As a Support 49.64% Win Rate99% Pick RateBard As a Support Counters: 33 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Bard as a Support Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
TEMMA says “Jogar no max range do Q da Sona
Evitar muitas trocas com o Bardo , pós ele volta mais dano ”
Zileanaire says “Skill matchup. Bard one tricks are as rare as Zilean one tricks. Bard can and will be on the map more than you, he has to in order to stack his passive. Try to take advantage of the 2v1 or try to counter roam.
I once asked the rank 1 world Bard player (Lathyrus) on stream what he thought of Bard vs Zilean and his answer was basically as I described. So there you go.
A few well placed deep wards should help keep track of his movements. ”
Kalakaua says “Bard is very very annoying to play against, he can roam very efficiently, can poke and stun plenty, but his heals are minimal and needs a LOT of time to scale well with his passive.
As a single helper does just enough but has a very easy time helping all lanes if he wants to.”
Pykings says “Avoid hugging waves/walls/allies so you don't get stunned. Be mindful when chasing him into a portal. Save your E to dodge his R when he's chasing you.
Pyke is just a more impactful roamer than bard so if you're the better player you'll get a free win.
With that being said; play around vision, tempo, and objectives.”
mUI0g says “Bard might seem like a low threat, but once he hits 6 his ult becomes lethal for catching low mobility champions like Xerath.
He can also avoid your lane phase poke by roaming and ganking with his jungle.”
ZedAway says “u out range him with his poke, only problem is not in lane rather outside of the lane, he roams a lot and gank other lanes, u have to keep up with that, in this matchup i prefer using the second leveling up method and roam and counter gank as well.
(care: he has perfect gank setup).”
Lumutheslime says “Bard has too much roaming potential, he will match your gank and roam or even push to invade with his jungler in your jungle reducing your impact on the game as a whole.”
Aerenax says “Bard is a champion that wants to roam a lot, which you will have a hard time following around. If you decide to stay in lane try to make the life of the enemy ADC is miserable as possible.”
zSharpFire says “Bard is really easy to fight in lane as Karma has big damage early game. The only problem comes with his roaming: you most probably won't be able to match his roams as his passive makes him too fast. Try to do low-risk high-rewards plays and roams early.”
Arctic Arrow says “His primary impact comes from his roams and map-wide utility rather than direct lane pressure. Focus on maintaining good vision to track his movements and avoid his stuns.
If he roams, you can use that opportunity to push the lane and gain an advantage elsewhere. Engage carefully when he’s in lane, and if you catch him out of position, you can take advantage of his lack of immediate lane pressure to gain control.”
sfxshinygod says “Like Pantheon, Bard likes to stat check his opponents. Avoid getting stunned and poke him down with Q. Go for short trades where you empowered W, auto, Q, and E out. ”
Zazomy says “Bard isn't that much of a threat on Pyke as Pyke has a lot of mobility, you can easily dodge Bard's ultimate and stun by using your E or W, but a good Bard will always find ways to make some plays with his teammates, always be aware of the magical journey as it can bring in his teammates for an easy flank.”
xpwnz1337 says “ADC IQ TEST MATCHUP.
Bard is Just overloaded cringe champ.
You must roam or your midlaner will RQ.
You cant R his R.
Counterplay; Bard's autos strong lvl1, Don't get hit by anything. Look for mistakes or ping jungler. Zone him. Don't stand with your ADC so Bard cant Q both. You win all in if ADC human.
Beware of his autoattack slows.
LA COLORADA says “bring demolish and farm his platings while he's skirting around the rift cause you can't outroam him, although you destroy him in skirmishes.”
Abarame says “Underestimating his roaming power is dangerous, but you can dominate the laning phase against Bard by dodging his Q. Avoid standing too close to your ADC or near walls to minimize his impact. Before Bard collects 35 chimes (meeps), play aggressively to assert lane dominance. Always respect his ultimate's range to avoid getting caught out in skirmishes.”
SchloppyPoppy says “Easy lane, you counter his portal usage. Bards usually put their heals close to walls, so be patient and dash into him or his ADC when they go for heals.”
Kxwal says “It's a weird mechanic where Bard's portal can make it so enemies can't auto each other during your r as long as they move through the portal.”
Foxirion says “Bard's mobility and crowd control can make it difficult for Rakan to engage effectively. His ability to set up picks and disengage can be a challenge for Rakan, but Rakan's own mobility and crowd control can also disrupt Bard's plays.”
1yanou says “This kind of depends on the adc picks, but overall a pretty playable matchup if you space his abilities well. Especially if he gets pushed in it's free and you roam faster than him. ”
schizoslvt says “Up to level 6 this is a very easy lane.But as the game progresses most Bards get tons of armor and become something like the incarnation of Kratos and are unkillable.Always think about where he might be or what he might be doing if he is missing and act accordingly.”
Velkyann says “Bard is Bard. He can poke you before level 6, you need to try to push the lane against him because he is going to need to roam and if he is stuck in tower he is going lose alot of exp and leave his adc exposed.”
lulukhan says “Very hard matchup. outroams you outdmgs . 10x tankier than you. only tip i can give you is : win lvl 2 or 3 by getting his flash. it will make the matchup just a tiny bit easier.”
MorePierogiVanya says “Can go either way. Avoid standing near minions or walls to not get stunned. His heals are fairly weak, but his portal can enable very cheeky engages, but if you expect them, they are not that bad. If he roams too much, it should enable lane dominance”
Razing42 says “Bard will be looking to leave the lane early on which suits you just fine. Make sure to set your adc up for success and then roam around.”
Kcmichalson says “[SUP] Bard's gonna Bard.
Try to crush his shrines before he uses them to heal, but he'll likely place them near their tower to keep them safe.
He'll likely use his ult to either disable your turret or freeze your carry, so keep an eye on his level.”
Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr says “Really depends on the Bard, but in general he's not too bad. He's got one stun, and his ult is annoying if used correctly. But other than that he's a pretty easy matchup. Of course a good Bard is gonna be horrible, and remember to ping when he roams! ”
Murder Yuumi by Your_ Local_Eldritch_Horr | Yuumi Player
quecck says “Bard isn't that hard. He does do a freaky amount of damage though, and has that stupid invulnerability ult.
However, catching him with E makes him an easy target, since he is generally pretty squishy and has no dash to escape. ”
Xintero says “Bard isn't an easy champ to play. You should be safe unless the enemy Bard is really good. He can R your team whenever he sees you ulting, making them untargetable. Just be prepared for a root and stun them to at least get a kill or two.”
Nazebroq says “He has a bigger AA range and can easily poke you whenever he wants. He can cancel all ur engage with his E, his Q or his R. Furthermore try to counter roam him, Braum stay better in 2V2. ”
akamanto says “You can conter his poke really well and make him useles in the laning but his roaming timers are better so try to match him as much as possible or tower dive his adc all game long ”
nyashaor says “Now that's a rare pick. I, personally, don't invest much time in league to get past gold, in that elo, people often doesn't know how to play him good.”
quecck says “Bard isn't that hard. He does do a freaky amount of damage though, and has that stupid invulnerability ult.
However, catching him with E makes him an easy target, since he is generally pretty squishy.”
Arrowmundx says “He can't fight 2v2 in lane at all, and he probably won't. And you can't really match his roam. Just make sure to ping when he leaves, and punish the solo ADC. Also watch out for fake roams and him coming back with his jungler; but you can actually 2v3 sometimes because Bard isn't that strong in an all in.”
Razing42 says “In lane he's not going to be a problem, but he should be able to outroam you as he's faster than you. Try to mitigate this by making a play on his adc or being where he's going before the play happens.”
Aerenax says “Bard is can be annoying as you like to jump your allies and he will stun you against your ally. In my opinion this is a skill matchup as he can be caught out easily for miss positioning. He will be out of lane a lot so this makes laning a bit more doable, make sure to ping when he goes missing though! ”
Ryecheria says “Karma hard wins
The Bard matchup should be free. Your poke will bully Bard of out lane and during midgame and team fights, your shields will make it so that Bard will not be able to land his ultimate. You may choose to follow his roams, but its better to stay in lane and dive enemy carry over and over again. If you do roam, you have to be certain that it will give you more advantage than your carry possibly dying.”
Fenreee says “This matchup is such a wild card because it depends on how good the Bard is. If he's bad you just steamroll him, but if he's good his main strength will be coordinating ganks with his portals to abuse your lackluster peel. Avoid shoving mindlessly because he will let you, and it's what he wants. Against a good Bard it will almost always lead to getting portal flanked and ganked. Additionally he can heal the ADC to negate your poke which Vayne dislikes. He has point n click slow which Vayne also dislikes and he doesn't need to care about your lane pressure that much.”
mazewalk says “Be careful on the first level, because his Q>AA trade hurts.If Bard is getting ganked, he might try going in the corner of map to get E angle, which leads right to his turret, so deny him such opportunity or use flay/hook to get people out of his route. Ping other lanes when he is missing bot and whether he comes back with enemy mid or jungle. During teamfights try to stay away from your teammates and obstacles so you wont get stunned. If hes ulting, try to flay/hook enemy inside or outside of his ult depending ot a situation.”
Shadowcrushers says “Bard and Soraka are two support champions. While they have distinct playstyles and abilities, there are several factors that make Bard an even match against Soraka. Here's a detailed breakdown of the reasons:
Versatility: Bard possesses a high degree of versatility in terms of playstyle and utility. He can function as both an enchanter and a roaming support, allowing him to adapt to various situations. This versatility gives Bard an edge against Soraka, whose playstyle is more focused on sustained healing and providing utility to her team.
Crowd Control: Bard's kit includes multiple crowd control abilities, such as his Q ability (Cosmic Binding) and his ultimate ability (Tempered Fate). These crowd control effects can disrupt Soraka's healing and her ability to keep her allies alive during team fights. Bard's Cosmic Binding can stun multiple enemies, while his Tempered Fate can freeze enemies in stasis, buying valuable time for Bard's team to focus down priority targets or reposition for a favorable engagement.
Roaming Potential: Bard is renowned for his roaming capabilities, thanks to his passive ability (Traveler's Call) and his E ability (Magical Journey). Bard can quickly traverse the map, leaving his AD carry alone for a short time while he helps other lanes or secures objectives. This roaming potential puts pressure on Soraka, as Bard can provide assistance to his team in other areas, potentially disrupting Soraka's healing dominance in team fights or setting up kills in other lanes.
Sustained Damage: Bard's damage potential is often underestimated. His passive ability (Traveler's Call) empowers his basic attacks to deal bonus damage over time, which can add up significantly throughout a skirmish or a team fight. Additionally, his Meep empowered auto attacks can be used to poke and harass Soraka, potentially forcing her to play more defensively and limiting her ability to heal her allies effectively.
Teamfight Impact: Bard's ultimate ability, Tempered Fate, is a game-changer in team fights. It can be used to engage, disengage, or neutralize key enemy threats, effectively shifting the momentum in Bard's team's favor. By freezing enemies in stasis, Bard can create windows of opportunity for his team to capitalize on, while simultaneously preventing Soraka from providing immediate healing support.
