In the Jungle 50.37% Win Rate98% Pick RateLillia In the Jungle Counters: 33 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Lillia in the Jungle Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
gtpp says “Same example with karthus, but you will also get gapped in movement speed”
Houcs says “Lillia has very high movementspeed which makes her so hard for Skarner to catch with his E. Hitting a long range E on her is not something you should try. Instead wait for her to use her W on you and you can easy interupt it with your E.”
kittygore says “You have to Bola her since she is really fast. Early fights are free so try to invade and contest scuttles. Try to cleanse her R in late. Care if she got zhonyas or if she stacks armor.”
Bella Ciao says “Approach velocity is a MUST
Annoying matchup, but overall very fine. If you get an isolated q on her you win any fight
Swifties required
stefanko says “You hard lose level 1 trades vs Lillia so avoid trading level 1, once you get 2 you can start trading by q-ing on her, and you win every trade. (lt or grasp, tp)”
friendlyfarmer123 says “Max hp damage, mobility, and lots of other annoying things. You can run her over later if you play it properly but she can be very annoying to play against. I would take force of nature against her.”
Jackiewawa says “She's been nerfed a lot over season 14 so I don't see her much anymore.
Faster clears than Gwen and is hard to lock down due to her speed and ability to kite you.
You can immune her R sleep if you use W with her outside of it before the cast goes off.
Try to fight her with allies that can hard CC/outrange her.”
Roya1_RTX_PR0 says “if you do( my current build )
late game ur wayyyy more stronger
she is diff start cause of speed.
buffed/nerfed still will always be diff start.”
SkaterKidd says “Lillia's mobility and ability to kite with Q - Blooming Blows and W - Watch Out! Eep! can keep her out of Warwick's reach. Her R - Lilting Lullaby can also neutralize Warwick's engages, putting him to sleep before he can do much damage.”
Kuro_Usagi says “Highly annoying but if you manage to silence her and stride break her you should be fine with your E. Consider building MR boots over Symbo's.”
AbstractNoth1ng says “Lillia is not too bad, she is fast for sure, but by building Wit's End, you should be able to have the attack speed and magic resistance to deny her your death.”
DarnuS says “Too fast for gragas. You can shut her down if you have flash and she does not zhonyas, but its not a fun match up. She clears so much faster then you, and she can kite you.”
Neekster says “This champion clears the same as you do. Lillia is very annoying with her mobility and high damage output. I suggest you do a full clear and play at a lane opposite from her. You have to snowball faster than Lillia so you can burst her down if ever she goes for you. Dodge her most threatening skill [E] and all might go well for you and your team.”
DeafenClone says “She can be endearing, but when she's against the enemy, she can be as annoying as a cockroach, so always take the opportunity for a one-shot.”
Yomu says “Try to burst her out with WQ when she gets too close. She will then try to Q R you. Right before her R hits you always E to live through it. She will outfarm you so farm efficiently and gank without overforcing or wasting too much time. It's never worth”
Maciejson says “You'll get kited, so don't bother trying to 1v1 without your form. She's very adept at kiting and will be difficult to 1v1 unless you can one-shot her. If she uses her ultimate, look to use your own ultimate while you're drowsy, and you can wait out her ultimate inside of her. This applies to both forms of Kayn. She's very good at kiting and will be tough to 1v1 unless you can one-shot her. If she uses her ultimate, look to use your own ultimate while you're drowsy, and you can wait out her ultimate inside of her.”
huncho1v9 says “Hard matchup. Lillia won’t invade you, but she has a very fast fullclear. A good Lillia will outspace you and kite you. She becomes very hard to kill even with Ghost and R. Can look to fight her when she has no passive stacks. Gwen W isn’t that useful against Lillia.”
12months says “Ban every game. She will ruin your life. She can quite you early and once she get rylai you can never reach her. she can also steal a lot of your jungle due to her fast clear speed”
VainTaka says “Champion way too fast and can match your ganks. Be careful to not be behind because all it takes is 1 death. Lillia will start running down the lanes. Play safe early and secure at least one of the scuttle. The earliest gank you can do is when you are level 6. ”
huncho1v9 says “- Medium/Hard matchup. Lillia is one of the junglers that can match Hecarim tempo as well. If she’s ahead it can be a really difficult matchup. Watch for raptors invade, and you can fight her raptors early if you have prio mid. Phase and conq both good in this matchup, but if you have conq you need to make sure you don’t get kited out.”
lanefox says “Always faster than you she will basically hover at the edge of her range to bait you into longer fights where you cannot stick to her and eventually widdle you down even if you dodge her very effective CC.
Only fight if you have nearby support that can CC her for a close.”
Mignognium says “Encore plus forte avec les nouveaux items mais c'était déjà injouable. Insupportable si elle prend de l'avance, ne tenter jamais de l'éliminer solo, ne tenter pas de l'invaid, elle peut trop facilement se venger ou s'enfuir, vous perdez votre temps à vous demander comment l'éliminer. Jouer votre partie en l'ignorant et essayer de counter gank assez souvent. Sans aide elle vous surpassera sur tout les points. ”
xTechikaze says “Shes broken right now but you can outplay most of the time. She will burn you over time with her passive so you basically need to make the fight quick or get out. ”
DjapeFromSerbia says “One of hardest matchups, you don't have counter to her ultimate, but you are stronger early game, especially if she doesn't have passive stacked up and you can just kite her properly. ”
Cookiemanman says “Lillia's biggest threat to Volibear is her ability to kite and ignore much of his damage later into the game. I would try to fight her in the early stages of the game and use my R to negate her ultimate ability.”
astral 1v9 says “dodge, not playable. Cant reset your R ever shes too fast, does too much damage and farms way faster than you. Can cheese you on raptors too, might have to start raptors against this matchup just like kayn so they cant create map split”
Velz says “If you don't have Exhaust or Ult up she will usually run circles around you I suggest ambushing her with Q and E and finish her off with blood frenzy, if you let her off running briar will blindly follow lillia to her death”
HawkSP says “Lillia's ability to engage and disengage with high speed makes her a difficult matchup for Ivern. Her constant movement and sleep threat from her ultimate can disrupt Ivern’s team fight setup. It’s important to control vision and keep track of her movements to mitigate her impact.”
EnderRed29 says “She is way faster than you (kite you easily), also has too much sustains and AOE damage. Stay away from her and wait for her to be stunned. 🦌Broken ATM [14.2]🦌”
Paulakos says “Είναι το μόνο champ που σε κερδίζει όλα τα αλλα τρώνε outscale..
OTAN ΤΑΥΤΟΧΡΟΝΑ ΜΕ ΤΟ SLEEP ΤΗΣ.(είσαι unstoppable στο r σου απλώς θέλει καλό timing).”
Zasrana Hyenaa says “Lilia: Her ult can be annoying sometimes.....
HOW TO PLAY VS: You cant really catch her with W since movement speed counter you but if she ults you then try to click w in the last second before it stuns you so you can send mini ball on her and knockup cancel her stuff.. ”
PuppyDontPreach says “only thing annoying is ms and ult. if she ults, make sure your ult is up, and get tf out of there. she herself isn't a challenge but with teammates near that cc is one hell of a punishment.”
VainTaka says “My permaban. AP this season has made her a bigger problem. She has plenty of mobility to be slippery and AP damage output strong. Try your best to be even with objectives. Look to secure at least 1 void grub. ”
lheydebreck says “She is good against ap and ad shaco.
