In the Jungle 51.08% Win Rate96% Pick RateMaster Yi In the Jungle Counters: 43 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Master Yi in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
PesteMKT says “Early game muito forte, um plano e você sempre que possível invadir e roubar pelo menos o sapo, para atrasar, o ganho de ouro, utilizar a ult quando com pouca vida somente quando ele usar o Q contra você depois execute ele com coletora e seu E.
Coletora e trindade são os itens perfeitos”
HIKOL says “If team won't feed him it will be a good game for you. Early on you can beat him(contest crabs). W is useless as He can Q onto you or quickly destroy it. E is useless when He used R. You have to rely on your team to beat him.”
EstarossaSAMA says “Yi is extremely annoying and great counter. He out damages you early game, out scales Shadow and DESTROYS Rhaast everytime. He's W (Meditate) allows him to counter Kayn R or One shot. Always play on the opposite side of the map and get lanes ahead. If you don't have CC on your team to lock him down, dodge.”
Bella Ciao says “Shut him down, always try to get a solid stun off, he outscales and wins 1v1s relatively quick, but in a teamfight your ability to lock him down/oneshot him with q is strong
Fight him early whenever you can, he clears slow
celerity + waterwalking recommended for tempo
ad rough as his q and w HARD counters you”
SelfLOL says “Tabis is good vs him. Care for w Leap over walls to suprise. Wait out w if u can. Don't try to burst if w up. Scales extremely well. Can invade him if it is good situation. Can invade u care. Especially with HOB Typically weak early. Hard if he has lead. Root in fights .Deaths dance
Kema says “Depends on master yi mechanics, but if they're smart it's difficult. He can 1v1 you lvl 6 very very easily with flash. Hopefully you have point and click cc on your team or master yi closes his eyes when you w.”
AverageLilliaPlayer says “You can't 1v1 him at any point in the game and if you q's you, grappling aint gonna do shit. Not to mention his W on your R.”
friendlyfarmer123 says “A good yi will cheese you on your buff or kill you at scuttle. Be extremely cautious and try to figure out where he started. Put control wards in your buff bushes. Most low elo yi players won't do this unless they're a one trick.”
Your Dadday says “I love going against Yi's. If you go to engage him, press E right away. Once he Q's to dodge it and do dmg to you, press W. Good news is it still lands the E and you can kill him. Especially with ignite. Very easy matchup. ”
Jackiewawa says “I recommend permabanning this guy in low elo as it's hard to counterplay this braindead champ if he gets ahead.
Dark Seal back. He can invade you pretty easily as you have no hard CC for his W.
Yi can just stat check you when he gets BoTRK, he can easily dodge your abilities with a good Q, try to force out his Q before you use your Q or R3. I haven't played against Yi in a while but he was still almost able to kill me even when I was an item up.”
SkaterKidd says “Master Yi's Q - Alpha Strike can dodge Warwick's ultimate, R - Infinite Duress, and he can out-duel Warwick in the late game thanks to his high damage output and W - Meditate healing, especially after building items like Blade of the Ruined King.”
DoxxTheLeague says “master yi is a hard matchup his dmg is insane he has insane movespeed and damage with his r he can easily lvl 3 invade you and win his w can block your w dmg he can q your sleep you cant slow him with rylai or anything yi is honestly a dodge matchup if you dont have a hard cc comp.”
Roya1_RTX_PR0 says “no so diff but if he get feed by ur team you will get issue. i beat him late game depent if he is feed or have more farm and depent skill again.”
AbstractNoth1ng says “Master Yi is just a bully, he is fast, and has an ability to escape from almost any ability, this best thing to do is be alert and cautious.”
ScytherKhaZix says “if master yi has ignite he will 100% invade you. before 6 you have a good chance of killing him but you have to take into account that his W is quite annoying and can be used very often,
which can make it much harder to kill him and often buys time with this skill to gain support from his ally”
orka4.sandraj says “Can be annoying, can be dueled but watch out for his q range and you will be fine. Hes here only because how punishing it is for you to let him get too close.”
Neekster says “This champion clears slower than you. Master Yi is very dependent on his early game, when he ganks level 3 be sure to counterjungle ASAP. This will slow his snowballing potential and you will be able to hunt him down once you get mid lane priority. Time your skills well after his [Q] and [W].”
Yomu says “Q to break his W OR E when he’s charging W Better player wins, if you get caught out tho, he will just Q your E and you die for free If he plays perfectly, he will run at you and auto. Force you to use E then you will lose.
Even matchup, first person to mess up loses. Generally speaking you want to stun him when he W or Q's in a bad spot and hold your E when he Q's you. It's just skill matchup tbh play well”
masrigod says “Hard matchup because he can dodge your Q in alpha and can really easily block nearly all of your damage with his W. Do not 1V1 him and buy Zhonya to deny resets.”
Maciejson says “You can't kill him through his W, and you lack hard CC to shut him down. He beats you 1v1 early on. This makes it hard for Kayn, as you lack hard CC. However, Rhaast can knock him up once he uses Q, but it's still tough due to his mobility. Your best chance is to wait for your team to provide CC. Ultimately, you don't beat him in any form, so play to beat his team instead. You can attempt to kill him if your team provides CC to lock him down.”
huncho1v9 says “Hard/Hardest matchup. Yi can easily kill you earlygame. His R counters your R. You need to space very well, and make sure to hit your Q either before or after his Q. Steelcaps are good in this matchup, but if you avoid fighting him earlygame and play for Nashor’s spike, it’s not that bad.”
VainTaka says “You can shut down this guy majority of the time. Don't fight him untill thornmail. You will be good as long you can protect your team from getting caught from him.”
huncho1v9 says “- Medium/Annoying matchup. Master Yi has a lot of cheese potential early game. He can level 2 or 3 invade, but it’s pretty rare. Typically Yi will look for full clear. Hecarim has better tempo, just watch out for his item powerspikes. If you have phase rush you can kite Yi out really well especially with good movement. You can space his entire kit and E his W. ”
yoonfish says “Master Yi is a hassle when fed to anyone, really. The issue here is on Ahri Jungle, you can't personally INTERVENE with his "getting fed" issue. Do your best to kite his Q and if you can't, hold R until he uses it.”
VainTaka says “They know better than to not fight you, but if they do. You can wait out YI Q then you taunt W. Most of the time he will kill himself trying to kill rammus. Best to peel him off from your teammates or to 1v1 him while you're ahead. ”
Fyir says “His ult makes him immune to slows which can be very problematic. Use your w to speed yourself and allies away from him while his ult is up. If he gets ahead he will oneshot you. Get zhonyas.”
Mignognium says “Avec la perte de tempo mortel il est finis. Il est facile à anticiper, et si vous avez un item pour contrer son [A/Q][Assaut éclair] comme un Steak par exemple ou un Shieldbow, tout ce passera éxtrement bien. Attendez qu'il vous lance son [A/Q] puis mettez tout vos dégâts, et votre [R] également, normalement il n'aura pas le temps de lancer son [Z][Méditation] et si vous en avez vraiment trop peur garder votre propre [Z] pour annuler le sien. ”
IvernGott says “Master Yi can be stunlocked by throwing Q after his Q or before he can Q + with daisy knock up he most likely will die fast!
He is trackable and can be invaded at the right time!”
kuromite says “Yi is a headache for Lillia, he can dodge all her abilities with his Q, including the R, he can avoid the damage of Lillia's W once Yi uses his W.”
ItsSpd says “You guessed it you have absolutely zero counterplay to yi if hes good he just holds q and baits out your r's or q and you have nothing by the time you stack up q again he has his q ready to dodge if you live long enough”
xTechikaze says “Very strong right now but he isnt hard to deal with. You cant all in with him but use your cool downs to avoid extra damage and ult to CC him. You will usually be able to 1v1 him but he will extend the fight with his W to he can build his lethal tempo. if he W get away from the fight if you havent already killed him you likely wont. If your team mate hasnt started rotating to help you or their team mate already has then get out of there. ”
Cookiemanman says “Master Yi isn't much of a threat to Volibear unless he gets very fed. Look to save your stun for his meditate in early fights. In Late-game fights stun Master Yi after he Q's on your teammates.”
HawkSP says “The matchup with Master Yi is nuanced, with his abilities offering counterplay to Ivern's kit. Use bushes to limit his target options and control engagements with Daisy.”
bbtgangsta says “as long as you can survive the first q, you can then stun yi into the wall or ult him away.
However, most of the case your team cant survive long enough for you to do the combo. ”
XGrievousX25 says “Master Yi varies, but this new season has made him a true damage-dealing machine. In prolonged fights, he's going to easily shred you despite all the HP and shields you might get. You can CC him for your team, but hope he doesn't get a good lead.”
X3mHills says “This champion is quite challenging. Only use your ultimate on them if you have control, otherwise, they can evade your sleep with their Q ability. Playing against them will be difficult, so you will need a coordinated team with crowd control abilities.”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Yi: I mean its allright but if someone feeds him you lost.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: When you are rolling his ball on him cancel it a bit before it hits so he cant Q on you.. Wait for his Q before ulting unless you need the shield”
PuppyDontPreach says “FREEEE. FREE WIN. FREE LP. DGAF. YOU FUCK HIS ASS UP. unless he's fed which is why he's not in tiny. damage can get scary but you can fs bully him before he's fed and if he's 0/1 he's basically useless and you can invade post-six. just be careful bc at diff points in the game/depending on how things play out he could have better damage.”
lheydebreck says “Go AD and ivade him early!
If you start blue side:
Take your blue and try to kill him at lvl 2 at his krugs.
If you start red side:
Take your red and take his blue + gromp.”
RuinedJG says “Yi is my mental block champ, i personally ban him every game right now since hes turbo broken. You can beat him, i take phase rush and play for one shot, if you cant kill him then you kill his team.”
Kayn Ruiner says “Auto-hacker, stronger than you before your domination. 1 on 1, he can kill you even when dominating. It has an additional sub-save from your ulta. Wait for his meditation and press the ult.”
villianry says “Early you can usually 1v1 him as long as you hit Q true damage and W center along with use speed to properly kite. Mid into late game he can often keep up with your speed due to ult, and his Q can be used to avoid your W and ult.”
MhmYepSope says “Really strong early-mid game. W and Q can completely negate your Burst so play around cooldowns, jump over walls so he can't react, or lock him down with Root for your team. ”
jajkopajko says “I always ban him, its a nightmare to play against, he will invade you a lot and you cant do anything about it, he just runs you down and kills you.”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Hold your abilities till he uses Q so you can land your Q and E. Respect his insane dps especially when he ults. CC him with your R and your Team and Focus Him in Fights ”
veipz says “This wuju is most autistic league champion i ever seen. he can one shot you and you CANT EXPECT. HE WINS EVERYWHERE and a playstyle they are all doing u sometimes think u can beat him he baits you for e or q on him and if u do u are f***** he makes a random auto cancel combo R E W A Q u are dead. after min 30 maybe u can beat him with ur teammate his mid game is imposible to beat after bork he is illegal strong. TRACK HIM.
loganrichards says “Q to break his W OR E when he’s charging W
Better player wins, if you get caught out tho, he will just Q your E and you die for free
If he plays perfectly, he will run at you and auto. Force you to use E then you will lose.”
Pullks says “Master Yi is an auto attack reliant champion with a lot of attack speed. Early on, he'll die really fast, but if he'll snowball early on, he'll be a real threat which will escalate even more in late game, where you will lose every duel with him because his Wuju Style deals true damage. (Rammus' one true counter is true dmg)”
PI5S says “These five are especially dangerous because of their powerful early game invading. You are a free kill when you hit red buff against these guys -- ping your mid or support to come wait at red if you are playing against them. They can all furthermore snowball this into a game-crushing lead, if they push the advantage. Generally, I ban Master Yi or Diana.”
garbocan says “Skill matchup. Yi has a lot of counterplay for all of Ivern's abilities. His R makes him immune to slows, his Q can avoid Ivern's hard CC, and he hard outdamages Ivern's shielding if he can stick on his target.
Best option vs Yi is to hide in a bush, which reduces his options of who to go on. The worst case scenario is you use shield on your carry and he reacts to that by switching targets onto you.”
bgkay says “I don't think I need to say that Master Yi is impossible to face directly, compete in the jungle only before level 6, after level 6, focus on farming”
SYROBE says “After further research, Briar Q easily stops Master Yis meditate heal. Save it for that and you out trade him most times unless hes fed. The biggest problem with Master Yi is that his Alpha Strike can cancel your W and can also use his Alpha Strike to dodge briar R very easily. If Briar uses Blood Frenzy on Yi and then he uses Alpha Strike it will cancel out Briars W completely. Try to not use W until he alpha strikes. ”
Valkidol says “If you aren't ahead enough to oneshot him in one rotation he beats you in the 1v1. If you get full build you will beat him. But he is still Master Yi, and no one enjoys playing vs Master Yi.”
OakIgu says “Just like Bel'Veth Yi is a hard carry and has a key moment that you need to stun him or the matchup will be very hard to you, just like bel'veth FH will gut his damage by a lot so do that item.”
White Cr0w says “Same problem as Shaco: His leap is a *blink* so you cannot block it with (W). Earlygame you destroy him, but on late he is one of the few champions that can kill you in a moment. BUILD FROZEN HEART!”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “This champ is way too OP. Sometimes it’s better ban or dodge him, especially if you see that your team doesn’t have lots of CC to deal with him. He will try to power farm until level 6, so you can try to steal some of his camps to delay his power spike. Don’t forget to keep dragons and rift herald warded since Master Yi kills them very fast.”
DarkAuraLOL says “Super hard matchup, Can dodge abilities with his Q, can eat your whole burst with his W, has a very good clear speed, strong early 1v1 even if ahead. Generally look to avoid 1v1ing him, either counter gank him, or play opposite side of map from him. You will still struggle with him mid game cause of his w and q, being able to dodge your whole combo, so play around your team stunning him, and then use your abilities.”
Zero macro says “Briar has an even matchup into Master Yi, due to the one engaging with their gap closer spell losing output. Master Yi has the response of using Meditating into Briar’s W Berserking,
which will lead Briar’s Passive into high stacks and pre-mitigated healing during meditation.
Briar should only try to gap close Master Yi without Briar Q, so Briar Q can cancel meditating during Berserking. Later on Briar R can do so as well —> Master Yi Q has to be out of range or/and on cooldown for this.
Briar has a higher stat check than Master Yi early / mid Game, thereby they both have similar jungle clear speed.
Briar will fall off later on into Master Yi his damage output and True Damage —> On-Hit tank / Bruiser slayer items / abilities.
Coccaa says “From my experience unless he's hyper-fed you just stat-check him as long as you get your R off. You can also pillar to instantly cancel his meditate. It all depends on who is more fed”
DracoChimera says “The only threat this guy poses is if he begins to snowball, which he will every game. Invade him and make it hard to do anything, save Q for his healing ability.”
MusicJG says “Buy Doran's Blade early.
He hard beats you in Isolation.
You have better gank setup so try to snowball through a lane.
He outscales really hard, you cannot contest him 1v1 unless you're fed, he stat checks with Ult.”
Pyrobot says “As long as you shut him down early and play around the map based on where he is, you should be fine. His W's annoying since you don't have anything that can cancel it, but unless he's fed, you easily shut him down and can just dive him in team fights before he can do much damage.”
