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Ivern vs Vi in the Jungle
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Ivern Countering Vi
Vi Countered by Ivern

Counter Kills

Ivern Counter Kills Vi
Vi Counter Kills Ivern

Champion Kills

Ivern Champion Kills
Vi Champion Kills

Early Gold Lead

Ivern Early Lead
Vi Early Lead

Win Percent

Ivern Wins
Vi Wins
Ivern KDA Vi KDA



Ivern Kills
2.6 5.9
Vi Kills


Ivern Deaths
5.1 6.3
Vi Deaths


Ivern Assists
14.7 7.4
Vi Assists
Vi Combat Stats

Combat Stats

Damage Dealt

Ivern Damage Dealt
11,157.60 15,520.86
Vi Damage Dealt

Damage Taken

Ivern Damage Taken
18,419.28 31,431.93
Vi Damage Taken

Healing Done

Ivern Healing
251.62 416.14
Vi Healing
Vi Objectives


Creep Score

Ivern Creeps
145.44 167.75
Vi Creeps


Ivern Dragons
1.1 1.0
Vi Dragons


Ivern Barons
1.2 0.9
Vi Barons

Gold Income

Ivern Gold
Per Minute
350.76 386.82
10,398 11,502
Per Match
Vi Gold

Match Info

Ivern Jungle
Winrate in the Jungle
55% 45%
2.82% -2.82%
Advantage in the Jungle
Vi Jungle
Ivern countering
Bottom Lane
VS in Jungle
Vi countering

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