Mid Lane 50.76% Win Rate96% Pick RateFizz Mid Lane Counters: 33 counter champions
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Counter RatingCounter rating is an expression of how strong or weak a counter is based on win rate, kills, and deaths, as well as early laning advantages or disadvantages. A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion.
Tips Against Fizz in Mid Lane Tips Provided by MOBAFire Guide Authors
Badplank says “This little bastard has high burst and turret shots don't count to him, he can explode you under tower and E away. You must play extremely defensively”
zzeuzin says “Go grasp or first strike, one of the easist matchups in the mid lane, just poke him, always keep a barrel in your feet if he jumps on you.”
Lunar1v9 says “He is kind of annoying to play against but after level 11 on sidelane u just beat him so match him on sidelane, you can maybe try to look to kill him at level 1 with d blade . Other than that u will win later so hold”
GAMING ACADEMY says “Fizz has clear moments of strength and weakness, and playing around these is crucial. At levels 1 and 2, Fizz is very vulnerable and can be punished heavily, but he becomes much stronger at levels 3 and 6. Aim to crash 2 or 3 waves into his tower early, then let the wave bounce back toward you. After level 3, avoid being overextended in the lane. His E is both his main trading and waveclear tool, so tracking its cooldown is essential as it’s the most impactful ability in his kit. Consider taking a defensive summoner like Barrier or Exhaust, or rushing a Null-Magic Mantle (even if you don’t upgrade it) to make the matchup easier.”
zSmoke says “Playing against Fizz is very difficult since trading with him is difficult due to his E, he has quite high damage and can burst you before you can do anything if he hits you with his ultimate.”
v0ltage38 says “Bone plating + scaling HP. Complete skill matchup. Search up his ability cooldowns on lol wiki and count down his leap whenever he casts it. Null-Magic after catalyst is good. Merc's not needed if he's solo AP, Swifties works well to help dodge his ult. You outscale super hard as long as he doesn't kill you in lane which is very rare. PING your team whenever he's missing. Kaenic or FoN will ruin his day. ”
Cepatrol says “slowpush wave into him like ekko, zone him off cs, if he has pot be careful he will outsustain you in the earlygame, need to go for trades that dont incorporate his E on you”
xumi_k says “Most of you hate this matchup, but I find it fun. If he's a little smart, he will ALWAYS dodge your E with his jumps. You can kill him lvl 2-3 if not taking too much poke early. MR works good.”
aesstheticc says “Skill Based matchup, use your E to dodge from his E since that is where most of his damage comes from. Exhaust and Ignite would work wonders in this matchup”
xKaitoLive says “One of the worst matchups you can get. He deals more dmg and his laningphase is way stronger. Do not push early so he cant all in you. Dont trade before lvl 3. Avoid trading if his E is up”
Tamikaze says “[Hourglass Second Item in case you are behind, barrier is a viable option here]
I would consider putting Fizz in an even matchup, but if you don't die early, it's quite miserable for Fizz. If you can keep your spacing against Fizz, he can't damage you consistently in lane. A potential Fizz trade is him dashing (Q) followed by an auto+W (reset) into E (Untargetable flip) away. If you can keep your distance on him, he will be forced to use E (flip) to engage onto you, and that's the last thing he wants to do. If he does flip on you and misses, you win the trade in the long run. Early game this trade could lose him the lane. The CD on his E is 16 seconds level 1, which is a massive window for you to punish and force him off the minion wave. Never let him farm for free, especially if he is down on abilities. For the Fizz ult, most fizz players will ult almost on cooldown. I find fizz players with Q to a minion to close the gap and ult at the same time (it hides the animation for ulting), so be ready to dash away if you see them Q towards you post 6. His ult is a 100 second CD, but for safety, I'd recommend just approaching lane thinking he has ult up all the time. It saves you the trouble of getting one shot. If you do go hourglass second item, save it to dodge the damage from the ult. Additionally, Fizz ult increases in strength based on how far he threw it (slow, size, and damage). ”
Zoe Abuser says “One of Zoe's hardest matchups, try harass heavily levels 1 and 2 and avoid dying at his level 3 spike. Taking spellbook TP and swapping to barrier at 6 can help survive his all in. It's very hard to lane or teamfight vs this champ because you're so immobile but if you can get a zhonya second item for his ult it will make it a lot easier.”
Yuhkis Ribs says “i really hate this matchup he outtrades you every time, your lack of mobility is a huge burden in this matchup, try hitting Qs on him and make sure you don't shove into him ”
Tatsurion says “This guy will eat you alive, he is way too safe even for your range, and he most certainly WILL dash out of your shuffle, you need to play this perfectly.
Pretend theres a stick between you two, roughly the length of your W range, NEVER let him get closer than this. Use your E to get away from a trade if need be. Its worth it to spend mana.
Conq works, but id take burst just to be safe”
MachineHeraldTTV says “Runes: [Aery][Scorch/Gathering](Boneplating)(ShieldBash)
Summs: [Flash][Teleport]
Counter with: [Verdant Barrier]
*play with poke when he tries to cs, if he goes in for a trade you kite back and hit back. shouldn't be a problem. once he gets enough ap to oneshot you get [Verdant Barrier]*”
GreenReapers says “Any page viable.
If confident longsword, else d-shield, as his W autoattack procs the passive multiple times.
Tricky matchup for newer players. He can burst you very easily so you'll have to outplay him in basically every trade.
Kite/Backwards combos are very useful here, as you'll try to avoid his burst.
His E is gonna be the biggest problem, as he can use it to dodge basically everything that you do. Bait it and he becomes much easier to kill. If you can't, poking him until he's low enough to be forced to use his E to dodge your combo can be helpful.”
BrMario1011 says “go grasp and aa this fucker to death lol, impossible for you to die if you go grasp and hit ur qs, if he uses his q or e then you can use ur w, you can put 3 points in q
go d shield to be immortal, d ring if your looking to kill him”
esluz says “Use your E to dodge his and you should be fine but if you fall behind the is pretty tricky. Go electrocute adn abuse level 1 as you are stronger than him”
EVEKING says “This champ has almost no cooldown, outdamages you most of the time, can dive you if you do any mistake, can block turret shots, i reccomend to permaban this champ or zed.”
sick204 says “Respect Fizz's burst potential and mobility with his abilities, especially his Q and R. Use Yasuo's E to dodge Fizz's skill shots and minimize damage taken. Be cautious of Fizz's all-in potential, especially when he has his ultimate (R) available, as it can quickly burst down Yasuo. Utilize Wind Wall to block Fizz's R in trades and team fights to reduce his damage output and crowd control potential. Engage on Fizz when his abilities are on cooldown or when he's low on mana, as he can be vulnerable during these times. Consider building items like Hexdrinker to mitigate Fizz's burst damage.”
MelodiesOfLIfe says “Outroams you, one shots you easily, immune to your spells with his weird invinsible somersault thingy. Take TP? problem solved right? SHARRRRKKK and you're back to base. I never play againts this champ I always dodge.”
SkandalloTV says “Very hard to deal with once he has enough cooldown reduction to spam his Q and E. It is a nightmare to hit him. Best to wait for your team to CC him, or try to predict his movements.”
otaliz says “You can poke him in early levels, especially pre-level 3. But make sure you manage your waves correctly. When he has his ultimate, he can definitely kill you easily, so don't try to stay in front of him below his turret after pushing the wave, same thing for when he has Stormsurge's power spike. Be aware that his E can dodge Twisted Fate's W.”
quandinhle says “i hate this fish. very annoy. keep E to hold fishy when he jump to you. then when no jump R W Q. and you still die. KEkkk. but lose lane win combat. still OK. help other lane with your W.”
michaliis says “Go Dorans Blade or Shield. Fizz sided Match up. Really annoying one tap machine. Dogde his R wit Q3 and then all in. Also try to trade when he doesnt have his E to jump away.”
Laimaudeja says “[I would use the Summon Aery page in this lane, and start Doran's Ring.]
You should be able to constantly harass him in the early game as using Playful Trickster leaves him vulnerable for 16-8 seconds each time. You can cancel Fizz's dash through you with your Satchel. I recommend buying Verdant Barrier after finishing Luden's Companion to counter his ultimate if you're having trouble.”
Yannou-Ari says “Flash - Barrier - Flat HP.
Q start if he starts E.
Go zhonyas 2nd or 3rd item depending on how much you feel he wants to kill you.
Pre-level 6, try to poke him as much as you can without losing HPs, so you can be full health and not him when you both reach level 6. At that time, he won't be able to 100-0% you with barrier up.
If you don't panic, have right items and don't waste your spells on his E, this matchup is not so horrible as people think it is. Play with your team!”
He oneshots you, he dodges your fear, he dodges your damage, he dodges real life. Build zhonyas, spam ping if he roams, start praying once he gets 6. Or use your ultimate move and permaban him.”
ShokLoL says “Fizz has very defined moments of strength and weakness and playing around these are key. Level 1 and 2 Fizz can be punished very hard but level 3 and level 6 he is very strong. Try and crash either 2 or 3 waves into his tower and then let it bounce back to you. You do not want to be pushed up in the lane level 3 onwards. His main trading tool, his E, is also his main waveclear tool so make sure to keep track of this cooldown and it’s by far the most important. While Orianna can win in the 1v1, his gank setup is also extremely good which can make this a very annoying matchup. Defensive items or early game buys are very important vs Fizz because once he begins to snowball he’s very hard to stop.”
ShokLoL says “Fizz has very defined moments of strength and weakness and playing around these are key. Level 1 and 2 Fizz can be punished very hard but level 3 and level 6 he is very strong. Try and crash either 2 or 3 waves into his tower and then let it bounce back to you. You do not want to be pushed up in the lane level 3 onwards. His main trading tool, his E, is also his main waveclear tool so make sure to keep track of this cooldown and it’s by far the most important. Against Fizz you should pretty much always win trades, but you do need to be very careful of dying to a level 6 gank. If he goes on you, make sure to swap melee form for the extra resistances.”
ShokLoL says “Fizz has very defined moments of strength and weakness and playing around these are key. Level 1 and 2 Fizz can be punished very hard but level 3 and level 6 he is very strong. Try and crash either 2 or 3 waves into his tower and then let it bounce back to you. You do not want to be pushed up in the lane level 3 onwards. His main trading tool, his E, is also his main waveclear tool so make sure to keep track of this cooldown and it’s by far the most important. Defensive items or early game buys are very important vs Fizz because once he begins to snowball he’s very hard to stop.
Make sure you always save one W to WE away from his trade or WEQ away from his ultimate. This can be a good matchup to consider playing tank azir instead.”
MageSept says “Fizz is a difficult matchup for Veigar but good runes and items counter him pretty hard.
I know most people would put him in the Extreme category but with the right build he is easier to manage.
Fizz Q is 550 range, and if you space him correctly, he should not be too much of a problem. If he uses E for mobility, then he doesn't have his main damage ability up to hit you and you can trade back (this is why Aery Scorch is pretty good in this matchup).
Fizz heavily relies on hitting R to kill you and that's what people struggle with. Fizz R is super slow but it's not the easiest spell to dodge if he hides the animation with Q while gap closing so be careful.
That being said, if you build smart, there is an answer.
Depending on whether you want to play the matchup aggressively or not take these runes:
Aery, Nullifying Orb, Celerity/Transcendence, Scorch; Bone Plating, Overgrowth.
Unsealed Spellbook, Magical Footwear, Biscuits, Cosmic Insight; Bone plating, Overgrowth.
Shards: 8 Ability Haste, Scaling HP, 65 HP.
Unsealed Spellbook allows you to get a Barrier or Exhaust when Fizz spikes, preventing him from oneshotting you if you get hit by his ultimate and you don't have your Verdant barrier yet.
Doran's Ring
> get a back at 850 to get a Tear and a Null-Magic Mantle
> get another back at 1250 golds to get Verdant Barrier
> get Archangel's Staff
> get Rabadon's Deathcap
> complete Banshee's veil
Soft Headpats says “Take E at level 1 or 2. Try to crash the 2nd or 3rd wave while constantly pressuring him so that the wave will bounce back and he's at low HP. Once you have a freeze going, you are much safer and he'll be pressured into trading with you in the hopes of unfreezing the wave with his E. Avoid standing in the middle of your minions to prevent this. Be prepared to use WW to block damage or to maintain a freeze.
Post 6, he will start to look for ult angles. Fizz can hide his ult cast while dashing with his Q so keep that in mind. Like any other assassin, the best counter is preparation and prediction rather than pure reaction, so maintain vision and look at that map.”
ShokLoL says “Fizz is very mobile and so can be hard to hit, but you can bully him very hard in the first 2 levels and then try have the wave come back to you after that. Be very careful of being caught too far up in the lane since Fizz can easily run you down, especially if you waste your E. Post 6 be super careful of his all in and gank setup. It can be worth buying a null magic mantle and sitting on it in this matchup just to not die.”
ShokLoL says “Fizz has very defined moments of strength and weakness and playing around these are key. Level 1 and 2 Fizz can be punished very hard but level 3 and level 6 he is very strong. Try and crash either 2 or 3 waves into his tower and then let it bounce back to you. You do not want to be pushed up in the lane level 3 onwards. His main trading tool, his E, is also his main waveclear tool so make sure to keep track of this cooldown and it’s by far the most important. Defensive items or early game buys are very important vs Fizz because once he begins to snowball he’s very hard to stop. You can consider taking a defensive summoner like exhaust in this matchup as well.”
Deceiver_euw says “Matchup is pretty straight forward early game as long as you wait for him to use his E to CS and stay out of Q range post lvl3. If you play boneplating then you can also trade him in his Q range lvl3+, since boneplating is super good vs Fizz. At lvl6 he can oneshot you but you have your dashes to avoid his R and its a pretty easy spell to react to,”
plankbro says “This one is dependent on who can mind game the other better. Fizz has easy escape with dash and hop, which means you will likely never get a full Q off, so don't. Half charge, quarter charge your Q's. What matters is you dealt SOMETHING with your Q before he hops on his trident. Mind game him by poking him down and rendering his dashes and invulnerability useless by getting your Q's off before he can dodge. Your goal is poking him more than he can poke you early so that even if he all-ins with ignite, you will kill him in passive and teleport back to lane for a free shove and plate. His mid-game and late game, he can run you down so splitpush while he teamfights.”
Janninger says “One of my few Fizz counters. You don’t really rely on a one crucial ability to deal with him. Your E often baits out his dodge whist you are still far away and your Q deals major damage to him. Your ult can't be countered by his dodge only mitigated and your W often catches him if you place it defensively.”
ShokLoL says “Fizz is very mobile and so can be hard to hit, but you can bully him very hard in the first 2 levels and then try have the wave come back to you after that. Be very careful of being caught too far up in the lane since Fizz can easily run you down, especially if you waste W or E. Post 6 be super careful of his all in and gank setup. It can be worth buying a null magic mantle and sitting on it in this matchup just to not die.”
vSomnia says “Harass him with your Q. Save your E, when he Q on you don't panic use auto attacks or Q and save E for when he uses E to either Dodge the damage and chase him, or when he dashes away for safety chase him with E. Don't let him perma harass you with his Q W combo without punishing him back with your dmg. You outscale him so going even is fine.”
InTaggar says “ENG: Not a difficult matchup, but u need poke him to death and not let him farm. Start with Q and poke him, after lvl 3 he can explode you.
Rush Banshees or Zhonyas.
Runes: Aery with Resolve / First Strike with Resolve.
Spells: TP/Barrier.
ESP: ¿Tus papás no te prestaron nunca atención? este es el champ perfecto para vos mi pana. No es un campeon dificil contra el que jugar, empezás con la Q y lo pockeas lo suficiente como para no dejarlo farmear tranquilo, una vez pasado el lvl 3 el puede reventarte cuando quiera, ni te digo a nivel 6.
Rush banshees o zhonyas.
Runas: Aery con Valor o Primer golpe con valor.
Spells: TP/Barrera.”
elite600.lunar bacca says “just poke him and if he engages w his e go extreme poke he ll get scared and go under tower the you harass him//be aware of jungler”
MasaruYoni says “If you are against a Fizz, before lvl 3 you can poke him with Q through minions, after lvl 3 play a little more save, spare your W when he Q on you before he do the jump, nullifying your trade back potential, after 6 try to avoid his R, if you are hit by it, ure your R timing the Knock Up with your Unstobbale and spacing with him”
Kikife says “Fizz in the current meta is disgusting. I preach that you stay back at your turret, let the wave push to your side and Q farm low minions whilst returning to your side of lane. Fizz is extremely good at one combo one shotting if his R hits. With the huge R combo the itemization at the moment, you must be extremely aware. If you lose sight of him, spam ping as if he picks up kills elsewhere the game is typically going to turn sour quickly.
Play safe, avoid Q E W combos and dodge his ult / take it far back into your turret.”
vreiki says “Ele tem mais dano, mas, muita dificuldade pra aplicar contra uma Lissandra. Sua ultimate anula todo o combo dele. Prender o assassino no local também costuma ser fatal.”
Shazir says “Very hard matchup if you don't know how to position properly. When you do one mistake, your lane can over. And when Fizz gets level 6, laning against him becomes more harder.”
gaarrett says “Sylas has better waveclear and short trades than Fizz provided he doesn't E your E2. If he uses E to start a trade, dash behind him and do your thing. Bone Plating is helpful here because Fizz can't poke it off. [3/5] ultimate, AOE knockup and innate AP scaling make it useful. ”
MukiiBaa says “Fizz is useless early if you learn how to freeze lane against him... to do that just let him hit first wave 2-3 times and from there you just thin the wave until it reaches comfortable place under your turret. He have insane dmg and you cant really lock him down easily so jg needs to gank while lane is frozen and zone him from cs and xp.
he is threat to everyone in every part of the game unless your team stack some MR and zhonyas xd
If u freeze he have window to roam, he will lose XP but get shutdowns or free kills”
149Gray says “Slowpush into him just like you do into every melee/assassin, and be careful on the bounce. Since Riot fixed Vlad's Q bug, your Q now goes through his E, but it doesn't do damage to him, it only heals you, which is still really nice. Don't get hit by his E or pool it if you have to, you can pool his R even after it has already hit.”
ZAMBIAPUNGO says “This Guide was made for match plays like this, Fizz is so slippery to play against, and Veigar with this Move Speed Runes and Guide is really better in this situations, focus on step out some Ultimates and make de Event Horizons after Fizz uses his E.”
ExodusBlue says “Harder matchup. Do not EQ him unless his E is down trust. Farm from distance w WE>QE>EE. If he hits his R and engages w Q, EQ his face. If he hits r and E's you, not much you can do. QQ him and he will E. While he is in E use WQ to walk away if you dont want to fight or WW if you do”
JackOfAllLanes says “Poke with W Q and wait for him to do his lil hop before you throw your charm. After 6, if you get hit by his ult, use your R twice to get max distance away from him so he doesn't nuke your head with 19 abilities. Massive roaming threat to make sure to ward rivers and ping if missing. ”
Axsanea says “[EN]
Same thing that quiyana, if you both are low and yes without ignite you'd likely to outplay him but with ignite, he will just ignite you before you use your "W" and you will ended up dying. try to use your "E" to dogde his second dmg from his "E" once this is done engage back with your second cast "E", and you should win, if you use your "E" first you will likely lose the trade early on, as time progress your chances or winning this match up increase.
Lo mismo que quiyana, si ambos están bajos y sí, sin el ignite, probablemente lo outplayeas, pero con ignite, él simplemente usara el ignite antes de que uses tu "W" y terminarás muriendo. Intenta usar tu "E" para evitar su segundo daño de su "E" una vez hecho esto, vuelve a lanzar tu segundo lanzamiento de "E", y deberías ganar, si usas tu "E" primero probablemente perderás el trade en el juego temprano, a medida que avanza el tiempo, aumentan tus posibilidades de ganar este matchup. ”
wundrew says “Do not trade with fizz. He wins every trade until you have your item. This matchup used to be playable with sunderer but now its really hard, just try not to get dove and farm for nashors tooth. His ult is easy to dodge, and you can all-in him after he uses his E.”
SurferKiller says “You kill him if his flash is on cooldown, and only if he used either his dash or jump while close to your tower. You need ghost and flash ready.”
KazunaSan says “ si vous savez jouer contre il ne peut pas vous tuer, attention à ne pas se faire surprendre par son E, vous devez garder votre E pour cancel son Q si il tente de vous trade et il ne pourra jamais vous avoir. électrocute est très fort contre lui, attention à son scaling et ses roams bot.”
Desc069 says “fizz is strong rn but naafiri is really decent into it. u can dodge his E with urs , u can dodge easily his R and when his e land u just have to W and full combo him for free , still skilled matchup and hard if he rush zhonya”
Fkorrie says “A good Fizz is hard to beat, especially with 14.1 ap items.
I try to mix up the timings and order of my combo's to get him low before he can E.
If you place your W shadow on him and he tries to E onto you swap to dodge his damage and all in him.
Be careful of his E flash combo: it can sometimes be obvious he is going for it if you are out of range of his E but he still follows you under turret for example.
Hard matchup imo but not impossible.”
FrostbiteMW says “Matchup is fine pre 6, after 6 it turns into hell. Poke as much early as you can and get a cs advantage. After 6 hold your stun until he dashes onto you for a free combo. Dont step too far! If he lands ult he can easily oneshot you.”
FrostbiteMW says “Very annoying champion, can easily dodge Q, W, R and anything you throw at him. If you are going to try to poke him, you need to know that his E is down. Fizz, as Katarina, also has a really good level 3. Watch out for his all-in level 6. CARE!”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. After 6 hes annoying and a major threat. Hold your root for when he jumps into you for a free combo. He wants to jump onto you at level 6 and all in you. If he does that you can just ult yourself. If you survive his combo you can kill him.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can play aggresive early and try to build an advantage. Counters your ult, has one shot potential with a D ring. This champ is uncounterable because of his own counterplay.”
FrostbiteMW says “Dont die early, farm up and scale - youre not beatable lategame. Try to build an advantage early. At 6 be careful for his allin, maybe buy some def items. If he ults onto you just ult him back onto your turret.”
Wizboy73 says “I hate this champ, take defensive runes, take the level page for fizz/lb, play ULTRA agressive early till 6 then care for his R, build some MR and hopefully you survive till you can kill him.”
