As a Support 48.82% Win Rate52% Pick RateSwain As a Support Counters: 25 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Swain as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
mUI0g says âThe only support that should pose no threat to Xerath. You outrange him and he has low mobility. If you get hit by his E however.... that's due to your poor positioning.â
Aerenax says âSwain is really painful to play against. He pulls you in with his E or any CC that is in your lane, after that he oneshots you and you have a hard time oneshotting him.â
zSharpFire says âJust a big dummy. You have really high damage early game, so you can easily poke him out, just ALWAYS keep an eye for his E. Always take comet and scorch against this matchup. Probably dark seal also.â
Arctic Arrow says âSwain is a major threat due to his strong sustain and crowd control. His Q (Deathâs Hand) deals significant damage and his W (Vision of Empire) can snare you in team fights.
Avoid standing too close to him to reduce the effectiveness of his crowd control. Engage when his key abilities are on cooldown, particularly after he uses his ultimate (Ravenous Flock) which can drain your health and deal area-of-effect damage.
Be prepared to burst him down quickly if he overextends, and use your crowd control to disrupt his positioning and mitigate his healing.
Anti heal is a must for obvious reasons!â
xpwnz1337 says âAlistar's counter that's super weak & ADC dependant RN. Skill matchup ( ADC skill mostly)
Counterplay: Rush Mercury's Treads. Play around E CD. You can only burst Swain. To escape demon press Q+W after he root you. Antiheal.â
LA COLORADA says âcomplicated if your adc is stupid. save your ignite for his ult and sidestep his W and E. shut him down early on, otherwise he can snowball and be pretty scary.â
IMANOOBOKOWO says âDodge his E with W and run him down, be carefull going all in when he has level 6 though try to be near a wall to stun him with your E or wait for him to waste cooldowns( anti heal is a must for obvious reasons)â
Foxirion says âSwainâs high damage and crowd control can pose a significant threat to Nautilus. His ability to pull Nautilus with his passive can disrupt Nautilusâ engages.â
Foxirion says âSwain's crowd control and sustained damage make him a major threat to Rakan, as he can easily lock down Rakan and deal significant damage over time.â
Velkyann says âYour laning phase against him is not very hard. Just try to dodge his E and if he ults keep him away until it runs out and you are goodâ
MorePierogiVanya says âWhatever you do, don't stand in the backline minions for his claw and always anticipate it. He can turn around an engage, but is fairly weak pre 6.â
Kcmichalson says â[SUP] Swain has a large amount of crowd control aswell as a massive amount of sustain. He's going to be tricky to kill unless your carry is ahead, and if he catches you at a bad time you'll have to burn flash.
Avoid getting hit by his E at long range as it will give him stacks. â
Faz18835 says âif you dont fight inside his ult you should win the match, if you just started Veigar make you that you or support get ignite for all-ins.â
veeixin says âSwain, Swain, Swain... Where do I begin?
A tanky mage that has a pull, along with zoning potential.
Well, first and foremost, keep your distance. I know you want to poke, but Swain is able to pull you in if you're caught off guard.
My word of advice is to wait out his cooldowns, especially his pull, and then engage. Synergy with your ADC is especially key when it comes to battling this behemoth!
If you can communicate and pull off a successful W + E combo, your ADC can follow up and deliver attacks.â
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says âOutscales you, poke him down early. Don't let him hook you, get out of his e, don't engage in his ult. â
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says âNot so hard pre-6. You can get a lead on him at this time, and mess up his scaling. When he ults make sure your whole team backs off [unless he's stupid weak because you beat the feathers out of him pre-6.] It will last for as long as someone is in his range.â
Thefrenchkefta says âReally annoying because of his E and his poke.
His ult is hard to get out of range if you go in so abuse him early if you can, he is really useless if behind.
One good point is that he has no escape except his flash. â
Xintero says âDon't get pulled in and you will be good. Buy anti-heal quick, and make sure to ignite him when he ults. Don't feed him and you will be good.â
quecck says âNot so hard pre-6. You can get a lead on him at this time, and mess up his scaling.
When he ults make sure your whole team backs off. It will last for as long as someone is in his range.â
Aerenax says âSwain is a "support" with a lot of damage, crowd control en healing. When playing against him, getting anti-healing is a near must for either you or your adc. For teamfights: if Swain ults you can slow him with Q or R to create distance and let his ult run out. After that you can freely re-engage. â
Ryecheria says âTypically mage supports have more range and better poke, but you could shield damages from abilities. Make sure to dodge crowd control abilities. If they miss abilities (especially crowd control abilities), look to punish or all-in.
In lane, dodge his E and you can soak damage from his other abilities, mantra e the team to disengage from his ult. Wait for the ult to diminish and the fight. â
mazewalk says âIt is hard to disengage his ultimate because of his E. If you are lucky enough to be far away from him - help your carry with a lantern. During laning phase try baiting his E and Q and punish him for wasting these skills. Thornmail works poorly against swain because he is not an autoattacking character so take Ignite or your AP or AD teammates buy antiheal.â
Shadowcrushers says â
Swain is considered a major match against Soraka for several reasons. Swain's kit and abilities provide him with the tools to effectively neutralize Soraka's healing and sustain, making it difficult for her to fulfill her primary role as a healer. Here's a detailed breakdown of why Swain is a strong pick against Soraka:
Crowstorm (Passive): Swain's passive ability allows him to periodically pull nearby enemies towards him when he deals damage. This is particularly effective against Soraka, as it disrupts her positioning and makes it harder for her to maintain a safe distance from enemies. The constant threat of being pulled in by Swain's passive forces Soraka to be more cautious and limits her ability to position herself optimally to support her team.
Decrepify (Q): Swain's Q ability sends out a wave of demonic energy, damaging enemies and slowing them. This ability helps Swain to poke and harass Soraka, making it harder for her to stay in range to heal her teammates effectively. Additionally, the slow effect can hinder Soraka's mobility, making it easier for Swain to follow up with additional abilities or for his team to engage on Soraka.
Nevermove (W): Swain's W ability unleashes a wave of demonic energy that immobilizes and damages enemies caught within its area of effect. This ability is a powerful crowd control tool against Soraka because it can root her in place, preventing her from using her movement abilities or repositioning effectively. It also sets up Swain's other abilities, allowing him to unleash more damage and potentially secure a kill on Soraka or her allies.
Vision of Empire (E): Swain's E ability sends out a demonic eye that deals damage to enemies in its path and briefly grants vision of the area it passes through. This ability helps Swain to scout for Soraka's position and potentially catch her out of position, making her an easy target for an engage or gank. Additionally, the damage from Vision of Empire can be significant, putting pressure on Soraka and forcing her to use her healing abilities more frequently.
Ravenous Flock (R): Swain's ultimate ability transforms him into a demonic raven, granting him increased health, the ability to drain health from nearby enemies, and dealing damage over time. This ultimate ability is particularly effective against Soraka because it allows Swain to sustain himself in team fights while simultaneously dealing damage to Soraka and her teammates. It also makes it harder for Soraka to outheal the damage being dealt by Swain and his team, effectively neutralizing her healing impact.
