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Vex Counter Stats

Vex Counters
Discover all champions who counter Vex. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Vex in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
357 Tips for countering Vex below

Mid Lane
52.01% Win Rate95% Pick Rate Vex Mid Lane Counters: 43 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Vex in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

j4ss says “Rush mercs with maw, then collector into full crit. Her shield is annoying so bait your teammates in order to punish her engage, since her ult AOE fears everyone around.”
Tatsurion says “She does like walking up to you nice and close for the W so you can take advantage of that, shes also very immobile, and her passive doesnt cuck you THAT hard since you have only one dash in your kit, and its a long one conq and burst are both valid here”
JuulBox says “If she misses her fear, while she has damage, her all in is potentially ruined by missing her abilities”
Rek'Sai Mid (?) by JuulBox | Rek'Sai Player
gimmelovej says “In short you don’t, push your wave when you can and roam the map for kills. She is a hard counter and unbearable sometimes. Don’t, push your wave, poke with Q when you can, hold W to dodge her Q after. Roam. Don't walk into her AA-range after using W. Roam. Don't over commit to farm (Poking and dodging enough might lead to vex wasting e or w). Roam. If she doesn't missplay hard, don't get close. Also, try to roam. ”
[14.15] Ultimate Qiyana FULL GUIDE!!! by gimmelovej | Qiyana Player
Vladmidir says “Dodge her fear and pool when she ults into you. You out trade her and out sustain so just take trades then all in when shes low.”
[14.14] [Vladmidir] Vladimir Top/Mid Guide by Vladmidir | Vladimir Player
GreenReapers says “Any page viable. Long Sword start. Vex doesn't have enough poke to justify a D-Shield. To me a very unfun matchup if you mess up and she get's a lead. Focus on poking and roaming if you get the chance. If she lets herself get poked enough you can engage, but care for her fear, as she will combo you after you get cc'd, chunking you rather hard. You need to outplay to really be able to kill her by swapping to dodge her abilities. If she get's zhonyas first you'll usually won't do enough damage to kill her and late game it becomes really hard to do so, due to her instant fear with W into combo. Placing a W shadow to escape before engaging helps if she's not preoccupied with others and getting an Edge of Night will help you survive in those exact situations.”
In depth Zed Guide [14.13] by GreenReapers | Zed Player
support_diff says “Vex is a mage with many skillshots that are kinda easy to hit. She also counters champions with dashes and blinks, but that doesn't matter much as you don't have any of them. Her skillshots are easy to hit if you use the double attacks of your passive, so I suggest you to only kill minions with single attacks as otherwise she will be able to hit a whole combo on you. When farming, look out for her passive as if she has it up, it increases the chances of you getting "vexed" (haha I'm so funny)”
"Things To Do. Scores To Settle" by support_diff | Akshan Player
BrMario1011 says “just fucking annoying piece of shit lol, she cant really kill you if you go dshield second wind, and you cant really kill her, just impact the map more than her and be more usefull in team fights ig lol go electrocute, second winds and dshield and tp”
AP MIDLANE RAKAN GUIDE (14.12), WIP by BrMario1011 | Rakan Player
Krmen says “If you play against her you will have to use as little as possible your E, wait for your jungler to come and try to kill her or play the roam as you can.”
14.12 Yasuo Mid Guide by Krmen | Yasuo Player
MetalK1d says “Vex has very huge damage and can easily cancel your combo with her passive, but she is very squishy you can try to kill her when she does not have her passive.”
[14.11] Gragas Mid/Top/Jungle by MetalK1d | Gragas Player
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