Hard to gapclose her after the early game because of her movement speed. You should buy movementspeed as well (take blue smite, buy swifties + youmus).”
kcjackal__ says “New items made them one of the strongest jungler in the game. This champ is similar to kindred as whoever gets a lead will 1v9 the game.”
jajkopajko says “We win this, just dont let her get fed. She is very annoying thanks to her move speed. 1v1 just kite and play for scaling, your value in teamfights should be bigger than hers if you play correctly.”
shatteredekko says “NEVER ENGAGE ON HER WITH 4 Q STACKS. If you use E wrong against her she will kill you. Let her walk into you and throw q only e in to proc passive so you can keep up with her to finish. Annoying tank build atm makes this matchup harder. Once that build is gone she is much easier”
Daawwnn says “when her passive is stacked she can easily dodge your W and out walk your qs very hard to deal with in mid / late must buy qss in this matchup”
Kazuo Murasaki says “Dodge her W when engaging her. try to dodge her Q buy walking into her. Dodge her E later so you don't get put to sleep by her R. ”
loganrichards says “Try to burst her out with WQ when she gets too close. She will then try to Q R you. Right before her R hits you always E to live through it. She will outfarm you so farm efficiently and gank without overforcing or wasting too much time. It's never worth ”
Skararmonia says “Same as others powerfarmers, but this one is kinda tricky because even if she falls behind she can make you fall asleep and her team will make all the work for her.”
garbocan says “Extremely non-committal ganks, since she can just sprint out at 450+ movespeed when Ivern shows up to counter. Also massively outfarms Ivern.”
OakIgu says “This will be a very hard matchup if she does Rylai, you can deal with her easily, avoiding her ult is easy but she runs more than you while giving damage so just like Singed don't stay to much time following her.”
Zero macro says “Briar has a hard time into Lillia, due to Lillia her tank / bruiser shred kit + Movement Speed, Slow and burst damage in a Sleepy Crowd Control window.
Briar has a similar jungle clear speed that will fade away on Lillia items.
Briar has to make sure that Lillia cannot outkite her, Briar should always check on Lillia Q Movement Speed stacks —> This will become easier on lvl 6 / level 9 Briar W.
Briar level 6 will cleanse herself of Crowd Control, which should / can be done against Lillia R.
Coccaa says “Just save your pillar until after she presses R and if you built correctly you just destroy her. Pillar her after she puts you to sleep if she's still there and then just run at her lol. if you're fast enough or good enough you can dodge all of her abilities too”
Kukiziuu_ says “I didnt find lilia as hard as you can think, her early is a hell for her, if you play it properly you should easily win with her both forms, but Darkin later on will have a bit of issue with her, remember that shes still a threat in late game.”
MusicJG says “She has a better clear and can kite you with her Passive.
At 6 if she hits passive on you and ults, you will die.
Her early is really bad since she has bad gank setup.
Look to level 3 gank since she most likely won't countergank.
If you can snowball through 1 lane and make them vulnerable you can snowball and win.”
TheBougis says “Lillia is very fast once she gets four Q stacks so its hard to land your Q, also she does a lot of max health damage with her passive and items.
Try to stall until the zone gets smaller for an easier time landing your Q's.”
Turnupthetoaster says “She can out farm you, she moves around the map so quickly, she can kite you for days, is so hard to pin down, and a lot of her damage comes in the form of a DoT. This champion is extremely annoying to deal with, especially if you're stacking HP since she does a lot of % health damage. She's a huge threat to Rengar regardless of what you build, but this is especially the case for bruiser Rengar.”
Zero macro says “Nidalee has a stronger pre 6 than Lillia. Which makes it easy for Nidalee to get an early lead, however... when Nidalee is even/behind Lillia she will struggle to compete with Lillia her teamfighting with R and rundown from Q movement speed stacks.”
Zero macro says “Lillia and Zed both have a fast clearing speed, Shred Zed is stronger early on, but that will slowly fade away when it stays even. It is recommended to act fast towards Lillia, due to her movement speed charges on her Q. this matchup is generally even and Lillia can become more of a teamfight threat than Zed.”
metalhydra273 says “Lillia is difficult to catch, and messing up once in teamfights means you're likely eating an ult, putting yourself in a position to get bursted down. Without ult and a teammate to help you, you're unlikely to kill her and will have to endure a lot of kiting. Pray you find a way in and kill her before you go night night. If you do opt to flash ult, make sure it kills her.”
BigodeOfLegends says “Outro campeão que caita Rell facilmente é Lillia, sua passiva juntamente de seu Q consegue desviar facilmente das habilidades da Rell”
NegativePhoenix says “Even if you can CC her, the damage and MS she has outdoes yours by miles at a time. You need to avoid full AP. Even Hybrid/Tank is dangerous due to max health damage. Try your best to hold her still for your team. Most of the time she builds Zhonyas, so save your W [Mount or Crash] for the time she comes out so she's still stuck in place otherwise if you can't get hands on her she's winning everything.”
Ezikko says “Lillia can be either kind of easy or very hard, depends on how she builds. If she builds full ap, you can kill her, but she will outkite you if you dont hit your Q3, she can oneshot you if youre behind. If she goes tank then there really isnt much you can do except hope that her team isnt coming while you try your best to hit every spell and outheal her TRY TO CANCEL HER R WITH YOUR E2!!!”
Apari1010 says “This is a very difficult matchup for Rhaast. Similar to Hecarim, if she is ahead she will stomp you and if she is behind you will never catch her. If you land one W on her in teamfights, she dies. She can kite you into oblivion and deal true damage to you. Like Hecarim, try to counter gank her early and shut her down before she can get started. I'm not sure what they were thinking in the Riot meth lab with this champ.”
BradJr says “You can win against Lillia in an even fight if you play right. Despite that, a fed Lillia can 1v9 your team if played right. (clone rating 3/10)”
VrNtv says “You outscale, make sure to not get hit by her abilities before engaging on her or she can press R and sleep you, allowing her whole team to punch you. If she does get her sleep off, you can ult yourself over a wall to run before the sleep activates.”
ttvRegedice says “Lillia is free-pickings early game but can become an insane threat later. She stacks armor very well and even if you fight her early can run away with her passive if you don't play for root. Make sure to keep tabs on her item spikes as her powerspikes change how you approach the 1v1 (watching for zhonya, etc.). Make sure to shut her down when the opportunity reveals itself and play for empW when she R's. Otherwise she'll have an easy time carrying.”
Hazardist says “A tough matchup due to her high mobility. You will have to play this one carefully specially if Lilia is ahead, and try focusing on the rest of her team first unless you can land a point blank Dark Binding.”
MaaaRaaG says “She has twice your number of legs, that's why she's twice as fast to gank lines. Your teammates won't understand this simple fact and flame you. They might even use the bait ping on you: mute them, keep calm and pray.
Whatever you do, don't try to Q her when a teammate is around: you'll miss and this will result in only more pings.
Also for some reason she also clears jungle twice as fast, yet she only has two arms. ”
Virizion says “Current lillia is just not fun for you. To much MS to stick onto. Has amazing teamfighting ability with her Ultimate. Make sure that if you want to fight her the ult and e are on cd and you can get a jump on her. ”
Purecactus says “Lillia should lose every game against Kindred. Kindred's kit is basically a nightmare for Lillia since you can kite out her Q, W and E making you avoid her R better and therefore you can burst her down easily. If she happens to R you and the enemies proceed to burst you, then you can rely on your R and make your way out of there. ”
King Nyash says “very annoying hate to play against her
dont let her get ahead or your whole team will suffer
Maw is a must you can also look to build force of Nature or Spirit Visage”
Intropingman says “She deals magic + true %max hp damage, you never 1vs1 her, later it's also hard to catch her, she can snowball and has fast jg clears. Somebody from your teammates must have enough damage to burst her. Btw you can avoid her R sleep by using your own R unstoppable effect, but she still burns you.”
sepey says “Lillia is awful. That's not a new thing, she has a great CC range and damage that could obliterate us with ease. The damage and CC is a major threat to us. But we can dodge her with our "Awakened E". Watch out for teamfights with Lillia, she can kill us easily if her team helps.”