Overall, Swain's combination of crowd control, poke, sustained damage, and disruption makes him a major match against Soraka. His abilities counteract Soraka's healing and sustain, limit her mobility, and put pressure on her positioning. By effectively neutralizing Soraka's healing potential, Swain can significantly hinder her ability to support her team and turn team fights in his favor.â
Rebaulten says âVery scary lane. They often out trade you at every points of the game and will depend heavily on your botlane counterpart to stay alive in lane.â
support_diff says âSwain has a good cc and damage and almost never uses auto attacks except in longer trades, there is pretty much nothing you can do against him but play safeâ
jmp_01_ says âAbuse his weakness. Dodge his E and you should win the trade afterwards as long as you hit your Hook. After level 6 he can become dangerous so try to put everything into the early game. Take Glacial Augment.â
support_diff says âSwain is a good support with good cc and damage, but you can E most of his damage. He is also hard to kill when he is in his ultâ
Lunar Empress says âHis root, eye, and Q has much better poke damage than you do. He's also much tankier than you. Go Glacial to avoid getting him to engage on you once he gets ult.â
Afnyc says âswain outranges, but skill shot reliant. him landing e determines trade winner; it lands they win, it misses you can win. bait and dodge his snare to push up. hard to kill in tf's, if not fed ignore, if fed ult for disengageâ
ShacoSupportAP says âIn my opinion Swain is a nightmare (even he isnt that good as a support and not that much picked), especially in low elo. If your adc isnt good, he will get perma hooked by Swain and blame you for picking Shaco Support. When he hits lvl 6 he has almost unlimited sustain.â
Dotje says âThis guy is being played support? Wow! He's not bad though. As a decent Nami player he doesn't feel like a threat. Just juke his grab/pull and stun their adc if anybody gets caught. Or even stun Swain when he walks up too close. Before 6 you can quite easily kill him. After that you can kite him really well.â
Aerenax says âSwain is a "support" with a lot of damage, crowd control en healing. When playing against him, getting anti-healing is a near must for either you or your adc. For teamfights: if swain ults you can knock him away to create distance and let his ult run out. After that you can freely re-engage. â
Cyclic says âDodge his E and this matchup is very easy. Abuse your range and minions to poke for free and you will outvalue him for most of the gameâ
Toches says âHe does a lot of damage prior to level 4 as both support and mage carry botlane
if he lands e he can't pull or you'll stun him
otherwise just stay back and use your stun to get poke dmg, fully disengage when he R, time him out before re-engaging and R'ing.
Consider healcut if he's farming.â
mellorwastaken says âTricky matchup, if hes paired with jhin or something and your adc is a weak early adc, its really hard matchup so look for roams. Dont channel your Q for too long outside bush if his E is up, and look to punish E cd. Post 6 try to bait his R so for example Q him and disengage with E unless you are ahead and you can 100-0 him in his R (bring ignite).
If he wins lane he can really carry their team.â
iveye says âSwain is easy to bully in lane with just dodging his E, but when he has ult it is high risk to jump on him as you need to rush Grievous Wounds to make sure he doesn't have a chance.â
WhiteLotus says âIf he has no E. He is uselees like a Bee. You can rly run him down if you dodge his E. At lvl 6 care about his ult and Ignite him. Same time play this fight slow if you can and avoid his R suck range.â
gizemdeniz says âHe can deal a lot of damage with his ultimate and Ahri's shock damage may not be enough. Unfortunately, most players fail to evade his CC. He will be dangerous if you are constantly caught and fail to hit your Qs.â
mazewalk says âScum. His E can catch you off guard, he has annoying poke, deals good damage and tanks a lot with his ult. Don't feed him, buy antiheal if he's ahead.â
aRhesty says âYou are just slightly longer range than him making you safer than most champions from his root. Also, root doesn't stop you from casting Q-E, disengaging and going even on the trade most likely. Don't stand on the minion wave.â
Fenreee says â|||SUPPORT||| Swain is just funny. I honestly recommend giving your ADC a brief explanation on how to play the matchup cuz that's the biggest variable. Swain isn't different from other mages till 6. But to counter his R you need to disengage him. Janna has a pretty easy time doing that if she doesn't get rooted, so as long as your ADC isn't trying to fight the Swain R you should be alright.â
Roltu says âSwain ha sido un problema con thresh recientemente debido a su rework y su manera de aguantar mucho debido a su ulti, asi que prioriza cortacuras y tira el focus hacia el primero si es necesario.â
zotet says âSwain has great CCs that can allow him to deal high damage. He is a very tanky hard-to-kill unit with great aggressive power. Swain is the definition of a scaling character and if he is unable to get kills he is very weak. His ult however can allow him to win duels even when he is behind. He has relatively low range so your main tactic will be to play from afar and keep him behind.â
NotAragami says âHe's also a close range mage like you, you can outtrade him though. Make sure you don't get hit by the returning E or you either die or lose your Flash. When he turns ult on, stun him, get out of his ult radius, stack your passive, repeat. â
OakuMarai says âEdgar Allan Painintheass.
Guardian with celerity.
His E can't root you if it blows up on your minions first. CC his ADC if one of you gets rooted. Stay away from him after 6 if he ults.â
LordZaneLP says âdodge his E and you are fine, dont dodge it and you are dead.
You can try to run on him with glacial and hit your stun, but after 6 i wouldnt recommend that.â
huirats says âVery annoying support. Manageable, but if you get hit with his root you're screwed. Otherwise, his abilites aren't too hard to avoid.â
OakuMarai says âonly a problem if he gets fed from ADC diff. try not to w him into your ADC post 6, focus on his adc instead. pre-6 feel free to let him meet your ADC up closeâ
PykEugeo says âDodge his e and if he grabs you, try not to suffer the whole full combo. Force him if you can get him to use his ultimate .. then grab him and punish him with yours e to stun him, get away from him to make him waste it.
