Bottom Lane 48.27% Win Rate91% Pick RateAshe Bottom Lane Counters: 23 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Ashe in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
BigBallsLarry says âif you don't underestimate her passive and get ran down, you pretty much win. she gets outscaled and you can win in lane if you play well. Take cleanse in this matchup, especially since she's usually paired with heavy CC supports. if you get hit by her arrow instant cleanse, otherwise you might get CC chained. this matchup is skill based, but slightly tilted towards twitch.â
BrunkageManden says âShe will show you and poke you and everyone else out of lane. Be carefull wen you use your windwall. If she is good then she is tracking those 25 s cooldown.
Try to get cc (preferably knock up on her) either with nado or from an ally.â
Globby says âHighly matchup dependent, if paired with warden avoid fighting as one failed engage and result in you being ran down the lane. Play for cc and one shot on flank with ultimate. Can play for short q evolution trades post evolve. â
Avarosa says âTroca facil pra vocĂȘ, se ela te pressionar deixe e espere um erro dela, vĂĄ de purificar, se ela entrar no seu alcance vocĂȘ da mais dano caso ela nĂŁo estiver stackada â
Eneino01 says âShe can perma slow you and you need to recharge. It is really hard to play this matchup since she has lethal and more range than you. Never try to fight her openlyâ
Dr Yoshili says âThis matchup is rather super annoying than hard, it is slightly in ashe's favor early game, she will have as much range as you early game, and more dmg (along with a slow), you will outscale her, just don't duel her if you are not ahead
Take cleanse against her.â
millysenpai says âAshe AA alone has the ability to slow you if shes trying to poke you out of lane so you're unable to farm. Watch out for her W and try to be near minions so they get hit and not you.â
gaarrett says âOnly difficult because of the constant poke you'll eat during lane. Save W for when Ashe tries to kite with her Q autos and you should be able to E on top of her for a favorable trade. â
Avxm says âOne of the hardest matchups, she has high range and poke and slows to help her easily disengage or run you down when your w is on cooldown. You need to be very careful of when you use your W vs ashe as you are most vulnerable when it is down against her and she can perma slow you and force an all in easily. Against ashe you can choose to get push in a lane but its not completely necessary, just try to avoid being harassed too much and only take good trades when your w and q are up and ideally your e to slow her so she cant outspace you with her slows.â
Alvatorz says â| STRENGTHS - Great kitting / Slow on auto attacks / Dangerous CC on R / Strong lategame / Can be usefull even if behind | WEAKNESSES - No mobility / Weak early / Support dependant / Easy to abuse
| WHAT TO DO ? - Avoid being poked in the early levels. One auto could lead you to losing half your hp, or even worst, lead you to death. Past level 6, Ashe is a threat with her R that can lock you down. Her slow is also a problem for your E, it slows it a LOT and could make you NOT go through walls. Later you will burst her down but still be carefull about her R and DPS that can catch you offguard !!â
Kociokwik says âDON"T FIGHT HER LVL1!!!
after lvl2 you can win lane against her you are landing your qs, but in late she might be problematic due to her slow â
Antiwis says âThe matchup is really hard but i have lot of data for you :
The out range is a big deal, really bad matchup. Do really short trades for exemple only Q+4th AA then run out. Its better to don't fight her.
Also, it's a good thing to rush boots of swiftness because it gives you slow reduction
Always take fleet footwork and cleanseâ
Latte9969 says âAshe lane is a very easy one to fuck up in, try to position behind minions so she can't W you for free while also trying to max range Q her. If she ever gets to auto you the trade will be incredibly hard to win because of her passive slow, it makes it very easy to catch up to you even after you E. Once again quite the spacing lane. Take cleanse to cleanse her arrow.â
Foxirion says âAshe's long-range poke and crowd control can be a challenge for Kog'Maw to deal with. Her ultimate ability, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, can initiate fights and catch out Kog'Maw if he's not positioned carefully.â
afr0rk says âVery straightforward champ. Be careful when you commit to fights, as she is very good at extending fights with all her slows. Consider running Cleanse if she has another CC support with her. Make sure to not leash when facing her, as she has decent push level 1 and you don't wanna be pushed under your turret.â
loaderdragon15 says â Ashe's long-range poke with her Volley ability can pressure Ezreal in lane. Additionally, her ultimate, Enchanted Crystal Arrow, can initiate fights or catch Ezreal out of position.â
fuckingrathatxdd says âDo NOT engage unless you're sure you can get a really poggers trade. Her passive can and will slow you down so much you're never gonna get a disengage. Cleanse can be taken here. With some supports like Braum this lane can be fucking insufferable, but still winnable.
Threats n' Tips: Don't willy nilly walk into her without a plan. Cleanse or dodge R.â
loaderdragon15 says âAshe is very squishy which makes her an easy target for you if you get fed, but she also has a great slow with her passive that makes her very hard to escape from. Though she doesn't have the best early-game potential, her first level is very strong as her passive gives her enormous dueling potential. Don't use your E if you don't have to as otherwise she can just run you down and win an easy trade. She also has a very good auto-attack range that you should be aware of. You have to remember that her ult has infinite range just like yours and its stun is longer based on traveling time so if she uses it from her base it probably gives you the scariest 3 seconds of your life as the enemies have 3 seconds to kill you while you can't do anything so it is acceptable to use Flash to dodge it.â
nzan says âI wish this support pick wasn't a thing, but we have to deal with it! Ashe support is meant to poke and run you down with slows early on, so DO respect her! Stay behind minions and run away from her when she approaches. She's fairly squishy so you should be able to out-sustain her in lane when you land enough Starcalls, but do not underestimate her.
If she is ADC, treat her as a bigger threat depending on support matchup. Her slows are a great combination with engage supports, which usually should lead to near-instant kills. Best bet is once again stay behind minions and trade when abilities are down!â
Bobalegre says âHer slow is really annoying, if you can poke her she can poke you back, try to bait her poke. She does well in long fights so try to keep trades short. If she goes HOB try to do long fights instead of trades. Be careful with her ultimate.â
Vapora Dark says âShe beats you in extended fights, her slows make it easy for her to force extended fights, and you typically don't have the burst to avoid fights getting to the point of becoming extended. Cleanse is completely mandatory against her.â
mcdnldsmngrxdd says âvery obnoxious champ, learn to sit back and relax, if you're not careful and you walk up too far, you're going to get caught and you will die in the earlier levels, you outscale in mid-game so there's no need to worry about falling behindâ
Devilbuny says âAby wygraÄ z Caitlyn, Ashe musi byÄ bardzo ogarniÄta. JeĆli nie jest, to kolejny Ćatwy cel. UwaĆŒa tylko na jej R oraz nie dawaj siÄ trafiÄ jej skillami. Kup na niÄ QSS jeĆli dobrze puszcza swojÄ Râ
hellfirelord says âDon't force extended trades vs her. You always win short trades if you stand behind minions. After 1-2 items you beat her in skirmishes and 2v2s.
If you win early then it's really hard for her to comeback.â
Aspect of Cancer says âAshe herself isn't really the threat, but her ultimate is. Her ultimate is going to be your biggest downfall, never engage unless you're sure it's on cooldown. â
NegativePhoenix says âThe only real problem I see with Ashe is just her slow and ult. If you take cleanse and you should definitely be taking cleanse here, it's a little less scary but still annoying none the less.
Stand behind your minions so she can't just W poke you like you'll be doing to her, and don't full engage her once she has Kraken or she'll win the fightâ
unhben says âWhile Ash's poke is annoying during laning phase, you are quickly able to outscale her and put the smack down on her through efficient poking and shoving waves. â
Leaf no Kitsune says âhard matchup early. try to survive and take the minions you are allowed to take. look for a good all in angle. your goal is to go even because you outscale. anything more is a bonus.â
Sxd42069 says âWhen i ban adcs i always ban ashe,
she can abuse her ulti to get your cleanse and exhaust or the other way around. look to kill her before 6 after 6 try to not get hit by her ultâ
leoismissing says âWatch out her early game, her level 1 and 2 are deadly. You outscale her, try to bring cleanse for her ult and don't get poked by her W.â
iiExploit says âVery annoying but you outrange her and have many ways of outplaying her. Just run cleanse and keep your distance. If you get too close you're dead because she will just slow you to death and you have zero mobility.â
mydesires says âDepends on your support. You can use your Infernum (Blue) to harass her when she's behind the minion. In teamfight, you have higher damage and more CCs but care for her ult. // TH : àžàž¶àčàžàžàžąàžčàčàž§àčàžČàžàž±àžàžàž”àžĄàčàžŁàžČàčàžàčàžàžàž±àž§àžàž°àčàžŁ àžȘàžČàžĄàžČàžŁàž poke àčàžàžàčàžàčàčàž«àžĄ àžȘàžČàžĄàžČàžŁàžàžàž±àžàčàžŁàžČàčàžàčàčàž«àžĄ àčàžàžŁàžČàž°àčàžàčàž matchup àžàž”àčàžàž¶àčàžàžàž±àžàžàž”àžĄàžĄàžČàžàžàž§àčàžČ àčàžàčàčàžàžąàžŁàž§àžĄàčàžŁàžČàžàž°àčàž«àžàžàž§àčàžČàčàžàžŁàžČàž°àžàžČàčàžĄàžàčàžŁàžČàžàžàžàčàžàžàžČàž burst àčàž„àž°àžĄàž” CC àžàžČàžàžàž·àžàžĄàčàž§àž àčàžàžàžàž°àžàž”àčàčàžàžàžàčàžàžàčàžàžàčàčàžàžČ àč àčàžàčàžŁàž°àž§àž±àžàžàž±àž„àžàžŽàžàžàžàčàžàžàžàčàžàž àčàžàčàž„àžàžȘàžČàžĄàžČàžŁàžàčàžàčàžàž·àžàžàčàžČàčàžàž·àčàž poke àčàžàžàčàžàčâ
darkgoatie says âAshe perma slows you from insane range, you canât escape or chase ashe. And of course she builds triforce so sheâs also insanely fast. Try to have your support engage first on her. Engaging by yourself is suicide.â
LustAndSpite says âAshe outranges you which does counter you pretty hard.
