In the Jungle 52.52% Win Rate87% Pick RateDiana In the Jungle Counters: 42 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Diana in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
idontwannagoalone says “skill matchup, if you dont have enough damage to kill her in one combo, she kills you after”
Bella Ciao says “Honestly super fun matchup, you win 1v1 hard as Pheonix, consider w to out tank her, or isolated q to onetap
AD Udyr super fun here, but needs tempo”
Jackiewawa says “Diana usually full clears but she's a pretty strong duelist as well, use your W to block her Q to stop her from dashing onto you. You outscale but she can auto you to death if she's fed. ”
DoxxTheLeague says “Try to dodge her q also dont group against her she can e you and since you are lillia and have 1000 movespeed you will go back enough for her to be able to e into your team and get a good ult keep your distance and build some mr”
DarnuS says “As i said, almost every brusier wins vs gragas if your not 10/0, but diana is such a pain in the ass. You can try to cancel her dash, but it does not matter because as soon she is in your face, you can not get out. Her ultimate cancels your body slam and she automatically wins. Too much hp, sustain and shields. Very hard match up.”
kimijebac123 says “Even Matchup. annoying to play against cuz of E and shields but you win her 1v1 with PR, try to punish her early so she doesnt scale fast enough to mid game and you won”
ScytherKhaZix says “the match up is very simple for you, remember that it is best for diana to do invade lvl 3 so that she will be much delayed in reaching lvl 6”
orka4.sandraj says “Dangerous both jungle and midlane, hard to duel, only fight if you are confident your Q will land, otherwise she can E you with no counterplay, burst you and shit on your body. Play safely, W minions from range, on jungle avoid her, its possible to kill her if you land your Q.”
lurutin says “You can W her burst and can avoid her ult with Q, she is not a problem if you keep your eyes open when facing her, and you will always do more than her in 2v2 situations.”
masrigod says “Invade her during her first clear, a lot stronger early and faster. She catches up A LOT faster than other champions though so be careful. ”
Yomu says “You both farm evenly so it'll come down to whoever plays around the team better. Her teamfight is technically more consistent but yours have higher top end. You should alwyas win 1v1 and if you think she will E you then E backwards to put her into the wall.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Even though she has really fast clear, I never struggled vs Diana. It's probably cause she's predictable with her dashes and it's easy to proc your passive. The later game goes, the easier it becomes for you to play vs her.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Can turn out really nasty if you R before her R while also not having Q up to be able to escape her Ultimate. otherwise you can outplay her almost as well as she does you.”
huncho1v9 says “Medium matchup. Diana doesn’t have a strong level 3 invade, though she might flip it. Diana likes to play for full clear, but she has strong teamfighting and dueling as well. Gwen outscales, but Diana has a surprisingly strong early game now post-buffs. Make sure to use your W to avoid her Q if you’re ever gonna duel her.”
Ejsner says “Like Karthus and Fiddlesticks, Diana poses a significant threat as she focuses on farming and excels in teamfights. It's crucial to secure victories in fights against her early on to establish a lead for the rest of the game. However, even if you gain an early advantage, be aware that she can purchase Zhonya's Hourglass and remain a threat later on, so remain vigilant throughout the matchup. Avoid using your W recklessly for empowered Q and instead, anticipate her QWE combo, which can occur rapidly if not followed by her ultimate (preferably). Keep track of her item power spikes on the scoreboard and be prepared to mitigate her ultimate burst damage with your W to turn the tide of fights.”
huncho1v9 says “- Easy matchup, similar to Briar in ways. If you have conqueror you beat her early. She plays for full clear and can’t invade you level 3 unless she has lane prios. ”
Fyir says “If she is ahead she can oneshot you but you should be able to stay away from her with your w. It's difficult to get away from her if she gets on top of you but if you ult her away there is a chance.”
Mignognium says “Diana sera souvent un 50/50, si elle prend de l'avance avec un peu d'AP résistance elle sera gérable, et si elle est feed avec un peu de temps vous deviendrez aussi puissant qu'elle si vous rattraper votre retard en itemisation. Il faut simplement se rappeler de ne pas la sous estimer car elle a une puissance équivalente, elle garde un ultime meilleur que celui de Viego pour les team fitgh. Essayer plutôt de la catch avec votre équipe si elle deviens un danger. Attention au 1V1 avec son nouveau buid vitesse d'atk même si normalement sa reste un 50/50 si vous êtes ok. ”
astral 1v9 says “hard if she gets ahead, u cant rly 1v1 this champ at all when even and especially if she goes tank diana. Clears fast and high tempo just like u. ”
xTechikaze says “Not to bad of a match up seeing as she is an all in champ with no real escape. W out of her ult if you can and hit R and everyone will just burst her out. You win this one overall as long as your team and you dont feed her.”
Fessor ivern twitch says “ENG:
Mabujo says “The lesbian edgyness.
Try and dodge the Q. Don't engage on full health as she will burst you down, even early. He ult takes you out of siphon and ult channels. ”
X3mHills says “Additionally, your scaling is about the same. It's a challenging matchup. Use Conqueror as your main rune and remember that you can't escape from her, but you can fight back. Try to dodge her Q ability and engage in combat afterwards.”
oneshotudyr says “If she's fed during midgame she can kill your, but otherwise, you always outdamage her, as long as both of you have around the same gold.”
RuinedJG says “For most of these minor threat champs, the ideas stay the same, Space Q's. Dodge her Q, or if she misses it, you win. If she goes tanky, go black cleaver, if she goes full AP, go Deaths Dance and Maw.”
Tortizzy says “Diana has a better early game than you and can easily kill you, but you have way better clearing and even ganks. Play for your team against Diana and you'll win.”
jajkopajko says “Pre-6 you will outtrade her and outpoke her, after 6 be careful for her allins and roams. I recommend going zhonyas as she can pretty much outshot you”
Prefexx says “She out pokes you, has a shield to counter your poke, and also her E counters your ultimate. Don't get me wrong, you could maybe win lane if you know what you're doing. My only tips are to engage when her pull is down, poke constantly with your Q if you want to be aggressive.”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Dodge her Q by walking back into her. treat her like you would amumu, take her out if you can and don't let her ult your team later in the game.”
loganrichards says “You both farm evenly so it'll come down to whoever plays around the team better. Her teamfight is technically more consistent but yours have higher top end. You should alwyas win 1v1 and if you think she will E you then E backwards to put her into the wall.”
PI5S says “These five are especially dangerous because of their powerful early game invading. You are a free kill when you hit red buff against these guys -- ping your mid or support to come wait at red if you are playing against them. They can all furthermore snowball this into a game-crushing lead, if they push the advantage. Generally, I ban Master Yi or Diana.”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
Diana's Q can be a bit hard to get used to dodging, and she can do a lot of burst damage to you if you stand too close to her without dodging her Q. However, if you can get used to dodging it, she is super harmless. Your R can get you out of Diana's R damage if she does manage to pull you in. Still be careful, this lane is be very volatile and snowball out of control if Diana gets early kills.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
garbocan says “Can be difficult for Ivern if you get caught in her R, but if you have Flash or Zhonyas, it's a lot easier to avoid.
The main issue with Diana comes from the jungle matchup. She clears very quickly and can easily punish Ivern if he leaves camps up. This is one of the jungle matchups where you're bound to be down 80+ cs at 25 mins in.”
FrostbiteMW says “You win pre 6. Try to be aggressive at that point in game and maybe kill her. Its often hard to poke her tho, since she can shield damage with her W. After 6 she can easily all in you. If you dont have bubble youre basically dead when shes on you.”
