Top Lane 50.59% Win Rate84% Pick RateYorick Top Lane Counters: 39 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Yorick in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Dom1nus says “Whenever he qs a minion look in for a trade. dodge hes e (u can either use or e to escape or to aa it 2 times) try to kill his maiden cause if he hits u when shes up she gonna drain ur hp. He scales into a pretty good splitpusher so pay attention on the map.”
Maniaxx says “Yorick’s damage comes from his Minions and his Q (Last Rites), but Mundo can out-sustain his poke with Sadism (R).
Mundo can clear Yorick’s minions with his Q and poke safely from a distance.
How to deal with Yorick:
**Watch for his **R (Eulogy of the Isles)****: When Yorick summons his Maiden of the Mist, he gains extra damage. Make sure to target the Maiden first in team fights to reduce his power.
Focus on health scaling: Yorick doesn't have burst damage, so your passive and sustain will help you outlast him.”
a_k_z7 says “pre 6 you beat him but after that it can become very annoying and hard
if he cages you you need to e the wave to escape
you can w his ghouls so you can play around them
side step or dodge his e if you can since that is where a chunk of his damage comes from
good wave manangment is good so you can deny him as much farm and stopping him from getting to your turret
look for early kills ”
Skaarlschloch says “Aggro Dblade Ignite,
Yorick is SUPER weak lv.1 you should go full Aggro with Ign and try to zone him from first 3 minions. This gets really hard post 6 unless youre super far ahead. Good Yorick can be a big Problem tho”
Houcs says “Very annoying champ. His cage makes it difficult to get him to tower. And his minions makes you want to cry.
Try look for lvl 6 and see if you cant ult him and drag him in.”
Crystal Lobster says “Personal most hated natchup. Too many ghouls to deal with, high damage of both kinds. Right Wall (W) placement can screw you over. Will easily outscale you if he plays right.”
ballhog2dacore says “You out-dps this guy at every stage of game and can E or R out of his cage. It is imperative you save some mobility for the cage bc if you do get caught you might be cooked. Rush sheen and you can poke this guy like crazy.”
parker3n9 says “In low Elo, I might recommend banning Yorick over Aatrox, not because he's necessarily better, but because you and your team may struggle to answer him in side lanes. You won’t win an all-in against him if he has his R unless your jungler is there. Play for wave clear and focus on surviving until you get help from your team to deal with him. Come later game, it comes to managing his split push.
Recommended Runes: Aery or Unsealed Spellbook
Summoner Spells: Flash and Teleport”
Xayk47 says “Usually my permaban for gragas. Hard counters you with his minions even being alive which cancel you from being able to use E efficiently. If he cages you you wont be able to get out with your E because minions... Its unplayable ”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Conqueror. Sudden Impact. Doran's Blade.
Do your best to abuse levels 1-5. Avoid his E and try to setup a dash where he would want to use his W. After 6, if even, don't commit to all-win.”
maiathemagical says “You can't just melt this guy as hard as some other melee champs. Just poke him down and when he's getting low bully him out of lane or go for the kill if you feel confident. If you manage him well and mind your mana/hp you should be able to outfarm him pretty hard. Also you can use your W and E to jump out of his W. Remember to auto the ghouls.”
Raideru says “This matchup is rly free first 6 levels, perma look to play aggressive vs him, remember you can use his cage for hookshot as well, once he gets ult it's rly difficult to all in him unless he misses everything so keep that in mind. I advise Conqueror with Trinity rush and try to put him behind as much as u can first 6 levels.”
Basilli says “GRASP RUNES
"His Ghouls block your Q so you can't ever hit him which makes this hard, dodge his E in lane and he's pretty useless though. Farm him for Grasp stacks when he can't E you and poke
him down to 50%, poking him below that is hard because of his increased healing. Best bet for a kill is to spit him into your tower since he has no mobility to escape, but he's super easy to
gank if your jungler comes, just W out of the cage and fuck him. Kill Maiden and you win lane, so landing Q's on her when he's not paying attention can be good." ”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Tenha em mente que nos primeiros leveis o yorick tem um poke muito muito forte porém vc pode dar um bait no E dele e ir pra cima combando, jamais faça isso se ele tiver jaula, principalmente depois do 6.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
⏩ he is mainly AD
⏩ Easy Early, mainly Level 1.
⏩ His main damage comes from ghouls and his Maiden - ultimate, which he can send on you reliably only when he hits you with his E slowing skillshot, making you a dead man.
⏩ Extremely good at pushing
🥊 Early levels, you can bully his life out of him with your Q poke
🕴️ You can jump out of his wall with proper use of your W
⛷️ You have to train dodging his E, which is a skillshot that immediately sends his ghouls and ultimate on you. He has long CD on it early. (Similiar to Illaoi)
🇷 Without ultimate, you can fight him if ahead or at least even.
📌 Your Q doesn't do any damage to his ghouls.
🪦 You need to delete him quickly if he has ultimate, it is really hard to win fights if not ahead
🛡️ Really hard to get good use from E against him
🏃 Only escape from his wall is W or Flash
Fenharion says “The only problem is his ghouls and his splitpushing,don't worry about his bride since ulting him gets rid of her temporarily ( if he spawns bride in your ult he will lose her permanently).
Just dodge his E and it'll be easy lane for you.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
⏩ he is mainly AD
⏩ Easy Early, mainly Level 1.
⏩ His main damage comes from ghouls and his Maiden - ultimate, which he can send on you reliably only when he hits you with his E slowing skillshot, making you a dead man.
⏩ Extremely good at pushing
🥊 Early levels, you can bully his life out of him with your Q poke
🕴️ You can jump out of his wall with proper use of your W
⛷️ You have to train dodging his E, which is a skillshot that immediately sends his ghouls and ultimate on you. He has long CD on it early. (Similiar to Illaoi)
🇷 Without ultimate, you can fight him if ahead or at least even.
📌 Your Q doesn't do any damage to his ghouls.
🪦 You need to delete him quickly if he has ultimate, it is really hard to win fights if not ahead
🛡️ Really hard to get good use from E against him
🏃 Only escape from his wall is W or Flash
UrPersonalGod says “Generally try to dodge his e by running towards him.
You can E out of his W.
Post 6 when his try to kill his maiden without taking to much damage.
If shes dead you can run him down with R.
He destroys towers wayyyyyy to fast so keep that in mind so he doesnt simply end the game when you go for a roam.”
tictac9090 says “Pretty annoying. His W denies your all in if you don't have your flash up. Make sure you dodge his E if you want to all in as it slows you. Pre-6 you hard win. After 6 using E on maiden is actually worth if you manage to shut it down.”
SemenDrinker says “2nd wind or Bone plating is fine Shield
Yorick until level 6 is extremely easy. You can poke him for free as he has a horrible early game. Do your best to dodge his e, you may use your e to dodge it as the cd is pretty long early levels. Just know that once you use your E yorick has free reign to wall you and stop your engage. The annoying part about yorick is once he has maiden and ghouls. Ghouls take reduced damage to aoe so his ghouls dont die in one shot to your Q's aswell as maiden. Your ult however fears his ghouls and maiden so that will be your best shot to burst him down quickly, The lane of yorick is dodge E and save your e for his W.
Unless, you do land your Q E for poke, land your W, hit your Q2 and riot blesses the W pull.
This is achievable by running at him once he misses his e so he will become scared and W.”
Banzi says “His minions block ur q's + he got good poke with e, big wave clear, a broken r into u and some good sustain
Play aggressively early because u wont be able to later
atleast u get some extra souls
IvanBeifong says “This champ is pretty meh, just dodge his E and then you'll be able to kill him, his maiden makes trading more difficult.
You can send your own Maiden to a sidelane too.”
PetriciteLoL says “Try to dodge his E with your E and Q max is suggested as you can't really win a long fight against him If it's fair. Q max and Comet.”
Niemi says “Yorick is annoying, first of all his goobers will block your hooks, so that's bad. He can trap you in his cage, which you just have to destroy before you take too much damage and after he gets his ultimate you can't really even play. You have to kill his maiden and then you can think about playing the videogame again”
Body Those Fools says “Do your best to dodge his Es, or you will get chunked or die. You can E out of his W, but only after it's already up; it will interrupt it like Anivia W or Trundle E. After level 6, his Maiden will spawn ghouls when a minion dies, so he won't need to stack Q as much. You can use multiple soldiers to kill his cage faster if stuck inside it if your mobility is on cooldown. His ghouls take reduced damage from AoE abilties like Azir soldiers, so use regular AAs to take them out faster. Kill his ghouls and maiden for free gold.”
IngvarE says “Rush steelcaps & consider bramble
Frustrating matchup but if you play patiently you can make his life hell.
Play safe early farm under tower and look to hit E, will be hard with his ghouls but if you can hit it at least once you can deny him Q stacks off wave and punish him endlessly. ”
Frankoloko says “Take Flash since his wall counters you completely and Ghost won't mean anything. Take TP since he only wins the game with split pushing. Never fight him unless his wall is down or you have Flash. Your ult gets rid of his minions, his wife and his wall. So if you can get it down when all those have been used it would be great. He can't really kill you but his splitpush playstyle is hard to deal with. The wall is the big issue here, so try and ult the wall away. His wife will die in your realm so it's actually good if he spawns her in your realm. Rush tabis as the minions do AA damage. ALL of his damage is in his throw, so dodge that and you win everything.”
step1v9 says “The main thing here is to dodge his E and save your E to get out of his W. If you get hit by E then just auto his ghouls. Good yoricks will just walk back into their W if you E out of it so also consider just autoing the W. Try to kill maiden before fighting him if you can.”
Raideru says “Make sure to poke him with your q whenever he goes for minions and short trade him a lot of the time, if he ever manages to miss his w on you then look to all in him because he can't run away from you otherwise, I advise dodge very rarely u will see Yorick.”
Haxorr says “Yorick is really easy for Jax to deal with due to your ability to dodge a lot of his damage with your E, as well as being able to jump out of his cage. You win at all stages of the game, just fight him and you'll be good to go. Take Grasp, rush Trinity.”
DuckQc says “His ghouls are annoying but they don't deal that much damage. This matchup depends on whether you can sidestep his w or you have flash. His only way of killing you is by trapping you in his w, and killing with ult, ghouls and wave.”
Skaarlschloch says “Pretty easy matchup. You really wanna try to save your Q for his cage. If you get stuck in cage he can kill you fast with ghools + ult
He is just way too squishy though youll oneshot him post 6 ”
Beeware says “Annoying matchup. His zombies can block your Q and take little damage from it. Avoid his E, that's his only engage against you. Poke his wife if he's not careful with her - she gives as many passive stacks as a siege minion”
TeiWasTaken says “Yorick has a weak early game, so you can beat him pre 6 no problem. He is THE weakest level 1 champ, so try to cheese him by camping in his bush when minions arrive, then jumping out.”
WIELKI B says “for me its pretty much unwinnable if he has any hands, if he hit u with W u pretty much lose all hp, if he hits u with E u also lose a lot of hp, his push is really strong. u can kill him before 6 but even with this he still is very hard to lane against”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX (to cleaver maiden)
Mundo cant abuse yoricks terrible pre-6, although on the brightside you can just spam cleaver his maiden whenever he uses it. Unfortunately a good yorick will just hold ult until he lands e. His cage is also actual cc against you. Only thing stopping this from being mundo's worst matchup is yorick being both bad and never played”
Timoshenko says “If you use your ultimate with a wrong timing he will destroy your tower and get a huge advantage on you. If you are more passive in the lane phase, he will always win against you.”
Ulsur says “Yorick is pretty easy but hard at the same time, save your E for his W, his ghouls don't die from your Qs but you can auto attack them, you outsustain him but you need to space away from him, don't try to all in if your Q is on CD, don't fight him if he has his Maiden, poke him down and dodge his E and you should be fine, you outscale him hard late game but his sidelaning pressure is insane so be wary.”
Angryappleseed says “Mr. Splitpush will make your life a nightmare. If he lands E on you, you get completely crushed. You will never be able to match his splitpush unless you have a big lead early. Try to save your W to escape his cage, but a good yorick will stand close to you so you remain trapped.”
KingJoeyy says “Use your E when yorrick cages you and your w for his e, take ignite against him to reduce healing early. secure kill or if youre confident go ghost to run him down.”
Zeraku says “Take Flash and Teleport - play safe via tongue till you reach lvl 6 then you can try and bait him near your tower and use tower's help. [TOWER IS YOUR BEST FRIEND.] NOTE: Take out his baby minions first before engage & ensure lane minions are not going to block your tongue.”
procatking says “personally i take rune NO.2 but NO.1,3 and 4 will do as well.ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style)
*skill matchup*
try to avoid his Mourning Mist(E) and poke him when u can, after level 6 kill his wife(Maiden) and try to hold your Shield Vault(W) to jump over his Dark Procession(W) to stun him or escape(stun a minion or something outside his W). he's not a big deal untill he gets more then 1 item so try your best to bully him as much as u can”
Witchking of Angwar says “Flash/tp. Conq
Can be annoying if yorick is good but you hard counter him since maiden and wall dont follow to death realm.
mastershen says “this can be hard after level 6 look for all in and dodge his E before level 6 to pick up a kill with ignite go grasp for maximum trade power use AP lethal tempo build buy boots early and try to Q his cage out when he hit level 6 you cant win against maiden look to kill his maiden and try all in ”
MaesePerez says “You can use his ghouls to heal with your passive, and using your e auto reset to break his wall quickly makes this lane pretty easy. A good tip is to use your ult at level 6 and onwards on his maiden to get a stack and get it out of the way quickly, but it does only count as a minion stack, so be careful to not do this more than 6 times between maiden and minions. With his new q it might be worth buying antiheal if he's going bruiser and the fights are drawn out. If you come out of lane ahead you should run over him late game. Do not let him split for free, he will end the game if you leave him alone. If his team has a good amount of magic damage it can be worth it to go hollow radiance to counter his ghouls stacking up together, but you should only do this if already ahead. ”
PlasitcChairMan says “Yorick top IMO is relatively annoying due to him being able to summon minions that can chase you and chip a 3rd of your health. And can trap you with his W. Darius is highly immobile, So he can pretty much kill you just as easy. once he misses His E, He's basically screwed as you can beat him down and get a kill. Flash out of his W if you need to.”
forlid says “Yorick gets overestimated a lot, but in reality his only damage output lies in his minions and in his R. Dodging his E will make him much less oppressive, and his gameplay is much splitpush favored. That being said, he is still a strong duelist, and will wreck you if you go in without a plan. Because he lacks mobility, Aatrox can very easily all in him, but try to save your E in the case he uses his cage on you. ”
SpoonSlayer says “A lot of minions, terrible matchup. Maiden is very hard to kill, but without her he's weak. If he cages you, use ranged w to leap out of it.”
EvilRavioli says “Free lane, especially after vamp scepter you can q his ghouls for healing and q resets while gap closing on him and mitigating his pressure in a 1v1. care for his splitting but he will never be able to match you.”
hamgi says “dodge his e. if he hits it, use w to mitigate ghoul dmg. u can e/e2 out of his w. go for trades when he q/aa cs. avoid extended trades post 6 as maiden is a large portion of his dmg”
Belle19 says “on paper darius's worst matchup. Pre 6 you can kill him if he walks up into auto range without you having used your pull yet, but otherwise he just farms with e. Doesnt matter how far behind he is, once he gets maiden up you are fucked. Try to kill maiden over time in lane, its regeneration is low and the AI is wonky. Hyper late game if he plays carelessly you can win the 1v1. try to juke the box.”
zwartebliksem says “All of Yorick's disengage comes from his cage. If you manage to hit an E on him, his cage will be useless, since your E2 can dash through walls. Try to get an early lead, since Yorick can deal a lot of damage when he's ahead or even equal to you. Expect him to split all game long, so take TP into this matchup.”
AWierdShoe says “Yorick's laning phase can be a bit of a nuisance to deal with. He has low mobility, which is good, but his damage with ghouls around level 3 can be threatening. Be wary of how you use your E, as he can cage you with his W for a free E, making you take a bunch of damage from his ghouls. Ghouls are very annoying to clear due to the fact they take less damage from AOE attacks (our Qs), and they deal a decent amount of physical damage to us. Avoid getting hit by his E at any cost. Once he hits level 6, you can try fighting him and goad him into using his ult. Once he does, use your own to fear the Maiden and the ghouls he spawns, allowing you to come on top. Be wary of his splitpush and respect his waves if there are a lot of ghouls inside of it. This guy outscales you and is superb at taking objectives and melts towers. He's an easy gank for your jungler.
lbc1506 says “His cage is a problem but you have enough cc to stop alot of his damage from coming.
Hold wall until he cages you then try to hit your Q and Ult.”
Haearnbleidd says “His ghouls are annoying but they don't deal that much damage. This matchup depends on whether you can sidestep his w or you have flash.
His only way of killing you is by trapping you in his w, and killing with ult, ghouls and wave.
Build: Hexplate/Rav > Shojin/Bc/Sundered Sky.”
Joy17 says “Yorick, com suas tropas e dano consistente, pode representar uma ameaça maior para Warwick, especialmente se não for controlado na fase inicial.”
PPlongcook says “Don't get baited by his R healing and the thing that gets his ghouls to aggro you but otherwise you can out trade him and kill him pretty easily, but you really, really have to avoid getting hit by E.
If you get hit by E post six you will actually just die. Treat him like old school inting sion because he will just split all game and it's really hard to deal with.”
MYCATRENGAR says “Fleet / Conq
I prefer Fleet to sustain in lane.
You have to dodge E. You can't get stuck in his pleasure cage.
If he misses the E, you can all in. Post 6, same applies, but worse. Try and kill maiden when you get the chance.
Thankfully most Yorick players are mouth breathers, so you can beat them in macro and teamfighting.
Akuzai says “If he's rushing lethality he might be rough but all you have to do is dodge his e. If you can also save your e for his cage or just wait for late when you can just perma dash in and out you can just all in and kill him at any stage.”
hoflol says “On paper, doesn't sound like a horrific matchup for Singed. But if stuck in a Yorick cage, you can expect to lose all your HP. Singed becomes immobile and also has a super slow attack speed. Meaning you are a sitting duck for 2 seconds while Yorick slaps you.”
Lukajs says “Yoricks ghouls + E combo is an annoying poke tool, but can be countered by you pretty easily. When he hits his E on you and he has ghouls ready, you can autoattack and then use your E to autoattack cancel to kill two of them quickly, resulting in minimal poke.
However you can of course just use your W as well.
You can kill his maiden, and remove most of his damage. After that, you can run him down with Ghost and R.
Play around poking him out or all inning him. ”
GheeseEmpty says “Pretty annoying to play against, especially with his cage. Attempt to kill him before he gets level 6, because then you don't have much of a choice but to get pushed in. Yorick is also hardly ever isolated without units, so Bear build is not great typically. Phoenix provides a lot of tankiness that could be useful against him, but be wary of his superior splitpushing power.”
exoticT says “Easy matchup, watch out for his E as it can be annoying, if you do jump on him try to walk out of his W before it comes up and you should win using your E”
NegativePhoenix says “Ban Choice
You really can't do much against a Yorick especially once he hits level 6 seeing as how his creeps have high resistance to AOE attacks so they can't be removed instantly, and they proc most of his on-hit items
Personally I usually if not always ban him, but if you go against him just try to save your W dismount for his W cage and dodge his Es when possible to avoid his little gremlins poke power”
X_TRM says “(Start E/W) Try to fight him before lvl 6. Even if he is behind, he will have way too much presence on the map. Try to get split pushing items and outpace him. Nobody can get in range of him if he has maiden up. Prey for your team to have minimal macro and map knowlage in order to kill him with number advantage. Try to end the game fast since he will be a pain to deal with in late. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword”
LilliaFanBoy says “Tabi's
You outrun the ghouls as long as you dodge the E.
