Mid Lane 48.42% Win Rate94% Pick RateAzir Mid Lane Counters: 33 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Azir in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
xumi_k says “There isn’t much people who know how to play Azir properly. You cannot kill his soldiers. He is a scaling champ, so kill him early. He also has a good disengage/engage tool, so save E after he pushes you in or out and his ability goes on cooldown. I don’t really have much to tell, as it depends on an Azir. You might struggle from his soldier’s poking though, however he’s pretty weak early. ”
minutua says “DShield + TP + Ventos + Elec. Fica fazendo troca curta ateh ele ficar sem mana, eh uma guerra de sustain. Com um item vc ganha dele se ele nao tiver ult.”
j4m.euw says “When playing Yasuo, Azir can really easily find ways to poke you a lot, so try to build MR early, maybe even taking Wit's end first item if you are struggling a lot. Make sure to windwall his R when going for a big trade with Azir.”
Lunar1v9 says “Hard matchup, just play safe under tower farm and try to do the most u can , u can solokill at 11 if u play really well and sidelane u can win. He is not that strong so u GOT THIS
zSmoke says “Azir is an easy matchup until he gets to lvl 6, when he has the ultimate, you will always have to trade by hitting the Q first, because if you enter with the E, he can throw you to the tower and you will have to spend flash to get out (It's not worth it)”
angeLoon says “dring conqueror
azir has prio until you hit lvl 9,its really hard to outtrade him before you have your 5 points on W.
try to make him vunerable to ganks and play around his E cooldowns,if azir wastes his E he turns into a pigeon with a stick. he has no escape other than His E
careful with being around his tower at lvl 6,he can just push you to his tower and kill you.
v0ltage38 says “Second wind + scaling HP. Depends on the skill of Azir and the patch. Azir out ranges, out pokes, and scales great into the late game. One R from him is a Flash burned from you. In the current patch, Azir is in the dumps but that may change soon. Altogether a rough matchup. You'll have to advance the side laners early and fast.”
MattStyle says “En early es sencillo porque no hace mucho daño ni tiene la capacidad de hostigarte con facilidad. En mid game se pone un poco más difícil porque ya empieza a pegar y pokear fuerte. En late es una amenaza, pero con tu JG debería ser fácil anularlo antes de eso. ”
j4ss says “He's annoying and run Fleet, but with good poke tools you can have him very low in lane, forcing him to base and deny CS. Try to use your tempo to impact the map while he's farming under turret.”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Scorch]
Summs: [Flash][Teleport]
Counter with: 3rd item [zhonya's]
*if you build burst, you can win 1v1, use everything and press zhonyas*”
Vladmidir says “This matchup is turbo aids, but 100% winnable as long as you understand the trade patterns. Play around your empowered Q and try to space his Q. The matchup gets hard once he starts to hit lvl 8, but if you spam ping for a gank then you can kill easily with your jungler. ”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable. If Azir is played properly, you probably won't get to use first strike, so keep that in mind.
D-shield start if you aren't playing with resolve.
Isn't much of a problem most of the time, however a good azir will perma poke you while keeping you slightly out of distance.
Poke him yourself and if you find an opportunity strike. Care for his E dash, it also gives him a shield.
Post 6 becomes harder, as he can use his R to knock you away after you R. Either set up your shadow so you can get back to him easily or use it after your R to gapclose onto him.”
esluz says “Go Fleet and D shield his early game all ins are not very good but his poke is try to use the W to engage trades while not taking a lot of damage and be carefull of his R into the turret after level 6”
TwTv Akai_Tv says “[Fleet / PTA]Pokes you out of lane with double your range, outscales you, can Sidelane and his R is annoying to play around as you cant E into him because of this. Overall hard to play vs this Champ try to bait out his W lvl 1 and then hard trade him lvl 1 and 2 to get a lead. Alternatively just play very passive and hope for an early gank / skirmish.”
sick204 says “When facing Azir as Yasuo, certain strategies can help you navigate the matchup more effectively. Respect Azir's poke and zone control with his abilities, especially his Q and W. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Azir's soldiers' attacks and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Azir's ultimate, which can disengage or isolate Yasuo in fights.. Engage on Azir when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on mana, as he can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Mercury's Treads or Hexdrinker to mitigate Azir's magic damage.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “Azir relies on his soldiers, when you get close to his soldiers its a no brainer hed use them to damage you. Use this advantage, your abilites outrange his, I always E him first for the slow and double Q his tiny bird ass, rinse and repear and boom I win lane. TAKE IGNITE! He dives to you? easy, just root him and run away. You're goal is to survive and get the CORE items anyways who cares about this bird? Once you get the holy trinity the enemies dead. Although I had been noticing that in my majority of Sera vs Azir lanes, Azir always has the CS upperhand so yeah just to point it out if youre insecure about your CS dont be, this bird is just built different when it comes to killing minions.”
SkandalloTV says “Can punish well if you miss your abilities. Has way better range then you. However, you can land your ultimate if patient and make a difference in team fights.”
otaliz says “Try not to get poked too hard by his soldiers early on. You will be much more useful than him by playing in the side lanes. Focus on farming and roaming.”
PhantasmEUW says “[Fleet / PTA]Pokes you out of lane with double your range, outscales you, can Sidelane and his R is annoying to play around as you cant E into him because of this.
Overall hard to play vs this Champ try to bait out his W lvl 1 and then hard trade him lvl 1 and 2 to get a lead. Alternatively just play very passive and hope for an early gank / skirmish.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Avoid standing next to minions so the Azir player has to decide between using soldiers to poke you down or to clear the wave. Maintain your distance after Level 6 to avoid dying to his shurima shuffle combo as your Satchel is far too ineffective of a dash. ”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - TP - Scaling HP.
Azir isn't that much of a threat for Lux, as long as you play far away enough, he will never be able to reach you with his soldier ulti combo. He's very easy to catch and one shot once you get your items.”
angeLoon says “it's a very hard matchup, but you can still kill him in side lanes
you have to waste his ULT to kill him.
use doran's shield in this matchup
phase rush with second wind.”
Fienny says “Didn't play much agains him but poke is insane, you won't outscale and you can't e on him, he'll ult on you to E+Q away.Outroam, you'll lose in teamfights.”
awawa says “You will probably never see a good Azir unless theyre Faker. DONT STAND NEAR HIS SOLDIERS.
Keep in mind he can R you towards enemy tower if you are close enough.
You counter his engage and basically his existence.”
ShokLoL says “Azir is a strong laner, but you are even stronger. Try and look to get aggressive whenever he moves his soldiers forward with Q as he will be very vulnerable with the soldiers far away from him. Ideally you will reach your first base with a CS lead over Azir and can ride that out for the rest of the lane. Make sure to keep the trades short and don't let him get too many soldier autos off. After level 6 be very careful if your flash is down or you don’t know where their jungler is. ”
ShokLoL says “Azir is difficult for Jayce in the early game but you counter him in teamfights and the mid game. Pre 6 you are expected to fall slightly behind but do your best to remain even. Once you pick up your dirk you will start to win trades, but you have to be very careful of his gank setup and his ability to throw you into tower. In mid game and teamfights you win the 1v1 on sidelane as well as heavily outrange him so look to poke him out before teamfights begin.”
Soft Headpats says “He can farm safely out of your range with soldiers, but you will win most extended trades. His Q and E also have high mana costs early on, so forcing trades to attack his mana pool can be beneficial.
Once he hits 6, it becomes more dangerous since he can drift at you from different angles and set up ganks. Either respect the shuffle or react properly to his dash with an EQ. A good Azir will be prepared to flash past your EQ so be wary of that.”
ShokLoL says “Azir is very strong in lane and has very strong gank setup at level 6, but you will do fairly well into him in teamfights. Try and take control of the lane whenever he moves his soldiers forward with Q as he will be vulnerable and unable to contest the wave. After level 6 be very careful if your flash is down or you don’t know where their jungler is. ”
ShokLoL says “You can outtrade and outpush Azir for most of the lane but he slowly and surely outscales you. Look to build a 1v1 lead and post 6 you can start focusing on shoving him instead and looking for skirmishes and roams.”
Deceiver_euw says “Pretty easy matchup for LeBlanc. This champ is a bit strong currently and has the tank build which makes it way harder to play vs. But once this gets balanced properly, this matchup will become LB favoured again. Make sure to not overextend trades into his soldiers (especially if he plays conq) and burst trades will always be in your favor. when ganking him keep in mind that you can block his E dash if you get on top of him with your W.”
Janninger says “Azir is a weird matchup he slightly outranges you but it’s not enough to keep you from farming with E (Especially not if you upgrade the ability and it one shots casters) Annoy him with E.”
ShokLoL says “You can outtrade and outpush Azir for most of the lane but he slowly and surely outscales you. Look to build a 1v1 lead and post 6 be careful if you don't know where the enemy jungler is as Azir has excellent gank setup.”
vSomnia says “Trade when he placed soldiers and tried to harass you with his Q. Once he does that go all in proc passive and run away, avoid getting hit by his solders at all time. If he E's away fine, it has high CD, just repeat the proces and you will win lane.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against an Azir focus on farm, he will poke you a lot with his soldier making you lose a lot of minion, but you can trade back after he use Q on you cause he can't escape far away with his E, watch out for dive him also if you are in E casue he can r you taking more tower hit”
Kikife says “I feel this matchup is particularly easy. Smolder can dodge Azir's soldiers whilst still farming with Q. Once you've stacked your first Q passive, look to poke down whilst avoiding the wave as his soldiers will most likely be positioned there. Be very aware of ganks and buy pink wards, and if you are scared of a gank incoming then back far from his tower as his R is difficult to get out of without burning flash, making you vulnerable to a hard engage W E Q W azir combo.”
sethpls says “Farm lane. Shouldn't kill him until mid to late game. Early he beats you in trades and will bully you if you even think about it. Farm. His dashes will make your Q really really difficult to hit.”
Shazir says “Azir outrange Aurelion Sol but you can perma push against him. You outscale Azir but he has more utility than Aurelion Sol like insec etc.”
gaarrett says “Respect the poke Azir can lay down level 1 and trade when his soldier dies. If you time your E2 right when Azir ults, you can pull yourself through the soldier wall and get right in his face. [3/5] ult, great peel or engage tool.”
Jhippie says “outpokes in lane and has more dps until the later stages of the game. Shurima shuffle can really screw your game up though even with your E.”
MukiiBaa says “Focus on farming and scaling. Swain is better champ in teamfights but shurima shuffle will be big punishment for your team more than you.”
149Gray says “Try to stay away from his soldiers while also being close enough to Q, a minion, and walk back, if he spams Q early, he will run out of mana. You can be more aggressive when his E is down. Pool his ult, it takes some practice but is not the hardest.”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Play aggresive early, and get ahead, if you don't you'll ended up losing.
Juega agresivo en early, y saca ventaja ya sea mantandolo, o en escaramuzas, si no el terminara ganando. ”
Lord Reeves says “This matchup is not fun to play. He gets to shove and harass at the same time and wins all-in's. Look to take short trades with Q when he moves his soldiers to you to trade, you will win short trade with Q-> E-> AA. Once 6 use wall to get out his E then use it off CD to look for all in's. Be careful on insec plays.”
SurferKiller says “Big problem if you are at Masters+. Play safe. Focus on stacking. Find opportunities to help other lanes or with objectives if you can. If somehow he missuses his Dash (E), all in.”
CulturalYokai says “ultimate can be your worst enemy but you should be able to win this if you outpoke him and place yourself fine in teamfights and during laning phase”
KazunaSan says “Aziz est assez embêtant en lane car il vous poke énormément mais le perso est très squishy donc vous pouvez le OS si il fait une erreur, le E de gragas cancel son dash donc il ne peut pas vous insec facilement.”
Desc069 says “Azir is hard to all in when 6 because u cant rely on ur W , he will just R and out trade u but if ur ahead early / solo kill him ur free to poke him and will outroam him or even kill 1v1 if u poke him enough”
FrostbiteMW says “Play very safe, farm and try not to die early. Don't stay near his sand soldiers. Use your E around him so he cannot engage or escape.”
FrostbiteMW says “Heavy poke, play passive. But you still want to trade so you don't get bullied to much. He is squishy, so an all-in would not be a bad idea. However ask for ganks in this lane.”
FrostbiteMW says “Get an advantage pre level 6, he cant do anything there. After 6 he can look for an engage with his ult to setup a gank. If you stay far and poke theres nothing he could do tho.”
FrostbiteMW says “Get an advantage pre level 6, he cant do anything there. After 6 he can look for an engage with his ult to setup a gank. If you stay far and poke theres nothing he could do tho.”
Wizboy73 says “Take snowball or Poke runes. Experimental runes can be good too here. You win lane from level 2 onward, level 1 just trade with 1 Q nothing more, cause he can actualy dish out some damage, but lategame he has nothing on you.”
Shinbae says “Повелитель кошачьего лотка со своими воинами... Тут всё просто, держишь дистанцию от его воинов и не даёшь ему "засёрфить" тебе за спину, ибо после этого Зои зачастую не выживает”
Hexeria says “[A good Azir can be pretty disgusting. He will poke you to death from minute one and dodges your Engages with his dash.] [He will push your under his Tower at level 6 so keep that in mind.] (YOU CANT E TROUGH HIS SOLDIERS) [He outranges you completly so play safe, get minions, play with your jungle or just roam.]
[Personaly I rather go a Tank build here, so you can stay on him to keep him out of a fight.]”
KissKat says “You could try to kill him before LVL 6. Try not to get poked too much by his sand soldier. Once he use Q, you can go in with EWQ (before LV6), and if you can't pick up a Q dagger, Use E to disengage”
Halkem says “Space away from his soldiers. He can't get prio on you easily so as long as you don't get ganked or poked by him it's easy scaling to chapter or 6. Care when his R is up, he's really good at setting up ganks on you with it, that's the only way you lose this lane.”
Iceyou says “Another one long range annoying champion . Dont trade outside of manaflow and stay healthy . He is not that gank vulnerable however you counter his teamfight all in patterns so hard that can't be considered of the same difficutly as ori or viktor .”
TrueGIXERJ says “a really cracked azir will zone you off CS and out-trade you 9 times out of 10, but generally i don't struggle with this matchup. as soon as he drops Q to trade with you, you can q forward and get all your damage off while he can't escape.
don't be greedy and get shuffled under tower unless you have F1 driver reaction times and can q backwards as soon as he casts R.”
The Milelator says “Very annoying. He has a lot of poke early on. You can trade with him pre 6. However then you should push waves and roam. If you all in him he can ult you into his turret and kill you. But you have better wave clear and more mobility with your R to gank other lanes. (D Shield a must).”
Hikkinnado says “Giga poke. Antitank. Only hope is taht is ap, also if your timing god you dodge his spells. If you engage, you need to all in because liandry is broken item and he abuses it.”
WarwicksSimp says “disgusting unhealable poke and never runs out of mana, try your best to roam or take skirmishes when anything comes up, if it doesnt work out you'll likely lose unless you can go peel build and help someone carry.”
FrostbiteMW says “He outranges you in all states of the game. He also wins short trades and if you step too far he can R you and kill you easily. Just try to play safe and smart.”
FrostbiteMW says “His early game isnt that great, making it easy for you to poke him and snowball in lane. After 6 you can still easily poke with R - Q.”
Tokiyami says “Azir lane is very tough if the Azir is good at spacing, just be mindful of where Azir places his soldier and how you position yourself against him. can go for early game pokes lv 1 because all he has is the ability to put two soldiers down but after that respect his range unless he randomly just walks ups too far. Can usually all in if his ulti is down but can't kill if its not down.”
Stlack says “Q max and just farm, the idea is to try to bait his R and shunpo out so you can go all in later with your R up.
So always short trade without AA-E-AA so if he ults you undertower your E is already up. Remember your E cooldown (while maxing Q first) after picking up a dagger isn't low enough to get away without getting hit at least twice by the tower.”
Lindroganti says “Annoying as hell. He will poke you into oblivion. However, he is squishy as hell. Don't let him get free poke, cs with Q. If he starts hitting you, try to trade back with an empowered W. When he gets ult he can peel you off, so try to get him to waste it or kill him before then. Don't let him use his ult to push you under tower.”
Sapphiretears says “If its a casual Azirplayer?
Free LP.
If its a Azir Onetrick?