Valkidol says “A burst mage without enough burst to oneshot you who also has to get in melee range to fight. You will enjoy your game versus this champion.”
OakIgu says “Oh season 2022 was fun I needed to deal with her almost every match but right now not only she is very rare to see but also much more easy to deal, Frozen heart wont protect you from her damage but if most of her team is AD still do FH after Jak'Sho because she AA a lot too.”
RedViper1308 says “You can cancel her E with your W. Pretty hard put if you got it the fight is your´s. But be always aware of her ulti in teamfights. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Play carefully against her and use lots of wards to see her coming. Landing her Q is very important for this champion and you can counter attack if she misses this ability.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Diana: Is kinda even pick lately becouse she doesnt build that tanky anymore.. But if she is ahead she might be problem.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: No way she can steal your objectives.. You can destroy her early becouse she has no power.. But still you shouldnt let your guard down”
SYROBE says “If briar falls behind Diana can easily burst briar and can win short trades with her shield and Ultimate + hourglass. Otherwise briar will usually win.”
Zero macro says “Briar has a decent time into Diana, due to Briar’s strong statcheck and gap closer into Diana, however… Diana jungle clear speed is faster than Briar, especially when Diana is given a lead.
Briar E is recommended to use against Diana R aoe radius, since Briar knock back has more range than Diana R radius.
wiglessfool says “Can be annoying but that's mostly just because its Diana. Save your E for if you get hit by her q and you can't fight her. She can't dash through your E.”
MusicJG says “She outfarms you and has a better teamfighting ability than you.
You have better ganks pre 6 and win skrimishes in river/with your teammates.
Look to invade her with prio to make her fall behind.
If she has no farm she's useless.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Weaker in the 1v1, but stronger in teamfights. Try to shut her down early and close out the game before she scales into a threat.”
Zero macro says “Diana jungle clear speed combined with early strength can be hard to deal with, but due to Ekko his mobility and W zone he can manage to overcome the early game. Whenever Diana or Ekko fall behind in this match up ---> they both will snowball very well.”
waterA says “Diana is an assasin hunter and you are main assasin in this game. If she's good no change in laning it is still usefull to let her come us first. Thanks god she's more popular on jungler.”
Zero macro says “Diana has a solid early game and a stronger mid/late game. Nidalee can perform really well into Diana, and thereby dodge Diana Q's with Nidalee Cougar W jump. Nidalee has an easyier early game, but if not succeeded Diana can become a stronger teamfight point and issue.”
Zero macro says “Diana and Zed both have insane Jungle clear speeds, thereby Diana has a stronger early stat check, unless Zed can manage to dodge her Q and hit all of his spells. Zed will have the upper hand once reaching lvl 6. due to overlapping his R with Diana R and nevertheless the output of Zed R is just bigger.”
17qiyana says “For jungle she fucks you since she likes to early invade and hit you with high damage output early in game you kinda stomp her once you get slightly ahead. In mid take advantage of bush Q and water.”
NegativePhoenix says “Even if you stun her, if she lands her Q it doesn't matter since she has 3-4 dashes every time she lands a Q perfectly on you. I wouldn't try to fight her early without some kind of support. Most Dianas these days build Hybrid. As a Hybrid/Tank you MIGHT be able to do something to stop her engages briefly, but as a full AP Rell she one shots you.”
metalhydra273 says “Diana will either roll all over you or be useless in this matchup. Unlike Ekko, once she's in she isn't getting out, but her immediate burst is higher. If you can survive this, you can start locking her down immediately. This should depend on who's more ahead, but her snowball potential is higher, so play for shutdown if she starts getting out of hand, and pick her off before she can go in.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Diana pode ser considerado o mesmo caso da bel'veth, possui um alto dano dependendo da sua build, porém em certos momentos é mais fácil de se lidar caso ela não pegue reset no dash dela.”
MrFerrot says “She just does so much damage. Luckily, with a teammate around and some CC, she can be killed super quick, as she can't dash back out of fights. Play to outfarm, and kill her in teamfights.”
Apari1010 says “Early she will dominate you but once you get form, it doesn't matter what she builds you can kill her no matter what. Just avoid her early and get form quick.”
support_diff says “If you are unlucky, she hits you with his auto attack when her passive is on or Q. Use your Q before 1:38 or she has her Q up again”
ttvRegedice says “Similar to karthus and fiddle, Diana is an AFK farming teamfight menace. It's pivotal to win fights versus her early to ensure a lead going into the rest of the game. Even if you win early, she can buy zhonya and be a problem later versus you, so never have your guard down in this matchup. Don't use W recklessly for empQ and wait for her QWE dmg considering that all some pretty quick if not R (preferably) if she has it up. Make sure you're paying attention to her item powerspikes on the scoreboard and again heal her ult burst with your W to turn fights. Overall chill matchup but can get ugly if you disrespect considering that you win early 1v1.”
Borinn says “She has fast clear speed but doesn't have good ganks before 6 so gank as much as possible. Don't stand together with your team because her r stacks per person.
You can go either AD or tank.”
Virizion says “Early on Try and spell shield her Q as this is her main damage at the time and a reset on her E. You run her down untill 6. After 6 you don't win the 1v1 and she has one of the best teamfighting ultimates. Spell shielding her R can be done 2 different ways. 1. The initiation. This will block the pull and extra damage. 2. After the pull press W to block the damage. option 1 is better for teamfights. option 2 is if you do end up in the 1v1 situation.”
Hazardist says “Diana's ability to gap close very easily makes this a tough matchup where you don't want to encounter her on your own, so try to path contrary to her and focus on counter ganking when objectives are up, as a 2v2 or 3v3 against her can be very even.”
ShinyEmo says “Let her be aggressive against you and punish her if she uses her E. You outdamage her hard and after she pulls you, use your Q to dodge her Ult damage. ”
Intropingman says “She deals magic damage, farms very fast and can jump into your whole team and one shot them, you can taunt her and block her dash with Q but if she is fed it's not enough to stop her.”
Majd1 says “Diana is weak in the early game. If you can bully her in the early game, you may be able to turn that advantage into a lead for the rest of the game. Be mindful of Diana's lack of mobility, as she can easily be punished if she overextends. However, if she gets items too easily, she may become very difficult to handle as she will be able to oneshot you, so it's important to be aggressive and take advantage of her early game weakness.”
1Strike says “Graves E does not give AP. So there's no surprise this matchup is not ideal. I would rank Diana higher since once she gets fed she blows up Graves. However recent Maw of malmortius buffs makes this matchup quite manageable.
She is not bad, just make sure you don't fall behind otherwise she steam rolls you. Don't forget you have poor Magic resis and poor MR scaling. So if she is fed do not fight her without MR (preferably maw)
Dodge her Q or you are in a tough situation since she can dash, force your dash out, then dash on you again so you are forced to R. Dodge Q.”
checca says “Diana is able to quickly amass gold and outscale you in a game. However, if you have the Conqueror on Zac and are either even or ahead in gold, you should be able to win a 1v1 against Diana almost every time.”
basrty1p says “Her E dash is quite fast , difficult to react but you can cast E to counter her if you can.
Try to use AOE Q and Worked Ground Q to harass in lane and find a way to gank the other lane.
Buy Zhonya's to deny her R.
She'll be hard time to play after 30 min since your team should have defensive item to counter her already.”