LoveMid says “This matchup is very playable depending on the fizz player. Take resolve second rune tree with MR runes if you are not good at wave management and map awareness.”
Shinbae says “Гадость ещё та, спасибо его ешке и ульте, однако умение читать его скиллы поможет задоджить все дестабилизирующие скиллы и вырвать преимущество, однако если он пойдёт роумить другие линии и вернётся с 1-2 киллами на линию, можно спокойно писать ff15.”
MasterGamer0115 says “Aphelios can take some time to get to his full kit out in the early game, Especially Severum. and Fizz can easily dodge many of your abilities with his E. and return near fatal damage if you are hit by R and as an immobile ADC can be difficult to dodge.”
Dompilius says “Stay back, play safe and keep freezing under tower. You're stronger in lane until level 3, abuse that by poking and zoning him. Use CC only after he uses E, Keep vision in river to minimize his roaming potential.”
AzkloX says “Dodge his ult or you die. He is only midlaner you can outpush so you can trade before 6 and maybe kill him. But after 6 if he hits ult you die. Just buy Cull. Pick First Strike. Scale.”
Carpincho sex0 says “The line won't be difficult before lv6, but once he has his r he can finish us very easily and he can dodge everything with his e ”
Hexeria says “[Be careful of his early game damage, which can quickly push you out of a game, but as soon as you got some damage and a few item parts, you can just counter him by casting E either into his Q, or dodging his E.] [Cast W, if he is casting E currently, or when you are marked by his Ult.]”
Prefexx says “Fizz can be deadly if he knows what hes doing. He can use his Playful Trickster if you decide to all in him. If you are planning on going all in then make sure his Playful Trickster is down as he will dodge all of your damage. He is a melee champion so use your Q to harass him. If he does use his Playful Trickster to engage, use your Sinister Blades MS buff and shunpo to gtfo and dodge his ult.”
j4ss says “He can just avoid your E with his E and can just explode you level 6, so play extremely safe and wait until 6. Don't die to him even if you might lose some cs.”
Herr Von Martinus says “Extreme poking possibility up until 6 when he gets his full combo that can 100 to 0 an Azir. Get ahead until then. Try hail of blades rune set against Fizz”
SYROBE says “Probably one of the hardest matchups for Hwei. Fizz loves destroying immobile mages and thats exactly what Hwei is. All fizz has to do is trickster E Hweis disengage and Hwei becomes free fish food.”
Xoe_LOLTH says “I give him MAJOR-Threat because we can dodge his R by using our rocket belt but we must focusing on his movement he has a secret move Q minion and R if we hit by his R that might be killed”
Zapen says “Oyunu Vel'koz'a dar eden bir şampiyon. Oynamayı bilen Fizz oyuncuları Vel'koz'a oyun oynatmıyor.
Eğer karşınıza fizz gelir ise tank build yapmaktan başka çareniz yok.”
Halkem says “Take stopwatch in runes. Don't push into him early. A good Fizz can E your E when he sees animation, so don't make it obvious when you're going to do it. Unless you facecheck him its hard to die to him, especially with your passive. Can get Zhonya second if they have other annoying ultimates/AD dive. Banshees is also good vs him.”
Iceyou says “idle minion wave poke poke poke. What he will do is start e and e the first 3 creeps by dodging your q . surprise him with throwing q much earlier not to take cs but just to poke him . You might miss a few but start of the right foot and keep poking him for level 1 and 2 . level 3 shove and dive . Be carefull of his e cd . If he hits level 3 healthy be very carefull if you think zeds are lethal you havent found a good fizz .”
TrueGIXERJ says “this is my current ban - mostly because i play a lot of ASol on the side and he counters both champs quite hard.
he's very safe in lane and will quite happily poke you down to oneshot level really safely with E.
i put Fizz as an extreme threat because i'm not personally confident on the matchup, but maybe winnable.”
The Milelator says “Actually pretty easy matchup. You have better wave clear and poke. Try to trade him everytime your Q is up and deny him minions, since he has only meele abilities. If he ever uses his E, you can try to all in him. Keep your shield up for his ult.”
bloomer010 says “Fizz can out-roam you, especially during the early game. You can work hard to shut down them down, but even so, they will just roam bot and open the game up that way. ”
WarwicksSimp says “This matchup is annoying due to him having similar high damage output to Zed so you have a reason to fear him, but the good thing is you can kill him just as easily if you play it well.
all summoners are good here
PtA and Grasp are likely best here.”
Anth0ny_Azir says “Pretty easy because they're overly aggressive, and him being melee makes it so u can shuffle him into tower. Little harder because his E is very balanced. DO NOT GO FOR A SHUFFLE ON HIM IF HE HAS HIS E UP!”
garlicbread69 says “not only does fizz outdamage you late he also has a better early than you.start longsword and try to kill him early otherwise you wont ever kill him in lane”
thenameholmes says “Like Vladimir, His E counters all of your skills and everything so he will be a good threat, also once he hits his R to you, he has the potential to one-shot with combo.”
FrostbiteMW says “You can attack him early game, after 6 he can easily all-in you tho. Be careful, respect his all-in, play safe and build some defensive items. Midgame just try to push waves asap to stop his roaming (but only if he doesnt pressure mid herself)”
FrostbiteMW says “You can abuse him pre 6. After that he has mobility, one shot potential and good waveclear - so its really hard to play for you. Also youre dead if you dont have E and he jumps on you, so dont use it randomly.”
Tokiyami says “Skill matchup but kind of Akali favored early because you can poke him very easily early, just watch out for his E W Q poke. You can dodge his E with your E and if you time it correctly you can hit him with your E at the same time he is coming out of his E. Just keep a note that Fizz ulti does reveal you in shroud.”
FlopQueenEra says “Fizz is known for his all-in engages. Sona should be ready to use her abilities defensively when Fizz initiates. Timing your R or using your E for the movement speed bonus can help her evade Fizz's engages.”
javiiergrd says “Si se lleva Exhaust y evitamos su ulti, es un match de poco riesgo. Ir con Aery para pokear. Atento a sus roam y los call para el equipo. Comprar Zhonya para sobrevivir a su combo.”
Glitchgun says “Annoying in his own way. Buying hexdrinker early might be necessary! He can just wait your root and dodge it, so another match where hail of blades is better to prevent him to stop all the damage.”
Lindroganti says “Man cannot touch the wave. He has no range, and you win up close. Only way he wins is if he gets an ult off, but you can just E towards him to block. DON'T let him jump behind you, as it will let ult damage go off. His electrocute combo is pretty telegraphed, so make sure to block it.”
stormraided says “Fizz, you can rush Hexdrinker to make laning phase easier. Use your W to make him waste his E because your W is on shorter cooldown than his E, when he does that just all in or trade there. His ultimate is very painful and you can die if you get hit by it max range, avoid it by looking at how he plays. He can also mask his ult by using Q-R so be careful.”
support_diff says “The first 3 levels are hard for you as he can do quite a bit damage to you with his abilities, but after that you can take control over the lane. When he is about to get level 6, be aware as he can destroy you with his ult if you are low health. Fizz's ult is very good to steal”
Fuzzmonkey says “Fizz most likely dodges all your engages with his e, after his e he will exit the fight with an q, or the other way around. All you can do is wait for mistakes on his part and then punish him in hard.”
sullyyylol says “Volatile. If Fizz ever kills you you lose. If you kill fizz 3 times then you win. I like electrocute in this lane. Ping your jg because he can dive you whenever he wants if you're not turbo fed.”
LewisBlawk says “I still don't really know what to do.
I guess when he does his flips then AA + Q early until he's low enough to WEQ shuffle. Overall a twat matchup.”
Exxidara says “Quite easy matchup till learn but this is potentially only matchup to start q and do aa + q + aa at level 1 and its free matchup to play”
Ankha Yuumi says “A very dangerous matchup, Zhonya's or Banshee's are required. Before level 6, if he initiates trades using his E and Q, use your Q first, then W, and Q again to trade as effectively as possible.”
support_diff says “Bully Fizz as much as you can on the early levels, prevent cs from him and gain a level and gold lead before he gets level 6, as he has a really good ultimate that can get you easily killed when combined with a gank”
tangerrine says “I HATE FIZZ OMG. My personal Perma-ban. You HAVE to watch out for his ult whenever it's up and you can't underestimate his damage, no matter how behind he is. You're going to have to play safe and wait until HE engages, likely with his E. Use your W to get out of there as quick as possible.
Use Comet with Null Orb for the poke and PLEASE get early MR. After he gets his sharky, best thing you can do is just ward river to warn people about his roams. Rush Zhonya's second item just in-case of his shark and just avoid him at all costs mid game unless you know its a 1v1 and you two are even.”
TheBougis says “Fizz is very mobile with his Q and E and can quite easily dodge your Q. When playing against him just try to peel your duo as well as you can.”
The Hunt says “Fizz is more a skill matchup as you don't want to rush him if he has his jump, this means you have to play safe as well as poke him so you can ensure the kill”
BigFatCat909 says “Everyone believes that Fizz is a hard counter to Zed, i beg to differ. Though Fizz is annoying and slippery, all he can do is stop you from killing him. Rather than trying to kill him, focus on farming and getting a lead through the map.”
serrafim says “Don't use your E as an engage against Fizz. Save it to dodge his E, then punish him with your blink. Level 7-9, try to shove and roam, but keep in the back of your mind that he will follow. ”
BlitzDracha says “He can hyper burst you, get rid of all your burst, towerdive, and his %reduction in damage passive makes almost everything you do null and void.”
Hot Eboy Xerath says “This match up is fun in my opinion but im a pyscho. Biggest thing is never get in range to get hit by his E early. You can poke him down really easily pre 6 if you know how space him. at 6 you need to be away of the range of his Q R combo but normally if you are max range the shark is really slow and you can just move out the way. If he kills you early glhf your toast for the rest of game :3”
Braimyy says “cringe fish
play it like other hard match ups (stay back, max E)
Not as hard as Sol's other hard match ups, he's not much of a threat until 6. Once's he's 6 make sure you are playing around his R range, try to distance yourself from your minions, fizz players are always going to look for a q though minions - > R. It's really hard to see and it's difficult to dodge, best thing you can do is be aware and ready for it.”
IggyBoom says “Fizz has enough spells to get out of your cc, but he has not enough burst to destroy you, even after 6. You can just W away to Dodge his Ult or if it hits you still drag it under turret. If he dives, he might die due to your ult.”
ITSHOT says “Easily one of the most annoying matchups (he can dodge your E and R)
Save E for after his E
Take barrier or exhaust
Get Wit's End and defensive runes
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Conqueror or Phase Rush]
[Summoner Spell: Ghost or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Bully him as he is vulnerable at early lvls]
[Watch out of his Q + W and E combo as it does a lot of damage]
[Avoid his ultimate or you might die]”
freuio123 says “Klassischer Ahri Counter, leider ist Fizz kompletter Müll. Immer wieder für kurze W pokerino gucken und Waves pushen, Fizz kann nicht traden und gleichzeitig farmen, wodurch er eigentlich immer out cs wird und du dann eben outscalest und out roamst”
AdrikN says “Fizz is pretty hard to go against because he can dodge your combo. Keep a good distance against him and don't use too many abilities if he has his E up. I just always recommend Exhaust against him you can buy Zhonyas or shattered queen and it will help a lot!”
Zeusman00 says “Very hard matchup before items, Miasma placement is very important, I generally like to place it on top of myself if I see him E'ing on top of me. If you go even in lane and reach ROA, he generally can not 100-0 burst you unless he finds lead.”
Angryappleseed says “RUSH MAW AND MERCS!
U Can harass him a bunch in early lane, but post 6, respect him more. Once you have maw and mercs, he'll have trouble 1 shotting you, so you can play aggro, unless he gets fed.”
qkthr1 says “lowkey one of the worst not because of dmg he does but because he can get out of your ult. extremely annoying and wait for him to waste his flip then you can burst him down, as you do out dmg him, try to W out of his ult and dont let him scale. I hate this fish”
Anguish333 says “- Super hard imo matchup,
- Whenever he casts Q+W or E on you, you can time your E to either dodge both of them or atleast hit your E
- You can hard trade him if his E is on cooldown
- his Ult reveals you whenever it hits You
Painters says “You beat him pre-level 6, however, afterwards, you have to give him all the respect in the world. Rush Zhonya's early, save your W for after he goes invulnerable. Can build Barrier if it makes your more comfortable.”
MrMeem45 says “You can't kill him, he can't kill you. You have the advantage of roaming, but remember to push things out - he has an AA reset and great waveclear, so he can take towers pretty quickly. Getting careless with those platings can lead to a fed Fizz, and you can't peel him off of your carries because of his E.”
Enderspider says “can dodge your w constantly and your immobility means you have a very hard time dodging his ult. Take exhaust and go banshee's veil second item, before lich bane. You will need it to be able to play the game.”
Y0rhm says “Fizz's E untargetability and dashes make it almost impossible to land a skillshot on him + his passive makes you deal less damage to him. Permaban status.”
Cryniu says “You counter very well tp Fizz. He needs to burst, kill and run, you can counter every that with your kit. When he uses his ult, use yours and when he is trying to run or surround you use your E. You can poke him a lot in laning phase with bombs and basic attacks because he is mele, take advantage of that but always be careful with his mobility.”
Wraithlander says “Skill matchup where you are looking for short trades. You can trade aggressively if he uses E as it has a long cooldown early on. Would advise taking ignite so even if he Es away on low health you can still kill him through his untargetability.”
WelcomeToLosersQ says “Fizz's mobility and ability to dodge Neeko's skill shots with his playful/trickster (E) make it challenging for Neeko to land her abilities. Fizz's burst damage and potential all-ins can threaten Neeko, especially if he lands his ultimate, Chum the Waters (R).”
zLuxfury says “Annoying on inamaginable levels.
Dodges everything and has monstrous burst damage, can easily get on us and we can't do much especially if we got abilities on cd.”
Trisend3 says “Easy matchup, just don't touch the wave and go for poke if it doens't aggro the minions. Repect his R but if you have the wave frozen under your turret shouldn't be an issue”
TB Azir says “Fizz için de zor diyemem fakat dikkat edip range'i korumak en önemlisi yoksa early gamede 1 click hatası yaptığınızda bile sonuna kadar cezalandırılabileceğiniz bir eşleşme.
Rün: PTA, Fleet”
South Z says “Fizz is extremely similar to Jax with this build, and the laning should be pretty even. Both your E's are extremely strong spells and your laning will revolve around using and countering it !”
blaze728 says “This is an annoying duel. Try to force him to push at the very start of the laning phase. This means no attacking minions or attacking him. Want him to push and force an allied jungle gank. Once the minion wave is pushed then auto attack him a couple or a few times. This matchup is tricky because the minion wave management is important. He isn't impossible to play against. Just E him properly and he is dead. Don't get sharked lol. Keep your distance on him.”
vxnity says “Farm and poke. Do NOT go into Q range or else you'll die. You have the advantage pre-6, but from level 6 on he does. If you can rush Stopwatch and Zhonya's for his ult. Don't try and E him if he has his E up. Play around your Jungler.”
kaiba77 says “Fizz as a champion sucks, but his threat to you is his gank setup as his R reveals you in shroud. React to his q dash with your e. Most Fizz players will try to dodge your q early with their E, so wait before using it. Take Bone Plating vs him.”
EL ZUDO says “fizz is kinda a conflip matchup bc if he uses his abilities bad u counter him but oh boy if he knows what he is doin u gonna be getting one shot on l8 game-mid game(if ahead) just try to r his ult and dont let him land his e its slows u and fucks u up on ur combo”
Edwwardo says “Can dodge your W so easily it's not even funny and then drop you in the blink of an eye. Play very carefully and keep your E up as an escape as much as possible. If Zed is already banned Fizz is a good ban.”
Nooldles says “If you can survive levels 1-3, you just win. He can never trade aggressively into you since you can just chase him with your abilities and heal with your W. You can dodge his E with your E and then reengage once he comes back down. If he Qs into you, you can just W and the trade is winning. Bone plating is key in this matchup though.”
AnxialSociety says “Aery manaflow transcendence scorch
Bone plating overgrowth.
Poke 1-2, WATCH OUT 3.
Always hold bubble till post-jump. He wants to save it to dodge e and get onto you.
Consider banshees/zhonyas.”
Shark of Void says “Short guide:
Take Barrier.
Dodge his R and and pray that he doesn't know how to play.
Read more in the in-depth guide of matchups.”
MiniLuxi1 says “Stand passively. Keep your distance, he can overcome your W, with his jerk on E, if he gets close. Hold your Q, and get ready to activate it close, because he can make a dash at you (Q).”
StralekS says “You won't die 1v1 but can't win: Conqueror/ Resolve: vs Mages, Ignite + Flash, Doran Shield/ Dark Seal start. Play lane safely, farm, and when he wastes ability, punish him with all in combo. When he throws Q and E immediately go for all in because his abilities are on much longer cooldownss then yours.
Full AP for higher win chances. Recommended Sunderer rush with Doran Shield start.”
Mayuushii says “Has dashes to get near you and can do lots of damage. Charm while hes going through minions or use W movespeed to back up and harass. Care his untargetable cause he can avoid your charm or all your dmg. Watch out for his R cause if it hits you're prob dead.”
Samikin says “Minor-Threat.
Fizz can be a tricky matchup depending on how well you know it. Hold E for when he goes in on you with E or Q. Don't let him Q you for free. If he does, he will E out after hitting you with electrocute damage and you will definitely lose the trade. You always outrange him until 6+. Most Fizz players don't go Hextech Rocketbelt anymore because Fizz doesn't have enough mana without a mana mythic item, which means Crown of the Shattered Queen is great in this matchup.
Aery (+ Ingenious Hunter) rune page
Crown of the Shattered Queen + Lich Bane”
TwitchTv Kibbylol says “Go aery but with bone plating and ignite ghost. I also take scorch but its not needed. Pool his E most of the time and try to get the wave to push to you. Honestly not much advice is needed here either you get ganked or you shit on him and he goes 0/3 rushes zhonyas vs a vlad then one shots your adc anyway.”
YourDreamWaifuu says “[Runes: Conqueror or Electrocute]
[Item: Long Sword]
[Mythic: Eclipse or Prowler]
[Dont try fight him you cant win] [Dont even try to ult him when he have E] [Play more safe and try roam so you dont fall behind]”
DabiDabi says “Like a Zed matchup, abuse him before lvl 3. If he all-in run away. If he uses his E to get on top of you. Ult him away or into your tower. Bring Barrier or Exhaust. Maybe rush Mercs.”
MAXimumCRUZ says “Burst damage an untargetability, hes just a fish version of you. He wants to all in and get out fast. Dodge his ult. Win the fight. ”
TheAfricanDream says “The current meta is not too favorable for Fizz, but if you do see a Fizz, respect his kill pressure in lane. Fizz can easily dive onto you and kill you at level 2. Play aggressively at level 1 and keep trying to poke him as soon as he uses either his E or Q. Buy an early Null-Magic Mantle and focus on killing all the creeps. Fizz will have lane prio and will be able to roam more than you. Try to sit mid and ping as soon as he leaves lane. Take Bone Plating to reduce his combo damage in lane.”
rachichu says “Can kill you relatively easily at all stages of the game. Pretty much nullifies your E's existence. Bounce waves regularly to farm safely out of kill range.”
MetalK1d says “Fizz has big damage and can easily dodge your combo with his E. The way to kill him is to combo him when he uses his E into you so he can not dodge it.”
Shaco Mid Lane says “He has a strong lane against you and his W dot damage shows you in Q and also if you ult after he hits you. You can ult to avoid taking damage from his ultimate.”
Cjtheawesome says “Pre level 6, you can dodge his E's using your W, but I REPEAT DO NOT stand within ult range when he hits lvl 6. He will kill you and scale out of control. ”
Aria_Legend says “Level 1-5: You can't fight him.
My recommendation is to allow him being dominant in the lane and manage the wave on your side as much as possible so it doesn't push into him. Farm as much as possible.
Level 6: You still can't fight him, he's your counter. Take special care on dodging his R by sidestepping it or with your R. If his R hits you, you'll have to flash away. If you don't, he'll combo and kill you.
Picking Crown is a good idea so he doesn't one-shot and doesn't focus you. ”
Demonsedge90 says “The simple thing to watch for when dealing with Fizz is to wait to engage until his playful/trickster is down and watch out for his ultimate. Poke often and be appropriately positioned to apply the most damage to him.”
Wizahd says “If he lands his R, you're likely dead, if you hang back and poke him down, you might be able to make it a 1 for 1 and keep track with him. Still take ignite to trade, but focus on CSing and stopping him from doing so.”
Atemporal says “"Este é um confronto difícil contra Fizz um truques, mas super fácil contra os inexperientes. Fizz é realmente fraco até o nível 3, então você poderá empurrá-lo cedo e depois configurar a onda para um bom congelamento em sua torre .
Durante a pista inicial, tome cuidado com o combo Q – AA – W – E, pois ele superará fortemente o seu combo completo. Geralmente você quer pairar fora do alcance do Q dele, o Fizz provavelmente enviará um spam Q em você e
quando ele chega ao alcance, há 2 maneiras de jogar, ou instantaneamente W em cima de você, auto, Q, auto. Segure seu E para o E dele. Fizz vai E para desviar do seu Q1 ou Q2, não desperdice seu E até que ele use o dele. Use seu E para desviar dele, então E2 para ele para uma troca rápida. Ou você pode prever o Q dele e jogar seu Q em direção a ele quando ele estiver se movendo para você. Q, auto, então instantaneamente E para proc passiva nele.
A maioria dos jogadores de Fizz usará Q, AA, W e E, o que significa que você tem tempo para um combo completo. Fizz Q muitas vezes colocará Fizz dentro de você/atrás de você, não faça Q em direção a ele durante o Q dash, porque haverá uma grande chance de que seu Q erre.