Dodge. Say bye to your Lane
Say bye to any sort of Impact for the next 35 Min”
support_diff says “Maintain a distance so he can't poke you, wait for him to use his E (dashing to his soldier and shielding himself) to trade, he isn't very strong if you get close to him”
Fuzzmonkey says “Not that hard, he will likely outrange you a lot and poke you with Q. He will use his ult to get you off him. Try to find gaps and punish on mistakes.”
J4SP says “Don't get out traded and poked and please do not let him pully you so poke back. Once he uses his cooldowns he is useless. R on him and just like Annie just flash behind him because he will try to cast his Trump wall when you land in from R. Even if you do get hit from R you still have flash so you can flash over and do your combo + ignite and R back.”
kirellkekw says “will poke you nonstop, harder to punish compared to most other laners. do not pick akshan against him unless you have no other choice.”
Hakuanivia says “You don't have kill pressure on him and you will get out-traded. Focus on farm and take favorable resets with TP. Keep wave close to your tower and keep a lane brush warded; post-6 it's common for him to R you into his jungler. ”
support_diff says “Azir is a great champion as he can command his soldiers to attack you instead of getting close to you. Try to stay away from his soldiers to prevent him from poking you to death.. It is really hard to win a good Azir early, so search for roaming opportunities to gain a gold lead. A good Azir will always win you.”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “The one problem with Azir is his ability to poke. However, Sona can also poke well. This boils down to how much mana can you force Azir to waste. Hit ult isn't a problem either as you won't go up to him and kiss him, so he can't do funny gameplay with it. Funnily enough, his overdependence on his minions could open up a possibility of zoning him out of lane with your Q and sustain.”
tangerrine says “THE EMPEROR OF THE SANDS.....is quite an easy matchup. As an Azir main, I would actually ban Neeko for a while when she got her rework. He outranges you pretty hard and you can't really have a fair trade against him but if you just shove wave against him and avoid the soliders, you should have no problem roaming and getting kills from that. Just be careful to not let him farm too much and talk to your jungler.”
TheBougis says “Azir is not very good in Arena as he doesn't have the space he needs like in Summoner's Rift, and of course, no turrets to ult you into. As long as you don't play against a god-tier Azir you should be fine.”
BigFatCat909 says “A really good Azir stops this from being a tiny threat, and puts in into minor. This matchup is a bit of an annoying one but not at all challenging.”
BigDaddyPantheon says “Azir counters Panth but most people don't know how to play him. You should be fine, just wait for your level 3 before you all in.”
1st fizz on mars says “hard high elo dshield , teleport musthave , have anti engage , if low elo he is not a problem that why in major
he can bully u so hard and no prio till 6 ”
Zero macro says “Azir has a wide poke range combined with all in potential to catch Kog'Maw in lane, thereby this is an amazing gank setup. recommended for Kog'maw to respect Azir R and farm with abilities or have flash up.”
lolzayno says “Azir has extremely weak damage early game and can be very aggressive against you with his soldiers and his Q. Try to stand out of range of his soldiers and his Q because its relatively small range so you should mostly out range him.”
BradJr says “Poke mage with a lot of harass and range. He will not make the laning phase fun if he has any idea how to play. Just don't die and make sure to have a refillable potion on you (or even corrupting potion if you dare)”
Actt says “He has a lot of range. Avoid poke and go in after he uses Q. Electrocute and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots if you are confident for a kill, otherwise First Strike Resolve (Second Wind) and Teleport with Tear Of Goddess 2Pots.”
anniebotna says “Outranges you and makes laning really difficult. Also has his shurima shuffle to knock you off of him when you get close. However, if the azir player is inexperienced this matchup can be really, really easy too. Depends on the enemy player's skill.”
Braimyy says “Kinda annoying, good Azir players space really well and can make it super hard to get it. Just need to try and survive early game. Late game you beat him. Max E”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Unsealed Speelbook]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Shield]
[Don't stay near his soldiers]
[Don't let him poke you for free]”
freuio123 says “GOTT hasse ich diesen Champ, aber inzwischen bin ich Experte mit Ahri gegen Azir. Corrupting Potion und einfach 24/7 in ihn reintraden und du killst ihn irgendwann bzw. mit Jungler ist er immer free.”
NickLeVlach says “Both have long range, the only problem is that Azir has the mobility with his E-Q combo ( if isn't lvl 7 one trick ponny, then can't do it XD ). I'd recommend playing as aggro as possible early before his 6. Call for ganks if needed.”
Zeusman00 says “Very annoying champ due to his poke and his damage scaling late. In lane you can generally abuse him for overstepping by running past his soldiers if he wastes his Q.”
uwuimsocute says “AP Varus is not good into Azir, he can easily poke you out of lane and you wont ever reach him really.
Consider going Long Sword + 3 potions and TP.”
Anguish333 says “- Super cringe matchup, you will most likely need Fleet Footwork-Second Wind-Doran's Shield to be able to somehow lane vs Azir
- You can block his dash by standing between him and his Soldiers
- When engaging on him with R1+E1 for example hold E2 for longest time possible, and try baiting out his Ult in meantime because he can cancel every dash with it (even our E2,R1,R2)”
Shoei baron king says “mesmo com azir não tao forte, essa matchup é um inferno, tu pode tomar insec, ele tem mais range que tu e é bem dificil puxar uma troca longa com ele, o melhor a se fazer é da ik nele.”
Cryniu says “It's hard because he can keep distance to you and also can attack you faster and surprisingly. Try to poke him slowly and keep your distance, he will win in damage and late game but your work will be help your team with your utility.”
Wraithlander says “Poke matchup, play safe in lane and minimise the damage he does to you. He outscales you late but your early to mid game is better. You hard win any early skirmish as long as you position correctly and avoid clustering to prevent big Azir ults.”
Zethal_Na says “Honestly, depends on the elo. In higher elo, this matchup can be very hard due to the constant harass. Doran's shield start is honestly not a bad idea. In lower elo, I wouldn't worry about it too much”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Roaming and Team Fights: Azir tends to focus on controlling the mid lane. Use this opportunity to roam and impact other lanes, utilizing your crowd control to make plays.”
Trisend3 says “Mostly for higher elo, out ranges you, pokes you, if you step up he r's into his jungler forcing you to burn flash or die. Not much you can do vs a good azir”
Thehippyguy says “I mean. It's a free scaling for him and you are pretty much gonna be useless with the trading part. But like most late game champs. If you can shut him down 1-2 times then he won't be useful. Ask jungler for help when you've gotten him low enough with your Q + W + AA combo to proc electrocute”
South Z says “I hate Azir so much. His soldiers go through your E, he has an insane poke, good all-ins, teamfights and scaling. You can abuse him early on though if he's bad.”
DaddyVladdy says “depends on who farms better.Always a farming lane altho it is azir favoured because he pokes you and you cant really fight back.Heal from raptor camp from over the wall.Ask for ganks.Pool his ult if you are insane. If he lets you q him for free he's a retard”
Smudey says “Ranged matchup like Akshan but he is more vulnerable lvl 1, stronger at lvl 2 and always outscales you. Ganking him can sometimes be hard. Take TP and play for Ults.”
ardizzle says “Take Doran's Shield and second wind. Ignore him and focus on farming. He will eventually have to back for mana which will give you a lead as long as you don't trade off to much health.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Super long range and will poke you a lot. Consider TP. He also scales super well, so try to gain your advantages through roams.”
Edwwardo says “If you are weary of his Shuriman Shuffle you should not be in too much trouble thanks to your range. He can abuse mispositioning and dodge your W somewhat consistently. Combined with his damage output and ability to follow you over walls he's by no means an easy matchup vs skilled players.”
AnxialSociety says “FS footwear futures cosmic. Absolute gathering.
Save E to punish his dash.
Don't get ulted under turret. Scaling lane.
You can R his ult. ”
Deru says “Annoying but you can kill him easily lvl 1-2 whereas when he unlocks his e it's kinda hard to do so without jungler's help. After 6 very hard to engage on him, beware of his ult under his turret.”
Deru says “Annoying but you can kill him easily lvl 1-2 whereas when he unlocks his e it's kinda hard to do so without jungler's help. After 6 very hard to engage on him, beware of his ult under his turret.”
MiniLuxi1 says “A rare, but very strong character, usually played by mainers, the 1st champion. Try to predict when he will move (E) to his soldiers(W), and catch him with Q, or take W. He can also order them to make a dash for you themselves. Be careful, he can knock down your tp or other actions of his R, throwing you back and making a wall.”
StralekS says “You won't die 1v1 but can't win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
Wizardd says “Farm Lane but he has the edge. Try to Push in waves while poking him. Slow him to make him slow at pushing. Look for roams. Keep vision in Dragon River.”
wagNRumble says “Azir is a teamfight focused scaling champion, so all you need to do is pressure the other parts of the map and your good. As for the matchup, it's a pretty simple control mage match up so save your W and Q for until Azir wastes his Q, then you can run him down. Just be careful not to get pushed into his tower by his R.”
Mayuushii says “Chicken will try to harass you with his soldiers and Q. Try to use W to avoid things and get closer to him. Use spells to control wave and get better chances at charming him. Use R to avoid his R and shuffles.”
Samikin says “EXTREME-THREAT!
Realistically, you won't face a really good Azir that would abuse this matchup unless you're in Challenger Elo, so take this warning with a grain of salt. Although, this matchup still sucks since he has so much more range than you and you aren't able to walk up to throw Q's without getting poked by Azir's W + Q's.
If you can escape the lane phase going even, you're already wining. You will be stronger and have more impact than Azir until around 3-4 full items.
Electrocute (+Biscuits / Cosmic Insight) Rune Page
Standard Luden's One-Shot Build
Can also try to brute force the laning phase with Aery now that Azir has a weaker laning phase. ”
YARII says “Only champ in the game that can actually beat you in lane consistently , his kit works in opposition against yours , in low elo you may be fine but just be careful”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Conqueror]
[Item: Doran shield or Long Sword]
[Mythic: Prowler or Duskblade]
[Get in the way between him and his W to waste his E] [When he dont have E or R you can instakill his he just bigger cannon minion]”
SalSushi says “Essentially an ADC but in the midlane. He can't kill you but it's hard for you to kill him. He'll poke you but just grit your teeth through it. Go for trades if he steps on daggers. Look for roams as you are much stronger in small fights than him. ”
TheAfricanDream says “Just like Syndra/Viktor, the same tips and runes/item advice applies here. He will outrange you and poke you heavily, way more than Syndra or Viktor. Stick to a Doran's Shield and Second Wind and you will be able to survive this lane. Look to make early plays as he will outscale you. Azir has more mobility than Syndra/Viktor so it will be very difficult to make a play happen Mid lane.”
MetalK1d says “Azir has long range, big damage and good disengage with his Ult. The way to kill him is to poke with your Q and all in when you have enough damage with your full rotation.”
Cjtheawesome says “Azir's biggest threat is his lane dominance early, take as much cs as you can and watch out for his Shurima shuffle combos as much as u can.”
Aria_Legend says “He's annoying.. like REALLY annoying.. like VERY ANNOYING.. HE'S LIKE A MOSQUITO IN THE SUMMER ALWAYS BITING YOU.
You need sustain: corrupting+biscuits. I think you want to play very agressive against him, otherwise he'll just be a mosquito all day long and wins you by poking and biting all day long.
He's hard to kill because of his escape mechanism E (Shifting Sands) and even R (Emperor's Divide) and he also has flash.
I put him as a 4-Major even though he's not that Major, but his high range can make it difficult for you to trade him back, and he's not that easy to assassinate either.
If you play passive he'll bite you, if you can match his trading with yours, you'll be showing dominance and can get lane priority to assist your jungler first. ”
Demonsedge90 says “The big thing to pay attention to with Azir is watching where he spawns his soldiers and how he uses them. If he travels to you, shove him away with scatter the weak. Don't get too close to his turret, as he could flash and then use his ultimate to force you under, potentially killing you in the process. Farming minions in this matchup can help win you the lane if he's evading your poke.”
Wizahd says “It's pretty even, you can poke him down but he can too. His poke is about your W range, so it's skill based. Watch out for his R, don't engage under his tower.”
Atemporal says “Este é um dos bons confrontos comumente conhecidos para Ekko. Uma coisa que você pode fazer é ir ao Hail of Blades e iniciar com E. Isso permite que você domine a pista do nível 1, mas é fácil errar se você não estiver acostumado a isso. Também HoB é nerfado e não é mais tão bom. Azir é realmente forte durante os primeiros níveis da partida, sendo capaz de empurrar com força e também pokear forte se tiver oportunidade. Jogue de forma inteligente desde o início, deixe-o empurrá-lo até pelo menos o nível 3-4 quando você conseguir 2 pontos no seu Q. Se você deixá-lo empurrar as primeiras ondas, você poderá devolver a onda à torre dele para um recall gratuito. Se ele te intimidar demais, você ainda tem seu tp que é bom de usar. Azir é muito forte durante os primeiros níveis, e também super forte no final do jogo, seu ponto mais fraco é depois. Esses níveis iniciais, por volta do nível 5 e até que ele termine o Dente de Nashor, ele ficará muito fraco e abusivo. Sempre que Azir usar seu Q, use seu E - Q para frente para um comércio livre e certifique-se de não encontrar seus soldados em seu caminho de volta. Não tenha medo de jogar super agressivo nesta lane, e trocar ults com ele vale super a pena para você, porque a menos que ele instantaneamente ulte (praticamente nenhum jogador Azir ult full hp Ekko's a menos que Azir esteja baixo), você vai chegar em menos um combo completo antes que ele te ult, você vai se curar de volta enquanto ele fica baixo. A menos que você de alguma forma fique para trás, você sempre poderá 1v1 o Azir durante todo o jogo. Agressão é a chave contra Azir.”
IamBishop says “Just really annoying to deal with his poke. Watch out for his shuggle, you are super immobile so always be weary of being ganked at level 6. ”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard
S: TP/Heal
In Competitive wahrscheinlich eine der besten Antworten zu Viktor. Hat mehr Range als du, even Waveclear, mehr Early Poke und scaled genauso gut. Versuche ihn zu punishen wenn er Q raus hat und spiele um Midgame da du genug Burst haben solltest um ihn zu killen.”
Lucid Walking says “SEMI-UNSAFE LANE: He has longer range than you, has the ability to throw you inside the enemy team, and will punish you for farming. I would say Azir is probably the most annoying matchup. Don't interact with him later on.
(tip: his Dash is cancellable. If he's telegraphing a Dash into your enemy team for a teamfight Ultimate, try canceling his Dash mid-flight to SHUT him DOWN completely)”
Spoomk says “He can get a lot of poke off after one of your engages if he's good, and poke you off wave from his crusty ass pokey-soldiers. Most of the time, you're probably fine. Watch for engages where he can ultimate push you under tower or into an enemy.”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “He is rare and hard so i dont reccomend banning him. If you play against him tho it will be pain in the ass, he outranges you, and his soldiers can destroy your barrels (2soldiers = barrel lose 2hp) so you cant really hit one in lane. If he is not good its easy lane as you outdamage him hard but if he is good just farm udner the tower, wait for gank and dont let him insec you under the enemy tower/his jungler beacuse due to your lack of mobility he will kill you without any problems. Lategame is easier as in the teamfight chaos you can oneshot him and he cant really setup the soldiers to 2hit your barrel past lvl13.”
sapphire__lol says “Good Azir will bully you in lane and if you try to engage him, he will disengage or worst case ult you into turret. He cant bully you as hard as Syndra but is still one of the harder matchups. He is still not the best into you, since you can easily force him to use mana early if you engage him. ”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “IMPORTANT: Use this site (https://lolalytics.com/lol/vladimir/build/) , sort by "delta" under counters tab and scroll to the right where you can see "delta 2" and the more minus it is the harder the counter is to vlad (delta 2 sorts relative by winrate so champs that counter you but lose to you due to being in a bad state are adjusted for) should look like this https://imgur.com/a/Re6ydtO
This matchup is literally unplayable, only killable if you take ghost flash (and that means no tp against his hard poke) and you get rocketbelt, he wastes all of his w's and q's in and after already get emp q'd. In other words unless he fucks up hard. Dodge or pray. You can pool under his r while its casting but once it stops it becomes terrain so you can't.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid standing too close to Azir’s Soldiers Arise!(W) as he can auto attack you from afar. When he places a Soldier Arise!(W), move to a safer position out of its range. Go for a trade after Azir’s soldiers has disappeared. It’s best to wait for the soldiers to disappear first before fighting him as his damage output will be decreased. After level 6 keep a keen eye on the map and Azir’s mana bar.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid standing too close to Azir’s Soldiers Arise!(W) as he can auto attack you from afar. When he places a Soldier Arise!(W), move to a safer position out of its range. Go for a trade after Azir’s soldiers has disappeared. It’s best to wait for the soldiers to disappear first before fighting him as his damage output will be decreased. After level 6 keep a keen eye on the map and Azir’s mana bar.”