Kindredgarten says “She is a threat if you don’t have R up and she has hers. Her ult cool down is a lot shorter than yours. Otherwise, you win 1v1s anyway. Her pre-6 is pretty weak.”
lovicoaching says “ Likely to end up slightly behind vs this champ, just don't get too far behind and you will be completely fine. Her scaling is pretty meh. The main issue here is that if she gets ahead she 1 shots every camp on the map and can go tanky builds. Likely to win if you don't fall too behind though.
Careful fighting her early, if you can stay even until 6 and counter her level 6 ult play you autowin game pretty much.”
Davecraft16 says “Pre 6 you should be able to fight her. Try to avoid her q with your q so you can kite her. After 6 she will have more damage than you and it will be hard to kite her so try to not 1v1 her. She has good clear speed so you will probably fell behind in cs. ”
Barndon says “this matchup is a little like zed's matchup, with their Q's being able to poke you, but her Q isn't up as often and is 1 out of the 4 ways to dmg you, leaving the other 3 to be melee and close up. Her W needs her to be close up, her E makes her dash to you which you want, and her ult pulls you in when she's close. Watchout for her ult pull, she can pull you out of your turrets, but if you can E her in time, you can still have her in your range.”
firetaliyah says “Early Diana can kill you but in skirmishes or teamfights you can be quite the annoyance for her. Lay e where you think she'lll E R to.”
Bhyure33 says “Diana has lately become a threat to Viego, ever since she started building tankier builds. You can win her in 1v1s early, but if she has even a little bit of a lead over you, you will lose. Try your best to not feed her, that would usually lead to an early loss. You scale better to lategame, so in case of being behind, focus on scaling.”
RedNBlue says “Be careful with her, as she will melt you early game at level 5 and 6. Do not use your ultimate when dueling her, as her only cc is putting you where you want to be, right next to her. Do not let her get fed, counter gank, get regular objectives. ”
Lasine says “This matchup in jungle is much easier than mid. She clears better but if you snowball you can perma oneshot her.
The thing changes if she go sunfire. In this case this becomes a hard matchup.”
RedNBlue says “Diana will melt you early game if the Diana is good enough. Diana will want to fight you when she's reached either level 5, or 6 which is when you need to be the most careful about her. She will likely have backed and bought an item which will only make your regular ability to out-duel anybody not a threat to her. ”
Tiger-Moose says “I've had this guide for a while now and I somehow forgot to mention Diana. Whoops. She doesn't have the damage or cc to really be a threat to you early.
//Keep in mind that her dash makes her go through you, so you can pretty easily whiff your Q on her if you aren't careful.
The only way that she can really threaten you is by getting good picks on your carries or landing a nasty ult in teamfights since the damage of her ult scales based off enemy champs hit.”
RaidenKaos says “She does farm faster than you therefore can scale a little faster. Dodge her claw as best as you can else she can dash behind you twice, making it very difficult to W twice.”
MythicalMinute says “This champ can be a pain due to the sunfire demonic combo but you can dodge her ult with yours, keep her out of team fights with your boxes and never actually touch her. She will always be more useful than you unless you are really ahead or play it slow.
AP is good here.”
RiaAllure says “Another champion you stand pretty even with if you don't allow her to have a easy game , punish by stealing her camps and try to counter gank wherever you see her. ”
Whasian says “Normally she's a problem for most junglers but for Yorick it's another fun match up since you r duels are in your favor 85% of the time.”
GiAEcchI says “Hard to fight pre-form, you can win against her after form, she can chase you through wall, try not to feed her early game and you are good to go.
Late game, zone her out of combat to prevent a five man ult from her.”
spuki97 says “Really hard matchup, you are not able to fight her before or after level 6 as she has a lot of damage and is quite tanky. You can't even steal her camps as she can fast clear all. Hope riot decides to remove her from the jungle role. Best build: Bruiser ”
PiscesPomf says “This dumb champ only relies on a stupid combo : Q E W R . Then she earn a pentakill, procs mastery 7 and wins.
Fortunately, you play Karthus !
You just have to Zhonya when she jumps and we will take a lot of dmg. Her tanky build is not problematic as you play Liandry's.”
Kukiziuu_ says “After diana nerfs its not that big threat for kayn BUT when she didnt get feed. She can easily oneshot you with 3 items. When she hope on you remember to dodge her R with your R, to avoid getting oneshoted
- Try to ganks as much as possible, play near objectives.”
Kao_Oak says “Not that much of a problem for yi, but she is for your team. Diana can get easily fed and crush everything. Just keep your W for her burst and try to dodge her R with Q (or soak it with W). If you do this, you will 1v1 her easily.”
RengarNBush says “Annoying with tank items but you can definitely beat her, try to avoid 1 on 1s unless you know your damage on her and are sure you can win. time your w with for when she jumps on you, USE YOUR EMP Q in 1v1s otherwise you will lose out on dps and she has enough dps even if you use your emp W (so don't do use emp w unless you are trying to run away)”
Doubtfull says “Despite her strength in the current meta, Diana is a very manageable match up. With empowered W she shouldn't be able to burst us down and unless you're behind you should win the DPS war. ”
MaximusWillCarry says “Broken champ probably will be one of permabans tbh. Does more damage than you and hard carry potential. Dashes across the screen and will make you cry.”
Atemporal says “Esta partida é difícil, mas jogando corretamente, você será capaz de vencer qualquer Diana. No início do jogo, você quer ter certeza de não empurrar, pois ela pode atropelá-lo em uma longa pista. Deixe-a empurrar, se ela usar W ou Q para empurrar,
não hesite em pular nela para uma troca rápida quando o escudo W expirar. Se ela acertar um Q em você, não entre antes que a marca Q expire, ou você sofrerá MUITO dano. Se Diana não for rápida o suficiente para empurrar,
tente congelar a onda do lado de fora de sua torre porque ela tem dificuldade em limpar lacaios perto de sua torre, pois você pode zoneá-la com W e ela não pode entrar no alcance de lacaios de alcance automático quando estão perto de sua torre.
Contra Dianas descuidadas que apenas enviam spam para suas habilidades na onda, a fase de rotas é facilmente vencível porque você pode pular nela toda vez que seus CDs estiverem inativos e você a superará com força.
Se você quiser jogar pelo seguro e ir para o outscale, pegue o Conqueror, que o ajudará a vencê-la na side lane mais tarde, por causa de sua construção, W Shield e Conqueror, ela será bem tanky. Além de seu traço direcionado,
Diana é bastante imóvel para uma campeã corpo a corpo, o que significa que é muito fácil acertar um W stun nela quando ela vai limpar uma onda. Ela também é facilmente gankável, deixe-a empurrar, congele a onda,
use W para atordoar os lacaios e se proteger se a onda for muito grande. Se você acha que Diana quer pular em você, certifique-se de não se mover muito antes, tente garantir que seu clone R esteja em cima de você.
Ao fazer isso, você garante que seu R sempre estará em cima dela, para que você possa evitá-lo. para baixo depois.
Basicamente, fique parado ao lutar contra Diana. ”
Hazardist says “She clears the jungle quicker than you and has better dueling up until level 6. After that it becomes a skill matchup where you have to be patient and not give her easy free resets of her E, and also do your best to block her from accessing your backline. If you can make her burn her cooldowns on just you, the teamfight is guaranteed to be won.”
GamerRaven says “Try to poke her safely, if she jumps on you, you are most likely dead. You can choose how you play depending on how confident are you on this matchup.”
Eagzey says “Her Q can one-shot our W, and even though she is a champion who dives into us (which is normally a good thing), Diana is notoriously tanky (zhonya's + sunfire). Be sure to R her R.”