Majd1 says “Lilia is very weak against Nidalee. She is a melee champion with no 'real' gap close ability. Therefore you can kite her with your auto attacks and finish her off with your cougar form. Make sure to establish a lead in the early game because that is when she is at her weakest.”
1Strike says “It's fine matchup for you unless she gets fed in which case you can't catch her while she breaks you. The good thing is you win 1v1's pretty easily early on and with lethality builds you can blow her up.
Smudey says “Go for short trades since she wins long range with her passive and has a lot of range and speed so only go for empowered Q trades (only 1 or 2 because she might outrun you and chasing her isn't worth).”
Disdainful says “You get outscaled and it's not that easy to kill her early on without help. You can for sure stand your ground in the first half of the game”
checca says “Lillia seems like the biggest threat against Zac on paper, as she has some of the highest movement speed in the game. Later in the game, you'll be able to almost chain CC her and kill her post-level 6. Only engage on Lillia with Q1 or Q2 CC; do not risk casting E and missing it, as you will die if you do this. Be careful of her items, as her first three items (e.g. Riftmaker, Demonic, Liandries) are all counters to Zac no matter the game state.”
basrty1p says “Depending on how much on your skill level. Avoid her skill at all cost since she can make your team sleep just press R in late game but early game, she's so weak to against the other lane. And her E is so easy to dodge. She need her team to set up teamfight for her R. Using this advantage to punish her in every gank.”
lovicoaching says “Same thing as Kayn, when it's a hard game vs it it's less hard than vs Kayn. Champ is annoying though and also likes to cheese. As long as you don't get cheesed you should be fine.
Remember to ward raptors level 1 against these cheesing champs like Kayn Lillia Rammus ... Probably you get your clear off and then hopefully a scuttle. Should be a fine game for you if you got clear + scuttle. ”
Boptimus says “Lillia is incredibly hard to interact with. Her movement speed and Q poke is very threatening. Stack as much MR as you can get away with and look for cheese if she is getting too close to your Turret.
A good Q3/W combo into R will kill her under your tower.”
Davecraft16 says “Just play around invades and counterganks to destroy her. If she is ahead she can be a problem, so just destroy her before she even tries to get ahead.”
Heca diffs says “[12.23] Lillia is a fairly even matchup. Whoever gets fed probably wins, but if both are fed Hecarim will win.
Tip: Make sure to ult when you're about to fall asleep to cancel the sleeping effect”
Whasian says “The games I have played against her has been a cake walk but I also don't have enough games against her to really see where she truly lies.”
NegativePhoenix says “Best at just Q poking and running and since it builds up MS for her to land hits it's harder to actually hit her back. Her passive also does max health damage, so she scales enough that she can beat you with it in most fights. You'll have to All-Out her when you know she can't escape. W her sleep if she uses her ult and just try to play around tower in the mean itme”
Rotieh654 says “Muita mobilidade para te tirar do seu W e te caitar, dano geralmente baseado na vida máxima, além de ser mais difícil de prende-la com o seu E quando está com a velocidade do Q, além de ter dano verdadeiro considerável, recomendo lutar contra ela acompanhado de alguém que possa debilitar a velocidade da Lilia, ou aumentar a sua velocidade, e se for sozinho, garanta que suabuild possa compensar sua velocidade menor (ímpeto gradual, fantasma e quimiotanque por exemplo), e guarde seu W para quando a Lília estiver com a mobilidade debilitada, ou presa por habilidades como o E do veigar ou o R do Thresh ”
Merisoka says “I don't find Lillia to be an issue in lower-elo. I would try to one-shot her before she can sleep your entire team. PLEASE AVOID THE SLEEP!!! It's so annoying.”
RedNBlue says “A higher 3, just make sure she doesn't do anything funky and kill you and your whole team without you hitting a cleaver.
To kill her, hit a bunch of cleavers, press R, and run at her as fast as possible. She will be easy to kill and out gun early game, as she isn't the best at that time. Don't let her outrun you though. Don't let her get a space where you can't use E or w.”
ErniBurni says “Abuse sie early oder du wirst sie nie wieder töten können. Empfehle sogar da W Evolve first, damit sie nicht weghopst wie ein psychopath”
RaidenKaos says “Generally easy unless she is a strong meta pick. She is quite squishy until Zhonya's and is effectively a melee champ so landing a combo is not too difficult if she is also going in for a play. You can E just before her R sleep to flip away, stopping just above the landing destination where any command actually works as if you landed. This allows you to play aggressive to bait her R and either get away or bait her into you for a melee fight.”
MythicalMinute says “Dussy go brrrr.
She can be a huge threat to you due to her build and passive constantly dotting you in fights, you can dodge her sleep with your ult if you use it before the projectile hits you (yes her ult is a projectile which can be blocked by Yasuo wall)
She will always perform better in teamfights than you but you can zone her from any objective using boxes really.
AP is good here but it's lillia favoured.”
RengarNBush says “Make sure she doesn't get to clear your jg in addition to hers and you should beat her. Can build tanky. You jump on her and dodge her qs true dmg, your e is really good vs her, and you can cleanse her R so try to do that.”
Unfortunate 7 says “This mf thing is impossible to phantom barrel bc its so fast and she has more range on her aa than ur FUCKING Q WHY DOES THIS THING HAVE RANGED ATTACKS”
spuki97 says “You are not able to chase her and she always knows your position in invisibility due to her poison. Try to make plays on the other side of the map. Best build: All”
PiscesPomf says “Lilia is pretty strong right now, but the main problem is her movement speed that allows her to dodge everything. Rylai's is mandatory in this match up. Blue smite her when you can.”
Agzer says “Hard matchup if she gains some early lead. She has a faster clear and she will be everywhere before you. Keep the tempo, farm, and mid/late game is yours. Run merc treads for sure.
Kao_Oak says “Unbearable champ. She is faster than you, she deals tons of damage (burst + dps with her passive), she has cc and she is tanky. You can try to dodge her R by using your Q just before getting asleep, and soak her Q and W with your W. However if you can stick on her you will shred her like she's bambi's mother.”
Cheeseypops1 says “Lillia is a very big pest and can kite you easily but once you hit 6 if you have ghost you should be able to just catch her and kill her early game is a snooze fest though, unless you can hit her with E's”
MaximusWillCarry says “High damage, High mobility, she got nerfed so nobody plays her anymore but I got PTSD from past true damage 900 movement speed game winning CC times.”
Der Bestimmer says “If she does not get a lead early on, you can counter her with my Phase Rush / Chemtank Build and maybe Ghost as a Summoner.
But if she gets ahead early on, she dances around you until you die....”
Yuki H. says “Lillia has high mobility and lots of % max hp damage. In the early game, she is more like a fly on the wall that you try to lock your abilities onto.
