Top Lane 51.16% Win Rate82% Pick RateOlaf Top Lane Counters: 13 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Olaf in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Dom1nus says “Pretty dificult lane for those who dont know the match up. He will try to cheese u lvl 1 as his q is way stronger than urs. Try to do small trades when he goes for his axe after lvl 2 and all in him with ignite and empowered w.”
a_k_z7 says “very hard
can run you down if not careful
his q slows and and allows him to trade more with you
if he is not good you can play it like a normal lane but even with that it can be hard
never fight when he ults try to w away and sidestep his q always
he is meele which allows you to poke with q and passive
even when he is low he caan kill you with his kit so just play safe and look for ganks he can easily 1v2 if your jungle is not strong ”
Nithril says “Stay besides the minionwave so he either Qs your or the wave, save E to keep distance, can go grievous wounds early, note that your E is your disengage tool, not CC”
ThatGing3rNuts says “Olaf beats shen 1v1 at every point in the game. The best thing you can do is let him push into you and dodge his Qs. If the wave state is poor and pushing into him look to sac your waves and go for an ult across map to help your team. NEVER USE E TO ENGAGE IN THIS MATCHUP - he will just run you down especially if he takes ghost, so you will need to save your e for a disengage. In the late game try to stay on top of your carries rather than engaging as your W can be very useful in reducing his ult length. If things go poorly by lvl 6 or 7, use 2nd ability path and peel. 3rd rune page is optimal here as you will not win lane unless he is extremely incompetent. Look to rush thornmail rather than heartsteel.”
parker3n9 says “This is a dangerous matchup where a single misstep can cost you your life—if you get hit by an axe at the wrong time, Olaf will chase you down and kill you. This is the only matchup where I’d consider building Cosmic Drive instead of Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, but that decision depends heavily on the rest of the enemy team composition. Play safe, stay smart, and focus on scaling to teamfights where you can have a much larger impact than Olaf.
Recommended Runes: Fleet Footwork or Unsealed Spellbook or Phase Rush
Summoner Spells: Ghost and Teleport”
Coke Rat says “Flash + TP. Grasp. Bone Plating. Doran's Blade.
Keep your distance and trade on W cooldown, your damage is higher than him on short trades, specially if you avoid his Q.”
Raideru says “This matchup, it's generally Camille favored but he can win it if you don't play it properly, basically never be in a position where you can get all inned by his q spam meaning don't ever hookshot into him deep in the lane only if you kill him otherwise you perma trade with w into short trade with q and passive and chip him down slowly, after 1st item you are just too fast and mobile for him so u just short trade him without much counterplay from his side. I advise Grasp with Sheen rush in this lane.”
Basilli says “PHASE RUSH RUNES
"Insane 1v1 champ, the fact his ult lasts indefinitely is the thing you have to figure out how to beat. Best bet is taking Phase Rush + Bamis, and then baiting him to ult so you can Phase Rush away.
Q>W will often bait their ult, and then once their ult is down you can look for an all-in with your ult. Try and eat him when low so you can execute him rather than fighting low HP Olaf.
Overall just look to kite + get healing reduction, your team should handle him if you deny him a lead." ”
Spartaniko says “Keep poking him and try to E his E true damage. He wins long trades, avoid getting run down specially when he has ult up. Keep poking and engage when he's low. You can go with ignite and PTA.”
Fenharion says “An auto-attacker healer.Rush for Bramble Vest and Steelcaps to lower his damage,he will deal true damage with his E so be careful about engaging.”
Epilef - ThxSoMch says “Cuidado pro casa não tomar o machado, procure trocas curtas quando ele n estiver com o machado pra dar chase.
Obs: n gaste sombra atoa perto dele.”
Citric says “Olaf is another great early invader and early duelist. He might full clear his own jungle if you are lucky. He likes to level 1 late invade or even start at the buff you are not doing. Must get an early ward at jungle entrance in this match up. Can also bring ignite and challenging smite to duel him 1v1.”
SVKGuardian says “➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖
You have to play this matchup really tough.
He likes to get prio, because he is an early machine, try to contest it.
He is going to try and run you down level 1, but if you manage to stay on your Q range, and not get hit by his Q - axe skillshot, that slows you, he is not going to be able to.
He thrives in low HP territory, but so does your Q, which crits, so he has to be beyond careful.
Pre 6, you can always stund him with W, after 6 be carefull so he doesn't run you down, you cannot stun him in his R
UrPersonalGod says “He has an insane level 1 so he will try to use it in some way.
In laning phase he really wants you to push in so he can Q you and run you down so keep that in mind.
If you dodge his Q without your E he cant run you down.
As long as he isnt fed he wont be that big of a threat in late game.”
SemenDrinker says “2nd wind Blade (and use the phase rush rune page I mentioned if you wanna be cheeky)
The only real worry you have about this champ is that when he ults its hard to kite backwards against him. You want to just poke him down all laning phase with short trades and proc your phase rush to run away. Then when you're comfortable enough you can just go for the all in with ult. Try not to get baited when he's low and you don't have ult however. He always has a shield to tank your Q's. ”
IvanBeifong says “The champ's stupid, nothing you can do about that, do short trades, Q, AA, W, AA, and E away, keep it like that until the jungler pities you.
His ult is meh, good for chasing, but more of a last resort.”
OliveeGarden says “take shield bash. you can go ghost stride or bork with ignite into olaf, it is dependent on your confidence and the enemy comp. if you want to abuse your stronger early and look for a pick, then stat check him with ignite post 6, go bork. if you want to play with your brain you can use ghost to out space his ult and look for kills when his R is down. generally he plays like Warwick in lane with his sustain at low hp so dont get baited into trading without W, dont get hit by his Q's and you win.”
femboydegilim says “You already know why. His ult is your biggest enemy you should get a cc jungle like an amumu so he wastes his ult not your biggest enemy in early and mid game but will be a problem in late game.
You can always insta ban him.
Niemi says “Olaf is Thresh's hardest matchup. I've never won againts him.
pre level six is all about dodging his axes and depending on what type of a player he is, he will either run through everything to pick it back up, which you can abuse or they simply don't care, which gives you a small window to poke him safely.
After level 6 you can't win 1v1, not that you could win 100% of the time before level 6, but after he gets ult it's just too hard”
Body Those Fools says “Olaf is very strong early game so you don't want to trade AAs with him. Freeze near your turret and focus on farming and poking him when he last hits minions. Try to side step his Q or drift away from him if you get hit by one far up the lane since it has a strong slow. Know that he has more DPS and lifesteal the lower HP he is so be careful if you all-in him while he still has his W up. If he casts Ult he will be unstoppable and gain movement speed and you will not be able to Ult him away. If Olaf doesn't have Flash and I need to escape I sometimes use my Ult backwards to block off an area since he isn't able to walk through it.”
Zagreus16 says “Start W in this fight and you can trade him really easily if you got ignite and he misses his Q. If you kill him you will pretty much be fine for the whole lane until he outscales you late game with his ult and items.”
CrimsonL7 says “Trash matchup 1v1 wise. He can run you down if you overextend, your Q doesnt stun in his R, and your E doesnt knock him back or reduce much damage since he does true damage. If he has no ignite and you do then fight him level 3 and kill him, this is the only chance you get unless he doesnt have R for some reason. Then you will win”
step1v9 says “Do not fight him before 6. He doesn't even have to have hands to kill you. Avoid trading, let him push into you, then look for all-in when you're 6. He wants to force your R then run away and reengage so don't waste it for nothing. If you R you need to commit.”
Raideru says “In early you try to avoid walking up too far so he doesn't run you down with axes and you only look for short trades, the matchup is all about spacing between autos and just dodging his q till he eventually falls off, you can only kill him if he is way lower hp than you”
Haxorr says “I would recommend going Grasp in this matchup and rushing Trinity. Getting prio is hard, but possible. However, it can be scary to do this if the Olaf kites out your e, so don't use your counterstrike until you've dodged one of his qs. If you ever waste your e, he can run you down with ghost. In most of my olaf matchups, olaf ends up getting prio early on which is acceptable. From levels 3-5, you win really hard. Taking short trades is good, holding q to disengage after using e and w to chunk him. Try to get the wave in a good spot and take aggressive trades. Hold your e until he uses his w shield, as it will block a lot of the autos and lifesteal that he gets. After level 6, the key to winning this matchup is to hold your e until after he ults. This blocks a lot of his damage when he is in his ult, and allows you to secure the kill. So if a trade looks like an all-in, then just pop your r and auto him down with ignite and hold your e until after he ults to block a lot of his damage. You also can do tricks such as baiting his ult and then ward hopping away. After 1 item, if you are even you should be winning this 1v1. Just make sure that you kite him properly in his ult and don't stand still auto attacking him late game, as he can win later on if you try to do that.”
Arthapsic says “Start E level 1 because if you get hit by an axe you have to E out so he doesn't take 50%+ of your hp level 1 for free. Let him push into you early and farm under tower/close to tower. Pre 6 only take short trades with your fully stacked Q and then E out ( if you're close to your tower ). Don't fight him in the middle of the lane and give cs if needed. Use W or E to dodge his axes when he is trying to engage on you. After 6 with ignite up you can win the 1v1 but you have to play it perfectly ( hit everything and kite him ) so I advise not doing it until nashors. If he is trying to freeze onto you stand in your wave and try to bait him to use his axe on the wave and use your W to dodge it( so he pushes the wave and you can farm safely ). If his axe is on cooldown its a free trade. Can go lethal tempo in the matchup and destroy him level 1 if you dodge 1 or 2 axes with ignite. Can go ignite ghost as well”
Beeware says “His R ignores your cage. Avoid getting poked by his Q and be careful at level 6. Later you will be able to burst him before he bursts you”
ArmedDad says “ew. gross champion. luckily, rito made his mana costs super high so you wont see him much. just know, he will ducking win any all in at any point in the game and you best believe he will delete you even 1 full item down. sorta like trundle.”
Baby_Driver says “Nimbus cloak is crucial here.
Either Plated steelcaps or swifties are good choices.
Best case scenario is when u have lvl advantage over him and you all-in him lvl 6 while he is lvl 5.
Altough I would say with good spacing, you can beat him more easily pre-6.
If he misses his axe and can't grab it, it's a good window to make a trade with him.
When he pops his ghost and ult on you, just wait it out and then all-in him.”
Ulsur says “You either ban him or Irelia.
In case you banned Irelia and got an Olaf, level 1 he'll try to spam poke you with Qs and auto attacks, if he lands 1 Q he'll pretty much walk to auto attack you and grab his axe to reset the cooldown and keep repeating that, you'll die in 10 seconds if he lands every Q, so you basically have to dodge the first Q he throws and punish with your own Q, post 6 you just can't beat him unless he's dumb enough to dive you, he will ghost + ultimate and run you down, and then he'll flash on top of you if you flash away to gap close you, rush Tabis/Eclipse or Yomuu's, you can kill him before 6 if you dodge every Q, and after 6 your only hope is to bait his ultimate with your own ultimate or flash, he's killable if you have ultimate advantage, but he still has ghost so he can just run away from your full combo, don't let your jungle gank you unless one of you is fed enough to do enough damage to kill him through his shield/healing sustain, Executioner's is a viable option, you're also better in teamfights.
Hotch says “He's strong early but don't be TOO afraid if you have a 3-4 ghoul setup. Surprisingly, you can out-damage him a lot of the time if you have ghouls and kite properly with W. Be careful of his 6 and use your W smart.
Take Ignite.”
KingJoeyy says “in the Olaf matchup you need spacing use your Smurf dodging mechanics if you can do that you wont have a problem with Olaf take ignite. ”
forlid says “Olaf has a lot of pressure if he is able to hit his Q on you, so try to dodge it if possible. Remember that he can also pick it up and throw it instantly again, which is the main way how you'll be kited to death. He gets stronger the less health he has (like Warwick), so don't underestimate him. Try not to fight early as he will kill you quite easily. His R makes CC useless.”
SillyAme says “Olaf can get out of your R with his R. His R also makes your E not pull him to you and makes him ignore the slow from Rylai's Crystal Scepter. He will easily destroy you in 1v1 and keep you away from minions.”
PinkBlood says “Olaf is quite the challenge in some cases I usually like go ignite + tonic in runes and buy boots early so you dont get ran down by him. His level 1 is quite scary with his axes, you can trade olaf when his axes are on the ground. ”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.3,4 are good, take ignite and D blade.(look for one that fit your game-style).(Bone plating recommend)
*skill matchup*
Punish him with Q when he try to farm and wait for him to miss(or dodge it)his undertow(Q) for a easier fight/trade.
When he ult back from him with empowered E or W a far standing minion if possible.
Pre 6 u can use your E to block his E or Q for better trade's.”
Witchking of Angwar says “Ban or Dodge. Spellbook If you are a maniac and want to Play this lane, you need to hard poke him. Like Literally every q off cd needs to hit. If he goes onto you e him away and run laterally away from his axe. Rush cosmic and you have a Chance to kite him if you dodge axes. ”
mastershen says “Try to take short trade with stun and go flash ignite donr fight at level 1 in any cost look for kill in level 2 with E Q and rush antiheal ult his ult if you feel losing you can ult away after his ult was down try to kill him”
MaesePerez says “He beats you early, gets more healing the lower he gets so consistently getting executes with ult is hard. Post 6 he can just run you down with q and ult, and you can't do much about it. You outscale hard, but early the matchup is pretty unplayable, try to get as much farm as possible. ”
AilZar says “Freeze. IDC for how long. You'll be stuck freezing for 50 minutes i dont care. Even think about touching this man and you're dead.
Try cheese heavy poke or a kill pre 6. As soon as he gets ulti, it's over.”
DjapeFromSerbia says “Olaf players often get really low during their clears and if they do not manage it well, they can come at crab at <50%hp and you can try to burst them, but you need to make sure that he doesn't come close to you otherwise he will outsustain your damage.”
forlid says “The key in this matchup is dodging his axe, as it slows you and reduces your armor. He gets stronger the less health he has so be careful. His ult makes your stuns useless so don't fight him when he uses R if possible. Grievous Wounds early are not a bad choice.”
Belle19 says “ALWAYS Q MAX
Lane is tough, he can run you down pretty easily, but as soon as you have 6, your ult honestly offsets the cleaver slow enough to just walk away. If you are struggling in lane I would go swifties to make it harder for him to run you down, slow resist stat shard is also really nice. If you get a lead or want to easily 1v1 him late game even in his ult go tabis bramble. Go the phase rush rune page (last rune page)”
Angryappleseed says “Take Ghost Ignite. You can stomp him hard pre-6. Try to get him as low as you can. Get Steelcaps and executioners. When he Ults at you, use your ghost to run and wait it out, and get ready to re-engage.”
Artszy says “Ímpeto grudual. faça-o gastar a ult e então ative a runa para fugir dele, quando acabar a ult dele você troca. Tente evitar o máximo possivel de machado.”
hamgi says “similar to trundle matchup. just dodge his q's and avoid (extended) trades with his w active or up. do not let him hit u while he's in r. in that case, w to mitigate as much dmg as possible as u stack q3 to get away”
PlayCabex says “MUST run ignite into him. Start with your fear against olaf since he might try to run you down lvl 1 and you do not have enough damage despite having ignite. The way the lane usually goes is that he slow pushes the wave to your side where you can easily punish him. He cannot run you down because of tower and you outtrade him due to healing from bunch of minions + fear and Q. Only go for solokills if you have your ignite up and keep the distance between you and olaf. After 6 the one who engages first, wins (MUST HAVE IGNITE UP). You can even build zhonya 2nd against olafs in order to stop their split (R from fog and do your combo, olaf uses his ultimate, you zhonya, his R should run out and you can fear again)
Runes: First Strike”
Belle19 says “You have two options: forgo any ability to 1v1 him in lane, going phase rush which lets you run away from him very easily even in ult, or you can go the coinflip route and go conqueror where whoever first bloods the other (which will happen very quickly) wins the rest of the lane really hard. I don't like coinflipping it really is just if you juke a q or not which is not really a testament to how good you are but how bad the olaf is, so I opt for phase rush since you outscale him very hard anyway. If he ults do not attempt to fight back unless he is very close to death just run away. Late game he doesnt really do anything unless he's turbo fed, it used to be worse with jaksho mythic era but now that he just goes abunch of ad items he gets blown up. Keep in mind his mana costs are pretty high. Rush a bramble if you are planning on 1v1ing him in lane, otherwise its not necessary”
zwartebliksem says “Has high all-in potential. If he has ignite, you'll lose level 1. If he doesn't, you'll be able to fight if you hit your Q. Either way, it's still a really hard matchup. In case you can zone him to wait out his ult level 6, that would be the best case scenario. However, if you can't, try to ult out, he will kill you if you're even in lane.”
lbc1506 says “Only chance he has of kill is an all in with ult. Run under tower and press w to stop him. You will have enough health from your items and passive to survive.”