TheBougis says “Master Yi does a lot of damage and will probably just ignore you and go straight to your duo, you can your duo so much thanks to Knight's Vow, redemption and certain augments (especially Spirit Link, which is basically Knight's Vow but better).
Hard cc on him will also go a long way.”
Turnupthetoaster says “Everything about his kit pretty much hard counters Rengar. You can fight him pretty easily pre-six, but after that you stand no chance in the 1v1. Try to avoid him as much as possible unless you intend to counter-gank him. Watch for invades ESPECIALLY if he's carrying ignite, try to get a lead, and snowball your team to victory.”
theloaf says “If Yi gets fed save all your CC for him and try to stay out of his attack range as much as possible. Otherwise, just Q him and let your E and teammates kill. ”
Zero macro says “Master Yi meditation is a strong defense ability to get rid of Nidalee her Cougar burst spells, thereby Master Yi has a decent early strength and a really good strength later in the game. Master Yi Q also allows him to gain enough gap closer into Nidalee, due to positioning himself into Nidalee her flee/kite position. Do not let Master Yi get ahead in this matchup.”
Zero macro says “Shred Zed has a slightly stronger jungle clear than Master Yi, thereby Conqueror Zed will be effective for early game skirmishes into meditation. Whenever Zed manages to burst Master Yi without him using meditation as response, it will be won for Zed early on. Later in the game, Zed should play it slow and through teleports to deal with master yi his tankshred true damage burst.”
Karhuslol says “Surprisingly, this matchup is very tough. Master Yi can block your R with two abilities (Q and W). His 1v1 dueling is very strong too, and is able to buy MR to counter you. He can also cheese invade you level 2-3 and will most likely beat you if you miss Q's. ”
metalhydra273 says “When not super strong in the meta, this matchup tends to be pretty free IF the threat can be contained. Master Yi craps on you pretty hard late game with a qss, but the cc threat alone can be enough to stall him enough to get him killed. The meat of this matchup is the early/mid game, which you should dominate. Yi is allergic to cc, and he is fodder for your ult. Intagibility is a problem, but force objectives and, eventually, he's likely to take a bad fight where you can abuse him. Early game 1v1s are also an option if you catch him in the spire. Expect him to start running you down come mid game, and just make him a high priority target.”
NegativePhoenix says “Perma-Ban choice. With or without CC, he's going to screw you over and teach you the meaning of why he's called "The AFK farming god". In the unfortunate event you're stuck against him, try to save some type of CC for his W and wait for his Q to be used before using your crash-down W otherwise he just dodges it.”
MrFerrot says “Like bel'veth, Master Q will scale very hard with items, albeit not quite as much. The biggest problem with Yi is that he'll snowball off your teammates, so try your best to find him and kill him early, also taking his jungle when you can and objective when he is dead/elsewhere.”
Apari1010 says “Master Pee is a very worthy permaban candidate. His Q can dodge your W but if he's dumb and is huffing the good shit, he will use his Q first and then you can W him once he exits Q. Land one W on him and he dies but overall this champ shits on Kayn. Don't 1v1 him without ignite and counter gank him.”
Ukantor says “The problem here is his W, if he uses it at the same time that you use your improved Q you are lost, because it reduces the damage by 90%, the best thing you can do is start with improved Q and kill him before he reacts, or if If you arm yourself a bit tanky, you will use normal Q and then improved Q and pray that you don't use W.”
FaeBytez says “Master Yi has strong damage, mobility, and crowd control, making him a very dangerous opponent for Diana. Diana needs to be careful when facing Master Yi and try to bait out his Alpha Strike before engaging.”
ttvRegedice says “His meditate is really frustrating to play against as an assassin and he has a lot of burst tools and animation cancels to surprise you with damage. Avoid 1v1's if you're not already fed unless he's low and try to catch him in roots during teamfights (careful because he can Q-dodge your bola toss). It's all about the element of surprise with Yi because he can cancel your jump dmg by Q'ing you mid-air or using his W damage reduction. Otherwise matchup is quite chill as you can shut him down early through counter ganks or well-timed fights (don't invade unless he's low on vision lol, especially if he has HoB).”
Xr3ad says “Master Yi has several tools in his kit that can counter Rengar's strengths. Master Yi's Q ability, Alpha Strike, allows him to dodge Rengar's burst damage and reposition himself quickly, making it difficult for Rengar to lock him down. Additionally, Master Yi's W ability, Meditate, can reduce Rengar's burst damage, and his ultimate ability, Highlander, grants him increased movement and attack speed, making it easier for him to chase down and take out Rengar before he has a chance to escape.”
Mnem says “Abuse your Early Game and as many invades as possible. Try to finish the game as quickly as possible so that it doesn't outscale you. Combo X Master (R + Q + Q2+ AA+ E + AA + W + AA + E2 + AA + W2)”
Borinn says “Try to stomp him early as he will get much stronger late game. Your team fight is better than his but he deals much more damage so be careful.
You can go either AD or tank.”
MultiWorld says “Must ban, Varus is super strong mid to late game, but if you are jungleing vs a Master Yi and you get to that minute, your game is over, you will not be able to kill him, he will perma dodge all your abilities, the only playstyle that can save you is cosplaying as a fiddlesticks and try to ult him from a bush, but even if this happens he will try to W as fast as he can and tank your damage.”
MaaaRaaG says “Big bad boy. He will carry his team to victory by feeding of your overextending teammates. People will blame you and use the bait ping: Keep calm, mute them and pray.
That said, you've got tools to deal with him as he doesn't like hard CC. Wait after his Q to ult him to oblivion (NOT the other way around as he will dodge your ult with his Q).
Virizion says “Only reason yi can be a threat if the game last long enough for him to get 3-4 items. Realistically you win every fight vs him and if he catches you just E him and he just runs away at mach 3 once feared.”
Purecactus says “A lot of kindred players seem to hate playing against Yi and I get that. But I think he is manageable as long as you keep track of his abilities. Wait for his Q and try to kite him with your own Q. Don't use your E if he has W since he can easily block the damage from your E hit if he's quick. Also his R is pretty much impossible to play against and you're better of fighting him when his R is on cooldown or if you have lot's of teammates by your side. ”
Intropingman says “Just buy thornmail and stack armor so he dies faster from you than you die from him. In worst scenario he kills your teammates late game before you come, just protect them.”
1Strike says “Yi outright beats you in 1v1's. He can dodge your abilities with his Q. Chase you down with his R + Q. And tank your damage and heal with his W.
The trick is to build aggresive items a plated steelcaps and go ignite as a summoner spell. You play to oneshot him. Since you'd never win extended fights.”
Narcissisticdude says “Contrary to what people believe Master Yi is an assassin, not a 1v9 team fighter. His job is to go in, do his one shot combo on a squishy and then stand still and auto attack.
His dps is so high, he will probably win team fights that way !
This is an early invade match up, Yi falls behind very hard and can feel completely useless when that's the case, so pre-6 is your time to do at least 1 invade on him. I like invading his 2nd buff !
Mechanical tips:
1. W is your STRONGEST ability here. Use it to avoid some of his Q damage, or cancel with W.
2. Q his Q into your team he won't have his invincibility window anymore and he will be dead
3. He will run very very far away if you manage to get your box/ult fear off when he is in R mode
Non-Mechanical Tips:
1. Master Yi's damage is NOT to be under-estimated, if you do not KNOW you can kill him do not try, you will probably regret it.
2. Tempo is everything against this character, cuck his first clear, then hopefully his second, then snowball with ganks and dragons and HERALD !!!
3. Always box your adcs feet, they will thank you for it late.”
Degryh says “Es un machap complicado necesitas bástate ventaja para matarlo es mejor evita los combate contra el. Si obtiene el rey arruinado cómpralo tu también si no será imposible derrotarlo.”
PerfectPower says “Can be super scary if he gets free kills early and snowballs. Not a problem later because you one shot him in fights with your R up. ”
checca says “For years, this has been one of Master Yi's hardest counters. Bring Aftershock and build Thornmail as your second item. He will not live through the CC. To counter the unpredictability of his Q, use your Q1 on a minion, camp, or another champion to guarantee Q2 CC. After this, you can E and R chain CC to kill him. It works every time, but if you mess this up, he will melt you in a second. You can also cancel his W Meditate with any CC. He will not want to cancel this ability so if you know his Q is down, you should be able to go in. The counter Master Yi really poses to Zac is Magic Resist, as he will be able to survive initial burst and kill you.”
basrty1p says “This can be in major or extreme threat if you don't know how to counter him. His Q can deny all your CC and damage and insane attack speed he has. The easiest way to counter him is buy Zhonyas to deny all his damage, Rylai to slow. When his Q is finished, use your combo immediately and you will kill him easily. Or just use Zhonya's to make him vulnerable in teamfights.”
lovicoaching says “Idk why riot thinks this champ needs to be viable in high elo but he is really annoying. Very unskilled playstyle where they legit 100-0 you with bork. You're pretty good into Yi though and should be able to win most games if he doesn't get 10 random kills or funnels in some way.
Level 2/3 invades common from this champ. Don't get baited into fighting him with his ult, he will melt you. If he has bork he kills you in under 2 seconds.”
Davecraft16 says “BAN!!! :D. If you don't want to ban him, here are some tips: Just don't fight him unless you are ahead, try to gank the opposite lane he is ganking. Remember to ward your jungle so if he invades you can safely steal his jungle. If he starts to get ahead he is a nightmare for you, good luck.”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] Another bad matchup. Once again he beats you at all stages of the game. He can invade you and after botrk he one taps you every fight if you get focused. ”
BeanybumBag says “Yi is how you'd expect, unstoppable if fed, but a cannon minion in any other situation. Save your W for after he Q's onto you and then burst him down is your best strategy.”
2To16Hobos says “Yi will either hard into or assassinate your entire team. Bait him into your R away from your team and force him to 1v1 and get him low. He will Q after your r, but your team should be able to clean him up.”
L1x123 says “The biggest counter to Kayn, you can't one-shot him with your Shadow Assassin form because of his Q and he can kill you very fast even in your Rhaast form. (I mainly ban him)”
Bhyure33 says “Many other Viego mains would describe this matchup as a competition as in whoever gets more fed wins. But he is better at ganking, and in low-elo your teammates aren't that careful, so he usually gets the upper hand. To prevent this, make sure your team picks champs with a lot of cc and try to warn them to stay safe early. This way he can actually be dealt with in lategame. You also have the chance to beat him at early levels, so try to take advantage of that for example at scuttle.”
Lasine says “Care level 2 cheese. After that you are just fine. Even tho master yi is strong af right now theres not much he can do versus you. Your w grass destroy him and you can oneshot him pretty easy.
However, if he gets fed versus you, he becomes a pain.”
RaidenKaos says “He wins 1v1, Meditate is too strong because no CC. He actually has quite a lot of damage early so don't disrespect it, take note of keystone rune. Generally he is not that much of a threat but it wholly depends on your team comp.”
Riccardo126 says “Not a big problem if you can W him before his Q or right after and kill him.
Still a threat because your team can feed him and make him carry the game alone, expecially in low elo”
MythicalMinute says “Any build on shaco will beat this champ, you counter him for a reason.
Your box fear while he's ulting makes him run to mars, you time his q with your ult, you can zone him easily. If he uses meditaton just put a box below him and wait it out, he's not going anywhere.
AP is preferred here.”
DullBrad says “You can actually do something with him, since he doesn't have op as shit healing as an ability, and you can just use W when he leaves his Q, use E once and start R
spuki97 says “Not a hard matchup but you need to be careful not to fight him when he has W up. Also, be careful early game if he has ignite/exhaust/ghost as he can invade you and run you down. Best build: Regular Assassin/Chinese Strat”
Kukiziuu_ says “Master YI is great counter for kayn. Why? He got big early damage, easily outscale you on every point in game. You cannot oneshot him if his meditate is up (Blue Kayn), also he can just delete Rhaast in couple of seconds.
- If your team dont get CC you should dodge your game, because you will probably lose.”
Agzer says “Since Master-Yi got buffed, this is a really hard matchup. Try not to die early and make sure to invade his camps such as raptors/krugs. It takes time for Yi to take these.”
RengarNBush says “is kinda like Bel'veth but more manageable. He has a 90% dmg reduction ability for 0.5s, he is ban worthy, but the champ doesn't do a lot outside of being a counter to you specifically.”
Doubtfull says “MASTER YI - this guy does a LOT of damage, and outdps's our heal/shields. This is a 1v1 that you probably won't ever win, and should avoid. Try to stun him when he's out of position, or alternatively save it for his meditation ability. Make sure to track him in the jungle and hopefully avoid him snowballing early. ”
BattleCatsRoyale says “Master Yi, like Shadow Assassin Kayn, can counter your slow-kite build with one button, but is less of a threat until fed because he won't delete you until then. Save charm for after his Alpha Strike (Q).”
Der Bestimmer says “Not an enourmous threat for Udyr himself, until he outscales him in Late-Game.
But since your Laners will feed him up to high gold, until they can play safe and CC Yi correctly, I would ban him first.”
ToxicCannon says “This one is a really tricky matchup. Early game Diana wins short trades but if you over extend and get caught out on his side of the jungle he can usually take you. If he Q's your dahs/ult combo you are screwed and should end the trade immediately. If you wait out the Q and get your combo off save your shield for his next Q. His clear is substantially better than yours so you will have to be careful about counter jungling. Overall I think this is truly a skill matchup or a team comp matchup, but you definitely don't want to underestimate him.”
YamiKatze says “Kite him, stay out of his AA range. If he Q's you then just dash around him with your Q. If he has R activated, or ghost then... rip. Ignore him if you're not confident in fighting him.”
Yuki H. says “In a 1v1 scenario, he definitely poses a high level of threat. However, Zac rarely looks for 1v1 scenarios unless it is under tower. Look to interrupt his meditate by Qing him while he is stationary. If he has Q up make sure not to lob your Q at him but instead at a nearby minion so you can auto him to guarantee CC.
If in a 1v1 situation if you decide you cannot win just jump towards your team, as if he Qs you to follow he will most likely die.”
JeffJoehnsen says “Pretty weak in early game but he can easily shred you in mid to late game and you should not really e him he can dash with his q easily in you and finish you”
KruzeAlogic says “Best way to counter Yi as kayn is by playing Rhaast and waiting for Master Yi to go into Meditate and knocking him up with Rhaast's W.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Master Yi needs time to scale and will be looking to farm as much as possible to come online. Without his Ultimate Highlander(R), he is rather weak, so he will be looking to hit level 6 as quickly as possible. Go in Master Yi’s jungle to steal away his camps if you see him on one side of the map. This will delay his power spikes, and also reduce his gold income. Master Yi can take objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald alone in the early game. Make sure you keep those objectives warded so you can see him before he secures them for his team.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Master Yi needs time to scale and will be looking to farm as much as possible to come online. Without his Ultimate Highlander(R), he is rather weak, so he will be looking to hit level 6 as quickly as possible. Go in Master Yi’s jungle to steal away his camps if you see him on one side of the map. This will delay his power spikes, and also reduce his gold income. Master Yi can take objectives like the Dragon or Rift Herald alone in the early game. Make sure you keep those objectives warded so you can see him before he secures them for his team.”
Saltu says “Very hard due to high damage but don't worry with this build you should always be able to RUSH AND KILL or escape. remember that if you stun him while he meditates you stop his meditation.
Only useful stuff here.”
