as your kit hard counters his. If he steps up to CS, make sure to chunk him out hard. The only point in the game where trading is a bad idea is level 1 IF he goes for the Grasp -> Q max build. If he goes the normal, E max damage Garen, then it will actually be so free as he will be very easy to wear down. A great way to screw him over is to save your W or E for when he silences you. This way, you will CC him long enough for the silence to wear off, allowing you to dumpster him. Ideally, you should try to kite out his E while you try to Q him as it stacks up Conqueror really quickly but even if he hits you with every last bit of his damage, he still loses. MAKE SURE TO KITE HIS E WITH YOUR GHOST POST LEVEL 6 IF YOU ARE EVEN WITH HIM. OTHERWISE HE KILLS YOU WITH IGNITE + R.”
RivalOCE says “Riven wins level 1, don't be scared to trade into him after he's Q'd you. Short trades, Q AA W E away, try and bait W. Garen scales really hard now with his new itemisation, try to get a lead in lane.”
Quinncidence says “Immobile!
I never have a problem with Garen, farm, throw in some grasp AA's when he goes for minions and just enjoy a fairly easy lane.
Be aware if Garen plays with Ignite, if thats the case you have to respect his all when he has R.
Yorick heavily outscales.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Grasp w/ Bone Plating, Doran's Shield, W > Q] - Start W and go E next and get Q lvl3, you can easily trade with him starting lvl1
- Once you get some HP and Armor, he cannot trade with you anymore
- Keep on Grasp W him, you can kill him when he's low enough
- Make sure you E him before he silences you, press E and W together, they can activate at the same time
- Make sure you don't get too low trying to harass him, he takes ignite and can all in you easily"”
Amvill says “Easy to fight just don't trade without fling and you usually will win. Just watch for ganks since he can be DEADLY with a jg to back him up with hard cc.”
The Real Fake says “Levels 1-3 you should be able to win pretty easily if you stack your Q. Afterwards you need to punish his Q cooldown by baiting it out and punishing. Once both of you hit 6 things get difficult, especially if he has ignite. Things get really hard once he gets stridebreaker, as you can't kite him out as easily anymore.”
Wawza says “Keep him at a distance, he can kill you easily if he manages to stick onto you. Poke him to cancel his passive with Q,E and disengage by putting a W on him.”
sock217 says “Is a threat if he has ult and if he is a level up you. If you are a level up on him then you win pre-6. Easy to bully but can turn send you running to your turret just as fast. Killable, but he has an execute so be cautious.”
maxlid3 says “Easiest lane. He has no kill pressure on you at all. He can't reach you and you can poke him until he dies. Even if he tries to engage onto you you can just W him to deny him everything and probably even kill him.”
Rhoku says “The Garen matchup is in your favor. You outrange him heavily which lets you poke him down, and if the fights last long enough, you will win the all ins. The bad part comes in the form of him being WAY better in shorter trades. His Q and E do tons of damage and his W can negate your Q damage if he uses it properly. Early on, you shouldn't be fighting him for extended periods of time. Only using your Q to poke him down. If you are capable, the combo of e->q and then backing off will be very strong as you will continuously chunk him down. Land every single last him and make sure he suffers for every CS he takes. Know that Garen with ignite, has a pretty solid shot at killing you at level 6 so be careful of that. You insta win the lane once you get Rylai's though, provided you haven't died to him many times already.”
YasTilt says “Really Annoying Champion, don't let him Execute you. Try to pick short fights when he uses his Q or E. Take Anti-Heal to reduce his Passive Regeneration.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) AA to stop his passive. If he ever tries to engage E out or fling him to your minions. Not really easy to kill him in lane, but you are stronger in mid game for sure.”
PK Noob says “You can beat Garen if you hit your abilites and kite him around with your E. Try not to sit in his E for long because it will reduce your armor which gives his team a chance to burst you. Garen's Ultimate and also shut you down before you get your chance to pull out all your skills. Burst Garen down as fast as possible.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. You beat Garen in extended fights - just run up when he goes for creeps. If he tries to run away, just pull him back to you. Make sure that you block his Ultimate - Demacian Justice after level 6. He is probably the tankiest champion on the enemy team so make sure to ult him (also to keep him away from your backline).”
FantasysAhlong says “Garen's wave clear is just too much.. He can just perma crash waves. Try to farm until you get Bamis. Delay your E stun after Garen uses his W.”
Val3n says “More tankier than you and does more damage early. It's a boring lane phase since he will be under tower most of the time, regenerating his health. ”
lulw says “Kinda like sett, he just out stats you. Tankier, more damage, good trading and a fucking silence that screams skill when he q's you. Try to take short trades to poke him down. Like e q'ing and stuff like that. Never all in because what can u even do. You q, q, q, r ignite, you get him to 3/4 HP but then u realize he's spinning on you and dealing more damage then your entire combo with 1 fucking ability and he clicks R. All in him if hes low but never all in when your equal health. ”
Avelon6698 says “freelo, wait for him to waste q to get to you and just use E, he will disengage. if he doesn't. just q knockup auto w and he should be outtraded. Also gotta try and get him to waste his W so you don't do reduced damage, but shouldn't be a problem regardless”
Psychopathic Top says “After Garen rework this matchup became incredibly hard. Garen’s Q spam is very low mechanic and does a ton of damage. Do not trade vs it at all early and let him shove with spin. If you stall, the lane becomes easier. Just avoid trading vs him ever in the early game, let him shove slowly and be patient. With spin adding conq stacks the new Garen is very hard to out stat. He is tankier than you late game, which isn’t good, since he can stop split and go even with you in 5 v 5. Look to out macro him and try to rotate around the map.”
TheHellKing says “He is a bad, no brain champ. Especially with is passive, with let him heal over time, completely counter this poking playstyle, dodge if possible else go tank, beg for ganks and pray its a trash Garen”
Olaugh says “Try to bait his q and run away by hitting him with axe when he comes to close to you(sometimes if he is that hungry and desperate to hit you with q he will maybe activate W and reduce ur Q slow and manage to hit you which now means that he hasnt q as tool to run away, he hasnt W as tenacity and shield which results in high chance for you all in him as soon as he comes back for few seconds to finish few last minions, also when he goes with his q for cannon,do your q+e or e+q combo, that hurts him a lot and often baits his w but then its too late for him, again he used W , now, look at map look at him ,use chance to get kill.
Take care of your mana, you will see him spinning with E and q ing minions every second but he has no mana so be aware and dont let him control your laning phase”
Gospodin Bure says “This one is tricky, Garen can mess you up in a blink of an eye if you allow him to get near because he can cleanse your barrel slow, so just stay back and wait for him to Q first and start running, THEN throw a barrel at him and run for your life.If you manage to Q him once or twice during this time you're golden.”
DippyDan says “Pretty easy matchup for Fiora since he has no ranged abilities. Can kite easily with the extra movement speed from passive. He can win the lane with ignite and if he gets good trades. TIPS: [1] Only go for easy vitals and long trades (Passive heals him over time). [2] Parry his silence or Ult. [3] Don't take full damage from his E.”
Hecki says “Haven't played a lot against Garen lately. Try to stay in range if he has Q up. If he runs towards you simply E back and Q W. Care if he is Level 6 and has ignite. ”
RooLLy says “The cancerous one. His ulti will one shot you late. Even if you have armor or hp, his ulti still is on true dmg. Try just to don't let him ult you.”
IvernLover74856 says “I'm very sorry, but you just straight lose this one. Take solace in the fact that the only outplay they will have made this game will be in champ select.”
fishybearo says “Garen has always been a strong counterpick to Renekton, his sustain is strong in lane and his silence allows him to chunk you without the chance to trade back which is very problematic on Renekton because most of his damage comes from abilities. The best way I have found to play this lane is to go for early armor and wait out the Garen Q E combo, after his combo ends W him to lock him down for your combo. Note: Doesn't everyone just hate dying to a Garen R with Ignite?”
Rocking Masterock says “Invulnerable to poke and a bit dangerous to trade against, but extremely easy to play safe against, go tank and farm, chill lane phase until it will be your moment to win with your R in teamfights or to secure objectives.”
DemonicTrail says “To funny belief, you win lvl 1-2 if you play correctly, use Q the last hit while hitting him and caster minions to get lvl 2 first, then play aggressive on W grasp stacks”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes] The problem with Garen is that he will likely take ignite and his trademark outplay (flash Q ignite E R drool on keyboard) is not really something you can survive in most situations. His passive makes it hard to poke him down unless he's being stupid. Just focus on cs and after 6 try to zone and deny him farm. Whenever he Qs towards you, just walk back, using your W and Q if necessary. He will never be able to touch you.”
IAmStryker says “Startign Item:
-Dorans Blade
-Standard AP
Easy Lvl 1 with your passive. You might just get a free kill due to Garens no expecting a Kayle to be able to fihgt him.(smol brain warriors)
Ignite might also be an option due to higher rank Garens also taking ignite, but the risk is there that he might jsut go TP and out Macro you.
You want to Max E so you can keep his heaing passive down as much as possible.
Late game: Garen is a full juggernaut now and can kinda run you down even lvl 6 if you dont pay attention, but as long as he isnt on top of you, you're safe.”