AWierdShoe says “This lane is not as hard as people make it out to be. Early levels we have the tools to kite out Olaf as long as we dodge his Q. Olaf's Q is his key ability that he needs to hit in order to run opponents down, and if he misses he loses a lot of early damage and chase. Most Olafs will go Ghost in lane, so feel free to take Ignite to match. We can easily hit Olaf hard around level 4 and keep the trade short (only trade when Q is up) as long as we, again, dodge his Q. Be wary of his all-in at level 6, as your Qs won't CC him and he gets bonus resistances. Ult when he ults in order to fight back. You will outscale this guy, just be mindful not to disrespect him too much or else you'll get run over. ”
Joy17 says “Olaf, com sua capacidade de roubo de vida e durabilidade, pode ser uma ameaça menor para Warwick. No entanto, Warwick, com suas habilidades de cura e controle de grupo, pode ter a capacidade de enfrentar Olaf efetivamente.”
Some have issues with him, I never have.
Dodge Qs, and trade on his Q CD.
When he ults, just use your ult and wait it out.
Otherwise, shorter trades win, Grievous if he gets ahead. ”
Akuzai says “If played well he can straight up dive you and 2v1 you and your jg. If not however you can kite him to infinity and just kill him. Try to dodge his q in lane and only take trades when your q is fully stacked or he can't reach for e.”
Pusi Puu says “Don't risk fights unless his w is down and you can kite him in a bush.
Once he used his w you beat him straight up if you kite him properly and try to dodge his axes. Otherwise he just runs you down without counterplay, so try to play passive early game and outscale him.”
hoflol says “Famously hard lane for Singed, but much more playable than a ranged lane.
Olaf has strong early laning with a high % slow on his Q. For unfamiliar players, I would suggest taking phase rush, and rushing swiftness boots. Focus on farming, proxying whenever possible. You will be stronger in teamfights.”
GheeseEmpty says “One of your least playable matchups. The only thing I can suggest here is either going Bear build and attempting to outscale, or going Phoenix and utilizing Phase Rush to shorten his trades as much as possible. There is pretty much never a circumstance in the early game in which you beat Olaf, but it's also not super easy for him to stick to you.”
ThelpixG says “Pretty dangerous matchup early.
How to Beat?
- You should be aiming to play very safe during early levels;
- Dodge his Q poke to prevent his engage;
- DO NOT fight long exchanges, he will always win;
- If he has no W up you can play more agressively;
- You can take ignite if you want to try killing him early but i would recommend a more scaling playstyle since you outscale him anyways;
- Once he gets level 6 play very carefully and try to prevent him from extending his ult for too long by dodging his Q and kiting him with your movement speed from passive and barrels;
- Late game you can oneshot him if he goes in on you;
- Swifties are very good against him because his only engaging tool is his axe's slowing effect.”
xXazzer says “Olaf is also "level 1 run you down" champ. And after 6 its hard to fight him because you can't CC him and he runs ghost. Play more defensive than usual and look for opportunities where he over extends. Try to dodge his axes. Don't over commit, with his shield and healing he can beat fairly easily.”
NegativePhoenix says “If his ult is up, BE CAREFUL as you will have no way to escape him without using flash which he will most likely respond with his own
Take Bramble early and remember his Q removes armor so even if you have alot of armor built up, keep that in mind if you wonder how he's still hurting you”
X_TRM says “(Start W) Dodge his Q's. You can easily kill him by AA and using E + W combo after tanking his damage. After 6 try to use W + Flash because you can't CC him and he will most likely kill you depending on his runes. He outscales you. Stride - Clever - Shojin - Overlords - Chempunk Chainsword”
Murfz says “I usually go flash+ignite vs Olaf, with lethal tempo + ignite you can usually win level 1 unless he really outspaces you with his Q's. Respect his all in if the wave is on his side, the lane is jax favored and you also outscale him pretty hard.”
LilliaFanBoy says “Only a threat if he lands his Q's. Level 1 is hard and unless the player is bad, you will get destroyed. Poke is your friend here. Maintain 4 passive stacks up as much as possible.”
WhendZ says “Raramente tu ganha troca cedo. Desvia dos machados e toma cuidado com o W, se ele tiver sem ult e sem w ele não é perigo. Ele te mata bem fácil no early. Segura até o seu core e acaba com ele.
LegacyOneTap says “A little annoying, if he misses axe you just kill him, level 1 you are stronger make sure to run ignite, save your e for when he's much lower, you save so much health and he loses out on any stats bonuses for almost being dead even with barrier here you kill him and have about a few hundred health left. Run bork divine bc wits end so he cant touch you without dying for being within jump range. you win this after 1 item even if both are even in gold.”
Wizboy73 says “[take phase rush] you cannot do this matchup witout phase rush or he will jsut get onto you and run you down without counterplay. after lv11 you win super hard.”
MusicJG says “Dodge his axes with your E.
He can run you down with ghost so be careful.
He usually clears with low hp because of his passive, can look to 3 camp invade him.
You outscale him pretty hard.”
JPGamer10BR says “Olaf ganha de você dês do lvl 1 até o final, caso você tome o Q dele, ele andará reto até você pegará o machado e continuará até você quase morrer, então tente desviar do Q, caso ele erre, tente punir ele o máximo possível.
Runas> P.R, F.F ou PTA”
Denied20 says “Very problematic design for you. Your main survival tool against stat checkers are face tornado and leave. This becomes impossible at level 6. At this point you are on thin ice and need to try to create space by dashing around the wave and block axes with tornados. Ragnarok last up to 2.5 seconds, as of patch 14.4, and then viability of the defensive tecnique "face tornados" returns to you. Although this gives you zero contribution for the offense, to kill olaf you need to get a lot of free damage on top of him like many other top lane champions, by poking and kiting. This needs to take precedent after Ragnarok wears off and even more so pre level 6. When it comes down to face tanking, Olaf wins with margin, due to shields, life steal and generally more damaging abilities.”
Crossing Calvin says “Conquer or phase rush
This matchup is a mix of garen and warwick
Don't level 1 him except if you are confident to not get by his Q. Dodge his Q and you can kill him slowly. Don't hammer Q him when hes above 40% (Don't do it or you get cheesed and he runs you down) Going even in this lane is favorable for you.”
BurritoTopKing says “Similar to Aatrox, just dodge his Axes if possible, or kite away from them if he is looking for an all in, anti heal can be useful (Executioner or Bramble), and be careful at lvl 6 as he can ignore your E with his ult.”
SpookyKing says “Dodge his Q with your W and then have a fist fight. You will most likely have ignite advantage and he will have ghost, which is useless against you. Post 6 if you are ahead hit an R on him and he dies. ”
xskyswitch says “Do not underestimate his damage or lifesteal when he is low on HP. Pre level 6 you can find pretty comfortable all-ins on him when he is low. Post 6, however, he can R your W stun and activate his W immediately, lifestealing beyond the point of your Q execution threshold. Late game you likely wont find yourself winning the 1v1 and will need help from your team when he mispositions.”
Tronnes says “Watchout for his walk down potential. If he long range Q's you and goes to grab it try and hit him with your Q's (without using E if possible) and if he's scared off on 3rd Q then you have 3rd Q E which is lethal. ”
Skaiy says “Olaf and warwick are 2 very same matchups, there is full gameplay guide on channel on how to win agaisnt olaf and pretty much same goes for warwick as well, those will destroy you in any extended fight both pre and post 6 and both pre and post leer, the only way of winning is getting leer and TPing back to lane before they get their buy and killing them while you have your leer against their starting items, then after that reset get ur Anti healing orb and keep trying to kill them on ults+ignite timings, thats also the only 2 matchups when you want to buy orb.”
Bonkyou says “Skill matchup, Your kiting and mechanics matter a lot here.
Do not stat check unless you are ahead and you are sure to kill this guy without needing to CC him”
Chaddouk says “First big rule against olaf, be careful of his lvl 1 all in with axes, do not facecheck him lvl and be aware of it. Olaf starts the game with 316 mana, outsustaining his mana bar can be a way to win the lane. Ofc, dodge as many axes as possible. If you want him to push into you, can bait him to throw axes that hit both you and the wave. Olaf is very weak when far from his axe, can look for fights then. Later in this matchup, after 6, it's all about killing before getting killed. Trynd R is better but Olaf can kite, so make sure you can stick to him and outdamage his sustain otherwise he'll just make you R kite and finish you or face tank your damage with sustain and finish you. Question 1: Do I have the damage ? Question 2 : can I stick on him ? Also after 6 when you're jgler comes keep in mind he can neglect CC so damage jglers are better than CC jglers (got ganked by maokai, he turned us).”
BaotoGame says “The most scariest thing from Olaf is his ult and high amount of damage and he can run you down so be aware,but he is very immobile so use a smart W to kite him until he out of Ult form.”
daitolol says “TOP//
- Generally easy matchup, as long as you don't disrespect him. Go for short trades use your w to cancel out his e make sure to be moving a lot so you don't get hit by q and when he goes to take the q back punish him for it
- When olaf Ults his MR and Armor bonus drops, you can easily kill him then
-Watch out for the shield from W as they will use it to bait you”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Can't trade into you early game, you do too much damage at level 3. After level 6 you can tunnel away if he ults preemptively for your unburrow or if he ults in midair you can just trade normally and run away with tunnel when it comes back up to wait out his ult. He likes to stay at low hp which is perfect for your ult since it's an execute. Olaf should lose the matchup at all stages of the game unless he gets extremely ahead somehow.”
Smudey says “[Starting Item: Boots + Refill]
[Build: Phase Rush with Unflinching + Any build depending on the enemy comp]
One of the only matchups where I would recommend Phase Rush. Buy Swifty Boots early. Dodge his Q at all costs. If he hits Q, proc Phase Rush and run away. Try to farm and outscale him. Only fight him if he is super low and you have Ignite available. ”
TheBougis says “In a straight up 1v1 Olaf will kill you somewhat easily (ever faster if he has ult) but Olaf players have crazy tunnel vision and will completely ignore you when trying to chase your duo, so you can heal your duo for free while Olaf just dies. ”
AlgoSobreJesus says “PERMABAN LA CRIATURA He can run you down for free post 6, and lane bullies you up until that point as well. Horrible matchup, your only hope is a winning botlane. Rush Tabi's so he cannot rush you down as easily.
RanDomGuY060 says “Very easy to beat, kill him before level 6 and you can counter him without him countering you. IF he has ult on you can't R him or E him.”
bocchicken says “Farm from safety with Q, only look for trades in your wave and be mindful of throwing abilities that might push your wave in his favor. If he freezes, you have to call your jungler to help unfreeze otherwise you WILL get ran down and die. ”
ShadowStealer94 says “Will burst you early and will be quite hard to kill due to tankiness and large amounts of healing. Poison Wizard is Especially good into this champ. ”
DebRiX9 says “He can ult out of yours (but I guess you already know this), he pokes you down, he heals, he's an annoying fuck.
Play safe and hope for jungle help. Enstablish a lead before trying 1v1s
Rush Oblivion Orb then rylai”
BezMemow says “Two schools of thought:
Either pick Phase Rush and play for scaling, as you can beat him later on if you build a lot of damage or go Conqueror and fight him head on with Bramblevest or rush Zhonya's to cancel his ultimate. You can't run away from him unless you have phase rush. He's killable pre-6.
Try to slowpush and crash, if you feel like you can't, back tp with bramblevest and crash the wave. ”
Antecc says “Not the hardest of lanes, not the easiest. Try not to get chunked by his Q. You have a window to fight if he ever misses Q and can't pick it back up. NEVER ENGAGE WITH Q. Always use Q to back off or finish him off. You can try and bait his ultimate by pressing E post-6 and leaping away in succession (assuming his Q is on cooldown!) Antiheal recommended + BC. ”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “ALWAYS IGNITE My personal go to pick if enemy team picks gp. I like the matchup as gp but if youre not experienced its easy to get somped. You need to be extra careful during the laning phase beacuse most of the times you lose all in. If you get hit with his Q and he has an oportunity to throw another one W the slow asap, even if youre near max hp. If you sit on the barrel and poke him you should be fine but it gets tricky when he gets ult, but even with ghost he is not THAT fast for him to use it any time.”
ABL Pantheon says “This matchup used to be a nightmare for Pantheon. Now its a skill matchup. Although he can kill you most of the times because he stat checks you, but if you play correctly you can kill him or atleast live. Respect his level 1, after that you can start engaging. Phase Rush is solid when you are going against him to avoid getting run down from him. Dodge his Q. After 6 it becomes harder to kill. ”
ToplaneProfessor says “[Phase rush] [nimbus] [transcendance] [gathering storm] +[demolish] [second wind]
items : start dorans shield -> bramble -> steelcaps ->CORE
this matchup without phaserush is probably the hardest since we cant kite his ult and we cant stun him in his ult so he just wins
but with phase rush it becomes way more managable. Our goal is to save phase rush for his ult and run away , after his ult expires we win”
Alungitul01 says “Olaf can be handless and still beat you. Be very careful to not die as much as possible and be careful at turret dives if you are low hp.”
lordimboutabust says “You have a chance before lvl 6, if he misses a Q all in him. Never be in melee and careful after 6 because his ult counters your kit | second wind | Dblade - eclipse or tank depending on yours/enemy team comp”
Bernardian says “If you start W lvl 1 you win, if you start q you lose. pre 6 hes an ok duelest watch out for consistent poke as it can lead to an all in. post 6 he can run you down, play around his Q as that is most of his dmg, rush tabis go Second wind instead of Boneplating.”
Waqql says “My permanent ban. Olaf is damn annoying. His axe slows you, and if he picks it up, you have hardly any chance to escape. He has damn good self-healing and true damage, which hurts a lot when you're caught in his slow. But the worst thing about him is his ultimate. You can no longer influence him with crowd control. Mega Gnar's W and ult are useless against him. It is probably wiser to confront Olaf's ult as Mini Gnar.”
Lukajs says “Olaf is a problematic champion to face as Gwen, since he can run you down with his Q slows. If you can poke him to around 70-50% hp, you can engage on him with R. Otherwise, farm until 6.
Play around poke and farming until 6.”
demirkaiser says “You can deal with him. Another perma ban. Don't try until 6. If he has braincells he will ult at the start of the fight so you can't ult him. But if he doesn't ult at the start you can ult him. He will get out of the realm but you will keep the stats. Try to hit isolated Q's and buy bramble early.”
CypherRL says “This matchup is like walking on egg-shells. If you mess up once he will snowball the lane phase extremely hard. Be careful of his Q level 1 and always play max range.”
St0rmyss says “Go lethal tempo with inspiration or resolve, and go ignite. You win LVL 1 but don't start the trade with your e, use it last second, similar to Irelia. Never start a trade with your q unless you are ahead and you are sure you can beat him. Dodge as many of his Q's as possible.”
Jasic says “Phase / Fleet. Rush swifties. Dodge the axe and space well and you win. Don't ever fight when he as ult. You lose. 60/40 odds favoring Olaf.”
Chengos says “another skillmatchup, but easyier make sure you keep E to be able to escape Olaf, but shoulden't be to hard all Olafs are npcs and perma engage like Jax players. Keep distance spam q's
SRoseD says “He can cleanse Lillia ultimate and run you down. His axes slow you and make it possible to run you down. If his axe is on the ground though, maybe you can hit a Q on him before he reaches it. Must dodge axes.”
Nurakami says “The new Warwick of Top if he can hit you YOU WILL LOSE but why he is not Extreme bcs you can actually kill him if you dodge his q and kite him with e to not let him lifesteal back.
And if you don't fed him you will win after 2nd item.”