Itemization: The availability of a wide range of support items in the game allows Bard to build specific items that counter Soraka's healing capabilities. For example, items like Grievous Wounds (e.g., Executioner's Calling or Bramble Vest) can reduce Soraka's healing effectiveness, making it harder for her to keep her allies alive. By itemizing strategically, Bard can mitigate Soraka's impact and increase his chances of securing kills or winning team fights.
It is important to note that player skill, teamwork, and overall game strategy also play significant roles in determining the outcome of matches. While Bard possesses the tools to be an even match against Soraka, the execution and coordination of a team are ultimately crucial factors that can sway the outcome in either champion's favor.”
support_diff says “Bard isn't very strong early, and he often is going after his meeps around the map. Try to use his absence to kill the enemy adc as you can deal massive damage to a single target in the early game”
jmp_01_ says “I didn't play a lot against Bard but in laning phase there is not much to say. Avoid getting poked and once you see him use his empowered auto-attack just engage him with Q and you should win.”
Lunar Empress says “Sidestep or bait out his stun and you can easily poke him back. If you get caught though, you will likely be very low after the trade. ”
zhock2014 says “PLEASE watch out for this champion especially in higher Leo because this champion has his ult his Q his W to get away his E to get away and he can get his adc FREE KILLS so if you ever wanna gank bot lane WATCH OUT FOR THIS CHAMPION”
mazewalk says “He's quite a Jack of all trades, but master of none, unless you're playing against Bard OTP.
Make sure to stand behind at least 2 minions, try to deny him roams and using his W. In case he's absent, ping your teammates and check objectives.”
Afnyc says “hard matchup. poke matches but he outroames. his ult can also be annoying as it can ruin your ult. To win lane, ward his roaming paths, and hardpressure the enemy adc when he leaves lane. When pressured, hang on to your abilities for when he all-ins. His engage is tricky to time and a well times glasc ult can disengage effectively. Expect to enter midgame behind”
Bolybuff says “You are kind of doing bard a favor by leaping onto your ally if bard is able to bind you and your teamate. lots of poke and roams better than you. Try to go for an aggresive fight if he misses his Q.”
ATorSo says “ Not much of a problem early. Make sure you have good vision of everyone else when he is not lane. A good ult and you never had a chance.”
support_diff says “Bard isn't at lane usually, so when he is away, try to kill his adc. Be aware of his stun as he can deal some very serious damage even in the early game”
King Kirbilogus Toadstool says “Although they go even, Bard is such an annoyance to all players because he can make such a creative scene with his very complex abilities.”
support_diff says “Bard is a very much roaming support, so when he is not on lane, punish his adc hard. He is also immobile if he doesn't have a terrain nearby so he can be pretty easily killed”
King Kirbilogus Toadstool says “Although they go even, Bard is such an annoyance to all players because he can make such a creative scene with his very complex abilities.”
support_diff says “Bard is, well, Bard. He will not be much in the lane and will roam a lot. When he goes for a roam, use well his absence and kill his adc. Be aware of his stun as he can deal serious damage even in the early game.”
GlobalSupport says “Good bards will make the game unplayable since they heavily outroam you while you can't punish that hard since he can re-gank you. Fortunately, he isn't a common pick.”
support_diff says “Bard is almost never on the lane, so poke his adc to death when he is away. Take hail of blades as if he was on the lane, he would still lose a 1v1 against you. Be aware of his Q as he can deal some serious damage to you while you are stunned.”
Lurs says “Bard's stun can also really screw with Rakan's engage. He has great sustain in lane which also ruins it. And his poke allows him and his adc to play out of his range. To make it worse Bard can also outroam you, removing all of Rakan's win conditions. Go guardian and play for jungler. Look to dive while he roams. Bard roams are insanely strong, and he feels very oppressive in lane.”
Aerenax says “Bard has a lot of damage with his auto attacks, when he misses his Q or R he is very vulnerable if not near a wall. Try to collapse on him at that moment! Bard also loves to roam, but you can try to follow him when you have your mobility boots.”
Wounds2 says “Bard's Q and R can stop you from running his teammates down. He can also match your roams easily and is pretty strong in skirmishes too.”
Cyclic says “Relatively simple matchup, you outrange him and out sustain so abuse him and his ADC early. Make sure to call out his roams since he will leave lane and build an advantage elsewhere or else your team will flame”
ZharMeny says “If you are against a very good Bard player(hi Lathyrus), you will probably lose, and if you are against a very bad Bard, or even a first-timer, you will probably win, very skill dependant and not even on your side. Recomended Stance: Unmounted”
xayahh says “bard is made for trading, but you outrange him. make sure you have good vision, stay back from minions or groups of 3+ (just spread out) to avoid q stun. ”
ColdStuff says “Bard Karma is a skill matchup, but Bard tends to have a bit of agency as he is incentivized to go on his magical journeys. If he does so, punish his ADC for doing so, or if the ADC is resetting, go and try to set up vision. ”
Toches says “If he knows what he's doing he's a headache, as his R just disables what your R does, but your base kit is better than his, so he otherwise isn't a large threat, just be aware that he is a much better roaming support than you are, so if he vanishes you need to dive his adc (hopefully with your R) before he returns to stop you.”
iveye says “Bard isn't a threat to you as he his to your team with the impact he can make with his roams. He can't stun you out of your W making it easy to engage onto him. Versus a Bard make it a priority to communicate is not on the map and likely roaming. There is moments you can counter roam against him but his niche kit for roaming is usually better than yours.”
mellorwastaken says “easy matchup i would say, his range is too small to harrass you and if you hit q he will need to flash or he dies since he is really squishy until mythic item. you can match his roams so its also a really fun matchup.”
Sorakas says “Rune: Unsealed Spellbook
Bard can be a real headache for Soraka, as his E enables unexpected gank setups at any point in the laning phase, allowing two enemies to suddenly reach you. Bard's roaming potential is much stronger since he often builds Mobility Boots; you should ping every time he leaves lane. The more skilled the Bard, the tougher this matchup, as he has a lot of crowd control (Passive, Q, and ultimate). If you’re not careful with his R, it can easily result in your death, especially considering its low cooldown.
Maintain a safe distance and prioritize vision to reduce Bard’s roaming impact and potential ganks.”
WhiteLotus says “Look for long range Q's and play with bush vision. If he has no Q and no Meeps, a trade with him is free if u play around your shield health. Dont take to long fight because of his W. ADCs often like to overextend if Bard goes roaming, so watch out fot this and punish them. Ping his roams for your team if he goes for a reset.”
aarkie says “Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. Wake Up. ”
gizemdeniz says “The gateways he opens are a big problem for us. His CC and spell damage are also quite decent. It will not be an easy match, but if we use the charm effectively, we have a chance to win with a good ADc partner.”
mazewalk says “He has mobility, but your's better, he has CC, but your's better. Just pay atention to his roam and warn other lanes in case he's apsent.”
Fenreee says “|||SUPPORT||| Bard is quite annoying as his early damage surpasses Janna's by quite a bit. Whenever he has meeps his rundown potential is quite strong however Glacial Janna is completely unable to be ran down by him, and Aery is still fairly safe even pre-6, and outscales him by miles. You mainly wanna look out for Bard's ability to roam with his jungler and flank your lane with a portal. Counter-roaming a Bard really just comes down to which matchups you have on your lanes and especially in the jungle. Depending on how winnable skirmishes are, it may be best to coordinate with your jungler and dive the enemy ADC while he's solo, then split the map and gain drake control for the laning phase aswell as deep vision in enemy botside. Technically speaking Bard wins the laning phase as Janna has very weak combat stats if she doesn't land charged nado's. But most Bard players end up throwing the Janna matchup by trying to roam. It's a very mirrored matchup since both champions do similar things, however it is quite Janna favored.”
Roltu says “Bardo en realidad no es gran cosa y personalmente de los supp más fácil en ganar línea, no dejes que se acerque a un muro cuando hagan duelos 2v2.”
zotet says “Bards ability to fight is limited but he has a spike in mid and late game with his passive, make sure to have vision in common bushes like close river bush where one of his chimes can spawn. He has great mobility and can catch up to you if you re in the wrong environment. His W can be useless if you play agro and step on them. His Q is very easy to dodge if he is playing from range, play from afar to make yourself hard to kill.”
Ablano says “idk what the fuck that thing is, he is a enchanter/catcher and whatever you want to call him lol, he would normally hide and then ult you with your adc, try to space yourself from your adc so that both of you do not get hit by his ultimate, also do not get stunned cuz then you will be dead ”
NotAragami says “Same problem as Zilean as it all comes down to how good the Bard player is. Good Bards can double stun both of you and you get deleted in seconds before you can stun him back. ”
OakuMarai says “Either he's a god or he's garbage. Consider Guardian. Ward well and ping when he vanishes. Try not to stand too close to your ADC or he might stun you both.”
PykEugeo says “Don't stand next to walls or minions or your adc if you don't want to be stunned by bard, otherwise it's not hard to deal with unless you're sent into stasis by his ultimate while you're for X
orangeGolem2 says “A good bard will never lane, this matchup is a playmaking competition on whether you or the bard will impact the map the most since both of you are exceptional roaming champions. Bard is normally an easy target but what can be hard about him is his ultimate which can save someone and stop you from chaining your ultimate.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Bard will leave lane to pick up Chimes when it’s safe. Abuse the fact that he is missing to all-in the enemy ADC. Try and stay away from the minion wave at all times. This will make it really hard for him to land his Cosmic Binding(Q) and stun you. Don’t stand too close to the wall so he can’t stun you that way either. Don’t stand too close to him or the minion wave otherwise he can poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Walk forward when you want to harass or last hit, but return back to safety afterwards.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Bard will leave lane to pick up Chimes when it’s safe. Abuse the fact that he is missing to all-in the enemy ADC. Try and stay away from the minion wave at all times. This will make it really hard for him to land his Cosmic Binding(Q) and stun you. Don’t stand too close to the wall so he can’t stun you that way either. Don’t stand too close to him or the minion wave otherwise he can poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Walk forward when you want to harass or last hit, but return back to safety afterwards.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Bard will leave lane to pick up Chimes when it’s safe. Abuse the fact that he is missing to all-in the enemy ADC. Try and stay away from the minion wave at all times. This will make it really hard for him to land his Cosmic Binding(Q) and stun you. Don’t stand too close to the wall so he can’t stun you that way either. Don’t stand too close to him or the minion wave otherwise he can poke you down and harass you with basic attacks. Walk forward when you want to harass or last hit, but return back to safety afterwards.”
M4DN355 says “Since Bard tends to roam a lot, just as Pyke does, bot lane will be a 1v1 lane around the 8 minute mark. Bard's ultimate can save him and his allies from Pyke's ultimate, but since the cast time is really low, if you have a quick enough reaction time, you shouldn't miss your ultimate to Bard's R. Just don't follow him through his portals (E) unless you know where all of his allies are and his Q is on cooldown.”
babyyspace says “The only threat Bard has is proccing the root from his Q. If you make sure to not stand near any other targets (minons, terrain, allys) his Q will not procc a root. ”
Smebbo says “Depends a lot on how good Bard is, Try killing him lvl 1/2/3, because he outscales you. Usually you cannot match his roams, and are stuck on bot while he makes your midlaner ragequit. If he decides to permaroam and you cant punish the enemy ADC 2v1, you have no choice but to try match his roams.”
