Mid Lane 49.39% Win Rate96% Pick RateKatarina Mid Lane Counters: 40 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Katarina in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Badplank says “Skill lane, she's very mobile but i've never really had alot of problem against her. She will try to E W Q R you so you must be ready to W her quickly.”
revielfrank says “Maybe you think this champ is a hard counter for you but she's not. She can't deal too much damage if you seek for her knife drops and evade them. And after you get Rod of Ages, she can't one-shot you with ulti combo and this leaves her in a very bad situation against you. ”
GAMING ACADEMY says “Katarina is a weak laner except for a few key moments. Be sure to avoid standing on her daggers and respect her all-ins at level 2 and level 6. For the most part, Katarina will look to roam and secure kills in other lanes, so placing good wards and pinging missing or retreating to alert your team is crucial in preventing her from getting kills. If you can keep her in lane or kill her, you'll gain a significant advantage. When using your E aggressively, be sure to play more cautiously when it's on cooldown. It's usually better to save it (especially post-6) to disengage from trades or interrupt her ultimate.”
zSmoke says “Katarina is a skill matchup that favors Diana, you can cancel her ultimate with yours, but it is very likely that she will leave, her mobility is very high.”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Pre 6 you demolish her. Make use of your early advantage. Keep in mind your EW is a root so it can't stop her R. PING your team when she's gone. Ping hard. Abyssal before Seraphs is funny and will piss her off so go for it. ”
xumi_k says “Easy vs most Kata. Don't get hit by her dagger and don't walk near it if you're not sure you can stun her the moment she appears. AP champ so Merc+Wit's End. You can E or Q her to interrupt her ult. Ult does a lot of damage, just in case. SPAM PING WHEN SHE ROAMS Katarinas love to roam. 99% of games they do it and snowball. Teammates that don’t react on pings are more dangerous than Kata. She relies on snowballing and don’t let her have it.”
Tamikaze says “Katarina struggles into Azir. However, her roam potential is significantly better than yours. You have to be mindful of her roam timers and you have to be responsible for pinging aggressively to your teammates. If you can manage to keep her in the lane, you win the long run. Typically, when fighting Katarina, do not stand near the wave. Her Q dagger will sometimes bounce and hit you, and if it does, she will immediately dash to you and burst you quickly, in and out. If you can manage that, she has a terrible time against your W+Q+W poke. Do not let her farm for free, and do not touch the dagger! :) Notable tip: Save your ultimate for her ultimate, it counters it!”
MattStyle says “Los personajes cuerpo a cuerpo suelen ser sencillos porque tu slow te permite acertar fácilmente tu doble Q y frenar sus intentos de acercarse.
Su roaming es lo más problemático. Siempre avisa cuando no esté en línea e intenta wardear el río. ”
j4ss says “Max W and perma push waves, once she dashes in, retaliate and W her face. Hexdrinker rush then Opportunity and plated steelcaps. Play wisely and be careful with her daggers.”
Tatsurion says “Now katarina is interesting, because her whole idea is to dash in and out.
Thing is, your soldiers linger, so with good placement she will never be in a SAFE position to retreat, always make sure to fast push her by putting your soldiers on her ranged minions, this way when she retreats she will always take an autoattack or two extra from you.
Save your ult to cancel hers, and for the love of god ping when shes gone. the bot gank doublekill into a stomp is real. it really is.
Surprisingly, both conq and burst are valid here.”
y every name taken says “During teamfights, save your Q or R for when she ults. If she's the only person with kills on her team, it's your job to make her irrelevant.”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Gathering/Scorch](Cosmic insight)(Magical footwear)
Summs: [Flash][Teleport/Exhaust]
Counter with: [Zhonya's]
Build: [Ludens][zhonya's]
*Threat is real when versing katarina, she can kill you on lane if you're not careful with daggers, you will need to show mechanical prowess in this matchup, easy after zhonyas tho*”
Vladmidir says “Piss easy matchup. The only time she can ever kill you is lvl 3 off a rebounding wave. Pool her ult when she uses it and you'll be fine. ”
GreenReapers says “Skill matchup. Usually win lane win game, which is why i like electrocute here, but all pages are fine.
Long sword start.
Her E makes it hard to hit Q's. Early game her E reset on dagger will leave her with 3.5-4s remaining before she can dash again. That's when you can punish her easily. Otherwise predicting where she E's is a useful skill.
Later into the game her remaining cd on dagger reset becomes almost nonexistent, so she only becomes harder to hit. When she doesn't have a dagger to dash to and wastes it, that's when you can hit like a train. Alternatively her ult makes her stationary, so you either force her to dash out and cancel or eat all your damage.
Don't take extended trades against Conqueror Katarina unless you're sure you kill or you have Conqueror yourself. ”
BC1970 says “Blinks after blinks after blinks. Try to predict her behaviour, play safe and understand the champion as to not get surprised by a sudden E to a minion near you.”
BrMario1011 says “Same as ekko, if she jumps you, you just outdamage her and outsustain, your passive shield tanks her poke and you cancel her R with W and R
if she goes dorans blade maybe she can fight back but lol
kill her 1-3 very easily
go grasp and aa her to death or electrocute and fist her
Viktorias Secret says “Better early and roam potential, she can kill you in lane if you're not focused and roam to snowball.
If she doesn't manage to snowball, it becomes easy.
Remember that your R cancels channels when you summon it so use it to cancel her R. You'll cut most of her damage output like that.”
sick204 says “When facing Katarina as Yasuo, certain strategies can help you navigate the matchup more effectively. Respect Katarina's burst potential and mobility with her abilities, especially her Q and E. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Katarina's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Katarina's all-in potential, especially when she has resets on her abilities, allowing her to chain kills. Utilize Wind Wall to block Katarina's Q and ultimate in trades and team fights to reduce her damage output. Engage on Katarina when her abilities are on cooldown or when she's low on health, as she can be vulnerable during these times.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “It's katarina, she outroams you every game. But shes not impossible to beat, when her daggers land on the ground, just walk away from it lol. When she roams, go take turret plates (if the enemy JG isnt missing)”
SkandalloTV says “She has the advantage in trades and she can easily dodge your skills. You should avoid fights, unless she takes a lot of poke. Save your E for her ultimate.”
otaliz says “Be careful with her level 3 all-in. Always stay away from her daggers on the ground and try to poke her when she goes to farm, especially pre-level 3. Ping your teammates on side lanes when she roams. Try pushing the wave carefully from level 6 and look for roaming opportunities.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
Katarina is pretty easy to abuse in the early game but her extended trades, especially with Conqueror, can be pretty scary. Avoid standing next to her daggers and keep trades short with just 1 Q and sometimes a basic attack. Save your Satchel so you can cancel her ultimate during fights!”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - Barrier - Flat HP.
I like to go barrier against katarina because usually that will allow me to deny her burst and deny her a reset. It will most likely screw up her fight, so that's nice.
You easily get prio, be sure to not step onto her daggers and she will never kill you. It is possible for you to kill her in laning phase, but usually good kata players will just survive laning phase and wait for roams to get fed. Play with your team later on!”
awawa says “You need to mess up a lot to lose against her in lane. Your W hard counters her engage and cancels her R. Literally all her kit procs your passive. You lose only if you let her roam a lot and she gets fed off your teammates, then she will make your life miserable. SPAM PING WHEN SHE ROAMS OR FOLLOW. Dont let her play the game.”
MageSept says “Veigar doesn't want chaos (not very role play, indeed…)! Katarina will obliterate your botlane while you farm, then come back with a gold advantage and one shot you with little to no counterplay.
If Katarina is popular, I highly recommend banning her depending on how strong Zed currently is.
ShokLoL says “Katarina is a weak laner outside of a couple key moments. Make sure you don’t stand on any daggers and respect her level 2 and level 6 all in. For the most part Katarina will just look to spam roam and cheese kills from other lanes so placing good wards and pinging missing or retreat pings on lanes to keep her from getting kills is really important. If you can ever lock her in lane or kill her you will be massively ahead. This is one of the rare melee matchups where you can opt into comet instead of phase rush (since she doesn't normally go doran's shield second wind).”
ShokLoL says “Katarina is a weak laner outside of a couple key moments. Make sure you don’t stand on any daggers and respect her level 2 and level 6 all in. For the most part Katarina will just look to spam roam and cheese kills from other lanes so placing good wards and pinging missing or retreat pings on lanes to keep her from getting kills is really important. If you can ever lock her in lane or kill her you will be massively ahead. Make sure you save melee E in order to cancel her ultimate. This is a matchup you can consider running electrocute ignite in as well.
ShokLoL says “Katarina is a weak laner outside of a couple key moments. Make sure you don’t stand on any daggers and respect her level 2 and level 6 all in. For the most part Katarina will just look to spam roam and cheese kills from other lanes so placing good wards and pinging missing or retreat pings on lanes to keep her from getting kills is really important. If you can ever lock her in lane or kill her you will be massively ahead. Try save a W to WEQ or WE away from her trades, and remember you can ult to cancel her ult. You can consider playing tank azir in this matchup.
Soft Headpats says “As long as you pay attention to where her daggers are going to land, this lane can be fairly simple. The dagger from her Q will always land opposite of where she throws it from, so you can manipulate where it lands once you understand how it works. Forcing it to land towards the sides of the lane rather than in the path of where you're traveling is extremely important to stopping her extended trades. Early on, her E CD is pretty long even if she catches a dagger, so play patiently and make sure you land EQ if she jumps onto you. Good Kat players will often E onto you and cast W to place another dagger while juking with the MS boost to avoid your EQ, so be wary of this.
AP Kat is very easy to deal with, but if she goes Conqueror the matchup gets exponentially more difficult.
If she runs Conqueror and starts Doran's Blade or Long Sword, she'll look for extended trades with AAs (she gets adaptive AD without any AP items). She can be threatening with this setup since she can quickly stack Conqueror and stick onto you with her Shunpo (E) while resetting her AAs. A single extended trade can put you in kill range, or even kill you straight up depending on where you are in the lane. She'll likely buy Merc Treads and Wit's End with this setup so be prepared to get an early Cryptbloom.”
ShokLoL says “Katarina is a difficult champion for Taliyah to deal with. Make sure you don’t stand on any daggers and respect her level 2 and level 6 all in. For the most part Katarina will just look to spam roam and cheese kills from other lanes so placing good wards and pinging missing or retreat pings on lanes to keep her from getting kills is really important.”
ShokLoL says “Katarina can snowball really easily so you need to play this matchup slow, don't step on daggers and make sure you hold your E defensively. Post 6 make sure she's pushed in and doesn't get windows to roam.”
Deceiver_euw says “Only thing to keep in mind in this matchup is her lvl2/3 all in with conq so make sure to not waste spells. As long as she does not get random kills from bad roams, her damage will be too low to contest you 1v1 and will lose lane slowly. Also when you W towards her, there is a high chance she will E on you to dodge your chain, so hold your chain in this case.”
ShokLoL says “Katarina is a very easy matchup for Hwei. You can bully her at all stages of the game and the only risk comes from being caught too far up in the lane without your E. When she jumps on you she may move immediately to try dodge your E, so times you might have to save it for a half second or so before you use it.”
InTaggar says “ENG: If she have thunder, it's going to be a hard matchup. Stay away of his daggers and when u have the E evolved push her to death to help your team.
Remember: Your R cuts his R.
Runes: Aery + Scorch.
Spells: TP/Barrier.
ESP: Si va con trueno, va a ser un enfrentamiento difícil. Mantente alejado de sus dagas y cuando tengas la E evolucionada, pusheala todo lo que puedas para ayudar a tu equipo.
Recuerda: tu R corta su R.
Runas: Aery + Quemadura.
Hechizos: TP/Barrera.”
vSomnia says “The one that gets a kill first wins the lane. Go all in when she uses Q to cs and don't stand in the daggers. Hard ping her roams. Use R for safety cause she will always dodge it.
Some good Katarina wait till you use E on them so she can use her E to drag you under turret.”
Budgizee says “skill matchup, you need to respect her and her dashes, you can predict or punish if she dash for CS.
SS everytime she dissapear or follow her. katarina love to get kills in botlane.”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Katarina, stay in the opposite side of the dropped knife, you can fight her back after she drop on the knife but watch out cause she will do W instant for trading back, her R his the more dangerous thing, try to use your third Q to stop her or use your R to escape if you are not condifent,”
Kikife says “Katarina is usually a difficult adversary, but I don't think that's too relevant in this matchup. Your Q and W poke is crazy good, and when she goes to look for minion kills you can tell with her dagger placement whether or not she'll dash or if she will auto minions.
If kat manages to pop an ult on you, then run away using E. If your lane is even by 10 mins, then ask for a gank when she overextends too far to dash back to turret.
Be wary of kat ganks as this is how she usually picks up kills against midlaners. She's extremely good at it, so make sure to either A) countergank quick enough by spotting her through ward placements or B) spam pinging the lane she's ganking / your own lane to notify teammates.
If she falls behind on lane then she's useless late game, so make sure that happens!”
Diimoonz says “Hard to hit your spells since she can easly jump on minions with low cd. You have to keep your ult to break her ult while fighting. Otherwhise you will lose”
gaarrett says “Katarina has a very weak lane. Force trades and keep her low. Ping any roams she tries to get off and follow. [3/5] ultimate, AOE and scales with AP already. ”
MukiiBaa says “Easy matchup till lvl 3, after that you have to respect her all in burst dmg.
Dagger will always fall behind you so run to the side then the way you want to flee,
Freeze and hope she dont get fed in inting botlane
hopefully your team have more point and click cc”
149Gray says “LvL 1 Just walk up and don't let her hit the wave. Slowpush the wave into her if she comes close Q her, and don't miss any cs. When the wave crashes, poke her while she's trying to farm. Play safe while the wave is bouncing to you, though, because she will get lvl up before you and might jump and kill you.”
JackOfAllLanes says “Heavy skill matchup. Most Ahri players will lose this matchup because they throw the charm while katarina E is up. Katarina will need to dash to a dagger or a unit(usually you). If she dashes to you while there's no dagger around, she has the dash on a 12 second cooldown. Hit an Ez charm while she's trying to scram to her next dagger and take the easy trade win. Make sure not to throw a blind E after 6 because with 1 item she can pretty much 100-0 you of you miss your E. ”
ExodusBlue says “Do not stand near minions so she cant dagger jump to you. Set up traps on her dagger w time EQ/EW/EE (PTI I like EW because it effectively nullifies the dagger jump play). If she jumps on you and ults then WW>EQ>QQ her”
Axsanea says “[EN]
I find it pretty easy, try to punish whatever she goes for cs with your "W", and then use your "E" to cancel her "R" and always walk to the otherside where the dagger land it will allow you to reduce basically all of her dmg.
Lo encuentro demasiado facil, siempre intenta castigarle cuando vaya por el cs con tu "W" y usa tu "E" para cancelar su "R", y cuando utilize sus dagas camina siempre al lado opuesto para mitigar mucho de su dmg. ”
KazunaSan says “Une bonne katarina vous éclate, une plus mauvaise se fait détruire, si elle build de la MR & tenacité vous êtes cuits, go electrocute et la One shot car assez squishy si elle go full AP, ne la laissez pas scale et gardez votre E, très precieux.
Fkorrie says “Watch her daggers closely. She is probably gonna jump to her minions / allies to dodge your Q's so try to predict that.
Abuse her hard when she fails her reset.
Use your ult to dodge part of her ult damage.
I almost never struggle against a katarina in lane.
Be careful of her teamfighting capabilities though; your team might stand on all her daggers and give her 1000 resets :p.”
FrostbiteMW says “Shes super mobile, which makes her hard to hit. You can abuse her pre 6, but after you have to be defensive. Dont use your stun before she jumps in or you will be dead. Just poke from range.”
FrostbiteMW says “Skilled match-up, she has really good engage level 3 even when her E recently got nerfed. Don't play to aggressive, you could easily get punished. If she ever R's try to stun her with your R or W. They have low cast time.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. Shes shit early, so punish her low range and snowball. After 6 she might jump onto you and combo. Keep that in mind and dont waste your root - you will need it in this situation.”
FrostbiteMW says “Shes super mobile, which makes her hard to hit. You can abuse her pre 6, but after you have to be defensive. Dont use your stun before she jumps in or you will be dead. Just poke from range.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Abuse her weak early game and try to snowball. After 6 hold your ulti when she jumps onto you.”
LoveMid says “My personal perma ban, her mobility makes it impossible to E-Q and stack your passive.
Three things you can do are
Dodge the game, pray you have winning lanes and farm it out.”
Shinbae says “Если это не танко Катарина то вы в 80% случаев её выйграете, не даёте ей фармиться либо просто жить, она становится очень слабой, держите дистанцию и предугадывайте куда упадёт её кинжал, таким образом у вас будет окно как задоджить лишний дамаг, так и отправить её в сон с последующим сносом ей 40-60% хп”
Dompilius says “Pretty skill matchup, play safe and scale, alert your laners about her roams. You have to have vision in river, to prevent her getting ahead. Wait for her ult, then EQ into full combo.”
Hexeria says “[A good Katarina will dodge most of your abilites, so engage her if she already casted her E.] [Hold onto your W or E for her Ult to interupt her quickly, before she deals to much damage.] [Other than that, if you go Tank, she wont be able to do much.]”
Herr Von Martinus says “You can poke her early and hard, if she wants to engage, with 2 soldiers and e You'll out damage her early - mid game, afterwards it's a skilled matchup”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give her MAJOR-Threat because I think this is easy matchup Just do not stay in her knife and remember if she use her E she will teleport to your behind”
Halkem says “Against Katarina you shouldn't hit the wave early, instead look to just E her when she goes for last hits. If she pushes into you, just trim the wave enough for it to freeze without getting too big. If it starts pushing towards her just build a really slow push so she can't kill you, E'ing her when she comes to cs. Trade into her when you can, as it makes it less likely she'll roam. You can punish her roams really easily because of your clearwave. After 6 if you didn't int, it should be over for her.”
Iceyou says “Just like zed wave in the middle and poke poke poke . You play good you cant get all ined if she takes the e in you ll w into insta win trade and leave the area with your e so she can't turn that into all in . ”
liqulabouse says “Katarina. Normally thats kinda easy to win the lane. Always put a soldier on the dagger and keep the Q to when she goes backward. Be carefull to the damage, it is always a big surprise.”
The Milelator says “Surpisingly Katarina is a tough matchup for you. In the first 3 levels you are stronger and you should decide to freeze wave or perma push and help your jungler. But once she gets some lvls and a bit of AP you will never kill her, except for when she makes a lot of mistakes. If the katarina is an OTP and is really good, you have no chance. Also she clears a minion wave really quick once she has 80+ Ap. Laning phase is rought, but in Mid/Late game try to either peel your carries from her by slowing with E and hitting her with R while she ults. ”
bloomer010 says “Katarina can out-roam you, especially during the early game. You can work hard to shut down them down, but even so, they will just roam bot and open the game up that way. ”
WarwicksSimp says “This is similar to the Irelia matchup. A good Kat can fuck you and your team up hardcore and stay even or ahead with you, but you will usually win every 1v1, ganks can be hard though in some situations.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Pretty easy, because they're overly aggressive and melee making it so you can shuffle her into tower. A good thing to do is pre-emptively throw up soldiers on where she wants to pick up her daggers.”
Usernamussy says “Annoying championussy, jump everywhere. Wait for her shumpo so you can try CC her and ping like crazy because she will roam bot and get quadra kill.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can attack her early game, after 6 she can easily all-in you tho. Be careful, respect her all-in, play safe and build some defensive items. Midgame just try to push waves asap to stop her roaming (but only if she doesnt pressure mid herself). Only use your Q if she jumps in and you can easily win fights. You can use W to cancel her R.”
FrostbiteMW says “Try to abuse and win pre 6. After 6 you probably cant play aggressive, since she can 1v1 you easily at that time. Its also hard to hit her with her dashes.”
Tokiyami says “Handshake lane pretty boring lane, no one should die in this lane if both players are good. Akali always wins the 1v1 though because she has the better kit, but this lane is basically who can roam better.”
Ankha Yuumi says “Katarina can be problematic because she quickly becomes very strong. In the early game, avoid engaging her, as she can easily out-trade you. Your W won't help much here because even if you fly away, she can stick close to you with her E. Outscaling her is the key, so if she's not too far ahead, she shouldn't be a major problem."
Yannik123 says “Her e is annoying because she can dodge your skillshots. You can try to bait her into a knife and then e her if she uses e to go to the knife. If she ults its easy to land your e because she has to decide if she e and breaks her ult or if she doesnt dodge.”
FlopQueenEra says “Sona's Q ability, allows her to poke Katarina from a distance. Sona should focus on consistently poking Katarina to chip away at her health, making it more challenging for Katarina to engage and you have range advantage but try to manage your mana. Moreover Sona's ultimate ability, can be a game-changer in this matchup. When Katarina attempts to engage or channel her R, Sona can use R to silence her, disrupting Katarina's combo and preventing her from dealing damage.”
Lindroganti says “Bully her early. They will try to play safe, do not let them. Do not let her get behind you. Save W or E for her ult. Know how her Shunpo works.”
Yewon18 says “Everfrost can deal with katarina as you can hit her if she escapes your cage but if she gets kills early she will be very hard to deal with.”