Hazardist says “New Skarner has more issues dealing with Master Yi because you don't have reliable, on demand crowd control to nullify him anymore. You will have to keep your cool when using your E and R, which means waiting for him to spend his Q and never trying to duel him away from your team, as he can easily autoattack you to death.”
lumihehe says “if you and your team understand how his abilities work and you're not braindead, it's a super easy matchup. but if you and your team chuck every skillshot you could possibly ever throw WHILE HE HAS Q UP, you're inting yourself. he sucks if you just play around his abilities. ask your teammates to save their hard cc for when he meditates, as it cancels it immediately.”
Salmon Kid says “Master Yi has a lot of tools to avoid Lillia's damage like Q and W, but largely fails to beat her in 2v2's and 3v3's. Playing with your lanes in this match up is important, but besides the ocassional invade this match up is pretty easy.”
JT Andrew says “master yi has nothing really against jax because jax has e and dodge all master yi abilities But Don't Use Your E If Master Yi's Health Below 40%”
Darksword255 says “Easy match you. You can CC the crap out of him and you out sustain him. Even if he's full build, he is basically a glass cannon. Make sure to Hold E duration Max and pair that with ur R.”
PlayerWhatever says “I think you win against him in the early levels like Jax. If you can blind him, Marksman build, and you have the attack speed buff from passive, you might win.”
ItsAydam says “This champion's kit is made to counter kindred's completely. His Q is extremely annoying and makes him impossible to kite. His W cancels 95% of your damage and can be used to wait out your W. If he has ignite you will never 1v1 him at any point in the game, unless you're extremely ahead. If not, then try not to fight him early and stick to your teammates/minions. If you do the matchup becomes much easier.”
Dojyaan says “Could Invade early other than that he would decimate your team and you after he picks up some items so go and get yourself a lead beforehand. His Q can oneshot your boxes and that could be a problem.”
RelaxOrTax says “He can easily dodge your combo, and reduce the damage from your ultimate with his W. To counter him in the early game try to steal his jungle and 1v1 him in the jungle. With conqueror and level 3 there is a low chance for him to duel you.”
GiAEcchI says “Hardest matchup, he has true damage, he can chase you through walls, his W negates your ult, he can out-1v1 you early (with Hail of Blades) and mid/late game (even with your red form), try out-gank him early on to get a snowball lead, ward carefully.
Do not let him have a lead, do not let him take Herald, play your early game perfectly. If he does get a lead, hold on to your W until he Q and protect your team. If he strikes you, fight a bit then ult him to not get him any reset.”
NegativePhoenix says “You can beat him in a 1v1 early, his early game is insanely weak. You must, I repeat, MUST try to win before the late game hits. If he snowballs or gets fully built he'll win every single fight against you and your team by himself mostly if he isn't perma-CC'ed. Auto and Q him for damage, W him if he uses his W to heal and wait to use your E till his Q is worn off or he can just cancel it early. Late game you can beat him if you're good at using your skills properly, otherwise he has a heavier win chance.”
Nightmare.dll says “HAHAHA so annoying to play as Yi your early is so much better just dont let him get feed and you should win
*always look to CC him when your E-Passive is off CD”
Blakbor says “Personally, Yi is a heavy scaling champ. The only way to win him is invading, stealinc camps and warding his jg to track him, and in lower elos this can be complicated.”
[Yi is for me the easiest champion to kill, normal ADCs are ranged, but this boy is running into you, you just W and he Q and AA you, then you taunt him if he tries to flee or W's and he dies like nothing. Him Q'ing you isn't a problem since your W still reacts to his Q (I already killed a Yi that was still in me). He just has a little bit of speed but that's it, just care his Q+Smite objective steal, it can be pretty problematic. After getting Wit's End, this matchup can get a bit more tough, just make sure to reach Gargoyle when he reaches Wit's End (or even before), otherwise don't fight in a 1v1.]
zorrooscuro223 says “tienes dos opciones:
o lo baneas.
o le das duro contra el muro su late game es absurdamente fuerte ademas de que su q puede denegar tu dash el cual basicamente es tu inicio de combo.”
Vega03 says “His Q and his speed are your main counter. Try to avoid him. In case you have to fight him, use your E and your W in the right moments and hold until help arrives”
NegativePhoenix says “He isn't scary early game, in fact you could 1v1 him pre-6 if you wanted to as long as you're careful enough and have backup nearby. Generally you just wanna make sure he can't do much in the early game and try to end before he gets too built. If he gets to nearly full build late game then he's going up to an extreme threat. 12.11 makes him even squishier to fight in the early game, so you have a better fight advantage.”
One Stab says “He can W your dmg, he oneshots you, you can't when he gets his items, so countergank, invade him before he does get strong. otherwise play with your team.”
BullwhipGriffin says “Master Yi q completely negates diana combo, as well as his w reduces dianas burst. HARDEST DIANA COUNTER IN GAME DODGE ON SIGHT UNPLAYABLE”
OfficerVi says “Only really a problem when he gets fed. Your lockdown should usually be good enough to take care of him. DO NOT let him Q dodge your Q or ult. ”
RLluka says “You beat him until he gets kraken. Then fights get difficult depending on how far ahead you are. Once he gets kraken + rageblade you avoid 1v1 fights against him as 2 item yi beats 4 item udyr in a 1v1”
Porjn says “Galio can consistently stun master yi to slow down his tempo in fights. With his recent "adjustments" he is more scary than before but you can still do a decent job to counter him”
IamFafa says “Becomes super strong with funnel so make sure to only use R after you saw him use his Q because he can easily wipe out your team if you miss your R
evil in says “Yi is an easy matchup try not to make the game longer than 35 minutes. All u have to do against him is Charm him while he is in his Ultimate and u will always oneshot him with your combo”
Shira Aisu says “You beat him in early / mid game but Yi hard scale and in late game you will not have damages to take him down before he takes you down, don't let the game last.”
GrayJinxed says “Yi has a similar scenario with Kha'Zix he can Q you or your teammate after your ult has ended after lowering you both in the ult. (Yi is a recommended ban in the low elo)”
TimothyFly says “Just use ur r at him and if he q's u, just keep going straight with ur r and u will hit him and just q and one shot him. He's really weak early and u can abuse that to get ahead so he's never able to play the game.”
DarkMareOfficial says “Time your Decoy (W) to reduce his Q damage/ Juke him into autoing your clone. You can take him on if you create a nice chain damage combined with CC from ultimate.”
WONDR says “Perma ban in lower elo - as thats where he is played the most. He dissaperas using his Q which can cancel all your dmg and if you do get the jump on him he can just W and recude a huge amounts of damage. Then all your skills are on cooldown and he AA's you to death.”
ISwearImNotPolish says “Your first few backs are way better than his and he has basically next to no early gank potential so capitalize on this. Counterjungle him, beat the crap out of him and try to end early so he doesn't hit his insta-win powerspike.”
OPPMAN says “Master Yi wins early game, but mid to late game, you out trade him. HOWEVER. You must ULT to beat master YI. His DPS is too fast, If you don't ult, you will lose. Also, his W can counter your Q damage. Be aware.”
ioprocessing says “Actual free matchup. Pick Skarner into Yi if you want free elo. Even if he builds QSS, if he tries to engage your team you can land your E before he gets in Q range (important that you don't let him avoid E with his Q) you just need to auto him once, and he will die instantly to your team due to his squishiness.”
geek_not_found says “Very cringe in general. Can fight you at level three but if you kite him well, you should be okay. To beat Yi, you need a team with CC or you need to be very far ahead. When he's 6 it's game over for you and ulting yourself is what he wants. All he needs to do is time his Q properly. Worthy of a ban too, but can be drafted around.”
YoungTact says “This champion also runs you down but is more of a low elo champion. If you are in the lower elos would recommend to just outright ban it as it usually is too much for your teammates to deal with anyway. He doesnt have a hard time sticking onto you and running you down like udyr/warwick since his Q is a blink and his R is a movement speed steroid. Would recommend the phase rush build. ”
chakibxd says “Playing vs a good master yi is horrible. Nidalee cannot do anything against him because if she q's him and engage he will just meditate to reduce the burst and then he will ult and chase you down. Play around the cc's that you have in your team.”
horror_in_dark says “У грейза отличные резисты против ад чемпионов, а ранняя игра мастера это только физический урон, правильно используйте финита ля комедия, чтобы он не задоджил урон с помощью q или w и вы без труда будете его дуэлить.”
SeptikYT says “Your only hope is to invade him to the point he becomes completely useless. If you don't, he just picks people off, gets fed and shreds you with Kraken Slayer + Lethal Tempo. Reason that he is an Even threat is that you can deny his scaling by breaking his tempo by invades or forcing dives.”
Novacane542 says “Master yi is a big problem because you have no cc to stop him. If he counter jungles you, he will get ahead and become into a bigger menace than most assassins.”
Madabc says “Easy matchup early and late. Make him waste his W with combo and sometimes if your fed enough you can get a lot of free damage in when he's in W. Don't give him to react to Q after your leap. ”
irelia support says “There's not much dueling when it comes to Yi. Blue Kayn can deal with him as long as he doesn't get in Yi's Q range if Yi is fed.”
Ducati says “Go Full AP, R if he q's. Can Kill 95% of the time. However, if gets something insane like 8/0 by 15 minutes I would recommend going the everfrost zhonya's route.”
Janooobi says “The only reason he is not Extreme level is because you have the CC to lock him down, wait for his Q before you throw your R and your team can clean him up. If he gets fed avoid him and wait for your team to collapse”
DuckT says “Eethal Eempo
If he's bad, he Q's you before you E. If he's not, he'll run at you and beat you to death post-6. Otherwise, he'll run off to botlane to get free kills from your oblivious laners.”
Ferra says “Master yi is a pretty annoying champion, you have to be careful to use your skills. With his Q he can easily dodge your Q and take no damage from your E.”
Lazarus Sleigh says “Almost As dangerous as Vayne if not just as bad. If this champion Gets Fed, no amount of Armor Will save you. Try to use Stone plate when he Alpha Strikes to avoid damage. Stomp him out early game to avoid hassle later.”
Consolo says “Point and click stun on an early game champ. lol. We don't win the 1v1 after 2 items, but punish him and his team until then. He is completely useless in ganks before 6, and not great even after. Easily peeled in teamfights unless he is going Duskblade build, and even then he has moments of vulnerability.”
blulemon says “Threat depends on the game, if he is fed he can melt you with his E, otherwise if he doesn't get fed, he is useless against you with your CC. Try to counter gank against him because you will usually win those situations and put him behind.”
JayKm1 says “Pre 6 you can beat. Later its hard to one shot him with your R since he can W when he sees you coming to block your damage or Q you when you jump on him.”
Tiger-Moose says “Vayne, but melee and kills you harder faster. Do not charge Qs against him if he has his Q ready since the ranges are close (but slightly in your favour), meaning that if you miss, you miss out on a lot of your damage plus your ability to proc phase rush.
//Sion Q range: 500-850. Master Yi Q range: 600.”
IEatReesesPuffs says “ban this man or you will hate your games he can dodge snowball with Q my recommendation for killing him is ult a little bit after his q is starting so you can full charge ult him when he is done”
SimpleShadow says “Master Yi may seem like a winnable match up. It isn't to easy, a good master yi will know when to Q and W. You can only win if you stun him after his Q, but it's hard to stun him he will always end up in a different place. ”
MrMeem45 says “If he has ignite, this matchup goes to extreme. He clears very fast and if the enemy Yi knows what they're doing (They probably don't, but if they do) you won't be able to do anything about it. I'd say deal with him early, but you have to hit all of your abilities to kill him and he only has to hit one. This has been a very good season for Yi with lethal tempo and duskblade. Don't risk fighting him, just take his camps when he's not around and try to countergank when you can.”
b0n0 says “Good ole Master Yi. With new LT this champ is ass to play against. He can solo drags/ barons and you can't do a damn thing. Play around getting ahead early if you track and see any plays. Try to peel your team with your ult that negates him in teamfights. Q his meditate.
If we can track him early and make good early plays we can win no problem. ”
Elekktro says “Master Yi was nerfed very significantly and now this matchup just comes down to whoever gets fed first. Viego has better ganks than Master Yi, so just focus on getting a lead and you should be able to win this matchup.”
Vega03 says “Mostly for low elo players. He is Master Yi. You don't know where or when, but you know he is going to get fed and you know that he is going to Q and kill you.”
GranadaExperimental says “Master Yi does not usually represent a real problem in most cases but like everything else, it depends on how the opponent uses the champion, it can be very easy or also very difficult to beat a yi with rhaast”
J98TheGreat says “Picture a Master Yi using W only to get knocked back and take a fair chunk of damage. You beat him in a 1v1 at any point in the game if you are good at Ornn. If you aren't, you need to play more Ornn. Just never ban this if you know what's good for you. A Yi with one more item than you can still struggle against a good Ornn in a 1v1. Just be somewhat wary of how you approach a fight if he's very fed and ahead of you.”
leoviniciux says “Possui um early game melhor e pode facilmente te invadir e te matar. No entanto, possui ganks menos efetivos e menos presença de mapa. Pegar vantagem sobre Master Yi é importante, caso contrário ele pode se tornar um problema e te matar 1x1 facilmente.”
gelz_4 says “If he doesnt go 27/3 u can fight him with ur team since u cc him well with ult and wait with ur q charged untill he Qs cause u can hold charged VI q really long and if he doesnt q u just q away”
Brosinex says “Cuando tiene Q, simplemente juegas alrededor de tu W y es una victoria bastante fácil si la aciertas. Definitivamente no lo disputes temprano.”
Ghionova says “Prepare for a fight if you want to kill him. His W will reduce most of your damage output so try to time your boxes right to interrupt his channeling. If youre fed no big deal, if he has”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “What can I say about this. You win in early game, you lose in late game.
He'll definatly try to dodge your R with his Q. You gotta out smart him.”
The Elysian1 says “Yi has extremly powerfull lvl 3 spike, he can just invade you in the early game , take a free kill and have a huge lead since you can't fight him wiht out a heavy cc dealer. Your champs has those windows for a kill that he just closes due his W and his Q. He is going to demolish your teammates and prorbaly be stronger then you in mid - late game , but if he fells off before mid-late , the game is yours.
zLuxfury says “Low elo pick, can take less damage and become untargettable.
With Blue form after he uses Q use Prowler's Claw and W-Q then R, that's the best thing you can do if alone and could kill him depending on if he uses W and the state of the game.
If you are ahead he normally isn't a problem but don't underestimate him.”
KafueLechwe says “Yi is a fairly straightforward matchup for Sion, if he Qs you in the middle of your R, don't cancel it, when he comes out he will be directly in front of it and just die.”
Zyvran says “He is a nightmare. He beats you when you're fed, and when he's fed there is nothing you can do to touch him. If you don't have any lockdown on your team...have fun.”
Citric says “You can fight him early but don't try to 1v1 him later in the game. Play with your team and try to use your ultimate to knock him out of his W. ”
Pusi Puu says “can block almost all your dmg and can just run you down after 6.
You win pre 6 since your kit is stronger and you can just wait for your cooldowns to come up again when he meditates. So try to invade him early game to set him behind. After 6 he is unfightable and just runs you down”
IMissedMyQ says “Clap those cheeks baby. This man can do nothing. Similar to the kha matchup. Pound him early and make sure he isn't cleaning up kills on your bot lane.”