Algo que eu experimentei nesta partida é pegar, Shield Bash, Bone Plating, Overgrowth primário, com Sudden Impact/Taste of Blood + Ravenous hunter secundário. Isso muda a partida, pois Fizz nunca pode dar Q em você
quando você tiver Bone Plating, pois bloqueará quase todo o dano dele. Ele também não tem nenhum tipo de poke para ativar seu Bone Plating, então você pode ter controle total na pista inicial, porque ele nunca pode pular. O ponto de agarrar é que contra
bons jogadores de Fizz, será difícil proc passiva nele em uma troca agressiva, então, em vez disso, você cutuca o Fizz lentamente com E + agarrar proc, bem como dano Shield Bash se você W antes da troca. Ao processar constantemente o Agarre, +
com Overgrowth e Bone Plating, você se tornará muito rápido demais para que ele possa lutar com você, e a pista é automaticamente vencida. Com essa configuração, você causará um dano um pouco menor mais tarde do que está acostumado, mas também
vai ser muito mais tanque. Quando se trata de pós 6 combates, você quer usar seu R para evitar o dano do R (somente se o Fizz estiver ao alcance de Q/E durante o R CC). caso contrário ele vai acender e começar a bater em você, seu R mal vai curar
qualquer coisa e seu R provavelmente também o levará para longe de sua torre e para os inimigos. W onde seu R atingirá e você receberá um grande escudo que bloqueará o restante do dano de Fizz. Ao fazer isso, toda vez que Fizz ultar você, você ficará saudável,
Fizz é mais dependente de seu R do que Ekko, então trocar R vale a pena para você, e Fizz também perderá a troca se ele não recuar depois de você W. Fizz e Ekko têm escala bastante equilibrada, as lutas na pista lateral serão seja sobre pura habilidade se você for par. Tente
fique escondido e se envolva com ele quando ele for pegar uma onda, pois Fizz sempre vai E para limpar as ondas. Se Fizz não tiver E, ele sempre tentará usar o Q através de você ou de um lacaio para escapar. Tenha isso em mente e seja inteligente sobre o uso do W. Se
Fizz não tem E, pode ser inteligente usar seu W como uma maneira de bloquear o caminho dele, em vez de um atordoamento direto ou do escudo. É muito improvável que acerte Fizz com um W, mesmo que seu E esteja baixo, e se você for o único na caça, não precisará do
Simelodeon says “I: Ludens/Crown
R: Defensiv
S: Barrier
Punish ihn mit Poke wenn er seine Spells für Waveclear benutzt und push ihn ein damit er nicht roamen kann. Respektiere seine All ins Lv. 3+ und ab Lv.6. Zhonya hilft gegen seine Ult. ”
IamBishop says “Bit of a weird one, depending on the skill level of the fizz this could be an even match up, he's pretty slimy. I reccommend freezing if you are scared of the jungler, Fizz cant really fight you so the freeze is in your favour, altho he has opportunity to roam so you have to be diligent with your pings and decision making. Later into the game, try block ults for your carries and ult the fizz if he tries to go on them with his q or something. ”
pamiclo says “this piece of shit is a broken champion whether ahead or not. he only needs lich bane for burst dmg and one shot your adc(if your adc is brainless, will flame you and start throw or rq). better dont let him get ahead and you get ahead.”
Lucid Walking says “SEMI-UNSAFE LANE: Fizz is the outplayer here, so don't make crazy engages unless you're baiting him for your jungler. If you can manage to predict when he's about to Q you, you can cast Q on yourself to ensure you hit your starcall. If you feel stressed to hit your Starcall, rather wait out his Playful Trickster ability, to then punish him with a Starcall or 2.
(tip: if Fizz has targeted you/a teammate with his Ultimate, and you know the distance of his Q range, consider silencing to avoid him from full-on bursting that player. A good Equinox here can even root Fizz if placed correctly)
Although an assasain, he barely oneshots (as long as you have barrier/ultimate up. You could take exhaust into this matchup.”
Mind Of Kayle says “Slowly push level 1 , crash wave on level 2 ( 2nd wave). If he fights u, then fight him back and u can kill him. On level 3, u cant usually kill him so be carefoul. If u killed him on level 1 or 2 because he is stupid, then recall after u crashed 2nd wave and buy something. If u didnt kill him and wave is bouncing (after u crashed), stay farm away - u can ward bush and wait. 1 TIP : remember your E range is same as his Q range. Stay out his Q range. If he walks up , u walks away. ”
Ceru says “Assassins in general are huge threats to an immobile, squishy veigar but Fizz is the king at shutting down veigar's before they can hit their powerspike and carry, his entire kit can be used to dodge your cage or force you under tower”
Xerath OTP EUW says “In the early game you're actually stronger than him. You have to poke him quiet a lot so he has a harder time to farm.
After he gets like 1 or 2 items you're just dead meat whenever he gets on top of you.”
Spoomk says “If he gets ahead, you probably won't be playing much. That being said, either W away when he engages, or engage him after he uses his un-targetability, and you should be able to win most engages. By all means, you should avoid his ultimate when it is possible, it is devastating for a fight.
xblademojo says “Everything you need to do is to not die early. Careful with push, pay attention to his dash and E. Try to build up the wave second with third, than crashing second. All depends on how good he is.”
sapphire__lol says “Bit harder than ekko, since he has some tools but still not hard. Can just take the push and roam or fistfight him. Be a bit careful with e'ing into him since he can e it. You should start traded with q or aa's and wait his e. ”
Mvrshy says “[MID] pre 6 you beat his ass, as soon as he gets his ulti and some ability haste this slippery little fucker tower dives you and you have no choice but to take it. rush a zhonyas.”
GamerRaven says “Fizz's E can dodge your ability, you can poke him with Q and use E whenever he uses his E. His E has a 16 seconds cooldown at level 1, so try to keep poking him and avoid letting him jump on you. He can potentially outplay you so just poke him whenever you can and focus on farming. Flash his R when he use it on you unless you feel like its not needed.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not go for extended trades with Fizz as he will always come out ahead thanks to his Seastone Trident(W). Unless you benefit from any other wave manipulation, try and keep the wave even or closer to your side. This prevents him from engaging on you or chasing you down. Fizz has insane roaming potential. Do not blindly follow him as he can easily turn around and kill you. Instead, communicate with your team while following him from a distance if possible.”
Adamonias says “Another classic xerath counter; you can never really kill him in lane bc of his mobility + passive MR. You can First Strike here; as you will never really have pressure early. He will just 100-0 you once he has ult. Without ult he cant kill you, because he has to use Q and E to just get upto you which means most of his damage is gone.
He hard wins auto trades/extended trades bc of W.
Just track his R, without it you can kite and scale, this lane often just becomes a mindgame around his ult, because without it he is a lot less scary.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Try to stay closer to your tower to make him more difficult to chase and kill your champion. Fizz has also a good roaming potential so don’t forget to warn your allies that he is missing. But don’t blindly chase him into fog of war since he can easily turn around and attack you (sometimes even with his jungler).”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not go for extended trades with Fizz as he will always come out ahead thanks to his Seastone Trident(W). Unless you benefit from any other wave manipulation, try and keep the wave even or closer to your side. This prevents him from engaging on you or chasing you down. Fizz has insane roaming potential. Do not blindly follow him as he can easily turn around and kill you. Instead, communicate with your team while following him from a distance if possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not go for extended trades with Fizz as he will always come out ahead thanks to his Seastone Trident(W). Unless you benefit from any other wave manipulation, try and keep the wave even or closer to your side. This prevents him from engaging on you or chasing you down. Fizz has insane roaming potential. Do not blindly follow him as he can easily turn around and kill you. Instead, communicate with your team while following him from a distance if possible.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not go for extended trades with Fizz as he will always come out ahead thanks to his Seastone Trident(W). Unless you benefit from any other wave manipulation, try and keep the wave even or closer to your side. This prevents him from engaging on you or chasing you down. Fizz has insane roaming potential. Do not blindly follow him as he can easily turn around and kill you. Instead, communicate with your team while following him from a distance if possible.”
SKYTOP. says “Dumb Fizz Players don't understand the power that the big man holds. So much so that, if you don't get hit by ult, you win everytime, just dont assume that you can kill him ever because, yknow, dumb champ dumb kit. Take the AP Burst Page and ignite.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not go for extended trades with Fizz as he will always come out ahead thanks to his Seastone Trident(W). Unless you benefit from any other wave manipulation, try and keep the wave even or closer to your side. This prevents him from engaging on you or chasing you down. Fizz has insane roaming potential. Do not blindly follow him as he can easily turn around and kill you. Instead, communicate with your team while following him from a distance if possible.”
SM1LSE says “Same as Vlad, he tends towards all ins and goes untargetable so he can be a real issue, not as bad as Vlad but definitely worth a ban if you really hate him. Take Barrier and play safe.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Do not go for extended trades with Fizz as he will always come out ahead thanks to his Seastone Trident(W). Unless you benefit from any other wave manipulation, try and keep the wave even or closer to your side. This prevents him from engaging on you or chasing you down. Fizz has insane roaming potential. Do not blindly follow him as he can easily turn around and kill you. Instead, communicate with your team while following him from a distance if possible.”
SkyBanana says “Ew. Good luck dealing with him. Fizz is the assassin with the passive that allows him to not take damage early on and his all in potential is VERY dangerous. Once he hit 6 you will instantly die if you do not dodge the fish. You have to be very careful when going against him or just pick a different champion that can deal with him.”
Xexzuz says “He's a pretty difficult match up considering he cant be hit for a solid chunk of time. Its a skill matchup and will be determined on if you can hit your Q or not.”
DixonTheGuideMaker says “Unless you benefit from any other wave manipulation, try and keep the wave even or closer to your side. This prevents him from engaging on you or chasing you down. Fizz has insane roaming potential. Do not blindly follow him as he can easily turn around and kill you. Instead, communicate with your team while following him from a distance if possible.”
fabiownz says “Fucking annoying matchup, all in when he uses E, because if not he can evade ur ult with E and same with ur cage, dont trade with him if he has E”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Skill match up.
Fizz will ALWAYS dodge your 2nd W with his W, Only suggestion is hit your first W, Wait til he falls down and Auto melee Q auto should always win the trade (there's a chance he just E's out but if you can do it. do it!)
Buy hex drinker or mercs if needed”
Vodka4Gaben says “Surprisingly, if you force out E in lane, you will win every trade and even all ins. However, late game is a pain in the ass, and he is going to be Eing every time you try to R him. Really bad matchup”
Body Those Fools says “You bully him very hard pre-6. Just stay out of his Q range and he doesn't have much threat to you before he has his Ult. Hold your Ult until AFTER he uses his E or he will just dodge it. You can put a soldier behind you and walk at him; he will Ult you, so just E Q behind you and he will waste Ult. The average Fizz player will just Ult you off cooldown, so just watch out for that.”
Bughans says “He actually isn't too bad, wait for him to engage on you in laning phase then just W him to win the trade.
Lategame do all you can muster to dodge his ult, shield in then out to whoever gets caught by it, DO NOT get hit by it”
Atila17 says “There's a special place in the metaverse for this champ. Fizz is a problem. A good champ will make your game long, hard, and not fun. But I wouldn't ban him, because not many people lock Fizz in to begin with. The problem with Fizz is his "E" - it makes him un-targetable. A good Fizz will bait your Charm and E to get past it. If you use Charm before level 6 and miss, he will kill you. Play cautious until level 6. ”
Edex_StarsUpYourASol says “Early Game:
Fizz can be extremely annoying after lv 3,but before than, you can keep him from ever getting farm or he takes massive damage. Just make sure to avoid his auto attacks as his ability can do quite a lot of damage.
Mid/Late Game:
Fizz is very coinflippy, so try to make sure he never gets a kill and he'll be out of service. Zhonyas and Barrier will screw him over if he tries to dive you.
In teamfights as long as your adc is positioned well and/or builds zhonyas, there will be no issues.”
KayyeN says “Not a great champ at the moment, still a pretty bad matchup. He has two gap-closers and he always picks the fights, not you. He even makes roaming difficult because as soon as you lose vision on him, you are always in danger due to his long-range R. Exhaust and early Zhonya's is a must here.”
HikariWoosh says “His E allows him to dodge your combo on repeat with enough CDR, and he'll be able to kill you if you don't respect him enough, so abuse your range and play safe.”
Amarusis says “I think he's pretty easy to kill. When he use Q or E u can trade with yours Q and E. If he will cast R, u can run away under the tower with Evelynn R.”
DabiDabi says “Just be careful of him getting on top of you. He can do quite a lot of dmg. Dodge his ult or save your W to dash away from him. Land chain when his E is down.”
OSG Rewynd says “Save your E to dodge his E. If he E's, you have a window of 16/14/12/10/8 seconds to try and trade with him. Lvl 7/9, shove and roam. He will likely follow, so be prepared for it. ”
jesterjedi93 says “He's usually weaker pre-6 but electrocute gives him some exta damage so be aware of that when you fight him. Avoid letting him to walk around the map and get kills! Once he has 2-3 kills, he will dive and kill you every time even if you have shieldbow or hexdrinker”
C4V3IRINH4 says “Fizz is strong, and usually goes a lot up putting pressure on the lane, in which case be careful with the ult and don't get too close to him.”
DabiDabi says “Because Fizz is melee you can fight him better. His level 4 all-in is pretty scary so respect it. At level 6, avoid his ult or he'll one-shot you. Rush zhonyas.”
ze kraken says “Highly mobile and hard to play against past level 6. You can try to dodge his ult with your E but most likely he'll dash in before that. Moreover, his E is a pain. Try to outpoke him pre 6 to gain the level on him, and rush a zhonya or banshee's to shield from his ult.”
Super08131208 says “Bait or don't get hit by Fizz's E so you won't take any dmg and he doesn't have any escape. Dodge Fizz's ult since it reveals you from shroud. Fizz ult = certain death. Kind of like Talon matchup first comes first serve.
Thegroaning_loki says “he just uses e to dodge your w poke wont take long for him to realize you HAVE to q away and he gets a free trade win probably should go corrupting and play to rotate once you get boots would probably perma ban”
Zoose says “You out trade him first 2 levels. Avoid his E pole jump when you can and go aggressive when its down. It has a 15-10 second cooldown. He can dodge all your damage with his E pole jump. At lv 6, he's a huge threat and can one shot you with his ultimate. His roam potential and river pressure is insane, so ping teammates and ward when possible. Aim to push waves and stay out of his vision, as he could be nearby behind walls and brushes to surprise ultimate you. Roam when its safe, as in, don't let him catch you in the river.”
Uberizm says “Fishy fishy for my dishy dishy can go suck a dick with his invul ability. If they are above average you cant really kill but otherwise its fine”
CaptainBattlaxe says “He can one shot you at level 6, but you can snowball the lane before that. Be patient with barrels, bait his pole jump and all in after. Your passive will destroy him. Orange for healing.”
Axty says “Probably the scariest champion to go into as soraka mid.
If you do play against him, take barrier. Play under tower. Play as safe as you possibly can. And hold E for when he dives you.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Aftershock]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Don't get outplayed by his E]
[Try your best to dodge his ult]
[Buy Mercury's Treads and Banshee's Veil]
[Don't let him free roam]”
spicy ricecaker says “This matchup is a breeze once you get the hang of it. Fizz wants to q onto you and auto w, but you can respond by using auto q. With your passive up, you will always outtrade him. If fizz ever tries to continue his combo with e, you can just tank it and all in. But you need a long wave to chase after him, so you want the wave ideally near your tower. Finally, don't immediately eq him while your nado is up. Try e auto, wait for his e, then q. Past 6, if he lands a big shark on you you'll die, so you want to be the lookout for his r if he throws it out. He can also animation cancel his r with q, so make sure to w if he randomly qs a minion.”
basrty1p says “His E is so annoying to deal with and his R can make you die in one combo.
Buy Zhonya's or Banshee to deny his damage.
If he wants to Q on you, Use your E immediately.”
lolzayno says “Hate this matchup because his abilities are on really low cooldowns and once he hits level 6 you pretty much lose since he will just ult you and land everything with ignite.”
Azurio says “Go fleet defensive and trade him pre 6. buy mercs as soon as possible, even hexdrinker if enemy jungle is ap.
You can kill him if he use E on wave.
Dodge his R by all cost (pay attention to his Q R combo on wave). Keep your E for defensive purpose (dodge E or R)”
ddieguito_es says “He can dash through your spells, ult you and kill you easily, get away with E... He has lane preference and he will win you no matter what pre 6. If you get ulted w/o Mercury boots and you're dead as well. Honestly, he ain't as bad in 12.23 but always get some kind of MR before your first item. After a few items he does nothing to you.”
xoBunnihime says “Runes:
Aery + Boneplating/Unflinching
Teleport/Barrier + Flash
Corrupting Potion
Hold onto Charm until after Fizz uses his E (Playful Trickster).
A smart Fizz player will hold onto this ability until Ahri throws her E (Charm). Bait this out!”
beansoce says “Bully him level 1 and deny him early, start w second to dodge his e damage. He does a lot of damage early so respect that, otherwise you'll die. Save your pool for his ult once he's 6 cause you can deny his ult damage.”
S4mst4r says “A good Fizz will use his E right before you apply your 3rd Stack on him and will land far enough away from you so u cant prock it but close enough to deal damage to you. Because you are slowed you can't proc you stacks and as soon as they are gone he can kill you with EZ!
Still rly squishy in Late and a OS if he missplays with E.”
Twisted Tea Fate says “Pretty unpopular but very hard to deal with. If you freeze the wave and constantly harass him with instant Ws, you can nullify his kill pressure.”
Bunny Kata says “You can dodge his ult with W, or even with E if you can react to it fast enough. If you can build some MR, he will do nothing against you.
His E is his main threat, once it's down just go and kill him.
Ignite-TP + Doran's Blade”
PanthrickTV says “You can bully Fizz early game with E max and ignite but if you don't get some significant MR he can one shot you at level 6. Make sure to rush Wit's End and try E in when he uses his E.”
KyogoEntity says “Abuse lethal tempo. Wait until he uses E and then tornado him.
Fizz's generally go in with Q so you shouldn't worry about that. You can wind wall his Fish. If he lands it it's almost a guarantied kill with gank help so avoid being overextended without flash. ”
Berdasco9 says “Un matchup extremadamente desagradable y una de mis recomendaciones a la hora de banear personaje, la unica forma para ganar a un Fizz es quizá buildearse Malmortius de primer objeto y buscar la outplay, igualmente a menos que el Fizz sea extremadamente malo no deberías poder ganarle nunca a partir de nivel 6.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Teleport or Exhaust or Barrier]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring or Corrupting Potion]
[Push your lane pre 6 so he will miss a lot of CS]
[If he jumps on you, punish him]
[Try your best to dodge his ult]”
donidaking says “Free matchup as you outrange him really hard so just poke him down.
Don t push the wave just match him and keep poking.
You can dodge his E damage with your Pool .
At level 6 even if he R's you you can just pool it after and you won t take damage.”
ADAhriAbuser says “Very hard lane. You have an advantage levels 1-3, you have to push him under tower and constantly harass with auto attacks so he isn't healthy enough to go all in, be very careful. Save your charm until he Q's at you, you can interrupt it and then follow up with your combo. If you see him use R ult away.”
Whitelies says “Your most annoying enemy in lane. His QW alone is enough to drain your health. Don't engage till he wastes his E. You can dodge his Q but time it well.”
The_Unf0rgiv3n says “Play it safe after level 3. If he ever hits his ult on you, you're most probably going to die.
If you dont feel safe at all and you're getting ganked, rush Zhonyas before Liandry's. For late game, go for Banshee as well!”
Nighswan says “Fizz straight up hard counters you. He can use his E to dodge your spells, gap close onto you and one shot you if his ult lands on you. Worth banning or play safe and roam to avoid feeding him.”
Ahri Simplord says “You can interrupt his Q mid-way so he'll likely try to engage with E, he can all in you lvl 3 with ignite. What you're looking to do is let him push the first wave and then slow-push the next waves to crash a huge wave on his turret,back and then teleport back to lane. Try to make him at least use his corrupting potions before backing. Crown is viable if they dont have champions with high range low cooldown abilities on the enemy comp. Zhonya 3rd if not 2nd.”
Autolykus says “Pre 6 is manageable. Just try to get a cs lead on him. When he is 6 be extremely careful when your passive is down. If he gets a lead it will lead him to buy Rocket Belt to break your passive from afar and easily ult and run you down. He is easily killable with ganks when you get your ultimate.”
Malzahar MID says “Unfortunately, Malzahar has done a dismal job of countering Fizz. Normally, he wins a lowly 47.6% of games the champions face off with one another in. In Malzahar versus Fizz rounds, Malzahar’s team is 0.1% less probable to obtain first blood. This implies that he most likely won't get first blood against Fizz.”
Dj Memelord says “Basically same as Leblanc. Survive early and outscale him. Try and bait him to ult in mid and then walk sideways to juke. Once his ult is down he has no real kill pressure in lane and matchups becomes ALOT easier.”
Dustyacer says “Use e to block his ult (be careful he doesn't cross u up, making u still take the dmg) or after his q/e. Be careful as his q/e can cross you up. When we get ahead, we can freeze and zone him, he can never cs, doesn't even have ranged abt to cs with.
His e can dodge our w if he times it right, if he doesn't do this, its a pretty free mu.”
Xalt says “Fizz is slippery try to force his E with your QE combo and then use W to tank his E fall damage your Q and E should be off cooldown for a all in without him being able to dodge your ult with his E.”
Bundif says “Besides being able to purchase the dreaded ⭐ITEM⭐, Fizz can dodge all your VERY HARD EARNED damage with his E. The answer to this, in the simplest terms is: Conqueror if you're not good with electro.
If the matchup is new to you, conqueror allows you to stick to him and smack at his cheeks to punish him. But I'd recommend playing around electrocute's cooldown to whittle him down. Fake an all in to force out his E then go for the kill.
Also a good Fizz will never allow this but when he throws his R at you, run INTO him and R him just before the fishy comes to bite your buns.”
EclipseMints says “I don't need to say much about fizz as its very self explanatory, his jump(e) just counters all your combos.
p.s bait his jump(e) out before ulting.”
DaffeLaffe says “Fizz is slippery try to force his E with your QE combo and then use W to tank his E fall damage your Q and E should be off cooldown for an all-in without him being able to dodge your ult with his E. If it comes to where you cant bait it out it is possible to just tank all his e damage with w.”