She outperforms you in clear speed, mobility, and damage, so look to only fight her by Qing to an enemy and autoattacking to guarantee cc before jumping on her. If you miss your jump, just try to retreat if possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Post 6, fighting Lillia alone could be difficult as she can use her Ultimate Lilting Lullaby(R) to protect herself or turn around the exchange. Avoid committing to fights unless you are certain you can kill her quickly. Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map early will force her to overextend for the farm which you can abuse to all-in her or set up your Jungler. Look out for Lillia’s build. She has a very versatile build path and will build lots of different items. Keep this in mind and buy items that counter her build.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Post 6, fighting Lillia alone could be difficult as she can use her Ultimate Lilting Lullaby(R) to protect herself or turn around the exchange. Avoid committing to fights unless you are certain you can kill her quickly. Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map early will force her to overextend for the farm which you can abuse to all-in her or set up your Jungler. Look out for Lillia’s build. She has a very versatile build path and will build lots of different items. Keep this in mind and buy items that counter her build.”
Aenimatora says “She is fast, unhittable and does build nowadays force of nature as a standarditem, which makes her even faster. Just take rylais and dodge if your team has no reliable hard CC”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Lillia isn’t the strongest early game champion. You can use this to your advantage by invading and trying to fight her if you’re a strong early game champion like Hecarim, Lee Sin or Elise. Post 6, fighting Lillia is going to be harder as her Ultimate Lilting Lullaby(R) can put you to sleep. Unless you can kill her quickly, it will be difficult to win a fight against her unless you’re ahead. Vision will make ganking harder for Lillia, especially post 6. Placing vision around her jungle entrances and in the river will make it very hard for her to find successful ganks.”
Saltu says “Ghost then RUSH AND KILL. many end up screwing up trying to hit you with Q so wait for that and instead of going away go to her and stun her then do damage. or keep trying to leave.
The champ is not that hard to kill it's just that she has her passive plus mage Dot items that counter this and all tank builds. But still not the worst of all devils.”
Hazardist says “Lillia kites you very easily and has %max HP true damage, which translates into one of the hardest matchups for Skarner. You either dodge, or prioritize building magic resistance from early on in the game and playing towards getting your lanes ahead. She's likely to outfarm you either way, and you will almost never beat her in a 1v1.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Lillia isn’t the strongest early game champion. You can use this to your advantage by invading and trying to fight her if you’re a strong early game champion like Hecarim, Lee Sin or Elise. Post 6, fighting Lillia is going to be harder as her Ultimate Lilting Lullaby(R) can put you to sleep. Unless you can kill her quickly, it will be difficult to win a fight against her unless you’re ahead. Vision will make ganking harder for Lillia, especially post 6. Placing vision around her jungle entrances and in the river will make it very hard for her to find successful ganks.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Post 6, fighting Lillia alone could be difficult as she can use her Ultimate to protect herself or turn around the exchange. Avoid committing to fights unless you are certain you can kill her quickly. Keeping the wave closer to your side of the map early will force her to overextend for the farm which you can abuse to all-in her or set up your Jungler. ”
lumihehe says “counters gwen super hard in jungle and toplane, i think this champ might be gwen's cryptonite. literally the most unenjoyable and unwinnable matchup ever, dodge if you see this furry and you already have gwen locked. this matchup is a little bit better after the mini rework, cuz you can actually use your R on her now. still pretty unkillable tho ”
ihydead says “Shes okay to go against but she out damages you slightly be careful when fighting her and avoid her ball for burn damage, if she hits that she will surely go in for you. Avoid that and you are okay”
Darksword255 says “HIGH MOBILITY. she can stop your active/passive W so u have 0 movement speed. Get on top of her holding your Q and mix your E stun and R cc.”
rhvse says “She will kite you, if you apply your E she is dead, remember you can block her Q with your W. After 6 you lose battle. She can easly outplay you.”
Prizum says “Will outfarm you over time, she can kite you really well when her movement speed is stacked and her build path is pretty much a direct counter to Volibear because she will be shredding you with true and % hp damage. Can be a nightmare.”
Nik7857 says “I hate this MU. She will just speedrun clears and take the camps while you gank. The items she builds will counter you and your team. I honestly dont know how to win this matchup.”
ItsAydam says “The reason she's a minor threat and not a tiny one is because of her clear speed. She has a much faster clear speed and can get really annoying to deal with once she's ahead. You can punish her if you invade or counter gank and she'll become a tiny threat.”
Farmer Cleetus says “She will clearly outfight you once she has given the proper ganks and gained kills, she'll potentially outfight you completely by just hitting E and R and then W.”
NegativePhoenix says “Lillia can invade you early game and not be punished if she's fast enough or your team won't rotate for some reason to help. Once she hits 6 the aggression will get worse. I don't recommend fighting her alone. She will normally sleep you and burst you down before you can even react to her. Dash over a wall if your ult form is up if she chases you or tries to sleep you. If she sleeps then flashes over, rush back over the wall if you don't get one shot. Her burn makes it hard to heal properly. Overall every game stage against her will be rough, but not impossible. Play smart around your team when you know sleep is up and you should be fine.”
[Lillia is a champion that's very squishy especially in the earlygame. However, her abilities let her be able to deal enough damage, gain enough movespeed and CC/slow enough to win fights. The only thing is that you outspeed her with your Q. Talking about it, your Q cancels her W dash, avoiding big magic damage, which can be essential before 2 MR items. Her R makes you fall asleep, if you simply R, it cancels the asleep CC, which can produce a surprising effect on Lillia. I still don't recommend on fighting her if she's good, since she'll be able to poke you enough to just win the duel, but you can still try.]
Turbotailz86 says “Just kill her in the most gruesome way you can. I don't like her at all, but don't allow this champion to have their way. Break every bone in this champion body and still hit Q on her corpse to show your dominance. ”
HadesxLH says “Essa sempre foi uma matchup muito itemizavel por parte do viego com itens de RM como limite da razão ou mandibula de malmortius porém duas coisas tornam essa matchup bem mais ou menos que são a mobilidade de lilia que é um pouco dificil de se acompanhar e os buffs que ela recebeu que dao a ela um snowball muito facil, matchup onde eu recomendo saber a hora certa de atacar e recuar pois um erro seu pode custar o jogo, e se possivel leve smite azul, vai te ajudar bastante.”
OfficerVi says “She is very hard to play into during the mid to late game. In teamfights look to save R until she uses her sleep. Then use your R to dodge it.”
SunLongGod says “true damage, can kite you, can make you sleep with her ult (which you can avoid with your Q). make sure to have wits'end to catch up with her. don't wait your time building up Tenacity. It's not going to work, focus on her animation to dodge the ult”
NegativePhoenix says “You outscale her however that won't stop her from invading you early if she feels like she needs to set an example. Once she hits 6, try to get her before she can hit you otherwise most likely she'll sleep you and get her team to gang up on you once you're waking up. Overall though, you pretty much win trades if she doesn't find you first.”
Puddingb00m says “Probably won't invade if you powerfarm towards level 11. If she does respect her after 6. If you miss your w you are dead. After 11 you can almost 1 shot her.”
quinn adc says “This matchup is easy early game.
Your E pushes you outside of her Q range, and your E cancels her W dash.
Use E aggressively in this matchup because it pushes you outside of her Q range. If she Qs during your E, she can hit you at the sweet spot if she times it right, but if you E during her Q, you can dodge her sweet spot. The best bet is to E first so that she can't get the chance to hit you with the edge of her Q.
Pre 6 play super aggro because you hard win.
Post 6, if you get tagged by any ability then she can put you to sleep. Run cleanse if youre afraid of post 6, otherwise just try not to be low when she has R.
She cant 100-0 you, but her R is perfect for gank set up.
Ideally, do not push up in this matchup post 6 if you dont know where enemy JG is. If enemy JG is far away, you can push up because her sleep isn't enough to 1 shot you with null-orb.”