DixonTheGuideMaker says âSwain is super squishy and immobile. Good times to trade with him are when heâs walked forward trying to harass. When laning, make sure youâre always stood far back but in front of your Caster Minions. This will make it impossible for him to land his Root Nevermove(E) and CC you. At level 6, his kill pressure and survivability increases. Unless you have the advantage, disengage as soon as he activates his Ultimate Demonic Ascension(R).â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âSwain is super squishy and immobile. Good times to trade with him are when heâs walked forward trying to harass. When laning, make sure youâre always stood far back but in front of your Caster Minions. This will make it impossible for him to land his Root Nevermove(E) and CC you. At level 6, his kill pressure and survivability increases. Unless you have the advantage, disengage as soon as he activates his Ultimate Demonic Ascension(R).â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âSwainâs early game is rather weak. If youâre playing as an early game champion, try to get an early advantage to reduce his scaling. His Root Nevermove(E) will only trigger on the first enemies he hits on its return. Stand near your Caster Minions and walk forwards when he throws it out so the minions get CCâd and not you. At level 6, his kill pressure and survivability increases. Unless you have the advantage, disengage as soon as he activates his Ultimate Demonic Ascension(R).â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âSwain is super squishy and immobile. Good times to trade with him are when heâs walked forward trying to harass. When laning, make sure youâre always stood far back but in front of your Caster Minions. This will make it impossible for him to land his Root Nevermove(E) and CC you. At level 6, his kill pressure and survivability increases. Unless you have the advantage, disengage as soon as he activates his Ultimate Demonic Ascension(R).â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âSwain is super squishy and immobile. Good times to trade with him are when heâs walked forward trying to harass. When laning, make sure youâre always stood far back but in front of your Caster Minions. This will make it impossible for him to land his Root Nevermove(E) and CC you. At level 6, his kill pressure and survivability increases. Unless you have the advantage, disengage as soon as he activates his Ultimate Demonic Ascension(R).â
Babian says âDodge his abilities and he is the easiest champion to counter. Swain in his R will heal a lot so be careful and get out of his R radius when he uses it.â
Jageiko says âSwain Supp will usually survive lane or even win it. But guess what? It wont matter at all. Once you have 6, just R whenever he R. He is so slow its a free hit. Just care about his flash. GG. He now has a negative impact.â
RoseOfInnistrad says âSwain is hard to engage on because he becomes extremely tanky, and he's a potent laner. Whether or not you go engage or peel depends more on the rest of the game, but if it's a neutral game I suggest just going peel with Locket to keep him from hurting your team too much.â
Mindartis says âAny hero who is in some way the opposite of Thresh is a problem.
He doesn't like magic damage, and therefore any support that deals magic damage causes trouble for him.
Also, Thresh gets closer to the opponent, so he is vulnerable against control.â
MultiFaker says âSwain wins. He grabs you and heals to shrug off your poke, grabs your ADC and if they're cringe and still use burst swain chunk your ADC. Best use The Rising Star so you can play for late gameâ
Godlike Rell says âYour carry must take exhaust and oblivion orb is a must against this matchup. But mosts probably you will win the teamfights which you start at the first place.â
LuckyTigerRAW says â(Support) You can only fight him before lvl 6, and even then be careful about him. I normally just play safe and target his adc.â
Demonsedge90 says âSwain is a lane bully support who will make things complicated for you. Trying to get farm for your bot lane will take much work since he can use e and pull you towards him and his carry. That can help you in some cases because you stun him back or root him, but you might be in trouble if you are drawn toward him and have no backup. So, play the lane cautiously versus Swain.â
Jabberwoc ky says âHe is a major Threat if you just starting on Naut, and don't play is ranged bind... Just wait for him to miss a ranged bind and level 2 do what you do.â
Bella Starlily says âSwain is a champion that is not very strong early but an absolute monster mid game after he gets his burns. If you don't play aggressive early, you're likely going to have issues with him.â
Cordiall says âSwain is a hard lane for Braum. You can block his root with your E, but it guarantees a root/pull on you. He pokes you hard, and can all-in with his R. You CAN beat him, but best to avoid this matchup where you can. Braum's game plan in this lane is, more often than not, just try to survive and let your ADC farm up into the late game.â
hampenguin says âPerhaps the weakest mage with the lowest range. If you mind the E, then he really doesn't do a whole lot until 6 at which point you could burst him with ignite.â
DtNikk says âSwain beats you in lane. Guardian , Putrifier and Relic shield are very good options into this matchup. PRO TIP: If you have a minion behind you when he uses his E, the minion will tank the stun for youâ
Saethwyr says âIf you're not hit by E you're going to be doing ok on most trades, but he is going to be a problem the longer the game goes on. prioritise getting bot in a solid place and helping mid and jungle with map control.â
TheBlueImperial says âYou're pretty strong against him during the laning phase, his only potent ability is his E so when that is down you can freely engage. His R however makes engaging into him incredibly risk and you will need Grievous Wounds as soon as possible against him.â
GuanaTv says âUtilize os Leveis de 1 ao 5 para criar uma vantagem na rota. ApĂłs isso, procure criar jogadas quando a ultimate de Swain estiver em tempo de recarga!
(Use Levels 1 to 5 to create an advantage on the lane. After that, look to create moves when Swain's ultimate is on cooldown!)â
eiensiei says âHard lane since you can only walk up to poke when E is on cooldown (and it practically has no cooldown). Play on its range to bait it out then poke as much as possible before it comes up again. If you get hit by it you will most likely die, so Flash it if you have to.â
Twisted Tea Fate says âHe's recently been reworked so now he's very tanky, deals a lot of damage, and wins every fight if he has ult. Not much you can do since he out-scales you.â
eiensiei says âHard lane since you can only walk up to poke when E is on cooldown (and it practically has no cooldown). Play on its range to bait it out. If you get hit by it you will most likely die, so Flash it if you have to. Relic match-up.â
warmfishu says âA mage tank with massive burst damage. Nevermove (E) is a straight line root, which resets W. With his Ravenous Flock (P), he can pull you and deal damage if you are ever immobilized. Vision of Empire (W) is an extremely long-ranged slow and damage that heals and gives Swain health. If he uses Demonic Ascension (R), stay out of range and try to let it time out before you reengage.â
iKonek says âSwain is able to grab you from out of your flay distance, which makes trading with him difficult without being at risk of an all-in. Be very cautious in laning, and look for any openings where the likelihood of counterengage is low.â
Rasta Da Masta says âAhh yes! Mr. 200 IQ Tactical General himself! You have range advantage, but he has the 2v2 advantage. Look to knock him away if he ults and dodge his E.
Be careful about his lane partner if they have CC since he can pull you and force a fight... which you and your partner will probably lose.â
Korippo says âVery difficult matchup for Yuumi, if not one of her worst. Unfortunately he has a root that also allows him to pull anyone he roots back to him, allowing him to full combo in quick succession without much counterplay. Early game he's going to look to pick with autos and his pull, and mid to late game he has tons of sustain and is generally very hard to deal with. It's wise to rush Chemtech Putrifier here as well, and to play this lane more passively when possible; even without his ADC he can still very much 1v2.â
0Banda says â Swain played in the support role shouldn't cause you much problems, just be aware of don't getting rooted, if you get rooted its possible for you to get one-shoted. You can focus Swain when trading, but once he gets level 6 you shouldn't focus him anymore, unless his R is on cooldown
Against Swain you should build Morellonomicon around third or fourth item, since once late-game reaches he cures himself a lot. In the runes go as usual, but if there are more champions with CC in the enemy team you can take Unflinchingâ
Luiscencias says âDeceptively tanky. If he roots you and his ADC follows up youâre screwed. The key against this guy is knowing the exact range of his pull, and getting just close enough that he throws it out but you can still walk back before it catches you.â
Petrotes says âUnless your carry can outdamage them while rooted by his E, swain is bad.