CuteNakedLoli says “Super annoying matchup, u can do something before his lvl.3 u can try killing him but after he gets his E u are outdeamaged in every scenario, beating him first back is crucial to winning but after he gets lvl.6 he will out damage you and u will not be able to kill him ”
Magmora says “Untargetability and high mobility with insane burst make laning into fizz living hell. Level 1 you can abuse your range advantage, but you cannot fight with q and can only use it to stop his engages. If he decides to all-in you starting with his shark ultimate, you can use your e to fly towards tower and escape. Everfrost/crown are really useful, as well as zonyahs.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike]
[Summoner Spell: Barrier or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Doran's Ring]
[Play very safe and try not to die early]
[Don't use your R when his E is up][Buy Banshee's Veil]”
Juon says “Fizz is very predictable, as soon as he uses q to engage just full combo him since he is stuck in animation, then will be stunned from your E. Max E second.”
King Turtle says “he's an assassin with an ability that makes him untargetable, his R hitbox is the size of the Grand Canyon, and he's a general pest because all they do the entire game is R spam you and then blow everything to make sure they get to you. Every. Single. Teamfight. It's the most frustrating thing in the world.”
V1kt0r555 says “[Rune Keystone: First Strike or Summon Aery]
[Summoner Spell: Barrier or Exhaust]
[Starting Item: Corrupting Potion]
[Recommended Mythic Item: Crown of the Shattered Queen]
[Bully him pre 6]
[Buy Verdant Barrier when first recall]
[Post 6, play safe and poke him with your E]
[Build Zhonya's Hourglass and Banshee's Veil]
[You outscale him in late game]”
lolzed5 says “utilize your w to dodge his e. try to watch out for his ult good fizz players will q a minion to gap close while hiding their ult animation with it. and they will perfectly time the e so you cannot ult his fish, make sure you always w out right before his e and r land on you.”
ChrisWasTaken says “You stomp early game and can negate his ult damage. But if he tries to q minion ult on you and E on you then you gotta take the damage and trade back with him even thought it seems you're dying, you gotta think your champ as like an OLAF where you fight till the end sustaining like crazy.”
Fake Supp says “he can oneshot you in any chance he gets play safe and dont do Risky combos just because of His E make sure he dont have E and then go for some E actions”
Winter Nicole says “Fizz: This champ is just annoying whenever he uses his one ability where no abilities can hurt him and his Ult gets annoying If you end up feeding him. (Recommend trying to play it safe but also trick Fizz alot with clones and wasting his mana)”
Vex Mid says “Since you're a anti-mobility champion but not with this champion, You can't do anything to a good Fizz however If you against a bad Fizz of course the bad Fizz can't do anything to you either.”
desch3445 says “While Fizz may be a melee squishy, a good Fizz can and will escape anything, while he is almost guaranteed to kill you at level 6 if he lands his ult. He stat-checks harder, snowballs harder, and overall will have more impact than you could ever hope to achieve with that wet noodle you call a hammer. Oh, sad days.
Take the First Strike page; While he does stomp you, he doesn't really negate the usage of First Strike in any way, it's weird. At least he spares you that much.”
ThePieBeam says “Hurts a fuck ton. Don't bother trying to Q until you know his Playful Trickster is on cooldown. If he's close enough to a minion he can still dodge your Q though so watch out, but if he does that then he loses pressure on you and you should be able to wall him off until you Q comes off cooldown. Be incredibly careful of his ult, and always ready to dodge. If you don't let him get fed at all pre-6 you should be able to hold you abilities until he tries to E, then burst him down after, even if he hits R first.”
UnxRuly says “Probably the easiest AP assassin to fight since most are unbalanced. Just wait for him to waste his invincibility on a stick and E his ult. ”
xmarksthesp0t says “No Threat. He has 2 major ways to get to you.
1.) his E-jump. You see it from miles away so just W back and throw Q+E when he lands and chase him down with lethal tempo.
2.) His ult, witch is good so play somewhat safe when his ult is up.
At all stages of the game you farm just as easy as him and you scale way better. Time your backs good, since his waveclear is good.
Even when they have alot of junglehelp and get ahead i find this matchup easy mid/lategame. Once he misses E or ult he is just toast.
LBDB says “Fizz he has your passive but better, has an annoying kit, and has a better level 6 than you. Not much to do until you get items and he can kill you under tower while not getting hit.”
TcKatfish says “[Press The Attack Runes / Long Sword and Refillable Pots start.] Fizz isn't too hard of a matchup to deal with as Akshan. This is a matchup where I would say that you can (if you want to) go Wit's End 1st item however it is not needed. Poke Fizz down for trying to farm and use your Q proactively as he runs at you to use his Q. Once he comes in on you don't fear the damage early. Keep spacing yourself off to give yourself room to use your grapple. Once he uses his E then follow him up with your E. Post 6 don't get hit by shark and play it the same way.”
lonestar1870 says “The Fizz lane is only impossible if he gets ahead. I've found the lane isn't too horrible as long as you play the early game well, avoid ganks, slowpush and crash large waves, farm well, and poke him hard. Accept the fact that he is hard to kill and don't waste your E/R for no reason.
Poke him HARD early, you need to win early (not necessarily kill him, but get a large CS lead). Make sure you ward and don't get ganked when you poke him under tower.
Fights with him can be a bit of a mind game, don't E/R unless he already used his E.
After you stun him with Q-E, don't R immediately unless someone else is able to CC him. He will E as soon as stun wears off and dodge most of your ult's damage.Use R after he uses his E.
It is hard to solokill him later into the game since he is so safe, just make sure you don't die.
Zhonyas/Stopwatch is great into fizz. You want to use it do dodge either his E or his Shark.
You can go Everfrost if you really struggle into him for the extra HP and Root.
I like to go Electrocute for the damage, but you can go Phase Rush.
I prefer Barrier over TP/Ignite so he can't kill me as easily.”
itakute says “Exhaust recommended. Try to take advantage of your stronger level 1-3, around level 4 fizz can start trading back. Try your best to dodge his E with yours and never let him shark you.”
BlockPad says “Rush mercury boots. He can oneshot you at lvl.6, his can escape easely and dodge all youre spell with E. Poke as you can and keep Q + W in case he will try to dive you.”
Dorom says “It's easy, really. You just bait out his E with your first E, then when he jumps down you stun him and punish him. If he's smart he'll play safe, so just farm or poke him with Q max. Look out for his burst though, should prob still max W.”
Silcy says “Wait until he jumps with his E, so you can stun him easier.
His ultimate combo usually kills you, so dodging/zhonya/banshee or flashing out is only option to survive.”
CashLOL says “Slippery and difficult to poke down in the early levels. Level 6 threat is tough as he can also dodge all of your abilities. Zhonyas will be needed quickly here. Use your W to get to the backend of your turret if you get hit by his ult. After you get Lost Chapter and Tear shove the waves under turret with abilities to keep him from roaming and wait for team fights.”
ShokLoL says “You can bully Fizz early game with E max and ignite but if you don't get some significant MR he can one shot you at level 6. Make sure to rush Wit's End and try E in when he uses his E. ”
iZianni says “HAHA
build zhonyas or lose
this match up is only vex favored if ur better in every way, otherwise the sheer STUPIDITY of Fizz will always win out because of riot's dumb design team.”
pwins says “Zoe can absolutely do nothing against Fizz, especially if it's a GOOD Fizz player. He can just dodge your sleep and eat you for breakfast. Try to abuse him level 1 and play passively in lane.”
livikattt says “He goes untargetable a lot, and can easily jump on you and oneshot you. If he gets a few kills off your bot lane, it's game over. Super easy to harass in lane, just wait for his jump.”
Juplicate says “You win pre-level 6 against him just watch out for his e which lets him go untargetable. After level 6 he will try to land his ultimate and one-shot. Use your e to dodge his ultimate or play careful to dodge it.”
MadaCareca says “Bagre matador de veigar . Ele pode usar o E dele para sair do seu E ou não levar dano de todas as suas abilidades
WayOfTheTempesst says “Early Null-Magic Mantle is good, similar to the Annie matchup so he can never 100 to 0 you. Poke him with Q every time he goes for cs. Every time he Qs onto you, fight him; you win the auto battle until he uses his E, then quickly E away to get out of the damage. You can Windwall his Ult which will make him unable to kill you.”
WayOfTheTempesst says “This matchup is pretty even. Save your E to dodge his E. Early null-magic mantle is good, similar to the
Annie matchup so he can never 100 to 0 you. Save your W for when he Qs into you to block a big part of his
burst trade. He can animation cancel his Ult with his Q, so be aware of that. Use your E to dodge his shark as
Katawina52 says “Yep this matchup is just too hard after the first back even worse than Diana. Try to kill him before that by going for short trades (harass combo on important kata stuff no. 2) this is the most effective way to trade with a Fizz. Look for roams and don't even try to 1v1 him anymore if you didn't kill him pre first back. Bone plating is a must vs Fizz and an early zhonya is nice.”
eiensiei says “REACTIVE lane, not proactive - this means I need to wait for him to make mistakes rather than go for random trades, I only AA him from range as we farm. Won't use my spells unless I've previously baited out his E (he can be harassed level 1 with E-AA if he starts W). Before 6 when he tries to go in, I'll W and cast E around myself, but won't detonate it until he finishes his E cast. He will either go out of my E range and not deal damage, or deal less damage through my W than I deal with E-AA. After he uses his Q, I'll use mine too since there are no more mobility abilities left, but won't stick around for further AA trades. Ideally after 6 I dodge his R, but if I don't, I'll use my Barrier (or stopwatch if it's up), W+E myself, detonate after his E, AA+Q+R+AA and he should be dead.”
Yeager says “Fleet foot + resolve tree + doran's shield. Main goal of this laning phase is to not give him any kills. If needed, you can go for a vamp scepter right after you finished tier 2 boots for the sustain. Fizz is a good pick against champs like Yone who doesn't have reliable disengage. If he starts W level 1 then don't trade with him level 1 and just focus on poking him from a distance with Q. Lane is pretty easy until he gets level 6. At that point you want to have at least boots so you have a chance to dodge his ultimate. DO NOT use any of your engage abilities when his E is up. If you look for a fight, always bait out his E first. ”
Drewmatth Taliyah says “MELEE = PUSH EARLY (LEVELS 1-2) - CARE FOR GANKS! (SPAM Q'S TILL 50-60% MANA ). He has no proper Wave Clear early, abuse that.
2 Dorans + Pots / 2 Dorans + Refillable + Early Null Mantle/Negatron/Mercs --> Ludens -> Mercs/Banshees.
MANDATORY: Time Warp Tonic due to his insane burst.
OPTIONAL 1: Minion Dematerializer for push->roam
OPTIONAL 2: Stopwatch --> Nullifies AT LEAST one ult. Both Zhonya and Banshees are good.
Play Aggressive till he hits 6, DO NOT AGGRO too many MINIONS!
After 6 focus more on roaming / distance poking - when his ult is up always assume you can die instantly (100-0) due to his ridiculous damage. Good Fizz players will Q through a minion and instantly R you in the flight-time of Q. IF YOU PREDICT R YOU WON. Ask early for ganks because he is easily campable (he will use E to dodge your damage/jump on you). Wait for your full combo until after his E, poke him down with your Q early. Midgame if you feel you get struck by his ults often get a Zhonya (instead of Banshees, or just complete Banshees if you went for early MR). Mercs are also useful but will nullify a part of your damage. Alternatively you can use your E to predict his Q and deal a lot of damage to his face (combined with Q). Use W afterwards to push him off your face OR force an E. If you go 2 dorans and time warp tonic and some mr he will not have enough burst to insta kill you unless he gets fed elsewhere. Play with Exh/Barrier/Heal if still needed, but use Heal before his Ignite for obvious reasons.
Good Fizz OTP's are one of the most dangerous matchups so proceed with extreme caution if you get countered by a Fizz.”
Yeager says “Rush verdant barrier for the MR and take barrier or exhaust as your summoner spell. You can harass him until he hits level 6, that's where you have to start being really careful. He can animation cancel his ultimate by Q'ing into a minion and then throwing R at the same time so you can't see when it's coming. Rush tier 2 boots early so you have a chance at dodging his ultimate. Without that, he can't do anything. Also watch out for his level 3 spike. Play for the first 100 hex fragments so you can upgrade your E to wave clear and stall out the game until you outscale. ”
Polarshift says “Since hes melee you can keep poking him in lane. You can try zoning and punishing him for taking CS in the first two levels, but you must be careful of his all in after level 3. After level 6 you have to be even more careful. Some Magic Resist or Exhaust from Spellbook will help you a lot. There is a neat trick with your ultimate that allows you to teleport out of his fish, resulting in his ultimate not doing any damage! Press R just before his fish reaches you. Learn important ability cooldowns through an external website and fight enemies when their abilities are on cooldown.”
Hullos says “High mobility, can dodge ult, ult is a major threat. Pre 6 you can often kill them or force flash if they use both mobility ability on you. But after 6 you have to play back as his ult is very difficult to dodge if you are too close. ”
ISterbenI says “He can jump over your wall (W) and out of your R thanks to his E. It's also difficult to dodge his R because of Anivias low movement speed. Buy zhonyas, thanks to it's passive, and play safe. You will eventually outscale him.”
TygoVe says “This little guy is pretty strong right now. Your passive does absolutely nothing against him, if I am not mistaken it will only block the slow from his ult, meaning the damage and knockup still happen, and he can just burst you down before you even get the chance to ult him. He can also just turretdive you and E back out while taking barely any damage. Take Nullifying Orb, and buy an early stopwatch. Use stopwatch before the shark comes up, not after. you might even want to go Zhonya's first item if he is a big problem, otherwise take it second. If I am wrong and your passive does block his ult, please tell me in the comments, he would be a minor threat. ”
AP WormMaW Mid says “This little guy is one of your hardest opponents. You can harass him (and you should!) early levels, but don't let him get his Q off on you, because then he has possibility to do huge combo on you, which might just kill you even during early levels, expecially if he has ignite and he knows what to do. You really need Negatron here, as usual and after level 6, just farm from distance and harass him only with your E and R (or possibly Q, but when he is between minions, its usually impossible to hit). In lategame it's a lot about position and information, where is he currently. If you let him flank you, you will mostly just flop, so when you decide to siege, always ask for wards on side and stand more behind unless you know, where exactly is he in every moment.”
Avucado says “Trading is relatively equal pre 6 so try to look for Q->HoB autos. Corrupting pot makes it hard to kill him so you will need ganks. Never E engage unless you know he didn't start E lvl 1. Fizz can easily kill you lvl 6, you want to constantly have your finger on E to dodge his R or else you will probably die. Letting him get ahead will make the lane unplayable and you will probably lose the game because he will contribute far more than you. Never try to R him unless you know for a fact his E is down and never all in him solo. Ganks are essentially the only way to kill a good Fizz. You can take Doran's Blade or Longsword Refill if you're confident that you can solokill them early.”
Callmebee says “Fish is only in Lux's diet in the first 3-4 levels. Trade with him pre 5 if you know the matchup, then farm under tower. Take exhaust or barrier depending on the other champions in the enemy team. Rush Zhonya's/Banshee's depending on the enemy comp.”
LunarVortex says “He has plenty of ways to outplay you and dodge everything you do and he can simply oneshot you at level 6. This can be helped by going Spellbook and cycling through defensive summoner spells. If he ever loses interest in you and switches his attention to your botlane, keep a Control Ward in the river at all times and spam-ping your botlane every time he roams. Buying an early Verdant Barrier can significantly reduce his kill pressure on you.”
Halfhand says “TIPS: Crown is a really good mythic item in this matchup. You can also buy Zhonya. Activate zhonya when he has his ult on you. If the enemy team has alot of ap banshees is a good option too. You can poke him early levels. But make sure you manage your waves properly. Don't push him in too far when he has his r.”
Yeager says “Do not attack him level 1 at all. You want to let him push the wave, so you can freeze it infront of your tower. After the freeze, you can harass him as much as you want and he can't do anything about it. The goal is to get zhonya's hourglass ASAP as it will counter his all-in. ”
Eriosunx says “Fizz is a very hard matchup.
He deals way more damage than Katarina does, and his laningphase is more consistent.
He has a big escape as well so its also hard for junglers to help you out.
Best option is to not trade him BEFORE LV3 and the optimal buildpath is ELECRTO+BONEPLATING+DOUBLEMR OR CONQUEROR+BONEPLATING+OVERGROWTH , starting DSWORD and trying to get advantage level 3”
Curt Mcbeltpants says “Galio is Fizz's hardest counter but one misplay and you could quite possibly die and it's gg mid, when he Q's and it on top of you make sure to E backwards into your own turret to either force Fizz to get chunked or he uses his E and you safely dash in your turrets direction.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Fizz is ok match up for Leblanc. If she can dodge fizz's E's and Q's with her W's and chain Fizz up without letting Fizz get on top of her then Leblanc should have no problem with this match up. Be careful at level 6 though and save your W's for when he uses his ult, you don't want to get caught by Fizz's shark.”
Xelikari says “Out-trading Fizz is pretty easy, once he hits 6 he can pretty easily 1v1 you though. Get a stopwatch and rush Zhonya ASAP and it completely nullifies his damage post-6 and you start beating him again. ”
Yeager says “Have Aery + Scorch in the sorcery tree, and also start with corrupting potion for early game pressure. Matchup is pretty simple. You auto him as much as possible when he walks up to farm, and zone him with the ball. If you normally struggle in this matchup, let him push the first 1-2 waves and freeze at your turret. He will be exposed to jungle ganks, and unable to farm because you can poke him over and over without him being able to return damage since he will be in turret range. Get lost chapter and rush tier 2 boots right after, so you can easily dodge his ultimate (it's a skillshot). Good fizz players will try to animation cancel the ultimate by Q'ing a minion, so watch out for that! You're much stronger in teamfights.”
Urpog says “Midlane: I would've had this in tiny threat but people tend to camp you whenever the enemy team has a Fizz; Trundle-Fizz is a notorious duo I've encountered many times and it can basically cycle kill you regardless of how you play the laning phase, when you're 1v1 against Fizz he can't do anything to you, if he ever uses his dash forwards into you just flip him and unload 1 second of your W into him, toggle it off and finish it with your normal auto attack regardless of level, it's important you toggle because he'll jump and go untargetable so you need to min-max the amount you're dealing to him, if he does dash through you successfully just hold your E for when he lands and you can catch him out and basically gullet him.”
Dj Memelord says “His passive helps to reduce alot of your spins damage. Try and push him under turret so he loses cs. Your w is a lifesaver if he lands his ult on your and is about to burst you.”
Fuzzmonkey says “Very hard counter, since he has all the utility to dodge your abilities constantly. Would recommend asking for ganks when his E is down.”
CashLOL says “Zed can never R a good fizz when he has E up, later you can never R him cause he has hourglass as well. There are options to win like building an eclipse to live his burst and because a skill gap can be involved as well.
XayLies says “You CAN Wind Wall his R, but it's hard to react so fast most of times. He got really high damage and mobility, and you'll need a gank to cc him down.”
iZianni says “He builds two dorans rings and you automatically lose because of the champion difference. His E counters your entire kit and his advantage in mobility makes it incredibly hard to distance properly at all.
Your only option here is to win pre-6, build an early zhonyas and survive. If you don't, one shark will end your life.
Play around the troll-pole and shark cooldown. Avoid over-comitting with your spells, a missed E spells death in this match up. ”
Aegox says “Fizz is arguably one of the scariest burst champions, there's not much stopping him. Just throw your E and hopes he lands in it so you can escape.”
Eriosunx says “Fizz matchup is pretty hard after 6.
He will start dealing a lot of damage and if he lands a full combo with his ultimate he will for sure 100 to 0 a Yasuo even in levels.
In lane pre-6 you can easily trade him by making sure you have minions to dash to in order to dodge his E.
Once you dodged his E you basically won the trade.
Try putting as much pressure as possible pre-6.
Fleet is optimal in this matchup due to the nature of the trades.
Going Double Doran's Sword + Boneplating is also a good option, since will make Yasuo tankier and harder to oneshot.”
Eriosunx says “|RECCOMEND CONQ+BONEPLATING| Used to be an easy matchup for Akali but after the early-game nerfs Fizz's has way more damage-output than Akali, I reccomend avoid trading him before level 4 and going only for poke Q's.”
Goldenstinger says “Can be very annoying if he gets ahead - bully him lvl 1 and 2 and let the lane shove into you. You want to take the MR rune into this match up to survive laning. Play safe and avoid fights post lvl 3+ ”
ToHadesWithYou says “With Time Warp Tonic and biscuits, you can trade pre 6. But once he is 6, it is better to not go agro. Time your Q well after landing your E, He will use his E to become untargetable but once the duration of his E ends, he will be targetable while asleep.”
SaltCat says “Fizz is annoying too ;p, i personaly ban him, but if you didnt ban him then, you should poke him and harass him hard level 1, level 2 same, level 3 he is stronger than you so if you havent brought him to low hp its best to sit back, chill and farm, poke him when you can, its quite simmular to zed match up. Here you can buy either zhonays or banshees. Buy zhonays if they have other ad champions and use it to avoid his deadly R. Buy banshees if they have more ap champions or cc or any other abilities that can kill you. ”
ShokLoL says “One of Zoe's hardest matchups, try harass heavily levels 1 and 2 and avoid dying at his level 3 spike. Taking spellbook TP and swapping to barrier at 6 can help survive his all in. It's very hard to lane or teamfight vs this champ because you're so immobile but if you can get a zhonya second item for his ult it will make it a lot easier.”
leonidas44 says “Taugh match. In early game he will do more dmg than you. Once you get 6 you need to get him use his ult on you so you can cancel it with yours. He has a lot of burst in early stages of the game so be careful”
angeLoon says “lethal Dblade in Resolve Bone plating and overgrowth
try to poke him lvl 1,2 and have long trades against him on early,before 6
you can block fizz's R
buy Magic Resist Early”
Kords says “With Fizz, it is very important you shove him in and watch his levels, he gets powerspikes lvl3-lvl6 and can kill you if you don't work around the waves. He won't all in you if you're in a stack of minions. If he hits 6, he can kill you with ease, even under tower if you're not careful. Exhaust is CRUCIAL to use as he lands the fish, as his burst gets weakened. You can then ult him back (assuming he already E'd on you but a good fizz only use it to escape) to stop him from killing you. He can waveclear once he has some points in E. So he can then follow you after that. His counter ganks are strong with R, and not so strong without, focus him in teamfights if you don't want him to assassinate everyone. (Fizz is very fishy in the sense that you can’t use all your spells early to block a bit of damage but rather you have to take that damage and then use your disengage because else he will just kill you by jumping over ult)”
TheoRut says “He can dodge all of your abilities with his E. Try to bait his E out and then stun him and one shot him. You dont win any trades in early game against him. I would suggest playing as safe as you can and take electrocute.”