Do your best not to run into his cage or sit still for too long.
Beat the living crap out of the maiden when you can.”
WhendZ says “Cuidado com as criaturinhas que ele cria, e com seu E também, quando desvia da parede mas se ela te pegar usa seus barris, não é você que tá preso com ele, é ele que está preso com você.”
Wizboy73 says “[Conqueror or Grasp] matchup is pretty easy, just as long as you dodge his E, that makes him literally useless. just be sure to care for him split pushing your entire lane to victory”
JPGamer10BR says “Yorick é bem chato, para ganhar dele você não pode tomar o E nem o W dele, caso você tome qualquer uma delas você perde a troca, se você desviar você ganha dele, recomendo o uso de PTA ou F.F com bota de rapidez.”
The Saucy Saurus says “Trade with Q but don't look to fight him 24/7, he wins. If his little ghouls chase you, hit one with passive to get your shield fast and block damage. If he tries to cage you, you can escape with your E. Try and kill maiden when he gets 6 under your tower by stunning it with your E.”
Denied20 says “What a shitty champion. The only defenses and means of poke don't work on you. Dash through his wall, dash on his minions, they get one shot. Pressure him heavily, he is squishy early. Kill his maiden when opportunity arise, he struggles to defend it. Only Lethality Yorick pose a threat to you, which is the way to build him nowadays, 14.4. Good Yorick won't have trouble landing his E, so be vigilant and anticipate it with yours (E). Early game you should have dominance. If you haven't finished the game early, or created a substantial lead on the map (team wise) he becomes much like other strong side laners: Trundle, Sion, Nasus, Fiora, a real problem.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer
Out of these 4 hard matchups. This one is the easiest. After 6 it gets hard because of the big maiden. Its all about dodging the E and not to get stuck in his W. ”
BurritoTopKing says “Dodge his E's, you can oneshot his cage early (After he levels it a bit it has 3hp), after 6 you can try to pull the maiden and kill her, anti heal can help too on this one but not completely necessary.”
WarwicksSimp says “WIP
Difficult matchup later he'll outscale you hardcore but you can win hard early even at 6 if you engage at the correct time and dont waste your q before he walls you. Play smart and you'll get fed.”
xskyswitch says “The only other extreme matchup for Pantheon. If you aren't ahead, he will outdamage and outpoke you. His split once he has hullbreaker requires attention from at least 2 of your team. Pre-6 play around his ghouls. The strongest point you have in this matchup is level 1 and 2. Take advantage and build an early lead if possible.”
Tronnes says “I think this is an easier matchup. Don't let him split push too hard and if he traps you with W just E out of it. Watch out for the maiden she hurt. ”
RivenCarriedYou says “: Look to trade level 1, you beat him hard. Healing reduction is good here after maybe second base. If you dodge his 'E' (the weird thing he throws at you that makes his creeps jump on you) you can trade freely. This matchup is similar to Illaoi in that you can fight if you dodge his E, if not wait it out. Try not to fight when his maiden is up, look to kill it before all-inning him. You should just 1 shot him when he's 50% HP, but he scales pretty well. You can 3Q out of his box ability, dont let him get your tower, he DEMOLISHES towers and even if you score a kill he can come back from tower plates.”
Chaddouk says “Yorick is a fine match-up for tryndamere, mostly because you can dash through his cage, and get fury off his little monsters. You can also crit on his cage to reset E btw. Early on it's all about not getting hit by his E when he has many graves. Keep in mind that getting hit by his E is ok if he has no graves yet (he gets graves by killing minions with Q). Regarding the all-ins, it's way way better to start the trade by hitting W and getting to him walking, then you keep your E to dash through his cage, otherwise he will cage you after E and you will get hit hard by the monsters. After 6 look to kill his maiden as soon as you can, he is 10 times weaker without it. Vs Yorick it's a bit like Trundle, you can win side but you can not afford to let him top alone for even a bit of time even if he's very behind, he can one shot turrets pretty easily.”
daitolol says “- Early levels till ~7 you are stronger then him after Maiden spawns trading starts to get hard and you should start looking for all in
- Early levels try to punish him for every minion he goes and try your best to dodge his e, your e1 oneshot his spawnlings but that only take cares of 1 of them
-ALWAYS save your e as if he lands a W on you and your E is on CD you can't get any passives and become extremely Vulnerable
_WhiteSnow_ says “You have trouble dealing with ghouls, but if you can get on yorick whenever maiden is not available/on cooldown you should win all short trades and can outsustain his damage. Only issue is tunneling in isn't smart unless you can finish him off with r for sure because then you will be trapped by his w and be food for his ghouls. Tunnel setup is extremely important.”
At_Tar_Ras says “if you don't kill him by bramble/tabis he will prob beat you for the rest of the game ;-; you have E, use it to outmaneuver his trap but he becomes a ball of stats that you deal 0 damage to. it's a very very bad matchup. there isn't much you can do.”
Dew Master Flash says “I pick yorick into Sion, but I think there is a lot of counterplay for sion. He can win early game, and he is much better in the teamfights.”
Pretzel Shiv says “you just destroy this guy, but his Maiden heals now, so poke his r if you need to, save e to jump out of his wall. Poke him and force ganks.”
Nurakami says “Kill him pre 6 as many time s as you can and later on ALL IN him to take some dmg if youi not kill reperat this never fight long with him when maiden is up.”
RipAMC says “He summons ghouls and can trap you with his walls. His split-pushing can become a real nuisance, so keep an eye on him and don't underestimate his damage.”
TheBougis says “Yorick is decently strong my hisown and even stronger with his Maiden.
He can block your Q with both his Maiden and his Mist Walkers, and at the same time, they do a lot of damage to you.
Try to kill his Maiden before engaging on him.”
AlgoSobreJesus says “More annoying than anything to go up against. You out scale him, and as long as he doesn't run over you during lane, his splitpushes can hurt his team more than they help. Rush sunfire and tabi's in this matchup.”
DebRiX9 says “Really easy matchup, play passively till level 6 then wait for his ult to pop out, keep poking him down all the time you win every trade. If he cage you and wastes all of his abilites ult him. You can kill him even with maiden in brazil but it's better to wait for him to cast it before your R”
ShadowStealer94 says “Will burst you early and will be quite hard to kill due to tankiness and large amounts of healing. Poison Wizard is Especially good into this champ. ”
Quinnculated says “Легкий матчап. Если дает клетку, то ждем его самого или гулей и даем е(осторожно, если слишком далеко, то можно из клетки не выйти). Доджим е и играем агрессивно. После 6 нужно быть осторожным”
BezMemow says “Build Liandry's or he will outscale you and he will beat you, go ghost and boots of swiftness, with Liandry's it's a piece of cake (Literal 3 shot). Ult him when he uses the cage. You beat him early game.
Start D Ring”
Antecc says “Only "Even" due to his annoying perma splitpush playstyle. Dodge the E and you're fine. Q is blockable with E and lastly, jump out of the cage. Don't fuck with Yorick if he has all his ghouls and maiden up. His maiden increases his 1v1 potential massively. Try to deal with the maiden before looking at Yorick. Hullbreaker helps a ton.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You cant get hit with his E or cage. If you get hit with the first one W asap and run away to avoid some of his ghouls damage. If you get hit with his cage you will propably burn flash or die. After ult he is very strong 1v1, before fighting him kill the maiden with Qs.”
ABL Pantheon says “A bit difficult but playable. You win early byy poking him with Q. Dodge his E and engage with W only when he used W. If he uses W first, you can use yours to get out of the circle. Never fight him while he has Maiden.”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Grasp] [demolish] [second wind] [ overgrowth] + [magical footware] [approach velocity]
items : start dorans shield -> sunfire->CORE
dont ignore his ghouls
Be extra carful when he has his maiden (ult) out , she does %max health”
lordimboutabust says “More annoying than anything. Save your E to escape his cage if you are close or dodge his Q if you can. He can force you out of lane very easily with 1 or 2 E's so try not to get hit. If he does try to run away. Try to poke him down in between his E's and all in him when he is low. You can also try when he misses his E as thats his main source of damage. One really good tip to remember is AAtrox ult fears minions and pets including Yorick's so if you aren't too low you can often catch him by surprise and fear all of his ghouls and turn the fight on him if you play it right. Its more safe simply to dodge the E but sometimes that mechanic can save you | second wind | Dblade - tank mythic”
Bernardian says “his ghouls can really fuck you up so try to sidestep his E. Always save your e and start a trade with auto w, if he cages hook him back to you destroy that cage and keep the trade going, your e slow is enough for you to stick onto him and kill him. Wardens mail is really good cause it also negates his ghoul damage. HE WILL BEAT YOU IN A SIDE LANE LATER INTO THE GAME BUT YOU CAN STILL CONTEST HIM.”
Zombzn00b says “Meh matchup. Dont get caged, use E to dodge his E and ur safe. If you want to solokill him just make sure to get him far away from his Maiden. Look at your map lategame or else your base dies.”
ardeluu says “Dodge his E and they trade as that is his main damage source. Use Bone plating and ur superior range to harass him and they all in once he's low. Yorick has no mobility so ur W is almost always gonna pull back and u can E away from his cage when formed so keep that in mind. Ur Q deals no dmg to ghouls so do not try to Q them, but focus maiden if u can since Yorick deals 0 dmg without her. Play for teamfights and watch for his spilt pushing.”
Waqql says “To defeat Yorick, you must become a Yorick yourself. So start learning how to resurrect the dead. Just kidding! As Gnar, it can be challenging to beat Yorick, especially once he has his Maiden summoned. Avoid getting hit by his E to avoid dealing with his gang. Save your jump ability for escaping his cage or for emergencies. Do not engage in a duel with him and focus on farming minions instead. Remember, you're Yorick!”
FaNTOP says “Уклоняйтесь от его способности "E", и вы можете уничтожить его клетку своим собственным способностью "E", поэтому держите ее до тех пор, пока он не использует клетку. Йорик чрезвычайно слаб без своей девы, поэтому вы всегда побеждаете. Легкий матчап.”
demirkaiser says “Bully him early game. Be careful, if he hits his E and positions his W just negate the damage with W and try to break the cage. Post 6 wait him to use his ult and W and ult him. You outscale him.”
Jasic says “You slaughter him pre-6 just don't let him land a cage, or you'll be slaughtered. Post-6 just farm, you can poke just don't all in without help or a dead maiden. 70/30 Teemo pre-6. 70/30 Yorick post-6”
UmbreonQueen says “Huge pain if they're good. Keep poking him with Q and do your best to dodge his E. If he cages you jump to him with W and get away with empowered E. It goes without saying you must NOT fight him when the maiden is there. Ask for help to your jungler and take advandage of his pushing tendencies by using your R to punish”
Twogrand says “This guy is a monster after 6. Avoid getting hit by his E and if he walls you, try to q onto the creeps to get out of it quickly. Ghouls will mess you up badly and he statchecks unless you abuse early, not a fun lane. Phaserush tp Goredrinker.”
Althalosofsirun says “for yorick you need to kill him pre 6 take as shard and alacraty punch out his minions as they spawn and run him down when his cage is on cd build bork”
Reemoo says “You Beat Him. But he does outscale you
Go Tp/Ignite or Tp/Flash
You can't oneshot his ghouls with w
Try to save your q or avoid his w(cage)”
Smauggy says “he will push better then you, if he cages you your dead, he wont let you go in teamfights. build a little bit tanky and hope your team knows how to play vs a splitpusher.”
LocaLAM says “An actual antitank where bramble won't help. The only chance you have is if you get rid of maiden and his ghouls. If not, good luck living.”
Loweloexpert says “You counter his kit completly. At 3 engage and flash out of his cage to go behind him and chase. Tra 6 just ult him after his W and its free win. Care since he will buy Qss probably so ask to someone else to stop his push sidelane and just carry teamfights. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “Annoying damage and mini army galore. OMG this guy is annoying dangerous. Just avoid him, auto his walkers and knock him up endlessly. He has little to no sustain, so ulting him for a meaty dinner should be easy enough. You just gotta get rid of his undead army”
sinatra1633 says “He can't really beat you in all ins and as long as you dodge his easy-to-dodge skill shot you will not ever die in the lane.
Do note that you can use your Q to break his wall very fast if needed.”
Nazcore says “A skill match up pre 6 but hard loss post. He is simply that guy. He can split better, 1v1 better and do more dmg. play for early and then play for team/damage control.”
illestboy_ says “D Blade + Sorcery. Punish his weak early. Be mindful of his W when chasing. His E + ghouls are his laning damage. Do not let him get level 6 for free.
SesaPrime says “Pre lvl 6, Yorick loses. And its almost because he's completely alone. "OH MAIDEN!" Then they both give you the "Now what" stare the whole game. Don't you wish you had personal in-game servants too?”
Boptimus says “I haven't played this match up yet so I will need to come back to this, but it seems like it would be incredibly difficult if K'Sante can't E out of his cage.
Keep your movement unpredictable as most Yoricks like to fire off E a lot in order to get poke down. If you are about to get caged use your E to avoid it if you can.
Yorick can be solo killed if you R him in a way that you carry him far away from his Maiden.
The biggest issue I can see with Yorick will be he can overwhelm you under your own Turret if you don't have good waveclear.”
Ulamog says “Grasp Build; Second Wind + D Shield.
Sidestep or Parry his E at all costs.
Grasp trade him and once he has no E you can go in for extended trade.
You counter his W by just holding on to Q to go through.
After 6 it gets hard since he will have his Maiden. You can kill him with his Maiden when played correctly, but safe plan is to kill the Maiden first.
Bring TP to counter his splitpush and grad antiheal if you don't get a lead on him.”
PraefectusMace says “If you know the little dance to avoid his slow, he can't really do much against you early game. You take chunks of his hp with your Q. And depending of how close he is to you in case he walls you, you can still bite and latch to slide out of it. Or use your ult! Just respect his zombie raise though, kill those things when you can or wait for him to whiff his slow.”
lorensj81 says “Skill matchup. Yorick is scary when he has 3 or 4 graves, you will have to dodge his E otherwise he will do alot of damage. Remember when you engage that he can wall you in and then throw his E on you and take out his R for 4 ghouls that jumps on you. You can auto attack wall twice to get it down faster (if he levels W it may need more auto attacks, you see on bottom of wall how many is needed).
He is very annoying with R up since he pushes very fast and takes Rift/Jungle camps very easy. Try to kill his Maiden first, without her he is very weak and it has a very long cooldown.”
Pep_Shin says “Dodge his E and he will never have the damage to kill you.
You can run him down as long as you don't get hit by his E.
His cage is a little annoying but you should be fine.
The maiden deals a fuckton of damage and he will crush you if you try to fight him with her around.
The maiden has a huge Cooldown, try to bait her under your tower to kill it. Sacrifice your HP if necessary, back and comeback to kill yorick.
Be careful of his splitpushing power.”
Irelius says “ХАЛЯВА
У чемпиона весь урон с гулей, а Ирелия их вашнотает. Плюс, она игнорит его стенку. Доджим Е, унижаем Йорика до лвл 6. Если мачап идёт ровно, он аутскейлит.
Смерть Разума имба против его тонны магического урона с жены. ”
Puyi says “Annoyng matchup. Your low damage means you're slow to kill his ghouls. Avoid his E at all cost; save your E to dodge it. Farm lane. You can go Hullbreaker second if you want to match and stop his splitpush; you beat him easily if he doesn't have mis maiden.”
Irelius says “FREE
Yorick players always tend to mentally boom in this matchup.
Farm his ghouls (dont waste too much mana tho), dodge his E, ignore his wall, kill him pre-6. He (and his wife most importantly) outscales you if you didnt get a massive lead pre lvl 6.
Wit's end is bonkers against his tons of magic damage.”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Ring.
Ghost+Teleport or Ignite+Teleport.
Yorick has a strong early game, but is beatable in the first lvl. With your E, you can get out of his W and easily fight him. Watch out when he hits level 6. With Maiden he is very strong in 1v1 fights. Avoid his E and he won't cause you much trouble. ”
NegativePhoenix says “If he lands his E his minions are gonna hurt alot, so try to dodge the E casts if you can to avoid this. In a 1v1 if he doesn't have minions/maiden you should beat him. You can't E over his W sadly so if he lands that you need to be ready to get into a fight. His maiden will come along for the ride when you use All-Out so be prepared for that and try to only engage when you feel you can win and his minions are out of the way”
Night Guy says “So far for me of course there isn't any way of winning this. He has his minions, his E slows you and the minions charge at you and he has his cage that just makes you a punching bag for a few seconds. So for me again this is a high threat.”
epic blitz top says “I personally perm ban Yorick, don't have any way of winning this lane. He stat checks you at all levels of the game, and ghouls/maiden can block your hook.”
SrMolinv says “Be careful with your dashes, Yorick players like to trap you when you are out of Q's (use it to bait em). Your goal in this lane is to short trade him and dont let him get your tower, he DEMOLISHES towers and even if you score a kill he can come back from tower plates.”
YamiLostSoul says “You can escape Yorick W by Eing a minion or one of his ghouls. You can stop ghouls jump with your W but doesn't one tap them like before. He'll splitpush 24/7 so titanic is a must to waveclear.”
Akalimetall says “His ghouls will kill you in laning phase and maiden makes it impossible to kill him. In addition to that, he will splitpush the sh*t out of you making it very hard to outimpact him.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Summoner Spell: Ignite]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Bully him as much as you can before he gets few Items]
[Avoid his E or his ghouls will attack you]
[Buy Bramble Vest]”
TwTvRANGERZX says “Kill his ghouls when he spawns them. Avoid starting fights with E, as he can cage you afterwards and kite you. Kill his Maiden when he spawns it. Avoid single auto trades as his Q is strong.”
RandumPersin says “Take PTA and ignite and this matchup is VERY similar to Urgot. Our dash allows us to dodge Yorick W and E, so it is our main tool for trading with him. Unlike Urgot, HP is stronger against Yorick than armor, so look to itemize Black Cleaver or Steraks Gage over Deaths Dance. If you respect the strength of Yorick's maiden and keep his ghouls in check, you should have no trouble with this lane as long as you aren't constantly getting focused by his mistwalkers (happens when he lands his E). Look to group for fights and play for objectives, let your team do the heavy lifting for most games and use your lead to match him when he splits and objectives aren't up.”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “Dodge his minion toss. His wall is a suggestion when you're level 6. You can still E stun him through his wall. If you EVER get the chance, ALWAYS destroy maiden ASAP. No matter what.”
LeyzeHP says “Letal tempo(suggested)/Conqueror
Early you beat him really hard, you can all in him all the time, later in the game you can beat him only if you are really ahead, especially after he builds hullbreaker. Be careful about his E slow and W block, now your Q bug on his cage is fixed so you can use it.”
Smudey says “You win pre 6 so try to get an early lead. You need to learn how to dodge his E or it will be a nightmare for you. If you are even or behind in lane, he will become a menace that will destroy all your towers while his team does some work elsewhere. Saving your E for his W can decide between life and death. Block his Q and ghoul attacks with you W. Don't fight him alone when he has his R. If his maiden his hitable for free, try to kill her without dying yourself. She has a SUPER long cooldown and Yorick is very weak without her.”