Sammystinky says “I don't like Lillia. The Liandry's hurts. She is too fast to E unless she runs into it and can run circles around you. You out gank her well early tho. My most common 12.16 ban. ”
RLluka says “ Hard to get onto her once she has boots also difficult to itemise against due to the ammount of true dmg.
Scales better than you is tanky + faster than you and hard to itemise against = gg if behind”
Shro says “Lillia's mobility and her true damage make her very hard to handle. Rylai's is needed into Lillia, there is no other way to deal with her insane movement speed, even within your ult. I should note that if you use the SPEED-KILLER build, you shouldn't have any issue at all with Lillia.”
ZookeeperOCE says “Surprisingly hard matchup she can do alot of damage to you and with liandry she can kite you really easily and has alot of damage and cc. But this can be fixed with an early maw and fleet footwork to not get kited ”
Boptimus says “Mostly just an extremely annoying lane. You should be able to sustain through her early poke and CS. I wouldn't try fighting her because her permanent 600MS makes her pretty hard to hit.
She can be cheesed infront of your tower if she gets too cocky, and it becomes easier once you've completed Everfrost.”
GrayJinxed says “Her swing (Q) increases Lillia's movement speed and with the small cooldown, she can easily catch up with you. Slow her with your E to avoid another Q by Lillia and use your Q to avoid Lillia's rolling ball (E).
If she ults (R) you try and ult as late as possible to keep Lillia from one-shotting you with her BONK (W). ”
TheKingUltra says “Wont stop running around you, if she is a good player, you wont hit one single ability, trap her if possible with help of brushes and your jungler.”
ioprocessing says “She can dodge your E with ease and is a gigantic teamfight threat, and will run circles around you if you even attempt trying to fight her. Unlike most of the other threats, she is really squishy, so even just raw ulting can get her killed. You may have to use flash into their team to ult her because of her speed, but if you take Phase Rush, you should be able to drag her back to her team before you get locked down.”
YoungTact says “Try not to fight her in open spaces like lanes/river as you will generally get turbo kited. Her clear is also a lot faster than yours so she will try to build a lead by farming jungle camps. Your early ganking is a lot stronger so you should capitalize on this weekpoint. Jungle skirmishes are ideal as she can overstep looking to land Q's. You can also W her W. ”
chakibxd says “Lilia is such a cute champ, she's just running around in early game but she's really not scary. Invade her , dont let her scale or its gonna become way much harder in mid/late game”
Madabc says “Is really easy early-mid game. When she gets zhyonas in the game it becomes a little harder to face. Recommend that you wait to E her and force her zhyonas out if your unable to one shot. ”
Agatrium says “I've fought a Lillia top a handful of times and can honestly say this matchup is pretty awful. She gets so much move speed that you'll never catch her, whilst dealing a lot of damage thanks to her true damage on her Q and her natural % Max HP burn. If she misplays, a kill is obtainable, but very difficult, as she can just hit you with an ability, Ult you, then run. Just farm it up and ask for jungle assistance. ”
Coorowko says “She's faster than you in both clearing and ganking, unless you find a good counter gank or a teammate lands CC on her you'll probably never catch her. Later in the game she remains a pain, I would not recommend a tank build against Lillia as her items and abilities will absolutely shred through your max health, you want to land as much damage as possible on her in a short duration and rely on your team mates to help clean up. ”
Janooobi says “Another miss your Q and you're dead and her clear and movement speed make it very hard to keep up with her ganks, try your best to read where she will be and counter gank.”
Consolo says “Aggravating champ. If she gets near your team just stun her. If you have flash up and you're near your team flash stun her. This champ survives on mobility, and point and click stun counters mobility. She can hard win a teamfight with flash Q R Zhonya's, so be careful with that. Can't beat her at crab without help, she kites us out. Try to push the map forward and invade to take camps.”
Scythe Prince says “you start to lose against her once she builds Zhonya’s Hourglass. Just make other enemies your priority and focus them in the team fight. Don't go Rhaast into this matchup due to her mobility,passive and her kit she can melt tanks and negating healing.”
Afstand says “She's extremely fast so it's difficult to combo her into being cc'd. Be careful if attempting to chase her because she will out damage and outrun you.”
Tiger-Moose says “Ankles? You won't remember what those are anymore after your new fawn mistress is done with you. She is incredibly wily and has a strong ult. Remember that your ult makes you unstoppable, meaning you cannot be put to sleep while doing it.”
Zero macro says “Fast clear speed / Strong early with massive movement speed. ( She can litteraly walk outside our Q and W whenever she wants on full stacks and still reach us. (Breaker of our Disengage).”
Elekktro says “Lillia has become a more difficult matchup now that Viego's W is even harder to hit. Lillia can run circles around you but if you manage to stun her you can kill her.”
sonminh says “Difficult to catch her. 1v1 early game is not that hard. Play back to front later in the game, people will focus on your teammates that get hit by ult.”
Alchemilla says “She can outrun you pretty well, either in the jungle or top, this is a tricky match-up, my suggestion is no to fight with her and wait for your jungler, if you're going jungle, then try to track her down and play around her position in the map.”
J98TheGreat says “She is fast, she can be very annoying, and putting you to sleep can hurt your team. Play around it, but know that she has that big advantage. Also expect her to steal camps, so act accordingly. Your Bellows Breath (W) can stop her drowsy from putting you to sleep.”
Ghionova says “Outspeeds you in every second of the game. Just ward her jungle and check her routes. IF youre hyperfed you can allow to challenge her. ”
NMFO says “Slightly lilia-favored. Your Q and E slows help a lot, but still she can kite you very well. You cannot stop the R as far as I'm aware, but with your E and R you can help your team burst her down, ideally. ”
OnslaughtOfPwnys says “A better version of your self, Lillia will destroy your game if she gets infront with 2-3 kills. Avoid fighting her because she can catch up to you easily.”
Brosinex says “Honestamente, odio cómo reelaboraron a Lillia. Ella solía ser un personaje bastante divertido en general y no era molesta. Ahora hace mucho daño, puede hacer CC a todo tu equipo, tiene mucha EM y se cura mucho. Si ella no tiene una habilidad definitiva y tú la tienes, puedes ganar el 1 contra 1 siempre que ella no te saque a patadas.”
Da Mastah says “You can beat her 1v1 at all points in the game, as long as she doesn't have all of her q stacks up. She's very weak to early invades, and is very easy to deal with if your going lethality yi or wits end. In 1v1s make sure to get the jump on her and use q to dodge her q to stop her form kiting you out. It is possible to dodge her ult with q but it is very hard. Taking exhaust in this matchup is a viable option.”
The Elysian1 says “She is off - meta most of the times , but a good lead on her is enough. She will chace you down till you burn to death. Try oneshoting her when you have eclipse and just outscale her when powerfarming. She is more of even - minor threat but her Ultimate is strong so it's a big threat for you and your teammates.
KafueLechwe says “Lillia is one of the strongest counters to Sion jungle. Her burn, itemization, and mobility makes her impossible to deal with. I recommend banning her or Trundle as Sion.”
Citric says “Lillia is extremely annoying to play against because she farms just as fast as you and ganks better. If you run into her 1v1, she will most likely out-duel you because of her kiting abilities. It will be hard to land any damage on to her unless she is crowd controlled.”