However, if you are able to hold your ground until level 6, the tables turn as you can use her Auto Attack based playstyle against her with your ult. It's a skill matchup.â
the hood says âEspecially in higher elos an Ashe with good Movement can be dangerous since she is able to outspace u with her high range + slow, avoid getting poked by her for free since it enables a window for her to run u down (especially dangerous if she has ghost). 1 AA of Draven is a lot stronger than 1 AA from Ashe, so try to close the gap between her and you. In close range All ins Draven should win. (Most games Cleanse needed for lvl 6)â
support_diff says âAshe is very squishy which makes her an easy target for you if you get fed, but she also has a great slow with her passive that makes her very hard to escape from. Though she doesn't have the best early game potential, her first level is very strong as her passive gives her enormous dueling potential. Don't use your E if you don't have to as otherwise she can just run on to you and win an easy trade against you. She also has a very good auto attack range that you should be aware of. You have to remember that her ult has infinite range just like yours and its stun is longer based on travelling time so if she uses it from her base it probably gives you the most scary 3 seconds of your life as the enemies have 3 seconds to kill you while you can't do anything so it is acceptable to use Flash to dodge itâ
DreamOfValhalla says âTake cleanse since you will probably have to dodge her R. Don't be too greedy, a good ashe player can space you with the slow on her passive and just kite you to death.â
mythicdem0n says âVayne excels at Hit, run, hit, run, however ashe ruins all of this with her frost shots. with ult up she wins most duels until late game, Always take cleanse into ashe matchupâ
Sivir BelfoRoxo says âAlways avoid taking Ashe's auto attacks, as it can mean your death and even the loss of your lane. She can punish you a lot using only her passive in her favor, usually Ashe starts with W and then comes with her auto attacks linked with her Q Skill, always use her Sivir Skill E to counter her W and avoid being killed or even losing your Flash.â
Reptile9LoL says âAshe is very hard to all-in due to her slow and range and can also poke Vayne out a lot, if she missuses her W or R once though Vayne can find very easy all-ins/decent trades, she also outscales Ashe a lot!â
LOVEE says âHer in game slow is too much to handle because you are a relatively slow champion. Furthermore, it's hard to get on top of this champions without using your E.â
Aronnn says âUnless you get on top of her and burst her down, she is a big threat. A failed engage on her usually results in you dying because she can perma slow you and run you down after you use all of your abilities. Annoying poke as well.â
Alvatorz says â| STRENGTHS - Great kitting / Slow on auto attacks / Dangerous CC on R / Strong lategame / Can be usefull even if behind
| WEAKNESSES - No mobility / Weak early / Support dependant / Easy to abuse
| WHAT TO DO ? - Avoid being kitted in the first levels and poke her with your abilites. Wait until on of the supports make the first move so you can follow. Be carefull about her R. She's still able to use while being in your R since it's only a root, not a stun.â
Jhin and Tonic says âIf ashe has an enchanter support she has major kill pressure on you. When her q is active u have to run away unless you have exhaust, otherwise she is gonna slow you down and kill you. Against this matchup you will definetly need a tank support to cc her. I would recommend exhaust but cleanse is also good depending on the rest of the enemy team. I would pick longsword and 3 potions against her but you can try going doran's if you have kill pressure on her (e.g. you have a nautilus and she has a sona).â
Santoryo says âOne arrow all it takes to lock you out from the game. Save your Spell Shield for her ultimate and be aware of the poke during the laning phase.â
VrNtv says âAshe will always be annoying as its how the champion is designed. She has 75 more range than Kai'Sa, good poke and high utility. Pair all of that with her chase down ability with approach velocity and you have yourself a tough lane. Surviving this lane and playing around your support's engages are most important here! She's really immobile.
RandomNPC777 says âAshe is one of the scariest laners in the game. Her slow is very punishing, and she will outkite you. She likes to pair with any support that can take advantage of her aggressive early. Play as safe as possible and look to win in lategame teamfights. Best supports against Ashe are disengage supports like janna, or catchers like morgana. DO NOT BRING ENGAGE SUPPORTS WITH SHORT RANGE SHE WILL BULLY YOU.â
support_diff says âAshe is an immobile adc without a good cc before level 6, try to do fast trades as she can be a serious threat to you even at early game. She is also very squishyâ
whitemindlight says âJust try to burst her in a 2v2 and then you should win, but watch out to not trade to long with
Be aware of her R as you don't have any movement abilitiesâ
SheriffADC says âHer long range + slows make it hard to autospace/trade, however she is unmobile so the matchup becomes easy if you have a hook support (extremely hard if you lack engage).â
livia999 says âAshe will always be annoying as its how the champion is designed. She has 50 more range than us, good poke and high utility. Pair all of that with her chase down ability with approach velocity and you have yourself a tough lane.She's really immobile.â
Lachoni1 says âAshe is very annoying because of her slow, vision, and stun but easy to play vs. Again she doesn't have the damage to match you and has no mobility to escape you. Take Cleanse for her Râ
Amberdragon says âAshe is pretty annoying to deal with because of her poke and range, you can't bully her as well as other ADCs. However, she is very squishy and immobile, meaning that if you hit a good combo on her or CC her you might be able to kill or get a good HP advantage in lane.
Longer fights are in her favor though - if she lands her ult or starts running you down, try to disengage, because her DPS is stronger and she can easily set up ganks for her team.â
slendoooo says âAshe matchup shouldn't be a problem for Draven, even though she does outrange him, Draven will always win all in fights at any stage of the game.
The only problem is that Ashe is a utility champion, she can grant global vision for her team and a global 5 second stun.
Two things Draven can't do.
But if you are in a team fight spot before she is there, u will always win that, remember sheâs mostly a utility champion, not a damage champion.
aarkie says âWake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. â
Pipimatz says âAshe is annoying but not that strong. Play arround her r cooldown and now all she has are autos the slow is basically the only thing annoying for you now.â
Corpselover says âAshe is annoying af but not really a threat, you should try to survive her poke until level 3 and then if you all-in her she is going to die. Long sword start.â
LionelOCE says âAshe can be difficult because her autos can perma-slow Kalista and stop her hopping. If Kalista is engaged on first and Ashe begins stacking Lethal Tempo, the matchup becomes very difficult. However, this matchup usually depends on the support picks and generally favours whichever duo finds the better early engage. â
Tolis slayer says âshe has strong damage like you and also she permaslows you making it hard to kite/ run away.Also with her w she can poke better than you while making sure she is out of your range and she can easily engage/disengage with her râ
NearChance says âShe has a Range advantage if W is on CD however even at 1 point you outrange.
She tends to be poke heavy with W but as it stands your E is stronger. She hits a threat at 6 but taking Cleanse aids in this. â
KnobHobbler says âAlmost no threat to you if you play in wave.
Avoid her W and you should be fine against her.
Be careful of her R so maybe take cleanse.
You win the 1v1.
Push wave under tower.â
franksterzz says âAshe is mostly played support nowadays but she is very hard to deal with for Aphelios in the early game. She can slow you down and make it easier for the enemy support to go in, she has an amazing ult to setup ganks, and you can't really run away from her. Obviously, you can run her down later into the game but be careful early as she can be a hell to deal with. I suggest taking the Fleet Footwork page against her, and consider picking up cleanse if you don't have a Morgana and they have a follow up CC spell to her ult.â
NotAragami says âPeople often pick Ashe as a support for whatever reason. Stay behind minions as she will want to poke you with W and superior attack range. The slow is incredibly annoying and you might have to press your E to disengage.
