In the Jungle 52.32% Win Rate59% Pick RateWarwick In the Jungle Counters: 39 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Warwick in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
HandlessHecarim says “Strongest champion in the game right now imo. A complete menace in low elo due to his insane dps and sustain. I find this one challenging because Warwick can gank much more frequently then Hecarim can and will often snowball faster then you will if they are playing well. This is another great low elo ban. ”
Kazuh says “SKILL BASED MATCHUP | Warwick is a hard champion to play against sometimes, but even against OTPs you can easily outplay him.
Just by baiting out his abilities and dodging them you can efficiently execute your combo onto him after he is on CD. You can also very easily one-shot him. ”
SelfLOL says “Buy antiheal. Wait out e dmg reduction and fear. Can cleanse r and fear. Root in fights. Care when u are low hp. Space him, very auto reliant champ. ”
shiifox says “dont fistfight him as hes gonna mow you down, E when he goes to E or R you, mostly want to fight him with team and lock him down, rush antiheal”
SkaterKidd says “Warwick prefers to be within melee range against enemies, rooting Warwick does not prevent him from Auto Attacking and Healing off a Frontline Maokai. Warwick is able to dive the backline making it difficult for Maokai to decide whether to frontline or peel in a teamfight.”
friendlyfarmer123 says “He can't kill you ever. Just don't take sustained fights against him and kite him as much as you can. You will always out scale him.”
Jackiewawa says “Rare pick. Don't fight him early until you get items. E away from his E a few seconds after he uses it so you don't get fared. Look to hover laners/countergank if they're low.”
AbstractNoth1ng says “Wariwick is a little tricky, it's mostly the healing you have to watch out for. Build grievous wounds to be safe and always be alert, he is fast as hell.”
ScytherKhaZix says “Trades against him are quite hard, especially if he doesn't have E on cooldown. REMEMBER if warwick has R on cooldown do instant invade his forest to kill him Warwick has no chance against you”
orka4.sandraj says “Warwick is not super mobile (in dodging skillshots), so Q may help you get out of his attack range, however you should still be aware of his additional R range when he chases a low-hp unit, because he may catch you off-guard. His E can be countered with your E, but keep in mind his R cant.”
y every name taken says “Really good early (not quite as much as Lee Sin but still good) and will fall off a little later. Runs really fast towards low health targets for no balanced reason at all. Chempunk or Thornmail is a must buy.”
BaronLunar says “O Maior problema com o Warwick é a velocidade dos ataques deles quando você está com pouca vida, então não acho bom tentar lutar sozinho com ele.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. You can track his jungling easily when he is able to smell low hp champions on your team. Just time your [W] clone properly when he uses [R]. You have a lot of ways to disable Warwick since he's sort of immobile and likes to fight melee range.”
lurutin says “Avoid 1v1, he heals a lot and has a good attack speed. Try to dodge his ult with your Q and play around your team, if he catch you alone you'll probably die.”
Yomu says “Tons of little interactions here. If you can buffer E into his ult, he still gets slammed. If you feed your W1 into his E then you lose. Try to bait his E by QE combo then W after wall slam or just out movement him. Better player wins”
lolWillieP says “You can beat ww's in 1v1s, but it is reliant on him messing up his e and you having your awakening up to burst him down below 30% hp. Otherwise, hard to fight as AD”
Maciejson says “His passive makes him impossible for you to kill 1v1 early on, so avoid fighting him alone. Use your ultimate to dodge his fear ability. As Rhaast, he becomes beatable, but it may still be challenging. Building Black Cleaver and Executioner's Calling can greatly help in this matchup. You can start fighting him now that you have these items. If you manage to dodge his ultimate or E ability, you likely have a good chance of winning the fight. As Shadow Assassin, focus on taking out his team rather than engaging directly with him.”
huncho1v9 says “Easy matchup. Warwick isn’t picked very often in this meta. He is stronger than you early, but similar to most matchup, once you get Nashor’s you run him down.”
VainTaka says “You can pretty much match him in anything. Taking early 1v1 isn't ideal but possible to escape. He just runs around so go secure obejectives. Amumu constant pressure can outweigh any attempts of Warwick going for a lead of any sort. ”
Foxirion says “Warwick is a significant threat to Viego due to his strong sustain and dueling capabilities. Warwick’s Q ability allows him to heal, making it difficult for Viego to win trades. Additionally, Warwick’s ultimate can suppress Viego, preventing him from using his abilities”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy/Annoying matchup. Warwick can be annoying but you can space his entire kit with Phase rush. He has a level 3 cross map invade angle. Conq is better but if you aren't confident in your spacing, phase rush is preferred.”
Dreamer1v9 says “Warwick is a skill-based matchup in my opinion.
Warwick is weak early. To kill him early you will have to play with your W correctly against his E. You want to go onto him after his E cast is over with your W.
Warwick will never be that hard to play against. The only thing that is hard with him is that he has a use for his team with his R.”
Mignognium says “Le loup ne fait pas si peur. Faut juste avoir de l'anti heal et rien ne devrais mal tourner. Évitez de le 1v1 tout de même car il peux se montrer redoutable, mais avec un allié votre kit de sort l'handicap trop et il facilement prévisible.”
xTechikaze says “He out heals your damage and usually gets lethal tempo so he will ramp up and kill you. Counter ganks are your only option. talk to your team so they can keep and eye on jungle and to help you. Otherwise you will have a hard time keeping up ”
Cookiemanman says “Warwick similarly to Master Yi isn't too large of a threat to Volibear. Try to save your damage for when his E is on Cooldown. If you can kite him around and avoid auto-attack battling. Also, use your Q to cancel his R on your teammates.”
tr0l3k says “postacie które mogą się dużo leczyć i być szybkie będą bardzo skuteczne na naszą yuumi w jungle w early. Najlepszym przykładem jest Warwick.”
XGrievousX25 says “Warwick, like most champions, can be a pain because of his lifesteal. As a WW main, make sure to ABUSE your CC. Hook into him, CC, pop shield, etc. Any amount of disruption reduces a WW's effectiveness and as long as you become a meat shield for your team, he won't ever get past you. Abuse your thicc body and batter his skull to the ground.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Warwick: Poop jungler rn but good ww might give a bit trouble.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: if he is good build antiheal and try to peel your carry he can be max annoying with his ult otherwise”
PuppyDontPreach says “not as scary as he's hyped up to be. don't contest pre six and stay in the backlines for a bit until you're fed and built. after that he's easy enough to contest. blood trail will reveal invis and he's somewhat likely to invade your jungle so keep that health up.”
RuinedJG says “Worse version of bel'veth. His E gives damage reduction and you cant get tenacity for his R. You cant space him because of his Q, get anti heal early, you can either play to duel him. or play to dive his ADC/ squishies.”
Kayn Ruiner says “It has a very strong subsave as a percentage of your prox. The auto-hacker can kill you even with 1 slot when you have 3. Wait for it E and press the buttons correctly.”
jajkopajko says “You outscale him hard! Dont fight him 1v1 too much, his healing is great and when he ults you, you are probably dead. After 2 items you are just stronger in teamfights.”
Kazuo Murasaki says “You want to hold on engaging him until after he uses Q and E. Simply land Q then wait for him to E then when that times out you can engage him with Q2 and hold on Ward hopping away until he uses his q so he cant follow you. You cant out DPS him so do your in and out combo's to win against him.”
Boptimus says “Warwick is very hard to kill but should also have an equally difficult time killing you. This is basically a farming lane until you both have R. Keep your distance from him so that it is easier to react to his R with your W. Once you have Grevious Wounds duelling him with your ultimate will be a lot easier.”
Pullks says “Warwick has a good kit for survivability (lifesteal and damage reduction with his E and R). Be careful before your level 6 since he can get you pretty easily. Aim for Thornmail or Sunfire and you can deal with him easier”
SesaPrime says “Do NOT challenge this. This matchup is nightmare and equal to Nocturne. You cannot contest with his early damage at ALL. He has to play really stupid for you to win. ”
bgkay says “Warwick will always be difficult to face, it is recommended to include Thorn Armor in your build, you can cancel his ult if you hit Q when he ults, or use W to exit”
OakIgu says “He is a early game bully so if you and your team can keep safe and farm he won't be a problem at all, early bramble vest and remember good chunck of his damage is AP so be carefull not to go full armor.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Warwick is a strong duelist with great self-healing. Don’t walk alone with 50%< HP because he can smell your champion’s blood and goes to you with increased movement speed. Items with “grievous wound” effect are also effective against his healing and vampirism.”
Zero macro says “
Briar has a General matchup into Warwick, Briar will lose early stat checks into Warwick, however Briar E and R both will disengage Warwick R suppression(Not easy to perform, but not hard either) Upon reaching level 6 - 9 Briar will have a better stat check than Warwick, this is due to the consistent output from Briar R Berserking combined with Execute on Briar W(2). Briar has a stronger jungle clear speed than Warwick.”
Coccaa says “early game you get stat-checked by this champion. I personally would opt for leveling W at level 5 instead of Q because it helps you duel him easier because the W level up bonuses are much greater than Q. Mid to late game just don't get feared by his E and you should win the 1v1. Also beware even if you pillar with exact timing, it wont cancel his R if he uses it on you. go bork”
Clolas says “Warwick is quite hard to kill with naf. You need to dodge his R with your E. And don't use your w on him because he will go E, Q, R and your dead. The best way to approach is to ghost, or use your r, bait his E, slow with q, and follow up with w, e, q. Should be dead.”
TheBougis says “Warwick's healing is very strong and antiheal is very good against him.
Just like other melee champions, he has to come to you, allowing you to get free Q's on him.
Try to ult your duo from Warwick's ult to keep him as healthy as possible.”
Turnupthetoaster says “You can't 1v1 him, but that's fine because you don't have to. This champion absolutely sucks, so you don't have to fear him that much.”
Waqql says “The big bad wolf always has a nasty surprise, whether it's his passive combined with his Q, his E, or even his ultimate. But if you pay attention to a few things, the big bad wolf can become quite tame. Keep your distance and avoid getting hit by his Q, as it only heals him unnecessarily. Avoid his fear, which should go without saying. Trade him down until you have the opportunity to take him out with a Mega Gnar CC chain. It's possible that if Warwick survives the CC chain, he will overpower you with his self-healing, and you'll meet your demise. You can also use your jump to force him under your tower while he's using his Q. This is particularly effective when combined with Mega Gnar's ultimate. Don't forget to apply anti-healing effects as well.”
Zero macro says “Warwick has one of the strongest stat checks during the early/mid game. Nidalee is strong into Warwick whenever she can abuse ranged attacked style on warwick. Nidalee should always respect Warwick his true stat check whenever he comes lower HP. Nidalee should only engage when certain to win/burst Warwick.”
Zero macro says “Warwick is one of the strongest stat check champion in the game. Thereby Zed should aim to speedclear jungle and play more into lanes. Recommended to execute Warwick fast or slowtrade.
Be aware that Warwick becomes strong whenever he and allies become low HP, he will gain increased attackspeed and health On-Hit.
Recommended to rush Executioners Calling.”
NegativePhoenix says “Can't escape his blood thirsty self. CCing him might definitely help against him, but once that's out if he's still alive he's gonna sustain himself back to full health just off an ult.”
metalhydra273 says “Warwick is a sleeper problem for Skarner. He has potential to survive an ult and heal all the way back, while also winning 1v1s due to natural sustain. His e also makes it hard to get to him, so you'll need to wait it out, but you can peel him off a teammate to punish an engage. If he's behind this is easy, otherwise consider investing an ult onto him in fights if you need him removed, as just stunning him isn't often gonna cut it. Similar matchup to Trundle, but better in teamfights and worse in 1v1s. I feel like it's slightly harder though which makes me put it in losing.”
MrFerrot says “I dislike Warwick as any other champ, but as Lillia, he is fairly bearable. Rush Oblivion orb and build Morello's after first couple of items. Play the 2v2s and 3v3s to own him. Outscale him like crazy.”
shacolovesyou says “his early is strong, avoid his fear and u win a duel if u have ignite, he is very outplayable imo but can be a problem if get kills”
Apari1010 says “He beats you early and is the king of 2v2s and 3v3s. Avoid him so he doesn't destroy you 1v1 (take ignite if you're afraid he'll invade you) and steal his camps whenever you can. Once you get a form, you just win a majority of the time.”
ttvRegedice says “Warwick can never win against you if you play fights correctly and respect his ult/passive. Don't go full burst unless you're extremely fed. Instead go in and play for root with emp E bcos he will use his damage reduction+fear ability right away. This way you can kite back then jump back into him when his E times out. You can also play for empW to cleanse his R. Typically want to take teamfights against him where you can blow his R or bait his E as mentioned above, so be careful trying to kill him alone as he gets 3x attack speed when fighting low vs you and such when you're using cooldowns to handle his other abilities.”
Xr3ad says “Warwick's sustain, crowd control, and mobility can make him a strong counterpick against Rengar, especially in the mid to late game when he has had a chance to scale and build up his defensive items.”
Mnem says “Well, in that case, you have to play on his mistakes and pray to every god in existence that he's not good. Warwick cancels your's R with his Q, ult after he has used his Q.”
Borinn says “He can't do much to you but he can kill you 1v1 with his lıfe steal. Try not to fight him alone and if your team doesn't give him a lot of kills early you can win as your team fighting is better. I prefer going tank against him.”
AJz34 says “You lose at all stages of the game 1v1. Basically have to pick off other players or hope your team can get ahead. You're not the main character in this match”
MaaaRaaG says “Whatever you do, NEVER 1v1 him. Don't try to 2v1 him especially if he's low.
Please do not fight the first scuttle.
If you manage to kill him early, say at your blue, and you're low life: be wary as he'll come back to you extremely fast. This dog has rabies.
Buy bramble vest early. If your team doesn't feed him (you won't be feeding him because you're in avoidance mode), this should be manageable. ”
Virizion says “Like other stat check champs you are unable to fight him early. Don't skirmish if you don't know where he is as his bloodtrail makes you an easy target after. Farm till 6 and go for easy ganks.”
LocaLAM says “He can heal from ur clone + boxes and he will dominate you early game if you let him. Don't engage, but annoy him or but him behind and you'll have a better chance.”
ShinyEmo says “He gets a lead and you lose to him until 3 items. Also he will most likely save his ult for you in teamfights. No problem late but terrible early-mid if he is ahead. Try to dodge his ult or E with your Q.”
PerfectPower says “Both lane and jungle Warwick are incredibly hard to kill early game. Just wait for him to fall off and you can dispatch him easily with Cyclone + Sunderer.”
sepey says “Awful champ, sorry Warwick mains. Warwick will invalidate us most of the trades that we can get with him. He has the power to cancel all the damage that we can do to him, drop a fear on us, stun us. And if that wasn't bad enough, he will start healing like a maniac and eventually killing us. Permaban for me, build tank if you are going versus a strong Warwick.”
1Strike says “50/50. You kite him and kill him or he closes the gap and kills you.
Your ability to kite him is what determines the matchup. Whoever is ahead also wins the 1v1,
Bydgoszczan says “NICE CHAMP another champ that is easy to counter just build Thornmail and USE YOUR R its easy belive me (but you know he can destroy you in early)”
ARealFakeIdentity says “His massive amounts of movement speed can prove to be a large problem for you, if really needed you can purchase Anathema's Chains or items like Frozen heart to slow him.”
Astalfo says “Stupidly OP healing currently, I always like to rush Nashors rather than wasting time buying Morellonomicon first, so he is my current permaban”
checca says “One of Zac's worst counters pre-6 is Warwick. Even in gold, Warwick will always beat Zac no matter what stage of the game it is. If Warwick uses his ultimate on someone, you will usually have to play to peel him off your team. If you fail to kill him with your initial CC chain, he will heal off of you and kill you.”
basrty1p says “Don't fight him at early-mid game alone because his sustain and tanky. After buy Morellonomicon to anti-heal in mid game, focus where he is, and take down his entire team with your team, this'll make him unplayable.”
rianflqmes says “warwick is one of the best duelers in the entire game. he WILL outheal you and WILL win duels against you. don't 1v1 him post 6 and try to kite him around.”
Davecraft16 says “Warwick is really strong in mid game. You are stronger in both late game and lvl 3. if you start from the same side as him you can do a 3/4 camp clear and invade him. If he doean't manage to stomp you mid game he has no way of killing you late game.”
Blubtastic says “Will counter-jungle you. The best you can do is to ward a lot and ask teammates for help to collapse. An easier matchup if you're able to get ahead. ”
Bhyure33 says “You usually can't win him in 1v1s, so try to bait him to 1v2s, or just avoid him. When fighting him with your team when he is fed, stay just outside of his range so he can't heal out of you, and you can use your Q and W on him. Buying antiheal can be considered, especially if you are new to Viego and they have other champs who heal a lot. He is only 'even' because he hasn't lately been much of an issue as he once was, mainly due to me being able to stay away from him while my team kites him to death.”