Sapphiretears says “Free Matchup you Outburst her and have better Waveclear
Comet&Electrocute are both fine depending on what fits your Playstyle better”
stormraided says “Watch where her daggers are, when you W keep in mind she will dodge the second part, don't stand close to her daggers since she can keep chaining her combos and possibly kill you. Use your melee Q if she comes up to you. When she ults, most of the time she's gonna drop a dagger close to you while ulting, walk out of her ult and avoid that dagger.”
support_diff says “Win her in farm and you will win the lane. Tell your teammates immediately if she isn't on the lane, copy her ult for easy kills and punish her when she picks up her daggers”
Fuzzmonkey says “A skill based matchup, as long as you avoid her passive daggers you should be able to win the trades. Just be aware that you should be able to get out of her ult once she hits level 6. ”
FlopQueenEra says “Orianna have low ability to fight Katarina, but the outcome of their matchup often depends on the skill and decision-making of the players controlling the champions.
LewisBlawk says “Like what the fuck bro. This champ can tp toooo quick everywhere. It means soldier placement has to be near daggers but also places as an escape route. If played well = even matchup. If played poorly = extreme defcon 5 matchup. You have lost the game probably”
Amarusis says “It's easy, you can trade in early with Q/aa and dominate the lane, and after you can oneshot her. Her spells aren't huge danger for your sustain.”
support_diff says “A good Katarina player can be a real threat to you as they will use their whole kit to combo you and teleport back afterwards. Try to bully her on lane and prevent xp and cs from her in order to not face a pentakill machine later in the game”
tangerrine says “Katarina is a very annoying champ that you have to watch out for at every stage of the game. She can reset really easily and just roam for free kills, so you have to ping for that. Only shove when she leaves but never while she's there.
Only use your E/Q when she tries to go in with her dagger, Otherwise, she will try and abuse your cooldowns. You can outdamage her really early with auto's and Qs and using your MS from W, you can avoid her daggers easily. ONLY ULT IF SHE'S ROOTED.”
nezumiichi says “If you hit your chains on her, bully her hard. Don't mess up post 6, and ping your lane when she goes missing. A lot of Katarina's will look to roam.”
Tanginid says “Ahri eats Katarina, she can either cancel Kat's Ultimate in charm, or her ultimate to escape and chase Katarina, in addition to the high poke that Ahri has in the lane.”
Aquanis says “Bully her out of lane before lvl 6, so she can't use that window to kill you. Be aware of her dagger placement and either punish her if she wastes them, or try to force her e, by using your e.
TheBougis says “Katarina luckily can't get many resets so she can't insta kill you, but if she goes on-hit she can do some damage.
Either way, even if you play it half right, you will win.”
TheFakeMord says “She Can dodge a lot of ur E, and W so its hard to hit her. U will probably kill her if she gets melee range for too long, but then again she can dash out of ult range and stuff. ”
Just_Invalid says “Play around katarina's blades on the ground and you will be fine, her dash gives her a lot of survivability, but you can counter her all ins but simply running away and even R re-engaging, especially because your Q rewards you for not being right in the enemy's face with bonus true damage.”
Zero macro says “Katarina is a melee assassin, which Kog'Maw is stronger into before level 6 all ins.(if handled well with prepoke and placement of daggers) After this is becomes hard for Kog'Maw to find a safe spot into Katarina engage combined with R. later on Kog'Maw will have a fine time.
Recommended to take Exhaust in this match up.”
DepresedEef224 says “Similar to Irelia lane. Play it the same, but even more aggressive. If she roams, shove instead of roaming too, because no matter how fed she is, you kill her.”
Actt says “Qiyana favoured. Depends on her build. AP is easy you just go for long trades and dodge her daggers with W or E. AD is harder. Conqueror and Ignite with Long Sword 3Pots.”
GGgustazzz says “in a matchup against katarina you should just farm and try to expose yourself as little as possible don't try to attack because she can easily escape with her high mobility (buy zhonya's hourglass)
Hot Eboy Xerath says “With kat she is really easy in laning phase she is super squishy and you can abuse early. Save stun for her ulti. Scary part about kat if she gets 1 kill from you or another laner she just snowballs out of control and farms you on repeat. You should be easily able to pressure in lane with comet”
IggyBoom says “Tbh, there is no easier matchup than this one. She cant pop ur passive easy, her daggers are free w hits and your kit makes her Ult useless.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Poke her a lot when she goes for CS]
[Pay attention on her dagger on ground, don't stand near on it or she will use it to teleport and deal damage]
[Your E can cancel her R]
[Always warn your team when she is missing]”
freuio123 says “Kata ist so eines der Matchups die ich sehr angenehm finde, aber glaube ich grade für Ahri "Novizen" sehr unangenehm ist. Katarina springt immer hinter dir, sprich dein Charm ist free bei jedem Trade. Du kannst IMMER in sie reintraden, outpushst und roamst besser early.
Ignite ist hier sogar zu empfehlen, wobei du dann eben die Lane lvl 3 quasi "flippst".”
NickLeVlach says “Take advantage. Kata sacks on early game. Find out how she plays . Take level 2 and 3 first. Poc her. Remember, that when Kata losing her lane, by 99,9% roaming. ”
AdrikN says “Katarina can be very hard to lane against try to freeze the minion wave and poke her. Exhaust helps her all in and stay away from her daggers! shattered queen can help a lot. If you E her dagger she will most likely not jump on it.”
Zeusman00 says “Cass favored, can punish her dashes by using miasma followed up by a Q for a quick trade. Very hard matchup if she gains a lead. Pay attention to which way she faces when she starts her ult because that is the direction she is considered looking at when you cast ult.”
uwuimsocute says “Hmm, maybe I should put her in Major Tier because of this sunderer build and her insane potential to snowball in SoloQ, but for me personal she is not a problem in lane, just spamping your team if she is not in lane and pray that they are not retarded.”
Angryappleseed says “Main issue with katarina, is that it is hard to itemize vs her. She has mix damage: ap and ad, and you can't just stack ad+ap. Go swifites and regular build or maybe get an early GA”
Anguish333 says “- She will automatically push wave to you by casting her Q (bounces on 3 creeps) So you can freeze wave
- Don't use E until you are sure you hit it (her E is on CD) or you can try predicting where shes gonna jump (wouldnt advice it)
- She can jump over your spells with E and resets
- Make sure you leave her R asap, whether if its with E or R, it will oneshot you, and still deal damage in shroud”
Shoei baron king says “tem gente que diz que essa matchup é dificil, é maluco, você bloqueia ut e o q dela, você não perder troca de auto ataque, é bem mais facil do que parece, é so acerta a windwall.”
hirttola says “you fist her in lane but she can walk botlane and randomly get double kill
also dont die when she hits level 2, 3 because thats where she can kill you
you can cancel her R with your Q”
Painters says “Perma ban her. She is your top counter. Save W for when she ults and take barrier for survivability. You beat her pre-level 6, but afterwards, you just have to respect her and roam.”
Jg_diff says “Katarina can be whooping your ass faster than you'd even imagine. If she throws a dagger, get away quickly. She will deal real damage if you get too close. Farm nicely and don't try to engage too hard.”
Y0rhm says “Katarina's E blinks and her passive's cooldown resets make her very mobile. Hard to hit but not impossible. (Will roam and farm your botlane on repeat, no matter how much you ping them)”
Cryniu says “Try to predict where is Katarina jumping. You can use a bomb where her dagger is. If she is about to kill you use your ultimate to escape.”
Wraithlander says “Pretty annoying champion as she will try to short trade then e away to her creep wave. Can trade back with first strike or electrocute and try to run away before she can trade back. Her ult negates our healing so back off when she uses it.”
bhakli says “Good kata's are a bit hard to land E on but a trick. bait her to shunpo to you, instantly E after her shunpo and kill her. Shunpo resets but not instantly. Later save E for her R”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Predict Katarina's Movements: Katarina needs to get close to deal damage, so use your E (Tangle-Barbs) skill to predict her movements. If she tries to dash in to engage or escape, try to snare her to disrupt her combos.
Warding and Map Awareness: Katarina thrives on roaming to other lanes for kills. Place wards in river bushes or in the enemy jungle to keep track of her movements. Alert your team with pings when she goes missing to prevent her from snowballing through other lanes.”
zLuxfury says “Basically same as Fizz, except you might have a bit of freedom until her lvl 6 depending on her playstyle.
Play safe and get ahead by punishing her roams. You can try to bait her in tower range and R+E+Q to get the kill, keep your W to get to her if she E's on minions.”
AevWh40k says “The same issue with Akali. Her blink is good vs your W->Q. Also the playerbase are tryhards in most cases she will get frustrated enough to jump under your turret. Most important thing when playing againts her is that Katarine players like to roam on bot or top to get kills if she cant get them on mid.”
TB Azir says “Dürtmeye çalışmak amacıyla üstüne koşarken Q yeme, bıçağına her atladığında 1 auto çıkart, üstüne trade için atladığında da rakip ormancıdan gank yeme tehdidin yoksa E'ni adama çarptıracak şekilde kullanıp trade'ini at zaten winliyosun, hepsi bu.
Rün: PTA”
South Z says “Katarina is one of the weakest champions to crowd control : if you manage to land your E on her, she's basically dead.
Also, your Q makes you one of the only champions that can consistently keep up with her, and her laning is quite weak.
Just be careful about her roams, as they are devastating in soloQ.”
vxnity says “Watch for her daggers. Try and watch for a pattern in her dashes. Use it to your advantage and punish her whenever she Es. Zhonya's is good for her ult.”
blaze728 says “This duel is a difficult one but not impossible. Her roams are strong and her laning phase is above average. Be careful of her daggers and ultimate. This matchup takes alot of practice. Play for the late game and counter her roams. Be active on the map.”
darkezmond says “Unpleasant matchup, poke at the beginning of the game with your Q and auto attacks, after throwing her blade, wait for her to teleport to him and poke W=>Q, E=>Q. After 6 lvla, avoid trading with her or catch on mistakes”
ardizzle says “Exhaust makes this match up pretty easy. Just don't let her poke you to much with her throwing dagger or she will try to all in you level 3.”
EL ZUDO says “u have the upper hand in this try to predict her e if u can and u kill at 6 any time if u land ur things if she wastes q or uses e badly u kill very easily be careful of her roams though cause she can bevery deadly to ur team l8 she can one shot u with e r so be careful”
Glitchgun says “If you just keep an eye out for her daggers position, you can trade better, just bully her early and don't let her roam on her own or else you have lost! Her ult isn't that scary if you keep your ult up when she ults, plus you have barrier.”
Nooldles says “Is similar to Ekko where she has to use her Q to farm and you can hold the wave on your side essentially permanently (assuming no jungle intervention). Only issue is that she can shunpo onto her dagger if you misposition and can threaten kill easier than Ekko. Also has the threat of roams if you constantly just hold waves.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow absolute scorch.
Blood choice.
(Nullifying orb if AP jg)
Make every dagger-pick-up a nightmare that you q. Watch for pickup into dash.
Daggers will bounce behind you.
Don't roam or you risk letting her back in the game. Watch for her jungler.”
Deru says “Not hard matchup since u can outroam her early on and using your w on her makes the game unplayable for kata. Keep an eye on doing that in teamfights.”
Deru says “Not hard matchup since u can outroam her early on and using your W on her makes the game unplayable for Kata. Keep an eye on doing that in teamfights.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Poke her with your E, here you should be careful when getting LVL 2 and LVL 3 from Katarina, because she can just jump on you. Hold on to your Q, in case it flies in. After the 6th, you should play more carefully. Also, ping your allies in the FACE more often, no one is pleased to look at Katarina's vanshot, and they will blame YOU, because YOU were standing in the middle.”
WayOfTheWlnd says “Skill-based matchup, can go either way but if she gets fed, your game is over. Make sure you watch her roams and if you can try to match them and counter-gank. ALSO monitor her dagger positions, she can easily catch you off guard. ”
Mayuushii says “While melee she has lots of kill pressure if she gets her knives. Before lvl 3 harass her more and try not to be in range of knives on the floor. Use charm after she dashes and trade. Avoid floor knives as thats most of her dmg and dont be to near low minions casue her Q will hit or land a knife near you. R out of her R ”
DawrazWasInting says “Easy matchup. She is very weak early so go for early trades. Try to avoid staying in her daggers. You can easily outrade her.
As her ult applies Grievous Wounds your ult healing will be reduced.”
Samikin says “Non-Threat.
If you are able to keep track if Katarina has E on cooldown or not, it is a very easy matchup. Even if you can't her E has a 2-3 second cooldown even when being reset in the early game, making her an easy target to get slept if she ever goes into you. Otherwise, you poke her out with your Q's and AA's while pushing her in, getting vision, and roaming to get pressure on the map. ”
IIndico says “If you make sure to make use of you lvl 1 advantage, you'll have a much easier time against her. Beyond that this is usually a skill matchup.”
Whitelies says “Very vulnerable when she uses her E. It doesn't instantly go on cooldown (until it is max level) when she catches her daggers. Use that advantage and punish her”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Electrocure or Conqueor]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Eclipse or Prowler]
[Ult when she ult so you dont take to much damage] [Dont her daggers] [Katarina players roam a lot!]”
AkuAku says “these 5000 games in silver 30 million mastery kata otps have rotten my brain beyond repair...
poke her in shroud and avoid her daggers coz they hit you even in shroud and beware of her ult... similarly to most champions here if she can't kill you, she'll just go bot :)”
TheAfricanDream says “This matchup may seem Katarina favoured, however, Swain can easily kill her in lane. Take exhaust as your summoner spell and start lane with your Q. Q spam her and auto attack her as much as possible before she gets level 2 and 3. Getting early prio in lane is important as if Katarina gets a slight lead, there is not much you can do to beat her. Be careful as playing aggressively in lane makes you very vulnerable to ganks. Try to get some early wards into the jungle. Keep in mind that if Katarina buys either a Blade of the Ruined King or a Divine Sunderer, she will be able to 1v1 at any stage in the game at that point.”
rachichu says “Can kill you relatively easily at all stages of the game. Again, pretty much nullifies your E's existence - Bounce waves regularly to farm safely out of kill range.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “You can harass her, she has no sustain and is squishy. If she lands a dagger you can Q away. Your ultimate can explode when she ults as your clone takes more damage. Can become a major threat if she roams as you cannot follow her that easily because your early is so weak. ”
hesentorki says “Create big wave and push it in her tower lvl2/3, most Katarina's cant farm under tower early on. Get cheater recall off of that and you should be good to go. Windwall her Qs early to deny farm and when she is 6+ only windwall for her ult.”
Cjtheawesome says “Early game just force her to have to Q the wave and then take trades with her abilities down. at level 6 just chunk her down with missiles. Just be careful of her ability to lock you down if you are too close.”
BC1970 says “Katarina is like all other blinking champions, but this time her blinks reset depending on how she uses her abilities, effectively rendering your cage useless. Focus on dodging her abilities and farming until you can kill her with one combo. You can poke her down as well, but since she's really mobile, hitting abilities will be more difficult.”
Demonsedge90 says “You can do some decent damage to her pre-level three. Afterwards, you need to pay attention to her movements since she has more mobility when compared to Syndra. Also, it is crucial that your positioning is sound because trying to escape her after missing a skill shot or being out-positioned could mean death.”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “This MU is fucked. Because sunderer is bad on her now and so is bork its no longer your worst MU but its still kat, go an aggressive setup like first strike ignite ghost so lane is winnable. If you push the first two waves quick enough she'll get 3 quicker than you and kill you so be careful. She will roam and murder your team and thats why its aids because you cant counter it. Good luck.”
Atemporal says “Esta é uma partida muito fácil se jogada corretamente. Você pode começar a negociar já no nível 2, desde que o Q de Kata esteja baixo. lado da pista. O único
A maneira como Kata te mata no início da lane é se a onda acabar no lado de Kata da lane e então ela te atropelar com E, autos e Conqueror. Se o jungler inimigo causar dano AD, pegue armadura em vez de mr em runas, pois Kata é fortemente
ataque automático baseado no início. Você pode fazer trocas agressivas nesta lane quando: A onda estiver do seu lado da lane e você puder correr facilmente de volta para sua torre, quando qualquer uma das 3 habilidades básicas do Kata estiver em cooldown. Sempre faça negociações curtas com
ela, a menos que você tenha certeza de que pode ir para a matança. E Q automático e executado. Quando Kata negociar agressivamente, segure seu E até que ela use W. Logo antes de ela pegar a adaga W, E fora do alcance, então pule sobre ela depois que a adaga for processada. Depois do nível
6 quando Kata te ult, você quer ter certeza de ult INSTANTANEAMENTE (a menos que seu R não tire você do alcance R do Kata). O R de Kata aplica uma redução de cura de 60%, então se você segurar seu R até ficar baixo, você vai ficar com hp baixo mesmo depois
seu R. Faça qualquer coisa para sair do raio R dela quando ela o usar. A pista é bem antes do primeiro recall, depois da primeira base você ficará muito mais forte como Ekko. Com mesmo farm/gold/xp você será mais forte que Kata no 1v1. Cuidado com ela
completações completas de itens, por exemplo, BOTRK, Nashor's Tooth, Riftmaker etc etc. Esses itens dão a Kata enormes powerpikes que você deve respeitar. Você será mais forte que Kata em 1v1 basicamente durante todo o jogo. Se Kata for AD
BOTRK, não hesite em pegar uma Guarda de Braço de Apanhador eventualmente.”
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens
R: Standard/Defensiv
S: Barrier
Wie alle anderen Assasins, lass sie nicht snowballen und lass sie nicht roamen. Outscale sie einfach und nutz deine erst wenn sie nicht jumpen kann. Deine Ult cancelled ihre Ult.”
IamBishop says “In my experience most assassin players look for kills over farm, especially kat, look to keep her in lane and under tower her gank set up is abysmal and she has no real way to solo kill you. You can set up dives with your jungler, especially high CC ones like Rek sai or Elise. ”
Lucid Walking says “SAFE LANE: Surprisingly, she's not that big of a threat.
Dance around her blades she tosses to the ground. Don't get hit by them. If she obviously wants to teleport to one of her blades, Q preemptively to that place.
(tip: yes you can silence her ult, but don't only preserve it for that. Shutting her down means placing an equinox on her dagger that she clearly wants to jump on. she ends up rooted and takes a guaranteed Q)”
Mind Of Kayle says “ let her push first wave and thin wave if she lets u on level 1,2. When she gets level 3,she will hurt, keep wave near your tower. If she engages with E+W+Q, its possible to dodge her both daggers with good timing and using W.”
Xerath OTP EUW says “In the early game you're actually stronger than her. You have to poke her quiet a lot so she has a harder time to farm.
After she gets like 1 or 2 items you're just dead meat whenever she gets on top of you.”
YourDreamWaifuu says “When she ults you must cancel her R with E. Early game its prety easy when you dont some how lose just trade with E W and you cant lose”
RuchaczSzmat69 says “You outdamage her HARD and she cant really do anything to you if she didnt get 5 kills from botlane. The only issue is that you cant really run away or cancel her ult, but she should be so fucked pre6 that it shouldnt be a problem.”
sapphire__lol says “Super easy matchup. Just q a minion aa her and e her trade is already hardwon. You can always get the push and roam. Kata will have no agency in this game. ”
Hive Mind says “for threats, it's the same as always, nothing new, but for this build, anything that prevents you from healing (like katarina's R) is like getting punched in the dick”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you reposition and move away from Katarina’s Blade drops. This will reduce her ability to trade and kill you with her Shunpo(E). Don’t blindly follow Katarina’s roams or you might get ambushed. Punish her by pushing the wave into her turret whenever she leaves the lane. One of Katarina’s weaknesses is her lack of range, so try to harass her with abilities and auto-attacks. Make sure you watch your positioning though so she doesn’t try to all-in you in return.”
CheeseLord156 says “Katarina is painful normally, but poison can kill her if you dodge her abilities well enough. You can mushroom Katarina's knifes to do solid poke.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you reposition and move away from Katarina’s Blade drops. This will reduce her ability to trade and kill you with her Shunpo(E). Don’t blindly follow Katarina’s roams or you might get ambushed. Punish her by pushing the wave into her turret whenever she leaves the lane. One of Katarina’s weaknesses is her lack of range, so try to harass her with abilities and auto-attacks. Make sure you watch your positioning though so she doesn’t try to all-in you in return.”
Adamonias says “Believe it or not skill matchup, in her favour.
Bit of a glass floor lane; ie: if she gets a lead its over.
She struggles to farm under tower so shoving her in is pretty good, and as long as you dont stand on a blade she cant really all in you. She can't 100-0 you without 1 item at least so you can really bully her in the early game. Post 6 Save E for her ULT. NOTE: she doesnt get her E reset unless she picks up a blade, if you can track that its pretty massive.”
Aenimatora says “She is a extrem threat to Karthus on Solo Lanes. Take Barrier, or Exhaust with you and avoid of standing around her dropped daggers, as she can onehit you at 6. Take Magic-Resist Runes with you. ”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you reposition and move away from Katarina’s Blade drops. This will reduce her ability to trade and kill you with her Shunpo(E). Don’t blindly follow Katarina’s roams or you might get ambushed. Punish her by pushing the wave into her turret whenever she leaves the lane. One of Katarina’s weaknesses is her lack of range, so try to harass her with abilities and auto-attacks. Make sure you watch your positioning though so she doesn’t try to all-in you in return.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you reposition and move away from Katarina’s Blade drops. This will reduce her ability to trade and kill you with her Shunpo(E). Don’t blindly follow Katarina’s roams or you might get ambushed. Punish her by pushing the wave into her turret whenever she leaves the lane. One of Katarina’s weaknesses is her lack of range, so try to harass her with abilities and auto-attacks. Make sure you watch your positioning though so she doesn’t try to all-in you in return.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you reposition and move away from Katarina’s Blade drops. This will reduce her ability to trade and kill you with her Shunpo(E). Don’t blindly follow Katarina’s roams or you might get ambushed. Punish her by pushing the wave into her turret whenever she leaves the lane. One of Katarina’s weaknesses is her lack of range, so try to harass her with abilities and auto-attacks. Make sure you watch your positioning though so she doesn’t try to all-in you in return.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you reposition and move away from Katarina’s Blade drops. This will reduce her ability to trade and kill you with her Shunpo(E). Don’t blindly follow Katarina’s roams or you might get ambushed. Punish her by pushing the wave into her turret whenever she leaves the lane. One of Katarina’s weaknesses is her lack of range, so try to harass her with abilities and auto-attacks. Make sure you watch your positioning though so she doesn’t try to all-in you in return.”
