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Singed Counter Stats

Singed Counters
Discover all champions who counter Singed. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Singed in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
705 Tips for countering Singed below

Top Lane
50.82% Win Rate82% Pick Rate Singed Top Lane Counters: 21 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Singed in Top Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

misterbig says “W his E and u can chase him down early REMEMBER to walk with ur minions on first wave to lane to avoid him proxy”
Nocturne Toplane by misterbig | Nocturne Player
Skaarlschloch says “You can punish him through many points of the lane and even singed otps dont expect AP Sejus Burst dmg at 6. If Singed is smart though he will avoid you at all costs and outscale you mid-late. You can match the proxy as sej has excelent waveclear herself, if you know where enemy jungler is. This matchup also depends largely on how strong singed is (rn 14.14-14.16 hes quite weak)”
AP Sejuani Toplane (#1 OTP Korean Build) by Skaarlschloch | Sejuani Player
SemenDrinker says “Blade and 2nd wind Singed is literally never going to fight you in lane. You will farm and farm and farm. Buy a cull infact also if he's gonna proxy all game. If your jungle does see a kill you may follow and collect the kill. Unless he has something like ghost phase rush i wouldnt bother. If he does stay in lane then you basically auto win. When you see him going in for the e use your Q2 or Q3 backwards as you hit him midair with your sweetspot.”
Horrible Aatrox Main Gives You The Bare Minimum by SemenDrinker | Aatrox Player
Frankoloko says “Go CD runes because every ult & ghost is a kill and you don't need Bone Plating vs him. Rush Rylai for the slow & boots for the speed.”
Mordekaiser Matchups by Frankoloko | Mordekaiser Player
Banzi says “e him away whenever he tries and get close to u (q if off cd) deny his lvl 1 proxy poke him down and he will rage quit by getting shutdown so hard by a support in the top lane Start Wit's end”
Engage + Value build - Tresh off-meta by Banzi | Thresh Player
IvanBeifong says “Uninteractive lane, he'll usually proxy you, just farm away and trade with him when you can, nothing more to say, be careful when you're close to his tower, if you E2 at the same time he E's you, he won't be able to pull you over. Ult is pretty statchecky, good if you want more stats.”
LilPicky says “(take 4th rune page start shield) if he starts to proxy rush tiamat, then triforce, if he doesnt proxy triforce first, E into him and make sure you can hit stun so you can W slow him before he is able to throw you away, R after he throws you away, never before because he can just launch you away from your own R”
Season 14 Camille Guide by Bachirrka (Beta Version) by LilPicky | Camille Player
Body Those Fools says “This matchup is easy since since you have a range advantage, and he has no dashes. He's pretty much always pushing the wave with his posion so you're able to freeze the wave and make him extend for CS. Guard your jungle level 1 so he can't proxy between your turrets; if he's successful, you'll be stuck farming under your turret if you're in top lane. In mid lane, he will try to perma-push every wave and roam to your sidelanes; communicate to your team that this is what he will do. This will force him into bad roams, and you will be able to freeze and get massive XP advantages. His W will make you grounded so you wont be able to Drift until you walk out of it. If you're Ulting him, the timing is very important and it needs to knock him up max range otherwise you will get flipped by his E anyway. If he Ults at you, just disengage and wait it out since it gives him movement speed and extra resistances.”
step1v9 says “Take second wind and you never die. If he tries to apply poison trail just stand and auto never chase. You can E over his W if you aren't in it. Don't let him W+fling you into his tower. If he just flings you it's fine because you just E afterwards and he has no CD. Disengage when he uses R unless you can all-in. Never chase. If he proxy you proxy too.”
Step1v9 Guide Patch 14.12 - FULL MATCHUPS FOR EVERY CHAMPION by step1v9 | Tryndamere Player
Lukenzoo says “He will probably just proxy so just try not to let him proxy and you win ”
Lukenzoo's Yorick guide by Lukenzoo | Yorick Player
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