BLOODINSIDE says “One of the only champions in the game that can easily kill you in 1v1s. You can gank better than him , but if you don't get early ahead he's going to snowball by invading you and killing you on repeat.”
RedNBlue says “Warwick is a champion you obviously don't want to fall behind on levels, or kills. Make sure to not die to him early and you should be good as you farm so fast. ”
zotet says “He is extremely strong at taking objectives and tracking you down, make sure to have good vision on him and either smite is great against him especially challenging. Make sure you have your team help you take objectives to avoid their team getting the advantage.”
MythicalMinute says “literally only go AP into warwick, it's unplayable for him. I love going antihealing orb after Liandries when fighting a warwick (Yes you have ignite but it's not always up vs Warwick)
AP is great here.”
Unfortunate 7 says “he is uhh, a bully and you cant farm, but you should be grouped later so you can just one shot him anyway, just minimize deaths and farm what you can, focus on cross mapping and counter jungling (if you see him gank the opposite side only)”
spuki97 says “15 minute champion but really annoying for those first 15 minutes of the game. The only way you beat him is after 6 if you dodge his E with your ult and dodge his ult (easy enough right?) Best build: Regular Assassin/Chinese Strat”
PiscesPomf says “Pretty strong early on and great ganker. He's usually really good vs melee and tanky champs, but if you are below 50% hp he can we really deadly. His R deny you from using Zhonya so his team can burst you.”
Kao_Oak says “Be careful with his fear and R. You can dodge his fear with Q if you have a good timing, but he will R you just after. (you can also dodge his R if you are really fast but he will fear you then xD). In strict 1v1 he won't beat you tho.”
RengarNBush says “You win by bursting him when he is low, just make sure he blows his e or he can outplay you. Ult is the same. You can cleanse his e and r. ”
Cheeseypops1 says “Just don't fight him early, You can q poke him but just don't fight him early it's not really worth the effort since his Q and R can cancel your R. You out scale him tremendously so it's not really worth throwing your game early by fighting, Probably Rush Steel caps or leeching leer (if he doesn't have barrier) ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early to reduce Warwick’s chances of running you down and killing you. Investing in healing reduction can do a lot in this matchup. Warwick has a lot of sustain and will be buying items that increase his healing. At level 6, Warwick will look for aggressive plays. If he cannot use his Ultimate in your lane, he will rotate somewhere else and use it there instead.”
bobbyrf10 says “Warwick can be difficult if not played correctly.
Hold your ultimate for his ultimate and dodge it
Red Kayn can buffer his R with his W if timed properly”
MaximusWillCarry says “Keep an eye on him in the mini map and dont be afraid to back early because of his blood trail. You can heal your HP above half with smite + blobs though for the trail. Perma CC him in teamfights so he cant heal and he will rage. CC him during his ult to cancel it early.”
JeffJoehnsen says “Pretty hard in the early game but later you can just finish him with your full combo. His heal is oppresive but your passive and your ult don´t give a damm”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early to reduce Warwick’s chances of running you down and killing you. Investing in healing reduction can do a lot in this matchup. Warwick has a lot of sustain and will be buying items that increase his healing. At level 6, Warwick will look for aggressive plays. If he cannot use his Ultimate Infinite Duress(R) in your lane, he will rotate somewhere else and use it there instead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Warwick is a strong early game Jungler. Place vision inside the river and at his jungle entrances to reduce his ability to get successful ganks off. Thanks to his kit, Warwick can take objectives pretty quickly and can solo them thanks to the sustain from his Jaws of the Beast(Q). Place vision and take the bot side Scuttle Crab to spot him before he is able to take it. As Warwick has a strong early game, try to equal his pressure by ganking just as much as him. If you’re not able to gank in the early game, try to invade his jungle and steal away camps when he’s shown on the other side of the map.”
Saltu says “Ignore him he can't carry shit, but before lv6 RUSH AND KILL.
Broken ass dogo, not really, he sucks, but is still one of the best 1 vs 1 champs there is, too bad that's all the dude has coming for him. Obviously do NOT leave objectives alone.”
Hazardist says “Warwick wins the 1v1 easily up until you both have completed your first item, but afterwards his threat level goes down and it becomes a matter of not granting him free reign to go disrupting your carries during a fight. Never underestimate his sustain and consider building Grievous Wounds.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Warwick is a strong early game Jungler. Place vision inside the river and at his jungle entrances to reduce his ability to get successful ganks off. Thanks to his kit, Warwick can take objectives pretty quickly and can solo them thanks to the sustain from his Jaws of the Beast(Q). Place vision and take the bot side Scuttle Crab to spot him before he is able to take it. As Warwick has a strong early game, try to equal his pressure by ganking just as much as him. If you’re not able to gank in the early game, try to invade his jungle and steal away camps when he’s shown on the other side of the map.”
lumihehe says “the jungle matchup is definitely winnable, but he will gank a lot more than you while you farm and scale which might lead your teammates to mental boom and start flaming you and saying jg diff. if you farm and scale while staying safe from him and not dying to him, you will beat him later. he falls off.”
Salmon Kid says “Warwick has hard cc with his ult, but it can be easy to dodge. However, warwick w passive with q+e can create a guranteed cc chain. Besides this, he gets outscaled and kited.”
Farmer Cleetus says “Never go Shadow Assassin against Warwick, he will instakill you and you can't deal any damage towards him if he's completely fed. Always go Rhaast against him so you can fight him extended, same as Trundle matchup, go for Goredrinker and Death's Dance as the first two items.”
Nik7857 says “You can't 1v1 him. But he is generally not much of a problem later. Try and cocoon him when he ults your teammates and when he fighting either rappel his ult or fear and dont blow your abilities when he uses his E similar to master yi W.”
ItsAydam says “Champion is incredibly strong with the new lethal tempo. If he has his E up your chances of you killing him are pretty low. Try to fight him if you're grouped up with your item, otherwise go for the DPS build and try to outscale him later into the game.”
Shark of Void says “Warwick is like a Volibear, only against him there is at least some chance to win. Buy Quicksilver sash and to get an advantage, then you will have a chance against him.”
NegativePhoenix says “Early games his only real chance to beat you and slow you down. If he doesn't take advantage of it, he won't beat you in the later game stages. Make sure your team is ready for invades if he decides he wants to try to get you behind. If he isn't chasing you because your health is low, just W him. Dodge his ult with your Q if you can react in time and wait till he uses his fear before using E unless you're about to die. He can't do too much against you later in the game.”
Blakbor says “Your AA deny him a lot, he can't chase you and you would be able to duel him every stage of game. Just tell your team don't yolo a lot, he has more efficient gank than your.”
HadesxLH says “Warick se encaixa basicamente no quesito Trundle, ele é bem forte no x1 e exige penetração e corta cura na sua comp, porém ele tambem tem a mesma fraqueza do Trundle dar countergank nele pode ser uma boa opção e caso voce consiga leve vantagem no inicio é dificil para ele jogar atrás mas no seu caso jogar atras para scale e enfrenta-lo apo Pen com seu time é uma boa opção”
SunLongGod says “you can invade him if you bring ignite, otherwise just avoid fighting him. dodge his E or R with your Q. W can reduce damage from his R for 0.25s after getting CC”
NegativePhoenix says “Warwick will very much disrespect you if you let him. His W will keep scent on you if he feels like he can chase you and can still sniff you out even if you're invisible as long as you're low health. Try to W slow or full charm him if possible. I wouldn't recommend fighting him without some help in the early game. Late game you might have a chance depending how he builds and how far he is in his build path.”
quinn adc says “Early game play as aggro as you can.
WW wants you to get him low so he can barrier bait you.
He gets extra healing below 50% hp, so don't fall for his trick.
It's like shaco backing while low in front of 10 boxes trying to bait you.
If you want to kill him, ignite early so you mitigate his healing.
Be careful of your E usage because WW can Q you after you use it, but his Q range is only 350 units, which is super short.
Constantly harras him with autos, and if he Qs you, E away to escape.
Play the matchup like this and he can't do much at all.
If he has R, try to blind him when he is getting low cuz WW will only R when he is low.
If you blind him first, this makes it so muich tougher for him to land R. If he misses R he is dead.”
duowithdeath says “You should be 40-50 cs ahead at all times, his clear is so bad after s11 Tiamat rework that he literally cannot keep up with u no matter what. ”
Matoiuuy says “Warwick has a pretty good early 1v1, and without items, it's impossible to solo him. Make sure to invade often as soon as you get an advantage.”
LeEmperOrKazukO says “this champ is so hard to play against with yi(if the player is good) because of his healing and abilities in general,but if u get fed enough u can kill him alone too”
Shro says “Warwick usually isn't a huge threat, however, there are multiple parts of Warwick's kit that will cancel your Ult if you try to use it during his Q, E, or Ult. Further, his AS increases when your health is low. If you get a lead, you keep it, but if you lose your lead early avoid him at all costs.”
anniesniffer69 says “He will ruin your life in early-mid, but in late you'll get a chance to counter-spank him. He can cancel your ult with extended Q.”
IamFafa says “Warwick can catch you with his W and can duel you, so make sure you get bramble vest against him early one after trinity so he isnt able to 1v1 you.”
evil in says “Warwick can be a problem for Evelynn in the early game try to always ping his position so your teammates wont die to his op ganks. After 6 u can try to dodge his R with your ult, and always try to charm him in teamfights.”
Boptimus says “WW Top is usually taken with Barrier. Early on you obviously can't trade with him so you'll have to look for as much CS as you can and sustain through Passive/W.
I would say this match up is heavily skill based once you've completed Lost Chapter and picked up Oblivion Orb. You will need to play around his Q CC negation and E Damage Reduction.
After he takes some poke and it looks like you might have an opening keep spamming Q on him before he tries to heal off the wave, and try to bait his E with a Phase Rush combo, and All in.
This is best played close to your tower, because if the lane extends he can chase you down fairly easily.”
DarkMareOfficial says “A Warwick can be very dangerous as what you are looking for is not to fight with Fighters (any lethal tempo abusers) that can keep a long fight. His sustain, AS based on your low HP and the fear can be crucial when you encounter him. Dodging his fear and hopefully his ultimate with your w juke, might help, but is still a very very low chance you can win this.”
Kurose0027 says “Take mr runes + parry his Q. You just want to live this lane and not fall too far behind. After you get a few items, he will fall off and be useless.”
NotPsix says “Can easily outheal you, have damage reduction on his E and have more speed(in all aspects) then you so you better avoid him at the begining ”
ISwearImNotPolish says “Warwick is easier to deal with early but annoying late. Can turn into Major threat without proper itemization. BUILD CHEMPUNK. I'd say you should opt for Conqueror if they have another tank, since Dark Harvest is sorta risky because it won't do anything if you don't absolutely steamroll him - plus it's useless if he scales.”
MouseTheGame says “Don't fight him, buy grevious wounds against him early. In runes pick phase rush and run away with it when you see him. You can't block his Q and ult with your W”
APigHunter says “Warwick Is an extremely Mobile and gank-oriented Jungler with a lot of close-engagement cc. I would suggest dodging if possible or perma ban :)”
YoungTact says “Solo lane warwick and jungle warwick both Sh*T on you!! Do not play this matchup unless you absolutely have no choice but to. His Q dash goes through your W and E/R if he times it properly (usually done by Warwick OTPS). His R goes through your cc as well. Recommend the Phase rush build. ”
horror_in_dark says “Играйте против варвика с фазовым рывком и игнайтом, так вы нивелируете его мобильность и сустейн, Варвик долго чистит лес, поэтому контрджангл неплохая тактика против него.”
SeptikYT says “Healing from almost everything in his kit, has tankiness with E, does magic damage based on % max health with Q, gains movement speed and attack speed with W and also out duels you.”
StormPhoenix3 says “Fed Warwicks can gank easily and outheal your damage, caution and being fed as you should be with Yi will secure your place in lane”
irelia support says “Warwick can smell an invisible Shaco, yes while boxes can be an issue a smart jungler would bring oracle and since it's Warwick he has the speed to afford changing his pathing.”
Kocykek says “His early game and "magic damage" can hurt but he gets outkited and outdamaged easily later on. Try buying healing reduction items vs him.”
Janooobi says “Avoid one on one's if you are both full health, your CC and damage will never be enough to kill him. If he doesn't get a lead he will be easy to deal with in team fights as he has to engage your team directly and you can stop his R very easily”
Consolo says “We lose early to him, but stick near low health laners for his predictable, predictable ganks and he shouldn't do too much. Try to tank his R if possible, our E is unstoppable and aftershock will proc if it hits even when he's mauling our faces off. Standard bruiser peel rules and conditions apply.”
FacetLOL says “His bloodtrail is annoying as it will not allow you to escape as easily, but you will not win 1v1's against him if you have no ignite or if hes running lethal tempo.”
Scythe Prince says “ Do not fight Warwick early on unless you are able to engage on him with a teammate. Beware of his divine sunderer mid game, it is stronger than most would expect. Once you build mercury's treads, Goredrinker, Black Cleaver and Executioner's Calling he will be totally useless.”
Zehmox says “annoying fear but you bypass his damage reduction by biting him cuz true damage bypasses it. you have a faster clear but he has a healthier approach to dragons. you can easily snowball vs him but watch out for his W mov speed”
Tiger-Moose says “Do not fight him early, and assume that you will lose 2v2 skirmishes against him. His ult gives you time to charge a Q on either him or potentially his allies while he's occupied with the channel.
//Avoid getting into auto offs with him, and instead try to burst or chain cc him once he begins to get low.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Warwick can easily invade you and shut you out of the game, try to avoid fighting him alone and focus your CC on him if skirmishing or he will clean up your team”
MrMeem45 says “As a rule of thumb, Lee struggles into two main matchups - Tanky countergankers and champions that can duel him at scuttle. Warwick is both of these, and much like Trundle he will eventually become an unkillable god. Avoid him and play on the opposite side of the map and hope that your team doesn't feed him.”
bigbeanboi4 says “try to kite outside of his w and even then its still shaky if you don't have ign. ign is a huge benefit in this matchup get bramble if it becomes a problem”
b0n0 says “This champ can out duel you, if he counter ganks your fucked, he can out drake/rift you, he can clear as fast as you. Basically just avoid or dodge the game. Do not fight for scuttles, maybe try to path opposite ways if weakside/strongside doesn't matter.
Do not fight. ”
Elekktro says “Warwick is very similar to Trundle in the fact that he pretty much always beats you 1v1. Avoid fighting him, buy healing reduction and play to scale. You will usually beat him in teamfights.”
GranadaExperimental says “This champion usually represents a lot of danger for his entire skill kit, to the point that until we have the form ready, we will not be able to do anything against him.”
J98TheGreat says “Warwick is fairly simple of a matchup. If you fight him early you might be regretting it later. Play for counter-ganking and just in general providing more value to your team and your team fight potential should be better. Tracking where he is will be important more than most other even matchups.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “The biggest objective hunter in the game and the most bugged champion. Careful as he can follow up your R with his Q cuz of that bug. Cancel his R on your teammates by knocking him back with your E.”
Roguejokester61 says “Warwick is an absolute dog of a champ to go against. Warwick has the ability to leap on you from out of the blue (kind of ironic as that's what Kha does) and suppress you for 1.5 seconds and swipes at you dealing stupid damage. and if Warwick somehow misses his ult on you he most likely would have his E up which will fear you for one second instead. because of his CC capabilities he will quite happily tear you apart, but his CC isn't the worst part about Warwick. While attacking Warwick you might be lucky to get him down to low health but if you do beware as his auto-attacks begin to give him stupendous healing and his bite(Q) will just stack up onto of this again. by the time that you get him down to low health in the first place you will most likely be below the 50% or 25% HP thresh-hold where he starts to attack you faster and fast increasing his rate of healing.
If you ever have to deal with a Warwick in the jungle I wish you all the best on your quest to hell and back.”
Brosinex says “enfrentamiento muy molesto. Cura demasiado, es muy tanque, tiene miedo y reprime. Solo obtén anti heal y trata de hacer kite con su ult ye y deberías estar bien.”
Da Mastah says “Can be a tricky matchup due to his healing, i'd recommend taking ignite in this match up. He most likely beats you post 6 if he land his ult.”
The Elysian1 says “Not a big deal. Just stronger 1v1s and overall late game CC chain should do the job. Antiheal is needed. Counter gank him , and try to take obj when he is not around.”
Citric says “Watch out for a Warwick sitting in your jungle at level 3. If you can avoid fighting him and dying to him early then Warwick poses no threat.”
Doubtfull says “I haven't played this match up too much, but i imagine it is a bit difficult as warwick has a few ways to lock you down, and your q range is about his q range. You will be a lot more useful late game though, so I'll give it a 50/50.”
LambWolf says “You can kite warwick quite easily if you ain't low hp and you have redbuff. He cannot do much about you. Just don't get in to melee distance.”