Her Q got a huge buff in 12.18, making her even more dangerous. â
UwUSoftGirl says â[Short Trades] Ashe is very annoying to play against, Carry and Support. Her slows and range on (W) make it almost impossible for you to escape her, and her ult can lock you down from far away. The main way to counter her is to just stand behind minions to avoid her (W) early. When farming midlane always remember that an Ashe ult can be flying at you, honestly pray that she doesn't focus you.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âOnce Ashe has her Ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow(R), do not overextend as she can easily set up her Jungler with it. Keep the lane warded at all times as that is the only time when it will be safe for you to overextend post 6. Ashe doesnât have any escape abilities or built-in sustain. Use this to your advantage by poking her down frequently and then looking for the all-in when she is low. To prevent Ashe from getting extra damage down on you in the early game, stand behind the minion wave at all times so they block her Volley(W) damage for you.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âOnce Ashe has her Ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow(R), do not overextend as she can easily set up her Jungler with it. Keep the lane warded at all times as that is the only time when it will be safe for you to overextend post 6. Ashe doesnât have any escape abilities or built-in sustain. Use this to your advantage by poking her down frequently and then looking for the all-in when she is low. To prevent Ashe from getting extra damage down on you in the early game, stand behind the minion wave at all times so they block her Volley(W) damage for you.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âOnce Ashe has her Ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow(R), do not overextend as she can easily set up her Jungler with it. Keep the lane warded at all times as that is the only time when it will be safe for you to overextend post 6. Ashe doesnât have any escape abilities or built-in sustain. Use this to your advantage by poking her down frequently and then looking for the all-in when she is low. To prevent Ashe from getting extra damage down on you in the early game, stand behind the minion wave at all times so they block her Volley(W) damage for you.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âOnce Ashe has her Ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow(R), do not overextend as she can easily set up her Jungler with it. Keep the lane warded at all times as that is the only time when it will be safe for you to overextend post 6. Ashe doesnât have any escape abilities or built-in sustain. Use this to your advantage by poking her down frequently and then looking for the all-in when she is low. To prevent Ashe from getting extra damage down on you in the early game, stand behind the minion wave at all times so they block her Volley(W) damage for you.â
Amberdragon says âHer slow and superior range with her R can make her tough to deal with. You need strong support synergy or someone to lock her down in order to kill her. Use W when you see her Q is active, Exhaust and Cleanse are also really goodâ
Kronaa says âIt's pretty bad early because the slows are going to make you go to AARP and request some aid, but as long as you're able to get in her face, she can't back it up.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âOnce Ashe has her Ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow(R), do not overextend as she can easily set up her Jungler with it. Keep the lane warded at all times as that is the only time when it will be safe for you to overextend post 6. Ashe doesnât have any escape abilities or built-in sustain. Use this to your advantage by poking her down frequently and then looking for the all-in when she is low. To prevent Ashe from getting extra damage down on you in the early game, stand behind the minion wave at all times so they block her Volley(W) damage for you.â
Devour333 says âVery annoying with slows plus outranges you. Take cleanse vs ashe!!!! Try to force all ins you out damage her if she cant kite you.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âOnce Ashe has her Ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow(R), do not overextend as she can easily set up her Jungler with it. Keep the lane warded at all times as that is the only time when it will be safe for you to overextend post 6. Ashe doesnât have any escape abilities or built-in sustain. Use this to your advantage by poking her down frequently and then looking for the all-in when she is low. To prevent Ashe from getting extra damage down on you in the early game, stand behind the minion wave at all times so they block her Volley(W) damage for you.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âOnce Ashe has her Ultimate Enchanted Crystal Arrow(R), do not overextend as she can easily set up her Jungler with it. Keep the lane warded at all times as that is the only time when it will be safe for you to overextend post 6. Ashe doesnât have any escape abilities or built-in sustain. Use this to your advantage by poking her down frequently and then looking for the all-in when she is low. To prevent Ashe from getting extra damage down on you in the early game, stand behind the minion wave at all times so they block her Volley(W) damage for you.â
ColJaraka says âYou can W her Q, but she will probably poke you till you are forced to back with her W. Position around your minions to try and avoid her poke.â
RoseOfInnistrad says âHer kit doesn't do much in the way of preventing you from doing what you want to, it's simply that she does it from a screen away. Play around bushes for lane, and play for teamfights later on. You can buffer her R stun with your mounted W.â
NorVillain2 says âAshe is anoying for her W, just try to dodge her R and kill her. (She's deserve this for her fuc**ng W, because it' realy anoying.) Try to be in your minion wave.â
m1NEEX says âAnnoying poke, has more range (600), has slows on AA, but will never be as useful as Jinx in teamfights, her ult is great for setting up CC to follow up on, so make sure to take Cleanse into this.â
Kamicali says âAshe is very annoying to deal with in lane with her W, and you need to have a good reaction speed when fighting in her face, just in case she tries to ult you.â
Amberdragon says âAshe has CC and perma slows you. Because of that it is easier for her to win long extended trades with your R on. Try to make picks with your team to CC her and run Cleanse for her R.â
SrBroccoli says âVERY annoying to go against since you are an melee champ.
If she tries to engage, slow her with E and try to escape. After 6, you can ult through her crystal arrow and solo her.â
Dravenhalal says âThe slow is annoying and her ultimate is pretty strong against you. Get in her face with flash or if your supp engages and shes pretty much gone. Cleanse or heal works fine here.
If she's the support though then good luck it will be one annoying fucking lane.â
Wilsonjames1 says âW slow makes it hard to run her down. Mysteriously high early game damage. A decent level Ashe will outspace you and is highly cancerous.â
Kitqsune says âAlthough she will perma slow you late game, you can block her ult. Be sure to not stay at towers/objectives and overextend because her ult is FAST and you won't have much time to react with your w. Take cleanse if they have lots of cc.â
BigBoyBen69 says âMake sure you hide behind your minions when her W is up then when she uses it, punish her with a cheeky trade or even kill her. Be careful about ulting if her ult is up - it isn't very pleasant getting shafted by a massive arrow when you're trying snipe her. Other than that, you are probably better.â
LewisTheRat says âShe's stronger than you in the early game and she has excellent pick potential. Wait until you have Bork before dueling, you eventually outscale but there's always the threat of her arrow, consider taking cleanse. Care for the early walk of shame back to tower if you get engaged on without expecting it.â
Alvatorz says âReally hard for you to face Ashe in early game. She is like you but stronger and her ultimate can easily CC you and make you a very easy target to focus. In late game tho, it will be easy for you to kill her and to not get shot by anything. Really Zeri's favor.â
AbyssaLegend says âSlows and stuns. Dodge her Ult and, with your support, kill her. Ashe's weak point is if she don't stun as soon as possible, she can't do quite anything.â
TangsterinE says âAshe's arrow is the only frightening thing about her kit. You out DPS her (even in the early game), you out poke her from Calibrum, and you can slow her right back with Gravitum. Not a terrible matchup.â
Demonsedge90 says âWinning this matchup is simple, but don't underestimate her w and r since they can be the death of you. Also, be mindful of your positioning when fighting Ashe to avoid getting slowed down by her auto attacks.â
Krilep says âIf you are able to flash or dodge Ashe's ult she won't be a problem for you during or outside of lane. Try to warn your team late game when Ashe is looking for an ulti to pick off someone on your team. Ashe does not have much power in lane, only her W damage but can be avoided when behind minions.â
Alvatorz says âAshe is a boring champ for Samira, that's a fact. Perma slow, potential stun and high dps but as long as you get to melee range, then you're fine. She's too squishy.â
MrMeem45 says âSenna generally struggles a lot against high CC and range ADC's like Jhin, Ashe, and Caitlyn. If you see one, it's generally worth it to buy a Doran's Shield.â
Dazlirn says âAshe ult and slows are very annoying. With her slows you want to try and stay behind minions or hit her after her W is on cooldown. Don't walk up too far as she will win every trade with her slows
Take Cleanse for her ult and slows.â
Sellsword says âAshe outranges you by 100 range which does give her some advantage in lane, but her autos don't hurt a lot. Her W is a good ability to spellshield for mana, but be careful because Ashe works with pretty much all supports and depending on the support, she may be able to heavily punish you for blocking her W, especially when she has ult post-6. You do a lot more damage to her late game, but be mindful of her utility and don't let her slow you in teamfights, catching you off-position.â
Fanartxd4 says â Depends on her supp. If she's with cat or leona ,they will stomp you, but mostly u can free poke her and ate her ult with your E. â
Jhineral Studies says âPerma Ban. Her slows really really hurt your ability to charge your Zaps. She has superior range to poke you through the wave while you can only do that with an E+Q or with your short range Zaps which cannot have their range increased by any meansâ
koggywoggy says âFrustrating because of how hard it is to get a lead against her, meaning you have to coinflip your team winning. UNFLINCHING IS OVERPOWERED AGAINST HER. Cleanse is useful if she has a CC support.â
PancakeKittiwake says âAshe has some really annoying w poke and in extended fights in lane she almost always wins, so just auto q poke for souls and if she ults you, you lose.â
Nom212 says âThe combination of a greater attack range, consistent slows and poke by her W Volley make Ashe an annoying opponent to go up against. However, you can block the real threat which is her R Enchanted Crystal Arrow and greatly reduce the threatâ
Poweredbythighs says âSame thing with ashe as with lux, she has early cc witch is Aphelios weak part, ashe is not bad early and a good ashe will definetly try to take advantage of her aa cc and your immobility, not worth trading withâ
Heszo says âHas cc which cripples you pretty badly after 6. Try to dodge her ult with yours and avoid getting hit by her w as it can lead you to a bad spot since you are pretty immobile.â
IKeepItTaco says ââ Ashe is an early-mid game focused immobile utility ADC who focuses on playing off her team. â
âAshe in lane will approach it in a very simple direction where she will just spam her [[Volley]] to poke you down to try to get you low enough to burst. You can simply stand behind the minions at the right angles and this will take care of that for the most part! â