Herbietron says “His R ruins you and you can't run away. He can dive you once he has 6 cause you don't have the dmg to deal with him. Luckily he isn't the best at taking towers so I just leave and go bot.”
rilxy4u says “He can hit you witch his axe through minions, does lots of damage, speedy asf (gap close), destroys boxes instantly, his R makes your boxes completely irrelevant (he becomes cc immune).
Outplay: Run away when Olaf pops ulti. try to doge his axes and block him from picking it up. Anti-heal and ignite necessary.”
Smauggy says “if he lands his q on u youll have a rough time, add to that the fact that he negate your ult, he will outsustain your and with stride he will slow you even more.”
_WhiteSnow_ says “Do not let him engage onto you with q, he wins nearly every all-in. Force short trades against him and kite him out with bushes and movespeed options. You can burst him if you get him low enough, but lose nearly every straight up all in.”
Loweloexpert says “Ban Olaf pls, ban him. You have to be lucky as fuck lvl 3, and even if you kill him he will win for the rest of the game. He can destroy you 1v1 with 1 full item behind at every stage of the game. Unplayable matchup, Idk Why riot is not changing anything about this, like he cant ult if he is in morde ult or something like that, because right now this matchup is unfair. Ban or dodge. ”
Black Demon Ezel says “This dude is SO ANNOYING that's it's crazy. He literally presses a button when he has it, and your ult is useless. Do me a favor and just avoid this bozo at all costs. If you see him before you lock in, just pick someone else.”
Black Demon Ezel says “Olaf's new rework makes him so dangerous in the top lane. It made him less of a jungler and more of a top laner and frankly, it annoys me. Steer clear of being within his Q range and use your own Q effectively and efficiently. If you can stay away, he can't use his ult to the fullest. Then, nom nom nom”
HSY12 says “Buy bloodthirsters and hope for the best
When he hits 6, your Q3 and R don't CC him, so it becomes very difficult to duel him. You have to respect that
Use your W to avoid his axe poke
tommytaxfraud says “My personal ban. I hate how hard he slows you with his throwing axe, and the frequency of which he can throw them. He's also got the stronger early game, and possibly will try and cheese you level 1 or 2.”
Boptimus says “A rare pick Top, so you would be more likely to come across Olaf in the jungle. Olaf can stick to you with Q and can sustain quite heavily with his W. His R makes it so you can't E or R him away, so your best bet is to go for a full combo to proc Phase Rush, and run away while avoiding his Q.
After using his R he becomes a lot easier to deal with.”
Boptimus says “Olaf is a big ball of healing and can easily run you down if you aren't careful. You need to avoid his Q and play close to your tower. Disengage from his R if possible. Once his R and W are down you have a window to duel him.”
SesaPrime says “Olaf has all the tools to 1v5 a game. Camille gains the ability to 1v5 if she does well. It does not take Olaf much to dish out huge damage & still be tanky to take the rest of the team.
As an Olaf main myself, Camille can get smashed at any time unless she has a pressuring jungler. If Camille gets a lead on Olaf, she can snowball but Olaf can recover just from punishing her misplays instantly which is similar to what Darius does to her. ”
Reines Kokosfett says “You both deal tons of damage early, but you win burst trade and he has no way of chasing you, if you E out. With your Q burst and antiheal you can brust him if he is low.”
Vixylafoen says “Like Tryndamere except he has a ranged ability, but can actually be killed. Try your best to avoid his Q, since you can outpoke him if you can”
primate nefasto says “he has a strong early, fight at 6, pre 6 he will sustain all your damage. A key to success in this match up is to not use early your W, wait until he es low HP because there he is gonna be really strong and then you can dodge and make time for CD of your E and Q while you are invisible. If you are ahead you should win easily mid and late game.”
lolkayleee says “[Grasp + Divine Sunderer]
Start Doran's Shield. You might need to start E to get the first 3 melee minions' experience and to run away from his Q chain. Don't walk up to the wave level 1 and never hookshot in unless you are very far ahead or close to your tower. He can only heal if he shoves the wave so try to poke him with W, take small grasp trades close to your tower, and stand in your minion wave so if he tries to poke you with his Q he shoves the wave into you. Your job is to survive and scale for divine sunderer.”
lorensj81 says “Really hard matchup. You can get early push if you dodges his axes (Q), be careful if he hits them since cooldown is reset when he picks them up as he slows you and can run you down.”
stefanko says “Force trades level 1, you hard win, you dont have to use your e instantly, if Olaf wants to go for all in. Later on when you go for all ins, save your e for when Olaf gets low. (lt, ignite)”
Zeffie says “Olaf is typically a counter to Sej but since he lost popularity and even still after his mini rework he isn't much of a threat unless he ults, good to have Q to get away and wait out the timer then flip it on him”
ElMonumento says “Do not try to trade him at lvl 1 if he has letali tempo, unless you know how to beat him, when he reaches lvl 6, stay away from him because Olaf will depend on hitting you to increase the duration of his R, without hitting his R hard 3 seconds.
PraefectusMace says “Awful matchup. Axe spamming, lifesteal, attack isn't an easy fight at all. And once he hits level 6 he has CC immunity. It is a lane you will need help with.”
Phantom_Ashes says “Levels 1-5 this matchup really isn't that bad, but at 6 he stomps you. Your R is useless and you can't fear him. Farm up and hope you can do something later.”
dzsama says “Don't let him get too many E's on to you as it deals true damage. He also gets more attackspeed the lower his HP gets so be careful of that. If he misses his Q and throws it far away from himself then you can try to fight him as he misses a lot of his damage without his axe spam. After 6 he can avoid your stun and keep running at you if he keeps hitting you so be careful for that. Just remember to not get baited by him being low HP since his W gives him a shield that can make a difference in a fight.”
GannicusTTV says “Olaf is really hard at lvl 1. Respect his lvl 1, and dodge his axe throw, or even give up some cs if he is harassing you. if he lands his Q he can run you down early. wait patiently for lvl 3 and look for Taunting and short trades out. with your passive and W you should win most trades and run away without any problem if you are freezing your wave near your tower. I recommend ignite to deny him healing, if you do it correctly 2, 3 times you should be able to kill him. At lvl 6 he does a lot more damage and can break your stun, do not fight him mid lane or near his tower. And only R if you have a good wave spot or he can take down your tower really fast.”
Puyi says “You can dodge an axe with your E, but that's pretty much it. You can never duel him, and his ult negates your entire kit. Play safe and farm, you outscale him. ”
Azekar says “Conqueror+Bone Plating.
Start Doran Blade/Cloth Armor.
Ghost+Teleport or Ghost+Exhaust or Ghost+Ignite.
DO NOT FIGHT HIM ON THE FIRST LEVELS. Olaf is a VERY strong laner who sweeps Gwen off the board. Rush Tabi and Bramble Vest. 1v1 with Olaf is virtually impossible due to the amount of damage and healing this champion has. You outscale it when you have the first 2 items. Before buying them, I recommend not to compete with him.
JustSad42 says “This is a pretty easy matchup where you beat Olaf at all stages in the game. Olaf has high mana costs, and he can only kill you if you try to fight him in his wave or he has aggressive summoner spells instead of TP. Ideally, you want to stand away from your wave so Olaf has to choose whether to Q the wave to push or try to Q you for damage. If Olaf ever tries to Q long range and misses, you want to immediately force on him since his Q cooldown will be very long. After level 6, you want to R Olaf and spend most of your time kiting him instead of trying to fight him auto attack for auto attack. You should only use your W once his R ends or if you think he will use Q-E on you at the same time.”
Night Guy says “You should always be careful when laning against an Olaf. You can win early but he can easily turn the tables around at 6 so do not underestimate him at any point. Respect him after 6 and when he uses his ulti just E to a minion to make the dash larger so he will waste his ulti then fight him.”
TheHellKing says “Easy pre 6, be careful of being run down after. Conq for this. Keep your passive up and don't get hit by his Q. No point in ulting since his ult will just remove it.”
SrMolinv says “Not hard, not easy. Riven wins early. Make a good use of ignite in this matchup too. In this matchup you can go HP in runes BUT that means be careful with trades until level 4-5. Ignite when under 50% of HP or 60. This lane is playing around his Q, whoever pokes the other more later gets run down”
SuperPlaysHD says “Your ultimate is useless agaisnt him, you cant win 1v1 neither 1v2. Try to look for good trades and kill him with jungler before he is lvl6.”
Der Bestimmer says “You can't CC him and therefore can't stop him to stick to you with his Ult and regerate with his AAs.
Try to keep him low and Zone him pre 6.”
BoilTheOil says “At level 1 just walk at him with W and beat the shit out of him, if he tries to fight back he loses. You win this matchup insanely hard before level 6 so try to get a lead before then, you win every trade/engagement so fight as much as you can. After he gets to level 6 don't use R on him unless his R is down, you can still stat check him pretty hard unless he's ahead of you. ”
Antisocial_Renekton says “OG counterpick.
Dblade start, rush tabi, chainsword 1st item.
Try your best to kill him in window of lvl 3-5.
RandumPersin says “Take pta and ignite here. Respect his level 1 stupidity with the axes and passive and you should flat-out win trades from level 3 onwards. Olaf is pretty immobile, so our E really shines during the early laning phase as a completely unbeatable tool at our disposal. With ignite, early heal cut isn't necessary, so build BotRK first to shred this guy. Even while Olaf is ulted, if our W breaks his W shield while fighting we will absolutely one-shot him. This is another similar matchup to Darius in the laning phase - don't be aggressive with E, only take what he gives you, and the matchup should be pretty favorable for us overall.”
LeyzeHP says “Grasp or Conqueror.
Eclipse or Divine
Rengar doesn't like him as for Darius, they both slows you and prevent you from leaping by sticking on you. Don't all in, you can out-trade him if he waste Q. He outscales you really hard later in the game and he's really broken but you can win if you get a good team”
Smudey says “Don't fight him lvl 1-2 or he runs you down with his axe slow and his AA + passive. You can try to go for short trades 3-5, but if he punishes you for it and tries to force an all-in, just stay back. Never taunt into him unless he actually has no HP and you can kill him off of this taunt.”
Fizzy says “Top laner, I got some in the top they are really problematic both in the early game and in the late game, you can have the Q that breaks your armor, and your true damage in And so avoid fights that stretch too much he will take advantage of that
As a jungle you will have some problems in the gank part, even more with lvl 6 ignoring your stun”
Cheeseypops1 says “Very hard counter early game, You can beat him at level 3 if you poked him beforehand but at full hp, he just beats you try to freeze on him and pull him under tower other than that go zhonya's second because it completely cancels out his R and then you can ult him right after. If he doesn't ever r you just win, if he does use Zhonya's then reverse ult him and you should win. But pre Zhonya's you can't win sadly if you fight him fairly, Rush Steelcaps”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Olaf is incredibly strong in the early game: especially at level 1. Avoid fighting him at all costs as he will beat you if he’s able to land multiple Q’s. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his ability to all-in you and chase you down.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You can dominate him pre6 if u manage to zone him from minions and constantly poke him. Without minions he cant use his lifesteal and he is pretty squishy early. After 6 the problem starts, as you need to be very carefull and never go too far from your tower. Dont take long fights, go to melee range only if he is low or you want to passive him and run away. If he has ult orange his first axe and dont come close before you Wcd ends. He is very snowbally, if you give him one kill and he knows what is he doing your laning phase is done.”
hamgi says “olaf used to be even, but with his recent buffs, he is a pretty tough matchup for yone. his q reduces armor and slows, which is really annoying as u dont have a tenacity rune nor swifties to handle the slow. his w gives him a shield, which can be frustrating when he's 1 hp and all u need is 1 aa/q and he pops it and u die instead. his e deals a lot of damage, especially when paired with his q (assuming he didnt miss). he can pick up his axe and re-throw it, so try not to let him just casually take it. he is a mana champ, so use that to ur advantage. try to q3 + r him before he pops ult because one or the other or even both will be useless against him and u wont be able to dish out as much damage as possible, and u could potentially die. u outscale, so dont let him get ahead. play smart and dodge his q's. if he then uses w or e on minions, that is ur time to trade”
Potent213 says “Runes:
Goal in lane:
Win lane, this lane is a fight to the death, you need to be able to beat him in that fight, take ignite.
Wave 1-4:
Play for Q poke, but be very mindful of his all ins with Q level 1, if u get hit, go near your minion wave, as you should win fights with ur minion wave and ignite level 1.
This matchup is favorable for Fiora, although you need to play it in a specific way.
Olaf is somewhat similar to Darius in the way that he can chase you down really hard so you need to becareful when trading him.
Olaf has pretty short range so you can abuse front vitals and go for Q poke, you should constantly look to reset back vitals.
You want to poke him down until he is low enough to where you can win an all in.
Ignite is very helpful in this matchup, try to kite him out don't go for auto attack fights, Q vitals kite around and go for the next vital.
After level 6, you wanna go with the same plan, but you don't need to poke as much as your R damage + healing is enough to compensate for his strong dueling.
BUT NEVER FIGHT HIM STRAIGHT UP, olaf is scary in a fist fight.”
spaghalli says “Pre-6, bully the hell out of him, contesting CS and harassing him. Play around his ult, as it's a direct counter to all your beloved CC. When he jumps on you and ults, W yourself for the bonus movement speed and run away so he can't attack you and wait until his ult ends.”
StingingChicken says “Be really careful to not let him land a Q level 1, he can pop ghost and run you down. Poke and take short trades, all he can do is all in. Try to predict when he will use his E empowered auto and block it, most of the time they'll AA-E right when they get melee range. Must get lead before 6 or can't lane after. ”
AdventurousBoldJourney says “This guy hurts. A lot. He will ignore your CC, Ghost past your W, and make you cry to Mama. You need to roll him before 6 in order to have a good chance of snowballing on him before he does the same to you. ”
TwTv EUWXYZ says “u need to match ghost ignite, if not u need to rush bramble insta or exec depends on enemy comp. try to E him before he uses R since otherwise ur E wont have a usage u need to kite him and try to predict when&where he throws his axes”
HAMMERSLAYER says “A passive jungle pick with a tendency for counterjungling, try to avoid any 1v1 combat with him in early game and until you get Bloodrazor or Botrk, or both, he will try to powerfarm until 6 and get vision/crabs while harashing any availiable lane once he gets ulti and easily diving them, so once he gets his ulti try to be nearby to countergank him so he can't get kills and snowball the midgame.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Olaf is incredibly strong in the early game: especially at level 1. Avoid fighting him at all costs as he will beat you if he’s able to land multiple Q’s. If Olaf throws his Q and it’s close to you, try your best to zone him away from the thrown axes so he is unable to pick them up. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his ability to all-in you and chase you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Olaf is incredibly strong in the early game: especially at level 1. Avoid fighting him at all costs as he will beat you if he’s able to land multiple Q’s. If Olaf throws his Q and it’s close to you, try your best to zone him away from the thrown axes so he is unable to pick them up. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his ability to all-in you and chase you down.”
kajinator says “Olaf's ultimate is useless into Garen since Garen has no form of hard CC. That being said his damage his still very high and needs to be respected. If you get hit by a stray Q in lane you can cleanse it with your Q and go for. a good trade with Phase Rush and Flash + Ignite.”
Noltey says “Look to burn Olaf R with your cc and use phase rush to escape and wait out his R. Once Olaf R is down he shouldn't be a threat as you can lock him down with cc”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Don’t fight him 1v1 coz he is much stronger. Try to keep wave closer to your tower so he would not be able to chase you down. Phase Rush is a very helpful rune to escape Olaf since the rune gives you good amount of movement speed and slow resist which is super helpful against Olaf’s Q. You can also buy an item with “grievous wounds” effect to reduce his vampirism.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Olaf is incredibly strong in the early game: especially at level 1. Avoid fighting him at all costs as he will beat you if he’s able to land multiple Q’s. If Olaf throws his Q and it’s close to you, try your best to zone him away from the thrown axes so he is unable to pick them up. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his ability to all-in you and chase you down.”