SaltCat says “Broken? Yes ban it most of the times, if not cry bec he will oneshot you with only q for some reason, if you dont ban him, then poke with q, use e to dodge his e or r, and then cry while he oneshots you with q <3”
Schohn says “He can jump over your cage with his E, can dodge poke with E and Q and has insane engage and tower-dive abilities. Definitely not a nice matchup.”
ShokLoL says “Fizz has very defined moments of strength and weakness and playing around these are key. Level 1 and 2 Fizz can be punished very hard but level 3 and level 6 he is very strong. Try and crash either 2 or 3 waves into his tower and then let it bounce back to you. You do not want to be pushed up in the lane level 3 onwards. His main trading tool, his E, is also his main waveclear tool so make sure to keep track of this cooldown and it’s by far the most important. You may want to take a defensive summoner like barrier/exhaust or you can rush a null magic mantle (even if you don't upgrade it) to make the lane easier.”
WildeBob says “Fizz will beat you really hard in lane, however you outscale him really hard. Many games Ive seen corkis feed in lane to a fizz but still win because you outscale and get a massive shutdown from him. However, just prevent him from snowballing other lanes because then its hard to win if all lanes lose.”
rCadeKing says “guides say that fizz counters qiyana so they will pick fizz into you, buy hexdrinker if they have more than 1 ap champion (count ap supports as a champ)”
King Turtle says “He can use E to cancel your Q poke while still being able to go in on you for a trade. He can also use his E to dodge barrels and escape your R radius. ”
ShokLoL says “While this is ultimately a skill matchup it's extremely volatile and a lot easier for you to make a mistake than for the Fizz. Levels 1 and 2 you can bully him quite hard but be very careful of getting bursted level 3. After 6 make sure you save a dash to avoid his ulti or at least to get out of his range. ”
Yasukeh says “ He is a very slippery champion who can often easily trade onto you and you can't react if you don't prepare for it. If you make sure to not get hit by his slower troll pole at the end of his trade, you should be able to survive until you find an opening to kill him. ”
Elite500 says “Q spam him, if you didn't push lane you shouldn't die to him, you can pool his W and his ult even if R hits you, you can still dodge the damage and make it useless, if you're experienced, the matchup is free”
Dr Eggmund says “Feels great when you destroy a Fizz as any champ and Vladimir should be great against him. Pool his Ult to deny his all in and poke fizz with Qs early to pressure him and deny him farm. Try all ining at 6 however i reccomend you get fizz to a lower health than most other champions or bait out his E, as this will prevent him from denying your damage. Build the usual protobelt, and buy sorcerer's to poke him even more for the squirt he is.”
iZianni says “Counters our ult, has one shot potential with a D ring.
This champ is uncounterable because of his own counterplay. If you cast ball out, expect to be all inned. You do get to free farm though if he's not confident in killing you.
Zhonyas match up”
Ambitieux says “This lane is almost unplayable. But ur only advantage is levels 1-3, You have to be able to get him under turret were you can deny him csing by you autoing him nonstop. be EXTRA Cautious in this lane, you MUST save your charm for when he is Qing at you. It will interrupt it and you have to walk back. If this is missed you will get punished severely. Might need to run Mercs. Also if you see him use R just R away. #FuckFizz”
kindo says “Matchup is pretty rough, especially if he snowballs. He rushes zhonyas as a core item, so he always has both engage and disengage while building armor vs Kindred.
Early trade patterns for Kindred revolve q'ing in or to the side (such as auto/q/auto) in which case you'll walk into his range where he'll either:
- q/auto/w and e away.
- e (to cancel your auto/q damage)
He can force your ult with his and easily disengage (he can force without using his E), and his E/Zhonyas/Stopwatch will almost ALWAYS be up at the end of your ult, so executing him after is almost impossible.
He'll likely be a problem where he'll just run the map because you don't have the ability to walk up and clear the wave without being pressured by his ult forcing yours for free or 1 shotting you if yours is down.
His ult CD is much less than yours, and he builds CDR through his build path naturally. Overall a good ban if you don't struggle vs. other champs as he's picked much more.”
Baion says “His E, makes him dodge your E. His ult is impossible to dodge, because you have few mobility. Try to poke as much as you can, not getting to close to his Q range. You can survive his combo with flash on level 6 and solo-play him.”
iZianni says “>>>DO NOT USE YOUR Q UNTIL HE Es<<<
If you play Fizz, I automatically assume that you have a troubled home life and need to take it out on strangers over the internet.
build Zhonyas first item or you will get tower dived from 100% hp to 0 in half a second.
You can early abuse this match up, which is your only win con early but it is ultimately meaningless because the world favors fish.
Also a Verdant Barrier match up if you want.”
BIG BRAIN MAN says “Get hexdrinker. Most fizz players have something wrong with their brains, so going barrier might even work too. They'll see you low and dive you, then you just pop a bunch of shields lol. It sounds dumb but works even in plat to low diamond. ”
Coldsong says “A bad Fizz beats a bad Talon, but a good Talon beats a good Fizz. Bait out his E, since when it is on cooldown it will be easier to combo him. Make sure to dodge his ult at all costs and you should be fine, especially with some magic resist.”
DemonDiana says “Fizz counters your all-in reliance and can duel you in extended fights with his W, although as the game progresses, your extended dueling will be superior as you get your stats/have conqueror stacked reliably. For a general tip vs Fizz: Try not to use your R until after he has used the knock-up portion of his R (if he cast it on you) and after he Es. Your R will go off as long as your R before he Es, but he can avoid the R damage if he Es.”
TismoTheTilted says “He can dodge anything you throw at him unless you get his E out of the way.
Try to W away from his R, you'll just have to try and predict it.”
ParkboyYT says “Personally I perma ban this champ, his e will completely dodge any skillshots like your ult if don't force him to use it before a big trade.”
resetwice says “Can run from W and block abilities = harder to proc your passive.
If he hits his R probably you would die even if you jump a wall, be careful!
His roams are very good too!
Kessi says “This is one of the hardest if not the hardest matchup for Qiyana. He usually out-damages you from early to late. Even tho in early game, you can still outtrade him if you do well enough.
Try to use bush as much as possible to slightly win trades. Get dirk and try to kill. Even if he outdamages you, it doesn't mean he's unkillable. Lvl 1 you can also go for a quick electrocute proc,
since he won't be able to do much damage.
You'll need to roam a lot to farm kills as you wont get any in lane so go Swifties or Mobility Boots.”
jmo0 says “Fizz is ahri's toughest matchup, would recommend banning him. His untargatbility is on a similar cooldown to your charm, and once he gets his lucidity boots you won't be able to charm him. Abuse your early wave clear and try to build up a early CS advantage, and roam to other lanes often. ”
Sylvan Lore says “Fizz has always given me a lot of trouble on immobile mages. You can bully him incredibly hard early as long as you play around his Q and E cooldowns, but even with a 20 cs lead, his lvl 6 is absolutely devastating. If you have flash and think there is a possibility you will die, just flash his ult before it hits rather than waiting to see if he will all in. In many cases i will get either a tear or a lost chapter and go straight into a banshee veil rush to negate the insane catch ability of his ultimate. You can also alter your runes to get stopwatch in your secondary tree if you don't want to go the banshee rush build and want more damage.
Wholesomefrog says “He can block everything with his E, hes a good fighter who deals a lot of damage. He can easily dodge your Q with his Q (In case his E is used) .
Also a good ban.”
TheDisconnectEUW says “FOR MIDLANE
A classic Zilean counter. Would be extreme counter but Fizz is just such a bad champion in S11. Don't die and you are good. Try not to be in lane against him. Keep roaming around and you should be good.”
Saddest says “The Fizz matchup is not for the faint of heart. He will always out trade you, so if you plan on doing so be quick as possible. Though, I advise not doing so unless his E is on CD. Electrocute is great in this matchup. Do not take long trades, his bleed and W auto cancel are too powerful. Post 6, be aware of his R at all times. If hit, you can E away onto minions if they are nearby as he will likely be on top of you, ready to E2. If there are no minions around, place your W on the ground, move away from it, and W on to it as he is about to E2. The point is to avoid the E2! R alone will not kill you (probably), but R + E will. However, if you play perfectly, he can be killed. A Fizz with no/a misused E is extremely vulnerable.”
Zethal_Na says “It will be really hard to control yourself in lane. You'll e in and 2nd q all the time, but fizz can just dodge all of that. Oh yeah, guess what, he'll out trade you until you have some magic resist and items. ”
TrueSatan666 says “Same as Zed, but in magic resist mode.
You'll be surprised the amount of Fizz's who will attempt to attack you head on and finding out they cannot do anything to you.
Keep on moving, never fight Fizz under their minions, move back and then fight him no problems, just save your dart for when he's down from his trickster skill.”
Potato Power says “untill level6 you are the stronger boyo, so abouse it as mutch as possible, bit hard to do it without pushing lane tho, so its scary also, but after lvl6, if he hits ult you are dead 100%”
Mylan2122 says “Outplayable but even bad fizzes can win vs better Xerath's.
Buy stopwatch/zonyas first or second and you "should" be good. Still, he can kill you with almost no skill. You can hit as much skills as you'd like but you probably won't kill him. Respect his R from bushes. ”
ReapeRGP says “By far the matchup I hate the most. He can one shot you and also escape your E and R. Don't use your R if his E is up and try to baitit with Everfrost. Take Barrier or Exhaust and build Banshee's.”
roselol says “before 6, its easy to poke out fizz. maybe they can oneshot level 3 if you're low enough. after 6, you have to dodge the ult by moving side by side or by w'ing sideways. if you dodge the ult, you're safe to walk up and farm.”
duhnx says “He dodges everything with E and outrades with W. Don't fight, try to roam and E away when he ults. Fight him when he wastes E and doesn't have ult. Early Hexdrinker is very important, don't use Nullifying Orb, use Bone Plating.”
Midget Mage says “Fizz is the absolute bane of your existence. Everything in his kit is made to shit on you. He has lots of mobility to avoid your stun, waveclear that outmatches yours until late game, immense burst, and untargetability that he can use to dodge your ult. If you face him, I suggest asking top lane to swap because you'll have a hell of a time trying to lane against him”
Netwou says “You better to play defensively before 6, because nice yasuo will just kite you with q. Always save e or q to dodge his tornado. On 6 play agressive ant try to bite yasuo's Wind Wall. If you did this then do your ult combo, yasuo will probably die. Roam.”
Grayified says “[MID] Any Rune (not DH) - Cull or Corrupting Potion - Exhaust | Be very careful of his hop, when it's down you're safe to fight. Exhaust is extremely helpful at winning fights and reducing Fizz's burst.”
richardlized says “Fizz is also a tough Zed matchup, and it is generally because of his E. Once he has no E, you just straight up win. Fizz’s greatest weakness is that he has 0 ranged basic abilities. Zed can abuse fizz by Qing every time he goes for minions, and the damage stacks up. If Fizz Q’s on you, do a FAST WQWE backwards so fizz cannot react with E. After 6, you can dodge his ult with your ult. Even if you get hit, you can still dodge it with your ultimate but most Fizz press E to make themselves untargetable so well, don’t get hit. (Prowlers Electro). In higher elos, the Fizz will throw R at you from a distance, so you would not be able to ult the fish. So well, don’t get hit and be careful about using W when he could be around as if you have W you can usually get away but if you get by his ult with no W you’re dead.
Katasandra says “[1] Be aware of his E invulnerability and make sure you don't waste W when he uses it. If he uses it to dodge Q it's worth it for you.
[2] If he R's, E, W him and reactivate E just before it pops.
[3] Can also R his R in emergencies.”
Thresh Mid says “Fizz is capable of dodging point blank combos and has insane all in potential while not having to worry about your combo since his playful/trickster is a relatively lower cooldown later on into the game.”
Eoba says “E(Trickster) can dodge your rakes. Be patient when trading with him. Mostly use Auto Crit Q Auto's to trade. ONLY use W and R if you know his E is down.”
xMetix says “Like Diana it's a hard match up where you need to make sure you can survive his burst, you should win longer trades, do not engage with your E so you can follow him when he tries to disengage using his jumps. Abuse E cooldown and take wave control since he shouldn't be able to shove waves without using his E.”
MikaeraKun says “Easy to play against unless he's OTP 1 million mastery and even then you can probably win this, just bait him our for abilities and kill him afterwards.”
DabiDabi says “The only way you'll lose trade is if Fizz dodges your returning W with his E and still manages to hit you with the second part of his E. If you dodge both of his E and he comes at you with his Q, just Auto, Melee Q, Auto him and you win trade. Try to dodge his ult since it gives him true sight and slows you.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Fizz is very hard to deal with because he can dodge a lot of your damage with his E and can max range ult you so you're an easy 1 shot after 6, but you can poke him early very easily and have a lot of dive and kill pressure especially with your jungler.”
ok0goi says “Look for trades early, when he uses his dodge you can hit him with e.
Post 6: Try to avoid his shark, then you have an opening window to attack. Otherwise you will most likely just die
Recommended build: Immortal shieldbow”
DabiDabi says “Bait or don't get hit by Fizz's E so you won't take any dmg and he doesn't have any escape. Dodge Fizz's ult since it reveals you from shroud. Fizz ult = certain death. Kind of like Talon matchup his he gets first hit you're dead.”
tozosi says “Any time you want to go in on him, he'll just use his E to evade most, if not all of the damage. Chances are, it will be very difficult to kill him in lane. As well, he can trade very easily against you and you can't do much against it because of his E. Just look for roams. Don't ever look to all in him and look for roams.”
TheSecretsWithin says “Even though Fizz is every mobile with his Q and E, Fizz can't really do much in the lane. Due to his lack of wave clear. If he holds his E, pressure the wave. If he uses it on the wave all-in him as his E is most of his damage anyway. If you are pressuring the minion wave and he doesn't E, roam, pressure the map, force the Fizz to make a decision, either he wastes his E on the minion wave, or you get to freely roam without being punished. Either way, it's a win-win for you. Though don't underestimate Fizz, at lvl 6, he might be able to still 1 shot you if you are caught off guard. ”
3Riptide3 says “Can and will tower dive you after level 3. You can poke him down before but after stay away. Try to perma freeze at your tower so he has to be aware of your jungle. Rush hourglass. ”
Nanelol says “Fizz is one of Zoe's main counters. One way to beat him is to punish him pre-6. Poke him under tower and get first move to skirmishes. Once he hits 6 respect the hell out of him, build MR and play towards your range. ”
Nanelol says “Fizz is a very hard matchup: Try to poke him out and scale and do not get close to him as from level 3 on he can do about 60% of your HP with one combo. You need to have great positioning to win this lane as once you hit 6 you need to be a long way from him to be safe. You always have to dodge his Ultimate somehow or he will just oneshot you everytime. ”
TheEnglishman says “I see even matchups as a case of you can't lose it unless there's major outside input, they know tf or fizz better than you know tf. Yes he can kill you but locking tf is basically saying that you know you're the better player. If you're wrong and don't have good roams or don't have good enough positioning you're already done in champ select.”
Stacked fate by TheEnglishman | Twisted Fate Player
TheDuskWalker says “All summs work. Electrocute or Phase Rush. You can completely outrade him early game if he missplays but be cautious since he has nortorious amounts of damage from lvl 3. You can always pool his ult but make sure to respect his all in potential when you're low.”
Toddiek24 says “Fizz is a very good choice against Akshan, because Fizz can easily outplay his abilities and then go back and kill Akshan easily. ( and after level 6, if you can't outsmart Akshan, then ONE KILL! )”
Jinx_48 says “he can dodge all your abilities
Your Q E and his ult.
best thing to go all in when he dont have cooldowns best is rush zhonyas bc he is high damage. FOR NOTHING TRADE WITH HIM , electrocute proc withh rly burst his damage and yo u can lose trade even with your W. Anyway Try always to dodge his ult with E bc if he land full range ult with one item you are death if yuo dont have zhonya.”
Nanelol says “This fishy guy becomes untargetable every few secs, making ur q a nightmare to hit. If he hits u with his ult, rest in peace. Take barrier if u didnt ban him.”
xXMonster1GirlXx says “He's so hard to fight against. The only thing you can do is poke him with AA and Q. Just stay away from him and try not to miss your E to his E.”
Nanelol says “Either poke him out with Aery or run away with Phase Rush post-6. Pre-6, abuse him all you want because he's a melee champion. Wait. He has a dash. Don't walk up. Preferred rune: Phase Rush ”
uSgSello says “Losing matchup.
Fizz has a high damage output with his auto hits + W + red buff in the early game. You should not fight him while he has red buff. Also he is able to dodge your cocoon with his trickstar.”
seemes says “HORRIBLE MATCHUP. his e makes you q useless, only use it when you... A) have space to escape or B) he has used his e
you have an advantage lv1 so you can push him in early and try to get an xp lead. aslong as you dont throw out your q randomly you should be fine.”
Sanctuar says “Fizz is by far one of the most annoying champions to play against, simply due to the low cooldowns on his abilities. He can cancel your active W by jumping mid-air with his E which screws up your entire combo and dmg output. A Zhonya's is necessary to counter his ultimate as well as the damage from his basic attacks which get reduced by Armor. He is a melee champion which means you can harass him a lot, but be careful about his burst access post 6. ”
fanchessfan says “ E him away when he tries to go in. If he gets ahead ur really f*ked. Take double MR runes and exhaust and trade around his cooldowns. Respect his ultimate. After level 6 if he goes in, go invis with your ultimate and either kite or disengage. Get your jungler to try to "hover" you while you bait. ”
Vispectra says “One of the easiest lanes in history for you ! If you see Fizz , you won't regret picking Kassadin. Early he has to get into your face to trade with Q or E which makes it super easy to trade back with a Q to block his damage and the rest of your abilities. With electrocute , you'll get some free easy kills. Don't think however that he can't burst you down , avoid that R as it will turn the fight in his favor if done correctly.”
Iannis623 says “// Ults you, you're dead //
Literally, R does a ton of damage, slows you down, he can jump on you while being untargettable, you're pretty much dead, only safety is team fights with selective picks”
NotAnOtp says “Can all in you very easily and can get out of your combo really easily, poke him, play safe, don't try all in if he still has his combo”
Astalfo says “Fizz is a champion that will snowball the living hell out of your game if you don't watch out. Let him push and have your jungler gank while he's under your turret, he can easily escape with his E if he's too close to his turrets.”
StarTundra says “In order to have a chance in lane, you have to play perfectly. Fizz can dodge your q with troll pole and then jump on you for big damage. Post 6 Fizz can almost guaranteed one shot if he lands a shark and you don't have Zhonyas. He also out sustains you with Corrupting. Zhonya's is your best friend against fizz, as if you zhonya's his shark he likely wont engage, and if they're the type that will, then you can wall before zhonyas to stop their approach. If they burn E to hop the wall and you zhonyas shark you can prolly win the trade.”
ProdScu says “Fizz it's known for being one of the biggest mid-lane counters of all time.
To fight him pre level 6 make sure to dodge his E because it's his only escape ability.
Fighing Fizz after level 6 it's a bit harder because he can throw his ultimate at you and pretty much one shot you so position yourself behind minions all the time.”
cookanarities says “Matchup is pretty rough, especially if he snowballs. He rushes zhonyas as a core item, so he always has both engage and disengage while building armor vs Kindred. Early trade patterns for Kindred revolve q'ing in or to the side (such as auto/q/auto) in which case you'll walk into his range where he'll either: - q/auto/w and e away. - e (to cancel your auto/q damage) He can force your ult with his and easily disengage (he can force without using his E), and his E/Zhonyas/Stopwatch will almost ALWAYS be up at the end of your ult, so executing him after is almost impossible. He'll likely be a problem where he'll just run the map because you don't have the ability to walk up and clear the wave without being pressured by his ult forcing yours for free or 1 shotting you if yours is down. His ult CD is much less than yours, and he builds CDR through his build path naturally. Overall a good ban if you don't struggle vs. other champs as he's picked much more.”
TheWerefloof says “Does he have E? Yes > Wait for him to use it. Does he have E? No > Q + E and run him down. He can cancel your ultimate with his E, so he should never be the enemy you focus with it unless he barely escaped by using his E. You can swing freely while the shark is under you, so don't use your E unless you're confident you can kill him past 6 as it's your best friend at escaping his one shot.”
luminyan says “Ban or lose lane. Fizz is a matchup I hate regardless of who I play, so everytime I queue up I ban Fizz. His abilities can dodge all of you skillshots, and a good Fizz player knows how to time his abilities. I hate laning against him, as even barrier and Zhonya's doesn't save me from him.”
Aethlo says “Fizz has equal wave clear. ||
Fizz loses pre-3. ||
Fizz wins pre-6. ||
Fizz and Annie are equal post-6. ||
Annie slightly outscales Fizz. ||
Tip: Fizz can dodge your stun. Using Q is bad therefore - because it isn't instant. Post-6 it is all about who gets the engage on who - so you must use either W or tibbers to stun fizz on your all in. Ignite is recommended for this "all-in war". Be wary of his R-Q combo which hides his ult with his Q... ”
PRoli03 says “Favorable trades for you but if he lands his ultimate on you it is difficult to survive. His all-ins are monster so only extend trade is you are 100% sure you win it.(Fleet footwork for new corkis and electrocute for experienced ones)”
DarDarThePenguin says “Fizz is easy to control, outmaneuver, and kill early. After level six or his first item, he becomes extremely hard to face, even if behind. Take the standard rune page with MR.”
iamcasualty says “Say Hello to AP Zed. same thing applies here but get Banshees instead of zhonyas or if hes not much trouble and is only able to kill you when landing ult, get zhonyas and when he throws the fish and goes to dive you slam the Zhonyas before his ult goes off. he needs to land his Fish Ult to really dive you (unless he's ahead then you're dead anyway) don't let the fish deceive you it's got a pretty generous hit box you NEED TO DODGE IT or he's going all in and then leaping out for free with his pole dance ability.”