NixLychee says “A good Warwick can mess up a Lee Sin fairly consistently if they use Warwick's Damage Reduction to counter Lee's burst and then out sustain him. In this matchup I recommend Grievous Wounds as an early purchase. He can't fear you until 1 second of his E being active, so take this time to leave the radius using wards, flash or whatever.”
KamiKZ says “Can be difficult for Kha Zix in the early levels if you´re not playing around his fear. Try to only fight him if he´s isolated as you might not be able to burst him otherwise. He will heal a lot of your damage up and can kill you quickly if you´re not careful as well. Evolving Q is a must when fighting him and evovilng W will help in terms of kiting him. ”
LordGrox says “Used to be the worst matchup in the game, now a 3 thanks to WW being in a bad spot. While his kit does counter Rek'Sai, he simply doesn't deal enough damage atm.”
Polarshift says “Deals AP damage with his passive, has reduction of damage, has a cc ability, does a ton of damage and also heals a ton. His clear is extremely healthy and his ganking potential in lower elos is great. Try to countergank/catch him of guard or just invade while hes ganking. A lot of Warwick players also tend to go for level 4 drakes. Fight 1v1 only if you're in the advantage. Executioner later in the game will reduce his healing.”
Veralion says “Extremely strong early game duelist, likely to contest your second buff if your lanes don't have priority. Concede it if necessary and path around him. He likes to spawn kill drake just like you do. Ward the pit at 5 minutes. If he starts it, let your drake friend slap him around, and finish him off when the drake's at half health. His engage range is actually insane post-6, so be very aware of lane rotations and don't get caught out. In a skirmish situation, look to use your ult to knockback him if he lands it on a high value target. I don't think it ends the effect, but it will buy your carry a little bit of distance and prevent his follow-up Q. Ignite is required if you ever want to stand up to him. ”
Doubtfull says “I've never personally played this match up but WW has a great winrate against Fiddle and I could see the match up being very difficult. Avoid him early game and try not to find yourself in a skirmish situation. You can cancel his ult with your Q/E.”
Arfreezy says “Warwick has been buffed recently so he might see more play. Take phase rush to counter his fear and ignite can be very useful to bully him 1v1. Play opposite side of the map if possible and you can play to outscale via counter jungling and efficient clears.”
FREAKSTAR says “Warwick wins early, you win late. If you don't have ignite do not try to 1v1. Try to not let him blow the game open in the first 10 minutes. As long as you keep the match competitive you will destroy him later.
Be careful around dragons! Warwick will be looking to solo dragons and if he will find you if you try to sneak it. If he catches you on dragon solo you are dead.”
Tormentula says “Warwick can be tricky for Elise to deal with, mainly because his E will reduce all the damage you throw at him and his Q+passive will make him out heal you and out DPS you once all your abilities are on cooldown. Be careful overstaying low health after ganks as Warwick gets a ton of movement speed globally in your direction, he can rotate to you to kill you or your lane pretty fast. You can Rappel to avoid the his E fear, dodge his ultimate, or to stall for cooldowns so you're not fighting him in DPS letting him out sustain you for too long. Do not waste your abilities on him during his E, as you're wasting a large portion of your damage, either kite him or cocoon to stall the E and then use your abilities when its expired. ”
Asternova says “RUNES: Phase Rush or Conqueror. Dark Harvest if the enemy team isn't much of a threat.
ITEMS: Zhonya's. Plated Steelcaps if his team is full of AD. Morellonomicon.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: You have some valuable tools to deal with Warwick, unless he gets fed, your true damage and max HP damage should be dangerous to him. Do your best at kiting here, he can't outplay you if you keep constantly out of his reach. His ultimate is a strong ability for generating picks, you can dodge it with your movement speed, but you need to be proactive with it. Remember that he can also dodge your ultimate by using his Q (yes, another champion that can do this, it's sad, but that's just how it is ;~;).”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Graves favored. Against Warwick you want to kite Warwick from healing from you with his Q and don´t waste/blow your Q AA and R on him whenever Warwick has his E on him since this reduces the ammount of damage he takes. Tip don´t go into melee range since this will make Warwick able to heal of you and fear you. ”
Insightful says “he has a very slow clear and can easily be CC'd or denied by your blackshield, pretty much the same as other champions n the same category”
SaltCat says “He is extremely hard to play against, he beats you 1v1 whole game if he has mr, and if you arent fed, he can see you when you are in the shadows with his w , he will invade early game be very carefull”
Kayncer says “He wins against you in Early but you can invade him to take the level 3 pressure from him, or make sure he doesn´t invade you/ track him by warding his jungle or yours in early ”
VukatornunazFan says “I feel like this matchup can go either way. You will out damage him but he will out heal you. All it really takes to win this matchup is to evade his E and if possible, his R”
poopyOCE says “Any duelling champ is just a bad matchup for fiddlesticks. Q disengage and flash if needed. You have better impact in fights and you can avoid him with vision control”
Karasmai says “
VERY SIMILAR TO OLAF AND TRUNDLE! They are all the same champion in my eyes this guy is pretty easy just don't let him Q your W you want to W him from a distance cause if he Q’s your W he will not get knocked up or dodge it which will lead to a very unfortunate perma cc into death situation. Try to get exec asap and outscale 15-20 mins + don't lose more than 2 dragons. ”
MexBookMaster says “Gankea bien en early y por su W gana mucha velocidad cuando hay compañeros bajos de vida. Rhaast con Ignite es buena opción. Evita el Fear de su E. Igual puedes jugar Shadow Assassin (Azul) pero es poco probable que lo mates hasta que tengas una clara ventaja.”
ak521 says “His rapid healing and insane early game makes him hard to deal with. It's not like he's weak pre-6, his W is really strong. Ganks are insane, especially when people are caught out, and he goes from an early game carry to a peel for late game. Your Q interrupts his ult, make use of that. If you're in the area when he's ganking, you can also help your allies and put him behind.”
Rhoku says “Warwick is an annoying nuisance at best. A very annoying one at that. His ultimate and his fear can do a lot in terms of disrupting you. But he is another tank with very pathetic damage. You straight up destroy him. Just try not to miss your Q. A trick you can do against him is cancel his ultimate with your E. If he Rs onto you, you just need to START your E in the direction he is coming from. Your E animation will still play through, meaning that you will self peel his supression. This is easier to do vs WW than a Malzahar as Malz' ult is instant but with a little bit of prediction, reaction and luck, you can regularly stop him from suppressing you.”
Kayncer says “Strong in the early game - avoid him, Rhaast wins this matchup (needs Anti Heal tho), blue does as well if you keep him at distance and poke him down”
izzlelol says “very annoying matchup. He heals too much, is very tanky, and has a fear and a suppress. Just get anti heal and try to kite his ult and e and you should be fine.”
Lambda Diana says “Just like voil he is strong then you early and heals a shit ton. Make sure to have anit healing also wait for his W ( the fear ) to go off then ult while he is holding the fear he has more armor and mr. Orb and void are a must in this match up. ”
OsakaSatang says “Conc + inspiration
don't even try to 1v1 this match up pre 6. You have a faster clear than him, so try to track his movement and play accordingly. If you mid/side lane has prio, can contest crab.”
Ellesmere says “Warwick is a very strong late game champ, like you, except he sacrifices much more early game. This is a matchup where you want to focus on controlling the map and feeding your lanes before WW hits level 6 and releases the hounds. Late game if you have qss you may be able to 1v1 him but overall it will be a pretty even fight. Without qss he should win.”
CatGopher98 says “Warwick will stop your ult when you least expect it with his Q and R. He also has the potential to invade you and will heal back to full HP. You need to buy an anti-heal item for this matchup.”
SketchtheHunter says “This matchup can be tough since WW has just as much if not more sustain than you do. Try to avoid fighting him until you've got some power behind you. ”
OnlyEkko77 says “He is very very sticky, he locks you down and out duels you, facing him in the jungle, make sure to keep up with him, DON'T fall behind, if he gets ahead he will run you over, avoid him early and wait for the right chance to fight him.”
Chrosser says “A pesar de que Xin Zhao tiene el potencial para luchar contra WW y ganar, si estas en elos bajos tu team regalara kills al WW y eso te dificultara mucho la partida.”
Maintained says “Early game he's you but better. He can probably beat you in your own spires before you get your bami's cinder. Although you outscale him. ”
manco1 says “Warwick has a strong early game and snowballs well. Keep him from getting those early successful ganks and he won't be much of a threat later. ”
RichMrFork says “Though not the most complex champion, Warwick can still make the game difficult with his powerful dueling, sustain and objective control. Similar to most of these other strong duelist and sustain heavy champions, look to avoid fights with them without help from teammates and play for later in the game.”
LilPaniniUwU says “I personally win this matchup most of the time, but someone a bit newer to Lee Sin might make a crucial mistake during an early fight, so just try to avoid him.
metalhydra273 says “If Warwick isn't ahead and unkillable, he isn't too big of a problem. He has his cc, but using it on you means he's not on someone else and if he is ulting someone else, you can use cc to stop it. In a direct 1v1 he's threatening because of his sustain, but if you're even, a well placed ult could remove the front line threat, or you can just ignore him. Play for peel and with your team and it can get hard for him to make an impact in fights. Like I said though, if he's fed you'll have to waste cc on him and if he doesn't die he'll get the health back with his ult.”
AggroBeat says “He invades you really easily, since your clear isn't exactly healthy. If his passive is on you, heal quickly, by any means you can (or recall).”
Nanelol says “avoid his fear and do not take long fights unless you can almost one-shot him avoid his ult and kite him to death with your Q and E burst him down. ”
Nanelol says “ If you shield anything you can probably win against him due to the impact each ability has for him. Wit's/Bramble/ isn't a bad choice either, especially wits end in the current situation of the game.”
Nanelol says “Warwick can be difficult to play against, he has passive priority in early game and can actually win 1v1 in late game, don't try to fight him alone. He can also cancel Zac's E with his fear, be careful. ”
Smartest2 says “Warwick is one of the easiest matchups. He leaves you alone, you clear faster than him, and you can gank more. Provided you get a lead, you can easily 1v1 him as well, even if he ults you.”
MrMeem45 says “His W makes it hard to hide from him or duel him. He's a drain tank, and most likely beats you unless you have a lead on him. Because his W guides him to free ganks, he's much more likely to get fed in low elo. If you're silver or below, he's worth a ban. Otherwise, take objectives and try to outfarm him.”
theceasrsalad says “most early game jungler will fuck you over and warwick is no different, play safe and try to gank or do objectives on the other side of the map. good body to take too because of his q healing, w speed up, and his damage reductin on e.”
PK Noob says “Same as Nunu. He clear's faster, healthier, and is on the map faster than you. If you get into a fight with him he can easily run you down even if you hit all your abilities. Keep your team in the game and you'll hopefully be able to beat him.”
bolun says “So , he have a lot of stuffs to counter you , first , blood thirst , he have a lot of them , so you better go for stuffs that is anti-blood thirst , by the way , don't feed to him , he'll create a bizarre time for you”
EUWRATS says “Warwick can catch you with his W and can duel you, so make sure you get bramble vest against him early one after trinity so he isnt able to 1v1 you.”
JuvX says “Unable to One-Shot, strong throughout the game through his lifesteal and Two CC's. (W and R). If you're to fight him you have to keep Empowered W for either fear or suppress.”
Kindredgarten says “Strong duelist, but you can kite him. Can ult you before you are able to ult, so try to time it right if he is targeting you. Late game you outscale hard, he can't do much if you are grouped up. His Q/bite can follow your dash so try to time it right.”
Loul_60 says “Horrible to deal with early, can keep up with farm, outgank and outfight you early, and he seems to be on the map everywhere at once.
Blue form into Warwick is literal suicide. Rhaast is good, and a nifty trick to do is W just before he hits you with his ult as he is no longer unstoppable and your W can't be cancelled.”
litecrunch says “He wants to gank people early and he isn't that good of a farmer until he gets sunfire or the tiamat active item.
He will attempt to use his early pressure to sneak objectives, but you should be fine if you ward. You can beat him at lvl 6 if you have a good amount of items.”
liserith says “As long as you're not below 50% health, you'll be fine. If he can't attack you, he can't heal, so take Serylda's Grudge for this matchup. After level-6, spam your R when he uses his R on you, to use it as soon as the suppression is over. As long as you build situationally, he isn't too big of a deal. ”
TheInkKingLoL says “Invading early is really good if you can land your W on him. If he's good he will save his E until he is on low HP, so try to W before then. If he is starting to heal up too much at low HP then you need to leave the fight ASAP. Take objectives and look for vision control of the enemy jungle.”
Gumipapucs says “You can always deal a huge amount of damage to him. You can abuse him as long as you keep your distance, and you can even 3 shot him early if he has less than 70-75% health (if he doesn't have E up). If he casts his E, try to wait it out and prioritize keeping your distance over dealing damage until it lasts, and try to wait out your E 3rd auto, or lot of your damage will be negated. He can definetly kill you if he engages on you with R, and he keeps his E until the end of your ult. After he is 6, you don't want to be surprised by him from fog of war, and allow him to keep his R, if he engages or tries to engage you, the most optimal is when he has to use his ult as a gapcloser, that way you may be able to escape, or maybe even turn it around with some walls, but watch out as his Q can make him get over that wall if you stand too close. You can try to invade him early, as he will want a tiamat asap, and he is very kiteable if you have redbuff, and if you can stall his tiamat powerspike, he will not be happy. He can gank well&often, so you might want to prevent that. Also, he can solo drakes at lvl4, so watch out for that, it might end up in getting a free kill and a free drake. You can check the dragon pit with your W.
If you are somewhat fed & he's behind he is pretty much doomed, you can farm him along with camps, but watch out as he can stall the fight with his ultimate + e + Q healing long enough until he receives help.”
KeyTheMonolith says “Dont try to contest early scuttles or drags unless big lane prior because warwicks passive and q sustain allow him to outdamage and trade onto you.”
HeroAronNavius says “Warwick is exactly like Volibear. You cannot take on Warwick at any levels. Buy Executioner's calling trust me it will be very helpful.”
chevy the sloot says “Natural counter because of his damage reduction and tankiness. Just flat out avoid him because you hard out farm him. Late game just charm his engage”
c0st0m says “warwick is stronger early but mid-late game lillia is way more stronger and useful if he locks you down ur gone but hes also easy to kite”
tusupervieja45 says “si este perro se adentra en la jungla sera un fuerte dolor de cabeza no solo para ti si no que para todos tus otros compañeros de equipo.”
Sniperclaw5987 says “Can vary depending on their build if and if you choose to build Volibear more tanky.
Warwick has a range of abilities that CC you and also have a lot of lifesteal. Build anti-healing and you will be fine.”
Tinjus says “Very difficult for Kha'Zix. You have trouble fighting him at all stages of the game unless you get very ahead of him. Try not to fight him alone, even if he is isolated. He will heal a lot of your damage up and can kill you quickly.”
Medieval_Ducky25 says “Warwick has the ability to snowball the game with his self-sustain, mobility, and high damage output. Left alone, he can secure objectives by himself and counter-jungle. Place down wards around your jungle to prevent him from counter jungling.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “If you think he is going to use his R, just throw out an E to be safe. His R will interrupt your R unless you use Zhonya's. His early game is really good, but you can clear better than him if you path correctly.”
AyeJa3 says “Strong early game and a very strong duelist. Try to avoid combat until you have a significant advantage, concede if you must, and try to find a path around him to get your objectives.”
PsiGuard says “Not unwinnable but he can trash you in 1v1s before you have items. Warwicks will also build pretty tanky so it'll be tough to kill him later. If you build an early lead you can still definitely win though. Don't dive into his team if he has his ult up or you'll be locked down and killed. Fight when he's absent or wait for your teammates to draw attention away from you before you do anything too risky.”
SirGobogi says “Healing fest between you two mid to late game. However he is dangerous early game. He doesnt need items for healing and his E will win against your efforts.”
Bel37 says “Dont try to fight him. Most warrick players also try to lvl 3 cheese since that is a power spike for them so try to path the opposite side of the map. He does have suppression witch can chain cc but it isn't much of a threat if your playin backline since it isn't point and click and therefore unreliable.”
JunglerBuilds says “Pretty much the hardest matchup, has better early game presence, can counterjungle and solo objectives. Really hard to match him, late game you win though.”