Scratchyerik says “Bruiser Diana is still a force to be reckoned with and her E will always place her behind you negating your E. Very annoying champ but if you somehow go even into the late game you will still do considerable damage and have potential of 1v1ing her after LDR completion since most Dianas only stack health and BotRK eats that up.”
Coach Myga says “You need to try and punish Diana early game, remember to use your Q to dodge hers. If she doesn't hit her Q she will deal significantly less damage. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Be careful when going for short trades with Qiyana as she prefers them over long extended ones.When Qiyana has her River Element (the blue one), do not overextend or play super aggressively. There is probably a reason she has picked this up and her Jungler may be nearby. Play safer when she holds this Element. Pre-6, Qiyana will constantly push the minion wave with her Q. Stand outside of the minion wave at all times so she is unable to push and poke at the same time. But, do not stand near a wall so she cannot R you into it.”
Yuki H. says “Can cancel your E post-6 with ult and is mobile with her E. Her clear speed is around the same (if not a few seconds earlier), but skirmishes are in our favor so only look to contest neutral objectives if your teammates have prio.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Diana’s early game is rather weak, but she does have kill pressure on you if she is able to land her Crescent Strike(Q). If you meet her on the rift alone and she lands her Q, back off unless you can kill her. Diana can start ganking after level 3 and will look to constantly gank post level 6 whenever her Ultimate Moonfall is up. Keep this in mind and try to gank as often as possible to make it harder for her to impact the map when she gets around to it. Be aware of her level 6 power spike as it is huge for her. Keep track of her early through wards and try to delay her power spike for as long as possible by taking away her camps or killing her in her jungle.”
Saltu says “RUSH AND KILL. Unless she's VERY fed.
Thank god they nerfed fire aegis for this kind of champ and now you can beat her always in 1 vs 1.
The only problem is the chronic need to die to her that your teammates have. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Diana’s early game is rather weak, but she does have kill pressure on you if she is able to land her Crescent Strike(Q). If you meet her on the rift alone and she lands her Q, back off unless you can kill her. Diana can start ganking after level 3 and will look to constantly gank post level 6 whenever her Ultimate Moonfall is up. Keep this in mind and try to gank as often as possible to make it harder for her to impact the map when she gets around to it. Be aware of her level 6 power spike as it is huge for her. Keep track of her early through wards and try to delay her power spike for as long as possible by taking away her camps or killing her in her jungle.”
domjakf says “Look for snowballs early, she's weak in the earlier stages of the game. If she does get fed however, she always oneshots you. Especially if she goes the no-mother build with sunfire, then you can't match her at any time of the game.”
lumihehe says “fuck this champion. very broken right now, complete and utter cringe. you beat her late game if you have some MR items though, so if it gets to that point then the game is winnable. otherwise it's not”
Salmon Kid says “Diana can jump directly to Lillia no matter how well you kite because of her E and use R to cc her. Besides this, Diana is kited very easily, so using zhonyas to avoid this main engage is the only difficulty of the matchup.”
warmfishu says “Can burst Yuumi down very quickly. Beware if she dashes to a teammate with Lunar Rush (E), which has a cooldown reset if she dashes to someone with a Moonlight stack. She may then Moonfall (R), which starts with a pull that resets Yuumi's W.”
rhvse says “You should kill her if you apply E on her. Quite easy matchup, but good Diana don't rush into you. She will be waiting until your E is down. Pick 2x Magic Resistance, and buy MR boots, with a Maw of Malmortius.”
Nik7857 says “Elise favoured, but sometimes she can just kill you in 1v1 due to conqueror stacking. So fight with caution. The best strategy would be to bait her to ult you and u rappel it for your team.”
Blakbor says “Even, depends on who impact the map more. You have (more or less) the same clear speed.
Take into account that your passive just stack ARm, so it's useless vs AP champs.”
Zoose says “Classic melee matchup early. Push and poke early on. Try to dodge as many of her Q's. She's a threat at lvl 6. If she hits a Q and decides to dash in, stay around your tower and simply ult her backwards. ”
Turbotailz86 says “Shouldn't be a problem, but if your team is bad. She becomes the problem. You can still kill her, but the tides already been turned not in your favor. ”
resetwice says “She can farm safe and also push and get towers fast so pay attention. She can E your W so no passive proc. Similar to vs Akali, only trade when she all win first. If it’s hard you can try hexdrinker. Fortunately, Serpent’s Fang is a very good item and helps you a lot against her (less shield) so you can buy before your mythic. Also, if you’re behind you can try jump a all if she R to avoid being insta killed! BEST RUNES TO GO: CONQUEROR”
lahsier says “Shes fine as long as she doesnt get super fed, she has no disengage so if you are more ahead than her she just loses, make sure you dodge her ult with yours”
OfficerVi says “Only a serious issue if she gets ahead which is likely to happen due to how quick her clearspeed is. Should be able to beat her 1v1 and in skirmishes. Look to Q her out of her dash when she tries to engage.”
SunLongGod says “beat her up almost every situations. can reduce her damage with W or even cancel her E with your Q
PLEASE remember there are two type of Diana junglers. The ap one and the tank one, please don't focus on the latter because of her Shield scales with her health too
NegativePhoenix says “Where to begin with this bull of a champ...well, you both have heavy burst potential, however hers is easier to land and gives her better access to fighting you on her terms. While she is squishy, she can punish you for getting too close and overall just has an annoying kit to go up against. Unless she's new, you don't have much of a winning shot without being ahead.”
Fappitchedd says “she can stay on top of you constantly with built in shield and a pull stun on her ult, try not to push lanes without vision as she will spawn right behind you”
Puddingb00m says “Will invade you if she is good. Start on the opposite side of her to avoid the invade / duel. You can't win a duel against her. If she dashes (E) into a fight without moonlight on the target, she doesn't get a cooldown reset. She will be stuck in the fight and you can combo her freely.”
Sammystinky says “The new jungle flavor. Or an old jungle flavor with renewed popularity. You out gank her and hurt her pretty well, just be careful not to get stuck with your allies in a big ult in teamfights. ”
One Stab says “I like to 3 camps into invade Diana since you are just a lot stronger early game. Try to force fights against her so that you set her too behind for her to come back.”
Mroczneszydelko says “i ban diana every game just because she can clear really fast and its not fun to just get outscaled by 0 0 diana at 13 minuts while being 8 2 for example”
NixLychee says “Annoying damage, good mobility, and a small shield. Sound familiar? Just try to dodge her Q if she throws it from long range, and make sure that she doesn't scale. ”
Hongs says “Your match vs Diana depends on your ability to clear fast and get a good combo, if she has conqueror and you have lethal tempo, she will win every time.”
ZookeeperOCE says “can clear at a similar speed to you but you can kite her out really easily just make sure that she doesn't get too many objectives up on you or the game is really hard.”
evil in says “Diana can be a problem for Evelynn, because of her clear speed and really good team fighting. Try to join the fight after she used her combo on someone.”
Boptimus says “Rare Top/Mid pick, most common in Jungle. She can brawl in melee range better than you especially with Conqueror. You will need to take short trades and disengage. Be careful of her dash reset because she can leap back on to you if you try to E her back.
Short trades and Q poke will help you come out on top of this match up. Never take extended fights as she will always win. ”
GrayJinxed says “Diana has a point and click dash (E). Just make sure you have a wall nearby to jump over and continue to auto her. When she ults, try your best to ult at the same time to remove the burst damage. ”
TimothyFly says “She is really weak early so you can easily 1v1 her. Just don't let her get fed and you'll always be ahead of her. Even if she insta kills u late, this is where u work off ur passive and 2-3 shot her.”