Doubtfull says “Lillia wins this pretty hard pre 6 but afterwards yi is a problem. Try to bully him early game as if it gates to late youre going to be in trouble. Sorc shoes might be the way to go in this match up.”
RactickTTV says “Master Yi is just an extremely annoying and great counter to Kayn. He outdamages you early on, outscales Shadow Assassin and destroys Rhaast everytime. His W (Meditate) allows him to counter your R or one shot. I would avoid fighting him early and look to play opposite side of the map and get lanes ahead. If you don't have CC on your team to lock him down, dodge!”
LambWolf says “You can win fights against master yi early on. Don't use your E's 3rd attack when he has w on. Don't let him make your team low with your ultimate.”
KebabGames says “He can easily dodge your combo, and reduce the damage from your ultimate with his W. To counter him in the early game try to steal his jungle and 1v1 him in the jungle. With conqueror and level 3 there is a low chance for him to duel you.”
NixLychee says “His early game damage is nothing to scoff at, and you can't let him get to lategame. Ult him out of his W, and make sure to save Q for when he gets out of his Q. Insane farming and scaling. Very susceptible to CC and burst damage. Save your burst so that he can't dodge it and don't let him snowball. Try to cheese him if you can. ”
KamiKZ says “Master Yi is a tricke one. He can downright outplay you if he has his meditate up and it is very hard to 1v1 him late game unless it is a 1v1 with isolation. Even then, he will still shred you. It´s a skill matchup most of the time. Extremely hard to duel without Q evolution and challenging smite. ”
Veralion says “Run ignite. Avoid him as usual in the early game. He wins quite handily until 6 because meditate is a balanced ability that can just stall until your E mark expires. And that's if he's not healthy enough to just right click you to death. If he's running ignite, that means he really wants to kill you at your second buff. Ward before starting it. Don't engage him if he has his ult available post-6. If you know it's down, save your ult to interrupt meditate and he's a free kill.
If he has a Taric, or a Yuumi, or a Lulu, ESPECIALLY if he has 2 of them, dodge the game. It's not worth playing into a 25 minute instant win condition. It doesn't matter how bad the Yi is, he will pentakill you at some point with those champions behind him. Funnel Yi, much like cancer, refuses to die, and the Yi is typically piloted by a very skilled high elo booster. Tarzaned says the only way to beat funnel Yi is with a very early game jungler with hard CC, which is the complete opposite of Shyvana. Just dodge it. ”
Doubtfull says “This is a great match up for Fiddle. You can lock him down with your fear and burst him, you can cancel his W multiple ways, and your drain works on him even in alpha strike. Though if it goes to late game and he builds a QSS it could be problematic.”
Arfreezy says “Can be a big threat if left to free farm for too long. Play to your lane priorities and establish a lead. Maintain grit stacks at first scuttle to bait an early skirmish. Abuse lane priorities to invade to prevent free farming. You should be able to establish a lead early before Yi hits his two item power spike and starts becoming OP.”
FREAKSTAR says “Yi is a ticking time bomb, all he needs is some gold and a beautiful flank to take over a game.
Keep vision in the jungle because if you let Master Yi flank during a teamfight and get resets on his ult you will be dealing with a disaster.
Keep him under control, stay even or ahead of him, and team fight with VISION. You will win if you just keep him under control.
Remember to play CLEAN and efficient, capitalizing on your mistakes are how Master Yi's win games.
He is my other main so I would know...”
Tormentula says “Master Yi loses early to Elise in 1v1s, Ganks, and Invades. He can't run from you easily so if you catch him he's typically dead. You can let him Q onto you and then cocoon when the Q expires to avoid him dodging it. Just be careful when he's in W as it can take awhile for you to finish him giving his team time to help. ”
Doubtfull says “This match up can be annoying if the Master Yi takes Ignite. Try to bully him out of the game early by tracking him in his jungle. Take red smite as blue smite doesn't do anything against him. Don't let him alpha strike your knock up or you are in trouble.”
Asternova says “RUNES: Conqueror or Phase Rush. Dark Harvest if you're feeling confident
ITEMS: Zhonya's is core here, Plated Steelcaps if against full AD.
GAMEPLAY SUMMARY: Master Yi's ganks are pretty bad pre-6, meaning you can outperform him at those. You can also kill him at that stage in the game by kiting correctly if doesn't have red buff or Ignite, remember that his Medidate doesn't block true damage, so you can still use Q on him. After 6 try to avoid dueling with him, all he needs is a couple kills to start snowballing in a fight, he's a key target to CC in a fight, try to ult him after he uses Q if possible so there's no chance of him dodging it.”
MiningRicK says “We all know Yi if he gets fed he is an Unstppable Monster and will make a penta alone so try to fight him lvl 3 or with a Teammate that he doesn´t get that fed.”
KamiKZ says “This match up is Graves favored, try to fight master yi early pre 6 and gain and exp and gold lead over him so you are able to fight him after lvl 6 aswell. Tip try to hold onto your W untill Master yi uses his Q (Alpha strike) on you and put down your w on top him there. Then you should be able to win the 1v1 against him. ”
Very Rxre says “really hard matchup, will always win 1v1 against u even in the early game and outscales you. the good one tricks will perma invade you and use their movement speed to get out without getting punished. consider banning if low elo”
poopyOCE says “I never had any problems with yi with this build, as you outheal his dps. Use E when he Alpha strikes. If he is using R to run, don't chase because he is too fast. Otherwise, if you don't lose early game, you win 1v1s.”
SaltCat says “He wants to scale so you got a free level 6, he wins early game his w is a its a good idea to use your w on him while he w, but later you want to first charm him then attack him”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “Annoying to play against with his scaling and all, but you out-tank him and can stop his combo with your CC. Pretty easy matchup just beware of his late game.”
halomanonfire says “Master Yi can be a threat to many, but his healing and Ultimate ability allowing him to be untargetable. Makes him able to keep up with your lifesteal, and then making you unable to lifesteal for a short period”
Dreadscythe95 says “Yorick has no strong CC and that is the best way to shut down a Master Yi when he scales. Hopefully your team has the cc, then you do a lot of dmg to him.”
PhoebusRevenio says “Master Yi can be difficult if he's allowed to snowball, but Udyr is especially good at shutting him down with point and click CC. It can be helpful to remind your team to save skillshot CC until after you've stunned him. I'll take PTA and Triforce against him, and sometimes go Tiger stance max. ”
VukatornunazFan says “Master Yi is such an easy character to deal with while playing Viego. When he uses is Q start charging your stun so when he pops out... easy stun easy kill.”
Coorowko says “Easy matchup, especially if your team is on the same page as you. Bully early and keep track of his pathing to give him a very nasty surprise. ”
poopyOCE says “Q untargetability makes him stupid in all circumstances. Otherwise, try to fear him when he doesn't have his Aloha strike up to let your team burst him.”
Purruichi says “In early game, for him it's very easy to kill you and lets him scale a lot.
You have to invade a lot if you play against him, but you need to have him tracked.”
Karasmai says “Rhaast will hard counter yi as long as you Use your Knock up as soon as his Q is over it is a guaranteed hit and you can also use your W to cancel his W. I never struggle with yi but if i go Blue Kayn it will be very hard to win if he itemizes properly and times his W well, i typically look to kill his entire team then have my team help me kill the YI with some CC so i’d only play blue kayn if myteam had good cc”
MexBookMaster says “Solo hay 2 posibilidades, o lo humillas o lo dejas escalar y se vuelve imparable. Farmeas más rapido que Yi y tienes mejores Ganks. Yi tiene pésima movilidad. Un pequeño Tip, cuando Master Yi utiliza su Q en un campeón el siempre saldrá frente al campeón al que le aplicó la Q. Si utiliza la Q contigo y eres Rhaast simplemente tira W en la dirección a la que está mirando Rhaast y lo levantarás cuando salga. Despues de eso puedes matarlo sencillamente. El ignite le anula la curación de la W y si lo levantas con la W de Rhaast le cancelas igual su W. Con Shadow Assassin (Azul) puedes Oneshotearlo si sacas ventaja pero debes acabar rapido el juego para evitar que escale.”
ak521 says “hahahah easy as hell matchup. He's dead with your cc. but don't 1v1, never 1v1. You /could/ get away but I wouldn't take the risk as his E does true damage. He'll be useless in team fights. Yes, you should focus Yi, especially late game, he scales well. Try as hard as you can to win early for your team and I would end ASAP as Yi can snowball a late game lead.”
Rhoku says “Master Yi is a very difficult matchup. If he gets fed, and the likelihood of him getting fed is high in soloq, then he will cut you down in 2 seconds and process to murder your team. You can beat him earlier on if you manage your abilities properly. By this I mean making sure you hit your Q and making sure he doesn't dodge your abilities with Alpha Strike. He outscales you very quickly once he kills you twice. After that point there is no hope against him between the %health damage and his true damage.”
Kayncer says “If you use your Q wisely and your W as Rhaast to cancel his W you should be fine!
Use Blue Kayn with stridebreaker against him to keep him from escaping or kiting u!”
SmellyPyjamas says “He is very speedy like our very own Sion, and his q is very annoying because he can just avoid your ult with it. If you are able to cc him, it's most likely a kill due to his squishiness.”
Lambda Diana says “It says that Diana is weak vs Yi I think its more 50/50. If he has hob red smite and ign you won't end early. He is normal and runs flash smite just wait for his Q then use spells. If he W's while Q is on cd just ult try to save your ult if you can for when he is in W or cced. Its more of a team comp thing. You win early try to win early with rifts and hourglass is a must if you are in a 1v1 hourglass his Q so it does no damage. ”
OsakaSatang says “Conc+sorcery
Pretty rough match up pre 6 since you can't do anything when he Q. If you can play around it or with team mate, you can kill him solo, otherwise just w out to safety and wait for ulti.”
ItsSkoob says “His Q can dodge both your ult and Q but he is insanely squishy and most of the time if you land your Q you will either 1 shot him or force his flash.”
Thendos says “In earlygame u winning 1v1s if u dont miss ur abilities In lategame he pressing Q and oneshoting u, but u can outplay him with Zhonya or good timed ult”
Ellesmere says “Although yi is strong late game like you, you are much stronger than him early unless he gets fed hard. Between your massive damage, your shield, and your stun, you should be able to blow him up before he can do anything to you. Also, many yi's don't take flash so I highly recommend counter jungling to slow down his sated time and for free kills. Your biggest problem with Yi will be late game since he will be able to 1v1 you. Make sure your team brings solid cc and you stun him the second he engages. The more CC the better as once he's locked down he's useless and can be blown up very easily.”
Sammystinky says “Your knock-ups are great against him, just focus him and blow him up with your team. He does work if you don't address him however. ”
RedNBlue says “Not tiny threat because sometimes the Yi will get to your top laner and get first blood making it really hard to duel with them early game.”
SketchtheHunter says “Not so bad, just hold onto your abilities till he uses his and you'll be fine. Wait for him to pop Q to use yours afterward, and wait to use E till he tries to heal with his W.”
Chrosser says “Solo hay 2 opciones, el yi puede fedearse y destruir a tu team, o puede fedear y hacer que su team pierda la partida. Tu solo intenta ganarle los objetivos.”
Soulreaperjin says “Because Shyvana doesn't have any real CC ability, Yi can easily rein a terror on you since he has free True Damage ability(not to even mention his Q) which allows him to cut you in pieces as if you're a steak that's being prepared for Sunday's afternoon BBQ. So ban him every game.”
FrostForest says “He can dodge your Combo and kill you. Luckily he's useless if he doesn't get ahead and will die quickly in teamfights if hit by any cc”
Maintained says “You beat him early game within your spires, and his biggest weakness is crowd control, meaning if you save your ult for him in teamfights, he's useless he pays the QSS tax. Once early game is over, he'll be able to run you down rather easily, and if he has QSS it will be difficult for you to lock him down.”
Irmike78 says “Dont fight him with R up. Besides that (and aslong as he isnt to fed) then fight with sums or team. Yi can always be 50/50 as you can fight on his Q cooldown and win or just get auto attacked 3 times and die. ”
RichMrFork says “Majority of Master Yi's won't have much early game presence as he's weak early on and should focus on farming. Yi is still a threat in a 1v1 early on though. If they take ignite then definitely avoid fighting him early without help. The nuance to fighting to Yi early is playing around your W. Many low elo Yi players will waste their Q. If Yi uses his alpha strike to gap close onto you then immediately lay your W down and play on it. He will end up either burning flash to escape it, get stunned and you can kill him or proc passive on him and run away. You need to be proactive on the map though because Yi turns into a monster mid and late game if your team doesn't know how to play around him or lacks reliable CC. Care for Master Yi counterganks after 6 though, Yi is amazing at cleaning up low health enemies because of his R and Q resets. I put this matchup as a 3 in low elo because Yi will always find a kill somewhere but in Plat+ its definitely a 2 matchup as people start to learn how to play around him.”
manco1 says “Yi gets doinked by your blind, very easy match-up. He snowballs well so you want to focus on tracking where he is to help out your team. ”
Kayn Mains says “Really scary matchup for Kayn, especially in low elo. He can rightclick you to death and negate all your damage through his Medidate (W).
His ultimate is more powerful than most would expect. Make sure to avoid him unless you have your team as backup.
During late game you are unable to beat Master Yi in any form. Play to beat his team instead. If you went Rhaast, try to time your Blade's Reach (W) just right by knocking Master Yi up right after he uses Alpha Strike (Q) on you.”
LilPaniniUwU says “His early game damage is nothing to scoff at, and you can't let him get to lategame. Ult him out of his W, and make sure to save Q for when he gets out of his Q. Insane farming and scaling. Very susceptible to CC and burst damage.
metalhydra273 says “Yi will die to your cc, and you should win 1v1s throughout the early game and parts of the mid game. Late game though he can easily run both you and your team over, especially if he gets a qss. Chain your cc correctly and the matchup is won. If he gets ahead early though, expect him to be very dangerous. Know when you can't beat him on your own anymore and use a friend or a few to pick him off easily.”
PlayerWhatever says “Remember when Noxus bombarded the village from Master Yi? Because Wuju sword-style is super deadly? Well, Vi would wish she mastered bombs instead of fists if she went 1 vs 1 against him. (he can avoid your CC and out-damages you in the late game)”
LilPaniniUwU says “Really scary matchup for Kayn, especially in low elo. He can rightclick you to death and negate all your damage through his Medidate (W). His ultimate is more powerful than most would expect. Make sure to avoid him unless you have your team as backup. During late game you are unable to beat Master Yi in any form. Play to beat his team instead. If you went Rhaast, try to time your Blade's Reach (W) just right by knocking Master Yi up right after he uses Alpha Strike (Q) on you.
PulseBeat_02 says “Master Yi can be a big or small threat depending on how smart you or the enemy plays. He can dodge your Dark Binding and also fight you while even being in your ultimate. (Makes him untargetable). If he tries to Alpha Strike you, use Black Shield to reduce the damage.”
Aqua Dragon says “Master Yi is surprisingly objective-focused, so you need to have an extremely vigilant eye on objectives to make sure they aren't taken early. Fortunately, Yi is especially prone to silences and suppressions due to their telegraphed landing spot from Alpha Strike. Still, after QSS, a smart Yi can still spiral out of control if they have an early lead.”
auileta says “This could go both ways, either he dominates or you beat him. Usually, you counter him because you win in the early game. Scuttle fights with him aren't the hardest. He can get fed easily so play safe.”