ChaseMorePlz says “He has decent ganks early on and has higher attack speed when you are low on HP. Save your Q for when he uses his ultimate to knock him out of it, this is very imperative. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Kha'zix currently has a 41.95% win rate versus Warwick. Warwick is a very strong jungler in this meta in general, the stats are from Solo Queue according to OP.GG! ”
Tofolo says “Ok si merita il 4/5 perché non vi countera ma è sempre fastidioso non poter far scendere la salute sotto il 50 % altrimenti sa dove siete ed è pure in vantaggio nel fight in quel momento. In compenso la vostra W risolve gran parte del problema. Se usate il mio set di incantesimi con Heal, tenetelo per la sua R e non far scendere gli HP sotto la soglia critica. Nel caso facciate tutto bene vincereste i fight. Diciamo che con Heal riducete la difficolta a 3/5. potreste addirittura invadere in start (alcuni WW startano da soli e smitano ad inizio fight per ridurre rapidamente gli hp dei buff sotto il 50% anzichè per finire il buff) rubare il buff red con lo smite e fare su di lui il primo sangue. Mi è successo, tenetelo a mente.”
Forazz says “You are always going to be a level down against Warwick in early game. Overall you will lose very hard against him in early game, his hard cc will annoy you a lot when you try to ult.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Conqueror Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Bait his E before jumping or wait it out if you fight him in the Jungle.
Warwick is also really annoying because he has dmg reduction and if you don't kill him with your combo he will outheal and kill you.
Kevalanium says “avoid his fear and do not take long fights unless you can almost one-shot him avoid his ult and kite him to death with your Q and E burst him down”
Get Ricked says “He destroys you in the 1v1 even after lvl 6. Be affraid of him. He does fall off a cliff late game so after like 2 items you can take him. ”
IHaveNoName says “Caution is advised, he has very high sustain and good dmg. Try not to fight while his E is active and dodge his fear. You're done if he gets his ult on you.”
G Spot God says “Still here? Good! Now for the MANY even to stomp matchups. Warwick can snowball the game, if you survive him into mid-late game its an easy dub. ”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine]
[Ignite + TP]
W start.
A good Warwick will take barrier and flash and zone you from exp range from the minions if you get to lane late. Just don't trade at all because he has infinite sustain build into his kit. Try to get what farm you can and ignite him when he's low when your jungler ganks to reduce his insane healing. You become way more useful than him out of lane so just try to farm for your items and don't get baited by his low hp+barrier+R. ”
DarkAuraLOL says “he is indeed strong early, but his clear is trash, his ganks can be easily avoided if you spot him on map, just counter jungle him, avoid fighting, get heal reduction form, he'll eventually be useless”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Warwick is a very strong early game champion. Avoid getting low on health as he can hunt you down and make your life miserable. Come late game Warwick falls of pretty hard, where you start dealing a lot of damage. Try to contest the early drakes if you can.”
EvoNinja7 says “Warwick isn't a hard matchup, it's just his Q healing that is dangerous. In the early game. Once you get Kraken Slayer it's an easy matchup from there.”
MetaSolaray says “Warwick is similar to Olaf but with more answers to how he wishes to play. When he attempts to trade with you stun him during his Primal Howl (E). Back away to avoid the fear and do NOT FIGHT HIM. Once it's down reengage and win. You can stop his ults with bear stun, build bramble if he begins to snowball and then work on bruiser builds.”
DarkAuraLOL says “he is indeed strong early, but his clear is trash, his ganks can be easily avoided if you spot him on map, just counter jungle him, avoid fighting, get heal reduction form, he'll eventually be useless
C7 Lord Pingu says “Really not a huge threat, you can genuinely outrun his fear using your E and after that it's free real estate. I'd recommend early antiheal but you shouldn't need it unless you fall behind. Kraken build pretty juicy here.”
KaynPlayer814 says “Warwick is a rare pick in the meta but can be seen in low elo. He can invade you really hard in the early game, but once you have your form you outscale him pretty hard. As RedKayn he wont be able to 1v1 you, unless you dont hit your q and w. As BlueKayn you want to avoid him if he has a lot armor.”
RedNBlue says “Bottom of Major threats. You can kite him easily and early game you can kill him easily. Just make sure not to let him get close or he will fear you and bite you.”
Watsonthe8th says “Hes strong early game but hes all auto attacks so depending on how good of a warwick it is you can probably duel him pretty early on. Dont hesitate to go in if you think you can win and you are not gona get collapsed on.”
TacoTheShaco says “I dont know why but i lost all games with shaco against him. Because i get invaded everytime and you just cant kill him in level 3 or 4 his heal is unreal plus the damage but other than that you should be fine. ”
Karthus man says “Warwick has a lot of CC and does a lot of damage and heals a lot. I suggest just getting grievous wounds and sticking with your team.”
TheElibeater says “As most of the other jungle threats, Warwick is a great early game jungler. Same story as Lee Sin, if the Warwick player knows, what he's doing, he can invade you and screw up your jungle clear really hard.”
Ivern OTP says “Warwick isn't picked that much, but when he is, I sometimes get the heebie jeebies since he can fast track you below 50% health. Ivern has a healthy clear when you have smite and can regen some health with red. But if you have no smite and are trying to prep camps after a gank and getting chunked, watch your back.”
Maile says “Just super annoying. Play for level 6 and skirmish with conqueror. He is pretty durable in fights so make sure you are playing around his fear with your invisibility. ”
FrankynFood says “Nice cc, heals and hybrid damage (ap and ad). Try your best to counter gank and ward dragon early because he will most likely go for it at level 4/5.”
YAbOIDaddyKench says “Warwick and other champions with strong healing are hard to 1v1. The beauty of this is you never need to 1v1 them therefore you wont have many threats other than shaco.”
Einsteinium99 says “Warwick can be difficult to play against, he has passive priority in early game and can actually win 1v1 in late game, don't try to fight him alone. He can also cancel Zac's E with his fear, be careful.”
KevinThyAsian says “You outscale him, but he is very hard is kite early on. If you beat him early, games basically over. but he can nut on laning phase”
Redsundark says “Warwick is a big threat level he can out heal you in jgl and just hunt you down 1v1 some one like him just out right bad idea other people include tank jungler's, Jax , Vi, kayn would seem bad to you know what just best not to try and engage any one in the Jgl just run ”
WyattAndStuff says “The only thing that is even mildly threatening about him is his 1v1 potential. If you kite him out properly and avoid his fear it is winnable.”
Minase says “This champion can actually be so annoying to play against. His blood-sense can track you and you can literally never 1v1 him until you are either really fed or the game goes to late. Just play on the opposite side of the map and try not to meet him.”
ACE4291 says “Perma Invading? Buy PINKS ALL THE TIME
Avoid him as much as you can use your Passive Wards to know if he is coming into your jungle you win 2v1 if your team helps
Have Q ready
cobraguides says “Warwick has an extremely good early game and is strong at crab fights try to avoid him unless your team out rotates them. After duskblade you should win pretty hard”
FalleN3 says “He is mobile and has high attack-speed. Really good sustain, naturally tanky and has hard CC. He can be a right pain in the ass to deal with if he gets ahead but if you manage to keep him from getting kills and counter jungle him a lot he will find it very hard to get back into the game. He has very slow wave clear without hydra though.”
FalleN3 says “Tanky, has lots of CC and plenty of sustain. Not to mention he is very mobile! He can be a nuisance for you to deal with and difficult to kill. You will out-scale him a LOT as the game goes on but don't allow him to get ahead of you early.”
Holessando says “Warwick is really strong early game, so don't fight him before reaching 6, he has enourmous damage and his healing is massive (in early), be sure you're not hunted by his W, also he can take drake in early levels, so make sure its warded.. he falls off in late, but if he has enough kills, he can still do some serious damage (and tanking)..”
metalhydra273 says “You can pull him off your teammates if they get ulted, He's pretty easy to slow/lock down. Try to avoid the fear if you can and look to bring him down with a teammate. He can win the 1v1 but isn't that threatening overall.”
Popu says “Just don't get in melee range and you are good. If you do a good kite he's preety much dead. When he get 6 try to dodge his R with Q or flash , if both on cd try to press R before he touches you.”
NixLychee says “An annoying matchup to be sure, but so long as you don't get jumped by surprise (vision control is key), you'll be fine, just burst him down from a bush or something and then walk away through the wall.”
brSL7 says “Warwick é um problemão pra Dr Mundo, dificilmente você irá solar ele no x1.
Você só ira matar ele se ele estiver extremamente fraco, mas se vocês estiverem de igual para igual ele tem mais chances de te matar. MASSSSSSSSSSSSS você pode tentar desviar do R dele e do E dele, e isso aumentara demais suas chances de matar ele.”
Maintained says “Warwick was made for dueling. Don't start a fight on him with your E. He will block most of your upfront damage with his E. Instead, wait for him to use his E, then use your E to create distance between himself and you, then charge back in with your E once his runs out. You should be able to outduel him with ignite. After 6, you can cancel his ult with yours if done correctly. ”
Momro says “You can kite him a lot. If he is on top of you, it will be more difficult. He has great jungle clear and might invade early. Build bleed against him. Late-game, you crush him because he cannot reach you.”
CinderTheSnake says “Very bad matchup for you. Will constantly invade you early game. He can find you in your invisibility with his blood trail and can hard CC you with his ulti or his E. ”
NixLychee says “He has a lot of CC in his kit, and he can heal just like you can, but he is better in longer fights, so be careful and try not to duel him early.”
reganakers says “Get ready for a slap fight. Around level 3 you will both slap each other to death and I am quite confident Olaf slightly has the upper hand because of the lifesteal on his W.”
ReweVongBordell says “early he is stronger then you can can snowball easier, you can still outplay him early of you have ignite or help from your mates. He is still opaf”
CinderTheSnake says “If you play it right you should be able to win skirmishes early. Late game, as long as you dodge his Ult then you will win this matchup. ”
Depresso says “This matchup is something I'd even put as Major due to the early game, since you will be low for a bit during your first clear you open the way for an invade, so maybe I'd suggest taking one less early camp against him or if you do decide to do the usual clear, pay extreme attention and do a safe path until ur back to non chased by the hungry wolf.
I put it at even because after this little issue, he's pretty easy to catch . Once you have one daisy slow on him he can't really do anything but try to ult away if you're followed by your team and without his passive on you he can't really keep up.”
PsiGuard says “Warwick is basically unkillable for you unless you have a massive lead over him. His E damage reduction is too strong for you to burst through and he'll heal back any damage you deal if you can't immediately kill him. He can also track you through stealth with his W. Avoid fighting him and focus on killing his teammates, as he can't really win games by himself. Consider Morellonomicon if he's becoming a problem to your team.”
PsiGuard says “His Q allows him to ignore knockups, and his healing makes him really strong 1v1. You'll need to play with lane priority or avoid fighting him. If he's his team's only engage, save Unburrow to interrupt his ultimate in team fights.”
Eggoman says “His sustain in jungle and lifesteal in duels means you really can't fight him. Because of his bloodhunt you have to make sure your always under a tower recalling when low health. don't fight him and chill out until he burns ult after that you can fight him. before level 6 though you don't have enough burst to kill him so don't try.”
RageAx says “Very dangerous early/mid. Battle of the healing, his R can get you killed in a teamfight however, if start your W animation just before he supresses you, your knockup will almost immediatley cancel it :). ”
KillyOne says “He can be really difficult because he is good at invading and you are pretty squishy. The matchup is pretty skill based, so if you know to kite properly you shouldn't have too much of an issue. ”
League Of Cursed says “A good warwick will be like a good udyr. A bad warwick will be like a worse udyr. Honestly, just do your best. Try to power clear and get objectives when you can; odds are he will get drake at level 4 or 5. Try to snag it from him while he does it if you can, if not just work for the next one.
Dopamine_influx says “Warwick is strong with his E, and redsmite. You can always try to go red - blue - his red, when he goes blue gromp red, because he won't have E and you will win 1v1, but kite for 4 stacks, don't stand still autoing him.
Later on, he's not that big of a threat, your team can cc him, and you can ignore him and focus other people, and your empW counters him.
You win on scuttle with triple Q, as long as you don't use all your burst on his E, but jump with empQ and E, then kite his E.”
Xeldom says “Even match-up. For most of the early game rengar will beat Warwick 1v1 until Warwick has his ultimate. Use Empowered Bola against Warwick's Fear and make sure to be in a bush against him.”
MattB040 says “The ult that roots you in place, suppresses you, and can usually one shot you due to how squishy you are is something you dont want to deal with. Ban outright normally in my opinion.”
NoLyfe says “kinda gay when he e's you but he shouldn't be to hard to deal with. Just make sure he doesn't get ahead because you just lose. But if you're even you should be okay dealing with him.”
vxryrvre says “Warwick is a lifesteal-heavy, high mobility, high DPS, high sustain, CC duelist jungler, who is EXTREMELY dangerous if you don't powerfarm and countergank him constantly.”
AWierdShoe says “Warwick is easy to kite, and you can keep the distance so that you don't get feared by his E. His Q healing is annoying, so once you get Executioner's Calling you should have no trouble dueling him 1v1. You can also look to dodge his R with your E so that it whiffs entirely, but if you're having trouble a QSS won't hurt in this matchup. ”
DarkArbalist613 says “His Healing means you wont beat him 1v1 until you have executioners, but if you find yourself in that situation then use your Q to wall jump to avoid as much dmg as possible, and avoid his ult and E fear.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “He is often underestimated yet dangerous when in good hands. Don't go 1 on 1 with him, his healing will win every time. Opting into a Mortal Reminder is a good idea.”
Zailent says “Go Rhaast against him. his healing is the only problem here. avoid his r by using w just right he jumps onto you, so youre gonna knock him up. then you basically win the fight with R and your healing.”
GhostReaper87 says “Early game can be a real bad for you if he invades you, his dueling power is insane early on with q + fear. He will be useless as later the game goes but he can sneak dragons at lvl 4, ask laners to ward in rivers to see him and react accordingly.”
Hide on Nidalee says “Just like Volibear match but a little bit harder, if he isn't on range to hit you with Q or fear you with E you're safe. Take care on 1v1 after lvl 6”
xiRiZEix says “If you do not know how to path well with Tryndamere in the jungle he can catch you in your own jungle by following your blood trail if your health goes below 50%. His mid top or bot lane could also follow him aswell making it hard to counter.”
DarkPit59 says “Cauchemar permanent, il est capable de nettoyer sa jungle très rapidement, faire un dragon sans que vous ne puissiez le contester, et ganker des lanes dès que vos alliés passent sous 50% de PV. De plus, Il peut vous révéler après un de vos ganks si vous passez sous 50% de PV, contrer votre burst avec son E, et vous contrer votre Z ou votre ultime avec son propre ultime.”
WickedPoppet says “A good warwick will be like a good udyr. A bad warwick will be like a worse udyr. Honestly, just do your best. Try to power clear and get objectives when you can; odds are he will get drake at level 4 or 5. Try to snag it from him while he does it if you can, if not just work for the next one.”
D3str00 says “High level risk, mostly due to his healing. Even if you can avoid his E (by for example trinked - W combo), he still can beat You. Engage fight when he is low on mana.”
Vazo says “You should look to avoid Warwick in the jungle. Warwick is a champion with an extremely high threat to Graves due to his insane stick potential with Q latch and E fear. Try to avoid fighting him unless you are in an ideal position with teammates to back you up. Kite him as much as you can to stay away from his threat range.”
Sghignazzer07 says “You can't 1v1 ww after his level 3 because he will get a lot of kills ganking your allies. You can try to 1v1 him after his first buff when he is level 2 because hw won't have his E for damage reduction and cc. If you do that he will probably fell behind.”
SavageFy says “Warwick's early game mobility, damage and healing makes him an extreme threat.
Warwick also has a fast clear time which can give him early level advantages when he invades.”
Zimmerlator says “He can see you anywhere on the map. This is bad because he will be prepared if you go for an invade on his big buffs. His tankyness late game makes him completely impenitrable by your auto attacks. ”
nouinator says “This matchup is easier than elise but definitely not even. If warwick gets an early kill on you when you take scuttle or something you can't really fight back from his invades.”
kujosrevenge says “As of patch 10.9, Watwick is simply just too strong, pretty much no matter who you pick. He will always outfarm you, he will always outgank you, and will probably invade you as well, since you can't 1v1 him past level 3 due to his disgusting sustain. If you can invade and get an early kill pre-level 3 it will be much easier for you, but otherwise just permaban Warwick for now.”
Kingarthur720 says “Warwick will beat you easily if he fears you, the fear time wont allow you to prof conqueror stacks quickly if you accidentaly shield his bite, wait for him to bite and shield so oyu block his fear, during all this your fear should be procked”
Morzanoth says “So Warwick is actually not too big a threat early on. You can probably trade even with him if you can avoid getting feared but in extended fights he will out sustain you with his healing. As the game progresses you will struggle to keep up with him if you went even early so you need to be proactive in the game and snowball your laners. If he jumps in try and throw your ult behind him in a team fight to prevent or scare away any other enemy who might try and help him.”
Nico449c says “Hes e q and r is amazing against you the only way you win against him is outganking him. Some few situations you can countergank him dependent on their lane and yours.”