ZiegenZelu says “Eines wenn nicht das schwerste Matchup gegen Taliyah. Level 1-2 ist der einzige Moment in der Lane wo du die Oberhand hast. Du musst sie hart genug poken damit sie nicht engagen kann, sonst rennt sie dich einfach runter. Kann alle deine skills mit ihrer E dodgen. Jeder Fehler ist tödlich.
Banempfehlung (mein Permaban)”
Tears of fears says “Pick Conq here, we don't have kill pressure on her, so we have to be patient, don't fight her, push your lane and try to gank other lanes. If she goes for a gank - follow her”
SkyBanana says “As with Kassadin, Katarina is an Assassin who is very skilled based match up with near perfect pixel calculations to stop her. One kill is enough to make her have a reset which is why she is known as THE team fighting assassin in League of Legends. Your team HAS to stun lock her so she does not win over you. Even if one person misses their CC it is over for you guys. Everything against Katarina must be used with precision and purpose.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Make sure you reposition and move away from Katarina’s Blade drops. This will reduce her ability to trade and kill you with her Shunpo(E). Don’t blindly follow Katarina’s roams or you might get ambushed Punish her by pushing the wave into her turret whenever she leaves the lane. One of Katarina’s weaknesses is her lack of range. When playing as a ranged champion, whenever she moves forward to last hit, try to harass her with abilities and auto-attacks. Make sure you watch your positioning though so she doesn’t try to all-in you in return.”
NegativePhoenix says “Depends on the Kat which most you run into are pretty much good at using her. Poke her when you can, stay away from her daggers and ult her if she tries to ult you so she can't get a kill. If she stays too far behind she isn't useful, just be cautious as once she gets her first item she gets more confident in all ins.”
fabiownz says “Take predator and resolve secondary rune, she literally destroys you, just perma ping your jungler to gank you, she can get out of your cage and basically destroy you. She will out roam you so just try to farm as much as you can and dont give her kills”
Lightning_Ranger221100 says “It's Katarina; need I say more? Fine. Try to poke her and keep her from getting strong. If she roams, follow her. Do not, and I mean DO NOT, let her out of your sight for more than 7 seconds, or she'll make Pentakills look like making sandwiches. Try to not go too far out though or she'll shove a dagger so far up your ass you become an Arabian Street Preformer”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Katarina is the EASIEST match up possible. Standing on Kat daggers is a bait for her to get bursted down. If you are fast enough you can Auto melee Q auto her when she takes her daggers. Her E is 2 seconds when she takes the dagger it's enough to kill her.
Null orb is gonna be needed or Hex drinker as you and Kat will constantly be killing each other over and over again.”
Body Those Fools says “Abuse your range early and stay away from her daggers and this matchup is pretty easy. She has to go Doran's Shield and Second Wind or she will get poked out easily in laning phase. If she tries to all-in you, just Ult her away or into your turret. You should try to save your Ult to cancel hers. Try to push her under tower so she can't roam. When she does roam or is MIA, you have to spam ping your laners or this matchup will snowball. Similar to the Kassadin matchup, this matchup is only hard if she gets kills early.”
Bughans says “Disgusting katarina players sucking their own d*ck for the trillionth time, you don't beat her in lane, you don't beat her after lane, you don't beat her, you don't, you don't”
loldoppio says “Go doran blade. You can windwall her q and ult. Free matchup, you have perma prio, don't be afraid to walk up and trade. Should be pressuring her.”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “Easy to deal with laning phase, but you always have to be wary of Katarina. Take exhaust if you think you can't roam and if you're fed, be even more wary of Kat as you dying could snowball her to the heavens.”
OSG Rewynd says “Trade with her when her Q is on cd. She wants to roam and cash in her guaranteed triple kill so keep her shoved in. If she ults on you, ult instantly. Saving ult for when you get low will just get you killed.”
Kurchina says “Dashes and new stupid builds made this champion stupid not only for gp, but overall, she is already problem with her low cds-huge dmg, same as irelia depends on her and on u, but u can surely destroy her pre 6”
C4V3IRINH4 says “I asked a main Katarina and according to him the only way to win this is to play better than Katarina otherwise she will win naturally.”
DabiDabi says “Stay away from her daggers at level 3. Try to follow her roams and stop her from getting a double kill bot lane. Otherwise, she'll destroy you later. If she gets on top of you at lvl 6, it's pretty much game over.”
ze kraken says “Surprisingly, even though she's really mobile, she's also really predictable. You can tie this lane, no problem. You even outpoke her. She will out roam you though.”
Super08131208 says “50-50 skill based matchup. Don't get hard combo by her. Predict her daggers and respond quick enough to her Shunpos. If Kat jumps to one of her daggers without hitting you, punish her for it by hitting her with a Q and look for a trade. As both her Q and W are on a pretty long cooldown so she won't be able to trade back. Remember that Katarina's R can hit you in shroud.
feejee says “She will outroam you but won't beat you in lane. Don't stand over her daggers (duh) and don't let her apply her anti heal with her ult, shouldn't be that bad.”
Zoose says “ Lv 1 is your only chance to harass her. She's very slippery at lv 2 with her E blink, as she can avoid all your abilities. Even with your W its incredibly hard to peel her off. Anytime she E blinks to you, that will be the best time to land W, just kite back while doing so. At lv 6, you can cancel her ultimate with your W or ultimate at long range. Kat players roam frequently so ping teammates and ward up whenever possible. Keep her pushed in and she'll struggle to roam.”
Uberizm says “Hahahahaha kat players are so fucking dumb, this is maybe??? a hard matchup if she has a brain but I've yet to see a good kat player. Just dash out of her R if she engages and kill”
CaptainBattlaxe says “Super hard to hit, she can jump to your barrels. Lane is super mindgames-based. You have to predict her jumps with triple barrel combos. Orange for healing.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Don't stay near her dagger on the ground]
[Use your E when she uses her ult]
[Don't let her free roam]”
spicy ricecaker says “Have confidence in this matchup. Katarina must respect you throughout the laning phase because you'll always outtrade her every combo. Her bread and butter combo is ewq, but she can't really use this against you as you can windwall her q and also her passive from when the daggers in the middle of dropping, cutting out most of her damage. That being said, she does have some other cheesy combos (such as lvl 2 qe), but these are just gimmicks and you can play around them easily (dash into wave to dodge the passive dagger and proceed to run her down).”
basrty1p says “She can counter you in every way.
Using her E to avoid your E and endless reset skill.
I recommend you to ban her or if you want to fight her easily, buy Everfrost to CC her and play safe, and roam the other lane, so she can't doing her combo. After Level 9 you'll be fight her easily since you have Rylai and Everfrost for Slow+Root but should still beware about your position and after that you should be fine.”
Esrucnl says “Trade with her after lvl 4-5+ don't fall for the lvl 1-2 fight when she has conqueror you will lose.
Use R on her when there is no minion wave or other players so she can't shunpo/dash anywhere and then just full burst and EZ win.
When you don't have enough damage to shut her down make sure you save your E to avoid her R damage (since you go untargetable)”
Azurio says “Hard win early, she will probably afk farm with Q. Care about her first back powerspike (sheen long sword / hextech alternator and level 6). Try to run sideways when she Q you so the dagger don' t go behind you. Smoke her when she ult and E out.”
SKRELAX says “Easy? Hard? Idk myself. Depends on the players knowledge and also their skill level overall, pretty much a skill matchup. Your early is pretty decentish into her, but be aware of her lvl 2-3, since she can kill you at that point, Katarina players build almost EVERY game starter item long sword with three pots, so be aware of that. After six, ult her after she ults and ig her when she has her conq stacks at 12. She scales better than you, take that into account as well.”
King Turtle says “She's extremely hard to hit and has the same problems we experience with other highly mobile assassins like Yasuo and Akali. The one upside is you can predict her blades drop points and move around them to lessen her all-in potential. Just try not to stay in one spot or you'll die extremely fast. ”
WildStylo says “Bad Kat will try to solo kill you in lane but she just can't because you are a better champ. Good ones will safely farm under tower until lvl 6 and then perma roam. Predict her roams and farm her.”
akol1ght says “keep spacing from her knives and try to anticipate when she's going to jump to one so you can E into a combo. Assume she can always 100-0 you”
beansoce says “Deny her off wave early, kat has very bad wave clear and no sustain so you can play very agro. Just be careful of standing near her daggers. Her ult has grevious wounds so becareful of having no healing from ult.”
icikz says “You can try to cheese level 3 and all-in her. Once you both get level 6, stay close to walls so she can't all-in you. If she does, just cancel her R with your R to wall and kill her.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Most Katarina's are very predictable and cocky. They'll always try to dash on a dagger near you, or E onto you and walk to the dagger and E again. Just respect her level 2 with flash and ignite.”
Bunny Kata says “Ok honestly, if the kata is playing aggressive in lane against you, she's bad. You'll win every fight, just remember : don't position on her daggers, it's her main source of damage. The only way she can do something is by roaming, and if she does, you can easily push mid and get plates. You burst her hard. Remember to look at her build to see if she goes full AP, full AD or Hybrid.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Blade.
oCargoNeikncz says “you can not just controll her with your abilities because of too much mobility, your only positive thing is that she often roam, and you have also perfect roaming abilities”
Meso15 says “Like Akali and Zed, abuse early game and you don't win after 6. Try to abuse her daggers and predict when she'll try to jump to them. Your R and Q stops her R. Use your superior wave clear to push the wave in and roam.”
Ludwig RageQuit says “Pick All-In or PTA Rune and starts with Dorans Rings. When she reach level 6 you need your jungle helps because she can destroy you very fast with ignite + ult. ”
Dazzther says “Literally a skill match up. Don't mess your E up, otherwise she'll just shumpo onto you, and get a really nice trade off. Remember, she can R you and you're under your W, so don't stay half life in lane. Abuse your better wave clear, push the lane, then recall/roam. If her E's down, feel free to do whatever you want with the lane, since she is very shumpo realliable.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Don't eat too many her Q]
[If she jumps on you, punish her]”
donidaking says “She might run Teleport and ignite so be careful.
If she s running conqueror you will lose any long trades.
You outrange so poke her hard.
Since most katarina players have a thing for dashing on to her daggers
you can predict her sometimes and get some really good short trades.
At level 6 she might bait your all in and just shunpo out , she can be quite scary with ignite and R up.
She has no sustain so if she s low hp you should win the all in.”
TheKingUltra says “Dodge her blades and she is useless in lane. As soon she ults you can ult to cancel her and punish her with your q,w combo. Even in teamfights you can hard cc her, she can only jump when she has blades lying around, control her blades and you will hinder her a lot. ”
Aut0Lycus says “If she tries to dive you early you win, you can stun her and pull her and your E will do damage and stop most of hers. After she gets 3 double kills bot you will lose.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “As long as you dont get caught in her fallen blades range and she attempts to engage you, you should always be winning the fight.
After 6, make sure to keep your Q for her ult, not for after the E jump on you.”
Dustyacer says “our e blocks her daggers/r/e (even if going behind you). w/e her r to cancel it. When she e,w,q onto you, run to side not backward since her q dagger lands there. Her win-con is playing around skirmishes while we want to dominate the 1v1 more.
Post 6 - save your E for her R!!! Unless you absolutely need it for something else or are using it in a skirm/teamfight. ”
enderr says “Not much to say about her,the amount of mobility on her makes blitz look like a walking vending machine.Be sure to use your R to cancel her Ultimate.”
Autolykus says “Like every assassin when you are even or behind you can not follow her on roams. She will kill you when walking into the river or bush. If she is full hp she will just wait out your ult combo and chase and kill you after it ends. If you make it out of lane with her even or slightly ahead you can just perma ult her in teamfights as an anti-carry.”
Ahri Simplord says “Skill depending matchup. Stand away from her daggers, a good kata is not gankable. Take priority in lane by shoving in and look to roam around the map. Keep your E for moments when she'll not expect it, predict her E jumps only if its not at the cost of your HP.”
Malzahar MID says “Malzahar has done a good job of beating Katarina. Normally, he wins a fantastic 52.0% of games the champions clash against one another in. In Malzahar vs Katarina rounds, Malzahar’s team is 0.1% less expected to get first blood, indicating that he most likely won't be able to get first blood versus Katarina.”
Dj Memelord says “Very volatile matchup. Laning phase should be even if you know what you are doing. However you cant follow her roams or ever step into fog of war. If she gets a kill on a roam, your laning phase is now unplayable. YAHOOOO
Consider early game runes with full dmg (electro into inspiration splash) + ignite”
Xalt says “This is one of your most favoured match ups you should happily take this match up any chance you get! You out damage kata early, all in her over and over forcing her to back! When Kata tries to all in you, Q W E, wait for her to ult you then reverse that by using your ult cancelling hers and winning the fight in a stomp. Get ready for the "broken champ" in chat and say "gg mid diff". This will tilt her through the roof and she will try again to all in, leading to another kill for you and a easy secure on your mid lane victory.”
Bundif says “Ban her. Every Zed main hates her except for the ones that are lying. Her damage is much easier to access with MUCH less commitment than yours. Her lvl 2 spike is absurd and her comeback potential is better than everyone's. Find the code that composes this champion and set it on fire.”
ACORTLOW says “Champions that roam are also an issue. If you can't roam or have trouble controlling the map, ban Katarina or anyone who can roam and get fed.”
Haydoslang says “easy matchup, can one shot at lvl 6, hold stun when she has a dagger near you, bring predator IF other laness are killable or your teams lanes are easy kills to match kata roams, otherwise electrocute.”
DaffeLaffe says “This is one of your most favored matchups. You out damage kata early, all in her over and over forcing her to back. Katarina will not be able to do anything in lane. So she will roam, call out her roams and you should be fine.”
Magmora says “Kat has some pretty predictable dashes, because she only wants to dash near daggers because it gives her resets. If she launches a dagger don't go near it. She has great roaming, but bad waveclear. If you shove and roam. she is forced to abandon farm or let you go unchecked. Be very wary in later teamfights as her ult is devastating.”
FyreRode says “Be careful against her level 3 where she may try to all in you with ignite, but as long as you take barrier and survive to level 6, this matchup is an easy win.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Barrier or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Tear of the Goddess]
[Stay out of her range and farm as much as possible]
[Try to place your E on edge when she uses R to cancel it]”
Juon says “Note: Good katarina is terrifying, bad katarina is easiest matchup. Good kats will run tenacity runes and merc treads and you wont be able to cc her for long enough, so she will get her shunpo off. More so if she builds bruiser she can't be one shot. However is she goes full damage then its a free game you can just one shot her out of existence. Max E second.”
soulentt says “Pretty much lost if she kills you in the start of the match, so stay behind, kill minions and dodge her abilities. Poke her and if your jungler comes it should be alright.”
CuteNakedLoli says “U can get beaten by her and she can snowball out of control, so the only option is to exploit her weak AF early game. If you dominate Her early she will not be able to come back if u play it properly ”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Barrier or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Everfrost]
[Punish her whenever she is last hitting]
[Don't stay near her dagger or she will jump on it and deal damage to you]
[Use your ult when she ulted first]
[Don't let her free roam]”
TrueGIXERJ says “one of the free-est matchups you have, don't stand on daggers and just spam autos on her to prevent her getting any CS. ping your botlane like a mf as soon as she exits lane because she will realise she's useless and try to snowball off of them. but to lose this matchup in lane i think you need no hands.”
Fake Supp says “one of other outplay matchups she cant trade with u level 1 so if she played aggressively go E if not Q dont let her play the game if u get behind u most likely lose ”
Winter Nicole says “Katarina: She can be easy to kill a lot in the beginning of the game but she can be really hard at end game and can easily kill you under tower around mid game. (Recommend playing safe but also try to gank top or bot lane to gain more kills for items so you can have a lot of ability power)”
Ara55 says “Easy match up, you win in lane, and you just out burst her. only problem is katarina will just roam and try to get a lead. Match her Tp Ignite.
desch3445 says “She just doesn't have the early game power to snowball vs you, and chances are you're gonna burst her down if she makes even a slight positioning error. She's a fun matchup (Because you win!! :D)
Take the Conqueror page; You win most all-ins & extended trades vs her, so it's just natural. You can't take FS 'cause she's too mobile, and her Q, though not a lot, it is still poke, so no FS for you :/”
ThePieBeam says “Katarina is bullshit, but it's managable. Your level 1 is better, her level 2-5 is better, but once you get ult the fight it's too bad. Unless she's already fed, which is very possible considering the bull that is this champ. Really the only things to remember are that you absolutely must keep your Q up for her ult, but if you need to you can use your W to cc her out of it. Also, when she starts trying to go in on you, a good R on your part can usually peel her off since she's very squishy.”
TrueGIXERJ says “you can W to cancel her R, which can lead to you winning fights if she doesn't expect it, aside from that she will dash circles around you. this matchup really all comes down to if you can land W, because if you can it's over for her.”
Eriosunx says “Pretty easy both before and after level 6.
Just avoid walking on daggers if you have your E on cooldown.
Try to throw vertical E covering your champion's hitbox as well.
Many katarina try to outplay Irelias jumping on them in order to dodge Irelia's E if they have no minions to shunpo on.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Katarina should be harassed hard Lvl 1. Position yourself between enemy caster minions and enemy turret and poke her out of farm and cs if possible. Once she hits 3 she will look to go in on you. Wherever she throws her Q immediately attack move to the opposite side of her from which she threw it. Without hitting both of her daggers she cannot win the trades early SO LONG AS SHE DIDN'T START LONG SWORD! If Katarina started Long Sword be sure to respect her Lvl 3 and chase after her when she has E on cooldown. Post 6 depends on whether or not you have generated a big enough lead. If she roamed and or got strong in lane do not be on the same screen as her.”
lonestar1870 says “You should always win the lane, but the midgame can be hard since she almost never actually plays for lane. Don't let her roam bot if you can help it and make sure you will also be there or can push for plates.
She's not allowed to play for the wave until level 3 (but she can all in u level 2 if you misposition really badly). Slowpush and crash 3rd wave, punish if she makes a big mistake. She probably wont contest much level 1-2. Her level 3 is huge because of how many auto resets she can get (if she picks up daggers), but you should be able to deny her the first two waves or poke her hard if she tries to get some.
Be careful freezing, Kat will often sack waves for a roam (goes very bad if kat gets kills). Very often your best bet is to try to keep her under tower. Make sure to ward when pushing up since she will be able to run you down lane.
You generally want to time your resets to match hers (or when you have Teleport) because you NEVER want to give Kat prio in lane. When you reset after her, you will give your Kat a ~45s window to roam before the next wave comes so time your backs accordingly.
You may need to let her push back into you sometimes and you will likely need to give up cs letting it come back. She can chase you down the lane and will win almost every long trade (with conq).
It's easy to get outplayed by her mobility, but also easy to kill her if you lock her down. Be patient with your Q and E since she can dodge with her E. Don't use E if she has something to jump to. Play far back if your E is down.
Your best bet is to either W->E, E->Q, or to use multiball stun.
She will often E to a dagger when your minions get low. You can sometimes predict this and get a good trade off, but she does have a lot of movement speed after picking up the dagger and is hard to execute.
Walk away from her daggers: they drop directly behind the first target hit.
Try to save your E to cancel her Ult in the mid/late game
Most of her mobility is tied around minion waves & her daggers (esp if she goes ignite/tp). She is easy to kill in the river and harder to kill in lane for this reason.
Electrocute and PR are both viable in this lane depending on your playstyle.
I prefer TP so I can follow her roams and lock her into lane if I take a bad reset.”
Desperate Nasus says “Free stack pre 6 against Katarina. There is nothing she can do to you unless you stand on her daggers. Overall laning against Katarina is easy and having a lot of Cc against her is another way to shut her down. Be careful when you try to run her down, first look at the wave position so she wont escape.”
Rhybeaux says “Katarina is kind of in the middle of 3 and 4. The only problem with playing against Kat is that you really can't use your stun aggressively. Hold it for her ult.”
IreliaS Secret says “Кайтишь кату и выигрываешь. на 2-х слотах можешь шотнуть. Если она кидает в тебя кинжалик, то идешь в ее сторону и немного в бок, так она в тебя не попадет пасивкой. На ее ульт жмешь свой”
CashLOL says “This is somewhere between even and major. Her daggers make where she plans to go a bit televised. You can also hold W for her ult to interrupt. With that being said, a good Kat is insanely mobile and hard to hit with abilities. With no mana costs she can use her E to dodge your Q's if she ever needs. work on poking her and try not to waste your E until you have either CC or know that she won't be hopping again.”