Fizzy says “Ele é um pouco chato por conta dos bichos dele, tente matar a donzela o mais rápido possível. Caso ele queira ficar dividido cobrar ele pelo mapa, ou tentando, a lane oposta. Assim ficando seu tempo proteger pra voce cobrar em outro lado do mapa. "nota interessante, W da fiora apenas no W do yorick, ficando em cima dele é dificil de se acertar."”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “Hard but managable, he is similar to illaoi, but with cage. You need to dodge his E as it deals massive damage, if u dont W asap and try to kite ghouls. The cage is very big problem beacuse of your low as and no mobility so if u get trapped in one you propably die, burn flash or at least lose hard trade. Fortunately it has pretty small range so play around it and you should be fine. Try to kill his ultimate before going to all in as it deals much damage.”
hamgi says “he can be very annoying in lane early with his pets and cage and eventually at 6 with his maiden. ur trades with him will be easy as u get more and more atk spd, so just be patient and focus on freezing against him early as he can get punished for trying to walk up for cs or missing his skill shot for a last hit. however, he is annoying out of lane, too, regardless if he builds hullbreaker as u have to match him for the rest of the game. the bright side is, as long as u dodge the e, his pets are free money (2g but money nonetheless). dont worry if u get hit by it, even if it may slow u, u can w as the pets jump onto u and mitigate the dmg and kill them with aa/q's. the key to trading with yorick is waiting for him to use his e either on u or a minion then engaging. u can still trade before he uses it but disengage if it lands and take care of his pets. the damage stacks up over time, especially if u dont take d shield/second wind/refillable and/or if u dont have sceptre yet. his cage is easy to get out of as u can q3 or r thru it, aa it twice/thrice/four times (depending on level), and with more atk spd, its even easier. sometimes yoricks panic cage u while ur in ur e so just recast if that happens. the most annoying part of yorick is surprisingly not him nor his pets but his maiden. it feels like a constant 1v2, so just focus on killing her while u cs before going back to trading him, bc it hurts like hell dealing with his pets while maiden sucks ur soul”
BlessingPlate63 says “I included this because for some reasons a lot of people can't firgure out how to kill Yorick, even if Sett technically counters him, so here's how: dodge his gouls. That's it. Just dodge his porjectiles so he cannot throw gouls at you, then beat him up.
When he spawns the maiden, kill her first then back off and wait until you have more health to kill him.
Just don't let him destroy your backyard.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Your champion counters bad Yorick players so pre-master this is a good match up but good Yorick players will beat you. Basically, pre 6 as long as he doesn't have 3+ ghouls you will win every trade and past 6 if he ever uses W (his wall) instantly ult him, and if you hit your stuff you will beat him. The problem is that when you vs good Yoricks they will max w second and hold it which means if you ever ult him he will W you and run away so you can't really ever kill him r and at 6 if you don't ult Yorick beats you if you miss e, Rush Steelcaps”
Justkb says “Hard Matchup! Make sure you don't push the lane and look to fight him before level 3. You can out damage him if you can dodge his E and he uses Cage pre-emptively.”
spaghalli says “Cancer matchup for lulu. You'll need to dodge his W and E because if his mist walkers get on you, you'll be a dead lulu and it'll be top diff. Build attack speed and runaans to counter his mist walkers. Make sure to target his maiden whenever its up.”
StingingChicken says “Pre 6 you can kill him but you'll get steamrolled after 6 and in the sidelane no matter what. Need to juke his E and if he gives you the opportunity try to W out of the cage. At least most of them build full AD nowadays so if you can get out of the cage and stick to him you can burst him easily. But he can sit out of your range and chuck E's at you of cooldown, and later on in the game in the sidelane if one lands you pretty much have to reset and give tower. ”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “not faceable 1v1 besides if u dodge his E or if he uses his skills on wave, ghost ignite really important here try to match hullbreaker otherwise he will break side even from behind AA + W”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick’s Graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his Dark Procession(W), auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash if you’re low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick’s Graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his Dark Procession(W), auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash if you’re low.”
kajinator says “Conqueror and Flash + Ignite. Bully him early and don't let him get too many free Q's off. You can kill his maiden at level 6 pretty easily and then just kill him with ignite.”
BreadyToCrumble says “Yorick's whole gimmick is permapushing so just be there to match it! Prevent him from crashing waves and you'll be fine. He does decent damage but you'll win after level 11.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick’s Graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his Dark Procession(W), auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash if you’re low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick’s Graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his Dark Procession(W), auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash if you’re low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick’s Graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his Dark Procession(W), auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash if you’re low.”
SrMolinv says “Si guardas bien tus dashes la linea de Yorick no es dificil. Muy importante no dejarle llegar a la torre o se recupera muy facil. Esquiva la habilidad que usa para tirar sus subditos, empieza a tradear a nivel 3.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick’s Graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his Dark Procession(W), auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash if you’re low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick’s Graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his Dark Procession(W), auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash if you’re low.”
Sc1 x says “Getting caged means you take horrible trades almost every time, your attack speed is so low that it's a death sentence. (Space him off wave with Q's and try to farm using only Q) If you get hit by his E you probably will get caged after if you weren't spaced well.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Poção Corrupta, Q > W] - Após o lvl3 em diante, seu jogo se torna cada vez mais difícil ... Apenas farme e evite seu skillshot E para não ser atacado por seus fantasmas. - Caso ele erre solte seu combo QWE nele ou apenas Q se estiver longe da sua torre, após o lvl 6 é muito fácil mata-lo com a ajuda do seu jungler, lembre-se de usar o seu Q com fluxo de mana sempre e desviar de todos E do yorick"”
KaiOverHere says “(Conq + Flash IGN) On God this lane is so annoying I would rather face a Fiora then face this abomination of a champion.
Go Stride -> Mortal Reminder -> Black Cleaver always.
As long as you get your full combo off, you can kind of just one shot Yorick. It's just kind of annoying because you gotta constantly stay in the sidelanes because of his pushing power, which makes this matchup very boring.
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick’s Graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his Dark Procession(W), auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash if you’re low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick’s Graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his Dark Procession(W), auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash if you’re low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his W, auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash if you’re low.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his W, auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash if you’re low.”
Elresser says “I can't figure this one out. I've never won a Yorick lane before, but he doesn't feel as bad as Mordekaiser. I guess phase rush and doing W auto Q trades and running can work I have to try will update.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his W, auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash if you’re low.”
pura4 says “"[Cometa, Poção Corrupta, Q > W] - Após o lvl3 em diante, seu jogo se torna cada vez mais difícil ... Apenas farme e evite seu skillshot E para não ser atacado por seus fantasmas. - Caso ele erre solte seu combo QWE nele ou apenas Q se estiver longe da sua torre, após o lvl 6 é muito fácil mata-lo com a ajuda do seu jungler, lembre-se de usar o seu Q com fluxo de mana sempre e desviar de todos E do yorick"”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick Graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his W, auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash if you’re low.”
1akai1 says “Sem o R dele você vai ganha sempre, NÃO TOME O E DELE se preciso use seu W no E dele ou F para desviar, se ele te acertar o E ele vai ganha o 1v1”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Pay close attention to Yorick Graves. If he has 3 or more, he can spawn them into Ghouls. Avoid fighting him when there are a few laying around. Yorick struggles in the early game. Keeping the minion wave closer to your side of the map in the early game will make it harder for him to get farm and carry in the late game. If you’re ever caught in his W, auto-attack the walls as quickly as you can. Avoid fighting him inside of it and be prepared to Flash or use your Ultimate if you’re low.”
CosmicTurtle88 says “His Ghouls block your Q so you can't ever hit him which makes this hard, dodge his E in lane and he's pretty useless though. Farm him for Grasp stacks when he can't E you and poke
him down to 50%, poking him below that is hard because of his increased healing. Best bet for a kill is to spit him into your tower since he has no mobility to escape, but he's super easy to
gank if your jungler comes, just W out of the cage and fuck him. HARD FOCUSING Maiden in a 1v1 can make him lose a lot of DPS too. Kill Maiden and you win lane. ”
UlisesFRN says “If Yorick was more popular he would be my perma ban. He counters you in every way. His minions are really tanky and destroy you, his "jail" is a big f you to champs that cant escape it, he splitpushes harder than you, beats you in 1v1 from level 1 to 18. The only thing you can do is play safe, under turret, take farm without exposing, and dodge his E”
Deftvx says “Only bad if he gets a couple free kills. Possibly start dshield? Take short advantageous trades with passive. If you aren't getting a 3 min gank, try to slowpush and crash cannon wave into tower. Try to dodge his e and take a couple advantageous trades. Can win an all in at 6 if you have 20 % advantage+passive+ignite. Use R to displace his maiden and minions. Save E for his E. Max E immediately after Q. Wait to all in him right after his mistwalkers recently die.”
Lewis_paper says “He always seems to win because of his maiden, but if you ult him he should be okay. (ALWAYS KEEP AND EYE OUT FOR YORIK'S LANE HE WILL SPLIT PUSH)”
tacowo_ says “You can stack your passive off his ghouls. Focus the Maiden, it's the source of his damage. He WILL out-splitpush you, but that's fine if you can abuse that to win 5v4s and get a win condition through Dragons. Ranked as Major due to his ability to straight up 1v3 a fight if nobody kills the maiden.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “Его гули блокируют ваш E. Очень трудно матчап, чтобы камбекнуть, когда проиграл начало игры. Выживайте и играйте в лучшую игру с сплитпушом и тим файтом. Зависит от мастерства игрока.”
Maxpiku says “Скиловый матчап (в пользу соперника). Успех зависит от умения уклоняться от вражеских скилшотов, если у нас с этим плохо то стоим под вышкой и ломаем волны грибами.”
I Twisted Hate MyseIf says “Always ban yorick. Unwinnable lane. Even cheesing with teleport and ult you will lose tower fast as fuck. He outpushes you, outdamages you, and you cant dash over his W.”
Taiquyorah says “MU skill dépendant.
Interdiction de se faire prendre dans sa cage, et c'est important d'esquiver son E. Vous pouvez le poke relativement facilement mais gardez vos distance lorsqu'il a ses cd.
S'il a son ultime, c'est compliqué en early de le tuer.
Build triforce conseillé avec botte d'armure donc le powerspike de gp se fait plus tard.
Une fois les items crit, GP outscale yorick mais il ne faut pas all in le yorick, il faut jouez avec ses barils avant.
Le build bruiser peut être tès intéressant si vous voulez splitpush.
Les teamfights sont à l'avantage de GP si vous avez un build critique.”
NegativePhoenix says “He'll be going for the splitpush tactic as all Yoricks do so just be mindful of that late game. Early game do your best to poke him but get grievous since his Q can heal alot off of you. Dodge his E as best as you can and be careful of him trapping you in his W once he hits 6 as that's a signal he wants to all in you. Late game you'll do better as a tank but he'll have alot of damage. Just watch how he splitpushes and punish him if he picks to push at a bad time.”
buuu1401 says “(TOP) He outscales you, bro. But it's winnable trust me play it like a human and you win. My Advice: DONT E into him. Wait for his Cage and then E out of it. ”
Yiphen says “Jungle Diff or Win Lane. You NEED to Q his E. W immediately if he goes in so you can escape his W. Freeze wave in front of tower. Do not dance.”
Groovywelsh says “Yorick can go full tank with one AD item and one shot you to avoid that doge his E once you do that you can kill him. Do not use E to engage on him because he can just W you and run away use E to escape his W”
HelloStranger says “CONQ/GRASP | Flash + Ignite
Once he gets divine you lose. Camp his ass early and shut him down otherwise you will lose from turret exposure at 15 minutes in the game whilst your Jungler calls you a demented gorilla.”
WildSamu says “DBlade + Red Pot.
Until level 6 this lane is pretty free, look to dodge his E poke. You can stack Q on his ghouls. You can E out of his cage to stack Q3 and the Q3 to safety. After level 6 dont fight him unless he doesnt have his maiden.”
wooverbo says “He's more of a cannon minion during the early levels, but Mist Walkers block your Q, his W can interrupt your W, and if he lands E on you while he has Mist Walkers up, it hurts like a truck. Once he gets his maiden you HAVE to focus on getting rid of her if you want a shot at killing him. He builds Divine Sunderer later on, so good luck ever killing him.”
DimitriLSD123 says “He destroys towers never leave him alone and you win this matchup as long as you don’t feed stay in towers to dodge his thing I like to ban Him ”
VituVonDoom says “If you see this guy in a lobby, dodge without thinking twice. His ghouls deal way too much damage, tank way too much, and if he ever W's you, you're dead. Take the Phase Rush page, and try your best to slowly wittle him down with short trades. But honestly? Just dodge”
KrazyKid1024 says “Insufferable champion to play into. He splits all game and then you lose. Maiden is a pain. His cage is a pain. And the poke from his E is ass.”
Michcio says “Very hard to play against beacuse of his cage that you cant really escape without flashing. If u prefer riven its very solid permaban and i chose to ban riven only beacuse she is more popular. His cage has pretty small range and its hard for him to land it if he didnt land his slow so abuse it. If u didnt dodge it use W asap”
Baby Sona says “Just keep this in mind: Yorick is OP! There are a lot of unexpected fights with Yorick. Bully him early in the game, deny him of his farm and don't get caught in his W (Wall). He will eventually outscale you and turn the tables. Beware the Maiden! After he summons her you shift your focus entirely on her and try to kill her without taking much damage. If you R him his maiden will be left outside and that's gives you a huge advantage against him, but usually he will try to stall your R with his W and play around it. While Yorick has summoned The Maiden, everytime he kills a minion a Mist Walker spawns, so It's going to be hard. And most importantly, don't let him splitpush!”
Aberrant Demon says “You win Q for Q level 1 unless he has Grasp up. Once you have W, you can just block his Q damage with it. Pay attention to how many graves he has and avoid fighting him until he gets rid of them. You don't want to fight him too much unless he misses his E. Post-6 it is very hard to solo kill him because of his Maiden. You can try to go for a bunch of short trades but you have to be really careful about his wall because it's very hard for Garen to deal with. Technically, you can leap over his wall with your Q. I don't recommend relying on it, however, because it can be quite difficult to pull off. You need to be at the edge of the circle and then Q a nearby target just outside of the circle. Once you have Stridebreaker, Yorick becomes a little more manageable since it is much harder for him to stick to you.”
NegativePhoenix says “He can be a bit of a menace once he hits 6 thanks to his Maiden, but his lethality build took a nerf, so that's a good thing to see happen so his little creatures aren't killing you by themselves. You can easily W or E his E to avoid being marked, and just E over his own W if he tries to trap you. Your kit is overall a menace against his, just avoid being marked so you don't get jumped and you win most fights all game.”
The Kled Mob says “Do not let him touch cs as you beat him pre 6 without his minions. Don't let him hit his E on you with your ult otherwise you will be dead. AA-W the cage to get out and try to kill his maiden if possible. Buy plated if you are losing and ask for junglers help.”
YuuDosCria says “ Muito difícil jogar contra Yorick, pois ele consegue ferrar totalmente a mobilidade da Illaoi e é um campeão de split mais forte que ela.”
JORGE OMAGO 74 says “boring lane, if you Q him he'll cage you (20 seconds cooldown meanwhile your Q it's 8).
Be careful when he stacks a huge wave and remember to kill his maiden.
IcunoX says “Rushes hullbreaker which sucks cuz you cant deal with the cannon. You can't kill his small wraiths with your spells for some reason, and his ult is hard to kill. Get stuk in his trap and you die. Try to poke him down before oneshotting him.”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Punish him as much as possible before he gets level 6, as it is much harder when he has maiden.
Wave 1-4:
Cheater > Freeze.
Trade him a lot early game, you completely destroy him in the early trades, try to parry his Q or E in early trades (parry E if he has ghouls that can attack you as the dmg is really high).
After level 6 he can perma push and sort of outrade you due to the damage he gets, but you can farm it up poke him down while dodging E, and then look for an all in, especially if you have a nice pickaxe and some longswords, once you get Hydra you can kill him in the all in.
One trick you can do his parry his cage as it displaces you when you are on the wall, so you can then parry that onto him and get a sick combo off.
Care for when he get bramble vest and sheen as he can be a bit of a problem with those items!
JaxIsAHobo says “Easy matchup. As Jax, you should kill his ghouls whenever possible when they crop up. Use your E aggressively when engaging on yorick, and use leap to leap away after a trade if he tries to trap you and deal damage. If you get hit by his soil toss, use your E to dodge the damage from his minions. Post 6, you want to kill his maiden first if at all possible, before engaging on Yorick. Always have either your E or your Q up when you're engaging on yorick, for an easy getaway or disengage. His maiden is surprisingly fragile, and will die if you rotate your abilities twice on it correctly. Overall, extremely easy to deal with.”
Boptimus says “Definitely a skill and knowledge match up, but the better the Yorick the harder it gets.
The most important thing you need to keep in mind is that you can't get caged, because if you do it's an easy 100-0 for the Yorick. You can sometimes E out of a sticky situations but his Ghouls make it insanely hard to get an E off and they make it hard to move around in general.
If Yorick doesn't buy MR or Tenacity then he can be very easy to kill if he wastes his abilities.”
Kifos says “Leave lane once, and say goodbye to your turrets. he will look to fight you with his r and will try to trap you with w. use e on his w. quickly kill his ghouls and q them to slow them if hes chasing you”
Scallywag says “You can abuse him early and zone him with barrels.
After 6 if you get caught in his w, you have to flash or you will die since he and his maiden just burst you down.
If you are not stuck in his w, you can kite him around with your barrels.”
MAD GAREN says “Yorick beira o insuportável apenas por conta de 1 skill, o seu W. Um bom Yorick destrói o Garen por completo.
É importante tentar pegar vantagem lvl 2 com um Flash+Ignite e tentar colocar pressão early game e não deixar ele farmar. Mas lá pelo lvl 11, se o Yorick for bom, é possível que você tenha que abandonar o top e jogar apenas respondendo com cautela o split e jogar com o time ”
verikukko says “Generally, you don't have to worry about his R too much in this matchup, you can win 1v2s as long as you hit your R. And pre level 6, nothing can go wrong, you auto-win every trade.”
Shourdy says “Dodge his E and they trade as that is his main damage source. Use Bone plating and ur superior range to harass him and they all in once he's low. Yorick has no mobility so ur W is almost always gonna pull back and u can E away from his cage when formed so keep that in mind. Ur Q deals no dmg to ghouls so do not try to Q them, but focus maiden if u can since Yorick deals 0 dmg without her. Play for teamfights and watch for his spilt pushing.”
Dawn Break says “Empieza con Espada del Rey/Blade of Ruined King, lleva ignite y corta curaciones (Cota de Espinas). Si ganas la línea, y Yorick comienza a splitpushear, ve tu solo a detenerlo, lo más probable es que tus aliados mueran por él-”
ShacoMagicTrick says “Strongest split pusher i've ever seen. You pretty much cannot do anything to him, but since he is rarely played in low-elo he ain't an extreme threat. But STILL ban or dodge if possible.”
queen_rane says “[Ghost + Flash] You win early if he ever walks up to minions. Level 6 when he has his maiden, you can just R him and he wont have his ghouls or his maiden with him in the death realm.”
SilverAvalanche says “Bully: You dodge E you win this matchup, what you need to do is just perma poke him with Qs and E him then W to stop him from Qing you. You need to win this matchup before he gets hullbreaker, because the more gold he gets the more impossible he becomes to kill.”