Kirito OTP Xerath says “PERMABAN - Si quieres jugar Xerath, permabanea a este campeón, un Fizz puede dejar a Xerath fuera de la partida muy fácilmente, es mejor banear a este champ, razones no faltan, Fizz tiene mucho daño y desplazamiento, por lo cual, se nos puede poner en frente en cuestión de 2 habilidades, sin contar su R, la cual tiene un daño suficiente como para acabar con Xerath en las fases más tardías de la partida.”
TheMockingSnowman says “Very favorable matchup but require some patience. His E allows him to escape from your W and E so wait for him to use it to trade and such.
A55AILANT says “He's melee so poking him in lane should be easy.
Zone and punish him when he goes in for CS.
Watch out for his all in after level 3.
Early Zhonya or Banshee is a good idea.
FrostbiteMW says “Matchup is fine pre 6, after 6 it turns into hell. Poke as much early as you can and get a cs advantage. After 6 hold your stun until he dashes onto you for a free combo. Dont step too far! If he lands ult he can easily oneshot you.”
FrostbiteMW says “Matchup is fine pre 6, after 6 it turns into hell. Poke as much early as you can and get a cs advantage. After 6 hold your stun until he dashes onto you for a free combo. Dont step too far! If he lands ult he can easily oneshot you.”
Daers says “You shine before level 6 in this matchup. Full combo him every chance you get. You will win level 1-2 fights every time as long as he doesn't have a larger minion wave than you do. After level 6 play off of him missing his R and 2v1s. Dueling him post 6 is generally a bad idea. ”
SpartanDumpster says “Like I've said, no match up is really impossible for Yone, but Fizz does have a major advantage in this match up. It's fairly easy to misjudge when Fizz is all inable, especially him using his hop ability could simply mean you failed your engage and have to back off.”
Sailor MOwOn says “Surprisingly I haven't had this match-up with this build, but as a Mid Main I hate Fizz so he's probably just as annoying. Zhonya's always with him. I'll update more once I encounter him with this specific build but he sucks no matter what.”
Wolfwarrior95 says “He can counter your ult with hes E
and he can jump out of your wall
U need to Time your wall and play safe! also in late game u will be fine vs fizz just don't feed him ;)”
VeneficusFerox says “Not a hard counter anymore since the removal of DFG. The CD of his Troll Pole is much longer than your W. You can also bait it with Q-W instead of W-Q.”
Little Planet says “Avoid at all costs, you heavily rely on projectiles to deal damage which Fizz's E just completely nullifies. Waveclear and get out of lane, you don't win the 1v1 unless he fucks it.”
Papa Urgot says “you can never R him when he has E, later you can never R him cause he has zhonya's as well. there are options to win cause skill is involved as well but fizz has the better hand here.”
Excalibxr says “Extremely tilting champ, he can cancel your q dagger with his e and dodge your w dagger with q. If he lands his r past 6, you are dead. I recommend going for an AD style build and going Wit's End first item. ”
Joseph Evanss says “Just stick on him and spam q and autoes. Once he uses e then you use e to follow and kill him. If he gets ahead its really annoying to deal with but shieldbow helps a lot with it. Go Bone Plating, Overgrowth + D Blade”
ahspaghetti says “rush verdant, go bone plating if you want to avoid his burst. try to go for short trades against this guy pre 6 and look for an all in before his first back, as it will be a lot harder to kill him. try to only all in him when his e is down. going ad kat is a good option to take down this fish. post 6, you should always have e up as if he ults you, you will die, so by having e up and having minions around, you can dodge his ult. BEWARE THAT HIS ULT GOES THROUGH MINIONS. can go wits end/ mercs against him”
Black Shadow QIYANA says “If you dont miss anything and you dodge his E at lvl 3 you will pretty much kill him but at lvl 6 you will have a harder time to kill him because his R can give him true sight so if you bush he can still see you and will 1 shot you if he dont miss his R unless you have your support for shielding. Early game EVEN mid-game”
Deathbat1 says “Fizz is a pretty major threat because of his ability to move quickly and dodge your W. He is a formidable lane opponent but however is quite squishy if you can hit him.”
BullRedHunter says “Fizz is so strong and trading with him is hard, just try to poke when u find his Q and E on cooldown or any of his spells, just try to survive lane and in late he cant deal with you when you have ult”
peytonqt says “[SKILL MATCHUP/EVEN] [PR/Electrocute] [D Blade/Long Sword] Fizz is just annoying and has a burst potential somewhat equal to Diana. Poke him and try to punish him for CSing. His dive and burst potential is still good early so don't get greedy. Don't get baited into tower because he might have his invulnerable jump up. ”
Doctor Yas says “Fizz is a skill match up that is heavily favored for Fizz after he hits six. Be sure to buy life steal or MR against him. Save wind wall for his ult. ”
JoshAy says “Don't let him chunk you pre-6 because he will try and all in you as soon as he can. Dodge his ult as much as you can. He is a melee AP assassin so he shouldn't be able to bully you out of lane if you play smart. Be careful if he roams and gets kills. Don't E2 if he has his E up. Take his ult for skirmishes/ganks/roams/solo kills. ”
harris tegas says “the problem is his E and if he dive you with his R he can outplay you. but i will say you that when he do his R do W E left from there and if he dive to you pressed again E to go back to the smoke . as a result he will not do his combo.”
iKrez says “The little fish can choose his trades while you cannot do it.
His E can be an engage AND a disengage, the only way you win that match-up is because you dodged his E with your (on a minion)
Fizz is also a good champion underturret because he can last hit minions with his W and needs a lot of space to throw his ult and detonante it before you reach your own turret.
I recommend to play this matchup at your turret and use grass Q to force him engage you with E and not Q and punish him if he dives you”
Ryank30 says “Fleet + Resolve. This matchup isn't as hard compared to the likes of Zed and Akali, who have safe ways to outrade you. When he goes in for a trade he is forced to use his E to either disengage or burst you down, and whatever he chooses to do you can easily punish him, especially with bone plating and fleet you can deny his burst and be able to survive to trade back. You still have to be careful of his burst damage at level 6, you will die if he R's you.”
Sparklle says “i only added in a few champs that i saw with decent threat.
pretty much anyone who can cc you and engage hard will stomp you. when you get cc'd you cannot reactivate your Q and your ULT will stop. this makes you a sitting duck”
1 Am Zed says “For most zed players fizz is a very hard matchup, personally i've never had issues.
Would recommend to try and bait fizz Q, and when he Q's you, react fast - W backwards Q + E him and teleport to your W before he can react (Use his E) - that you way can set up trades that are won by you, and this won't allow fizz to chunk you for free.”
Mpegial says “This *thing is very hard to kill due to his E he can escape whenever he wants and you can do nothing about it, what you *can do is try and bait his E so he has no escape. (Careful for shark attacks*)”
Tauricus2017 says “He can easily deny your stacked E making your trades quite awful. Flash is a solid summoner spell in this matchup as you can dodge his E and then engage with all your cards and most likely kill him. Poke him, push waves but still try to play safe.”
chigakure kishi says “While I put it as even its still you favored just watch out for him lv2 cheesing you and ffs don't ult before he has used his e.”
Lavishmouse1032 says “I don't know this matchup if you look at my op.gg in my introduction you can see that fizz is perma banned for me so I don't know how to play against him ”
Vacavoladora says “Extreme mobility, big damage ratios and just overall annoying, a good Fizz will always win his lane against a Corki, then one-shot him after lane ends
Same as Zed, poke whenever's possible and try not to get one-shot”
xoonaka says “Make sure not to take too much damage before that because his burst damage from his R is insane, He's super vulnerable after using E so always bait his E before fighting him.”
x_Kassy_x says “i ban this creature from hell everygame, with glacial no longer being a thing on lux its really hard to deal with him. Just farm as much as u can and rush zhonyas for his ult”
XD001 says “The most skill reliant matchup on the list besides Zed. If you are good you can win. Play around Fizz's long playful/trickster (untargetable) CD and E + Q + AA passive proc to win short trades. If he hits 6 first he can 100-0 burst you, so pay attention to XP. Same thing on the flip side, however. If you hit 6 first try to engage and force his flash. If the Fizz is good he will save his R for after you used E, so make sure to keep that in mind. If you do end up getting hit by his R, W on top of where you are and prepare to R. After you R, run into your shield and run away. Flash if necessary, its not worth it to give Fizz the chance to snowball. If you get a lead on Fizz you can solo kill him 20 more times, but if he gets a lead on you he can solo kill you 20 times. Play really smart early and try to abuse his E CD. Fizz is a feast or famine champion, so you can try to freeze lane and ask for ganks to put Fizz really behind. If you are not confident in the matchup you can play safe and not fight him. In a side lane, you should win the 1v1, and if things go south you should be able to Zhonya's and R to live. Just like Akali your roles are to 1 shot the enemy back line. Try to pop the enemy squishies before Fizz can do the same to yours. Equal scaling.
Elec + sorcery page”
GabomanDeLegado says “Sus habilidades están hechas para joder las nuestras. Idealmente debemos esperar que tire toda para usar las habilidades, o entrarle con toda y predecir lo que hará. Lo importante es no fedearlo antes de lv.6, o seremos snowboleados hasta la muerte cuando tenga la última antes que nosotros.”
HeroAronNavius says “Against Fizz go Fleet footwork + Resolve as second and dorans shield.
Try to farm much and as soon as possible you can get vampiric scepter buy it. You can kill Fizz until he gets to lvl 6 then you are pretty screwed but do NOT use any of your engage abilities when her E is up. Try to only engage Fizz when he doesnt have his E.”
Reppy says “This champion can also dodge Katarina’s daggers as he has an invulnerable that can make Katarina’s dagger disappear before it hits the floor. His high damage output and mobility makes it hard for Katarina to do anything against him. (You want to rush hexdrinker in this matchup if you do not bring resolve secondary)”
Luciiid says “You win before level 6, but after 6 its really hard to win any trade unless you know for sure his r is down. Do NOT follow fizz roams as he can easily turn around and one shot you.”
Noodles912 says “Easy lane! This matchup is hard to learn, but after some practice, this is as easy as bot games. When he uses Q, use AA+W+E as fast as you can. Spam your refillable pots in lane if you can. After 6, save R to dodge his R or E. I recommend watching some Youtube Replays to get good at this lane.”
mc_jojo3 says “Champions with a lot of dashes, cc and poke are big red flags for Shyvana mid.
However when it comes to Fizz you can easily zone him out after level 6 since his ult is really bad early game. (Unless feed) Make sure to get his E out before engaging and don't engage in close quarters combat with him since he will win 90% of the trades that way just use your E early.”
elnino9 says “Don't let him proc his W mark. Dodge his E with your Shunpo. Take advantage of his E being on CD. Don't get hit by his ult or this will be his cue to all in, try not to let him long range his ult either. Q him when he's trying to farm, max Q. Setup Q daggers on minions because he can dodge your Q with E.”
PASS10NE says “Fizz is very annoying. Fizz may be a major threat, but it's still kind of a skill match up. Fizz can cancel your passive with his E, so all in him when his E is on CD.”
pavelp420 says “Who actually likes playing against Fizz? Way too much mobility for his own good, insane damage, E is the perfect counter to your W, and he can dive you effortlessly with his R slow then E to avoid turret damage.”
NuclearAkali says “Invulnerability is a very rare ability on a champ and Fizz happens to have one. Building a hexdrinker will not hurt you and just try to trade when his E is down.”
Wunsch3957 says “Heavily Fizz favored after level 6. Get Q level 1 and harass him at every chance you get before level 3. Dodge his E, dont let him proc empowered auto (W). Conqueror+Resolve. Block his R with your W, take Exhaust when you're not confident.”
Lot of Wind here says “Most of the time a skill matchup that requires less skill for Fizz. His E makes him much more elusive than you in the early game. You will lose trades in the early game. Your R cannot block the fish ; instead, the fish stops at the beggining of your W.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Fizz can out trade you a little cause he can dodge your 2nd W but if you can not get hit by his dodging skill then you should be able to just win the trade. W auto MeleeQ auto will win the trade even if 2nd W didn't hit.”
Dorom says “Fizz is super annoying and especially against Graves. If you try to W or Q him, he just E's and E's again next to you to take away a third of your health and instantly proc his Electrocute with an auto + auto reset on W, take exhaust and defensive runes.”
Luxon333 says “realy hard try not to hook but to stab
in this match up build Hextrinker first do not finish it!! stay behind minions and soak XP when behind try no risky plays they will fail :/”
Wunsch3957 says “Very hard matchup after level 6, try to use Q on him as he farms before level 3 to get a health advantage. Have Q3 up at all times when you walk up to dodge his E. Conq resolve, flash/exhaust.”
Twitch.Tv-LimitBreaker88 says “Set up a slowpush against him and poke whenever he goes for CS from Max range. he can't do anything and when he hits his R, you can easily drift away.”
PsykerZeo says “Please don't take PtA against this guy, he can burst you easily with his WQ and flee with E. Just sit and farm and when he uses his Q in minions you need to deal you need to be extremely agressive. Try to always dodge his R, ult his R and just be safe at tower and don't die. Fleet + corrupt pot/cull.”
GeDBo says “Fizz is thought to be a counter pick to Azir. I somewhat disagree. I have faced many Fizz players and none of them gave me trouble simply because I never underestimated them. Fizz is weak before he reaches level 6. You should take advantage in the early game by poking him and preventing him from farming. If he decides to trade with you, you can punish him severely. Make sure to pick either Electrocute or Arcane Comet for your runes. Fizz is quite weak after you purchase Zhonya's hourglass. The main tip here would be: Don't let him get close to you and if he does punish him. Do not use your ult if he hasn't used his E yet. Prevent him from farming and ping whenever he is missing from lane. Doing so, you will make him incredibly useless in late game since Fizz is a kill/assist depending champion. Nothing too hard, just be cautious. Buy vision.”
Modern Giraffe says “His lvl 1 and 2 are pitiful in comparison. Abuse him off the wave and make sure to know where the enemy jg is. Its a skill matchup lvl 6+. Ult his ult and get magic resist if he becomes a problem for you.”
CrazyyBrrr says “In this matchup after getting lvl 6 is u can win easy fights if u use ur windwall
Be carefull when u use it because u can get bait from fizz and then he ults”
Edg3Lord says “He can't outtrade you, nor overpower you. Even if he tries to escape your E, remember that he can get feared even if he is untargetable as long as you have already engaged your E. He has similar mana issues like you, and you can simply bully him out of the lane.”
The Jhin Cena says “You will be poked quite often depending on the Fizz. Also, like Anivia, expect to never get a kill. In fact, expect to never even deal damage to him. Fizz has some of the best mobility in the game, meaning he will dodge all your abilities including your ult. The only chance you have to deal damage to him is when his E is down, however a good Fizz player will save his E until he needs it to avoid an ability, or when he's already begun to go all in on you. Additionally, with your long CDs, you can expect that his E will always be up when you engage, so do not even bother trying. The best you can do is get gold via farming under turret or roaming because he will have an easy time killing you if you put yourself out there. Be careful about not feeding him, or he will get powerful enough to turret dive you.”
loldoppio says “Play more aggressively against fizz lvl 1-2. Once fizz reaches level 3 play safer. She wins short trades. You definitely out scale fizz in the sidelane *you can windwall fizz r*”
Coldsong says “Fizz is very hard for Annie as he can just E her stun, especially since it has a rather low cooldown. Dodge his R at all costs or you are as good as dead, and buy early MR.”
Gloglito says “He is able to dodge most of your kit with e. Try to only use your e when he's out of it and can hit it with reliability, or you'll be in trouble. Also, respect his level 6 as he can oneshot you.”
SoraSan says “Fizz é um Assassino AP que consegue trocar muito dano e sair sem nenhum arranhão. Antes do 3 dele, procure pokear-lo com sempre que ele tentar farmar e se perceber que ele vai virar em você se afaste. Após os 6, jogue bastante recuado e tente baitar o E dele para que você consiga ulta-lo. Compre Barreira Verdejante cedo.
Recomendo Conquistador + Barreira caso queira sobreviver ao dano massivo dele.”
nZk01 says “(Mid) Fizz is very hard to deal with because he can dodge a lot of your damage with his E and can max range ult you so you're an easy 1 shot after 6, but you can poke him early very easily and have a lot of dive and kill pressure especially with your jungler.”
neodann says “This is one of the hardest if not the hardest matchup for Qiyana. He usually outdamages you from early to late. Even tho in early game, you can still outtrade him if you do well enough.
Try to use bush as much as possible to slightly win trades. Get dirk and try to kill. Even if he outdamages you, it doesn't mean he's unkillable. Lvl 1 you can also go for a quick electrocute proc,
since he won't be able to do much damage ”
KawaiiSpecter says “Fizz is a difficult matchup because he deals way more damage than Katarina. His laning phase is also more consistent. He also has a lot of movement and escapability so it can be difficult to get junglers to help you out. Don't push lane early levels, best to avoid trading before LVL3. Start Dsword and try to get advantage at LVL3. You can try to poke him when his E isn't up and try to bait his R.”
Gtoxer says “runa recomendavel: Cometa.Feitiço de invocador: curar ou ignite. 1)Aproveite o nível 1/2,nesse momento, ele ainda não tem um combo mt bom. 2)A skill, que deixa o fizz muito chata, é o E, se ele usa de forma errada, você pode ir para cima”
Shazzaam says “Go resolve page and would even recommend rushing Null-Magic Mantle with Ruby Crystal for extra durability. As long as you dodge his R he shouldn't be able to kill you unless he is really fed, at least in the early game.”
tomzieE says “runes - conq, triumph, alacrity, coup; taste, ravenous
pre 6 he is kinda weak, but his electrocute does some dmg
u can block his r with your w”
Tizgard says “Play around his E cooldown, most won't expect your early game damage. Be careful poking him, as his engage is very strong with his Q and E. Watch out during your ult, as he can hold E for the end of it and kill you. I recommend exhaust for this matchup.”
F3RR0N says “In this matchup you want to take the Fleet footwork + resolve tree. You want to start with doran's shield and maybe even take tp for a save back. Just try to not give him any kills and never engage when he has his E up.”
BlitzIMO says “Difficult skill matchup. Taking exhaust is good in this matchup as Fizz wants to blow you up in one combo. If you survive his combo, it opens you up for strong counterplay.”
yougelly says “Ahri is a champion that thrives on mobility. She is highly threatened by champions that have point-and-click abilities that she cannot dash away from. ”
OhReflects says “Nothing to explain here but fizz will 1 shot you if you get hit by his fish. Something you really need to dodge. either e to a minion to bait his fish or e to him when e throws how his fish to avoid getting hit.”
xxseraphinaaxx says “Fizz can punish you very well for missing your Q, as his little cartwheel dance is able to dodge your Q, guaranteed or your money back. his ulti slows you, as if you already don't have enough mobility and is even worse when the Fizz is good.”
BigFatCat909 says “A lot easier than some may think, I recommend rushing merc treads and Eclipse, Hexdrinker if you're behind. If he manages to land his ult on you, try and ult either him or another enemy to avoid the shark biting you.”
FogivenDevil says “You can't really fight Fizz and you have to save E every time or you'll die. Pre-6 isn't terrible but after if he gets that ult on you, good luck.”
Johan Paracelso says “Fizz can pole-dance out of your combo, so you want to bait his E on a way you can hit Q3 on him. You can bait this ability by going with a Q3, he will use it, you need less time to charge up your Q again, since Fizz has a long CD on this ability, keep that in mind. That's all you can do, since he is a burst assassin, he can hunt you after laning phase, so be carefull, again, a Skill match-up”
Johan Paracelso says “Fizz is a early-mid game high mobility AP assassin, his E makes him a threat, since it can hop out of your cage and, he can hop out of you R if he times it well enough, so, you need to stay close to your turret, and rush a Verdant Barrier, and bait his E using yours when you have R to one shot him, or with your WQ combo to keep him inside your cage once he uses E. But definitely, you should loose the match-up, ban him or dodge if he is in the enemy team”
Hiimkata says “Yep this matchup is just too hard after the first back even worse than Diana. Try to kill him before that by going for short trades (harass combo on important kata stuff no. 2) this is the most effective way to trade with a Fizz. Rush Verdant Barrier, Look for roams and don't even try to 1v1 him anymore if you didn't kill him pre first back”
CaptianMike says “Fizz easy to deal with pre-6 but after that it is imperative that you have at least tier 1 boots, preferably tier 2 to try and dodge his ult. Since Karthus stands far back to farm, this means fizz's ult can go far and get high damage on you. Plus, he can always E your ultimate. He makes a good ban!”
mrsuits says “Dealing with Fizz requires caution and anticipation, as he is a highly mobile assassin with burst damage. Here are some tips for handling the matchup:
When facing Fizz:
Avoid standing near low-health minions, as Fizz can use his Q ability, Urchin Strike, to dash onto you and deal significant damage. Position yourself away from his engage range.
Be mindful of Fizz's W ability, Seastone Trident, which enhances his basic attacks and applies bonus magic damage over time. Try to trade with him when his W is on cooldown.
Fizz's E ability, Playful/Trickster, allows him to become untargetable and dodge incoming abilities. Wait for him to use it before committing to your full combo.
Watch out for Fizz's ultimate, Chum the Waters. It has a long range and can deal massive damage while also applying a knock-up. Keep an eye on his level 6 and respect his kill potential.
Consider taking Cleanse or Barrier as summoner spells to mitigate Fizz's burst damage and his ability to apply crowd control.
Build defensive items like Seeker's Armguard or Mercury's Treads to reduce Fizz's damage and survive his all-ins.
Utilize crowd control and skillshots predictively to catch Fizz during his playful moments and prevent him from escaping.
Maintain vision control to track Fizz's roaming potential. Ping missing when he leaves the lane to alert your team.
Coordinate with your jungler for ganks, as Fizz is vulnerable to early pressure before he reaches his power spikes.
Note: Stay away from low-health minions to avoid Fizz's engage. Trade when his W is on cooldown and wait for him to use E before committing. Watch out for his ultimate and respect his level 6 kill potential. Consider defensive summoner spells and items. Use crowd control effectively and maintain vision control. Coordinate with your jungler for early pressure.”
Mohammed Zakariyya says “Fizz definitely will be one of the most threats of you ,Cuz his massive dmg in short time and could easily kill you,always be aware of fizz ultimate and his w,shortly if you don't know to deal with him ,try to avoid fighting him solo.”