Jageiko says “Bard is not countered by Poppy, but it's almost the case in my opinion. He is way squiqhier than you, and will position near walls for the same reason you do : stunning. But you're a tank, and he's not. Be carefull of his poke and Q on your minions, and be ready to roam. Whoever kills in bot, next move will more than likely happen in midlane.”
CynicalSora says “Bard will most likely roam while gathering his chimes. Try and match him so you don't split XP with your ADC causing them to lag behind.”
RoseOfInnistrad says “He doesn't outright beat you in lane, but through roaming Bard will find a lot of opportunities to have more impact on the game. He also outscales you and is very difficult to dive and teamfight against.”
Mindartis says “Any hero who is in some way the opposite of Thresh is a problem.
He doesn't like magic damage, and therefore any support that deals magic damage causes trouble for him.
Also, Thresh gets closer to the opponent, so he is vulnerable against control.”
MorBidMike says “bard R cancels your W R combo and he has better roaming potential. in lane tho you go even and can use Q a lot because of bards range.”
Navn says “Laning phase should be easy, but very hard to get around his Ultimate. Matching his roams early will be difficult, but once you have your Ult, you can kind of match the roam.”
Touka1 says “It's bit annoying match-up but if your team decides to respect his roams it's not that big threat you also outscale him hard. It's also possible to match his roaming since Janna and Bard are almost equally fast, The only thing you have to pay attention when roaming you should be the first one in the action and not after him.”
Tom3kk says “You heal more and do more damage than him, just don't get hit with his Q stun. Sadly this is one of the few matchups where your team has to play around his ult”
LuckyTigerRAW says “Wait out his Q before engage and save R for his R to save your adc and yourself other than that he isn't a threat just burst him and his adc”
Tqnshi says “His Q stuns if it hits two enemies (champions, minions, jungle camps) or an enemy and a wall. So if you try to proc your passive keep in mind how many minions are in front and behind you. He's going to roam a lot so if he goes missing be quick to alert your team.”
spirit legacy says “Dont try to match all his Roams. He'll always have better roams than you. Try to punish his adc as hard as you can. Only match his roams for major Objectives such as Drake and Herald. The lane is very easy. ”
Rissen says “Bard can make plays while dealing a lot of damage, so look for the right timing of engage where you can do an all in without getting punished. And roam with the same pace as him since he can do crossmap plays and can roam faster than you.”
Demonsedge90 says “Bard's easy to deal with except when he hits you with q stun as you try to engage with him. The big threatening thing to worry about is when he ults you. Just play this lane safely, and it's smooth sailing.”
Bella Starlily says “Bard is a decently easy pick to play against, his roams are what makes it harder. You need to be ready to counter gank or bully his adc when they're left alone in lane.”
Cordiall says “Bard is a fairly even lane into Braum. Bard's squishy, but he does a lot of damage. The main problem is Bard's Q. Because of the way Bard's Q stun works, it's not hard for Bard to punish you SEVERELY for trying to jump to your ADC. If you play around his Q, and only try to fight when it's down, you can all-in and kill him, but there are a lot of mind games involved.”
Eu como Miilena says “Bardo precisa sair da lale algumas vezes então sempre aproveite essa chance para dar o máximo de poke possível no adc inimigo. Proteja a si mesmo e seu adc dos ataques básicos do Bardo com seu escudo. nunca fique atrás de seu adc ou minios pois o Q do bardo estuna quando pega em duas unidades ou em paredes. É relativamente fácil desviar da ult dele apenas de R+E e corra da ult.”
KeisariKarma says “Bard has a very unique kit, its defenitely a skill matchup. You have better poke than him, but he can easily portal his jungler or other allies and settup easy ganks on you.”
Ionia King says “Lol, outside of his ult there isn't really much bard can do to stop you from doing whatever you please. You can just R after he R's into you and your team and turn the whole fight around.”
DtNikk says “Bard will 100% outroam you, take the chance while he's away to engage with your Q>E and get a kill or make his ADC recall. Stay away from walls whenever he walks up.”
Nozul says “Bardo é um personagem que consegue te punir se você se posicionar mal entre os minions. Caso ele te acerte o Q, é bem difícil que você saia vivo. Tome cuidado com a ultimate dele e não, não entre nos portais de um Bardo. Mikael é um item recomendado para ajudar o teu time a escapar do Q dele.”
TheBlueImperial says “He can't really do all that much against you directly, you can W through his Q stun and CC lock him and he has nothing left to protect himself. The reason he is a minor instead of tiny is because he is an insanely strong roamer, he will make plays across the map you cannot follow.”
PumpkinMatters says “hahahahahahahaha um Bardo. Ele só não está no menor nível de ameaça por causa do Q dele, que acaba com seu combo, caso acerte. Caso não... use ele como alvo e seja feliz”
asmrtoelicks says “Bard will outtrade you in lane. Soraka isn't very mobile so he can easily put his team in a position to flank you and take you out of the fight with his ultimate.”
PumpkinMatters says “hahahahahahahahaha a bard. He's just not on "tiny" because of his Q, that can finish your combo, if he lands. If not... use him as target and be happy”
MaximusDave says “Well just dont miss ur E and don't get pokes. Just try to engage him or his adc. If in front just perma all in and he cant defend himself. His roams are better pre 6 but after 6 just chill and ult when he roams.”
KalelPeique says “Bardo nem é champ, duvido que alguém jogue com isso, porem o kit dele é bem 8/80 ou ele joga agressivo ou está dando roaming, quando ele sair da lane pula no adc, e tenta matar ele o mais rápido possível, LEMBRE-SE o E dele pode puxar o JG junto então cuidado
Bard isn't even a champ, I doubt anyone plays with it, but his kit is well 8/80 or he plays aggressive or roaming, when he leaves the lane, jumps into adc, and tries to kill him as quickly as possible, REMEMBER -IF his E can pull the JG together, then be careful”
Wezaurd Poro says “He roams you roam, you're one of the only champions who can really match his roams. In lane he can be annoying and pokey but he's also very vulnerable.”
Harry132 says “Pretty stagnate lane the main thing you have to watch out for is his Q and if you don't get stunned by it he is not really a threat to you”
SirCaptFair says “this is your archnemesis in all stages of the game. play passive until 3 or 2 depending on your bot. As soon as you find him going for poke punish him as much as you can even if you have to use your flash. from mid to late. Don't wait on him to throw his ult first. you need to engage first so that his ult has to be either stoping you or your carries and not him getting picks.”
M Le Maudit says “Not so hard to play against, but he will do a much better job by roaming. Try to put a lot of visions and to ping your midlaner or toplaner when he's not on the lane.”
revu says “[ROAMING SUPPORT]
Loses to you in lane, but his roams can mess with your team's mental. Rush boots and follow him on roams or roam yourself, so his team flames him even more”
Discord231 says “Macro, el que tenga mejor macro game gana, así de simple, antes del nivel 6 tienes mejores habilidades, pero a partir del nivel 6 te puede cortar los combos, pero su R la puedes esquivar, realmente gana quien rote mejor. ”
GuanaTv says “Confronto bem simples de jogar. Tome cuidado apenas com as diferentes jogadas que o kit do Bardo pode criar!
(Very simple match to play. Just be careful with the different moves the Bard kit can create!)”
neuroplasticity says “Another champ who loves to roam. Bard isn't much of a threat in lane though you should be wary not to get stunned by his Q. You should outtrade Bard in the 2v2 but always be mindful when they are missing as they can roam much faster than you or also set up a gank for their jungler with their portal.
I like running Domination with Relentless Hunter secondary and rushing boots to match the Bard's roams. Due to Nami's incredibly strong skirmishing you can deny Bard the potential numbers advantage and turn the tides in favour of your team.
eiensiei says “Don't stand next to minions in lane, he can stun you with Q. Teamfighting in choke points gives him an opportunity to catch multiple people with R, so try to avoid it.”
Goldenstinger says “harass and play safe till 6. You will need to outplay his ult, rocketbelt rush will help. Also track him and ping out your team if he roams”
Doglightning says “you are both roaming supports so tali actually does pretty good into bard. after first back go top side map and gank top or mid. in lane id say its pretty even but i give this minor cuz tali can actually keep up with his roams”
Doglightning says “Run pred to counter roam as bard will roam all game. One of the only supports that can trade with your W auto lvl 1 so focus on pushing the wave and hitting 2 first. You can use your w to steal his heals even when he puts them under tower. He can out roam you very easily and setup ganks. I don't consider him a hard counter but usually its not easy”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Avoid his cc, because it will lock down both you and your ADC no matter what. Stay far away from walls when running away from him. He will roam a lot so try to anticipate who he will go after, and follow him.”
Mystral says “Empowered autos will hurt, just E on you/your ADC and try to Q > AA him, he's squishy after all. Try to not stay close to your minions, walls or your ADC to avoid his stun.”
PicklePantsLOL says “In team fights, Aurelion Sol can deal a lot of AOE damage with his stars and his W and abilities. Try and lock him down with CC and kill him at the beginning of the fight so it's harder for him to shred your team with his damage. He is pretty immobile and squishy, so CC'ing him at the start is ideal.
Avoid pushing up too much in this lane as his E allows him to set-up ganks from weird and unexpected angles. Moreso, he can also bring his team-mates along with him which will catch you off-guard and will give him and his team a lead. Try to get some deep wards in to detect this.
Bard will frequently leave the lane to collect his Passive chimes and might also resort to ganking some other lane while doing so. As soon as he leaves the lane, all-in or zone his ADC off so that they are denied valuable gold and experience in the lane.
In team-fights, Bard will try to land a multi-man Ultimate R. You should avoid clumping with your team-mates in fights. Fight in lane as it will prevent Bard from landing a good Ultimate R.
Your primary goal in this lane is to avoid getting hit by his Q when near your minions or terrain. Look for clean all-ins on him once his Q is down as it is his only self-peel ability.”
Doglightning says “Can take ignite if adc match up is good. Can play aggressive with bubbles as long as you are mindful of his stun. Once you hit 6 you have to be really careful of his ult. Going Dps build is okay since protobelt is great at dodging bard ult”
Aerenax says “Bard is a champion that is pretty difficult to play against. You can’t keep up with his roaming potential so try to make plays in lane if he is missing. Also play around his Q and carefully place your W so he can’t immediately stun you after you go in.”
eiensiei says “Don't stand next to minions in lane, he can stun you with Q. Teamfighting in choke points gives him an opportunity to catch multiple people with R, so try to avoid it.”