PyroPhynix says “Although he may not always beat you early his Q can completely counter Nunu and Willump's Snowball. And if timed right he can completely counter your R by using his Q at the right time.”
ToxicViking says “Yi Pretty much one shots you late game with true damage. try to start the fight with q so he cant q if you have the dmg to 1 shot otherwise q when he uses w.”
Nanelol says “Really hard matchup for evelynn. He can survive your whole burst by his W and then you do nothing to save your life. Also you never run from him. It's either you oneshot him with your whole kit or you die.”
Nanelol says “Master Yi loses early to Elise in 1v1s, Ganks, and Invades. He can't run from you easily so if you catch him he's typically dead. You can let him Q onto you and then cocoon when the Q expires to avoid him dodging it. Just be careful when he's in W as it can take awhile for you to finish him giving his team time to help.”
fahadpppo says “early game just try get away from him if hes in hes w he is probably just waiting for hes q to be back up other than that be careful of his late game and if hes fed of course”
Eagzey says “Pressure early. We can stop his W with our W and he does no damage until 2-3 items deep. We can also R his Q if you time it right. Red smite Yi is a bit of a cuck though.”
HVfun says “Well, Master Yi is Cancer. You can beat him by getting off ganks or invading early, but my mid game if your allies are getting picked, or don't team fight properly against him it's over. Essentially your team needs to hold a lot of damage to burst him when he engages, but it's hard to coordinate in Solo queue. ”
uSgSello says “Master Yi is comparable to Tryndamere. He will farm up until he have got his ult. After level 6 you shouldn't fight him because he is able to dodge your cocoon with his Q and have got a lot of dps.
Concentrate on ganking pre 6 and on counterganking after reaching level 6. ”
Smartest2 says “Low risk to you, high risk to your team. Leave him alone in his jungle early game but try and get counter ganks off. Once he uses his q his damage output is fairly low. Mid-game we can 100-0 him.”
Maverka88 says “Really hard matchup for evelynn.
He can survive your whole burst by his W and then you do nothing to save your life. Also you never run from him. My advice is to kill him before he can react.”
BlackFalcon2005 says “Fight him early, you should beat him in a 1v1 if in equal grounds. It may still be hard as yi usually get fed through bot or top lane and then there is not much you can do about it.”
MrMeem45 says “Well, the day has come that Master Yi became an early-midgame assassin. You can't fight him early unless you have max grit stacks. This is the only situation in which I'd say picking ignite and smite is a good idea, as if you don't kill him early he becomes a massive problem. His Q, if isolated on you, deals a massive amount of damage, and if he runs hail of blades you might actually lose to him outright.”
cfoxtrot8 says “If this champ is playing on high elo, he will probably destroy you. Only way to win againist him is catching him with your mid lane on scuttle.”
Doubtfull says “Be careful with your positioning and make sure to only use your Q on him if Alpha Strike is down. If he gets resets on your team it will be difficult to stop him.”
Unknown420 says “super easy match up win the game before he can reach his power spike but try to avoid fighting him of u dont have a bush near by or ult to get an emp ability or ult”
PK Noob says “As soon as you see him all you have to do is root and run away. You'll never win duels against him unless you have the damage to burst him. When he q's you throw out your skills after his q finishes to finish him.”
Scintior says “You can win fights against master yi early on. Don't use your E's 3rd attack when he has w on. Don't let him make your team low with your ultimate.”
Ponger says “Play your cards right, and you can easily win. Never take fights unless you're absolutely sure you win, as if he gets the slightest bit ahead you just lose.”
EUWRATS says “Becomes super strong with funnel so make sure to only use R after you saw him use his Q because he can easily wipe out your team if you miss your R”
VeneficusFerox says “Special mention: remember that he cannot be slowed in his ult, but he can be stunned by your Gold Card. Use [[ghost]] to catch up if needed and try to bait his Q, since he can dodge your Gold Card with it.”
SoSheolH says “High damage carry who can shred you if he gets a good chance, but especially early with his long Q cooldown and low attack speed, you can just wait for him to use it and then stun him and burst him out. Most Yi players are stupid and won't hold Q until you try and stun them, but even if they do you can just use either E or W, then use the one you haven't used after they get out. You actually outdamage him early so you can take 1v1s.”
Kindredgarten says “I permaban this champ below diamond. Hard to play against in solo queue with no coordination. However, you are more of a threat early so push the advantage. Save your E's third attack for after his meditation.”
GuillaumeP84 says “One of the most annoying champ. In early game, if you fight him full hp you get demolished because of his runes (conqueror or lethal tempo) moreover with his w he can temporize your burst). In order to 1 vs 1, you have a short window with you first item. In order to win your game, try to hardly outgank him and don't try to 1 vs 1 him even though you are fed because by giving him a shutdown you can just throw the game.”
The Lass Isolet says “It varies a lot how good Yi is, if he dodges your W early you die, if he dodges your R in the mid-late game you die, if he doesn't dodge it's even.”
Caled says “Master Yi is another really brutal matchup for Kayn. Regardless of what form you go, Master Yi can mitigate most damage from you with his Meditate (W) and can also prevent taking damage by using his Alpha Strike (Q). Going Rhaast, you can use Blade’s Reach (W) to instantly CC him after coming out of his Alpha Strike (Q) but besides that there is not much counterplay. Most of the matchup will require you to just avoid dueling him. When playing against Master Yi, it is recommended to only fight him with the help of your team and shut him down with CC.”
Loul_60 says “Yi isn't as bad as people think. Blue form can probably one-shot him as long as he doesn't use W or Q to dodge your W. Rhaast does fine into him as long as you hit a W. If you miss your first W, just Q then ult if you are below half hp or so, then try again.
Yi's Q and Kayn's ult are quite buggy, you may find you can't ult him until about half a second after he exits his Q.”
litecrunch says “Yi wants to do the same things you do, generally be more farm focused early and gank after 6. Don't really fight him early. If your team has cc then your burst will make him die quickly late game. You will have a better chance if you take more objectives from him and counter his gank attempts.”
liserith says “In low-elo, Master Yi is a MASSIVE problem. He can burst you down with literally one skill, his meditate can completely tank your E, and his ult makes him and even bigger pain in the ass. He's my perma-ban; anyone with a towerdive as free as his doesn't deserve to be in the game. But because he's much easier to deal with in higher elo, I'll put him at 4.”
Gumipapucs says “Matchup depends on the YI.
Pre-6 you can abuse him early just like kayn. After that, only if you are ahead and/or red smite and you really want to kite on maximum attack range. If the fight gets close and he forces you to ult, he will get you low and get his Q up, so when your ult finishes you mostly cannot kill him with the E 3rd auto, as he will just Q+AA you right at the end, and it will most certainly kill you before you kill him. I mostly focus on f'ing him up in all ways i can and prevent his scaling. Being even is not a good thing. He is also impossible to kill early and midgame if you don't get a lead while his W lasts, dont waste your E 3rd auto on it. If you are not 100% HP when he does W you better just leave him and run away if he has red buff as his Q will be up soon too and he can turn on you quite easily even at 15-20% HP and win it. Unless you still have your E up and/or have a teammate helping you. Also watch out if you start blue and he starts red because after blue you most likely get your gromp, then he can be at your wolves clearing them and you won't know why and how is that guy there. Avoid fighting him at all costs in this scenario because he will have a redbuff and you won't and there is no way you win it. Ping your teammates, if your mid/supp can help collapse on him then he's dead, if not you just have to simply walk past him heading to your red (don't let him deal any damage to you). If he leaves a baby wolf that's like whatever, you will reset it on next gromp, but if he doesn't then he wasted an awful lot of his time and you can also stage a trap at his blue buff with a teammate, or you can just straight up 1v1 him as you will be lvl3 with a red buff and he will be still lvl2. If he's not lvl 2 that means you have enough time to get his blue and cause him major mana issues and force him to go base prematurely. If didn't back after taking your wolves as he should because running back from there takes a huge time, or you can see him if he walks through mid you can even take his gromp. Wolves are risky as they are too deep but you can manage to escape with some wallhops and the blastcone. This way you will have a huge advantage early and he will have to powerfarm a lot.”
KeyTheMonolith says “If you let Master Yi get ahead he will snowball into carrying the game but if you cna shut him down you can kill him whether going blue kayn or red as with red u can cc with w to finish him or with blue u cna abuse the bug where you can w from inside a wall so he cant see it and he will be one shot with a classic combo.”
DeleDulux says “similar to lee sin he's fast and i ban him like always because i find him
annoying with he's Q
fight him 1 vs 1 pre level 6 or when he's without the R
Kindred xD says “Master Yi is quite strong against Kindred. If you don't trust your mates to play it out correctly then better ban this champ. In high elo only a useful ban to avoid Yi one tricks.”
chevy the sloot says “I hate playing against this champion because of how dumb he is. He can duel you early so avoid him and can itemize early MR against you. Just don't let him snowball or it becomes annoying. Take red smite for the exhaust”
c0st0m says “Lethality duskblade hob yi will one shot you in like 2-4 autos so care but ur ultimate super hard counters yi and zhonyas is a must buy here”
Shroomen Rider says “The current version of master yi does not care about your blind. He has invulnerability during his Q and goes invisible after he one shots your adc.
You don't 1v1 master yi, you tell your team to let the chimp over-engage and die. Shroom places he might flank from before team fights.”
sidestepmeta says “I put him here as jg, because you got no dash you are pretty vulnerable to ganks so place lots of wards and try not wasting flash and keep it for ganks.”
Tinjus says “Master Yi is a tricky one. He can downright outplay you if he has his meditate up and it is very hard to 1v1 him late game unless it is a 1v1 with isolation. Even then, he will still shred you. Its a skill matchup most of the time.”
Udyr uber says “Abuse do seu early game para invadir ele, e mata-lo na selva.
Roube o máximo de campos possiveis antes que o Master Yi tenha chance de crescer.
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “Very hard to play against, but very playable, you need to avoid him early game and farm, make sure to grab objectives, and wait till you get items. Also wait for him to Q before using your CC abilities, because Yi's #1 weakness is CC.”
AyeJa3 says “ Don't engage him if he has his ult available post-6. If you know it's down, save your ult to interrupt meditate and he's a free kill. If he has a Taric, or a Yuumi, or a Lulu, ESPECIALLY if he has 2 of them, dodge the game. It's not worth playing into a 25 minute instant win condition. It doesn't matter how bad the Yi is, he will pentakill you at some point with those champions behind him”
kidgrindel2 says “Master Yi is a DPS(Damage per second) oriented champion with an un-targetable Q ability which will help him stick onto Viego as well as being able to avoid damage.”
xDopii says “He can easily nuke you with his high attack speed and true damage. Always avoid 1v1s and stick with your teammates. In teamfights you can try to get your passive stacked on him and follow with a stun.”
PsiGuard says “Master Yi can win basically any matchup if he gets fed enough, but on average, this tends to be Nocturne favored. He can't burst you and he doesn't have escapes other than running away with R, so your fear is a good deterrent. If you and your team focus him in group fights, he should have a tough time doing his job.”
Bel37 says “Snowball champ. You beat him in the river fight if he has conq. If he has Hail of blades you can still win, but it might be too risky for new viego players so just avoid the fight if his keystone is Hail of Blades. But if you want to limit test, just hold your w for his till after he q's. your w will be back up again when he mediates since the cooldown is low and now you just kill him or he flashes. He can get out of hand quickly though if your team cant cc him properly”
massivecockkaynmain says “i dodge when i see yi i have a metal issues aginst this creature he almost always gets a lead out of one kill and snowballs so fking hard”
lolX9J says “Can we extremly difficult to play against this. Try to have ignite up to counter his W.
He wins the 1v1 if hes ahead.
1v1 in lategame should be yours tho.”
Xavierix says “Build Emberknife.
Try to steal his farm in the early game. His XP and Gold must be immediately less than yours.
Like you, he can solo Dragon and Herald at low level, so take Scuttle Crab, and ward objectives. If you see him taking dragon/Herald, try to steal it when Master Yi is low, possibly killing him first.
If he uses Q on you when you are rolling the snowball, don't release it: he will be hit and displaced in air . This is the right time that you and your team must focus him. If you are alone, it is quite useless to fight and most probably you will die, try to reach (without W is difficult) a camp with monsters (the Q/Smite on monsters can save you), an ally, or a jumping plant instead.
Disengage is Master Yi’s worse nightmare. As soon as he activates his Ultimate R and runs towards your team, disengage so he cannot take over the fight.
When low, make sure you back away even if Master Yi isn’t there. If he picks up free and easy kills, he will snowball heavy and take over the next team fight.
Try and wait for Master Yi to use his Q before locking him down with CC. As he can use his Q to dodge skill shots and CC if timed correctly, it’s best to wait for him to use this ability before trying to kill him.
You Have to finish the game with a victory as soon as possible. More time you play, the more is the probability to lose. He can carry solo also if whole his team is noob.
I always BAN HIM in Draft Mode. ”
OmegaDelta000 says “Don't. For real, if you do have to go against a Yi, try your hardest to win before he scales. Unless your team has a nice CC chain, there's no stopping this thing.”
JunglerBuilds says “Similar to Warwick, relies more on his teams Crowd Control, but deals more damage. Also can solo objectives, so try to play around dragon as much as possible. BAN HIM.”
ChaseMorePlz says “You have a very easy time fighting him when you group up with your team. After he alpha strikes, stun him and he dies instantly. It's best not to 1v1 him until you have a clear lead or item advantage. ”
CaptianMike says “So, so easy. Your counter strike blocks nearly all his damage. You can stun him out of his meditate, and you win duels throughout the entire game!! You counter Yi hard.
ChaseMorePlz says “Grab a dead man's plate and a devourer and you'll be able to fight him early on; pick up a cinderhulk and frozen heart if your carries have the damage potential to kill him.”
ChaseMorePlz says “Due to the Guinsoo's Rageblade changes, he is actually a big threat to you especially when you don't have any armor, he will delete you. Fight him pre-6 and before he gets sated, respect him when he gets these power spikes. CC (Crowd Control) him and focus him down with your kit along with your team and you'll be fine :)”
waayWest says “he counter's you really hard. if he comes into your jungle with ult you're pretty much dead, you need ult to beat him most of the time.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Wait for his W before ever jumping on him or jump on him without using any spells so he will use his W and after that burst him.
Invade in early but be careful because he might win if you play that badly.
Yi is gonna farm a lot so make sure to gank and end game asap.”
Kevalanium says “can solo barons keep them warded once you get to your 2nd or 3rd item you should be able to beat him no problem lock him down with your ult so go in Q auto E then ult
MrMuckDuck says “Master Yi could be a threat, depending on whether or not he performs well in early game. If you stop Master Yi from ganking your team and stealing your buffs, he won't necessarily be much of a problem late game. Every Yi will eventually start dealing damage, even if he's 0/5, so be careful about underestimating his position in the match.”
Get Ricked says “Wants to scale up early and farm. Try to find him in his jungle and stop him from scaling. You beat him at all stages unless he gets too fed.”
G Spot God says “If you want a champion to counter yi, look no further than the scorpion. His immense cc completely locks down the master noob. Does anyone like Yi players? don't let up, abuse him because if he does get even a mini lead it could be ggs.”