ShokLoL says “Akshan has super strong trades early game so you can auto attack harass her a lot. You can take either ignite and exhaust but E max is definitely better. Rush Wit's End.”
iZianni says “Her blink counts as a GLOOM activator that gives you free damage and fear procs. You can one shot her with ultimate but she can also dagger combo you into the ground if you're not utilizing fear properly. You will always have wave clear advantage + gank set up so this lane is very easy unless its faker. ”
pwins says “A good Kata player can easily destroy Zoe especially if Zoe is reckless. Try to time your E when she blinks to you and poke her. Stay away from her as humanly possible and try to chip her away!”
livikattt says “Kat can be super annoying, but remember: KNOW YOUR ENEMY. Imagine you are Kat. Does she want to dash to that dagger? If she can accomplish something by doing so (ex: csing, doing damage to anything, just being confusing) she will probably go for it. Try to get a sense of when she's going for her blink, since it's super telegraphed if she's not super good. If she doesn't have the Katarina Monkey Brain, just be careful and charm her out of her ult whenever possible. Seriously, low elo Katarinas are incredibly predictable. Make sure she doesn't kill you level 2 though, because she can and will.”
Juplicate says “Katarina has extremely high burst but is very bad during laning phase. If she goes for cs just poke her with q and bully her out of lane. If she uses her ultimate then Q3 or use your ultimate to cancel her's. ”
Miscake says “Abuse de trocas pré-3 e torça para que ela não venha de Doran's Shield. Quem conseguir uma vantagem primeiro nessa lane vai deixar o outro inútil, não importa de qual lado.
O 6 dela tem uma ameaça muito grande pelos 60% de redução de cura, jogue ao redor dele guardando seu W pra isso e você deve ficar bem.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “Hard push her in level 1 and poke her if she walks up at all.
Kat has a very hard time csing under tower, so it's a good way to get an early cs lead.
Windwall her Q so she loses a dagger to jump too.
Build Hexdrinker if you find yourself dying in this lane or at least get a Null-Magic Mantle.
Save Windwall for her R post 6.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This lane is pretty boring because she will just roam. Do not stand on or near her daggers, or
she will look to trade with you. You heavily out-sustain her. Just ping her roams because they rely on this
to get fed. She will probably dodge your Q3 and Ult with her E, so try to all-in her when she doesn't have
it. When you look for a trade, go on her with either Q1 or Q2; she will easily dodge your Q3.
Drewmatth Taliyah says “MELEE = PUSH EARLY (LEVELS 1-2) - CARE FOR GANKS! (SPAM Q'S TILL 50-60% MANA).
Doran Ring + 2 Pots + Another Ring + early MR + Merc / Banshees. Get also Refillable if those 2 pots were not enough. Get Time Warp Tonic/Minion Demat for surival/fast push.
Hardest matchup by far because she can just roam as a 0-2 on your bot and even if you ping they might die for no reason/int. I perma ban this champion because its the easiest to lose to WITHOUT DIRECTLY FEEDING HER (she's also impossible to kill on lane if she's a dia+ otp).
Survivable with an early magic resist item such as Null Mantle or Negatron Cloak and also Exhaust for her ult or Barrier/Heal.
I recomend Exhaust because we don't have a hard CC spell to nullify her ult down ( she will most often flash+jump+ult when the CC spells are down anyway if she's good, but Exhaust can deal with that) .
When she does not have a dagger already set up on the ground go and Q her but stay far away from her daggers.
Later on in teamfights unless she is a very good player she will struggle because of your Exhaust and other CC spells from your teammates.
Target her down and you should be okay if she was not overfed by this point. Her roaming potential is on par with yours minus the ultimate, so be extremely careful on both roaming and FOLLOWUPS on her roams.
NEVER try to outplay a Katarina simply because of her dashes. Play relatively safe until 6 then try to do a good roam, but beware of the followup.
You should roam only if your teammates will remain above 50 percent HP after your gank (!!!!) - so that when she follows they would actually have a chance to survive and also Katarina would not get any resets.
Ping like a maniac anytime she roams !!! Ban her if you lose more than twice and she gets fed on bot/top and you could not follow (or roam first and do your best on ganks OR ask for camp from your jg but a good kata will just jump back to base).”
eiensiei says “REACTIVE lane, not proactive. At level 1, I'll E-AA and after that I'll only poke with E. At level 2 she usually looks for an opportunity to Q+E+AA+dagger passive+electrocute and burst me down, so I take W second and negate a lot of her damage while I out-trade her with E-AA (and I keep autoattacking as she runs away). Fighting in my minion wave also draws aggro and makes it harder for her to win trades. At level 3 she definitely wants to go in, so I stay out of her Q range - unless I have significantly more HP than her (or have Barrier up) and want to bait her. I'll shield myself as she jumps and will use E and keep autoattacking her, holding my Q until she has no more E resets. Most of the time she forgets I still have Barrier and keeps fighting me. She's the ultimate snowballing champion, so she's constantly looking for roams and I need to keep the pixel bush towards bot lane warded, or my own jungle to see her if she takes that path.”
xblademojo says “Respect Katarina with Conqeuror and Doran Blade since she outtrades you and might kill you in early game. Overall you win her but still its skilled matchup for her and you. Never waste your Q since its her only chance to kill you if she can cast fully her Ult. Play wise, aware of her daggers. ”
Polarshift says “Move away from where her daggers land and try to burst her down in teamfights. If she's good, she'll wait for your team to use their abilities. Then she gets resets and annihilates the rest of your team. Bouncing the wave and keeping the wave at your side of the lane is the best way to play out this lane. Just use your superior waveclearing ability to prevent fighting her and roam. Don't underestimate her early damage, but she shouldn't be able to stick on you too easily if you use Phaserush and your Overloads well. Your W does NOT cancel her ultimate. Get vision down (ESPECIALLY botside of the map) so your team sees her on the map, denying her ability to roam. Careful of following her roams (she can wait in a bush and try to kill you). Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “This champ has become much better as of recent and much more difficult to beat. Overall Kat is just a better champ with movement and dmg. If the other player is good this can become a nightmare.”
ISterbenI says “Pretty difficult matchup. Has tons of damage and good roams. Buy Zhonya's and farm. Only good thing is that you will outscale her later on.”
TygoVe says “In lane you can try to bully her with autoattacks, but try to watch out for her burst with ignite. She is not a big problem for you early on, but often you will see that she will get about 300 kills at your botlane, then she becomes a problem. Build Zhonya's Hourglass unless she is very much behind. Try to stay near your carries in teamfights and ult her as soon as you can”
AP WormMaW Mid says “Good old Katarina, I guess anyone who plays mages knows how annoying her jumps can be, together with her damage output. I rated her as really high, even though really precise gameplay, can make this matchup quite easy. It means, that this lane might go really well or really badly. If you position yourself right and farm, she shouldn't be able to kill you and if you wait for right moment, you can even get kill 1v1 against her, but as I said, you just have to play perfectly. What is problem though, is her roaming potential. If she gets kills from other lanes, you mostly can't simply follow, unless you have really well warded jungle and you know where you are going, but mostly it's not worth it. So it's a bit of risk, but in lategame again, if you position yourself right, you might get win condition on your side again after you hit level 16, because she will have problem dealing with your poke and even get on you if you stand far away. If you get your Lich Bane, you can even oneshot her in a single combo, unless she uses Zhonya. To wrap it up - matchup is hard, but playable as any other and here it's really important to play it right - then it will become way easier than it seems to be.”
Avucado says “Does a lot of damage and can stay on you easily. A good Katarina will be very hard to play into. Go for E lvl 1 as it will do half their health as long as they don't start E. Look to walk up then Q->HoB autos, E out if they try to full combo you in retaliation. Hitting R is very hard because they can E to almost anything so save it until you know they don't have it (daggers on the ground reset the cooldown when picked up). Ask for a gank but make sure not to engage when their wave is coming or else they'll just E out. ”
RezoneVerified says “Land a grenade as soon as she Ults or comes into melee distance. Unless Kata gets fed early she should be easy to deal with due to being a melee AP assassin.”
Callmebee says “Have you ever seen a guy throwing knives around his beautiful assistant? You are the assistant, Katarina is the guy, just VERY drunk. He will hit you. A lot. Just stay away, trust me. She is actually one of the hardest people do deal with as her movement is extremely unpredictable, becoming hard to land skillshots on. Poke only with E for manaflow, don't go for AAs, stay far behind even if it means losing some minions and just play for teamfights. Take Exhaust.”
LunarVortex says “Her mobility and DPS is nhard for you to deal with if she's good. Call your jungler for help. Keep a control ward in the river and spam-ping your sidelanes when she roams.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: If you ping your sidelaners when she roams and don't die in the early levels this matchup is really managable. Just be careful for her all in lvl 3. Always move away from her daggers on the ground.”
Yeager says “Do not push the lane early game. She can all-in you from lvl 2 and win the trades. If you freeze the lane infront of your tower, she can't kill you. If the katarina doesn't have cleanse, she should be a free kill if you ping your jungler to come.”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Katarina matchup is even, very similar to fizz one mistake and it could be gg mid, AD kat is not something to sneeze at and can hurt a lot with kraken and bork. Very easy follow on her roams.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Another skill based match up, but you can go hard on her early game as long as you avoid passive daggers. Chains work well on Katarina.”
Xelikari says “Once you play against katarina and understand how her trading works, you'll know just how useless she is against Rumble. You'll crush this matchup, focus on roaming after 6 unless she all-ins you, then just drop equalizer and pound her”
Yeager says “Katarina likes being pushed in early levels because she can cheese at lvl 1-3 and pick up some kills on bad opponents. Don't hard shove the wave but slow push it, so if she decides to engage on you, your minion wave will be bigger and do more damage to her. Walk in the opposite side of where her (Q)dagger is going, so you don't get hit by the AOE damage whenever she steps on the daggers on the ground. If you succesfully dodge the daggers on the ground, you win all trades because her damage is gone. Just make sure that you don't use your ball blindly while her E shunpo is up, because she can easily dodge it. Force and bait her abilities with autoattack, and then use your abilities as soon as she uses shunpo to a location. There is a short delay before she can use shunpo again.”
Urpog says “Midlane: She's tricky to deal with, this matchup is completely even due to skill expression required from both players. She can dash away from your E but if you're playing the lane smart you can catch Katarina's while they're dashing around as sometimes it's choregraphed where they're going to be due to dagger placements. If you flip her there's a window if they're button mashing where she can dash away so make sure you're shooting your ultimate immediately, buying chains third item is viable against Katarina just to guarantee she doesn't have the CC to be teleporting all over the map after you grab her, she should play the lane to roam so make sure you pick up the early cull into tiamat if she looks like she's going to roam, if she's staying in lane do giants belt into tiamat.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Since she can jump straight to you, I'd highly recommend not using your E aggressively. Wait till she ever jumps on you, then use it. Don't use your E in a panic otherwise this'll get you killed.”
CashLOL says “Her biggest power spike against you is level 2, if you can deal with that, the rest should be easy. Stay away from daggers and track her e options. The only way for kat to get fed is from roams so ping your team at all times!
XayLies says “That's not hard at all to win Katarina, just Windwall her Q, use your own Q when she comes near and disable her Ultimate by E on minions / Knocking her up, and even W on it. You can even make her rage quit by following her roams in bot lane and get a triple kill with your support if he got some nice knocks.”
iZianni says “Your spells are irrelevant if she has shunpo available, it's all about positioning and team composition for this match up.
You win early but if you misplay she can 100-0 you at level 4. It takes a lot less for you to win this match up, but she has plenty of tools to make it an irrelevant situation.
Use your range advantage, freeze lane as much as possible to create gank opportunities and hope she doesn't roam. If she roams, you're forced to push lane and get hextech combo'd every 50 seconds.”
Rermo99 says “Katarina is an easy matchup, if you know Kindred. Playing against her is as simple as staying away of her daggers, and it even easier with your Q. If she all in and press R, you can also press R and then kill her. BE CAREFUL, her ults apply grievous wounds, so you'll get less heal than her in your ults if it happens.”
Eriosunx says “Katarina is not a hard matchup for Yasuo.
Its very easy to trade and out-lane a Katarina.
Also Yasuo's Windwall can cancel Katarina's Q even if its landed on the ground.
Just avoid walking on daggers at level3 and take armor in the runes.
She deals mostly AD-Damage in the laning-phase”
KeNaNFoR says “For Kassadin, Katarina is an unpleasant matchup, because the experienced Katarina can easily destroy him with her combo. But also Katarina can be easily taken out of the game, simply by keeping her under control and punishing her for any mistakes.”
Eriosunx says “|RECCOMEND CONQ+BONEPLATING|Easy matchup after level 6.
The only issue is before level 6, Akali's laning power has been heavily nerfed, she's no more a lane bully and Katarina with CONQ or ELEC can easily out-damage Akali's full kit.
Just make sure to farm properly and abuse your level 6 spike!”
ToHadesWithYou says “Watch when will she will go to her blades. That way you can hit her with your E, but a good Katarina will be so active that it will make landing your E harder.”
mrmundo says “Entirely a skill matchup. Kat is quick and can tear you HP apart. You jut have to player around her daggers and catch her when she least expects it. Use your E2 to cancel her ult, and steal her ult, and win the game :)”
ShokLoL says “Similar to Ekko you need to make sure not to waste your E. If you don't stand next to daggers and save your E for when she goes in you should mostly be fine, but if she picks up a random kill from a roam this lane can become very difficult.”
leonidas44 says “In 3 and below you can win the trades with abusing the level 2 strategy. Kata pre 6 doesnt deal too much dmg to burst you. Be careful for her daggers on the ground. You can even bait her with her dagger to engage her with W->Q->E by going near there!”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade In Resolve Bone Plating and overgrowth.
Try to not get hit by her Q and try to bait her into long trade,you win most of them.
Freezing is really great against kat.
you can block her Q and R,
katarina will try to dodge your skills with E.”
Kords says “Katarina is Annoying. She cannot contest your early game push, but come level 3, she can kill you very easily, STAY AWAY FROM HER DAGGERS. When she hits level 6 she will want to all in you again, you can either R where she lands to stop her ult, or simply Q her to stop her. You can roam relatively easily, just be careful since she can follow you well. Exhaust her when you feel necessary, don't hold onto it. She can do a LOT of dmg in short amounts of time. However she can assassinate you, so be careful of that. She can build AP AD since she has on hit effetcs. Kinda annoying how opressive she can play because she actually deals damage.”
TheoRut says “She can dodge your E, Q and W with her E super easily. I would suggest waiting out her E and try to one shot her with ignite + combo.
Electrocute suggested.”
ShokLoL says “Katarina is a weak laner outside of a couple key moments. Make sure you don’t stand on any daggers and respect her level 2 and level 6 all in. For the most part Katarina will just look to spam roam and cheese kills from other lanes so placing good wards and pinging missing or retreat pings on lanes to keep her from getting kills is really important. If you can ever lock her in lane or kill her you will be massively ahead. If you do use your E aggressively make sure to play safer when it's down. Normally it's better to hold it (especially post 6) to disengage trades or cancel her ult.
Shurikon says “Her agility is outstanding especially when in he hands of a Kat pro! punish her early and follow her roams so she cant scale. Fail to do this and she will kick your ass. ”
Luxeul says “Just be careful with using your Q and E, she can dodge it with her shunpo which will drastically reduce your damage output. Save passive fear to cancel her R if possible.”
ShokLoL says “Katarina is a weak laner outside of a couple key moments. Make sure you don’t stand on any daggers and respect her level 2 and level 6 all in. For the most part Katarina will just look to spam roam and cheese kills from other lanes so placing good wards and pinging missing or retreat pings on lanes to keep her from getting kills is really important. If you can ever lock her in lane or kill her you will be massively ahead. Quick QW trades are really good especially if her E is on CD and she has no way to dodge it.
Yasukeh says “ Be aware of where she throws her daggers, and if she can trade on you freely without giving you a chance to answer. You can often try to bait her by standing on her daggers and forcing her to take several autos if she wants to use them. Be diligent in telling your team where she is, because no matter how far ahead you get on her, she can still roam bot and get a triple kill and be back into the game. ”
Elite500 says “She gets a lil scary when you're standing next to her daggers, her ult reduces your healing aswell. She won't go defensive summoner so the possibilty of poking her down a tad and then oneshotting is VERy high”
Dr Eggmund says “Very easy late game of course but early game don't stand near the daggers and when she E's out of position punish her for it. Her all in isn't as strong as yours. If either of you decide to all in then dodge Kat's ult with your Pool and Kat will die spinning and doing nothing.”
iZianni says “I hate Kat, so even if this match up is Ori favored I think its ridiculous that I can't be comfortable poking her because she can one shot me off E.”
Ambitieux says “Katarina is a deadly champion that thrives on levels to win. Your advantages is level 1-3 respectively were as most melee matchups you run them under tower as fast as possible. Auto them to death under turret. Stay away from the blades on the ground and you should have a pretty smooth time against her. After she casts her Shunpo, even when picking up dagger it has a small cooldown early levels of almost an entire second. Use ur charm for this time frame and you can win pretty easy. At level 6 she will try to roam so always make sure she is pushed under and look for your own roams. ”
iZianni says “Don't use any skills because she will literally just Shunpo then press R.
I genuinely believe that Katarina is an elo-inflation champion that is impossible to counter in Solo Q.
Your only hope is holding Q until she suicides into you because of her massive EGO.
If you're able to keep her at 60-70% hp, she will 100% kill herself by shunpoing into you.
KatEvolved literally has done this every single time in our 1v1s.”
kindo says “Katarina is pretty easy to deal with in lane. Most of the time, I can muster up to 30-40 cs leads on katarina since they're unable to walk up to farm aside from chucking her qs. In the 1v1, Kindred can exert extreme pressure and keep perma lane-prio. Except this is pretty much nullified by the fact that she gives 0 shits about leaving lane to pick up 2 free kills even if it costs her 5 waves.
The difficulty comes that this champion snowballs EXTREMELY hard. Her ultimate CD is pretty negligible and gets further reduced on random kills she'll inevitably get. Once she picks up even a few kills, she can force your ult freely and disengage whenever she wants.
It's still possible to kill her with some CC, but she can likely just 1 shot you when she starts snowballing - allows her to farm the wave and roam for free.
Bad and even mediocre katarinas will just try to all in you early and let you snowball - if you snowball, games over for her.
Candyness says “Intense poking and mobility can force you to play passively against her. Katarina is also a roamer and if she succeeds, it'll put you in danger for most of the game.”
A Wanblee Wasta says “You dont throw E until she jumps in. If you throw Q, walk back because she might try to go for a trade. Don't use your ult, if you didn't hit an E. She can jump out of your ult easily otherwise. Neeko with her Q and autos can out damage kat early if you dodge her daggers. Kat Q will always land behind you. Neeko has good base MS, so you can dodge katarina EW pretty easily if you play well.”
Baion says “You can short trade with her without get hard punished. But, if you miss a combo on level 6, she can easily kill you. Be aware on her cooldowns and just ult when she is stunned!”
Chymying says “play safe, with cc from another teammate its not too hard to deal with. Go exhaust/TP. Can actually try to cheese her in the early levels by playing really agressive and going for the solokill to get an advantage, otherwise you won't win 1v1.”
Coldsong says “Even though it is a skill matchup, Katarina is not bad to deal with as Talon since your melee Q screws her up super hard if she plays aggressively. Stay away from daggers and try to predict where she will use her E with your W for an easy passive proc.”
DemonDiana says “First, do not underestimate Katarina's dueling power. She is strongest against you with her AD build that lets her do true damage through your little shield. She will lose in trades early bc your shield. Your poke is better and threatens and all-in style trade that she won't want to take. Care for when you Q bc she can E to you and deny your E reset. Denying Diana's Q, therefore her E reset, is essential for vsing Diana. It's important to starve her early, most importantly don't die or let her roam for free. If she roams, you take tower plates and Rift and will win lane. Ward the bush behind botside red buff if you're on either side (Red or Blue).”
resetwice says “50/50 matchup in my opinion. She does a lot of damage and has a lot of mobility. Her early game is very weak so try to abuse your W and meleeQ if she try to pick a dagger next to you. If she R you, jump a wall and full combo her as soon as possible to avoid her E to run. BEST RUNES TO GO: ELECTROCUTE”
Kessi says “Qiyana should totally win this matchup if played correctly, but it surely is a skill matchup. You can even trade her at lvl 1, as long as you dodge the dagger.
Every time she tries to Q you, just E in, even if she doesn't, go bush Q and go in. Tho, don't act too cocky since she still deals a good amount of damage, but just have in mind that you can kill her any time.
Use W/E to dodge her attacks. Go Mobility Boots for roaming.”
MaiconMST says “Um dos matchup que acho mais favoráveis, katarina é bem previsivel as vezes e pode usar as habilidades dela como sua maior fraqueza, acertando o Q onde ela for pular.
E também é Simples de punir ela com W e 3 Hits ja que ela é corpo a corpo.”
LuxIsMyCrush says “ironically kata can still deal some serious damage if you understimate her despite your free "get out of jail card". One of few dash champs worth meniotning.”
Sylvan Lore says “Katarina is a really high risk high reward champion that can easily get out of control. Trade carefully with her early and NEVER walk near a dagger on the ground if you want to trade with her. Also if she is chasing you and lands a Q, do not run directly away into the dagger about to be placed, but instead turn and walk towards her. This may seem weird, but it will serious drop off the damage she can do to you. Never underestimate her all in damage after level 6. You win this matchup by landing short QW trades on her when she is trying to cs with her E. You can also consider taking ignite in this matchup and playing for the advantage since she struggle to burst you from a safe range.