Even if you pokemon him in ult, he still got his big angry circle.â
Biotic says âFairly hard to play he has tons of damage and even if you lock him down you will not be able to 1 shot him. Build Locket first and scale. I would suggest roaming, he cant really follow and 2v2 seems to be quite hard. â
KasgoesREEEEE says âhis e lasts a while, he has a lot of base damage plus his ultimate is difficult to get out of. as long as you play from the back you should be okay mid game and onwards but he does get tanky over the game.â
Doody_tco says âIf Swain reaches level 3 and catches your carry, it will be hard for Yuumi to sustain the damage he deals, so in most cases the carry will dieâ
Billehz says âYou should be able to easily dodge his pull with your w, which allows you to also get a sneaky charm in on him when he doesn't expect it right after you dodge it with the movement speed still on present on you. His ult can be annoying, but if you have ignite and your ult up you should be okay.â
Jaori says âHe is very squishy, just like sona. Try to cheese him early. If your carry gets first blood, then it will probably be easy. After 6 he gets kinda tanky and hard to beat if you don't cc him perfectly.â
knif says âSwain's aggressive early is very useful for catching you out. Try to play safe and focus on peeling for your ADC early, and keep careful once he hits 6 since his all-in is kind of scary. If he engages, stun him if he overextends, or his ADC if they're both looking to trade.â
4090409 says âHis pass-through E before returning is a PITA since you rely a lot with dancing between minions, similar to Leona in this regard. Be extra careful at 6 onwards.â
SupportTooEz says âI hate this match up so much. Only detach to proc passive if he already used his root, and if your adc is playing kaisa or a short ranged charcter, play to scale with someone else.â
HerYandere says âRush boots, don't die. Engage on adc first, and post 6 you must have grievous or one of you in the botlane is dying every time you go in.â
ayoshe says âThis match up is playable but very risky, as Swain's damage input in combination with his annoying root is almost deadly to squishy supports like Senna. Dodging his abilities is perhaps the best you can do in the early game and try to win trades. You do not win post-6 in lane, as his ultimate heals him for basically everything you deal with. An early Executioner's Calling rush may help.â
DasNerdwork says âVery high poke damage, stacking hp, often played with ignite (which denies your heal) and he gets free engages when you use your grand entrance. Going a bit more on movement speed with early boots to dodge his pull and using ignite to counter his ult can do the trick and help a lot.â
Esoterica says âSwain snacks on immobile ADCS who have no answer for his range and threat. You can easily protect your ADC by engaging him first and baiting out his snare. He is fragile pre-6 and has little on-demand damage without his full combo.
Swain has difficulty peeling for his ADC and relies on playing aggressively. Simply match his aggression and he will be forced to play safe and only poke.â
Swain is a easy matchup for Xerath, you outrange his E and his W is easy to dodge. Still, don't go too nearby him since he has good burst. If your ADC get caught, try to focus him because he's still fairly squishy, or try to zone away the enemy ADC if he's distant.â
Daraysen says âA pretty even match up, watch out for his W when you try to hook, without boots it's gonna be hard to dodge in time, also watch out for fights after level 6 where Swain becomes way more dangerous.â
Dotje says âSwain's root is hard to dodge and makes a lot of damage output possible. You better train how to dodge this, and even then it's hard. Bait it out when you can and try trading after that (if needed)â
KeleiX13 says âTry to bait out his E as not being hit by that one ability will mean you winning lane. Hover at the edge of his E range and poke with your Q. Only auto him when his E is on cooldown. Consider getting Grievous Wounds if he gets ahead in lane for his ult.â
Discord231 says âSwain antes del nivel 6 no te darĂĄ mayores problemas, de hecho antes de la Existencia de la nueva Liandry jugar contra el era divertido, ahora con su R y la Liandry te obliga a ser muy preciso en tus combos si no quieres morir calcinado. Si tienes un adc de early intenta ganar lĂnea pronto.â
Levkar says âGet used to his root cooldown. You only get to play the game when the root is on cooldown. You can mess with ulting Swain if you root him.â
LilRidge says âTry to all-in him or his ADC when his (E) Nevermove is down. He can't do much against all-ins once that ability is down.
You will want to roam as much as you can in this lane. Swain has no roam pressure of his own, so you will be able to get multiple leads quickly.
You do not win Post 6, opt to get some Grevious Wounds beforehandâ
GamingFrog says âI hate going against this champ on Thresh. He does high damage and has plenty of sustain in longer fights. Try to kill him pre 6 and impact the map a lot.â
Rainuu says âSwain is a good matchup for Lillia as his skillshot and damage can be avoided with ease. Make sure to watch out for his ulti however. The healing and continuous can be threat. â
Ruiner of Fun says âHis "skillshot" stun is very hard to dodge and can lock you down longer if he decides to delay it. His all in beats yours. Focus his adc rather than swain himself. â
Starchase says âDon't detach from your ADC, his damage is very very high, if he hits you with his E you will end up dying or having low hp.
Care about his lvl 6, it's a really big powerspike that gives him the ability to draintank 2v1 situations.
Rush Oblivion Orb and then Mikael's Blessing.
You kinda outscale him.â
Takitsu says âAPC Swain: Has a surprising amount of damage and sustain. Avoid fighting swain with his snare or ult up. Grievous wounds is your friend in this matchup. If you or your carry dont have grievous wounds, dont all-in.â
unhben says âHe wants to catch you against your wave, but that either makes you play way to far up or way to far back. This sometimes might just be another dodge idkâ
losolkos says âA lot of health much dmg big live steal .
You must be very careful try to kill enemy adc first befor 6lv after 6lv dont fight him until he use R and after he use it just run and slow him to make him waste ult.
