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Darius Counter Stats

Darius Counters
Discover all champions who counter Darius. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Darius in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
2,305 Tips for countering Darius below

Top Lane
50.07% Win Rate94% Pick Rate Darius Top Lane Counters: 50 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Darius in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

SVKGuardian says “You can't really use the most basics trade vs him E+Grasp Auto”
Spartaniko says “I recommend Conqueror, your Q poke outranges him, you can W his Q and E his R, you can only lose against Darius if you go for a long trade or overextend when he has ghost up, which you shouldn't. As long as you respect his all-ins it is a pretty easy lane.”
Basilli says “PHASE RUNES "Insanely snowbally matchup both ways. This is just a test of your Tahm fundamentals and spacing. Disengage once he gets a few stacks to deny his 5 stack passive, Devour him when he casts Q to dodge the rim of it. Your R CCs for 3s so you can make his stacks time out if he hasn't hit you recently by eating him. Taking Phase Rush makes this matchup 100x easier" ”
1v9 Frog (All Matchups) by Basilli | Tahm Kench Player
Fenharion says “Darius's early game is stronger that yours and this matchup works in a coinflip,either you crush Darius and he won't be able to do anything for a long time, or he will crush YOU and you won't be able to do anything at all since his ultimate is a true damage finisher and he is a beast in teamfights. As for tips: Don't trade with him early on since his passive will let him winning all early trades,go for W maxxing route and take Oblivion Orb or Ignite to lower his healing,overall don't overextend and you should be fine.”
Season 14 "In-Depth" Mordekaiser Advice by Fenharion | Mordekaiser Player
Fanatical Goose says “Darius is a skill matchup, lvl 1 you barely win (by one aa) if minions don't exist. Take W level 2 incase he goes all in. Rush steelcaps to dodge his Q and chip him down without getting bleed stacked up too much. ”
Olaf Guide since I got banned from the discord (WIP) by Fanatical Goose | Olaf Player
Beetlebug says “Sion is unfortunately an easy victim of Darius' bullying with how often he sets himself up for a Darius E. Go for quick, short Q taps instead of stuns. If you're sure his E is on CD, trade as usual and do your best to avoid getting hit by his Q so he doesn't regen HP.”
Paramedic Sion by Beetlebug | Sion Player
4eadami says “This isnt that big of a threat in my opinion, that is if you proxy. You can NOT duel him before 2-3 items and boots and even then , you need a Rank 2 ult. He statchecks you , fling him under tower whenever you can and do NOT let him get 5 stacks. You can trade with running up to them with Q open and E'ing them before disengaging.”
Loading screen Singed guide by 4eadami | Singed Player
Yordleswaggins says “depends on the player. but look for fast Q E W trades. and back off. if you win one trade. you win the lane. but also vice versa.”
GRANDMASTER VOLIBEAR TOP RUNES/GUIDE by Yordleswaggins | Volibear Player
shaiiko says “CONQ. Dont get hit by his Q and try to parry his E or R.”
Best Fiora Guide 14.21 Patch by shaiiko | Fiora Player
TwTvRANGERZX says “avoid his Q poke, make sure to be ready to move out of its way (often the better way to dodge it is to actually run INTO him instead of out) make sure your E actually hits him, he will try to hook you and bounce you out of the stun range as you are using your E, so try to be right inside him so he will get hit regardless KEEP TRADING WITH E! your E is on a 7s shorter cooldown compared to his E, keep abusing this until he is low enough for a kill”
Challenger Jax Guide by RANGERZX by TwTvRANGERZX | Jax Player