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
Katarina cannot really lane against Zilean. The problem is when she walks out of lane and gets three kills and now you cannot lane against her. 1v1 is easy, roaming is difficult.”
rachichu says “More of a threat to your team that is relatively difficult for you to manage. High MS and extremely mobile make Katarina an absolute nightmare for most champions.”
TC Gamile says “Katarina, in my opinion should be a big problem if she gets the early kills.
It's hard to all in because she can just E to the back of her wave.
Try not to feed her and if she roams, push the wave so she loose a lot of XP and gold from the minions.”
Impossible2Gank says “This one can go either way depending on how well they know their champ in the matchup but if you know it just as well you should be able to come out on top. As for your team though, maybe not so much.”
VyoS says “Katarina is a bit tricky, when someone is good with her then care, so try to outtrade her and Ult when she got a little bit greedy. Don't try to fight her in the early lvl's, when she got you with her passive she will outtrade you, wait for your dirk and your lvl 6. WE first, wait till she jumps somewhere, then you can R and all in her”
Mylan2122 says “Pretty hard lane, same as all the other champs with a blink or dodge. She can easily react to your abilities with her E. You can't really win trades. But if you just farm its hard to lose too. A good katarina will definitely fuck you over. ”
ReapeRGP says “Really hard to deal with. She can escape your cage and burst you. If she is playing conqueror then she won't die easily. Farm and play safely. Save your E to cancel her ult. Zone her daggers with your W. Consider taking Exhaust.”
roselol says “they will roam bot and double kill. please ping and try your best to ward river. when fighting her, you want to take small trades from far away, and watch her daggers in case she jumps on them. ”
Juanyma says “play agressive early game and harass her with your range and poke, she shouldn't be a trouble for you if you play confident and respect her lvl 6.”
duhnx says “She dodges everything, has better waveclears, good roams and can get out of ganks decently. This is really hard to play against. Try to predict her jumps. If you play smart you can't kill each other so watch for her roams and try for objectives or counter gank.”
Grayified says “[MID] Any rune - Corrupting Potion - Exhaust recommended | Katarina will have trouble winning into a Corki with exhaust, but Katarina players are known for roaming a lot around the map. You need to play around this by catching her off when she tries to roam and following her around.”
richardlized says “Do not step on her daggers. She has a relatively weak early game, so abuse that hard. Most Kats will try to E on you when you WEQ, making inexperienced Zed players whiff their Qs. In this scenario, do not panic, AA and walk back a bit to dodge W dagger damage, and AA again while throwing out Qs. This wins you the trade if you proc electrocute. After level 6, if she ults and Es to a minion, follow her with your W and you can win this matchup.
Katasandra says “[1] Don't stand on daggers
[2] If she E - W's: W and walk away from her (T1 boots help a lot with this)
[3] If she Q's: walk sideways away from the dagger. Don't walk in a straight line (over the dagger)!”
Thresh Mid says “Like Ekko she gets beat out early game, and can be threatening late game. Death Lotus (R) can be cancelled with Death Sentence and Flay. As well as can be very predictive with dagger drops.”
xMetix says “Skill match up, very bloody you should usually start winning after lvl 6 but remember she can ult without seeing you when you're using your grass element. Remember to watch incoming waves position if you're going for an all-in so she doesn't just blink away.”
Hienaa says “Even tho she is mobile like zed and etc, you can easiely dodge her daggers and cancel all her dmg, you win at every level, just respect the daggers.”
Marky 2 Butts says “Kat level 1-5 doesn't do too much damage, if you can push in early waves to get level 2 first and constantly harass her with Q. If you do this, then you should be able to get level 6 quicker and with ignite and ult be able to kill her. If she gets a kill on you early this could switch the threat to a major as Kat can deal a lot of burst damage. ”
DabiDabi says “Kat is a fun matchup for Talon. Your Auto, Melee Q, Auto destroys her. Just don't let Kat E to her daggers and hit you and manages to get away with it. Don't let her get free dmg on you. Always try to proc your passive on her. You can bully her by going Null Orb and buying Hexdrinker.”
nZk01 says “Katarina is very easy aswell, she cant ever walk up or you just perma kill her, after 6 hold your E for her ult and she cant do anything, would recommend ignite.”
DabiDabi says “50-50 skill based matchup. Don't get hard combo by her. Predict her daggers and respond quick enough to her Shunpos. If Kat jumps to one of her daggers without hitting you, punish her for it by hitting her with a Q and look for a trade. As both her Q and W are on a pretty long cooldown so she won't be able to trade back. Remember that Katarina's R can hit you in shroud.”
tozosi says “You should be able to beat her in lane. Her win condition in lane is essentially her teleporting behind you and dodging your W. As long as you play with that in mind, it's not a difficult lane. Just be aware of her getting a roam off bot lane and snowballing out of control as what happens in most my games against Kat.”
TheSecretsWithin says “Kassadin is actually one of the champs that can deal with Katarina. During level 1, you can just block all of her Q damage with your Q shield. Level 2, she will out trade her E Q passive combo with your aa W aa Q. But level 3 onwards, you need to play smart. Though she does spam her abilities, don't underestimate Katarina, she can still snowball with 1 kill. Play the lane smart, post 6, hold your Q for her R, cancelling it entirely, and your shield will still be up to absorb any other damage she tries to go for. Be patient and either keep poking her till you are confident enough to all in or wait till she wastes everything and commit to the fight. Katarina ain't much if she doesn't get a kill to reset her abilities. ”
3Riptide3 says “Hold your W for her ult or for when she engages on you. Everfrost is good into her because it prevents her from dashing. Go hourglass 2nd. ”
Nanelol says “Entirely a skill matchup. Kat is quick and can tear you HP apart. You jut have to player around her daggers and catch her when she least expects it. Use your E2 to cancel her ult, and steal her ult.”
Nanelol says “Her movement's are highly predictable since they're pretty dictated by her daggers. You can also cancel her ult with either your Q or your own ult, so as long as you don't waste them willy nilly, she put's herself at high risk to try to all in you. The biggest issue is just the somewhat unpredictability of her daggers bounce. can cost you your passive if you're a bit closer to minions then you realize.”
TheEnglishman says “One of the few lanes tf actually counters. Stun her ult and combo after the stun hits. A good kat will jump back at the last second to try and dodge your wildcards off a stun.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “Any Summs. Electrocute. Conqueror and Summon Aery is a possible choice.
Constantly harass her as she has no real way to fight you. She has no form of sustain and doesn't have any way to harass you so it's freelo. ”
Nanelol says “Katarina is a very tough matchup as she has so much mobility. You need to poke as much as you can early without depleting your mana and also avoiding the daggers are she will delete you if you go anywhere near them.”
Toddiek24 says “Katarina's mobility makes it easy for her to kill Akshan. No need to write more about this because everyone knows this sneaky Champion.”
Jinx_48 says “Easy early game took Tp to couter roam inpossibvility if she runs ignite tp if she didnt took tp anyway took alway tp bc mains of ka alot of roams.
Try to W before she use ult bc her ult is antyheal.
Her ult is ideal to flash to 5 people in teafight (with team bc her ult scaling with your ap if you stole it)”
Nanelol says “don't let her get level 3 before you, because she can combo and kill you early and snowball off you. you win against her, if your reaction time is crisp you can sit near a dagger and wait for her to engage. ”
seemes says “like leblanc she will never be hit by q if shes competent, however when shunpos pre 6 you should q+w on yourself and you will out trade her. Post 6 you will need to save your q for when she uses r, and its a free kill.”
Sanctuar says “Katarina may have a strong killing potential, but so do you. Dodge the daggers as she will jump to them to deal damage. If she intends to all-in on you with her ultimate, use yours to stun her immediately.”
fanchessfan says “Katarina is literally the easiest matchup. She can't CS in lane and if she tries to all in you just E her away. If she uses her ult your E interrupts it so you can cancel it. If she tries to roam you can look to even buy an early tiamat if you find her outpushing you. The only thing to be worried about is ganks. In low elo nobody ganks mid but take exhuast just in case. ”
shidonryoku says “You counter her, you have more damage from combos, but stay alert in the early stages. After lvl 6, always prepare your Q to interrupt her R. Nowadays the AD build is popular, so exhausting seems not a bad option, although the nerf on her R made it much weaker in this build.”
Vispectra says “This match-up is typically when I see Kassadin being picked. Although yes , you somewhat counter her , she can snowball off other lanes if you don't ward and ping properly. In lane you should be fine just Q when she does and walk away from the dagger ( usually stepping forwards a bit ). She can kill you if she hits 3 before you and you're too far up. Her R will be canceled by your Q or using your R to get out of range.”
DebilekLaZe says “Easy, don't walk into her daggers, Q her as often as you can and you should be able to kill her lvl 6, just watch out for her lvl 2-3 all in.”
StarTundra says “Katarina can be dealt with. Hold Q until her blink is on cooldown, use wall to disrupt her ult if she ults and you should be okay. Keep in mind that fighting katarina relies on the enemy making mistakes, and that you're not really able to engage on her. Katarina is fairly squishy and one or two spell rotations + electrocute should be able to kill.”
cookanarities says “Katarina is pretty easy to deal with in lane. Most of the time, I can muster up to 30-40 cs leads on katarina since they're unable to walk up to farm aside from chucking her qs. In the 1v1, Kindred can exert extreme pressure and keep perma lane-prio. Except this is pretty much nullified by the fact that she gives 0 shits about leaving lane to pick up 2 free kills even if it costs her 5 waves. The difficulty comes that this champion snowballs EXTREMELY hard. Her ultimate CD is pretty negligible and gets further reduced on random kills she'll inevitably get. Once she picks up even a few kills, she can force your ult freely and disengage whenever she wants. It's still possible to kill her with some CC, but she can likely just 1 shot you when she starts snowballing - allows her to farm the wave and roam for free. Bad and even mediocre katarinas will just try to all in you early and let you snowball - if you snowball, games over for her.”
TheWerefloof says “Katarina is also in the abusable melee list, but because her Q lets her play safe for the first waves she's not as abusable. Still, if she engages on you try and use your AA cancel to get MS and put some clearence between eachother, then swing towards her and her minions. If all goes well you'll continue shooting her when she blinks back (and since most take TP + Ignite now a days), it should be an easy kill. Also they're all very, very cocky.”
luminyan says “Very easy matchup for Lux. I would bring barrier just to be safe and shut down her potential to early kill, but abuse her if she messes up her E. If she can't shunpo anymore, poke her down. If she Q's you, you know where she's going. Q+E her if she dashes to you. ”
Aethlo says “ Katarina has the wave-clear advantage. ||
Katarina wins pre-3. ||
Katarina loses slightly pre-6. ||
Katarina loses slightly post-6. ||
Annie slightly outscales Katarina ||
Tips: Katarina will win every fight if she gets onto you with shunpo resets. As Annie, you have to be careful of her dodging your Tibbers. She won't be able to react to it - but she is very mobile and can dodge it on accident, be careful with your placement and keep at range in lane - careful of her level 2 spike and try to save your cc for her ult in skirmishes unless you can one-shot her.”
PRoli03 says “As long as she is not fed she has low killthreat. Look to take over game with 2-3 items. Until then make sure she is not snowballing out of control. (Fleet footwork or lethal tempo)”
DarDarThePenguin says “Katarina doesn't have much kill pressure on you until 1 item unless you step in ALL of her daggers. Just sit back and save your E to dodge since you out damage her without it. Take the Standard page and MR.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “Con su E nos puede saltar en la cara, puede hacernos mucho daño en poco tiempo, además esta rota, ya sabes, Zhonias o Dodge, como gustes. :9”
Redeemteam says “Its a skill matchup for fizz vs other assasins, but fizz has the tools to bea them. For example, fizz can win poke trades vs Kat but kat should win all-ins, especially pre 6. Assassin matchups are also really volatile since one gank or kill can swing them one direction for the rest of the game, as they snowball the hardest.”
A55AILANT says “Move away from her daggers and try to burst her in teamfights.
your best option is to shove waves into her tower.
If She dashes on you, use your EWQ combo and kite her out.
Oxydation says “Katarina is really strong right now. So just harass her in early game, so u get a lead. Level 6 keep your E to get out of her R and re-engage. You can outplay her, if you are good, but its the same for her.”
pastizio53 says “She is not a threat in your lane but shes just killing other lanes and avoiding you wich is equally bad for you . Happened to me like 2 or 3 times since than she is on my blacklist so i dont have to play against her.”
Daers says “You just win lvl 1 and 2 against her, but dont use your E without a reset unless you know she doesn't have where to dash to. Poke her with your Q every time she goes up for CS. Whenever you get a level on her, all-in her but keep track of her daggers and use your E after she dashes to one. Don't go in after lvl 6 unless you know you can kill her in one combo. ”
SpartanDumpster says “I'd say this one is in Yone's favor, while Kat can end up doing a lot of damage in an instant, your E provides a good enough disengage that she can't follow up on you as well as she'll need to.”
FrostbiteMW says “Shes super mobile, which makes her hard to hit. You can abuse her pre 6, but after you have to be defensive. Dont use your stun before she jumps in or you will be dead. Just poke from range.”
lolventureiro says “Ela tem a lane phase fraca, abusa disso no early game. Mid game foca em puxar a lane e dar roaming. Se ela ficar feedada, dificilmente tu mata ela sozinho.”
Wolfwarrior95 says “You can Counter her with your wall
just do itt when you think she's coming for you. You need to wall yourself and you need to be on the edge if she comes whit her E she will going to be stunned
And also you can put the wall to the swords on the ground and she cant catch.”
Neekolai says “Good Katarina's dodge your E's and engage on you in lane. So watch out for her E on you if you cast your E. You still out damage her early and win fights.”
VeneficusFerox says “Similar to Akali, Kata has become a higher threat after rework, for similar reasons: her blink.
Requires teamwork to take down, which is rare in solo queue. Mostly dangerous because she can roam and feed on your team mates who don't listen to pings.”
Little Planet says “Kat can't deal with CC, Sejuani's entire kit is hard CC.
You outtrade her, and if she ever goes into melee range you stun her up and send her packing.
You have better push as well which gives her few avenues to play through.”
Joseph Evanss says “In a normal lane you will typically win, if after your first e q3 she uses her e to go behind you then q backwords after that point. You win the auto battle with conq but her daggers are still scary. If she goes bot and gets a random double kill then your doomed so spam ping if shes mia. Go Bone Plating, Overgrowth + D Blade”
BullRedHunter says “She jumps a lot making it hard for Ekko to land his Q but later into the game u can 1 shot her, just try not to lose early against her”
7daysko says “Katarina has some insane damage, especially if she snowballs. However, her daggers help you predict how she will engage and you can stop her ulti with both Q and W. Did I also mention how your passive means she can't reset her cooldowns if you're killed? If you are fast enough, this lane should be a breeze. ”
peytonqt says “[SKILL MATCHUP] [PR/Conqueror/Electrocute] [Long Sword] Harass Katarina as much as you can, and if she wastes her Q LVL1 try to play aggressive or harass her as much as you can. You want to get her low enough so that she won't engage on you. Level two be careful for her engage. While you should win the LVL2 trading, you can still get outplayed. If you want to smack her away, wait for her to waste her dash and then Hammer Form E her because just like Irelia, she'll dash onto you and it'll mean nothing but a little extra damage. Make sure to ward the river or even just in the middle of lane so you know where she's going when she goes into fog of war. If you see her roaming at 6 ping the shit out of your team to get away or play safe. If they don't, there's only so much you can do. Don't fight her 6 and just wait to buy your items. Mid game and late game you can burst her fast but her burst is also good and she has insane outplay potential on you so be careful. ”
The Jhin Cena says “Take either Fleet Footwork Rune Page if the enemy comp isn't very tanky, otherwise take either Conqueror Rune Page. Yone vs Katarina is another skill match up. Generally speaking, most Katarina players aren't experienced enough to be able to counter you effectively, so you should have an edge over her in the early game. However if Katarina rushes BORK, she will gain a stupid amount of damage which you should certainly respect. It can be easy to become overconfident winning against a Katarina in trades but then getting caught off guard by her BORK power spike, so keep an eye on if she is rushing that item. If she is instead rushing into an AP first item and is becoming a threat, you can consider rushing Wit's End as first item, or at least rushing Negatron Cloak as one of your first back items. In the laning phase, it can sometimes be hard to trade with Katarina since she can easily dodge your Stacked Q with her E (dash), so preferably wait to engage until she wastes her E, and you can also go in with only 1 stack on your Q, so if she dashes during your engage you can stack it and then use your Stacked Q to knock her up. Post 6, remember that you can interrupt her ult with your Stacked Q or your own ult, so hold onto these abilities if it looks like she wants to go in for an ult. Most Katarina players try to get fed off of roaming, so if she is roaming a ton it may be a good idea to deep ward your lane and spam ping the respective lane, while also getting a CS advantage during the time she wastes roaming.”
Ryank30 says “Fleet. I would always take MR in runes before the game starts, many Katarina players like to start with a Dark Seal and still build AD Kraken Slayer. Plus, her passive grants her additional cooldown reduction if she manages to get any takedowns. You win levels 1 to 2, but be careful around her all ins at level 3. Good micro can save you. Try to walk in and out of her dagger range to bait her out but be careful since the hitbox is much larger than the actual circle indicator the dagger creates.”
Tinyboi says “She will spin to the fucking win on you, if there bad u can beat them, if they know what there doing you get clapped, make sure to stay back and just poke, lategame u can almost one shot her.”
LurkinShadow says “Katarina can dodge all of your abilities with her e, make sure to use your Root Binding with care otherwise she will burst you down with ease”
chigakure kishi says “Apply lots of pressure with your w and you should be able to starve her or resources. If she she snow ball of you however she becomes near impossible to handle.”
xoonaka says “Against a good Katarina, she will never let you trade, she can always E back to her minions to negate your Q.
If the kata tries to fight tho, you can kill her pretty easily.”
mihaila says “Easy matchup, buy dark seal and dont let her take free kills botlane. Her ult is pretty bad in this season because everyone has a dash so take it only in 1v1's.”
Sojurini says “poke her with your E + AA as you can at lvl 1 but stay away from her knives at lvl 2 and 3 try to catch her with q no problem if you missed your q just keep poke her with E use quickly your Q to catch her if she jumps into you and do Q + E + AA + R + E + AA. just farm and keep try to poke her with your E if you miss your Q and keep stay away from her knives ”
XD001 says “Abuse her early game and long CD's. After 6 try to push the wave and roam to other lanes to snowball. If she takes a poor fight with you, you can freeze and force to to back and deny her lots of resources. Remember that Katarina's R applies 60% grievous wounds on hit, so your R will heal significantly less than normal. If she gets a kill early, she can snowball the lane and make it unplayable by 100-0ing you off cooldown, so play smart with you W shield. Make sure to ping if she is roaming. Mid/late game you win the side lane split push. Try to fight her and force more than 1 to come stop you.
take Elec + Sorcery page”
GabomanDeLegado says “Katarina no debería ser ningún problema. Suelen lanzarse por sus dagas y es lo que aprovecharemos para pegar una Q de gratis, y una vez entremos no tiene forma de resistir al engage.”
Luciiid says “Kat used to be a free matchup, but now with AD kat its a decent bit harder to win. Whoever gets first kill/first gank wins the lane. Take null orb and electrocute to out damage her.”
mc_jojo3 says “Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
Katarina is basically a dodge if your playing ranked imo since you'll most likley end up feeding her and loosing the game.. since all she has todo is make sure you're below half hp and then Q, R Ignite and gone in less than your R cast time so be ready!”
ziolo to noob says “Katarina is one of the champs that only high elo players can benefit from. If she plays aggresively, she wins with you most of the time, shes ungankable if you dont have a strong jungler. If you play vs bad Katarina you can kill her at every stage of the game, you can rush banshee if you feel like it.”
Noodles912 says “Easy matchup, but not too easy. She has 2 daggers in her kit, so you want to E when she will teleport. Its hard to time as well. When she uses w, its a good time to e. Post 6, use E for her ultimate. PTA is nice. Use corrupting pots from better trading damage.”
Int4Kindred says “Very awkward champion to go against in lane. She also has exceptional roaming if she gets ahead, so if they have map awareness then you can struggle to get marks from camps or roaming yourself. Hard matchup. Worthy of a ban.”
Havenia says “She can dodge a lot, but keep in mind sometimes she is forced to dash to you. So it's handy to keep your q up constantly. Take barrier or exhaust for her.”
PASS10NE says “A really challenging skill match up. Katarina is a really slippery champion so hitting your 2nd Rake might be a little difficult. Avoid getting close to her daggers, unless you're trying to bait her.”
NuclearAkali says “Depending on how you play this matchup it is pretty easy. Ping whenever she is missing and try to let her push into you so she can get ganked by your jungler. You can also just push her into her own turret so she looses CS. Just be aware that you are pushed in and you are exposed to a gank.”
Wunsch3957 says “Yasuo favored matchup. Before 6 harass with Q every time she walks up for CS and W her Q when you trade. Deny her resets as much as possible and after 6 only fight when you have Q3 up. Conq.”
invalidater says “Very easily cabable of getting of all of her damage and jumping into your shroud. Be very wary of her daggers, try to use your W to prevent her from targeting you with Q, or to block damage while running out of her ultimate.”
lordsaladito says “intimidating match, pre level 6 she will try to poke you and farm with her Q (throwing knife). Dont stand near her blades, if she dashes to you or her blades, try to stun her.”