Beecai says “RUNAS RECOMENDADAS: PTA - COSECHA OSCURA.----------------------------- El matchup de Garen es similar a Sett, cada vez que active su Q para acercarte a ti tienes que correr de él, una vez se retire habiendo acabado el casteo de su Q chasealo sacandole la mayor cantidad de vida, por el resto es lo típico de Teemo.. cada vez que quiera farmear castígalo, Cegalo cada vez que quiera un Súbdito del carril, priorizando los Cannon para que pierda la mayor cantidad de oro posible y se vea obligado a gastar su ''E'' que en parte, es su principal forma de Daño junto con la Q. ”
SunOak says “If he has ignite dont fight him when he uses it. Otherwise just wait for level 6 and dont get killed early and give him a lead. You can kite him easily with W and he cant really counter it.”
Sidrome says “Garen is a piece of cake:
He sucks at level ;
At level 2 you wanna level up your E so every time he tries to walk up and Q something u push him and all in on him
And Garen's ult is probably the thing you should care but even then the moment he tries to all in on you and tries to ult, you've already stacken up your passive so you can ult and kill him”
Alan234 says “PTA with cut down. Go boots into swifties or berserkers with w max second, because the only way you lose is all ins. After garens changes its hard to stomp lane as he can clear waves quickly with e, but its still a good matchup where you usually outscale.
When garens run to you, just run backwards. Its that simple. Dont turn around to aa or his q will land. Once q is over you can poke him while he is running. Try to aa him so that his passive doesnt heal too much.”
TXK_ says “Focus on poking with Q and cancelling his passive which has an 8 second lock out period. Opt for both Protobelt and Rylai's if he is too mobile.”
Mr. Popper says “Same as Mundo no engage, and no poke tools as well making it very easy to abuse Garen players, make sure to keep the poke up to keep his health regen passive down.”
Kartagoo says “Cuz mundo cant rly handle garens spin you have to play really safe and just Q spam him and ask for ganks. Garen is rly vulnerable to ganks when pushes you in even with flash early. So just mainly farm and don't go to near him early . Good option to skip Sunfire or Frostfire and rush straight titanic hydra”
JaxIsAHobo says “With the advent of stridebreaker changes that happened a little while ago as well as the changes/buffs to Jax, Garen isn't quite as good as he used to be. However, he is a somewhat difficult lane, in that if you fuck up a handful of times(he smacks you with his Q(silence), he spins around you and you were texting your girlfriend and half your health is gone, etc), life is gonna kinda suck. This is a skill matchup, in that you need to not get killed early and give him a lead. If you feel confident, build botrk vs garen. If you don't have 100% confidence, go for building sunderer. ”
SemPelo says “Garen is one hell of a counter if he attacks you first because of his silence followed by his E. Domination runes(taste of blood, ravenous hunter) work pretty well against him, so take it on the second tree of runes.”
KillMeKillMe says “Pretty even, but respect the ult. It deals more damage the lower your health is, and it can kill you before you even get to use your ult if you wait too long. He also has good sustain.
Just try to poke him down and use your ult fairly early if you think he might have his ult up. Remember tenacity reduces the duration of silence.”
SmollJon4s says “Skill matchup. He can deny you your E with his Q and follow you with a speed of mach 10 whilst also taking almost no damage. Anti-Tank items recommended.”
Vandenelis says “your trading capabilities are even, but you have more sustain. so you should win this lane. reset his healing passive by poking him long range with one of your abilities, later on he can kill you with his ultimate when you are at about 40% of your max hp.”
Bombabo says “Garen's kit falters pretty hard into Urgot. Use your E and W to turn his engage into your own counterengage and almost always win the trade. Use your range to prevent his passive from coming off cooldown
DarkyTheReal says “Most people think that Garen is a threat to Riven, that's wrong. Riven wins the matchup if well played, what you want to do is using quick trades as your advantage, you E his Q, and do a quick trade like auto W Q and go back. You can only all-in Garen to kill him if he has no W. Also, for this matchup you take TP.”
XtheZ115 says “A good Garen is a terrible thing. He can run just as fast as you, silence you before you can throw him, and his passive+Spirit Visage keeps him in lane. Kite him as you would any champion, but be very afraid of his ult- if he can land the execute, he will outtrade you almost every time. ”
apkibum says “Garen... omfg. Garen is easy to fight and bully in lane. you have way more base damage then he does and you can easy fight him as long as you get a lead. Just run as soon as you’re silenced and blind as much as you can.”
Lupus_ToplaneMain says “parry his and you win the trade. you can buy tiamat earlier, so if you attack a minion, tiamat passive hits him and resets his passive-cooldown.”
SettVEVO says “Easy matchup, you can W his ult, that's insane, it's like GP using his W against Mordekaiser. He will trade by Qing in and Eing out, pull him back in with a stun and W to win the trade, he can be boring though, if he's smart he won't lose lane by using his passive which is better than your regen. But he won't win lane either. You scale better, ult him away from your adc and he's useless.”
Byku2506 says “Skill matchup, Try to pull him and start trade with fast aa W, after this aa him and wait for his Q, to heal from him with your own Q. Watch out for his stacking and his R, his R is just stupid.”
RTO says “As long as you stun him before he gets his Q silence off, you will trade well. Make sure that you keep trading with him so that he can't get his healing up. What makes it difficult is that if you get a kill pre 6, then you will get a villain stack over you and you can't trade with him. ”
RTO says “His Q has insanely high damage, he has free healing and free tenacity, along with a deadly ult. Play safe, run away from his ult! Build armor.”
Fryx says “I used to think this is easy but it really is not. A good Garen will time his W perfectly to block your harass even if you time it differently and his signature Q into E is deadly on you. Since his Ult does True Damage you can be destroyed very easily.
But don't worry! There is a way to win this! Take Grasp and control the wave perfectly. If it pushes back to him, get him to harass you since his e will shove the wave and push it back to you. Since he has no TP you can use this to your advantage to get good resets. Don't focus too much on tping away since he will crash waves to your tower fast and will destroy the sidelane. His weakness is his teamfightpower so make use of that.”
wff010 says “Similar to cho'gath, he can only kill you with his ult if he saves his q. Therefore, if you're low and see him q, pre-emptively w to block the q and ult damage or else you'll be silenced and killed. Don't engage if you're below half hp.”
LoLReal says “Skill match up. Don't trade with him level 1 because his AA+Q combo is too strong for us. Be patient, build tabi, and farm for 6. We can win post 6 when we all in. Can out trade him and push him in at level 3 but be mindful of jungle proximity, sometimes better to let him push the wave.”
qosmox says “Position the blade up constantly, try to force short trades where you W (or passive shield) his Q dmg and auto him a few times with your Emp. Q’s. Repeat until he gets low and force him out of lane.”
SanLourdes says “Both of you are tanks, and the only way to reset your Q is with his. He still has to walk up to you in order to do it, so if it is already charging, just use it before he gets to you. Your Q is extremely useful in stopping him from using his E. Do not get caught in his E for too long or you will take increased damage. If you both scale, he will not be able to kill you on his own. Overall a stalemate between the two.”
CucumberSandwich says “The problem with Garen is that you can't fight him when he has his E up. This is because his E outweighs your W and E damage when you're fighting. Therefore you have to try to bait out his E by walking up and poking with your E. Then look for an engage with Q if he uses his E. His ult is also broken AF, so be careful about that.”
Drygur says “You need to cast Valor (E) followed by Ki Burst (W) to get away from Garen's (Q), this will absorb the majority of Garen's trade and put you out of his spin (E) range.”
Jaori says “Whenever he uses his Q on you, answer with yours. It's even better to do the auto+Q animation cancel. During a 1vs1 you have to ult him first, otherwise he will burst you and win the fight.”
RareParrot says “hes much easier after stridebreaker rework you poke him and he cant walk up, dont let him q you so save your blind for when he walks up.”
ForgottenProject says “This used to be a Skill matchup until he got a slight rework and now he's strong. Don't underestimate his damage.
[1]All his trades start with him running up to you with his Q but good Garen Players can Bluff.
[2]Parry his Q and you will win the trade.
[3]Good Garen Players will try to bait your parry out before they Q you, dont fall for it.
[4]He stacks Conqueror super fast so don't underestimate him. If he hits his Q into E, you're in big trouble.”
ForgottenProject says “I ban Garen ATM due to him being VERY hard matchup no matter how "good" the garen is. A bronze garen can do garens Q+E combo and gwen really cant block it.
W when hes running at you with Q and E before it applys to you, hope you can get out of his E range.
Remember you can use your R to slow him during his E.”
epic blitz top says “Skill matchup, trades are lost unless he fights you in your minion wave. If he uses his Q on a minion, can Q-Auto-E-Auto run away combo him. Make sure to not eat too many of his spins. Passive shield is very strong against Garen, as they will have to ult super late or they won't get through your shield.”
Sopachi says “Garen is a simplistic champion with a true damage R and a mini Warmog's for a passive. Garen's Q silences when it connects but if you all in the trade first and latch your Q before his Q lands on you, you will win the trade. After that just slowly run him down, and if he hides back behind his minion wave to heal just E towards him and throw your Q to stop it. Garen is only dangerous when you are mini Kled but if you have Stoneplate and Sterak's Gage, you will be fine. Abuse his weakness early.”