Trundledaddy says “Skill matchup, kill ghouls and maiden, don't ult if he has wall up, he will kite, try to dodge his E's but insta kill ghouls, he can match in sidelane unless he misplays and you can run him down with ult no problem”
Hawkkiller105 says “When fighting against Yorick you typically want to make sure you are abusing your early game advantage because pre lvl six he does not have much sustain but when he gets his lvl 6 you really are not able to fight him because the much sustain that that Maiden give Yorick especially if Yorick is running conq”
lolkayleee says “[Ghost + Flash]
You win early if he ever walks up to minions. Level 6 when he has his maiden, you can just R him and he wont have his ghouls or his maiden with him in the death realm. ”
Federals1 says “Yorick can be a difficult matchup. His cage is very annoying to deal with. Usually you need to save your q in the early game for his cage to instantly break it so that his ghouls and maiden don't instantly explode your health bar. You need to use the bruiser build in the late game to win the 1v1 and you want to make sure to match him in the side lane. He can take turrets very quickly. You can also try to kill 3 of his 4 ghouls quickly by using your auto attack for one, then w for another, and then q for a third, leaving just maiden and one more ghoul up. It will cut a lot damage. W max is best here. Doran's Ring and Blade both work well into him. First rune page should be used. Flash+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices.”
PandoraPanda14 says “Minions hurt alot. His W is extremely annoying. His split push is extremely strong but ur early laning is stronger than his. Punish him early for csing melee.”
Nekoparry says “///////////////////////////ENGLISH//////////////////////////
You destroy him in early trades, parry his Q or his E if he has ghouls. After lvl 6 he starts winning you with ult. Try to farm and when he uses E you can try to fight him, you can also parry his W if it's gonna hit you directly as it counts as a stun, but you have to train it a bit.”
darkintaki says “Darius wins early, but the longer the lane goes on the harder Yorick gets. He'll probably build Steelcaps + Trinity and trade very well into us. Go On Divine Sunderer or Trinity and Black Cleaver, Watch out of his ghouls. Skill match up.”
Anothaoneforym6 says “He can duel you easily until you reach a load of stacks and about 3 items. Even if you ever manage to make him behind he will just constantly split and force you to follow (which isn't bad but if your team needs you he can force an advantage for his team). E rush can honestly make this lane in your favor as he has no sustain. Poke him enough so that he can't harass you and it allows you to not only have a chance at killing him but it allows you to farm.”
MHLoppy says “Your poke is better and your all-in is better. His ult provides a significant boost to sustained damage, but it doesn't stop you from just ignoring the Maiden and killing Yorick, then walking out of the Maiden's range afterwards. The only thing you don't have a direct answer for is his W's wall, which he can *potentially* combo with Q+E to get his ghouls to chunk you while you're trapped inside. I'm fairly confident you win under most other fight conditions, but there's always the chance he finds a good chunk onto you and then brings out all his minions to put enough damage down to kill you.”
Jellyjaneo says “Yorick is easy to fight in the beginning but when you have a large cs gap he demolishes very easily and can be extremely annoying when he throws his little children things. ”
Agatrium says “Yorick is a pretty bad Garen matchup. He does a lot of damage and is pretty damn tacky, but the thing that really jacks Garen up is his cage. Garen has no way out of it, so he can just cage you then kill you while you’re in it. Another lane where you take the shield and farm what you can. ”
Cryniu says “Juega neutral y un poco más agresivo antes de nivel 6.
Si él compra Brillo compra botas de armadura.
Si él compra Curación compra vesta espinosa.
Usa tu E para sorprenderlo o evitar que te encierre en su muro.
Tu combo de Q+W es clave para evitar el daño de él y sus trotanieblas.
Ten cuidado al rotar, si abandonas mucho tu torre él la hará trizas.
Casi no sirve la tenacidad contra yorick.”
OliveeGarden says “you can try to kill him with ignite early but generally a hard matchup, if he can land his e's, you never win a 1v1 if he has maiden.”
RENGARDOSEXO says “really hard playing against him, cause there is a bug with his wall, this shit make him really strong against you, don't cast your Q into his wall”
GG Cannon says “One of the easiest to deal against as long as you don't leave him alone in lane. You can easily escape his wall with rappel, his zombies are mostly fodder for you and your spiderlings early one and you can easily outheal him and chase him if he tries to escape.”
havy says “yorick heals with his Q, his ghouls block your E, and his cage disrupts you real bad, ALSO DO NOT LEAVE HIM ALONE IN LANE, HE WILL TAKE YOUR TOWER EASILY.
play until lost chapter and then ask for help from ur jungler”
TheChoz3nOne says “My point of view has changed on the threat level of this champion. You can outplay him easily on first 3-lvls. Try to predict his movements even before the minions get spawned with your W boxes. 2 boxes can almost kill him if they do all their damage. So for this match-up you just need to get control over him and then not get behind. He got his annoying wall so don't use your Q until he use that ability to escape from it and take him down.
If you didn't kill him or didn't get control over him you won't really kill him because he is becoming too tanky for you. Magic Pen boots can help you to deal a bit more damage.”
ChowJunior says “I really just don't like Yorick. Laning against him is simple, though. Dodge his E at all costs. If he lands it, back off. If he misses, trade with him. ”
SadgeBoyK says “his wall is very annoying since your attack speed is so slow, use your move speed to dodge it. you can kill him early, but late you will need assistance from team to shut him down.”
Your Desired Username says “Easy match-up. Rare Flash+Ghost angle. You will need ghost to engage onto him since if you ult to engage, he will W you. Rush tabis. Harass him level 1 and try to deny him graves, but don't sweat it. Stand back level 2 and try not to get hit by his e. Levels 3-5 i don't recommend messing with this guy too much (granted he didn't majorly fuck up in any way) as he can deal surprisingly huge amounts of damage if he hits you with e and has at least 3 graves/ghouls. Additionally, if he hits you with his w pre-6, you can kiss your flash goodbye. Post-6 is pretty much why this match-up is so easy. Three of his abilities make him rely on external units/minions during fights, meaning that he can't do much without maiden, ghouls and w. A VERY important thing to note here is, though, that you shouldn't ult him when his w is up, because he can use it to keep you at a safe distance while waiting for Brazil to run out. With that being said, if he hits you with e post-6 and w's you with ghouls attacking you, simply ult and beat the shit out of him. Even if he spawns maiden inside of Brazil, she will only live for 7 seconds, as Brazil kills all units inside when it runs out. You outscale him but never underestimate the power of his split-push. Within a minute he can push all the way to your inhib from t1 tower if no one is guarding him, so always have someone matching him if he's splitting or.”
boboderaffe says “Past 6, if you manage to sidestep his abilities, which is honestly not that hard, you can fight him even with his Maiden up UNLESS he built grievous wounds early. Your Q is very effective against everything: it will hit him, his ghouls and his maiden. With your ult you will heal off of his maiden and ghouls as well, on top of him and his minion wave. If you do not manage to kill him or his maiden during your ult, you will have missed your chance and shouldn’t try again. Without your ult and with his still up he can and will kill you. ”
Rayli36 says “Early game lvl1-2 try to harass him as much as possible before he gets his cage and after that there's not much you can do against him unless he gets cocky you probably won't kill him from my own expierence
Atomragnar says “Pre 6 you win, poke with Q, use autoattack reset with your W for his cage.
After 6 it gets harder if you haven't gotten a lead vs him. His maiden makes him really strong. You can still win all ins but play smart, try to poke. ”
BreadedBreadCrum says “Yorick is a wavepushing, tower destroying champion. It's not you that he will be killing, its all 11 of your towers. Since he builds Hullbreaker, it breaks apart your entire gameplan of mixed damage. Go Grasp for trading potential and make sure to use E against his Q and build some sort of AS for his goblins. Stride is okay, BoRK is good. He will win if he is left alone, Hullbreaker to counter his hullbreaker is a good idea.”
COJA says “You must be careful of your E usage or you may become trapped in his cage. Ghouls can easily bodyblock W. Don't try to all-in him from full hp while he has Maiden. You can zone him off of the wave if you are strong enough to prevent him from acquiring ghouls.”
Eduardocwalle says “Ur roaming posibilities fades away once u see the enemy team lock yorick. U can left lane cause he will destroy ur inhibitor tower at 15 minutes. He wins the tardes just by spamming creeps, really annoying. He will rush hullbreaker, so be carefull and ask your jungler for some help.”
Adventfaith says “Late game you're not going to 1v1 him. His minions don't die to your q's. Hull Breaker makes him a beast. Do your best to dodge his skillshot and cage”
Polartech says “Dodge his Bones Cages and Yorick's Shovel Smash to stay alive, don't take free risk and don't push the lane, poke him if you are able to farm without using abilities, and wait for ganks.”
Black Demon Ezel says “This one has always been a pet peeve of mine but it's not a massive deal for me to work with. He summons a monster with his ult but if you can bait that out then he's screwed because it won't travel inside your own ultimate with him”
King Turtle says “Yorick has some annoying poke with his E and ghouls but it's nothing crazy, the real problem comes post 6 when he can put down the maiden and drag it around with him for 20 minutes before someone finally kills it. It's going to be used on you CONSTANTLY. ”
Sandor Clegane98 says “Although all ins are in your favor,be sure not get cornered by his ghouls into that cage thingy of his,u'll get demolished especially after 6, if you manage to dodge his E then look for an all in.”
davidbiton1 says “yorick will shred through you like butter, he can block you in place forcing you the aa the cage extremly slowly while attacking you with his minons, you may wanna dodge a lane against him.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “buggiest painful matchup. You can't duel him as long as he has maiden up and his w breaks your autos. Try to avoid this matchup when possible.”
MrZoltannn says “Yoricks ult is your biggest enemy, since you have a small attack range, try to poke it down with your Q and proc W. You can go all in at lvl 3 with ignite. lvl 6 can be played well, since his ult has a small delay.”
xPetu says “Tips: Your W blocks his Q and Ghoul AAs. Try to dodge his E at all costs. If he hits E, don't walk up. This is very important. If he misses E, punish him with a trade.”
Stinkee says “If you ever get caught in Yorick's cage you will either take a lot of damage or die.
Yorick hard counters champions that do not have dashes. He will generally try to use his cage after his E. If he misses his cage and his E you can look to take a short trade but watch out for his ghouls, their damage adds up fast.
You can use your E on his ult to throw it far away. Buy armor and health and max Q or W.”
Sovereign Kitten says “You're going to need to increase your ability to side step and avoid his (W) and (E) if he catches you with either you really have no reliable way of escaping with the new patch his minions deal 200% extra damage when they jump to you. Try to (Q) him while he tries to grave stack a minion to slow down his ghoul spam. PTA is often the better choice in higher ELO to simply match his hard split-push potential. Hurricane will make short work of his ghouls and prevent a large scale split-push. That's it really. If he can't catch you, he can't deal with you. If you're playing any other rune, you can just max (Q) if you wish just be sure to never leave him alone in any lane.
Anoying bro5 says “Lvl 1 you win if you Q poke vitals and attack him when his Q is on cooldown. This matchup you need to mainly dodge his E, or parry it if you plan to engage. It is on a fairly long cd. Look to dodge E, then engage with Q, and parry Q. After 6 his ult gives him a lot of lifesteal, so buy executioners, or kill his ult full engage. If he gets ahead he can be an issue.”
lol Wero says “Not much of a threat but if you ever see a Yorick one trick who is able to play against an auto range match up, then yorick is able to be a threat to neeko. His Maid (Ultimate) is difficult to kill during the laning phase.”
BoilTheOil says “Try your hardest to dodge his E or you will take a ton of damage from ghouls. Your auto attacks are fast so use them to kill his ghouls quick. Don't use E until he uses his wall on you so you can pull him back when he tries to run away. Prioritize the maiden over Yorick, if the maiden is dead Yorick is basically useless. ”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Thresh can bully Yorick a bit early lvls and maybe even kill him if he starts corrupting potion instead of doran's shield.
However this lane becomes unplayable after lvl 6 as you can never kill his maiden (unless he's bad) and his wall makes it hard to get away from him. He also does mixed damage and has a great splitpush. Anathemas is mandatory here but the game is going to be hard.”
quinn adc says “The Yorick matchup is pretty easy for a ranged champion, and especially for Quinn.
Yorick relies on using his W cage, Dark Procession to trap the enemy, and then uses his ghouls and combo to punish them.
The cage early on only requires 2 hits to break, but later it's 4 hits.
To escape Yorick's Cage, when his ghouls are sent to you, just vault on his ghouls and you will escape every single time.
If your E is down, auto the cage until it breaks, though you should be saving vault to counter his cage engage in laning phase.
Next, Yorick's E is a cone ability that is his main source of damage; try to dodge this ability by side stepping it since it goes in a line.
The range is 700, so play kinda far back, or away from Yorick to prevent him from landing this.
If he lands it and sends his ghouls at you, simply vault his ghouls and you will be pushed back to safety.
Yorick relies on his ghouls to damage you, but if you escape from his cage and his E is down, instantly engage on him becasue he is a useless melee champ at that point.
If his E hits you, Q his ghouls and auto them until they die.
Yorick relies on his E for his ghouls to be effective. If he doesn't land this ability on you, then you don't have to be afraid of his ghouls.
His ultimate is a bit scarier because the range is 600, so we can't just go into auto range to beat the maiden up.
We ideally want it dead, but only go for autos on it when Yorick isn't threatening you with his abilities off cooldown.”
Veng Shotz says “Good Yorick players will always hold their wall for when you waste dash. The problem with this lane is that good yoricks will also position themselves to not get hit with Q unless you waste dash, you get walled, you get e'd. ghouls jump on you, and he walks up with q and you either burn flash or die.
If thats not bad enough, ghouls can also proc GW from executioners, take little damage from our abilities because they are coded as minions, so Q wont even kill them even if you land all 3, and you are forced to auto both the ghouls and the wall if you dont have E ready.
This lanes generally unplayable after 6, your only form of securitiy is if you ult properly and dont get walled off, you can fear his ghouls and maiden long enough to either kill him or force him to burn flash, this is the one of the few lanes where you need jungle coordination. ”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “For some reason, you cant block his E with your windwall anymore and this makes the matchup really annoying.
If you want to rush Kraken Slayer, make sure you have some life steal as well before you go in for a long trade.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Mourning Mist(E) and majority of his damage will be gone. Avoid fighting him while he has Maiden of the Mist(R), if you can try to kill the Maiden if Yorick is not nearby. Avoid getting caught by Dark Procession(W) or feel the wrath of his full combo. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Yorick) (Outscaling Edge: Singed) (Recommended Items: Demonic Embrace, Plated Steelcaps or Boots of Swiftness)”
Amphawn says “Try not to get trapped in his W, and if you do, escape quickly with your E. Play back and be careful when you poke to not get stuck in his cage. Dodge his E and try to kill his pet if he neglects it at all. If he gets on top of you, he can do a ton of damage, but if you're able to avoid letting him get in melee range, you can win lane.”
iZeal says “Dodge his E. Your Q deals almost no damage to his Maiden and his Ghouls. Becomes almots impossible to win later on since Yorick gets insane base stats and just runs you down. Your impact in teamfights is still respectable though.”
SunFalk says “He has a cage. He his tanky. He has minions. He has a slow. He has life steal. He has an auto attack enhance. - Yorick is one of the worst matchup for Yuumi, first of all, he's a lane bully so play safe and don't get caught up. Secondly, he will split push so make sure your team is able to stop him when laning phase is finished.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Mourning Mist(E) and majority of his damage will be gone. Avoid fighting him while he has Maiden of the Mist(R), if you can try to kill the Maiden if Yorick is not nearby. Avoid getting caught by Dark Procession(W) or feel the wrath of his full combo. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Yorick) (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo) (Recommended Items: Bramble Vest, Plated Steelcaps or Boots of Swiftness)”
Raen says “Your E blocks his Q and autoattacks from his ghouls. Try to dodge his E so you won't get all his army ghouls at your face. Ignite/Executioner's can be useful vs Yorick Q/Grasp. Try to kill Maiden first when he summons it then swap target at him. Some magic resists are fine vs Yorick.”
SaltCat says “Level 1 with your passive stacked you win, level 2 if he has no ghouls you also win, if he got you in his W you can easily just Q away, you can also Q on his ghouls or R”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Mourning Mist(E) and majority of his damage will be gone. Avoid fighting him while he has Maiden of the Mist(R), if you can try to kill the Maiden if Yorick is not nearby. Avoid getting caught by Dark Procession(W) or feel the wrath of his full combo. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Yorick) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle) (Recommended Items: Bramble Vest, Plated Steelcaps or Boots of Swiftness)”
laoshin3v3 says “Conqueror or Grasp
Parry his Q since it's his highest burst. If you stand on the outside of his W cage while he summons it you can parry it to stun him.”
LoLReal says “Darius wins early, but the longer the lane goes on the harder Yorick gets. He'll probably build Tabi + Trinity and trade very well into us.
He does deceptive damage. Skill match up.”
P1Legend says “The only reason I'm putting Yorick here is because riot games still has not fixed the bug where you can't auto reset on his cage, leading to Rengar having a seizure while trying to attack it and taking free damage while you fight against basic game mechanics. if this does not happen to you, this matchup is probably closer to a 3 - 4 until late game, if you are taking smart trades and avoiding getting caged outside bushes. if he cages you while you are in a bush, simply leap to something else that is around and run away until the mark wears off. If the bug happens to you resulting in death, try not to break your monitor.”
MythicMike says “His early presence is not that strong so poke him whenever he walks up. The cage is not that dangerous since you can just dash out. Can be a bit hard to land W since you're going to be swarmed by minions, but you don't wanna all in him so it doesn't matter that much. With his maiden you can't fight him, but without it you can look for a good trade and possible all in.”
A_Drunk_Carry says “As a resident Yorick main (consult my guide) this matchup is laughable. Yorick will max wall 2nd, and make your life miserable. As you auto or even waste Q on the wall Yorick and his ghouls + Maiden will bring the pain train to you.
The best way to win this matchup is to wait for Yorick to miss his wall and Wither him. Walk up and Q the Maiden during this. She doesn't regen hp unless she's in the fountain, and Yorick isn't a champ without her. ”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Mourning Mist(E) and majority of his damage will be gone. Avoid fighting him while he has Maiden of the Mist(R), if you can try to kill the Maiden if Yorick is not nearby. Avoid getting caught by Dark Procession(W) or feel the wrath of his full combo. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Yorick) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) (Recommended Items: Sunfire Cape, Ninja's Tabi or Boots of Swiftness)”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Mourning Mist(E) and majority of his damage will be gone. Avoid fighting him while he has Maiden of the Mist(R), if you can try to kill the Maiden if Yorick is not nearby. Avoid getting caught by Dark Procession(W) or feel the wrath of his full combo. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Yorick) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Recommended Items: Blade of the Ruined King, Plated Steelcaps or Boots of Swiftness)”
RolnikK says “perma ban, when he traps you with his w you can't do anything, his R is too tanky for you, he is basically a better version of you in top”
MythicMike says “Yorick after level 6 can be a little tougher, but before that he can't do much. Dash out of his cage and throw your Q when he goes to Q a minion”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Mourning Mist(E) and majority of his damage will be gone. Avoid fighting him while he has Maiden of the Mist(R), if you can try to kill the Maiden if Yorick is not nearby. Avoid getting caught by Dark Procession(W) or feel the wrath of his full combo. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Yorick) (Outscaling Edge: Even) (Recommended Items: Bramble Vest, Plated Steelcaps or Boots of Swiftness)”
montybucket says “Yorick's got the same spikes as you so you can try and abuse him early and at 6. but once the laning phase is over he's gonna perch himself in a side lane and split push. However you easily beat him 1v1 with ulti when he's trying to split. ”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] Super annoying laner to play against. Whenever he has ghouls and/or maiden u cant really fight him. Get Rid of the maiden if he stays away from it. if u go even through laning phase you can 1 vs 1 him whenever he doesnt have maiden but you have ult as long as he doesnt have too many ghouls before the fight starts. As a little extra, you can stay on the edge of his cage when he places it and use W, allowing you to block the knockback from the cage and stun him.”