SrMolinv says “No es ni complicado ni facil, depende del Olaf. Riven gana en early pero conforme Olaf pilla armadura gana el, esquivar las Q's cuando puedas y intentar tanquear su E con tu escudo. Guarda el ignite para cuando este a menos del 50% de vida o si se te acaba el ignite se curara. Vida por nivel en runas en este matchup esta bien.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Olaf is incredibly strong in the early game: especially at level 1. Avoid fighting him at all costs as he will beat you if he’s able to land multiple Q’s. If Olaf throws his Q and it’s close to you, try your best to zone him away from the thrown axes so he is unable to pick them up. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his ability to all-in you and chase you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Olaf is incredibly strong in the early game: especially at level 1. Avoid fighting him at all costs as he will beat you if he’s able to land multiple Q’s. If Olaf throws his Q and it’s close to you, try your best to zone him away from the thrown axes so he is unable to pick them up. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his ability to all-in you and chase you down.”
Mr Byars says “Same as urgot, wait for your jungler and don't even think about walking up to lane in lvl 1 without seeing him because he will just Q you from the bushes and either kill you, burn your flash or take half of your hp. Focus on dodging his Q's and farm under tower, after lvl 6 if you think you're ahead all in him, you probably not going to be able to kill him but you'll have a chance to cs”
TriggerDinger says “Olaf is currently strong against anyone.Playing against him is easy but when he hits level 6 it turns into a nightmare.You have to play very carefully beacause one mistake will lead you to death.”
Oogaboogaga says “Garens kit is perfect into olaf, he loves being low hp and garen loves hp targets. Ult him in team fights and survive lane if top to win game. If jungle be very careful and watch for invades”
Justin108 says “Olaf will be a horror of a laning phase. You will never be able to kill him or contest objectives in most cases but there's a chance that you will outscale him if you play correctly macro-wise.”
Duwiiton says “His ult negates most of your toolkit's utility. If you can dodge though, you can win short-trades in lane using E and W before disengaging with Q.”
CupcakeDinosaur says “Olaf is a huge pain to deal with since he deals lots of damage and has lots of life steal and healing, take ignite and fight level 3 or 4 to have the best chance at winning or fight with your jungler”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Olaf is incredibly strong in the early game: especially at level 1. Avoid fighting him at all costs as he will beat you if he’s able to land multiple Q’s. If Olaf throws his Q and it’s close to you, try your best to zone him away from the thrown axes so he is unable to pick them up. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his ability to all-in you and chase you down.”
Kocykek says “Olaf is a difficult champion to deal with. His rework made him even stronger at dueling. Beware of his early cheese with Q. Dodge his axes if possible. Take short trades. Try to escape from his R if he will activate it like Heroic Charge the minion. Try to get Sheen first and then Divine Sunderer. Then you can fight him.
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Olaf is incredibly strong in the early game: especially at level 1. Avoid fighting him at all costs as he will beat you if he’s able to land multiple Q’s. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his ability to all-in you and chase you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Olaf is incredibly strong in the early game: especially at level 1. Avoid fighting him at all costs as he will beat you if he’s able to land multiple Q’s. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his ability to all-in you and chase you down.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Olaf is incredibly strong in the early game: especially at level 1. Avoid fighting him at all costs as he will beat you if he’s able to land multiple Q’s. Keep the minion wave closer to your side of the map to reduce his ability to all-in you and chase you down.”
Thrandor says “Now this is interesting. You are kind of the same champ as Olaf! YOU WIN pre 6 fights if he decides to go for a direct 1v1. However, running is not a bad idea as long as his W shield is up... once he hits 6, things become a way more difficult. I recommend ulting away when he activates his ult- it is worth it as he can just auto throughout your ult and basically outdamage you!”
Racz says “Olaf is pretty strong this patch, dodge his Q's or passive shield it, if it hits he slows you. W when he W's. Don't try to E him when he's in ult!!!”
CosmicTurtle88 says “Insane 1v1 champ but you're stronger, don't take long fights 1-2 with his Conqueror, wait until 4-5+ to take longer fights. Once he's thrown an axe you can eat him and spit him away from
it, then slow him. This will significantly lower his dps. His ult 1v1 is crazy because you can't stun him but get Bramble and you should be fine ”
Polkadog says “Not enough matches to be sure how dangerous Olaf is but Olaf is Olaf. Just avoid him altogether and you'll have a more pleasant experience playing League.”
tacowo_ says “Tabis->Warden's Mail->Bramble Vest. Watch him deal zero damage. Watch in real time as the Olaf player's singular brain cell undergoes mitosis. Olaf player remembers he can hit the E key and deal true damage. Die under turret. Repeat. ”
Yiphen says “Jungle Diff, Doran's Shield. His entire kit is built around running at people and not dying at low HP, except your Q is a dash and your E is an execute. His only poke is his Q, and if he uses it to hit you then he misses CS. It also lowkey heals you since the cooldown gives you Second Wind + Doran's Shield value. He's just free Grasp Procs. Freeze wave in front of tower. Dance.”
TENTAKILL ILLAOY says “В прицепи он не особо силен, ибо является глупым милишником, что Иллаой контрит, но за счет своей огромной силы в ранней игре, он еще как опасен. Бойтесь его q на лвл 1-3. Он может как Дариус, легко вас поймать и убить, лишая фарма.
Сейчас олаф оп играйте очень сейвово , читайте его, и старайтесь играть с максимум щупалец.
Maxpiku says “Сложновато. Топоры это просто ужас, и его R полностью, контрит наши механики. Советую собрать побольше брони(можно выйти в ледяное сердце или в жоню) ,часики чтобы переждать его R и хилорез по понятным причинам.”
fodlybod says “Annoying, but you dodge his qs early and he will be no threat. If you don't kill him early or lose early you buy anathemas and hope for the best.”
Taiquyorah says “MU difficile car il a plus de sustain, bcp de dégats et peut vous rundown s'il vous touche avec un Q et son R + gosht.
Farmer tranquillement et garder vos HP pour l'empêcher de vous dive.
S'il vous touche avec un Q, utilisez votre W instantanément pour toujours garder une distance avec lui.
Vous serez plus utile en teamfight plus tard dans la game.
Build bruiser/crit conseillé pour ne pas se faire dive en boucle.”
Lost Chapter says “Perma ban. Worse than irelia. You do not win at any stages of the game. Olaf was just made into a monster which I do not enjoy playing against.”
NegativePhoenix says “Pretty common toplane choice lately after his rework. Just be cautious of his Q as he can slow you with it, shred armor now and can spam it if he picks up his axe again. Respect the early 1v1s and take ignite since he can easily lifesteal everything back the lower he is. Poke him down and execute him quickly before he can get everything back, and get bramble early. Late game is basically the same as lane phase, just make sure you ignite him if he chooses to attack you so he has no lifesteal power and just dies.”
NegativePhoenix says “Early Olaf fights are not a good idea or at least not prolonged ones. More than likely he'll just Q you for axe slow and auto you to death. Get grievous early, short trade if you can and try to dodge his axe to avoid armor shred. Just NEVER, get in a prolonged fight with this man. Later in the game won't matter too heavy as you should win if you play right.”
HelloStranger says “CONQ | Flash/Exhaust + Ignite
New rework Olaf is absolute bullshit. You never win ever. Consider asking for jungle help because now this champ is bad early and good/OP late. Go Figure :?”
kurbart says “Olaf aka keep that man away from me
hes a colossal issue the fact he can run you down and also has built in mr and sustain makes him hard to beat but wait there's more ..... his ult makes him immune to alll!!!!! cc for a few seconds. But after that he's not invincible keep your distance farm from afar dodge his axe throws you should be fine but respect him. ”
xXMMGGMMXx says “I ban Darius and dodge Olaf top. Olaf top is disgusting and he out damages, out heals and you can't CC him.
Not many Olaf top users in league though. Honestly just dodge it.”
powerfullgeo says “You want him to be low health so you can kill him and he wants to be low health so he can auto attack you faster than the speed of light. Probably exhaust is great here but i haven't encountered any Olaf top to even test this.”
Dannala says “Weak all ins if he misses his first Q, his passive attack speed and lifesteal won't matter early because of your finishing burst. If he survives your combo you may be in a predicament however, which makes late game fights with Olaf more difficult to near impossible. Even duelist builds will struggle to keep up with his insane healing.”
qosmox says “The first 2 levels is just about surviving and farming safely. He’s strong in all-in’s and his axe throwing can easily chase you down if you ever taunt him without killing him.Lvl 3-5 you can manage short trades whenever you got everything up. Deny his tradeback with W and just run back after the short trade. Repeat this until he’s low enough that you can kill him with 1 rotation, be wary of his lifesteal while low. Again, important: Never taunt forward unless he’s basically dead. He’s an easy gank pre-6.”
Federals1 says “He wins levels 1 and 2, then you beat him 3-5, and then he beats you at 6. He can cleanse your q stun and anihilate you with his damage. Your best choice is to try to kite out his ultimate so he cannot refresh the duration. After that you can turn and fight him, but still need to be mindful of his damage and sustain. Both q and w maxes work, but much like with Mordekaiser, they have the same drawbacks. If you max q you will be able to have more speed to outrun his ultimate and take very little damage back in a short trade with your combo, but you do not have the damage or healing to beat him in a 1v1 unless you poke him down that way a lot. If you max w you can win the 1v1 without really needing to poke him down first, but you can never catch up to him and you will always need to use your ultimate to escape if you are right next to him and he uses his. Ghost+Ignite are the preffered summoner spell choices. Doran's ring and Blade both work well into him. Second rune page should be used. Cosmic drive rush or Iceborn Gauntet rush work well, and then do second item whichever you didn't do first. Boots of Swiftness also help with his slow a lot and Bramble Vest cuts out a lot of his healing in all ins.”
PandoraPanda14 says “U never see Olaf top but he is pretty easy to beat top. Ur all in beats him, you should just punish him hard for csing melee so he is force to cs with q care jg ganks”
Raen says “Try to predict and make a side ste for his Q, then fight him. Get antiheal. Dont try to recast ur E while hes on R, just keep ur E for whole duration. Olaf is the strongest while on low hp so be carefull when ur tryin to fight him when ur on low hp as well.”
Agatrium says “Real tough lane. The nice thing is, if you don't feed him a lot of kills, then he ends up falling off during teamfights and an underfed Olaf dies relatively quickly to your ADC. Just play it safe here, you don't want to risk a fight into him as you'll likely die unless you're ahead. ”
XtheZ115 says “To be blunt, Olaf freaking sucks. His slow lasts far too long and his ult prevents you from flinging him (note that the damage still goes through, so you should fling him if you can), and his lifesteal makes it hard to bully him out of lane. Proxy farming is recommended. ”
Helzky says “Olaf isn't a problem and you can kill him when you have level 6. Make sure you're CSing better than him and poking with E, don't let him get ahead in any way.”
havy says “Olaf's W sustain is dumb, hope he makes mistakes so you can burst him down, also dodge his Q, and watch out for the true damage on his E, keep in mind your Q and E won't slow him when he has ult, so just stay on your tower if he rushes up to you”
Your Desired Username says “Generally hard but actually okay match-up if played correctly. Rush seekers armguard and use it during his ult, so that it runs out. Get zhonyas immediatly after. Respect his early game and try to just poke and short-trade him, otherwise you will die. Seriously, if you ever walk up to the minions and they are slightly behind the center line of lane, he will just chuck Q's at you and run you down without any counterplay, unless you manage to pull him away with your e but most olaf players won't let you do that and run beside you. If you manage to ult him before he does, the fight will most likely go your way, just make sure you have healing reduction. Olaf is a very early/mid game centered champion, after which he just falls off a cliff.”
Shinox says “He out damages you no matter what and you can't run away from him in mini Gnar. You scale but he denies you. He invades/ganks you and you are dead. Don't feed him or gg.”
Polartech says “Good lane for Kayle, play safe and punish him if he try to overextend too much. Just pay attention to his throwing axe and all will be fine.”
Sandor Clegane98 says “The bearded viking can pack quite a punch,and for a real good reason,a smart olaf will generally always start q and to try poking you as much as possible,although luckily for you, you still win all ins IF you land your Q otherwise you might get dumpstered,and believe me olaf can snowball real good.When trading in early levels make sure you correctly take time to reposition for the q heal because hes probably gonna keep you slowed will all the q poke,do that and you'll be fine in the long run.If you do get behind plated steelcaps will greatly help reducing the mental distress olaf is causing you,however don't hesitate to take it even when ahead to keep the lead.Post 6 don't bother wasting your E as his ult is cc immune,so save it for when you really need it
Dshield or Dblade.”
AnEx1stingBeing says “Again, rush Bramble vest vs Olaf. Its best to play safe against Olaf due to his incredible early game, and his ultimate will get rid of yours, so only engage if he doesn't have his ultimate.”
ToothlessKnight says “Very strong lane bully. He will run you down if he lands his Axes. rush a bramble as this hard counters Olafs healing and he relies on auto attacks to win. His Ult also makes him unstoppable countering your Ult and E. Play to scale as you dominate Olaf mid and late game. ”
Stinkee says “Olaf is an insane early game champion. He will constantly throw axes at you and try to all in you at level 2-3.
Once he is level 6 it gets even worse when he ults and is immune to all of your CC making you near useless.
If you can survive laning phase you will scale better. Take Grasp and get armor and health items and max Q or W.”
Sovereign Kitten says “Olaf can clear relatively quickly and have the utility in his (R) to run you or your allies down, despite using your (R) and can also avoid your (Q) with his thunder strike. Overall respect him or die.”
Anoying bro5 says “Do not fight him until lvl 3. You want to parry his lightning attack which is pretty fast which they usually use after one aa. If you land parry you win the trade. When Olaf ults, your riposte does not slow or lower attack speed so it is best to run if you cant kill him quickly. You out scale so if you are struggling, sit back and farm under tower.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Undertow(Q) or Axe. Try to avoid going near his Axe on the ground or path towards it because if he picks it up it refreshes his Undertow. Reckless Swing(E) deals true damage, but also damages him try to take advantage of that in a trade. Use Ignite or Insanity Potion to counter his Vicious Strikes(W). Save Fling until his Ragnarok(R) is down. (Fling does not work under Ragnarok) (Mega Adhesive does not work under Ragnarok) (Outscaling Edge: Singed) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Olaf) ”
LiL Bunnie FuFuu says “Olaf kind of just runs at you and kills you and there's not much you can do about it. Unplayable lane after lvl 6 and you should dodge.”
quinn adc says “Seems like an impossible matchup post 6, but I classify it as medium if you run phase rush.
First, make sure to side step Olaf's Qs in lane with your harrier procs. If he lands a Q on you and tries running you down, Auto E Auto combo him to proc phase rush and run away.
This keystone provides move speed along with 75% slow resistance, so if Olaf is chasing you down and lands Qs on you, phase rush counters the slow from his axes.
The matchup pre 6 is heavily quinn favoured, so side step his axes and then play the matchup as any other melee matchup, which is be aggressive when olaf misses Q.
He has no gap closers without it, so you can hard trade him.
If you are getting in an intense 1v1 with him, ignite kinda earlier to apply griev wounds to mitigate his W heal and conq heal, and also to proc nimbus cloak from your runes to grant you extra MS.
Now, post 6 Olaf DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT vault olaf while his R is active. If you are extremely low and have no choice, then that is the only time you should vault him when his R is active. The reason you don't is becasue R grants him slow immunity, and so your E will not slow NOR knock olaf back, and that is a critical part about Quinn's vault ability.
How to win post 6 olaf is, when he activates R, instantly proc phase rush by either auto auto auto, OR Auto - Q - Auto. By procing PR, you have slow resistance and insane MS to make his Qs unable to slow you, and enough move speed to out run olaf in his R ability.
Side step the axes if you can, and focus on trying to just run away by procing harriers from passive or q when you can.
NOW, when his 6 second R ends, IMMEDIATELY use vault on olaf, and then re-engage on him because he will have no gap closer without his ult :)
I rush bork here, so you should also save bork active for after his R expires to apply a slow on him. Practice makes perfect for this matchup, but post 6 is actually not bad with phase rush! Just save that E boys until his R expires always.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Olaf is extremely powerful, so I suggest you grab a bramble vest first and then rush Shieldbow after. If you survive his ult, you should be able to kill him.”