Lot of Wind here says “A very easy matchup if you are good with Yasuo ; you need to be confident or you will lose. You can block her Q and R, so she won't be able to kill you instantly. Try to freeze the wave and take a long trade against her.”
Luxon333 says “try not to die on lane you can kill her easy with first item
if she uses E on a dagger try to E on her she will have a few seconds CD on her E and try to do as much damage as you can ”
PsykerZeo says “Go away from her knives and press R if she tries to combo you. You can just auto her to death, but be aware of early game, she can kill you with her auto reset on E.”
GeDBo says “Katarina is a malee assassin. Some people build her AD other build her AP. Either way, you must always avoid her daggers. Whether she is AD or AP she needs to come close to you in order to short trade with you/burst you. Keep in mind she is malee so you have the wave management priority. Don't let her get close to minions and if she does punish her with short trades. Best runes against katarina are either Hail of Blades or Electrocute. Poke her as much as possible and ping whenever she is missing. She is one of those champions who needs kills in order to perform well later on in the game. Don't forget to ward.”
Aht3ns says “Katarina does not deal that much damage to Mundo, but Mundo does not have a way to cancel her ultimate so you will have to rely on your team for that.”
CrazyyBrrr says “Easy matchup for u right here
Just avoid getting hit by her blades or if u can't windwall her q
Stay away from her shunpo to blade
and then u can engage her”
Edg3Lord says “She is a tough opponent, can easily escape your E, is manaless and can poke you hard and will deal a lot of damage that you cannot mitigate that much.”
Coldsong says “She is very mobile, but since your Q is point and click you can still stun her easily. Once she is stunned burst her down, and remember to stun her while she his channeling her R and do not stand near daggers.”
InkHeiko says “I will be honest, I don't really hate playing against Katarina: Of course, a single mistake can mess up a lane, but you can abuse of your range in the first level and you have enough cc to be able to survive and maybe kill he in 1v1. Just like any assassins you have to be careful.”
SoraSan says “Katarina contra Azir depende muito da mecânica individual, o chamado de "Skill Matchup".
Como estamos do lado do Imperador das Areias, vou lhe dar as dicas para ganhar.
O combo nivel 2 da Katarina pode ser perigoso, ainda mais se você gastar o Q atoa, ela pode virar uma grande quantidade de dano em você. Após isso, a lane fica um pouco mais voltada para a mecânica. Recomendo que mantenha a lane sempre freezada ao seu favor, isso impede 90% do dano dela em você, porém ela aproveitaria essa janela para roamings. Use seus pings caso ela desapareça. Uma tática para ganhar a lane dela é: Sempre que houve uma adaga no chão coloque um soldado do lado e a puna caso ela vá pegar a adaga. Guarda o Q para uma possivel fuga ou execução caso consiga puni-la muito. O Azir tem algumas formas de counterar a ultimate dela. A primeira é apenas saindo do range com o E, a segunda é ultando e virando a troca e a segunda é nem dando a oportunidade dela ultar. Se você conseguir punir bastante ela usando o soldados nas adagas ela quase sempre estará com menos vida atual que você.
E seu scaling é muito maior que o dela, visto que ela é um campeão de Snowball.
Recomendo Chuva de Laminas ou Ritmo Fatal nesse caso. Caso não se sinta confiante, pegue Exaustão ou Barreira pra sobreviver ao dano dela. Se sentir que pode mata-la antes do 6, sinta-se livre para ir de Incendiar.”
13 yr old korean says “it's a battle of skill but katarina will have the advantage. just remember you can block her q and r with windwall (it doesn't completely mean you are safe though as katarina has a lot of damage from her passive, w, and e.)”
nZk01 says “Katarina is very easy aswell, she cant ever walk up or you just perma kill her, after 6 hold your E for her ult and she cant do anything, would recommend ignite.”
l2ingeR says “Riot's Balance team, in all their mighty wisdom, decided to buff Katarina for no fucking reason recently, as we all know.
For that reason, I'd put Katarina between threat level Even and Major.
In lane, not that bad.
The threat with Katarina is the fact that she can get only half the CS you have and still pop off as long as your bot laners decide she'd be fun to feed.
Watch for those roams, be careful of the jungler, and don't be afraid to get a bit aggressive when Katarina engages.”
Tamatamo says “Her high mobility is a big problem. You beat her before she gets lv 3 so use that time to get an advantage by poking her out. If she is low enough and bad enough try to get her before lv 3. If you can't then no problem. After lv 3 try to play safer while still poking her out. Once she gets ult you can cancel it by flaying or hooking her making her ult useless. So you have that advantage at least.”
kennybang says “easy matchup lvl 2 if she comes in bait her stand in her dagger but make sure you make her go behind it because you win every trade close as long as you both have the same rune set”
tomzieE says “runes - fleet, triumph, alacrity, coup; taste, ravenous
katarina can escape easily and she is kinda hard, i dont like her
u can still block her ult, anyways she is cancer”
Tizgard says “Dodge daggers, and poke if she tries to go for CS. Most won't expect your E damage, you should win if she tries to engage on you level 3. If kat gets ahead, she's going to snowball out of control, so make sure to ping roams.
I recommend exhaust for this matchup.”
Do1HaveTh3Sauce says “Katarina is a high skill cap Mid Laner that is able to avoid abilities easily if she knows how to play around her cooldowns. She is somewhat weak pre-6 which is when you should fighter her if you land a root.”
sashadidntwalk says “She can easily burst you down and it will be hard to catch her with your abilities. Also hard to roam since she will look for roams as well.”
BigFatCat909 says “This matchup is easy when even but extremely hard when behind. You can use your ult to dodge her Q as you engage, and try to hold W for after ulting to chase her down if she tries to escape with her E.”
Johan Paracelso says “Her AD build is disguting. Katarina is a hard match-up, mainly because of the damage she can out do, her basic combo wil hit you and the wave, and you won't even have a rest for the poke she can provide with her Q. Katarina doesn't use mana, so, if she can outrade you, she will stay in lane. Not to mention she can dodge your Q3 using her E, and, in that moment, she can combo you and kill you. You could wait until she uses her ult to E Ult her, but if she is intelligent, she won't fall for it. It is pretty hard to beat Kat”
Johan Paracelso says “Just like Fizz, she can use her E to go through your cage. But, she can't dodge your ultimate, Katarina is a heavy AP assassin as well, so you should buy a Verdant Barrier as well, hug your tower and climb to late game when you ccan one shot her. Ban her if possible or dodge if you face her, unless you are brave”
Tunabros says “Harass her down with your WQ combo. Zone her out. If she blinks towards you, just use your W on her and E out. Do not fight her if she has ult up. ”
ShadowSlayerMain says “You have the advantage in Early Game so you shouldn't let her farm, she will change position with E so try to predict her, if she gets fed in Late Game try not to spend your R on her Zhonya's”
mrsuits says “The matchup between Katarina and Azir can be quite challenging for Azir. Katarina is an assassin with high burst damage and mobility, making it difficult for Azir to control the lane and prevent her from all-inning him.
In the laning phase, Katarina will look to engage and burst down Azir whenever possible. Azir should prioritize farming and poke Katarina from a safe distance with his soldiers. Use your soldiers to zone her and prevent her from freely engaging onto you. It's important to be mindful of Katarina's Shunpo (E) ability, as she can use it to quickly close the gap and dodge your abilities.
Katarina's passive, Voracity, allows her to reset her abilities upon getting a kill or assist. This makes her extremely dangerous in extended fights or skirmishes. Azir should avoid trading for too long and focus on short trades with his soldiers' poke, trying to whittle down Katarina's health without giving her an opportunity to all-in.
Building defensive items like Seeker's Armguard or Zhonya's Hourglass can be beneficial against Katarina. Seeker's Armguard provides armor and AP, reducing Katarina's burst damage, while Zhonya's Hourglass can be used to negate her all-in burst and buy time for your team to react.
Vision control is crucial in this matchup. Katarina is highly mobile and can roam to other lanes to pick up kills. Ward key areas and communicate with your team to prevent her from snowballing and impacting other parts of the map.
In team fights, Azir's range and sustained damage can be valuable. Position yourself carefully and use your soldiers to zone Katarina and prevent her from reaching your backline. Save your ultimate, Emperor's Divide, to disrupt her resets and combo potential, potentially separating her from her team and making her vulnerable.
It's important to communicate with your team and coordinate crowd control abilities to lock down Katarina and burst her down quickly. If you can shut her down and prevent her from snowballing, it will significantly reduce her threat in team fights.
Overall, the matchup between Katarina and Azir falls on the challenging side. Azir needs to play defensively, poke from a distance, and avoid extended trades with Katarina. Building defensive items, maintaining vision control, and coordinating with the team will be crucial to survive the laning phase and prevent Katarina from taking over the game.”
bboyxje123 says “If katarina plays the lane agressive, you should be careful. A good katarina player can easily kill you. Be aware of the places where her daggers land and reposition yourself away from it with your E. ”
ParkChnm says “Just stay away from her daggers and the lane should be fine. Spam ping if she's missing. If she gets any kills she'll snowball into a big problem.”
ParkChnm says “Very annoying matchup. Stay under turret, farm and poke. Position away from your daggers and if she E's onto you, minefield and/or Satchel Charge out. ”
chrissmunro says “Difficult to cc as she jumps all across the lane, however fairly squishy so after you land one Q make sure to get your full combo onto her”
ParkChnm says “Avoid her daggers and try to stay as far back away from her, while still being in range to poke. She can easily snowball with one kill, but she can also be set back by a lot if she dies early.”
lenithebot says “Katarina has insane kill pressure pre 6. She can close the gap between you and her instantly and will either nearly or completely kill you. Even if she gets close to your tower and you use your ultimate to push her in she can instantly E to either your minions, her minions, or you. If Katarina engages you and uses her R immediately use your ultimate to push her away or you will die. To play against her try to slow push and poke her down slowly. Make sure you never get hit by an initial Q by Katarina or that you are in the radius of her spin when she picks up her dagger. If you can't find yourself being able to do anything against her build up a big wave and roam post 6. After you have 1450 gold you should buy Lost Chapter and a refillable you should be able to poke her without running out of mana. The ideal keystone in this matchup would be Arcane Comet since you can really get close enough to hit your autos with Lethal Tempo and Hail Of Blades and in the case that you try to she engages with her E and even if you live you will be down on CS, XP, and you will have nearly no kill pressure for the rest of lane. You could take Exhaust if you play it right and you know you could win it in lane although even with Exhaust if she has her E up she will still get away. I normally go TP in this matchup to try to rush Lost Chapter or go for a roam, reset, and TP back to lane. I highly recommend banning Katarina.”
ParkChnm says “Shove her under tower and bully her while staying away from her daggers. If she uses her jump, you can charm her most of the time since her jump reset is not instant early on. As with Diana, keep her under tower to avoid her from roaming and don't let her get strong.”
Jnewbringspain says “Although she is mobile, she is quite predictable with her blinks. You can bait her into blinking to her dagger and landing a rupture on her. After that, you can all in her pretty easily, and she suffers a lot from your silence. In teamfights, save silence for her ult, as it makes her pretty useless without it.
See video of how it's done below:
Yamikaze says “She plays very passive at lvl 1, farming safely with Q. If she uses Q to harass you, just zone her from CS. Try to harass as much as possible with your [[Steel Tempest]] at early levels. When she gets lvl 3, she can all in you. You can predict where her daggers will land, so move away from it before she can [[Shunpo]] to them. You have a huge advantage if you both fight in a minion wave, as you can dash around and dodge most of her abilities. When she hits 6 and ults, you want to [[Wind wall]] and then [[Sweeping Blade]] through her, so the wall blocks out most of the damage. **When** you are going for the tornado, wait using it and bait out her E, or beyblade her. ”
wildersovereign says “This matchup became a LOT harder with the advent of Katarina's new on-hit AD build, which allows her to shred through you even easier than before. She is very difficult to pin down with your bindings due to her mobility. She plays a lot more like a standard AD assassin than before. An early Seeker's Armguard is an excellent idea. Be sure to spam ping if she disappears, lest she get a kill and invalidate any lead you managed to gain over her. She's a contender for a ban for me in most of my games due to both the matchup and her dominance in general.”
ITSDEBEAR says “Her daggers are scary but unless she gets fed in early its a free matchup. You should decimate her if shes going even with you. Take electro or predator and its a free lane as long as you dont die”
rajsovsky says “Hard matchup. As Katarina is very sKiLlEd she can just jump in and kill you by autoattacking you. Rush armguard, respect her and try not to fight her untill someone is going to help you. Unless she gets some free kills on roams cuz your teammates are fucking blind you should be good.”
invalidd says “This matchup can go really good or really bad, she has a really weak level 1 that you can abuse but at level 2 and 3 you can't use your charged
hook anymore since she can E next to you to dodge it, same case when you E into her so most of your trades are gonna be walking up to her with W and reacting
to her trading patterns instead of being the first one to trade, make sure you focus her in skirmishes and teamfights because her resets are extremely dangerous
and can cause a really chaotic snowball for you and your team since you don't have point and click lockdown, the more you know how her champion works the easier
it gets. Complicated to gank.”
Fox_Gan says “An easy way to win lane against Kat - poke her on lane with your [E] and use your shields when she throws her [Q] dagger. If you have same approximately the same amount of money you can win her 1v1 (except situations when you face check the bushes with her and she have time to full cast her abilities). Mercure threads is best option, cause she can deal big damage. Don't look at her build, all her abilities (except [R] it has mixed) deal magic damage.”
lkycch says “If your team is all squishy or has no cc, I suggest dodging in champ select. You need to E her if she engages so that she wastes her Shunpo earlier. If she starts to spin, Q+W+Q her as quickly as you can; the less time she spins for the less damage she does. Don't let her Shunpo onto you, as you don't want to waste your ult on yourself. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
SkellyBirb says “Katarina can break through your spell shield very easily and burst you down anyway. She has a lot of mobility and damage. She is my go to ban because of this. If you do face her, use your range advantage early and play safe and poke her down.”
lkycch says “If your team is all squishy or has no cc, I suggest dodging in champ select. You need to E her if she engages so that she wastes her Shunpo earlier. If she starts to spin, Q+W+Q her as quickly as you can; the less time she spins for the less damage she does. Don't let her Shunpo onto you, as you don't want to waste your ult on yourself. Remember: Summoner's Rift is a 5V5, not a 1v1. You don't have to stay in lane and suffer a losing matchup!”
KASSAW1N says “Kass vs Katarina: No te confies de kata aunque seas Ex- counter, Tu Q no lo gastes hasta que ella use su R. Otro punto importantes es que aplicar hielo eterno que es el item mitico no servira por que se mueve mucho y muy rapido por ende compra algo como eco de luden para oneshot, alejate de las dagas y no uses la R en vano.”
SXafir says “Champions with mobility like dashes and blinks are harder to hit with your R and Q, if you know that they have some kind of mobility try to predict.”
TheHostileCat says “Really good right now, I want to put her in extreme but thank god there's not too many mains playing her. My personal perma-ban.
If the Katarina is bad, you can poke her and win trades. If she's good, she's going to roam and get kills and then come back and kill you, even if you stomped her in laning phase. ”
ezmod66 says “Bully her pre lvl 2. Zone her off cs and do as much dmg as u can. A good kat will wait for 2 before trying to trade with you.(Other than q spam which you can avoid by standing by the side of your minions)
She will generally wait out her daggers and go in at the last second. She will try bait out your q don't fall for it.
This match can be really tricky. Focus on farming, wave management and denying her roams. If she goes for a roam fully push her in and deny her cs and gold.
Cant avoid if she gets kills. Spam ping her position and try get vision in their jungle early.
If they have cc jungler create freeze just infront of your tower else you going to have a miserable time.
Hold onto your q like you do your your hatred of teeto.
This matchup is really tricky. Its all mind games and reading your opponent. Need to play this matchup more to get a better read
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent”
iDc101 says “This IS doable, but only if the kat is greedy and wants to constantly get knife trades, but if she's smart she'll just get lv6, pressure the lane, set roam timers, snowball”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Katarina used to be one of the easiest matchups for Galio
- Position your W so she can't Shunpo to a minion out of your taunt range
- It should be easy to land a W or E. If you do, you can win the trade.
- Do not take an extended trade
- With new items , AD Kata wins trades after backing once.
- You lose hard at level 6
- Avoid her daggers and shove her into tower
- Try to outroam her with your ultimate.”
Big Shawn says “This match-up is pretty even. Katarina relies on her blades and Ekko on his predictions. If you land the perfect W-Ability on her, you will dominate. Should you fall behind though, she will turn into a threat. Kata can easily punish you and his hard for your jungler to gank. Therefore minimize your mistakes and punish hers.”
Ambitieux says “Although you have the advantage in this matchup. Her dmg is nothing to scoff at, you need to be careful when going against her, use your miasma only on daggers that she is about to. Or ones she has already jumped onto. There is a .50 second pocket window before she can E again. (even higher on lower levels) and so this should shut out a lot of her mobility.”
Scyrine says “don't let her get level 3 before you, because she can combo and kill you early and snowball off you. you win against her, if your reaction time is crisp you can sit near a dagger and wait for her to engage.”
BCota says “Dodge her Daggers if she ults just pool it. Poker her to about half health, if you are lvl 6 and have a large rod just all in she cant do shit
Chili Dog says “She gets a lil scary when you're standing next to her daggers, her ult reduces your healing as well. She won't go defensive summoner so the possibility of poking her down a tad and then oneshotting is VERY high. Both Runes can be taken.”
grebe1231 says “So long as you're careful of her daggers, you can easily out-trade her. Look out for when Katarina's get thirsty for a kill, which usually happens at levels 2, 3, and 6. When she goes in, don't run. Instead, be prepared to turn and fight her head on instantly with a full overheat combo. Both you and kat have enough damage in your all-ins to kill each other and neither of you can really peel away. If you're prepared to fight back when she commits, you'll usually end up killing her just before she can kill you.”
JustGalaxy06 says “This champ is gonna look for roams so look after her and alert your teammates . try and follow her when she's roaming or just push mid and alert your teammates that she's gonna roam their lane .”
poro99 says “Whenever you go against a good Katarina player they will destroy you 9 out the 10 times you guys fight. This is because Katerina is a harder champ then talon and have a higher skill cap.
Dafioske says “A pesar que te puede matar tu le ganas línea y si la matas quedará inútil almenos que gankear otra linea y se recupere ahy si es imparable”
FalleN3 says “Play this match-up reasonably passive and don't give her free kills. Harass her as often as you can when she goes to last hit a minion. Stun her whenever she tries to ulti you.
DO NOT use (R) Tibbers to stun her as there is a high chance she can leap away before it lands. Instead, use your (Q) Disintegrate to stun her and then hit her with (R) Tibbers.
Be aware of her leaving lane for roaming kills. This often happens and she will get fed from other lanes if you don't keep track and ping or follow her.
Katarina is squishy and you should have no problem 100 - 0 her after level 6.”
Last Roar says “Can harass her early lvls with aa's. Don't push up too far in lane or she will all in you. Just try keep the wave towards your side and be patient for her to step on a trap. You can match her roam, if you travel to the sidelane through your jungle and play the teamfight defensively. She can snowball if you play bad.
Obj: Harass early then play defensive vs her. Roam through jungle not river and place good lane traps for her.”
SkellyBirb says “Katarina can burst you down but you can also burst her down. You have the range advantage to abuse early game and gain a lead. Exhaust or barrier would be great against her.”
vCraze says “Katarina is a very tough matchup as she has so much mobility. You need to poke as much as you can early without depleting your mana and also avoiding the daggers are she will delete you if you go anywhere near them.”
Sadkid says “Kat lane is interesting. Take E second and beware of her E location. Save E for when she jumps onto a dagger or onto you. if you play around this you can kill her. ”
OxiteoMyst says “Skill Matchup. Play around your phase rush cd. When you have it you can usually win the trade against her as you can just outrun her knives. Make sure to ult her when she ults to cancel it. Poke her down and make sure to ward to prevent ganks. AND DONT LET HER ROAM BOT.”
SkellyBirb says “Katarina can burst you quite easily, but if she makes a mistake with her dash, you can easily catch her out and burst her. You can also cancel her ultimate with 3 of your abilities.”
Mad AkaTha says “At lvl 6 be ready to use your W
You can counter her ult by using W
lvl 1 you can play aggro lvl 2 you can try to bait her to using E+Q then you can outtrade her”
S4V4 says “Skill match up. Better player wins. Beating AP kat is really easy, but AD kat is currently meta. With all her AA resets thanks to her E, she can easily outdamage Yasuo. Look for longer trades and try to avoid her daggers as much as possible. Windwall her R.”
WolfRider01 says “Skill matchup in favor of Yasuo. You can W her Q and her R. Match her aggression in lane, and try to dodge her dagger spins. Most Katarina's in S11 do the AD or AD/AP Hybrid build, so take Armor resistance. You can easily be lvl 2 all in'd so be mindful of that. However you can beat her most levels unless she is fed.”
PedrinhoXD says “In this season, with AD Kat being more popular than ever, you should avoid trade with her, but always punish her for jumping on a dagger to push the wave”
zee160 says “I wish there was a 'lol ff' threat level. She counters you in every way possible. She's not too strong early game, but if you let her bully you out of lane, and she gets just slightly above you in a level, you're screwed.
When she throws her W, don't run away from it. Run in between where her W will land, and where she was standing at before she jumps in.
R+W her, which will give you some lifesteal, E yourself to run away from her, throw a Q. Keep repeating as best as you can.”
