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Bard Counter Stats

Bard Counters
Discover all champions who counter Bard. Use our statistics and learn how to counter Bard in League of Legends and win in Champion Select!
780 Tips for countering Bard below

As a Support
49.64% Win Rate99% Pick Rate Bard As a Support Counters: 33 counter champions

Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter Rating Counter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.

Tips Against Bard as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors

TEMMA says “Jogar no max range do Q da Sona Evitar muitas trocas com o Bardo , pós ele volta mais dano ”
Zileanaire says “Skill matchup. Bard one tricks are as rare as Zilean one tricks. Bard can and will be on the map more than you, he has to in order to stack his passive. Try to take advantage of the 2v1 or try to counter roam. I once asked the rank 1 world Bard player (Lathyrus) on stream what he thought of Bard vs Zilean and his answer was basically as I described. So there you go. A few well placed deep wards should help keep track of his movements. ”
Zileanaire - OTP In-Depth Guide by Zileanaire | Zilean Player
ShoDesu says “Zyra is good into bard in lane but can get ulted off CD in the mid/late game.”
IGMorgane says “Poke him as much as you can to force him to stay in lane. He's more a threat for your team than for you,, so keep an eye on him. ”
Kalakaua says “Bard is very very annoying to play against, he can roam very efficiently, can poke and stun plenty, but his heals are minimal and needs a LOT of time to scale well with his passive. As a single helper does just enough but has a very easy time helping all lanes if he wants to.”
Support Kayle by Kalakaua | Kayle Player
Pykings says “Avoid hugging waves/walls/allies so you don't get stunned. Be mindful when chasing him into a portal. Save your E to dodge his R when he's chasing you. Pyke is just a more impactful roamer than bard so if you're the better player you'll get a free win. With that being said; play around vision, tempo, and objectives.”
Pykings Pyke Guide by Pykings | Pyke Player
mUI0g says “Bard might seem like a low threat, but once he hits 6 his ult becomes lethal for catching low mobility champions like Xerath. He can also avoid your lane phase poke by roaming and ganking with his jungle.”
[2024 S3] Xerath Support Guide by mUI0g | Xerath Player
ZedAway says “u out range him with his poke, only problem is not in lane rather outside of the lane, he roams a lot and gank other lanes, u have to keep up with that, in this matchup i prefer using the second leveling up method and roam and counter gank as well. (care: he has perfect gank setup).”
Lumutheslime says “Bard has too much roaming potential, he will match your gank and roam or even push to invade with his jungler in your jungle reducing your impact on the game as a whole.”
River shen by Lumutheslime | Shen Player
Aerenax says “Bard is a champion that wants to roam a lot, which you will have a hard time following around. If you decide to stay in lane try to make the life of the enemy ADC is miserable as possible.”
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