âYou want to take [[Cleanse]] over here because it counters her ultimate which is [[Enchanted Crystal Arrow]]. Her win condition is to use her ultimate to setup picks for her team and turn them into kills. She wonât be able to do this with you in the botlane if you take [[Cleanse]] which is great for us!â
âJust sit back and relax. Wait for Ashe to slip up to be caught then you can effortlessly all-in her! â
âWin Condition: Take [[Cleanse]] to counter her ultimate hard. Avoid getting poked for free from her [[Volley]]. DPS-wise you outscale her hard and your all-in is way better than hers in 2v2s so you can go for that once you get a few levels and items! â
I Am Not u says âI love this matchup. I see an Ashe, and I ALWAYS pick Tristana. Sure, she can poke you, but what can she do when you jump on her? Nothing. Just make sure your support is around, and you're golden. You out damage her, and she has no form of escape except kiting, and you normally have the advantage there since you out range here.â
Amberdragon says âAshe is pretty annoying as she can slow you can poke you, but if you avoid her poke you can all-in her and kill her pretty easily. Take cleanse against her.â
Vixylafoen says âVery annoying. Prevents you from getting close with her passive. Slow farm until 6 and then Flash -> R her for a free kill. Only go in if you have sums and your R though.â
BlakeXStrider says âAshe's slow basically shuts down this entire build, since MS is the main source of damage. If you have to play into an Ashe, make sure to buy Swift bootsâ
Lancerjr says âI hate ashe her slow is ungodly annoying she will poke and slow you so much early game however you will outscale her if you make it too late game so just dont feed her.â
A_Drunk_Carry says âI almost always go Cleanse in this matchup due to her ult. Her Volley will outrange you easily as well. Luckily the Muramana build has fallen out of favor for Ashe adc, so she won't have a limitless mana pool. Still very annoying though. â
LegendaryOstrich says âIf you are able to flash or dodge Ashe's ult she won't be a problem for you during or outside of lane. Try to warn your team late game when Ashe is looking for an ulti to pick off someone on your team. Ashe does not have much power in lane, only her W damage but can be avoided when behind minions.â
PH45 says âHas cc which cripples you pretty badly after 6. Try to dodge her ult with yours and avoid getting hit by her w as it can lead you to a bad spot since you are pretty immobile.â
Urason says âThe only reason I'm putting this as an even matchup is because the Ashe needs to be a good player for her to win. Otherwise shes technically a Major counter. The issue is she can force you out of lane and hold her ult the entire time you fight her. If you ever try to ult, a good Ashe is going to stun you instantly. Otherwise, if you engage on her she's dead.â
WayOfTheTempesst says âHer ultimate can lock you up pretty easily unless you flash it or have good reactions with your W. Her W's in lane also can poke you out early. However, she lacks mobility making it easier to land your abilities on her.â
LostFishEU says âAshe's only threat is her ultimate stun. Other then that, she doesn't bring a lot against Vayne. She has a lot of poke but that will be out sustained by your life steal. It really depends on what her support is and if they can follow up after caster her ultimate.â
tokyodamonsta says âOutranges you and forces you to use E aggressively, allowing her to get a free ult. Recommend building early life steal to survive her poke!â
A_Drunk_Carry says âYou can dodge ult from a distance, but she will constantly poke you. Try to stay behind creeps when you can and get some pop shots off. â
ELOSANTA says âAshe is another hard matchup for Lucian, she outranges him pretty hard and the new Ashe CC makes it even harder for Lucian to get close in range where he wants to be to duel Ashe.â
Coldsong says âAshe has one of the most annoying passives out of any ADC. She will kite you as she has a huge range advantage and their is not much you can do about it. However, she does not have a lot of kill pressure without items, and her ult is telegraphed so it can easily be blocked with W. Make sure she is positioned poorly and away from her support before engaging.â
Vapora Dark says âAshe likes to poke with her W and then all in once her Q stacks are max. Stand behind stuff so she cant W you for poke/slow and when her Q is on your support should disengage the fight because her DPS gets very very high. Midgame watch out for her ultimate so she cant create picks and just generally play a little further back than you usually would. A well placed lotus trap and deadly flourish will stop her dead thanks to her lack of mobility. Your lifesteal item should be a mercurial against ashe, so if you do get hit by her ult you can escape before follow up arrives.â
Santoryo says âAshe is kinda a big counter for you, she will slow you so much, can easily stun with her R, poke you heavily with her W and with Lulu just right click you to the death, if you can buy QSS and go all in into her, because she really have no escape.â
NikkiTT says âCan be a frustrating lane sometimes, take tenacity because she has a lot of CC, at least she is immobile and very weak so you should be able to kill her in your ultimate just fine.â
Banana Pirate says âAshe is only tricky if you're fighting a one trick. If you are fighting a one trick then try and poke with your q and be smart with your traps. Stay behind minions to dodge her w. â
Amberdragon says âDon't get poked in lane and avoid her Ult with yours. Extremely easy matchup if your support can get on top of her. If your support can't get her, it gets hard for you. If she kites you well, go galeforce to get in her face and all-in her. â
Simon Uchinora says âAshe is a medium one, his slow and her ultimate is annoying, but she is fragile like a paper, just wait her waste her ultimate before go on to kill.â
TismoTheTilted says âSelf-explainatory? Her passive is that she converts her crit-attacks to slowness, which counters the very concept of Jhin gaining movement speed with his attacks.â
Rihh says âAshe has high consistent DPS and a permanent slow that puts Jhin in precarious scenarios. Can be beaten with a stronger support matchup. Consider cleanse and potentially Merc Treads.â
Urpog says âJust dodge. You can't get close, you get outscaled, every teamfight you're permanently slowed when going to anyone, she has better team set than you - there is no point to play vs an Ashe realistically, your pick is just invalidated.â
Chaeha says âAshe has a very strong level 1 where she can chase you down with her passive auto attack slows and approach velocity in the inspiration tree while also having a range advantage over Kai'Sa, but the recent nerfs to volley made the lane bearable. â
Penguto says âSince you start with severum make sure to Q when you are being slowed, but overall you can kill her easy if you have a good support.â
Jeerus says âShe slows the fuck out of you, try to pick her off with your Q and get her low before engaging. Also when hitting lvl 6, try to full engage on Ashe with your ult.â
Swearing Roomba says âMore of an annoyance. She heavily outranges you. Buying swifties is a must against Ashe, as well as getting Cleanse if her support helps her with the CC.â
R3Veal says âShe doesn't deal additional damage with crits but she slows down her target even more. That's why you should really watch out for enemy ganks as you will probably always die without flashing.â
Urason says âI would move this to the minor tab if you have a good support. Ashe is highly immobile and you should be able to kill her on repeat. This is especially true if you get fed early. Just remember to bring Cleanse vs her. â
King Turtle says âShe has no mobility so you can get quick trades easier without getting totally caught out and as long as you dodge R she loses a lot of fight power as she has no mobility or hard cc at that point. The only issue against her is that going in may be annoying with W, but considering she just got her W nerfed in 11.18 it'll be a lot more manageable early game. â
Nixxen47 says âYou outdamage her as long as you play behind your minions to hide from her W arrow volley. Her R is quite annoying, against this matchup i would take cleanse. You outscale her â
SopTop says âCan be bad if it is a good Ashe, or if they just get ahead, but otherwise not a problem. Just remember to not overextend because of her insane slowing and crazy stun.â
yers says âDecent earlygame opponent, missing your skillshots (especially E and W) will prove fatal. Otherwise she's very squishy and can get exploded easily.â
kryptonkat says âHer W is all that she needs to actually start poking the hell out of you. Stay behind the minions (as always) and use your Q as poke.â
VeronyV says âIf you kite her away from her turret and then engage with your support, is basically a guranteed kill, she has good poke and harass.â
HyroPyro says âAshe has longer range than you and has the ability to run you down with the Frost Shot (Passive) slow and the Approach Velocity. This forces you to either escape losing a bad trade or to trade back. Make sure you are hiding behind the minions to prevent the Volley (W) poke and always be ready to dodge the Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R) when she hits level 6. Kai'Sa far out damages her, you just need to be aware of the heavy cc and poke. Make sure you do not give lane priority to Ashe as it allows her to land free Volley's (W) when you are under turret with no minions to protect you.â
im_zeno says âShe can poke you hard lvl 1-2 coz of her passive, after that though.. you start beating her due to your wind wall being busted against ranged. SAVE your wind wall post lvl 6 since her ult is the most annoying part of her. REMEMBER she is very very squishy and also lacks mobility, so dashing onto her wouldn't be a problem.â
snowcard says âI stomp every Ashe. Always block her W (unless she has ult up). She's extremely immobile so it's easy to hit Qs on her. Careful of her Q since she can apply a lot of damage without you noticing. Keep your distance and you'll be fine.
What you can block: W, R. â
Pengwan says âHas a strong slow, but early she shouldn't be to much of a problem for you. Care for her ult since it's probably an easy kill if you get hitâ
Tiilisk1v1 says âImmobile with good range. You must camp bushes and only fights you van take is all in with your adc. Try to win at least one fight before lv6 because then she gets her ult.â
m0rfeazz says âVery tough,Ashe will poke and poke and poke you,not many windows cause of her huge AA range,try to catch her offguard with the support cause 1vs1 after 5-6 lvls it will be almost imposibbleâ
Bungo_T_Baggins says âYou generally can't kill Ashe early on. If you have something like a Leona then you can look for pre-6 all ins. Early on try to control the wave as much as you can without getting engaged on or poked.â
Harambe Homie says âImerial mandate Ashe bot, is very annoying to go against as Swain. This build gives Ashe so much CDR that she just spams her volly every 2 seconds. Its extremely annoying trying to engage on her early. Your best bet when encountering this matchup is to punish her before she can itemize CDR. Try to get a couple early kills on her and then move to mid lane or another lane and continue the snowball.â
MiningRicK says âThe Slows are so annoying, so she can easy escape if u engage her. If she also lands her ult she can easily kill you. But you also have good options to kill her with your Lethality.â
Sett Abuser says âThere is no way you can touch Ashe, her arrows will slow you and put your W as the only escape on cooldown. Watch out for her W and her Ultimate ability, any of those can get you stuck and vulnerable to the enemy team.â
mousetrapslol says âEarly laning is a bit annoying with the Volley spam as well as her extended fight potential. Remember: twitch benefits the most from short trades EARLY. So do not extended fight vs ashe, you will lose.