Majd1 says “Weak in the earlier stages of the game. If you can bully her in the early game you should be able to snowball off of that and take over the game. Keep in mind that Diana has no mobility and if she oversteps you can easily punish her. However, if she gets items for free you will get oneshot all the time, so make sure to be proactive and bully her in the early game.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Very strong fighter. Tip: Try to execute her before her ultimate procs. When fighting against a Diana, you are looking to reduce her fighting time as much as possible so she cannot delete your team if they group against her. => try to focus her first (in most scenarios)”
Maru8002 says “She doesn't really counter Viego but she's currently a way better pick than Viego.
She can also buy zhonya and stop you from possesing.
geek_not_found says “1v9 champ in current meta and as much as she can be annoying, you can beat her. To do so you must be as obnoxious as possible and be in her jungle as much as you can. She farms FAST and it only gets faster. Bully her in her jungle and force 1 on 1s. You will kill her with ease. If she catches you with ult and you are without yours, it is difficult then. One word - snowball.”
YoungTact says “She clears Faster than you but you can counter gank her pretty effectively and deny her in teamfights. You win skirmishes generally if you're given the opportunity to land the stun. Since she looks to farm for 6, can build an early lead on her through ganks whilst she clears the jungle. Can W her E ofc. ”
horror_in_dark says “Много щитов Дианы позволит ей впитывать Ваш бурст урон, а её зачистка не даст спокойного контрджанглинга. Играйте против неё от обзора, ловите на ганках, когда она сдала свои умения.”
Sinci says “Also very difficult for Qiyana to deal with, her shield and massive damage is very tilting to play against would say try to play few games against her before going to play rankeds.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Dark Harvest.
ITEMS: Zhonya's if her team is full AD. Banshee if her team is full AP. Mercury's Treads if her team has a lot of AP.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Diana doesn't have CC outside of her ult, but she does have a lot of damage and is quite bulky. You can 1v1 if you're ahead, but be careful around her. Focus on dodging her Q to avoid massive amounts of damage since she's not going to have neither her main ability or a second dash. Try to avoid her ult by flashing, using Zhonya's, or just having knowledge of her position on teamfights to not get caught by it.”
Hienaa says “She cant win trades vs you at any point of the game, if she doesnt build seekers you insta win the game, always try to all in in every level, you always have advantage, but try to respect her W”
Madabc says “The matchup isn't that terrible for Rengar. Post 6 is rough but double W can negate a lot of her dmg unless she has cut healing then its a lot harder and it would push this matchup to even. Early she stands pretty much no chance in 1v1. ”
SanikCieZje says “She is very strong in that patch, she is problem on jungle and midlane. She can pull you with her ultimate. Only positive is fact, that u can dodge her ultimate easily with ur ultimate.”
Akali187 says “Use your E to when she dashes towards you and hopefully you will dodge her Ultimate. You should beat her in lane and in 1 v 1. But it is a skilled match up and she has strong poke and engage.”
qosmox says “Try to get a slow push early to hit lvl 2/3 spikes first. If she uses Q or W to contest the push you can freely trade, and if she doesn’t you will be able to hit lvl 2 before her and can instantly taunt in (same on lvl 3 spike). Also always look for short trades (or single grasp auto's) once she has used her emp. passive auto on creeps”
VyoS says “Trade with W back E Q W for one sided trades. Dodge her R with your Ultimate, its really easy, she loses a lot of dmg with that. If she got ahead buy merc Treads. Always dodge her R or you probably lose. Poke her first and then wait again for your W cooldown.”
DuckT says “Fethal Fempo
Whether Conqueror or Tempo, she'll beat your ass. Just like most in the Major threats though, if you're fed enough, you can roll her.”
Ferra says “Diana is a good champion, she can do a lot of damage quickly and can do 1v1 easily, but she can easily be stopped by invading and stealing her blue buff.”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Used to be meta and was also annoying. Mainly cause of Yasuo R + Her R. Regardless, Ivern both struggles and doesn't struggle against her. Her instant mobility onto Ivern is hard to use your CC around, but your shield blocks a lot of her early damage. The real damage starts at Level 6 and beyond, where multi-man suck-in's lead to wipeouts and aces. To counter this, play outside of your team's range and use Daisy! to impact the fight whilst also shielding allies who are hit by her damage. Go Aery Domination. For AP, go CotSQ. For Support, Shurelya's.”
White Cr0w says “Epicly weak in first minutes. try to kill her at lvl 2 on his red/blue (second buff). Then just camp her over and over. She can't clear drake fast, so be sure you secure it too.
Is very hard for a [[Diana]]to get back into a game if behind, so keep camping her and ward her jungle.”
JustMTK says “Diana is one of the most annoying matchups, although it's melee which should be good for Qiyana. The reason why is, is because she her kit allows to stop our burst damage (her W) and is able to trade better in the end. An option is to play it slow and sometimes hide so she thinks you went base. Then after she uses W to push a wave you go in for a trade.”
Zehmox says “she outscales you but has a very weak early game so try to prevent her from full clearing with a simple 3 camp into invade or early lead you should be able to win vs her until she gets Zhonyas”
blulemon says “Be careful of her because she can 1 v 1 you easily early, but doesn't pose much of a threat late game because of your high MR and healing.”
Elekktro says “Diana is a really easy matchup because she can never 1v1 Viego. However there is a new build that Diana players have been running that gives me more trouble and that is her Demonic Embrace rush. This makes her so much tankier and harder to 1v1 than her full damage build. ”
J98TheGreat says “This is difficult to deal with because Diana is a very strong champion in general. A good one will give you problems, but you can still handle her.”
King Fidd says “Just don't 1v1 her post 6, she can easily stick onto you and kill you. you can easily oneshot with your ultimate though, especially if she jumps into your team.”
NMFO says “Diana is just weak this patch which is why she's even unlike the other AP jg. She just doesn't get through your MR consistently unless she is very far ahead. ”
leoviniciux says “Campeã que precisa muito de farm e itens para ficar forte, então é fraca no early e mid game, apesar de ser arriscado brigar com ela antes do nível 6. Mas se estiver em desvantagem, Diana é facilmente counterada pela Vi principalmente em 1x1.”
Brosinex says “Su habilidad definitiva es realmente buena y su potencial de duelo también. Sin embargo, debido a sus recientes nerfs en la jungla, ahora despeja más lentamente, por lo que la superas en escala. También puedes esquivar su definitiva mediante ulting y puedes darle la vuelta al 1v1 de esa manera.”
michaelairl says “i am so sorry diana but no offense if you were a real person i would challenge you to a fight with only fists because WTF
she has higher late game, if she E you you're practically dead if your w isnt up in time. but since its a point and click im not even sure if it counts. she just gets me everytime and shes just so EWWWW”
Insightful says “you're not gonna get invaded by a diana early so it's basically an even matchup, whoever gets ahead will 1 shot the other first. evelynn outscales however
Jjonkun says “Diana wins first scuttle fight even when she is a level behind. She has almost the same clear speed and is more impactful in early game skirmishes. She also beats kayn in mid game with red smite. I personally perma ban this champion
Zyvran says “If she lands Q, you die, every time post 6. You can't even bully her early because she beats you in a one on one. I recommend hexdrinker.”
TheAftrParty5 says “You'll usually wanna play safe if theres a diana in the enemy jg. Keep control of vision to stay clear of her jungle pathing while making ganks of your own.”