DarkAuraLOL says “you can outclear master yi in this matchup, also try to catch him on low hp in his jungle, you can easily outsmite him, he has low mobility early ,easy escape or chase, his gank potential is bad, you can counter gank him well, also, once you get jg item and tiamat, you can 1v1 him , but you cant just all on him, try to go burst him then e out, and he'll chase you, then you can use R and delay him, then hes gonna use his w, you can after than try to fight him after his ult expires, but if you guys are equal on level health and gold , he will win 1v1 early, so care, also you will outscale him if he doesnt get fed , just make sure you take his camps and protect yours and you'll be fine”
Crossknight06 says “You cant beat him he dodge your e play tank and do all drakes very fast do gangs and get more kills and get fed early use r to destroy hes w at late game you don't have to worry of you are fed tank and have mountain soul but better play together with team”
MetaSolaray says “This scale starts small and scales to extreme the longer the game goes especially if he has a taric on his team. Invade him early and often, and hold your bear stun till after he begins meditating. If you waste your stun he can get a full meditate off allowing his allies to rotate and his passive to grow for free.”
Sq_09 says “Master Yi is an incredibly strong champion by himself. In coordinated play or higer elos, teams will work to shut him down, but in low elo he can snowball off of a single kill. If he wants to kill you, he will kill you. Don't E him from far away, since he will have time to react to it with Alpha Strike if he's in range. Wait for him to use his Q or get close and hope that he doesn't get a hard-read on you. If you manage to E him, he can just W your burst and unless you use Zhonya's, he can just Q to dodge your R if he can't just outrun it. His Q deals massive damage to your plants as well.”
DarkAuraLOL says “you can outclear master yi in this matchup, also try to catch him on low hp in his jungle, you can easily outsmite him, he has low mobility early ,easy escape or chase, his gank potential is bad, you can counter gank him well, also, once you get jg item and tiamat, you can 1v1 him , but you cant just all on him, try to go burst him then e out, and he'll chase you, then you can use R and delay him, then hes gonna use his w, you can after than try to fight him after his ult expires, but if you guys are equal on level health and gold , he will win 1v1 early, so care, also you will outscale him if he doesnt get fed , just make sure you take his camps and protect yours and you'll be fine ”
RedNBlue says “He will alpha strike you and with his new build he will kill you in less than a second later in the game. Ive seen it and it is just sad. No matter who your playing your dead in less than a second. He alpha strikes you your dead and if he autos you, your dead.”
C7 Lord Pingu says “CC him after his Q and go Kraken Slayer. If he isn't ulting, try to combo him > hide in E til your stun is up > continue fight and save stun to cancel his W. Honestly shouldn't be a hard matchup. That being said sometimes laners do laner things. Also he's really easily invadable if you get a lead.”
KaynPlayer814 says “Since you are both really weak in the early game its really hard to punish him in the early game. Later if you get RedKayn he has enough damage to kill you. If you go BlueKayn he can easily block your combo with his q and then run you down. To win this matchup you need to hope your lanes win and help you play the game. ”
FlamingZ says “Yi has good move speed, so it can be easy for him to counter your ganks. But because you have fast ganks, it will be hard for him to show up in time to do anything”
RedNBlue says “Master Yi is an easy kill early game but once he gets his alpha strike going he will be so very annoying and you will have a hard time killing him as you would have to w where you stand timed with him getting out of you and then run to kill him.”
FlamingZ says “Yi has been buffed, so he's not as good as he was. However, his high mobility and damage still pose a threat to Cho'gath if you are not careful.”
Snap0ner says “So easy to kill earlygame. When ganking him ,save box a few seconds if you think he will Heal up in middle of fight. Try to set him behind by farming his creeps and killing him over and over. A well farmed Yi can be a problem later.”
Hidon1 says “This match up is very hard. He can Q your snowball - he outscales you. The one advantage you have on him, is that he cannot impact the map at all early game so he just gives you free ganking options. If you are vs Taric/Yi I recommend that you dodge!”
TheMrDarkness says “go to his jungle lvl 2, steal his camps to put him behind, you can easy kill him pre 6, I recomendent using attack move click option when he uses his Q”
dat udyr guy says “early game you can fuck him with help but hes a ticking timebomb. win early or lose. you have a lot of cc which is the way to beat yi but he can dodge your q or r with his q so its kinda hard”
Schadenfreude says “kill him any change you get. If he wants scuttle, kill him. If he wants dragon, kill him. If he wants his own camps, fuck him up. You put him behind and he wont be able to catch up unless your team is braindead. ”
Watsonthe8th says “I bet you think jax should clap yi right? like he can become immune to auto attacks. WRONG. yi smacks jax pre six, he just hits q and dodges your e stun. I really don't like this match up because of this and that he can duel you pretty easily. Yi also has such potential to snow ball. But given that he does not run away with the game your power levels even out. The key to the match up is not to take dumb 1v1s against the yi without a clear advantage on your part and to do your best to shut him down early.”
Lazlum says “He is a power farming jgler just like you.His collector build is good vs squishy ,so you have the potential to 1v1 and shut him down on teamfights.If he gets a lead tho he will just run your team down ”
eighty7 says “i picked master yi because he sucks but imagine i pciked literally anyonme in the game because this build is not very good not very good nope ”
Karthus man says “He can dodge most of your damage and heal a LOT. The way you beat him is by not letting him get ahead in the early game and keep your distance and just get him low with your Qs and then go all-in on him. If you get to mid-late game you should be able to kill him easily if he isn't fed. Be weary because he can solo baron at about level 15 if he has enough items.”
SubwayCheese says “I mean he doesn't necessarily counter you but he is an insane jungle and he can just Q inside you. He can W when you R him. He is my second most common ban.”
Ivern OTP says “I think Master Yi is in the same category as Nidalee. A good master Yi will ruin your chances of remotely winning and a bad one can make the enemy team missing ping him to another dimension.
A good tip is to find Yi taking raptors early and wait for him to Q the raptors. Raptors then will aggro Master Yi and you can walk in and fight him since raptors won't aggro onto you since you are such a good boi druid. GG early game. I wouldn't recommend doing this but sometimes it works and you feel really good about yourself when it does. It sucks when it doesn't though ngl. ”
STVO124 says “You can 1v1 him in very early game as your Q will deal a lot of significant damage, but it will all depend on each other skills at the champ”
Maile says “This comes down to who gets ahead first. Just farm for 6 early and you can win any skirmish vs Yi because your R can negate so much damage from Yi. ”
nicksms says “Your entire kit fucks this kid up. Q to take him on a ride to the nearest tower/box, W to place box at feet to prevent him from going in on you, backstab in Wuju style, E as he runs away. R if necessary”
McSushi says “Every time I see the enemy pick him, I know it's an easy win. there's no way you lose to a champion that cant fight early AND can't gank pre 6 (usually).
all he does is farm, and you beat him at all stages of the game with your dps and utility, if you don't play horribly wrong. (or your team feeds) (and if you're not sitting on extra gold)”
Connweasel says “You can punish Master Yi early, look for early fights and counter ganks against this champion. You can quickly burst him down at all point in the game, however if he gets fed he can be hard to deal with.”
ENIGMAckey says “It's just Master Yi. As a supportive jungler with limited hard crowd control, you better not fall behind to him. But Ivern excels at negating Yi in late game teamfights.”
xantyleon says “Immune to slows, runs like a turbo jet and can jump on top of you with his Q and delete you. Your only chance is to ulti him or flash+Gale to run away FAST.”
REXAI TurboSmurf says “rek´sai is one of bigest master counter, even is late, you are able to burst him faster than he stack conq. but dont use r when he have w. and dont use w manually. he just q and you dont knock up him. wait for his q. anyway ez matchup.”
MRbestnameEVER says “Yi can outduel you easily. while you are using your Q and E, he can just autoattack you and deny your unborrow trick with his Q too which makes him VERY hard to kill. A good master yi player can outduel you so easily. Consider banning.”
CalicoCactus says “Yi starts early / mid in your favor, but with the new Kracken Slayer and yi's E, his tank shred starts a lot earlier than you would hope. Take advantage of his bad early game and get massive leads for your team making it almost impossible for him to come back from.”
b4kk0n the Gold Jungler says “This match up is not only on tiny because of the existence on Kraken Slayer. Master Yi, before Kraken Slayer + Guinsoo/Collector is stupidly easy to Shen. Wait for his Q, then E+Q+W, and you win the duel 9/10 times.”
Oddirear says “Being able to become untargetable is a real frustration for Rek'Sai, she's a simple lady who just likes to claw and bite people to death. Also having lots of life gain and high mobility can make this match up difficult unless you have a series of tunnels nearby to escape into. ”
White Cr0w says “Master Yi is one of the few champions in the game that still can 1v9 a game.
Tracking him will be key on your Shaco games. build some early lethality to shut him down and your game will look easy, but be careful: A good Yi can comeback as strong as a nasus. ”
Faraz_shadow says “His Q range is almost the same as your E range, so when you try to E him, he will most likely dodge it (AND your tentacles) by pressing Q. his late game power is so good. try to land your E on him no matter what and cc him with your team.”
chigakure kishi says “Not really so much a threat but a ticking time bomb generally you want to drag games out. However with yi their is a break point however you do stomp him in the mid game.”
WyattAndStuff says “You can 1v1 him easily early. Obviously he does outscale you in the late game, but if you play it right you should have a massive lead over him.”
Embracing says “His W outlasts your passive duration and can just wait out your stack and win the all in. Early on if he's low or W is on CD you might be able to kill.”
Fresh Diamond says “i is a hit or miss champion. If your team is smart enough to deny him kills and you counter jungle his camps, he becomes useless. On the other hand, if he manages to snowball, you lose at all stages of the game. The key to stopping a Yi is to choke his gold income.”
Alcibiades1473 says “Yi can cut through you pretty easily with a few items. You can save E to knock him out of W so he's not a complete counter, but you might want to consider going the bruiser build path”
erickexe96 says “Master Yi, Warwick, Kayn are farming junglers that are difficult to keep track (and if you´re in low elo one kill can make them 1000 levels ahead of you)”
Minase says “You beat him at virtually every stage of the game unless he has 6 items. If there's a Taric on the enemy team and it's funnel then just dodge.”
BoyWonder00 says “He can outheal your damage with his W. However, Fiddle's W has a unique property. Normally, when a Master Yi Q's, he cannot be damaged. However, Fiddle's W will continue to damage him and heal himself through that. This works against any champion with an ability similar to Yi's. (Fizz and Vladamir are good examples.)”
cobraguides says “If it is a fed Yi, we all know how annoying he can be. Regardless, throw your W under your feet when he Qs you and then Q,auto, auto, R and you should one shot him. Try not to let him lifesteal and keep him in your W so he can't see you”
KingFershid says “He will try to steal your farm every time so do the same thing without getting caught. If he is fed just survive and try to R him when he is low.”
God_Maw Lan says “As long as you ult him and your team has enough damage to kill him i find him not that worrying ; it can get tricky when he buys "Quick Silver".”
Nyftt says “High attack speed with true damage on his E ability. Yi's like to build blade of the ruined king as well which don't help as he will shredding your hp quite fast. You have a lot more play-making ability so if you get your carries ahead and build a frozen heart you should be fine. Just note that if he gets very fed you will not have much fun.”
Holessando says “Don't feed him, if you and your team feeds him, your game is most of the time over, since he's really overpowered when fed.. if he's good, he will try to invade your red and wait for you, this happened to me many times, he waited for me in the bush and he killed me.. be careful when clearing camps and fight only when you're sure you can kill him”
metalhydra273 says “Yi can be dangerous, especially with a funnel, but Skarner is definitely one of the better champs at beating him. Your cc absolutely ruins him, just watch out for a possible qss. When on his own it's pretty self explanatory on beating him, but with funnel, try to counter any dives they pull with your cc and look to bait out Taric ult. If he gets ahead and builds a qss though, it may be game over.”
DemacianStandard says “Can't be duelled, but can be CC'd extremely easily without counterplay. Peel for your team if he tries to fight and don't let him scale.”
Popu says “Against Master Yi make sure u don't use your 3rd aa after using E when he have his W on.
Also don't let him make your team low in your Ultimate so he can clear up with his Q's reset.”
Xe0N says “He won't touch you in the early game because he is pretty bad in the early game (Just like you are) so you can farm freely. He is very powerful after level 6 so your team should play under their towers.”
brSL7 says “É meus amigos ta ai um perigo para o Dr mundo kkk.
Caso o Master Yi saia pelo mapa pegando KS e consiga fechar seus itens muito cedo, ele irá ser um GRANDE PROBLEMA.
Por exemplo se tiver um Master Yi de Espada do Rei e Guinso, não importa o quão forte você esteja, o Master Yi vai te matar MUITO FÁCIL.”
AKScorched says “An experienced Master Yi would invade a lot and if you're unlucky enough, get a lot of kills on lane, thus ending your game. If you do happened to go up against him, warn your teammates to play safe, otherwise he gets fed and 1 Q destroys Fiddle.”
NixLychee says “He's squishy, so you should win if you land your combo correctly, but don't let him get the first attack, because that will start to proc the Guinsoo's that he inevitably built. Kill him early to prevent snowballing.”
Aas112mm says “There is really nothing a master yi can do to you, you just R him as soon as he come out of alpha strike.
Although watch out for late because if you cane kill him fast enough he might become a big problem and kill you easily.”
gurubashi35 says “Weak early and low gank potential but spikes very hard with Rageblade + BORK/Bloodrazor so invading him early can set him back alot.”
Zimmerlator says “He can invade and out-scale if he gets ahead. He can be dealt with properly if your team plays around you well (Although in solo-q that usually wont happen). ”
TrainerPasty says “His q is a disgusting ability and he just rips right through Zac. You can never fight him and if you get invaded you just have to move on.”
deadsilnce says “basically counters everything you do he can q when you w and w when you ult and he out damage and sustain
best thing to do is to counter him in team fight since you can insta knock him up with your w if he q”
CinderTheSnake says “more of a skill matchup (depending on how skilled you are). If you can hit him with a charm you win. make sure to bully him at level 6 because he SCALES. ”
Coccaa says “Master Yi clears camps very well because of his Q. However, this results in low ganking potential until level 6. Once level 6, he starts to become more powerful as his damage and attack speed increase majorly. The best way to beat him is to Q him after he uses his Q, or to Q him unexpectedly. You can even contest him at Rift Scuttler because he's very squishy. ”
chasemyman1 says “This is a great matchup because your cocoon destroys his Healing and his ultimate. You simply have to burst him before he starts stacking his Guinsoo's Rageblade and Conqueror.”
frvrtm says “He outscales you, but you are a much better fighter in early game. Try to catch him napping without his Q with your stun, your BOTRK healing should do the job. It will make his task to scale a lot harder. You can try invading his jungle.”
reganakers says “Its down to you to slow down this mans power spike. Playing against this champion is like a ticking time bomb. You will easily 1v1 him. But his W will let him stall for his team. ”
McSushi says “vs him take ignite, and USE IGNITE INTO HIS W, at those lvl 3-4 fights. NEVER fight him midgame without ult unless you have another advantage, like gold or current hp.”
wild overload lol says “Não poderia dizer que nosso querido espadachim Yi seja um counter de Shaco em específico, mas como o objetivo do Shaco é drenar os recursos do jungler inimigo e matar ele, o Master Yi se recupera muito rápido disso e com facilidade, sinceramente, meu pesadelo nas filas ranqueadas.”