Adamonias says “The Classic free xerath lane; you bully azir; he has 1 mobility spell on a long CD and has to stand still to use his auto's. He cant really trade on you unless you walk into the wave and even then he requires extended trades to do real damage. You outshove and out poke him.
Don't get shurima shuffled @6 and don't let him free win teamfights unpunished; poke him for standing still.
Like anivia; he can outdamage your frontline in teamfights; but otherwise is not a real threat unless he gets ahead,”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid standing too close to Azir’s Soldiers Arise!(W) as he can auto attack you from afar. When he places a Soldier Arise!(W), move to a safer position out of its range. Go for a trade after Azir’s soldiers has disappeared. It’s best to wait for the soldiers to disappear first before fighting him as his damage output will be decreased. After level 6 keep a keen eye on the map and Azir’s mana bar.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid standing too close to Azir’s Soldiers Arise!(W) as he can auto attack you from afar. When he places a Soldier Arise!(W), move to a safer position out of its range. Go for a trade after Azir’s soldiers has disappeared. It’s best to wait for the soldiers to disappear first before fighting him as his damage output will be decreased. After level 6 keep a keen eye on the map and Azir’s mana bar.”
SKYTOP. says “The only problem with this matchup is if he goes poke, as he can and probably will bully you in lane. However, you hit your spike years before him, and will outscale exponentially. Take First Strike, because although you wont be using it too much early, it scales well.
Note: His soldiers interact with barrels.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid standing too close to Azir’s Soldiers Arise!(W) as he can auto attack you from afar. When he places a Soldier Arise!(W), move to a safer position out of its range. Go for a trade after Azir’s soldiers has disappeared. It’s best to wait for the soldiers to disappear first before fighting him as his damage output will be decreased. After level 6 keep a keen eye on the map and Azir’s mana bar.”
ZiegenZelu says “SEHR SEHR nervig auf der Lane,versuche seine Q an einen schlechten punkt zu baiten damit du CSen kannst. Nach der lane kannst du seine engages mit deiner E stoppen und ihn töten”
SkyBanana says “Ah Azir... you remind me of Anivia that makes me want to die inside. He will WQ you to force you out of lane since he can have that much of a reach. Even though you have range, he has all in potential so the Shuriman Shuffle can and will screw you over in lanes. Every thing you do has to be near pixel perfect so he can't get a lead since you are both scaling mid laners. Just try your best to match him but there is no guarantee.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Avoid standing too close to Azir’s Soldiers Arise(W) as he can auto attack you from afar. When he places the Soldiers(W), move to a safer position out of its range. Go for a trade after Azir’s Soldier(W) has disappeared. It’s best to wait for the Soldiers(W) to disappear first before fighting him as his damage output will be decreased. After level 6 keep a keen eye on the map and Azir’s mana bar. If you spot the enemy Jungler nearby, back away as Azir might try to Shurima Shuffle and set up his Jungler.”
NegativePhoenix says “Heavy annoyance. His soldiers outrange you so he can poke you down better than you can, and has the best kit to pick if he should fight or run. I don't recommend doing this into him unless you REALLY wanna just mess with him, cause you won't have fun at all most of the game.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Azir will always poke you down with his W and Q, It'll be nearly impossible to reach Azir unless he walks up. Always E his R whenever he tries to shove you into tower with his R.
Serpents will be a good item to prevent his shield from saving him from full combos.
Corrupting's is suggested ”
RIPStollie says “Azir in lane feels like an artillery mage with mobility, so he can be very annoying to face. He has a lot of range but not a ton of upfront damage until he gets items. Let him push into you until you are able to match his waveclear, and then you can look to shove and roam around the map.”
loldoppio says “Wait for him to use his Q (moving his minions) before going in. You can also windwall his Q to prevent his minion from getting close to you.”
RedRzr19 says “His immense range stops you from winning early, any good Azir will poke you down early before you get the chance to attack him. Try winning at 6.”
RivenHentai102 says “lvl 6 go zabijasz w kazdym meczu
graj pod full koreansko turecki playstyle i po 6 nakurwiaj combo ile wlezie bo ten champion chuja robi jak nie zabije cie do 4 lvla”
KayyeN says “Disgusting matchup, since he outranges and pokes you constantly. Try farming as best as you can. One good thing is that he can't really ult you out from under your turret because you can usually just jump back over his wall with your E. ”
Zarasaras says “He can poke you a ton pick up green runes if you want
Both of you scale a ton and want teamfights, farm the best that you can
Early game he will eventually run out of mana
Q2 him the most that you can”
L9 zangetsu says “not much he can do against you just dont let him poke you too hard early and fight him level 3 and he kinda just falls over and dies ”
Zoose says “Respect his Q poke range and stay out of his solider range. Unless he has used his E dash, careful going in, as he can counter trade with you. Look to abuse his dash with your E stun. ”
CaptainBattlaxe says “Unkillable. Go TP. His soldiers destroy your barrels, his autoattacks are instant beam attacks that will ruin your day because you won't hit barrels. You outscale him midgame. Orange for healing.”
spicy ricecaker says “Take fleet.
Azir can easily poke you down early if you're not careful as he does win short trades, but he has to burn a lot of mana to do so. Abuse your sustain from taste of blood and fleet until his mana pool is depleted, pushing him out of lane and gaining a lead early game. Once you hit lvl 6, you can easily all in when you hit a knockup. When you're hitting him near his tower, remember that you can w both his r knockup and q. ”
basrty1p says “A good Azir players will make you angry as usual.
His mechanics is so insane and can outplay you if you don't be careful enough.
Bait his R first, and kite your skill outside his range.
That should be fine.”
Esrucnl says “NOW: some might say hey Esruc why the hell did you put Azir on ''Even'' and not ''Easy matchup!?''
Now for low elo: yes he is easy he press R and run him down, you can dodge his R too with your E.
However in higher elo this sand man is very annoying to deal with since he will poke you A LOT and has insane amount of range and dps to do it. He can also dodge your E+R with his E.
In my opinion a good azir is annoying to face against and its more of a skill matchup. However if the Azir has no idea what he is doing it should be pretty easy.”
beansoce says “Try and bait out his abilities and only trade when you have empowered q, you have a lot of sustain so you can take bad trades and still heal up whilst he goes oom. you can easily oneshot him if you make him use his e. It's also very important to save ur w for his ult.”
MrBlivious says “I hate going against Azir, because of his absolutely disgusting poke, and his ult that saves him in every fight, so make sure to avoid his soldiers, and when he sends them at you there is your chance to attack.”
Bunny Kata says “A Ranged bully that can be really strong if played well. Your W is really strong against him, as if he doesn't come in your zone, he can't damage you. He scales hard tho. When he gets his ultimate, don't get too close to his turret, as he can ult you into it.
Pre-6, you just win, he doesn't deal enough damage to be a threat.
Ghost-TP + Corrupting Potion.”
Meso15 says “You can out shove and out roam him early. Try not to get poked by his soldiers and run him down with Q, W, and autos when his Q is on cooldown.”
sweafyzz says “A good azir will be hard to deal with, always block his E, never get Red under tower, always R him into his R if you can. Rushing youumu can be good”
Ludwig RageQuit says “Pick Poke Rune and starts with Dorans Ring. Annoying but he do not much damage, if he engage you call easily dodge and kill her with ignite.”
Berdasco9 says “Este es un skill matchup, al ser el un personaje con mucho rango que te puede mantener a raya en todo momento sin permitirte realmente que le hagas un all in, si el Azir es malo no deberías tener problemas para ganar”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Avoid standing near his soldiers]
[Don't stay too close to near his tower. He can use E on you + Flash and ult near his tower]”
donidaking says “You don t see him much in low elo since people don t play azir that often besides ONE TRICKS.
In this matchup you want to make him use his W and trade him with your Q levels 1-2 after level 3 he becomes a bit annoying because of his Q.
Match his push if he decides to shove the wave early.
Unlike anivia this champ is pretty easy to kill if you make him waste his E.
Remember your W goes under his R, be aware of him baiting you to R you into Tower.
Bertsicle says “Pretty annoying champ because all he does is have strong laning (complete opposite of fizz). All in with W max if he dodges your E too much.
Can be annoying he pokes too much early so might have to give CS to keep hp. Look for roams because he sucks at 2v2's early compared to you.”
KyogoEntity says “Engage when he uses his Q and farm with your Q, when you're on him try to stand behind him so he can't directly E away to safety. You can windwall his R. ”
TheKingUltra says “He is only even because of his ult, he can block you with it, like anivia, just less often. He will poke you but dont fall back bait his q and keep on farming. You even scale better than him.”
xIXWrathXIx says “Painful midlane to go up against as he also has a good early poke game and can be far away from minions and still farm and poke you out. I suggest Starting E for this matchup and position yourself to poke him under tower.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “He slightly outranges you with his soldiers and Q harass, so play it careful until he decides to use Q to farm. Then you can go for your harass combo.
Do not attempt to solo kill him unless he's around 30% hp.”
Dustyacer says “Annoying as hell, he'll poke you the whole game. If u get too close to his tower, he'll r you into the tower (dont stand past the little wall of the river if he has e and r)(try to w onto things to get out). He outscales you. He has mobility to run away from you. You can't even r onto him to cheese him since he'll just dash away.
The only light you have is that his early damage is still pretty low.
I recommend tp, corrupting, biscuits, TWT or second wind + other. Consider electrocute since u often use your empowered abt to cs. Don't be afraid to make plays around the map.”
Dj Memelord says “Outpokes you and keeps you under turret perma. Once laning phase is over though he will have trouble entering teamfights because of your cage. ”
m0rfeazz says “A good azir will be a pain in the @ss but you wont play against a one most likely, bully him out early and outplay him with your ult. You can easily 1vs1 him in lane despite his safey”
CuteNakedLoli says “Easily beatable but you have to play aggressive early game to win, his Ulti u can just dash on him if he uses it to escape and dash out if he uses it do dive you. ”
EclipseMints says “A good Azir can outplay you easily as he can effortlessly outrange you and waste your abilities then go in with his dash which can lead to a fatal combo.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Don't stay near his sand soldiers][Use your E around him so he cannot engage or escape]”
Juon says “This champ hurts. Good range, big sustained damage and slow. If you are predictable he will just ult you away when you engage and then proceed to annihilate you. He is beatable with comet, a well placed ult and he is a free kill due his squishiness. Max W second here.”
DabiDabi says “Azir is kinda annoying. He pokes a lot with his soldiers. His little Shuffle combo is pretty crazy. I'd say, shove the lane if you can and look for a roam. Is you can't just try your best to stay equal with CS and there will be an opening for you to full combo Azir.”
OTP Toxin says “He has more range than you with his soldiers, you can use phase rush and boots of swiftness to resist the slow of his Q, that way you can rush into him after he push his soldiers away, punish him!”
Zero macro says “Azir has bigger range than Caitlyn, a far gapcloser engage. More raw power in terms of sustained duel power when Azir reaches item spikes + Caitlyn R being a slow spell.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Arcane Comet]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Luden's Tempest]
[Avoid standing near his soldiers]
[Don't stay too close to near his tower. He can use E on you + Flash and ult near his tower]”
Fake Supp says “the only problem with Azir is its OTP players .. but azir himself is not very hard to beat you need to play safe as long as possible and like i said any other of this matchups .. Exploit his CDS”
ChrisWasTaken says “Pretty difficult early on if you let him poke you. Again you cannot give out free trades when playing this champion. You gotta make them sit and respect you. Level 1 if he puts up soldiers aggressively waiting for you to last hit, dash on him level 1 for a burst trade then look to sustain with passive. Doran's shield + Second Wind is pretty good here.”
ThePieBeam says “Azir fuck Anivia. Superior birb in the matchup since he threatens Anivia's most vulnerable side, her non-existent counter to high-range champs. Thankfully Azir doesn't do a lot of damage so if you're confident in hitting your abilities you can probably win an all-in pre 6. However, no not under any circumstances engage him hard if he has his dash, since he can just avoid your Q then you're fucked, or if he has his ult, since he can just Shriuma Shuffle behind you and then zoop you into his turret.”
OneDayICanBeGood says “u can dodge him everything if u jump he can do anything only can run. Just do fake jump and after he use escape spells jump really.”
Epic_Semibold says “He has range. That's it. Whatch out for Shurima's Shuffle and other than that, just beat him when he has placed a soldier level 1 by getting out of range.”
Eriosunx says “Hard from 6.
Azir's Ultimate can heavily counter Irelia.
Its easy for Azir to stop Irelia's flow of reset with his ultimate, so before fighting in any situation wait out or bait Azir's R.
Laning-phase is not that hard overall, Irelia is way stronger in laning-phase and has a huge kill-pressure on Azir”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.]
Akshan causes a lot of pressure against Azir early. Any time Azir uses his Q you need to all in immediately. Then attack move out of range of the next soldier he plants down and you win the trade. Azir R can be grappled on which is a pretty unique and unknown mechanic. Once Azir hits 6 then trade using your Q and run at him to try and bait his R. If he uses his R to knock you back you can grapple his wall and get to him that way.”
lonestar1870 says “You can play for scale or for lane, but know that he scales into late game better than you. If you choose to play for scale, make sure you get prio to enable your jungler.
Don't let his soldiers auto you and the wave at the same time.
He is hard to kill since he will likely play pretty safe, but you can definitely kill him if he is aggressive or steps up too far.
Be careful of getting ulted back into a gank, you will need to blow flash or die if he can land it.
Play this similar to other mid range mages.
You can go Electrocute, PR, or Comet in this matchup, but Teleport is better than ignite.”
Desperate Nasus says “Even tho Azir is not a popular champion, laning against him is just pain. Azir outranges your E making it really hard to farm safe. Try to remain above 60% of your Hp in all times. Farming under tower against Azir is really hard, he can pretty much permanetly poke you for free. First back buy Kindlegem and try to survive the laning phase and fight for objectives. Trying to all in Azir is pointless since he can get away with his dash.”
itakute says “Dorans shield + second wind. Play for his mana, if he has to use his E to escape an all in early then it eats at his pool greatly, if he miss-uses Q you can also engage onto him since he can't re-maneuver his soldiers. Care at 6, he can push you into turret.”
Lowkii_d says “Azir is pretty even. quite difficult to get around soldiers and the push back wall makes grapple sometimes lacklustre but also provides really cool swing arounds if you grapple his wall.”
Camoox says “He outpokes you so start D shield. Since this is AP Yasuo, fleet will not be a thing. Once you hit 6 it should be insta win. You out trade him and can windwall his ULT”
ShokLoL says “If you let Azir poke you this matchup will be very hard early, try trade really aggressively with your E whenever he Q's forward with his soldiers. If you take ignite and E max this should be fairly easy. Rushing vamp scepter for sustain helps a lot too. At level 6 be careful of E'ing too far forward as you might get ultied under his tower.”
iZianni says “Another boring lane where you just win off level 6 and have decent trading early. He should never be able to shurima shuffle you if you have W up.”
pwins says “Azir can poke Zoe easily in lane due to his soldiers, but Zoe can exploit his range. Try to put him to sleep when he looks to poke you and bring the pain!”
livikattt says “Again, no one knows how to play Azir in this elo. You can ult out of his ult, and he's really easy to oneshot. If he gets ahead, his poke will suck, but you can still definitely kill him.”
Juplicate says “He has a short-ranged dash with a shield and good poke but that is it. His ultimate can knock you backwards but has a long cooldown and he is very squishy.”
Miscake says “Depende MUITO do nível de habilidade do Azir, um jogador bom vai conseguir te oprimir desde o nível 1 além de ganhar na side pelo outrange. Use Ghost nessa matchup e jogue pelo sustain. A menos que consiga um blue Azir gasta mana muito rápido, sem falar que a itemização atual nele não permite um recall de Capítulo Perdido.