Grate way to make swain much easier dodge his E its just all when you dodge his E his Q have to smal range to atack you or its dont make big dmg.â
Discord231 says âSwain antes del nivel 6 no te darĂĄ mayores problemas, de hecho antes de la Existencia de la nueva Liandry jugar contra el era divertido, ahora con su R y la Liandry te obliga a ser muy preciso en tus combos si no quieres morir calcinado. Si tienes un adc de early intenta ganar lĂnea pronto. â
unhben says âScary post level 3 so just dodge out of his E. If your ADC gets caught in it leave them because its not worth giving him early souls pre 6 fights. Kick him away if he starts ulting and be ready to ward hop out of his E range.â
Kadiyarch says âIt's hard to combo Swain because if you get in range he can bring you closer to him and you are pretty much dead. If it happens, combo the enemy adc. You can focus him in lane, but never after he get his 6 because you'll not be able to kill him anymore. Safe you ignite to counter his ult.â
Bear Gummies says âSwain really hurts, and if he lands his E, you are more than likely to lose half of your health, if not more, just from that trade. Go Guardian so that he can't instaburst you, and go Ignite so that he can't continuously heal. Consider rushing an oblivion orb and take advantages of the times when he blows his E.â
Jannito02 says âSwain is a bit complicated to lane against. His E is easy to hit, plus can be hittable through minions, and can stun you and pull you to him with his passive, dealing you high damage with his Q and his W. But try to avoid being out of your teammate if he has his E up, and he shouldn't be much problem.â
SanLourdes says âHis E can punish you and interrupt your engages if you aren't careful and his W and Q are great forms of poke because of their longer range.â
Gryndall says âThis is some sort of mirror. Don't trade with him early. Tell your ADC to play carefull. You MUST land good skillshots or u ll lost. We are reliable on Magic penetration like morolomicon. Don't worry we Autscale him mid/late game. Final tip: after he buys zhonia you must be carefull we don't want cast our ULT into his zhonia. â
xDopii says âHe has decent sustain, damage and CC. As long as you don't get hit by his E, the lane should be pretty easy as he is very immobile and is not really a support.â
EionThePepega says âIf he roots and pulls you you're dead. Be ready to level E second if u need to and wait for level 6. Also he's tanky so keep that in mind.â
The Lotus Queen says âSwain's CC and damage combo is highly dangerous, and his spells go through minions. Stay out of his range and rush boots to dodge his spells. Scale to win.â
vnillz says âThis might just be personal opinion when it comes to a threat and maybe just a personal threat when it comes to my Nami, but I completely dislike Swain when playing Nami. His grab and pull are very threatening, and after level 6 he will deal more and more damage. All you can do is dodge, dodge, dodge. Harass him as much as you can before laning phase is over.â
Jexeff says âEarly on if you avoid his nevermore, he becomes quite useless. If it is down, walk up to him and look for a trade. It is quite simple pre-6. Once he hits 6 you have to be a little more wise about you engagements since his ultimate is quite powerful, especially early on.â
razzyhealer says âHope your ADC knows how to dodge his claw / grab. Be very careful when trying to proc Bop n' Block against him. Moving left to right can help in avoiding his claw.â
icebombhunter says âSkill matchup. Once you dodge his e you can all in him. Rush mercury. After 6 ult him only if he is really low since his ult doubles his passive and heals him.â
DavideLl98 says âIt's very easy for Swain to do a lot of damage to you, especially if you want to approach him to deal damage. Avoid his E in particular, when you see him use this ability and miss, start attacking him. It is important to keep your distance while fighting him.â
fishbully says âONLY IN SUPPORT ROLE: Swain is really strong and you will lose half of your health if he lands his E. This matchup is not fun to play and because of that I do not recommend going Janna into Swain.â
itizhelia says âHe's a pain in the ass since he can pull you back with any type of CC that gets applied to you.
Has a lot of damage and pretty much impossible to kill him post 6.
Learn to dodge his skill shots and punish him for walking up or his ADC whenever you get the chance to keep this match-up in your favor. PS: Rakan is much better support compared to Swain in the Mid-Late game phase.â
m3nto8 says âSwain is rather tanky and he does have a lot of burst, but his E is very slow and he doesn't have a proper way to counter you if you get on top of him.â
Find0 says âFake walking into the wave to bait his e then all in him. hes very squishy early and you can burst him. Can be difficult to play against from behind
Dotje says âYou can basically only poke when his E is on cooldown (for 10 seconds). It's really hard not to get caught, make sure to play safe. You could possibly poke with your tornado for spellthief stacks.â
Navn says âIf you get hit by E, you're probably in a lot of trouble. And even if you dodge it, if he has a lane partner that can also CC, you're probably going to die. Play very safe.â
CanadaJay says âThis is entirely dependent on the Swain. If you can dodge Swain's abilities you should be fine. He is very squishy early without the soul fragment stacks he gets off of his Eye and Pull. A good Swain however is very dangerous.â
Sunedayz says âHis skillshot can be a bit tricky to dodge, and would make this matchup even if it wasn't for the fact your R completely counters his R. Don't get pulled and play arounds CDS.â
sssky says âHis snare can be very problematic.
If you're good at dodging his abilities, rush a Mortal Reminder, it can completely shut him down in combination with Ignite + E.
Swain isn't that problematic -- it's his Snare that's dangerous.â
jessuva says âSwain has a lot of damage, but his root is real easy to dodge. If he hits you with it, silence him so he can't capitalize off of it. He's tankier than other supports, so he's harder to kill, but he can't buff his ADC at all. All he has in the way of support is his poke pressure. â
Titans Revenge says âYou probably won't kill this support. dodge his grab and survive. Look to use flay to disengage him when he is in ult. Swain is not as popular in the support role as he was earlier, but if you do encounter it, adjust your runes and build accordingly.â
Hceercs says âSwain is extremely hard to kill after he is lvl 6 due to his ult and stopwatch combo. However, he isn't hard to kill before then, just watch out for being snared by his grab, as he actually has pretty high burst damage. At level 1 he also has he E where he grabs yo balls and that shit hurts, like wtf man.â
GMGZ2 says âI hate him so much since he is just so strong, great poke and can pull you in. His R is also very devastating, unless his other body in lane is bad, this lane is usually very tough and in my experience best played waiting for your JG to come gank. Try and set up boxes in bushes to keep the enemy from escaping easily. If you still want to try and be aggressive, try your best to get boxes in the bushes to prevent Swain from sneak attacking. Also, try using Q -> E for damage, sadly this does use a lot more mana but is the only way to do so without usually taking a bad trade. Rarely do I ever get even trades with Swain. Try and use your R during his R and have your clone explode on him. The last advice I can give is to focus poke him, so that he will be easier to take out.â
Wike says âSwain is strong because he can engage with his pull and is actually tanky.. You will have to basically wear him down or he will just takeover in lane. â
InsaneWind says âSwain can very easily make your engage a bad idea. No matter how out of position he seems his snare and drag can CC you long enough early on to punish any attempt to kill him. You can win fights pre-6 but once he hits 6 if you do not having healing reduction he will kill you every time.â
Jum3h says â Just juke his grab/pull and stun their adc if anybody gets caught. Or even stun Swain when he walks up too close. Before 6 you can quite easily kill him.â
SnakeTastic says âcan poke alot but his w and e isnt too hard to dodge so play a bit safe and try to not give him stacks otherwise he will kinda destroy you in late gameâ
Kilo Khaos says âSwain is able to grab you from out of your flay distance, which makes trading with him difficult without being at risk of an all-in. Be very cautious in laning, and look for any openings where the likelihood of counterengage is low.â
Zulp says âHis pull combo with his ADC does a lot of damage. If you think he's in a bush then don't try to bomb it and try to reveal because you and him have about the same range. â
Vahlok says âIf he goes support, be aware of anything he does. Take advantage of he's not being tank until he builds it. Kill him as much as you can. If he gets 6, play it calm. Ignite is a good option.â
KeleiX13 says âPlay safe and use your Q to poke unless he is out of mana. He can easily root and pull you if you jump down to basic attack so watch out for that.â
Wicked Cherry says âMr I'll-drain-your-health-with-my-ultimate.