PH45 says “Don't let him get too many E's on to you as it deals true damage. He also gets more attackspeed the lower his HP gets so be careful of that. If he misses his Q and throws it far away from himself then you can try to fight him as he misses a lot of his damage without his axe spam. After 6 he can avoid your stun and keep running at you if he keeps hitting you so be careful for that. Just remember to not get baited by him being low HP since his W gives him a shield that can make a difference in a fight.”
iZeal says “Pre 6 you can poke him down without him being able to do much unless you are overextended. Try not to burst him down to low hp but instead use your Q3 to kill him so he cannot abuse his passive and W to lifesteal. After 6 you have to respect his ultimate since you can't CC him during it. When he doesn't have it up, he is a sitting duck to your combos though.”
MrDomian says “He can avoid your R with his R.
You can hit him, but don't go into long trades.
Enter when he is low on health and you have all the skills.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Undertow(Q) or Axe. Try to avoid going near his Axe on the ground or path towards it because if he picks it up it refreshes his Undertow. Reckless Swing(E) deals true damage, but also damages him try to take advantage of that in a trade. Use Ignite or buy Thornmail to counter his Vicious Strikes(W). Save Infected Bonesaw until his Ragnarok(R) is down. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Olaf) (Recommended Items: Thornmail) (Outscaling Edge: Dr.Mundo)”
slogdog says “Olaf can run you down in a long lane so be very wary of that. But he has no mobility and is still heavily reliant on landing Q's. Use W smart and kite in and out with ghouls and R to kill him.”
Xerath gaming says “No one plays olaf on top, atleast I don't see it to happen. but if u fight him on top you can't really do anything against him. He beats you in laning phase and mid game since his ult cancels yours, in late game he shouldn't be a problem. Take ignite ”
SaltCat says “Level 1 you win with passive, level 2 also, level 3 you lose , play passive and get grevious wounds, after level 6 you can easily kill him”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Undertow(Q) or Axe. Try to avoid going near his Axe on the ground or path towards it because if he picks it up it refreshes his Undertow. Reckless Swing(E) deals true damage, but also damages him try to take advantage of that in a trade. Use Ignite or buy Thornmail to counter his Vicious Strikes(W). Save Pillar of Ice until his Ragnarok(R) is down. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Olaf) (Recommended Items: Thornmail) (Outscaling Edge: Trundle)”
MagicallyDelish4 says “If he misses his Q level 1 you win the all in. Post 6 you can try to fast combo him to kill him but walk away if he uses his ulti. Use E or Qs so he doesn't run you down. ”
laoshin3v3 says “Conqueror
Be very careful if he is low life since he is a lot stronger. You can kill him pre 6 since you can slow his attack speed and best case scenario even parry Q or E. After lvl6 the matchup gets a little harder but you outscale hard.”
LoLReal says “One of the few champions that can trade with us level 1 and win. Respect Olaf's early game and we will be stronger mid + late game.
This is mostly a skill match up. Play smart and don't overcommit.”
Justkb says “This can be difficult if you allow him to get free trades off early. You have much better range, which means you can poke him down with E, Q, W at level 3, just don't make sure you are pushed as his Q and gap close will become a problem for you. I would recommend rushing phage and poking with Q, using the movement speed to avoid his Axe’s, while also ensuring the wave doesn’t permanently push. Once you Hit level 6 with Sheen and Plated you can look to fight him if you can bait out his W.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Undertow(Q) or Axe. Try to avoid going near his Axe on the ground or path towards it because if he picks it up it refreshes his Undertow. Reckless Swing(E) deals true damage, but also damages him try to take advantage of that in a trade. Use Ignite or buy Thornmail to counter his Vicious Strikes(W). Save Offensive Abilities until his Ragnarok(R) is down. (No skills does not work under Ragnarok) (Outscaling Edge: Malphite) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Recommended Items: Thornmail)”
Fan22 says “Olaf its one of the worst champs to deal as maokai (and probably a very good Ban), after he uses his R theres literally Nothing you can do to stop him from running down your team, which lets you useless in Teamfights, as you cannot do something to help your allies meanwhile they are being chased by Olaf.
I recommend rushing bramble vest and asking your jungler for ganks to Olaf pre-6, after 6 its complicated to do something against him, but if your jungler it's ok and you arent too behind he should be killable.
As i said before Olaf counters you really hard as he has a better early and also has true damage and can become Unstopable with his Ultimate, even in the late game he will still be a pain the ass.
To win try to TP or roam to other lanes to get your team ahead, or to get a dragon and hopefully beat Olaf late game, end the game as soon as you can and get advantages everywhere in the map.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Undertow(Q) or Axe. Try to avoid going near his Axe on the ground or path towards it because if he picks it up it refreshes his Undertow. Reckless Swing(E) deals true damage, but also damages him try to take advantage of that in a trade. Use Ignite or buy Thornmail to counter his Vicious Strikes(W). Save Offensive Abilities until his Ragnarok(R) is down. (No skills does not work under Ragnarok) (Outscaling Edge: Warwick) (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Even) (Recommended Items: Thornmail or Executioner's)”
Sporkintahn says “DANGEROUS!!! --- Not many Olaf tops around but I see it occasionally. DO NOT FIGHT HIM LEVELS 1 or 2.--- Like you he thrives in extended trades as he deals more damage the lower HP he is due to his passive increasing his AS the lower he is. He also has Lifesteal from his W so he can heal up quite a bit. --- Just make smart trades, avoid his Axe (Q) harass and at level 6 you can All-In him. --- Build Steelcaps and Bramblevest. --- Once he gets Goredrinker you may not be able to fight him anymore unless you're ahead and have a heal cut. It is absolutely busted on him at the moment.”
Phrxshn says “Dodge his Undertow(Q) or Axe. Try to avoid going near his Axe on the ground or path towards it because if he picks it up it refreshes his Undertow. Reckless Swing(E) deals true damage, but also damages him try to take advantage of that in a trade. Use Ignite or buy Thornmail to counter his Vicious Strikes(W). Save offensive abilities until his Ragnarok(R) is down. (Sustained 1v1 Trades: Sett) (Recommended Items: Thornmail) (Outscaling Edge: Even)”
TroviStyle says “[Conqueror] You wont win the lane unless he makes mistakes, so play it safe and wait for lategame, as you outscale him super hard at some point. If u want to take a lot of fights go for executioners”
duckling213 says “I see this being a skill matchup with us having a small advantage lvl 1-3 still need to play this matchup a bit more, I rolled the olaf I played against but I got some help from jg early and got a lead. I recommend rushing bramble into steel caps and you will be really tanky against him. I will be updating this as I play against more olafs.”
SilverAvalanche says “If you can dodge his axes with your Q, you will be relatively safe if you are on his side of the lane, but that changes when you hit level 6. At that point he will gain an ult that grants MS and damage.
Drake6401 says “Goes well against your burst trade style because his Q and ult are perfect tools for chasing. Try to get a lead before level 6 and chose your fights wisely after. If you use your full combo and then he ults after you, there's not much you can do to stop him. Make sure to avoid using your dash too much post six so you have some kite power.”
You do NOT want to fight Olaf early on. Once he hits one of his axes, you are legit fucked as the slow allows him to catch up and land another one. Try to play safe until you get both of your CC abilities. Basically, wait till level 3. At that point, you have the CC to stop him from moving and getting his axes which allows you to kite him properly. And if you can properly kite out an Olaf, there is essentially nothing he can do. Try not to die to Olaf. Remember that Olaf falls off super hard so if he LOSES lane, his team essentially has no toplaner. Try to dodge his axes. In all honesty, if you are patient you will win this lane. Try to be careful as he spikes extra hard in level 6. You no longer will be able to kite him out with JUST your CC. You HAVE to dodge his Axes AND have Ghost. Try to kill him when he is low as Olaf is great at healing in crucial moments. His DPS is also highest when he is low. In terms of runes, I’d recommend Bone Plating and Conqueror. Phase rush is somewhat helpful for when you want to disengage but Conqueror helps you just out fight him. Steelcaps are great as usual.”
Chease says “His passive combined with heal makes him almoste imposible to kill early, so hold your W till his low enough then execute him with it. After six watch out for his R, if he dodges your W u are most likely dead or at least he hard wins trade.”
Amvill says “Don't build Rylias against him since his ult can negate its effects. This only applies to olaf top. His all in is equal to that of a Tryndamere with ghost so be carful.”
The Real Fake says “You can't ever fight him early (before first back), you may be able to fight him after your first clear/back if you go Red Smite & Ignite. He is stronger than you in 1v1s, but you have much better ganks , faster clears, split push, and mobility. Recommended to Red Smite & Ignite, or utilize Phase Rush to avoid him. Against a good jungler, this can be an impossible matchup if they choke you out of your own jungle.”
Rhoku says “SUPER hard matchup. He outdamages you, he avoids your ultimate, he is better than you for 90% of the game and if you get hit by 1 axe, you are done for. You basically want to sit back and not walk up at all. BELIEVE me when I tell you that if he hits you with 1 axe, you WILL die. You better be able to disengage with a backwards E once he is running at you because otherwise, you are done. Get Tabis, Bramble Vest, Seeker's Armguard, Rylais and Lyandries. You are stronger lategame when you both have items but just don't let him get a kill on you. A snowballed Olaf will destroy EVERYTHING.”
maxlid3 says “At early levels he can't really do much but after level 6 he can just run you down and slow you a lot with his axes. Keep your distance after level 6 and maybe buy antiheal if he becomes a bigger threat.”
YasTilt says “Block his Q with your W, this Champion has absurd Anti-Heal so mind taking Anti-Heal against him. Don't use your tornado when he uses his Ult and you can try to pick Exhaust to slow him down.”
jmp_01_ says “Take Conqueror. To be honest I have almost never seen any Olaf on Top-Lane. But when I played against Olaf on top the match-up was pretty one-sided for me. Olaf received some small nerfs in the fast few patches (V10.23, V10.25, V11.1 and V11.3), some of them got reverted in V11.13. Anyways Olaf is a pretty easy to counter. You can take Ignite. If not, rush Bramble and Blade of the Ruined King. You win automatically with these 2 items. Don't get poked too much by his Qs. His Ultimate - Ragnarök won't do much anyways to you so just run him down.”
Psychopathic Top says “Worse matchup than yi. Olaf top is seen a lot more as well. This champion can run you down on level 1, and would snowball too much of a gold difference for you to matter even post Sunderer. Level 6, ragnarok makes him immune to wither, so again (like yi), Nasus is playing with three abilities. Even if you miss every cs in the first wave, do not walk up for cs, as he will run you down with axe spam. In lane, look to survive and prevent getting turret dove. Do not ask for jungle help as Olaf simply 1 v 2s. Get bramblevest early to stop his insane healing, and try to scale up without dying. The later it gets, the better odds of you winning the game.”
DippyDan says “Strongest level 1 if he picks up all his axes. Can chase you down and cheese you at level 1. Can kill you at level 6 since riposte won't slow his AS. You will eventually outscale him easily. TIPS: [1] Watch for a level 1 invade. [2] Let him push first wave, and you can trade one you are level 2. [3] eventually get executioner for his healing.”
fishybearo says “Try to purchase Bramble Vest early especially if the enemy jungle is also AD as this is a major help against Olaf's Q poke and healing from his W. Ignite can assist in this matchup due to Olaf's healing and attack speed when he is low health, but don't be surprised if he can still beat you in a 1 v 1 if you make any mistakes. Olaf can punish you for bad itemization so make sure that if you want to play for lane you build armor. ”
Alan234 says “Go Phase Rush with boots +refillable into swifties + unflinching and w max second.
Dodge his q's and run immidately if he hits you, because you will die if you dont. Later on your outvalue him due to scaling, just survive early and concede cs. Ignite late due to his passive. His ult stops your q but removes resistances so you can blow him up (you will need to tank his autos though so you need to know your dmg)”
TXK_ says “OP champion who wins in the early game. Pre 6 you can peel him off yourself with E so focus on farm. Olaf falls off so play for late game. Olaf Ult cleanses your ult.”
LilPaniniUwU says “You will not win a 1v1 vs. Olaf if he has one braincell, and he can chase you down with his ult and axes. Not a fun matchup, one of my personal favorite bans.
Jinx_48 says “Tbh idk what go on his maybe red form but i play againts fed olaf red form and he easly winning with me btu if i play oklaf againts kayn blue form he one shoting me so. ”
Vandenelis says “He can avoid all your cc with ult permanently after his mini rework. He is a lane bully, and can run you down if he hits his q's rush bramble into him. Try to surivive early, you should be much more ussefull in lategame.”
Bombabo says “The key to beating Olaf is to survive early. He outpokes you, outdamages you, and outsustains you. He is also very capable of tower diving you due to his ult, which prevents you from being able to E or R him. However, he falls off pretty hard around Mid-Game, and you should have no problem taking care of him unless he's fed. Ask for ganks”
DarkyTheReal says “Level 1 bait his q into your minions, so he pushes the wave, you start trading at level 3 at your tower with quick trades until you can all-in him. If you have problems you can get Executioner's calling and Plated steel caps”
SettVEVO says “I don't see Olaf top ever, but he ignores CC when he hits 6 which means he will dodge your W probably and you can't ult him when his ults up. You can win early as long as you get him low enough to kill him with an E stun to W. But after its just really boring. As long as you don't die to him in lane he won't be as scary as he seems later.”
RTO says “Avoid trading until level 3. His level 1 is disgusting. Very easy to gank for you jungler, so call for a gank. Even at level 6, do not look for all in without chunking him down. ”
wff010 says “I recently had a very interesting experience. With my old sett runes, I'd have won the fight level 1 with my w. However, I lost the fight because I played it wrong with these runes. I w'd too early, and he had w, so he lifestealed faster than I could kill him. How to prevent this? Auto attack him until both of you are as low as possible and THEN use your w level 1 to one shot him so he doesn't get his max attack speed and lifesteal. You should easily win trades with AA, AA, Q, Q, E, W or variations of that between levels 1-5 and you should use that pressure to build a cs lead so you can kill him even after level 6.”
LoLReal says “Nobody really plays Olaf top these days but this lane is actually quite hard. He wins early levels and is very strong against us mid game. He can R out of our R so we have no snowball potential against him post 6. Just get tabi, farm and try to go even, you will be more useful late game.”
SanLourdes says “Olaf has been nerfed so he is a little less of a threat, but his ult completely ignores all of your CC and his range with his axe throws in addition to his damage output will definitely be a force to be reckoned with. If you scale, you shouldn't have too much of a hard time defeating him in the late game, but in the early game, stand clear.”
calbino says “Olaf top is dead. Still, his level 1 can run you down, and his level 6 makes him immune to your knockups and W. As long as you space yourself properly, you should be ok.”
ForgottenProject says “This is guy is a cheese pick. His Early-Game is stupidly strong but he falls off.
[1]Do not fight him before level 3 he will out damage you hard.
[2]Try to Predict and parry his E(his Dunk).
[3]Farm up and you should beat him at lv6.
[4]Try to dodge his Axe the best you can as it gives him a window to All-in or stack his Conqueror.
[5]Rush Executioner's After your Tiamat, you don't want him to kill thanks to his absurd lifesteal.”
KarmaChamelion says “Rarely seen top now days. While his ult is a giant middle finger to your CC. You out scale him and Bramble can deal with his healing, don't feed him early and he won't be much of a threat later on. However if he gets fed early he will make you feel pain.”
Papa Urgot says “This guy will fuk you up as well. He can Ult so your realm goes away he has more healing and dmg then u. Get Seekers Antihealing and tabis as well.”
Marwaii says “Rush anti heal.
He will kill you if he lands a single axe and can counter your ulti with his own. Just kite him and poke with Q until you get mythic and you should win.
Take Trinity + Swiftness.”
AlanVenator says “His poke early game with Qs is not to be underestimated. Do not get baited by his low HP as he will gain attack speed. His ultimate prevents your second cast of "Fear beyond death". Do not fight him early levels. Get some sort of healing reduction if you want to fight him.”