Savage_XZ says “Garen's passive allows him to regen any poke from your E and his ulti executes you at low health - minimizing the chance for sustain in fights post 6.”
turtlehamstercroc says “Don't overextend. If you see him go for a trade with q, use e, hit him and back off, you are way stronger than him once you get divine sunderer and you are way more useful in teamfights because of just how good blitz hook is at separating an enemy from their team”
SavagePridestalker says “Garen is always a hard matchup for Rengar, but with the tank build it's much easier. Early game with Grasp is pretty strong and in midgame you are tanky enough to get away from him, if he decides to fight you.”
Marwaii says “Free. Perma push to ensure he misses CS. Keep E to dash out when he Qs to you. You can kill him at level 6 if he miss plays but you should destroy him once you get mythic.
Take Divine + Plated.”
a1a7s45 says “Gnar is Garen's worst nightmare because he can just Q spam to stop him from regening. Get as many W procs as possible. Go Iceborn to kite and chase him even more. Garen won't be able to do anything to you.
Try sidelaning in the mid to late game with Hullbreaker and Ravenous Hydra. Garen can't really come to stop you because you'll just stomp him because of your W and Blade if you have it.”
MachDawn says “He is incredibly ABNOXIOUS. Its not that its unwinnable but hes super annoying because he will probably take ignite get 6 and one shot you.”
oogoogerson says “This is a similar matchup to Mundo but not because of a spell shield, but because of how tanky Garen is. Before 6 you do have a pretty good chance at killing him, especially when he has no items. Get an item lead on him and he can die. Once you both hit 6 and he gets his first item you don't really want to go all in to fight him because he will almost always come out on top. Take teleport.”
Safolet says “This is one of my favorite matchups, because Garen literally has nothing to do with Gnar, you just have to stay away to roll basic attacks and a few Q's to wear him down. If Garen tries to get closer, you jump with the E and you have already freed yourself, if he tries to get closer with Flash, you can always jump with the E and then slow him down with the Q. If you are in MegaGnar and you are close to Garen, you should only use the Combo : R, Basic Attack, W, Basic Attack, Q and then you escape with the E.”
AlanVenator says “Garen is so predictable, just E whenever he uses Q to attack you. You will win the trade. Always try to poke him to deny his passive healing. But I personally hate this matchup because no matter how much you abuse him early he can always oneshot someone.”
Breadcrumbs says “Garen is pretty outplayable thanks to his one dimensional nature, don't get killed by him early, abuse him at around level 6-10 before he starts doing more damage than you”
SethPRG says “If you save your W too long he can silence you and you could lose. Most Garens run ignite so it's super obnoxious to fight them, but if you're equal in gold you win against him, but if either of you gets ahead it's super snowbally. Garen can easily spin behind you during your W so make sure to stun him with your E or position far enough away so he can't do that. No matter how much you poke him he will regenerate pretty fast, similar to you, and if you throw out a W when he's disengaging he will use his W for a free shield, pretty much negating your W true damage. You are at a disadvantage if you can't kill him, he can run away easily. Be wary of his ult if you have low HP, you will just die. His splitting is very scary and he can easily escape, try to match him as best as you can. But generally in team fights he's kind of useless VS you, just ult him into his team during his E animation, or wait for him to try and engage, then just peel him off your team. Consider going Stridebreaker and or Dead Man's Plate if you're even or ahead to catch him. Take Executioners if you have a lead, or Bramble if behind. Go Death's Dance eventually, it will help when fighting him.”
joelspaho121 says “Easily one of the easiest matchups for Darius. DBlade start with sorcery tree. The only thing you have to be mindful of on this matchup is that his Q breaks slows so he can avoid getting hit by your q by cancelling the w slow and getting away. Garens extended fights are really bad as opposed to you so if you take some damage at first it's fine because you beat him on every extended battle possible therefore you will indefinitely turn the fights over to your favor the longer they go 6 you are still really strong but be careful of his all in especially if he has ignite dont let your ego overcome you and respect his level 6 damage esp if you dont have R.
Most garen players get extremely cocky when they outdamage you while engaging on a trade and will probably not start positioning away which is where you start turning and killing them.”
El Leon Gnar says “Garen is also extremely weak right now and is just countered by Gnar. Play around your W procs, bully him out of lane early with Q, and save E for when he tries to trade back.”
Xarmat says “Early he can't do much against you. But he will stack armor and you will get killed under your tower with his ult. Stay focused and don't get rushed. Use your Traps wisely.”
DaSticks says “Only way he can really kill you is if he flashes on you. You should always be fairly healthy in this lane and the only thing you have to avoid is creep damage (walk into brushes or away from creeps after trading).”
Godidi says “You win lane by default. You completely delete garen, legit, he can do anything against you. You can poke him for free because he cant get away due to him having no mobility, his Q is just negated by your blind, he cant get you with his E because you are faster than him and many other factors. Take the runes for hyper poking and enjoy the free lane.”
Kaizin says “The most important notes for the Garen matchup are that your passive lightning will keep his passive from activating, try to use this to your advantage. Try not to use all of your abilities at once unless his W is on cooldown. It reduces his damage taken and grants tenacity. Building early health pre 6 is very good into Garen as his R does flat true damage plus missing health. Just a ruby crystal will be enough to tank that flat true damage at level 6. If Garen starts spinning on you, try to position an allied minion between yourself and him, his spin deals 25% extra damage to the nearest target. If he is running at you with his Q and you know it's going to get you, use W on him before he gets to you, it'll cast even if you're silenced as your W cast time is very fast. From here you can auto attack trade and drop E and if he commits you'll be able to get a W2 cast.”
I am so chill says “Well his passive is annoying but you can cancel it with your poke.Try to make a distance between you and can outtrade him early to mid game but late game he might spin on your dead body...”
AlexFL7000 says “In order to win fights, you will have to use your W to mitigate as much of his E's damage as possible. It's possible to win, but not easy.”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Maybe
Pain in the ass. Try not to get low so he cannot ult you. His Q is a slow cleanse too so keep that in mind. Keep your distance when he presses Q and then try and poke him down afterwards.”
ApollonATH says “One of the easiest lanes for ap tank voli in my opinion. You can kill him level 1 to 3 and outscale him. Only way you can mess this up is if you get soloed level 6 cause of his ult true dmg or his jg paths top side”
deathwalker7119 says “Garen is a more complicated matchup then you would think. Take conqueror always into him and avoid trading in his wave at level 1, his Q auto reset will fuck you. Only poke at level 1 if he uses Q on a minion or walks up to CS you can Q right when he autos the minion. You MUST watch out for the R one shot with ignite, this makes healing off ult very hard. You MUST ult at the very beginning of any 1v1 or else he will absolutely shit on you, nothing you can do. You have to look to parry his Q or his R. The problem with garen is, if you parry the Q you can't parry the half hp ult one shot, and if you want to parry ult, well he silences with Q so you can't parry at all. The best option is to run when he pops Q, then turn with R and all in him. He will sometimes stay in it and you will win if you parry the R (If you are both 1v1ing and are both half and he has ult up, get ready to parry the Q + R, as he will use both in rapid succession sometimes so you might be able to parry both). I'd recommend shield and revitalize + second wind into him to try to keep up with his passive.”
Humitaxx says “As a tank, Garen is an easy win, just abuse his E damage to charge your W and avoid getting your health too low so he can't execute you with his ult, you can block his ult with your W Shield, but try to play it safe.”
top is high impact XD says “big stone wall, if the garen isn't a moron you won't be able to kill him and he has no mana cost and good sustain, plus great wave clear so backing is hard but you're almost always going to have to back first, you beat him level 1, go even level 2-6 and win post 6(if he hasn't built tabis or bramble) and you can dodge his q with your w(kind of), you're a lot more useful than him even when you're even, but the fact that it's pretty hard to get ahead without help from jungle makes the matchup annoying”
WarwicksSimp says “Easy matchup, just go conq and barrier and you never lose.
Be careful with how you trade with him. If you have one bad death to him you could lose lane from your mistake and this becomes an extremely hard matchup as soon as you give him a kill. Just play smart and time well.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Garen probably wont be an issue since his clear is slower than yours and he will probably not be able to gank any lanes as long as river is warded”
Darkduet says “Garen is very troublesome, just because of one ability... his Q. The silence can block a full combo and his E can deal quite the damage. ”
gps1mx says “Annoying for the first two levels, then is completly in your favor as long as you don't take full E damage, your passive still works when silenced, use that to your advantage and be careful al lv6, the only movement when Garen got a bit of kill pressure.”
TwoKingzz says “Do not trade autos with garen other then your E W Q run combo. Take grasp & second wind. You outscale him with E max so poke and bait him into making a bad decision. With smart use of ignite & lane control this is an easy lane.”
Womsky says “Scaling set up, easy money for the most part, all u need to do is bait him to go into you, not for you to go into him, so u can advantage of your super sustained damage against him, like, for example walk near him, let him for confedent to Q you, kit him abit, let him hit you, hit him once to active your lethal tempo then wait his ilence to end so u can spin and lay down the hammer on his head, level 1 and 2 u can be agro with fury, u scale way too hard on first item plus boots that u run him down so hard he cant do much, after that when he stacks armor he becomes harder to kill, all over its an easy matchup, can be rough if he gets a lead.
One last important tip, if u want to stop his healing "passive" you can land a W slow on him if he ever turns his back for you, it will stop his healing just like attacking him.”