LegitLechner says “His ghouls block your e. Very hard lane to come back when down. Survive and play the better split pusher game. Depends on the skill of the player. Not illaoi friendly but Good illaois dont care. ”
OTP Toxin says “Always keep moving! You ARE able to dodge his Es and his W; IF you got stuck in his W, insta blind him! he will miss his Q on you, then plant mushrooms in your feet, it will damage his ghouls and his ult! Try to hit his prison in this meanwhile and run away or kite him to death. :)”
SilverAvalanche says “You need to dodge his E and have your E ready when he tries to cage you.
Try and zone him off minions pre 6, and if he stand in the minion wave just just Q the whole thing and damage him as much as possible to make him waste his Pots early, so he will run out of mana.
Else I highly recommend buying anti heal if you killed him early or else just fight when his Ignite is up.
It is fair if you trade Q for Q but try and see if you can't catch him off guard when he goes to Q a minion, although it will be easy for him to hit his E when you are walking up or have Q'ed him, so make sure there are not no more than 1 grave around, so you won't take too much damage you do get hi.”
King Turtle says “With his Q dealing good damage and having nothing you can parry for a stun, he can duel you without outright losing, and once he hits 6 he can just drag his maiden around and watch as you try to kill it, which just doesn't work a majority of the time.”
pokeyminch5236 says “Yorick's main threats are his cage and his split-pushing potential. You don't have an escape from the cage aside from flash or destroying it but it takes precious seconds and health. Try to dodge his E and punish him for it. If he traps you in the cage, stun him and use the attack speed to break it down quickly”
MCSwavest says “Yorick is scary, even if you are ahead. One good cage from him can make you lose any trade, and he will one shot you even after titanic hydra. Play safe, focus on procing passive from far away and farming grasp, and look to help around the map.”
Drake6401 says “You win pre 6 and any time his ult is down. Your mobility helps you escape his traps and dodge his E. Zone him off the wave the best you can. It's the most effective way to shut him down because only his ultimate will return his edge so get a lead before then if possible. Yorick's level 6 is fairly strong but has a very long cooldown. Try to kill his Maiden when you can.
Yorick is a VERY annoying lane to deal with. As an immobile champion, if Yorick has ghouls and he catches you in his cage, you need to flash in order to avoid dying or aa w the cage quickly. His cage is buggy as hell which stops you from outplaying him sometimes. Auto+W killing the cage actually does not refund your W cooldown sometimes. And it means you have to waste a big portion of your combo as well. His Cage is the buggiest thing in existence and the lane would be much easier if Riot fixed it. But its Riot games so we cannot expect too much. Yorick WITHOUT his ghouls is free food. You have to make sure he does not touch the wave. STOP HIM from generating graves. If he has ghouls then you are in trouble, as you have to give him lane priority which also means he can generate EVEN MORE graves. Yorick beats you by unleashing his army on you and then kiting away from you using the cage. This is why you have to have your ghost when fighting him as you need to both stick to him, Kite away from his empowered auto AND kite from his ghouls. Try to freeze Yorick off of the wave as this allows you to run him down and it stops him from generating ghouls. Madien makes his matchup a nightmare. Try to get hit by his skill shot under turret so that the Maiden aggros onto you and dies under turret. The 50% of your HP you lost from doing this is worth not having Maiden in the fight. Conqueror works well in this lane. Overall, if you force him into an all in if he doesn’t land his Cage, he is dead. And even if he does land the cage, a trick you can do is wait for him to throw out his skillshot that aggroes the ghouls and Maiden to you, and then flash towards him to try to kill him. Yorick is a losing matchup and you HAVE to mechanically outplay him in order to beat him down.”
RivalOCE says “Look to trade level 1, you beat him hard. Healing cut is good here after maybe second base. If you dodge his 'E' (the weird thing he throws at you that makes his creeps jump on you) you can trade freely. This matchup is similar to Illaoi in that you can fight if you dodge his E, if not wait it out. Try not to fight when his maiden is up, look to kill it before all-inning him. You should just 1 shot him when he's 50% HP, but he scales pretty well. You can 3Q out of his box ability.”
The Rock Titan says “"[Comet, Corrupting Potion, Q > W] - After lvl3 and onward, this lane just becomes harder and harder... Just farm and dodge his E skillshot so you don't get jumped by his ghosts.
- You can try to trade if he missed his E, while not having a lot of graves up...
- His ghouls tend to target players, so when he's under your turret, start trading and turret should start hitting him"”
Amvill says “His W is similar to Veigar's cage however you need to auto it in order to escape, making it a BIG oops to be caught by. He can also duel you if he has items under his belt to the point where he beats you every time. Proxying can work against him, but it is risky since he can still pressure you with his ult.”
The Real Fake says “You outdamage hard once your Q and Conqueror are stacked. He doesn't have enough burst to kill you, so you can keep healing through his damage. Your Q just shreds his ghouls so you can focus him while wiping out his ghouls at the same time. If he tries to wall you, you can just ult. Even without ult, you can use your enhanced E auto on the wall/minion/yorick/ghoul to dash through it (this occurs due to the knockback from E and how you follow your target in the knockback animation). He can't ever kill you but you can kill him. You can always pick favorable fights and disengage unfavorable fights. He split pushes better than you, but you are much more useful in teamfights and more mobile than him. You can beat him in 1v1's throughout the whole game, but the fights get closer mid to late game. Reccomended for you to either stack your Q up before you fight or have ignite available, then it should be heavily in your favor.”
sock217 says “Possible to W out of his cage but his lil goblins are gonna be a bother. He bonks you pretty hard and builds Sunderer. Is stronger than you think. Abusable early though.”
Rhoku says “Yorick's kit is very weird to fight as he isn't really coded like the rest of the game. His Madien doesn't work like other spawns and his wall is a buggy piece of shit that breaks the game which is what most Yorick players rely on. If he traps you in his cage and lands his skillshot onto you AND has ghouls up, you can kiss 60% of your HP goodbye. Just get the hell out of there. Don't stand and fight. You WILL die. Fortunately, level 6 is much easier for you. You want to bait him into using his cage and his ultimate first. Once he does that, you will ult him and remove BOTH out of the equation. He will have no annoying ghouls, no maiden to save him and no way to delay his death. With proper usage of your ultimate, this lane is a piece of cake. Even if you somehow lose, you also outscale him so don't panic.”
YasTilt says “Really Tanky and a good Split-Pusher.
Dodge his E so you don't get jumped on by his Ghouls. You can Stack your Q and dash on his Ghouls so abuse of that. don't let him Trap you and take Anti-Heal because his Build will surely Heal him.”
FeedLaneGetCaryd says “(Bone Plating+Armor+DBlade) Your W kills his ghouls super quickly, whenever he W succesfully you want to auto attack it and try to kill it ASAP (if you have Stridebreaker you can escape his W simply by using it), also try to kill his maiden if he is careless with how he positions it. Yorick is weak early game so do not let him farm early. Both champs scale very well and you'll probably have to answer his splitpush a lot.”
PK Noob says “You can kill Yorick at any stage of the game. If he traps you, just E out of it. If he tries to throw his ghouls at you press W. You have the tools to chase him down and kill him.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. Try your best to dodge his E, otherwise you'll just take too much damage and even your Doran's Shield will become useless. Prioritize the maiden over Yorick. Once the maiden is dead Yorick is much weaker and easier to kill. Don't ever fight him when he has his maiden. It does too much magic damage and even stacks Conqueror. ”
Avelon6698 says “kill him pre-6, if needed with your jungler's help. Otherwise, his midgame is scary. Lategame he sort of falls off but still need you and maybe 2 others just to kill him.”
Psychopathic Top says “Yorick is hard because he can max W second and wall you off completely. In a way, he is similar to Nasus, but a lot less bursty but more consistent as a champion. Early game, focus on staying alive and dodging his Es (HIS E GOT BUFFED RECENTLY IF YOU DONT DODGE THIS YOU WILL DIE), as those trigger his little ghouls to attack you, which can chunk you out a lot (they also tend to have a very hard to hit hitbox, which not sure if intended or not but gives Nasus a tumor). Post sheen and level 6, look to take out his maiden before going all in. This is hard to do, because if you attack Yorick’s maiden, he will focus you. Usually, R to clear his maiden, and continue farming. Yorick’s maiden is a longer cd then Nasus’s R, so trading Rs with Yorick isn’t too bad. Just make sure to kill his maiden before focusing him, or you will never win vs him. Yorick would likely split push all game with demolish and tp, so make sure you are forcing fights around the map so he doesn’t get what he wants in the mid game. It is hard to split against him, as his W takes 4 autos to kill at rank 5 (starting at rank 4), and Nasus cannot get out of his W like mobile champs can.”
Gospodin Bure says “Disgustingly strong on solo lane with his ult, dont even try to fight him when he has tha grandma up, without ult im pretty sure you can just stat check him”
DippyDan says “Overall strong bruiser, very annoying to deal with if there is many ghouls, or has maiden. TIPS: [1] Take short trades while preparing to Parry his Q. [2] Don't fight with too many ghouls spawn, just let minions crash at turret. [3] Take any chance to kill maiden without dying so it can go on CD. ”
Hecki says “Playing against Yorick can be easy or hard. All-in him if he misses his E since it's the only way for him to deal proper damage with his ghouls. If he hits it you should run AND ONLY USE YOUR E AFTER HE PUTS DOWN HIS W or else you might get stuck and easy to kill for Yorick. Try to harass him with your Q until you can all-in him. If his maiden is up you should be extra careful about getting hit by his E.”
IvernLover74856 says “He might think he wins early, but he doesn't if you have ignite and he doesn't.
You can hop out of his flesh circle and single-target kill his creeps with bonus AS%.
Try not to get trapped and sucked by maiden, try not to let him splitpush.
4 stacks is useful. Kill maiden ASAP.
recommend sunderer -> runaan's -> cleaver”
DemonicTrail says “If i didnt hate darius too much and if he had a higher play rate i would ban this champ, his ghouls stop your E, you have slow attack speed to kill them all, and your abilities dont 1 shot them ever, try kill the maiden if you ever try to fight him”
Truculent65 says “Illaoi's low mobility makes Mourning Mist hard to dodge and they will prevent you from getting your CS or touching him. Even if you land E, he can wall you and let his Maiden drain you of HP while he shoves lane.”
Unmasked Kayle says “[Standard runes; Overgrowth] Rush boots. Standard bruiser fight in which you need to avoid his CC abilities (E and W). When you fear an engage, save your E for auto reset if you get hit by his cage. At 6 he loses the ability to freeze so it becomes a free lane.”
pumparumm says “All though you can get through Yorick's wall with ease, his maiden makes him unfightable in a 1v1. Try to bully him as much as you can before he hits level 6.”
Alan234 says “Go the standard PTA build.
Yorick doesnt really die. You can poke him early but after 6 his dps is strong. You HAVE to dodge his e if you want to survive. You HAVE to predict his w or you will blow flash/die to ganks. Q him when he goes for q's so that he cant get ghouls up as quick. When he gets his ult try to attack it if its pushing the wave. Otherwhise you just wait for your jungle in laning phase. Try to teamfight before he becomes a splitpush monster”
TXK_ says “His ghouls die to a single auto so look to build attack speed to counter this. Your R counters his R completely so a post 6 1v1 should be won. ”
Mr. Popper says “Yorick does high single target damage with his Q and R. but him getting to you is hard for him. Save your Jump to get out of his cage or if he is far enough back you can jump away after he sends his ghouls on you. I recommend taking Fleet Footwork into him.”
RhinoStar says “Yorick is a hard matchup unless yorick is very bad. He can use his W in order to trigger your passive and then it can be followed by an easy gank. So try to not fight him a lot but keep farming until eventually you will become stronger !”
King Turtle says “Once you go in there's a good chance yorick will put you in his cage and since you don't have E+Q he can abuse you super hard. Your lack of attack speed early also makes it hard to kill the ghouls since they only die to autos. He's really difficult to trade with and is best to be avoided. ”
Catlover765 says “Since you have no AOE ability, getting hit by his E means that you will lose a good chunk of your HP before you manage to kill those mistwalkers. You should get Tiamat fast.”
MrShykun says “MATCHUP TRES DIFFICILE. NE PUSHER PAS LA LANE SANS REFLECHIR ESSAYER DE LE FREEZE SI POSSIBLE NE MOURREZ PAS LEVEL 3 AVEC SES 4 GOULES ESSAYER D'ESQUIVER LA CAGE A TOUT PRIX ESSAYER DE LE FIGHT QUAND IL N'A PAS DE GOULE. ESSAYER DE BAIT SON ULTIME A PROXIMIT2 DE VOTRE TOUR POUR POUVOIR LA TUER OU BIEN VOUS NE POURREZ PAS GAGNER UN FIGHT CONTRE YORICK SI ELLE EST AVEC LUI A MOINS QUE VOUS NE L'AYEZ OUTPLAY MASSIVEMENT. YORICK FAIT DES DEGATS AD ET AP DONC C'EST ASSEZ DIFFICILE D'ITEMISER CONTRE LUI. LE RUSH TABIS EST BIEN. Yorick est une voie TRÈS embêtante à gérer. En tant que champion immobile, si Yorick a des goules et qu'il vous attrape dans sa cage, vous devez Flash out pour éviter de mourir ou vous pouvez AA+W la cage (EN EARLY seulement) pour en sortir rapidement surtout que AA+W la cage ne vous rend pas le cd de votre W. Yorick sans ses goules est assez facile a tuer essayer de l'empêcher de toucher a la wave car si il a la prio de lane il pourra tout le temp générer des goules et ne sera pas tradable. Il vous battra en envoyant son armée sur vous et en vous enfermer vous aurez besoin du ghost pour le trade efficacement et jouer en vous rapprochant de lui mais également en faisant du kiting si vous pouvez le freeze cela lui empêchera de générer des goules. De toute façon si vous esquiver la cage vous pourrez tenter un all in si toute ses conditions sont remplis et si il vous lance la cage attendez qu'il lance son E pour flasher en esquivant et tenter de le tuer, Yorick est un matchup perdant pour Darius et vous aurez besoin de l'outplay pour pouvoir espérer le battre.”
SemPelo says “In overall a hard lane if you get hit by his E.
Avoid dueling with him while he has R or when he has 4 minions from his passive. Watch out for the graves so you know when to fight him.”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “New Items made Yorick a Split Pushing Machine. Avoid his W with your E and then try to dodge his E. Then he won't be able to do anything else against you.
"I will not send you to death, Yorick! I bring oblivion!"”
Bombabo says “Yorick is a nusciance to urgot, primarily because Urgot's W targeting almost never prioritizes Yorick's ghouls or his wall. If you can force him to fight without giving him time to set up, you should be ok. Try your best to avoid engaging on him when he has his ult.”
XtheZ115 says “Skillmatch. You can kill his ghouls just as fast as he can make them, but the Maiden will chunk you if he lands the wall around you. Play safe, and hope you are a better Singed than he is a Yorick.
Take the "normal runes" and Flash Ghost to make your life easier”
SettVEVO says “Pre 6 you have a huge advantage. His box takes 2 AAs which mean you can pop it quickly with your passive. You can use his ghouls for E stunning. But once he gets maiden just don't fight him first until she's dead. Once she is you win. If he is close enough you can ult him to get out of his box as well. After laning phase he will splitpush cause he sucks in teamfights. So just force objectives fast with team and win the 4v5s.”
RTO says “He is going to want to Q stack off your minions. When he does it, trade with him and you will win every time. You can use your ghouls against him by using your Q on them in fights. ”
Fryx says “This matchup is a bit annoying. You can't really stop him when his ult is up. Dodge his e and go for trades afterwards. Any e from him on you will do good damage so be careful. Trade with Comet and keep him off the wave. If he wants to hit your tower straightup ult him and bonk him hard he can't attack you or he gets Tower Aggro.”
wff010 says “ Early game, you easily win. Post six, he'll beat you until you get gore . He's going to permapush with his ult and minions. Don't get low enough to be dived. Just farm till you have first item (preferably before he does). When you do, all in him when you have ult. Save ult for his wall so you can ult him out of it and stick onto him till he dies. Remember to save gore and w for when you're low. Gore heals more when you're lower.”
RTO says “Not too bad before 6, but then scales super hard with his maiden. Don't try to trade post 6. Shut him down with your team or watch him steamroll your turrets.”
LoLReal says “Yorick is deceptively strong against Morde. This is ultimately a skill match up, we have to avoid his E or he can harass us out of lane. If we avoid E/ghoul toss we can out trade him. We win post 6.”
qosmox says “Get the slowpush early and place the blade up. The biggest risk in this matchup is to get 100 to 0’d (or close to it) if you ever taunt in for a trade and then get boxed in when you try to back out. So never use the taunt aggressively unless he’s already in kill range OR you’re getting a gank. If he ever uses his E to poke you and misses, that’s when you can walk up to him and trade with short grasp Q’s (and keeping taunt for disengage if needed). He’s an easy gank if your jungler comes.”
SanLourdes says “Yorick's cage is his main threat. Once he has it on cooldown you should be relatively safe. Use your Q to clear out his ghouls. Use E on his maiden to push it away. If you get caught in his E try to use your Q to stop him from dealing too much damage.”
CucumberSandwich says “You can't really do much in this matchup, as sticking on Yorick will allow him to cage you and use his minions on you. He also builds Sunderer, which destroys Amumu. Just try to roam and teamfight as much as possible, as you won't be able to do anything to him in lane.”
calbino says “Yorick is only a threat due to the fact that his minions take reduced damage from your Q. If they didn't, this matchup would be "Cheese". Saving your E is essential in this matchup, and your W will be blocked by his minions more times than you would like. It's also very difficult to kill Maiden without him literally being afk to let it happen.”
RareParrot says “He wont kill you but he will be annoying, get boots and dodge his E so ghouls dont jump you dont let him wall you in because if hes 6 you die almost every time.”
Jaori says “He won't do much against your sustain. After you make him go 0/5, he will probably keep bot-pushing in the top lane, since he is just a worse version of Trundle. Join your team and end the match fast, even though you outscale him.”
ForgottenProject says “A Well Rounded Champion. There's nothing that makes him OP but he's just overall a strong Pick.
[1]Dont fight him when he has Ghouls.
[2]Parry his Q.
[3]Dont waste your Q on random things early or he'll lock you down with his wall and you're dead since you cant hit any vitals when you're in it and your Q is on CD.
[4]Dont fight him when he has Conq and His Maiden Up it's pretty much Feeding unless you're ahead.”
SavagePridestalker says “Pretty hard to play if you decide to go tank, him and his ghouls will be killing you quite a lot, since you'll be missing damage to kill them. ”
Marwaii says “E out his cage. Try to dodge his E and poke him with Q. You should win at level 6 but it's honestly a skill matchup.
Take Divine + Plated.”
oogoogerson says “Yorick has more kill pressure on you and is too tanky to kill so you need to just take Teleport into the matchup. His ultimate is extremely annoying and don't let him all-in you with his cage. His ultimate needs to be down before you think about trying to kill him.”
MachDawn says “Not that much of a worry be smart take ignite tp imo. He doesnt have much way to stop you becuase you can Q stack off his minions and get fast shredding pre 6.”