Ele tem DPS suficiente na side com Liandry + Nashor, então mesmo que esteja no powerspike de 2 itens você ainda precisa tomar cuidado.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is Yone favored, provided you don't let him harass you for free. Take D Shield and Second Wind and lane is a lot easier. You can cancel his Ult's CC with your Q3 or your Ult. Use your W to block his Q damage. Get on top of him so he can't E away and escape. If his E collides with you, it will stop him from taking the entire E.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Try not to get poked out early. Get Null-Magic Mantle if you struggle against this lane. Get on top of him so he can't E away and escape. If his E collides with you, it will stop him from taking the entire E. When you go for the all-in, make sure you Windwall his R and you should win the all-ins as long as he doesn't have 3 soldiers out.”
Katawina52 says “Really hard early due to his poke. Go d shield with second wind in secondary runes and try to engage after he uses Q, but mostly u wanna do nothing in this lane and wait for jungler/skirmishes. D
uring an all in be mindful of his ability to R you into danger (tower, enemys etc) so always E infront of him and walk back. Try and make sure you have your E up by W'ing instantly when you go in and if he ults you there will be a dagger waiting to disengage. Do not all in until you have a health advantage.”
Rermo99 says “Bird like to push. Bird don't like being pushed. Bird puts soldier and needs to attack you to attack with soldier. Bird can't attack under your R.”
PlayCabex says “Its very hard to farm agaisnt him , your should "try" to farm somehow and ask your jungler for gank . after you get protobelt , you can start to trade with him. and you have very high chance of killing him bcs he issquishy.
pretty much your early game is super hard. next , you need to worry about late game. in late , he is super strong , 4 to 5 hits and ur dead , only way to kill him is by doing a flash combo , or if he comes to your e q range.”
eiensiei says “I avoid long trades with him, as his sustained damage is too much for Lux to deal with - short trades are the way to go. I'll try to use my Q as he casts his soldiers and has a harder time reacting to skillshots. Being next to his tower post-6 is usually a bad idea if his R is up, a good Azir can quickly push me under his tower or cost me my Flash.”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “Corrupting + maybe a Doran if you struggle.
This matchup can be annoying but you are not necessarily going to feed, perhaps you might lose some CS but in general you shouldn't be completely destroyed. Azir wins the trades mostly after level 3 because of his annoying Q spam and soldiers auto attacks, so if you feel opressed just try to push and roam bot. In this matchup post 6 you have to be extremely careful for the insec dash ult combo that will certainly kill you if you don't have flash so absolutely do not fight him unless you have it up (or you know he has R CD). Heal could work good as a summoner spell in this matchup. Always stay away from CS as he will mostly put soldiers there to farm, so dodge his soldiers by not staying near your own CS. Soldier auto attacks will also trigger minions as far as I know so you can abuse that.
Push Early. Must have: Minion Dematerializer. Ganks shut him down heavily.”
Yeager says “Use fleet foot + resolve/domination secondary + Doran's shield. Play defensive first few levels and just let him push the wave. After you get tier 2 boots you can start looking for kills. What makes this match up easy is the fact that azir is very vulnerable to champions who can easily get past his soldiers and straight into him. His ultimate is also useless against yours because you are unstoppable, so his only reliable form of anti-engage post level 6 is gone. When looking for all-ins, try to bait out his E dash first. If he tries to trade with you, he will end up going OOM really fast because Azir is pretty mana hungry.”
Vicksay says “Bird man is not a very strong champion til he has some items, and he also needs to be piloted /extremely/ well to even be slightly useful. You can easily push him in early game and his mana costs are atrocious for early game poking. Once you get 6 if you know where the jungler is you can freely R in his face to try to land an E. If he doesn't take Cleanse enjoy the free gold.”
Avucado says “Always take Dorans and resolve in this matchup because his poke is almost as bad as Xerath. You can use W to make the soldiers stop attacking you, which will make him either have to play close or just not be able to kill you. Save W for after an E engage as he will most likely try to trade back as you are running away. Hook him to bait his E, then go in with your E if possible, or just E through him to force him to go sideways to escape (Azir will hit you with his dash if you're in the way of his sentries). Very easy to execute and great trades if you start them. ”
Polarshift says “It's relatively easy to gank Azir. He outranges you and outdamages you in the earlygame and is also very strong in late-game. He has a dash that gives him a shield and you don't have any form of shielding anymore. Be careful of standing too close to his tower or team after he is level 6, because he can dash to you and use his ultimate to shove you under his tower or into his team. He can furthermore use this ability to shove enemies away and escape. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “While in theory this guy would be hard to deal with, he has mana problems so cant poke you well enough. Even when he does an all in with ult as long as it is not under his tower, you will likely be close enough to q and out damage him. ”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Azir after rework is a bit easier during laning phase, because his soldiers range was reduced, so you might have easier time to farm, but his overall strength is higher, which means that you shouldn't mess with him in face-to-face trade. Just farm up and poke from distance, if you feel confident, that you are ahead enough and your health level is currently way higher than his, you can try to all in, but be cautious, it can easily backfire and you will just throw your advantage straight to his hands.”
Callmebee says “Azir is another champion that is not incredibly high damage in the hands of a casual, however one tricks know how to make use of his kit really well. You can poke him down - maintain your distance though, his soldiers hurt! Take Barrier.”
LunarVortex says “You also cannot really stop him from scaling through the roof. Try to spellshielding his R when he tries to insec you to leave him in an awkward spot. Be very wary of him trying to R you into his jungler.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: This matchup can be surprisingly hard if the azir player is good. Try to not get poked too hard by his sand soldiers early. You will be alot more useful than him when you can ult to sidelanes. ”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Azir is also a rare pick but he will outrange you and it's very hard to gank for, don't get caught with his ult flinging you under his turret. Earlier mercs/swifties is also good”
Fuzzmonkey says “Not really hard, he might poke you early but as soon as he uses his Q on you, walk up to him and start dealing damage. Don't let him get away with abusing his Q on you.”
Urpog says “Midlane: Azir's a pretty tough matchup, it's encouraged you take teleport against Azir since he constantly outranges you but his laning phase is somewhat weak, he can poke you out for sure but with good spacing around his soldiers you can negate the majority of his poke. Do the 3 hyper-shove push for cull then look to rotate with your jungle, teleporting back to lane once you have your cull is advised so you can help contest scuttles - you will win early scrimmages against Azir.”
xLessThanThree says “Can poke you but hes not the best early game, making him a smaller threat in lane than Xerath/Velkoz, but unlike them, unkillable even with jungle assistance due to his E safety. Its better to dodge this matchup.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Bit difficult for Syndra since you both have long range, the only problem is that Azir has the mobility with his E-Q combo. I'd recommend playing as aggro as possible early before his 6. Call for ganks if needed.”
XayLies says “You can't really block any of his abilites. But he is weak early game. If you can CC him with Q while he's dashing with his E, you can lock his mobility for a long time and Kill him due to his low deffense and hp. (This dude rushes Nashor + Luden's, not HP+AP Items)”
Akali187 says “Has very heavy poke against you and is annoying to vs. If your able to get near him you should kill him, just watch out for his ultimate and dont let him throw you under his tower.”
iZianni says “Annoying match up since he slightly outranges us making our Q/E combination more difficult, if you fail to land your stun it leaves you extremely vulnerable to poke damage.
Azir should always go merc treads here and just out poke you early, losing flash in this match up means being shurima shuffled and removed from the game :(
If you're able to play the early levels decently, you'll have a good chance at one shotting him if he doesn't pick up merc treads, it's just a range difference typically in this match up.
Track sand soldiers to know when his dash is available and maintain a healthy distance for the shuffle.”
Folver says “Up to level 6, you can put pressure on him, try to dominate him quickly, every trade you should win: D
I recommended Doran shield with Ignite flash
Ghost to Okey vs him”
AniviaBot says “Azir additionally is a hard matchup. This champ as alot of buildt in harass and can safely farm minions and hit you from a distance. He's also extremely hard for a jungler to gank if he position well on the map.”
ShokLoL says “Azir is reasonably strong in lane and after level 6 also has absurd gank setup. Try and look to get aggressive whenever he moves his soldiers forward with Q as he will be very vulnerable with the soldiers far away from him. If you manage to stop him from getting merc treads on his first base you should be in a really good spot to start winning the lane. You also hard counter him in the mid game by poking him out before fights, so even without a lane lead you should be favored here.
angeLoon says “lethal dblade in resolve Second wind or and overgrowth.
go for long trades with him when he doesnt have Lethal tempo.
you can block his R if you have a good reaction time”
Kords says “Through my time of playing vs Azir, it's been awkward, because some know what they're doing in lane and can poke you down and outtrade you, however, he cannot kill you if you play it right, as much of fancy Shurima Shuffle's he can do. He will outscale you in fights, but is SUPER vulnerable to a combo from you. Try and roam as much as you can. Azir is sometimes an annoying matchup because I can't seem to kill him due to his mobility and he has brutal gank setup.”
TheoRut says “Wait for lvl 3 and he can't do anything. But don't underestimate his damage since he can easily just Revenant shuffle or just Flash R you under his turret and you have to burn flash or you will die. Electrocute is suggested but phase rush works.”
ShokLoL says “For the most part you should win this matchup and get a fairly sizable lead. Post level 6, you do need to be careful of his strong gank setup, especially if you don't have flash.”
ShokLoL says “Try and look to get aggressive whenever he moves his soldiers forward with Q as he will be very vulnerable with the soldiers far away from him. Ideally you will reach your first base with a CS lead over Azir and can ride that out for the rest of the lane. Generally you will win short trades, especially if you connect chain, but if you let him poke/waveclear for free it can be difficult.”
Dr Eggmund says “Azir's early game damage and range can be very hard to matchup against in lane however this is fine let him push the wave if he wants too. If he is pressuring you under tower your Jungler should give you a gank and easy early game kill. Your main concern is avoiding his soldier's damage early game and focusing at farm at the same time.”
Elite500 says “More so an experience matchup, it's hard to explain, make him waste his soldiers early trying to poke you outside of your minion range so he can't use them efficnetly, know his range well, if he spams Q he'll go oom really quickly, he's very oneshottable if you bait out the E”
iZianni says “Skill match up, both have good range its just easier for Azir to utilize. When it comes to the 1v1, if you ever blow flash the shurima shuffle will kill you 100%.
You do get to perma farm though so it once again comes down to team fighting!”
Ambitieux says “Azir has very high dps even in the early game, he can take easy chunks out of you if you're not watching the footwork. You will out trade him if you land charm but he can outplay with E as well. Save charm until 6 were you can get up-close and personal with charm. Make sure to poke him down with Q. You out damage him after 6 as long as you can out footwork him. ”
kindo says “Elo-gated matchup. In lower elos, he is not nearly as strong. Probably still an even matchup, but not extreme.
Outranges and outdamages in melee. Any time you engage he can E away and waste your mana - and he doesn't need to ult to force your ult. He can free farm all game and poke you more than you can sustain unless you want to give up a ton of cs which isn't ideal.
Hard to garner any lead early and hard to scale. Nearly impossible to play for any lane prio or marks without giving up CS mid.
You'll just wind up being useless by farming mid with 0 marks the entire game - completely polar to the reason you'd pick Kindred in the first place.”
iZianni says “Range is nearly identical, Azir has more mobility making it easier for him to punish misplays.
If you ever burn flash, there's a high possibility of being Shurima'd into death multiple times.
Otherwise, your priority is playing to max range and avoiding trading outside of your E windows until you have a kill opportunity.
Coldsong says “Similar to other scaling mages, Azir has a really bad early game, however his poke can still be very tedious to deal with as Talon. Make sure to stand away from the wave so he cannot poke and farm at the same time, and play aggressively if he uses his E, as the cooldown is very long early on. Be careful of his Shurima Shuffle, as it is one of the strongest combos in the game. A tip when fighting Azir is that you can E over his ult once it stops.”
resetwice says “He can farm safe like most of control mages. His soldier’s range is very big so be careful when trying to get a kill. He can hard poke you so buy doran’s shield. If it’s to hard for you try hexdrinker (and afk farm, you will have less damage than if serrited dirk). Also, you can jump his wall. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE.”
Kessi says “Azir, while weak early, heavily outranges you, also his ult is an assassin counter so makes it a lot harder to get onto him, however he is very weak and easy to kill if you do get on top of him and also has fairly long cds in the early game. pre level 6 you can kill him if he wastes his Q (moves his soldiers) at level 6 you should not fight him.
Ult is pretty good and can interrupt your dashes or your all-ins.
Mercury Treads aren't really necessary, use swifties and roam. ”
Sylvan Lore says “I find this match-up quite even, but i would favor it slightly towards the Azir. In lane the idea is really to make trades as short as possible. After level 2 he has strong consistent damage that he can move to wherever you are. The best way to counter this is with long range Q poke and QW poke . This should beat out his base Q-auto trade and slowly pressure him out of lane. Anytime post 6, he is a major threat with his all in. Azir also has very similar scaling to Orianna, but the difference is to land his game-changing ult, he has to dash into battle. This is where you excel in changing teamfights from a safe distance. If your jungler comes to gank, try to make him use his dash aggresively to ensure the kill.
Recommend: Dmg Build or Vs AP Assasin if you fall behind.
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
Very difficult pre 6. You can just ignore him later and he does not really interact well against Zilean lategame. You mostly ignore each other.”
Saddest says “I don't have much to say other than the word 'annoying.' A good Azir will make you suffer, but no one really knows how to play this champ, so you should be able to come out on top. Try not to fight him close to his tower because he will launch you into it (obviously), but if you can E onto him if he's out of bounds/on the other side of the wall to escape.”
Kune ML says “Another skill matchup . He has isane poke but you can avoid it since Akali has high mobility , the only thing you need is skill . A kill after 6 is nearly 100% if you didn't get destroy in the first 10mins . Skill matchup”
Kippari says “Azir has laser auto attacks, which means you're not gonna be hitting too many kegs if he knows the timing well. He also has pretty spammable abilities so it's hard to play against, I suggest taking Fleet.”
Impossible2Gank says “Can be very annoying to lane against but luckily if you can read his patterns you can avoid his guards and trade well enough to setup for a kill. Your ult can counter his very easily once you get the timing down.”
VyoS says “Poke first then ult, play passive till lvl 6 when you have the same hp as him you can trade him and w in, but you have to be sure that you hit your q's.”
King Turtle says “His early poke is incredibly annoying since he doesn't even need to be near you. He has some combos that can hurt pretty hard and if you try to all in him at level 6 there's a good chance he's just gonna wall you off with Ult even if it doesn't kill. ”
duhnx says “His poke is annoying and that's it. He scales harder but you can still kill him once he uses E. Use Second Wind and Doran's Shield is good. Roaming is really good in this matchup as his E stops you from killing him most of the time but he can never kill you. Help your team get ahead.”
Netwou says “Always keep your distance from your own minions, Azir can poke Yasuo with relative safety but Yasuo has the mobility to really turn things around if he gets a chance since he is so mobile he can avoid your soldiers with ease if he has a minion nearby.”
Katasandra says “[1] Don't stand in his soldiers
[2] Wil poke a lot, stay outside of the wave so if he Qs you, he doesn't get to hit the wave after doing so.”
richardlized says “Early in lane, you have to respect Azir. If played properly, Azir could deny a lot of cs and push you out of lane. Therefore, make sure to give up cs and farm in Q range. You will win all in.
Start Long Sword 3 pot to sustain Azir’s poke damage, space properly. After you hit level 6, you can win against Azir.
Whenever you are against a bad Azir player, make sure to all in them as they are rarely capable of countering your combos.
Thresh Mid says “Azir is heavily dependent on his Soldiers, Death Sentence and Flay make it so he is unable to attack for a small duration. Death Sentence in particular can be used as a relocator. Level 6 and beyond can be a threat if he has intervention from another lane or the jungler. Otherwise early game he may pose a threat if you cannot get into his close range.”
xMetix says “A good ~Master tier level Azir is very scary, he won't let you walk up, he will abuse every cs and he will peel you off any time you try to engage. Use E on minions to close the gap and start a trade. Hopefully your jungler will punish him for pressuring you hard, if not try to roam around, maybe catch him if he tries to follow into fog of war.”
MikaeraKun says “He can poke the shit out of you. He can run away. He can R you into his turret or away from him. You'll probably lose this matchup unless camped”
nZk01 says “Azir is very annoying but you hard win pre 6, after that just care about insecs that push you under his turret, would recommend Barrier/Ignite.”
tozosi says “Quite annoying poke matchup, but thankfully a rare matchup. Although it's a difficult matchup in lane, most Azir players aren't exactly the best nor is Azir the best champ right now.”