LimTheDestructor says “After engaging on Bard, kite him and try to get behind him - he will try to stun both you and your following adc, additionally he will try to put speedbuff on his escape way. Don't engage on Bard who is close to walls or turrets that can be used for escape. Respect his potential to tunnel himself and enemy jungler or midlaner to create 3v2 situation. Ping Bard's roams for your teammates.”
warmfishu says “His Cosmic Binding (Q) will reset your W if it successfully stuns you. While he isn't so much of a threat himself, don't underestimate a good Bard player.”
iKonek says “Avoid walls and being behind single minions to not get stunned. If you see him cast a portal, you can hook or flay to try and push him or his carry away from it. Engage hard when he's roaming for chimes. Possibly bring ignite to counter his healing sustain.”
Rasta Da Masta says “If he has meeps available (and he usually will), he will win basic attack trades. Be careful about positioning so you don't get stunned by Q. His W has good lane sustain. His E lets him match your roams easily. And his R can delay your tower sieging but it will be inevitable.”
LegendaryOstrich says “Don't let bard poke you down early game. Look for hooks on him since he is a very squishy champion, but if you miss then play more passive. Try to follow his roams and signal mia when he is not in lane. You can play very aggro once he uses his Q (his main source of damage and CC)”
lin00 says “Bard is relatively squishy, landing a hook on him will/should force his sums and win the trade massively. Avoid being close to minions, ally champions or walls to avoid stunned.”
Korippo says “This is totally dependent on what the Bard decides to do in all honesty. If he perma roams after the first few levels, you have a huge advantage once you and your ADC are level 6 so long as he's gone off to roam. However, he puts pressure on the rest of your lanes by doing so and pinging out when he's missing is crucial. Lane wise he is quite hard to deal with, his shrines give a decent amount of healing and you can't poke him down that well, plus he has easy escape with Magical Journey and also great engage with it as well as good chase potential. I generally recommend Shurelya's into this matchup so that you can outrun his portal.”
TheImmortalEye says “u cant follow his roams but your range is better than his and your dmg not as conditional, dont underestimate him but engage when you can . his ult doesnt stop yours so bait him out.”
Eforie says “Try to get him until he get lvl 6 or its gg. Its so weack in early game so u can kill him ez if he is a bad bard. A good bard he will stay safe until lvl 6 and ult u for a kill or he go roam. (try to roam too to counter gank him)”
Distinger says “Most of the time you won't see it during your game. But when you do, he will come with 100 meep powerspike and two-shot you.
Ignoring that, he's squishy, hook him before he gets to escape in his E and he'll be forced to ult or die.”
ThisGuyPaco says “Bard is a weird one to play against as he cant do that much against you, his stun can be dangerous but with the right positioning you can avoid it really easily. His gank potential is scary, i would always recommend going for Shurelya's against Bard + Building Mikaels to safe your teammate from his Ultimate.”
0Banda says “ Bard is a very easy matchup, you out-roam him so much. Whenever you see he wants to go out of botlane for chimes or roaming mid just go over him and zone him
Get Waterwalking + Transcendence in secondaries, in order to out-roam him
Just play as usual, just dont get behind minions at Bard's Q range because he will get you stunned, also, you can dodge Bard's R with your W easily”
Luiscencias says “I'm not particularly scared of this guy. Pay attention not to get stunned by Q and you will be fine. His heal is just as mediocre as yours, his E and ult don't do much in lane fights, and he will often leave to get chimes so you can just run down their ADC. Please be a dear and ping when he goes missing because he likes to roam and your teammates forget roaming is a thing.”
bobsalad says “Easy matchup in lane, trade aggressively with autos and q. He can roam everywhere and it is hard to match roams though. Has good gank setup with portal and ult, need to ward portal spots.”
Idleangelo says “Cant say for sure due to his literal lack of presence in lane, but should be easy considering you can 1v2 the adc. Freeze the wave to punish the enemy adc even more”
ecl1p3e says “I hope you're noticing a pattern by now. Most forms of cc go even with her until you get hit by them. Avoid bard q, don't get within range of his autos and step on his heals whenever you get the chance to (it'll close up meaning the enemy can't use it)”
Fear The Jester says “Skill Matchup, Just dont stun your adc with your boxes... The game is not your fault if they lose bot and perma roam to camp your team”
Jowoey says “You outrange Bard making trades with him not too bad if you can utilize bushes. Later on his roams are insane. If he leaves bot lane you should probably do that too so your team doesn't fall behind to him.”
Nino_euw says “Not an easy one to play, pay attention to not get caught by his stuns and his ult. Try to keep E or W at all time later on to run away from his ult or help one of your teammates escape.”
Melyn says “Generally favorable for Zyra, but one mistake means your death. Stay away from your ally (no double stun!), be careful around walls and minions, and remember your plants will get one shot AND count for proccing his stun.”
Biotic says “Very easy to lane, you outrange him and can punish in Lane. Where this Matchup gets sometimes difficult is that you cant follow his roams so you need to ping your mid laner back. High Elo: Try to punish Adc while he roams and dont follow all roams.”
TheBestestBork says “Bard can be very annoying, BUT he uses nearly all effectiveness once his abilities are used. His ULT is also quite easy to avoid if you keep an eye out, though it can ruin an engage if he lands it well.”
PicklePantsLOL says “Watch your positioning and buy early boots to help you dodge his Q. Ping whenever he roams and try to play aggressive on his ADC while he is gone. ”
Lugos says “I think this is an even match up. He has good damage, little sustain but most importantly he has strong roaming abilities. However you also have your R which can help your teammates from a far distance. If your team make many mistakes around bard he can snowball the game and you are done for. Make sure to help your teammates with communication when is he going and where is he going. Out from roaming, you should also be careful not to get stunned by his Q, do not stay close to your partner, neither walls. nor minions that could trigger the stun effect if it hits you. Also he can invite their jungle to the lane very sudden with his portal so be ready and always keep in mind what are his possibilities to catch you, and what are yours to get out of the situation if necessary.”
DeusSciMachina says “A good Bard will win the game by roaming, otherwise if they permastay in lane, don't stay in a line with minions or walls or your teammates.”
cozymoonzz says “he's not a problem in the lanning fase for you, but he is a problem for your teammates and if they die to a bard gank you are going to be pinged. my recommendation is that when the game starts tell in chat "bard is probably going to roam a lot and i cant follow him, so carefull with his ganks, i'll try to ping when he goes missing". ”
KasgoesREEEEE says “This boi has heals, damage and escapes, a GOOD bard is a big threat as he will get you killed easily and bait you into bad trades. a BAD bard is easier to deal with as bards roam most of the time so you can focus the enemy adc.”
LIGHTBULB NA says “Bard is a pretty easy lane for Zilean, so as long as you ping out his roams and your teammates don't die to them you should be fine. ”
Guoblide says “Bard is a pretty even matchup for Braum with both supports being relatively weak in lane and focused on scaling into the mid and late game to provide peel for their carries. However, Bard is an amazing roamer and can easily get other lanes snowballing if left unchecked. Bard is a jack of all trades support who can be played as a tank, enchanter, catcher, warden, and roamer. He fits into most team comps and can build many different items. Analyzing how to play against Bard can be tricky due to him being able to do so many different things. Bard only really spikes at Level 6 where he becomes able to catch out teamates with Tempered Fate and set up kills for his team. His damage spikes at 5 meeps where he gets access to a 25% slow and 15 meeps where his meeps deal splash damage. In lane Braum can easily poke Bard with Winter's Bite due to it having more range than Cosmic Binding. Past Level 2 Braum can block Cosmic Binding with Unbreakable if he mispositions and get targeted by it. Try to have your ADC crash the minion wave into Bard's tower as much as possible to deny roams which stops him from putting pressure on the map and collecting meeps. After Level 6 Braum should stand a little bit away from your ADC to deny Bard from getting a double Tempered Fate. If Bard tries to Tempered Fate Braum to get to your ADC then Stand Behind Me to an allied minion or your ADC to dodge it. If Bard and his teamates try to Magical Journey into your team to make a play then Glacial Fissureing them as they come out of the portal is a good way to set up a teamfight as they will all be grouped together when coming out.”
Spection says “Pretty big threat. He has strong engage and his Q is tricky to understand. If it hits one target, the range is increased. Try not to stand near a single minion or the wall. Requires great care and will almost always take ignite. High damage and good poke. Treat with care, ping his roams and watch out for that ultimate.”
DanNS12 says “Avoid standing near minions and walls he can stun you and chunk you for half aside from that he isn't much of a threat to you but to your team as he will perma roam and win the map make sure to ping your teammates when he goes missing and be careful of his E it allows him to go through walls and gank you from unexpected angles once he hits 6 he can all-in you pretty easily so make sure you flash. ”
LilPaniniUwU says “Can take ignite if adc match up is good. Can play aggressive with bubbles as long as you are mindful of his stun. Once you hit 6 you have to be really careful of his ult. Going Dps build is okay since protobelt is great at dodging bard ult
very hot says “Bard is more of a tankier support in the current meta, and many players run Guardian on him as well. He'll generally be hard to kill, and he has crazy peel with his E and Ult as well. Additionally, his W matches your passive's sustain. ”
SkyCrafter1209 says “He's got some nice burst, but not enough to kill you until you can re-attach. He'll roam a lot, so you don't even have to mind him most of the time (unless the ADC wants to kill him)”
Jaori says “He won't do much against you. Your sustain is unbeatable in the laning phase, so he will probably roam around. You beat him in bot lane nonetheless.”
Go Getter says “Doesn't do anything to you except potentially snuff engages, if he builds AP he might be dangerous but usually by then you'll be a lot tanker than at the start.”
SupportTooEz says “If Bard roams then the matchup is kinda free because he is letting you scale. You outscale him hard, but dont detach in front of your adc or behind relative to Bard in case he q's and gets a double stun.”
TKSedex says “Ele pode te stunnar usando seu próprio clone ou sua box, geralmente tem bastante vida ao longo do jogo e a ult dele inutiliza suas boxes.”
HerYandere says “Easy lane. The only threat potential from this guy is when he roams, out-visions you, and comes back through a tunnel with his jungler and/or mid. But honestly, you're fine.”
Fornicate says “This guy has the option to get you ganked from places you wouldn't have expected it, for example Red side of the map behind the defence line of the wall from the river. Keep an eye on his roaming and the Jungler's pathing for when they could be working together.”
DasNerdwork says “Don't stay in a group of minions, neither follow him through his Magical Journey. You can easily dodge his ult but not his autoattacks so try to stay out of his range and play a lot with your E (Battle Dance)”
terrybogar1 says “Bard's CC is really low range, which is good for you since you can just W it and then proceed to wreck him. Be careful of him roaming, you might want to go a roam build and counter roam. Also 90% of the time never go through his portal, he will CC you into the wall on the other side.”
Esoterica says “Cosmic Binding hits two people, spelling doom for you when your Mirror Image activates. Spread out when you are low so they cannot stun you in invisibility.
Bard has high damage but a telegraphed Q, meaning you can accept taking AAs if it means they lose their following meeps. Do not get stunned or it will hurt.
You can easily avoid their ultimate with W, but the same cannot be said for your ADC. Be prepared to peel for them as you will be free to act.”