Lavishmouse1032 says “poke her and watch out for her daggers because if you get in range of one shes going to all in you and wait on your e to see which spot shes going to dash on you ”
MartyBG says “A very skill based matchup. Its Katarina favored for sure. Try to predict the dagger she is gonna go to with your e or q. Try to not miss your q, because in the window where you don't have your q she can easily punish you and kill you.”
MagicalFartz1 says “Electro with Ignite. There is nothing to say on this matchup you have everything in your kit to stomp her. E her if she E's on to you, her e will be on a short CD she won't be able to doge it. Play passive if you miss your E. You can easily run her down with ignite if she misplays. Only Problem is her constant roaming if she gets a lead this matchup becomes Really hard. Rush Sorcs ”
KaAZu13 says “She is a close combat melee champion, but her ult will damage u really well, so try to keep distance from her and poke as much as u can, avoid getting in the way of her knives.”
Papzz says “Her reset is the only thing you should be afraid.. and her damage..Try to be careful and focused to her daggers on the ground. whenever she R use your W. EXHAUST IS A MUST HERE.”
economistastonks says “Just don't stand inside her knifes. This match up will be decided on who can go in, trade and go out winning. Just E out of her Ultimate and that's it. ”
sweodigaming says “Skilled match-up, she has really good engage level 3 even when her E recently got nerfed. Don't play to aggressive, you could easily get punished. If she ever R's try to stun her with your R or W. They have low cast time. ”
Manzey says “You will win every match-up here as Katarina can't trade, just make sure to not take as much damage from her Q. If she jumps you, just Gold Card Q her and back off.”
Magical Rock says “Katrina is not that hard to go against, because you can trade evenly with her. That said, she can still do a bit of damage though can be easily jumped. A good strategy for her is to bait her to grab the knife, but as soon as she does proc electrocute.”
TheFwnK says “To be honest, this champion is broken. She cannot die if she has Hextech Gunblade. Kill her when you are in advantage with items or just wait for your Jungler to gank.”
neverwanted2be says “FF+Resolve+Doran's shiled. I won't advice u 2 play Yone vs Katarina, coz a good Katarina player will make ur laning phase like Hell, But if it's happend try to dodge everything. Sorry. Her roaming potential is also good, so try to give more info about her moves to ur team, and make as much vision as possible,. Unlike Fizz, i wont recomend u to chase her, unless try to outfarm her. The key here to be more farmed them her, so in the teamfight u can just "shoot" her with ur burst combo. Her mobility is insane, so always get stucked "Q" to be ready avoid her engage at the lanning phase, Yone is a very strong champ in the lategame, so dont be scary 2 be a not "midgame" carry for ur team, try to be "lategame" carry. More vision, more info, freezing - this is your goals.”
Daeydark says “In your runes, swap Nimbus Cloak for Nullifying Orb, and buy Hexdrinker first item. By doing this, you have prevented her from ever killing you in an even fight. ”
Simp4DuCouteau says “Contrary to popular belief, Corki has a good chance against Katarina. His W can easily get him out of the range of her daggers, making her trading potential worthless. She has no CC to lock him down, and since Katarina is melee, Corki can easily abuse her pre-3.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Talon Vs Katarina goes even, Tips on how to fight katarina is to stand on her daggers and Melee Q her if she takes it (auto melee Q auto) to win trade, Go Null orb and hex drinker against her”
PH45 says “If she tries to all in you you can try to throw your bubble on to where she will land so she will fall asleep pretty quickly. Bursts pretty hard so play causiously”
Lunasta says “You can easily cancel any of her combos with your Stun and get invisible to avoid her Q on you, but be careful, she can still Ult you, even if you're invisible.”
Veigarv2 says “care her cutlass / gunblade spike
She will look to roam alot so give your team vision. you outscale her really hard later on. Make sure to keep checking her inventory for a cutlass / gunblade. once she gets it you can no longer walk up as she will slow you and all in you.
go electrocute corruption potion timewarp tonic and biscuits in this lane, you need sustain. you can oneshot her. if you struggle in this matchup you can go abbysal mask and spellbook resolve like vs Fizz”
Yeager says “In laning phase you should avoid pushing after the first 2 waves because she has a really strong level 3. The moment you use E, she will jump on you, so don't waste it until her jump is on CD. Lategame you will oneshot her if you hit E, but if you miss it, you are dead. ”
SkellyBirb says “Katarina can burst you, but you can stun her and burst her as well if she positions poorly. Play safe and wait for her to make a mistake.”
Frixen says “One of the worst TF matchups. You have to be much better to win against her. Yes you have the range advantage, but she can basically get on top of you whenever she wants to and you have hard time returning damage against her. The key to winning against Katarina is levels 1-2. After that it is kind of over for you. ”
FalleN3 says “This is a skill match-up but you need to be carelful of taking loads of free harass from her (Q). If she walks up to last-hit a minion you can possibly trade her. Zhonya can be a nice item to pick up after your gun-blade, especially if the top-laner / jungler are AD champs. Consider starting boots and health potions as they will enable you to dodge her daggers easier. You can try to bait her ultimate and then shroud yourself as you run away or (R) onto a minion to escape it. Once her ultimate is on CD, you can go for the kill. Otherwise, if you have a jungler with hard CC they can lock down her ultimate as you fight during a gank. She will roam, be sure to follow or be ahead of her.”
SkellyBirb says “Katarina can burst you quite easily, but if she makes a mistake with her dash, you can easily catch her out and burst her. You can also cancel her ultimate with 3 of your abilities.”
FalleN3 says “This is a skill match-up but you need to be carelful of taking loads of free harass from her (Q). If she walks up to last-hit a minion you can possibly trade her. If you are really not confidnet you can consider taking exhaust and use it on her when she ulti's you, I personally wouldn't bother though. You can use your troll-poll (E) when she ulti's you, then use the rest of your combo to kill her. Zhonya can be a nice item to pick up early too, especially if the top-laner / jungler are AD champs.”
ILuvLube says “Katarina is another extremely dangerous champ for yas to deal with. Her Q has longer poke. She can poke you a lot with that. Also her E allows her to dash to he minion wave so don't call for ganks when her minion wave is coming. Most importantly she has too much escape utility which makes her a pain in the ass. Once you make a mistake she Q E R and you're dead. SO PLZ PLAY IT SAFE cancer champ btw.”
Reason97 says “Her movement's are highly predictable since they're pretty dictated by her daggers. You can also cancel her ult with either your Q or your own ult, so as long as you don't waste them willy nilly, she put's herself at high risk to try to all in you. The biggest issue is just the somewhat unpredictability of her daggers bounce. can cost you your passive if you're a bit closer to minions then you realize. ”
Reason97 says “Katarina can do a lot of damage, but puts herself in a lot of danger to do it. Keep an eye out for whenever she looks like she going in for an engage, and save your stun for it, since her diving in to damage makes her very easy to hit with it. If she gets ahead, she'll be an issue, but almost all of her character depends on her getting ahead to be useful. so as long as you can avoid feeding her, it should be fine. ”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Katarina is very passive lvl 1, as she doesn't really have any way of doing anything. She will just farm with Q and setup for lvl 2. Zone her off cs early as much as you can try to poke her with Q or go in if she tries to get farm. Get away from her daggers until you have an item advantage. You have a massive advantage with a minion wave, but so does she. Make sure she doesn't have E up so she can't dodge your nado, or just beyblade her so she can't react fast enough (watch out for Faker out here dodging it). Once she goes for all-ins at level 6 you can windwall her R and if she keeps her r going after that like a sped just smack her and get as much damage off as you can. Also if you have nado you can just E+Q her and kill her if she doesn't have Shunpo reset. Good chance you win just watch out for her all-ins and watch out for ganks. Outscales you depending on comps. Take Conq. ”
Fadedreformed says “The matchup is in your favor unless she starts with longshord, she can actually kill you early levels with longsword if you do a mistake. But should be pretty free unless she goes bot and gets a triple kill :)”
xXkillercrackXx says “Tough to lane against due to her ability to zone you away with her daggers. Landing a wild cards on her is nigh impossible due to the mobility she has with shunpo. She can't easily follow roams either, but be careful because she can turn up to a fight and clean up very easily. You can gold card her later on to stop her ultimate, so you can win out later.”
Yuki H. says “At the most fundamental level, she is melee, and she will definitely use some abilities on minions. Just make sure to not get hit by free poke which isn't even aimed at you. Punish her cooldowns and you have the upper hand while in an auto attack combat.”
Proma says “Dshield/Sword + pots
I recommend going sorcery secondary with null orb and whatever other rune you'd prefer from that tree.
Post 6 just pull her with Q or E out of her ult. This is a very easy lane as long as she doesn't get ahead of you.”
Veralion says “Katarina lives and dies by her dagger placement. The trick to beating her is getting a feel for where her Q is going to land and being anywhere but there when it does if you aren't in a position to trade. It will always land a short distance behind the first target it hits. Once you have that figured out, you can farm with relative confidence and safety while you wait for a favorable moment. If she Q’s you from max range, you can safely W and run back. If she Q’s you from midrange, run anywhere BUT back. The dagger will land right where you’re running and she will be in range to E and chunk you down. Don't get poked out and it will be easy to stat check her, but this may be easier said than done with her newly buffed Q that does
a ton of unavoidable damage. Do not ever attempt to tank her ult. It does too much damage and you will die. Either interrupt it with your ult or flash the hell away. If you decide to all in her from range and not hold ult to stop hers, you’d better be damn sure you kill her before her ult gets more than a few ticks off. DON'T ROAM BOT IF SHE CAN FOLLOW! The last thing you want is to lure her to 3 half health teammates and set her up for a free triple. If she starts to follow, it's best to set up in a bush and catch her facechecking rather than let her get to a big fight. ”
Grimkyle says “Katarina is once champ I just always perma ban because IMO she is one of the best champs for solo q and I just have bad experience with her Katarina mains hate fizz and fizz mains hate katarina. You should win the laning phase all you have to do is q auto w proc electro and bonus if you e her dagger. if she takes conq is easier for you to abuse her just don't long trade with her because then she just out trades you with damage and healing ”
SnakeOnRiver says “Cass is biggest counter to Kata. Land Q while she is jumping to win trade. When she is ulting remember where was her face before ult, to easy stun +miasma for kill.”
ai darkfluid says “Strange enough as it is, Viktor can actually murder Katarina. W>R onto her R post-6 and she has to either react with a dash somewhere else, where you can promptly blast her away with abilities, or take the stun to the face. On the off chance she tries to dash on you, make sure you don't path onto her daggers, as that's where a majority of her early combo is. Spam ping when she's missing, as it only gets out of hand when she comes back to lane with 3 kills from bot.
Preferred rune: Aery/Electrocute”
TheWindWalker says “You easily counter her in laning phase but dont let her get fed from side lanes, look up to following her ganks or roam before she does waring youtr team about her”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Skill Matchup
You can poke her down easily and not have to worry till Level 3 where she can equally trade with you if not better.
At 6, You really need your stun for her ult or you're in trouble so keep it up instead of using Q to cs if you feel she wants to go in.
Just don't play too aggresive.”
xtrinity01x says “Average Kats are okay..but good Kats are hell. even if you try to predict where she goes, she just dashes all over the place and its difficult to land a single root. Bully her lvl 1-3 and then try to bait out her ult because since you have to get close to ult, she'll probably try to counter it by ulting and btw, that thing hurts a lot.”
AlolanFairy says “Can escape your combo if she's good.
Same deal as LeBlanc. Keep an eye on those knives and she can be reduced to a laughable attempt at an Assassin.”
snukumz says “Not too tough to deal with.
You're mostly auto attacks and point and click abilities so she can't dodge most of your damage.
If she ults you you can just ult her away and cancel her ult.
Run exhaust and just auto her to death.”
snukumz says “Ouch!
One of the hardest counters to Vk if you try to get toe to toe with her.
She can easily dodge all of your skill shots and do tons of damage to you.
Play safe and smart against her.
Wave clear to keep her from roaming and killing your teammates.
If you hit a good knock up and he dash is down you can kill her.
Watch out for her knives!”
1256 says “if not for early cheese with conq+long sword and roam potential she is 1/2, you cancel her ulti with your q, you outscale her
fleet+dom, electro if confident”
Pentakai says “Be careful of her early game damage. After level 3, you can go for small combos that triggers electrocute. After level 6, you win. If she ults, R away or interrupt it with your Q.”
LightningTemplar says “She is very mobile and can be a struggle hitting your combo on. She shines against champs without no hard cc, like Zed. She can build Cloths into Armguard without really sacrificing anything. Use W or Flash to escape when she use R, or if you have a chance to kill her, you can R her R to negate a lot of the dmg, and follow up with your combo which should be easy to hit as she stands still when she ults. ”
KitsyMamori says “If you are able of predicting where she will E to (for an example: her daggers). You are basically in a free lane. Just hit her with your Q and then follow up with the rest.”
SicKitty says “dont get to close or she will teleport on you and you better hope your W is not on cool down. or can be relly bad at dogging and your win lane verry difrent kats out there”
Zwengo says “She can be annoying to stun with her movement. Play agro under your turrets and get ready to stun her when theirs a dagger near you. Also you can cancel her ult with your E.”
PepeOnDrugs says “This is a very easy matchup for Akali. Kata has propably the worst level 1 in the game, so try to poke her hard level 1 to 3. At 6 she gets a little bit of power, but so do you. Demolish her early and don't let her farm and win is yours.”
Lobban says “Super easy matchup. Ult when she ults. Stay away from her dropped daggers. And since katarina cant wardjump no more she doesent really have a way of getting away as long has you fight her while her minions are far away.”
lRusu says “Since the changes on Diana, you can no longer stop her ult every 15 -20 seconds, it's now very difficult to win this matchup. hold your ult ONLY for her ult, unless you can guarantee the kill”
CallMeDaddyGR says “Kata is not that powerful late game just play safe at the begining, poke her whenever you can and try to predict her e by watching where her daggers land to hit her with your spells, after 6 it should easy to jump her”
henxs says “You can block her R with your wind wall and you can just trade damage while you are behind wind wall.
You can also block his Q-s with wind wall.”
Debonair Karma says “She can destroy you at any point of the game, really. You need someone with hard cc to shut her down. Late game you can nullify a lot of her damage with your RE. Take teleport/barrier/ignite. Go ROA-Seraphs build.”
Gageowago says “Stay off her daggers and watch out for the level 2 Katarina combo because it will put you to half health. Abuse her hard at level 1 and play safe afterwards. Once she uses q or w it goes on a long cooldown so poke her when she uses them. Also if she uses her shunpo without getting a dagger you have about 12 or more seconds to punish her because it goes on a massive cooldown if she doesn't reset it. Post-6 save charm for if she ults on you. -------(Patch 9.23) Katarina is also a Conqueror abuser. She can easily kill you and heal from it with new Conqueror. Stay back and avoid daggers even when ahead.”
BigFatCat909 says “Katarina is a Zed favoured skill matchup. Kat only wins off of Zed's mistakes but it is fairly hard to make mistakes in this matchup. The easiest way to win fights against her is to dodge her q with your ult.”
YunaDragoon says “Matchup is winnable, just be mindfull of her E that she could use behind you. As long as you're behind the dagger she threw behind you you should almost always be able to hit both W hits. A good Talon beats a good Katarina. A bad Talon loses to a bad Katarina. ”
Ignix0 says “A skilled kat always wins against zed. Always keep in mind if she has e. DONT weq when she has her e up. She'll just dash away. If she uses r and you have w up just w away and then eq her.”
Papapostolou says “Don't let her roam, and if she does, then ALWAYS say SS, if she get 3/0, the game is gonna be really hard for you. try to poke her every time she uses E to her daggers but without taking damage. You can dodge her R with your W (Sanguine pool)”
Raiiny says “Brother and Sister = Sister wins.
She is easy to defeat however but if the kat is good she can easily beat you. Even if they played 2 games. ”
Lil Tidepod says “Katarina is a little bit unique with assassins in terms of just how insanely mobile she is, and that she doesn't have to always get super close to deal big damage. It's kind of odd how much damage just throwing her dagger onto a minion that then bounces onto you can do. She does, however, need to get close to finish you off. Her blink makes her a problem, but if she does get close to you, lock her down with an E W for the root and throw a Q onto her. After enough times, she won't be able to retaliate anymore, and will play safe. Push the wave under the turret, because she can't farm under turret really at all.”
Fhizzikx says “This champion just dashes everywhere. Stay under tower and farm safely. Don't lose hp for some cs because early game cs isn't as important as xp. lvl 1 she doesn't have much mobility so look for some autos. Once she hits 2 be wary of her dashes on you. Hold onto your e and don't use it until you're sure its going to hit because once your e is down you're very vulnerable. You can cancel her r with your e and she can dash behind you while you're in r. Play Smart.”
Capparelli says “Her daggers make her predictable don't stand on top of them and you can avoid most of her damage, save R until she uses E, you can almost always one shot her faster then she can one shot you, get Serrated Dirk or Tiamat based on if you are planning to stomp lane or roam”
ahrienthusiastmain says “You have to freeze wave against katarina because she's too much of a threat near her tower. While your charm can cancel her ult, she's very slippery and can deal damage without her ult. ”
serruh says “this matchup should NOT be an issue whatsoever, she has a very weak laning phase, weak early levels and is actually very easy to setup ganks vs and set behind. the problem comes from when she roams around the map and gets ahead through other means. in those cases you usually cant deal with her(as your root doesnt stop her ult) and she just becomes impossible to fight. will probably lower her threat level once she gets nerfed, honestly think she's just overtuned atm.”
RockitoAhri says “Stay away from the daggers on the ground. Throw a lot of auto attacks on her, but walk back when you get minion aggro. You can freely go for Q - W - Auto attack, but you need to keep your E to cancel her ult. Using it prematurely will get you engaged on and killed. ”
deprimere says “there's not much to say about Katarina.
This match-up is usually a win.
But her roaming can make her fed and her lategame CAN be stronger than Nocturnes for sure.
Winnable but always be careful, don't give her a lead through getting kills on ANY lane.”
Kami_EU says “Easy matchup for Yasuo since you will outdamage her in prolonged trades.
Your Windwall counters her Ultimate.
Look out for her daggers, position yourself accordingly.”
kujosrevenge says “Kat-favored matchup but still winnable. This lane is tough for AD irelia as well. For best results with E, put it on one of her daggers to try and predict her shunpo and you win, but post-6, it is best not to fight her 1v1.”
The Venerable Racoon says “Used to be way worse, but she still packs a punch. Be wary of her knives since she can teleport to them, and if she r's then e under her, it'll disrupt the channel”
BabyTwisty says “You beat her lvl 1 but not lvl 2 so watch out for that. Try not to play really passively lvl 2 or else she can get ahead and nae nae you.”
Inscaped says “I'll say this. I absolutely hate this champion, hate the playstyle and the snowball. This is my go-to ban 90% of the time. Against a good katarina, you stand no chance and you won't even hit you W, I promise. She has no dashes, so your E is not a big help either. STAY SAFE, never engage without a jungler, unless overfed. Kata snowballs SUPER HARD and even with 2 kills, she'll soon be at 5 and your game is going down, just like the Titanic.”
t3rminated says “Katarina is a really, really annoying matchup. She just hops around everywhere and avoids your combo. The reason why I put this in major and not extreme is because they are very predictable. If you can see that their dagger is going to you, you can predictively shoot q or e and combo them. Play safe under tower with good positioning and you should be fine. Expect a really boring laning phase with no deaths and hope that the Kat gets impatient and does something reckless. Also make sure that Kat doesn’t roam or at least warn other lanes. If the kat roams you basically lose. Try to deny them from doing this by shoving the wave and pushing for plates (make sure you know where the jungler and Kat is). Or you can counter roam. ”
Polygon XVI says “Katarina has a lot of burst and like all assassins she can easily jump onto you at melee range. You want to take Nullifying Orb and watch where her daggers land keep your distance.”
TDS Epic says “Katarina is my hardest matchup. With so much mobility in her kit even with glacial augment slows she can be the hardest counter to you.”
KC_Toxic says “You can stop Katarina from ulting but care for early all ins and she can be insane in the endgame destroying your team if she gets alot of early kills. Dont let her roam.”
theboywhodominatedaplat says “when she Q's u Q her back
she will try to all in you once she reach level 2 so upgrade your E second and use E when she Es on her dagger to all in you and AA her then Q her to proc electrocute
R her when she R's you and dont R first unless you're sure you will kill her ofcoures and always try to predict where she's going by Q'ing her defensive dagger”
Oh sorry, yes, Katarina.
This matchup is really tough, so bring ignite and be prepared for a wild ride.
Start Dorans, you will need it. Do the thing you do with Zed and harass with Q when she steps up for minions.
Once she is low, or she engages, since she is a fucking rabid bitch who is out for blue blood, dash in (or out) and hit her in the face with E and violently unshackle your combo upon her.
After that is over, you probably will be dead, because Katarina... But, if you do it at a good time (like when your jungle is there, her's isn't), you can secure a single kill, and from there, push it in, back, buy items, and stay determined and focused at all times.
Ask yourself questions about what to do next and try to remember where the jungle is, as they help her a lot.
If you feed, however, the match is lost. But if you are down one kill, don't fret, or rotate, you can come back with smart play, think about what she is doing wrong and look for mistakes.
Try to not focus on CS while she is in the wave, as you will probably die. Try to poke her instead and then back up, because she usually will retaliate and you need to be quick about it.”