Xolarix says “His passive makes it so he can take unfavorable trades and still come out on top. Try to all-in him as fast as possible and build a lead.”
tibs2 says “CDR boots rush. Kite him for you are a ranged champion. Also make sure to never let him get his passive up for you are a ranged champion. Still kinda hard to kill him so it will most of the time be a farm lane. If he has ignite just play turbo safe and by just not dying you are winning lane.”
SadmanV3 says “Garen's passive allows him to passively build up an advantage over you with time. This is often done by repeatedly hitting you with Q, before running away. However, Garen lacks the true ability to fully bully nasus out of lane.
*Tips for laning Garen
1. Good wave management
2. Hit him occasionally to prevent him from building that advantage.
3. Avoid getting low-health executed by his ultimate”
DunkinDumpling says “One of Darius's Easiest matchups, Every time u see a garen just lock in darius. Its really hard for garen to do anything to you, your kit hard counters his. You outdamage him at any stage in the game and you are also a better teamfighter as well. ”
JeanMichelBambi says “Garen can't do much other than running towards you, he is also easy to poke in lane, he can't do much against Thresh other than hope he gets an early gank.”
DeleDulux says “I've recently seen some Garens in jungle,if you find him he has a lot of health and damage but he will push you so will be very easy to kill
Fight him 1 vs 1”
XD001 says “You will never die to each other. If he Q runs at you, you can just slow him with Ekko's Q (timewinder) and E away. Focus on CSing and dont fight him that much. He wins extended trades and can burst you with ignite + R if you are low enough. Play with a brain and eventually in mid-late game you will be able to 1 shot the backline.
Ekko slightly outscales
electrocute + sorcery + tp/ignite (personal preference)
If the enemy team has 2 more tanks/bruisers take Conqueror + domination”
Grakala says “Better dodge the game, it won't be fun. If you play vs him, just E + W, when he tries to Q, farm as good as possible and then roam. Always take TP and Resolve Secondary in this matchup.”
AmericanNut says “Garen is easily beatable, you must prevent his passive heal as much as you can with your Comet Spear, and do not let him execute you.”
Noodles912 says “He is like you, but with engage, tenacity, and point click true damage. Early on, you want to freeze and AFK farm. Never look to engage on him. Remind your jungler to not gank this lane. Farm, and stay healthy to when you outscale him. Tip: one auto is all you need to stop his passive healing.”
Cayteer says “Try to not take extended fights with him since he can execute you with his ult. His W gives him tenacity so , you need to wait him to use his W , then pull combo him.”
kohyss says “If he walks up to farm minnion always poke him. He will be stronger till 6 expeccialy with iginte, but you outrange him. After he is a bit poked down and you hit 6 all in him.”
PiscesPomf says “EASY LANE
You should not play with him lvl 1 'cause he will beat you up. But with your parry at lvl 2, you will beat him. Try to parry his Q, not his E, and be sure to parry his Q when Garen is hitting you, not when is his running at you because he will try to bait you. You can also W to parry his R if he's jumping on you. With your R you destroy him. ”
SadmanV3 says “Slightly favored towards Garen, even at level 6, his ultimate poses a substantial threat, however because of wither, he is rather manageable.”
nachoreformed says “Play this very aggressively. If you get isolated Qs and land your pull you will come out of this lane 5/0. Very loseable lane though.”
teemodumbstupid says “Garen has a good winrate against Nasus, but in reality if you are a good Nasus you should be able to destroy him with just Sheen. You won't win if he has ignite and you have no items. If he walks up for a minion, you can Q him until he isn't able to walk up anymore. Most low elo garen players don't use their brain and will perma push the wave which then you can freeze. Do not go E max build because he has regeneration with his passive. Do not max W just for him because his Q removes all slows on him.”
Urgodzilla says “Every time he wants to trade just E on him and press W before he silences you. Q him and/or auto him to turn his passive off. Serylda's Grudge works perfectly in this matchup. Be careful lvl6 if he has Ignite.”
Oskarl3 says “He will run you down the lane, execute with his ultimate, and shred you with his E. you cant ever fight him so just try set up for a gank, even though his tenacity makes him very hard to kill”
jmp_01_ says “Easy matchup. Just make sure that he won't silence and then instantly ult you. Make sure that you can nullify his R - Demacian Justice with your full-charged W.”
AyeJa3 says “Don't fight level one, parry Q's and rush to tiamat for AOE damage. Always reposte his Q, and if you are low, stay away from his Q and try to reposte his ult.”
Miata 181hp says “Hard to kill, easy to die. No chance at late game. You can win this lane at early but you have to pay attention and play carefully. DON'T FORGET your E can dodge his Q and R so you can try bait him under tower but don't forget to W because he will turn back assuming you're dead.”
Draconic56 says “The Garen matchup is in your favor. You outrange him heavily which lets you poke him down, and if the fights last long enough, you will win all ins. The bad part comes in the form of him being WAY better in shorter trades. His Q and E do tons of damage and his W can negate your Q damage if he uses it properly. Early on, you shouldn't be fighting him for extended periods of time. Only using your Q to poke him down. If you are capable, the combo of e->q and then backing off will be very strong as you will continuously chunk him down. Land every single last him and make sure he suffers for every CS he takes. Know that Garen with ignite has a pretty solid shot at killing you at level 6 so be careful of that. You insta win the lane once you get Rylai's though, provided you haven't died to him many times already.”
Kokob5 says “Less skill based and more based on if you can keep W charge up and press it when eh goes in before his silence hits you. If you can do it you win trades and all ins.”
Hesychia says “You probably will win the lane, since you are the counter champion of Garen. but if he gets 2-3 kills first with the help of his jungler or by himself, he will just snowball and dominate your lane so be careful about it. You can start with Doran's Blade and "W" for early progression and even early kill or first blood. He can't do much in early game. You are one of the champions that is so powerful at Early Game. You can just outdamage him. Make sure to use your "W" if he used his Q or he will just use his Q and run away. But if you have apprehend and if he used "Q" to your "W" just pull him. If he used his "E" for minions, trade him or even all-in him. One of the Easiest Lanes for Darius.”
Docoda says “Like Gnar, this matchup is easy early, but becomes impossible later in the game due to his W passive resistances and Stridebreaker gapcloser.”
SleeplessX says “Poke and space him with your range advantage and keep his passive in check. Post-6, be wary of Q silence -> R if you were planning on Eing his ult”
Spacix6 says “Garen is annoying because you will most likely not have enough damage to burst him down and if he's low don't be greedy because Garen players often bait their low health but this isn't relevant considering his passive.”
Dorom says “This champion cannot fight Gangplank. Just sit under a barrel all lane and poke him with Q, long trades aren't recommended, just passive auto, Q him with grasp all the time and force him out of lane. Once you get sheen he's done for.”
SanLourdes says “Garen is very tanky for you to out-trade early game. His ability after level 6 can execute you on low health. The same as Darius, you should initiate the duels with Garen and build anti-tank items. It is really hard to avoid any of his abilities. Try to E him at the beginning of a duel, so that towards the end you have another one ready (helpful with any champion really). His best ability to counter you is his E because you are a close quarters combat champion and his E will deal continuous damage around Garen if you don't back off. Try and initiate when his E is on cooldown or force him to choose between farming minions or defending against your initiations.”
jvr_ says “You can beat him 1v1 only on lvl1 all-in. After you lose every 1v1 because you won't be able to use R3 before his R. You can't do anything when he Q-W you.”
SpartanDumpster says “Pretty much all extremely close ranged champs will be the same story, and some of these are based purely on speculation since Gwen is brand new.
He doesn't care about your W at all, everything he has to damage you he needs to get inside your W for in the first place. Maybe if you time it well you can dash with W up to get him out of it as he's ulting, but it'd require some split second reactions.”
pioj12 says “Garen struggles a lot against ranged because he doesn't have a gap close.
Abuse him early levels and try to stay in mini form as long as you can, you can all in him at lvl 6 or mini trades as mega but watch out for his damage and if he brings ignite you better watch out or he will be winning fights
raede says “Garen is a real annoyance and has many ways to beat Volibear but he's usually played by braindead slugs so you're almost always going to be okay.”
Runtley says “Garen has been easy for a while, but some Garen players are evolving to our play style. It's common for Garen players to Q then E so what you want to do is use W to get away then when he turns around go back in and poke him. Repeat this and you will win. You can also lead him into your shrooms. ”
bocchicken says “High threat due to his impact late game and the fact he usually takes ignite in lane.. You can cheese him lvl 9, but he becomes unkillable late.
If he Q's at you and he's 100% going to hit you, use your Q on him and then buffer your E right before his silence hits and it'll cut his spins down since they scaled based on his Attack Speed. ”
KingNklaus says “Can be dangerous ot the first 2 levels but you should be able to win after lvl 3 there is a simple trick to beating him whenever he goes for a Q engage put your pull near you so that it will pull Garen behind you most of them use E immediately after it so most of it will go to wiff leaving you to retaliate with next to no punishment ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Garen can be quite annoying, trading isn't an option due to his passive, Perseverance. Try to all in him early on and gain a lead in CS. I believe Riven has the slight advantage in this matchup, however it can be pretty difficult to deal with him when he picks up Bramble Vest. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Annoying, but not "too" difficult. Try to stop his regen whenever possible with your Q. Be mindful of his ult as well, Olaf is very squishy early on depending on your build path. ”
Lunarisen says “His silence and movement speed means he'll try to stick to you like an annoying beyblade, just hold onto your Q til he uses his to maximize your dmg against him.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Everyone hates Garen because of his early potential... so easy to play and counters many playmaker champions - like Riven or Irelia -; just have a good time against Garen in top lane... Urgot simply destroys this lane.”