Mr Jamba Juice says “Type: Support - Enchanters are normally the bane of Taric's existence. However, there isn't much Bard can do against you in lane. Although, there isn't much you can do against him either. This matchup is very stale, so Bard will often be out of Lane. You can use this to your advantage. One of two things will happen: either, since the enemy ADC will be alone most of the time, you can use that to get free engages off without worrying about punishment from the enemy support, or, the enemy Bard will be forced to stay in Lane and thus miss tons of Roam opportunities and Chimes. The reason this matchup is not a Minor Threat is because you don't ever necessarily win against Bard. A good Bard will know which Roam Timers to take and which to not take against you. Bard is usually paired with an ADC who can push the wave well, so you'll need to maintain wave advantage against Bard's Laner. Play around the Wave and take good Roam Timers, and you'll smash the Bard Lane.”
Pigeont says “His stun exist, bu so do yours, I think Bard is similar to Aurelion supp, just poke him in early game with W and he should not come close, cause his heal is not that big early game.”
Daraysen says “Bard can be easy but doesn't have to be, a good bard can be annoying a perma roaming bard is a free lane, since the enemy ADC will be perma pressured by you, making him unable to farm in a 2v1 lane.”
Dotje says “Bard just does a lot of damage, you can go for trades when his meeps are down. Lategame you'll be fine, he's also often caught getting chimes so keep good vision. Make sure to ping missing when he's on his chime adventure. This is also an oppertunity for you to engage or zone the enemy adc.”
KeleiX13 says “Bard doesn't usually stay in lane a lot as his passive encourages him to roam around. In lane, bait out his Q or poke behind a decently big wave because his Q can hit up to 2 units and if he does hit 2 units he stuns them both. Go aggressive on his ADC whenever he is roaming and try to the best of your ability to match his roams midgame. Of course, you usually won't be as fast as him since Bard is made to roam but an attempt should always be made. Try to also ward for him for mid since that's where he will be going to most, preferably in the river brush.”
anionPositivo says “É uma matchup puramente de habilidade, tente acompanhar os roamings do Bardo, o que no early pode ser difícil, mais rushe botas que ele vai ver que você consegue abandonar o adc por mais tempo que um Bardo.”
Adam bot says “He's annoying with his high aa damage but if you stay back, poke and use your tornado right you can easily win fights. Just pay attention when he's roaming.”
Discord231 says “Macro, el que tenga mejor macro game gana, así de simple, antes del nivel 6 tienes mejores habilidades, pero a partir del nivel 6 te puede cortar los combos, pero su R la puedes esquivar, realmente gana quien rote mejor.”
Levkar says “Jump off to the side to not get stunned with your ADC. If Bard roams try to shove as hard as you can. If you don't win lane, your mid will be upset with how much he's seeing Bard.”
LilRidge says “Bard's (Q) Cosmic Binding is the one and only ability you need to avoid at all costs. As getting hit by it gives bard free damage and opportunities to poke you with his meeps.”
shadowbloodedge says “As much as I love Bard, he is undoubtedly one of the easiest supports to deal with given hes not there most of the time, his heals dont scale that well, and his only cc is a slow or stun, and thats only if he lines the shot up right.”
GamingFrog says “Not too bad, but when he reaches 6 your laning phase becomes hell. His 6 can complete deny your engage and he can set up ganks for the enemy jungler. He will outscale you later on.”
The Last Rakan says “Bardo pode te dar uma bela dor de cabeça, não só para você mas para seu time no geral, a presença de mapa dele é chata, aproveite dos roamings dele para dar all-in em seu aliado ADC, leve sua lane e ajude o time logo em seguida, espere ele usar a Ult dele.”
Tauricus2017 says “Strong kit that is quite dangerous against you but If you will play well enough the game won't be so hard. First of all Bard's Cosmic Binding (Q) only stuns you when it hits 2 targets or 1 target and a wall. Use this to your advantage. Second of all, Bard's Caretaker's Shrine (W) can be destroyed by stepping over it. Magical Journey (E) allows you to travel through it but beware his Q after landing, when you will get on the other side of the portal you will be an easy target for his Cosmic Binding (Q) to stun you. His Tempered Fate (R) is a very gamechanging ability that has high range but travels slowly so be always prepared to dodge it. Also Bard usually leaves the bot lane to collect his Chimes very often, play aggressive when he is not able to protect his ADC but ward the bushes so he won't come into the lane via Magical Journey (E) with his jungler and midlaner awhile you aren't prepared.”
Pentius says “Bard is a tough matchup because of how much roaming he can do early game. Bard will be looking to leave lane as fast as he can, make sure to punish early levels, and put their adc really far behind when he roams.”
Rainuu says “Bard doesn't have much cc in his kit. Even with the cc that he does have, Lillia is able to sidestep his q and ulti easily due to her speed. He can't do much as he watches you turn his adc into dust. ”
Ruiner of Fun says “Never take his tunnel. Its is a bait. His only offensive ability is a skillshot. Dodge that and he has little else he can do. He is also very squishy so he can be focused for a quick kill. Ward river for his roams.”
Starchase says “Respect him lvl 1, his damage is insane with his Q and passive, lvl 2 he falls off considerably.
Lvl 3 whenever bard is missing on the lane ping your teammates like crazy, he will roam.
Care about ganks from behind, bard is really good at creative ganks with his portals.
Care about lvl 6 dive, his R can disable the turret for 2.5 seconds, but you can let him R you to get in stasis mode with the turret, to avoid being dive without the turret.
Consider telling your teammates to ban this champion.”
mellorpyke says “Depending on the enemy adc/your adc you can look to follow his roams or play more towards lane. You should beat him in the 2v2 if you can land some Qs.”
Takitsu says “Skill Matchup. Bard is a squishy champion, but is great at baiting fights. Always be aware of ways that bard can connect his Q stun. 1 or 2 Hooks should be enough to kill this guy. If he runs for a tunnel, you can flay/hook him out of the tunnel with a quick reaction. NEVER FOLLOW BARD INTO A TUNNEL (unless you have full vision of it).”
AriyaIsTheBest says “Playing against bell boy will be pretty annoying, but nothing too bad. Make sure not to position yourself near walls, and poke him with W if he walks up to auto you. Step on his pathetic shrines to make him suffer.
Xeptron says “After engaging on Bard, try to avoid his stun. Do not engage on him if Bard is next to a wall, so he wouldn't be able to use his tunnel to escape. Do not forget to ping if Bard is out of the lane, roaming. That's where Bard excels the most. His roaming power is very strong and can win lanes by roaming at proper times.”
unhben says “His poke is sorta annoying but he will most likely not be in lane post level 3. Just set up traps around the walls and river entrance incase he tries to wander back in and kill him.”
losolkos says “Bard is good early sup but he need to go take beals try to cach that moment aand atack adc or cach bard and try to kill him.Also small advice just dont stay close to the wall and deastroy his heal.”
Discord231 says “Macro, el que tenga mejor macro game gana, así de simple, antes del nivel 6 tienes mejores habilidades, pero a partir del nivel 6 te puede cortar los combos, pero su R la puedes esquivar, realmente gana quien rote mejor. ”
Kadiyarch says “Bard is annoying because he can one-shot your plants and have a good roaming. Yet, he is squishy and have less damage than you. Feel free to combo him when he come to poke you, and you will have a free kill.”
Bear Gummies says “As long as you dodge Q, Bard is a punching bag. If he does land Q, however, you automatically lose the trade so use your howling gale to disengage and regroup. His rotation speed is insane, but in my opinion, that's kind of all he has on you. If you get to the fight, Janna will be more helpful than Bard will be.”
Jannito02 says “If you are laning against a Bard, and you use your W to get out of your teammate, you can sometimes be surprised by him hitting his Q to you and your ADC, getting both of you stunned because of it. He has some damage with his Meeps and can really be noticeable with his R, but it's not really hard to lane against.”
SimplyGod says “Roams a lot, high chance to countergank the lane you are ganking right now.
Invading topside or ganking top is always an option.
Not as useful as Alistar, but he fast AF though.”
RetroOatcake says “Bard can break shield early on with his passive and use Q to stun. But when he roams you can just 2v1 his adc if they are not careful.”
xDopii says “He is very squishy, so hooking him will likely lead to a kill. Try to avoid getting hit by his ultimate, when he's looking for a gank with his jungler.”
Magdaleno9 says “Uh, he is so annoying. Realle good bard players are extremely annoying. Take standard runes and scale safely. Ping when he leaves your lane cuz his roam is very strong. ”
EionThePepega says “I personally think Bard isn't a problem, just watch out for his stun and spam ping when he leaves because like moving around the Rift.”
Jexeff says “Bard can be considered to be one of the more difficult matchups for Thresh considering his high damage output, survivability and capability to poke thresh down from a distance. The biggest thing to remember is that walking up to flay in a minion wave leaves you vulnerable to his cosmic binding which will leave you stunned. Remember to position yourself away from other entities that will get you stunned while trying to land a hook. Besides good positioning, remember that bard will be looking to escape from unfavorable trades with his magical journey. Flay and hook can be used to prevent his escape and rip him out of his magical journey resetting his endeavor. Post 6, make sure that you and your ADC avoid his ultimate as you will be one of the only sources for them to recover with your dark passage.”
icebombhunter says “His adc won't have a good time every time Bards goes away. When he is in lane be careful for his ult and his stun, he does a lot of damage.”
DutchWolf114 says “This bloody guy. Outdamages us quite easily early, but he does fall off late in terms of damage and most Bard players are not very good so we should be fine.”
fishbully says “Bard is a relatively easy counter to face, he must leave to get chimes. Be wary when Bard leaves lane as he can always E back behind you and cause a free kill.”
itizhelia says “Really strong champion especially with the new season items where his damage output goes to another level.
A good Bard will shut you down fully in the lane phase.
You both are equally strong only in the mid-late game phase where Rakan truly peaks.”
Find0 says “Bard is yet another skill matchup - his skill greatly impacts your ability to play the game. If you space well in lane and make sure to be careful with your pathing on roams as to not get caught out you can outperform this matchup quite well. Be careful not to go too deep when bard is around because he can quickly turn a pick into a 5 man fight.
Dotje says “Bard chunks you hard, and is a better roamer than you are. One thing you have, is that you can disengage his engage decently well, but make sure not to get stunned or hit by meeps when poking.”
Navn says “You will never be able to match his roam(even with boots of mobility, and thats a very big delay to your mythic item) but you should be able to do well in this lane. If he takes Relic Shield, his empowered autos usually will be used on the minion wave, and if you can dodge his Q at the same time, you can just beat him up.”
Xeptron says “Bard's can be annoying with their range poke. They win the early levels since they are range but once you have your levels, you should be able to hook and kill him. Just be careful - bard's tend to do a lot of damage!
Additionally, bard's offer health regen due to their W ability. Careful with your engage against that - they can heal a lot.”
Frank6264 says “Bardo en línea puede llegar a ser muy molesto y peligroso especialmente si estamos desposicionados (debido al CC que puede meter con la Q) además de que tiene la posibilidad de roamear más que la mayoría de soportes del juego y de divear post nivel 6 con la definitiva y cambiar el curso de las peleas. En cuanto a daño, sin nuestra definitiva Bardo puede ganarnos fácilmente en ese aspecto. Aún así, presenta varias debilidades como ser muy blandito, con el roaming deja expuesto a su ADC lo que se debe tratar de castigar a toda costa denegando oro y en lo posible experiencia, o incluso matando al adc enemigo en línea. Recomiendo altamente runas defensivas e ignite para este enfrentamiento.”