TheEnglishman says “Skill matchup. See ori. Neither of you can shove the other under because you have two of the best clear speeds in the game. It's just a mess of a matchup and one of my favorite skill matchups in the whole game.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “All summs work. Phase Rush.
Respect his early poke and potential to completely zone you off the wave. Missing some cs is fine as long as you get the exp. You do outscale him.”
Nanelol says “Good matchup, but has an annoying amount of poke. bait him out under his turret and hard engage him. You kill him easily once you have R. ”
archelauslol says “Yeteri kadar tecrübeli değilseniz karşısında oynaması büyük bir eziyet olacaktır. Askerlerini erkenden sizi minyon menzilinizin dışına dürtmeye çalıştırın ve boşa harcatın, böylece onları etkili bir şekilde kullanamaz, menzilini iyi bilin, eğer Q'yu spam yaparsa çok hızlı bir şekilde push yersiniz, E'sini boşa harcatın ve oneshot combo için açı arayın.”
Sanctuar says “Very safe laner that can keep his distance due to his kit. Max Q and farm safely into the mid-game. Experienced Azir players will use their ultimate to hit you back to their turret which will put you into a difficult position. ”
shidonryoku says “Very unpleasant up to lvl 6. Can hold back your snowball. His W + AA + Q + AA will do more damage than your combo. Remember that he has large E cooldown. Azir also scales a lot and takes a lot of damage after buying Nashor's Tooth, so he can't be feed. From lvl 6 we can kill him, but carefully with his R. Many Azir are afraid of Kassadin, because they consider you their counter-pick, but in fact, you should also be afraid of him on the lane. However, in the late game you can easily kill him.”
Vispectra says “Usually this is an easy match up , Azir isn't favored in the meta but still a good one will give you a bad time by constantly poking you and staying just out of your range. His 6 might screw you over if you try to all in but your risks of dying to him are fairly low. Later on you'll just one shot him.”
Astalfo says “The difference in hard stomping an Azir and becoming his b*tch is the player, he's not picked often, but the fact that he can sit behind his soldiers without being hurt is annoying, use your E as a gap closer or an escape.”
TheWerefloof says “I only played against one Azir before, and while he did screw me over I was playing like a idiot at the moment. He can poke you down pretty hard, but abuse him early if you can and play around his cooldowns. If he can't dash to a soldier, and he can't send them to you to murder him he should be pretty squawked. Also his wall make tower dives no fun, so beware. I'm starting to notice a lot of mages are basically "Fuck them before 6 or get fucked"”
luminyan says “You either ban him or you lose lane. Azir's soldiers make it impossible for you to wave clear, and he will just poke you down way too much for you to get any damage off. Focus on farming, use your E to kill minions if you have to, and take Barrier. Trying to 1v1 him will never go in your favor. ”
Aethlo says “Azir has the wave clear advantage. ||
Azir wins pre-3 ||
Azir wins pre-6 ||
Azir loses slightly post-6 ||
Azir scales much better than Annie. ||
TIP: Azir just outclasses you - so what makes this a rating of 4/5 not 5/5? Well it's simple - he may win the fights but he runs out of mana very quickly. All you have to do is thin the wave every time he shoves you in to reset and quickly bounce it back - reach level 6 and from there you one shot him. The issue is when he kills your entire team with his insane DPS (like an ADC). So make sure to deal with him for the rest of the game (poke him early because he runs out of mana quicker than you and then one-shot him from 6 onwards to the best of your ability. ”
DarDarThePenguin says “Azir has heavy poke and solid self peel. His teamfight impact is comparable to Yone's as well. Luckily, Azir's dash can be stopped, and he is quite squishy. Take the Fleet page with MR.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “El Emperador Azir, un enfrentamiento bastante sencillo si se juega bien, Azir es un campeón que depende de sus soldados para hacer daño, y, en consecuencia, tiene que estar cerca de estos soldados, lo cual, lo deja expuesto a nuestras habilidades, Azir es igual de squishy que Xerath, así que unos ganks durante la fase de líneas lo pueden dejar fuera, principalmente porque es un campeón que depende de escalar y llegar a Late Game”
NigYone says “this mf is hard to deal with due to his poke and he doesnt let u cs under tower either but when u look for an all in do not use ur E to start, u must use ur third Q to close the distance and then when he ults u away u ult to close the distance along with E”
Daers says “Try to keep up your farm and avoid his soldiers. You can afford to trade with him earlier but not as possible once he gets attack speed. Only all-in on jungle ganks.”
Little Planet says “Azir outranges you, outpokes you and has mobility and waveclear.
Not to mention that his ultimate makes it very dangerous to trade with him post 6 as your q is on a very high cooldown and has to be used to reach him in the first place, he'll just ult you away and kill you for free.
Powerfarm and try to make plays in the other lanes.”
Papa Urgot says “It's really hard for azir to manage soldiers around your mobility and his R is hard to connect on you if you play well with your shadows.”
Farg says “Nearly impossible matchup, look to avoid laning by rushing ironspike whip, shoving, and roaming. Very hard to outrade him as he can just harass behind his minion wave, you dashing in will only draw minion agro on you always forcing a bad trade. All in's are especially difficult as he can just R you away once you dash on him and at that point you won't be able to reach him since you don't have your gap closer. Anti-Farg”
Joseph Evanss says “He is a little annoying early but just sustain and spam kill him after Beserkers, you don't even need Zeal to start killing him but you obviously still go it afterwards. If he uses his e on a sand soldier its a free ult so take it. Go Second Wind, Revitalize + D Shield or D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “go d shield and second wind. most of the time in this matchup you don't want to do much so try and look for jgl fights and scrimishes, but if you do want to go in, try to go in after he uses q. after 6, be mindful of his r as if you fight him under tower, you will die to tower as he will ult you into it, so always try to have e up so you can escape his r. try not to all in unless you have a health advantage. you can also look for an aggressive lvl 2 all in as his mobility will be restricted. this matchup is not winnable, so look for side lanes to advance your lead.”
BullRedHunter says “He is just annoying in lane but once u can reach him you will one shot him easily, and try to stay safe till level 3 then all in him to make him burn flash or you take the kill”
7daysko says “Bird Fight! Theoretically it's a very tough matchup as he has superior range, a knockup and a reliable escape. There's not many people who can claim to be skilled with Azir though, so this matchup could work well for you.”
peytonqt says “[SKILL MATCHUP/MEDIUM] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword/Tear] People play this character? Just kidding I play him. Azir will zone you and it won't be fun. However, if you want to fight him, fight him when he moves his sand soldiers. If you can get onto him when he does that you have a better chance of trading with him. Azir is annoying to lane against, and post-6 be careful about playing up to his tower because he'll just push you into it. He out scales you but you'll still have a good amount of burst against him. ”
ChimpNA says “Nearly impossible matchup, look to avoid laning by rushing ironspike whip, shoving, and roaming. Very hard to outrade him as he can just harass behind his minion wave, you dashing in will only draw minion agro on you always forcing a bad trade. All in's are especially difficult as he can just R you away once you dash on him and at that point you won't be able to reach him since you don't have your gap closer.”
JoshAy says “Pretty weak right now, don't get poked out. Look to trade when he uses his Q (reposition) aggressively as you can dash onto him and force him to back off (won't be able to dash away since his soldiers just dashed onto you and he has no damage without them)”
harris tegas says “well i know that he is annoying with his soldiers and his R but when he dive with he soldier do W and he will not do something.you can dive him easily you must just wait his R to do your E and all will be fine.”
1 Am Zed says “Same story as orianna, Completely outranges you, and you can't do anything about it. Recommend dodging if you're playing vs azir, as that matchup is very hard if the azir knows what he's doing.”
Mpegial says “Azir is very hard to kill due to his great range, his level 6 also protects him further from your ultimate. Try to look for a chance or a gank from your jungler. Other than that farm.”
eternalkuuseki says “careful he if he Rs you before your w dagger procs when you ewq you become little more than a minion, either burn flash to get to the dagger or disengage in that case. if he has no r hold your q in case he dashes away, his dash is deceptively far.”
xoonaka says “Against a good Azir, he is just going to poke you out and farm from a distance, He has quite a lot of mobility but your E can always catchup, His ult is the only issue as he can deny your dives HARD.”
XD001 says “Decent matchup for Ekko, but you will rarely, if ever, see him in most elo's. In the early levels play safe, Azir will poke you out for any CS you overextend for and he does a surprising amount of damage. Wait for first back at around level 6 or 7 and then try to kill him. If you farmed efficiently you should have enough AP to chunk him out of lane. If he R's to disengage, you can trade R and it is worth. His R is longer CD then yours. From then on he has to play way back or else you one shot him because he used nearly his only self peel. Late game, Azir turns into a monster and you have to try to 1 shot him or force his Zhonya's/R or he will pentakill you. If he ends up doing a W-E-Q-R combo/Shurima Shuffle into you and your team, instantly R back as you will risk getting CC chained and dying. Look for a flank as Azir can easily poke you out if you stand next to your team. Azir outscales Ekko.
Take Elec + Sorcery page”
tyelp says “Pay attention to his soldiers. Never stop looking at them. They Do Not Make Good Dance Partners. Most Azirs are smart, that is dangerous. He is the only other attractive bird in the game, and that increases his threat level.”
Luciiid says “He can farm from across the map, so try to get level 2 and kill him then. Or else you'll need a gank. Play to roam and get fed. Then you can one shot him when you come back.”
Noodles912 says “Farming competition. Play aggressive when he uses Q or E. Save R to go over his ult. Be careful, as he has good gank setup. You scale a bit better than him.”
mc_jojo3 says “He will poke you out of lane and CS with his soldiers and a good Azir always prevails in the end. Avoid his soldiers and i should be pretty okey depends on the skill of the Azir.”
Noodles912 says “He can poke you out of lane, but you get him easily at level 3 and 6. Kill him as much as you can early, because this sand bird will outscale you in the late game. Remember to play safe if he has ult, so save E, and use Q if Azir uses his Q. Look for roams, and to cut off his dash to soldiers, which is shown by a line of sand.”
elnino9 says “Play around his soldiers' range and keep an eye out for that when trying to last hit minions. If he Qs his soldier in aggressively, go in if you didn't get hit by his Q as he will lack a great portion of his damage. You can also dodge his Q by Shunpoing in and it will catch him off-guard. He's vulnerable after using Q, take advantage. At level 6, you can outplay his ulti with shunpo if done right and with correct dagger placements.”
PASS10NE says “Azir can be hard to lane against since he will use his sand soldiers to harass you. Once you get close to him, you've won already. Just be careful of his R (You can flash out of Azir's R or you can simply use your E over his R. Take down his turrets because Azir earns gold from it.”
NuclearAkali says “Another champ you won't see often. His harass early game is pretty annoying and he scales pretty well, but you pretty much out damage him. You can also use his ultimate as a wall for your ultimate so keep that in mind.”
Wunsch3957 says “Don't get poked down before level 6, and don't even try tower diving him because he can escape easily. Do watch out about ganks and take 2 points in Q level 3. After 6 just roam. Conq”
Lot of Wind here says “A good azir can poke yasuo when he tries to get cs or dash, so be careful against him. His R makes him really hard to kill during laning phase, and you will need to build sustain against him.”
Wunsch3957 says “Nobody plays this insanely hard champion. If you do happen to face one just try to not get poked down, farm it up to level 6 and roam later. Fleet/domination with flash/ignite.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Azir isn't to hard to fight but he can easily poke you down with his sand soldiers, I suggest asking for a lot of ganks as it's hard for Talon to ever get onto Azir and try to freeze wave to force Azir to walk up and die by ur junglers gank. Also E over his R if possible ”
ReYkoTheLord says “Diffcult matchup, has higher range. Can poke you without you being able to do much, you rely on insane outplay or jungle attention. Winnable after level 5.”
CrazyyBrrr says “This matchup go fleet cause u need sustain for this can
His laser autoattacks and his sands mans are gonna be a problem to u
He is gonna poak the shit out of u ”
Edg3Lord says “Extremely hard to trade blows with, since he can always outrange you with his soldiers, engage you or even retreat in case things go wrong. You can't do much but to wait for your jungler to help.”
Arturpropl says “Azir isn't a threat at all when it comes to damage. Why does he have 55% winrate vs ahri then? Well, azir players are poking from behind the minions waiting for you to push. The moment you feel like it's a free kill and start pushing you die.”
Coldsong says “Azir is a tough matchup due to his poke and extremely long range, plus he has an incredible late game. Stun him before he can Shurima Shuffle your team and play safe.”
Gloglito says “Huge range, but if you don't get excesively poked down, you should dominate lane at least until level 11. Just care about jungle pressence + his r combo”
BigBushMan says “You are going to get shuffled, just accept it. Ready? Good.
Azir is difficult as hell. He outranges you more than pretty much anyone else in this game who's name is not Xerath.
Not only that, but he has a lot of maneuverability inside of his kit to avoid your important abilities. (Namely E)
Just know you're gonna have to give up CS in this matchup, and call for Jungle help. A lot. ”
nZk01 says “Azir is very annoying but you hard win pre 6, after that just care about insecs that push you under his turret, would recommend Barrier/Ignite.”
Gtoxer says “Runa recomendavel: cometa. Feitiço de invocador: Tp ou ignite. 1)tente chama seu jg para te ganka antes do nivel 3 dele. , 2)não tente fazer um x1 contra ele. 3) não vá muito para cima dele se ele tiver ult 4) não de cheese nele ele foge fácil
5)de pressão nele antes do nivel 3.”
Nerkas says “He has infinite poke and zoning potential, but you can farm from a distance. He has to get close to his soldiers which gives you a window to attack.”
Tizgard says “Surprisingly annoying, use your Q to get past his soldiers right after he Q's, I recommend playing safe and waiting for your jungler. Almost worth dodging, I won't judge you if you do ;)”
Cornifa says “Really depends on how good he is, if he knows his tricks, he'll keep his range, watch out for his cooldowns and try to play around them.”
BigFatCat909 says “Azir is a lot harder than most people would think, assuming you're both evenly skilled. He has extreme poke and you have to be aware of how much you extend when you farm.”
Hiimkata says “Really hard early due to his poke. Go d shield with second wind in secondary runes and try to engage after he uses Q, but mostly u wanna do nothing in this lane and wait for jungler/skirmishes. D uring an all in be mindful of his ability to R you into danger (tower, enemys etc) so always E infront of him and walk back. Try and make sure you have your E up by W'ing instantly when you go in and if he ults you there will be a dagger waiting to disengage. Do not all in until you have a health advantage.”
ShadowSlayerMain says “Low damage in Early but Heavy in Late Game, always keep away from his soldiers, use your shadow to poke him, dodge his R using your blinking or your R”
DJ_Y4SSIN says “Legit just rush verdant and kindlegem and salvage as much cs as possible, u ain't doing anything vs a good azir until at least first item, this guy pokes u harder than a poker. Bring tp cause ur gonna get ur butt blasted”
UnoTrickCho says “Very annoying matchup, its nearly impossible to get onto him, he can hit you from ridiculously far away. Also, if you ever ult behind him he can just ult you back into his tower and make you hate your life.”
KataTocDo says “Pretty hard matchup. He will just poke you until you reach Heaven. You should not try to 1v1 him. If the Azir is good, you will never beat him unless he messes up. If he is bad, he will always mess up and you should punish him when he wastes his abilities.
Runes: Electrocute-Prec.
Starting Items: D. Shield”
AniviaBot says “A good azir will punish you alot, you will almost always be outranged by him, this also makes the range of your Everfrost range is too short to hit unless he desides to walk up randomly.”
Yeetmeister57 says “Similar to Orianna, play safe and don't push the wave in to set up for a gank or a level 6 all in. This goes for most extremely long range control mages.”
Aramigo says “Er hat ziemlich guten Poke und seine Dash + Ultimate Combos ab level 6 können sehr anstrengend werden. Zudem scaled er sehr gut und mit dem Moonstone Build kann man ihm im 1v1 nichts entgegensetzen. Hier sind Teamfights wichtig oder ein Aggresiver Ap Build statt dem Moonstone Build”
Yamikaze says “Hard matchup, he can shove you in as much as he wants. His only way of repositioning his soldiers is with Q. The moment he waste his Q, you want to dash in and punish him. That is the only window you got in this matchup.”