SethPRG says “If you fall for the early cheese level 1 trade, you will probably lose, especially if he has ignite. However, it's possible to win Level 1 if you learn W first, and can dodge an axe or two. If you get hit by an axe, do not under any circumstance just try to walk away, it will be a terrible trade for you, and you could end up dying, or tower dove by him and his JG. At the very least you can fight him and try to blow his flash when he needs to dodge your W. In an AA duel, you will win, at least till level 6. You will want to bully him once you reach level 3, and start building for Trinity Force, going for Sheen first. Nothing else matters here for Mythic items, you just need to abuse the burst and in fight bonus AD from it to be able to kill Olaf. If he ever ults, you need to position smart to hit your W, for example, having your back against the wall. The only use of ulting him during his ult is to get away, dodge the slow from an axe of his, or just delay his ult so it runs out quicker. If you're not ahead, you will probably lose the 1v1, so splitting in this matchup isn't ideal. You will want to match him however in sidelines and hope to catch him out with your team if he pushes too far. In team fights you can't realistically stop him from ulting onto your team and chopping them into sushi, so your best bet is to engage on his team and force him to respond to you. But if he's smart, he could save his ult during that situation, so forcing it out by starting a fight by ulting him into his team into an E if possible, or bursting his carry down are both ways to try and achieve that. He's stronger the lower HP he is, but you stack Conquerer faster than him, so be aware of those things. Rushing Bramble Vest is a must this matchup, and Plated Steelcaps as well unless the rest of his team is a heavy AP/CC based comp. Black Cleaver is also useful in this situation as a 2nd or 3rd item if he is building a lot of armor, but generally I would go Death's Dance just to spread out some of his AD damage in an all-in. Sterak's Gage would be a decent early build for this matchup, as you would be able to survive through his ult probably, and deal more W
true damage.”
doozy99 says “Go for the Tank rune page or get Goredrinker as your mythic. Get double armor in your flex runes. Buy bramble vest first back. If you're behind max W, otherwise max Q. ”
PinkUnicornGod says “Olaf is very strong early and makes your laning phase absolute hell. Buy Dorans Shield and just try to poke him when he walks up to hit minions. RUSH BRAMBLE. The lane doesn´t get any easier after lvl.6 since Olafs ult cleanses yours. In a 1v1 you have to ult him before he ults so you still get the stolen stacks even though you aren´t in the death realm. If you ult him while he is in his ult your ult will just be wasted (no stolen stats). I don´t recommend fighting him head-on until 2-3 items. Don´t overextend or he will have it easy to just run you down with his q. If his Jungler for some reason ganks after lvl.6 you can ult the jungler and hopefully trade 1 for 1 or maybe even get a kill and get out.”
tibs2 says “Bramble any% speedrun. Scary match up but if done correctly should lead to you going even and outscaling. Try to always be fairly close to tower if he is 6 as he can run you down very easily. Pre 6 is pretty fine tho as if he tries to run you down you can just kite with q and w. Look to use w to run away faster, getting t2 to run away even faster is very nice too.”
SadmanV3 says “Olaf poses a slightly larger threat to Nasus than most, this is largely because trading with Olaf almost always results in a loss in the early game. With his passive allowing him to gain more attack speed at lower health, you can be caught off guard by his damage output.
1. Avoid trading when Olaf is at low health
2. Withering (W) before trading is one way to gain a more favorable trade.”
Noodles912 says “Would be extreme if his range was longer. Just hug your tower and you're fine. If you try to 1v1 at all, say goodbye to your LP. Outscale him, and get that sweet elo.”
Urgodzilla says “Chases you with Qs, chunks with E, heals a lot with W, hardcounters your R with his R. Do your best to survive early game, don't let him get fed and you will be fine after lvl13.”
SanLourdes says “Olaf is a tough matchup. Even though he was nerfed, he still remains a strong counter to you. He has damage, movement speed, and anti-CC that completely cancels your ultimate. Do not use your ultimate on Olaf unless you know that his is on cooldown. Don't get his by his axes. Build Doran's Shield, Plated Steelcaps and Rylai's as soon as possible.”
negoZoma69 says “A very cheesy toplane pick. Stay safe at level 1 and focus on sidestepping his axes. You can't really kill Olaf in lane unless he dives you so just play safe and farm from distance. You can outperform him in teamfights.”
SleeplessX says “He is extremely strong in a duel, don't get hit by his Q and get run down the lane. Let him push to you. He dumps on you post-6 with his ult but doesn't scale well unless fed, play for the team”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Conqueror Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Dodge his Q's , don't fight him early levels because he will win most likely.
Olaf is strong in long fights so make sure to wait his R out and 1shot him before he heals.”
Pawn Sacrifice says “Ok. I will classify this matchup as even but the real bad notice here it's his ultimate, that counters yours - at least, you can't cast the second part of your ultimate, while his ultimate is active -. It's really annoying but its not a difficult lane to Urgot. You will not have a bad time...”
Rime101 says “Haven’t played vs one in a long time top lane.
I’d say proto > morello with Q Max.
Dont play too far up in the lane he has a lot of kill pressure
Even if it feels like he heals for 9000 hp keep poking him down enough so he can’t all in you
Erenando says “He heals too much with his W and he is immune to your slow while he ults. He is an absolute beast with conquerer and his pokes with his Q will tilt you for sure. In any cases, try to stack as much as possible or dodge the game. He is probably your hardest counter”
GrGamingTeo says “Olaf is a god. You will never see him in the top lane but that one time you are against him you will not like this game at all. If you try to trade him away from your tower, he will heal back his missing health, he will chase to your tower and might even kill you. You need to respect him forever. The only time you will have a chance to kill him is only if his wave is really close to your tower and you pull him in and take him down with the help of the tower. Also once he hits lv6 you lose no matter what ou do. The only reason why he is not a LV6 threat is because you will never play against him in the top lane.”
LunaticDancer says “The scariest thing he has is lifesteal and attack speed buffs when on low hp, so be wary of that, but generally you heavily outtrade him. Also, your W counters his ultimate, a nice bonus.”
DarkAuraLOL says “He has a clear that might faster than yours , he has permanent sustain, he can legit burst you to half in 2 seconds, he has permanent dps, avoid fighting at all costs until you get some good burst items and you're with team, also try to sneak steal his camps, and ping your team to protect your camps, once you get heal reduction and form with some items, you'll be fine .”
SpyDaFX says “extremely annoying, ask for ganks, go doran's shield, try to roam and get a lead, last hit and dont push, try to get a lead before level 6 because his ult is completely dumb and annoying (still killable at level 6 but it's a skill matchup, that is favored to him). dodge his axes. go Conqueror.”
Ravenborne says “Do not fight him Level 1 and 2. Level 3 you win against him. If you are both Level 6 start the fight off by pulling him in so he can't R it afterwards. Ghost is mandatory so he does not keep you slowed with Q. He has a lot of sustain so Bramble Vest is a very good buy here.”
BigManYam says “He will go aggressive on you early game by poking with his axes so make sure to avoid his axes by weaving and get early ganks if you can so he can't ult from your wither. But don't overextend mid game as well as this match up is favored for Olaf. ”
MarkFromSingedMains says “His Q is great for chasing you down, his W allows him to regen after chasing you down, and his E negates the stat buff you get from your R. Add onto this his R cancelling your W and E and you've found yourself in a horrendous lane. Bramble is recommended here.”
Devilofthewest says “Olaf is dangerous as he gets into later stages of the game . The best way to deal with him is to stomp him early , Dont get into extended trades with him. Use Electrocute runes and go for burst trades every time electrocute is up and you will win. its easy as that , dodge his hatchets and burst him ( BRING IGNITE )”
ModelitoTime says “Olaf early game is just crazy, just stay back and if he hits you with his Q just E towards your turret and run away. Buy a early Executioners Calling, and about once you hit lvl 6+ you should start to win the matchup, *also not that if olaf casts his ult you cannot slow him, stun him, or even use your ult against him*”
ChevalierArlo says “A temporada 11 tá sendo ótima pra ele, então não é raro achá-lo no top. Rushe corta-cura e evite trocar com ele com a ultimate dele ligada. Tome MUITO cuidado com ele no nível 1.”
xxskipskipxx says “Dodge his Q and try to E his E!!!
If he throws his Q too far away from him you can trade him ! Try not to kite towards his Q !!!
Keep in mind that his R gives him Armor and MR , which he loses when he activates his R! ”
ineptpineapple says “AWFUL MUNDO'S WORSE COUNTER PART. Just try to do what you do in all matchups that are awful try to avoid stuff and if he initiates q w e away and save your ult for yourself unless you know you can kill him.”
Hyzerik says “Throws a lot of axes, if he goes for a axe near you try to combo him. Otherwise he will just keep throwing them at you. Watch out for his ult as it makes your E and R useless.”
JannaMainOTP800K says “Pre 6 make sure to dodge his Q and show him who is the domina in you top-lane realationship. After lvl 6 there are three options
1. Praying and Simping
2. Running away using ghost flash and phaserush
3. Trolling your entire team as they predicted in champselect”
LeSocair says “Dodge his axes at all costs. This pick isn't common, but when it's a good pick, he's very good. I'm just keeping it as Extreme Threat because whenever Olaf is picked it's because he's rly good.”
sauronkaiser says “The thing with olaf is never understimate him. This champion is a god when it comes to surprise you winning fights you though you had already won.”
TioKirb says “Humiliate him on early and he won't be a threat ever again, add the Oblivion Orb to that and he will become useless against your Magic-based burning wrath.”
Ramixx says “I haven't fought Olaf evenly as I usually snowball but from what I could tell Olaf beat me if he snowballed and if he didn't he would usually just die.”
Mord3kaiser says “Olaf is a hard matchup for mordekaiser early on because of his advantage in long trades with his insane healing. He has a qss ultimate and is hard to pin down in team fights with your ult as a result. ”
Malol67 says “One of the champions that you want to avoid before you have at least lvl 3,
try to block his E and autos with your E.
try to abuse the 3-5 window,since its kinda harder when he has ult if you don't have ignite or anti heal.”
EU_Toxicity says “Olaf is famous for his level 1 and 2 all-in rundown potential with his Q axe spam. Play at a safe distance very early on, let him push so he wouldn't have enough distance in lane to run you down. Once you reach level 3 you've outscaled him so long as he didn't cheese you and you can start playing aggresively. Get tabis and an item to reduce his healing and you're good.”
iZeal says “A difficult matchup that can snowball out of control. Darius has a fighting chance against Olaf early game, however you have to abuse your superior range by using your E and your W slow to counteract the huge difference between Olaf's attack speed and yours. Use your E to stop him from autoattacking you to death when he is close to death so you can finish him off. After level 6 you somehow have to survive Olaf charging at you while you have 0 options to setup your Q. If you can somehow hit your Q anyways (maybe by flashing) you have a chance of winning or if you can disengage (Phase Rush is a possibility in this matchup). One of the few matchups where I might go Black Cleaver for added early defensiveness. You will outscale Olaf hard though and he becomes setup fodder for your passive in the lategame.
DBlade/DShield, Ninja Tabis!, Phage (Cleaver possible)”
DarkWolfDavid says “Hes Pretty same like Warwick, but has more heal, mora ttack speed, and you just cant fight him, if he has R. You cant escape by E stun and you cant run away becouse of slow. But atleast he has no big CC”
AutrucheSacrew says “In the current meta he's the #1 jungle. Don't even try to contest early scuttle if you have no prio, just kill the scuttle in the other side.”
TrinityForceYasuo says “Bait his Q or dodge it -> Take small trades -> Space correctly -> Kite -> Take ignite to win early against him, take a lead and snowball -> When he pops R again just kite and wait for it to be over -> Ideally do not fight when he uses W”
NickCola Tesla says “Another completely unwinnable matchup for Sion, amazing! The raw early game strength of Olaf rivals that of Darius, and against Sion, it's no exception.
Don't even step up to lane for the first level, take your E second for the slow, and use that to disengage to the best of your ability if he tries to get on top of you. Go the tank rune setup designed for ranged matchups, since even approaching his general area will end with you dying. You could also take Arcane Comet and purchase a Doran's Ring to poke him down from range more.
Once level 6 hits, his all-in potential only gets worse. You have to play with EXTREME care, since you'll have no way to CC him. Check the "high threat matchups" section for greater detail!”
Saarlichenbog says “Olaf is known as the melee bully equivalent of the top lane. You are essentially both competing for pressure the entire lane which can sway either way. Both Olaf and Kalista have tools they can use which can give them the one up in the matchup, but ultimately the power in Olaf's ultimate gives him his scaling spike earlier in the game than Kalista and if utilised correctly can stop Kalista from scaling before the end of the game if the matchup is dead even. If he misses his Q early on, use the opportunity to make a long trade as he will most likely greed for the axe reset.”
Captain Dantems says “Tome cuidado com os machados, de resto só pokeia ele. Grasp com Chamuscar ou inspiração. Poção Corrupta ou Cristal de Safira com 3 poções de vida.”
ItsPaulygon says “You win before he reaches 6, but if you don't scale well, he will dominate you. You won't be able to stun him after 6 so force him out of lane early.”
llametekudasai says “tiene el daño necesario para matarte en el lvl1, por lo cual no es necesario que te metas a lvl temprano si estas bajo vida, intenta estar a la par de el, el ignite te ayudara a cortar sus curaciones y recuerda empezar con una E, ya que si el tiene ulti es muy probable que te mate antes que esta se acabe.”
Papa Urgot says “his r breaks the realm and on top of that he just fucks you up. This guy will ruin you if you dont go tanky.
Armour boots and bramble vest are needed here.”
pedrohnasc says “Do NOT overextend your trades with him, he'll Q you to death. Before level 6 try to poke him down. Without Olaf's R it's kinda easy to fight him, but when he has ult you can't CC him with your Q's.”
Delvoid says “Olaf beats you early in every aspect of the lane phase. Try to survive let him push you in and farm as best you can. Mid/late you out scale. Be careful of his R as its stops your R + E”
OmegaDelta000 says “One of the best early games in the game, even when you get your transformation you'll still have a bit of trouble fighting him, but it's not impossible.”
Mordekaiserrrrrrr says “Olaf is insanely damaging to you early, and if you try to pull him to you with the E + Q combo, you just give him an opportunity to take all of your hp away with his attacks. He can easily poke you down with Q, although they cost lots of mana, so try to bait and dodge Q to waste his mana. If you are hit, he can easily chase you down and kill you if you are low. Also, his Ultimate stops your ult, although you still get to have the stats for 7 seconds and until he respawns if you manage to kill him. A good idea is to stick under turret and ask for ganks from jungler or mid laner. ”
TangoVallhala says “You can poke him, try killing before 6, if he is able to stick on to you save your W to drag him off along with Second and third Q, this matchup is similar to Reneketon because he can snowball in lane so keep your distance!”
Penguinoverlord1 says “Olaf will annihilate you in laning phase, but as long as you play to survive by avoiding his poke from his Q's, you outscale him very very hard in late game. When you are trying to all in him, make sure he doesn't have his R up, as he can 1v2 with 1 item and his R very easily in most gank situations.”
YoungTact says “Respect his level 1-2 all in potential, can look for harass with Q & Passive but you HAVE to dodge incoming axes or you risk burning sums/flatout dying. Try your best to disengage using e/w respectfully if he gets a series of axes onto you.”
qasddsa says “He can run down your team with Ult and be a huge frontline. Be sure to dodge his axes. Very hard to deal with once he gets a few tank items. Recommend buying a Blade of the Ruined King.”
Olaf top is a sort of out of meta pick, since nowadays toplane is usually filled with scaling picks but there is still some players that will go Olaf top and try to cheese you. The key to win this lane is to dodge his Q's, if you get hit by his Q's early on while you are overextended just W and look to disengage he can kill you even with you stacking like 3 minion waves early on, try to farm until lvl 6 and Sheen and after that it becomes way harder for him to kill you since with Conqueror + Legend Bloodline you can sort of match his Conqueror + W healing, just remember to use W after his R ended, using it while he still hasn't used R or while he is using it, its a complete waste of cooldown. Later on regardless if you either decide to splitpush or teamfight, he can't match you at all unless he got a lead on you early on, Olaf simply doesn't scale at all in comparison to Nasus infinite Q scaling and he can't even match you even in 1v2 scenarios, he becomes super useless and basically a sack of potatoes that can become CC-less with his R (as an analogy).”
SubHuman Filth says “go phase rush or grasp. Get early boots. Swifties pref.
You can't really win this lane at all. focus on farm and outscale.
dodge his q's and get early armor.”