He's annoying. But luckily not that often picked. Try not to be dragged by him and run out of his ult after you've thrown Q and E at him, then W'ing your ally to enable them to get out of range as well. He's strong, so get mobility boots and ask for help. â
TheMistCollector says â[NOT ENOUGH DATA] Don't give him too many souls. You can use your E to escape from his R more easily, other than that you shold be fineâ
ShanksMeister says âNot picked often but very hard to lane against, Getting hit by his pull or any form of hard CC is a guaranteed death. Rush tier 1 boots and juke his skillshots. Level 6 all-in the adc.â
Krynomi says âWith his E being able to hit you behind minion wave this matchup is pretty dangerous. If he pulls you with his passive itll put you in a really dangerous position.â
Axkuru says âVery Very Even matchup.
Bait his R and then you will be good but if not you will be dead.
Try to dodge everything in his Kit (E,W,R) You can get out of his R when you E out of his Rangeâ
Crippledtoot says âIn my opinion the next biggest counter to Malphite support. You can dodge his abilities until level 6 and then he usually beats you in a 2v2. Depends how well you play before 6 to be honest.â
Guffel says âHe has some poke but nothing too dangerous. With 6 you should be carefull as his all in is quite strong. Maybe go ignite against him.â
NalgaSensei says âHigh damage, and outranges you. When playing against and experienced Swain, it's nearly impossible to dodge his abilities and he will completely trash on you in the early game. If you're looking for a champion to ban all the time, this is your guy.â
Maxwhale Plays says âSwain is tricky because it is fairly hard to kill him once he starts getting Stronk but before he is fairly easy to burst with the help of your ADCâ
Thats a OOF says âSwain's will E, pull you, W Q and proc Electrocute (If he has it) quickly. His R healing is hard to deal with so ignite him or just tell your team to buy Grievous Wounds and if they are smart they will buy it. But its pretty rare as those monkey idiots will focus on items on damage rather than items on crucial utility. Dodge his E and its easy for laning. His late game scaling is very good. Close out early or he will DEMOLISH your team in fights.â
Akja says âLike with Leona, you have to play smart, try to avoid getting hit by his W since he gains a lot of health and mana from it so poking him and then getting hit is useless.â
GhoastlyGiant9352 says âThe new rework on swain has made him an even bigger foe to deal with in the lane faze. and his ult is still hard to deal with when your jungle try's to gank.â
rquoe says âVery annoying to deal with. Swain counters your whole kit, but he's not as dangerous as other engages because he operates at close range. Even then, he outpokes you and can nuke you if you don't dodge his hook (which goes through minions, by the way), so be wary of him.â
AnnakinVader67 says âCuidado en los primeros niveles con su daño explosivo. Empieza a nivel 1 con la e para mitigar daño. A la larga serĂĄ inĂștilâ
HoneyQT says âCan be an issue depending on how good he is. Id say just be careful with his grab. His ult isn't an issue as you can just boop him away with your ult. â
StormAegis says âTeemo is pretty much dead if hooked or stunned for a good amount of time, so be careful with any matchup of this kind. If you get blocked don't panick, and if you know you'll be dead, try to deal the most damage you can to the weakest enemy around. Sometimes you can secure some kills even when in a death situation like this. If your opponent is alone and not fed, try to avoid him in the early game, but you should be able to 1v1 him with Q and AA and usually win. If you are in danger just Q him, avoid any hooks/stuns and run away with your W. You can use your R behind or ahead to slow the enemies chasing you.â
Tult says âSwain's amount of poke and lifesteal make him a terrifying champion to play against, after level 6 you lose almost every fight no matter what.â
Curmudgeon says âSwain has a lot of CC and healing, allowing him to out sustain your damage in lane and abuse you. This would be a good time to grab your exhaust so you can out last him. Or ignite can reduce his healing, but you can die faster. Your choice! â
marisbroodti says âBird man is probably the second biggest offender in our threat list, Nevermove and his high early damage are definitely nothing to toy with, and even with Bone Plating and MR runes, he will shred you like paper if you don't respect his range.â
suppdiff says âImmobile, you win all fights pre six with an adc that is not sivir xayah or ezreal. After six, need to be cautious with fights while his ultimate cd is up.â
FabioOoOoOo says âHe can catch your adc if he is good but after a while you can kill him after a few trades or if he steps in the wrong spot. Just be careful of his ultimate as it will make him incredibly hard to killâ
Zefirez says âIt's a tug of war with Swain - early he owns your ass. He can pull you through minions and unload nasty damage, finished by his adc or himself. Post 6 things get more even as swain hates hard engage and is not yet tanky enough to withstand your full burst.
Later on if he build some defense (especially spirit visage) you won't be able to easily shut him down (especially with ranked ult of his), but he won't be able to easily stop you from destroying his adc.
Also be wary of his W snipes - if you're low health he'll try to surprise you with popping it when you're recalling and looking over item shop screen.
To summarize early game - really beware, don't become his bitch pre 6 so you don't fall behind and can turn the tables.â
TheBlueImperial says âYou're an easy target during auto-animation. Try bait out abilities because if he lands E you're going to lose a lot of health.â
Ahpulzz says âA niche support with really strong laning and level 6, but otherwise can't peel for his AD at all. Always watch for his snare, focus his AD, and try to wait for ganks before engaging onto him.â
Ahpulzz says âHis damage and range make for a difficult opponent to lane against, but he is heavily reliant on landing his E, Nevermove. You have the opportunity to go aggressive and pillar his ADC back if he misses this. Be mindful when he has his ultimate, as well, as he can tank even more damage than you can.â
cebollaamargada says âeste caso es especial: no te dobles con tu adc ni con los minions, para minimizar su ganancia de cargas. mantente alejado, pokeando con Ws y espera a que gaste su E para atacar. Mantente siempre en rango y evita cualquier cofrontaciĂłn directa en caso de estar en igualdad de nĂșmero.â
Rasta Da Masta says âSwain is very easy to poke and kite. He has a lot of self healing and disruption if you aren't careful. If you get hit by hard CC, he will yoink you near him.