1Recycle Bin1 says “be careful of the sand bois and try to poke him when you get a chance, dont forget about his E shield and his passive, you can dodge his R by shunpoing him or a minion behind you(depending on your cds and kill potential)”
BubbaStudmuffin says “Azir is tricky. He has good mobility and good range. You really just have to be better. No special tips. Out mobility him. Out play him.
You have better roam than he does so maybe consider scooping up a kill or two bot lane and come back with extra damage.
Note: He has better damage level 2. Just don't pick that fight.”
Timowatzki says “A good Azir is a really hard matchup. You wont see him often, but when you do, its gonna be hard. Ask for ganks and dont get in range of his soldiers.”
rajsovsky says “stupid champ, shield, dash, damage, ult, pretty anoying. You need wraiths in this matchup. Just try to farm, don't fight him unless you have advantage or your jungler is going to help you.”
invalidd says “Has really obnoxious poke so it can be a hard lane, W over to him after he uses his Q for harass to hook him for a good trade, preferable to not
E into him when he has ult up. Complicated to gank.”
Aikairi says “Very annoying to fight as he is a control mage. Whenever he uses Q or E, abuse it by trying to go in on him. Make sure you don't fight him too near his tower as he can simply ulti you onto his tower and make you unintentionally towerdive him.”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs Azir: Tienes que mitigar el daño de los soldados con tu Q, compra escudo de doran si quieres, tu jg tiene que intervenir si el no tiene flash y ayudarte (Compra hielo eterno para evitar su escape) trata de no tradear hasta lvl 6 y que sea desde lejos y rapido pues tiene buen daño.
TheHostileCat says “Annoying if he's good, still annoying if he's bad. Cs with long q's and poke him when he steps up to poke you. Keep flash so that you can kill him level 6, flash over his ult because he'll try to throw you into tower each and every time.”
PrimeRex226 says “This champ really requires scaling to start dealing damage but he might poke you a lot. You should be able to beat him though in lane.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Azir outpokes you in lane and can escape most things with his E
- You have to push with your Q and passive and try to roam/help your jungler
- When trading, wait for him to waste his E or Q so he cant dash far then look for an E on him.”
Scyrine says “Easy matchup, but has an annoying amount of poke. bait him out under his turret and hard engage him. You kill him easily once you have R. ”
BCota says “Laning phase is kinda rough because of his poke dont be afraid to literally almost int trading with him he doesnt heal shit. Take DShield and you are good”
ThePandaEvan says “He constantly pokes you down with his Q. You can poke him level 1. He has some mobility with Q+E combo. Go try to harass much as you can pre-6. Ask for ganks if needed.”
Chili Dog says “More so an experience matchup, it's hard to explain, make him waste his soldiers early trying to poke you outside of your minion range so he can't use them efficnetly, know his range well, if he spams Q he'll go oom really quickly, he's very oneshottable if you bait out the E. Phase Rush is recommended. ”
Niqkl says “You cant really kill him because he will usually stay far away and use his W to farm and poke, the same goes for him though, and you win the scaling game. Just farm well.”
Dafioske says “Personaje molesto que no se alejara de torre si ve que tú lo dañas mucho y en pelea de equipos es muy bueno molestando se le puede ganar pero eso sí no te confíes su jungla lo ayudará mucho”
FalleN3 says “Azir has LOTS of range and is a serious lane bully which makes it a difficult early game for Annie. He is squishy so if you can get up-close to him after lvl 6 you should be able to kill him, especially with jungler help.”
Last Roar says “Not very strong for how difficult he is to master. Can outrange him with Qs. He's Squishy, medium ranged but very mobile.
Obj: Keep your distance and poke. Outroam him.”
SkellyBirb says “Azir can be pretty dangerous because he has a lot of burst and mobility for a mage and can displace you in team fights. However, you can burst him down pretty quickly. ”
Snow Day Zoe says “He can dodge you e and also if he gets hit he can run away from your q range if the player is good, he might poke you early (before 6), after 6, you can out poke him.”
vCraze says “Azir is one of Xeraths easiest matchups as he doesn't do too much damage early and if he tries to poke you out he will run out of mana fairly quickly. You have a large range advantage over him and he is a squishy champion. Make sure to punish him if he ever uses his e in lane as it has a long cd early. ”
Sadkid says “Azir will poke you in lane early on. Once you hit 6 his threat diminishes as long as you tether him correctly. Also watch out for his gank setup. ”
OxiteoMyst says “If he decides to go all on, he loses. When you get lich bane you actually one shot him. Azir is really squishy and although he can poke you, you can somewhat match that with your E. Easy matchup, just don't get azir shuffled into a jg gank.”
SkellyBirb says “Azir has some poke, but he's pretty weak in the meta right now. You can E past his soldiers right onto him and burst him. Be careful of tower diving because of his ultimate.”
WolfRider01 says “Can poke you out of lane, but can't really fight you when you're in his face. Be assertive of your presence, but do not over extend. If he goes to poke with his soldiers by pressing Q, go through minions and fight him, then back off.”
PedrinhoXD says “You should be able to survive this lane, but you'll never be able to kill Azir, so you should focus in helping your jungle or your teammates”
Katfire says “Azir is relatively easy, especially considering the fact that he is one of the hardest champions in the game, and he isn't amazing in the Soloq environment.
Avoid getting poked and don't all in him if he is near his turret and has R, he can push you into turret with it.
If the Azir is good he will never allow you to E W as he will R you away from your W and make you awkwardly walk toward the dagger and possibly kill you as you try to reach it. Bait out his R and kill him when its down. He is very squishy so it shouldn't be hard.”
hickeyo says “A great azir player will keep the distance and keep the poke up. Usually a matchup you would want to avoid simply because he out-trades you all the time. ”
MINISE says “Both are even because Azir's build is somewhat all over the place, Lucian's isn't. He has cc, you counter the ultimate with your dash so its on an even state. ”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with ignite. You just win lol.
He cant do much against you he needs item to do anything. He has good harsh pre 3. After 3 u can literally run him down with ignite even if he has everything(Unless he has cleanse).”
IncursioOCE says “Azir will not let you farm, will not let you roam and will poke you down the entire laning phase this is one of the only matchups i suggest going doran's shield”
ZephD4C says “Depends on the Azir player. If they know how to play him well then you just die inside, if they don't play him that much its a free stomp. VERY annoying early poke though.”
Akali go skrrrt says “Annoying in Lane as he can harass from far away. Give up a few cs, its not worth getting killed for a few minions. After lvl 6 you can all in, be carefull about his R when you dive him.”
Bobbab says “Azir has heavy poke, but if he uses his q to poke you have a good window (15 seconds lvl 1) to engage and kill him as he struggles to escape if you e behind him and block his e. His ult can be dashed over with your e.”
Revengeancee. says “He'll poke you early, and always use your W towards him after your ult. He'll try to throw you under his tower with his ult when you ult to him. ”
sweodigaming says “Heavy poke, play passive. But you still want to trade so you don't get bullied to much. He is squishy, so an all-in would not be a bad idea. However ask for ganks in this lane. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Azir’s are forced to start with their W first. At level 1, their soldiers are very immobile, and so is Azir. At level 2, he'll probably take his Q. He shouldn't have escapes until level 3. Ask your jungler for an early gank to try to snowball lane. Azir's E has a generally long cooldown. If he has dashed recently, take advantage of his escape being down. Be careful if he turns around on you. His shield gives a lot more protection than you think. Azir has to get close for his ultimate to be effective. If he's dashing into a dangerous situation, you can assume he's about to ult”
Manzey says “Azir can be hard if the player is playing flawless, but really weak pre-6 since you can just run away from the sand soldiers and no damage would be made towards you.”
Grayified says “Azir is able to keep his distance, so when you fight him you need to be 100% committed, or you will lose. Most Azir players below platinum are terrible.”
KormitLeFrag says “His poke is honestly ridiculous and he can seemingly 5 shot you level 3.
You're forced to stay back and let him shove. Its basically a farm lane.”
Veigarv2 says “Has mid priority, Scales okay. Your cage completely ruins him in teamfight so thats really nice. his damage in lane is really low so you outsustain with corruption potion timewarp and biscuits. when youre without flash be careful for his insec combo”
FalleN3 says “Play safe in lane and concentrate on farming or zone him hard and be the aggressor, it really depends on how well the Azir play. He has the ability to chunk you for quiet a lot of health and seeing as you are immobile it can be difficult to distance yourself from him. Start with your (Q) and use the ball to zone Azir off his farm. After level 6 you hsould have reasonable kill preasure but be careful not to get into extended skirmishes with him.”
TheCatOfCheshire says “Not a real threat if you know what you're doing. He'll try to poke you early on, so focus on dodging, then, when he's using his soldier he can't move, so you can charm him quite easily. Don't forget that YOU CAN'T PASS THROUGH HIS WALL WITH YOUR ULT. Nothing more to say about that matchup, the champ is pretty weak atm.”
Lunasta says “There's not any secret ,just burst him down, but never try to dive him, or else you WILL die, be careful with the enemy jungler as Azir is quite a safe champion”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Azir needs quite some time to scale in to the game. You can abuse this really hard as Akali once your reach level 6. He will have nowhere safe to go, not even his turret because you can just use your shroud to stop the tower from attacking you!”
Frixen says “Azir is one of the worse matchups there is simply because he has great shoving power which is one of the easiest ways to beat TF, as well as great extended trades, even greater so, than TF itself, which is horrible for TF as the extended trades are usually his bread and butter. Try to take short trades, avoid his soldiers at all costs, and try to not get pushed in to the turret as much as possible.”
FalleN3 says “Azir has LOTS of range and is a serious lane bully which makes it a difficult early game for Akali. He will use his soldiers to zone you off your farm and the annoying this is they can stand under your turret poking you too. He's squishy though so if you can get up-close to him after lvl 6 you will have no problem killing him, especially if you have some jungler help. Very annoying lane pre 6!”
SkellyBirb says “Azir has some poke, but he's pretty weak in the meta right now. You can E past his soldiers right onto him and burst him. Be careful of tower diving because of his ultimate.”
FalleN3 says “Azir is a squishy, medium-ranged mage. He will use his poke to bully you off your farm and out of lane. It's possible to trade with him using your Q+W combo and either use E defensively or land on him with it as you feel is necessary. Pre 6 you may have some trouble against him but after 6 he is easy picking. You can use your E to leap over his wall.”
ProGuidesLol12 says “He can poke u down with his soldiers,
He`ll try to stay behind minions, All in at lvl 1 u win after that, try to throw ult in other lane to get assists to outscale Azir”
Reason97 says “A tricky matchup. A GOOD Azir will mess you up, hard, and get away before you can even retaliate. However... well, Azir is a reallllyyy hard champ to be THAT good at. If you go up against him, play it safe, focus on farm, and avoid him. He out ranges you, and can get in and out of a fight very quickly. His soldiers let him attack from outside your range, so try to keep away from them and wait till late game where teamfights break out or for him to make a mistake. ”
orangepenguinhead says “He outranges you like Xerath and his ult can cancel your ult if he hits it. However there aren't too many Azir players so just play safe in this matchup. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. There will be times where you need to just give up a cs or two to not lose half your health bar. once you get ult you can ask for help from your jungler and all in. You can all in if he misplays but don't go too far up, because he can R you into his tower for a free kill. A good Azir will destroy you. Outscales you. Take Fleet.”
Phoenizxxx says “Extremely hard for Qiyana, Azir outranges her and will be poked to death. Don't be afraid to let some minions go for the first 4 waves.”
arcanejhin says “only vs 1 azir who knew how to play. Otherwise it should be easy to go in after they move the minions. If you do enough damage, I suggest you do not E so you can chase him down after Q2. This will allow you to grab him without rubber banding back to your body before you get a combo off.”
OverjarlZane says “You slaughter him early *knock on wood* he's practically got no defense against your early aggression and cant do much til post-6 which you should be able to delay by either forcing him out of lane or killing him. And by then you've probably snowballed.”
Shock_101 says “He will probably ult you when you ult him, putting you into tower range or into a spot where he can get away, so make sure to burn that before you go in or fight him pre-6. Don't stand in his sand soldiers, as they pump out a healthy bit of damage early game, and once he gets nashors, if he's anything besides behind or even, tread carefully.”
DaggerTV_ says “Azir will be extreamly anoying and poke you like oriana would. I'd recomend to buy doran's shiled, to mitigate some of that poke, and stay safe during lane. You need to try to roam and look for kills outside of lane.”
JustQ says “champions in this tier are either very mobile or can outrange ur e or even boath these champions are very hard to deal with in lane
(i will update matchups over time depending on my opinion of them)”
xXkillercrackXx says “Azir has strong waveclear, coupled with strong poke and sustained damage. You can't ever fight him in a straight up 1v1. Try your best to farm up until level 6. He can't follow your roams as he doesn't have much mobility, so thats how we win the matchup.”
ShockMaster says “This Chicken is baddest one here..poke him with Q,when he is nearly 70% HP you can go all in if he used already his Q,but behind him,cause it will be very hard for him to use ult”
Yuki H. says “Another hard matchup for Zed. Just like Sol, make sure to avoid extended trades and go for all-ins or quick trades. Azir excels at roaming and team fighting from afar, so make sure to burst him down before the fight is lost.”
stziswhatihave says “Prioritise farm and don't get poked out of lane. Be careful where you place your turrets.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
Proma says “Dshield
Second wind + revitalize
You can easily sustain out of his poke.
This matchup comes down to player skill but it should be an easy win if you play it correctly. Look for engage and try to predict his dash with your hook/ult”
DarkM3tal87_ says “Azir can farm from a safe distance
and poking you at the same time. Try to get closer to him and abuse him before level 6, after level 6 be aware of his insec. Do not try to dive this guy.”
Chiefsnake says “Haven't played much of this matchup but you need to avoid his Q so he doesn't get his sand soldiers on you. Push him in early and try to make it as hard as possible for him to farm”
Defensivity1 says “Dont be affraid to trade with azir, once you turn your back on him thinking your only option is to run is where he will go in and burst you down, so use your abilities wisely.”
Veralion says “Azir's settled into being a sort-of lane bully. He's much weaker early than he used to be, but starts to become obnoxious by about level 5. W away from soldiers and let them time out before walking back up. Shuffle makes all ins a bad idea, so just try to survive, farm, and wait for ganks. When pushing, take care to not get ulted into his turret. ”
Man0Vit0r says “[Eng]: Azir has much more range than you, allowing him to cause you a lot of damage, and he can escape easily. A match up kind of hard in the early game
[BR]: Azir tem muito mais alcance que você, permitindo que ele lhe cause muitos danos, e ele pode escapar facilmente com suas habilidades caso você consiga emboscalo.”
Bartoos says “He can waveclear pretty easily from great range but if he ever gets close enough to you you can instakill him. If he charges at you with his E you can knock him back so he doesn't end up throwing you with his R.”
Mr38i3 says “Can Poke her infinitely using his Guards. Farm under tower when your against Azir. When you reach level 6 try to execute a full ability combo on him and he will be dead. You will have about 60% HP if the fight was perfectly done by you.”
RikudouDovahkiin says “Azir may be one of the hardest matchups for Vladimir, especially when in a skilled hand. His high attack speed allows him to pierce through magic resistances easily, combined with Rylai's Scepter you will not be able to chase down him easily. Despite the spike he gets at mid-game, his early game is almost weaker than yours whicy you can utilise. You should land 3rd Q with a proper combo to kill him at early and in late game unless somehow they overfeed you, its kind of difficult to get rid of him in team-fights due to his mobility/slow/R/Zhonya/barrier. If your team has a dedicated assassin type, try to land R before he/she descends upon Azir. For it'll cause Azir to take 10% increased damage from aa/skills. His playstyle is centered around positioning, and that alone combined with his shyness and DPS output MIGHT give you a hard time in teamfights. Care for his 'Zhonya'' invulnerability card, which can also render you defenseless in the middle of a teamfight. So consider that he might pull off surviving your all-in with his Zhonya in a crucial teamfight.”
xSealed says “Lissandra can fight against opponent with a bit longer in attack and ability range but if they are a poke/dps type, most likely she will lose most of the trades in damage and being a bit greedy against Azir is a mistake. He might often stay nearby to his turret so he could ult his enemy towards to it. So avoid close combat when he is too nearby in his turret.”