Pixel Pocket says “A tough matchup because he forces you to buy spirit visage early, forgoing the Deadman's Plate buy that helps you roam effectively, you are quite squishy before getting MR and he will kill you.”
ParkChnm says “Pre-6 it's not too bad. Post 6, if he hits you with his ult, your only hope is satchel charging out before he gets onto you. Zhonya's is a good item if he's ahead. Also his E counters your ult. And probably everything else.”
ParkChnm says “Poke him down early and try to get ahead. Don't let him get any kills. Post-6, unless he's behind, his ult will most likely be your cause of death. Banshee's is good late game.”
UnoTrickCho says “The matchup sucks because of his e and it's virtually impossible to trade with him early. Although you can block his r, the shark just inhabits the area in front of the windwall, and forces you away from the entire area. Take fleet/domination and just chill, because he doesn't have that much kill pressure against you.”
KataTocDo says “If you beat him early, he will just come back and beat you into the ground. Dodge his E and stay under the turret so that you can shunpo under the turret if he Q's you. Hexdrinker or Zhonya rush, if unconfident.
Runes: Elec. - Resolve.
Starting Items: D. Shield”
Celler says “Just ban the fish man. Accept it, you are going to feed the heck out of him and he is going to one shot you with that stupid poorly made hitbox R and become invencible during the entire combo you are doing making any effort that you made trying to kill him useless”
Csapi says “He can be strong becouse he can jump up from your E or Q but if you smart then you will gonna defeat him Only one thing: Do not throw everithing at him unless you have your jg near to finish what you started”
ParkChnm says “Unplayable lane. You have to win levels 1-3, but even then he will still probably come back and beat you. You don 't use Charm in this matchup until he uses Q. You want to Charm him during his dash animation. Mercury Treads are nice in this matchup despite him not having heavy CC.”
oxydon141414 says “A really hard to play lane, when you get 6 watch your distance and dont trade if you dont have your W pre 6 .
In case he ulties you just W back and if uses his E you can use your R to dodge its damage.”
Jnewbringspain says “Fizz is another mobile champion that Cho does pretty well against. Wait for him to make the first move. When he goes in on you, start with Feral Scream before you Rupture. That way he can't troll pole away from you.”
Yamikaze says “Take exhaust. Start Q lvl 1 and look to poke him as much as possible when he goes in for every CS. Pre 6 you are looking to take short trades, without letting him hit E. Dash through minions, and do not take trades that lets him proc his empowered W. You want a hexdrinker ASAP, because he can oneshot you with ignite once his ult is up. You can windwall the fish,, but a good fizz will always animation cancel the R with his Q at very close range, making it almost impossible to dodge the ult. ”
wildersovereign says “Extremely volatile matchup. Strangely, both of you kind of counter each other. Fizz can dodge your Q extremely easily with E and jump on you in one swift motion, while Morgana can significantly reduce the effectiveness of his R with her Black Shield while also limiting the effectiveness of his roams with her fast, safe waveclear. If he ever uses his E as an engage without using it as a reaction to your Q, punish it HARD with a binding into a kill. Overall, Fizz is very hard to catch, but you have tools to limit his impact on the game. You might want to think about purchasing an early Verdant Barrier if he's giving you too much trouble, but it depends on your playstyle.”
SkyBanana says “I don't think there is much explanation needed. His E is already a strong ability to be untargetable but his ultimate is so cheesy that he can snowball even if you halted him gaining anything.”
Timowatzki says “If its a good fizz, u can say Goodbye. He counters you with his E, avoids your cage and can avoid the ult.
Use Unsealed Spellbook to change to Barrier or Exhaust once u used ur TP.”
ITSDEBEAR says “If ahead its unplayable. He outtrades you every time you try to trade. Doesnt matter if he is bad. I usually go electro whenever i see Fizz and abuse him before he gets his 1st back. Predator is viable as well”
rajsovsky says “Skill-based matchup. You can use Pool (W) to reduce his ult's damage but he's annyoing with his fucking stick he can jump on and starts being untragetable. Try to save your W to dodge his Ult/E. If you do it correctly you are pretty much winning.”
invalidd says “Holy fk this champion, his E counters your whole kit so you have to play around it's cooldown, you don't wanna use your holdQ as much in this
matchup and rather use your tapQ, can dive you easily so don't hesitate to E the ult instead of letting it hit you because the slow is heavy, E lvl1
can work if he leveled W, always keep in mind the E cooldown. Ungankable.”
_Nightmare_G says “At lvl 1, try to Auto+Q when he goes for last hit. Get lvl 2 first and then trade. Lvl 1 is ur biggest advantage vs fizz. Bait out his E later, then trade.”
StarForger says “Very hard to avoid his ult with your low mobility while also slowing you more when the ult lands. He can dodge everything with his E and alsmost everything with his Q because he can dash away.”
Aikairi says “Get Resolve secondary and maybe try buying a Hexdrinker (but don't upgrade it into Maw). If he goes in on you with his flip, you win. If he goes in on you with his dash, you should lose if he dodges your dagger damage with his flip. You can try going in after that since he's more of a burst champion.
Don't get hit by his ulti as well as you die 100% after you get hit. It's a very tough matchup that's most likely in Fizz's favour but if the Fizz is bad you can win. One single mistake however, and you die, or you're forced to back. Be very careful.”
SkellyBirb says “Fizz seems like he would be an issue, but he heavily relies on his ultimate to one shot people. You can just spell shield it and run when he tries to. In short trades, be aware of his invulnerability and how much damage he will do when he hops down from it. ”
KASSAW1N says “
Kass vs Fizz: Aprovechate de tu W para tradear con sortija de doran y en lvl 2 no pelees mucho, talvez en lvl 3 cuando se lance, haz el combo rapido w+e, y de ultima la q, o la Q de primera para mitigar el daño (eco de luden )”
MisterIncredabel says “While he's annoying all you have to do I simply keep your distance since he can close the gap with q. He will most likely take ignite. so with him u may need to max meteor strike so u can hit cs. Tear of goddess will help sustain you in lane. eventually If ur able to farm with q you will be able to one shot him after he uses w or e whatever the jump is
ezmod66 says “Bully early game. Harrass alot with aa and save q for when his e animation is finished. He will try to dodge it your q after his e with a quick q . Create a freeze just in front of your tower
He will try to all in you at level 3 if you let him get heavy poke on you pre 3. He will Try to roam alot. Deny him cs and get plates.
Care and ward common jungle paths to gank your lane. He will normally have an early game jangler who will want your booty
i pray for your sake he doesnt have an ekko jungle. If he does good luck.
Matchup Difficulty: Skill dependent ”
KatarinaScriptz says “He's winnable but he can win if he knows what he is doing build your regular build maybe with a doran's ring instead of dark seal or just poke him hard.”
YIVENDER says “Fizz is a skill match up that is heavily favored for Fizz after he hits six. Be sure to buy life steal or MR against him. Save wind wall for his ult.”
YIVENDER says “ Fizz has done a good job of beating Yasuo. Typically, he wins a fantastic 53.0% of matches the champions clash against each other in. In Fizz against Yasuo matches, Fizz’s team is 1.0% more probable to get first blood, indicating that he probably will be able to get first blood versus Yasuo.”
YIVENDER says “ Fizz has done a good job of beating Yasuo. Typically, he wins a fantastic 53.0% of matches the champions clash against each other in. In Fizz against Yasuo matches, Fizz’s team is 1.0% more probable to get first blood, indicating that he probably will be able to get first blood versus Yasuo.”
Tortoise_Maniac says “- Puny assassin
- Start W, you can max if it you want to bully him.
- If he ever tries to trade with you just hold W to negate his damage, then smack him up with your combo
- Fizz's early is weaker than yours so you can poke and push him under tower
- Look to outroam him and help your jungler”
Big Shawn says “Both champs are strong against each other. Your Job is to bait his E-Ability and then full on engage him. He is able to trade you without getting punished, which makes him so unbearable. But if you manage to execute your passive on him, he will suffer from what is for you a bargain.”
Ambitieux says “Very very tough matchup. His ability to hop on his pole and ignore a lot of your damage. On top of his high damage bursts with minimal damage taken due to his passive. You need to be very wary in this matchup. I suggest poking pre 3 and afterwards keeping your distance. If he approaches with a Q you can lay down Miasma ontop of yourself and kite with your Q and E. This should win you the trade. But if he approaches with his E you need to predicts his dropdown to miasma. Watch for his shark and you may need to rush Negatron cloak.”
BCota says “Bully early because hes ranged and has no escape pre-3 you poop on him until 6 then bait his E or oneshot before he can even think about it.
ThePandaEvan says “Harass with Qs and don't get too over-extended because Fizz can all-in you with ease. Save your E for his E. Play safe after 6. Go Zhonyas. If Fizz uses E for your R, you can still use your E.”
Chili Dog says “Q spam him, if you didn't push lane you shouldn't die to him, you can pool his W and his ult even if R hits you, you can still dodge the damage and make it useless, if you're experienced, the matchup is free. Electrocute is recommended.”
grebe1231 says “Probably one of the most threatening melee matchups for rumble to go into. His damage is high enough to beat through scrap shield in skirmishes and if you commit to an overheated all-in, he can playful trickster out of it and avoid all your damage.”
Flarank1 Azir says “He can reach easly and you cant escape his ultimate fish if your team banned kata then ban him but ist scales late game and you can one shot him”
Shetlock says “Fizz is exceedingly difficult to handle as Ahri, and he will give you a hard time at every point in the game. Unless you can accurately predict where he will jump to, and then kill with a single combo, do not fight Fizz.”
POROs99 says “Absolutely busted champion, this piece of tuna needs a nerf. There is no counterplay to this champ especially since he can build seeker's and night harvester.”
Dafioske says “Mejor es banearlo o desgastar lo hasta la muerte y evitar por toda costa su ulti o mínimo avisar a tud aliados de sus gankeos porque sino es imparable su late es un gg casi automatico”
Niqkl says “You can negate a lot off Fizz´s damage by pooling his ult and follow up, but dont get cocky; he can even kill you with a full combo if you pool the shark and dont back off after!”
FalleN3 says “A half decent Fizz can be a pain in the ass to play against due to his mobility and ease to bait out your combo. As with any assassin he is likely to roam in order to pick up some kills, especially if you are playing safe in lane or have frozen the minions. Ideally, you should only use your (Q) to stun him as if he manages to leap onto his troll-poll you will not lose the stun stack and can either hit him with another ability to stun him or wait out your (Q) again if possible. Don't underestimate his early damage and even if he has low HP, be aware that he can easily dive you at your tower, get the kill and exit to safety. This match-up can be won but it depends on how you are playing in the match-up and the enemies ability.”
Last Roar says “Can be punished with AA's. Eventually does a lot of dmg, with a full combo, but other than his ult (Dodge the ult or die), you can poke him down and outrange him.
Obj: AA him constantly, if he leaps to you, cougar leap out. Match his roams.”
SkellyBirb says “Fizz counters marksmen. You can win early game, but he can one shot you once he hits level 6. Play safe once you hit it. Zhonya's or Banshee's can be good later to survive his burst.”
PROJECT BZ says “One of Zeds hardest if not his hardest lane to deal with. Fizz has early gapcloser to avoid combo, he can e zed ult and zed combo. He can also itemise into armguard which just makes Fizz even harder to kill than he already is. He has no struggles to counteract Zed and no struggles to kill him.”
Snow Day Zoe says “Fuck this champ also, he can dodge your e so easily and out trade you hard. if you get ulted by him, your best luck is to run the other direction and barrier or flash or ult at the right time to juke him.”
Leviox428 says “Always ban this guy he can dodge everything with his set. Good fizz can just dive you under turret. Only think you can do is ask your jungler for help.”
vCraze says “Fizz is a very hard matchup, he has pressure on you from very early on. Try to poke him out and scale and do not get close to him as from level 3 on he can do about 60% of your HP with one combo. You need to have great positioning to win this lane as once you hit 6 you need to be a long way from him to be safe. In later fights you cannot show until you know where Fizz is because of the threat he provides.”
BlenderKat says “Against fizz laning phase is horrible,you can't fight him one on one for the next reasons:his E counters your entire kit,his mobility is higher than yours in early game and he has more burst than you do,but items like doran's shield and sword can prevent you from feeding.Short trades like Q+E+W+E(back to minions).At level 6 as much as you want to farm hug the tower and wait for jungle or if one of your lanes is ahead roam for it and help them win.Fizz is not a big threat in team fights.”
Sadkid says “Fizz is one of Zoe's main counters. One way to beat him is to punish him pre-6. Poke him under tower and get first move to skirmishes. Once he hits 6 respect the hell out of him, build MR and play towards your range. ”
OxiteoMyst says “under tower, be scared. W doesnt work on him, he can Q or E to get out. DO NOT GET HIT BY R. you WILL die. Fizz can dodge everything you send out and auto win. Play safe and farm under tower and hope he doesnt terrorize your side lanes. (He probably will)”
SkellyBirb says “Fizz has a strong level 2 and 3 and can just hop away from your knock up and a lot of your abilities. Play safe and take advantage of when his abilities are down.”
Mad AkaTha says “Very hard matchup but good yasuo can destroy fizz easily.
Lvl 3 Try to make trades with him
you can bait his E by using W then Q him”
Elpatronchico says “I find him very easy to counter. At level one, you have prio because he mostly takes W first. So try to get to level 2 first and poke him.
Try to get his E out of him, and if he use it, dash out of range using minions. You can easily block his R with windwall.
WolfRider01 says “Skill matchup. When he goes to farm engage him and poke him down. He has no way of farming aside from walking up and pressing W to last hit. BEWARE OF LVL 6 ALL IN. I suggest taking exhaust into him if you aren't sure.”
PedrinhoXD says “Fizz and zed are side by side at the top of the unplayable matchups, yet, fizz can be more predictable with his E timing, and can be baited, and he doesn't have the poke zed do, that's why you always ban zed”
Katfire says “I despise this champ and ban him quite often. Other Kat players might consider him beatable, but I would rather not face him at all. He has insane damage out of nowhere. His E can make your Q disappear if he times it well. He can use his E to dodge your dagger procs. I recommend Electrocute Boneplating against Fizz, and rushing Hexdrinker would be a huge help (however the Maw of Malmortius should not be finished until it is the very last item if you don't replace it with a better item at that point. This might also be different in S11, I have yet to face a Fizz) At level 6 if you do not have Hexdrinker he can pretty much 100 to 0 you under your tower and get away if he lands R on you. Try to dodge his ult with your E.”
MobbyF says “Fizz is Zoe's super counter, E for Fizz leaves him
invulnerable even with Zoe's bubble (E). Against Fizz I recommend Barrier and the rune I demonstrated earlier. Play safe and ask for help from your jungler.”
Marfiok7 says “This fish is so annoying when played correctly. His insane burst is just not right. His roaming potentiel is frightening and in general he is stronger than you until the latest of late game. When playing against Fizz i would recommend barrier, as its the only real defense for his burst. Remember to always have your "E" up in lane, so you can quickly cast it onto yourself for the extra resiliance. Against fizz you wanna try to trade as much with him pre-6 and try to poke him. After 6 he becomes a monster that can kill you almost instantly. When he "R" you dont waste your w on trying to slow him, quickly selfcast your "E" and wait to press "W" until he is landed, so you can slow him and gain a small speed boost. Setup good vision preferrebly early, to look for his roams. Always take resolve tree in this matchup, boneplating is strong against Fizz. ”
MagicalFartz1 says “Aery(with resolve) with barrier. This is my personal preference but I CANT DEAL WITH THIS CHAMPION. His high damage paired with zoe's already low base MR and mr scaling makes this matchup incredibly hard. You win lvl 1-2, take that window to build a slow push into him and harsh him every time he steps up for CS. After the wave bounces back from his tower let it push towards you don't take trades with him, Thin the wave and set up a freeze near your tower if he is low from your harsh. If he Jumps on you with his Q then E BACKWARDS he can't avoid it as he will be stuck in his Q animation. Lvl 6 he can 100-0 you with his R if you dont have barrier. Get Verdant Barrier or Merc Treads depending on their team comp on your first back. You Out scale him in the mid game, the only problem is he is a side laning champion while your not.”
Zatharah says “MIDs que conseguem chegar e burstar Seraphine muito fácil são seus maiores counters, visto que ela não tem mobilidade e apenas seu W pra segurar o burst.”
MartyBG says “Its a Fizz favourable matchup. Try to poke him early levels and use your shield well against his combo. He can't use his e while he's rooted by your q. Try to don't get hit by his ult, as long as you dodge it it's almost impossible for him to kill you.”
Stormleon says “This fishy guy becomes untargetable every few secs, making ur q a nightmare to hit. If he hits u with his ult, rest in peace. Take barrier if u didnt ban him.”
SF Shadow says “When facing a Zoe, always pick fizz. He can dodge her E with his own E, which makes her a free kill. She can’t do anything and you can oneshot her.”
KaAZu13 says “His only tool to kill you in his kit as Zed, it's his ult, with this one you can avoid it but u got to be careful with him and pay allot of attention to his actions!”
economistastonks says “It's FIzz, he'll probably dodge everything you throw at him.
He usually starts corrupt potion, so don't go trading like a fish to fish showdown.
Go for trades if he uses his E to clear the wave.
Ask for Ganks if you're pressured, you're not weaker than him. ”
DrWindwall says “Could even be an extreme threat but it is winnable. Just like other threats you can trade him with little to no fear with him. during your 2nd Q know you can E on him to bait his E. At lvl6 lower your confidence and play safe.”
Fuffi says “remember that if you want to stun a fizz you MUST stun him with Q because he can dodge W and R with his E, but if you throw Q he either uses E to dodge but that won't consume your stack so you can stun him after his E.
I love doing this against fizz at first wave (https://youtu.be/zGnvaMV5Z7g?t=149)”
Bobbab says “Fizz can mess you up bad time. He can easily escape an all in as well as bursting for more damage then you through all the levels. When he hits 6 he can kill you guaranteed if you dont dodge his ult. This matchup is playable though and when his e is down a jungle gank can turn into a snowball.”
sweodigaming says “Very annoying champion, can easily dodge Q, W, R and anything you throw at him. If you are going to try to poke him, you need to know that his E is down. Fizz, as Katarina, also has a really good level 3. Watch out for his all-in level 6. CARE!”
MetaKnight13373 says “Can negate your entire kit with his jump, best way to play against fizz is just try and not die and be more useful in team-fights. ”
LamentsSong says “His e counters your stun. But you still can win a 1 vs 1 if his ult is down. Wait for his ult to be down then try and lock him down.”
Manzey says “Freeze the lane close to your tower and trade with Fizz. If he jumps on you, he'll be under tower and he can't really trade with you.
Pick ignite - play safe post-6. If you're hit with a ulti, you're dead.”
Magical Rock says “Fizz is also a big annoyance in your lane. Honestly, if there team is all AD, you might want to consider building Zhonya's first item to counter his ult. Beware of his tower diving because of his E, but his E isn't much of a problem unless he is a god and does it to get out of your ult.”
neverwanted2be says “FF+Resolve+Doran'shield is only option 2 play against him. His "E" cd is 16 seconds, so its only ur time to trade with him. Mercs + Wit's End is ur core items vs this hero. Be as much caution as u can, freeze ur lane. Once he ll understand that he cant kill u, he ll try to roam for easy kills, so ur team should make as much vision as possible, when he leave try to farm ur wave and chase him. The goal here is to make him lose his "E" and punish him with ur teamate. Asking for help from a jungler isnt is good idea, coz Fizz mobile as nissan gt-r drift build, Freeze ur lane, farm as muck as u can, play safety, be possitive and give as much info to ur team as u can.”
Raigiku says “Before level 6 you dominate him, but once he gets his ultimate he can kill you easily. The big problems is his E, he can use it anytime, so have to throw you grenade at the perfect time, if you miss, you are dead. However, you can run exhaust or barrier against him and increase your chances of survival.”
Grayified says “Fizz is very annoying. He can become untargetable, he is very mobile and has a lot of damage. If you keep your distance you have a chance but this matchup is difficult.”
WhiteZorox says “Fizz is usually my insta-ban simply due to his E ability which can be quite detrimental to Akali as he will dodge R, E, Q, Passive easily”
Daeydark says “"A good Talon will beat a good Fizz, but a bad Fizz will beat a bad Talon" - Yamikaze
Look to push the wave and avoid trading with him when his E is up. His main combo will be to use Q, auto W to proc electrocute, and will then E out. Keep in mind that while he's invulnerable in his E, you can not mark your passive marks on him.”
KormitLeFrag says “If you are masochistic enough to not ban this obnoxious fish;
Punish his Q,E with a QWAA afterwards. At 6, stay back dodge his ult with your E.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Fizz vs Talon isn't to bad but can be hard for the match up, Fizz can dodge your W or even 2nd W and he wins most trades but you can bait out his W and melee Q him to win most trades ”
Siderman5 says “He is a hard deal, you can't really hit him with skillshots because of his E, and his R will be able to take you down easily, even if you think he is weaker than you. Actually, you should never think that a Fizz is weaker than you, no matter how hardly he feeds, you should be aware of him. In this matchup, you should farm and roam around the map, because there's nothing what you can do on mid in 1 vs 1. If you can help your team by roaming or taking objectives with your jungler, you'll be able to help your team to win.”
crepezeee says “Not as bad as Yasuo but he can dodge your sleep with his E then he can go in you can't run away unless you have a W flash or normal flash and if you don't well ggwp”
kenichiii says “poke him with q, if he all ins you can use your q too. If he jumps on you, use q, auto attack, w. You block his damage and do more yourself. You can dodge his ult with your riftwalk.”
conginu says “Even matchup once you know it, both players can outplay. save E for his E then re-engage, please care for his lvl3-6 all-in he has more up front burst than you.”
Yeager says “If it's a good fizz player, he will just dodge all your damage with E. He wins melee trades if he gets the empowered proc. His kit is more reliable in this matchup, so i would avoid taking ekko into this. ”
TheCatOfCheshire says “What a pain... His e is the first problem, the R is the second. You got the range so pre 6, poke him with AA for free, don't charm if he got his e and he's not dashing onto you. Dodge that ultimate or you're dead. If you got hit by his ult, 3 dashes aren't enough to get out if you're too close. You have better roaming and wave clear so use it.”