Do not do a wild engage onto ashe shes a decent 1v1 champion. Make sure that you are in a good position to react to the ult. â
DoublefeedOP says âAshe isn't really much of a threat during laning phase because of her weak early game. The only threat comes from her being able to run you down but that shouldn't be much of a problem if you're running Kog/Luluâ
FunkyBeagle says âAshe will always be annoying as its how the champion is designed. She has 75 more range than Kai'Sa, good poke and high utility. Pair all of that with her chase down ability with approach velocity and you have yourself a tough lane. Surviving this lane and playing around your support's engages are most important here! She's really immobile.â
DoublefeedOP says âWhen going against Ashe, keep in mind that her slows will kill you in a sustained fight if you waste your E. Either poke her out or just CS and wait for jungle ganks.â
DoublefeedOP says âWhen up against thresh, her volley should be a free mana source for you. Her kill pressure is fairly low because you can block her R with your spell shield just don't let her bait it out and then R you.â
DoublefeedOP says âAshe is just like Leona, she can shut you down and make you immobile with her R. Not only that, but as of Season 11, she can build Kraken Slayer and auto attack you to death with her slows. The best you can do is pull the reverse and CC her down and land a good W combo into your typical Q auto. Be sure to pick an aggro bot if you're playing Vs. her so that you can shut her early and not let her hit that mid game powerspike first. Don't let her volley poke you down so be sure to stay near your minions if you can't dodge well.â
DoublefeedOP says âAshe has a weak early game, take advantage of it. All-in her at level 3 and snowball the game from there. If she R's you, just W.â
APC Ziggs says âShe is in a pretty bad spot rn and she doesn.t have a dash , so you can unload all your stuff on her without worrying. ALWAYS keep a safe distance, if she manages to get close and you don't have w you are most likely dead.â
CheeselordMax says ânot actually a serious threat most of the time but that slow is awful to deal with and she has pretty solid gank setups with her supportâ
KoZee says âAshe is one of the only champions that out ranges you, meanwhile she also has solid poke with volley and can't be kited very easily due to her auto attacks slowing you. However, without her R, you can slowly poke her down with Q without her having the chance to engage on you. Once she's low enough you can all-in and win. It's often worth to flash her ultimate if it's going to hit you, especially from a close distance because you can get closer while dodging and not give her the chance to escape since you tend to deal more DPS overall.â
Jurassiq says âSame issue as Varus. She can easily shove you in lane and all in you at 6. Hard to get prio VS her in lane and she also wins all ins at even HPâ
Moodkaps says âThe problem with Ashe is that you need to all in Ashe can out poke you with her auto range. Oh hey remember her q Extends her Auto range, and it outranges the turret have fun.â
Vexxar21 says âAshe on her own isn't the biggest threat to draven. However paired with the right support she can be a bit of a bully. Use minion waves to block her Volley when you can other than that don't over aggress into their lane because you will be slowed and extremely vulnerable to the enemy support as well as the enemy jg.â
Xayaphelia says âThis is an ideal matchup as you can out damage her at all stages of the game provided you did not run it down into her. The main threat here is if she spaces you well and dodges your damage as her slows let her walk you back to your turret with very little counterplay.â
LilPicky says âWhen you meet Ashe, try to hide behind the minions to avoid her W, otherwise you will be exposed to a gank or a trade, or even pay for it with death.â
TheGronne says âThis a question of whether you can W Ashe's R before it hits you. If you can, you should be good. However her slow can be quite annoying to deal with.â
ooftheiii says âPlay aggressively in lane against her, because her Volley has a really long cooldown at earlier levels. Ashe has no defensive skills, which means she is really easy to gank/focus in teamfights.Don't true to chase her because she is one of the best kiters in the game with her slow.She will kite you till death.And she has 600 range .â
BookOfJhin says âThis is just personal preference but i dislike ashe due to majority of her kit which just slows and her ult being able to hit most of the time seeing as jhin hasn't got any mobility so if you are able to pick up an early swiftness boots or merc threads depending on their team comp you should do fine against this annoying champâ
majororange77 says âRead Guide for full matchup.
Really annoying poke lane, and can run you down if you push too far up. Take Cleanse for her Ultimate.â
neverune says âStrong throughout the game. She enjoys taking extended fights to make use of her Q, so try to avoid fighting her for long. She has little self peel outside her ult, so lock her down with your W when fighting her.â
kingamazin says âAshe can be frustrating to play against, although she is currently in a rather weak state. You can do short, one auto trades with her in rockets since you have equal range to her at level 1 and in later levels you strictly outrange her in terms of auto range. While laning, try to stand in your minion wave to avoid poke from volley. Keep in mind that if a minion is low enough to die to volley, the arrows will pass through that minion. Ashe players use this as an easy way to get harass off in lane against unaware players. Pay close attention to your positioning when playing against ashe, and try to avoid getting hit by her enchanted crystal arrow, which is her strongest form of setup and pick potential against you. Consider taking cleanse to cleanse the stun or build Galeforce to dodge her ultimate.â
Bluestrat says âAshe, similar to Caitlyn, has a long range and a strong laning phase that is superior to Kai'sa.
Should we get an advantage and get our Q-EVOLVE early, we are quite capable of killing Ashe in 1v1.
However, we should play safe until then, and wait for an Engage from our Support/Jungler. â
Trampedach says âShe outranges you and if SHE is the one chasing you down you can never escape. Her poke potential with enchanters and engage with engage supps makes her a hard matchup in every way. You can fight back if you're the one engaging but be careful of her slows and r stun. â
Bluestrat says âAshe hat Ă€hnlich wie Caitlyn eine hohe Reichweite und eine starke Laning Phase, die Kai'sa ĂŒberlegen ist.
Sollten wir einen Vorteil erhalten und frĂŒh unser Q-EVOLVE bekommen, sind wir durchaus in der Lage, Ashe im 1v1 zu killen.
Wir sollten bis dahin aber safe spielen, und auf einen Engage seitens unseres Supports/Junglers warten. â
Spatic says âAshe has very easy to land long range AoE poke, but it's not particularly strong and on a very high cooldown, resulting in low waveclear, weak trades and weak all-ins.â
Atrickster says âis a pain in the but has simular utility as a senna but its easier to hit and use and she has an amzing ult to take you out in fights with if your not paying attention in laneâ
Jaborsh says âYou need to survive lane till level 3, but with Ashe, it's almost impossible. Also if u got caught by her slow when getting some farm, you are basically dead.â
ctm20141 says âI've never had problems against good Ashe players. Pre lv 6 she can be annoying with her poke (treat her like Caitlyn early on), but once you get lv 6 you MURDER HER! CARE OF HER KITE: IF YOU FAIL TO KILL HER WHILE SHE'S UNDER CC, YOU CAN'T DISENGAGE BECAUSE OF HER BALANCED PASSIVE AND APPROACH VELOCITY! THINK BEFORE GOING FULL RAMBO!
You completely DESTROY her in 1v1s if you Cleanse/dodge her ulti and you Condemn her.