Reformed Ravi says “take conq rune and play smart. dont let him q e you if possible. try to ward the ground to waste his q and w him, land e and bonk him to death. try back out of the w when he uses e and go toward his escape path and you should win. if he has ignite and has ult then be careful”
Godalane says “Doesn't Requires Matchup Knowledge.
Go For Conqueror.
Garen is so powerful at early fights. If you can take some ganks until level 6, Garen is gonna be useless against you. Of course, Garen is never useless in the game if he's not still 0/7, never underestimate him. When you get your Core 3 items, you can fight him without hesitation.
Erenando says “He will always silence you which makes farming hard. Make sure to activate Q before his Q autohit connects with you. You don't fight him until you got lots of stacks or until the jungler comes to help you. He will be a pain in the ass with his Demacian Justice, but you'll be fine if you play it save. By playing save I mean giving up some creeps and maintaining a fair distance between you and him. Nowadays people play Trinity Force crit Garen which means you'll have a good time at oneshotting him in the late game.”
czrmtz24 says “Skill matchup. He is pretty hard to deal with , but can be dealt with. Make sure to use sustain runes (Fleet Footwork + POM) and you should be fine. Do not overstay in lane. If you somehow get out traded, DO NOT stay in lane. If you stay in lane with less than 40% of health you are just inting. ”
lulw says “Pretty easy. You trade very well into him. You can W his ultimate, but becareful of his silence. You can't haymaker when you are silenced. Only problem about garen. You trade well into him. He has a lot of sustain but you have a lot as well. I would bring ignite into garen. A lot of garens go ignite so I think it would be good. When he goes for a minion, E AA and Q him. If he Q's you chase him and try to haymaker back. ”
ToinoEscaca says “Garen can't contest Tahm Kench.
Hard Counter. That's it.
Just be careful for kites early game and/or bad trades, he recovers his health, you not so much.
When Garen hits lvl.6, make sure you have health to tank 400 dmg from his R.”
Arsneault says “Garen sucks to lane because of his constant healing. Take trades that puts his passive on CD. Be careful after he has Stridebreaker (Or any other bruiser mythic.)”
GrGamingTeo says “Believe it or not, Garen can dominate you even if Darius is superior early because whenever you use your Q a good Garen will use his to run full speed at you, silence you then spin and walk away. Even is you use your Q and your W successfully he will use his W and regen back to full health with his passive. Also 95% of the time Garen will have ignite so be carefull with your health because once he hits lv6 he will just Q, E. ignite, ult and then you die 100%. You need to respect his lv3 power spike and every time he tries to get a last hit you can pull out a sneaky AA, W, Q on him and you win the trade. Garen thrives on going for those really short AA, Q trades so if you manage to get him in a really long, trade and land your Q properly then you win 100%.”
Drumastermunch says “Patience ! A lot of patience. If he dosen't make mistakes, he is really hard to kill. You have to Q poc him all time, and punish anytime he uses a big CD. If you are even at 1 item you can kill him, just try to negate his E dmg with yours.”
HoftheGreed says “Garen es mas peligroso que Darius por 4 razones:
1-Silencio por su Q (ah que jode no poder usar la W en ultimo momento)
2-Reducción de Armadura por su E (el beyblade es su pasión, y por lo tanto también lo es hacer mas daño)
3-Escudo y Reducción de Daños por su W (créanme, es de lo mas irritable tanto en early como late no poder bajarle mas de la mitad de vida a ese feo, en especial si se comienza a tanquear rápido).
4-Ejecucion por su R (si bien no es una ejecución como tal como la R de Urgot o Pyke, en esencia cuenta como uno porque aunque mitiguemos el daño con la W, aun así le puede ser posible destrozarnos si tenemos muy poca vida). Contra este campeón yo recomiendo encarecidamente usar botas de mercurio (SI, MERCURIO) para no vernos tan afectados por su Q y armarnos objetos como Cercenador Divino o Cuchilla Oscura para castigar el efecto que obtiene con su W en lo posible, además de usar Corazón de Hielo para disminuir su Velocidad de Ataque y por lo tanto, los impactos que hace con su E, teniendo mas oportunidades de que no nos afecte con su reducción de armadura. También recomiendo que si se ve con intenciones de pegarnos una Q para despues comience a girar como trompo con la E en lo que estamos silenciados, intentemos estar cerca de minions enemigos para tratar de aturdirlo al mismo tiempo con la E y cuando el nos pegue la Q, así el que perderá tiempo será el aunque estemos silenciados y podremos defendernos con mayor facilidad de su E (ojo, nuestro aturdimiento no cancelará su E, así que por eso recomiendo usarla mejor con su Q)”
Olaf Only says “Be careful at lvl 6 if you don't have
Steelcaps as he can kill you in one rotation with ignite.
Garen has great sustain in lane so focus on farming.
Olaf is stronger in Midgame teamfights as Garen can be kited easier.”
LunaticDancer says “The match up starts out in his favor, similar to Darius, and his passive heal is annoying, but you REALLY win in the long run as long as he's not fed. His Q gives him a speed boost and a cleanse from slows, so hitting him with E after he hit Q is very punishing and frustrating for him. Make sure to hit him every few seconds to disable his passive. If you can't, farm safely when pushed in. You generally win after lvl 6, but still be careful in duels, don't let him get you below 1/3 hp, or he'll surprise R you.”
lolkayleee says “[First Strike/Grasp + Divine]
[Flash/Ignite + TP]
Start W or Q. Don't walk up next to him with your passive on CD while his Q and E are not. When your passive is off cooldown you can just do whatever you want and your shield will absorb all his damage, but back off before your shield wears off. Try to W him to keep his passive on CD. You can even Q him under the tower with your passive up to keep his passive on CD but make sure his Q (silence) is on CD or E away before you Q him (in mechanics chapter).”
TheMegam5 says “Always slow him (w) after he uses his q.
Edit: I changed this matchup to grade "even" because if he builds tanky he can freefarm even if u poke him with low hp and he can kill you at long trades so try to avoid him.”
SpyDaFX says “try to stay away from his Q's and play safe level 1, or you'll end up being under 50% health at level 2 and u will not be able to trade. level 2 and level 3 are easier to do big trades, try to bait his W by E'ing and waiting for him to use it, just like teemo's Q or fiora's W, because when u W when he W's he gets barely no damage and u will lose the trade. level 6 is kinda risky if you run conqueror but if you run press the attack you should be good unless you make a mistake, usually try to get a lead before level 6. go conqueror”
Ravenborne says “Easy Lane. Do not start the trade off with your E because he will just Q and run off. Either start with W or Q, then wait for him to silence you and walk beside him. Just simply pull him back in after the Silence and automatically win the trade against him. Starting the trade off with your E will not net you as much damage due to his Shield and the Q silence, sometimes not allowing you to get the W slow off.”
Kil4fun says “You can usually outrun the guy. I suggest cleanse into Garen. Flash Q ignite R is a horrendous combo. Cleanse to get rid of ignite if he took it and the silence so you can ult before he deletes you.
Once he gets stridebreaker you need to be extra careful to not be in range or his E will chunk you for 70% of your health. ”
DoubleQ says “His Q counters your wither, his kit overall is a chore to deal with. Bait his E and W him when he Es to shove the wave and you'll get free freeze. ”
Bear24 says “Top 3 most tilting champs. you have to pre q, w, e before he silences you. Then you win the trade. If he maxes w it is impossible to kill so freeze the wave. His ult can kill you at 25 health soo. He's too fast to catch with your q too. Remember to use your passive on the wave to prevent him from healing if the wave is not frozen. Misplay twice its gg”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Garen slaps hard, flinging him isn't that useful because it just means he e's the wave and you. His true damage ult cancels your tankiness for the most part but in teamfights throwing your W on him is usually enough to stop him from being effective. Awful lane though.
09/11/19 Bumped Garen up to 5 because his Conq build is extremely strong.
24/05/20 Bumped Garen down to 4 because his Conq build has fallen out of fashion”
Whobick says “Garen used to be pretty easy to beat, but this changed after his rework. He can crit now while spinning, so you can't just use Vicious Strikes (W). Just poke with Undertow (Q).
TIP: Reckless Swing (E) has a higher range then an auto-attack, so try to get it off before he silences you!”
Devilofthewest says “I put garen at major because a good garen will hide their Q speed boost and empowered auto within their spin. They will spin behind your E and then land Q . if they bring ignite you have to factor that their ult will do a good chunk of damage and ignite will do a decent amount as well. For this match up you need to poke him often to keep him off the minions but also to keep his passive off. once you hit level 2 start doing short trades with your W . If you have poked him down enough, stay aggro and he will lose. lastly dont underestimate his scaling .”
Razorwir3 says “pretty easy matchup q him when he trys to q u and u can just poke him after that he can do something like flash+q+e+r tho to try and 1 shot u but aslong as u can avoid his silence u should be just fine”
kingchas2 says “Very kitable. Make sure you save your Q until after he uses his Q. If you agressively use your Q he can cancel the slow and get on you pretty easily. His R is very telegraphed and you can use your R to block the damage. If you do this it should be pretty easy for you.”