PsiGuard says “This matchup can be rough if Master Yi gets items, but usually it won't come to that. Use your superior early pressure to build a lead for your team and contest him wherever you have lane priority. Make sure you get Ninja Tab in this matchup.”
RageAx says “He's only dangerous if he gets ahead. Your clear and ganks are stronger, feel free to invade his jungle once you have form. You can skirmish him and run away easily if things turn sour. Late game be careful as he can shred you even with lots of armour.”
KillyOne says “Popular pick in lower elo, snowballs really hard and can ruin your game if not shut down properly. Thats why i put it as major risk. Early on you are stronger 1 on 1, but make sure to cancel his W with your E or R.”
League Of Cursed says “He outscales you pretty hard, sort of. You can 100% kill him late game, but if he gets his dodges your fear, you are dead. If he doesn't then you made him waste 2.25 seconds of his ult late game, and hopefully your team has followed up on your cc and killed him.
Dopamine_influx says “The matchup is pretty easy IMO, you're stronger early, even with his W, so you can contest him on scuttles, provided the lanes are even/you have prio/ you won't be at a number's disadvantage. You can't OS him, but you can always combo, disengage while he uses W, then re engage. Later on, you still OS him if you're fed, else, you just focus other targets. Sometimes yi goes tanky though, so you don't really OS him, but then you don't focus him.
If he's funneling, you look to contest him if you have prio, else you just ignore him and perma dive bot/top and get objectives.”
Xeldom says “Even match-up. Master yi is capable of killing you for many stages of the game. Rengar is unable to burst through yi's meditate unless with a huge gold lead or by a surprise. Do not let yi farm for free and shut him down early by mirroring his early start and force skirmishes.”
Poohlio says “He's only scary when he has items, but don't underestimate him, his E true damage and W heal/damage reduction is more than enough to fight you. Get Blue form and pop him or Red to peel him off your team. OwO)b”
Jogress says “At my gold-platinum elo, this char is pure canser. Whenever i don't ban him - i regret it very often.
You can't slow him with E. Putting him to sleep is very slow process, and good Yi still can dodge final effect with his Q. Also, Lillia slowly burns her enemies - Yi just cuts everyone into oblivion. Aaand, almost always - you can't outrun him.
His W probably will outheal your Q+W combo - killing him also might be hard.
If Yi gets ahead - then it's over. Consider playing accurately: don't feed him, monitor Dragon\Nashor pits, COUNTERGANK him! Don't fight 1x1. He is strong at dueling you even early, so be very carefull and ping for your team to help.
Pick fights with your E+R when team is nearby - that way your ult won't be completely useless, unless he dodges it, that is(
Yi-feeder is, luckily, absolutely useless (no CC, no dmg). Shame, i meet Yi-Gods much more often.”
ZLOCO says “He's dead with your cc. but don't 1v1, never 1v1. You /could/ get away but I wouldn't take the risk as his E does true damage. He'll be useless in team fights. Yes, you should focus Yi, especially late game, he scales well. Try as hard as you can to win early for your team and I would end ASAP as Yi can snowball a late game lead.”
NoLyfe says “You beat him early game so try to snowball, If you make it to late game and he's scary , just r and wait for him to hop on someone then burst him. It's when no one focuses him he's scary.
AWierdShoe says “You win 1v1s in the early game, so try to invade and force him to fight. Later when he gets his item powerspikes he will become a menace. Set him behind XP and farm as much as possible. When dueling, pop your W AFTER he uses his Q on you. I usually take Ignite into this matchup.”
DarkArbalist613 says “Yi can run you down and his Q can keep him from dying to your autos. His W gives him a ton of reduced dmg do make sure to take conq in this matchup as it is really easy to stack it on him. If he begins to snowball avoid him 1v1, and take him out in teamfights.”
FUCKTHEPOPULATION says “Yi is a really big threat since he can ult and basically catch up to you and also if he knows what hes doing he can even cancer your ult so whatever happens DO NOT try to solo him.”
Dreadscythe95 says “He can outrun you and escape a lot of cc with his Q. If he exploits your early weaknesses since you are a tank in jungle, he can outscale you and become the late game monster that he can become so play safe, play smart and pressure more. Make your teamates outscale him.”
Comrade Eshgrim says “Same as Jax. If he is fed, you can't do anything about him. Just avoid or ban him. The only way to kill him is him getting CC trained by your teammates.”
Sheepchu says “No need to say much, Master Yi is so fast that you will likely MISS ALL YOUR SKILLS during the fight. He will instantly Q after you pop your sleep, and bother you in your jungle camps. Avoid this match.”
Raztrok says “Busca de hacerle counter jg y robarle su jg, si lo ves en los primeros minutos solo pelearle, si ves que retrocede tu también lo haces.
No dudes en tirarle todo, pero trata siempre en tirarle r+e para así hacerle daño.”
Murderman5 says “For yi, You have to let yi dash at you with his Q and after that you have to take advantage of the lifesteal with your Q and the fearing ability as well, Gaining lots of stacks of conqueror making the duel a easy one, Keep using Q constantly”
nextonetwo says “annoying all the time, bane of my existence. Need to lock him down so your team can burst him in fights, easy to fight against, but you can't ever fight him alone unless you're super ahead.”
nextonetwo says “annoying all the time, bane of my existence. Need to lock him down so your team can burst him in fights, easy to fight against, but you can't ever fight him alone unless you're super ahead.”
QzKama says “Zero threat to Udyr early, invade and save your Bear Stance for his (W) and you'll be golden. If he snowballs, respect him and hard CC him during teamfights.”
Omega Zero says “Farmers like Yi not only clear camps really quick, they can still have successful ganks and can scale well late game. They tend to be squishy, but don't let them get a lead otherwise they'll be snowballing hard.”
nickname3110 says “He can easily 1vs1 you with his high attack speed so always avoid him and stick with your teammates. In teamfights you can try to get your passive stacked on him and follow with a stun.”
Hide on Nidalee says “Hmmm Yi is a very annoying match, before 6 he can beat you if he do it well, and after 6 you dont have any chanse to kill him (on equal conditions) Take Phase Rush if u are a pussy player, and DH with sorcery if u wanna try to beat him on early”
Monkii says “Yi's ult can catch you off guard after he uses it because you wont be able to run away. and his Q can get you to low health very quickly.”
DarkPit59 says “Maître Yi est un assassin qui prend beaucoup de dégâts dans sa jungle. Ses chemins dans sa jungle sont nombreux et il est difficile de prévoir sa trajectoire. Placez autant de vision que possible dans sa jungle et tentez de l'éliminer rapidement avant les combats d'équipe ou laissez vos équipiers lui appliquer un CC avant de tenter de l'éliminer en frontal.”
Al3ksP says “Master Yi can be hard to deal with some times, but if you have your ult up you can be able to stun him very easily, when he Q's you while your ult is nearby the shaco clone will take damage and then break, When this happens he'll be stunned and take alot of damage”
Vodka4Gaben says “You beat him if he doesn't get fed. If both of you have the same score, you will always beat him. However If he gets fed and you're doing bad, there is no coming back.”
rokazz says “in short you will have difficulties with champions with a strong early game or with very high mobility, what you must do to get around this is to ward well and be smart not to suffer any pick off or invade”
Shattered770 says “I don't know exactly what to classify him at, because whenever I play jungle I ban him to prevent my team inevitably inting into him. Personally annoying, but beyond that Idk man.”
Flux31 says “Given how broken he is there is a way to counter Master Yi. Ask your team for an assistance if needed but the best way is to time your E correctly follow it up with R then Q pass.”
WickedPoppet says “He outscales you pretty hard, sort of. You can 100% kill him late game, but if he gets his dodges your fear, you are dead. If he doesn't then you made him waste 2.25 seconds of his ult late game, and hopefully your team has followed up on your cc and killed him.”
Vazo says “Master Yi is quite oppressive versus Graves because he can easily stick onto you. Graves doesn't have hard cc, so once Master Yi gets items, you can't really do much against him except purchasing a stopwatch and playing around your teammates.
Try to engage in fights with Master Yi pre-level 6 to generate a gold/exp lead over him, to ensure that you are able to deal with him more easily after level 6.
Try to hold onto your [W] Smoke Screen until Master Yi exits his [Q] Alpha Strike. You should be able to win the 1v1 against Master Yi if you place your W directly on him after he uses his Q.”
LightBright9213 says “Even but goes higher the Lower Elo you are. You crush him early game but once he gets items its over unless your team has a lot of CC. ”
SavageFy says “Personally, I never have problems with Yi early on, and once Amumu has reached 6 you can CC chain him with Q and Ult to the point where he can be killed before he can really do any damage.”
TrevorJayce says “The biggest issue with fighting a Yi is the fact that most of them will start off a fight thinking they can win it, then W once they realize they're being outdamaged, and spam ping one of their laners to come help them. He shouldn't be much of an issue unless he gets ahead, at which point, just hope you can oneshot him before he can W.”
AsarWeth says “Dont let this game extend, you can get him in a really bad state by invading him, killing him early on the game, and countering his ultimate with your fear.”
Nico449c says “Yi is almost unbeatable early for you in a 1v1 fight even if you hit the cocoon since hes w makes most of your dmg disappear if you get a bit snowballed early you can win it or if you invade him at hes camp at lvl 3 you got a chance but be aware just attempt to outgank him since he got really weak ganking potential.”
jsmolik says “its interesting match-up . never fight him solo but when you are with team its really easy kill bcs of your R and Q .
just dont fight him solo and you win . ”
Ryttar says “Just Q him to watch him run away when his R is on. In early you'll beat him so deny him the scutlers and farm to get 6 sooner than him. If you expect a gank you'll be more powerful than him so countergank as much as you can.”
Just a Scarecrow says “Since the old fiddle u could make this little Crap just flee away by spamming Q on him but now you can't since of the cooldown I sometimes ban him”
lheisse says “yi can be a big threat if he has skill. He can dodge both your ult and q with his q and stay on top of you with his r. Additionally, your ult slow will not affect him during his ult so keep that in mind as well.”
Coccaa says “If he times his Q perfectly, he can dodge your snowball then AA u to death. If he fed, u ded. Build frozen heart against him for ur own good plz.”
GODEFFO says “Target Ban, possibly only in the lower ranks, Yi's scaling potential is very high, in the lategame, TF has a hard time keeping up with him in all aspects of the game, objective controll, rotations or vision management. Early LVL threat is not so high, using gold card and backwards kiting, Yi is manageable.”
66lew says “Must kite Master YI. KIte this guy and continually sentd him over and over again and out play him because he is bigger than you and Q, your dead you must ensure to correctly lite on mechanics because master wolf always Q in TF.”
Soulreaperjin says “He's extremely strong because of his E which gives him true damage out of the gate and also get's bonus AD per level ability which melts you immediately even with full armor items.
He's must ban champ in ranked.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Master Yi is not so hard to fight if he isn't fed. Make sure to land your e and wait for the q to attack. You can cancel his meditation by placing the wall to where the ring would actually hit him.”
NegativeSe7en says “Apesar de ser forte, é possível trocar com ele, dependendo da runa que ele estiver, tente, embosca-lo no arongueijo, e espere ele usar alguma habilidade, só use o W quando ele te der dano,”
The Top Bear says “Crush him early, he can't stop you if you wait to spear him till after he q's. Alternatively, hit him with a spear after he uses it on a camp.
After all, you are a huntress. Stalking your prey and waiting for the best time to strike is half of what playing Nidalee is all about.”
RaptorDre says “With his True damage it doesnt matter how much Armor you build almost, but conqueror is nerfed so it won't be as much true damage (So Yi wont deal 200 true damage per AA now). But you will be able to outplay him by placing Q on top of yourself and CC'ing him as soon he re-appears on top of you. ”
urrb says “This matchup is also about who gets a lead first and who catches who. If yi catches you at your buff before you hit three, you won't be able to escape if you're unable to win. If you hit three without him invading, many times you can try to catch him at his second buff without his Q (alpha strike) and you'll be able to either chase him out of his jg and force a back/flash or kill him. ”
SpecterZX says “This is your other counter because you cant hit a W on him,which is most of your damage.Use the same strategy as with Olaf.I personally choose to ban Yi cuz he is played more and you can usually run away from the other counters.”
SeekerPTK says “Master Yi has no real dueling power when his ult is on cooldown (85 seconds). If you ever see a Master Yi without it, do not waver, go kill him because it is also his major form of escape. Masteri Yi looks to farm up and scale on items - he's very weak until he completes his jungle item. Look to fight him 1v1 in his own jungle and bully him off of camps whenever possible to slow his scaling. Do not try to 1v1 a Master Yi when behind. Instead, try to focus him down with teammates since he doesn't build tanky early in the game. Farming out against a Yi is very dangerous, but can be possible since his invading isn't too threatening. If he does decide to do so, don't get baited by his Meditate into overstaying - his team is likely coming. Double-check the minimap whenever he uses the ability, it has a 35 second CD so he can only use it once per fight.”
orangepenguinhead says “He doesn't have CC and your damage can match his damage output. Make sure you don't miss your skilshots and weave in auto attacks between abilites. ”
KitsyMamori says “This shouldn't be too hard for you late game. Keep ganking and avoid contact with him until late game (or if you're fed delete him with your combo). Don't spam your abilities on him as his Q dodges a lot of it. Wait for him to Q, then use your stuff!”
OGPOTATOJEFFSHACO says “early on save you Q prep a box when he Q onto you run into the box. Ignite when he mediatates and place another box down you just win after. Q auto to finish off. If its a gold funnel you're fucked just ff”
PokeBen6551 says “If he pulls some ganks off in early and farms like hes supposed to, Master Yi isn`t just a threat to Shyvana, but every other Champion that doesn`t counter him. Definitely ban when you can.”
cutmeh says “Somewhat easy to deal with pre six. However, after he gets r, he is difficult to deal with. DONT FALL INTO THE TRAP AND SAVE YOUR BURST WHEN HE'S MEDITATING”
matg8 says “If he's fed its over. He heals too fast with LS. In early you can shut him down as long as you land the grapple. He can't ult while under it and you can stop his heal with it.”
DonaldBinBaggin says “You can safely full clear early. Don't try to kill him as he will most likely have W up to stop your 1 shot. Take objectives, farm, gank and you will win this matchup. ”
jaybae says “Early game there isn't much to say about this matchup but if you don't exert pressure and outjungle him early - mid game, he will outscale you.”
HackedAccountlol says “Try to impact lanes as early as you can so that he'll have to gank instead of farming so that the pressure will be on his head and try to end the game early. You can't 1v1 him.”
Mkcls says “Another champ to ban. Can kill you no matter what, cuz of his Q. He's really fast furing his R, so try to outplay him with good stealth. Not much you can do. ”
Simphoria says “Obviously his snowball potential is high but I will specifically pick Sejuani into this matchup. He lacks any ability to avoid our CC (except during Alpha strike) and his biggest counter is CC. When he is in the game, wait for him to alpha strike the back line, Q + W him. Once you get your E up he will be dead. He'll farm a lot during the game but his ganks or bumping into him in the river is not to be feared. ”
Xelaadryth says “When he goes in on your team, ult when his alpha strike is about to end. Your chain stuns on him should end him quickly as it not only stops his damage but cancels his damage reduction from Meditate. He'll be immune to your Rylai's slows though.”