Zeyan says “Strong meta midlaner. Ap assassin who can 100-0 you if you misstep. Will roam if you play passive. Stopwatch will not be as effective as it is with champions like zed. As it enables her to prepare daggers to burt you when stasis ends. ”
Gogicha55 says “Bait her to jump on her daggers and you outtrade her with W auto Melee Q auto and don't let her E behind you cuz you will lose the trade if she dodges the second W”
8wolf says “Insane mobility and burst damage. The dagger resets make her a dodging machine. The only reason why she is not an extreme threat is that your ult can easily cancel hers and disengage. You might want to take exhaust for the times in which running away is not an option.”
Daedralus says “Early game is extremely easy as she won't have enough damage to kill anyway, but you can also heal it off very easily. Your ult counters her ult and even if you don't have it, by activating your E, you will take much less damage, and can also stop her ult with the fear. Additionally, a well timed Q can allow you to travel with her when she uses her E, making it a super simple lane.”
MrRiots says “Starting Item: Dark seal + Potion
Katarina is another assassin that cannot kill you. Stay out of range, E her. Poke and harass and R to oblivion”
Gettsuu says “Lvl2 jouez sous votre tour et attendez le jungle.Si elle joue mal vous pouvez gagner mais si elle joue bien vous avez perdu votre lane désolé pour vous”
Tehqo says “You have to keep your ult for her ult. Otherwise, you have no other way to stop hers. Be careful of her blink, because she can just ignore your soldiers and your ult. ”
NebuIa says “Katarina is extremely scary once she gets gunblade. Also, watch out for level 3 all ins. Very difficult to deal with her jumps. Be patient with E. Maybe try e'ing once she ults and then r'ing out of the range of it until she is slept. Consider barrier. Also, I've heard that if you're scared of her all ins early, armor is more effective in runes.”
TheBlueImperial says “She's annoying and slippery but she has a hard time killing you because of just how much CC Galio has. If you manage to grab her she is more often than not dead to the combo.”
Je Suis Azir says “A good Katarina can slice your fucking retinas off before you even know she moved. However, this does not matter if you remain aware of the positioning of her daggers, and remain aware of her Cooldowns. You can punish her really hard if you remain at max range and poke her well.”
TheSpark says “Can be a real pain jumping everywhere, you can most of the time predict where she's gonna jump judging by where her knives land. Use that to your advantage in lane especially by throwing down an E when she blinks to it.”
SpecterZX says “She is ridicoulous,
Unwinable unless you have a good mid laner and even then its Super hard.Ask your team to ban Katarina if they dont pray that they dont pick her.”
Dgraider says “Skill matchup. She won't be able to kill you at 6 in an even matchup but she will scale and Rumble doesn't scale MR so she will be able to solo kill you easily eventually”
matijez says “katarina is a very agresive mid laner what is not good for viktor but you can easly stop her ult with yours so she is not as dangerus as other assasyns
vaske_lol says “Katarina has a good bit of mixed damage and starts the game building AD components for the Hextech Gunblade. Katarina's first large powerspike is Hextech Gunblade + Sorcerer's Shoes. Try to use the Q shield to counter her Q damage and get free harass in lane. Don't stand on top of her daggers and always be ready to hit her with QE if she takes a risky dagger. She is squishy with her build so just look to oneshot her after your powerspike. Cancel her R with your Q if you are looking for an all-in!”
GESTAPOisHERE says “Katarina is a challenge, but winnable. Get out of her Q blade range and try to avoid getting inside the blade radius if she E's. Your ultimate is stronger if you save a wall for her's then go all in.”
sekkondsEU says “She is slippery, so dont get cheesed pre 6. Try to shove her so she cant roam. If she does, ping and push, dont follow unless its safe and worth.”
i am a heron says “you just absolutely dumpster her. Katarina is the textbook lane to pick ivern in to. She can do nothing to you, she's too squishy to eat your bushwack harrass, she's free food for your jungler, and landing E & Q against her is a breeze because she has to jump on you to hurt you. Your ult interrupts her and will run her down and help you dive her. she won't be able to waveclear. she won't be able to poke you out or put damage on you. she won't be able to all-in you until the point where she's probably already been shut down. her only hope is to hit 6 and roam or to gank you, but you should follow her or coordinate with your jungler to countergank.”
Aizenvolt says “Very easy matchup, you counter her hard. You can cancel her ult with your q, try to use your q when she uses hers to not take any damage. She dosent have sustain and she is squishy, with enough poke you can destroy her. Lastly when her dagger lands stay away from it so that you dont take free harrass.”
LONERlSM says “When she gets gunblade it is a huge spike for her if she roams ping and shove move to the other side of the map to avoid kata killing you. Go rylias 2nd item.”
Poro_King says “your q and w counter her r. plus kata has troubles dealing with tanks. She won't deal damage to you while you will be able to kill her easily.”
DravensBukkake says “Ignite/Exhaust matchup.
Level 1, make sure you're not in her Q range, AA her everytime she walks up for CS. So free to harass her.
Level 2 she wouldn't dive you, unless you're directly ontop of her daggers. A trick that pisses off kat players is to place soldiers ontop of your minions when they're low to harass her trying to CS, and ontop of daggers when she throws them. So if she ever E's in on them, you get a free AA.
General tip for melee matchups, if you ever get to AA them use Q immediately and AA another to proc electrocute.
IF KATARINA USES E DIRECTLY ONTOP OF YOU, without landing on a dagger so she doesn't get resets, ult IMMEDIATELY so she is a sitting duck.”
Mid Win Repeat says “Outside of Yasuo this is probably the worst lane. Landing a W on her is near impossible focus on shoving and maintaining lane priority for jungle skirmishes. ”
MarkeleleYasuo says “Good katarina's will never get hit by your q while using e to her dagger,
never throw your 3rd q before she uses her e
LVL 1-2 she will look to kill you, at lvl 3 if you use your windwall for her q she wont be able to kill you, also you can push her early because her farming under turret is really terrible, she will look to roam so always ping it and follow her if you can
While against a bad kata you should always win your lane ”
Marumo says “Threat level 3-9.
My gut tells me to put Katarina higher in terms of threat, but there's a good reason I haven't.
Katarina depends entirely on her player. A good Katarina will have you farming under tower, warding hard and playing as if it were a buffed Fizz. In contrast bad Katarina will feed you free Q stacks, dash into your stun and allow you to scale as if you were against an AD soraka mid. This is unlike the other 5 threats that I have because most of them can beat you without it really being a great test of skill.”
YeeDS says “You will never be able to hit any skillshots, very hard matchup so i permaban her. Play back and watchout when she gets her gunblade because then she can all in you with the slow.”
Calabeast says “Personally, I think Kat counters em all. If shes good shes gunna beat you, just try and farm and roam when she roams so your dumbass teammates dont feed her 6 kills by 10 minutes.”
spark2 says “A good Kat can be extremely unpredictable, but in general you should stay away from her knives as they are where most of her lane damage comes from. She can be a pain since the healing reduction from her ult makes your ult worse. This is one of those lanes where your job is just to not completely feed her--if you go even you've won, since your utility is significantly better than hers in teamfights if she's not just killing everyone.”
Cloud375 says “This should be one of your easiest matchups as long as you should be able to win this since you can burst her early and late game. Just be careful of her ultimate and burst, especially in the late game.”
Asothin says “She has a lot of mobility but if you time your E's correctly you can win this lane. You also counter her ult with your own due to the suppression. As soon as you see her spinning press R and poke her to death for an easy kill. She won't be able to damage you at all even after the ult due to the bonus resistance stats you'll get.”
Garybaldo says “An absolute nightmare to play against, her R counters yours since it applies grievous wounds, she outpushes you, she can dodge your E with her E and she won the trade, you're immobile so she will most likely kill you if she catches you out of position, try to E+P her out of her ult. Use your W to see if she's roaming, spam-ping the hell out of sidelanes when missing, she has great roam potential”
worddog says “She does a lot of damage, has a lot of mobility and she can inflict grievous wounds on you. But you can follow her blink with your E, nullifying her disengage. Skill dependant matchup.”
Novok says “Stay away from the daggers on the ground. Throw a lot of auto attacks on her, but walk back when you get minion aggro. You can freely go for Q - W - Auto attack, but you need to keep your E to cancel her ult. Using it prematurely will get you engaged on and killed. ”
SirZeros says “Nope, not funny, Kata is like Fizz, not funny at all. Get some Magic Resist, to survive a bit longer, so you could stun her, when she's ulting in a bad position.
Whenever she Q's you, walk to the side not to the back in order to negate some damage.”
MironW says “As a katarina player myself I feel like tf really struggles against her, your only option to survive her incredible burst is if you can hit the yellow card when she's doing her fancy level 6 combo. Play safe and try to avoid her dagger. Only poke her when she is far away from you or a minion she can E onto.”
Euphoric Toaster says “Before 6 you can poke/harass/deny her pretty hard, just be sure to watch out for daggers she might be looking to Shunpo to. After 6, you have to hold onto your E stun pretty much for the rest of the laning phase (unless you're quickly clearing a wave from a distance before backing) so that you can stun her if she tries to Ult near you. Holding onto your stun negates most of the kill pressure she will have on you meaning shes going to be even or behind, making her pretty useless. She might eventually just sack the lane and look for roams for easy kills so just be sure to aggressively call her roams out to your team.”
chloric says “Depends on how good the katarina player is. Most of the katarina players I've faced don't respect my damage and get first blooded. Late game, try to hook her into your team to CC lock her.”
Chromuro says “Pretty easy, you can foretell her movements and land more easily your Q. Just don't be reckless, she has still a lot of damage. The main advice I can give you is to stay behind at least two minions, at least there is few chances that her Q bounces on you.”
Big Shawn says “Katarina. A champ which I could hate. If you face a Katarina Main, be sure to be careful as this champ will punish you for your mistakes.”
Big Shawn says “Kennen vs Katarina. Normally there should be no problems. You have the perfect abilities to resist her mobility and damage. The outplay potential from her is always present, but that depends how good the person behind the screen is.”
Fox1ne says “Her E cdr,and re-locations makes the match up almost unplayable. Especially if enemy is otp kata. It's really unplayable. Play it with glacial fox build and try aa her at early levels. At 6 level her all-in are extremely dangerous so be carefull your tasks and decisions.”
DVL CHALLNGR says “Predicting is the best way against her. Building Doran's Shield will absorb some damage. If you predict her R she won't have many ways to do any damage to you. She CAN'T absorb any of your damage”
DVL CHALLNGR says “She can't absorb your damage in Early Game but if there's one of her knives you will have to predict that sometimes
The best way to use R on her is after her R but be careful because her damage is happening very fast and you too can't absorb much of her damage”
ZenonZeni says “I would consider kat as an ahri counter due to her damage. Avoid her daggers and charm her when she ults and try to avoid minions, Kat uses them as shields from your skill shots.”
EvilOranges says “D-Blade. Skill Matchup. Same rules apply as on any champion. Don't be stupid, don't stand in her daggers, don't let her engage, and when all-inning watch the fake escape then re-engage with her W-Q-E-E combo or something along those lines. You can windwall her R, so save it for that. Hold your tornado until she dashes, or predict which dagger she will dash to. Take Conqueror or FF.”
Massive Nuts says “Kata's unstoppable dashes can be a real pain, but if you keep away from her E range, you will be able to lane fairly easily into her.”
TruePvPYT says “This matchup can be very very hard agaist a skilled Katarina, she can poke you with her Q in the early game so stay away for her and try to count her cooldowns because if she engages you, you really dont have an escape unsless you have R earlier than her.”
kiewe says “If you play against a fast Katarina main you must predict her every move since she can always just dodge your spells and play defensive if think you cant stand too close to her since she might jump on you any second.”
x3SnowyBunny says “If she doesn't successfully proc her passives on you, she is useless. Save a W in case she ults. Otherwise, she can't really touch you.”
Zero Two says “Easy matchup early on. Seems unlikely, but if you hit her with your bubble, she will lose most of her health. You have the advantage in most cases, until she hits level 6.”
MehmetPower69 says “Katarina is highly mobile which can make her hard to hit with abilities.
Try to put down turrets with a great amount of spacing so when Katarina jumpes or autoattacks your turret you can easily punish with a quick w and get some turret lasers off.
If that doesn't work for you dont worry just focus on farming and punish her turret when she is roaming. Just survive laningphase and you will scale away from her and you will be able to help alot in teamfights later on.”
vzelt says “I dont like to fight against katarina and u shouldnt either. When fighting katarina be sure to play safe because u normally can not win a trade.”
Best Akali Fra says “Personnaly, I hate facing this champion. Katarina have extrem mobility (E), broken ultimate (R) and she have a better level 2 then an Akali. So don't be to much greedy with Katarina on laning !!”
Xavier Senori says “Katarina is somewhat hard to play against. Her ability to Shunpo over your skillshots makes it really hard to harass her. On top of this, her gap closer and burst damage can easily ruin your day. However, because she is a melee champion, you should be able to completely control the lane pre-6. After this, ward up, push her under tower, and force her to lose cs or get harassed. Don't try to 1v1 her unless she is getting wrecked in lane, especially since Petrifying Gaze is really hard to land.”
Pumparum says “Katarina cannot do enough damage to kill you early. Camp her daggers to prevent her from clearing. Disrupt her ultimate with a quick Snowball knockup. Roam if she decides to hug turret.”
Zeprius says “Easy match up but you mainly learn it from experience.. walk away from her daggers and dont Q when shes ulting.... because of the grevious wounds”
unownreality says “Zone her out with singularity on your minions. If she shunpos, she takes damage. Over time, you'll chip at her health where you can then burst her out completely. She can dive you without punishment late game or if shes fed. Its important that you try your best to get a kill onto Kat before she hits level 6. ”
MechaaZero says “This is in her favor slightly, but I have found that if you start to read their playing style heavily, you can predict some of her E's and land a long Q here and there. I have won this lane a lot because of that, but be cautious, her engage hits hard.”
CC Diana says “Unfortunately for Diana, Katarina is no longer a free matchup due to her rework in patch 6.22. To win this matchup you need to be mindful of where Katarina throws her daggers such as low health allied minions since her Q will ALWAYS land on the opposite side from where she threw it. Kat has two basic lane combos - one at level 2 and the other at level 3. Her level two combo is a simple Q -> E which she can use to quickly proc her passive and deal massive damage. Level 3 is where Kat becomes really dangerous. Her combo at this point will be E -> W -> Q -> E -> E -> Ignite (if she has it). This has the potential to completely 100 - 0 you. To avoid being oneshot, move in the opposite direction of where Kat's Q dagger lands so she cannot proc her passive damage. If she dashes onto you despite not getting any passive damage off, hit her with a Q and W to outtrade her. Once she hits 6, make sure you save your E for when she ults. Using your E before she ults will give her an opening to deal massive damage to you.”
EvilOranges says “Dark Seal or Corrupting Potion. You are the ultimate counter to Katarina. As long as you stay out of range of her daggers early you will be fine. Your passive negates a lot of her damage, you have more mobility after level 6, and most importantly, your Q cancels her ultimate. Safe your Q for this purpose after level 6. Max E.”
RagexAddict says “Much like Akali or Zed or Yasuo, Katarina has a great deal of burst damage with no resource sustain issues. Your all ins are very effective against her early, so keep an eye on when she uses her Q or shunpo's, then use that window of opportunity to go in on her. Watch out for her daggers; If she jumps to one while you're on it, you'll take some nasty damage and be in range for her to unload on you.”
The Jhin Cena says “You can probably kill her easily early game though once she gets her Ult you have to be careful. Probably should rush Zhonya's as 2nd item if facing her.”
SrSuders says “Katarina Mains sind durchausfähig Talon's in der Laningphase zu besiegen.
Die W sollte man nur im Gegenangriff verwenden, da sie sich sonst mit der E hinter dir bewegt und du deine Stacks nurnoch schwer vollbekommst.
Alternativ könne man auch mit der Talon Q engagen und die Talon W beim Escapen drauf werfen, hierbei sollte man den Dolchen ausweichen, falls nicht möglich kann man noch die Talon Passive auslösen.”
Rarely Pro says “Katarina is a pain, she can burst you down sometimes so quickly that it can give you wipe-lash. With Katarina's Q's you will notice daggers on the ground... she can jump to them and then ult you, try to land the edge of your cage on the dagger just as she jumps so you can get a free stun on her so you can perform your burst combo (W + Q + R | In that order)”
WantedHamster says “Her early poke can be very annoying,specially her dives when you are low hp,so make sure to farm at tower if she starts to engage you alot. Dont try to fight back,you will mostly likely to lose.”
LyndonK9 says “Katarina has a hard time farming under tower so push her into tower and try to poke her when she goes for CS. It makes you susceptible to ganks and she can engage on you easier so ward and stay away from her daggers. If you get her low you can try and charm and kill her. She will most likely look for roams so try and push the wave in and follow.
A lot of people think you can just charm Katarina after she jumps to her daggers but her movement speed makes it super difficult, and it's really hard to predict when she Es.
The most important thing is when she ults she is an easy charm target. Especially in teamfights, save your charm for her. ”
TotallySugoi says “Very dangerous match-up, be careful not to feed her. Another match-up where Zhonya's hourglass will work wonders. Try to not waste your stun.”
Yenwai says “her damage is always a threat, even if shes behind, respect it by avoiding her daggers.
your silence can turn her R off early and deny her damage and her blinks, combined with your R she cant do much and she needs to farm early for gunblade.”
YourBestSenpai says “Old kata wasn't such a problem when playing as ahri, but now, as she can jump around the whole map (jk), she will dodge most your skills and just kill you. DON'T WALK UP TO HER DAGGERS, YOU ARE ASKING HER TO KILL YOU!”
Helnakensbrorsa says “Skill matchup. Poke her with Q at lvl 1, play safe at lvl 2. Don't go forward for trades if she hasn't wasted Q and W. At 6 you can only win if save your Q for her R. ”
AgreeableOtter says “Don't walk too close to Daggers laying on the ground, try to Q whenever she goes for a cs with a melee attack, rush hexdrinker, all in er at 6 and tripple Q her while shes ulting. ”
Slydemon says “Kat can almost always out-trade you if she has her abilities. Wait for her to waste her dash or her Q, then jump on her and proc your passive if possible. Short trades are key until you have your ultimate. Also, watch the level advantage, she'll kill you if she hits 3 before you.”
Shderen says “Katarina is a little less scary than LeBlanc purely for the fact that your E can stop her ultimate and also prevent her Shunpo. That being said, she's also hard to kite considering your range later on, making her a pain and, sadly, something you must rely on your team for.”
aButteredPoptart says “Kat can be super slippery because of the creativity with her dagger placement. As always, don't stand next to one and respect the control she has around where it is. An easy bait though is to walk towards a dagger anticipating the dash, and then charming. Don't be predictable yourself however, charm is valuable in keeping yourself alive.”
ExValentine0 says “She can go up to an Even or Major threat depending on the cc capabilities of your team, but the key is to save your ult for when she jumps in.”
Kasaigami says “You counter her until level 6, after that it's very much like Zed, too much mobility (whereas you have none) and a ult with insane damage. Rush Zhonya's (do the same thing with Zed).”
BicBee says “You die if you miss charm. Stay away from daggers on floor.She will usually jump when you are between her and her dagger while walking towards her. Look to land charms on the daggers and when she's ulting. ”
Header_FX says “At early, push in and try to harass her till lvl 3. Level 2 you can take e for doing maximum damage, because many katarina players (my experince) think they can level 2 all in you, so taking e will out trade her easy. After she got hextech gunblade you cant 1v1 her, so pushing in and roaming is the best answer.”
BicBee says “Starting E level 1 lets you win trades hard because your shield negates her dagger damage. Kat is very predictable because she will usually go to where her daggers are to trade. You can use this knowledge to bait her or to aim your skills at. Try to walk away towards the side or towards her when her daggers are on the floor because she will jump to them. Post 6 you will die if you don't land your ult to cancel her ult. ”
vukashin.xyz says “Her dashing makes hard to hit Q
But your mobility prevents her from dealing damage
Harras with W>E>Q
Don't let her get close enogh to Q you
If she ults you ult to avoid her damage”
AzureArmatt says “The key to beat Katarina is quite easy to understand
1) respect her damage
2) avoid staying near the daggers that are on the ground
3) save your charm (don't spam it)
Her mobility will allow her to doge your skillshots (charm mainly) and out trade you if you are not careful so try to play a bit more safer then normally you would if you don't know how good she is. Consider buying Zhonya or stopwatch early to deny her burst damage once she gets ahead and follow her around the map since she will roam quite often due to her assassin nature”
pappychap says “absolute broken cancer no brain champ will get one kill from a side lane and instantly be 12/0 at 7 minutees dodge this matchup nless you are mentally challenged and just want to look at the colors on the screen”
Enfurnal says “Katatrina.... Hm. Easy to dodge her Es by running from her daggers. You can even try to predict her by launching your charm at her dagger. When she reaches six... RESPECT her. Unless if you wanna be alpha and try to out play her.”
Flashe says “She is less of a treat than Zed. But be carefull. If she jump on you remember that she appear behind you and not in front of you. Pay attention of her Daggers.”
thedonk says “Katarina is very hard to deal with when she is jumping around all over the place. Stay away from her daggers. Similar to Yasuo, land your chain on her, chain again if you can so she can stop moving. ”
Dudstrol says “Evite trocas ate fechar Bastão e Mercúrio, pois na primeira vantagem que ela pegar, será difícil de segurar ela. Não troque sem barreira. Recomendo pegar a build com runa de sustento.”