Nooldles says “Similiar to Orianna in the idea that it is very hard to farm early in the game, He does have a good Ultimate to steal however the all in against Azir is very difficult if he is good. Azir's range is so high that you have to use E1 and LAND E2 to even get onto him but once you are on top of him he can just R you back into his turret or back where you came from, negating all of your ability and allowing him to potentially kill you. Again, like Orianna, outscales you in front to back teamfights later onto the game as well. Is more extreme compared to Orianna since he can actually escape ganks with his E or R against a high threat ganking jungler. ”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Low Extreme
Outranges you so he's gonna bully you a lot but he doesn't take hits that well himself so try to trade with him if you see him throw out both his soldiers in a bad place with Q down, ganks would be appreciated in this lane and ignite would be the best option.”
Dzsuz says “Annoying to play against because he is ranged but if you focus on farming early and punish him when he makes mistakes you have a big chance.”
AlolanFairy says “A good Azir will keep you at bay and save their E to escape.
This matchup is mostly down to player skill. Poke him when you can, farm under tower if they're good at poking, and avoid those soldiers.”
The PaIe King says “Sustain Karth
Summoner Spells: Teleport/Flash----
Build Path: Rod of Ages, Sorcerers Shoes, Liandry's Torment, Rabadons Death Cap, Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass.
----Rune Page: Summon Aery, Manaflow Band, Transendence, Scorch, Prescence of Mind, Last Stand .----
snukumz says “He's shifty and quick, which VK doesn't like.
His waveclear and poke are good but you out range him.
His ult can stop your ult so be careful, don't try full combo him unless you land your knock up first. ”
PG Venom says “Soldiers give azir close to equal range. always get out of range of soldiers. W when he dashes to you and run out of soldier range before using E. Outscales you. ”
1256 says “hob azir can be an early problem, he should keep shoving you so ping your jungler to come, he scales good but your champion is just better against him
LightningTemplar says “Electrocute setup. Long Sword + Refillable start. Farming in lane is going to be a struggle as he can easily zone you, giving up cs is going to be necessary to avoid taking too much poke. However, Azir struggles against champions with good gap closers and all-ins, use W+E+Q for frequent trades. Avoid using W before R as you'll need a gap closer when he uses R or E. ”
Art1val says “Never played against him as Zoe. I assume though that he can out poke you and beat you in a 1v1. Use walls to your advantage when using your e.”
PepeOnDrugs says “Azir has LOTS of range and is a serious lane bully which makes it a difficult early game for Akali. He will use his soldiers to zone you off your farm and the annoying this is they can stand under your turret poking you too. He's squishy though so if you can get up-close to him after lvl 6 you will have no problem killing him, especially if you have some jungler help. Very annoying lane pre 6!”
Lobban says “Azir has hard poke early, easy cancel on your ultimate and great escape after you use ult. If you face up against a really skilled azir you might aswell /ff. But you never want to dive him under tower. Know his R cd. And poke him from far.”
huynhlinhquyhoa says “So uneasy with him W, He can fled easy.
Bird like to push. Bird don't like being pushed. Bird puts soldier and needs to attack you to attack with soldier. Bird can't attack under your R.”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Really oppressive Lane. Azir pokes you much from a safe distance, so you should start with a corrupting potion. If he used his Q for minions, or to poke you, you can blink on him, because then you will have few seconds where Azir can't send his soldiers back to him to trade. If he ults you away, wait a bit until your ghost is on top of him and ult back in. Also keep in mind that he has the ability to dash out of your stun and has a small shield with his E when fighting him.”
SorenBjerg says “A good Azir will 100% win against a Ryze at all stages of the game. Basically just flash his ult and try to read him. I can't actually think of any other bad matchups in mid as long as you have good mechanics.”
forever0lp says “Free elo. Beat him to lvl 2 and bully him hard with Q + E whenever he gets too close. His miserable damage and pitiful waveclear makes him a non-threat in the laning phase. He has no proper disengage, is extremaly squishy and after your first back boots purchase lane is pretty much yours. Unfortunately for Garen mid players noone picks Azir.”
Debonair Karma says “Annoying long range poke. Get Corrupting Pot. You're probably not going to kill him in laning phase so just focus on farming.
Take teleport.”
Gageowago says “Super annoying poke pre-6. Try not to step up to trade because he will win unless you land charm. He heavily outranges you. Once you hit 6 you have the chance to all in him because you can ult through his ult wall but he can dash away if he's quick.”
topal says “After 6 if the azir player is fast he can R your E.Don't stay inside his solders because they can deal massive damage.Great muchup for Galio.”
Papapostolou says “This guy is like a marksman with much much damage and a great escape. Thank god you have your W (Sanguine pool) and you can dodge his R. Try to Farm early and beat him late.”
ZombieZack1 says “Azir does not deal high amounts of Burst Damage like Lux and Lux can easily Shield and Dodge her way out of it, Care about your Positioning when Versing Azir”
Lil Tidepod says “Azir is really annoying when playing Ryze. A good Azir is hard to find, but when you find them, he'll lock you out of lane. He outdamages you and can easily outplay you at all points of the game. If you manage to get fed off of roams, you can fight him, but beware of his ultimate, it will ruin your combos. He'll probably dash away before you can get a full combo off, too, so early game trading is off the table. Just push him under turret if you can and look for roams.”
Fhizzikx says “This matchup depends on how you play it. You should be keeping your distance and not be in range of his q. If he manages to get a good r on you then you're probably dead so play it safe since you have more range.”
Capparelli says “He needs time to scale...You do not. His poke is annoying so if he wastes his Q force the fight he wont have anywhere to go, good Azir's will scale and win, lucky for us they are rare, He is not a bad matchup provided you get a lead in some way.”
BigBushMan says “Not too much of a threat till late game, just stay back and poke him as much as you can, as you still have the range advantage, but not by much. Late game though, good luck. ”
MartinMorningstar says “He will outpoke you, outtrade you, outrange you, all with very few consequences unless he allows himself to be rooted.
His dash/flash R isnt a threat if you keep E for it. Honestly a bit funny if you do as he is now within R range with no minions to hide behind. ”
serruh says “Azir's early laning is surprisingly good, pair that up with the fact he outranges you and it makes a bit tricky to navegate in the early levels. with that being said, you can probably match his shove at 6 and look for roams with realm warp. do NOT try to outscale him, he will be massively more useful in teamfights.”
RockitoAhri says “Do not be afraid to walk up for a Q. The trade ends up equal. If you don't do that he will poke you freely and gain lane authority. Its a skill matchup. - Walk up, - Q , W , Auto attack AND walk back right after. Do the same when you have your electrocute up again. This is a winning trade for you. When he is low enough, freely go for the kill. at around 35-40% HP you can go for R - Q - W - Auto attack - Ignite. This will be enough to burst him. He will push you away with his ultimate, but it will be too late.”
EvilBird090 says “Azir has laser auto attacks, which means you're not gonna be hitting too many kegs if he knows the timing well. He also has pretty spammable abilities so it's hard to play against, I suggest taking Fleet.”
Loki029 says “AVOID POKE, DON´T Focus on him. Try too creep farm in the save Zone near Tower. Wait for his Mana too wear off (will be pretty early) and try too bait his important spells like E, so he can´t escape a gank. Fight him pre 6, Spirit Visage and Maw are great against him.”
jster131 says “A good azir will clap you with damage if you even think about getting near him due to the range of his Sand Soldiers. The safest bet is to just farm up and wait for either him to mess up or your jungler to gank.”
PrettyPinkPutin says “This chicken carries a lot of DPS at later stages of the game, once he uses his Q you can freely engage on him without worrying about the soldiers tho, you have little time to react on his R so as a friendly reminder, most people will try their hardest to shove you off as soon as the E stun ends.”
ur_mom_gay says “Really annoying to lane against, since he can poke you with W AA Q AA. Just trade with your combo when he goes up to poke you after level 4. Be careful of his wall. You can use Stylish's strategy of W to the side, then R, then take the shadow to dodge his R.”
chrisloths says “He has a weak laning phase and Zyra's is really strong. Poke him down and never get too close that he can combo and ultimate you into a tower.”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “he will try to poke you with his W ,
he's so squishy so try to use that on your advantege
and stay away from your minions since he will W your minions so he can CS”
Witchxry says “Azir is very annoying to go up against because he can safely poke you from behind the wave with his soldiers, but he lacks mobility so if he ever steps out from behind the safety of his minions, you can go for a quick E Q W combo and harass him that way.”
Sloyr says “All of the mages are really easy to counter, you just have to dodge their CCs with your E or wait for them to waste it, to then go all in.”
Gogicha55 says “Depends on How Good the Azir is, he can stay out of your range and just bully you until you rage quit so you should just try to shove and roam as soon as you can”
Daedralus says “Range is the biggest problem early on, and his ultimate can be an obstacle indeed. You must use your speed bonus to your advantage to dodge incoming soldiers and approach him in smarter ways. His cooldowns will then be the death of him on most cases unless he has his summoners or his ultimate, but even so you should be able to catch him. With well timed Q, you can follow his E, and even block his ult if very well timed as you are immovable at that time. Do not underestimate his tower though! By taking this build you are squishier than normal and you cannot life steal off the tower and the only reason this build works so well is the ability to keep yourself alive and as a pain train!”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Dorans + 2/ps
This one is for me squishy.
I havent really fought enough of Azirs to give you a good pointer of what to do.
Early game you absolutly own him.”
NebuIa says “A good Azir can poke you out super heavily and you cannot contest it. I hate this matchup for that reason. You shouldn't die if you respect his damage, but be careful for Shurima Shuffles with his R. Very annoying matchup, but play safe and you'll be okay. If he E's away after your bubble you can get massive damage.”
TheBlueImperial says “Not a fun matchup but still winnable if played correctly, just play safe once he's 6 or you'll find yourself under a tower dead.”
Tartertoot says “Azir counters you in the poke situation, and every time you ult he can knock you away with his or he can dash away. But like anyone, bait out his kit and you can win.”
DirtyBellyDC says “Your best bet is to poke with Q. If he's dodging those then max our your W first and shove wave into tower.
Consider taking TP in this match up for a healthy laning phase.”
Impswitch says “Once he is 6 he has the potential to crush you by getting you into a full on fight with this ult. however if you got quick fingers you can knock him out of his dash or if he ults you deep in lane you can just ult him into turret and you win XD”
Dgraider says “Don't let him scale, because he will beat you later on. This matchup is honestly pretty even(skill-based). I'd take comet into this personally.”
cobbzy says “Make sure to dodge his poke and punish when he is on cooldown. Ask for jungle pressure often and take Doran's shield to make up for the poke. ”
Aizenvolt says “Azir isn't very difficult just poke and stay away from his soldiers also dont dive him unless you know he used ult or you are sure you can kill him in an insant because he can use his ult to do alot of damge to you and kill you under his turret. When you see him going near his turret be cautious because he will try to use his ultimate and throw you to his turret.”
yoink my r now says “Ein guter Azir bringt dich out of Game nur weil er Azir spielt. Gegen Azir einfach nicht sterben und hoffen, dass der Jungler was reißen kann. ”
MarkeleleYasuo says “After his soldier range was nerfed the lane is much easier to handle, but you will most likely push him so unless he is really low hp dont try to dive him, he will ult you to his turret and use his e to get a shield
farm and look for opportunity to kill him ”
Xelaadryth says “Outpushes you hard and he can easily ult you away from him. His zone control is ridiculous; just do your best to cs from far away and auto minions when you can. Getting into close range of him is suicide.”
spark2 says “Azir is extremely oppressive when the person using him knows what they're doing. The best thing to do is rush 30% CDR ASAP so that you can effectively farm from a distance, since he can easily zone you from melee farming with his soldiers. He's also got very high mana costs early game, which makes his early laning a bit less insane. Basically, just try to land a W on him and then run away after proccing your passive.”
HeisendongNA says “Max your W instead of Q and leave turrets at rank 1: Azir is just too good at killing your turrets. You can also take exhaust to reduce his damage.”
Cloud375 says “Azir is very annoying as he will poke you down with his soldiers. He is still beatable however if you are able to burst him down faster than he can burst you.”
Garybaldo says “From my personal experience this is a skill matchup, stay away from his soldiers and be able to commit to a fight when you all in (he might insec you), if you miss an E go out, ask for early ganks”
wedefx says “Azir has even push power as Malzhar.
Azir could be a threat in teamfight where he outranges Malzhar. Glacial Augment will help you to catch him.”
paykanishe says “Skill match up. He is strong enough at lane, so ask you'r jungler to help. If Azir is rly good, you can't do anything to him. Take Dematerializer and try to win another lane”
Novok says “Do not be afraid to walk up for a Q. The trade ends up equal. If you don't do that he will poke you freely and gain lane authority. Its a skill matchup. - Walk up, - Q , W , Auto attack AND walk back right after. Do the same when you have your electrocute up again. This is a winning trade for you. When he is low enough, freely go for the kill. at around 35-40% HP you can go for R - Q - W - Auto attack - Ignite. This will be enough to burst him. He will push you away with his ultimate, but it will be too late.”
SirZeros says “You can't really do anything but farming against Azir, don't stay close to him and his soldiers and wait for your team helping you. Try punishing his mistakes as he is, after all, still pretty squishy.
He is not necessarily stronger in a 1v1. Later in the game, try to ult him, stun him and then burst him down, but be aware of his Ultimate!”
baldmidget says “Another point and click champion
1.At level 1, make sure you hard shove the wave to get lane pressure ,if you dont (gg wp ff 15)why??? the reason is azir can simply poke u for so much anytime you go for a cs
2.Impossible to solo kill azir,focus on pushing wave and roaming
3.Goal of this game? make others lanes ahead”
Euphoric Toaster says “Can be annoying, but is generally just a weak champion in most peoples hands. Azir also locks himself into a brief animation when autoattacking with his soldiers which can make it hard for him to dodge your stun.”
Big Shawn says “You should avoid being around his soldiers (obviously). So in this case you should keep some good wave control to use the minions for your Mobility, in this case your E Ability.”
Fox1ne says “This is almost same as Anivia match up,difference is that his level 1 is really weak and you can gain wave control cause of it. His soldiers are strong enough to outdamage on trades,try to avoid trades when he has 2 soldiers up,or if he uses Q on you try to use charm and trade back,don't be scared to trade back cause this will make you lose. At 6 building gunblade will make you win the match up cause of the sustain war against him, and relocating yourself over his wall is a good way to avoid a lot of his damage.”
DanDosXR says “A good Azir can poke you early game and just push you if you ult at him. Try to poke him down with your Empowered E and play safe until you're strong enough to oneshot him. Getting Banshee's as your first item will let you ult him without getting knockedback or damaged by his ult when the spell shield is activated.”
Wizboy73 says “Azir scales really well and is one of the only champs who actualy bullies you in lane. A good azir will get a lead going and not give it up, its hard to recover but if you get the lead his game is over since you can 100-0 him. Building rylais is good as well as a banshee if behind.”
EvilOranges says “Start D-Blade. He will constantly shove the wave, and he has an easy escape with his W-E-Q combo. He will poke you a lot, so take Fleet Footwork. Farm with Q, and keep in mind of his soldier range. When going in at level 6 make sure you don't go in too far, lest he use R to push you way into his tower.”
TruePvPYT says “Azir has alot of poke so you need to play around his soldiers, dont go for greedy cs, mainly cs with Q's and last hit, be carefull for his all in.”
Hunipop says “Everyone is practically a threat to our baby Lux.
Azir is very annoying, and you can lose almost half your HP just from 1 skill from him. Not fun.”
schulti012 says “Earlygame is hard to survive but once you're in mid-lategame he's no threat as you can just ult in his face and kill him. He also cannot trade with you without pushing the wave.”
talonmains says “Good Azir means bad time for Talon.
Shoves you in at insane speed, pokes you out of lane and hard to kill in lane. Work with your jungler or look for roams, in lane you can flash his r and wait in your r while he uses E to dash towards his soldier then use your combo and see if you can get a kill.”
SepekuAW says “This lane is hard because azir has range over you. You need to setup stuns by Q'ing the melee minions once, then when he goes to poke you, E him with the ball on the ground, follow up with a W + Q to proc electrocute. This is really the only efficient way to trade with azir.. Farm this lane out till you get a ludens, if he has no barrier you can solo kill him with ludens + 5 ball ult.
Be careful when he hits 6, if he ever throws a soldier out but stops attacking minions he's trying to bait you in so he can E to it and q behind you to ult you. Pay attention and avoid walking up when his soldiers are very forward and he stops attacking/using q.”