TottalyNotAdrian says “Champions like Warwick (Lee-sin, Rek'sai etc) dominate the early game, so it is very hard for Zac to take objectives without Warwick either stealing the objective or killing Zac.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Warwick is a very strong early game champion. Avoid getting low on health as he can hunt you down and make your life miserable. Come late game Warwick falls of pretty hard, where you start dealing a lot of damage. Try to contest the early drakes if you can.”
briguy1109 says “Yet another champion that destroys you early game! This one has insane early game damage from his W passive, stickiness, and an R and Q that he can heal half his healthcare with.
Win Condition:
Dodge his fear with your Q, never 1v1 him before Rageblade, and purchase Mortal reminder. Ignite might be worth taking here to reduce healing early. ”
KingZogu says “Can easily ruin your early game by counter jungling. He has more global map pressure and can almost match your jungle clear sustain so this matchup is very much reliant on skill on the fiddles part.”
Dexiron says “His lifesteal a counter to your healing in 1v1's. If he chains his spells correctly, he wins the 1v1. Get vision control and do a quicker clear to establish Scuttle priority.”
TSMyth says “In my opinion this is a very easy matchup, I've won every Warwick game. He's very easy to escape from especially with your W, and if you're wanting to 1v1 him remember to always put your W before you use your ult, because it'll do alot of damage and he'll be knocked up so you'll have the chance to do some damage whilst he knocked up.”
MannerlessNG says “The current flavor of the month, able to stun and track you, allowing for great counter jungling and can grow out of control if he becomes fed.
Note that only good players are a threat as Warwick, you'll know if your against once when he kills your top laner at level 2.”
TSMyth says “In my opinion, this is an easy matchup, it's going to be abit annoying if you don't know how powerful Warwick becomes then it's a bit of a problem. You can dodge his ult easily with your E so that's easy, and remember to always Q behind the enemies so you get extra damage.”
Ardent Deceiver says “Has early drag prior at lvl 3-4, and hard early ganks. If he gets a few kills early he'll steal all of your camps and kill you with his sustain. Can be fought level 1-2 if you're good at box placement and timing your abilities. If he ults you in a fight, you're dead.”
The Top Bear says “Warwick is a pretty annoying matchup. He CAN be killed early, but it takes so long you can get roamed on easily. I think the best time to kill him is at the first scuttle at level 2. If that doesn't work, you might just ward up his jungle and focus on objective control and counter-ganking.”
Split King says “I often ban Warwick when playing as Shyvana as his Blood Hunt passive directly counters my ability to kill dragons safely in the early game. It is however not the end of the world if he isn't banned.”
RaptorDre says “He can Q you while you R him away. You cant run from him, he is too tanky for you to oneshot. Don't fight unless you have reinforcements or you are long ahead.”
Grap3fest says “Pre-6 this guy beats you hands down every time and if he gets a lead he destroys you through mid game too. Extreme before 6 and major after.”
Luthy2278 says “As YI, it is very hard to beat warwick duo to his high damage and life steal, even late game. Early, if he hits his CC from E, you will probably die. He will gain 1/4 of his health back with his Q and YI is kinda trash early so he will get fed off of you.”
Quezel says “Hard counters you in lane. Warwick with conqueror will poke you down freely and heals WAYY more then you deal damage in an all in post 6 poking him is also not possible as once he drops below half hp he can freely and easily sustain back up to half as well as q you constantly for tons of heals. Get an early bramble vest and go liandries>morello and you will beat him 1v1 but until then don't expect to be able to fight him all in. Lategame his damage falls off drastically as well as his healing so you will melt him alive but he will remain relatively scary rolling into mid game.”
0kruemlmonster says “Ignite recommended. Before lvl 6: Dodge his fear and you win, if you don't, he wins.
After lvl 6: Dodge his Ult and you win, if you don't, he wins. If he's smart he'll fear you and while you're feared Ult you so you can't dodge it. And if you dodge his fear, you can't dodge his Ult either.”
Mkcls says “High healing. You should not go for 1 vs 1. try to outgank him. Dont go for extended trades, since he will heal even more, kinda like Olaf.”
Simphoria says “He doesn't particularly counter us or anything but he's a strong jungler. He can out duel you so be careful when contesting scuttle. He can gank well, pick well, and secure neutrals. You really shouldn't be dying to him early and without tiamat he can't farm well, which means your early game isn't punished too heavily. Just be aware than if he's near you, his Q can follow your Q. Safer to Q away before he gets close. Also, if he is Eing, then save your E for afterwards. ”
HackedAccountlol says “He counters you so hard. He can lock you down and get you bursted. He can invade whenever he wants, esp if you are low enough that he can actually invade you permanently.”
McDank says “He beats you early game, and is very tough to beat late game as well since he usually doesnt build any armor or mr. If your teammates ever get low health stay around them because ww usually isnt too far away... ”
Mr. Nyahr says “Warwick has a crazy ult, and you need to be careful when it's up. He has great innate lifesteal and chasing potential. He is pretty useless before level 6, so abuse his bad early game.”
Bisolzin says “Right, against this one you can handle.
Do a Mortal Reminder, to avoid that so he can heal himself with the "Q";
He's obviously faster than you, don't try to escape from him; You can't run away from him, but you can chase him.
When he is using his "E" and you are with your ultimate activated, you will run meters away from him; Avoid to fight against him when he got his "E" activated.
His ultimate will stop you completly, it's a advice saying something like: "Hey, Master, you need to stop." Try to trick his ultimate, or else, you will be in trouble.”
DefinitelyNotAhmed says “With the amount of cc Warwick owns he has the ability to hold down Amumu or even pick him off before fights due to his physical and true damage item build which are common in low elo.”
WLonestar says “the healing from his bite is a pain, but you can win 1v1s if you keep him inactive with your R and Q while dealing damage with W and E”
Froozenn says “You may kill him earlygame, but in midgame he is starting to get strong. He got so much heal from Q and R and his attackspeed grows the less hp you're at. Just avoid fighting him while half hp and you should be good.”
CryAwake says “Warwick can be a annoying matchup as he has higher win chance during duels early game however if his ult is done he's generally easy to kill.”
Her0mars says “Same as volibear, knock him off your carries. All he can do is ult and auto attack. the new updates make him more relevant but not too big a deal”
HKRV says “You can counter his ult with W, leaving him vulnerable. His Q is still dangerous and the healing is insane. Armoring up and Ice Gauntlet advised. Ward the rivers too to check his movement as if you low HP he will dive you. ”
NotNutty says “[Try Not To 1v1 Him Make Sure Your Team Mate Is Helping You]
[If He Isolated He Will Heal A Lot of Your Damage Up And Can Kill You Quickly.]”
Ponds says “super strong early, when you're weakest. They also love to invade early, which can slow your clear and potentially hurt you. But as long as they dont get fed and you get red before 11min you should win. But if they get 1 or 2 kills on you early Warwicks snowball. ”
EvilOranges says “He will fear you, has insane healing, tanky, and has a healthy early clear. Will contest scuttle and counterjungle, make sure you ward up and get ahead by ganking. Don't get counterganked.”
vanchovski2002 says “He is pain in the ***
Dueling him early is hard so better dont fight him unless you are fed.
He ganks faster
In addition he can see you while you are invis if below 50%
You are in serious trouble.”
Leapus says “Don't forget his passive which allows him to know where you are if you're low HP in your jungle. Without his R, you can 1v1, except if it's mid/late and he's got some tankiness.”
Bombabo says “Warwick will focus mostly on farming, and you should do the same. He will take a lot of damage from your combo until he has spirit visage, just watch out for his E and R ”
TheLord110 says “try to play around his fear and doge his R with your Q.
keep the distance so he cant kill you.
don't invade while lower then 50% health.”
Killerbacca10 says “You do everything he does but better. He out damages you so make sure not to fight him. If your an inexperienced nunu and warwick knows how to counter gank you will be destroyed most the time. He can snowball on you. If he does play for late game.”
MrBoronALT says “Not unwinnable but he can trash you in 1v1s before you have items. Warwicks will also build pretty tanky so it'll be tough to kill him later. If you build an early lead you can still definitely win though. Don't dive into his team if he has his ult up or you'll be locked down and killed. Fight when he's absent or wait for your teammates to draw attention away from you before you do anything too risky.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A jungler with a fast clear and a lot of sustain, he is hard to 1v1 with Xin Zhao during the early game because of his Fear and damage reduction combinded with his sustain, he will try to rush lvl 6 and gank any lanes extended or not, before 6 he will only ganks overextended lanes and preferably with low health, he will rarely try to couterjungle but in case he does try to get vision of him beforehand and try to scare him away while avoiding combat.”
CiriuxGamerLT says “Hes a tank don't fight him alone those counter you
and this one will take all drakes and you can't fight him in any stage of the game alone except if you are really fed”
NightmareBug says “Very difficult for Kha'Zix. You have trouble fighting him at all stages of the game unless you get very ahead of him. Try not to fight him alone, even if he is isolated. He will heal a lot of your damage up and can kill you quickly.”
FrozenKnight says “A natural born jungle like fiddle. But he's gank heavy so most of the time you're gonna counter-gank him. Don't be low in the jungle, his passive will make him chase you and kill you.”
LighterDay says “Warwick's lifesteal makes it hard to solo in early game, but late game, Vi can fair well against Warwick. However, keep in mind of Warwick's ultimate and it's life steal.”
Hidenburg says “Warwick sempre vai saber onde você esta pois você perde vida muito facil nos niveis iniciais, então sempre use o seu W com maestria para que o Warwick não abuse de você ”
BurstTheBots says “Pretty difficult to escape him and on top of that he also can use your squishyness against you with his W making him faster than you which is bad because Lux doesn't have like any escape tools.”
King Zyrox says “If you are against him, you cant fight because he will win.
He has a lot of attack speed and lifesteal.
To win this matchup you need to fight him with the midlaner/toplaner and if you kill him, invade.”
abboz says “He beats you early game with his e dmg reduction and fear. Ww is also quick to come to a fight with his w. Be wary and be sure to use your e wisely to stop his engage or escape. Have r ready”
Sarutobi says “You win most of the times, care for him ulting you and locking you down in team fights! QSS isn't necessary since it's a skill shot and you can Alpha it and his Fear but get it if you can't dodge them. You have to alpha his fear in a 1v1 to guarantee the kill. ”
bluejaypig says “The new warwick's ultimate can be dodged by alpha strike so it's even easier to teamfight. If he ults you then you can alpha strike his fear. Try to save wuju style for his last 50% of health bar so he can't heal as fast as you deal damage.”
Deltix31 says “Il est très peu probable que vous gagnez un duel contre. Essayez d'éviter au maximum les 1v1 et gankez là où il n'est pas si vous n'avez pas d'alliés vous permettant de 2v2”
BigBadVoodo says “He is pretty good at dueling champions due to his passive healing. We can pressure him early with ignite so we shut down that heal. Keep track of him for your allies as he roams a lot with his W passive.”
deamonfate says “Same story as Sylas in terms of damage v sustain v bulk, only he also has a fear and can literally hunt you down. He can become a pain unless you get a few kills over him.”
Lord K13 says “Warwick na jg pro inimigo além de pegá-lo de surpresa também é difícil de matar por causa de seu Life steal, espere até um nível alto para enfrentá-lo.”
xTheUnlimited says “Your worst nightmare. You cant duel him, his ganks are really solid, he is somehow pretty tanky but deals tons of damage to all of us. Try to CC him if he jumps onto one of your carries.”
League Wukong Builds says “Your Damage wouldn't be enough to stop warwicks rampage late game but as always if you're doing good killing enemy support and ADC then there's a chance of winning.”
MrPeach301 says “This wolf is a pain in the early to mid game with his entire kit. He can be dealt with in the late game pretty but just watch out for the ult and fear. I would go as far as buying a QSS at most against him”
LePlay says “He really is a problem since he will stay ahead in farm the whole game when played properly. You should avoid getting caught in his E-Q combo which leaves you quite vulnerable. Do not risk getting caught in your jungle while being low-life, otherwise you´ll have a hard time playing against him. His R can be blocked with your W though”
drunken hunter says “Warwick just doesnt have to greatest kit for a lane - until lvl 6 he only has 2 abilities that really help him to do anything: his (Q) to heal him and do ome dmg and his (E) to reduce dmg on him and afterwards fear units near him. You simply out-damage him in the early game, you can zone him off the farm and do the lvl 2/3 engage with exhaust but remember to ward if you push him under his turret.”
MaRtOOOOOOOOOOO says “He is played in silver/low gold only don't try 1v1 him he will win. Try counter ganking him and getting your laners ahead of his you will 100% win due to his trash scaling.”
Optimal Pancake says “The third and final tank Kayn has a hard time with. He can Q onto you and if timed right, can follow you through walls, his E will disrupt you for a substantial amount of time, and his own healing is comparable to yours in red form, which you will have to take if you want to stand the slightest chance against him.”
CjFletch says “Early game Warwick can be problematic if he invades. Your best bet is to avoid him and make sure to ping your team for help if you need to confront him. Try invading his jungle if you notice you're losing a lot of cs. ”
Iced IMP says “This mostly depends on who is farther ahead, who has more dragons, and if he is trying to ult you or not. Clearly you cant cc him when he ults someone else, but you CAN ult them to save them guaranteed from any follow up.”
Violzandre says “HAHAHA!!!
Let's surpass his lifesteal and see him insulting us in the chat.
Everything depends on this:
¿Can you get the advantage in early?
Don't waste your time, farm and gank only if you're sure that you'll get a kill, or the dog will win and you'r team will blame at you.
"GG Jungler difference"”
SpicySkelleton says “A bit of a strange one to face. If they're good they'll be challenging to fight against.. however you will have thornmail and sun cape, they wont go for E until lvl 3 so you and your team if they cooperate can secure a kill on him early game and perhaps constantly. Also, make sure to try and starve him out, take his raptors and blue buffs and he wont be able to do much most of the early game.”
Hunterlogic says “He has real good sustain, pre 6 he will easily beat you in a 1v1. post 6 you can beat him using your ultimate though he can still win with ease.”
Exhiled says “The new warwick's ultimate can be dodged by alpha strike so it's even easier to teamfight. If he ults you then you can alpha strike his fear. Try to save wuju style for his last 50% of health bar so he can't heal as fast as you deal damage.
Morzanoth says “Warwick has a strong early game and you can't duel him before level 6 without help. His passive life steal means he can easily out sustain you in fights so you need team mates to help you kill him. Look to match gank early or if he is farming, pressure a lane. If you are low and being hunted back off from a skirmish immediately unless you know burst someone down. In late game you need to make sure he can't get onto your carries. Use your CC to peel and lock him down so you can eliminate him quickly.”
Yi Guide says “He is mobile and has high attack-speed. Really good sustain, naturally tanky and has hard CC. He can be a right pain in the ass to deal with if he gets ahead but if you manage to keep him from getting kills and counter jungle him a lot he will find it very hard to get back into the game. He has very slow wave clear without hydra though.”
qtANG says “Warwick has a really great early game with his great sustain and kill securing with Q. As xinzhao, 1v1ing him is easy during early game, however after he got tanker, he will solokill you. try to invade his redside during lvl3 as he always starts at his blue side.”
MetabuserEU says “Your worst nightmare. You cant duel him, his ganks are really solid, he is somehow pretty tanky but deals tons of damage to all of us. Try to CC him if he jumps onto one of your carries.”
LIL UGLY MANE says “you're pretty much doomed if you keep getting invaded basically because you cant do anything about it due to your early game weakness”
chakib2013 says “Easy matchup as long as you keep your distance with him and play with your range. Be careful with his low hp damage and healing output combined with his E that gives him % damage reduction and fears. Basically dont jump on him right after you hit a spear unless you know you can oneshot him.”
Hazardist says “Not as troublesome as Briar but his mobility, crowd control and sustain will still be hard for Yorick to deal with. Try not to fight him alone in the early game and make sure to grab some antiheal and magic resist items, after which the matchup will be tipped in your favor.”
MannerlessNG says “Not too Bad.
He's stronger earlier, but after 6 and two items, if he doesn't have a good lead and you play smart, you can win.
He also scales really badly and falls off late where the game actually matters, so as long as he doesn't go full John WarWick super early and end the game in 20 mins, your good.
Warwicks biggest threat is his biggest weakness. He is an apex ganker, but a greedy wanker. Most wicks don't hesitate to dive under turrets to chase down low HP targets and thus, he is easily the most killed under turret champion in the game.
If you see him coming and your low, charge E into a wall for when he inevitably presses R, then roll him for his lunch money.
Overrated champ.”
Top Lane 52.6% Win Rate40% Pick RateWarwick Top Lane Counters: 37 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Warwick in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Coke Rat says “Ignite + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
This lane is all about spacing and tracking his cooldowns. Poke him down and avoid long trades. If he all-wins, kite back slowly, don't despair. Buy Grievous Wounds as soon as possible but don't finish it. ”
a_k_z7 says “SCREW THIS CHAMP
buy antil heal and pray for the best a war wick can heal a crazy amount in a short time and his ult will switch the fight
poke and play safe”
parker3n9 says “Warwick players often rely heavily on their healing to sustain through trades, but you can consistently kill him between Levels 3 and 11. If he uses his R to engage, immediately respond with your ultimate to turn the fight in your favor. The key is to poke him non-stop and keep him low, denying his ability to sustain effectively. Play aggressively but don’t overcommit—he will, as Warwick players are accustomed to sustaining through lanes and almost always overestimate their durability.
