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Singed Counter Stats

Singed Counters
Discover all champions who counter Singed. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Singed in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
680 Tips for countering Singed below

Top Lane
51.16% Win Rate82% Pick Rate Singed Top Lane Counters: 27 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Singed in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

Shark of Void says “Take Phase Rush and Teleport. You can't kill him. AFK farm.”
How to summon the Blood Storm with Kennen by Shark of Void | Kennen Player
eXC4l says “Contradicts pretty much in every aspect to Naafiri's gameplay. This character doesn't let you use your W and E, doesn't let you chase him and can easily brick your combo. Very bad matchup, just play safe and try not to engage him if he isn't low enough.”
| The Pack Consumes | Naafiri - 14.8 | by eXC4l | Naafiri Player
Baby_Driver says “Nimbus cloak is a must. If u notice that he is going rylai's first item, u can go for swifties. Stridebreaker is good option. Walk with your wave lvl 1 so he doesn't proxy. DO NOT USE PULL WHENEVER STARTING A TRADE. Stay near your melee minions and just auto-W him whenever he tries to walk up. if he does and he flips you, pull him immediately.”
Baby Driver's Guide to Darius (The God-King) by Baby_Driver | Darius Player
DioSett says “unplayable lane diamond+ , rush boots of switftness and stridebreaker , you can also take ghost , he will proxy first wave”
Sett 14.7 Dio Sett (Master) Guide by DioSett | Sett Player
Hotch says “Lol, Lmao You can trade lvl 1 but he'll probably just clear the wave anyways. It's fine. Don't let him cheese you lvl 2 tho. After that just hold a freeze and kill him.”
[14.6] How to Win with Yorick by Hotch | Yorick Player
Jabuti Trevoso says “Se ele te der proxy, vc se lascou, pq vc não vai conseguir mata-lo sem ajuda do Jungle e vai perder muito farm, na duvida, bane, ou pede pro seu duo banir.”
Guia de Braum TOP (🇧🇷) by Jabuti Trevoso | Braum Player
KingJoeyy says “Advice to Win Against Singed Keep your distance to avoid being Flung back into Singed's allies. Singed needs to run close to your team to be effective. Try to take advantage of this by using crowd control effects on him while attacking his allies. Be careful when chasing Singed.”
[14.6] Diamond Gwen Top Guide KingJoeylol by KingJoeyy | Gwen Player
forlid says “Singed players will usually proxy as their laning phase is very easy to predict. He is a very good asset in teamfights and scales pretty hard, you'll most likely never kill him alone unless its very early and he lanes. This is the only matchup where I'd start with Cull, as even if he lanes he will always push the wave, so you'll never miss minions.”
[14.6] Users Manual for Yone // Diamond Guide by forlid | Yone Player
PinkBlood says “Gangplank easiest lane, only way you lose this matchup is if singed just perma roams and kills ur team mates. If singed proxies ever just make sure you farm with passive under tower, you will end up getting such a early ult upgrade and alot of money.”
procatking says “for this matchup runes NO.1,2. are good, i prefer ignite and D shield.(look for one that fit your game-style) singed is a clown untill his first item, he probebly will proxy you so wait for it and walk with the wave or ask your jg to start top side. try to avoid a police run after him and poke stun whenever you can (late game you have no chance)”
Pantheon's what to do list for TOP LANE [14.5] by procatking | Pantheon Player
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