SethPRG says “Yorick is very easy to fight early, but once he gets Level 6 and especially so Divine Sunderer, it becomes very difficult. Bully him early game and push into his tower to make him lose some CS. Dodge his mist and his early damage goes away. Past Level 6 his Maiden does a lot of damage in an all in, look to kill it when Yorick's W is down. When you find yourself fighting him past Level 6, you have 2 advantages. If he traps you in his W, you can ult him to get out of the cage if he's close enough, that, and you can stun him into his own maiden. Use these 2 advantages as best as you can. It's best to go an early Bramble, and then rush Trinity Force as soon as possible, hoping to kill him through sheer damage and being slightly ahead because of your dominant early game. ”
El Leon Gnar says “Yorick is fairly strong at 6 but you should be able to just abuse him early with Q's and shred his maiden when he's not on top of you. Save E for when you're caged and he's closing in on you.”
joelspaho121 says “Yorick favored. D Blade start with sorc tree. Yorick is often picked only to counterpick darius. The only advantage you have over him is pre 6 when he doesnt have his maiden so always look to fight him if he doesnt have 4 graves/ghouls as you hard outdamage him earlier on. If lane goes even for too long he will just outscale you and permakill you. Try to make his lane a nightmare before he tries to do anything with R. If he doesnt know how to use W this is a free lane.”
DaSticks says “Honestly an annoying champion. Kill his ghouls when it's easy to do so. The most important thing is to dodge his E, if he lands it his ghouls will deal alot of damage and the slow will allow him to cage you. You can blind his Q.”
Kaizin says “Not enough experience against Yorick to give a detailed breakdown of the matchup. All I can say is bramble vest is good against him as it reduces his Q healing and conqueror healing. It also deals damage to his ghouls and your passive lightning deals full damage to the ghouls as well. Avoid all ins if he has the maiden (His R) as his damage is very high. Try to dodge his E if you can, it does % magic damage and his ghouls leap to you.”
SirGRC says “Worth a Ban: Yes
Dodge E or dodge game. Although he hits like a truck, if you run away with your W up his summons should do no damage. Do not be afraid to build an hourglass. Also, remember it is better to be down 20-30 CS than to be up 2-3 deaths.”
ApollonATH says “Skill matchup . R to get out of his cage then kill him . Dont fight him if he has his maiden and 4 ghouls. Dont leave lane for no reason since he can get all your towers in minutes”
deathwalker7119 says “DODGE HIS E OR DODGE THE GAME. If his E hits you, you are 100% dead. You need to avoid getting caught in his wall without having Q or else you will just get hit by a free E and run down. Don't fall behind as he will simply snowball like crazy and make the game unplayable. You need to look for an all in whenever his maiden has just died or isn't available.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Yorick can't really fight you without his minions and your ult takes those away, he needs to save his ult which is contrary to what you'd need to do with Yorick”
Womsky says “Scaling/mixed setup, Easy matchup, dodge E and spin with fury, u beat him up all game long, just care about his ulti, it can do good damage if you dont pay attention for it, if you get trapped in his wall, remember that critting his wall will reduce your spin cd by 1 sec, so u spin again on him”
RealIreliaCarriesU says “Start Q and stack your passive, generally a pretty easy lane but can be hard if you don't get an advantage before he hits level 6. I recommend getting executioners early as it will help you a lot when all inning him post 6. Should be a breeze since he is so easy to kill as Irelia before 6 but make sure to ALWAYS avoid getting hit by his E, its pretty slow and its necessary to dodge it after 6 if you want to win.”
tibs2 says “Bramble rush. Really annoying match up but not the worst. If he ever cages you can just e to a minion or yorick himself and get out. If he e you and his ghouls jump at you, you can just w them and they get bonked. You just kinda go even and outscale in most cases.”
SadmanV3 says “What ever you do, avoid getting trapped by Yorick's wall. The wall spells horrible trades for Nasus and potentially death.
*Tips for laning Yorick
1. Q his minions
2. avoid his walls”
svjade says “Massive threat to Akali, he scales so much and due to his ability to havehis "little pet", it is almost impossible for Akali to win in such match up.”
JeanMichelBambi says “Yorick is an absolute monster right now, his minions deal absurd amounts of damage and make hooking him near impossible, what you should focus on is farming and pulling his maiden under tower whenever you can.”
Noodles912 says “Farm it out. Dont 1v1 him. Killing his R will give gold, so if its tanking tower shots and its low, make sure to go for it . Just freeze and farm peacefully.”
Cayteer says “Do not fight him unless you have a jungler around. His maiden and ghouls makes him so powerful. Try to pull combo him when he doesn't have W.”
teemodumbstupid says “As of 11.8, It is much easier to play against Yorick. You can stack off of his ghouls. This matchup is pretty easy now because you can outheal is ghoul damage with Q + Fleet. Conqueror also works, but I do not recommend Phase Rush against him.”
Urgodzilla says “Your W kills his ghouls really fast but if he traps you inside of his W you might be in trouble, because his W is the last priority target for your W and you can't E away from his W once you are inside of it.”
Oskarl3 says “you have no way of escaping his cage, and when you stand still in your q he will use his e and throw his minions at you. go goredrinker and try to farm and survive the lane, with sanguine blade you can match his splitpush.”
ZeruelOP says “Annoying really cant do anything since your e isnt enough to kill his ghouls just tower hug and try to look for a kill if he makes a mistake I recommend just wait till you get Stride Breaker and help in the Teamfights instead of going for that kill Early”
jmp_01_ says “Really good split-pushing champion. Make sure to avoid getting hit by his Q - Last Rites with Sheen. Has healing, and good damage output to make you low in no time with his cage and his passive - Shepherd of Souls. Careful with his Ult - Eulogy of the Isles. It is truly strong and don't underestimate it.”
negoZoma69 says “It all depends if you can harass him enough in the early levels and dodge his abilities, otherwise he can trap and oneshot u with his ghouls. If you get hit by E and trapped you may have to use ult. Lv6 he becomes annoying because the maiden deal high dmg and he won't let you kill it.”
Draconic56 says “Yorick's kit is very weird to fight as he isn't really coded like the rest of the game. His Maiden doesn't work like other spawns and his wall is buggy and breaks the game which is what most Yorick players rely on. If he traps you in his cage and lands his skill shots onto you and has ghouls up, you can say goodbye to 60% of your HP. Just get the hell out of there. Don't stand and fight. You WILL die. Fortunately, level 6 is much easier for you. You want to bait him into using his cage and his ultimate first. Once he does that, you will ult him and remove BOTH out of the equation. He will have no annoying ghouls, no maiden to save him, and no way to delay his death. With proper usage of your ultimate, this lane is a piece of cake. Even if you somehow lose, you also outscale him so don't panic.”
Kokob5 says “SO long as you avoid E you can win fights pre Six. At six you'll need to ult him after he drops maiden. A good Yorick can kite Mordekaiser in ult using his wall so be careful not to find yourself out of place if he survives inside ult.”
Zaloufi says “Yorick is a very annoying lane to deal with. Since Darius lacks mobility, if Yorick has ghouls and manages to catch you in his cage, you're in trouble. What you need to do in this situation is flash (or AA+W the cage quickly) to avoid dying. But sometimes, since his cage is buggy as hell, AA+W killing the cage will actually doesn't reset your W cooldown so you can't trade him properly.
Yorick is a free kill without his ghouls. You must stop him from approaching the wave, which actually prevents him from generating graves. But once he has ghouls you have to give him lane priority in order to survive, which also means he can generate even more graves.
Yorick beats you with his ghouls and his cage which allows him to kite you, which is why you must have your ghost against him so as not to let him retreat without damaging him.
The Maiden is really really strong in 1v1 or even 1v2 situation so try to get hit by his skill shot under your turret so that The Maiden aggros onto you and actually dies under turret or try to kill her when Yorick's going for a recall.
Yorick is a losing matchup and you have to mechanically outplay him in order to beat him. For example you can wait for his spells and then flash in to get closer while he is helpless.
not normal says “There is little that can be done against a Yorick, except wait for mid game, have the whole team (yes, the whole team) come and smack him to pieces, preferably more than once and preferably before he hits lvl 16. He split pushes super hard and is very hard to kill, even without his R (the ghost thing that is super tanky and hurts like a motherfucker) he can be deceptively tanky because of the heals he gets on his Q. He is a weird champion, because if he builds trinity force, most of his damage comes not from his items, but simply because he levels up and that is enough for him to smack caster minions to pieces with one hit. Try to bully him in the early game to get a gold lead, but he pretty much outscales every other top-laner just by being in top-lane all the time.”
SleeplessX says “Sidestep his E, if you succeed you can fight him pre-6, otherwise forget it. Post-6 he's just kinda stronger than you as long as his maiden is up, play for the team while he split pushes but don't let him get inhib”
Lost Robot says “I haven't gone against Yorick very many times, but from what I can tell (and as an occasional Yorick player myself), he can stomp you pretty hard.
Note that his ult makes Yorick's next basic attack every 2 seconds do extra %max health damage to you. However, you can negate his ult by Devouring it and spitting it into your own tower.
That being said, he's quite the threat to you even without his ult.”
Dorom says “After the buffs this champion is very strong. Do not get caught by his wall at ALL COSTS! Always sit under a barrel and don't let yourself get hit by E. Play the lane safe and wait for your jungler.”
OctavePlayer says “He isn't much of a problem until he is level 3 with max amount of walkers. He will catch you with his w, but you can easily get out with your e. Punish him for that.”
pioj12 says “He is a lot stronger than normal, watch out for his mini monsters and try to kill his R before you all in him.
If he cages you insta E out of there.
Ward The Sky says “He farms very well, his lane sustain and push is one of the best in the game currently, much like Urgot. He's manageable, but super annoying to say the least.
Respect his damage buffs and give him some room while farming, he can burst you down with his Q outta nowhere.”
raede says “I'm still hoping the Yorick buffs were an April Fools joke from Riot but until they stay "Haha we got you!!" we are living with a monster. R out of his cage and try to stick to him. When it comes to a 1 v 1 don't worry about his minions as they die as soon as he does.”
Zac Petista says “Sofre muita pressão na lane e não pode abandonar a torre. Não há como usar o W do yorick para reativar seu Q, o que torna a gaiola dele difícil de escapar. Além disso, é muito difícil matar a donzela, o que torna o Yorick inatingível 90% do tempo. Ao sair da lane para lutar em equipe, o que é o foco do zac, o yorick leva todas as torres do top facilmente.”
Alekra says “It is best to not trade against him. A trades outcome is very dependent on you dodging his E as he looses alot of dmg. You can break his cage faster with your Q AA reset but you will loose most long trades. He will not be able to kill you if you don't overextend.”
Erenando says “His Q deals more damage than yours pre midgame. Make sure to dodge his E's and don't get caged too much. He can destroy you just by pushing and junglers can react to his push with a possible dive. You need to rely on your jungler and bless for Rito games to make a 1v2 while they towerdive.”
GrGamingTeo says “Yorick is not hard to beat early. Once Yorick gets lv6 you need to be more carefull because if he traps you in his wall you are basically dead. So buy a Doran's Blade and bully him non-stop before he hits lv6. Don't even let him think of taking cs because if you let hi farm he will get 3 graves, he will bring 3 ghouls and he is going to shoot them on you and he is going to keep poking you out. Lv2 you grab E, lv3 you grab Q and zone him so he doeasn;t even get exp and once he tries to farm you show him who's boss.”
Drumastermunch says “Get lane prio, lvl 2 you can all in, at 1 item you destroy him (care for his maiden, always try to kill it when it's up), your AS make you shred his walls too !”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine]
[Ignite/Flash + TP]
You can start Q if he walks up to the wave, otherwise you can take E and hookshot onto him for damage. Level 3 be careful if he has stacked a bunch of ghouls. If he hits his E and his W with a bunch of ghouls you're going to take a bunch of damage. If you use your E he will try to retaliate with his abilities -- try to dodge them if you can. Once he's 6 you can't really E into him because his R does a lot of damage. Try to kill his R when he's walking away from your tower.”
SpyDaFX says “you can dodge his wall or get out of it with ur E, you should be able to kill him before level 6, you can drop the aggro of his "creeps" by walking to bush, look for an all in before level 6. go Conqueror”
mobsterplatypus says “Every single one of yorick's summons cannot follow him to the realm of death, so carry ignite to killl him there quick. chances are he's running divine surrender, so MAYBE build thornmail.”
Doc Morning Wood says “It can be a fair fight.
But if you play against a Yorick who doesn't miss his E (while he has ghouls), your early game is done.
Plus, his attacks combined with his Maiden's attacks can melt you HP.”
MarkFromSingedMains says “Singed's Q does hardly any damage to Yorick's ghouls, and they hit hard. If you get caught in Yorick's wall you're going to be taking tons of damage. Additionally you can't proxy against Yorick because as soon as he hits level 6 he will cast his ult for the permanent push.”
Devilofthewest says “You win the early game pre lvl 6 very easily. Most yorick players goals are to be splitpushers. Use caution once they have sheen. Lastly get some form of grievous wounds and ask jungler to gank him, he has no escapes and is relatively easy to gank.”
kingchas2 says “You have to dodge his E. As long as you do, you can auto all of his minions with range once you are 6 and it will be super easily to kill him. If you get hit by E you probably will die or burn your flash. It is honestly better to flash his E than get hit by it and have to flash his box. Dodge E -> you win.”
ModelitoTime says “This matchup depends 100% on skill, one of my personal favorite matchups. Take dorans blade or shield either is fine. if he hits you with his E and you see his ghouls lunge toward you just activate your W and is burns them instantly almost. Both of you scale really well so this matchup is 100% even. make sure to land abilities on Yorick and not his Maiden because your W will focus his Maiden rather than Yorick. If you get stuck in his cage just deactivate your W and hit the cage with regular auto attacks. Take notice that late game Yorick can split push really hard, so make sure to save tp for late game to contest split push. But you have better teamfight potential than him so look for teamfight plays and if he is split pushing just tp to lane after teamfight.”
Dannala says “LANE: Poking is not entirely risk free, you can avoid both the W(wall) and E(ghoul throw) but if you get hit by either you are in for a lot of pain if you don't have Rappel up. He's got strong sustain as well and very high pushing power. Timing your poking is essential and if you go even or worse you won't be able to do much when he's around. LATE: He pushes harder and can 1v1 you so splitting against him is not a very valid option. Trying to make a 4v5 while he pushes is an option but it might leave you an inhibitor down if it goes wrong even if he teleports in thanks to his ultimate.”
ineptpineapple says “He is a pain true, but he is fairly simple to deal with. His little minions can proc your q and its not hard to delete him lvl 6 when he gets cocky.”
Hyzerik says “Not a problem, use your Q AA reset on his gouls so he doesn't get poke from them and you just kill his Maiden ult really fast. You can go in once he uses his ghouls on you or if you dodge then then you are good. Make sure to not get trapped by his wall, otherwise just AA twice and your fine.”
OmegaDelta000 says “Yorick himself is manageable, but you can't really do much about his split-pushing. If he brings out the mist maiden, then ult him to force a 1v1. You can also use your ult to avoid having to deal with his W.”
Nonoo says “why? well, yorick is capable of hitting you with his monsters, he can catch you and not be able to move (which I consider the worst thing that can happen to you with teemo), he has an ultimate which if you don't kill will do you more damage, and you don't have an ability of area that can kill those monsters, you will have to use your r to do it and they will still be alive, I recommend you play passive and do not let it CATCH YOU”
Raideru says “Yorick is a pretty easy matchup in early game since you counter his q, minion attacks with ur e and u can jump out of his cage however later in the game he will become more annoying cause all he does is perma split push so be sure to put him as behind as possible in early game.
I advise Lethal Tempo + Dblade.”
LeSocair says “Dodge his slow and avoid getting caught. It's all up to you not making any mistakes, if you don't, it'll be natural.
The best way to dodge his prison is to feint your escape route, or simply just walk back into him, he'll always put it just in front of you.”
AmericanNut says “A pretty strong pick only because of his Maiden, early he's got dust to throw at you, but try to kite it, and beat him down early. Once his Maiden is up and it scales, you won't eat him alone. ”
EU_Toxicity says “You're stronger than Yorick pre-6 by quite a bit so abuse that by keeping the wave on your side of the lane and zone him from minions, threaten to kill if he walks up. If you already have a few stacks on him and he traps you in his W - flash out of it, W him and chase him down with ghost (it's faster than using auto>W). if Yorick is far away enough from his tower ghost should be enough to catch up to him even if he has flash up. After level 6 he's stronger than you, especially if you didn't put him behind. Yorick's Maiden and Ghouls are his main source of damage so take care of them first before engaging on Yorick.”
KillMeMyFriend says “You can kill his gouls and then proceed to assert dominance uppon him as he can't attack you any more.
Don't be afraid to use aa E to clear his cage fast.”
iZeal says “Probably one of the hardest melee matchups Darius can face.
Save your W when he cages you to kill it and get a reduced cooldown as well as kill the ghouls with aa w resets.
Getting hit by E while Ghouls are alive means losing a lot of health and potentially having to flash as the W becomes all but guaranteed. Darius has trouble killing ghouls and the Maiden, however you will outscale Yorick much later into the game as he will lack penetration to keep his damage relevant.
DBlade, Tabis!, Phage”
DarkNavarre says “Yorick's ghouls are a real problem if you aren't able to get enough aoe damage going quickly enough. You can, however use your ult do dodge their initial lunge at you.”
UnMaskedDeity says “Ive played against 1 Yorick top so my advice here is limited. Just grab the early bramble vest and poke the crap outta him, after you get your R go crazy.”
MrMuckDuck says “Yorick is simple to face as long as you do NOT push a lot in early. Eventually, if you're standing back enough, Yorick will want to start pushing you since he will get tired of standing around.
He's going to trap you inside his wall etc, but with your E - you're good to go!”
byThiagus says “Este match lo juego con la seguna pagina de runas e ignite, pre 6 lo destrius, apartir de nivel 6 puede ganarte, pero es muy facil sacarle ventaja en early, siempre extende las peleas”
TristanofJugdral says “You can't really all in Yorick because he's very tanky and will probably wait for you to use E so he can trap you in his ring and throw his annoying zombies at you. First can determine the lane. ”
AWierdShoe says “The biggest risk in this match-up is to get 100 to 0’d (or close to it) if you ever taunt in for a trade and then get boxed in when you try to back out. So never use the taunt aggressively unless he’s already in kill range OR you’re getting a gank. If he ever uses his E to poke you and misses, that’s when you can walk up to him and trade with short grasp Q’s (and keeping taunt for disengage if needed). He’s an easy gank if your jungler comes.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Start Q -> Space properly / Kite when he is walking up to you for the Q -> Dodge his E and you are good to go afterwards -> His ghouls can be killed with AA or Q directly at them without minions being in front of them. You can dash on them -> You will need to poke him a bit first and then can look to go for an all-in, especially in the early game before you get any items -> Once you get boots and proceed to go for Noonquiever you can run him down once E is down -> Level 6 get rid of his maiden first before you go for any trades -> Preferably let him use Q or bait it out before going for trades. This is simply so you get an advantage before the trade has began”
StrikeX114 says “Although you might be able to kite away from his minions and skill shots, he will be able to crash waves fairly early on. Consider building a Stinger early to help counter his horde.”
Saarlichenbog says “Yorick and Nasus are essentially the same. In a Yorick vs Kalista lane, the setup for ganks from Yorick's E which has a pretty slow cast time and the lockdown of his W which you can jump... over is the only way he win with no agency of his own outside his ult maiden which has an absurd CD for the stats it provides.”