Pusi Puu says “Easy matchup, you almost always win. Look for skirmishes and contest every crab/camp with prio. Be careful to not get dashed -> ult engaged on when she is 6.”
LambWolf says “Diana clears way too fast and hard to fight. If she does't get ahead you should be fine, but if she gets few kills ahead of you. You will bet that she will be atleast 2 lvls above you.”
LordGrox says “Still a tad dangerous, but as long as she doesn't land a full combo on you you should be fine. Use your R to dodge hers, or wait out her abilities before engaging.”
Polarshift says “I mean... it's a Diana. Her focus should be teamfighting since she shouldn't win duels if you're even. Be careful of fighting her when she is a level up on you. Hex/MAW + Tabi's will make her useless against you.”
Veralion says “She has a fast and healthy clear, but you do more damage and have the edge in a fight, especially with your combat summoner advantage. She will always take flash for big ults, so 1v1 she will probably leave you alone. Make sure you spread out in teamfights. Giving her a 4-5 man ult is pretty much an automatic loss. ”
Insightful says “diana is a full clear jungle with a weak early game, she needs items to be useful, avoid 1v1 but with a good synergy you should win 2v2/3v3.”
wDesired says “Not much of a threat if you know how to play this matchup
Try not to waste your W for pushing unless she backs or you kill her
Don't waste your abilities and trade back when she comes in for a trade
R her R to dodge”
[Diana is an AP assassin that has no disengage, so she's easily punishable if she over extends even only a little bit. In jungle, you won't be able to beat her early like 99% of the champions but somehow you beat her with your early powerspike despite her dealing big AP damage since she AA quite a lot. Try to kill her early in teamfight or tank her damage so that you don't lose the fight.]
Corgi1315 says “She farms on par/faster than you, has exellent ganking potential just like you, and probably defeats you in a 1v1 jungle skirmish. Consider banning.”
Jinx_48 says “She is good teamfighter good Aoe stun and she can dash on you twice if she land Q. Took runes "1" to gab close to her or run away from her.
MexBookMaster says “Diana no es un match difícil porque no la puedas matar tu. Es un match complicado por el daño que le hace a tu equipo. Puedes jugarlo con Rhaast o Shadow Assassin (Azul). La mecánica para matarla es sencilla, cuando ella usa R en ese momento tu usas la R de Kayn. Esto cancelará el 100% del daño que te podría hacer y luego la puedes matar. No olvides que tiene escudos. Limpia muy bien la jungla.”
ak521 says “Diana isn't bad to play against, but moreover quite irritating. Dodge her Q's, avoid 1v1ing her alone since she has better dueling than you with more damage. Stay grouped to an appropriate extent, and stun her before she is able to ult. If she does end up casting ult on your backline, try your best to kill her before the damage hits. Peel is key. RECOMMENDED BUILD: TANK/APU”
Kayncer says “Is strong in early, has an even first full clear time, scales a ton, will beat you in 1v1 early. Rhaast can deal with her!
Blue might have problems if she isnt squishy by then!”
AST Raposo says “Diana is a meta jungler right now. Although her clear and gank potential is better,she cannot kill you so easily and late game,you can do more.”
Insightful says “She'll just try to full clear, easy to avoid but you need to be careful with her scaling or if she gets ahead, she'll just one shot everyone
izzlelol says “Her ult is really good and her duel potential too. However, due to her recent jungle nerfs she clears slower now so you outscale her. You can also dodge her ult by ulting and can turn the 1v1 around that way.”
temmykusaii says “try to play safe against her bcos if she lands q on you youre pretty much dead early game. if she q and e's to you youre probably dead cuz she can e back to you if you try to w her away. sure your e will do some damage to you but when she gets on you youre pretty much dead. her shield can disrupt your burst as well. ”
Ellesmere says “Diana jungle is another easy one to counter jungle. She doesn't have an escape early and your jungle clear is much faster. Your early game damage is also much stronger so if you have the chance to 1v1 her, take it.”
Soulreaperjin says “She can be troublesome once she get's 1 or 2 kills before you, but once you beat her in duel every time, then she's just pretty much useless.”
RichMrFork says “Diana has gotten significant buffs in the jungle on 11.8 and is pretty good now. She has more sustained damage than Ekko and can beat you 1v1 at basically all stages of the game if you don't have a lead. She also farms extremely quick if she builds Nashors Tooth as well as her passive AS and increased damage to monsters. Her ganks aren't the strongest early so look to see if any good opportunities arise. Be aware of counterganks though because if she gets a lead she can completely take over games.”
WillowSprout says “ It's pretty hard fighting against her recently but try your best to cast your W on yourself because duh? lol I wouldn't advise fighting her when she has teammates who respond. I usually combo her outside of her ULT. avoid her ult as much as you can!”
metalhydra273 says “Diana is a bit of a wildcard. On one hand she can burst super hard and still be hard to kill if she gets ahead. On the other, you can lock her down to limit her damage, or steamroll a weak Diana if she falls behind. Matchup feel could vary game to game. If anything, try to secure her death before she can use her burst when given the chance.”
Jinx_48 says “She's ult is so extremly threat for your team she can Q E in your team Flash ult and your wholel team is in one place knockuped i recommend go red form and try to knockup her while her ult. YOU DONT WANNA FIGHT HER AND YASUO WITH YOUR TEAM HER ULT AND YASUO ULT ARE OP bassicly yasuo ult in 5 people also Yone ult is deal to her bc he can knock up your team twice and backup with his e if he stard e to combo .”
KhaZix Mains says “[8/10] This matchup can be extremely difficult after the buffs she received for her jungle clearing efficiency. Be mindful of her strong burst and dueling potential especially after she's hit level 6. If you can dodge her ult with R or E then you have a chance to win, otherwise tread with caution.
It is recommended to consider Eclipse and run Conqueror with Red Smite in order to effectively duel her and sustain through her damage rather than trying to burst her quickly. Q evolve and W evolve are recommended for dueling and kiting her.”
InvictisOCE says “This matchup is kind of even, but I put it as minor because you can ult her ult damage in the 1v1. Also early game is pre much the same. this is a good matchup for kayn. Diana is played a lot so dont be afraid to pick kayn into it.”
Gooooooby says “Diana's clear speed compared with how healthy she does it makes it very hard to punish her. You must be very unique in ways to catch her off guard. Try to dodge her R with your R and try to utilize ulti in a way in which she can't hit both of you.”
StrangeRune says “Diana's will often Q>E you instantly and you can block her Q to negate that damage and put her E on CD. She's not strong against you 1v1 but don't let her catch you clumped with your team because you might die as collateral. Probably still need a little bit of MR if even.”
Vispectra says “Where to start with this one , she's not a threat until she hits 6. Her changes made it so that she can trade pretty darn easily at level 3 and stay safe. Early on you'll poke her for free with Q and generally she won't be able to get a kill on you pre-6 , post 6 though her burst is very VERY quick, it often catches people off guard.”
aurus666lol says “After lvl 6 she is so big threat, and her fast clearing isn't helping with her. I recommend rushing maybe Verdant Barrier instead of Alternator.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “All JG mages are quite annoying to play against with Trundle, as Q lowers AD and not AP. Later on you still build some MR so you should be fine.”