His W has exceptionally long range but is easy to walk out of. If he uses his ult, try to use W to knock him away from your team.â
Bottom Lane 55.26% Win Rate24% Pick RateSwain Bottom Lane Counters: 9 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Swain in Adc Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
gaarrett says âAPCs are muy no bueno for Nilah. If Swain has ultimate up, he's more than fine with longer fights. Dodge his E and you can take favorable, VERY short trades during lane. â
Foxirion says âSwain's crowd control and sustain can make him a major threat to Kog'Maw. His ability to pull targets with Death's Hand, transform into Demonflare, and sustain through damage with Demonic Ascension can quickly take down Kog'Maw in engagements.â
mcdnldsmngrxdd says âSwain's early max range E's can be a little tricky to dodge. If you can't avoid them put yourself in a spot to where you can't be combo'd by his support. With his health and armor stacking, a lot of draven players neglect to build armor pen and health% damage items (BOTRK & LDR) and end up getting choked out towards mid-late game.â
Leaf no Kitsune says âeasy matchup. just dodge his root and you can run him down early game all the time. get anti heal early on or bait his ult and run away.â
support_diff says âSwain is another infinitely stacking support here though his stacks aren't even near as strong as Senna's. Swain can deal a really good damage while also having cc. He shouldn't be too much of a problem for you if you don't farm near the wave so he can't cc you. I suggest you to play safe early because trading against Swain can be a really bad mistake because he isn't even near squishy and has a very decent damageâ
wungus says âSwain loves fighting as much as you do, so do your best to avoid his ultimate. You should beat him before level 6, but after then is the challenge. If you don't get a lead on him before then, do your best to farm, and never duel him!â
Aronnn says âYou can dodge his root by dashing though him before it comes back. His ult is pretty annoying to deal with especially when he takes rylai's.â
Hidden Ghoster says âTake MR vs Swain, don't underistimate his damage. Once he's 6 he will oneshot your sentry (Cres. Turret) while his R is activated. Red/Blue and Red/White are efficient against him, but you need to dodge/bait his E out before you all-in him. â
franksterzz says âNot usually a bot lane champion but the gameplay consists of dodging his E. If you get hit you will probably die. Play around the E cooldown and poke him when it's down. In a fight 2v2, try to kill the adc first because Swain's DPS is not that high without his ult and his tankiness is pretty high for a 'support'.â
UwUSoftGirl says â[Poke] I hate Swain. His (E) is annoying and on the way back gets a bigger hitbox than it looks. The good this is that it'll only root you on it's way back, so it's fine if he hits it on it's way out, but not on it's way back. You outrange him so poke poke poke. Also Grievous Wounds after 6.â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âSwainâs early game is rather weak. If youâre playing as an early game champion, try to get an early advantage to reduce his scaling. His Root Nevermove(E) will only trigger on the first enemies he hits on its return. Stand near your Caster Minions and walk forwards when he throws it out so the minions get CCâd and not you. At level 6, his kill pressure and survivability increases. Unless you have the advantage, disengage as soon as he activates his Ultimate Demonic Ascension(R).â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âSwainâs early game is rather weak. If youâre playing as an early game champion, try to get an early advantage to reduce his scaling. His Root Nevermove(E) will only trigger on the first enemies he hits on its return. Stand near your Caster Minions and walk forwards when he throws it out so the minions get CCâd and not you. At level 6, his kill pressure and survivability increases. Unless you have the advantage, disengage as soon as he activates his Ultimate Demonic Ascension(R).â
DixonTheGuideMaker says âSwainâs early game is rather weak. If youâre playing as an early game champion, try to get an early advantage to reduce his scaling. His Root Nevermove(E) will only trigger on the first enemies he hits on its return. Stand near your Caster Minions and walk forwards when he throws it out so the minions get CCâd and not you. At level 6, his kill pressure and survivability increases. Unless you have the advantage, disengage as soon as he activates his Ultimate Demonic Ascension(R).â
OakuMarai says âonly a problem if he gets fed from ADC diff. try not to w him into your ADC post 6, focus on his adc instead. pre-6 feel free to let him meet your ADC up closeâ
m1NEEX says âRegarding AP mages on bot Swain is by far the worst match up for Jinx and probably any ADC in general, since he is broken since his rework got released, you can't really win any 1v1 / 2v2 engage when he has ult up. Just farm, you scale better, when he ults and you don't have the damage to burst him just run away, it will end if no champion is in his range. Pay attention to red bar below his mana bar, it starts running down when no one is around him, when it runs down his ult ends.â
V1gorous1 says âhe is squishy pre 6 but once he hits 6 he becomes god you must kill him pre 6 because without a lead you will not kill him he is far to tanky with ultâ
Kitqsune says âAPC or support he's very annoying. Try to dodge, block his e/q. He might outheal you in his ult during teamfights but if you CAN then try to secure early kills and go from there. This matchup is bad but not the worst.â
wardinbush says âDodge his e and dont let him scale with his w. Try to focus him down with your support to deny him of making an impact in the late game.â
koog says âAphelios is going to have a really bad time playing against pretty much any mage in the bot lane. He is very slow and easy to land skillshots on. I would suggest buying tier 2 boots early to minimize the number of skillshots you get hit by. Try to play around your support and jungler. The mages are usually just as immobile as you are and should be pretty easy to CC. Also make sure to take MR in your rune stat shards. Buying Wits End first here will also make your life a lot easier. â
A_Drunk_Carry says âWhat a nuisance. His E range can hook you easily during trades. The W zones and slows if you get hit by it. His Q range is similar to your auto range, making for effective early trades. And forget trying to kill him once he ults and menaces your way. â
Faeynix says âSwain is a pretty big threat, similar to Blitz and Pyke, but Swain has less of a pull than the others do. He's still scary, but with proper spacing and baiting, you can beat him.â
Coldsong says âSwain is a mage, which means he is mostly spell based. I would recommend saving your W purely for when he goes in with an E, since it is fast and can be tricky to dodge. Try to NOT fight him in his R and go for an all in when it is down.â
Doody_tco says âThe minions wave does not affect the ability of Swain can catch and grab Miss Fortune. Even without the help of the enemy ADC, Swain can solo Miss Fortune with his abilities and protect himself from her damage with his ultâ
NikkiTT says âSwain ADC more played in higher tiers, he often times runs with exhaust which is a bummer, but you should be able to stat check him just fine with the power of ignite cutting his healing. (Will also be going zhonyas.) Building Riftmaker could be an option need more games into him to know.â
Amberdragon says âEven as a support Swain can burst you, and his Root is brutal. Plus, he is hard to kill. Not a good matchup as you both excel in close combat and he has the upper hand.â
Simon Uchinora says âSwain has a huge gap of kill by hitting you with his E, has alot of damage by his Q, and a huge range with his W, pay attention on his E is a in and out skill, and only fight against him into his E cooldown and becarefull with his ultimate, is a large AOE damage.â
Chaeha says âOne of the most volatile bot laners where if you take a single nevermove you simply die, he shoves you under turret and then repeatedly throws skill shots at you. Extremely unfun.â
Penguto says âHe will root you then pull you towards him and do so much damage. Dont get caught or you will lose half your health by him alone, get cleanse if you are not confident enough to dodge his abilities.â
SopTop says âSwain, as we all know, is a "Press R to win" champion. If Swain is in your game, I recommend buying anti-heal, because swain has a lot of HP regen. Swain also will have lots of vision, so if doing drag or something and Swain spots you with his W, don't stick around, because his team is now coming.â