Sunedayz says “In lane this matchup is pretty even, and skill based. If the Bard plays more aggressively, dodging his Q is mandatory before attempting to poke. If it's a passive W start (heal) Bard, just whittle the enemy carry down but be mindful of your mana. Bard will attempt to roam, you want to predict where he is going to counter-roam him.”
Quadliss says “Bard is a good roamer, you can follow his roam because you a have a good kit for this. In laning phase it was really difficult to kill him if it's a good player because he can place a heal and let adc farm solo and roam.”
LTD MAMON says “Bard is also strong support, he can counter your all-in at level 3 with his Q, try to use the box to control him in the lane and counter roam him as possible”
CastratedSeal says “Bard out-trades you in lane and roams much better than Soraka. Your mid laner and jungler are not happy. Start Relic Shield and take a Guardian rune page.”
Dannala says “A bard will almost always land a stun Q if you are in spider form thanks to your spiderlings, and his passive AoE will smack them dead in a second. He's pretty fast and can easily escape you with a portal as a last resort.”
Titans Revenge says “Bard players will argue this, but Thresh will beat Bard in almost any situation. More often than not, Bard will also roam and leave his ADC vulnerable earlier than most supports.”
Hceercs says “He has high damage and good harass early on, and his Q can stun you or your allies to your lantern.
However, he is extremely susceptible to engages and pops just as fast as any egirl if you find a good engage. Just don't forget he can often portal his Jungler along with himself to lane to flank you.”
RedNBlue says “Be careful not to get too close to get your souls because if you do you will probably be hit by a billion slows, stuns, roots, and just feel virtual pain as someone else with slows like ashe comes in and hits you some more. Key detail -DOnt Get Hit - sorry that's not specific try to first see if this bard is the type to take advantage of your mistake so do something risky like 2 times and see how he responds.”
CastratedSeal says “Bard can set up ganks better than almost any other champion with his Magical Journey. Respect the enemy jungler, don't get stunned by his Q, keep the enemy jungle camps warded. Start Relic Shield.”
YourCut says “Take the 1shot page. Deals as much if not more damage than you do, can always bring a Jungler/Midlaner to a fight, outroams you hard, can shut down your all-ins at the click of a button, your best hope is to completely oneshot him in 1 rotation.”
RedNBlue says “Bard is a good support when being played by someone who knows how to play him and is not a troll, feeder, or hater. He will be able to tank right through your hook and if you hook him your just going to get yourself killed as he will just take all ago while his adc kills you.”
EmpressBee says “In lane Nami can out sustain Bard over time. If Bard misses his Q Nami can attempt to engage or punish with poke. Bard is better at roaming than Nami due to his movement speed and portal. ”
NEED WATER says “Bard is beatable but his roams are almost unmatched. Get him elsewhere by collapsing on their AD while he is away or intercepting his roams. ”
just_juniper says “Bardo's low range makes him vulnerable to your early poke, but his W allows him to somewhat sustain through Zyra's onslaught. His threat lies in Zyra's inability to match his amazing roams, and his better lategame.”
Guoblide says “Bard is easy to run over in lane but his scaling and roaming potential is very scary and can make this matchup a bit tricky. Sett is heavily favored during the laning phase and can easily engage onto Bard by Flashing or Hextech Flashtraptioning onto him. Sett wins 1v1's, 2v2's and 3v3's against Bard and can deny CS by threating to engage onto Bard and his ADC. However, Bard can massively outroam Sett and can have massive map pressure if left unchecked to due to his Traveler's Call and Magical Journey. Bard can also outscale Sett due to his items being better and Traveler's Call allowing him to infinitely scale. Bard can also out-sustain Sett thanks to his Caretaker's Shrine healing and Guardian shield if he runs it. Punish Bard by shoving waves and roaming before he can to make more plays around the map. Also, as stated earlier, try to have the enemy laner miss CS just by threatening to Flash onto them. Try to roam with the Bard when you see him leaving lane. If you counter-roam him you can shut him down due to Sett hard winning 1v1's, 2v2's, and sometimes even 2v3's against Bard.”
InsaneWind says “Can counter your engage with his stun very easily and since his meeps empower his autos he can easily burst you down. ontop of that once he is level 6 he can just ult and save his whole team from your teams damage if you manage a 5 man ult stun.”
engo44 says “A Bard lane is tricky but playable. Try to avoid getting stunned from his Q. Dont try to stay behind minions or near walls ,when fighting against him”
bandeide10 says “Sempre tive dificuldade em jogar a fase de rotas contra o bardo pois ele possui bastante sustain e um dano considerável a longas distancias. Normalmente a Janna sempre encontrará um pouco de dificuldade contra a maioria dos "healers" do game.”
LordZaneLP says “He can win the game by outroaming you rly easy, but if you make good pings and tell your team where he is its not hard to play against him. Try to win the lane hard or shadow him. I prefer shadowing him and playing with your jungler.”
jackdw31 says “Punish the ADC if they aren't there. Also has difficulty disengaging pre level 6. Post level 6, can be challenging if you didn't get to bully their lane early.”
Jum3h says “You can go for trades when his meeps are down, he gets caught getting chimes, so keep good vision.
He roams often so ping if he's not bot ”
ReignMargulan says “This guy is kinda tanky but not too much so he isnt much to worry about but his stun can fuck you up at close range if followed up correctly”
Jovy says “Bard has some nice poke if he can hit his Q and is allowed to AA you, but overall his poke isn't amazing and he's extremely squishy. Pre-6 he doesn't have reliable disengage.”
Tauricus2017 says “His Electrocute damage hurts a lot. There is no real way to deny his burst however everytime he goes for his chimes the enemy ADC is very vulnerable. Use this to your adventage.”
HoesBeforeBros69 says “Bard, AP as well as AD and Tank, are rather strong support picks, if they are played correctly. In any matchup involving Bard you want to keep lane dominance by showing who is boss. Establish a toxic environment by dodging Bard’s Qs through ward-jumps and thus outplaying your enemy on a whole different level. The only struggle that might be out there are Bard’s auto attacks, which might be hurtful when not managed properly. Thinking about this… Do not fight bard when his auto attacks are up. Try to only fight in the short time frame of his auto attacks cooldown, even though its short. You can do it – you are AP Lee Sin Support.”
NirvanaBunny says “Bard has a strong engage, so your positioning is key here. If you're not careful he can do quite a bit of damage to you. Try not to stand near minions so his Q doesn't bounce and stun you. Be sure to ping when he roams!”
aliteralpieceofwood says “While his mobility and kit seem intimidating at first, as long as you're aware of where he is and what he's up to then you should be fine. Don't stand in front of an ally minion/champion and keep blind spots warded. As a catcher, his ult can be the most dangerous thing in his kit so always be ready for it. ”
Bella Starlily says “Bard is more towards the Major threat just because of his high damage input BUT not every bard will utilize that so it's more of a skill matchup.”
Jovy says “Bard can either focus on sustaining and peeling for his ADC, in which case he's annoying at best, or he can build damage and be a bit of a threat, as his tricky stun can catch you off guard. Luckiy, he's a squishy guy who will die fast if gotten a hold of.”
Kilo Khaos says “Avoid walls and being behind single minions to not get stunned. If you see him cast a portal, you can hook or flay to try and push him or his carry away from it. Engage hard when he's roaming for chimes. Possibly bring ignite to counter his healing sustain.”
moon827 says “Bard is mildly annoying to deal with, but he is not a challenge what at all. The only thing you need to do is stay away from walls, and towers, if bard is around you. ”
KajiKumihoAkukei says “Bard can be a very annoying lane opponent because of the poke damage he can provide and his shrines to keep himself and his AD carry healthy.
If you can land a hook on him he will be an easy kill.
Just be careful that you and your AD carry don't stand too close to each other so you both get stunned by his q.”
Bouhhsolene says “This one is ok, poking but not that much, you do a better job as supporting and doing damage. he only roams better than you but in terms of trades you should win them all.”
Tauricus2017 says “Go ancient coin and be always prepered on his ultimate. Try to destroy his shrines by walking over them. Pay attention while travelling through the magical journey because he can stun you at it's end. Try to engage when he is away from lane to get his Chimes.”
Tauricus2017 says “Strong kit that is quite dangerous against you but If you will play well enough the game won't be so hard. First of all Bard's Cosmic Binding (Q) only stuns you when it hits 2 targets or 1 target and a wall. Use this to your advatage. Second of all, Bard's Caretaker's Shrine (W) can be destroyed by stepping over it. Magical Journey (E) allows you to travel through it but beware his Q after landing, when you will get on the other side of the portal you will be an easy target for his Cosmic Binding (Q) to stun you. His Tempered Fate (R) is a very gamechanging ability that has high range but travels slowly so be always prepared to dodge it. Also Bard usually leaves the bot lane to collect his Chimes very often, play aggressive when he is not able to protect his ADC but ward the bushes so he won't come into the lane via Magical Journey (E) with his jungler and midlaner and you will not be prepared!”
Tauricus2017 says “His damage is much stronger then yours when he is level 1 - Don't fight him in this situation. Wait for him to leave his lane when he goes for chimes - engage right after on his ADC.”
Taric Support says “If Bard misses his Q you can make good trades or even kill him. His passive makes him great at escaping, but if you land a stun it wont matter. This lane is quite easy, but don't stand too close to a wall or in front of minions as his stun is his only resource in skirmishes. ”
Vahlok says “You know how it's Bard: hard to dominate. So hopefully your enemy is boosted and you won't have any problems in lane. Just remember you can stop his E travel with your Q and E.”
Spection says “UNCOMMON. This support is a joke against Pantheon. He doesn't look squishy, but he dies faster than Ashe does if he gets jumped on at 3. Watch out for his stun, if it hits a minion or a wall it will make you a pretty easy target. Push when he's roaming but always be wary for his return!”
ShroudedBRH says “Bard has access to CC and escapes/counter engages which can be difficult to deal with. Make sure to ping when hes missing from lane to collect chimes and try to punish your opponent when he does but be careful going all in as he can appear in awkward positions using magical journey and his R has a very long range”
Mickeystick says “Matchup depends on skill level of the Bard. Most of the time it's an easy matchup that becomes even easier once you get Mercury's Treads, but a passive Bard that hangs back to heal and escape can be more difficult. These Bard players play for late game, which is fine for Nautilus since he's a good team fighter anyway.”
Wicked Cherry says “He can heal the damage you deal and can easily roam. However while he roams he's leaving his ADC which might be a good opportunity to attack their ADC. The key to beat Bard is deep warding - you can see where he is and when to attack.”
Wicked Cherry says “He can heal the damage you deal and can easily roam. However Once he roams he'll have to leave his ADC which might be a chance to attack their ADC. The key to beat Bard is deep warding - you can see where he is and when to attack.”