Recommended Runes: Aery (preferred) or Grasp of the Undying
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport
Skaarlschloch says “REALLY SHIT matchup. Very similar to Darius just try to somehow survive and get as much farm as you can. If he has Flash Barrier he will falloff at some point and you can outscale him”
MrBuis says “(S)(>5) Respect his first 3 levels, and dont even try to trade with him in the first 5 lv if he goes barrier. After 6, you win the 1v1 and only lose IF HE GOES BORK + SLOW RESISTENT BOOST AND KITE U THE F OUT. If not, you are just to scale him in every single way. Get heal reduction so he cannot disrespect you and auto - attack the wave to heal back. ”
Fanatical Goose says “Before 6 you can only fight him if you have ignite/healcut, after 6 you completely counter him. Rush bramble/executioner sword. If you engage early make sure you have ignite up. He will use his ult to escape rather than fight, you can get hit by it then ult if you think you can fight him. ”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"One of the only champions strong enough to fight you early, get Bramble Vest FIRST item and it becomes much easier. Stun him when he E's and he's pretty weak at 1v1ing when it's on
cooldown. DO NOT get baited when he's low and has E as he can outheal your DPS. You can eat him when he's Eing to deny the fear's value. If you have healing reduction and he's not
fed then he scales pretty poorly so going even is fine." ”
Fenharion says “He is able to deal a lot of damage once he finishes BoTRK but you should be fine if you go Bramble Vest.
Use pings to warn your teammates since he'll most likely roam when your teammates are low on health.”
Houcs says “The most free matchup. So easy to drag him to tower because the players that plays this usually never respects you.
Becareful that even if he is low hp he is extremly deadly and unkillable.
And you are usually 10x more useful than him in teamfights with your CC.”
wApMorty says “Degen champion, don't die and try to peel your team from him.
Might be playable if you get ahead.
Conq necessary for damage, Ignite might help ? ”
tictac9090 says “You won't be able to hit Q if his Q is up. Make sure he wastes his Q before you use yours. In early he is strong but you outscale. Spacing between autos is important in this matchup.”
Raideru says “This matchup is quite difficult for Jax since he quite literally wins all ins till ur first item, the only window u have to kill him is if u take ignite and try to get both of u low and then try to all in him on that but it's generally risky I'd just advise playing slow and safe till 1st item where u win most of the time. I advise Conqueror + Dblade + Ignite.”
misterbig says “you win every trade with your E, dont fight long trades just short trades with your cooldowns.... Rush antiheal and play to lane bully, if he doesnt fight you go roam ( ignite tech?) W his E or Q”
Skaarlschloch says “He is really strong early and especially lv1. If you get to 6 decently well you win from there even easier if you ever get a gank.
ONLY AFTER lv6 THO or he might double kill!!!!! (tell your jngl)”
ABL Pantheon says “Pantheon favoured matchup. Respect level 1, you don't win. Poke with Q and use W only when he doesn't have his fear, because it will block damage and fear you. E his fear if you get hit and time correctly your E for his Ultimate. Don't engage on him when he is low if you cannot burst him or has barrier.”
SemenDrinker says “Bone plating blade (use ignite and rush executioners)
Warwick while it seems scary really isn't. He will just try to run at you whenever he wants to trade so that makes it extremely easy to full combo him. Until you have executioners poking him down with q1 will do relatively nothing as he will heal it back up anyways with his sustain. Post executioners however and with your ult + ignite it becomes way more easier. If he does have barrier just keep that in mind and think to yourself if you still win the fight with his barrier up. Try not to take too much poke from him while you cs”
IvanBeifong says “He outheals you, but that's fine, keep it at short trades, you deal more damage than him.
Other than that, pretty uninteractive lane.
OliveeGarden says “take shield bash, ignite and W lvl 1. he cant stat check you, and his only counter play is to fear you. Dont trade without W and its a free lane. use E+W as he can just dash through you with Q, and dont get barrier baited”
Niemi says “Tricky but manageable. His earlygame is super strong, so you have to be mindful of that.
Also level 6 his ultimate has a long range, so remember that”
Frankoloko says “Don't take Ignite vs him. Doran's Ring, then Rush Bramble. Once you have Bramble you win all fights. DO NOT FIGHT HIM BEFORE THAT NO MATTER HOW CLOSE THE FIGHT LOOKS. You super easy win after Bramble but not if you die before that.”
Zagreus16 says “you gotta rush bramble into this guy. taking ignite is risky cause then you gotta play to win the lane lvls 1-3. whoever wins this early fight will hard win over the lane so be very careful. if you dont want to take the risk then bramble with TP is good”
step1v9 says “This matchup is unwinnable. You need to never trade him and just farm. All the damage you do to him does NOT matter because he will just outheal your future damage at 20% HP. The only way to kill him is if you have antiheal or some burst once he gets low, and even then it's best to just play away.”
Raideru says “This matchup is all ab spacing, spacing your q so he can't q you on it and if he ever dares to auto you or q you without that always trade him back with auto + w and don't give any trades for free, you win all in if you have 20-30% hp advantage and if you space well”
Haxorr says “Warwick is the king of cheese, but as long as you keep this in mind you should be okay. Your E blocks his Q and you should be able to take short trades that are winning. I recommend taking Grasp versus Warwick, and starting DBlade. However, just keep in mind that playing against this champion is always challenging as he can really bait you in and then heal up a bunch and kill you when you don't expect it. Trinity is the best rush into Warwick as it gives you the best dueling power versus his kit, as well as enough HP to sustain his burst with his ult. You outscale him really hard so don't worry too much about building an early lead.”
DuckQc says “Watch out for his fear, ult and healing. Your e goes trough his e, buy executioners early and run him down once 6. Care og his 50% healt passive healing. Dont get baited.”
Arthapsic says “Try to not trade with him until level 9 he will always outsustain you. Never go for all ins unless ignite is up. He is a pick that is made for lane so try to farm but give up cs if you need to EXP is the only thing that matters. You can try to beat him after level 9 but I recommend just ignoring him because he falls off hard and you hard outscale him. Be careful he will try to bait you in to fight him take a bad trade then heal up to full.”
TeiWasTaken says “Warwick is a very hard matchup. He has stronger early game than you. You CANNOT engage in long trades with him, because he will heal really fast. Rush Executioner Calling against him. You can actually outscale him if he does not snowball.”
DioSett says “take ignite , doran blade , conq , fight him only on lvl 2 if u can insta with W , get anti heal fast , at lvl 6 spam your jungler to come because ww is free kill”
GwenMain says “This matchup can be hell if the warwick knows how to play. My advice is to rush orb then nashor's tooth. Note that you will most likely lose laning phase but your scaling is better than warwick's (unless he is hard feeded) so in late game he should not be a problem.”
NegativePhoenix says “Neither of you are looking to engage on each other really, but he usually waits till level 3 compared to you before any attempts. You'll definitely want Bramble against him to avoid massively healing him. Trading with him is fine if you can afford it, but once he hits 50% or lower health there's no point in fighting or trading him unless your jungler is coming to help since he gains massive healing below 50% health and even more at below 25% so just avoid feeding him, and if you can afford it maybe save your Q for his barrier [Almost all WW top players take barrier]”
Hotch says “This one is hard. Don't even bother with short trades, it's all-in or nothing with this one. Punish when his Q is on cooldown and try to hold a freeze and ask your jungler for help. You can match his damage with 3-4 ghouls and maiden but avoid early fights. Only buy executioners when your even or ahead. You can't afford to delay powerspikes otherwise.
Take Ignite.”
KingJoeyy says “take whatever summoner spell you can take ignite for his healing that's prob unneeded since has going to take barrier and be weird. go flash i think that might be the safest route.”
SillyAme says “Can ignore your R with his R (the jump part makes him unstoppable), can dodge your Q with his Q (if Warwick holds Q he can jump behind you).”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp. Conq
Bramble rush. Dont fight him ever till 6. Dont even trade much, its what he wants. Ww top is useless if he gets no lead and you out scale him.
Not a good ult target ”
MaesePerez says “Do not fight him level 1, he will run you over with lethal tempo and his on hit damage. His q is max health magic damage so he will still chunk you even if you build armor for his autos. You outscale, and can get a couple kills in lane if you poke him out and silence him before going for an ult, since he will try to ult you back or q to heal above the ult kill range. Never take extended 1v1 fights vs him. Buy antiheal”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
depends on the warwick but if he just stands infront of the wave tanking every cleaver its nearly unplayable. You need a gank, and if you mess that gank up he double kills. If your mid or bot is getting fed just stand in xp range and try to be carryable (dont die). Phase rush + inspiration, if your jungle pings to gank spam ping them away you never win this 2v1 if he has barrier”
Bard_Enjoyer says “He isn't a hard champ to play against, don't get baited for his low health if your minions are nearby. You can't poke him but 2v1 he is useless”
EvilRavioli says “Bramble first back, take exhaust if you want.
Pick a God and pray.
You can never 1v1 him if he doesnt mess up, you can only beat him in team fights.”
Artszy says “O dano do Q baseado na vida maxima te derrete, tem muito sustain na passiva e evite trocar com ele quando estiver low, pois ele ganha muito attack speed na passiva do W. não tem como tu cancelar o dash dele devido a ele ficar incontrolável.”
PlayCabex says “Your goal with warwick is to take short trades and then its quite easy. The only time you can look for an engage is when he is below half hp and it’s with your ultimate. DON’T GET BAITED BY HIS BARRIER AND HEALING. Also healing reduction is not necessary. You can also look to pre click your Q to cancel his ult (yes, it works that way) Something similar I did vs renekton in this clip: click on me.
Runes: Aery”
Belle19 says “your dunk execute counters his identity, but until 6 he just beats you. Don't fight him extended pre 6, he wins it and if you dont fight to the death he hard outsustains you. You hard outscale him in all facets of the game. Rush a bramble”
zwartebliksem says “Just wait for jungler honestly, if he zones you, poke with Q. Rush any anti-heal item. If you're dismounted, don't stay, he can ult you from (what it feels like) across the map. If you are confident with playing flash + ignite, take it. You don't necessarily need the flash, you could run tp + ignite into this lane.”
Haearnbleidd says “Get this furry out of here
Warwick top players are autistic and they have adhd.
Watch out for his fear, ult and healing. Your e goes trough his e,
buy executioners early and run him down once 6.
Build: Hexplate/Rav/Shojin > anything good.”
PPlongcook says “Dodge worthy. He's a really stupid champion top. He will Q you over and over and it follows you through all your dashes. Any trade that you get onto him is nullified by his damage reduction and Q heal. He doesn't scale as well as you do, so just don't fight him until you get anti healing and blade.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Grasp
This is another example of bad parenting. Warwick Top players are just sad that they wasn't born attractive.
You lose lvl 1s unless he just stops playing the game. You lose any long trades actually. The best thing I've found to do is just play for the roams. If you give him a lead, he will run you down.
Early grievous is required.
If you can afford a dodge, this might be the one. ”
Akuzai says “Hardest matchup to lane into. You never win fights and he always out-sustains you in the long run. Try to play out of range and if you get an advantage don't be afraid to rush healing reduction. Never ever extend fights vs him. You outscale him 1v1.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp/First Strike + Divine]
[Ignite + TP]
W start.
A good Warwick will take barrier and flash and zone you from exp range from the minions if you get to lane late. Just don't trade at all because he has infinite sustain build into his kit. Try to get what farm you can and ignite him when he's low when your jungler ganks to reduce his insane healing. You become way more useful than him out of lane so just try to farm for your items and don't get baited by his low hp+barrier+R. ”
GheeseEmpty says “A matchup I've never personally played against, but he somewhat counters your ideal trade pattern. It is not effective to fight Warwick at low HP, which is something you typically excel at. Consider taking Ignite, but I would just play defensively and wait to outscale him.”
xXazzer says “WW is cheesy. He will run lethal tempo and barrier. His whole plan is to get low health and furiously auto you and out heal you. So its basically a bait when he's low health. Know if you have enough damage to kill him otherwise don't get baited by his low health. Go heal reduc early on and he's pretty much screwed. After 6 he will add his ult into his get low health and dump everything strat so be mindful of that. Play calculated but play aggressive.”
X_TRM says “(Start W) Take Ignite. He wins in short and long trades. You need to abuse your early levels and not mess up. Your Ult will extend his E fear duration. His bonus MS is absurd and he can easily get lane priority. Worthy permaban cringe cheese pick. He also outscales you if he plays correctly with is Q and E. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword”
LilliaFanBoy says “Frozen + Tabi.
Easy match-up 9/10 times. Just keep your stacks up and don't let him get his movement speed passive to chase you down with his E.
Be careful with his R,
Don't waste W on trades unless it hits the center.”
zacklynier says “aşırı can çalması var ignite ile oynayın kendinize güveniyosanız, güvenmiyosanız ilk item cellat alın.
early game de bariyer bait i yemeyin .
early i atlatırsanız outscale ediyosunuz
e bide w nuzu birazdaha keni önünüze veya içinize atın q basılı tuttuğunda yine w içine girer.”
JPGamer10BR says “Level 1-5 é tranquilo, joga na distância farmando pokeando ele, compre o corta cura o mais rápido possível, tente desviar do R dele, ele normalmente usa Barreira então esqueça all win, principalmente em baixo da torre, não faça isso, muito cuidado.
Creio que PTA seja a melhor runa contra ele.”
The Saucy Saurus says “RUSH THORNMAIL RUSH THORNMAIL RUSH THORNMAIL. Do not trade much before you get bramble vest. Once you get thornmail, if you are even with him you can fight but beware he loves extended trades.”
He can only cheese you in lane. Keep poking him and never feel forced to finish him off, if he carries barrier and a ready E, sometimes R he can turn battles from no HP.
Try to kill him without fully committing.
He scales really poorly and serves mostly as a HP sponge and cc bot.”
BurritoTopKing says “Antiheal is a must, never trade the first levels into him as his healing will just beat you, after 6 you can try to space him and slowly chunk him, careful if he has barrier but tabis + bramble should be good enough to grant a solokill after 6.”
Autolykus says “Go ignite. One of you will die level 2-3. Use W after his Q so he doesn't dodge it with Q. You have to hit the true damage or his damage reduction will nuke your damage.”
xskyswitch says “As long as you don't underestimate his healing at low hp, this matchup is even. He will try to roam when he bases if your team is low HP or if he gets a shove in.”
King Turtle says “Warwick Top became a popular pick around last season and has now become a cheese pick that people use to abuse his sustain and chunk away at weak early game champions like Gwen. You just don't have enough damage to beat him 1v1.”
Skaiy says “Olaf and warwick are 2 very same matchups, there is full gameplay guide on channel on how to win agaisnt olaf and pretty much same goes for warwick as well, those will destroy you in any extended fight both pre and post 6 and both pre and post leer, the only way of winning is getting leer and TPing back to lane before they get their buy and killing them while you have your leer against their starting items, then after that reset get ur Anti healing orb and keep trying to kill them on ults+ignite timings, thats also the only 2 matchups when you want to buy orb.”
Bonkyou says “Go IGN every time. You don't win early all ins if you don't poke him down. Use your E execute damage to kill him as it is a burst. Q2 R also works.
Kite his E, Cancel his R with your R or buffer over it with R.
He can completely dodge your Q2 with his Q BEWARE!!!”
Chaddouk says “Try to get out of lane 0/0/0. Don't force shit, wait for jglers, ww players are mentally challenged and will throw the game in a way or another. Just chill, patience. If he's low hp, he's not low hp, unless you have a number advantage. Rush antiheal prob. Also kraken first.”
quecck says “Sett's winrate against Warwick is 40%. Yeah, sucks. It is winnable but you NEED to take ignite and buy bramble as soon as you can. He can dodge your W if he holds Q.”
DebRiX9 says “WW is one of your counterpicks. Although if played correctly he can be melted like butter. Never ever fight before level 3. Keep E for yeeting him away when he fears. Rush bramble vest then Rylai. Don't waste ganks if he falls behind you can statcheck him. P.S. Poke with W”
Quinnculated says “Легкий-средний матчап. Не сближаться, аккуратно поукать. Можно давать е всегда первым, но нужно держать в голове то, что шуршик может пойти сразу в атаку с ку. Если есть проблемы с аутсустейном, то можно взять призвание палача”
BezMemow says “Buy antiheal, you can poke him out and level 6 you can kill him. Build Iceborn or Rylai and kite him with them, don't let him auto attack you so he can't heal. Pick ghost and play around his range.