Grayified says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. The biggest part about the Olaf matchup is to get him to throw axes at you while you are sitting in your minion wave so that he shoves into you. Having the wave pushing towards Olaf is typically bad. Olaf has really good all in with the axes and he can potentially just run you down the lane if he hits more then 1 in a row. At level 4 you do have opportunities to trade/allin the olaf assuming you kept your health pool pretty high. A big opportunity to all in Olaf is if he throws an axe pretty far away from himself, if you spin on him and look to all in, he cant run towards his axe to reset his q cooldown which gives you a great advantage. You can also take advantage of his W cooldown which gives him a lot of lifesteal and attack speed to look for trades if he wastes his w. Post 6 you start to outscale Olaf, your ultimate is much better then his for the 1v1. In the mid-late game you will be able to beat Olaf 1v1 outside of his turret, if you are ahead you can even turret dive him 100-0. If you feel you cannot dive him, try to push in and outrotate him with the insane mobility Tryndamere has and look for flank opportunities to start a fight with a man advantage. ”
Pyroen says “His ult makes your passive useless. He will also likely be able to sustain with lifesteal even at low levels when you try to all in him at close range, so keep your distance and be ready to dodge his axe throwing and you should be fine!”
Reason97 says “The ability to render 2 of your 3 CC abilities null and void is a MAJOR problem for you, so be very wary of his ultimate. When it goes up, put some distance between you quickly, flash, wall, whatever you can. Once it's down his threat potential drops, but always try to keep him at an arm's length. ”
Nabura says “Phase rush might be decent in this matchup however I have not tested it in practice. His only way to snowball on you is with cheese Q spam early. Buy executioners and use W to dodge his Qs, you can run him OOM if you dodge enough.”
EntxRecoil says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. The biggest part about the Olaf matchup is to get him to throw axes at you while you are sitting in your minion wave so that he shoves into you. Having the wave pushing towards Olaf is typically bad. Olaf has really good all in with the axes and he can potentially just run you down the lane if he hits more then 1 in a row. At level 4 you do have opportunities to trade/allin the olaf assuming you kept your health pool pretty high. A big opportunity to all in Olaf is if he throws an axe pretty far away from himself, if you spin on him and look to all in, he cant run towards his axe to reset his q cooldown which gives you a great advantage. You can also take advantage of his W cooldown which gives him a lot of lifesteal and attack speed to look for trades if he wastes his w. Post 6 you start to outscale Olaf, your ultimate is much better then his for the 1v1. In the mid-late game you will be able to beat Olaf 1v1 outside of his turret, if you are ahead you can even turret dive him 100-0. If you feel you cannot dive him, try to push in and outrotate him with the insane mobility Tryndamere has and look for flank opportunities to start a fight with a man advantage. ”
Adolfie says “Olaf isnt seen on toplane too much, but if you meet him, you cant win early fights, and then he can break your W thru his R. BRAMBLE VEST is needed in this kind of matchup, so be sure to pick one up”
Ayanleh says “Early on morde does not have the sustained damage to beat olaf and he has so much sustained healing in lane more than you. Not only that, he can also instantly remove your ultimate with his ultimate.”
HIGH TEST TOP88 says “You win an allin at lvl 3-5 but lvl 1-2 and when you both have ults, you don't win an even allin. Rush tabi.
Eventually get bramble aswell.
Take bone plating.
Take armor.”
colingogo says “Olaf beats you in straight up fights throughout the entire game, but he cant ever run you down due to your EQ and you can easily ult him and eq out in a teamfight to let your teammates kill him.”
Mrobby says “Olaf is very strong at early game skirmishes, but he is not unbeatable, if he misses his axe you can pretty much beat him easily, and if you go phase rush he will NEVER be able to kill you on his terms unless you just run it down on him”
wallobear53 says “Dodge his stray Qs in the lane when you can, otherwise, he will be able to chase you down easily and will force you off the wave which will set you back early on.
Invest in some Grievous Wounds early on to reduce his healing during trades. This will give you more of an even footing while trading with him, especially when he is on low health.
Once he gets his Ultimate, he can easily set up ganks with his Ultimate and Q. Try not to overextend in this lane without knowing where the enemy Jungler is, or you will simply get run down in this lane, and you don’t want Olaf to get a lead early on.
Fiora Pogjet says “Olaf top isn't seen much but he is strong against Fiora. You can go for early trades with lvl 2 or 1 but care about him chasing you down with his q. Before lvl 6 and after lvl 6 it is always coming up to you trying to outplay him.”
Tranex says “This champ is gonna wreck your ass like your uncle last night, you try to 1v1 him, you loose, you try to ult him, he uses his ult and u loose, but at least he can die”
Teemain says “
Go for Grievous Wound items to counter his W.
Do NOT underestimate this guy when he is low health! When he is half health, try to jebait his Flash by Igniting + Q + E...
As soon as you can hit him with Ignite + Q combo when he is half health, you can guaranteee his Flash UNLESS you are a bad
Garen player and can't dodge his Q.
Teemain says “
Go for Grievous Wound items to counter his W.
Do NOT underestimate this guy when he is low health! When he is half health, try to jebait his Flash by Igniting + Q + E...
As soon as you can hit him with Ignite + Q combo when he is half health, you can guaranteee his Flash UNLESS you are a bad
Garen player and can't dodge his Q.
Stiwy says “You will have an hard time with him.
His Q pokes you for some nice damage and his ult can prevent you from executing him with yours.
Eventually, you will outscale him at some point so don't worry too much.
Remember to buy tabis and healing reduction. ”
gsaeyx says “(GO TO THREATS MINOR TO SEE THE NEW W.I.P OLAF GUIDE. IF YOU WANNA PLAY SAFE JUST FOLLOW THIS) --- Build full tank otherwise he shreads you like a truck. Just stay back and safefarm. If you die you have good kill protential with your passive so don't be afraid to int.”
boykah3 says “you cannot duel him dont even get close your best bet is to mirror his jg path meaning if he start red you start red so you end up on opposite sides and gank different lanes. try to catch olaf off gurd with your ult when taking dragons or baron AND REMEMBER YOU OUTSCALE HIM”
Kingarthur720 says “Lethal Tempo Runes and Build. Ignite + Flash. Long sword refillable potion start. The biggest part about the Olaf matchup is to get him to throw axes at you while you are sitting in your minion wave so that he shoves into you. Having the wave pushing towards Olaf is typically bad. Olaf has really good all in with the axes and he can potentially just run you down the lane if he hits more then 1 in a row. At level 4 you do have opportunities to trade/allin the olaf assuming you kept your health pool pretty high. A big opportunity to all in Olaf is if he throws an axe pretty far away from himself, if you spin on him and look to all in, he cant run towards his axe to reset his q cooldown which gives you a great advantage. You can also take advantage of his W cooldown which gives him a lot of lifesteal and attack speed to look for trades if he wastes his w. Post 6 you start to outscale Olaf, your ultimate is much better then his for the 1v1. In the mid-late game you will be able to beat Olaf 1v1 outside of his turret, if you are ahead you can even turret dive him 100-0. If you feel you cannot dive him, try to push in and outrotate him with the insane mobility Tryndamere has and look for flank opportunities to start a fight with a man advantage.”
Gnarcisist says “Single biggest threat to you in lane. Olaf does more damage to you as he gets lower on health so fighting is already an uphill battle. His ult negates yours and his speed will make it hard to run back to tower if your caught. Rush armor and wait for jg help”
BloodyDream81 says “Match up à l'avantage de Darius, mais il y a quelques trucs à bien maîtriser pour cela !
Premièrement, ne jamais affronter un Olaf avant le niveau 3, c'est du suicide pur et simple il va t'exploser.
Deuxièmement, éviter absolument ses haches, c'est relativement simple une fois que tu as le timing, et c'est une condition nécessaire pour gagner les trades.
Troisièmement, quand tu l'affronter utilise ton E pour le maintenir loin de sa hache, et une fois le niveau 3 dépasser, tu es quasiment sur de le vaincre, en plaçant efficacement ton A pour la regen !
Astuce : Les tabi ninja sont indispensable contre Olaf. A noter également que Olaf perd très vite en puissance quand la game progresse, donc si tu le bat en phase de lane, ils ont littéralement un joueur de moins dans la partie.”
Angela du Seithr says “Olaf est très fort et il s'agit d'un des personnages que vous n'avez aucun intérêt à provoquer en duel dès le niveau 1. Toutefois, si vous vous maintenez à bonne distance et restez hors de portée de ses haches, vous courir dessus lui consommera beaucoup de ressource tandis qu'avec une simple Cotte Épineuse vous pouvez réduire son impact.”
Alzeidx says “Very hard matchup, ask for ganks, go doran's shield, play safe,try to roam and get a lead, last hit and dont push, try to get a lead before level 6 because his ult is completely dumb and annoying (still killable at level 6 but it's a skill matchup, that is favored to him). dodge his axes. go Conqueror.”
JuarezLOL says “its literally one of hardest match ups in order to win you need to avoid everything fight and let him push to you so you can call your jungler to help u pre olaf's 6”
CourtesyD0Prata says “His ult deny your 3rd Q. If you are far from your team and he comes to you, cry or try outplay / Sua ult cancela seu terceiro Q. Se você estiver longe do seu time, chore se chorou ou tente um outplay.”
Shoqi says “Lvl 1 = Ele vai te caçar com o Q dele
Lvl 6 = Acabou o seu jogo
TF = Se ele te focar, não tem o que você fazer, ainda mais se tiver ultado.”
Destroya777 says “Olaf is an obvious threat because he is immune to CC while in R. it's better not to trade with him, because he will win, and lifesteal back any damage you did.”
WolfNyte says “Olaf is very annoying to fight against as he relies on both AA's and Abilities. So once you use all your abilities if he is not dead he can win the AA fight using his passive attackspeed and lifesteal.”
Discord Rengar Mains says “You just have to be careful not to get caught out.
You start winning this matchup as you get more items so just try and avoid him and scale.
Once you have Tiamat > Dusk > Edge of night > Lord Dom you just roll over olaf and there isn't anything he can do.
You lose early / win late.”
Itreallyhim says “he can kill you, be careful, He will be a very dangerous target, Do short trades if hes Low, long trades if hes high on hp.
Dodge his Q-s, Also you can remove them with ult.”
ShinyEmo says “Dodge his Q's. Mostly do safe farming and freeze the lane. If he tries to trade, you can outtrade him if he doesn't have Ninja Tabi. You will crush him in late game. ”
Loki029 says “I personally hate this champ. DON T try to trade, just wait for lvl 6 go full in qith silence, ignite and ult, DON T if the enemy jungler could be near, if you pushed him to his Tower, if he is ahead (Hint: One of my main Bans after Irelia)”
Death Rusofag says “Abusivo en línea con sus hachas, increíble sustain y mucho potencial 1 vs 1. No le hagas trades con poca vida, consigue rápidamente heridas graves y las tabis ninja.”
Judgepepper123A says “don't try and use your any of your abilities on Olaf because when it comes to his ult he can ignore your passives effects except for having it to launch a detonation ”
lugzinho says “The healing of his W and Conqueror all together with his E's true damage make him really hard to fight 1v1 since he just mashes his keyboard and wins most 1v1's.
Although your remount can kinda screw with him.”
Thr3shPrinc3 says “Before level 6 you win this lane quite easily. You can poke Olaf and sustain at the same time with Fleet Footwork and if he hits you with a Q you can just flay him away and dodge the second one. Level 6 is when this lane becomes hard. When Olaf uses his ultimate there is no way for you to peel him away from you. Don't even waste time using your Q or E as the cast animation will just slow you down. Try to hit him with an auto attack and proc your Fleet Footwork while dodging his Q's. Hopefully he doesn't kill you and then you can just poke him again and sustain up. Late game Olaf will be a problem since he gets insane amounts of life steal, so just play around your team and rather poke another target since he will just sustain back up to full HP at the start of a fight.”
ForgottenProject says “Olaf is really strong Level 1
Be careful Level 1, and don’t get hit by his Q
At level 3, you can usually out damage him if you parry his E (true damage lightning ability)
At level 6, your Parry will not slow his MS or AS if he uses his R
You outscale Olaf, and beat him at all the later stages of the game
ysfmbk says “what u can do is rush bramble vest , dodge his q in laning phase and short trade him with passive and Q while constantly positioning him near a wall to get him low and kill him or dive him in his tower”
SirVermillion says “You win this matchup early, and if he sucks then he'll fall off, but if he's a good Olaf, he will quickly pick up and kill you even if you're ahead. ”
Marcua says “Worth a ban. Nidalee is all about getting early leads and bully the enemy jungler. This viking won't let you do that. His whole kit is anti-Nidalee. If he gets ahead, it only takes 1 q for him to get onto you and stay there until you get the gray screen. ”
zekynan says “this is difficult to explain but, if you have less than half health and he is full, he wins. the other way around is not garanteed. If you want to fight this prick you will need to catch him on tf or kite him really well ”
Pedrokis says “Pode ser chato por causa do poke e do life steal que ele ganha com o W (que é aprimorado pela passiva de ter o attack speed aumentado com o quão menor a vida dele tiver). / A ult é um problema por que vai ser difícil você manter ele longe, já que ele countera os seus knock ups e o puxão do seu W. / Fica dando harass com seu Q, usa ignite se você garante a matchup ou builda Chamado do Carrasco (pra counterar o life steal dele) e respeita ele caso ele tenha ult pronta.”
Daedralus says “Just don't ult him when he ults... You will also look pretty silly as you gauge at him, and him back at you. Your fear also becomes a little useless in that time period, and his healing is pretty much the same deal as you, but he can hit a bit harder with his true damage. Best thing to do is outlast his ult, and your ult can secure it afterwards. In the meantime, keep your Q just a little more so you can pull of a greater heal from below half, or even 20% HP (tripling the bonus as your Q counts as a basic attack).”
Scintior says “Olaf counter Skarner due to the fact that he has insane healing, true damage and a ultimate that negates Skarner's. To win, only fight Olaf when you have teammates around.”
Zhygop says “If olaf start with W, don't even ty to trade him, he will just get more move speed, more lifesteals and with conqueror, he can easily take you down. Try to poke with your Q.
ozmankaan says “beware dont take him easy, he can out damage n outsustain u, concentrate on ur CS, keep on AA whenever there is a chance, engage with ur jung or when his health is low otherwise just keep on poking him till his health is low n u can engage.”
BeautifulWinter says “I like Olaf and they don't like me. Very standard Passive levels 1-5 only go for fights once you have R up.
You should be able to take him as long as he isn't too far ahead.”
SpecterZX says “This champ is your biggest counter and he will win most of the time unless your team helps you.If he invades you spam ping your team to help you cuz you dont win the 1v1,otherwise just back off and focus on farming or helping your team else where.”
Big Belly Bop says “Rough match up. He can permaslow, he's invulnerable to CC, and he can out heal your damage. Everything Senna loves! NOT. Dodge Q's if possible and E out, don't even bother autoing. JUST RUN! Flash + TP, Doran's Shield + 1 HP, Sustain or Gotta Blast! rune page”
ExfIamed says “Its an easy matchup as long as you dont get hit by his axe, if you get hit you just die. He'll just permanently slow you cause apparently riot thought it was a good idea for him to be able to pick the axe up and basically have a 0 cooldown and kill any melee champ easily, but as long as you dodge those you win.”
9690 says “Nobody really plays Olaf top these days but this lane is actually quite hard. He wins early levels and is very strong against us mid game. He can R out of our R so we have no snowball potential against him post 6. Just get tabi, farm and try to go even, you will be more useful late game.
Defensivity1 says “Always go with the conqueror page against olaf, once at level 6 he is a free kill and do not be affraid to trade against him if he missed his q. being affraid of olaf is where him being a threath comes in, you will win the trades but go with a bramble vest afther your triforce.”
Luthy2278 says “Strong early but you can easily dodge his axes. You will beat him up after a couple items and if he catches you low HP you can just run away from him using your Ult since he can't slow you down.”
Quezel says “Olaf can easily win early game with his incredible 1v1 potential and post 6 he can ignore your ultimate with his. Don't try to fight him early and just farm rush seekers/tabi/bramble into liandries and you should start winning fights.”
SNOBOY says “Good luck, he is very difficult. Early Iceborn, and ganks. No point trying to fight him because he out trades and sustains. With his true damage it is also hard to build against him. Don't face him 1v1 if you can help it.”