You outscale her in teamfights too!â
Tifforma says âxD. Ashe is to easy to deal with. She is very inmobile and very squishy, though her poke is annoying. If you catch her, you will blow her up.â
Kalista Monster says âMost people say she is the hardest counter to kalista but you can usually deal with her pretty easily with an aggresive support because of her lack of mobility. Without an aggresive support just look to farm and wait for ganks because she is immobileâ
ComradeElmo says âShe can slow you which slows down your attack speed when dashing which is a major problem in team fights but she sucks right now.â
Remmacs1 says âReally annoying match up for Aphelios because it's really hard for you to get chances to pop off against this champion. I recommend taking cleanse and trade her when she wastes her W in lane.â
McNugglz says âHer slow and W poke can really screw you over by itself. You can take Dorans Blade Or Cull but it mainly depends on what support Ashe is paired with. If she has something more passive like a Soraka then take Cull and farm it out, If she has something more aggressive like a Nautilus or Leona then take Dorans Blade because I highly doubt you will be able to farm against that. Against Ashe take exhaust or build mercurial. Look to trade back once she has used W because of its high CD early.â
MilkshakeGuru says âSeems to not be a big issue. You can all in a lot better than her early. And her hard CC doesn't show up until level 6 which is when she really becomes a threat. Although her ability to perma slow might make it so the enemy JG picks you off in lane phase. Don't let her do this.â
Cliper says âShe will outrange you in the beginning but she is very squishy. avoid her basic attacks early game and her volley. Her ultimate can still hit you if you're admittedâ
boopthesnoot says âHer extremely annoying slow passive can be very tilting. If you place your feathers correctly, you can provide a bit of self-peel to make a clean getaway in the event that she's chasing you down.â
Zammey says âBad lane due to poke but can be out scaled at 2-3 items or when ahead in lane which will out weigh her advantage early game making this an normal skill matchup of can you dodge or bait out the arrow before engaging â
Dank672 says âStrong poke and all-in damage, enough range to farm while out of your poke range and can force fights with her ult, difficult matchup if your support can't cc her while u burst her.â
DSpinz says âAs you can imagine laning against Ashe is hell. If you play it right and wait for the right moments you can all in her, but in general you want to either hard shove all the time or sit under turret depending on the support matchup.â
dinopuffz says âAshe is another tough lane for Miss Fortune, as her slows and CC can make her a really annoying opponent to face. against Ashe, I would try to just keep her out of lane as often as possible and as far away from you as you can. I recommend using low health minions and your E to slow, as the threat of a Q could be enough to back her off.â
Ineffabilem says âConstant CC makes her a pain but doesn't do much damage overall. Can be easily killed with the right support and in mid to late game.â
Profesor APH. says âShes slowing you by q, w and giving you cc on her r you dont have dash and its pretty hard to run away from her (shes to can slow you when you are running with severum)â
qab2000 says âHigh damage and slow ability at first levels, controlling the map with E,opening battle with Ultimate when she reaches lv6.Keep a far distance and you wont get hit from her W .â
RegalFlash says âShe can poke you out with her W and win sustained trades with her Q. However, with a good support you can easily kill her in lane and snowball harder than she does.â
Scrimm says âAshe does a lot less damage than Kai'sa, and even if you get hit by her R at level 6, you should be able to still win a 1v1. Make sure you use W when she has 3-4 stacks of passive already on her, since she lacks the mobility to dodge it and you want to maximize dps. Ashe excels when she barely outranges you, since she can auto you for free and you can't hit her back due to her slow, so try to close the distance however possible.â
BluMistah says âsimilar to Xayah, she only has her ult to protect her from your ambush. But she also scales pretty well so try to not give her any extra kills.â
SkittleBtw says âI personally rate Ashe as a decent ADC, I think she's pretty well balanced. The perma slows are strong later in the game, but if you dodge her arrow (R) you shouldn't have an issue killing her for the most part.â
MINISE says âAshe ad and ashe full Support of a troll build is stupid so take cleanse and harass Ashe for CS. As it can be an annoying matchup as well.â
Arllindo says âOs seus slows e CC com o ult tornam a Ashe uma grande ameaça para um champion como a Jinx que nĂŁo possui qualquer tipo de mobilidade.â
Ledeni123 says âWith Ashe you depend on supports she got w you got q, so you are limited standing behind creeps lowering damage of your q and when you poke their creeps use their hammers and axes to take your life. But you still have sniper vs bow and arrowâ
pandorelol says âPainful laning phase. Skill match up, start Doran's shield and whoever farms/gets kills first will get ahead for almost the entire game. Focus on your csing !â
KingRavenZ says âHer W makes her a real threat in laning phase, easily zoned off of the wave and her ult makes her level 6 way better than yours. Take cleanse and wait for an opening.â
Kalista Monster says âBecause she can slow you the entire time, keep her distance when you get close with her w and catch you off with ult. She is just impossible to lane againstâ
Dragonmysterieu says âYour ult counters hers, but her poke and lower ult cooldown will should keep you on your toes. she is inferior to you in short trades.â
Redsaturn says âAshe is annoying for probably every adc and these lanes are very support matchup dependent. If she gets cc'd by anything however she will die.â
ApheliosMain62 says âHis W is annoying and her R stuns you, something really hard for Aphelios because he is really easy to kill while he is stunned.â
Akariine says âAshe has no forms of direct escape letting you easily kill her if you can reach her. Try taking her by surprise when attacking. Listen and watch for the audio and visual queues of her Enchanted Crystal Arrow so you can dodge it with Featherstorm.â
Manzey says âAshe can be tricky if she is played correctly. She will not be an issue pre-6, but after level 6 she can probably ulti and kill you before you get the chance to react. Easy to bully pre-6 tho, so take advantage of that.â
GariKun says âShe can be both the most easy match-up or "gg go next".
Be super prudent in early, leave her as few resources as possible and try to bully her with u're jungler. without her r she's super vulnerable to gank(no mobility or escape).
In late game u should win but, as for Cait, don't ever understimate her damage output.â
TheWizardM says âAshe's slow allows her to draw out early fights, which is really bad for us since we can't do much damage beyond our initial burst.â
Alcocyn says âHer slow is really annoying due to your less than stellar MS, although you can win trades by Wing her so she can't auto you. Don't get too cocky at 6, she will ult you point blank and you will lose + look stupid.â
LegalOpossum says âSuch an annoying matchup. Her auto and W can slow you down. Try to save your E ability in order to try to dodge her R (big arrow that stuns).â
muscella says âAshes Slows can really be hurtful for you in early and mid/late game situations. Try to get a early big lead on her and then just bully her.â
nraxxr says âI would highly recommend taking cleanse when laning against Ashe, so you can cancel her R when she eventually tries to get a kill at level 6. Stand behind your minion wave to avoid getting hit by her W (which has a disturbingly long range), and try to harass her as much as you can when she walks up for CS. Escaping an Ashe is very difficult, so it's sometimes a better idea to just turn around and fight her than it is to run. â
Ultrama says âHer W is very annoying in early, but in mid and especially in late you will rape her. Just stay behind the minions in early and you'll be fine.â
Bouhhsolene says âKind of annoying as she pokes a lot, but you can poke her back. It's an ok lane if she don't have a poke support. Care level 6 tho.â
Msloikturbo says âAshe is by far the biggest counter I've faced. This champ matches your strenghts and abuses your weaknesses so hard its nearly impossible to play against. A good Ashe equalls a bad time for any aphelios player.â
xKARx says âSkill matchup. Try to stay behind minions so avoid getting hit by her W. Would recommend rushing boots as her passive is pretty annoying to deal with. Would recommend taking cleanse if they have more cc in the team as her R hits like a truck.â
Cam1304 says âNot a crazy threat but can still slow you during 2v2 fights. Take extreme care at 6 as Ashe will most likely send an arrow your way followed up by heavy support ccâ
SweatMeALake says âAshe is fairly to kill for you. The only thing to watch for is her range advantage. Her ultimate can be completely negated by yours.â
MrMad2000 says âCareful of her volley poke. Her slow makes it a little awkward to trade with her as she also has 600 range, but usually you can trade two autos for one if her W is down and you're using brush and range well to make sure you don't get hit. Careful of her ultimate post level 6.â
Mephiix Unleashed says âFamous Jhin vs Ashe matchup, Ashe will hate laning against you, everytime she hides behind minions you can Q on the wave to poke her down, try to catch her with your snare (W) and she might find herself in rly bad spot, also taking cleanse is pretty effective against her as she will never be able to kill you, in lane avoid getting run down with her slow when her Lethal tempo kicks in, best way to play this matchup is to punish her everytime you have your fourth shot up.â
Spection says âUNCOMMON. It won't take very long to make her rage quit lane. She can kite okay, but she is incredibly squishy early game and lacks any escape, making her an easy meal for your gap closer.â
Camelorry says âShe outranges you and scales decently into late game. However she is completely immobile and you can stop her r and w with your w. Look to play safe around the first levels and pair yourself with a support with long engage that cant get kitted easily. â
HSperer says âLast time I did a perfect guide about how to fight EVERY CHAMPION. I took a long long time writing. But I forgot to press the "Publish" button when I finished it, and... well... everything is lost. Sorry.â
EvoNinja7 says âI have always found Ashe hard to fight, since she makes you stay away from the wave with her W, and this prevents you from using your Calibrum from poking her. I recommend making her use her W, and then go in for a poke or a gank, since she is vunrable to them.â
M1ZT says âHer long range and slows are very annoying to play against in lane but will be better in later stages of the game because you can easily Dodge her ultimate with your E.â
Kdrama says âCan be tough for newer players. All you have to do is all in lvl 1 and 2 and play behind minions to make sure you don't get poked. Ashe isn't actually as hard as it seems, because her win condition is to freeze lane and run you down through her slows -- which forces you to take the fight instead of running. However, kaisa is good at long fights so you can come out on top a lot of the time.
StriveHD79 says âStrong laner, often underestimated. She has a very strong trading pattern with Volley (W Ability) + Autoattacks both will slow you down, making you unable to retaliate. And if you have low hp, she can further press on by using her Q to chase you down. Try to not die and focus on farming. Take cleanse if she is paired with a high CC engage support.â
StriveHD79 says âA peaceful lane, you might want to consider taking cleanse for her arrow (R ability). Avoid her volley (W Ability) in lane as she can add in an extra auto attack then back off. Trade only when you behind minions. When she is on top of you she will kill you because of her attack speed steroid from her Q. Keep your distance, harass when you can but do not force anything.â
StriveHD79 says âStrong laner, often underestimated. She has a very strong trading pattern with Volley (W Ability) + Autoattacks both will slow you down, making you unable to retaliate. And if you have low hp, she can further press on by using her Q to chase you down. Try to not die and focus on farming. Take cleanse if she is paired with a high CC engage support. You outscale her 3 items +.â
StriveHD79 says âYou can kill her 1v1, however she is a strong laner, often underestimated. She has a very strong trading pattern with Volley (W Ability) + Autoattacks both will slow you down, making you unable to retaliate. And if you have low hp, she can further press on by using her Q to chase you down. Take cleanse if she is paired with a high CC engage support.â
StriveHD79 says âStraight forward lane, she does have a slight advantage over you early on, as her autoattack will slow you down, save your spellshield for either her Volley (W) or Arrow (R) Ultimate. Avoid trading with her, she will run you down if you have an extended trade and focus on farming, scaling.â
KXNGLXXVII says ânot as obnoxious as caitlyn. save W for her ult or her Q aa's. you win the fight if you dont take too much damage before level 3 â
WoodieHoodie009 says âdepends on her support, she is strong and can make laning phase hell, but if her support doesnt synergize well with ashe you winâ
GiAEcchI says âStrong laner, she can 1v1 you, try to get BOTRK before her or bait her ult. Hard time to engage her in team fights, wait for her ult or play like a normal adc.â
eyh4sxdf says âStand behind minions, farm, engage when you see a chance. Her poke is good but you have sustain built into your kit. Her slow is bad but you can take ghost into this lane instead of flash
StriveHD79 says âStrong laner, often underestimated. She has a very strong trading pattern with Volley (W Ability) + Autoattacks both will slow you down, making you unable to retaliate. And if you have low hp, she can further press on by using her Q to chase you down. Try to not die and focus on farming. Take cleanse if she is paired with a high CC engage support.â
snukumz says âHer W has long range and hurts Zyra quite a bit.