Pullks says “Very mobile and difficult to lockdown. Her ultimate generally gets you killed or will cancel your ultimate. She also outclears you and likes to steal camps. ”
Pusi Puu says “Early game fights are free for you. Hitting your e on her is a must do because you can't follow up otherwise. Its hard to fight her later on since she wants to stack armour as fast as possible. Don't get kited around out of bushes. ”
LambWolf says “Lillia is weak in early game, you can catch her easily with red buff/ your e. She can't do match about you early on. Watch out for her ult, because she can deal quite bit of damage with that.”
SnowballBarrage says “Her tempo is almost karthus tier it's just insane, I used to think going AP saves you in this matchup but if you're in high elo it's perma ban level.
NixLychee says “Pretty simple matchup for you, make sure to not get slept. You can kick her away from your team, and she will have to run back up, giving your team a few seconds to prepare. Extremely squishy in the early game, with middling damage, with a large area of effect.”
Veralion says “Deer lady go zoom. Don't even try to catch this champion by running up to it. You will get kited and killed effortlessly. She moves at boots of mobility speeds with her Q stacked and you have no tools to keep her still to do damage. Concede early crabs if you don't have priority and can't catch her in a facecheck. Be mindful for her soccer ball whenever you are in a lane, since she can potentially hit you and put you to sleep from her base to turn your gank around. Once you get your ult, remember that you have one chance to kill her with your R-E. Don't chase her if she survives; think of it as a 4-legged Singed. I can't stress enough how uncatchable this obnoxious champion is for Shyvana. In a fight, you need someone on your team to keep her still for you or you will probably just miss your abilities with how fast she prances around like a jackass. That model also goes all over the place when her Q is maxed too, making it tougher to judge where her hitbox is. The good news is the champion is nearly impossible to pilot perfectly and eventually, they will mess up and get caught by CC. Either focus on her team, or wait for CC to land to shoot her dead like Bambi's mother. ”
Doubtfull says “As someone who plays a LOT of Lillia, whenever the enemy team takes me from her, I play Fiddlesticks as a counter pick. Her primary weakness is being lock'd down and bursted, and thats exactly what fiddlesticks does best. Beware her early game shenanigans, though. A good Lillia will invade you early and make your life miserable. ”
nZk01 says “Easy to invade but very hard to beat in teamfights, you can pretty much dodge all her abilties with ult.
Care if you box her E do it on max range or it will hit u.
AP can cuck her pretty hard in river fights with proper box setup”
Arfreezy says “Updated Patch 11.11: Lillia has been nerfed to the ground and is one of the worst junglers atm. You can easily destroy her by taking Blue Smite, ignite, and other aggressive tech options like Galeforce.”
LukaBre123 says “Lillia is a champion that strongly relies on her mobility and if used well can dodge any ability. Unless you ambush her you can't catch the deer.”
Tormentula says “Lillia is weak early game, super squishy most of the game, but if she has full movement speed stacks and Mercury's Treads, it can be pretty difficult actually catching her to kill her. I recommend catching her as she checks a bush, or if she slows herself using W, otherwise if she dodges Cocoon with her fast speed, she can hit and run with Q, put you to sleep, then kill you. ”
Whynotbefriends says “A very even matchup. This matchup shows the importance of practicing your clear, if you're able to match her in early pace you should have little problem.”
carlru says “If you can hit your knock-up (Q3) on her she is dead meat.
Her speed is annoying though, so try to hold on to your E for as long as possible.”
Insightful says “Very hard matchup, she outfarms you, easily kites you, outscales you, does true damage, really hard to play out, focus on getting your lanes ahead
AvidPanda says “You outscale, make sure to not get hit by her abilities before engaging on her or she can press R and sleep you, allowing her whole team to punch you. If she does get her sleep off, you can ult yourself over a wall to run before the sleep activates.”
Very Rxre says “you can never kill her, too fast and also outscales you insanely hard. can't invade really since her movespeed and u can't punish her for shitty early game. ”
NamaeWaMitsurii says “The deer is very fast. Treat her like a Hecarim-Shaco Hybrid. Her Ult can completely disable your team and burn everyone. Quite dangerous and can get from across the map very fast. Her % HP damage burns alot. Build Magic Resist.”
Kayncer says “Can kite you a lot, must make sure to build the Tank build here, she scales aswell but can poke you a lot until full engage, you should invade her as much as possible while she farms”
Coorowko says “Incredible movement and ridiculous dots, Lillia clears incredibly fast and counter jungles extremely well. If you play fights right she goes down easy, but more often than not she escapes. Just try keep track of where she is or will be and play to counter her jungling. ”
Karasmai says “The reason she falls under the hard category is because She can itemize to counter Blue while also having movement speed which counters Rhaast. So theres no real counter to her + she paths very fast. The way i typically beat lilia is by ganking and forcing teamfights, She usually cannot play the game if i get my form early and i either Force on her with blue or force objectives/ganks with red.”
MexBookMaster says “Juega Shadow Assassin (Azul) debido a que la mejor arma de Lillia es la movilidad, farmear mucho y su R que te duerme. SA tiene excelente movilidad, farmea igual de bien que Lillia y si ella usa la R para dormite tu utiliza tu R en cualquier enemigo y le anularás el efecto. ”
BullwhipGriffin says “Lillia is pretty easy to 1v1 early game or at any point of the game but what makes it hard to end games is she is so fast and mobile that she can get away with little effort and also clear her jungle faster than you then outlevel you”
gankyourgrandma says “You outscale, make sure to not get hit by her abilities before engaging on her or she can press R and sleep you, allowing her whole team to punch you. If she does get her sleep off, you can ult yourself over a wall to run before the sleep activates.”
ak521 says “She kites you insanely well and does true damage. Her main source of burst is her W, which is the circle, HOWEVER, if she is CC'd, then the ability fails AND it goes on cooldown! So Q her when she tries W'ing you. She also falls off late, and her ganks are generally weak. Both are good for you!”
Insightful says “lilia can clear the jungle fast, has true damage and scales really well. you don't win early and you probably can't even kill her without your ulti since she can just kite away. very hard matchup”
izzlelol says “Honestly I hate how they reworked lillia. She used to be a pretty fun character over all and wasn't annoying. Now she does a ton of damage, can CC your whole entire team, has a lot of MS, and heals for a lot. If she doesn't have ult up and you do you can win the 1v1 as long as she doesn't kite you out.”
Lambda Diana says “She likes to full clear her ult was nerfed so its not as strong but will out scale. If you can get on her and stay on her you will her she doesn't win melee fights very well use your ult for a slow too and keep her in melee range. Try to end early. She also clears faster then you once shes gets some items. ”
ItsSkoob says “The new Lillia adjustments have made her a stronger dueler as well as kite-ability. Her prance stacks last longer meaning she can get away easier. She also outfarms you by a mile. Post level 6 the best counter is to time your ult perfectly to cancel hers.”
SketchtheHunter says “One thing Mord does really well against is other farming AP junglers. The lack of CC and minimal damage early on is a dream for Mord, and once your ahead, their stolen AP can make you hit harder than you already did. She'll try to kite you but as long as you use your E to drag her in and blue smite her, you should be clear to kill her. ”
FrostForest says “She has no dash so she can get trapped in your ultimate later in the game. She farms faster then you and wins early skirmishes if she dodges your combo.”
Irmike78 says “Lillia has to be in Gwen's E to hit Gwen. Also, lilia R will not affect Gwen while in W (from what I'm aware of). A full stack Lillia will kite Gwen hard and leaves the fight to whether Gwen can predict a Q or auto's Lillia to death. A good Lillia will be able to beat Gwen in nearly all encounters. ”
Gedrah says “Lillia has a lot of mobility. It can be hard to lend a spell on her. Fight her only if you have a melee champion by your side to help you apply permafrost.”