yers says âLater on he can get thick and tank your burst pretty effectively, so just try your best to kill him early. When he throws his hand and you're in the path, walk up to him and sideways instead of back; his hand will only root coming back to him so you walking up and sidestepping will buy you more time to dodge it. He becomes vulnerable once his hand is down.â
HyroPyro says âSwain has better wave clear than you and can shove you under turret and poke you to death. If you are hit by a single Nevermove (E) you will be heavily punished. Your E cooldown is also higher than his E cooldown. Since he is ability based, try to bait out the Nevermove (E) and capitalise with your support on the cooldown.â
im_zeno says âThe hardest off meta adc matchup for Yasuo, you can only wind wall his E (which is his cc) throw it backwards when he uses his E. His Q does a lot of damage and you can't wind wall it, dodge his W with your E. Post lvl 6 is where Swain gets his powerspike, you CANNOT wind wall his ult. Basically this is gonna be a farm lane, you can rush executioners to reduce his ult healing or mr to prevent being bursted down. DON'T ever fight him in lane post lvl 6.â
lookingforguide says âSwain is an early threat, if you can't deal with hooks, or CC, ban this champion, his early hook is decently hard to dodge on Ezreal and it's cooldown is lower than your E's.â
Elresser says âOnce swain has a couple points in his Q, if he hits his E you will struggle to win extended trades. Until level 3 Swain doesn't have good dps, so shut him down early.â
Alvatorz says âSwain is a monster for Aphelios, heavy presure, heavy damage, heavy CC, heavy healings, this guy is a nightmare for you, carefull when you face this guy.â
Ekezun says âSUPERDUPER HARD, buy healing debuff items (executioner), try to push the wave under his turret, try to dodge his abilities as much as you can because when he roots you and pulls you in you're pretty much deadâ
Harambe Homie says âSwain is by far the worst matchup to go into as Miss Fortune. He out pokes you, out dmg's you in extended trades, has incredibly high sustain with his ultimate and high enough burst damage to one shot you if you aren't careful. In the current meta, this is Miss fortunes only high threat counter pick.â
Harambe Homie says âSwain bot currently is just busted into almost every lane. This is definitely one of the harder matchups to play against. His poke and constant harass can be extremely difficult to deal with at times.â
Boast says âSwain loves to face tank his opponents and usually fixates on hitting his stopwatch once you are about to Q into 4th shot, eating both of them up with they are mid-air.â
MiningRicK says âItÂŽs a little bit like a mid lane battle but this champ is so or so a very annoying champ. In my opinion itÂŽs like in the mid lane an even matchup.â
nraxxr says âSwain sucks the fun out of your laning phase. He is very tough to play against since he can hook you through minions. Keep your distance and make sure to side step when he walks up for a hook. â
KoZee says âSwain isn't too difficult to deal with as Varus due to his slightly longer range than most. If he grabs you and pulls you in, then you will likely get bursted pretty hard, which can be difficult to deal with. However, you can deal significant damage to him, even in his ultimate. One thing that makes Swain support as strong as it is is because his ultimate makes him very tanky by giving him extra health and a bunch of healing, however blight does percent max health damage, which helps counter this. You also have your E to apply grievous wounds and lower that healing. He can be caught out very easily with your R due to your blight and E countering a lot of his kit, but you need to position correctly to avoid him grabbing you in lane, which is his best chance at winning.â
Delta eGirl says âSwain can 100-0 you from 6 onward, and before still does most of your health in one combo. Bring MR if he's the bot laner. As both a bot laner and support make sure to watch out for his root on the way back, or you WILL die.â
LilPicky says âFor Aphelios, the worst game is to play against ADC mages, in this case Swain can simply destroy our Aphelios. Not 1v1 with him because you can't make it alone, he can oneshot you, better wait for your support and then you can do something to beat himâ
JCgo22 says âSwain's E is a medium-short range, pretty easy to dodge skill-shot that is extremely important for him to hit during the laning phase as it is his only form of engage in the bot lane. Kai'sa's short range makes her have to walk up much further than some other long range AD Carries to farm making her constantly at risk of being caught by Swain's E and having to burn her flash or dying. You should play the laning phase very carefully always positioning out of Swain's E range and trying to bait out his E. Only fight if your support can engage or you have already baited out Swain's E and you won't get locked down. You can also use the movement speed from your E to dodge and reposition away from Swain's E.â
Atrickster says âjust scale you wont win an early fight so just stack if he waste his claw and farm or if your a support consider ro just haras with Q and W â
MilkshakeGuru says âIn mid lane he feels like a bigger threat. With a support there he seems to punish you less often.
Beware of his E trying to snare/pull you every time you would up to last hit a minion. Focusing him down first seems like a mistake most of the time because he likes to build a Stopwatch/Zhonyas. Don't stand in his ult while he uses those items. You can and should shut him down early.â
EvoNinja7 says âSwain is a very strong support and can easily burst down your health. His ultimate allows him to win trades or kill you in a 1v1 and he has really good poke and damage. Try to dodge his spells and once they're on cooldown, try to kill him or bully him out of lane.â
Kuefi says âPlayed vs him today
He is easy untill 6
If you dont have a lead till then he will kill you
But after a few items you outscale him hardâ
SkittleBtw says âA good swain does a million damage level 1, I don't know how this champion works, I tried playing it and I sucked balls. It has 1v2 dominated me a few times, I'm not sure if I inted it or if he turbo smurfed on me, but he felt strong. So. Don't feed him., You smash him late game though.â
pandorelol says âMages are usually a pain botlane, but Swain is even worse as his base hp are quite insane, his 1 item spike is stunning and you won't be able to 1v1 him ever. If hits his claw you'll just get bursted with no counterplay since his dps range is higher than yours. Cleansing his cc won't cleanse his ability to pull you to him. Zhonya costs 2500 gold now, and it destroys your ult engages. Avoid at all costs.â
Dragonmysterieu says âThe bane of all short range ADC's. Swain's E makes it very hard to CS when used properly. Watch out and dont stand to close to the caster minionsâ
Camelorry says âYou can block his e but nothing else. He has a lot of damage and you range doesnt help to avoid it, just disengage once he ults and play around his sums. â
HankScorpioblaze says âSwain can be a pain to deal with as his damage deal against you combined with the enemy ADC can easily put you low on healthâ
Terrific says âI feel like Swain is really bad because you can dodge his E very easily. Tho do not underestimate this champion because he will do a shit ton of DMG if he does get you in his E. with his entire combo.â
KuuHaKu_OtgmZ says âIt really depends on your dodging skills against him. Stay inside your minion wave to counter his Q, he is really easy to kill if you're not stunnedâ
HyperFake says âSwain is a big threat for caitlyn because you have to have fast reaction time to dodge his grab skill otherwise you will lose a lot of health.â
Eccentricks says âSwain support is a hook support. I have never fought one, but I played this, and fell in love. This champ is absolutely bonkers in the bot lane and destroys AD Carries like bugs. So like a bug, you gotta always be moving, trying to avoid his E's and W's. As for W, if oyu get hit by in while Sneaking, you will get revealed. He can also check the grass very easily with it as well. Your ambushing will not be helpful, thus destroying your early game and therefor giving you little chance to catch up in late game.â
mhsmhs123 says âSwain has the ability like Heimer to chunk Vayne down at the very start of the game. His damage added to his utility and CC can create a living hell for any Vayne hoping to make it through early and mid game.â
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