Wicked Cherry says “The roaming musical support can be annoying but in most cases he isn't. He can heal but not as much as you can. Stay out of his Q range and try not to stick too closely to minions or walls and you'll be fine. However, I would advice to spam SS Pings when he's not visible because he can roam much fast than you.”
orbiterpluto says “Once he has hit 15 chimes and has a lil bit of AP you will die very quickly. Bait his q and you should be fine if the adc is passive.”
stziswhatihave says “If you know what you are doing, this matchup shouldn't be too hard.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
Thomas Stella says “I don't know much about Bard, however I do know that he is the best support right now. He hurts you suddenly and then he runs away, and you say "where did he get that from?" You must be very careful with his definitive, a kind of involuntary Zhonya's and in an area that is easy to avoid.”
TheMistCollector says “use your E to become invulnerable to his meeps.
If you react fast, you can E just before getting stunned. Now Bard has 2 choices: doing nothing, because he can't hit his AA (neither the ADC), or getting close to be able to attack, and end up poorly posisionated.”
SkellyBirb says “Bard can deal quite a bit of burst damage, but you out range him. His heals aren't that great and you can predict movements if they go for it.”
ShanksMeister says “Bard is an extreme threat once you get to about platinum and higher. He deals a lot of damage early, can roam freely, and scales really well. Your ult is better for team fights than his. As long as you play safe and don't get caught out by his stun/ult you will be fine.”
Shad0w1and says “A good Bard is just disgusting, although mid and late game you two goes even, early game is usually a pain to play against him. He is a healer as well, so it is hard to keep them low before lv6.”
Illumination says “Bard will destroy you in a Lv. 1 trade if he has Electrocute, keep your distance. The main danger from bard comes from his AFK-Roaming play style. Keep your mid-laner updated on Bard's position at all times. You own the lane at Lv. 6, however. Land a Q and watch him disappear, ”
brandbrandbrandbrandbrand says “Bard is annoying. Don't get caught out by tunnel + jg/mid ganks and don't let him out roam you. Bard is very tricky to fight so try and catch out his adc or jungler when he's gone.”
chadboy48 says “Usually you would want to roam as much as possible against a Bard lane , also look to ward the river to save your midlaner from his roams.
DaysRed says “His stun screws u up. His portal is made to be the easiest way for jungle to gank. The only advise that I can give u is keep him insight at all times.”
snukumz says “If he lands his stun on you you will be crushed, otherwise you will be able to poke him safely.
His ult can cancel out your ult, or disable you from using it so watch out for that.
His heals will negate a bit of your poke damage. ”
snukumz says “As long as you don't get stunned by him Bard is pretty easy to deal with. Since you out range him you can just poke him down from a distance. ”
thesophieset says “He is very squishy, but his early damage should not be underestimated. If you play this lane safely, you eventually outheal him. Dodge his Q stun and R, silence him when he tries to cast or take his tunnel and you win.”
Maxwhale Plays says “Lilia has amazing wave clear if you can communicate with your ADC you can just push the enemy AD under tower to punish the bard roams”
snukumz says “Do not get stunned by this man or he will nuke you.
If you avoid his stun then you're pretty much free to poke him down.
He does have a small heal that can negate some of your poke damage.
Watch out for his over the wall trickery, especially when he could be bringing the jungler with him.”
Thats a OOF says “Dodge his Q stun. Follow his roams if he is roaming by himself as you both are the roaming gods. Many Bard's will try to cheese you by letting you push to their tower and opening a portal from the blue side jungle and dive you. However if he misses his stun IMMEDIATELY All-in him and commit to it.”
Sq_09 says “Always ping him when he's missing. Very strong roaming and can stun through brushes and get your position. Also outheals your mediocre poke. Take care of burst damage. Else fine tho. ”
rquoe says “His CC is easily dodgeable and the rest of his kit is not threatening in the slightest. You can harass and bully his ADC out of lane when he eventually leaves to collect chimes. Be mindful of his ult, though.”
Abusable Yuumi says “Bard isn't really ever a problem, he's just annoying for other lanes.
Don't get out of your ADC into his Q, pink the bush behind your tower to prevent sneaky 3-4 man dives.”
TheGreatHazam says “The only thing with Bard that can get annoying is his Q stun when I W in. If he times it right he can stop my W and get me stun in the middle of wave taking a lot of damage.”
Apho says “Bard doesn't out-range you, but he has the same (or more) movement speed as you with his chimes, making your Q's less likely to hit. Avoid his Q's and actively position out of his Q range.”
iNotSushi says “He has a decent amount of burst. Ensure that you time your E in time to counter it. His ult is a hard counter to your engage, so be prepared and have an escape plan if he ults you. ”
netherlessss says “Bard is annoying in lane and his disengage is insane. Upon purchasing his Mobility Boots, his roaming is extremely powerful and can be matched if you're running Mobility boots and Ravenous hunter. ”
tacotastic says “Hat Schaden und CC, kann man aber gut spielen. Es kann in deine Richtung favorisiert sein aber auch in seine Richtung. Viel Poken und seine Mana entleeren um einen Vorteil zu haben”
JenaColada says “A good bard will either poke you out of lane or will be so often to other lanes that you'll think you play 4v5 until you see that your team falls behind because of his roams. You need a great map awareness against him.”
JustSlayter says “You can catch him out if you double bomb the end of his tunnel or one of his heals. Do your best to focus down his carry while he's getting chimes.”
HoneyQT says “I hate Bard as a matchup because of how inconsistent and weird he is. He's annoying, his ult is very pesky, he can make any jungler's ganks stronger, and he can chunk you down pretty hard. Take advantage of his constant need to roam to collect chimes and go in on his ADC while singled out.”
Cat Elf says “Bard is pretty weak to Yuumi because he can't proc his stun on ADC and support. Make sure not to go out until he has used his Q or you can be flamed for inting. ”
PrettyPinkPutin says “Bard is an enigma, carrying a lot of mobility and damage for a support and his Q is very annoying since you want to stick to walls a lot, if he tries to portal away, either R him out of it or leave him be, do NOT follow bard portals unless it's confirmed safe.”
DestroyerGaming says “Bardo Não é algo que dê problemas na Lane para você, porém será uma lane chata devido as suas habilidades com bastante CC, juntamente com sua passiva e também suas habilidades de cura, porém, será bem fácil jogar contra um Bardo”
Epic Striker says “Bard is a healing type of champion that heals his teammates and give them buffs his dps is little but dont let him get lots of his passive items.”
PayyBack says “Hold to your E during the laning phase to dodge his possible Q for an engage into you or your ADC. Knock up his ADC or him if he’s out of position for a possible hard punish or even better, a kill. ”
Flint124 says “You are a free ult target, but he's a free Wither target. If you tag him, he either has to flash to a wall for a journey or die.
Particularly vulnerable to your level 2 cheese, since he won't have journey until level 3-4.”
Loafus Creamwell says “bard will poke the hell out of you, but you can be sure that won't last long if he focus you'll instead of the adc, headbutt him away when you got the chance to stach mana.”
Tult says “Bard my not have a lot of escape tools, but his stun and his ult can negate your all in attempts and his damage can put you in a really bad spot.”
Curmudgeon says “Bard is one of my main supports, and trust me when I say he can demolish Sett if played properly. He has tons of slows and CC, allowing him to outplay you at almost every turn. It's hard to find a good Bard, however, so it depends on the player. ”
Jointed says “Bard excels at damage, all in's and roaming, and he does all of these better than us. This lane is tricky to say the least. Communication with your team is the key, grab up lots of vision and focus objectives.”
iidibitizi says “bard is good news for zilean .any champion that allows to zilean to pass laning pahse without mcuh difficutly is good news. tho bard scales really hard. cant let the game pass 50 minutes. ”
Larmack says “If you get stunned, you'll take a lot of damage but probably won't die. His ult can be annoying at lvl 6 and allows him to set up really strong jungle ganks, so be cautious.”
JSKF says “Scary big boi, ult can mess you up if caught off guard, keep him from binding you down and keep sight of him when he leaves your lane and ping your team when he leaves! If he binds you you will take alotta damage.”
Hanjaro says “He can heal your damage, and do a considerable amount of burst poke. Good at roaming, keep vision on him, and when he leaves, go for the ADC.”
Hanjaro says “Bard can do a lot of damage, and heal the damage you do, he's very good at roaming as well so you might get caught offguard - but you can all-in on their ADC if you keep vision control of him.”
Hanjaro says “Bard has very high burst damage in his poke, and with his roaming potential, you might find yourself caught out. Vision is the key here, and all in the enemy when he's out of lane.”
ningen ouroboros says “Hard if bard is good, but there are no good bards where I reside and most likely can be applied to you too, go in when he whiffs a q. DODGE THE R WITH W PLEASE.”
Beeee says “With Bard, you should really just try to avoid his stun. His thicc heals can make your poking feel more like a slight nudge, but as long as you try to avoid his q stun, you shouldn't be having much of an issue. He also will likely be roaming to collect chimes quite often, so he won't always be in lane.”
marisbroodti says “This lane is decided by how good you can dodge and bait, the key here is to keep enough pressure on the lane to avoid Bard from roaming and being quick enough to dodge his stun. Most of the time, when Bard roams, you can safely dive the enemy ADC, which translates into a win 9/10 times.”
Ghionova says “He can counter everything in your kit. Prepare your Q when his Q is on cd. Use E to dash forward and destroy the shrines when the enemy adc tries to run into it and save your ult up because he will ult themself when their low on hp to avoid the execution.”
Marinx says “Bard is normally squishy, and has unreliable cc. This allows you to easily kill him with a hook, and he has almost no way to escape a stun, outside of Flash. You also are hard to hit by his ult as you have a gap closer in your E, and movespeed from your W.”
suppdiff says “Bard slightly counters Anivia, but a good Anivia will even out with him. Be sure to ping your team when he is missing and watch out for his level one trade. Abuse his low range.”
TheBlueImperial says “He has a lot of damage early, but you out range him. So try to poke him from afar and don't all in him unless you're sure you'll win.”
Laverenz says “I haven't had any major issues with playing against a Bard yet. He does't really do much. Just see if you can deny any of his healing things. Hook on top of his healing things is also a good thing when the enemy ADC is going to pick them up. ”
NirvanaBunny says “This thing has nice poke if can hit his q and is allowed to auto you. His poke isn't amazing and he's squishy--and he has no disengage until level 6”
aimez says “Bard is mildly annoying to deal with, but he is not a challenge what at all. The only thing you need to do is stay away from walls, and towers, if bard is around you.”
Ahpulzz says “His passive and Q deal enough damage together to out-trade you, and you lose trades outright if his Q stuns your ADC. He can sustain himself through his chimes & shrines and can actually match your Dark Passage's utility with his E, Magical Journey. You'll also have to be cautious of his ultimate since Thresh can't escape easily if caught.
You still have more CC than he does, and are a bit tankier early on. Don't hesistate to catch him out if he walks too far up to poke and focus him during ganks. He's immoble if there aren't any walls nearby.”