Start D Ring”
Antecc says “Q and R are dodgeable with E. Bring antiheal in some way, shape or form and it becomes an even lighter breeze of a lane. Simply respect his healing and you should be fine; this is Warwick's worst match-up after all and with good reason.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “ALWAYS IGNITE. He is healing a lot but is squishy as well. Try to zone him from minions if he is low hp beacuse he can easily heal from them, and W if you have less than 50%hp. Proper passive usage is key as it really melts him if you play correctly. Dont try to kill him without cds, beacuse you need a lot of burst to get the last 200hp. Ignite helps a lot”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [bone plating] [ overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items : start ruby crystal -> bramble -> CORE
only way you ever kill this creature is with a bramble vest and with ult undertower combo , if he is low we can try to permastun him with q stun into w for max cc so he doesnt lifesteal. !!! BE CARFUL !!! they often run barrier.
after lane ww is very useless so our goal is to just not int and maybe punish him if he overextend ”
lordimboutabust says “Respect his dmg and ability to heal. He will never die when you think he does plus he runs the disgusting barrier rune. Never been in melee and dont Q3 he will heal through it or Q behind you and you die. Never chase him after a rotation and try to keep him low until you can all in, always rememnber he has barrier | you can take ignite in this lane over TP as this dogs healing is insane | bone plating | Dblade - executioners - tank mythic”
Bernardian says “Exe rush and you straight up win. do not try to fight him lvl 1 wait for your abilities i suggest going Q first and W second for ultimate trading power try to wait for his Q first before you react and do anything, if he E's kite it out and walk away. Quick tip if you have godlike timing you can buffer your e before he ults to cancel his ult AND keep him in the air at the same time.”
AlmightyNoxian says “This dog can literally avoid your passive by right clicking to minions. Make sure you fasten your Q's on him while trading that's how you win this lane.”
demirkaiser says “Don't try level 1. Take ignite. Rush bramble. Try to dodge his ult by flashing or moving. After bramble and Rylai you should kill him. Don't fight him if he rushes BotRK.”
Lukajs says “Warwicks healing and attack speed makes him almost unkillable in lane, unless you buy antiheal on your first recall. Regardless, he is still almost impossible to kill.
There isn't really anything you can play around in this lane, just wait for jungle or play farming simulator.”
Twogrand says “DO NOT GET BAITED!~!!~!!~~! get early executioner and just farm and harass him dont get baited. hes just a cheese ball with q so relax you out scale and everything dont perma fight. conq, tp and eclipse build”
Federals1 says “Volibear is one of the few champions who can match Warwick early on and win the fights. Keeping track of his e is always key, as that is the main way he will negate your burst. On top of that, you can cancel his ultimate with yours if you time it correctly, but it is very difficult to do up close and it has to be done as a prediction rather than a reaction. You will win all the short trades you do, but the problem is Warwick's healing. He will basically always stay at half health, never really going below, so the key is to get him there, and once he is there, you want to find an opening to burst him down in a quick combo. Any small trade will result in Warwick winning because he will slowly widdle your health down while he just sits at half permanently. Executioner's Calling or Bramble Vest are great in all ins to stop a lot of his healing. Iceborn Gauntlet or Cosmic Drive are also very good full items into him. Be mindful of his magic damage as well, because he has it in everywhere, which inclues his auto attacks, his q and his ultimate. Once he gets to Blade of the Ruined King and Divine Sunderer it becomes a lot more difficult to 1v1 him unless you have healing reduction and a sizable lead. If you don't feel confident in trying to fight him 1v1, you can always just push out waves and look to proxy behind his turret. Warwick has absolutely 0 waveclear so he will be permanently stuck under tower while you outscale him for teamfights, and even in 1v1s if you go for the bruiser build. Doran's Ring and Blade both work well into him. W max is best here. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. First or second rune page should be used.”
TheGoobMaster says “dodge his r, w his fear, fight him while fear is on cd, take ignite or first back anti heal, execute him b4 he can heal. He falls off hard so ez pz”
Althalosofsirun says “one of you will die lvl 3 take dorans blade and W first you win lvl 2 not lvl 1 TAKE IGNITE. once you kill him you win till the game ends”
KaiOverHere says “Since WW has to auto minions to sustain up damage you deal to him, he is always pushing into you. Knowing this trick alone will save you. Take trades with him to force him to lifesteal, and survive that way. Taking Ignite forces him to lifesteal even more because you have more threat.
Reason this matchup is not in "Tiny" is because he still pushes you in with his early statcheck which can lead into invade shenanigans ”
Akhekhl says “Be careful of his self-healing. He can out-sustain you in a 1 on 1 fight. The best thing to do is to buy items that apply grievous wounds. ”
LocaLAM says “Antiheal and bramble again, but he's gonna be much more annoying if you can't shake him off. Since he'll prolly go barrier, you're gonna not have too much fun.”
Anoying bro5 says “This matchup is Fiora favored. Be careful of fighting him early as his damage is strong and he will heal it all back up. If you are non consistently Riposting his E fear you will lose the lane. After he is lvl 6 you have the option to Riposte this or his E. If you can not win the matchup, don't force anything and plan to outscale. I recommend taking Grasp into this matchup to have sustain to match his. If there are other enemies that heal a lot, look into buying executioners.”
Loweloexpert says “Just ignore him early lvls, dont fight dont poke, dont ask for ganks ecc. Go full scaling and once you are lvl9 with bramble and blastig allin. You can try and kill him lvl 3 if he misses his E but its risky, especially with barrier.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Constant healer and damage dealer. The healing scales on his damage and health missing. Although not a common top laner and more often a jungler, this guy is lethal in the right hands. Proceed with caution”
sinatra1633 says “You beat him as long as you use your E and constantly auto him to death.
You can escape his R if you time your dragon form.
Always don't be scared to fight him as your burst from titanic hydra Q will kill him when he is under 25% health.”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Playing vs Warwick is tricky.
You need to play around Health Thresholds as his passive holds a massive amount of power and he gets stronger the lower he gets.
Trade health until he is half or less than half hp, and then look out to bait his E, and all-in after. In this matchup you need good spacing and you need to go in & out constantly to win as you both have the same play pattern and he has more inherent power.”
illestboy_ says “D Blade + Bone plating. Cheese Champ. Darius Out Scales after level 3. Bramble Vest Rush. Your E can cancel him mid - ult but that is like impossible to do. ”
SesaPrime says “Do NOT challenge this. This matchup is nightmare and equal to Nocturne. You cannot contest with his early damage at ALL. He has to play really stupid for you to win. ”
primate nefasto says “disgusting champ, he will heal and bait you a thousend times and he is never going to die 1 vs 1. But you can win the game easily anyway.”
DJCraz says “This is also winnable but be careful. His sustain is just obnoxious so bring ignite or buy executioner's calling early. Save e until after he uses q to lock him down and hit the true damage. Do not waste your q and w on his damage reduction e. His mana burns pretty fast so he'll inevitably have to back or will be stuck with no abilities. Prime time for a beatdown.”
stefanko says “Very good matchup for Jax, if ww isnt aggresive its fine to save your e, so you can keep the wave prio, otherwise you can trade, look to e his q. When you go for all in after level 6, hold your e for later on, cause most of warwick players are gonna use their ult when they are low on hp in order to heal up, so try to use your e when warwick is forced to ult you or he dies.(lt or grasp, ignite or tp)-rush executioner if u dont go ignite”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Always Grasp Q when he Q's so he doesn't outpoke you. You can Q out of his Q range, this is the way to win this lane. Parrying his E is very tricky since he can reactivate it in a lot of different ways, so try to read his pattern and hit the W correctly. Post 6 you can easily parry his R as long as you stay away from him so you can see the animation.”
lorensj81 says “Noone should die in this lane. Do NOT get baited by him being 10% hp because he will just heal so insanly from his Q. And they like to go barrier for the extra bait.”
Pep_Shin says “You should be able to 1v1 him lvl 1 even with his barrier.
Your Q spam and armor shred is stronger than his Q.
Warwick top players are straight up retards and will fight you when they can. If they don't, go in yourself. Try to have the minion wave to help you.
His E is strong before your lvl 6.
Once you have your R you should win every time.
Once behind he is useless, but be careful as he can build divine sunderer which would be a huge problem for you.”
Irelius says “Редкий гость на топе
Берём игнайт если хотим иметь хоть какой-то шанс его убить. Но на деле, просто выжите, игрок на псине проиграет игру сам. Ждите своего лесника. Кушак обязателен. ”
Puyi says “You can easily avoid his fear and ultimate with your W, but he will steal out duel you. Get an early bramble vest. You should have enough CC to prevent him from 1v2ing you and your jungler.”
Irelius says “Rare guest at toplane. Champion that does nothing except for occasionally bulling melees. Pick ignite if you want to have a slight kill pressure. Otherwise, concede lane completely and scale or wait for help. QSS is eseential. ”
JustSad42 says “Run Second Wind, Unflinching and Doran Shield. Never try to trade with Warwick and only go for CS you won’t get poked too much for. You don’t want early Grievous Wounds against Warwick, since you won’t win the fight regardless. You will only win the fight against Warwick, if he has Barrier, after 2 items and getting Grievous wounds. If he does not have Barrier, you will only need 1 item and Grievous Wounds. Warwick will completely dominate you in lane, and the fact that it’s difficult to W any of his abilities makes the lane even harder.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade.
Dodge. You will not win this line no matter what happens. Warwick is just too strong in the early, rush Bramble Vest and Tabi. You can try to kill him when your jungler shows up, but still this character has so much healing that he can do 1v2 with no problems. (Fortunately, this pick is very rare.)”
Night Guy says “He is a problem when you face him top lane so try to play it safe and poke him a little now after 6 try to bait him into going all in on you and pull him in the tower. But be careful of Warwick he is pretty strong and has a better sustain than you.”
SrMolinv says “Its hard becouse they pick barrier all the time. Dont fall into rushing anti heal, make use of Ignite. Hes so annoying unless you know what you are doing its not worth fighting. Short trades and respect barrier when up.”
LeyzeHP says “Conqueror
You can just spam leaping him and he can't do much about it, you have a lot of damage early so you can win easily. He can be a problem just after 6 with his ult, but now it gets reduced by tabis. If you get camped early go executioners or brumble vest(if really behind) and still might be able to beat him”
JT Andrew says “Warwick has a high lifesteal, so use an anti heal item in the early game so that you can fight warwick well. You will be able to dress well because of your w and e because it is possible You can dodge Warwick's R and Warwick's only auto attack. so you will benefit a little from this because of your W ”
Smudey says “Warwicks healing is insane, especially early so ignite will have extra value. Only go for short trades with your empowered Qs and only taunt in if you can kill him. Make sure you have your W up when you want to kill him to keep him from healing up and turning the fight around. You can either try fighting him with ignite so he becomes useless if you get an early lead, or you take TP and play for ults since Warwick doesn't scale that great and is very snowball reliant to be an actual threat. Bramble Vest early can help to keep you from dying if you are low.”
bemix95 says “First back Executioner's Calling. Trading with Warwick is not worth because he will lifesteal through minions. Focus on farm and wait for his mistake. ”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Kite him. I would say its very similar to darius, but with more healing and no stacks. If you come to melee range never make go in long trades, just auto with passive and run. Always fight when you have barrel nearby so you can run away and deal bonus damage. He is very squishy but his healing is sick, past6 save your W for his ult, try to reset your passive as many times as possible beacuse the true damage hurts him. Save some burst for when he has low hp as he heals much more and you should be fine. ”
hamgi says “warwick is another really good 1v1'er, probably the best in top lane as he has great sustain and cc. however, his wave clear sucks, and a lot of the times they'll start an unintentional freeze. they usually pick up bork or titanic hydra first, which allows them to clear waves faster, but in the beginning, try to last hit the very first wave so that ur not shoving towards him and giving him an early gold lead or fight on u. like vlad, rushing executioner's is useless as he can q a minion for health back, but do build grievous for mid-late as there is more team fights and less wave control. ur trades will feel less useless but consistently poke him. he's a mana champ, and if he wants his hp back, he has to use q. also, if he wants to trade u back, using his fear (e) will cost him mana. try to bait out his fear before trading with q3/e as u can do more dmg and take less. they usually take lethal, and ww will win an all-in against u even if u have lt urself. if u do fight him, whether from level 1 or anytime in lane, always ignite him (if applicable). if someone is low, he gains ms, so make sure he isnt on all fours when u fight post level 6 as this increases the range of his r. like any other suppression, if u recast e at the exact moment ww casts r, he'll either miss or u'll escape his ult and he'll be locked in anim”
StudysX says “WW w/ lethal tempo stomps you in lane. Play safe and farm under tower. Outside of lane though, you should have the upper hand especially in TFs”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “Skillmatchup, watch out if he plays barrier match with ghost ignite try to keep ur E as well as long as possible really effective here, MAJOR MECHANIC predict when he trys to R u so u cast ur E before he R's and u cancel his R withtit (major)”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early to reduce Warwick’s chances of running you down and killing you. Investing in healing reduction can do a lot in this matchup. Warwick has a lot of sustain and will be buying items that increase his healing. At level 6, Warwick will look for aggressive plays. If he cannot use his Ultimate Infinite Duress(R) in your lane, he will rotate somewhere else and use it there instead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Warwick is a strong early game Jungler. Place vision inside the river and at his jungle entrances to reduce his ability to get successful ganks off. Thanks to his kit, Warwick can take objectives pretty quickly and can solo them thanks to the sustain from his Jaws of the Beast(Q). Place vision and take the bot side Scuttle Crab to spot him before he is able to take it. As Warwick has a strong early game, try to equal his pressure by ganking just as much as him. If you’re not able to gank in the early game, try to invade his jungle and steal away camps when he’s shown on the other side of the map.”
kajinator says “Never fight him early. Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite are mandatory to get trades off him without him being able to jump on you instantly and giving you some time to dodge it. Executioners Calling is mandatory. Warwick falls off and your wave clear, team fighting, and side laning is all better than his. You can win a post-6 all in with ignite if you bait his barrier out which most players who play him top take.”
BreadyToCrumble says “A rare toplane pick but he is VERY STRONG EARLY so avoid fighting him then! Once the early game is over you will hard beat him but just be aware that you WILL lose hard early. Try to get him to push into you and farm up.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Warwick is a strong early game Jungler. Place vision inside the river and at his jungle entrances to reduce his ability to get successful ganks off. Thanks to his kit, Warwick can take objectives pretty quickly and can solo them thanks to the sustain from his Jaws of the Beast(Q). Place vision and take the bot side Scuttle Crab to spot him before he is able to take it. As Warwick has a strong early game, try to equal his pressure by ganking just as much as him. If you’re not able to gank in the early game, try to invade his jungle and steal away camps when he’s shown on the other side of the map.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Warwick is a strong duelist with great self-healing. Don’t walk alone with 50%< HP because he can smell your champion’s blood and goes to you with increased movement speed. Items with “grievous wound” effect are also effective against his healing and vampirism.”
SrMolinv says “Warwick top con barrera. Aunque se quede sin mana tiene muchas pasivas. Tradeos cortos e intentar que se quede sin mana. No intentar el all in cuando tenga barrera.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early to reduce Warwick’s chances of running you down and killing you. Investing in healing reduction can do a lot in this matchup. Warwick has a lot of sustain and will be buying items that increase his healing. At level 6, Warwick will look for aggressive plays. If he cannot use his Ultimate Infinite Duress(R) in your lane, he will rotate somewhere else and use it there instead.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Poção Corrupta, Q > E] - Nessa Lane pode ir de incendiar e TP, dê poke sempre que estiver com fluxo de mana ativo, solte full combo apenas quando o warwick vier para cima, solte o combo e corra, não faça trocas longas, o WW recupera mais vida que o seu ataque basico, vc só vai mata-lo se fizer boas trocas de danos e ir para cima APENAS se tiver certeza que irá mata-lo em apenas 1 combo, se ele sobreviver corra pois ele vai recuperar a vida inteira e matar voce "”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early to reduce Warwick’s chances of running you down and killing you. Investing in healing reduction can do a lot in this matchup. Warwick has a lot of sustain and will be buying items that increase his healing. At level 6, Warwick will look for aggressive plays. If he cannot use his Ultimate Infinite Duress(R) in your lane, he will rotate somewhere else and use it there instead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early to reduce Warwick’s chances of running you down and killing you. Investing in healing reduction can do a lot in this matchup. Warwick has a lot of sustain and will be buying items that increase his healing. At level 6, Warwick will look for aggressive plays. If he cannot use his Ultimate in your lane, he will rotate somewhere else and use it there instead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early to reduce Warwick’s chances of running you down and killing you. Investing in healing reduction can do a lot in this matchup. Warwick has a lot of sustain and will be buying items that increase his healing. At level 6, Warwick will look for aggressive plays. If he cannot use his Ultimate in your lane, he will rotate somewhere else and use it there instead.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Keep the wave closer to your side of the map early to reduce Warwick’s chances of running you down and killing you. Investing in healing reduction can do a lot in this matchup. Warwick has a lot of sustain and will be buying items that increase his healing. At level 6, Warwick will look for aggressive plays. If he cannot use his Ultimate in your lane, he will rotate somewhere else and use it there instead.”