Zayach says “You will find it hard to get close enough to deal damage to him. If you can Q, W while he has no soldiers then you might be able to win a trade or two but a lane against Azir is a farming lane, and not a lane you will likely win without jungle help.”
Xavier Senori says “Azir's only strength against cassiopeia is that he can zone her pretty well his soldiers. That being said, his cooldowns early game are pretty long, so if he mispositions his soldiers, be ready to go aggressive. Don't be afraid to trade with him, just remember to move out of the range of his soldiers when you are trading. You will outscale him later in the game.”
Poleseas16 says “High burst damage early game from electrocute + consistent autos. Pushes you under turret. Has good escape. Often takes barrier. Can easily be one shot towards level 6, 9, mid game.”
Zeprius says “Not the worst but impossible to kill him, unless your in iron-gold and he doesnt know how to play Azir.... just farm up for late game and teamfights ”
ClemexD10 says “Be careful of his soldiers, but don't be afraid of them. The moment you have Electrocute up cast your Q and W onto him to activate it.”
kilgta says “you both shove lane a lot and you are both hard to get caught. usually you wait ganks, catch him with the bushes or wait for him to make a mistake. You should be able to shove faster than him. Start corrupt pot or sapphire.”
unownreality says “After Azir was updated, he has seen a large spike in power, and lux will begin to struggle a bit more early game. Watch for the insec, and be cautious around enemy towers. Wait for him to use his dash prior to the all in. A single burst post morellos should kill him. ”
MechaaZero says “Due to his soldiers not actually being like creeps, you can use your E to your advantage. If he goes in on you, E, run back and do a quick Q for some solid damage. He'll probably be more conservative with his dives after that.”
CC Diana says “Azir is a lane bully, but thankfully he's easier to deal with since his mini rework. You can start Q or W in this match up though if you start Q you may quickly find yourself running low on mana whilst taking too much damage while going up to melee range for CS. Play this lane safe, give up CS if necessary, wait for 6 or your jungler. Your window of opportunity for fighting Azir is the moment after he uses Q. Once he uses Q, he won't be able to have his soldiers dash to you so use that opportunity to all-in him. Since his rework, you are now able to dash through Emperor's Divide so it's not too big a deal if he ults you away.”
Im Jayce says “u can't melee units against him, but u can easily outclass this bird by predicting a insta cast skill, with your hammer E to kill him, easy isn't it? ._.”
maplecat21 says “A good azir is a big threat, an azir that knows how to w-auto-q-auto is annoying, a bad azir is a free lane. All depends on how good he is at Azir, and if he can shurima shuffle such that he cancels your r post-6.”
EvilOranges says “Corrupting Potion. Azir beats you early but as soon as you have Riftwalk you destroy him. He will push under tower, and since his soldiers last for half as long under tower he will use up his mana very quickly. You can out-sustain him easily with Fleet Footwork and Corruption Potion.”
RagexAddict says “Azir can be a very frustrating champion for Fizz to take on at pretty much all stages of the game. He has very decent harass with his sand soldiers and he can be a nightmare at level 6 with his ult if you were to try to all in him. The key to beating Azir is waiting for him to throw a sand soldier at you. If he misses his Q, go in on him because he will be very vulnerable, especially considering his only way out besides flash is to Q>E combo with his sand soldiers to dash away.
adzzb says “Azir is super hard early. However post 6 he should be fine. Jump on him when you get a chance and also use your Twilight shroud to blink over his wall.”
SrSuders says “Azir ist stark, aber auch kein großes Problem, da er erst im Mid bzw. im Late Game erst stark wird.
Die Azir E+Q Combo kann stark sein, wenn man mit der Talon Q engagen sollte, sodass man mit der Talon Q unter dem Tower gepulled wird.”
LyndonK9 says “Azir is pretty annoying because he can zone you, but if you can stay away from the soldiers and trade back you will win. After hes low you can all in him and if he walls you, you can ult through it. Be careful when you are close to his turret because he can ult you into it.”
hipstersora says “The soldiers hurt. Even if you get a few kills early, with some items he'll be able to just send soldiers your way and decimate your health.
Your only hope is really getting in his face where you can do damage to him also. Keep in mind he can jump to a soldier to avoid your ult, but you can E around his ult.
Note: This difficulty is assuming you are going up against a competent Azir”
LighterDay says “Azir's soldiers can poke from a safe distance, but it won't prevent you from farming and stacking. Also, Veigar's W range is wide enough that you can get Azir if he is just poking with minions.”
MasutaKokoBot says “Azir can potentially be a mild threat due to the nature of his Q. If he sends his summoned soldiers to attack you in the back line, that can be problem, however, your mobility should be sufficient to get away from them quickly.”
borsamalac says “Love this matchup from both side. If he shove the wave do same, if he doesn't just farm both of you is a scaling champ . Care his lv2 is rly strong , don't let him free poke u with W+Q. With sheen your stronger but ur goal is just farm, roam with package and kill him with trinity. ”
Yenwai says “his early harass is obnoxious to say the least, and his ability to push then roam makes him hard to deal with.
just wait until you get your items and get him with your allies.
use your teleport to gank while he farms and help your team as you wont win lane easily.
Ec40494 says “Has an easy escape with e so can be slippery. Try not to ult on him and get ulted by him into his tower. Save it for after his ult is down. Have to all in because of his soldier poke and don't stay for long fights.”
BL00dY3nD says “You can dodge his R and with Hextech Porotbel you can get close to him. But he can poke you while you CS so try to CS with your Q and dont get to close to minions. With a Hextech Portobel and F and Ignire R you could get some easy kills.”
Bughans says “Earlygame he's going to poke you lots, but if you can manage to survive laning phase, you're gonna be able to oneshot him until he begins to get ap-hp items.”
Helnakensbrorsa says “One of the hardest lane. Farm with Q and try to get lvl 6 before him. Ask for gank if you know that you wont get 6 before him. You will only be able to kill him if you have more gold after 6. ”
Best Karth NA says “Another easy matchup. Low kill potential if hes a decent player. Just make sure you keep him in check when he tries to go aggressive by landing some Qs. Most likely a boring farm lane. ”
Siand says “This is a reaaaaaaly annoyng champion to play against. I've tried playing passively - he outscaled me in the midgame, I've tried agressive play he outpokes me. Ask for ganks. A lot of them.”
AgreeableOtter says “Also a Dorans Shield/Second Wind matchup, he pokes the f... out of you in lane. You should be able to outroam and solokill him after Lv 4 when you have Hexdrinker.”
noolan says “I HATE AZIR, SO UNBALANCED, SO BROKEN. He will forever be one of my least favorite champions. Good luck in lane, he gets free poke every 5 or so seconds.”
Shderen says “Now, I'm writing this as of patch 7.2, right? If you're reading this in some future world where Azir is amazing again, please build a time machine and message me so I can tell you my address and you can take me there. You have permission to ice this fool.”
HerrSolahri says “Stay cool in early. Don't run into his Soldiers. Prevent him from pushing as good as you can and after 2 Items hes as easy to kill as a Vel'koz”
CharmingFeather says “If the Azir is good with their ult, do not bother engaging past more than half way through mid. Just try to poke with Q and sit back and wait for a gank. If you don't get a gank, then don't engage unless you have flash to flash over his ult (if you are under his turret that is).”
SmokeyEggs says “It's a skill based matchup as well, fighting Azir in the early game is gonna be hard since he's mobile and has a shield that can soak your damage, As well as good poke and pushing potential. Try baiting out his R with your R and just roam more or abuse him with ganks from your jungler”
QueenBrie says “Don't worry about this guy, just an average bird, he cant do much once you're level 6 and ready to rumble, wait for his soldier to run out because even though he's weak into you his soldiers are his main source of damage, he can escape from ganks pretty easily but only if he's smart, just dont be stupid and you win.”
TwitchTherapy says “He scales really well into late game, to the point of no return, his range on you makes it difficult to get up close, and his gap closer leaves much room for you to become vulnerable.”
AzureArmatt says “Azir was considered to be answer to Ahri for quite a while since he was able to punish her really hard when she got up close... but those times are long gone and Ahri can stand against Azir and even beat him. He's late game champion so you have advantage early. don't push under his turret or he will try to push you under it with his ultimate and avoid standing next to his soldiers. You can push him out of lane and even kill him if you catch him with your charm. the real problem here is his ability to dash to his soldiers that will make him escape from you quite often but it's still victory for you if you push him out”
OmegaSquadVeigar says “Annoying poke with his W Q and outshoves you early, but after getting full mana item you should be able to stomp him due to him not being able to ever dive the backline with his E Q R combo if you use your cage properly and being easily killed with your combo.”
Shaawn says “Hard matchup, he can shove you in as much as he wants. His only way of repositioning his soldiers is with Q. The moment he waste his Q, you want to dash in and punish him. That is the only window you got in this matchup.”
NocUout says “Fairly easy matchup, his early game will be very annoying, but he will need to back often because of mana problems. Push out under his turret and save your ult until he uses his, as if you ult him first he will just knock you back with his ult. ”
RemainingUchiha says “Early game he's going to push you out of lane very frequently because of his long range poke. Consider asking for Jungle pressure.”
muchlove says “Azir is pretty annoying at all points in lane, pre and post 6. His ult disrupts your combo, and his e allows him to escape (coupled with the usual barrier and flash summs) most trades unscathed. ”
Jenkinsu says “Noone knows how to play Azir, but if they do stay as far away from the soldiers as possible. Refillable Potion is recommended if he knows what he's doing”
Au5x says “this is probably one of the most difficult matchups there may be, as Azir is able to hit you from afar, ask for help in your jungle and try to play safe”
onetrick zed 11111 says “he can poke u a lot but after 6 its a skill match up , depending on if u are still even with him or if u are behind or ahead
Dr Wonderdrugs says “Azir est votre hard counter par excellance il pourra vous tuer à l'aide de ses soldat et si vous avez le malheur d'ult avant votre mort il vous tuera à nouveau sans réactiver de spell juste avec son clique droit.”
ikiilyou7523 says “En contra de un buen azir no puedes hacer mucho es como el talon, a excepcion que azir te pokeara y no dejara que farmees con sus soldados comprate escudo de doran al inicio si te toca contra el. :)”
moutenn says “If the Azir is better then you he will win. Its a skillmatchup, but you do have the upper hand. Try and engage with w when he q's towards you. Reactivate before they hit, and start punching him. Then you should r when he uses his wall. You will mostlikely kill him, with your q's and e's. It will also look cool. You have to live with being bullied the first couple of levels.
qasddsa says “Extremely difficult to deal with in lane because of his soldiers. I recommend starting with a Corrupting Potion and investing into an early Null-Magic Mantle or a MR shard. After laning phase, it gets much easier to kill him with Riftwalk.”
Calikarcha says “One of my 3 favorites (along side Karthus and ASol). Unfortunately, I've never played this from either side, but just try to avoid his poke and poke him as much as you can. Be careful of his shuffle though. ”
LCAU says “His sand soldiers if placed well enough is a struggle to deal against. However, if you bait his soldiers+his Q, you can jump on him with your E>W>Q>R. If you are in low elo, it's actually really easy since they have no idea what they are doing lol.”
Andicus says “He outpokes you early but post 6 you beat Azir easily. Don't get poked too hard by his soldiers while farming. I recommend farming with Q.”
Gambinos says “Thing about Azir is that a good Azir will outlane a Yas. He will poke you out pretty heavily, causing you to not be able to go in at all with your strong lvl 2-3. Avoid his minions from coming to you by Wind Walling the closes Azir's minion to you. It cannot advance if WW. But he can still poke you though so watch out. You'll win late game against him so play super passive if you can, or wait for a jg to gank.”
rimzaki says “Hes shield can threat against bloodlord but he no match against ur nuke and sustain greatly try to save ur sanguine pool for hims ultimate
He will try poke with hims soldier but U are a bloodlord and They will kneel before u ”
Autoswitched says “Annoying champion to deal with, only real way of winning is A. He's not skilled with the champ.
B.Farm safely and give up farm to harass
C. Get jungle ganks”
undeadsoldiers says “Azir is a mechanical nightmare. He has a very high skill curve, so not many players will be good on him. He shouldn't be too much of a problem, as Swain is ranged, so he doesn't have to be in the way on Azir's soldiers.”
Prenora says “Azir out ranges you by a lot, but he's telegraphed and mana hungry early, keep your wave cleared so you can harass him from a distance, he has poor wave clear under tower, after 6 try to wait for jungle assistance, if fighting, or just keep csing”
Witwickies says “You both want to poke enemy and farm from distance. Nevetheless, Azir's all-in is harder to perform and, as Zyra, it's less difficult to set up ganks. Try to time Azir's E, as with it he has easy escape route from your R.”
undeadsoldiers says “Poke Azir as much as you can until level 3, when he'll start to bully you.
Once Azir uses his E, you have several seconds to poke him for free or get a combo on him.
Let him push you in, though, because his soldiers don't last as long under your tower.
Banshee's Veil can block the knockback from his ult. You can also outplay his ult with your own ult by blinking over the wall as it's about to shove you.
iiCrispi says “His ult is ineffective against your ult because it pushes you away, yet if you cast ult and it hits him you end up going back to him. Deny his cs by going aggro. Keep out for enemy junglers if you do this.”
Prenora says “Azir is very hard to get close to, but when you do he's fairly squishy with high cooldowns, use your dash to avoid his soliders, look to max Q and stay healthy”
AQRC Turtle says “Keep your distance from his soldiers and avoid extend trades. Hoverall it a skillmatchup but in zed favor after lvl 6. Wait for his ultimate to use your own for repositionning urself.”
DuhBrandon says “Azir Could be a problem but most times not really. Due to the fact he is very difficult to play, and the fact that he doesn't win against most champs. the only thing you need to worry about is you getting ganked and you don't have flash because his R can push you towards him making ganks easy and hell and the jungle or azir will just kill you. My advice is to just don't over extended on a azir and don't poke his tower without flash or the knowledge of the whereabouts of his jungler.”
dumb lucker says “Azir can also be very annoying with almost unlimited poke in lane, but you should be able to still combo him when his q is on cd to smack him with autoattacks for a kill. (also be aware of his ult as it will cuck you hard when trying to kill this guy) ”
Smol Jelly says “Azir can also be a rough lane. He's got great poke, and he scales insanely well. Let him push closer towards your tower, so you don't have the threat of being ulted under his tower.”
lkycch says “Azir is notorious for bullying champs under tower; that's literally Zilean's early-game-plan. You will have a hard time staying in lane, until you get Lost Chapter. When you do, wait for Azir to clear your minion wave first, then you do the same. By being patient like this, he can't "Shurima Shuffle" you, since you have not overextended. Always play passively in lane with Azir, but aggressively roam when possible and start skirmishes. After laning phase, Azir will look for engages; if he wastes his dash, he is a free E+Q+W+Q(stun), which should result in a kill if your allies follow up. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
ShokLoL says “You beat Azir 1v1 early with comet E max, but as the lane goes on it can start to become very difficult. You can buffer his ult if you time E correctly so you shouldn't worry too much about getting ganked. If you can build a 1v1 lead in the first few levels you should be in a good spot, otherwise play mainly for skirmishes and teamfights.”
SUPERPENGUIN69420 says “Realy annoying, it is a mess to play agaisnt him mostly in lane because of his good poke and his R is really strong aainst you since he can just send you under his tower, same problem while ganking.”
Zeekar says “Can poke you hard and counters you with his ult. If you engage into it, it's real awkward, but it's slow and will typically be used AFTER you engage on him. Something you CAN do, is that when he W-AA-Q's you, jump directly onto him, as he will be standing still issuing attack commands, and he will have no soldiers on himself. ”
Chuleex says “Azir is mostly strong once he gets items and thanks to his poke, he cam be quite durable and has annoying mobility, once he uses e or fails to poke with q you can look for dmg
early game step back but once you hit lv3 you can start fighting, try to go for item spike or roams if he plays passive”
ShokLoL says “Azir is overall favorable for Smolder, but you do have to be careful of his level 6 gank setup. If he ever Qs his soldier forward look to walk around them and zone him off the wave/force trades while his soldiers are out of position. Later in the lane he can start to do a lot of damage, but by this point you can just focus on farming since Azir doesn't use his mid priority well anyway.”
ShokLoL says “Azir is fairly easy, you can poke him out 1v1 with Q and E spam. If he uses his Q forward you can often walk around it and force a trade. Post 6 be aware of his gank setup if he has an aggressive jungler or support.”
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