IWillShowYouNoMercy says “You can counter gank her if your laners are stronger but in teamfights place your E in the middle of your team so her team can't follow up the R, Don't try and fight her early she has good damage pre level 6”
cfoxtrot8 says “This lady is a god damn monster. Dodge the games until he is nerfed. (You can win the game but it will break your mental, really. Just dodge it.)”
theceasrsalad says “most matchups in the even category are dependent on who gets ahead first and diana is no different, try to not fight her with multiple people if she has ult or she will kill one or two of your squishies, good body to take if you can get your q double e combo off and the shield is ok too.”
Riyad101 says “While Diana is strong you are stronger. If she is a jgler take red and if in lane take ignite. If Diana dashes to you AA then e AA. If Diana dashes to you and ults then try to e out and keep kiting her.”
Cryastro says “She can jump on you but jgl Diana goes conqueror which means that she can't insta kill you until lvl6 and even then you can just R her R.”
VeneficusFerox says “Dodge to win. Be VERY careful when dropping low, because she will dive you under tower very early. Mostly dangerous when left to feed on your team mates when you have to go back to heal.
Most threat is removed when you get boots and learn how to dodge her Q.”
SoSheolH says “Annoying kit, but her playrate has dropped through the ground and she's not in the same advantageous position she was a few patches ago. Not worth worrying about.”
Loul_60 says “As Blue form and early game, she's really annoying and can basically one-shot you before you can do the same to her.
As Rhaast, as long as you hit a W you should be fine.”
liserith says “Her resetting dash can be very annoying to deal with, so if you are marked with her Q, look to fight rather than run, as it is very difficult to get away. Kite her as best as you can.”
XD001 says “Very annoying matchup. Her Q is low CD and can chunk you for a lot if you don't get good at dodging them. If you do get hit by it, back up and wait for the mark to go away. If you get chunked low enough by her trades just back, she can burst you very quickly with electrocute + W + E + R combo and its not worth dying and giving her a chance to snowball the game. If she has wasted her dash or shield try to go in but be wary of her attack speed passive. It can bait you into engaging and just getting auto'd to death early. If enemy team has lots of AP or CC feel free to grab mercury treads or banshee's veil. Mid-late game you want to focus on 1 shotting enemy back line so they cant follow up on Diana's R engage. If you end up in a side lane against her you can solo kill her if you land a good stun with your full combo. Even scaling.
electrocute + inspiration + tp/ignite (whichever you prefer)”
c0st0m says “very very rough matchup can be won through extreme snowball but she always beats you in a 1v1 clears faster and her teamfight is on the same level as lillia if not better”
Kayn_Is_Cracked says “Diana got some buffs so right now she's powerful but if you play smart, dodge some q's and get the jump you can pretty much 1v1 her, just don't be too confident”
Ninjona says “If diana gets ahead, and can burst you then you lose, but if she cannot 1 shot you, you can increase your damage reduction and just out heal her till you win.”
Luxon333 says “just chill dont get poked so much
and look for short trades
if she jumps at you when she is 6 wait for her ult pull otherwise your e will get canceled and you DIE :( ”
Bel37 says “You win every 1v1 skirmish if even on gold. You both scale into the late game, but building a witts end should let you 1v1 extremely easily/ safely.”
KingFershid says “They buffed her like Darius but its a bit easier, she will invade you and countergank you every time but if you have R you can kill her. I recommend Conqueror or Fleet for this matchup.”
ChaseMorePlz says “As long as she doesn't get fed she won't be an issue. Pre 6 she is pretty weak, so counter ganking is a viable option. If you are ahead versus her, grab Banshee's Veil. If you wind up falling behind, Spirit Visage will tank her combo well enough for you to deal with her in the mid game. Group with your team and pick her off early. ”
ChaseMorePlz says “Pretty big threat early on since she can one shot you with Runic Echoes and chase you down with her ultimate; you will outscale her.”
NathanPyke says “High mobility and burst but she has good resistance so be very cautious when facing her , you can kill her early game it gets harder in late game”
DarkAuraLOL says “Diana kind of has tanky stats into Blue Kayn, her clear is not that bad, and it's healthy, hence why this matchup is even. You have to cheese her camps early, and get a slight lead and track her well to make her fall behind, then you can counter gank her and be much stronger to the point you get form and mythical item then you're fine.”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Diana is a pretty even matchup and it will mostly turn out on who can pull ahead faster. If you can invade her and keep her down she won't be a real threat. If she gets ahead and she can accelerate her scaling you will lose. ”
Sq_09 says “Diana will try to snowball early, but differently from other junglers, she doesn't have any kind of CC pre-6. She is also really easy to lock down compared to other assassins, since she fights rather linearly. When she dashes onto you, use your E on her and burst her. Keep track of her Q-cd and if she has her E up. When she Rs you, just faceroll your abilities including R and Stopwatch to dodge the second instance of it. You should be able to move 0.5 seconds earlier and have her bursted enough, that she will be scared to chase you, since the fight has been stalled for about three seconds now and Diana is pretty screwed if she gets caught by your teammates.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Not a common pick, she has a fine clear, she doesn't lose much of hp, she has a fine ganking potential cause of her gap closing , go for cheese early on either her raptors or blue side, and you should manage, also try to gank or counter gank her, cause pre 6 you're stronger, in both ganks and fights, so try not to let her scale for free, be really aggressive.”
RedNBlue says “Diana won't be able to tank much of your damage but, she can kill you quite fast if you aren't tanky enough. It's really just a matter of who can dish out the most damage the fastest.”
Watsonthe8th says “Im conflicted on whether or not to put diana as even or major threat but i feel like even is better. You are stronger than her early and she relies on her auto attacks so your e is pretty strong against her. But she also can chunk you pretty well with her abilities. You can duel her pretty well if shes not fed but if she still has some crazy burst. Build some ap damage and try and pic her off alone and you should be good. ”
NightSoar says “Basicly she counters you in all but two ways.
1. she uses mana and can run out quickly if you dodge her Qs
2. You can roam more effectively.
Manzey says “Diana can not do anything pre-6, this is your opportunity to get ahead, once level 6, she can 100-0 you fairly easy if she hits a Q. Get flask for starting item as she will poke you with her Q. Get an Abyssal if not ahead in early game.”
Frixen says “Diana is quite difficult but not unmanageable. Do not all in her at any costs, try to push her in, and look to get out of the lane. You can't win any all-ins, so the only trades you should be doing is short pokes and kites.”
Reason97 says “Man, did that rework do wonders for diana. She's a hard threat to deal with now that she can jump around a lot earlier in the game, and she has TON'S of burst. Be wary of her poke ability, as if it hit's that's a free dash for her, which means even if you get away from her she still has her dash to get right back on you a second time. If she get's on you and full combo's you, you just lose, it's pretty much as simple as that. So, don't give her that chance. Respect her poke range, respect her presence, and don't give her a chance to jump on you. ”
stziswhatihave says “If you know what you are doing, this matchup shouldn't be too hard.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
PsiGuard says “Your early game is way better than hers and she has no escapes. Use your R to dodge her R and you should be able to fight her whenever you want.”
KillyOne says “Diana is somewhere between Katarina and LeBlanc. She does have dashes as soon as level 2-3 and her damage is quite good, but unlike Katarina and LeBlanc, when Diana goes in she usually goes all in.”
Xeldom says “Even match-up.
She is heavily reliant on her early finished items to duel rengar. She will heavily outscale you in a 1v1 unless you are super fed and can one-shot her. Force pressure on her early with invades or counter ganks and track her!”
Raiiny says “She is quite powerful. She has a dash same as your leap and can get easily close. She has a shield/3 orbs. She is a bit more range. Easily one shots you if gets 2 items or 1. ”
DarkArbalist613 says “Very Strong 1v1. Hard to kite because of her dash, and really hard to outplay because if she hits you you get marked with her moonlight.”