Veigarv2 says “Fizz can setup ganks really well, dive you, roam, freeze without you being able to punish. You outscale, go the spellbook page and try to freeze in front of your tower.
go spellbook + resolve page”
Lunasta says “You can get invisible to avoid most of his combo, NEVER stay safe against fizz, always try to push against him and go roaming, his Wave-Clear is really lame and he have to use all of his abilities to clear a wave effectively, if he just stays under his tower, go roaming, if he tries to engage you, and your lane is pushed your minions are going to deal lots of damage to him and he'll just die.”
Yeager says “You can bully him a lot pre 6 and sometimes get kills with ignite. Don't use your sleep when he has his E up. When he gets level 6, he can all-in you whenever he wants to. Stay far back and rush banshees veil second item. You don't want to fight him when he has ultimate up”
SkellyBirb says “He can dodge your abilities and one shot you once he gets level 6. I'd build Zhonya's before Nashor's Tooth in this case. You can use your ultimate to counter his, but he still has a lot of damage, so play safe once he hits 6. He also has a strong level 3 power spike for an all in. Use your range and slow/stun to your advantage and have shrines set up.”
SkellyBirb says “Fizz has a strong level 2 and 3 and can just hop away from your knock up and a lot of your abilities. Play safe and take advantage of when his abilities are down.”
Afro D Legend says “His whole kit can be a pretty big threat for most of the game since he goes invulnerable, stopping you from autoing and going fast. Also if he manages to land ult, it slows you down a ton and you can possibly be one shot”
Bouhhsolene says “This might just be my preference, but I find it pretty hard, but might just be because I HATE FIZZ.
Play safe and wait till he E's you, and get out of his E with your W. Play comet with nullifying orb, stopwatch in runes, and get mr early. Play safe post 6, get vision in the river to avoid him from roaming, and try to wait your jungler, or wait for him to try and dive you to kill him.
Get a zohnya in second item to avoid him from assassinating you and try to stay as far as you can from him. In sidelanes, you can probably match him if he's even, but not if he's fed.”
FalleN3 says “Fizz is a skill match-up and this lane can go either way. Try your best not to die to him early or you could find that he snowballs off you, likewise you can do the same to him. He has impressive damage throughout all stages of the game but you need to play with caution early as he has much more early potential on you and can all-in you after level 3. Play with caution and DO NOT underestimate his early damage. If you can avoid his ultimate after level 6 you should be able to 1v1 him, although this will still take some doing. He will roam a lot so be sure to follow or be of some other use.”
Ambience14 says “Fizz is simply annoying to deal with. He's very slippery and can do a lot of damage while taking very little in return. If he lands ult on you and starts walking up, hit R immediately and back off. He may go in anyway, which is a free kill for you if he doesn't have ignite up. Even if he has ignite, he likely won't get the kill if you started at full HP and ulted at the proper time. Bait out his E and wait for him to use it offensively. If he does, time a Q to hit him when he comes out and run him down. He has no way out without E.”
Boncapp says “His E is just really annoying to deal with if he knows what he is doing. Just use your stun after his E into his Q and you should be good.”
GetMeOldDiana says “She has more damage than you, more cc and more mobility. He can dodge your R with his E and outplay you. Be really careful. Take safe trades.”
Etyrnal says “How annoying is this lane? Fizz is extremely dangerous and slippery. Save your CD's until after his Playful Trickster. Look to shove him in and roam hard.”
Reason97 says “Fizz is BS. He has more burst potential in his toe than most champs have in their whole kits, and his R is RIDICULOUSLY deceptive. it has one of the longest ranges for a skillshot in the game, slows you, AND knocks you up and chunks your health. I almost always ban fizz as anivia, but if you find yourself up against him, build Hourglass and build it ASAP. DO NOT try to fight him for the most part, unless he makes a MAJOR mistake, and be weary of his dodge since he has the potential to dodge everything in the game on an incredibly low cooldown for an ability that strong. Play far away and focus on farming up. Your tower is your friend. ”
orangepenguinhead says “Fizz is very hard to play against because of his dashes and W which helps him avoid damage and CC. His R can cancel your R and it has a large range so be careful.”
BloooodTV says “D-Blade. Another 50/50 matchup. Just play it smart. Watch out for his burst and build MR, like Wit's End. If they aren't good it's yours. Outscales you. Take Fleet or Conq (Depends on team comp).”
I count to seven says “n hard counter your abilities, but there's a chance to win against him, you need to poke him before 3 lvl (he has a lil powerspike then). Use your E after he jumps to don't let him follow his fish that probably will hit you because its hitbox is fu*king stupid. Build Archangel's, Zhonyas. For runes you can go Ingenious Hunter and in second tree Stopwatch and Cosmic Insight. Use Zhonyas under turret.”
Godzillababy says “Kinda winnable pre 6 if you can dodge his E and try to cancel his autos and after 6 is he tries to R from downtown just W it but most likely he will do a point blank one so you can't see it.”
VoxolPrime says “Make sure you hold onto your flash like it is your soul, Fizz is slippery to 1v1, avoid engaging when he has ultimate, you need to starve his CS early and follow his roams.”
sashadidntwalk says “Again, run Fleet and Doran's shield as starting items. If he starts W first then don't try to poke or fight with him level 1. Then your lane is kind of easy until he gets level 6. You can try to find a fight with him but never when his E is up, try to bait it out first.”
u fool says “Fizz can dodge your hook and dive with his e. In addition, he is very bursty and can easily one-shot you. On the other hand, you can avoid and escape him easily.”
Fadedreformed says “Fizz is a little weird, if he knows how to play he will just get fed by roaming you because he knows he can't kill you. If he decides to fight you just win lane automatically. If their jungler is annoying you never push the wave because they can dive you easily if he gets ahead”
Shock_101 says “Fizz is really annoying. He can e your ult if he has good reaction time, so bait that out first. However, he will probably dodge your e with it. Whatever you do, try your best not to get hit by the ult, and do not attempt to sidestep slightly. That fish is a lot smaller than the hitbox, so if you're gonna dodge it, get very far away. ”
DaggerTV_ says “Fizz will be essentailly unkillable before he has used his e. Do not fight him before he used it, try to bait it out my faking going in, or going in and out very quickly. He will outdamage you at all stages of the game if he lands all. His e has more cooldown than your q e combo, so use that to bait. You can doge his ult easily with your e's.”
Arrgh Matey says “Take ignite and fry the fish. He will either Q in to take your barrel out or bait you and E the barrel. Try to get a passive off while he Q'd onto you and either Q him and let him take the barrel or time it and out-bait him then proceed to fillet and cook this fish. Best way to go about it is to poke him to hell and bait the E with barrels. Don't forget, he can 100-0 you at 6 if you don't have a lead and can't manage to land 90% of your stuff. You can opt for a hexdrinker or make do with Nullifying Orb.”
AkiraHopeXDDDD says “Fizz is a BIG threat to Yone but he's pretty easy to deal with but if you lose lane against FIzz he will always kill you, Fizz can dodge your R, Q(3 stack) and etc.”
xXkillercrackXx says “Fizz can Q through your minions, proc his W passive on you, dealing at least 50% of your healthbar, and then dodge your gold card with his E. Fizz can kill you at almost any point past level 3 if he plays it correctly. Don't even show on the same screen as him post 6 as he WILL ult you and 1 shot you.”
ShockMaster says “Very Tricky,he can dodge your ult with his E,and if he catch his Ult you are already dead tho. Try to dodge his ult with your E,and play very agressive at the first levels”
Yuki H. says “His E cooldown and mana cost are fairly high early game, so if he uses it too much he will be vulnerable to ganks and all ins. His Q can also be dodged if timed correctly (using W), which negates a good chunk of damage in trades. Overall, he doesn't have any ranged abilities except his ult, so take advantage of his mana costs and cooldowns.”
BEYBLADE NOXIANO says “Ele troca muito mais dano que você, então tem que tomar cuidado. O 6 dele é mais forte que o seu, mas da pra desviar de sua ult com seu E.
Seu lvl 2 é um pouco mais forte, então da pra aproveitar e matar ele no lvl 2. Lvl 3 é Even.”
stziswhatihave says “Skill matchup. Whoever knows more about the game wins lane.”
Heimerdinger by stziswhatihave | Heimerdinger Player
gadddd says “Fizz can either be an easy match up or bad, it depends, he can dodge the most of your R damage but you can also dodge his R easy with your W and Ultimate”
Proma says “Sword + refill
His E counters your E, Q, and R.
He's also very bursty. This matchup is fizz favored but you can win if you play it properly and trade when his E is on cd”
Fyir says “He can dash through your cage and avoid all of your abilities with his e. Just try to farm in lane and stack up. Nullifying orb or early magic resist is a safe bet.”
Chiefsnake says “This matchup hurts. He can get in and out of your stars easily and can mix up when he uses his E to avoid your Q. In this matchup you have to play around his E or you will die. Also you can use your E during his ult to make distance from him.”
Veralion says “He's still a frustrating little shit. You have to treat him somewhat like a ranged matchup and play well back. His trade pattern is MUCH stronger than yours, designed to avoid all counterplay, and stepping one inch too close to the creep wave will chunk you down below half and forfeit the lane. He can tower dive very easily with his mobility, strong burst with ignite, and turret dodging E. DO NOT hang around under turret at half health or below. You will die. Do not take any damage you can't heal back and farm under turret. Play passive until 6. Then if he’s dumb enough to waste his troll pole, that’s your cue to go in. If you’re down, just holding ult will give you a ton of safety since you can disengage if he ever lands his fish. Fish is also on a stupid low cooldown, so assume that it is always up.”
OOBLEXX says “Fizz's E makes him untergetable which means you will be missing a lot of your abilities and, thus, your damage will be much lower and it will be easy for Fizz to get away- even on low health.”
bruhno says “Fizz's E can avoid your abilities and he can easily kill you if you are out of position.
Be careful when playing against him and wait for him to use his e before using your spells on him.”
RikudouDovahkiin says “It's a skill match-up, do not let him hurt you for free, always try to use your Q on him when he tries to poke you and get away. His healing reduction combined with Ignite will cancel almost 75% of your healing. So dodge his atleast 1 or 2 skills with your W, and do not forget that Fizz becomes stronger targets with low health, his healing reduction will make things a little harder but not a problem if he didn't get feed. Just be aware of his missing health-percentage damage which it can be deadly combined with ignite. Another way, he is a vastaya fish, I guess...”
Dare366 says “If he kills you once it's kindof doomed. If you die once you have to build hex and and farm it out. It's a bully lane first 5 lvls until 6. Change form and use acc gate to run from his ult and e+q. Poke him down and make him lose farm by freezing. ”
K3y5 says “Katarina has to play in-reaction to Fizz. In other words, Katarina can only attack Fizz if Fizz attacks first because Katarina needs to E on Fizz after Fizz uses a mobility option. It is easier to land dagger passives if Fizz doesn't have enough mobility to dodge them.”
lessbedone says “As strange as it sounds, I dont find Fizz that dangerous. You outdamage him early, just be carefull of his ult. Use the Electocute tree, he can easily get 3 shoted.”
Omega Zero says “Fizz does a lot of damage early on and is quite a nightmare to deal with, Thankfully he doesn't have an ability that keeps you from returning to your body, but that does not mean you should take him lightly. Though you can use Soul Unbound to mitigate his ult's CC, it will still do a lot of damage and most Fizz combo you during this time, usually meaning you'll be dead if you're caught by it. To add onto that, Fizz can dodge your ult and Q3 with his E, so when going for fights make sure you burn it and his W first.”
ai darkfluid says “Maybe it's just me, but Fizz feel utterly broken. Either poke him out with Comet/Aery or run away with Phase Rush post-6. Pre-6, abuse him all you want because he's a melee champion. Wait. He has a dash. Don't walk up.
Preferred rune: Phase Rush”
Zoe Sparklepop says “Very strongly in Fizz's favor.
He has an E to dodge your burst combo and then deliver his own truck load of damage, If you want to trade you'll have to bait out the E or tank it to do anything.
When he reaches Level 6, He can pretty much force a flash from you whenever he wants or a kill unless you can dodge it with E.
I highly suggest you just let the lane play out and get Stopwatch at Level 6.”
ThatOneKatMain says “Really difficult matchup try to dodge his e and if he uses e on wave you can try to trade with him. Post 6 he can dive you ever easily but you will be way more valuable in teamfights.”
yAssasinn says “always try to dodge his Burst, which is very difficult.
Ask your JG for help when he has level 3, make it difficult for him to reach level 6”
snukumz says “I usually ban him every game.
He's super annoying to play against.
You can punish him a bit at level 1, but once he gets level 2 it's basically his lane.
Try to shove so he can't roam, his wave clear isn't that good, but be careful because if you get close to the wave to push it he can go in on you and kill you pre-6 if you aren't at full HP.
Get Zhonya's, not banshee's first, Zhonya's lets you dodge his ult, which is a large portion of his damage.
He's hard to gank because of his troll poll.
You are a way better team fighter than Fizz so try to beat him and his team in team fights, you can't really beat him in lane. ”
GrayRiver says “"Fizz is a skill match-up and this lane can go either way. Try your best not to die to him early or you could find that he snowballs off you, likewise you can do the same to him. He has impressive damage throughout all stages of the game but you need to play with caution early as he has much more early potential on you and can all-in you after level 3. Play with caution and DO NOT underestimate his early damage. If you can avoid his ultimate after level 6 you should be able to 1v1 him, although this will still take some doing. He will roam a lot so be sure to follow or be of some other use." FalleN3”
Omega Zero says “Annoying to deal with due to his E and his most-likely-built Zhonya's. He can also become dangerous for you and your team if he gets a lead. Meditate or Alpha Strike his ult if you get tagged by it!”
1256 says “can cheese you early (lv3-4) and can kill you after 6 if he manages to land fish but you outscale easily if he doesnt manage to snowball obv, freeze him to death and bye bye
nguyenbautroi says “Fizz is very annoying for pyke to deal with because his E can counter your combo easily and Fizz make you hard to roam lane. But when you dodge his E or Q, you can easily combo him.”
TSMyth says “Fizz, is also an annoying matchup, but in my opinion this is also a skill matchup one. His ult can be countered due to your Wind Wall, and he can counter your Q+R or E+Q+R with his E easily. So, I'd bait out his E and then go all-in. Statik would be good against a Fizz, and Merc's.”
AZIR MEN says “Uninstall if you lose against him. He ults? You drift away. No wave clear, Only his Q, which is also his only engage and escape.
Take conq/elec”
LightningTemplar says “A good Fizz player is a nightmare to play against. His E makes it hard to hit your combo on him. He can rush Zhonyas without really missing out on much damage. To outplay fizz, you have to be patient and wait out his combo. You can rush Hexdrinker/Maw, dodge the dmg from his R with your R. Dont go throwing your entire combo onto him when you know his E is up, otherwise he'll dodge all your abilities once he see you throwing that shadow. Luckily there is a lot of players out there picking Fizz simply as a counter, but not actually knowing how to play the champion and the matchup, just pray you're facing someone like this and not an actual Fizz player or OTP. ”
only yasuo play says “Bully him level 1 with auto q trades. Past level 1 it is a hard lane. When he hits 6 make sure to watch him and windwall if he throws shark.
Try to stay on high hp because he will roam if you take a bad recall.
If you are all ining fizz make sure to bait out his e by using e on minion near him when you have q3. Then after he uses e, eq him for knockup.”
Zwengo says “Fizz can be annoying in lane, especially with his jump. Try to bait it out If he engages. Against fizz build zhonya's first and you should be fine. If you are struggling make sure to get banshee's second item. If not just go your normal build. ”
gonzales1 says “U always win vs fizz before seeker. After seekers play smart. Be careful of lvl 6 all in he will basically 100 to 0 you always. You can buy 25 early mr so you can avoid his birst. Also max Q in this matchup it would make ur life much easier.”
PepeOnDrugs says “Fizz is a skill match-up and this lane can go either way. Try your best not to die to him early or you could find that he snowballs off you, likewise you can do the same to him. He has impressive damage throughout all stages of the game but you need to play with caution early as he has much more early potential on you and can all-in you after level 3. Play with caution and DO NOT underestimate his early damage. If you can avoid his ultimate after level 6 you should be able to 1v1 him, although this will still take some doing. He will roam a lot so be sure to follow or be of some other use.
Lobban says “Extreamly hard lane. He can cancel your ult in two ways with his E. His ult shuts you down. I recommend farming under turret and asking for alot of ganks.”
GrayRiver says “"He is able to dodge your ult with a Dash with his jump and his dmg is fcking insane.. Try to wait ur jngler. My midlane permaban btw." DasGrauen_”
Ekko Rush B Guides says “Fizz is a hard match-up, because his E counters your W and Ult Damage. Additionally, he will always one shot you level 6 upwards and also outdamage you in trades in lane. The only way for you to win this lane is to try and dodge his E damage with your dash and negate his ult with yours. Otherwise it is more of a "team effort" to kill this guy.”
evilforreal says “While your tether doesn't break against his invulnerability, Fizz is great at collapsing onto you. Rush a Zhonyas to counteract his ult, and save Mantra primarily for RW.”
KataFlix says “Fizz can obliterate Katarina once Katarina has cooldowns on all abilities, to counter fizz Q and E him in order for him to use his E and then freely use your W and ultimate to reduce his HP, but Fizz is much stronger than Katarina in late game however Katarina can counter that with building Banshees Vail and Zhonyas”
Zephorgames says “Fizz is very bad in early (Lv 2-3), try to kill him with your ignite, or take exhaust.
if he's low hp, do E+Q+Flash (beyblade), like others champs ^^”
Debonair Karma says “Shove wave and poke him under tower. Even though he has lots of mobility, he can be easily ganked because his E doesn't break Karma's W. Take barrier/ignite/teleport”
Gageowago says “Easy to bully before he hits level 3 because he is pure melee. Once he hits 3 make sure you back off a little but still keep up the pressure by poking him. If he ults at you try and ult backwards AND to the side because the fish hitbox is deceptively large. Save charm for when his e runs out. He is an assassin that also scales, which is incredibly annoying and hard to beat. Fizz is my personal permaban pick.”
BigFatCat909 says “Zed isn't as hard as most people think, he isn't much without his ult and if he does manage to land his ult on you, you can avoid his ult by either ulting him or another enemy.”
topal says “If he uses his E you can punish him by going all in on him and getting a very favourable trade.Try to bait his E because if you E in he can just E out”
YunaDragoon says “high burst potential that will burn your hp, also the hop makes him untargetable. when you have enough burst damage with your combo (auto > w > r > auto > q > auto) and bait his hop then go for the bait and fight him, but still stay mindfull of Fizz's burst”
Ignix0 says “This matchup really depends on the skill of the fizz. His e can straight up negate your r and dodge your q. Wait for him to use his e on you then weq/all in.”
Papapostolou says “This guys wont bother you much, His damage is pretty op but after some minutes you should be fine, Dodge his R with your W (Sanguine pool) and then you won.”
Lil Tidepod says “Fizz can do a ton of damage in a really short amount of time. He is a little more skill based than a lot of super bursty mid laners, so that's a plus for you. His E will make him untargetable, so try and bait that out before any engages or trades. He will do a lot of unexpected damage, so try and time your shield to counter when he lands from his E and procs his W. If he his you with his ultimate, I'd just leave lane unless it doesn't do much damage. Chances are, it chunked half your health bar, and diving with Fizz is so easy, staying is not worth the risk.”
JacWilly says “You beat him early as his e has high cooldown and high mana cost, when it gets lower cooldown , you can basically never ult him, you can dodge his ult damage with your ult”
Fhizzikx says “I personally always ban Fizz whenever I'm playing Vel'koz. His E can basically dodge your entire combo so its almost impossible to kill him if he has any portion of his brain intact. Get a Zhonyas and you may be able to stopwatch his R. Banshee's Veil is highly recommended to prevent random Fizz R's from catching you off guard. ”
Capparelli says “A good Qiyana can sometimes go even in this lane, but it is hard, ban him if you need to, Hexdrinker will help but you will almost never win lane to a good Fizz, if you E on to him do not use Q he will most likely go untargetable wait for that to end then use it, safest bet is to roam and go Tiamat over Hexdrinker but it can be hard if Fizz follows you”
BigBushMan says “Yay, another Assassin matchup. The only real way to win this matchup is just to avoid his all-ins with his E, and to punish him when its on cd. Call for jungle help if needed. Be careful at range due to how Fizz's R works, as it will deal more damage based on how far it travels. Definitely Go Exhaust. ”
ahrienthusiastmain says “A good fizz will not allow you to land your charm and without it, you're far too useless. He gets a freeze and you're useless. The only way ahri can beat fizz is to have higher mobility than him through ap items and mobis so he can't ever catch you with his ult or jump. I used to beat fizz with corrupting pot before it was nerfed because auto attacks would proc the burn. ”
Giurg says “Can easily avoid your Qs and outplay you with his ult. He is squishy though so punish his mistakes, especially in early. Farm in your human form.”
MartinMorningstar says “If he gets a lead you are screwed more often than not. Your shield is a meme to him, you wont be able to Q him normally, but he is squishy and can be ulted if you are ready to flash after him when he tries to dash away. When he is stunned you have a shot at him. ”
serruh says “not ban worthy but I personally think this matchup is very annoying to play. as vs most melee champs you can harass him decently on the first levels. at 3 he can start doing more extended trades and actually kill you since you cant root him fast enough sometimes once he goes untargettable. you can also cast realm warp right as the shark(his ult) hits you to become untargettable during the actual ability, requires a bit timing and is quite inconsistent(since your ult has 3.5min cd rank 1), but it's a nice trick to keep in mind.”
HeyItsLeemo says “Meh, he's annoying with his E, (literally dodging your ult) but if he uses his E like a dummy to dodge your E or something, just go full in, ignite, ult, W, Q and E and should be easy.
Malmortious says “You can burst him very fast - the fact that he can negate your burst with his E can be frustrating , but you have favorable trades with him pre-6.”
RockitoAhri says “Keep a fair distance and be aware of a fish. Its predicable when Fizz players are looking to throw it. Be on your toes to R away from it. Going straight Left or right is not the best decision. For some reason away + direction has more success in dodging the fish. (flash is always there, but you should use it as last resort). Poke his ass and force him back. Don't let him take the lane pressure. Not that hard of a matchup if you play it right, but most can't play it right, thats why I'm putting it here. ”