RichMrFork says “Lillia is extremely dysfunctional in soloqueue. She can clear fast but her gank threat is quite low and most of her power is gatekeeped behind her ultimate which is team reliant. It's hard to kill her due to her movement speed but it's also difficult for her to kill you so you're free to scale and run over the game.”
Kayn Mains says “Lillia beats you pre-reset. Do not fight her before you’ve gotten your first trip back to base.
Once you get your Tiamat/Blue Smite powerspike you're free to fight her. However, you start to lose against her again once she builds some tank items such as Zhonya’s Hourglass or Deadman’s Plate. Lillia has massive mobility and is therefore capable of kiting you very well, so don't even try to go for her unless she's behind. Just make other enemies your priority and focus on them.
It is not recommended to go Rhaast into this matchup due to her superior mobility and passive. Its max HP % damage is basically made for melting tanks and negating healing.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Pretty simple matchup for you, make sure to not get slept, and, like vs Darius, try to be on the inner part of her Q to avoid the bonus true damage. She hard outscales and outfarms you, so try to build a lead early or risk throwing the game.
metalhydra273 says “Lillia is a nuisance. She can easily dance around you if you miss your e or punish you with sleep threats. In teamfights she should be considered a primary target as killing her off before she ults gives your team a huge advantage. You may have to burn flash to do this however, as she can react sleep you by landing an ability as you get close (if you can even do that that is). Even still, she may be tanky enough to survive and counter engage. I often find that Lillia dominates this matchup, even being generally harder than Olaf despit Olaf's 1v1 dominance, which is the main reason he's over her.”
LilPaniniUwU says “Lillia beats you pre-reset. Do not fight her before you’ve gotten your first trip back to base. Once you get your Tiamat/Blue Smite powerspike you're free to fight her. However, you start to lose against her again once she builds some tank items such as Zhonya’s Hourglass or Deadman’s Plate. Lillia has massive mobility and is therefore capable of kiting you very well, so don't even try to go for her unless she's behind. Just make other enemies your priority and focus on them. It is not recommended to go Rhaast into this matchup due to her superior mobility and passive. Its max HP % damage is basically made for melting tanks and negating healing.
PulseBeat_02 says “Her mobility makes it hard for you to hit your binding on her, but she is useless when rooted. If she tries to use her ultimate on you, Black Shield yourself so you don't become asleep. Your ultimate will take away her mobility and make you faster, allowing you to catch up with her.”
auileta says “You out-scale her, but getting hit by her abilities likely means that she will ult you and make you fall asleep. Your ult, however, is a good way to escape.”
Gooooooby says “This matchup is heavily skilled favored. Lillias biggest weakness are champions which can instant burst such as Shaco. Shaco is basically always able ton oneshot Lillia. Although, lillia is able to R you and 99% of the time you will die. Her R IS AVOIDABLE if you are good with your R timing. If you can perfect this, the matchup is even to minor. ”
Eagzey says “Will probably always full clear so charge at her! She can become more annoying though with Liandry/Demonic tick damage (kinda like Karthus) so be a bit care when going in mid-late game.”
Rasta Rengar says “Go hailblade and magic resist/movement speed versus Lillia, otherwise she will be too fast for you to keep up. Dodge her ball to avoid slow and W before her ult triggers if it's already stacked so you can take incoming damage during the stun.”
MrMeem45 says “Literally the most annoying champion in the game. She clears faster than you, kites better than you, deals more damage than you and you have no hard CC so good fucking luck trying to pin her down.”
Doubtfull says “Relatively easy match up. Be careful not to get hit by her E's. If she lands an ult on you it can be dangerous. Daisy slow's mess her up.”
PK Noob says “As fast and annoying she can be, she's still squishy. Use your range to your full advantage and burst her. If she ults you, you can also ult to force her to back off.”
SoSheolH says “You can't chase her and she builds percentage HP damage, and she can CC more people than you in a teamfight, but that's only because of her ult. Just focus her in fights and make sure she doesn't get it off, or at least not on too many people.”
GuillaumeP84 says “Pretty easy matchup. Try to invade early, you win early fights if she doesn't have to much passive stacks. Level 6, you can outplay her by dodging her ult with your ult. When she will get zawnia, that will be more difficult to kill her but still possible.”
Caled says “Lillia is scary because of the fact that you can’t kill her pre form. Her fast clear mixed with her ability to just dodge everything with her fast movement speed allow her to dodge your Blade’s Reach (W) and can prevent you from locking her down. Going Shadow Assassin, getting on her can be very troublesome when one-shotting mixed with the fact that she can also easily build Zhonya’s Hourglass. Ideally, when playing Kayn, you want to play around teamfights and try matching her farm as much as possible.”
litecrunch says “Lilia is really annoying to play against. Her ganks and stick potential are really strong, and you will not even be able to get in auto attack range of her and have a really hard time landing your E's. Do your best to secure objectives and get your team ahead so that she won't be as annoying later on.”
liserith says “Lillia is not a problem for you. She cannot duel you at any point in the game, even if she solo ults you, you can still save yourself with your ult. Your E nullifies her speed and your damage obliterates her. ”
Gumipapucs says “Can be a nuisance and can definetly kill you, and combo her ult with your ult, but you can abuse her early game, and kite her later aswell. In my games against Lilia, i mostly farmed her alongside camps and won. But maybe i did not meet really good Lilia players. In lategame you can 3 shot her.”
KeyTheMonolith says “Lillia is incredibly annoying for both red and blue kayn because of her poke and burst damage but if going blue kayn get your w q aa off and then make sure to ult her ult then continue the fight as her ults the only thing that really stops you.”
chevy the sloot says “She's pretty squishy unless she's stacking MR. She likes your raptors so ward them. At 6 you should be able to kill her. Banshee and hourglass are nice here for her R.”
lemurs0cks says “Make sure to root Lillia as fast as possible and avoid getting hit by her Q, don't try to 1v1 her early unless you encounter her when she's already low. ”
ShatteredMinds says “Udyr's biggest advantage is his high mobility, so when champions have even higher mobility than you, they are definitely a threat.”
Snadr says “If Lillia is a experienced and fed player she can kite and do some work against you with Liandry's, however you can catch her at all times with you q.”
Kayn_Is_Cracked says “You counter Lillia. If you go red, she'll be way too fast to catch but you can still kill her if you land the W, if you go Blue you just destroy her”
Traktorspor says “Can easily kite you and shes hard to chase. but just get on top of hear quick with prowler and she dies pretty quick, use your R to dodge her sleep.”
Piss_Gaming says “RUSH T2 BOOTS. Not a lot of Shaco players rush upgraded boots, but if you buy Boots of Swiftness (or Sorcerers Boots) after Serrated Dirk, you will usually shut this champion down entirely before she's able to scale into anything scary.
The alternate strategy is to make her go 0/7 without a hard-winning, damage heavy laner for the late game. ”
Bel37 says “Personally she isn't much of a threat. she is just a little slippery to kill due to her movement speed. If you catch her without ult and no stacks from her q its a free kill.”
lolX9J says “Decent matchup, will always know whos the real Shaco due to her passive.
Her Ult cant be dodged aswell.
try running her down after u got stridebreaker.
Going QSS might be an idea so she is compeletly defensless after ulting you.”
sonminh says “Difficult to catch her. 1v1 early game is not that hard. Play back to front later in the game, people will focus on your teammates that get hit by ult.”
Wolf Rengar says “Recommended: Electrocute Rune Page/Build.