Ahpulzz says “Bard does fairly well against someone such as yourself. Bard's Q is very hard to dodge while running towards him, and to add insult to injury his chime-boosted auto-attacks hurt just as much as his Q. He has very efficient ways of sustaining both his health and his mana, so during normal circumstances you shouldn't be able to outlast him. Your best bet for this lane is to either go full agro for a few seconds after he misses a Q or to simply hang back, try to not take too much damage, and wait for a gank.”
cebollaamargada says “Un buen bardo no se queda sin maná, y siempre son peligrosas las entradas que puede hacer con su E y el jungla. Por suerte es el support más difícil de jugar y con castigar lo máximo posible al carry cuando éste se vaya a por campanas deberías, como mínimo, mantener línea.”
Chromuro says “This is the opposite of morgana, stay tf away from your minions. His AA can hurt quite a lot after a number of chimes, but other than that once he wastes his Q is not a big threat. Don't follow him inside his magical journey, most of the times he will have his Q ready to trap you.”
MoreLoliconThee2nd says “He has the stun, the 'heal-packs' , the Magical Journey for easy escape, and the ultimate effort-nulling ult. Best to make sure he's unable to aid anyone as early as you can in the game.”
Vermeio says “Bard got cool skills, and useful ones. His stun is better than yours (he doesn't need a wall), and the ult can set some good kills. Still a glass bug. His wall skill needs a wall... =), you know what i´m talking about. WARN YOUR MID when he disappears. He always let the lane at some point.”
xxlisatje16 says “If you are playing against a bard you can better watch out. his dmg can be insane but beside that his stun will be annying aswell. Good thing about bard ! you are not a target for the stun so he needs to hit a minion and the adc while you are attached”
Appler says “DMG, and CC thats what this man is bringing to you. I really recommend banning him if you dont know how to play against him. But if you know how to dodge his Q, and how to play arround his portals you should be fine. If he walks up just Q him and walk away.”
GlacialWarlock says “Always try and take him out of the fight first as his Movement Speed buffs and AP scaling can be really hurting to the ADC if they're not building any Magic Resistance.”
Sona Aria says “Bard outdamages you early with his meeps and the fact he often takes electrocute. I often take resolve second vs Bard because boneplating can completely mitigate the meet damage. Just don't get stunned and try not to trade with meeps and you'll outscale.”
Haezard01 says “You can beat him easy in laning phase if you are careful of his Flash Q ignite early. His skill cap is high, so try to punish if he gets greedy to land Q's or autos. Punish his ADC if he goes roaming for chimes. His ult actually helps you out with your ult.”
Slick_top says “Bard has high mobility, but is quite squishy. Don't get hit by his wisp, and you will be fine. When going thru His music tunnel, look out for his stun, as allies of his go thru 50% faster than you.”
TeflonAmetkus says “Bard can't do much without range on, try to not get too close to your creeps or the wall when trying to Q, he will stun you taking away half your HP alone potentionally, remember to silence him when he tries to E away with his adc.”
Saethwyr says “Bard is going to be a serious pain in lane, and if he sticks in lane the whole time its going to be near the levels of karma or zyra, but there is some silver lining to laning against him. When bard leaves lane, heavy zoning and aggression on the enemy carry can help relieve some of the pressure and maybe net a few kills.”
Better Call Phil says “Wards are extremely important. ward around the map so you can catch him when he's going for chimes.
You can grab him when he's in his portal.
Level 2 engage.”
The Jhin Cena says “Laning against a Bard is unlikely, but if you do you have nothing to worry about. Like a lot of Fizz matchups, Bard only holds a slightly annoying lvl 1-3 early game of constant poking preventing you from CS. Though once you hit lvl 2 or 3, you can begin getting some kills off this fatty.”
NirvanaBunny says “Bard has a strong engage, so your positioning is key here. If you're not careful he can do quite a bit of damage to you. Try not to stand near minions so his Q doesn't bounce and stun you. Be sure to ping when he roams!
Remember that you have better sustain!”
SawyerNelson says “Bard needs time before he starts dealing damage, you need to proc lux's passive to deal a meaningful amount of damage to him or his ADC, as he has his shrines for sustain. Simply throwing E's on cooldown won't poke him out. You also win short range trades with W . Respect his ULT after level 6 as that is the only way Bard can flip the matchup.”
YungRichGrandmas says “Bard trades very well against you in lane, but I believe you can have the upper hand if you be mindful and play around your E cooldowns whenever you attempt to trade with him. His ultimate could ruin your entire peel setup if he lands it.”
DrunkenWolf says “Kinda hard because he can deal a good damage and have some sustain with his healing, try to outrange him and avoid his AA and you should win the lane.”
Hanjaro says “Not a very difficult matchup. Bards strength is playing to minions to stun you or your carry for followup damage. I tend to control a bush to keep Bard constantly in a defensive position. Bards strength is burst damage, but Bard is very squishy himself. In laning phase you can engage on either target Q into E as long as carry hasn't bought a major item.”
Kaeze Poulsen says “He will me playing PacMan all the laning phase, and because you don't have a hit box, he will need terrain or a minion to stun your ADC.”
Drlazerbeam says “Skill match up. You trade about the same, bard can poke easier, but you have the higher damage. Avoid getting caught in his ult and you should do fine. ”
Fruxo says “Try to stay far of your minions and his Q spell. And try to avoid getting hit by his R as it usually leads to an instant death since it can be followed up by heavy CC. He can also use his R to stun the turret for a small amount of time to set up a really strong dive with the jungler, so be careful of that aswell.”
NirvanaBunny says “Bard has a strong engage, so your positioning is key here. If you're not careful he can do quite a bit of damage to you. Try not to stand near minions so his Q doesn't bounce and stun you. Be sure to ping when he roams!”
N0ZOMI says “When it comes down to squishy vs squishy vs squishy supports, Bard is one of rare champions that can trade pretty well with Nami in laning phase. Playing vs Bard is always annoying but not impossible. This matchup depends on individual skills.”
NirvanaBunny says “Other than being annoying to deal with, Bard isn't much of a challenge. Be mindful of walls and towers when you see him so you're not stunned.”
FwuffyMilk says “Bard is an interesting support. He has sustain, a stun that is hard to hit, and can help junglers gank with his tunnel. In general though he is pretty weak and you can abuse him while he ramps up. Just careful about standing next to your minion or a wall and you should be o.k in this lane.”
xxMyDixieRektxx says “Bard can build up some wack damage from his chimes. Uhhh... just be careful and know how to play around his stuns. Care for roams. Bard'll still be squishy doe.”
SawyerNelson says “Thresh has major advantage in this lane since Bard has no immediate CC and you do, any time he is in range for an auto attack or Q you an likely punish him. Out of lane you can save allies from his ULT with lanturn. Bard has the advantage on thresh if thresh moves to far forward in the lane and misses everything so don't do that.”
Ooze OG says “While he's annoying with poke, you will win a 2v2 fight if he doesn't poke you down. This is a positioning fight. Take advantage of their carry if he roams for charms.”
semisomniac says “Positioning is key, watch your proximity to walls or minions! He does a good amount of damage. Your sustain should be better than his though.”
Yukkine says “A nuisance and best example of Rito's spaghetti code as his stuns will sometimes land on you after dashing, even though you aren't even close to another suitable target.”
TheComicalBiker says “Bard can stun you (Q) near walls, behind single minions, and behind your carry so try to position appropriately. You can CC people inside his portal (E). Try engaging when he is out collecting his chimes.”
Dudstrol says “Bardo tem dano alto devido aos sinos. Faça ele gastar antes de qualquer troca, que ira tirar boa parte de seu dano. E se for possível force a rota para ele não conseguir ir atras de sinos.”
Rasta Da Masta says “If he has meeps available (and he usually will), he will win basic attack trades. Be careful about positioning so you don't get stunned by Q. His R can delay your tower taking but it will be inevitable.”
TenshiQwQ says “Really high early game damage most people completely underestimate. Can easily burst half of your hp on lvl 1 with his Q + AA + Electrocute damage. Avoid getting stunned by his Q.”
Guychk says “Because you will have your Guardian rune, you will need to stay close to your ADC. Bard's can take advantage of that. and throw out his Q, CCing both you and your ADC. His auto's also when he has his meeps deal a good amount of poke. However, his only escape is his Magical Journey. You can easily get him out of their using your flay, or your Q. Fairly easy matchup, just watch out for his poke. ”
Jeroen R8 says “Bard has decent poke while being able to stay behind minions. If he lands the stun on both you and your ADC, say goodbye to your HP. That being said Bard is very squishy and if you land the hook you can kill him 9 times out of 10. If he tries to escape using his Magical Journey you can Flay or hook him out of it.”
HochPoch says “Taking multiple drugs at once, referred to by addiction experts as polydrug use, is a very common yet very dangerous activity.
This kind of drug use can amplify dangerous effects, hide signs of overdose, and have a variety of completely unpredictable effects that can lead to extreme physical or psychological stress. Avoid taking LSD when using marijuana.”
I love Lun Lun says “Bard for me is quite strong now however he is no threat for us...His burst is the only good thing about him and our E can ruin him completely.Our heals are sufficient,his aren't.A Bard must get close to us in order to poke or be useful.You got the advantage by poking him with Q and E...your ADC can get easy kills with your Q's slow.”
TurnDaBeatAround says “Biggest thing here is to use minions as a shield and watch for the stun. Do that and Bard is a big fat gold sack for you to poke for withdrawals from.”
TSMSky says “Similar to Lulu, his level 2 with ignite is nuts and he slightly out-pokes Janna. Janna has an easier time against Bard because his healing ability takes some time to charge as well as consumes a significant portion of his mana in the early game.”
Glasletter says “His Q stuns when it hits a second target; your clone counts as one, so you can't block it for you or your carry without almost guaranteeing a stun.”
SpicySkelleton says “Bard is in between Major and even for me, but I'll put him in major because I know he can be terrible if you let him. He can stun and give off heals to everyone including himself, he can also do his tunnel ability than he can use to bait you into a gank or for a quick escape. Not to mention if he build his ap and meeps he can do a LOT of damage. He'll stick to minons or the bush and try to stun either you or your adc. so try to grab if he available because if you just grab the adc he can save them if your your's isn't fast enough.”
Lonxu says “The stun and his damage can actually kill you quickly, but it's not the easiest thing to land and you have more poke tools than him.
Also I question his usefulness in solo queue team-fights so going even in the lane is not so bad. ”
SawyerNelson says “Bard has very good damage on Rakan in lane, and has just the range on him to be able to damage Rakan then move away to avoid Rakan's W. Bard's ULT also disrupts Rakan's engage.”
revelador says “una línea muy pareja, ambos tienen buen poke y algo de curación, además de pasivas potencias así que ten cuidado y no te dejes llevar por la tentación, y pon atención si lleva cosecha oscura ya que va a ser como tu un básico y mueres”
Saeh says “You have to watch out for Bard's Q. Try not to stand near a wall or a minion, instead, try to have open space infront of and behind you at all times in order to not get stunned.”
HotSunGG says “dont let him poke you lvl 1, good tip against him is u can insta cc him with q+R combo when hes about to take his portal & he insta dies, try to cheese him around the map.”
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