Captain Dantems says “Cuidado com o E dele, pois se ele te acertar e te prender você ta morto, de resto é fácil. Grasp com Chamuscar ou com inspiração. Poção corrupta.”
FoxyGrill says “Once he hits the prison you are pretty much dead, on top of that you are immobile champion, i would rather dodge the game if its ranked.”
ItsPaulygon says “You win all stages of the game against Yorick. Just be careful of his split push capability. He split pushes better than you. So even if you win lane, he can take objectives faster. So try to push towers more than him or try to predict where he is going to push. Yorick is pretty much useless if he can't split push towers.”
Biko14CS says “Although you might be able to kite away from his minions and skill shots, he will be able to crash waves fairly early on. Consider building a Stinger early to help counter his horde.”
wolfclaw3812 says “Do not allow Yorick to play the game. If Yorick lands his mist and traps you in his cage, you are effectively dead.
Nothing is going to save you short of flash, and that might not be enough either.
On-hit. ”
Nicklstherealone says “Kill his Maiden and watch for his Cage. You should break it fast and then engage. In melee Yorick is pretty weak and your W AOe kills the Ghouls fast. ”
OffmetaPancake says “Really good matchup for Rek'Sai. She outtrades him early, and can dispatch his ghouls while still targeting him. Rek'Sai won't be able to side lane against him late game though.”
Frostyfps says “
Start Q and stack your passive, generally a pretty easy lane but can be hard if you don't get an advantage before he hits level 6. I recommend getting executioners early as it will help you a lot when all inning him post 6. Should be a breeze since he is so easy to kill as Irelia before 6 but make sure to ALWAYS avoid getting hit by his E, its pretty slow and its necessary to dodge it after 6 if you want to win.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Yorick is a tough champ to go against if he lands his combos, but if he has no little minions, then fighting him will be in your favor, and ulting him will make him extremely weak. ”
TangoVallhala says “Tilting Match up again, just a good counter to Aatrox, try saving your E for his cage, avoid his other skill shots , play safe, Yorick can tower dive you at 6 though with maiden, so if you can make him waste his cage and try going all in with your R because that is the best opportunity you will get.”
Missbelrose says “using Yorick as an example, any champ with pets like Yorick's ghouls can make laning phase very hard. just be careful and hug your tower.”
MisterDerpFace says “His ghouls do a stupid amount o damage, so try to kill them before he hits you with his E, and try to take out his R whenever you can.”
qasddsa says “Annoying to lane against. Do not get trapped in his W and do not get hit by his E. If you do, you'll most likely get chunked for a lot of health or die. Once he has ult, he'll be mostly splitting and grouping once in a while with his team. You need to match him or group up with your team and take objectives. In most situations, you CANNOT 1v1 him unless you are extremely fed, he is extremely underfed, you play it perfectly, or he plays it badly.”
Yorick, similar to Cho'Gath, has lately been out of the toplane meta since he struggles to fight against the BORK + Black Cleaver Bruisers. In laning phase he will usually shove the wave so he can get some Mist Walkers to poke you so farm safely under torret, try to dodge his E so the Mist Walkers don't attack you. Once you hit lvl 6 and Sheen he can outplay you since he gets a lot of healing due to Conqueror, his Mist Walker and Maiden of the Mist, usually he will just trap you with W and let his Mist do damage, lookt to trade R's and try to kill Maiden first since it has a long cooldown than Nasus R plus Nasus builds a lot of CDR early on, and look to disengage and once you have your R back you can all in him. Later on to the game he can somewhat solo hold you and kite you decently so look to teamfight where he struggles the most and try to win 5v4 situations. The later the game goes, the more valuable Nasus becomes over Yorick since he will only use W on someone and then try to burst you. Remember you can stack his Mist Walker and Maiden of the Mist with Q.”
SkellyBirb says “Yorick will do a large amount of damage with his ghouls and can trap you. Play safe and don't push too far up unless he is extremely low and try to avoid all inning him.”
SubHuman Filth says “go grasp.
dont get hit by E or W, then he will outtrade you very hard.
poke him from early game.
Try to blind him when he q's minons so he cant stack up his golems.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash or Ghost+Flash. Longsword refillable potion start. You want extended trades vs yorick, look to start every trade with an auto attack so you can save your spin to extend the trade. Yorick's wall has a 20 second cooldown level 1. Trades that yorick wants to take against you is ones where he can trap you in his wall and hit his e with ghouls up. Trades you want are ones that you are able to stick onto yorick even after he casts his wall (if you are able to save your spin to get out of his wall that is perfect.) Yorick is very strong at level 6 with his maiden up, but if you are able to kill his maiden or kill yorick his ultimate has a VERY long cooldown (160 seconds level 1.) The more yorick E's you can avoid in this lane to prevent his ghouls from harassing you, the higher chance you have of winning against him. In the mid-late game Tryndamere outscales Yorick heavily in the 1v1 as long as you can manage to stick to yorick. Critting yorick's wall reduces your spin cooldown. ”
Pyroen says “He has %hp damage and his box is very difficult to escape due to Swain's very slow auto attacks. Good news though, your ult is a little stronger against him than other champs due to the fact that you are absorbing HP from his minions as well!”
STIERNACKENTYP says “This guy is broken since preseason. Thx god he isnt popular since he is really strong. U dont have much attackspeed early so if he hits his cage + his E, he can easily 3/4 hp u, always. Try to dodge them and farm hard.”
Chili Dog says “Runes: Conq, Triumph, Bloodline, Last Stand + Magical Footwear, Cosmic insight or Transcendence, Gathering storm (if playing for late game).
Sub runes: CDR, Damage, Armor
Summoners: TP
Yorick is an annoying matchup, especially once he gets sheen, let alone tri force. You beat him early but in order to stay ahead of Yorick, you MUST know basic minion management. That's how Yorick gets ahead even though you killed him 3 times already. He builds up a huge wave from his tower combined with his ghouls and maiden and you cant trade with him unless you want to get half healthed by minions alone. Yoricks will typically split push all game, which gives you two options: 1. Match his split push and most likely lose. Or 2. Get other lanes ahead with you lead so you can deal with Yorick as a team. You can choose. ”
glorious7678 says “Yorick loses super hard early but if Yorick has R up he will win the 1 v 1 in the realm. If the maiden of the mist is already out you can R Yorick and kill him.”
Swaim says “yorick+4 ghouls+maiden= unbeatable you will get melted down in an instant with his q and maiden try to fight when he doesnt have maiden or ghouls and early game without items you cant really beat him so not the easiest matchup but you are more useful on team fights than him.BE CARFUL OF HIS TOWER MENTILING CAPABILITY ”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “You win before lvl 6, bully him and dont let him stack his Q for free and get ghouls. When he gets lvl 6, you need to kill his maiden before going for the allin, she is very strong.
Take armor.”
wallobear53 says “Always keep a track of how many graves are around you in the lane. He can easily activate them and get some of his Ghouls to help you which will deal a lot of damage to you and will force you to recall abruptly if you’re careless in this lane.
Yorick’s E needs to be side-stepped when possible as it will not only slow you, but will also allow Yorick’s Ghouls to all-in you immediately, dealing a lot of damage to you.
Do not fight him while his Ultimate is up. Combined with his graves and his E slow, he will practically one-shot you from out of nowhere and then just push your lane in with his superior waveclear and push potential.
Fiora Pogjet says “A big pain in the eye with his Q and E Poke especially with his little monsters. You can trade him early lvl 2 / 3 but then he will get stronger. With his ult at lvl 6 he can just slow fight you and poke you down and you won't win trades. You have to try to go for an all in. Startwith corrupting potion.”
Teemain says “Yorick is just a better Garen, but with Ghouls.
Do NOT overestimate your damage output because trust me. You will get DESTROYED.
Either rely on your jungler to finish him up, or try to utilize your Q to get last hits and do NOT let him Q you.
His Q hits you HARDER than you can hit him.
Jebait his R and his Q AND his E and then maybe you can win this matchup.”
Teemain says “Yorick is just a better Garen, but with Ghouls.
Do NOT overestimate your damage output because trust me. You will get DESTROYED.
Either rely on your jungler to finish him up, or try to utilize your Q to get last hits and do NOT let him Q you.
His Q hits you HARDER than you can hit him.
Jebait his R and his Q AND his E and then maybe you can win this matchup.”
Stiwy says “So, your W counters half of his kit because it wipes out his ghouls and destroys his weird wall in less than a second.
He can only really kill you when his ult is up and the maiden targets you but, once the maiden is killed the cooldown of the ult is reaaaaly long and you have a lot of time to kill Yorick.
Start D.Blade for more aggression.”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up très compliqué, tu possèdes un avantage dans les 4/5 premiers niveaux, et tu dois essayer d'en abusé pour le tuer au moins une fois, afin d'avoir une phase de lane un peu plus simple, car une fois niveau 6, Yorick n'est pas du tout prenable en 1 vs 1 avec Darius, il te faudra demander l'aide de ton jungle, et essayer de lui refuser l'accès à des ressources au début de la game pour retarder sa puissance, car c'est l'un de meilleur splitpusher du jeu, et si tu ne peux pas le tenir en 1 vs 1, cela posera beaucoup de problème à ton équipe.
Soit vigilante de son E, qui t'appose une marque te faisant prendre l'aggro de ses goules, et don Z qui est un arène qu'il te faut détruire en utilisant 2 coups afin pouvoir en sortir.
Astuce : Prendre des tabi ninja et un anti heal rend la lane un peu plus abordable, mais n'essaie pas de le 1 vs 1 si il à son ultime de disponible. Si il ne là pas tu peux foncer sur lui c'est gratuit.”
Darrkescru says “Coveiro desgramento,use Press the atack e builda teemo ad nunca tenta solar ele / trocar com ele fica safe farma e pokea ate fechar a espada do rei”
Lintaar says “Yorick is bad news. His slow will lead to him walling you in and beating you to death. If you get trapped you cant hit the outside of your Q and he will kill you very fast.”
Defensivity1 says “Easily beatable before 6, but when he spawns his ultimate he can permanently shove you under tower and his W can cancel your ultimate, he deals a lot of damage at 6 aswell.”
Colin0224 says “doesnt beat you in lane if you dodge his e. will outscale and out split you so you have to match him in the split and beg your team to win 4v4”
Alzeidx says “Quite annoying matchup, you can start to trade with him after lvl 4.
You should be able to kill him on lvl 6, and you can decently trade with him on lvl 4.”
TotallyEclipse says “Should be pretty easy, jump out of his circle and E his empowered auto then look for all in. Don't fight him when he has a bunch of his creatures around him.”
Dedrick says “Will outdamage you and is tanky enough to not care about your trades, Maiden and cage with kill you faster than full Zed combo. All it takes is one mistake and your tower is gone.”
ACE4291 says “Depending how well he uses his abilities. this fight can go one way or another. annoying minions and his cage. Berserk is good against him to take out minions very fast. ”
CourtesyD0Prata says “By far the most annoying melee matchup, you don't realy trade with him if he has Randuin's. Watch out for his Ult, it deals a lot of damage long-term / De longe o matchup melee mais irritante, você realmente não troca com ele de Randuin's. Cuidado com sua ult, ela causa muito dano a longo prazo.”
report singed ty says “Outpushes you even when you proxy, ruins you in lane if they are smart enough. Hes going to wait for you to roam for your team and then delete your towers in a blink.”
Sq_09 says “His Golems are kind of annoying since they block your W but else he's fine as long as you don't (for some godforsaken reason) end up inside of his kage. Else you can kite and poke him pretty safely. ”
Beatport Expo says “You CANNOT fight against him. His Undead Minions is a threat to you when fighting against him and since you cannot deal more than 1 target at a time, you have a big disadvantage. Avoid fighting when he has his minions up or ultimate”
VIP Titan says “Yorick is late op champion with strong 6. So make sure harass as much you can do in early. He has got base low health stats so its worth harass in early.
Care his E Q Q combo.
Your attack speed should be cool against his W
When he got his R up. Make sure burst him up with your E
Max E not Q ! ”
DeLaGeezyBaby says “Un Yorick promedio puede causar mucho daño al inicio de la partida. Además de nunca salir de linea haciendo split push su ultimate puede causarnos mucho daño en fase de lineas. ”
ShaharKarisi says “Yorick is nothing more than extra CS, just make sure your jungler doesn't feed him early on and watch out for the enemy jungler and Yoricks' ultimate.”
Subject3 says “if your fighting yorick either try and get a kill or two prior lvl 3 or cower behind your minion wave dodging each of his ghoul baits he throws at ya.
get the kill lvl 1 or go home basically, and if you do try and kill him at lvl 3 and over and get walled then get ghoul jumped ahem... well you learned the hard way.”
Vodka4Gaben says “You stomp Yorick just make sure when you fight him that you have alot of tentacles around because he tends to trap you in a cage far away from them.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “His W wall is bugged up the ass and the moment he gets his core build he will wreck your shit because of his ult. He is very rarely picked however, and you can screw him up considerably early game. Pushing against him is hard however, and his late game pressure is hard to match. Bruiser builds work wonders here, specially sustain and aggresive, but do note that the moment he gets his full build 1v1 him is an ill-advised proposition. Ignite+Flash is good if you want to pressure him early, else Flash+TP. Conqueror or grasp can both work, but he is favored in prolonged trades, so keep a note on that.”
Gwndimi says “Rush protobelt wave clear dont do anything else dont fight him wave clear and ult around map take TP if you keep him in lane you win the game”
CounterBlad3 says “Yorick is extremely hard for Darius to trade with after level 6, since if he hits you with his mark and cage you will lose at least half your hp without even being in range to hit him”
Itreallyhim says “He will be super strong in lane and push like hes giving birth, Do short trades and try your best not to feed him.
You can remove his Ghouls, Maiden and W from the map with your ult.”
LycheeMochigome says “Take q's early, worst case scenario he puts you in the cage with his ghosts, just use your q when unmounted to get over it instead of attacking it”
Dejuronto says “Yorick's minions can be quite annoying. Luckily for you, you might not see him all the time in low elo, and he might not even show up in general. He still is annoying asf though. ”
Loki029 says “Difficult to counterplay, use your AA reset to get his Cage down, if you build hybrit and you all in him at 6 you will mostly win if there are not 4 ghouls and the maiden around, don t Forget ignite and w before his q”
AkenoSenpai says “A pretty easy match up as his ghouls are helping you more then they are helping him. every ghoul dies to 1 Q which not only allows you to easly stuck up your passive but also heal up. ”
lugzinho says “And yet another matchup made better by the GW buff.
Abuse his pre-6 state.
Save your E to get out of an eventual cage.
With Conqueror and his Maiden he is still really good on damage and healing but if he gets pulled it gets better for Kled.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “This matchup is completely determined by how good the Yorick is. If he is good with his champion rather consider him as a "major" threat, but if he is bad or new to the champion you can play against him as if he was a "minor" threat. Depending on how good you THINK he is you will be starting either Cull (if he is good) or Doran's Blade (if he is new or bad). This matchup will basically be a coin toss for you and there aren't any other tips I can give in this matchup apart from : Don't try and kill his ghouls with flay! It counts as an aoe ability and your auto attacks to enough damage to kill him anyways. You can cancel out the ghouls jump. . . But they will just jump towards you again afterwards. Yorick will be wanting to split push the entire game and late game you won't be able to stop him on your own.”
ForgottenProject says “You win level 1 trades if he does NOT have grasp
Dodge his E
If he hits his E you will take a bad trade no matter what
After 6, if he misses his E and you have a decent amount of HP you can kill his maiden and then all in him
He will mop you all game if you get behind, no stress :)”
Blakespeare says “Troubling match up if they play passive in lane and poke with e. They his w is super effective at trapping you. Your w can clear the gouls when you get poked. Dont engage when he has r. disarm w when in the yorick w. BRING CULL OR DORANS SHIELD”
Braddik says “Should be pretty easy, jump out of his circle and E his empowered auto then look for all in. Don't fight him when he has a bunch of his creatures around him.”
The Lost Drawing says “Le cancelas el salto a sus zombies, puedes salir de su carcel cin tu 'E' y puedes tirarle la 'R' a su 'R' (aveces sale bien a veces no)”
Pedrokis says “É uma matchup estupidamente fácil, só que, como na matchup contra Nasus, você não pode deixar ele sozinho farmando lá no top que no late ele fica gigantesco. / Quase todas as trocas são suas. só toma cuidado com a Donzela da Névoa (R), que dá um dano chato e você nem percebe. / É necessário que você use seu E pra desviar do combo dele: pegar 4 Andarilhos da Névoa, tacar a parede do W em você e jogar o E.”
VicGal96 says “His W wall is bugged up the ass and the moment he gets his core build he will wreck your shit because of his ult. He is very rarely picked however, and you can screw him up considerably early game. Pushing against him is hard however, and his late game pressure is hard to match. Bruiser builds work wonders here, specially sustain and aggresive, but do note that the moment he gets his full build 1v1 him is an ill-advised proposition. Ignite+Flash is good if you want to pressure him early, else Flash+TP. Conqueror or grasp can both work, but he is favored in prolonged trades, so keep a note on that.”
ozmankaan says “*preferred built: grasp of the undead* Yorick is doable, u can kill his minions by ur purge u can out damage him also, just conc on CS n regular AA on him n whenever u get ur chance go in with ur whole combo, n dont try to fight him with his ult on.”
BeautifulWinter says “His creeps block your E and he can trap you. This is a hard lane however despite it being hard you can still win this one. If you personally don't like him it might be a worthy dodge. ”
IvaoManeirao says “Impossible matchup, since you're gigantic you'll always get stuck on his W and it's impossible for him to miss his E. Either ban or take your chances since thank god his pickrate is low.”
Big Belly Bop says “He many not seem like a threat but this bad boy has hard push, and his W can counter Senna the hardest. Since Senna has low attack speed it will take longer for her to break the prison. Be very cautious and ask the jungler to shut him down. His damage is insane and your Q doesn't 1 shot his ghouls. Flash + TP, Doran's Shield, Sustain rune page.”
ExfIamed says “Its basically a stronger garen, you beat him in trades until level 6 so your best bet is killing him before 6, dodge the wall and w the slow. You cannot kill him if his ults up, so try and kill it or ask for jungle assistance or just take smite top.”
GenuinelyPolish says “Guaranteed win, can stun lock him inside his walls, basically giving you a free 2 kit unload or time for you to cast ult to a significant level.”
9690 says “Yorick is deceptively strong against Morde. This is ultimately a skill match up, we have to avoid his E or he can harass us out of lane. If we avoid E/ghoul toss we can out trade him. We win post 6.”
Loevely says “What would be an even matchup is heavily skewed into his favor due to bugs with Rengar and his wall. If you get caught in it, Rengar bugs out like crazy. ”
LuxIsMyCrush says “Yorick usually can win easy against teemo after hit 6, try to abuse him early and deny his powerspike maiden as long as possible.
Dodge his E or you are in big trouble tho.”
Taliyehn says “Just ban him. You definitely don't want that dude against you.
His cage will make you doomed h24 and he's just gonna make a hole through the base. You can't stop him.”
Quezel says “Your ult removes all of Yoricks ghouls and you heavily out damage him when he doesn't have them. Yorick is forced to rush qss in order to get his ghouls back and then he won't have enough combat stats to beat you 1v1 with his ghouls. Outscales you after level 16 but until then hes fairly easy to handle at all stages of the game. Still can fight you pre 6 though if he hits an e>w combo with 4 ghouls so be careful of that.”
mightydylan101 says “God this champ is annoying. He isn't played that much be he is being seen more recently. Make sure that you stay back as he can win trades and win late game. He will try and split push so beware of that.”