ModelitoTime says “Garen isn't too much of a threat. Just keep a little bit of distance from him to give you time to react from his Q. If he starts running at you with his Q just activate your W FIRST and then E towards him and you will win the trade. If he hits lvl 6 before you play a little bit safe because Garen's ult is super OP”
nvckxwsky says “Garen, pain in the ass in low elo!
Tank his q's with ur e and NEVER stay on lane with less than 40% hp after he hits lvl 6
Just farm, you will outscale him pretty hard!
if you wanna kill him in lane, trade with him with ur short trade combos and all in him when he miss his Q.
chokoryu says “Garen can deal about as much damage as you without a mythic. If you have Bami's Cinder+Bramble+Plated Steelcap, you can outtrade as long as Q hits. Garen can heal fast, so if you see a feast opportunity, you must hit Q and flash in before he heals back.”
xxskipskipxx says “The Garen changes made him a bit stronger..
Start with E lvl 1 and always E his Q
Don't trade him in his E
If you are having major troubles go for Shield Bash and Bone plating get yourself a Dorans Shield and rush Deaths Dance!
Don't buy Hexdrinker since it doesn't deny his R dmg anymore since it got changed to TRUE DMG!!”
Vielia says “As agresive as you can the first 2 levels, you are completly better than him, but as soon as he gets level 6 the things change and can kill you easy.”
Dannala says “Top: His early damage can be outsustained, if he keeps away to heal you can freely heal on minions in spider form. Trying to keep his passive from activating is pretty essential if you aim for a kill. If he tries to go in on you simply Cocoon, walk away and poke/Rappel until his spin ends and reengage on him with your spiderlings intact. If you get hit by a Q you may die then and there, depending.
Jungle: An invading Garen should be easy to manage unless he's fed, simply play the same way as in top.
Late: As he builds generally squishier since his E update it's much easier to handle him late game.”
ineptpineapple says “Ugh this guy is so annoying! he can use his slow removal stuff to still go in on you as much as he wants, when he does that root him and walk away. He is really annoying becuase he has so much dmg resist and he regens like a god but if you get to 6 you can most likely kill him if you have been poking enough. IF YOU FEEL LIKE HE IS GONNA ULT YOU ULT YOURSELF FIRST. If you ult garen when he ults it will still go through but ulting yourself you should be safe.”
Heckin says “Very easy to poke, watch out for his all in and you should be fine, try to delay his passive by hitting your e on a minion and hitting him. Shouldn't be a problem after hitting lvl 6.”
Otp Fiora Sorry says “early game é muito fácil mas ao longo do game fica mais forte tenta cancelar sempre o ult dele... sempre que ele usar o q e tenham a msm vida msm farm etc usa ult que ganhas caso ele vire em ti ”
Hyzerik says “Just plain annoying and boring. Bring tenacity and just try to fight him in your minion wave. E him into your side and punch and keep doing it so he cant regen. Watch out for ult if you are under 30%”
Vielia says “He's just ridiculous, hard to kill on low levels and easy to get killed by him when he gets level 6, just farm till you buy Blade of the Ruined King and it will be easier to kill”
NoFriendsPlayLoL says “Not surprising, neither tank or stridebreaker garen is an issue for you. You easily win trades pre-6 since you can just auto attack him while silenced and save E for his ult and you win every trade.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “Use your Q to block him while he is in charge as his friends blocked him when they found out he mained Garen. Also make sure not to get to close to him.
In addition be warry of lvl 6 flash all ins as you might consider them a Nuclear bomb to your 4 max health”
Raideru says “This matchup is Garen favored post 6 so the best u can do is abuse the first 5 levels, lvl 1 you want to fight him in wave with e to stack the dmg of the ability and then get prio if he dares to walk up every time just jump on him auto with e stun disengage, after lvl 6 don't ever all in him unless u legit have 50% hp advantage all u have to do is perma short trade him until u get him low enoughn to be all inned. At 2-3 items he will just one tap u from full hp if you're even. I advise Conqueror with Dblade Start.”
LeSocair says “This matchup is hard because Garen is resistant af and he does tons of damage, specially after 6. Remember buying Hexdrinker and avoid his Q and long trades.
Keep your passive up against him so you can run away from him when she runs at you with Q, and try to Q him before he silences you. If you want to trade, use your abilities before his Q (Q and E) otherwise you'll get confused.”
TioKirb says “Braindead, just avoid most of his E damage and see if he can waste his Q with minions, the rest is just using your Q and E to reduce his HP.”
sauronkaiser says “You will almost always win a direct duel with this guy if you have ghouls up and conqueror, so just play safe until you have them and wall him.”
CattoNuts says “Engage, bait out his Q W E, empowered W to disengage, and re-engage to ensure a winning trade. Can bring ignite because garen players also use ignite a lot. Care when he has R.”
Lichskorpion says “Doesn't seem to work well against Garen. Garen is always a though matchup. He can out splitpush you and you can't really fight him ever. He outscales you so even if you play passive you won't really win that. So go with regular runes maybe and do what you can.”
AmericanNut says “This is one of the only champions that can fight you early, but that hope is a dim light in a long tunnel. You can still take this guy easily. Just be wary Post 6.”
Ramixx says “Just annoying but when he comes to trade you. You can do a W < E < Q Combo. You use your Q onto him as soon as your taunt ends then back off for cds. Watch out if your getting low cause garen R + Ignite is OP>”
Malol67 says “Bait out his W and block with E his Q,then its doable.
after level 6 and after his W passive resistences stacks its kinda hard,look for early aggression and skill baiting.”
bocchicken says “He just doesn't have the damage to kill you unless you intentionally run it down. Once you get some armor you are just a massive roadblock for him (unless he is VERY far ahead)”
EU_Toxicity says “You're one of the best counters to Garen. When you see him charging at you with Q, press W, but dont land it until his Q goes off. Run him down right after that (provided you're not low hp and there's enough space to chase him down).”
xXAhriXx69 says “Garen is not to big of a threat since the only thing that makes the matchup tough is his silence so if you are able to play around the silence you should be fine.”
iZeal says “Garen has no tools to evade your Q unless he can cleanse your W slow with his Q. Stack up your bleed if he silences you (or buffer AA+W+Q when you see him running at you with his Q) and E him if he wants to disengage from a trade or to setup your Q heal. Remember that Garen's autos are pitiful compared to Darius so even if it looks like he is winning a trade his entire damage is gone after Q+E until he gets you into Ult range while you are only getting stronger from bleed damage and the AD steroid from Noxian Might. In teamfights you have to be careful as Garen can execute you from around 30% health no matter how far behind he is (Sterak's Gage is recommended)
DBlade, Phage”
bocchicken says “You can Q him to disengage his Q, but he out-sustains you with his passive and lack of mana costs. Be careful that your CC will not be as effective on him due to his W.”
DasGrauen_ says “This matchup is very even. The damage is very the same... Damage him after his W. Get away when you are low and the Garen-Ult-Mark is on you.”
DarkNavarre says “If he gets on top of you, he can be a bit of an issue. But unless he's burning everything and the kitchen sink, you can just kite him back before he can ever get on top of you.”
NoxianBlood says “Garen is pretty strong against Sion But you can out tank him really well that he will not deal any damage to you, but remember don't get too low cause his ult will always deal True damage and missing health, so stay healthy around him, Few Knockups and slows and all in combos should give the Demacian a good beating”
UnMaskedDeity says “Garen is a scary foe for Tayn for 3 reasons.
1) he can silence you
2) his passive get rid of your pokes
3) his ult will delete you because of it being an execute
Be careful and try to fight him in 2 v 1 scenario's and after you get RHAAST.”
byThiagus says “SIEMPRE EXTENDER PELEA, espada de doran y segunda pagina de runas, se puede usar ignite aunque el ghost es mejor, Garen no puede iniciarte un trade nunca porque siempre le vasa ganar, Lo unico tene cuidado a nivel 6 con su all in, es muy fuerte y te puede oneshotear con el ignite y su r. es fundamental pegar bien las q a nivel 6. MIentras mas se alargue menos chances tiene de ganarte en 1v1”
Stijnzxz says “Darius but not on drugs actually.. so Garen is okay to deal with pre 6 but after 6 u have to be alert cuz if ur low and he has R he can flash in ur face and R u away due to hes true dmg and missing HP so keep in mind! ask ur JG for some ganks.”
AWierdShoe says “Position the blade up constantly, try to force short trades where you W (or passive shield) his Q damage and auto him a few times with your empowered Q’s. Repeat until he gets low and force him out of lane.
TrinityForceYasuo says “Let wave push to you. Punish when he goes up for cs. Keep distance on max range of your Q so he won't be able to get up on you with his Q. Level 3 and afterwards when Q is down go in. he will use his W immediately when you go in so wait 1 sec for that to go on CD and go back for the all in. Same applies to his E like on his W”
viktoreeu says “Garen is a tricky matchup, you have to never underestimate Garen, but to always punish him.
Always go ignite, simply because if he does and you go ghost, you will die early on.
Do extended trades. (E over him, kite him, don't let him Q you then run away)
You have the better champion.
Kraken = gg”
NickCola Tesla says “Surprisingly, Sion fairs quite well into Garen! This should be a skill matchup slightly in your favor. At least, this is until the passive on Garen's W, Courage, starts to grant him enough armor and magic resist to negate a good chunk of your damage.