Luzyni says “in Early she has 0 damage and no CC, so its very. very easy, at lvl 6 his ult dont do so much damage, and if you think that will kill you only use your r and cancel her r. you can dive, do whatever, is free.”
Hawary says “Dianna is kinda op but weak early and stays in jungle for too long so u get the choice to invade her to make her behind or to gank everywhere and make the enemy flame her ”
Fabosch is Love says “You can easily denie her in early game, because she's not really mobile and she doesn't have good ganks before level 6. Don't forget that she scales really good. ”
Nico449c says “Diana is quite weak early if you hit the cocoon you win the fight. She got really weak ganking potentil until lvl 6 so as long you shut her down early by invades or counter ganks you will have an easy time against her”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Diana is in a very strong state since her mini rework and you should be wary of that, R her R as it's a big damage tool of hers, she has good burst, DPS and tankyness so don't overcommit since she can punish a bad engage of yours with her up to 3 dashes.”
briguy1109 says “Diana is a huge threat to many mid-laners, but not Master Yi. She does less sustained damage than you with her auto attacks, and has an easily dodge-able ultimate. If you alpha strike during her R, you will always win the fight.”
Daedralus says “Can be a little tough due to her shield and auto attack capabilities along with her insane Q + Ult damage, but until 6, you definitely have the advantage. Be smart, do not extend fights too much as she is also good at those and look for thunderlord procs + Q heals and then to go back to safety. Ulting her as she is eluting will significantly counter her as she will lose her Ult cool down reset as well.”
Soulreaperjin says “She can be troublesome once she get's 1 or 2 kills before you, but once you beat her in duel every time, then she's just pretty much useless”
Fabosch is Love says “Her Q spell reveals you. She has a really stronger late game. She also counters you hard if she does Zhonya. You just have a little early game window if you want to destroy her.”
Aizenvolt says “Its a hard matchup in lane pre and after 6, late game you have her. Be carefull for her shield when you want to go in because it can absorb quite alot of damge also her q can give her free ult so try to avoid it and if you didnt blink out unless you are sure you can take her.”
Mkcls says “Well, she is an assasin. If she's feed, you are gonna get one-shotted preety much every time. Bad clear early, so you can try to find a gap and use it deny her farm/xp. GA is important in this match-up”
spark2 says “She has no mobility early game and has to farm at melee, which means you should be able to land W's on her relatively easily while she's whacking minions, letting you trade for days. Past 6 you just need to dodge her arcing skillshot, since the reset it gives her ultimate can do huge burst damage if you're not careful.”
Asothin says “Lots of mobility but if you can dodge her abilities you will be quite safe. Get swiftness boots for dodging skill shots and use W>AA then E>Q>Q>Q combo after you dodge her Q. If she hits, wait till she jumps to you and then W>E>Q>Q>Q whilst kiting.”
Xavier Senori says “Diana's early game against you is really weak because of her lack of range. However, her shield makes it hard to make your damage stick. After she hits 6, she becomes incredibly scary, as her all in hurts a lot. One option is to rush an banshees veil, which will mitigate a lot of her damage, while still allowing you to DPS her down quickly. ”
Saberlazer says “She can easily invade prior to level six. Build Skirmisher's Sabre and look for her invades. Be sure to ward your jungle buffs. If she becomes a late game threat be sure to build to Counter AP damage.”
hipstersora says “Melee and can do nothing pre-6. Q poke her down and kill her. Stomp. Be aggressive. May need MR post-6 to make her not one shot you.”
MasutaKokoBot says “Diana is a champion who can dive you. Stay safely away from her and use your silence skillfully placed on yourself if she does. Depend on your team and banshees veil to protect you from her.”
AgreeableOtter says “Rush Hexdrinker and respect her damage output. She has high base HP which makes it hard for you to kill her. Quit trading when she pops W.”
Shderen says “When she builds movement speed items (like Luden's Echo and tier 2 boots) she can pretty much just walk out of a silence post-6, Q, ult and wail on you. Do not throw out silences preemptively unless it's before level 6 or you're oddly confident against a Diana. Post-6 isn't a question of whether you can win, it's often a question of whether you can survive.”
moon827 says “Even though you can root her, Diana can and will burst you down almost instantly. She is extremely difficult to deal with, just be prepared to play reactively”
NocUout says “Decently hard matchup. Diana is relatively tanky and has shields to negate your damage while still dealing a ton to you. Just poke and avoid as many of her Q's as possible, and ask your jungler for a gank asap.”
LePlay says “Typical assassin: Low life, high burst damage, vulnerable to stuns and slows. Try to block her R with your W and smack her against the nearest terrain with your E”
kkiskk says “Always dodge her Q. If you don't dodge her Q post-6, You are dead. Try to bait her W without using your E before all-in her. W poke careful not to hit by her Q.”
Iced IMP says “Your'e dead if your ult isn't up. Your team mate is dead before you can ult them. This champion is a force to be reckoned with... unless you set her far enough behind.”
Violzandre says “If she doesn't have a lot of advantage, you can just go, dance a little, flirt with her meanwhile she's fighting you, and when you have the 50% of your maximum life, 3 hits and boom.
No more Diana.”
L3gislacerator says “Once she hits level 6, you need to be careful. She has the upper hand because she deals mostly magic damage, has two dashes, and can slow you. Save your stun for after she uses her dash.”
Ivker21 says “Pre 6 you deal more damage, and she has no real escape.
She will try and farm up to lvl 6 as fast as possible so take her jungle as much as you can (while being safe).
once she hits lvl 6 she has more damage and you won't be able to escape her if she hits her Q's, so beware. Group up with your team and try not to leave anyone squishy alone.”
undeadsoldiers says “If Diana is ahead, she can blow you up. But she is melee: try to poke her hard and deny her as much CS as you can without getting too close.
Shove her in. She'll have a difficult time CSing under tower.
When she dives into a teamfight, try to land your E on her as quickly as possible. She is incredibly vulnerable to getting blown up in a fight.
Try to punish her every time she does not reset her ult. (Her target has to have the easily visible Moonlight debuff in order for her to get the reset.)
Basically, if Diana isn't fed but builds squishy, she is screwed due to your sheer damage output.
If you get too close to her she may pull you in with her E before comboing her.
Suggested: Barrier or Exhaust if you feel you need one of those”
macspam says “You'd think Diana would be more of a threat since she's an assassin but Veigar's E totally cucks her engage tool (the dash of her ult). As long as you cage pre-emptively, she will not get on top of you. ”
SiwanKara12 says “You need to keep an eye on Diana. You can win fights against her, but try to do it when you got items or this could go extremely wrong.”
Castcade says “I have not seen here in the jungle since season 8 but if you see her and she gets 2 kills hits level 6 you are pretty much dead if you get hit by her q not even your r will give you a chance to escape
I recommend playing safe counter gank as much as you can”
Marelack says “Full clear. Get 6 and try to beat her early with ur r as much as u can. Btw u can beat her with dirk at lvl6 and full stack no worries.”
pentaless1 says “Its a favorable matchup for nunu as diana does not have enough damage to burst you down and you provide more pressure against her in the map”
Hazardist says “Diana's abilities might be AoE but they will more often than not lack enough damage to fully kill you and your ghouls, and her predictability makes her easy to duel against. Still, her clear speed is very on par with yours and can quickly become out of control if you allow her to get fed.”
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