Skarner Main says “If you get stuck in his cage and he got 4 golems and e you just try kill the cage and run away
keep killing his golems and side step hes E,s”
AlienMV says “Pay attention to how many graves are on the floor. He needs at least 3 to summon ghouls. Once you seem his summon animation (or if he has it already spawned), be ready to dodge his E.
He will generally constantly push in, so be prepared to CS under tower.”
just000jay says “You have no escape from his cage. Auto attack cancel with your E if you get trapped and wait for your jungler to kill him. Teleport is recommended.”
NasusIsMyBoy says “Yorick is basically a reworked nasus with no stacks and super saiyan ult.
aggressive or not stay at tower as if he does attack he has a little circle thing that traps you and will stop you from being able to reach him and attack him”
JuiceMoose says “He's not a huge obstacle for Mordekaiser, don't get swarmed and you can drag him into your R and kill him since he doesn't have much health or armor.”
New Swain New Main says “You can steal more hp from his minions and charge your ult faster. However his Q and minions will be dangerous. Additionally, Swain has a hard time auto attacking his box to escape.”
OneMustFall says “Once again you have the advantage early but you still have to very careful once he gets 6 as his minions can rip you apart if he catches you in his circle. If he starts snowballing, it's over for you as you won't be able to kill him.”
Kalrex says “Your hitbox is so big he'll never miss his E and he'll be able to trap you quite frequently. Popular ban pick, but his pick rate is already really low so up to you if you want to use your ban on him. ”
Hamstertamer says “Easy pre-6, you can destroy his wall instantly with your AA reset, and farm stacks off his ghouls or clear them with E. The real problem is his ultimate, which you have no way to deal with. If you see the maiden, RUN.”
Atlascrower says “I never see Yorick, but he can push against you early. If you get Sheen/Trinity, you should be able to defend easy with your Barrels(Except his Ghouls, they have an AoE-Damage-reduction. His W can be deadly for you(No Gapcloser). Dont fight him, he is one of the 1vs1 Gods.”
Guantecillo says “Si te encierra con su W será muy difícil salir victorioso del intercambio, sobretodo al nivel 6, pero usa tus hongos para pararlo y poder vencerlo.”
AsomeSonic says “slowly favors him over time, you can e out of his cage so he can't take advantage of you, i'm not sure if you can use his cage against him like jarven, your better in teamfights, to stop his splitting just focus on killing minions, warmogs helps or some health regen item like spirits visage(he can do a bit of magic damage)”
EpicDan01 says “When Yorick has his Maiden he is very difficult for Mundo to solo kill. Early lane he will beat you as well. Try to poke his Maiden down to kill it, then when you are at full health with your own R you can take him down. This is the only circumstance in which you can kill him.”
sir monsieur says “It's not like it's easy for Yorick to kill you, you just don't have enough waveclear to resist his ghouls. Most probably you will lose your tower soon if your jungler will not babysit you.
Read matchup details below.”
Poppu says “His Pre-6 is weakish, but once he gets maiden, he scales really hard into late and is hard to kill/stop. Would not suggest dueling after 6. Maiden is cancer, nerf maiden rito, her succ is too strong.”
oliveiragle says “yorick is a dificult match up because he have so damage and a good scale like you, and with enemy jungler camp you they will stop your stack power and destroyer towers ending your game e kill”
DrNaara says “He has %hp damage and his box is very difficult to escape due to Swain's very slow auto attacks. Good news though, your ult is a little stronger against him than other champs due to the fact that you are absorbing HP from his minions as well!”
Petethebossch says “Similar kit to yours except stronger early but doesn't stack. Farm under tower. Ask for ganks. If he walls you kill it immediately unless you can kill him.”
Jnewbringspain says “Yorick is easy if you save Leap Strike and can avoid his Mourning Mist. Counter Strike works well against Last Rites, and you can jump away if you find yourself inside his Dark Procession.”
Necrops says “When he W you stun a minion and get out of here, if he throws ghouls at you just empower E them to negate all damage, not so hard match up.”
messketchup says “Yorick is a big counter to Darius, his W is so annoying and his minions deal so much damage you don't have the sustain. Punish him early or wait for ganks.”
PandaSenpai101 says “Due to the recent buffs, he's a bit harder, but overall the matchup is simple. Go in for Q poke and vitals. If you plan to all in, remember that most Yorick players Q after you go in. So time your parry! His cage is really easy to get out of. ”
12inchpvpness says “Yorick will auto you and be ready to reset it with Q, when he does this use your W to block it and stun. When he turns level 6 he is a THREAT, if you underestimate him and get locked in his cage you will die no contest. When maiden is out and about she is a priority target, ping your team on her and you need to take her out as well.”
TheWils says “Yorick can keep up with your cs and tower pushing capability but you can beat him in a 1v1, you can get a early kill lead on Yorick if you drag him in with e and pull combos.”
FF At 15.
Nah, btw he has these ghouls. If you see 3 on the ground, NEVER enter trades. The ghouls are immune to AOE damage, so your Q sucks, better hit them one by one.
If he slows you, you can E spellshield away.
Very-very though if Yorick knows how to play. However you can das through his W, so that's a plus.
If the player is not a decent or good yorick player, you should be FINE though, but don't go too cocky with trades.”
ekkolvl7 says “he cant do you anything if hes jg gank you and he get fed just go stack somewhere and you can kill him ezly then tell him you are a bot ”
Ryako the Exile says “Its like the same against Nasus but watchout his ultimate and E. Dodging his E and killing his ultimate will give you some kills to build as fast as you can Black Cleaver”
0mega best says “He is strong, but you can bait him, just dont get caught in his W and kill his minions as quick as possible, besides that, he is a ok matchup but dont 1v1 him without the help of your jungle.”
Lil Tidepod says “Yorick can be pretty tough. The damage he can do is pretty insane, not only on his Q but also with The Maiden and his mist walkers. If you can, dodge his ability that calls The Maiden and his mist walkers onto you. It will make him significantly weaker in a fight. They will chase you to the ends of Summoner's Rift in an attempt to kill you. The Maiden got a significant buff, now that it can stay in lane and push without Yorick. Be careful if he stops pushing, he might be trying to play a trick and use The Maiden to push while team fighting.”
ImpossibleLogic says “As long as you don't get poke'd down by his little devils and you wait until he uses his W till you E then you will have no problem just going all in on him and just killing him. When his ult is up try not to get poked by it, it wont stop you from killing him and him killing you if you decide to all in so just wait don't get poked and just all in him.”
LighterDay says “The wall Yorick creates makes it hard to get close to with your W and Q. Illaoi's W makes it easier to escape this wall if a minion or the enemy is close by, so keep W ready just in case.”
FunkySoul says “I find that you just hard counter Yorick. Trapped? E! The only troublesome part about this lane is the Maiden, so don't trade with him if Maiden is up.”
Brentard says “After his nerf. just dodge his cage and slow and you are golden. If you get his by the slow and his ghouls are on you. W and AA>Q>AA them down. ”
DrMoneybags says “He used to be a bit tough to deal with but then he got nerfed pretty hard for no real reason. Shouldn't be a hard lane for the most part, just dodge out of his E and W and kill him early. ”
The_CuItivator says “I gave it a 3 as people don't usually understand this matchup. Pre 6 it's your game. Always dodge his E and when he ults focus on the maiden. It hurts more than Yorick.”
DVL CHALLNGR says “You can easily get out of his W using your E and having Q ready. Your 3x cast on Q means that you have more ranged attacks than him”
OnionMilkshake says “as long as you dont get poke'd down by his little devils and you wait until he uses his W till you E then you will have no problem just going all in on him and just killing him.
when his ult is up try not to get poked by it it wont stop you from killing him and him killing you if you decide to all in so just wait don't get poked and just all in him
(Recommended: Conq)”
Zdenster says “Take Arcane Comet. 3 points into W. Rush Tiamat. Dodge his Es when his Ghouls are up. Don't get caught in his W if you don't have E. Matchup is easier once you have Tri-Force and lvl 6.”
TheNinjaRoid says “If Yorick is good, you'll lose lane quickly. He can't stop you from farming outside of straight up bullying you out of lane. You'll outscale him hard as long as you don't feed early.”
TheBoltLord says “Yorick i personally cant handle because of the fact he slows and traps you. Once your trapped you have to either flash out auto attack the wall while hes shreding your health with his creeps or use your E most likely on minnions TOWARDS him. With the creeps he spawns your W blocks them but it has such a high cooldown. You could attack the minnions but by the time your done your health is low. So either be good at dodging his abilitys or insta ban this man.”
Nio161 says “He builds tank what means you can only oneshot him with your ult, but moves very slow so it should be easy to hit your E and deny his farm. Just dont get caught while you ult, then he can walk away and you wasted it.”
The Lost Drawing says “Aunque no lo creas le haces 'counter' y no 1 sino 2.
¿pero... donde?
>>> El 1°; en su 'W' puedes salir de ella con tu 'E' tirandosela a el o a un súbdito
>>> El 2°; en su 'E', si te llega a golpear con tu 'W' te quitas el daño de sus zombies aunque te siguen pegando, asi que solo retrocede”
ElleryTheViking says “I'm gonna be honest, I still haven't quite worked this matchup out yet. He seems pretty invincible. If you try run him down he traps you and you cant catch him. A sure way to win generally is to dodge the ability that throws his Minions at you and all in while his ult is down. Outside of that, you can always call for ganks.”
BlackguardRaven says “THIS MAN, IS LIGIT A GOD. I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY. He is so annoying, as teemo, you can't kill him fast enough and his stupid pets are just stupid. That's it. ”
Samas says “Using your Q aggressively might lead you to him putting you in a cage and trading all he wants. Save your Q, walk up to him try to parry his Q with your E and chunk him, then get out or continue the fight depending on the situation. Keeping the wave in the middle of lane might be beneficial to you since you should have how to escape after your aggressive trades”
E61K says “Almost nobody but players who either main Yorick or main Darius know about this counter.His cage, ghouls, sustain and general tankiness due to the items he likes to build makes him very hard to deal with on your own as Darius post-6. You have to get ahead early to win this one. Pre-6 to be exact. Yorick can run you over even when both of you are even. Provided he hits his stuff. Post-6 when he has his ghouls and you get trapped in his cage and he hurls his ghouls at you, you either flash out or you die. Simple as that. The most important thing in this match-up is to not get trapped into his cage and then targeted by his ghouls. If you can avoid his cage and force a fight on him you, you can win. To add even more salt to injury Yorick deals a pretty decent amount of magic damage. So don't just stack armor against him. You need MR against him or else he will melt you. Luckily they are like 10 Yorick players in the world so the likelihood of you bumping into one is extremely low.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Split-pushing, 1v1, sustain damage. Weaknesses: Low Mobility, Weak early game if played incorrectly. His damage with his Mist Walkers can do a lot early game and can be a bit surprising but as long as you avoid his E, you should be fine. you can easily escape his ring that he might try to place around you and he has no real escapes so performing your ultimate on him should be easy. Do not mistake his weaker earlier game for him having a weak late game because he can split push just as good as you and duel you if he has enough ghouls by his side. Go for Q-pokes early on while dodging his E’s and Riposte either his E once he’s used his Ultimate or one of his Q’s so that it negates the damage and slows down his attack speed.”
Miracle Matter says “Ah, Yorick...Yorick is a strange matchup. He is rated highly (a 7) because if he ever lands a single E, then he can trap you in his wall and 100-0 you before you can break the wall and escape. You can Ulti to survive post-6, but you'll often die upon revival anyway.
That said, he's a large, immobile target, so if you dodge his E/W, you can simply slow him and stun him, pelting him with bombs repeatedly.
Highly recommend the Tanky Alternative build for this matchup. Just focus on dodging his skillshots and out-shoving him if possible. Don't leave your tower for long or you may lose it.”
Suthafru says “Yorick - surprisingly, yorick is a good matchup for jhin, while yoricks wall can mean death if you're caught in it, as long as you can avoid the wall, you can out poke him and prevent him from farming easily, securing an early game lead that will protect you from his post level 6 fighting capabilities ”
Saiyan02 says “Just don´t fight him when his Ghouls are out and you´ll be fine. you can E out of his Wall and R away his R so there´s not much problems with him. But you still gotta respect Yorick he´s strong”
drunken hunter says “Yorik is a strong enemy, he got autohit resets that heal him, he can make a circular wall of spirits to keep you in place and his ult deals -Ranged!- dmg per second.
Try the early kill, you wont have many chances to get him.”
kkiskk says “His main source of threat is his E and maiden of mist. He basically can burst anyone down after he get any sheen items and his maiden of mist proc. Always dodge his E so his mist walkers can't get to ridiculously jump on you. Get executioner's calling asap.”
TheNecromancerr says “You are much more stronger then him early. PLay super aggro, you can oneshot his Guls with your Q. Later on he is strong split pusher and don't fight him if his ult is up - NEVER.”
The Tentacle Lady says “Yorick is just a strong meta pick right now. his walls are really terrible to deal with and you can't use tentacles to kills his children or whatever they are”
Proxxecube says “Since his harsh nerfs in the last patch, 8.23, he hasn't been showing up much. If he is in your game, walk around constantly to avoid his pocket-sand, and go in when you have tiamat, as it will be significantly easier to fight off the minions. He is relatively tanky, so just parry him at the beginning of the all in to lower his attack speed, and your damage and sustain will do the rest. As for the Maiden, let him push up to turret, then start fighting it. If he tries to defend it, he will get turret aggro. ”
Zahkar00 says “Take Grasp.
With Bravado you can deal with most of his stuff fairly easily. Just be careful what your priorities are at the time. If you dont focus the right thing at the right time you will be punished for it.”
Tvoi_clop says “Тоже среднее по сложности противостояние. Если он ставит свою стену, то просто делаем E сквозь миньона или Йорика. Под его R не дерёмся.”
Trixelkour says “GTFO. Don't even. No. Might as well AFK. Grasp, Adaptive, Sorc Boots, Spirit Visage, Abyssal Mask and Rylai's/Liandry's if you want to survive.”
go6unatora says “Will always try to trap you and E you so you will get hit by the zombies. R them to one shot them. Wait for your jungler because you cant kill him alone.”
E61K says “Yasuo is considered to be a counter to Yorick, which is true. It depends on how good either of both players are though. I would rate this matchup lower but considering the fact that Yorick is strong with the new runes I decided to rate this matchup 5. You can use his ghouls to dash and you can dash out of his circle thingy. Given that there is something nearby to dash to, that is. ”
Omega best says “Yorick is easy, just attack him and flip him in your minion wave and he is dead, only thing is not to be caught with his little monsters and avoid being trapped. Play safe, build armor and kill him before he gets ultimate and dont attack him while he has his ult or he will kill you, stop him from splitpushing and call for ganks, use ignite.”
L4stG4mer says “You should start with a lot of potions and possibly crystalline flask to sustain the first few levels.
Do not attack the Wrong Yorick, youre poison will focus the fake Yorick if you pick the wrong. Also place Shrooms Out of lane, otherwise his ghosts will tank them.
Kite his ghouls and use brushes to loose their aggro. If you harass him, do it a lot so he can't just sustain it back up.”
Mouadyam says “Yup, Yorick is extreme, his ghouls are annoying as they cant be killed with one q, you have to manually auto them, and his wall denies you from getting the long trades you want. try to kill him early as he will probs just have a corrupting pot, and if you roam dont take too long as he will be at your damn inhib by then. play it slow and smart and you'll evenetually prevail, dont rush and die to minions and ghouls like an idiot.”
Demon Lord AC0 says “I Gotta thank this gravedigger for putting me on gold. You can counter him, just DO NOT underestimate his damage while he's ulted. Windwall his E if it's going to hit. Also, don't leave him solo in lane, or he's going to push for your inhib.”
FlakNShrapnel says “Honestly, neither of you guys really do anything to each other, just stay out of his w and you guys will most likely just stay even.”
Rading says “No chance to kill him with your traps due to his little ghosts that activate your traps everytime. you can q out of his cage tho but thats all you can do. So just wait for his ghosts to die and built traps arround the bushes and wait for the right moment to engage.”
Skullsunderer says “Yorick is a special case. He needs to farm to get his ghouls and when/if he does don't spin to kill them, focus Yorick. His Maiden should however be dealt with first, stop her from damaging you or pushing. When he traps stop trying to kill him. Without is ghouls have his kit is useless. Fight him after he Qs to kill a minion so his damage is on cool down.”
joelblack says “Yorick is pretty difficult, no lie. You can get some poke on him, but if he catches you, he can ruin your day. Keeping your distance and saving your E when it's absolutely necessary will be the way to kill him. His wall thing is pretty easy to avoid, but if you get caught, only jump out if you need to. Being in his wall is a double-edged sword for him tho, because he has to literally run at you to do damage, letting you get a few W procs off, and if he's low enough and you saved your hop, you can chase him down and kill him. Just don't be stupid and you'll win.”
Xplosion123 says “Esse campeão pode facilmente quebrar um Darius numa troca, não me pergunte o motivo, mas sempre terá alguns de seus monstros na rota e eles irão causar MUITO dano na troca.”
unkbugado says “you can win every single trade against him, use your W heal against their servants, you gonna heal like 40% or even more of your hp. Just take care when you don't have your W.”
DuhBrandon says “If you fight Yorick and you know what your doing this will be a very easy game. as an Akali main I have never fed or lost lane to a Yorick. He has little to no resistance early game and most Yoricks will underestimate your damage and overestimate their own damage.
So if you fight a Yorick you should be able to crush him and be too powerful for him to catch up.
kagaroo says “🔴Trundle Favoured🔴
Threat Scale: 4/10
➡️Super easy match-up, our autos one-shot yorick ghouls. Trundle can stat-check Yorick basically the entire game. However, Yorick does a lot of damage and can catch you off-guard when he spawns his maiden. If you can, focus his maiden before you try to fight Yorick. If you rush Tiamat, be careful to cheese plates because if he cages you the tiamat splash damage will cause the tower to target you.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad yorick vs Bad Trundle ➡️ Trundle favoured
Average yorick vs Average Trundle ➡️trundle favoured
Good yorick vs Good Trundle ➡️ trundle favoured ”
L0ganJG says “Yorick's main way to win is to kite you out and poke you down. When you're weak he will just start Q'ing you directly. Main ways for you to win is punish his bad early game, fight fast and early, W towards him, wait for him to cage then Q him to jump out. ”
Haxorr says “This matchup can actually be pretty hard if the yorick takes ignite and you don't punish him early game. You really need to kill him early or deny cs/win grubs fights. Take PTA with doran's blade and play aggro early on, you outscale hard but at 1 item when he has maiden he will probably win the 1v1 if he has antiheal”
WhoLetTheCANEout says “ his ghouls block out your q, his w can cansel your W if timed right, he also deals % Max health magic damage while maiden is attacking you on every autoattack, just all around one of, if not THE worst matchupp for Kench. should probably just dodge”
CactEyez says “My perma-ban. I do not know how to beat this disgusting champ. The best you can do is wave-clear under tower and prevent his split push. 1 bad base and you have lost 3 plates.
Start Items:
- D.Shield
Tank Items:
- Plated Steelcaps -> Heartsteel
AP Items:
- Swifties -> Heartsteel -> Riftmaker”
oneway1996 says “He is not as strong a Darius, but this champion can prison you with his abilities and punish you, if your movement-skills are'nt that good.
Work on dodging and anticipating skills depending on your position on the lane.”
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