Pre-6 you should be able to dominate her with your Q and plants.
Post-6 she becomes a huge threat because if you get stunned by her ult you're probably going to die.â
xIntangible says âAshe heavily out ranges kaisa, and her slow passive makes you unable to run away from her if she tries to take a trade. You can barely farm without her poking you and she takes approach velocity to make her even faster with chases, so kaisa can only wait under tower and scale until 3 items where she can kill ashe and be useful. Also ashe is a lane bully which kaisa doesn't normally do well against anyway.â
Terrific says âI myself take Cleanse against almost every Ashe but if i can't because they picked a champion with Suppression like Malzahar i do build QSS for her.
In lane you should win against her pre 6 and after 6 it depends how strong she is if you can 1v1 her. Care for her ult.â
Surp1Clone says âAshe is pretty easy to deal with but watch out for her R you may need to take Cleanse if they have a lot of CC on their team or QSS if you think its worth it.â
Iroh_LFT says âI love to play VS her. Yes she deals damage if you are not careful, but she has no mobility. If you have atleast one glacial item, she's going to cry herself to sleep every minute.
SuPIeX says âIf your support isn't aggressive and she's allowed to poke you without repercussions the lane will be very difficult. Otherwise, it's very easy to lock her down and burst her down.â
CALSHARKY says âNot a massive threat just really annoying. Will cone you every time you run to trade with her, wait for her to use cone or bait it out and then get in range and kill her. Swifties are a good buy vs this.â
Trisien says âA good Ashe can be a pain, especially when paired with an engage support, but you can take advantage of your faster combo with AA-Q-AA to outtrade her.â
jmtl20 says âShe can poke you with her w, she will have more dps than you if she manage to charge her Q before going in and she will force a fight with her r.â
xSEASeahawks12 says âThis match-up can largely come down to the supports, as bot lane often does. In theory, Ashe's perma-slow can seriously hinder your ability to jump around, and her ult is almost a guaranteed kill if it lands. However, if you settle for quick trades and backing out before she can unleash her Q on you, this lane is definitely winnable.â
SaintSega says âAshe deals good dmg but has long cool downs early and no movement. As long as you kite her before you commit to an attack you'll be okay.â
Zoodyacc says âBeware stun and slows of her, try to not get caught up into her R, if you manage to dodge it and Condem [E] her into the wall, you'll probably manage to win the fights. You might want to consider playing passive against Ashe.â
TwentyOneShadows says âThis one is difficult but not impossible, it will depend on support and her playstyle, in most scenarios she will be hiding under tower so try to freeze the lane to harras her.â
CaptainIano says âall of Kai'Sa's dashes are affected by movement speed. This means that ashe is going to be one of the most picked counters to kai'sa in low elo. I reccomend banning either ashe or twitch every single time you play below Platinum elo, as all of Kai'sa's other counters are quite high skill floor, like aphelios.â
atonementblade says âWhen she hits level 6, keep your spell shield up against her ult. Push the wave so she has to cs under tower. Her W, which is her main damaging spell is on a high CD in early levels, so look to abuse her after she uses it.â
atonementblade says âThis is an annoying matchup, because she can simply W you when you want to all in. She has a pretty safe laning phase and a lot of utility with her Ult. However, you provide a lot more damage, especially if you're up against a lot of tanks.â
kiranezio says âHer passive is so annoying she could take you out in 1 vs 1. Try to dodge her R and always stay behind minions to avoid getting attacked by her W. â
Loki029 says âClassic Adc Top Lane, Use Q after her W to remove Slow and damage her, silence when her arrows at the back shine blue ( because then she has ranger stacks rdy to activate her Q ), Easy Lane consider Scimitar to free from slow or Ultimate, Ward often and use W to avoid high damage poke, start with Armor and Potions.â
LupinTheCat says âAshe is complete **** she clicks W on you, just retaliate and spam Q and E to both silence and heal, tell your support to do something in this matchup. Also contact riot and ask them why tf did they buff herâ
PrettyPinkPutin says âYou can get kited to hell and back if you whiff your E, so don't miss that, you can R on the predict basis again here if she hasn't fired her R yet.â
madmickey says âA decent Ashe will be able to trade even and poke you with her W. Once she hits 6 be wary of her ult. Stay behind your minions and constantly move after she hits six, that way its harder for her to land her ult.â
MayeLeven says âShe can poke you with her W, but it has a high cooldown. You can easily trade her with your auto-attacks, but be carefull with her slow. She can stun you with her R, but if you dodge it, she will be an easy target for you.â
Midorima says âSuper far ranged AD Carry, W stops your tumble advances. Dodge R or die.
To win this match up: Its honestly the same as Varus but less intensive.â
Deathfeather says âshe pokes, slows, and 100% maxes e, just all in her when you have an advantage. dodge her stuff and dont let her outrade you and youll bang her harder than tryndamere.â
RoadDGM says âFor me personally i find that her w can really stop a lot of your plays when you are hidden. Also her all in pressure is very heavy when paired with any support.â
lmasters says âEasy lane, grab her with E and finish Ashe like nothing, but after lvl 6, she can kill you with her support or jungle using R on youâ
RealTweakStar says âShe is easy to dual with if she isnt fed of course but she provides pretty good amount of CC and slows. She can just slow you for days so it makes it hard for Jhin to escape most of the timeâ
Szauronmester says âBased on support. She has a lot of cd on her w so you can all-in her while her w is down. But her aa-slows are a pain in the ass if you wanna kite around her
Antike2018 says âher attack speed is not a problem the real one is her passive that make u become slow u be clever and when u see her mana is low u can take her down dont ure ure w for no reason wait for the time u wanne reload or wanne stop her â
Ichaid says âAshe isn't much of a threat late game but she will beat you in laning phase, I suggest to try to stay back and let the support poke and try to make the best of your damage if you do try to poke use the bushes a lot in lane. Vayne will eventually beat ashe and utilize that later in the gameâ
ZERO Destructo says âKeep your location behind minions, so she can't poke you with her W all the time. She wil probably attack you when her Q is stacked. She doesn't have much mobility, but you have to be scared of her ultimate. Your passive also counters her, so this is more of a farm lane.â
Jima says âAshe isn't that hard as an lane opponent but her W can be annoying at times and if you don't time the trades right she can win them pretty easily.â
Nik7857 says âShe makes you not a champion by aa you. Just ban her. If she ends up in one of your games just stand still when aa and flash her ult until you get qss after your BORK>â
ReallyBoring says âUgh this champion is just stupid. Her slow and poke just shuts down your kill potential. Ask your support to either go a sustain champion (Soraka, Nami, Yuumi, or Bard) or a engage champion. Try to stand behind minions and dodge her W, watch for her Q stacks and her ult.â
Eccentricks says âThis is a strange case, Ashe I find is better at lower ranks due to your support being worse (unless you brought a friend). She never really bothers me anyway though, and shouldn't be too scary without a gank. Just watch out for her ult while backing.â
Venyax says âAshe Passive allows for a perma-slow on Vayne which is very troublesome for all ins, as well as Stun on R can completely shut down a Vayneâ
dravenplayer99 says âThis lane is actually pretty easy, people think Ashe as a good counter to Draven because of her poke and slow but if u want to fuck her over just buy a vamp scepter and youre good.â
Mr. Nyahr says âPlay very aggressive early game, she has no escapes and has high cooldowns, but beware of her slows and ult. Dodge her W poke, as it hurts quite badly.â
Laverenz says âCare for Ashe. Her W poke will push you out of lane. Try to farm as much as possible without taking damage from her pokes. When she hits level 6, her ult is a gamechanger to be honest. If you get hit by her ult, the fight is basically over, unless your support is really good. â
haloboleon says âAshes pick potential makes it very difficult for you to position yourself as you only cooldown to avoid her R is your flash, pick up a QSS after Manamune in this matchup.â
MewlingRavenPaw says âAvoid her W and try to get out of laning phase with equal farm. Play around your support's CC for potential all-ins but don't force as she can easily turn on you with superior range. â
corvy says âget a kill or 2 on her early then be careful. once she gets lvl 6 or 1 item she will be hard to deal with because of her dmg, play around your 2-3 spike and then look to scale if nothing happens in this lane. play around her ulti and you should be fine. she may look like she does no dmg but she has insane potential midgame.