Havewyouseenmycaw says “If he ever catches you alone you most likely die very early aggro jungler and his R counters you hard I beat olaf by just avoid him and impacting opposite sides of the map”
ProgettoYorick says “Olaf in early will be aggressive, I don't have much information to give you against him .. but I have a "tip" to give you
OTP tip: be careful at level 6 so far as you could see, yorick plays well with level 6 against the other top laners, against olaf he is different he has enough damage to knock you down be careful.”
linsher19 says “His R can ignore your slow and his E does true damage the only way to kill him is that you have a larger Q stack and you can just destory him”
Fyurex says “This viking is a beast. His ult makes him invincible to CC so you can't use the full effect of your Q and R. His damage and tankiness is too much for you to duel him. If he goes in try to kill the enemy carries instead as you will waste time by taking Olaf only. try to get him behind early to make him less usable mid game.”
Skarner Main says “a smart Olaf is the biggest counter to Skarner He just have to hold his ult til you pop yours
But lucky i dont see alot of top olafs
In lane just try to avoid fighting him you outscale him just stand on top of your minions if he throw his axes on you they hit the minions aswell so the wave will most likely push to you
And this is really important DONT let him get a freeze on you”
Karnan says “I hate this guy. If he lands his axes on you he will just run you down and outdmg you hard early on. His ultimate allows him to make you his bitch.
Play early safe, let your jungler help if you wanna fight him. If your jungler can shut him down they should. An Olaf that is behind is weak as fuck. ”
Mr. Nyahr says “Olaf's true damage and attack speed steroid will be able to shred you very quickly. Dodge his axes, and keep in mind that he is stronger at low health. If you get ahead, you should be fine, but be wary.”
Her0mars says “Probably won't be going for you, so I guess you could try peeling carries..? early game your laners really shouldn't die to this guy. However when team fights roll around all you can really do to get him off is try to kill him.”
Hamstertamer says “Very hard to deal with, gets in your face and shreds you, and you can't CC him to disengage. Your only hope is to oneshot him with ult, but then he loves going spirit visage and tank items so he'll likely survive that. If he's too much of a problem get a zhonyas.”
AsomeSonic says “don't take long trades, take short trades, if he ults run then go in when ult is about to end, do not panic and use r or e on him when he ults unless you have the kill”
blunderr says “Olaf is extremely dangerous, he can very easily poke you with his Q and once he's lvl 6 he is probably going to all in you. At lvl 6 he has his ult which disables his current crowd control effect and makes him immune to further crowd control for the next 6 seconds, which means your Q and shrooms arent going to blind and slow him. At that point he's just going to run you down and probably kill you. Play VERY passively against Olaf, play under your tower if you have to. Your only chance to kill him is if your jungler comes to gank. I highly recommend Doran's Shield.”
Rhinoface says “Absolutely need ignite/morello. VERY hard matchup, gets harder after 6. Poke and dodge axes, if he's low you can ignite and kill and snowball. If you don't snowball, he'll faceroll you at 6.”
Poppu says “Olaf has strong Q pokes and Sustain kit. Best to try to out tank and wait for ganks. Try not to trade too much with him if he's low, his DPS and sustain is crazier when he's low.”
Aizo says “What do you get when you're playing a CC champ and you're facing an Unstoppable champion...? A threat. Olaf is very difficult for maokai to deal with due to his incredible chasedown and unstoppable ultimate. Very dangerous, don't step too far into lane against this guy or else you will die”
SoulHero says “He will win if you are not experienced, but you can win by going dorans shield and second win. You win lvl 1 e flip, try to flip him away from his axe. You don't really win at lvl 6 but you win at lvl 9. You cant reel him in if he ults, GET EXECUTIONERS. You straight up outdmg him and outheal him with deaths dance executioners. Ult him when his ult is down. ALSO CANT FLIP HIM IF HE ULTS. YOU OUTSCALE WITH MY BUILD.”
smurferrefrums1 says “Olaf is definitely not that easy to deal with. If he hits you with his axe, do not use your windwall up until the point where you can get to your tower before he can reach the axe. The wall just stops it, doesnt make it disappear like other projectiles. Rush Tabi and dont trade with him unless you've got a lead.
DrNaara says “His ult makes your passive useless. He will also likely be able to sustain with lifesteal even at low levels when you try to all in him at close range, so keep your distance and be ready to dodge his axe throwing and you should be fine!”
Jnewbringspain says “Olaf is not easy. Don't let his axe hit you, as it will be almost instantly reset and he can throw it again. Olaf has arguably the strongest level 1 in the game, so wait a bit before trying anything. After level 6, you won't be able to stun him with Counter Strike when he ults, so be careful.”
messketchup says “Ez matchup overall. Darius should permanently outscale Olaf after level 6 since darius doesn't need cc to duel olaf (making his ultimate relatively useless) if olaf goes onto him. All Darius needs is stacking for his own ult, which is way stronger than Olaf's ult. Ganks can screw you over though.”
Sonny2o9 says “Never all in this champion, he will 100% win. Dodge his Undertows, and trade with auto and dragon strike. Be careful after you use dragon strike, that's his chance to all in you. Hitting him with 2 q's should bring him low enough to get one shot. ”
Angela du Seithr says “Olaf vous détruit sans sommation dès que votre E est en CD. Avant le niveau 6, vous pouvez toujours profiter de votre combo Z(renforcé) + A + E afin de l'empêcher de riposter, mais dès le niveau 6, il n'aura qu'à vous courir dessus.”
PandaSenpai101 says “You demolish him in trades and his E is really easy to predict. You crush him, even if he uses his ultimate. However, the new Conqueror changes makes him very hard to solo 1v1.”
PogLord says “Skill lane. If he gets not much gank by jungler, it is literally a practice match for your reflexes. Not that hard, not that easy. I have no legit advices more than Zhonya + dodge his Q, dont let him AA you too much for his passive. When you BOTH reach 20% HP in a trade, you want to W him, cause thats more HP for you, than for him with his W. His ultimate is shit, but can ruin your E2 approach.
ULTIMATE STEAL SCORE: 0/5 trash for you.”
best teemo says “Start: doran shield, armor runes
How he will try to trade against you:
olaf will try to hit you with one spear then run up to you, grab the spear and run you down.
How to win trades pre6:
lvl 1 against this match up is the most important because this is your chance to bring his hp so low that he cannot all in you, try to bring his hp down to half lvl 1, all you have to do is side step his axe, then walk up and auto him as hard as you can until he gets his next axe in 7 seconds. after he gets lvl 2, keep side stepping his axe but be more cautious, if olaf walks up to try to grab the thrown axe, disengage, but if he doesn't then throw an auto attack at him. an easier way to sidestep his axe is to stand next to a minion that's about to die, the olaf will try to axe both you and the minion so you can get an idea of where he will throw the axe, then side step it. if he doesn't throw an axe in a while, throw a q at him carefully so he knows this isnt a passive lane. You might want to rush tabai against him.”
Bombabo says “You can do a decent amount o damage to him, but don't expect to get away without ulting over a wall or something. Early encounters strongly favor him”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Earlier in the game, you should be able to win this lane, just don't fight him for more than 2-3 sec. because he'll definitely outdamage you.”
Prince Afghan says “Olaf is very strong pre level 6 but doesn't have insane all-in potential if you hold onto your W and don't waste it. Post 6 you can go aggressive and potentially kill as he has no mobility and will have to auto your W to escape. Call for your jungle and ward well. ”
Lil Tidepod says “Olaf is really only good for his poke on his axe throw. This is an easy lane for you. Simply push past him, outfarm him, and call for your jungler if need be. This guy is a joke pick into you or against you. While he may have true damage, he's not strong enough to last in long trades, provided you hit your Q.”
0mega best says “He has almost infinite slows which is a nightmare for volibear, he does tons of damage and is just has strong as you are in 1v1, play safe, farm under tower and try calling for a gank if possible.”
iam2sxy1 says “olaf will dominate you after 6 as he will counter you in every possible way just like pantheon suggested to switch lanes before he hits 6”
tuanminh says “Olaf thì tựa tựa giống Darius nó đè lane , Quấy phá không cho các bạn tích Q.Những thằng thế này hãy ôm fram và khi đạt đến ngưỡng sức mạnh của mình hãy trừng phạt lại chúng”
DrMoneybags says “Take ignite and fight when he misses axes early. He's very strong at early dueling so don't underestimate him. If you manage to put him behind early he'll be pretty useless the rest of the game.”
The_CuItivator says “Darius's Dad in lane. If you can dodge Qs you can kill him once or twice before 6. After that, it's all Olaf. Your E won't work on him thanks to his R. His W and high AS will tear Darius apart.”
Speedy the dart says “Start doran's blade, get bramble vest and ninja tabi early. Go conqueror.
The scariest part of this lane is the early game. Don't get hit by a Q, he may just kill you. Once you get R and some armor, this matchup is a cakewalk. You can go ignite if you want, but I recommend Ghost.”
The Lost Drawing says “Daño considerablemente alto ya que por naturaleza eres tanque y el tiene una habilidad que mete daño verdadero.
Aunque no tiene CC en si, su 'R' te hace 'counter', se cura y poquea machin xD.”
E61K says “Start Doran's Shield to help deal with his constant Q harass. Olaf can seriously demolish you if you're not careful. Look at what he is running. If he is running Ignite and Conqueror be extremely carefully. Pre-6 you beat in an all-in provided you don't constantly get hit by his Q's. Post-6 he can make use of his ult CC immunity to dodge your Q and use the bonus AD coupled with his W and Conqueror to beat the ever living F out of you therefore it's best to respect him post-6 until you get your core or he makes a really stupid mistake. Also your ultimate kinda makes his passive only partially useful since you can burst him down before he can make the most use of it. A lot of people just think about Olaf spamming Q in lane and that being his strength but besides his Q spam in attempt to run you down you should be most careful about his W couped with his passive, Conqueror and constant E's. The additional dueling power and sustain he gets from it will end if you aren't careful. You outscale him hard in teamfights and in 1v1's. Just be careful and don't int him otherwise it will get ugly for you. Prioritize HP over armor. Overgrowth is very useful against him in the long run since he deals so much flat true damage.”
SwiftOblivion says “Strengths: Early game damage, Dueling potential, True damage. Weaknesses: Low mobility, Axe Reliant, Out-scaled. His early game damage is nothing to scoff at with his ability to pick his axes back up and reduce their cooldown. Taking this into account, to this day I have not lost to an Olaf in a level 1 trade in top lane. Typically, you want to poke him down over and over while dodging his axes in lane. Once he gets low, pick a fight with the intent to kill. Just keep in mind that he gets stronger the lower he is on HP. The last thing you want to do is start running away from him after just getting in melee range of this guy. Be sure to riposte his reckless swing so that the true damage does not hit you and try to dodge his axes as much as possible in lane and you should be fine.”
Hootsman says “Olaf's sustain is on par with Warwick's. Olaf, pre-six, is not much of a threat. But Olaf's ult renders Warwick's E and R useless. Make sure to fight when his ult is on CD.”
drunken hunter says “Olaf is one of the champs i banned every game. This guy gets more attack speed the lower he drops, he got life steal + attack speed as an ability, he got the point and click true dmg, he got the axe that slows and just needs to pick it up and it has no cooldown. With his ult Olaf cannot get stunned/slowed/taunted/... anymore and gets even more dmg and movement speed. And with all that he is still tanky. In the early game when he doesnt have all of his abilities you can try to trade him. On the other hand you can try just to farm and wait for a gank.”
kkiskk says “Call jungler for ganks to bully him early. Otherwise you may lose duel. His Q hurts ( If you always get hit by it). His duel ability is top tier, passive AS when low HP / Q aoe slow scale with 1.0 bonus AD / W AS and lifesteal / E true damage scale with 0.5 total AD / R gives tank potential and CC immune with extra AD”
Sion says “He can run through you like it's nobody's business. Just ban him or swap with midlaner lmao.
On the real though, you want to fight him level 3 till 6, but post 6 or pre 3 you do not wanna fight him. Just keep doing short trades with E+Q where he cannot retaliate and then dodge his axes. He runs outta mana easy so if he doesn't have W up and has like 70 mana, RUN HIM DOWN.”
VdeathSpartan says “One of the few champions who can out damage you early, however if you're smart about it you can get n early kill. Don't let him pick up his axes.”
Xywiser says “Olaf will just run you down when he gets level 6, and you can't really do anything about him. You can't (Q) (E) or (W) away because he is so damn fast.”
polarehare says “Just dodge his axes for the love of god, players that play him are also aggressive and so is his entire kit except for his Q, so utilize that and get in CQC with him and you will out trade him. ”
SirDeRp25 says “Definitely a hard matchup for TEEMO, start D Shield into this match-up and take grasp of the undying. Try your best to dodge his Axes in lane phase, he is able to easily run you down and chunk you out. ”
Ragdoll Poppy says “Yea this aint happening. He will slow you, smash through your armor, and you cannot stop him in doing it. He also outdamage and outpoke you. If you wanna win, call jungler help before 6.”
E61K says “Dodge his axes and you will be fine. Don't let yourself get baited into early fights because Olaf destroys pretty much everbody early on. If he is decent he will ult your tornado at 6 and you won't be able to ult. Buy yourself some time by either running away or dashing around minions. The ult lasts for a very brief moment. Then re-engage with your ult. Wind Wall his axes or he will just run you down.”
Omega best says “Olaf simply counters you, he has damage, slows and attack speed and ability which prevents you from fliping him. There is not much you do, just call for ganks, build armor and play safe and flip him at the right moment when he his low on mana and doesnt have his Q unless when he reaches 6 NEVER try an attack unless your ganked.”
nanosako says “Olaf is a pain in the butt to duel because after level 6, he can easily remove your ultimate. Your E will basically only be useful for the damage reduction, and he can possibly out-sustain you if he's low.”
Mouadyam says “careful for his level 6, he cant be cc'ed then, try to kill him before that for a lead, and dont underestimate his damage. dont get poked and go aggressive early before he becomes a monster.”
FlakNShrapnel says “This one is entirely skill based, if the Olaf runs as you, you win. If the olaf pokes you down with q, you better hope you can get on him before he gets another q.”
UndeadWolf says “He can hurt. Quite a lot. Pokes you with his Q, heals a lot, and the worst of it: his ult. He becomes Unstoppable, which means no form of CC can stop him. He also gains Armor and MR, MS, and extra AD as well. Just farm and try to get him pre-6.”
DERPFISHrejects says “Can be fairly terrifying, but you can still deny him as much as he can deny you with your ranged harass on q. Refuse to fight him without your passive on deck and/or your possessing a significant health advantage.”
Dacnomaniak says “If you fall behind he will win the lane. With his ult activated her negates everything about Poppy that makes her good. Try to dodge Qs and play very aggressive early.”
kagaroo says “🔴Skill Matchup🔴
Threat Scale: 7/10
➡️Experience + Knowledge based matchup. The matchup CAN be hard if we don't know the limits of olaf and if we don't respect him. I personally do not struggle with this matchup because it is experience based, however it is very volatile and it can go bad really easily. One death to olaf can cost the lane and game but one kill on olaf doesn't really matter. To beat olaf you need to respect his axes and kite away from them. He also has a lot of healing and damage so please respect his W at low hp as its an auto reset + huge healing + attackspeed steroid. If you struggle with the matchup then take barrier + flash but you should be able to win with teleport+flash. Biggest advice is to just respect him as much as you can and know that you can kill him level 1 with boneplating + dblade. A tip is to ult him before he ults to maximise the steal value.
➡️Rule of thumb:
Bad olaf vs Bad Trundle ➡️ 50/50 skill matchup
Average olaf vs Average Trundle ➡️50/50 skill matchup
Good olaf vs Good Trundle ➡️ 50/50 skill matchup”
Haxorr says “Bit of a skill matchup. Post 6 your parry doesn't really do anything to him and he should win an all-in if he took combat sums and plays correctly blocking vitals. Very important to get an early lead in this matchup. I recommend going Conqueror + Inspiration or Resolve page into Olaf with ignite and Doran's blade start. If you can ever dodge one of his qs early, you can beat him all-in really easily. Olaf's early game relies on good axe usage so if he throws it too far you can really fk him up as he runs to get it. You outscale heavily as well in the 1v1”
Bourne212 says “DO NOT get hit by his Q, only trade if he misses Q. If his Q hits you, throw W and run away, he can run you down early with his Q and auto's.”
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