LFS_aXent says “Master Yi's ult speed, plus his alpha make him a tough matchup for Jhin. Good luck rooting and counter-ganking. It's similar to Xin Zhao, in that he can easily fight you and win. His W can save him from your fourth shot, but leaves him vulnerable from your root, and a follow up by nearby laners.”
Lyieru says “This match up is totally in favor for Master Yi. He has more attack speed and can deal more damage in two seconds than you. Your advantage is using the ultimate when he uses his Q or W, you can restore your life or cooldown your skills while you're invisible”
Asothin says “Use W>AA when he uses his Q and then proceed to E>Q>Q>Q. Could be a pain due to his heal. Make sure to ult him as soon as possible in a 1v1 scenario.”
Laverenz says “Many people these days fears Master Yi, and bans him in every low elo game. If you see a Master Yi on the enemy team, be happy. Seriously. He is one of the easiest champions to beat as skarner.”
CryAwake says “Not that much of a problem unless he gets fed early use you E to negate his burst, its incredibly important to get the stun on Master Yi.”
Her0mars says “This guy will spend most his time farming, but if he gets ahead and you guys lack a lot off cc, prep anus. Stomp his lanes while he farms and remember starve a carry jungler and they will be almost entirely useless. when defending against his splitpush, make sure you send someone that he can't kill under tower, and that they don't fight him or they will most likely lose and he will take the objective anyway.”
Hamstertamer says “You have no hard CC so you can't deal with him, his ult makes him immune to your slow, and he can block your ult with his W. He beats you 1v1, he'll counterjungle you and you can't contest. Just group with your team and hope they can CC him so you can land your Q. Get zhonyas so he can't focus you.”
Yuki H. says “Though Master Yi deals physical damage, his E allows him to do true damage and Q allows him to gapclose. Once he hits 6, it is almost impossible to duel him, and even in the early stages, he will most likely channel meditate to negate your burst before re-engaging. However, he is very vulnerable to cc and he could be quite useless in a 2v2 where your team has good cc.”
miguelceromil says “will outscale and outdamage you past lvl 6, you do not want to play against him; from experience I can assure he is the only thing that can 1v1 you”
AaronStonne says “Se ele grudar em vc, gg. 3 Opções: Pegue ele, com sua ulti ligada, do outro lado da parede; Se ele pular em você, use flash e se ele não flashar junto, ou corra ou mate ele dependendo da situação; Fique invisível, espere ele pular em você e depois use flash pela parede”
Hamstertamer says “Horrible. Can jump you and oneshot you and you can't do anything since you have no CC and he's immune to slows with ult. You can't 1v1 him at any stage of the game, your only hope is that your team can CC him in a teamfight so you can burst him. Only item that remotely deals with him is zhonyas. Wait for him to jump a teammate and counter-initiate with your stealth advantage. And even then he'll just meditate and you can't break it. Group up, teamfight, and hope he ints.”
sNenSss says “Master yi is pretty squishy so it's very easy to kill him. But beware he can dodge your Q E with his Q, so you don't get your Frosty stacks. He also has his W to block all your DMG be aware.”
Chromuro says “Always keep you Q for when yi goes into alpha, this way you won't waste it. If he invades, keep the distance with the jungle monsters, so he can get less hits possible on you. Luckily your can stop him when he activates highlander”
HKRV says “Only in the late game means real trouble, also you cannot stop with W. Early game you can punish him really well and try to counter jungle him. Also he vulnerable to stuns, so always E first then beating him up.”
RSol Fox says “Early game you should be able to 1v1. Late game you can not but with your team nearby your W seals his fate quite nicely. Easy to focus Yi in team fights.”
yasinpg says “Just counter his engage with your Q and you will be fine. You will lose if the enemy team has better engages, So try to force teamfights when enemy is in a cramped space.”
4by3 says “You counter hard. Save your W for his meditate, his clear isn't that great either so you will beat him early. Late game you one shot him since you are an assassin, so technically you beat him every part of the game unless you fight him when he has guinsoos passive.”
raMe162 says “Your W doesnt do anything against him, I've decided to permaban him because that and for the fact that he is super strong at lower elos. Wait for him to use his Q and while he is using that, run towards a wall and wait him to pop out from his Q and stun him. Really hard matchup still.”
Scantie says “Free food, not even a hyper fed Yi can stop the strength of a 3 - 4 item Mord. Play aggressive early and ult him immediately in a fight.”
TOYOism says “Pressure him early pre 6, camp his red buff and counter gank his every gank. And try to peel your adc on team fights and you'll win this match up.”
TheStabbio says “Biggest pain in the a** of all. He has a very good early game dmg and can basically become a monster in late if he gets spear of shojin. Try to gank as much as you can to outgank him and then try to end as fast as you can.”
ASV1994 says “Vsing Yi early game will be easy but as the game goes on Yi most likely scales attack speed so you wont be able to Vs him even in mid game. So i suggest ban Yi no matter how dumb it might seem. ”
MrPuggles says “ Master Yi is extremely feast or famine. If he gets ahead, surrender. If he is behind, free food. It is always one way or the other. Try to get ahead of him by invading him. He is much weaker than you until he gets his Guinsoo's Rageblade. Be careful, as even if he is behind, he will eventually catch back up. He is very OP even with only 3 items and boots. A helpful trick is using your Three Talon Strike to cancel his Meditate.”
Lichskorpion says “With this build there's nothing you can do against Master Yi late game because you're not building Thormail and Zz'Rot is nothing against him... I always ban him when I play this build :)”
Galois_Group says “Farms faster, can push you out of jungle, has insane oneshot potential hitting powerspike faster then you. Also suitable for funnel, while you are not.”
Aoefa says “You can't kill him really, so no 1v1's. If he picks up a couple of kills from ganks he becomes unstoppable. Your CC istelegraphed so he can dodge it. Try to lock him down and burst him in tf's”
c00k1e_ger says “You can easily 1v1 him. But in teamfights he can counter your Ult with his q. so Just time the Q right and you will end his winning streak with ez.”
Intello says “Yi is iffy. If he's ahead he can burst you down but if he's behind you might be able to kite and kill him.
If you see a Yi heading towards you and you DON'T want to fight don't cast and spells while running, the animation will give him enough space to Q on you.
After he Q's on you EW him and run. He's a melee champ and if he burns his Q then he's easily kited.
When he uses his Ultimate, DO NOT USE W UNLESS HE HAS E ON HIM. His ultimate makes him invulnerable to slows, but not roots/stuns. If you throw a W on him without an E it'll do nothing.”
wolfclaw3812 says “A good Q will dodge your entire combo, his E ignores the armor your passive and items give, but at least you can knock him out of Meditate. ”
Yzroma says “Yi's Q is really hard for Vi because you can't 1v1 him and you can't escape if he Q you when you try to Q out. Try not to facecheck and don't engage and peel in teamfight.”
Bombabo says “Master Yi poses no threat as long as you have your combo ready. your charm will interrupt his W, meaning he can't negate your damage. Do be careful of when he uses his q. After that, He'll go down extremely easily”
Aht3ns says “This depends on the player. Yi is normally very squishy against Volibear and easily invaded. If it is a good Yi player, he can get an advantage on you quite easily.”
Zeroshiki says “He basically Outdmgs you, outheals you, can dodge your abilities, and be sometimes faster than you. Try taking number advantages against this cancer.”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A very passive jungler most of the time, he will spend most of the time farming and trying to secure objectives like dragons and towers while ganking only the very overextending lanes that can provide with very secured kills which will allow him to snowball in late game.”
xMalcho says “Invade him alot his clear in the early is bad.Save your w for the moment he w because he will reganarste health if you don't and then his q will come and he is probably going to kill you.”
MrParias says “you can maybe kill him early game but if he gets fed from other lanes then you cant duel him.Extremely good 1vs1 potential and melts through armor.Try counter jungling and warding your area.”
TheLandlos says “Master Yi shut you down hard, since you can't kite him when he ults. If he wants you dead, he will kill you.
During teamfights you can outperform him, but you need to be very carefull.”
Toad12138 says “He is quite strong in early skirmishes, but has terrible ganks early. Abuse this fact and the fact that Yi has a pretty obvious jungle path to get your red form early where you can shut him down in teamfights and skirmishes. Don't go blue against him since his W Meditate and his Q Alpha Strike and make him avoid most damage.”
LighterDay says “Vi counters Yi good. Since Vi's abilities can disrupt Yi's meditate and since Vi does bonus damage due to her W, she wins against Yi in a fight.”
quinceeeee says “Yi has high damage even in early game. However, he is still weaker than mordekaiser early, since he has no attack speed and MR. Don't be scared if he tries to steal your farm, just fight back and you are likely to win !”
Pants are EUNE says “Master Yi can counter jungle you because you 're not that strong on early levels. He can also counter your stun with his Q so be careful when you press that Q against him
Shderen says “Will very likely know what he is doing, but simultaneously, will probably still be ass. If you know he's ulting and gonna chase you down, throw an E where you're both running in hope to snare him. Consider exhaust?”
C0ragem says “Late game you cant match him. but early to mid game if he uses his Q before you E, you can E him prock passive and run, or if ahead Q him and keep kiting and you should kill him.”
BigBadVoodo says “Easy to pressure early. He can't really do much against us until he hits some items. We can stop his W with our W. We can also dodge his Q with our R”
Jomickies says “Master Yi is an incredibly oppressive champion. If he is ahead after level 6 he can solo kill you at any point int he game. His primary goal is to power farm to level 6 as fast as possible. As a result you should try to get off early ganks and empower your team so that they can kill him if you CC him. Your goal versus Master Yi is simply to lock him down and let your team kill him.”
WiskeyANDGin says “cant beat him,his dps is too big for your healing,try and kill him early game, on late you will do nothing to him.If u cant escape him, just w after his q and start a fight,use your ultimate till the end, try and save time and hope u get backup.If you predict his q with your w then u have u chance to stun him after he exits q”
xTheUnlimited says “Your huge amount of CC is your counter towards him. He can still be pretty dangerous, because due to his On-Hit build he shredds tanks like they are ADC's. So, definitly avoid fighting him whenever you meet him. Try to wait with your ultimate till the point where his Q is on cooldown. ”
League Wukong Builds says “This champion cannot be slowed unlike Warwick where you have a chance but when Yi steps in to late game he's an unstopable beast!”
Yuki Nagato says “Go challenging smite and Q evolve, only fight him when he doesn't have meditate, he shreds you late game so focus on getting your laners ahead.”
ApexZulu says “Unless you manage to get ahead of the Yi early, post 6 he will almost always beat you. However Trundle wins against Yi at the early crabs, and can usually gain an advantage through safely counter jungling or securing map objectives.”
Zophyr says “Just like Udyr.Dont engage him with our e unless you know he doesnt have his w. If he uses w and you have e just use it on him and his heal and dmg reduction is gone.”
LePlay says “Although you can´t block his Q blink with your W, he still is extremely vulnerable to stuns and knock-ups. Furthermore, he possesses no CC abilities, the only thing to worry about is to get as much armor as possible”
drunken hunter says “Master Yi can be used as a roaming machine and get fed if he is away. If he stays on the top lane, watch out for his (Q) and his (E) the (E) will do true dmg on hit.
If you trade him and and he uses his ult - try not to get hit and run to bush til his ult is over, after that you can trade him much better. My tipp: get life steal (but not as first item) or do the lvl 2/3 engage.”
MaRtOOOOOOOOOOO says “You can destroy Master Yi if he face cheks you in a bush and you are lvl 3, but your Q must be fully charged. He will destroy you late game if your team doesn't have any CC.”
T0RTU says “Pretty much the same as Zed, Skarner can stop Yi and leave him useless and exposed to all the damage that Skarner´s teammates can deal. Also, Skarner can 1v1 him at early levels with the help of his passive.”
Yvaniella says “Since you are bruiser, facing a Master Yi with items that shreds your health directly makes him dangerous; not to mention that he does it in blinding speed, facing him recklessly will pretty much lead to your demise.”
ElementressX says “Yi is honestly the bane of my existence. I despise Yi. But vi is able to fight him but if Yi gets fed or has ONE good team fight, and he is a decent yi, then it's gg im afraid. He is my usual ban.”
Arso234 says “You can outtrade him if u play properly , but it's really hard early counter champ for u and so in late game . Master is one of the best counterpicks against Voli.”
Iced IMP says “Abuse pre 6 before his has his ult when you can kite him. All he does is press R, run at you, kill you so you cant ult and stop his sustained damage, kill the rest of your team. Your only hope is that he focuses someone else and you can ult them, get him low, and then kill him as your ult ends.”
Violzandre says “This is like you but weaker, literally if I want to use shyvana and it's banned or something, I pick this.
Get a Tornmail, a ninja tabi, and the core items (With the dmg jungle item, no the slower item)
Piece of cake!”
Wulfery says “It's hard for me to say anything about Master, except that fact that he'll most likely shatter you. Your contact-based kit and lack of long CC will be really bad. Tho' I don't know - Always banning that nasty champ.”
SpicySkelleton says “Good Yi's can just build to melt you. So go for Omen and thormail, he'll do his standard combo against you and will probably gank a lot, so make sure to tell your team where he is at any time you see him. He also is faster so no point in chasing him unless your practically next to him and hes low enough. However as I said before and will say again, a Lot of Yi's have the "cocky champ syndrome". They will try to go for the kill no matter how low they are, even if its under the enemy tower. There is your chance to secure a kill while saving either yourself or you ally from him.”
P0150N0U5 V31N says “He scales really really hard late so don't let the game go that far. Otherwise you just absolutely destroy him throughout the game.”
Loul_60 says “Master Yi is similar to Kayn in the way that his early game is 'muh', but in the late game, especially if he gets fed enough, will just '1v9'. Try to get your team to help fight him, get him behind on gold/CS early and he won't be a problem unless you begin to throw.
If you cannot decide on what form to go, probably consider Rhaast as being better due to his superior teamfighting potential, just remember to not always go Rhaast if they have a Yi (Refer to form chapter).”
L3gislacerator says “He is fairly weak and not hard to deal with early game. Once he gets points in Wuju Style, don't underestimate his true damage. Stuns can interrupt his Meditate and are one of the only forms of CC that affect him when he's ulting.”
Ivker21 says “Easy to deal with in team fights. Just CC him after he Alpha Strikes and he's dead.
Just make sure to wait for the Alpha Strike so you don't waste an Ult or Q.
Keep in mind to never 1v1 him unless your really ahead since he'll melt you. So be very careful with invades.”
xXZwippinXx says “This champ will scale and probably be very effective early game using your stealth with high immense of AP you can assassinate him the "Evelynn" way.”
Castcade says “The BANE OF YOUR EXISTENCE i have always hated master yi because you cant out run him kite him or even poke him i recommend playing SUPER safe and be cautious about rivers and scuttles ”
SUPERPENGUIN69420 says “He can just Q your W so you lose focus, annoying if you don't fight him in a close space, when he get out of his Q just Q E combo him and then it should be okay.”
Hazardist says “In the late game, Master Yi will very easily shut you down with how quick and strong his damage becomes, but before that you outshine him in almost every aspect as his clears, Ganks and teamfighting are worse than yours.
Runeset to take: Conqueror.”
ElPablito says “You can Never 1v1 him play for teamfight and try to kill is back line if he’s isolated he can be locked down and bursted
Can also early invade you but not as much as the others on this list ”
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