Tips: Ward your raptors always because she will look to steal them all the time. Put control in the river to see if she is entering your jungle. Invade a lot and save your empowered W for her ult.
Lilia is easy but you can't let her take your camps.”
Ezio_Auditor says “Skill Matchup Here -
Lillia is extremely hard to land any abilities on, so when you want to force fights, it may be wise to chilling smite her and take sorcery as a secondary tree to stay on top of her. You will proc your passive off of auto-attacks more often than abilities when death realming her. ”
Get Ricked says “Her speed makes it hard to stay on her, if you manage to do so you win the 1v1. Try to catch her when she doesn't have her passive stacked up.”
Cryoptic9 says “Be really carefull at Lilia. Shes basically same as Nidalee but easier. She have an easier clear than nidalee and scale alot better. If you stay even you lost vs her (she kites you like hell). You really need to get ahead of her. Get Blue smite and Mercury Threads. Try to invade her early. Basically if you are not really good at Nidalee you cant deal with Lillia.”
G Spot God says “She's one of the best kiters in the game. That being said, you are super fast as well, for her to really do damage to you she will have to W into your range. That is your opportunity to E stun her/ R her.”
DarkAuraLOL says “she has almost same clear as you, but she loses more health, also shes really weak early in 1v1's , so try to invade and steal her camps, fight her early for first blood or some orbs, fight her for camps, try to take 2 scuttles, you'll get an early form in this matchup so you'll be fine, you'll eventually one shot her on blue form too and be really ahead , you can ult her ult, actually a nice matchup .”
EvoNinja7 says “She is not really your typical mage, since she has insane movement speed which means she can kite you. Once she gets her Liandris you're in trouble if you can't reach her. try to ambush her with your E and then stun her with your W.”
DarkAuraLOL says “she has almost same clear as you, but she loses more health, also shes really weak early in 1v1's , so try to invade and steal her camps, fight her early for first blood or some orbs, fight her for camps, try to take 2 scuttles, you'll get an early form in this matchup so you'll be fine, you'll eventually one shot her on blue form too and be really ahead , you can ult her ult, actually a nice matchup .”
C7 Lord Pingu says “Pain in the ass champion. She's not even that strong. She can decimate your team if they sleep on her. If you land your stun you win just about every fight. Early merc treads will make this a lot nicer to play against post 6. If you miss stun you should really not bother trying to chase because she out runs you and you lose a lot of damage.”
theDoctor_13 says “#1 threat IMO. She clears REALLY fast and is really hard to stick to, making you unable to stop her. Also, she does %hp damage all day, which is killer.”
KaynPlayer814 says “You win the 1v1s pre 6, because you can dodge her Abilities with your Q and you have more damage then her. You both have a fast clear in the early game. After Level 6 you can block her Ult with your Ult. Its a really easy matchup for you. Both forms are really good against her.”
Hidon1 says “Lillia is a very easy match up for you. She ca not hurt you in a 1v1, but make sure she does not late invade you on the raptors. In order to stop her from doing it you can start W and go raptors yourself since you can oneshot the camp with smite. This match up is super easy for you (Better ganks, Winning 1v1 match up).”
Schadenfreude says “She will outkite you, and she will slowly shred you if you can't catch her. One of the rare cases where I would take blue smite. Try not to let her get ahead and make sure to use any leads you get. ”
Watsonthe8th says “i hate lillia she kite the hell out of everything. you either kill her in one rotation of spells or back off. If you dont do that you die to her running you down. late game she can be easy prey but thats not what shes worried about.”
Karthus man says “Lilia will do a lot of damage only if she is fed. You just need to out farm her and don't let her get fed and you will be fine. Make sure to get a zhonyas for her ult.”
Maile says “She is actually VERY annoying to play against. If you do find her in her jungle, she can just run with 60202384 MS away from you. Her damage early is something you should also be careful because if she lands her W on the center you lose 200 health for no reason. Aim to get level 6 before her and skirmish with your strong side lanes. ”
CalicoCactus says “She can be pretty annoying as she builds AP and has true damage, as well as a lot of kiting power due to her passive. Save your CC for when it counts and try to stay on her, as typically she cant do much in melee range and relies on keeping a distance to play by her rules.”
ogilabadabahamdala says “she is a pretty hard matchup because of her speed and its hard to catch her with your q. She can also dodge your explode from the e because of her speed. What you can do is throw daisy and let daisy be at the front and you at the back.”
KevinThyAsian says “Haven't played against her that much but the times i did, i won. She has a lot of cc in later stages of the game but is really easy to kite as long as she doesnt stack up her Q. She seems underwhelming to versus and play rn but has potential to become a threat when her w range is buffed or something.”
Minase says “This champ can be really obnoxious especially if she gets ahead, but you can pretty much one-shot her at every stage of the game unless you get super behind.”
BoyWonder00 says “Will farm a lot early game, and once she is level 6 she can have a teamwide sleep. You can 1v1 her early game because she doesn't have CC until 6. Scales well though, so be careful later in the game.”
Holessando says “You just destroy her. No worries here, Lillia is an easy matchup, you win vs her all times, she has almost no chance to kill you. Invade and take her camps, you can't lose vs her.”
metalhydra273 says “Her speed and sometimes, additional tankiness makes it hard to lock her down AND finish her off. The threat of her ult looms large and she will be prancing around faster than you might be able to keep up. Look to ult her and pick her off before she gets everyone napping, but it will be difficult to get in without getting ulted and nuked. Even if you beat her 1v1, good luck finishing her off before she scrambles away.”
DemacianStandard says “Free invades without counterplay. Just use an Oracle Lens while doing so. Play around their early game and invade if they attempt a gank. ”
chasemyman1 says “Really easy matchup go into her jungle early and insta kill her. However if she gets ahead shes tough to kill. Brush waiting at her red or blue is a great way for an easy kill or atleast a flash. You can also Rappel her ultimate.”
FrickLillie says “Really easy 1v1 win for you if she has no ult. However if she has ult or you miss your stun you are screwed, she will stack her passive and kite you to death, and, unlike normal amumu, you aren't tanky enough to deal with it”
Stiwy says “She is really really fast thanks to the passive of her Q so try to land your skillshots only if you are sure you can hit her (for example, if she is stunned).
Don't try to dive Lillia after 6 or her ult can block you in weird positions.
You can try to E her when she goes to autoattack minions but probably she will just run away
Buying an early spectre's cowl is good vs lilia.”
Xeldom says “Favorable match-up. She''s very easy to snowball off of for the most part just make sure you're fighting in a bush otherwise she will kite you out or you use your root on her. Mirror her early jungle path so you could match all of her ganks.”
MattB040 says “Being slept is a death sentence. Make her irrelevant ASAP with early ganks and invades to prevent her from snowballing. Her speed also lets her easily dodge spears if she has 2 brain cells.”
AWierdShoe says “Lillia can be very annoying due to her extreme MS and her AP/True damage, and it's hard to stick on her effectively even with phase rush. Don't underestimate her early game damage, and try not to get hit by any of her abilities as this gives her an opportunity to sleep you with her R. ”
DarkArbalist613 says “She is very fast and does a lot of dmg. So Kiting her is pretty hard. To beat her just invade and kill her because if she is ahead she becomes very problematic.”
Zailent says “As shadow assasin she doesn't have much chances to survive your burst, but if she does, use blue smite and back off a little so she wont hit her q or w. As rhaast though, youre gonna have problems with her, since her ultimate can even one shot your 2/3 hp when you have 2 items. Suggesting shadow asssasin against her (obviously).”
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