NegativePhoenix says “Warwick top is a pain. Most will run Tempo with barrier so extended fights are in his favor, and even if you do get him low he will just barrier and then heal to full off the wave. You need grievous early but be careful because it doesn't affect him as much as people think. Overall go for poke if you see the opening, but wait till later to do extended fights. Late game is yours pretty much afterwards.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “One of the only champions strong enough to fight you early, get Bramble Vest FIRST item and it becomes much easier. Stun him when he E's and he's pretty weak at 1v1ing when it's on
cooldown. DO NOT get baited when he's low and has E as he can outheal your DPS. You can eat him when he's Eing to deny the fear's value. If you have healing reduction and he's not
fed then he scales pretty poorly so going even is fine. ”
tacowo_ says “Cheese lane. Antiheal is good against him, but with Antiheal's recent nerfs it might not be worth. He wins trades. Every time. If you don't fight him, you win.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Тонны сустейна, очень противный, играйте севово, если он пойдет в олын трейд то вы его выигрываете, помни, он может за лететь вам за спину, если вы промахиваетесь E, то уже наверное труп.”
Taiquyorah says “Warwick n'est pas un MU Facile, il est même plutôt difficile car sa regen est dure à prévoir mais en lane vous devriez être capable de farm et de vous laissez push. Il ne peut pas mettre de pression sous tourelle donc farmer comme ça.
Dans ce MU, ne jamais W son fear lorsqu'il a son ult. Toujours gardé l'orange pour son R. Essayer de le kite pendant qu'il utilise son E, le reste sera de bien faire exploser ses barils et proc les resets de passif.
GP outscale facilement Warwick. Ne tentez pas de le trade en early.”
VituVonDoom says “Cheese pick, one that is not even good into Jayce. Don't duel this guy, farm safely and stay in ranged most of the time, you outscale the fuck out of him. Go FS, abuse his almost infinte sustain, as he becomes a walking gold bag whenever you have FS up, as well as rush antiheal. Be wary thought, even antiheal can't stop WW's insane healing, don't ever attempt to fight him when FS is down.”
Aberrant Demon says “This matchup is very similar to the Tahm Kench matchup in a way. Your goal is NOT to kill him. You are far more valuable than him outside of laning phase, prioritize farming up first. Warwick top relies on the opponent being really greedy and look for a perceived lethal that doesn't actually exist due to Warwick's healing and Barrier (assuming he takes it). Rushing Grievous Wounds can help a little bit. If he is looking to ult you, start your E before it lands. You also can cancel his ultimate with your Q, but it's not reliable. He has to be in melee range at the start of his ult for it to work.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Win this lane, dominate it, Fiora should win this matchup if played properly.
Wave 1-4:
Poke him down with Q's outside of his Q range, especially when he tries to last hit you.
Take dblade in this matchup, you want to look to poke him down with front vitals Q's, to then look for an all in, try to look for Q's when he is cs'ing, so he can't walk up and Q you back.
Trade him until he is 50% hp, and then you need to ALL in with ignite, as he only heals off auto attacks if he is below 50% health, so trading anymore then that, without the intention of killing him, is usually bad.
You want to parry his E if possible, if not his Q is also very nice to parry as it's his main source of damage and healing.
He can win early if you are impatient but as long as you wait until 6 (executioners or ignite is also good to have before but not necessary) then you will win this matchup.
Don't underestimate them especially if they have barrier, when they are low hp they can steal dish out a lot of DMG especially if you are in W HP range.
Parry his ultimate for a free win if you have the mind game down, otherwise tanking it is fine, it is reactable from far though.
So tether and kite vitals, look for an all in, and you win it, if they have barrier, and you have TP abuse the advantage you have, you can just recall and TP for better items, every bit of extra damage is really helpful in this matchup, so go coup de grace.”
LegitLechner says “A melee with giga healing. Warwick 90% will destroy you if you try to fight him pre 3-6. Executioners first item. Everytime. After 6 i try to bait warwicks to ult me and just ult. No need to hit e first. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “His healing is stupid easy to utilize as he's a braindead champion and the healing only gets stronger as he gets weaker in terms of health. You'll definitely need ignite if engaging him into a full on fight 1v1 or otherwise. Moreover, he's quite simple to beat otherwise”
queen_rane says “[Ignite + Flash] You can just farm out this lane and be more useful than him later. Don't fight him early because he has infinite sustain from his passive and his Q.”
SilverAvalanche says “Outscale: You can't AA space him because of his Q. So just try and land Qs and Es and use your W to kite him, if he tries to run you down. Just be sure not to get caught out without W or E. At level 6 you wanna just use your combo when he is 50% hp, just make sure to shroud his fear move and don't use any damaging abilities while it is on since it reduces all damage by 35% unless he is really low, it is better just to save them for when it expires after 2.5 secs.”
Trundledaddy says “Lane is easy, just annoying with his
flexibility in summoners, get execut
for decrese his healing, he will roam
mid a lot if good, even if you win
lane, he will be annoying with sustain, a good pillar can actually cancen his ult if you pilar on urself as soon as he reaches you”
LoucasTitan says “Warwick is really hard in the early game since Warwick's passive and q will give him so much sustain, so play safe until you have grave wounds and try not to die too much. I recommend that you get ghost so you won't get feared and that is the only way you can win the matchup. Warwick will try to kill your maiden and you will not do damage early in the game, so don't try to summon a maiden if it's unnecessary.”
BiriRamen says “never played this matchup, but U.GG is going sicko mode, I'll update when I get a few games against WW, so I'll put him in extreme for now since he's kinda broken regardless with his W healing and armor shred.”
lolkayleee says “[Ignite + Flash]
You can just farm out this lane and be more useful than him later. Don't fight him early because he has infinite sustain from his passive and his Q. ”
PandoraPanda14 says “U can beat him early very easily. Ur 5 stack damage as long as u kite him while fighting u can beat him. Care for barrier and his healing. Go bramble.”
Raen says “Be careful fighting him on low hp cuz he heals a lot, antiheal needed asap. Try to block his Q with ur E. Same try to predict his R with ur E to block his whole dmg and stop his R after getting stunned. Try to not fight him while hes under his E. Get magic resists in runes vs him.”
Gassid says “Fais attention à Warwick c'est un champion avec beaucoup de regen, ne pas se faire bait pas ses low HP. L'early est difficle mais tu l'out-scale très vite”
Helzky says “Warwick wins levels 1-2. Level 3 you can trap him and dance around him with ghouls and E. Make sure you bring Ignite or executioners to this matchup. Level 6 with Prowlers you can burst him down pretty quick.”
King Turtle says “Warwick top players are the biggest scumbags in the game and don't deserve their accounts. He has some of the most broken healing in the game, abuses lethal tempo extremely hard, and in most trades you just lose because he will outheal your damage even with anti-heal. You literally cannot fight him unless you catch him off guard level 6. if it weren't for the fact that he's played a lot less top than teemo right now he'd be my perma ban.”
Hecki says “Rush Executioner's Calling or take ignite. He will try to cheese you in the early game and permanently Q you when you get in range. If you trade against him don't get greedy and keep in mind if he has the summoner spell barriere, since most Warwick top players take it to fool you when they are low since they will activate barriere and heal half of their hp back with 3 autoattacks.”
Your Desired Username says “Even match-up. Don't buy tabis here, even though it seems right, he has alot of magic damage. You can never win an all-in vs this guy, so you need to poke him down before you even try to kill him. Thankfully, poking him is pretty easy. He needs to be at most 40% hp for you to be able to kill him because Warwick top players usually take Barrier, which can sadly not be counteracted by your ignite. ALWAYS make sure to have healing reduction when fighting him or you WILL NOT KILL HIM. Make sure you either have ignite or a healing reduction item (I recommend oblivion orb instead of bramble). If he ever engages you before the 40% hp threshold, do not fight him, just pull him away from you with E. If he does not have barrier up, the threshold goes up to around 60% HP. Don't try ulting him later into the game, he will most likely beat you.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “High sustain and okayish damage. Buy bramble and it becomes a fair fight. Pre 6 use E to block his Q and make sure to E-W before his howl. Post 6 make sure to block his R damage with shield. Run Lethal Tempo or HoB. Go Divine or Frostfire. Thornmail necessary.”
Stellathe trans gal says “just make sure to shut him out early on and countergank him if you are in jungle- if you dont let him snowball hes hardly a threat.”
LunaticDancer says “Scary cheese lane. Let him push in, you stand no chance 1v1. Gambler is viable, you just won't be getting any use out of it in the first few levels. Once lvl 6, you have the upper hand. Just don't get cheesed.
Anti-heal is great here.”
COJA says “His Q can cause him to dash behind you, meaning you usually have to save your Q/W until after he uses it. You need to poke him out as he has no strong engage and will absolutely win in an all-in. Your Q can also cancel his ultimate (but not while in flight), if timed perfectly. Buy Executioners. ”
UnderworldShun says “If he is on the enemy team, the only way you are safe is if you stay in fountain. Otherwise, manifest your inner MR. Freeze and stay in tower.”
Turkthunder says “Warwick is one of those matchups in which you feel as though you should quit. I believe if you are not an experienced Gangplank player with knowledge on your ability to deal with a matchup like this I would personally Ban/avoid this matchup.”
King Turtle says “his healing is incredibly annoying and even with anti-heal if they have Sunderer it won't matter much. He's hard to kill and with a sheen proc he can still chunk you pretty good.”
Black Demon Ezel says “The rating does not speak the truth, if you see Warwick in your game, don't ult him, he'll make you waste half of it by ulting you right after the fact. He's usually seen Jungle so have your Jungler to be wary and help you with pest control if need be”
N64Master says “If you're playing jungle, this guy COULD mess you up. The way he operates and his simplicity could bring you trouble. However, there's this thing called hard CC that screws him over. Guess what? Voli has a stun! Stun him, smack him, repeat any given amount of times. ”
Aizac says “Get Executioners ASAP if laneing against him or he is camping you, get executioners after your first item no matter what, we don't stand for people out-healing us.”
Stinkee says “Warwick top is a rare cheese pick, usually picked by one-tricks. He does okay into Sion but Sion should be able to win. Just buy healing reduction ASAP. If he takes barrier, don't get baited by his low health, that's what he wants. Don't let him Q spam on you and if he does, punish him. If he doesn't start Doran's Ring or Corrupting Pot, he'll run out of mana fast. Once you get healing reduction he's pretty easy to deal with. ”
Sovereign Kitten says “Keep your health high by constantly kiting camps and be very careful as he can simply smell you out if you do manage to be very low on HP early on. You're going to have to try to be there for your team mates to prevent him from snowballing through his ganks.”
BoilTheOil says “Take Conqueror and ignite into him because he will outheal your damage with it, try to save your spells to burst him when he's low because that's when he heals the most. Don't use W until he Q's because he can go behind you with it and dodge it. Don't fight him without ignite up. If you ever think he's dead you're wrong. He falls off late game so try not to give him a lead.”
Phrxshn says “If he uses Jaw of the Beast(Q) try to be unpredictable with your direction as his Q can dash behind you. Save fling for his Primal Howl to prevent being feared by him. Also save Fling to cancel Infinite Duress. Make short trades against Warwick. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Mega Adhesive prevent Infinite Duress and Jaw of the Beast from being cast) (Fling overrides Jaws of the Beast and Infinite Duress channeling) (Fling does not override Infinite Duress jump)”
quinn adc says “Early game play as aggro as you can.
WW wants you to get him low so he can barrier bait you.
He gets extra healing below 50% hp, so don't fall for his trick.
It's like shaco backing while low in front of 10 boxes trying to bait you.
If you want to kill him, ignite early so you mitigate his healing.
Be careful of your E usage because WW can Q you after you use it, but his Q range is only 350 units, which is super short.
Constantly harras him with autos, and if he Qs you, E away to escape.
Play the matchup like this and he can't do much at all.
If he has R, try to blind him when he is getting low cuz WW will only R when he is low.
If you blind him first, this makes it so muich tougher for him to land R. If he misses R he is dead.”
At_Tar_Ras says “dodge XD i say this cause your jungler will gank you and warwick will 1v2 cause all junglers have zero respect for how overpowered warwick top is. trust, if youre against this terrorism just dodge tbh. if not, the only way to win lane is to not die. doesnt matter if u are down 100 CS. just do not die and soak XP. take the CS you can take and by the time you get BORK you prob outscale him, if not, at the very least you have prevented him from abusing the cheese pick and you're more valuable in teamfights anyways by blitzing to his squishies. ask me about the matchup if you want! > ”
SunFalk says “Warwick can seems like a big threat, but when you know how to deal with him, he's realy not.
When you see a wolf head a bit transparent on top of you, heal or back up because that means warwick smells you.
If you see a darker head on top of you, that means that warwick is coming for you and used his W to go faster, always back and stay under tower until you know he's gone”
Phrxshn says “If he uses Jaw of the Beast(Q) try to be unpredictable with your direction as his Q can dash behind you. Kite out his Primal Howl to prevent being feared by him. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Thornmail) ”
Phrxshn says “If he uses Jaw of the Beast(Q) try to be unpredictable with your direction as his Q can dash behind you. Kite out his Primal Howl to prevent being feared by him. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Thornmail or Executioner's) ”
LoLReal says “Pretty easy lane. Ignite isn't a bad option in this match up. Be careful fighting him when you are both low health, he has a deceptive amount of healing. He can't outheal our 5 stack bleed damage early.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “More commonly played in jungle, but starting to see it top more again lately. Buy grievous wounds, or he regens forever off his passive and Q. Will try to fight you at level 2 with his fear and chomp. Just back off at first. ”
Phrxshn says “If he uses Jaw of the Beast(Q) try to be unpredictable with your direction as his Q can dash behind you. Kite out his Primal Howl to prevent being feared by him. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Warwick) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Recommended Items: Thornmail or Executioner's) ”
montybucket says “He's there to make sure you have a bad laning phase, so play safe, he's got damage mitigation and fear, his ult suppresses and his Q heals him for a whole lot of health. But after the laning phase you win any duel with him (unless you mega fed him)”
mec908 says “----ESPAÑOL----
No busques ganar nunca el early contra el, juega pasiva hasta que tengas tu mítico y rushea corta curaciones de primeras, puedes optar por Filo de la cordura en este match ya que la mayoria de su daño es AP pero también pega bastante AD
Do not ever seek to win the early against him, play passive until you have your mythical and rushea cuts heals first, you can opt for Edge of Sanity in this match since most of its damage is AP but it also hits a lot of AD
duckling213 says “This is a really easy match up for us although level 1-6 he can beat you. rush bramble and then titanic and you start to win if even. I would try and get an early gank just to get that early lead. You can also cancel his ult if you time it correctly with your e. I did today and didn't even know that was possible. Also I would try and get him to ult you before you ult him so if he does hit you with his ult our timer to recast isn't wasted. ”
Drake6401 says “Almost always the jungler. When you're at low health, this guy can easily come flying in after you. Do not trade auto attacks to kill this guy, he'll kill you. He gains attack speed when you're low and heals when he's low. When both low and out of abilities, he will always win. He also has good sustain but has mana so it's not quite on par with Renekton. ”
Warwick is easy to defeat for you as Darius. Try to hit him with the EDGE of Q because otherwise he can bite into you and then dodge your Q. If he keeps doing it, either start the trade with AA W or combo your Q with E. WW works VERY well with junglers and his bite has the damage to cheese you in the first few levels so be careful first three levels and you should be good to go. I’d recommend Conqueror into him but honestly, do whatever you want. You auto win after level 3. Just don’t let him disengage with his fear too easily. To prevent this, time your W or your E JUST as he fears you so that he doesn’t have the Movespeed to walk away. Another trick you can do is cancel his ultimate. If he ults towards you, make sure to time your E so that it starts just before you get suppressed. The E will still play out and you will cancel his ultimate while he is on you.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - Warwick is really hard... he heals too much!
- I might try Oblivion Orb Bramble and see if it helps...
- He's deceptively tanky... He could be at 100hp and bites you and ult and boom he's full HP again..."”
Amvill says “He is a serious threat in both top and jg since he can basically stand in your poison and not take damage. His damage reduction and CC make him unkillable to a Singed. You can still body him in teamfights though.”
The Real Fake says “You cannot fight him super early due to his good dueling power. After first back, if you get Red Smite & brought ignite you can definitely fight him after. You are more mobile and offer more utility (AOE fear & damage, splitpush, consistent engage). Reccomended to get Red Smite & Ignite if you expect to run into him a lot.”