Remember, in order to trade, Garen relies on using his Q to close the gap before using his E for DoT. His Q only breaks him free of slows effecting him, not slows affecting him! This means that unless he's in AA range of you, there should be no way for him to reliably trade! Every time he tries to trade with his Q, slow him with your E and disengage.
The reason why he's an even threat, however, is because of his presence in teamfights. If you're sitting around 30% of your health in teamfights, Garen is able to execute you no matter how far behind he is! This is honestly the only time he should be able to cheese a kill off of you.”
StrikeX114 says “His primary threat to you is his ultimate. Be sure to use your Commencing Stopwatch when necessary to prevent your death, as there is a small window of time for you to do so before his ability hits.”
Chessylex says “Kite like a bitch. He can Q out of your W and just bonk you then E to do half your HP. He's vulnerable whilst he's running towards you at full speed with his Q so just kite with your Q's and W when his Q is on cooldown. Never be too close to him or you won't be able to get away.”
Bradybattlemask says “Hits hard, silence is annoying, but he's pretty immobile and can be kited pretty easily with good W placement. Just farm hard and only take fights when Maiden and minions are up.”
Captain Dantems says “Não deixe ele usar o Q em você e não de dano nele quando ele usar o W, pois não dará muito dano. Grasp. Poção corrupta ou cristal de safira com 3 poções de vida.”
LOLArfopi says “Your E completely shuts out his Q, so use it when you see him dash towards you with a glowing sword. When he starts ballerina dancing (his E), kite him out to your best ability. Q to a ward/minion if you have to.”
MKUlra_Ronin says “Farm lane. Poke constantly with empowered autos to minimize his regen.
Focus your Q shots on wave clear. If you happen to hit him too, cool.
Don't miss CS to line up shots on him. You won't look cool when he flash+Q's on your face after you go on CD and can't root him.”
ItsPaulygon says “This will be an easy match up as long as you don't get greedy. Don't waste your E on his Q unless necessary because the cooldown on his Q is lower than your E. Once he gets his tanky items, you will have less kill pressure. Take Doran's Shield to negate as much damage from him as possible. Play safe until 3, if he tries to Q you, negate it with E and unleash a combo on him. Save your Q to go back, once you do your combo, you can Q back to safety. You shouldn't have too much trouble.”
TheMightyNinja says “Q: He gains movement speed, his next basic attack gets empowered and will silence you. You can counter his Q with your W.
W : Gains a small shield, reduces incoming damage by 30% and gains 60% tenacity.
E: Spin to win, his signature move, try to stay out of it when you can.
R: His R will deal some damage + bonus damage of the enemy target's missing health as true damage, make sure you don't engage while below 50% hp.
The matchup itself isn't hard, just make sure you take short trades to keep it to your advantage with your empowered basics and grasp then get back asap. If he drops below 50% hp, you're healthier than him and his W is on cooldown you can kill him.”
Klappy says “- Tradeos de Q+Pasiva en early
- Usa tu E cuando su Q este apunto de darte, es un Garen, va a usar su E apenas tenga oportunidad, la va a desperdiciar
- Si no usa su E luego de su Q puedes usar tu pasiva en un minion para regenerar tu energia, usar tu segunda E, generar otra pasiva y correr lejos de su E con la velocidad de movimiento de tu pasiva, luego haz una cadena de pasivas con tus habilidades hasta matarlo
- Cuando tradees quedate entre tus minions, su E hará menos daño
- Espera que se vaya su escudo antes de salir del circulo de tu pasiva, siempre y cuando estes en tu W y tengas tiempo de pasiva”
aiSky says “Champions able to execute Kled in its dismounted form can be hard to play against.
However is not the end of the world. You can still destroy them, and as far as you keep mounted, and they wont be able to kill you with their ultimate.”
GLP1 says “It may seem that this boy makes you counter but if you do it right and abuse it in early game will no longer have anything to do against you, it can be said that it is a match similar to that of darius but easier.”
MrGasYourGirl says “Used to be zero threat and would literally int. Now he's revamped with even less brain cells and will run silver elo sums like Ignite rather than TP for that great level 6 DEEERRMATTHHIAAAAAA while drooling and banging his face on the keyboard. Then his mom calls and he has to ride the short bus to his speech therapist. Threat Level: Retarded”
wolfclaw3812 says “Garen scales hard, which means you get to stomp him early. Save your blind for when he runs at you with Q, and then use W to run away. On-hit or AP. ”
Nicklstherealone says “He is too simple to make him a tiny threat. But basically poke him with your Q or even AA because you block his Passive with it. You will win the trades. ”
BluSpy says “You can try to lvl 1 cheese him. Levels 2-5 you lose every fight. Never all in until his w is down or he will just tank ur whole combo and kill you.
Can cancel ult with W.”
IJustWannaCuddle says “Stay aggressive and do not allow for his passive healing to proc. Once you get your cinder keeping him close so that cinder resets it. When he spins try to put at least one minion between you and him. ”
OffmetaPancake says “Don't overextend into the garen. He can chase with Q. Natural level 6 advantage goes to Rek'Sai because he can't use his ult before she uses her's. ”
Gwoky says “Take E first. Poke early and try to create distance so he is not able to get melee trades onto you. Make sure to take Doran's Ring. His level 6 is scary so give him space. Honestly, it is hard to win this lane until team-fights occur. Overall, just make sure to play very safe so your stronger late game can happen.”
daito Okami says “D blade conq start. Simple matchup just kite him using your movement speed if he tries to q you he will almost follow up with e so just before getting q use your e and wait out his e to go out and get a really good trade.”
Frostyfps says “This matchup is straight forward but can be a nightmare if you fall behind (he can literally dive you at will). Try to avoid his Q with your E early, when he runs at you stun him and auto and then back away. You don’t need to let it crash to your tower, auto the minions back to keep the lane in the middle. Once you hit level 2, stack your passive but maintain your distance. Once you stack your passive you can E him and Q to him or Q a low hp minion to maximize your autos. Start autoing him and stun him when he turns on you (easiest time to land your E on anyone really). He will do a good chunk of damage but you will outdamage him in a prolonged fight. Do try to get free autos in before you all in him. Post level 3, use your W on his Q before it hits you and you will have a major advantage in this lane. Post 6 it gets a little harder as you do have to watch your hp but as long as you chunk him a bit with your auto range, W his Q and land your abilities (E/R) you will come out on top. I would avoid fighting him post level 11 if you do not get ahead of him.”
Time1Save says “Poke, Poke, Poke, Poke, Poke, you win as long as you knock down his passive and correctly dispose of E. After 6lvl, try to block his E, but if you do not have enough reaction, do not fight, it is better to retreat and return with your R. But as long as you play with an advantage, you have to give your team an advantage as well .”
Sylrath says “Igual que con Darius, solo que a nivel 6 puede ser más problemático ya que no necesita meter ningún stack para quitarte 1/3 de tu vida con su R. Freeze to win. Pre 6 es más sencillo que Darius.”
offmetadank says “Pre-6 you can bully but once he gets ult he can chase you down if you aren't careful. He needs vision for R. Pretty sure I placed a bush on myself and saved myself but I have to try that one again. If he uses Q towards you. Walk away. Rush T2 boots”
Defensivity1 says “Avoid standing in his E for too long as this is his main damage source, whenever he is about to silence you with Q or his sword lights up press Q and auto him back .”
Delvoid says “Annoying more then anything since he can play passive and get back to full hp. When he goes into with Q you can E W him and win most trades. Make sure to try hit him before every 8 secs so his passive does not proc”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Garen is basically useless against you, you easily can fight him at level 1, and its a free kill if you ult him. Morde can easily poke Garen with Q and E to stop his passive, preventing him from having any good sustain in lane. ”
Luceris says “Standard Glacial Runes
Build: Trinity Force or Duskblade
Very easy lane. You may never be able to kill him but you can poke him out of lane and keep the minion wave in a favorable position. Trinity gives you extra movement speed and AD that is great for chasing down an opponent. Keep Garen at max range and he will never be able to trade with you without flashing. Not anything special past a free farm lane.”
SnarkyAlpaca says “I lOATH GAREN PLAYERS.
Hear me out, his passive that infinitely heals him after he leaves champion combat for a period of time is the BANE OF MY EXISTENCE.
Simply continue to poke him, his Passive will start to heal him about 6-10 seconds out of combat. So, even if you can't hit a vital, you should still tap him with the intent to stop his passive healing.
Also, his "Q" is the ability where he'll leap into the air and smash you with his sword also silencing you. When you see him start to gain movement speed and hold his sword up chasing you (this is the animation), Riposte him at the last second. You won't be silenced and it will completely waste his burst damage.”
ArmandChad69 says “Unlike Darius, he has no easy access crowd control to bring you to his kill range, so that makes him an easy target to your bullying. Same thing applies to him that applies to Mordekaiser, he can scale well so don't get cocky and take poor trades and fights.”
McSoupape says “Garen's for me one the the hardes matchup as illaoi, indeed, the pasive regen of garen will allow him to just regen from your poke, illaoi's regen is stronger as you are low life, at this moment garen just have to use his R and you can't do anything, his silence will also delete your W avoiding tantacle to hit ”
MaelstromLegends says “Any typical tank or bruiser is going to be 50-50 most of the time. It usually comes down to skill difference or team cooperation.”