*note* if she is comet ashe tell her to uninstall the game in all chat, she will be doing insane poke dmg to you. try and stay healthy and force on her. besides her w she has low dmgâ
mhsmhs123 says âAshe is a threat to Vayne because of the fact that her W outranges Vayne especially early, and the slow paired with it can be deadly to Vayne during the lane phase
minepro221 says âShe works similar to kalista. She can run you down with her slows on auto. So freeze the wave, avoid upfront auto to auto trades, and poke on cs. At level 6, be careful of her ulti. In teamfights, wait it out before going in.â
Kynaz0071l0l says âYou can trade farely easy in earlygame. watch out for her lvl 6 powerspike. That ult can lock you down and give her a free kill, which also means you will loose alot of stacks. Be sure that she has already used ult or have flash up before fighting her in a 2v2. If she wins lane she will be almost unstoppable to you. Though if you win, she'll be like a fly on the wall.â
Yosharu says âThis matchup makes it hard to farm and difficult to engage without your E if she has her W up. Your support will probably need some sort of hard CC in order to catch her when your E is down. â
CarrotBoy07 says âStay behind minions to avoid her W damage, at 6 constantly move in unpredictable directions, to avoid her long range stun arrow, which can be followed up with a gank, and cancel yoursâ
Fruxo says âHas CC which cripples you pretty badly after 6. Try to dodge her ult with yours and avoid getting hit by her W as it can lead you to a bad spot since you are pretty immobile without your E.â
dravenfizz says âfairly easy matchup for Lucian, you stand behind minions so she can't hit her W and by standing behind minions you can poke her with Q, she honestly never really beats you, be careful though as this champ is good as setting up ganks.â
Fruxo says âHas CC which cripples you pretty badly after 6. Try to dodge her ult with yours and avoid getting hit by her W as it can lead you to a bad spot since you are pretty immobile.â
IPodPulse says âShe has a lot of poke with her Volley, so try to stay behind minions to avoid damage. She becomes a much bigger threat when she hits level 6 and gets her ultimate. Fight her when you have Flash up or if you can cc her long enough to kill her before she has a chance to use her ultimate.â
Righteous Maniac says âAs with all the other ADCs, outdamages you in a straight auto fight and can even poke you better than you poke her. Lucky for you you have two blinks so try not to get hit by her ultimate. Otherwise, one shot after lane.â
Potato95x says âA good Ashe can make your life hell. Her passive (Crit) slows and her Ult stuns you. Be careful if she's fed and specially after her level 6. If this happens, build CC resistance (tenacity) items.â
GORE Klabok says âAsh is a kind of annoying champion with the slow chain. If you get slow on engage by ash you Done, if you figure out a way to dash toward ash without getting slow by volley,stand behind your minion then dash foward once volley is on cooldown.If at least you respect this , you should always win 1 v 1. If you get any Slowing champion with ash as support , you might Tilt your actual lane. mean no more dash!
SimbaADC says âAshe is a classic 'counter' to Caitlyn. Although she doesn't win lane easily vs Cait, if she goes even she generally scales better into the mid and late game. Try to always position yourself behind your minions to dodge her W spam, get as much tower damage as possible while safe, and respect her R once she gets it.â
The Jhin Cena says âIf you're quick, you can E or Q out of the way of her ult when you see it coming. Ashe is super squishy and shouldn't stand any chance against you unless she's fed and has Bloodthirster. Launching a fully charged ult should kill her after 1 more hit. If your ult is down or you're not level 6 then you can Q > E (Fully charged) > Wâ
SlashLion says âAshe is a huge counter to you as she slows you with every basic and every ability besides her E of course. try to avoid poke in lane from her W Volley and let your support set up the kills so that when you engage you can root her with your W to stop her from getting the most out of her passive by closing the gap. Ashe's R can be tough as you are already slow enough you do not need a 3 - 3.5 second stun on you. Early in lane this will most of the time spell your death. Avoid 1v1'ing her if she is fed as well and get the help of your team to gang up on her and you can cut her down to size.â
Vortiris says âJust like you, she is immobile, but you can catch up to her if you play your cards right. She can slow you hard, but once you DO catch up to her, she's gone. Don't let her kite you.â
Numresunw says âSame as ezreal, it's an easy lane until she hits 6, then you must be really carefull with her stun or you might end up losing the trade, try building early quicksilver for this one after botrk.â
Shake the Shade says âAshe can barely push you in and only has 50 range on you. She's easy pickings with W and R. You should also be able to kill her before she has a chance to charge her Q up. Q poke on her is very effective.â
IamVictorious says âAshe has a normal early game but since yours with this build is medium-low you need some good cc (Braum, Leona etc) to get the early advantageâ
Dayum Draven says âAshe has alot of cc. You need to be wise at what you take and what you don't. You'll out damage her but her CC will be a problemâ
Shacolada says âAshe is a strong counter to Jhin. Do not underestimate her capabilities. She as exceptional range, and slows with every shot & ability. Her ultimate can stop Jhin's ultimate, and is often used in close-quarters despite being global. Be weary in the laning phases, and avoid 1v1s if she is fed. Stick with your team and focus her as she is a single-target ADC.â
Gun God Mike says âFor ashe just stack and when your support cc she put an e+w combo and can be a sure kill if she not have any summoner on.The problem can be over level 6 when she engage with ulti.If she have a good early, scale for lateâ
DevilsNightMare says âOut Ranges you and slows your with basic attacks. Try stay behind minions so her W doesn't hit you ( boots early can help you! )â
BL00dY3nD says âShe can poke you with her W and shes very anoying with her R. But in the Early game you got more Damage and its easier for ou to CS (Farm). So win the early game and she wont be a Problem.â
Fruxo says âHas CC which cripples you pretty badly after 6. Try to dodge her ult with yours and avoid getting hit by her W as it can lead you to a bad spot since you are pretty immobile without your E.â
jster131 says âI put Ashe in the yellow because even though you win early game if played correctly, late game Ashe is a beast. I strongly recommend playing Lethality Jhin vs Ashe, so you can oneshot her before she kills you.â
xTheUnlimited says âAshe has a little bit more range than Varus. She also got more late game damage since crit rules the late game. You can pressure her in lane though, because before 6 she can't really trade with you. â
xTheUnlimited says âNot seen often these days. Still not bad vs Tristana, because of her high range. Be aware of her ult. She has no dash or anything like that so she is fragile to hard engages. â
TruMediaMix1 says âAshe's passive counters Get Excited!'s movement speed bonus, and she can easily nail you to the ground using her Enchanted Ice Arrow. Play aggressively during the early game and try to force her out of lane.â
xTheUnlimited says âNot a threat at all for Ezreal. Go aggressive on her and poke her as much as you can. She cant really trade back in lane with you. Also you can dodge her ult pretty easy with your E. â
L9 Boosted Trash says âEasy to deal with, only thing that should scare you the least is her lvl 6 all in potential with her supp and mostly likely also her junglerâ
Vayne To Dia ez pez says âI have been having the hardest times facing Ashe, she got that consistent slow and poke that will harden your mobility and that ult will give you a hard time.â
B34STLYG4M3R says âDon't try to make lengthy trades early game with her, as she wins. Try to dodge her arrow in fights or take Cleanse. Late game you outscale.â
qasddsa says âStrong laning phase with poke from W and consistent DPS from Q. Look to poke her down with Zap! and Fishbones' splash. Once she hits 6, be careful of an immediate engage with her support and ultimate; if you get caught by this you're most likely dying. To win this lane, you'll need a strong support with CC or disengage, such as Blitzcrnak, Braum, and Alistar. Likewise, in the mid-late game if you get caught by her arrow in teamfights, you'll die if her team is there to follow up.â
Komrad says âAshe no es un campeĂłn que, mientras mantegas distancia y no te dejes iniciar, no pasarĂĄ nada, sin embargo no recomiendo hacerle frente a menos que haya gastado su [R]â
weinerman says âhah, pathetic, her main scariness against most adc's in lane is her w, which u can spell shield the hell out of pre-level 6 (she'll probably be used to clicking it whenever you're in range) after level 6 you should play a decent bit less agressively as if you spell shield her w you can't spell shield her ult, and her autos do a decent bit of damage + she can actually chase u down. still, she can't engage on u at all unless ur spell shield is down as u can always kill her ult >:)â
EagleBlades says âEasiest match up you have instantly lock in Sivir. Ashe is just a bad adc in general unless followed up with a tanky support such as Alistar.â
rrocks003 says âCan also hit your turrets out of range like Caitlyn and Lux, but her poke is not as good as Caitlyn, and you can get you turrets to tank for her ult.â
Nittwerp says âStay behind minions to prevent her from poking you with her W(volley) and try to trade with your Q when she tries to farm. If you are even in lane and you hit your powerspike you should be able to win a fight.â
YELOWSUPERCAR87 says âAs a weak champ in old patches and seasons,Ashe became a really strong champion from now.Especially if she have a good support woth herself,she is unbeatable.Dont let her to poke you with her basics,if she slows you and u cant escape,you are dead!â
TianDaMan says âWatch out for her slows which can get you into trouble. Freeze lane near tower to preven her from running you down with her passive. Stay in minions to preven Volley from doing significant damage.â
ButterPone says âA lot of slows and long duration CC, which counters Jinx who is squishy and immobile. Do not push up and just try to farm safely. She will run you down.â
Major Alexander says âLiterally one of the most unplayable match ups for samira you are getting bullied out of the lane lvl 1 and cant really fight back cause of the slow and range BUT ashe has been changed in s15 and the lane feels kinda better.Make sure to w her volley (w) if you try to run to her or away from her and use the wave to reach her in laning phaseâ
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