Penguinoverlord1 says “This matchup tends to be a pretty skill based matchup, just watch out for his Q>E>R combo as it can burst you done in no time. A good note is that his E won't kill your grunts early on, so you can abuse the grunts to win trades.”
YoungTact says “Can be a hard matchup if you don't respect him but general rule of thumb is to play to farm and apply lane harass combo. IF HE Q'S AT YOU, YOU Q HIM + W to disengage. Doing this will allow you to come ahead of EVERY trade. Play to farm as it is hard to kill him with his insane sustain/tankiness. ”
qasddsa says “Easy lane. Garen's a meatball waiting to die. Keep space between the two of you, kite backward, and be careful of his Q. Make sure to use your Q AFTER he uses his own Q to make sure he stays slowed.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Garen is annoying, but he won't be able to kill you 1vs1 is you just use your riptide to slow him every time he comes up to silence you with his q.”
Fluddah says “His E is legit the most dumb thing in the game, although if you can wait out his E, then you get a free trade that should suprise him with a good burst of hp gone ”
Garen kit is made to make short trades thats why previous to his mini rework, he used to play with Grasp of the Undying, but since his mini rework, it became a harder matchup. Nasus will win the extended trades so as Nasus look to farm as safely as possible, Garen will look to do short trades and disengage and whenever you are low enough he will force an all in into you, they will usually start a trade with Q to get movement speed, Q and silence you and then E and W out. Try to bait his Q so he has to Q a minion and shoves the wave towards you, or punish his cooldown if you have enough stacks. One really important tip to win an extended fight is to look to Wither him after his Q, since his Q removes all slows, and If you see the cast animation of his ult, you can ult while his animation is going so you get the bonus HP to tank his R, You outscale him, but he can snowball really hard so give minions early on if he is really aggressive.”
SkellyBirb says “Garen gets free armor and magic resist, can gain movement speed while reducing disables such as your charm, and can deal massive damage.”
SubHuman Filth says “Get aery or electrocute and just poke him down.
When he runs towards you simply just press W and run the other way.
Dont go for autos or q's just run, else his q will land and he will outtrade you.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. The problem that a lot of people have with the garen matchup is that they do not know how to force an extended trade. What garen will do is set up his grasp and then q you. His Q is on a 8 second cooldown. Tryndamere wins the extended trades, Garen wins the short trades. Early game build up fury, and when you have a good amount of fury built up, look to auto attack him and move forward towards his escape path in between auto attacks and then spin on him after his silence is over and you can get an extra 2-3 auto attacks to win the trade. Post 6, be mindful of Garen's ultimate which is an execute based on your missing health. It has a very long cast animation though so you can usually wait to ult until you see the animation for his ult coming down. You can ult even if you are silenced so dont worry about that. Another tip for laning phase is if you w and slow the garen it will stop his passive from healing him. If you w and dont hit the slow then it will not stop his healing. In the allin vs garen, make sure that you use your w after he uses his Q because his Q will cleanse your slow. In the mid-late game if garen built tanky it can be hard to dive him under turret so look to catch him away from his turret, or if he is playing really safe then shove him in and outrotate him with your superior mobility.”
Pyroen says “Bait out his Q, it is a hefty amount of his damage, engage after he has used it for a minion kill, and try to poke him often so his passive healing doesn't kick in. Once he starts stacking MR he can become a major problem and you will need Magic Penetration to do any damage to him.”
I Am Goliath says “Pretty easy matchup Garen struggles a lot with kiting and you can pretty much keep him under pressure the whole lane and even under turret so he loses a bunch of cs if you're safe enough to get out if the jungler comes, he should pretty much never be able to Q you early game or even spin all over you, and his spin is pretty weak early game anyway, and your W procs will do a lot to him.”
Nabura says “Click on his character and watch as his Q speed runs out as he runs at you. Using W to outrun his Q and turning on him after he tries to run away will make him question why he picked Garen. Make sure you don't use Q before he uses his, as he will remove your slow and probably kill you.”
STIERNACKENTYP says “Easy Lane. You nearly counter him in every point. You can perma fck his passive, perma harass him and if he wants run to you, just barrel him and go back.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. The problem that a lot of people have with the garen matchup is that they do not know how to force an extended trade. What garen will do is set up his grasp and then q you. His Q is on a 8 second cooldown. Tryndamere wins the extended trades, Garen wins the short trades. Early game build up fury, and when you have a good amount of fury built up, look to auto attack him and move forward towards his escape path in between auto attacks and then spin on him after his silence is over and you can get an extra 2-3 auto attacks to win the trade. Post 6, be mindful of Garen's ultimate which is an execute based on your missing health. It has a very long cast animation though so you can usually wait to ult until you see the animation for his ult coming down. You can ult even if you are silenced so dont worry about that. Another tip for laning phase is if you w and slow the garen it will stop his passive from healing him. If you w and dont hit the slow then it will not stop his healing. In the allin vs garen, make sure that you use your w after he uses his Q because his Q will cleanse your slow. In the mid-late game if garen built tanky it can be hard to dive him under turret so look to catch him away from his turret, or if he is playing really safe then shove him in and outrotate him with your superior mobility.”
orangepenguinhead says “Play around his Q cooldown. If his Q is on cooldown, you can freely trade and control the lane. With Q, he can just chase you down and dish out a ton of damage. ”
Swaim says “unless he goes ignite your lane wont be that hard you out scale him so IN CASE he goes ignite play safer because he will be able to 1v1 you after 6 ”
9CH Leviathan says “pretty similar to sett, but your w not cancel his R, don't be afraid on levels 7-11 to take large trades, if you have good items you may win them.”
Adolfie says “Garen is not that much of problem when he decides to go for E conq build, but with Q grasp, its really hard to do something, since his Q breaks your W. So you have to be careful about that. Similiar to darius, get 150 stacks + sheen and some cdr items and he has no chance at all to fight you.”
ZergDood says “Don't be close to him when you're low. Poke him with your Q + Pasive and let him push. Try your best to keep him from farming safely, while you try to farm as best as possible. Don't trade with him, just poke and farm and you'll get the upper hand.”
Ayanleh says “Garen is a easy matchup as your passive and conqueror will shred him. Just play a little safe till you get rylai's and ult then you can start to shred him.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “He can't walk up earlygame, you just beat him to a bloody pulp, if he's decent he'll just run with Q but if he fights you early, just auto him as he silences and spins on you, walk towards his tower, Q and then stun and W at max grit. If he doesnt run away with Q movespeed he loses the trade HARD.
Take bone plating.
Take armor.”
Twist21 says “CC is the hardest counter of Tryndamere , since Garen doesn't have any he is one of the easiest champions to beat as Tryndamere but be careful not to trade anymore when he uses W.If you only trade when his W is on cd you will win.Standard runes and sums for this one.”
Dreadscythe95 says “You can't kill him and he can dive you but if you manage the wave well you can take the late game. it's not a game you can win though if your teammates feed because your lane is pretty hard and garen will always become pretty tanky with a ton of dmg so you can't 1v9.”
Shumair says “This matchup is really a 50/50 because even though Mordekaiser has a slight advantage in lane, Garen is more useful in teamfights and wins the 1v1 late game. That being said, Garen can also win lane if you let him take advantage of his passive sustain. Due to that, try to constantly take long trades. In short trades he can shield damage with W and silence your W. Always use W early because his ultimate can execute if your health is too low.”
ItsmeKenny says “Despite being a counter-match up, you can win lane. However, even if you do, he can easily come back if you are not careful. Try to bait out his W and you should win trades. Use E to minigate his spin damage and leap to escape his Q.”
LulzTVit says “Garen has no mobility to catch you but his W can be a little troublesome since you can't full combo him. Again a free farm and poke lane.”
chloe666 says “Easy match-up. Poke him down with Q and all in him at level 6. Be careful if he's running ignite, if he ever uses it on you back off, you're not running a combat summoner spell.”
Steven on Jax says “Just block his Q with ur E and deal tons of dmg to him , but when u jump on him as an aggresor dont use ur E too fast cause he will go W E then Q ”
Twist21 says “Garen is another strong juggernaut just like darius but in the lategame you win the matchup no metter how bad you play it.The way you win lane vs him is by baiting his w and blocking his q with your e.”
ZzZ3DemonAngelZzZ says “he will do more dng than you ( even if you build full tank ) and he can just q e you while you actually have to hit a wall while he can jsut w your dmg ( this is the main reasson why im playing conquerer poppy now to find some counterplay )”
wallobear53 says “In the laning phase, his combo is quite obvious as he has no gap closers. When he begins to run at you, moving away will stop him from getting his damage off. Just focus on kiting him and damaging him with your ranged abilities while he is charging at you.
Garen’s W gives him a shield, so make sure to save your damaging abilities until after the shield runs out so that the shield does not absorb the damage or worse, an ability’s damage.
Garen has a lot of in-built healing from his Passive, but the healing stops when he has taken damage recently. Regular trades can reduce his Passive healing drastically.
DankFlyingCow says “Kench is a solid counterpick to Garen. Play aggressively, especially pre 6. If you, at any point, get your third passive stack on him he will probably die.”
Appl313245 says “Must run grasp runes against garen. Try to make as many short trades as possible but use q minion into e into q champion and use e as your disengage.”
s3L_ says “punish him wasting abilties on minions. look to perma freeze. if you hit 6 first you win. trade only will full passive since you can out dps him post 6. dont get low and becareful of ignite advantage as most garens take ignite.”